Summerwood Apartments Mission
Summerwood Apartments Mission
2 55 0 Universit y Avenu e We s t, S u i te 330 N | SStt.Pau Pa l, M i n n e s ota 55114 OUR M IS S ION HOUSING WITH CARE The mission of Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) is to provide accessible, affordable, assisted/supportive and independent living opportunities for persons with physical disabilities and brain injuries, as well as seniors. This mission is accomplished through the development and cost-effective management of accessible, affordable housing, as well as the provision of assisted/supportive living and rehabilitation services. AC KNOWLE DGE ME NTS FUNDING AND SUPPORT Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI) gratefully acknowledges the following organizations for their funding and/or support: The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); City of Bozeman Commissioners/Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB); The Wiggins Foundation; and the Beim Foundation. Committed to the success of equal housing opportunities throughout the nation ASI SUMMER WOOD APARTMENTS B O Z E M A N , Accessible Space, Inc. (ASI): Sponsor, Developer and Management Agent M O N TA N A Aff ord a b le, I n de p e n d e n t Li v i n g A p ar t m en t s fo r S en i o rs ag e 62 & B etter 1441 Nor th 15th Street - Bozeman, M o ntana HOUSING WITH CARE SUMMER WOOD APARTMENTS TS B O Z E M A N , M O N TA N A Affor d abl e, Ind epend ent Liv in g A p a r t m e n t s for S e n iors 6 2 & Be t t e r AFFORDA BL E ¬ Qualifying households pay 30% of adjusted gross monthly income for rent ¬ Rent is subsidized by the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) ¬ Rent includes: Heat, water, sewer, trash & snow removal APARTMENT AMENITIES ¬ 2 Floors with elevator ¬ 36 one bedroom apartments ¬ Wheelchair accessible apartments available ¬ Spacious kitchens and large bathrooms ¬ Carpeted bedroom and living room ¬ Generous closet & storage space ¬ Air conditioned apartments BASIC QUALIFIC ATIONS ¬ One household member must be at least 62 years of age ¬ Applicants are screened for credit, rental and criminal history ¬ Income limits apply. No minimum income requirements BUILDING F EATURES & AMENITIES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Controlled access entry system On-site laundry facilities on two floors Outdoor patio with picnic tables & grill Community room with full kitchen Off-street parking Approved pets welcome! Activity Room Tub therapy room CONV E N I E NT N E I G H B O R H OOD LOC ATION ¬ Grocer y stores, shopping & restaurants ¬ B ank ing s er v ices ¬ Ho s pital s, m edic al & pro fes s io n a l c l i n i c s ¬ C hu rc hes For m ore i n for m at i on or to re que s t a h ous i n g ap p l i cat i on , p l e as e call ¬ to l l -f ree 1 -80 0-4 66 -77 22 ¬ tt y /tdd 1-8 00 -62 7-3 52 9 Apply online w w w. acces s ibl es pace.o rg 1441 Nor th 15th Street B oze m a n , MT 5 9 7 1 5 Acce s s i b l e S p ace, I n c. (A S I ) 2550 Universit y Avenue West, Suite 330 Nor th S aint Pau l, M innes o ta 5 51 14
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