North Atlantic Seafood Market Report
North Atlantic Seafood Market Report
North Atlantic Seafood Market Report April 2013 1 Key Highlights Íslandsbanki Dear reader, The North Atlantic Seafood Market Íslandsbanki employs a group of experts who focus on the seafood industry. The group is part of the corporate banking unit and handles relationships and services for domestic and foreign seafood companies, as well as the publication of analyses and reports. Íslandsbanki offers comprehensive financial services to individuals, households, companies and professional investors. The bank has assembled a dedicated team of experienced professionals with a deep understanding of the seafood sector, which has been an important part of the Bank’s operations since establishment. Indeed, Íslandsbanki and its predecessors have worked closely with the seafood industry for over a century. Íslandsbanki’s international strategy is centred on the bank’s core strengths in seafood and energy. The geographic focus is the North Atlantic region. • • • In addition to providing banking services to the seafood industry, the bank has issued reports on the sector since 2003. Through these reports, we attempt to provide insights into key issues affecting the industry. • It is once again our great pleasure to present this Íslandsbanki Industry Report, this time focusing on the North Atlantic Ocean. As before, the object of our Seafood Industry Report is to give a comprehensive and analytical overview of a region or a country. The following pages are an introduction to the seafood industry in the North Atlantic with a special focus on Iceland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canada and US. We invite you to read on. • Íslandsbanki’s Seafood Team • Fishing in the North Atlantic represents about 11% of total global landings Atlantic herring is the most caught species in the North Atlantic, followed by Atlantic cod and Atlantic mackerel Norway is the largest fishing nation in the North Atlantic, representing about 23% of total landings All of the six focus countries (Iceland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canada and US) have quota systems, although the methodologies differ from country to country Salmon and cod are the most valuable export species for the focus countries Aquaculture accounted for 41.3% of fish production in the world in 2011, a 6.2% increase over 2010 Over the years, many of the largest and leading seafood companies in Iceland and abroad have been customers of the bank. At present, about 26% of the bank’s corporate loan portfolio relates to the seafood industry. North Atlantic Report Vilhelm Mar Thorsteinsson Managing Director Corporate Banking vilhelm.thorsteinsson@ Runar Jonsson Executive Director Seafood runar.jonsson@ Timothy H. Spanos Executive Director International Lending timothy.spanos@ Has 14 years of finance experience. Has over 15 years of finance experience. Has over 25 years of banking and finance experience. Fig. 01. Íslandsbanki’s Loan Portfolio, by Industry 9% Individuals 8% Seafood Real estate 12% 44% Commerce and services Industrials Other 13% 14% 2 Seafood Industry Team Foreword Ragnar Gudjonsson Business Manager Seafood ragnar.gudjonsson@ Olafur Hrafn Olafsson Credit Manager Seafood olafur.hrafn.olafsson@ Linda G. Lyngmo Analyst Seafood linda.lyngmo@ Rafn Árnason Associate Corporate Finance rafn@ Has over 40 years of finance experience. Has 14 years of finance experience. Has 4 years of finance experience. Has 9 years of finance experience. North Atlantic Report 3 Table of Contents North Atlantic5 North Atlantic Ocean6 North Atlantic Landings7 Landings by Species8 Landings by Country9 Quota Systems10 Seafood Export Comparison12 Export Value by Destination13 Export Value by Species in 2011 14 North Atlantic Economy15 The Icelandic Economy16 The Norwegian Economy18 The Faroe Islands Economy 20 The Greenland Economy22 The Canadian Economy24 The US Economy26 National Comparison28 4 North Atlantic Report Main Fish Stocks in the North Atlantic 29 Atlantic Herring30 Atlantic Mackerel31 Atlantic Cod32 Blue Whiting33 Capelin34 Northern Prawn (Shrimp)35 North Atlantic Aquaculture36 Aquaculture by Countries37 Aquaculture Production38 Atlantic Salmon39 Conclusion40 Disclaimer42 North Atlantic Report 5 The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world’s five oceans. It lies between Africa, Europe, the Arctic Ocean, the Americas and the Southern Ocean. It is rich in natural resources, including crude oil, natural gas and seafood, which have contributed significantly to the development of surrounding countries. This is especially true in the North Atlantic where fishing is rooted in the culture of many countries. This region hosts some of the world’s richest fishing resources, especially in the waters covering the continental shelves. The major fish stocks are cod, haddock, hake, herring, and mackerel. North Atlantic Landings This report will focus on six North Atlantic nations, referred to as “focus countries” throughout the report: Iceland, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Canada and the US. These nations are all large seafood producers and share strong cultural and historical ties. The countries all have large coastlines and the ocean has played an important role in the development of their economies. Million MT North Atlantic Ocean In 2011, total global landings were about 83.5 million metric tonnes (MT), a 6.7% increase from 2010. Total landings in the North Atlantic were 10.3 MT or about 