the dauntseian - Dauntsey`s School


the dauntseian - Dauntsey`s School
T h e Dau n tsei a n 2014
T he Dauntseian
N um ber 197
T h e Dau ntseian
N um ber 197
Editor Ben Sandell
Sub Editors Amy Barber, Ivan Downer, Katie Everett, Matthew Fisher, Grace Keppel,
Madeleine Perrins, Eleanor Skipper, Cicely Spence, Issie Watts
With thanks to the School Photographer, Graham House
C ontents
Head Master’s Address
Prize Winners
Common Room News
Staff List17
Events & Societies
Creative Writing
Jolie Brise
Lest We Forget
Cross Country144
Leavers’ photograph
E ditorial
nother school year has passed at Dauntsey’s and I
hope that the 2013-14 edition of the magazine gives
readers a flavour of much of what is to offer at this exciting
and friendly school. I should commend to readers, in particular, Eleanor Skipper’s article on Life in the Lower School
and also reports from new clubs such as the innovative and
engaging Dauntsey’s Flying School to those seeking something new.
Alongside this you will find much of the familiar – sports
reports, images of artistic endeavour and a variety of reflections on the numerous (and in some cases rather exotic) trips
undertaken by staff and pupils this academic year.
Time, of course, does not stand still – and we are
especially mindful this year of the great sacrifice made
a century earlier as we commemorate the Great War of
The School has a number of events planned and we
look forward to sharing these with you in future editions. In
the meantime, may the infamous Christmas Truce of 1914
be in our minds as testament to the human, the intimate,
the personal and all that which transcends the cruel and evil
detachment of war.
My best wishes, as ever, to you and your families this
B.H. Sandell
Editor, The Dauntseian & Head of History
Advent, 2014
E ditorial
Angharad Davies
H ead M aster ’ s A ddress
S peech D ay - 5 th J uly 2014
hairman, Mr Colbourne, Ladies and Gentlemen.
Thank you very much, Chairman, for your kind words
and for your tireless support this year. It is nice of him to be
nice about me. I actually heard the Chairman say to my wife
at lunch how much he enjoys working with me, to which she
responded ‘You should try living with him!’
Before arriving at Dauntsey’s, I would have said that my
only real passion in life - with a gentle nod of apology to
my wife and children - was sport, and football in particular.
Last year I compared taking over at Dauntsey’s to the challenge facing Roberto Martinez at Everton. I am so glad that
I did not seek comparisons with David Moyes: why on earth
did he go to Manchester United, sack the back room team,
throw out all the traditions and make change for change’s
sake? The results were disastrous.
Now some of you may be wondering whether I have
grasped the wrong speech, while others will be thankful that
I am not talking about education.
I draw a parallel though because this year has been a
resounding success and this is in no small part due to the
back room team here. Steve Lilley, Mark McFarland, Jane
Upton, Mark Neve and Eleni Conidaris are exceptional and
a key reason why the school is where it is today. I would like
to start by thanking them for all their hard work and support
this year.
But personal reflections aside this year has been, as all
years are, about the pupils. They have set the tone, dictated
the mood and created the atmosphere that can be sensed
today, albeit with an element of anxiety thrown in for our
Upper Sixth.
And these are not platitudes habitually thrown out
at this time of year, but genuine sentiments, as this Upper
Sixth, this year, have provided the leadership and example
that are so very important in schools today.
But they have reached the end of the line and it is now
time for them to leave. Their last term has been dominated
by Public Examinations - stress has appeared in some areas,
perhaps we wish that it had appeared in others - and there
will be many saying that they have ‘grown out of school.’And
I suspect that some have.
But it is a sobering thought that, after what I hope will
H e ad M a ster ’ s A ddress
be a wonderful summer, they will not be returning in September. I am sure that this thought will give rise to mixed
feelings, which may manifest itself in tears this evening!
What I want to say, more than anything else, to the
Upper Sixth is ‘thank you’.
- Thank you for giving so generously of yourselves over
these last few years.
- Thank you for looking after one another.
- Thank you for trying your best.
- And thank you for your laughter and sense of fun, which
has filtered all the way down through the school.
The four Senior Prefects will receive proper tributes
elsewhere, but I just want to say how much I have enjoyed
working with them. Kezia Buckland, Laurence McKellar,
Sophie Badman and Sacha Yates have been outstanding and
their wisdom and honesty – particularly Kezia who has quite
regularly put me in my place with her withering look – and
generosity of spirit, marks them out as special people.
The prefects more widely have been excellent and I
thank them not just for their willingness to take on chores
and unwelcome jobs, but also for their company. There was
never a dull moment at Prefects’ Dinners, dressed as a Pirate
or Medieval Knight, and their open-ness and charm has
been truly uplifting.
I really enjoy what I do because of them and because of
the sheer variety of day-to-day life. But leadership is nothing
without a healthy society and, my word, we have this here.
In what other job can one go from a difficult meeting with a
member of staff or a parent one minute, to being presented
with a cake by two girls in the Second Form the next; from
sitting with the Bursar discussing the School’s finances, to
popping into the Mem Hall to watch the next great show
in rehearsal; from a meeting with anxious local residents, to
dishing out chocolate to delirious First and Second Formers;
from discussing the latest disciplinary matter to wandering
out onto the sports fields to see our teams in action.
The ups and downs are simply amazing and make my
job absolutely priceless. Someone once said that Headmastering is rather like having a middle-aged affair – exhilarating in prospect, but exhausting in reality. And this is probably right.
But the point that I want to make, is that it is the pupils
at Dauntsey’s that make my job such a joy, and this special
Upper Sixth who should take much of the credit, for they
have been friendly, thoughtful, talented, and hugely resilient
They will also be remembered as the year group that
removed ‘Muck Up Day’ from the School Calendar, once and
for all.
And so as I move on to the School’s achievements this
year, I would like you all to join me in thanking this year’s
wonderful Upper Sixth.
It is always difficult to pick out highlights of a year, and
inevitably some events and activities will not get a mention,
for which I apologise.
I must start with ‘Mamma Mia!’, not least because I am
standing on the same stage that our performers have graced
for the last five nights. It was a sensational show and it was
a privilege to be in the audience every night. Brilliantly cast,
the performances were fabulous and were packed with fun,
The D aunt seian 2014
energy, humour and an extraordinary, and very humbling,
array of talent.
Summer terms can sometimes fizzle out, but this magical production persuaded many pupils to hang about after
their exams, and genuinely lifted the spirits of the entire
community. I doubt whether any school has ever had a more
upbeat end of term and who needs the West End when this
quality is available in West Lavington. It was ‘pure genius’, as
one theatre goer wrote to me.
Elsewhere our wonderfully skilled drama and music
teams, have ensured another vintage year.
‘Into the Woods’ was a challenging and imaginative
Christmas musical. ‘It Snows’, ‘The Butterfly’s Evil Spell’,
‘David Copperfield’ and ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ were all performed to an exceptional standard and
there were some super A Level and GCSE Coursework performances too.
Whilst those on stage quite rightly receive the plaudits,
I would also like to thank our technical crews for their expertise, enthusiasm and total commitment.
Music has obviously been an integral part of the major
shows, but on its own has also staged the first-class Autumn
and Grand Summer Concerts, with over 300 musicians presenting Carmina Burana in the latter event.
The Gilliat and Barron Prizes were fiercely contested
with a supreme standard of musicianship; there have been
numerous recitals; an atmospheric Evensong with the choir
in Winchester Cathedral; and the final Leavers’ Concert
showed that the class of 2014 are a special group – indeed
their departure means that the orchestra loses its two lead
violinists, the entire flute section, the oboe section, half of
the clarinets and the lead percussionist. The choir will be
decimated too.
The Lower School Music Festival was an uplifting
evening, celebrating excellence, participation and team
work. And we had two marvellous Carol Services, Ronnie
Scott’s, Rockfest and a Choir Tour to Barcelona.
Dance is the final part of this trilogy and becomes
stronger each year. ‘Mamma Mia!’ was beautifully choreographed and performed, our Dance clubs are flourishing and
the ‘The Dance Show’ was spectacular with over 200 pupils
involved. The Third Form performed ‘The Doomsday Book of
Animals’ and our Cheerleading team continues to win trophies and friends wherever they go.
