09, Jan-Feb 2008 - Multiple Moms Mingle
09, Jan-Feb 2008 - Multiple Moms Mingle
A newsletter for mothers and expectant mothers of multiples in the CNY area { 80+ members & GROWING } MMM Speaks! As Multiple Moms, we have a voice and we get heard! Many simple tasks and errands for those with multiples are harder, and any aid in those tasks can be a lifesaver. Many area Wegman’s had offered carts in whic h you could fit two infants. Then, as suddenly as the carts appeared, they were removed. A call to other moms in our group was made, and several of us contacted Wegman’s through e-mail, their 800 number, and in person. They responded very positively to us, and they were brought back out of the warehouse and put in stores. Even better, some stores which never had them in the trial period were provided with them. It is great to know that, if we speak up, we are heard! Thanks to all of the moms who helped to bring them back, and to Wegman’s for listening! M —Lindsey S., Mom to twin girls; Emma & Gretchen January/February 2008 Events Calendar JANUARY 2008 1st: Happy New Year! 9th : 6:30p m , M M M D inn e r M e e ting & 1s t S lim D o w n W e ig h-I n S pag h ett i W a r e h o u s e 12th : 6-10 p m , M M M A d u lt H o lid ay P a rt y G illf ilian ’s W e s t hill C ou nt r y C lu b , C a m illu s 17th : 7p m , M a r v e lo us M u lt iple s S e m in a r B ab ie s ‘R U s 21st: Martin Luther King Jr. Day 23 rd : 2nd S lim D o w n W e ig h-In ( O pt io na l) K e lly ’s H o u s e 28th : 4:30p m , P la y dat e M y G y m , D e w it t $8 f o r 2 k id s , $ 10 f o r 3 o r m o r e k id s FEBRUARY 2nd : G r o un dh o g D a y 6th : 6:30p m , M M M D inn e r M e e ting & 3r d S lim D o w n W e igh -In ( O pt ion a l) Sp ag h ett i W a r e h ou s e 9th : 10a m , P la yd at e a t K idz C lu b , Ph o e nix $6 p e r ch ild ( in clud e s T od d le r T ang o ) 14th: Valentine’s Day 18th: President’s Day 20th : 4th S lim D o w n W e igh -In ( O pt ion a l) K e lly ’s H o u s e TWIN BOYS: Torrance William, 5lbs 10oz and Tiernan Nathaniel, 5lbs 10oz born on November 29, 2007 to Vickie McCullough and big sister Maya. TWIN GIRLS: Maggie Eliza beth, 4lbs 7oz and Claire Mary, 4lbs 10oz born on December 4, 2007 to Jaclyn and Jeff Christenson. TWIN GIRLS: Natalie Marie, 5lbs 3oz and Silene Marie, 4lbs 15oz born on December 11, 2007 to Monica and Joseph Visconte. TWIN GIRLS: Amie, 5lbs and Meghan, 5lbs 6oz born on December 29, 2007 to Laura and Scott Snyder and big sister Mary. TWINS: Tyler, 8lbs and Sydney, 5lbs 5oz born on December 11, 2007 to Elizabeth and Shaun Da vis. “Your age when having multiples?” Stats f rom paid members only , as of January 2008. 17% in their 20’s 75% in their 30’s 7% in their 40’s Famous Multiples Executive Board PRESI DENT Kelly Carter jcarte9@twcny.rr.com (315) 492-8453 From the earliest times, multiples have made a name for themselves. Take a look at some of the famous people who are or have twins, triplets or more. VICE PRESI DENT Christine Coomes • Nikolas, Lorenzo, Zachary and Myrinda Brino, 9/03/1998, Quads who play twins on the show, '7th Heaven'. RECORDING SECRETARY Leslie Petty • Leanna, Monica, and Joy Creel, 8/27/1970, starred in The Parent Trap III and The Parent Trap IV: Hawaiian Honeymoon, two Disney made-for-TV movies. • Jill and Jacqueline Hennessy, 11/25/1969, Jill is best known for her roles in 'Law and Order' and ‘Crossing Jordan’. • Scarlett and Hunter Johansson, 11/ 22/1984, Scarlett Johansson is an actress who first appeared in the movie, 'The Horse Whisperer'. She is three minutes older than her brother. • Ashton and Michael Kutcher, 2/7/1978, Ashton is best known for his role in the movie 'Dude, Where's My Car' and TV show 'That 70's Show'. • Jason and Jeremy London, 11/ 7/1972, Actors most well-known for TV shows 'I'll Fly Away ' (Jason) and 'Party of Five' (Jeremy). • Tia and Tamera Mowry, 7/6/1978, most known for TV show, 'Sister, Sister'. • Daniel, Joseph & Michael Todd, 8/5/1967, Real-life triplets who played the triplets on the TV show, 'My Three Sons'. CORRESPONDING S ECRETARY Dawn Dowd TREAS URER Tracy Blumer Committees LIBRARI AN Sharon Bush Famous Multiples: MEMBERS HIP Mary Wood NEWSLETTER Donna Refici Mary Wood PLAYGROUPS Leslie Petty PUBLI CITY Cyndi Rizzo Support Systems BEDREST SUPPORT Kathleen Abbott Leslie Petty Lindsey Stoppacher BIG SISTERS SUPPORT Kathleen Abbott Tracy Blumer Suzanne Calkins Dawn Dowd Tracie Griffin Cathy Keating Mary Martin Gail Quaco Kristen Pearce Cyndi Rizzo Margaret Sheen Lindsey Stoppacher Lisa Vona LACTATION SUP OPRT Lindsey Stoppacher Mary Wood Famous Parents of Multiples: • Patrick Dempsey, known as McDreamy on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ is dad to twin boys, Darby and Sullivan, born on 2/1/2007. • Robert DeNiro, actor and