12% of total global landings. Pelagic fish accounted for the largest proportion of landings, as can be seen in figure 02. Fishing in the northern Atlantic has fallen by over 25% since 2001. This decline was due in part to the decline in the blue whiting catch, along with the collapse of the capelin stock. Fig. 02. Historical Landings in the North Atlantic, by Species and Groups 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 Pelagic Total Groundfish total Shelfish Other Million MT Fig. 02. Total Landings Global, 1990-2010 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 90 19 19 91 19 92 19 93 94 19 Total, marine 6 North Atlantic Report Sources: CIA World Factbook and Arctic Portal Sources: Statistics Iceland and FAO 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 Total Atlantic percentage of total marine (r. axis) 03 20 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 09 20 20 10 11 20 North Atlantic percentage of total marine (r. axis) North Atlantic Report 7 Landings by Species Landings by Country In 2011, total landings in the North Atlantic decreased by 800,000 MT or about 7.2% compared to 2010. 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Fig. 04. Historical Landings in the North Atlantic, Top 6 Species from 2000 to 2011 catch equal to the US of about 1,100,000 MT in 2011. The reason for Iceland’s decline can primarily be traced back to fluctuations in some of the largest Icelandic fishing stocks, such as capelin, blue whiting and cod along with other groundfish species. As seen in figure 06, the total catch for Norway and Iceland has declined substantially from their peak in 2002. Norway has however been showing signs of recovery since 2008, while Iceland’s volume has continued to decline, ending with a total Fig. 07. Total Catch in the North Atlantic in 2011 Fig. 06. Total Catch in the North Atlantic, by Focus Countries and Volume Fig. 05. Total Landings for the 6 Major Fish Species in the North Atlantic from 2000 to 2011 3,000 Top 6 species Other 40% 60% 2,500 00 Herring 01 20 02 20 03 20 Blue Whiting North Atlantic Report 04 20 Cod 05 20 06 20 Capelin 07 20 08 20 Mackerel 09 20 10 20 11 20 European Sprat Norway 23% 2,000 Iceland US 1,500 Canada 43% 1,000 Faroe Islands 11% 500 Greenland Other 0 20 8 For the past decade, Norway has been the clear leader in the North Atlantic region, representing about 23% of the total catch. Iceland and the US are the second and third largest, catching about 10% of all fish in the North Atlantic. Thousand MT Thousand MT The six major species accounted for just over 50% of the total catch in the North Atlantic in 2011. The Atlantic herring accounted for about 20% of the total catch, followed by the Atlantic cod and the Atlantic mackerel, with 8.7% and 8.1% of total landings respectively. It should be kept in mind that the figures below does not reflect the value of each species. The largest species by volume are not necessarily the most valuable. 01 20 02 20 Norway 03 20 04 20 Iceland Sources: Statistics Iceland and FAO 05 20 US 06 20 Canada 07 20 08 20 09 20 Faroe Islands 10 20 11 20 2% 7% 4% 10% Greenland North Atlantic Report 9 Quota Systems The focus countries have developed six distinct types of fisheries management systems. The systems operate under conditions that differ significantly from nation to nation, especially in terms of the countries’ economic dependence on fishery resources, their socio-cultural approaches to fisheries, and their marine ecosystems. Iceland: The Minister of Industry and Innovation determines the TAC for each species, based on the scientific advice from the Icelandic Marine Research Institute. The TAC is normally 20% of the total biomass, without ever exceeding the Maximum Sustainable Yield.* The maximum total quota for each company is 12% for all species combined and there is also a different limit for each species. Iceland has a uniform and fairly complete ITQ system applying to all vessels. Norway: The Norwegian management system is in the form of a “regulatory chain”, which is an annual, interactive process based on incremental changes. The regulatory chain incorporates stages such as gathering research data which, for example, explores the marine environment and resources, quota negotiations with other states, as well as allocating quotas to the various vessel groups. Faroe Islands: A fisheries management system based on individual transferable quotas, with various restrictions on transferability, was introduced in 1996. The quotas are not given in metric tonnes of individual species but as fishing days for various groups of fishing vessels in the Faroese fisheries zone. Greenland: Fishing is administrated through quotas and licenses regulating the total allowable catch (TAC) for Greenlandic waters as decided by the Government of Greenland based on the biological advice of Greenlandic and international fisheries organizations. A distinction is made between coastal fishing and 10 North Atlantic Report Sources: Nordic Council, OECD, Ministry of Fisheries and Natural Resources Faroe Islands, Statistics Greenland and Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Iceland ocean fishing. Permanent licenses are used for shrimp. These licenses can be traded between ship owners, with limits of 10% (coastal fishing) and 33% (off shore fishing) of the total quota for each company. The distribution of quotas for most other species is determined by the Greenlandic government through temporary one-year licences that cannot be traded between ship owners. Canada: The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) determines the TAC for each species, based on the scientific advice from the Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat and input from the Regional Advisory Process. The assessment criteria include acoustic surveys, bottom trawl surveys, gillnetter telephone surveys, and historic catch volumes. As a general rule, the TAC is normally 20% of the total biomass, without ever exceeding the Maximum Sustainable Yield.