On the sports fields, a young 1st XV rugby team won 9
out of 12 matches and there were unbeaten seasons for the
2nd & 3rd XVs. The Senior Girls’ hockey teams had their best
season on record and many of these girls went on to play
Netball in the Spring Term in dreadful weather conditions.
Boys’ hockey was strong again, with a talented 1st XI
who were very good to watch, the footballers enjoyed a successful season on a largely waterlogged Mercers’ Field, and
the basketball team won every game but one.
Athletics, tennis and cricket all enjoyed remarkable
success this term, despite the disruption caused by poor
weather before half-term and exams after it. International
selection beckoned for four of our rifle shooters. Our swimmers got the opportunity to swim in the Olympic Pool, our
riders compete with increasing success and many other
sports have excelled too.
And whether our teams have been successful or not,
it is the spirit of our pupils, which makes them stand out:
their conduct on and off the field has been superb this year
and our teams have been generous in defeat and gracious
in victory.
Pre-season training for next year begins almost immediately with two tours: Australia for rugby and Barbados for
hockey and netball. Sadly I was not invited on either trip!
And September 2015 will see the opening of the new
pavilion; supporting all of our teams will hopefully become a
more pleasurable experience, perhaps with a glass of Pimms
on the terrace, or more likely some hot soup and warm blankets. It is rather more than just a pavilion though and will
give us a venue where we can entertain up to 250 people.
Adventure continues to be a real feature of a Dauntsey’s
education along with the relish for physical challenges.
The Devizes to Westminster Race nearly didn’t happen
with so much of the country under water and rivers in spate
through the winter. Thankfully, the sun finally came out over
the Easter Weekend, and our crews fared very well indeed.
Elsewhere, Moonrakers continues to build practical
skills and challenge individuals and teamwork; and the
Brecons Challenge, Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions and the
preparation for the DEAMS trips have kept the pupils busy.
The trip to Bhutan provided experiences and sights that
will be remembered forever and, later this month, a group
sets off to work in Nightingales Orphange in Romania once
For the first time, the majority of the Fifth Form returned
after their GCSE exams to undertake life skills courses in various places: for example, aboard the Jolie Brise; in Potterne,
herding sheep to develop their leadership skills; in Devizes
learning to cook; and life saving and diving.
The Jolie Brise cruises have been popular again and
shortly after term ends, she will be heading to Brittany. After
that, Northern Spain and the Azores beckon, before Cornwall and a return to the Hamble.
And there has been so much more too: Art, Ceramics
and DT excellence, another marvellous series of Mercers’
Lectures and Concerts, visiting speakers, and a whole host
of House activities and trips.
I am also delighted to report that the Design and Technology building, one of the hidden strengths of the school,
will be significantly enhanced this summer.
But, if pupils are at the heart of Dauntsey’s, they owe
much to the tireless work of their teachers whose commitment is unwavering and passion for the School very obvious.
I would like to thank the Common Room for their hard
work and dedication and for ensuring that while we pursue academic excellence, the education provided is not just
about passing exams, but also about developing life skills,
passions and talents.
Sadly, some of them are moving on and at this point, I
would like to thank and say farewell to those who, like the
Upper Sixth, are leaving us today.
In September 2008, we were very fortunate to secure
Philip Powell as the new Head of Classics. Intelligent, erudite
and an outstanding school master, he has boosted the subject, secured its place in the curriculum and inspired pupils
to go on to study Classics beyond school. His willingness
to teach Greek outside the timetable, and to run numerous
trips to Dorchester and Bath in the UK, and further afield to
Greece and Sorrento, has instilled a love of the ancient world
in so many and Philip even found time to coach cricket too.
We wish Philip well in retirement with his wife Pearl and his
beautiful Porsche.
Naomi Lallemand also arrived in September 2008 and
quickly established herself as a popular and highly regarded
teacher of Drama and Theatre Studies. Na(y) is a unique personality, with her very own style to life, including a love of
cats, cake and all things pink and yellow. She has directed
many plays, including ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’,
‘King Lear’ and ‘The Butterfly’s Evil Spell’. Her sunny outlook, and ability to inspire pupils of all ages, will be missed
by the department, her pupils and the school as a whole. I
am certain that she will be much appreciated at Bradfield
College where she will be Head of Academic Drama.
Annie Heath has taught PE to A Level, tutored in
three houses, run the ‘Clubs and Societies’ programme and
has been Head of Swimming and Girls’ Athletics. She has
coached hockey and netball too and her winning smile,
enthusiasm and sense of fun will be missed, along with her
fetish for fluorescent trainers and her fledgling career as a DJ.
There are few more popular teachers in the school and we
wish Annie well at St Catherine’s School, Guildford, where
she will take on the role of PE teacher and netball specialist.
Anna Molineaux joined in 2010 having represented
New Zealand at netball and athletics. Her main role has
been as Sports Co-ordinator, where her efficiency and
slightly obsessive organisation with colour coded files and
pristine stationery, has earned respect. (In the final assembly,
I got into terrible trouble for expressing my surprise that the
PE Department needed any stationery, given that none of
them can read or write, so I must not mention this today).
She has been a House Tutor, Head of Squash, coach to the
U16 netball team and has coached hockey, tennis and athletics across the age ranges, but particularly at Under 12 and
13 levels. New Zealand may well claim her back eventually,
but we wish Anna well at KES, Bath. Alex Page is undoubtedly one of the teaching profession’s greatest eccentrics. Few who have been coached by
him, in shooting, at rugby or at cricket, will forget his sartorial elegance and scribbled quotations on team sheets: not
many people can carry off the look that he has perfected – a
tweed jacket over a rugby or cricket shirt, tracksuit bottoms
or shorts, and a pair of leather school shoes. More seriously
though, Alex has proven to be an inspirational teacher, tutor
and Assistant Housemaster in The Manor, as well as the
driving force behind the Rifles and our Gifted and Talented
programme. We wish Alex well at New Hall School, where
he goes to be Head of their Gifted and Talented programme.
Rosie Palmer joined Dauntsey’s in 2012 after several
years travelling around the world on large boats. Indeed, she
met her husband on the Jolie Brise when he was the First
Mate and she was on her Gap Year, supposedly chaperoning
our Fourth Form. She is a superb teacher with a frighteningly
organised approach and we wish Rosie well as she leaves
to take on a fresh and entirely different challenge of giving
birth to, and then raising, twins.
Rose Shawe-Taylor leaves after just a year here to take
H e ad M a ster ’ s A ddress
up the position of Director of Art at Shrewsbury. She has
fostered a real team spirit and sense of togetherness in the
department, has overseen the introduction of History of Art
and has helped to transform the spaces that make up the
Art School.
And Caryl Joyce retires this year having taught English
as an Additional Language for the last 6 years. She has been
at the heart of this hugely successful and highly regarded
department; dedicated, good-humoured and tireless in her
support of the pupils and staff, Caryl will be missed. We wish
her well in retirement.
To Philip Powell, Naomi Lallemand, Annie Heath, Anna
Molineaux, Alex Page, Rosie Palmer, Rose Shawe-Taylor and
Caryl Joyce, thank you and good luck.
And the revolving door is not quite finished yet – we
also say goodbye to:
David Evans, Cath Hannavy and Bob Bateman, who
came out of retirement to help the History, Maths and Business Studies departments respectively;
To Michi Ivak, our gifted German Assistant who now
goes off to train as a teacher;
And to three of our Graduate Assistant Teachers - Tom
Meatyard, Lydia Palmer and Sarah Hardman who have contributed to PE and Games, tutoring, Drama, Moonrakers, the
Outreach programme in local Primary schools and so much
more. Tom and Lydia head off to train as teachers and Sarah
to Sandhurst.
And finally there is a group of people who could slip
out of the door quietly and I know that they will not thank
me for making a fuss. But, our community will be the poorer
without them and so farewell and thanks to:
- Gaynor Alford who has taught woodwind since 1978 and
- Penny Price-Jones singing since 2002.
- Bonnie Matters in the School Shop
- Tony Jarrett, a School Counsellor since 2000
- And Steve Mulligan, the Deputy Clerk of Works, since
Thank you all for everything you have done.
So, having paid tribute to this year’s achievements and
the contributions of the staff, particularly regarding those
who are sadly leaving us, it is time to move back to the
It has been a superb school year and there are exciting
times ahead. There are high hopes for a strong set of results
this summer and our pupils continue to aim for places at
the most competitive universities. This year 111 pupils
hold offers through UCAS, with 7 heading for Oxford and
Cambridge and 84 to Russell Group universities.
