“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created
95 Radio Circle, Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 • 914-241-0770 FAX: 914-242-5201 2014 National Adult Day Services Association Adult Day Center Award for an outstanding program 2014 MUSIC & MEMORYSM Certified Care Facility Partner 2013 Living with Alzheimer’s film, “My Little Friends”, http://livingwithalz.org/my-little-friends/ 2011 MindAlert Award from American Society on Aging and the MetLife Foundation 2010 Recognized by the Alliance for Children & Families for Innovation in Serving Older Adults 2008 Winner of National Best Practices Award by MetLife Foundation and Generations United 2007 Non-profit Agency of the Year, Mt. Kisco Chamber of Commerce I NDEPENDENCE • D IGNITY • C HOICE My Second Home, a program of Family Services of Westchester, is a not-for-profit intergenerational adult day program offering stimulating activities with supervision, health monitoring, personal care, and nutrition services in a safe, secure, and home-like environment. We’re happy to give tours to all who are considering an adult day program for their loved one. Please call 914-241-0770 for an appointment. DIRECTOR’S CORNER JULY 2015 Dear Participants, Caregivers, and Friends; “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Thomas Jefferson July 4th was always a favorite family holiday for me when I was a very little girl. My four brothers and sisters and I lived in a two family house with my parents and my paternal grandparents. On July 4th morning, I would head to the iceman with my father to pick up the large blocks of ice that we used to keep our family barbeque drinks cold throughout the day. When dusk almost dark set in, my grandfather would set off fireworks on our clothesline pole in the back yard. Those fireworks were better than any fireworks I have seen since. Once that was over, all of my cousins and I would light sparklers and watch with awe the fire streaming shapes we made in the dark. July 4th marks many of my cherished memories, but it also is a time when we mark our freedom, as American citizens yes, but as people, living with and around each other. Thomas Jefferson declared that truth, ‘unalienable rights; to pursue life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ in his historic document, and we here at MSH declare it every day for each and every one of our participants who we are privileged to work with and honored to get to know. This is the best way to live. I hope you enjoyed the 4th and will enjoy the rest of July! My best to everyone, Karen For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. Nelson Mandela Last week we helped Annetta celebrate her 101st birthday. JULY BIRTHDAYS Anna W. Louise M. Nancy K. Marguerite K. Larry J. Dick D. Martin W. Fanny H. 2015 HOLIDAYS Mon September 7 - Labor Day Mon October 12 - Columbus Day Thurs Nov 27, Fri Nov 28, Sat Nov 29-Thanksgiving Fri December 25 & Saturday, Dec 26- Christmas WISH LIST Ruth B and Joan join Amy’s Zumba class, a fun and lively fitness-dance routine that doesn’t feel like the good exercise it is. My Second Home exists to improve the quality of life for our participants and their caregivers. Because we are not-for-profit, there are always needs for which money may not be available. This is why charitable donations are so gratefully received. We’re grateful that you help support this important and unique program. • Bingo prizes • Disinfectant Wipes • Wooden picture frames suitable for decorating • Boxes of tissues My Second Home is funded in part by The US Dept of Health & Human Services, The New York State Office for Aging and Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services. Page 1 My Second Home is open Saturdays from 8:00-4:00 REGULAR EVENTS Breakfast Buddies — Toddlers join us on Tuesday and Friday mornings to share breakfast. Literature in Review — Mt. Kisco librarian, Martha Iwan, reads out loud every Tuesday. Living Well — Donna Kane, R.N., gives a health lecture every Tuesday morning about living and staying well. This Week in History—Every Tuesday we look back on international events that happened this week from the famous to the infamous. Movement to Music — On Wednesday mornings, Gina Miller keeps everyone active with favorites from the ’30s and ‘40s. Arts & Crafts — Every Wednesday, Teri helps our participants bring out their creative juices. Music Therapy with the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function — Every Wednesday afternoon a music therapist uses music to assist in the awakening of individuals with a wide range of neurological impairments. Yoga — Every Thursday morning Margaret teaches yoga and meditation. Zumba — Amy moves us to the beat on Thursdays with this invigorating and fun dance-fitness class. The Chicken Man — Live music by Mike Flynn most Fridays! Caregiver’s Support Group — The meeting will be Tuesday July 21 at 3:45. Call Amy at 241-0770 to confirm. Podiatrist — Tuesday, August 1. Call Amy to make an appointment with Dr. O’Hanlon. Haircare Services — Monday, July 13. Please call Amy at 241-0770 to make an appointment with Patti. Payment required at time of service. JULY 2015 The Beauty of Community Support for Those Aging in Westchester Many people come to and decide to age in Westchester because of the resources and sense of community available. Family Services of Westchester is committed to meeting the needs of the elders in our community through a variety of programs. RideConnect, one of these programs, works with community volunteers to help older adults maintain their independence and mobility by providing accessible and responsive transportation options to those in need. When community members come together it is amazing to see how those who offer the assistance and those who receive it benefit. A perfect example is right here in Northern Westchester. Mr Bubser of Bedford Hills uses RideConnect to continue to volunteer, shop and maintain what is most important to him in his life. He shared, "RideConnect is an excellent service. Unfortunately, I can no longer drive. By being able to get these rides, my quality of life has greatly improved. Their Dave Bubser, also known for his hats, volunteers are always on time, volunteers for the Evening Edition at My Second courteous and the ease of making Home. reservations on the phone is a plus. My wife had dementia and I was her caregiver for many years until she died. I then fell into a deep depression. To help pull myself out of it, I made sure I got out of the house and started volunteering in the community and found that helping others and seeing them improve has caused me to improve. I exercise regularly, teach classes on deep breathing, take classes on stress management and work at the transitional care unit at a local hospital. Being involved with others on this level has helped me continue to lead a very fulfilling life." Pat Jordan also volunteers at MSH. Here she shares her talents as actress, singer and music lover to run a Music & Memory program. Tea-time is a delightful event at MSH! Carmela, above, and Elaine, below, enjoy and encourage. Patricia Jordan, from Mount Kisco sees the benefits from the other perspective, as a driver. When I started volunteering with RideConnect three years ago, my main objective was to help older people maintain their independence and remain in their own homes - and how better to do that than to help them to remain active participants within the communities of which they are a part? What I didn't realize was how enriching the experience would be. I have met dozens of wonderful people who are so grateful for the help we at RideConnect are able to provide. What they don't realize is how grateful I am to them for allowing me to hear their stories, laugh with them and be even a small part of their lives. I've learned so much from these men and women!" To get involved in FSW’s RideConnect community please contact Karen Ganis, Program Director, RideConnect at (914) 864-0955 or Kganis@fsw.org. IMPORTANT CONTACT NUMBERS Medicare 1-800-633-4227 • Medicare Rights Center Consumer Hotline 1-800-333-4114 • Alzheimer’s 24-Hour Helpline 1-800-272-3900 • Alzheimer’s Association 914 253-6860 for free referral information and free paralegal guidance • The New York State Office for Aging 1-800-342-9871 • Westchester Department of Senior Programs & Services 914-813-6400 Page 2
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