* *Maximum Sustainable Yield or MSY is, theoretically, the largest yield (or catch) that can be taken from a species’ stock over an indefinite period. MSY is extensively used for fisheries management. MSY has been refined in most modern fisheries models and occurs at around 30% of the unexploited population size. This fraction differs among populations depending on the life history of the species and the age-specific selectivity of the fishing method. US: The US has eight Regional Fishery Management Councils which serve as the front line of fisheries management, where region specific management measures (such as fishing seasons, quotas, and closed areas) are initiated, developed, and ultimately adopted in a fully transparent and public process. The US has Ecosystem based fisheries and it implements a fishery management plan for all fish species caught in US waters. Some plans are for single species fisheries while others cover species and even multispecies complexes, sometimes providing separate management strategies by species, gear type, area etc. Sources: Nordic Council, OECD, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Department and Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Norway North Atlantic Report 11 Export Comparison Export Value by Destination As shown in table 01 the seafood industry plays different roles in each of the focus countries’ economies. Marine products represent a large proportion of total export value in Greenland and The Faroe Islands, while in the US the share is much lower. Norway is the largest export country of these six focus countries. However, the share of fish and seafood in Norway‘s total export value is only 5.9%. The fishing sector in Norway is the second largest export sector after oil and gas. In all of the focus countries, the number of jobs in the seafood sector has decreased during the last 10 years. The main causes for that fall are mechanisation and optimisation of the nation’s vessels fleets. The three main markets for the six focus coutries can be seen in the table below. Greenland exports 87% of its total fish and seafood products to Denmark. Greenland is able to export a large proportion of its fish and seafood products because of its small population and large amount of total landings. In Iceland, cod is the most valuable species, with the UK and Spain as the main markets. The UK is also a strong market for Faroese groundfish along with the US and Nigeria is a valuable market for dried fish. Canada is highly dependent on the US, which is a net importer of seafood products. Norway enjoys diverse markets for its products with no reliance on any single market. Table 01. The North Atlantic Fisheries in Short Term Employed in the Fishing Industry Fisheries Share of National GDP Fish and Seafood of Total Export Value Iceland 9,100 7.7% 34.0% 672,247 1,559 Norway 12,791 1.5% 5.9% 2,277,740 6,684 Faroe Islands 3,642 35.0% 85.0% 325,092 618 Greenland 1,381 NA 90.0% 109,788 316 Canada 81,000 2.5%* 34.0% 609,335 2,977 1,233,204 0.0% 0.3% 1,479,683 3,900 US** Numbers from 2011 12 North Atlantic Report *Atlantic region’s GDP Total Fish and Seafood Export (MT) Total Fish and Seafood Export (Million EUR) **US total edible seafood Table 02. Main Export Countries in 2011 Iceland Norway Faroe Islands Greenland* Canada US 1. UK (18%) Russia (10%) UK (14%) Denmark (87%) US (62%) Canada (19%) 2. Spain (9%) France (10%) Nigeria (10%) Canada (4%) China (9%) EU (17%) 3. Norway (7%) Denmark (7%) US (9%) Iceland (1%) Japan (6%) Mexico (14%) *Numbers from 2009 Sources: Statistics Iceland, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Statistics Norway, Directorate of Fisheries Norway, Fishery Statistics Division US, Statistics Greenland and Statistics Faroe Islands Sources: Statistics Iceland, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Statistics Norway, Directorate of Fisheries Norway, Fishery Statistics Division US, Statistics Greenland and Statistics Faroe Islands Export Value by Species in 2011 Fig. 08. Norway Iceland Salmon Cod 13% 31% 30% 8% 12% Lobster 23% 4% 7% 35% 56% 8% 9% Faroe Islands 6% Redfish 11% 10% Prawn Herring 9% 12% Mackerel 16% Haddock Blue Whiting Crab Canada Greenland US Saithe Capelin 10% 5% 28% Scallops 9% 55% 21% 14 North Atlantic Report 9% 50% 4% 10% 18% 15% Pollock 19% 25% Greenland halibut Other 11% 4% 7% Sources: Statistics Iceland, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Statistics Norway, Directorate of Fisheries Norway, Fishery Statistics Division US, Statistics Greenland and Statistics Faroe Islands North Atlantic Economy Historical Landings The Icelandic Economy (Amounts in million EUR) Area (km2) 103,000 Population 313,183 GDP (PPP) 10,071 GDP (growth) (PPP) 2.7% GDP per capita (PPP) 30,639 The following figures show the development of the Icelandic fishery from 2000 to 2011. Total seafood catch in 2011 was valued at EUR 953 million, a 16% increase from 2010. Over the last decade three of the major species have decreased in volume by an average 25%. The total catch has fallen by 42% from about 1,900,000 MT in 2001 to just over 1,100,000 MT in 2011. The primary cause for the decline is a fall in the capelin stock. Cod was the most important species in 2011 in terms of value followed by redfish, herring and haddock. GDP composition by sector 24.4% Services 70.3% Inflation rate 5.3% Unemployment rate 5.6% Trade balance Export 3,966 Import 3,655 2,000 1,500 1,000 Numbers are 2012 est. 500 The Icelandic economy depends heavily on the fishing industry and is the second largest fishing nation in the North Atlantic behind Norway. 