James O’Hanlon has overseen the creation of a Mentoring Network, brought in to offer our pupils advice about
universities and careers and the first event, a ‘Speed Dating’
evening, was a tremendous success. ODs and parents have
been generous with their time and the intention is to demystify the world of work, as pupils and young ODs seek to take
their first steps on the ladder, and to tap in to the resources
on our doorstep.
The D aunt seian 2014
Dauntsey’s will be full yet again next year and the Governors have given the go ahead for ambitious building work.
First of all a pavilion will appear, along with a substantial
enhancement to the Sports Hall and Swimming Pool area,
before the Maths and Geography building is rebuilt in 2015.
And after that, the flagship that is Drama at Dauntsey’s, will
see long overdue investment.
And yet schools are about people, not buildings, facilities or statistics and so we will miss you leavers.
You have reached the end of your Dauntsey’s careers,
with just a few speeches and the Summer Ball to negotiate,
hopefully without incident or those inevitable tears.
Two things stand out: your time here has passed in a
flash and yet you have achieved so much.
I hope that you feel that you have received a balanced
education. ‘Great schools don’t make the mistake of assuming that all the answers lie in the classroom’, as my old
Housemaster used to say, and I hope that we have prepared
you well for university and beyond.
I hope that this balance has led to good sense and sound
judgement; an ability to know right from wrong; an understanding that hard work and ambition will be rewarded; a
desire to be adventurous and inquisitive; and, perhaps most
importantly of all, the knowledge that looking after friends
and those around you, is the most important thing of all.
It is a competitive world out there, but it is an infinitely
better one with friends and companionship.
But that is just my opinion. Far more interesting would
be to ask our leavers what they will really miss – not the sort
of comments that we might put in our prospectus, but a look
at real life here.
In Michael Kenny’s book, ‘The Politics of English
Nationhood’, writers tried to capture the essence of their
country by compiling lists.
For Orwell, it was ‘solid breakfasts and gloomy Sundays... Green fields and red pillar boxes’ while Betjeman
selected ‘the Church of England, eccentric incumbents, oillit churches, Women’s’ Institutes and modest village inns’. So
what about the essence of Dauntsey’s?
I thought that the best way to get a sense of this would
be to raid the Year Book and see what the Upper Sixth felt, in
their very own words. They will miss:
• the Tuck Shop with Kim and Caz
• the 17 Club with Tracy
• Cappuccinos for 65p
• Mr McFarland’s pre-party alcohol briefings
• Mrs Upton’s advice on Sixth Form Girls’ Dress
• Compulsory sport, especially swimming with the boys
in speedos (a little bit of sarcasm here, I think)
The list of regrets is longer and included:
• Never signing up for a School Play
• Not joining Dauntsey’s earlier
• Taking Physics and Maths for A level
• Why oh why did I do The Brecons Challenge?
• Not scoring a single try at Dauntsey’s
• Not asking Shannon to the Manor Ball in The Third
• Pushing Lydia Borwell in the Carp Pond
• Not doing something like Business Studies for easy
UCAS points (as a holder of Business Studies A level,
I take issue with this comment)
• Not taking better advantage of Fitzmaurice’s brilliant
location, just 10 minutes walk from The Churchill Pub
• Not wearing a coat to school when it was raining and
having to go up on stage in a see through top
And the last word from a Year Book entry and some advice:
“Don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened. No
regrets (except for those beers which I probably shouldn’t have
hidden in the bush….)”
But more seriously, virtually every member of the Upper
Sixth, replying to my question about what they would miss
the most, talked about the community and its supportive
bubble, teachers, and the warm, friendly atmosphere.
As Hilary Clinton observed: ‘It takes a village to raise a
small child’ and Dauntsey’s is very much a village.
May I say to you, parents of the class of 2014: thank you
for believing in Dauntsey’s and for trusting us with possibly
the most significant and expensive investment of your lives;
thank you for lending us your children, they are now very
definitely yours again and I wish you the best of luck.
For our 120 Upper Sixth leavers, I hope August brings
good news and the future every success and happiness. For
those attending the Ball tonight, do celebrate the end of your
time at school fittingly. Do seek me out, as I will probably
buy you a drink. And, although I never dance as I said last
year, Mr McFarland has some wicked moves and would be
delighted to be asked up on the dance floor.
For those leaving in other years, let me wish you all the
best in your next educational endeavour and please keep in
To everyone else here today, have a wonderful summer
and I look forward to seeing you back in September.
But one last thing to think about. There is a sign on the
wall at The Restart Centre in the heart of Kenya. The centre
was set up to house abandoned and orphaned Kenyans, displaced following 2007/8 elections.
The sign challenges the children in the centre to ‘Think
not what you are, but what you can become’. I hope that you
will all think likewise as you strike out from here.
And for me, there is a saying about Headmasters that
goes as follows: ‘Headmasters can do nothing wrong in their
first year, nothing right in their second year, and after that
few people will care anyway.’ I can’t wait for next year!
Mark Lascelles
Kristina Osipova
H e ad M a ster ’ s A ddress
Grace Czapalski
P rize W inners 2014
F irst F orm
The Gordon Saunders Memorial Trust Prize for General Excellence
Jack Jazrawy-Brown
Madeleine George
Guy Harmer
Academic Prizes
Georgina Henwood
Kiera Riordan
Abigail Baker
Hannah Barnes
Prizes for Effort
Isaac Bull
Sophie Hollis
Hermione Owen
S econd F orm
The Gordon Saunders Memorial Trust Prize for General Excellence
Elliot Yates
Robert Bourne
Armand Conde-Sequeira-Rosen
Academic Prizes
Chloe Darlington
Lara Maton
Hannah Giraudeau
Sophie Kelly
Prizes for Effort
George Lishman
Hannah Walker
Madeleine Wilks
The Lower School Prize Music Competition Prize and
The Richards Cup for Strings Playing
John Frankel
The Lower School Prize for Drama
Lewis Jackson
The Val Pettinger Memorial Prize
Karl Smithson
P rize W inner s
T hird F orm
The Gordon Saunders Memorial Trust Prize for General Excellence
Academic Prizes
Charlie Hinton
Samuel Abel
Rini Banerjee
Corinna Clark
Academic Prizes
Grace James-Park
Polly Maton
Jessica Tempest
Alexander Balls
Quentin Choi
Rebecca Herrett
Prizes for Effort
Henry Markes
Anna Scott
Emily Tucker
The Lower School Prize for Music
The Lower School Prize for Art
The Lower School Prize for Progress and Effort in Art
Charlotte Sims
Annabel Crichard
Daniil Kozyrev
The Lower School Prize for Dance
Kate Lewis
The Lower School Prize for Boys’ Games