producer, is dad to twin boys, Julian and Aaron, born in 1995. • Michael J Fox and Tracy Pollan are parents to identical twin girls, Aquinnah and Schuyler, born on 2/15/1995. • Dennis Quaid is dad to boy-girl twins, Thomas and Zoe, born on 11/8/2007. • Julia Roberts is mom to boy-girl twins, Phinnaeus and Hazel, born on 11/28/2004. • Jane Seymour, known best for her role as Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman, is mom to twin boys, Johnny and Kris, born in 1995. • Cynthia Watros, actress from “Drew Carey Show’ and ‘Lost’ is mom to twin daughters, Emma and Sadie, born on 7/ 14/2001. For more lists of famous multiples check out the following sitesL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_twins http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_multiple_births NICU SUPOP RT Liz Formoza Leslie Petty January/February 2008, MULTITUDES 2 Committee Information ADULT HOLIDAY PARTY Contact: Cyndi Rizzo, Liz Formoza, Gina McMahon & Margaret Sheen This w ill be our 2nd Annual Holiday Party! It’s a fun filled festive night for the moms, dads/partners of Multiple Moms Mingle. This year's celebration is scheduled for Saturday, January 12th from 6-10pm at Gillfilian's Westhill Country Club in Camillus. The cost is $26 per person. BIG SIST ER Contact: Lindsey Stoppacher We offer a "Big Sister" to paid MMM members that are pregnant and/or are new moms of multiples during the fir st 3 months after giving birth. We pair you up with a member that has multiples like you have (or will have). The idea is for the big sis ter to check in with her little sister often— to offer support, advice, help, etc. as needed. Then she reports to the group at each meeting on how her "little sister" is doing. The little sister can als o contact her big sister as needed. Please contact Lindsey to get you hooked up with a "big sister" today! If your multiples are over a year old and are interested in becoming a “big sister” contact Lindsey today! CHILDREN'S HOLIDAY PARTY Contact: Heather Hayes, Krista Selig & Kristen Stoffregen Despite being rescheduled due to some bad weather the children’s holiday party was a success complete w ith a visit from Santa and a MMM group photo. COOKBOOK FUNDRAISER Contact: Mary Wood, Heather Hayes, Leslie Petty, Christine Coomes, Lori McIntyre & Donna Refici We are doing a club fundraiser by putting a cookbook together with our own recipes. We met our goal and have 150 yummy recipes, have sold many pages of ads and are now in the process of putting the finishing touches on everything. Details on when you can purchase this delectable book will be available soon. HISTORIAN Contact: Leslie Petty Leslie is gathering photos for the clubs scrapbook. If you have a photo to share, please giv e it to Leslie. Any "old" club photos or group photos would be great. Please bring your family photos to the February meeting to create your family’s page in the MMM scrapbook. Let’s get scrapping! LIBRARIAN Contact: Sharon Bush Please contact Sharon if you are interested in donating or checking out any books, videos or magazines from our library. We have many things to choose from that may be helpful to you. Also, if you have any children's books, we are trying to build a children's library as well. MEETING PROGRAMS Contact: Lisa Vona & Maureen Bennett January’s guest speaker w ill be Dr Gardener, Chiropractor on the necessary principles for leading a healthy lif estyle. In February, we will be scrapbooking and learning techniques from our own Creative memories consultant. MEMBERSHIP/DIRECTORY Contact: Mary Wood If you are a new member, please download and complete a registration form under the files section of the member’s only site or under membership on our official website multiplemomsmingle.com. You can send Mary a photo of your kids or family if you'd like one included in the MMM directory that gets updated every other month. (continued on page 4) 3 MULTITUDES, January/February 2008 Sheila Brown O'Neil expecting triplets Feb '08! Caitlin Graff expecting twins Feb ‘08! Tricia Jones expecting twins Apr '08! Susan Hayes expecting twins May ‘08! ….with more Multiple Moms To Be coming soon!!!! Multiple Mommies Expecting One More! Gina McMahon, e xpecting a singleton Feb ‘08! Elva Greene, e xpecting a singleton Feb ‘08! Liz Formoza, expecting a singleton March ‘08! Jacqueline Davison, expecting a singleton March ‘08! Margaret Sheen, expecting a singleton March ‘08! Meghan Leonardis, expecting a singleton March ‘08! Lynne DiGennaro, expecting a singleton June ‘08! Committee Information (continued f rom page 3) NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Contact: Your Name Here Help w anted! If you are interested in being the MMM National Representative please contact Kelly Carter. Our membership