0 00 20 In 2011, the seafood sector provided over 38% of export earnings, contributed about 8% of GDP, and employed over 5% of the work force. 16 North Atlantic Report Fig. 10. Total Landings, by Species and Value Fig. 09. Total Landings, by Species and Volume Million EUR Iceland is located in Northern Europe, an island between the Greenland Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of the United Kingdom. The country is rich in natural resources such as geothermal and hydropower, and seafood. 5.3% Industry Thousand MT The Icelandic Economy Agriculture 01 20 02 20 Capelin Sources: CIA World Factbook and Statistics Iceland The main species in terms of volume are capelin, herring, cod, redfish and haddock. 03 20 04 20 Herring 05 20 Cod Sources: FAO and Statistics Iceland 06 20 07 20 Haddock 08 20 09 20 Redfish 10 20 11 20 Other 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 00 20 01 20 02 20 Cod 03 20 Redfish 04 20 05 20 Herring 06 20 07 20 Haddock 08 20 09 20 Saithe 11 10 20 20 Other North Atlantic Report 17 Historical Landings The Norwegian Economy (Amounts in million EUR) Area (km2) 385,252 Population 4,722,701 GDP (PPP) 216,265 GDP (growth) (PPP) 3.1% GDP per capita (PPP) 43,004 The following figures show the development of the Norwegian fishery from 2000 through 2011. The most significant change in terms of volume has been in herring and capelin. After reaching its peak in 2009, herring has decreased by 41%, reaching a total volume of 633,103 MT. As in previous years, cod remains the most valuable species in Norway accounting for 25% of total value in 2011. GDP composition by sector Norway is rich in natural resources, such as petroleum, hydropower, fish, forests, and minerals. The country is highly dependent on the petroleum sector, which accounts for a significant portion of total export revenue. Norway is the world’s second-largest natural gas exporter and seventh largest oil exporter. 18 North Atlantic Report 41.5% Services 55.7% Inflation rate 0.6% Unemployment rate 3.1% Trade balance Export 126,524 Import 67,484 Numbers are 2012 est. Fig. 12. Total Landings, by Species and Value Fig. 11. Total Landings, by Species and Volume 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 Million EUR Norway comprises the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe. The country has long been considered unique for its spectacular fjords, spanning more than 21,000 km. About 80% of the country’s population resides around the coast and up to 10 km inland. 2.7% Industry Thousand MT The Norwegian Economy Agriculture 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 500 500 The fishing sector is the second largest export sector in Norway, with total exports valued at about EUR 5 billion in 2011 and employing around 19,000 people, both directly and indirectly. 0 0 00 20 01 20 02 20 Herring Sources: CIA World Factbook, the Directorate of Fisheries Norway and Statistics Norway 1,500 03 20 Capelin 04 20 05 20 Cod 06 20 07 20 Mackerel 08 20 Saithe 09 20 10 20 11 20 Other Sources: CIA World Factbook, the Directorate of Fisheries Norway and Statistics Norway 00 20 01 20 Cod 02 20 03 20 Herring 04 20 05 20 Mackerel 06 20 07 20 Saithe 08 20 09 20 Haddock 10 20 Other North Atlantic Report 11 20 19 Historical Landings The Faroe Islands Economy (Amounts in million EUR) Area (km2) 1,393 Population 47,7090 GDP (PPP) 1,107 GDP (growth) (PPP) 2.9% GDP per capita (PPP) 20,732 The following figures show the development of the Faroe Islands’ fishery from 2001 to 2011. The collapse of the blue whiting stock has had a major impact on the fishery. At its peak in 2003 the total catch of blue whiting was 320,000 MT, which represented 53% of the Faroese’ total catch. In 2011, the total catch was 16,000 MT, a 95% decrease compared to 2003. GDP composition by sector For decades fishing has been the main source of income for the Faroese, with fish and fish related products representing over 91% of Faroese exports in 2012. Initial discoveries of oil in the Faroese area give hope for eventual oil production, which may provide a foundation for a more diversified economy and less dependence on Danish economic assistance. 20 North Atlantic Report 16.0% Industry 29.0% Services 55.0% Inflation rate 2.3% Unemployment rate 6.8% Trade balance Export 621 Import 584 Numbers are 2012 est. Fig. 14. Total Landings, by Species and Value Fig. 13. Total Landings, by Species and Volume 700 250 600 Million EUR The Faroe Islands are an island group and archipelago under the sovereignty of Denmark, situated between the Norwegian Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between Norway and Iceland. Agriculture Thousand MT The Faroe Islands Economy In recent years, increased mackerel landings have partially offset the decline in the whiting catch. The mackerel catch increased from 15,000 MT in 2009 to 125,000 MT in 2011. 