Rahul Patel
The Lower School Prize for Girls’ Games
Imogen West
The Hugo Halkes Memorial Cup
Hugh Jacobs
F ourth F orm
The Gordon Saunders Memorial Trust Prize for General Excellence
Thomas McGrath
Meirian Evans
Gennadii Gorbun
Arabella Harvey
Academic Prizes
Atlanta Hatch
Elvira Parr
Alice Walton-Knight
The D aunt seian 2014
F ourth F orm
Sophie Ashley
Daria Galkina
Esmee Kirkpatrick
Prizes for Effort
Arabella Le Coyte
Isobel McKellar
Sophie Muir
Ella Ward
F ifth F orm
Rebecca Allen
Ceri Beasant
Ivan Downer
Academic Prizes
Lorna Frankel
Torran Green
Rebecca Newman
Lloyd Ollerhead
Henry Williams
An Academic Prize and
The Middle School Music Competition Prize
Emily Neve
Oliver Barnes
Rosie Coles
Amy Huang
Prizes for Effort
Millie Jones
Grace Keppel
Molly Lewis
Holly Sampson
Jessica Tam
A Prize for Effort and
The Middle School Prize for Drama
Jenna Morshead
The Middle School Prize for Music
William Sims
The Middle School Prize for Dance
Olga Shadrina
The Middle School Prize for Girls’ Games
The William Jones Cup for Middle School Boys’ Games
Lottie Colquhoun
Samuel New
P rize W inner s
L ower S ixth
Annabel Badman
Arnold Chan
Bess Chan
Sharon Chan
Amy Chu
Natalie Chui
Edward Henderson
Academic Prizes
Julie Scholefield
Jonathan Scott
Florence Tabeart
Willie Tam
Leon Vvedenskiy
Michelle Wing
Lacus Xu
Diana Yarosh
Enoch Yuen
The John Abnett Award for Endeavour
Henrietta Lowth
The Work Experience Prize
Farrell Tatam
The Library Prize
Anna Brown
The Rooke Poole Prize
Torin Bain
Ross Tatham
U pper S ixth
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize and
A Prize for English
Sophie Badman
A Prize for French and
The Upper School Prize for Music
Tabitha Bardsley
The King-Reynolds Prize for Drama and Theatre Studies
A Prize for Business Studies
A Prize for Theatre Studies and
The Bishop Pike Memorial Prize
A Prize for Art and
The Haine and Smith Prize for Contribution to Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
A Prize for Economics and
The Quentin Williams Memorial Prize
The D aunt seian 2014
Ana Carter
Alice Cavanagh
Ema Cavolli
Margaret Chung
Illia Dakal
U pper S ixth
The Gosling Prize for Design and Technology and
The Juliet Stewart Cup
Toby Dibble
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize,
The Beryl Gilliat Prize for Singing and
The Anna Roberts Prize for Outstanding Musical Performance
Louise Duff
The Lansdowne Prize for Sound Citizenship
Jessica Foord
The Upper School Prize for Drama
Georgina Fox
The Nairne Cup
Hamish Fyfe
The Bobby Nelson Prize for Sporting Achievement
Rogan Galea
A Prize for Classical Civilisation
Christina Hall
The Mercers’ School Memorial Prize (Merrett Bequest),
A Prize for Further Mathematics and
A Prize for Physics
Harry Holt
The Georgina Bagnall Memorial Prize
Victoria Jackson
The Spence Memorial Trust Prize for Academic and Sporting Excellence
Duncan Lorrain
A Prize for Music Technology
The Marsden-Jones Memorial Prize for Biology,
A Prize for Chemistry and
A Prize for Mathematics
The Salters’ Prize for Chemistry and
The Barron Prize
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize
Sergio Hunt
Claire McComas
Henry Roberts
Josephine Semple
Emily Sheppy
A Prize for Physical Education
George Smith
The Physics Investigation Prize
Oliver Spurr
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize
A Prize for Religious Studies
Jade Tang
Savannah Thompson
The James Robertson Prize for Biology
Matthew Williams
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize
Ruth Wilson
A Prize for German
Zoe Willis
An Old Dauntseians’ Association Prize and
A Prize for Geography
Sacha Yates
The Upper School Prize for Dance
Nicole Yeung
The Sarah Toogood Cup and
The Head Master’s Prize for the Head Girl
Kezia Buckland
The Stanton Prize for History,
A Prize for Spanish, A Prize for Latin and
The Head Master’s Prize for the Head Boy
Laurence McKellar
P rize W inner s
Lower School Prize Nomination Certificates have been presented by the Head Master to:
F irst F orm
Holly Baker
Eleanor Barker
Freya Chapman
Niamh Clark
India Eastlake
Wilfred Fitzgibbon
Amber Fletcher
Algernon Fooks
Thomas Gilbert
Madeline Ginger
Jack Hall
Annie Hourahane
Susannah Leese
Calum Marshall
Daisy Maunder
Jessica Nixon
Max Orton
Oscar Palmer
Elizabeth Peak
Jessica Romer-Lee
Hugo Spindler
Erica Tang
Amelia Wood
Anna-Sophia Enislidis
Oscar Gompels
Luke Hatch
Martha Holden
Susannah Kellar
Antigone Lovering
Thomas Mayne
Sadie Mutton
Samuel Nield
Natasha Parks-Tunstall
Georgia Pickford
Harry Poole
Sophie Prance
Octavia Pye
Wilfred Richardson
Graeme Smith
Spencer Toon
Ellen Weir
Daniel Hammond
Joshua Hampson
Benjamin Harding
Eliot Johnson
Olivia Keppel
Jeffrey Lam
Francesca McClean
James Morris
Benjamin Pugh-Cook
Sophie Roberts
Dulcie Spindler
Madeleine Steggall
Joseph Stratford
Eleanor Tew
Anna Troshina
Nicholas Welch
Esme White
Natasha Whitrow
S econd F orm
Archie Ayling
Scott Bamforth
Tolland Bennett
Lawrence Bett-Hewitt
Zoe Cranstone
Alexander Curry
Lauren Dallison
Ellie Deegan
Grace Drew
Catriona Edington
T hird F orm
Sam Arnold
Charles Baker
Christian Bryer-Ash
Imogen Cockwell
Kofi Cox
Lucy Downer
William Edwards
Hannah Gibson
Anna Gilbert
Thomas Goddard
The D aunt seian 2014
Hinson Lu
C o mm o n R o o m
Sophie Schneider
The D aunt seian 2014
S chool S taff 2013-14
013-14 has been a year of considerable movement
within the school staff community.
This year we bid fond farewells to Naomi Lallemand
and Lydia Palmer in Drama, Annie Heath, Sarah Hardman,
Tom Meatyard and Anna Molineaux in P.E., Rosie Palmer
in Biology, David Evans in History, Cath Hannavy and Alex
Page in Mathematics, Rose Shawe-Taylor in Art, Carol Joyce
in EAL Support and Michi Ivak as German Assistant.
In addition, Philip Powell stepped down as Head of
Classics in August 2014. Gaynor Alford retired from the
Music department having started teaching here in 1978.
Penny Price-Jones is also leaving the Music department,
having been at the school for many years and having had
two children through the school.
On the support staff side, Bonnie Matters retired from
the School Shop, Steve Mulligan, Deputy Clerk of Works,
retired and Doreen Campbell left the library. Finally, Tony
Jarrett, our fantastic counsellor, retires after working with us
since May 2000. Joining the school are:
• Miss Ayesha Webb as our new Head of Classics
• Angus Barker – in the EAL Department
• Miss Caroline Waddell to teach Maths
• Jamie Holmes to teach Biology and Psychology
• Miss Holly Pearson to teach Art
• Miss Sarah Rountree to also teach Art
• Mrs Elise Chambers to teach Drama
• Sam Moore – appointed to a new post to be in charge of
Adventure Education
• Miss Kate La Broy – PE graduate assistant teacher
• Sam Knights – PE graduate assistant teacher
• Finally, Mrs Ann Sampson started part way though this
year as Assistant Housemistress at the Manor and Bob
Bateman joined us to undertake maternity cover for Ann
Cole in the Business Studies and Economics Department.
Births and Marriages
Simon Barley of the Mathematics Department married
Rebecca Jackson on the 25th July 2014, at Bradfield Chapel,
near Uffculme, Devon.