papers have been submitted and we are now awaiting our offic ial notfor-profit status. PLAYGROUPS Contact: Leslie Petty Playgroups are being formed throughout the year. Please contact Leslie if you'd like to schedule a play date at your home or even a park. You may choose the day and time. It can be either a weekday or weekend. This is a great chance for moms to mingle and for the kids to play. Schedule a play date today! PUBLICITY Contact: Cyndi Rizzo We need to get the MMM name out there! Cyndi sends copies of our newsletter and brochure to various pediatric ians and OB/GYN offices. We have ads for our meetings in the Pennysaver and in the Family Times. She w ill also be arranging for other special events to be advertised. The Fall Sale was advertised in several papers, websites and television stations. Any suggestions on publicity for the group or if you'd like to join this committee, please contact Cyndi Rizzo. $ MEMBERSHIP REMINDER: $ Annual membership dues ($20) are due at the Wednesday, March 5, 2008 meeting. Welcome NEW moms to Multiple Moms Mingle! • Caitlin Graff • Susan Hayes • Elizabeth Davis • Your Name Here! 81 paid members & GROWING! STATE REPRESENTATIVE Contact: Kelly Carter Mark your calendars for the New York State Mothers of Tw ins Club convention, April 10-13, 2008 at the Holiday Inn, Saratoga Springs. The theme is "Out of the States in 2008". Volunteers Needed: ● Preemie Closet ● Spring '08 Clothing & Equipment Sale ● National Representative ● Big Sisters ● Summer '08 Family Picnic ● Mommy’s Vendor Night Please email Kelly Carter to volunteer. Consider your own talents and interests, as well as how much time you w ill be able to invest. Need a break from the Mommy Madness? Play this: Sudoku How to play: Enter a number from 1 through 9 in each blank of the Sudoku grid. Be careful! Every row, every column and every square must contain only one instance of each number. solution can be found at: www.multiplemomsmingle.com/sudoku.html January/February 2008, MULTITUDES 4 MMM Children’s Holiday Party KidzClub | December 2007 MMM Mom Recommendation! Now that winter has arrived in CNY here is a MMM recommended book for great ideas on how to keep your little ones occupied inside. Unplugged Play By Bobbi Conner www.unpluggedplay.com 5 MULTITUDES, January/February 2008 Happy Birthday To You ... Kids — JANUARY FEBRUARY 4th Nicole, Joanna, & Michael Meskos' Birthday (2005) 6th 12th Alexi, Blake & Colden Sheen's Birthday (2007) Connor & Kaylee Pearce's Birthday (2006) 5th 7th Kate Francis & Clair Lynn Hayes's Birthday (2006) Sawyer McAloon's Birthday (2005) 14th Madison, Connor & Mckenzie Romocki's Birthday(2007) 9th 11th 12th Joshua Robert & Heather Ashlee Sorts' Birthday (2006) Genevieve & Isabella Formoza's Birthday (2006) Richard, Kevin & Leah Dowd's Birthday (2006) 15th Alexis & Jessica Price's Birthday (2004) 21st Brenna Stoffregen's Birthday (2004) 18th 21st Dathan Bennett's Birthday (2002) Claire Elizabeth & Lauren Grace Petty's Birthday (2006) 28th Tighe John & Jake Marshall McMahon 's Birthday (2007) 22nd Jai Walton-Benson's Birthday (1999) Ryan Chiaramonte's Birthday (2000) 23rd Ricky Buza's Birthday (2004) Ashley & Emily Bennett's Birthday (2006) Moms — JANUARY 2nd Liz Formoza's Birthday Kristen Duggleby's Birthday 14th 25th 26th 31st Maureen Bennett's Birthday Deidre Prince's Birthday Jennifer Harte's Birthday Cassandra Sheets' Birthday FEBRUARY 1st Cathy Keating's Birthday 10th Gail Quaco's Birthday 19th Karen LaVancha's Birthday 25th Patti Trabucco's Birthday Did You Know? Some medical research indicates that post partum depression (PPD) can be even more severe following the births of multiples. "Joining a multiples support group was helpful to 70% of the mothers. Networking with other mothers in a similar situation helps women of newborn multiples realize they are not alone and the feelings they experience are not unique to them." -Excerpt taken from “Postpartum depression: A very real syndrome—especially among women who’ve delivered twinfants!” by Lisa Stukel; Twins Magazine Sept/Oct 2007 Multitudes, M ultiple Moms Mingle newsletter, is actively seeking suggest ions, t ips, a rticles and information for publication from YOU , the members of MMM (...a lthough we do hold edit orial rights ;). We do ou r best to get a ll of the information correct and up-to-date. If you notice something that is incorrect or was left out, please let us know. A spec ial thank you to Dr. Robert Kiltz, CNYFC, f or his kindness and generosity with the printing of the Mult itudes newsletter and much more. Please submit information and materia ls to Donna Refici or Mary Wood by the 10th of the month prior to publication. January/February 2008, MULTITUDES 6
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