500 400 100 200 50 0 0 Sources: CIA World Factbook and Statistics Faroe Islands 150 300 100 In 2012, Faroe Island’s commercial fishing industries generated more than EUR 429 million and created more than 2,846 jobs. Fish farming is also an important industry in the Faroe Islands, creating more than 796 jobs, valued at EUR 245 million. 200 1 0 20 2 0 20 3 0 20 Blue Whiting 4 0 20 Herring 5 0 20 6 0 20 Saithe Sources: FAO and Statistics Faroe Islands 7 8 0 20 0 20 cod Mackerel 9 0 20 0 1 20 Other 1 1 20 01 20 02 20 Saithe 03 20 Cod 04 20 05 20 Monk fish 06 20 07 20 Ling 08 20 09 20 10 20 Greenland halibut North Atlantic Report 11 20 Other 21 Historical Landings The Greenland Economy (Amounts in million EUR) 2,166,086 Population 56,7490 GDP (PPP) 1,529 GDP (growth) (PPP) 3.0% GDP per capita (PPP) 25,423 As can be seen in the following figures, shrimp (northern prawn) is by far the most caught species in Greenlandic waters, accounting for over 46% of the total catch in 2011, followed by the Greenland halibut and cod. Recently, capelin has increased in volume, reaching 48,000 MT in 2011, a sharp increase compared to the previous five years. Snow crab was a substantial part of Greenland’s total catch up until 2007 but has decreased by more than 50% since then (crab is listed among other species in the figures). GDP composition by sector Greenland, which is located between the Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic Ocean, is the largest island in the world. Ice covers about 81% of the island and the majority of the population lives in towns along the West Coast. Greenland is rich in many natural resources, the main ones being the fisheries, with more than 250 fish species living in its waters. Furthermore, Greenland has abundant mineral resources such as coal, iron ore, uranium, lead, zinc, molybdenum, diamonds and gold, and has recently gained international attention because of the country’s strategic location for the future development of the Arctic, including Arctic shipping lanes. 22 North Atlantic Report 4.0% Industry 29.0% Services 67.0% Inflation rate 2.8% Unemployment rate 4.9% Trade balance Export 289 Import 613 Numbers are 2009 and 2012 est. The fishing industry is a vital part of the national economy, accounting for 90% of the country’s exports and providing around 1,500 jobs in 2011. Fig. 15. Total Landings, by Species and Volume Fig. 16. Total Landings, by Species and Value 300 Thousand MT The Greenland Economy Agriculture Northern prawn is also the most valuable species accounting for more than 55% of total landings by value in 2011. Greenlandic halibut is the second most valuable species with around 21% of the total value in 2011. 250 Million EUR Area (km2) 200 150 100 50 0 00 20 01 20 Shrimp 02 20 03 20 Capelin 04 20 05 20 06 20 Greenland Halibut 07 20 Cod 08 20 09 20 Lumpfish 10 20 11 20 Other 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 00 20 01 20 Shrimp 02 20 03 20 04 20 Greenland Halibut 05 20 06 20 Cod 07 20 08 20 Redfish 09 20 10 11 20 Capelin 20 Other Note: The landings values for 2003-2007 are est. figures since the official data was not available Sources: CIA World Factbook and Statistics Greenland Sources: FAO and Statistics Greenland North Atlantic Report 23 Historical Landings The Canadian Economy (Amounts in million EUR) 9,984,670 Population 34,568,211 GDP (PPP) 1,143,146 GDP (growth) (PPP) 1.9% GDP per capita (PPP) 32,272 The following figures show the development of the Canadian fishery in the Atlantic Region from 2000 to 2011. Total seafood landings in 2011 were valued at EUR 1.3 billion, a 19% increase from 2010. Lobster was the most important species in 2011 in terms of value followed by queen crab, shrimp, and scallop. GDP composition by sector Located in North America, Canada borders the North Atlantic Ocean on the east, North Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Arctic Ocean on the north. The country is rich in natural resources such as natural gas, oil, arable crops, wildlife, and seafood. Since World War II the growth of manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the country into an industrial economy. 1.8% Industry 28.6% Services 69.6% Inflation rate 1.8% Unemployment rate 7.3% Trade balance Export 374,594 Import 373,972 Numbers are 2012 est. 1,500 800 600 1,200 900 400 600 200 300 0 0 00 2 1 00 2 Shrimp Sources: CIA World Factbook and Fisheries and Oceans Canada Fig. 18. Total Landings, by Species and Value 1,000 0 Canada has one of the world’s most valuable commercial fishing industries, directly contributing about EUR 1.3 billion a year and is estimated to account for more than 81,000 jobs. Seafood is the most significant food commodity exported by Canada. 24 North Atlantic Report Fig. 17. Total Landings, by Species and Volume Thousand MT The Canadian Economy Agriculture All of the major species increased in total value between 2010 and 2011, by an average of 34%. This increase is primarily due to increased landings and the weakening of the Canadian dollar. Million EUR Area (km2) 2 2 00 03 20 Herring 2 4 00 5 00 2 6 00 2 Crab, Queen Sources: FAO and Fisheries and Oceans Canada 7 00 2 2 8 00 Lobster 9 00 2 Scallop 2 0 01 1 01 00 2 20 Other Lobster 01 20 02 20 03 20 Crab, Queen 04 20 Shrimp 05 20 06 20 Scallop 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 Greenland turbot Other North Atlantic Report 25 Historical Landings The US Economy (Amounts in million EUR) 9,826,675 Population 316,668,567 GDP (PPP) 12,178,004 GDP (growth) (PPP) 2.2% GDP per capita (PPP) 38,727 The following figures depict the development of the US fishery in New England and Mid-Atlantic Region from 2002 to 2011. Note that other large fisheries within the US (e.g. Alaska) are not covered in this report which focuses on the North Atlantic region. For additional information on these fisheries, please see our report on the US dated September 2010. GDP composition by sector The United States is located in North America, bordering both the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Pacific Ocean, between Canada and Mexico. 