S chool S taff
D auntsey ’ s S chool
A cademic & P astoral S taff 2013-14
S enior M anagement T eam
Head Master
Second Master
Deputy Head
Director of Studies
Head of Lower School
M J Lascelles BA, Dunelm
M C B McFarland BA, Nottingham
J F E Upton BSc, London
M A C Neve BSc, Bath
E S Conidaris BSc, Open
Air Commodore S P J Lilley MA, RAF (Retd)
A cademic S taff by D epartment
C L Hunter BA, Leeds
V A Rose BA, Bath
* R Shawe-Taylor BA, Nottingham, MA, London
N C Spear BA, Falmouth
* J F O’Hanlon BSc, Wales
C A Watson BA, Oxford Brookes
M A Cooper MA, Oxon
K E Morris MA, Cantab, ACA
* P D Powell MA, Oxon
M R Dyson BEd, Greenwich
Design Technology
L K Egan BA, Loughborough
* A Pickford BA, Wales
M Ryan BA, West of England
F J Bardsley BA, Dunelm
K Glynn BA, Surrey
* R M Jackson BA, Warwick
N M Lallemand BA, Reading
L K Palmer BA, Loughborough
The D aunt seian 2014
A cademic S taff by D epartment
R K Bateman BA, Leeds
A E Cole BSc, Cardiff
Economics & Business Studies
A J Lewis BBS, Palmerston North
S McEvoy MA, Glasgow
* A Poole BA, West of England
F J Bardsley BA, Dunelm
A J F Brown BA, Warwick
E C Gardiner BA, Dunelm
J M Hubbard BA, Cardiff
C L Hunter BA, Leeds
* L Lloyd-Jukes BA, York
F J Muir BA, MA, London
S S Wells MA, Cantab, PhD, York
K E B Zarrett BA, Cardiff, MA, Exeter
C D Joyce, BA Stirling, RSA ESOL
A D Oliver BEd, Leicester
* D A Whitchurch BA, Swansea, TESOL, ESOL
K S Clark BSc, Manchester
* A J Palmer BSc, London, FCIEA
L Scrace BA(PE), HDE, Stellenbosch
A J Sheffield BSc, Leeds
P J Thomas BSc, Dunelm
N Yates BSc, MSc, London
T W Butterworth BA, Southampton
E M Crozier BA, Lancaster
D A Evans MA, Cantab
M C B McFarland BA, Nottingham
* B H Sandell BA, Exeter
J A Spencer MA, Bristol
C W W Wilson BA, Exeter, Dip SpLD
* G R Parry BSc, London
Information Technology
M Ryan BA, West of England
W P J Whyte BA, Bath
S chool S taff
A cademic S taff by D epartment
W T W Jackson T Cert, Dip RSA, SpLD, AMBDA
J Leeming BA, Surrey, SpLD, PGCSpEd
Learning Development
E J O’Hanlon BA, PG Cert Prof, St. Ed, Wales
P I Sidey BA, PGCE, Leeds, MA, London
* C W W Wilson BA, Exeter, Dip. SpLD
S E Barley BSc Durham, MSc Bath
C J Hannavy BA, BEd, London
D S Innes BSc, Bath
S M Mallett BSc, London
R S McCammon BSc, Edinburgh
P J Minter BA, Brandeis, USA
* P A Mobbs BSc, Bath, MSc LSE
M A C Neve BSc, Bath
A A Page BA, MSci, Cantab, PhD, Leicester
T J Price MA, DPhil, Oxon
G S Ward BSc, Reading
* P J Harrison BA, Birmingham
Modern Languages - French
D C Hills BA, Bristol
J P Plews BA, Sheffield
S Walton-Knight BA, Birmingham
S Cooke BA, London
Modern Languages - German
S Walton-Knight BA, Birmingham
*V A H Wilks BA, Exeter
S Cooke BA, London
Modern Languages - Spanish
* A L Evans BA, Portsmouth
D C Hills BA, Bristol
* A L Jackson BA, Nottingham
* B D Gudgeon BA, Bristol, MA, Washington State, FRSA, AmusTCL
D E Irving BMus, London, MA, Bristol
C W Sims
C J Totney BA, Dunelm, ARCO DipChD
The D aunt seian 2014
A cademic S taff by D epartment
G Alford BA
J E Barwood BMus
P Henley GBSMhons, ABSM
D E Irving Bristol University
R Jardine BA, MTC, ALCM
M J Lomas BA, Dunelm, PhD, LRSM, PGCE
D C Loveridge BMus (Hons), MA
Peripatetic Music Staff
S P Nicholls
P Price Jones BSc, ARAM, LRAM, PGCA
J E Richards (formerly Morton) BA
E Saddington BMus, London
W Sims BA
P Skelton BA, LRAM
A D Stockley LGSM
M Taylor GRNCM
C J Totney, BA, Dunelm ARCO DipChD
K Vaughan GGSM
J R Ayling ECB Level 3
* M D Collison BSc, Bath
O Corbett BA, Durham
D A Fulling BSc, Cardiff
S L Hardman BSc, Bangor
Physical Education
A E J Heath BSc, Oxford Brookes
T D Meatyard Bath
A J Molineaux BPhEd, BSc, Otago
* M J Olsen BA, Cardiff - Director of Sport
L Scrace BA(PE), HDE, Stellenbosch
W P J Whyte BA, Bath
S chool S taff
A cademic S taff by D epartment
M D Collison BSc, Bath
A Level PE
* S J Hardman BEd, Loughborough
L Scrace BA(PE), HDE, Stellenbosch
A E J Heath BSc, Oxford Brookes
C Childs RGN
S Cooke BA, London
L K Egan BA, Loughborough
A J Molineaux BPhEd, BSc, Otago
M J Olsen BA, Cardiff
L Scrace BA(PE), HDE, Stellenbosch
* A J Sheffield BSc, Leeds
S Walton-Knight BA, Birmingham
W P J Whyte BA, Bath
* K H Pratt BA, Surrey
E S Conidaris BSc, Open
Religious Studies
* S B M Gifford MA, Exeter, BD, Wales
The Rev’d D R Johnson BSc, Birmingham, MA, Oxon
K H Pratt BA, Surrey
* T R Marris DTP, YMIE, Master Unlimited
A Seager DTP, YMO
* A J Crossley BSc, Newcastle
A E Bowring BSc, Cardiff
C R Brakes BSc, Plymouth, MSc, Swansea, PhD, Leicester
S J Hardman BEd, Loughborough
Science - Biology
* V R Muir BSc, Canterbury (NZ), BSc, Open, MIBiol
R E J Palmer BSc, Southampton
E Scott BSc, London
E H Slade BSc, Bristol
J F E Upton BSc, London
A E Bowring BSc, Cardiff
N D Cameron BSc, Aberdeen
* A J Crossley BSc, Newcastle
Science - Chemistry
A M Lees MA, Cantab, BA, BSc, Open
J F O’Hanlon BSc, Wales
T J Parker MA, Oxon, MRSC
R J Squire BSc, Loughborough
The D aunt seian 2014
A cademic S taff by D epartment
A J Crossley BSc, Newcastle
A E James BSc, York
A M Lees MA, Cantab, BA, BSc, Open
Science - Physics
* R V Lewis BSc, PhD, Wales, FRAS
C Swinbank BSc, Exeter, MIinstP
P K Wheatley MA, Cantab
D Zammit BSc, Kent, MSc, Brighton
A dministration & A ssistants
Examinations Officer
Head Master’s Secretary
DofE Administrator
J H Sagers BA, York
J C Gibson BSc, Exeter
D E Caiger
V L Kenneth PgDip, LSBU
M Bellostas (Spanish) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Language Assistants
M Ivak (German) Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
E Leman (French) BA, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense in France
D A Fulling (Sport and PE) BSc, Cardiff
D E Irving (Music) BMus, London, MA, Bristol
GAT Students
S L Hardman (Sport) BSc, Bangor
T D Meatyard (Sport) BA, Bath
L K Palmer (Drama) BA, Loughborough
C Childs RGN - Senior Sanatorium Sister
L Barnes RGN
L Bruce RGN
G Bush-Alsop RGN
E Fleming RGN
Nursing Sisters
J Harber RGN
G Livermore RGN
M Maidment RGN
L Rawlings RGN
J Roberts RGN
P Singlehurst RGN, HV
School Counsellors
C Coupe BEd, Leeds, MBACP (Accred)
A K Jarrett Dip Counselling
S chool S taff
H ousemasters /M istresses & T utors
N Yates & C L Yates
K Glynn, L K Palmer, C L Yates
W P J Whyte, A J Palmer (Assistant)
S B M Gifford, J L Leeming, P A Mobbs, A J Palmer, T J Parker, B H Sandell
J A Spencer
J R Ayling, R V Lewis, N C Spear, S S Wells
E C Gardiner
S Cooke, M A Cooper, M Ryan, C J Totney
S J Hardman, P K Wheatley (Assistant)
S E Barley, J F Brown, A J Lewis, E H Slade, R J Squire, P K Wheatley, V A H Wilks
A L Jackson
A E Bowring, N M Lallemand, K E B Zarrett
E M Crozier
R E J Palmer, A Poole, K H Pratt, L Scrace
K S Clark
P J Harrison, A E J Heath, C L Hunter, R S McCammon, S K Walton-Knight
T W Butterworth, A A Page (Assistant), A E Sampson (Assistant)
G I Butterworth, O Corbett, D A Fulling, A A Page
P J Thomas
A J Crossley, T D Meatyard, A J Sheffield
M J Olsen
L K Egan, J M Hubbard, P J Minter, J P Plews
G S Ward
F J Bardsley, A L Evans, D S Innes, A J Molineaux
The D aunt seian 2014
S alvete
M r A ngus B arker
M iss E lise C hambers
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I teach EAL.
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am a drama teacher.
What is the best thing about your subject?
I enjoy the fact that I’m working with students from a wide
range of countries and language backgrounds and seeing
their level of English improve.
Do you speak any foreign languages?
No, I don’t, however I wish I could speak one, it is a bit of a
dream of mine!
What drew you to teaching?