1.2% Industry 19.1% Services 79.9% Inflation rate 2.0% 700 Unemployment rate 8.2% 600 Trade balance Export 1,244,241 Import 1,835,255 Numbers are 2012 est. The US is the third-largest country by total land area and population. It abounds with natural resources, as well as having well-developed infrastructure, and high productivity. 26 North Atlantic Report Fig. 20. Total Landings, by Species and Value 500 400 1,000 800 300 600 200 400 100 200 0 0 02 Menhaden Sources: CIA World Factbook, NOAA and Fisheries Economics of the United States Sea scallop and blue crab were the most valuable species in total landings in the Mid-Atlantic Region. 1,200 20 Fisheries, whether for commerce or recreation, play significant role in the US economy. Commercial fishermen in the US directly contributed about EUR 3.8 billion in 2011 into the US economy supporting 1.2 million full and part-time jobs. In 2011, commercial fishermen in the Mid-Atlantic Region landed 354,000 MT of finfish and shellfish, valued at EUR 378 million, a 6.9% increase from 2010. Fig. 19. Total Landings, by Species and Volume Thousand MT The US Economy Agriculture In 2011, commercial fishermen in the New England Region landed 282,000 MT of finfish and shellfish, valued at EUR 790 million, a 6.8% increase relative to 2010. American lobster and sea scallop were the most important species in 2011 in terms of value in the New England Region. Million EUR Area (km2) 03 20 Herring 04 20 05 20 06 20 American lobster 07 20 08 20 Blue crab 09 20 Sea scallop Sources: FAO, NOAA and Fisheries Economics of the United States 10 20 11 20 Other 02 20 Sea scallop 03 20 04 20 American lobster 05 20 06 20 Blue crab 07 20 08 20 09 20 Cod & haddock 10 20 Squid North Atlantic Report 11 20 Other 27 National Comparisons Main Fish Stocks in the North Atlantic These six nations of the North Atlantic are very different in terms of geographic size, population and economic conditions. The US is by far the largest country. However, Norway’s economy is the strongest with 0.6% inflation, 3.1% unemployment and 3.1% economic growth. Table 03. Comparison of the North Atlantic Countries Economies (Amounts in Million EUR) Iceland Norway Canada Greenland Faroe Islands US Area (km2) Population 103,000 313,183 385,252 4,722,701 9,984,670 34,568,211 2,166,086 56,749 1,393 47,709 9,826,675 316,668,567 GDP (PPP) GDP (growth) (PPP) GDP per capita (PPP) 10,071 216,265 1,143,146 1,529 1,107 12,178,004 2.7% 30,639 3.1% 43,004 1.9% 32,272 3.0% 25,423 2.9% 20,732 2.2% 38,727 Agriculture 5.3% 2.7% 1.8% 4.0% 16.0% 1.2% Industry 24.4% 41.5% 28.6% 29.0% 29.0% 19.1% 70.3% 5.3% 5.6% 55.7% 0.6% 3.1% 69.6% 1.8% 7.3% 67.0% 2.8% 4.9% 55.0% 2.3% 6.8% 79.9% 2.0% 8.2% 3,966 3,655 126,524 67,484 374,594 373,972 289 613 621 584 1,244,241 1,835,255 GDP composition by sector Services Inflation rate Unemployment rate Trade balance Export Import Numbers are 2012 est. 28 North Atlantic Report Sources: CIA World Factbook and Statistics Greenland North Atlantic Report 29 Atlantic Herring Atlantic Mackerel Herring is the most abundant fish in the North Atlantic. It is a pelagic zooplankton feeder, mostly feeding on the copepod Calanus finmarchicus. The herring’s common size is between 30 and 40 cm. The North Atlantic herring is split into many stocks, based on where and when they spawn. Historically, the largest of these stocks is the Norwegian spring spawning herring. This stock spawns along the coast of central Norway. The mackerel is a streamlined and fast swimming fish known for extensive migrations. Common size for adults is from 35 cm to 45 cm, but it can reach 60 cm in length. Mackerel feeds on a variety of pelagic animals, mostly crustaceans and fish juveniles. Herring is processed into meal and oil, and frozen or salted for human consumption. International landings of herring in the North Atlantic in 2011 were 1,800 MT, a 19% decrease from 2010. The Atlantic mackerel can be found from the northeast coast of US, up to Newfoundland. On the eastern side of the Atlantic, it is found off Morocco, in the Mediterranean Sea and all the way up to the Barents Sea. Three stocks are recognised in the northeast Atlantic. Fig. 21. International Landings of Herring (thousand MT) Fig. 23. International Landings of Mackerel (thousand MT) Fig. 22. Herring Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume 880 2,225 879 2,369 2,479 2,510 780 754 2,204 718 856 1,778 658 1,699 1,346 2006 2009 Focus countries 30 North Atlantic Report 37% Faroe Islands 531 554 2010 Other 1,121 2011 4% 4% 8% 11% 599 697 404 International landings of mackerel in the North Atlantic in 2011 were 938,000 MT, an about 7% increase from 2010. Fig. 24. Mackerel Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume Norway 440 22% 380 283 329 US 1,483 2008 Iceland Canada 1,756 1,514 2007 36% Norway 938 The mackerel is a valuable pelagic fish and most of the catch is used for human consumption. 249 225 2006 2007 Iceland Faroe Islands 302 Canada 297 317 2008 2009 Focus countries Other 476 498 2010 2011 47% Other 17% 1% 13% Other Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland North Atlantic Report 31 Atlantic Cod Blue Whiting The Atlantic cod is among the most caught species in the North Atlantic. Common size for the Atlantic cod is in the range of 45 to 85 cm long. The Atlantic cod is distributed from Cape Cod in the Northwestern Atlantic, along the coast of Labrador, off southern Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands, south to the English Channel, in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and in the Barents Sea. Fig. 25. International Landings of Atlantic Cod (thousand MT) 951 834 335 500 2006 784 769 413 538 2007 2008 Focus countries 2009 Other 2010 International landings of blue whiting in the North Atlantic in 2011 were 103,000 MT, an 81% decrease from 2010. 2,024 Fig. 28. Blue Whiting Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume 1,673 458 Norway 33% 504 454 The majority of the blue whiting catch is processed into fish meal. However, a small but increasing share is frozen at sea for human consumption. Blue whiting is among the ten most fished species in the world. The stock is very large and primarily fished in the northeast Atlantic. Fig. 27. International Landings of Blue Whiting (thousand MT) Fig. 26. Atlantic Cod Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume 315 474 32 North Atlantic Report International landings of cod in the North Atlantic in 2011 were over 1,000 MT, a 10% increase from 2010. The blue whiting is a rather small codfish, usually 22 to 30 cm long, but can reach up to 50 cm in length. It is unique among codfish since it is purely an open ocean pelagic fish. The blue whiting is a true international fish and feeds on a variety of pelagic organisms, small fishes, small squid, copepods and krill. 866 363 309 1,050 Cod is processed in a variety of ways; a large proportion is salted and sold as quality food to southern Europe. A roughly equal proportion is iced at sea and processed and frozen after landing. A large but declining quantity is processed and frozen at sea, and an increasing proportion is exported fresh by air or in containers by sea. 592 581 Faroe Islands Greenland 44% 739 Iceland Other 2011 1% 2% 3% 17% 2006 2007 546 231 209 405 337 103 60 2008 2009 2010 2011 Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland Other 59% 817 Focus countries Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland Iceland 635 1,092 Norway Faroe Islands 460 1,284 Canada 20% 1,277 16% 45 5% Other North Atlantic Report 33 Capelin Northern Prawn (Shrimp) Capelin is a small pelagic fish, usually between 15 and 18 cm in length, and has a very short life cycle. It has a key role in the food chain between animal plankton and larger fish. Most groundfish species, feed on capelin at some stage in their life and it is estimated that capelin may be 40% of the total feedstock of cod. Fig. 29. International Landings of Capelin (thousand MT) 851 47 504 420 267 418 267 2006 253 2 246 2007 2008 Focus countries 34 North Atlantic Report 77 363 803 Most of the capelin catch is processed for fish meal and oil. Part of the catch is frozen at sea, or after landing, and processed for human consumption. International landings of capelin in the North Atlantic in 2011 were 850,000 MT, a 68% increase from 2010. 2010 450 66 70 428 69 US 385 352 71 376 380 20 International landings of the northern prawn in the North Atlantic in 2011 were 328,000 MT, a 6.8% decrease from 2010. 328 20 Fig. 32. Northern Prawn Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume 7% 1% 2% 6% 3% 359 331 308 36% 2006 2007 2008 Focus countries Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland Norway Iceland Faroe Islands Other Other Greenland US Greenland 2011 Canada 45% 314 Canada Faroe Islands 38% 2009 Iceland 42% 427 290 441 Norway 6% 73 The northern shrimp has opportunistic feeding habit. It scavenges on the bottom sediments, is a predator on small benthic invertebrates and also seems to be able to filterfeed during migrations to the water column in the night. Currently most of the shrimp catch is iced at sea and then processed further and after landing. When shrimp catches were higher, a considerable proportion was also frozen at sea. After landing, the shrimp is cooked and peeled by machines. Fig. 31. International Landings of Northern Prawn (thousand MT) Fig. 30. Capelin Landings in 2011, by Countries and Volume 2% 6% 2% 4% Northern shrimp is a subarctic species, widespread in the northern parts of the North Atlantic and the North Pacific Oceans. Sources: FAO and Ministry of Fisheries Iceland 2009 2010 Other 2011 Other North Atlantic Report 35 Aquaculture by Countries Aquaculture Aquaculture has grown rapidly over the last decades. In 2011, the total production of farmed fish was 63,000,000 MT with an estimated value of EUR 94 million. Aquaculture accounted for 41.3% of global fish production in 2011, a 6.2% increase over 2010. Aquaculture is predominantly used for human consumption. Asia is by far the largest producer with about 90% of worldwide production. FAO expects that farmed fish for human consumption will outweigh caught fish by 2018. The state of aquaculture in Canada, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Norway could hardly be more different. Norway is by far the largest producer in the region with 1,138,000 MT produced in 2011, placing them among the top ten producers in the world. On the other hand Greenland has no aquaculture at all. The east coast of Canada produced 71,000 MT in 2011, and Faroe Islands produced 60,500 