I wanted to work with children originally and help them
learn, so I became a primary school teacher. I also was interested in working with people from other countries so later
switched to English language teaching. To be honest, I also
liked the idea of long holidays!
Do you speak any other languages?
I speak Spanish quite well as my wife is Spanish-speaking;
and I try to speak a little of one or two other languages.
What music do you listen to?
I like Bob Dylan and also traditional folk music from various
What music do you listen to?
Anything that’s played on Radio 1.
Who inspires you?
In terms of Drama, I like Frantic Assembly and Kneehigh.
They are incredible theatre companies.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Drama. Hands down, Drama!
Are you a member of any groups outside of school?
Yes, a book club, which I enjoy.
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
Baby Spice, every time. I guess because she looks the most
like me, is very cute, values her mum and can actually sing!
What was your favourite subject at school?
I liked Latin best! Because I liked learning about the history,
enjoying the literature as well as learning the language.
Are you a member of any groups outside of school?
I am involved in a local church and the Wiltshire Ornithological Society.
S alve te
M iss E mily D avies
M r J amie H olmes
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I’m the new drama GAT!
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am a teacher of Science, Biology and Psychology. I also do
karate in games sessions.
Can you speak any other languages?
Well, I like to say I speak Spanish, however I did get a D at
AS level, so I’m not really sure it counts!
What music do you listen to?
I like a mix of stuff really, especially reggae and very relaxing
Who inspires you?
Jennifer Lawrence because she’s just great!
What was your favourite subject in school?
I didn’t do drama, but I did enjoy art, we had a really crazy
teacher who was always really funny.
Are you a member of any groups outside of school?
I am a member of a Harry Potter club with my friends from
school, and I am Harry Potter! It is always great fun.
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
Hmmm… this is quite a hard one, I would probably be Baby
Spice, because she gets looked after, I think she has the
most fun, and she always has a lollypop in her mouth which
would be pretty great!
What would you say is the best thing about your subject?
It encompasses all of the sciences in some way or another,
so it’s not just Physics, Chemistry, or Biology. It’s also very
relatable. I think some aspects of Physics and Chemistry are
quite difficult to place into context, whereas everyone can
relate to the human body.
What drew you to teaching?
It was actually in the third year of university and there were
some brilliant lecturers but some were fairly awful and didn’t
really know how to get their ideas across and would just
stand there talking at you. So I started to think that if I was a
lecturer I would have done it like this and so on.
What are your first impressions of Dauntsey’s?
Absolutely incredible. The facilities are amazing and the
students are unlike any I’ve ever worked with before – in a
good way! I feel like we’re working towards the same thing,
which is to get you guys the best grades possible.
What job did you do before coming here?
I was a teacher of Science, and Biology and Psychology to
the Sixth Form at John Bentley, Calne.
Do you speak any other languages?
No; I can barely speak this one!
Do you have a favourite film?
It has got to be the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
The D aunt seian 2014
M iss K ate L a B roy
M rs A mber L ascelles
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
Graduate assistant teacher of PE
Would there be anything you’d change or introduce here?
Nope, so far so good!
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
Head Master’s wife, Geography Teacher, mother, cook,
cleaner, dogsbody
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
Baby spice, I am the youngest and only blonde member of
my family.
Do you speak any other languages?
A tiny bit of Spanish.
What music do you listen to?
Anything, a lot of running tunes.
Who inspires you?
It is hard to pick a single person that inspires me. Every day
people achieve great things, overcome challenges, exceed
expectations and work hard. They inspire me.
What was your favourite subject at school?
P.E. and Maths.
Are you in a member of any groups outside of school?
Back home I was a member of a cycling club. At university I
was in the snowriders’ society, the RAG society, and part of
the hockey team. So far, since moving here, I have joined the
gym, though finding the time is hard!
What is the best thing about your subject?
Variety and breadth; physical world to human and the fact
that the subject overlaps with so many others; it is also constantly changing; working with Mr Yates.
What drew you to teaching?
My husband?! – He interviewed me for my first job! My
mother too - she wanted me out of the house and so sent off
my job application!
Do you speak any other languages?
Sadly I don’t – one of my regrets!
What music do you listen to?
Children’s classics in the car including Row, Row the Boat
and Humpty Dumpty.
What was your favourite subject at school?
Geography, of course!
Are you a member of any groups outside of school?
Lots of toddler groups; Canoe Union – I used to compete in
Canoe Slalom when I was younger and fitter!
S alve te
M r S am M oore
M rs A li M urphy
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
Head of Adventure Education. My role is to ensure that all
pupils at Dauntsey’s have access to a variety of challenging
adventures and to help them learn from them, whether they
were successful or not.
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am the school councillor here, one of two.
What is the best thing about your subject?
That everybody in the school will engage with it in some way
or another, whether it’s through the First Form Brenscombe
programme, a house trip, Moonrakers or one of the challenging adventures available to the Sixth Form.
What music do you listen to?
I listen to lots of different music actually; a lot of the music
that comes out of my children’s bedrooms, which I might not
choose myself, but also a mixture of classical music.
What drew you to teaching?
I really enjoy helping other people achieve, in whatever format that takes. Being part of a journey that makes someone
independent enough to overcome challenges and achieve
one of their ambitions is a great privilege.
Do you speak any other languages?
I did French and German to GCSE but my French is much
better, I can have a basic conversation in it. I also have a
smattering of Spanish from spending time in Central and
South America. I always try to learn “hello” and “thank-you”
in whatever country I am in as they seem to go a long way
in making friends!
What was your favourite subject at school?
Probably Physics or Maths. My degree is actually in Mechanical
Engineering so I used both extensively at university. There
is something very satisfying about discovering the patterns
that underlie our otherwise chaotic world.
The D aunt seian 2014
Do you speak any other languages?
I speak a little bit of French, but not since A-Level.
Who inspires you?
I’m inspired more by people you come across in life, rather
than famous people, for example people that have overcome
challenges, such as wounded soldiers.
What was your favourite subject at school?
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
I would be… Baby Spice I think, because she seems the
friendliest and gentlest.
M iss H olly P earson
M iss S arah R ountree
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am the new History of Art and Art teacher.
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
Art teacher, Evans tutor and U13’s hockey coach.
Would there be anything you’d change or introduce here?
More art exhibitions in the art school.
Would there be anything you’d change or introduce here?
An official girls’ cricket team. Photography and print making.
Do you speak any other languages?
I speak Italian, not fluently, but I do my best.
Do you speak any other languages?
French and Gaelic, but poorly.
What music do you listen to?
I’m really enjoying Ludovico Einaudi, he is an Italian pianist.
He is amazing and I love playing his stuff on the piano.
What music do you listen to?
A very wide range of music but my go-to genre is rock. For
example, Muse, Lansdowne, Shaman’s Harvest.
What was your favourite subject at school?
It was art. I enjoy life drawing.
Who inspires you?
My Mum. She has instilled in me that hard work and perseverance can get you anywhere.
Are you in a member of any groups out side of school?
I was part of a rowing club, until last month. I’ve only just
moved to the area, so I need to find some clubs.
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
Well, I think it would have to be Posh, because I would want
to wear all the designer clothes.
What was your favourite subject at school?
I had three - Art, PE and Biology.
Are you in a member of any groups out side of school?
Salisbury Hockey Club.
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
Sporty - Because she is the most outgoing and it’s the closest
to my personality.
S alve te
M rs A nn S ampson
M iss S ophy S mith
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am Assistant Housemistress at the Manor.
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I’m a gap year student so I work in the Games department.
What drew you to Dauntsey’s?
I first came to Dauntsey’s as a parent; I particularly liked the
fact that, as well as offering a good all round education for
my children, the school encourages strong family values and
What are your first impressions of Dauntsey’s?
I am quite overwhelmed, because it’s a beautiful place, and
all the facilities you have are quite amazing.
What are your first impressions of Dauntsey’s?
As a parent, the school continually impresses me! As a new
member of staff, I have been delighted that I have been so
warmly welcomed into the community.
What job did you do before coming to Dauntsey’s?
Air Traffic Control Officer in the Royal Air Force, followed by
Teaching Assistant.
Do you speak any other languages?
A tiny bit of French and German!
Do you have a favourite film?
The Great Escape
What are the best and worst things about the Manor so far?
‘Best’ is definitely the children and staff; I haven’t had a
‘worst’ so far!