MT. Fig. 34. Aquaculture by Countries and Value Fig. 33. Aquaculture by Countries and Volume 1,400 Thousand EUR Thousand MT 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 02 20 03 20 Norway 36 North Atlantic Report Sources: FAO 04 20 05 20 06 20 Canada East Coast 07 20 08 20 Faroe Islands 09 20 10 20 US East Coast 11 20 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 02 20 03 20 Norway 04 20 05 20 Faroe Islands 06 20 07 20 08 20 Canada East Coast 09 20 11 10 20 20 US East Coast North Atlantic Report 37 Aquaculture Production Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture has grown rapidly in Norway, increasing by 600,000 MT or 100% during the period from 2002 to 2011, entirely due to increased salmon production. During this period, aquaculture increased only slightly in the other North Atlantic focus countries. Atlantic salmon is an anadromus species and has a rather complex life story. Salmon spawns in fresh water and juveniles grow there for two to three years before migrating to the ocean. It stays there for another two to three years before returning to fresh water to spawn. The value of farmed fish increased significantly during this period from EUR 1.0 billion in 2002 to EUR 4.5 billion in 2011, about 450% jump in value. Fig. 35. Aquaculture by Species and Volume for the 6 Focus Countries 1,400 Table 04. Aquaculture Production by Countries in 2011 (MT) Iceland Thousand MT 1,200 Atlantic cod 1,000 Atlantic salmon Norway Faroe Islands Canada East Coast US East Coast 877 15,249 NA NA NA 1,083 1,059,958 60,473 27,184 18,595 800 Arctic charr 3,021 276 NA NA NA 600 Blue mussel 46 1,742 NA 25,209 2,213 400 Other salmonids NA 72 NA 14,264 200 Rainbow trout 226 58,311 NA NA NA Hard clam NA NA NA NA 28,841 0 02 20 03 20 Salmon 04 05 20 20 Trout 38 North Atlantic Report 06 20 Mussel 07 20 08 20 Hard clam 09 10 20 20 Cod Other Fig. 36. World Production of Atlantic Salmon (thousand MT) NA 1,379 1,440 1,426 569 627 479 402 810 824 2008 961 2009 Focus countries Sources: FAO International production of salmon increased by 21% compared to 2010. Fig. 37. Atlantic Salmon Production 2011, by Countries and Volume 1,721 1,452 2007 11 20 The salmon farming industry started in Norway in the 1980s and has grown dramatically. In 2011, 1,721,000 MT were produced in 12 countries, Norway being by far the largest with about 62% of the production. Sources: FAO 1,024 2010 554 Norway Faroe Islands 32% U.S. - East Coast 1,167 2011 Canada - East Coast 62% Other 1% 2% 4% Other North Atlantic Report 39 Conclusion Conclusion The North Atlantic Ocean has abundant seafood which is an important resource for many countries. The ocean contains many different species of fish whose harvesting is the foundation of significant populations. It is unlikely that we will see major expansion in wild caught species in the future, and therefore, the focus nations will look for other ways to increase the value of their seafood industry. A major recent development has been improved processing techniques designed to maximise the value extracted from the sea. This involves processing as much of the catch as possible for human consumption, and creating value from the parts of the catch that were previously wasted. This has become a major undertaking for seafood companies and there are a number of opportunities for further efficiencies in processing. Progress in the focus countries varies greatly, but there is much scope for improvement for all of them. In the future increasing supplies of seafood for human consumption will come from further processing along with aquaculture. Aquaculture has shown rapid growth rates in recent years. Today, 47% of seafood for human consumption is farmed and it is believed that farmed fish will overtake fish caught for human consumption by 2018. As shown in the report, some of the North Atlantic countries are already very advanced in aquaculture and have built up strong local industries. Fish farming at sea has limited growth potential due to the fact that it is important not to disrupt the ecology of other organisms. 40 North Atlantic Report Disclaimer This report was produced by Íslandsbanki hf. The information in this report is based on publicly available data and information from various sources deemed reliable. The information has not been independently verified by Íslandsbanki hf. (“Íslandsbanki”) and Íslandsbanki does not guarantee that the information is comprehensive or accurate. All views expressed herein are those of the author(s) at the time of writing and may change without notice. 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Various financial risks are at all times present during investment activities, such as the risk of no yield or the risk of losing the capital invested. International investments include risks related to political and economic uncertainties as well as currency risk. Each investor’s investment objectives and financial situation is different. Past performance does not indicate or guarantee the future performance of an investment. 42 North Atlantic Report Reports and other information received from Íslandsbanki are intended for private use only. This material may not be copied, quoted or distributed, in part or in whole, without prior written consent from Íslandsbanki. This report is a brief summary and does not purport to contain all available information on the subject covered. Regulator: The Financial Supervision Authority of Iceland ( United States. 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