The D aunt seian 2014
What’s the best thing about the area in which you teach?
Probably just how much land you have and opportunity and
obviously, you guys: all the pupils are lovely.
What drew you to teaching?
Probably just being a role model and knowing how I felt at
school - I just wanted to go out there.
What previous jobs did you have?
I am a qualified teacher, so I was teaching in London for the
last three years.
Do you speak any other languages?
No. I did a bit of German at school but I wouldn’t say I’m
What’s your favourite film?
Probably anything with Channing Tatum in it.
What sports do you play?
Netball is my main sport and I quite like Rounders as well –
it’s always fun in the summer.
M iss K athrin T ittel
M iss C aroline W addell
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am the German assistant.
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
Teacher of Mathematics, tutor in Hemens house and I also
do a bit of Games as well.
If you could be any spice girl, who would you be and why?
I think I’d go for Sporty Spice because it’s cool to be fit and
What is the best thing about your subject?
I find it interesting, and it applies to everything.
Do you speak any other languages?
German, only a bit of French. I would say Latin because I
studied it but it’s not a spoken language.
What drew you to teaching?
I think that sometimes subjects are taught badly and you
need people who are enthusiastic about their subjects.
What music do you listen to?
I like listening to the radio but I also like indie rock, and pop,
and some German bands that you might not know. English
bands I like are Mumford and Sons, Bastille, and Fun.
What are your first impressions of Dauntsey’s?
It’s a lovely school, the food is awesome and the kids are also
Who inspires you?
My mum, and Cornelia Funke, my favourite German author.
What was your favourite subject at school?
I liked Maths and Latin.
Are you in a member of any groups out side of school?
I’d really like to be involved in archery club and table tennis
but unfortunately I can’t make time for either.
What job did you do before coming here?
I was a Physics teacher at a boys’ grammar school.
Do you speak any other languages?
Binary and C but no other actual languages!
Do you have a favourite film?
I love Walk the Line, which is a Johnny Cash film.
What made you decide to become a tutor in a boys’ house?
I asked for it because I taught all boys before and I thought
that it would be nice breaking into a new school having
tutees who are all boys - because that’s what I know best!
S alve te
What drew you to teaching?
Obviously I love my subject; and during university I went
off to China to do some teaching and while I was there I
had that amazing moment where a little boy, who had been
struggling forever with a terribly simple English phrase, suddenly got it and the light in his eyes was really inspiring, so
that was probably the moment.
What are your first impressions of Dauntsey’s?
Busy; and a great community.
What jobs did you do before coming here?
I was a classics teacher at Dean Close.
Do you speak any other languages?
I tend to learn languages as a hobby for when I travel, so
I have dabbled in quite a few languages, such as: modern
Greek, Italian, Spanish, obviously French from GCSE, Czech
and Bahasa, which is Malay.
M iss A yesha W ebb
What is your role here at Dauntsey’s?
I am Head of Classics and am also a tutor in King-Reynolds.
What is the best thing about your subject?
The subtlety and diversity of the subject because it covers so
much from Virgil’s mighty poetry.
What annoys you most in life?
Poor grammar and I don’t like mess – that upsets me more
than annoys me – my inner being starts to convulse.
Do you play a musical instrument?
I sing (but badly).
Grace Nagel
The D aunt seian 2014
V alete
Performances were approached in a professional manner
without losing a sense of fun, and they were, above all, musical.
The Music Department also benefited from the
presence of other members of the Alford family. Her husband Martin, for many years Head of Music at Pewsey Vale,
was a frequent visitor as adjudicator, viola player, organist
and piano soloist, and their son Nicholas, a star tuba player,
was a pupil 1996-98.
Generations of grateful pupils will wish Gaynor
and Martin a long and fruitful retirement. They are great
travellers, in particular to the wine-growing areas of the
Mediterranean which seem to attract so many musicians in
their mellow years.
Nicholas Hale
Assistant Director of Music 1970-2006
G aynor A lford
Gaynor Alford, oboist and the longest-serving of our visiting
teachers, retired in July after 36 years in the Music Department. From the moment of her arrival in autumn 1978 we
knew that we had something special: Gaynor made the most
wonderful sound (I still remember her playing of Ich habe
genug and the St Matthew Passion). But more than that; it
soon became clear that she was a brilliant and natural teacher.
The oboe has the reputation of being a difficult instrument
for beginners, the reed hard to control and the sound coarse
(as with the violin, they say that the first five years are the
worst). Not so with Gaynor’s pupils: from Lesson One they
made the oboe sound like a musical instrument. The piece
may have had only three notes (G, A, B) – I am thinking
of the Lower School Music Competition in October, after
perhaps four lessons – but it was a proper performance. You
heard the Alford sound, and they practised (even scales).
And all this achieved without fuss, or pressure. It is a rare
gift. Not surprisingly her pupils regularly earned Distinction marks in AB exams. I can think of several UVI pupils
who, when their contemporaries abandoned ‘extracurricular’
activities under pressure of A-levels, kept their lessons going
through the summer term as they found them an oasis of
calm and sanity. (Nor did their exam results suffer!)
Pupil loyalty extended to participation in the various instrumental groups which Gaynor ran. There was the
popular Razzamajazz ensemble of junior recorders (but
‘proper’ music, in parts!) from which one might graduate to
the Senior Recorder Group, an expert consort playing the
classics. There were also the double reed groups, a fluctuating population of oboe, cor and bassoon players. Needless
to say, there was rarely a problem of attendance at rehearsal.
B ob B ateman
Bob joined the Economics and Business Department for a sixth
month maternity cover appointment in February 2014. After
forging a long and successful career as Head of Economics
and Business and Head of Careers at Worksop College, Bob
had spent recent years in a number of temporary positions
at independent schools including Queen’s School Chester,
Ampleforth College and Wellington College. In breaks from
full-time teaching, Bob had been free to both pursue his keen
interest in motorcycling, cruising the Pacific Coast Highway
and Route 66 on a Harley Davidson, and to spend more time
restoring and selling the classic cars that he loves.
Vale te
Bob proved to be a generous and relaxed team member
who was quickly at home in Dauntsey’s. His conversational
and warm approach with pupils and his efforts to consistently praise his students were much admired. Outside of the
classroom, Bob was an active contributor to boy’s tennis; a
role he relished. He will be fondly remembered for the introduction of a magically refilling biscuit tin in the department
office, though we will be billing him for the larger waist
banded trousers we have needed to buy as a result.
On leaving Dauntsey’s, Bob finally waves farewell to a
forty year career in teaching and looks forward to an active
retirement where he can spend his days working on, and
enjoying, the motor vehicles that are his passion. We wish
Bob and his wife Alison every happiness in their retirement and thank him for his contribution to the Dauntsey’s
Frankly, the thought of David leaving is almost unbearable; in large part due to his wonderfully deep, rich, throaty
laugh: a source of much chagrin to the school librarians in
their robust attempts to ensure meditative silence amongst
the pupils – yet a genuine source of visible joy to scores
of colleagues in the Common Room and around campus.
Indeed, once David stopped the Memorial Hall silent with
his laughter as he proved to one sixth former’s parents that
their daughter could not spell ‘revolution’ by asking her to do
so out loud!
David is to be admired in other ways, too. Firstly, he is a
serious historian, with a deep and intimate understanding of
the past. On appointment, he commented that his A Level
topic teaching experience spanned ‘most of the last 1000
years’! More than this, as a professional historian, David has
part-edited, part-written a series of volumes covering British
history to 2007.
On a more practical level, the fact that a man more than
twice my age can cycle almost everywhere in a wonderful
combination of fluorescent yellow and tweed is a source of
constant awe to me. In addition, his abilities to see the good
in everyone and to keep life firmly in perspective mark him
out as a very special person. Nothing is ever too much trouble, and nothing is ever insurmountable.
I know that, even in his second retirement, David will
entertain our Upper Sixth historians with numerous enrichment events; not least his eye-watering talk on French
Rococo painting known to all and sundry as the ‘Bosoms and
Buttocks’ lecture. Perhaps the best story attached to David,
though, is one I have heard only indirectly. David was at
Cambridge with Messrs Chapman and Cleese shortly before
they joined forces with Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones
and Michael Palin – and formed Monty Python. Anyone who
has ever watched Monty Python’s Life of Brian (1979) and
laughed out loud at Palin’s Pontius Pilate and subsequently
met DAE is sure, I know, to guess whence such fine inspiration came!
David, the Dauntsey’s School Department of History
salute you.
D avid E vans
Often one hears that ‘so-and-so’ is a ‘larger than life’ individual. Rarely can this be the case more than with DAE. David
Evans has been one of the most inspirational colleagues with
whom I have ever had the pleasure to work – and I say this
with no hint of hyperbole.
David read History at Cambridge before he started
teaching, at Eton, in 1965; then embarking upon a career
which spanned four decades – a career in which he was to
teach many of the great and good of the British establishment – and Boris Johnson. As with any true schoolmaster,
his sense of vocation was such that, on retirement to Devizes
in 2006, David decided to teach part time at Dauntsey’s.
Indeed, my own appointment in 2009 was, in effect, to
replace him! Even so, within a year, David was back – latterly
helping scores of Upper Sixth with both coursework enquiries and Oxbridge applications – both duties he undertook
with characteristic zeal.
The D aunt seian 2014
C ath H annavy
Cath has had two spells at Dauntsey’s – the first from
September 2009 to August 2011 and the second, to cover
maternity leave, from December 2012 to August 2014. Cath
has been a very valuable member of the maths team, with
great enthusiasm for her subject and a wealth of teaching
experience to draw on. She has shown near super-human
patience at times and always finds the positives in the pupils
she teaches. In all her pupils, she sees the potential they have
and strives to develop it to the maximum. We wish her well
in her retirement, including with her Masters studies.
Annie (and her ever increasingly impressive collection
of fluorescent shoes) leaves us to embark on the next phase
of her progression as a teacher of great potential. A busy bee,
having been on numerous school trips and sports tours, as
the 2013/14 academic year drew to a close, the void left by
Annie’s impending departure to the sunnier climes of Surrey
and the lure of St Catherine’s in Bramley beckoned. Annabel
(as she will be known on the lacrosse field) was born, and
the artist formally known as Heathy would soon depart the
grandeur of West Lavington.
Annie has been a very valued member of the PE and
Games departments, and the wider school community, and
she will be greatly missed. I also have no doubt that she will
certainly miss the environment to which he has become
accustomed. An ambitious lady of genuine integrity and
sensitivity, I have no doubt that her infectious personality
and honest outlook will see her succeed in all walks of life. A
heart of gold, Annie is a true friend, and we are very grateful that she has benefited so many aspects of Dauntsey’s life
during the last five years.
A nnie H eath
Annie was appointed full time at Dauntsey’s in September
2010 as Head of Swimming, teacher of PE and Jeanne House
tutor. She was initially employed as a Graduate Assistant
Teacher in September 2009; a self confessed academic, fresh
from her university days at Oxford… Brookes.
Since then, she took on several other roles, to which she
brought enthusiasm and unparalleled effort; in September
2011 she took on the role of Head of Lower School Athletics,
which then progressed in September 2012 to include Head
of Girls’ Athletics. In September 2012, Annie switched from
Jeanne House to Lambert to continue her pastoral tutor role,
whilst she also began teaching A Level PE to the Lower
Sixth. In January 2013, Annie also started her last additional
role, as co-ordinator of the Clubs and Societies programme.
Throughout this time, Annie has delivered games and outreach sessions across the age and ability range, as well as
playing an active role in Moonrakers.
Annie soon made a very positive impression with her
energetic approach, bewitching girl band good looks and
total commitment to school life as a team player. Indeed,
Annie was soon working her magic on the hockey field and
netball courts, coaching the U12A and U13A players to glory,
as well as aiding the 1st XI hockey team with her tactical
insight and video analysis. The summer was always Annie’s
favourite time of the year – time to don the ray bans and
wear her red and white rugby shorts before organising and
running a slick operation on the Athletics track – an additional aspect of her ever increasing repertoire.
Hugely gullible (or overly trusting), always ready and
willing to help, ask questions, take the initiative and be the
best she can be, Annie undeniably blossomed and grew in
confidence under the ‘mercurial’ guidance of her more experienced colleagues! Throughout Annie’s time at Dauntsey’s,
the pupils always responded very readily to her relaxed but
firm manner, fully respectful of the knowledge and quality
that she has brought to the table in hockey, athletics and
netball, as well as tennis and a whole host of extra-curricular
clubs and societies.
M ichi I vak
Michi is the first German assistant in my time at Dauntsey’s
to have stayed for longer than a year – in fact she gave us
three years of her time. We first met her when we took the
Upper School German trip to Lindau in 2011. Michi was
our instructor for the week and her first task was to take us
for a weekend’s skiing in Lech. SKWK and I quickly recognised that she possessed bags of determination coupled with
heaps of staying power when she aced her first challenge teaching three complete beginners to ski down a red run in
the space of one morning.
We were so impressed by Michi’s German lessons back
at the language school in Lindau that we rather brazenly
poached her – and that snap decision has proved to be a very
wise one. Over her three years with us Michi successfully
prepared 148 pupils for their IGCSE, AS and A2 oral exams,
stretching the most able, boosting the less confident and
never losing patience with the most frustrating. However,
despite her calm exterior you would be foolish to take her
for a pushover. When we visited the Reichstag during our
Upper 6th trip to Berlin back in November she put her hand
up in the middle of a very dry presentation on German politics and asked the government official whether he was going
to tell us anything more useful, because his speech really
wasn’t of any interest to her pupils! Her understanding of
recent German history, together with her own experiences
as a small child living in Czechoslovakia and then escaping
to West Germany with her family gave our Upper 6th pupils
an amazing insight into their cultural topic on the fall of the
Berlin Wall. It is largely to her credit that so many of our A
Level pupils over the last few years have chosen to continue
with German at university level.
Michi also spent many an evening on duty in the
school library, coached trampolining and helped out with
Vale te
Moonrakers, all the while continuing to produce art work
for a German sailing website and returning to Lindau each
summer to teach at a summer school. She is incredibly diligent and focused and it therefore came as no surprise to any
of us when she was offered a place at Oxford University for
September 2014 to do a PGCE. Michi, we wish you every
success. We will miss you enormously and know you will
make a wonderful teacher. Thank you for all that you did for
the German department and for all your pupils during your
time at Dauntsey’s.
N aomi L allemand
C aryl J oyce
Caryl Joyce will be remembered by pupils and colleagues
alike for all the escapades she, her husband, children, horse
and dog got into. A great storyteller who could laugh at
herself, Caryl joined Dauntsey’s in 2007 after an extensive
teaching career in Europe and America. She and her husband, Dick, share interests in drama, music, literature, walking and learning languages –they will be surrounded by
different nationalities at their holiday home in Crete so they
can practise a lot.
Her pupils will remember her kindness, patience and
support - Mrs Joyce could be relied upon for help whenever
required. The department valued her greatly as a colleague
who shared her extensive knowledge and experience as a
teacher and examiner.
Mrs Joyce introduced and ran EAL News and Views - a
termly magazine for EAL students to showcase their English
(in articles, quizzes, poems, art etc.) This is her legacy to
We wish her and her husband every happiness for a
long retirement without too many escapades.
The D aunt seian 2014
Naomi Lallemand worked at Dauntsey’s School since September 2008 as a full time Drama teacher and House tutor
in Jeanne.
Na is an outstanding teacher who inspires the students she teaches and shares her love, passion and intellectual knowledge with every one. She can take a capable
student and inspire them to greater things and she can take
an outstanding achiever and take them to a higher level
through challenging and demanding work. Enormous theoretical understanding backs up what she offers in practical
work. Above all her approach is energetic, good humoured,
friendly, dedicated and totally inspirational to the students.
As a teacher she taught from First Form through to A2
classes and she has been responsible for some tremendous
results at GCSE and ‘A’ Level.
Naomi had many opportunities to direct within the
extra curricular work of the Drama department and she
brings a professionalism and vision to the plays that she
directs. She is a dedicated theatre practitioner. ‘Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory’, ‘King Lear’ and ‘The Butterfly’s Evil
Spell’, ‘Road’ and ‘Blood Wedding’ were just some of the
many plays that both challenged the performers and often
the audiences.
In her role as a House tutor in Jeanne she was sympathetic, friendly and committed and her tutees cannot speak
highly enough of her.
Na is a unique personality, with her very own style to
life, including a love of cats, cake and all things pink and
yellow. Her sunny outlook, and ability to inspire all will be
missed by the department, drama students and by the school
as a whole.
We wish her well at Bradfield College where she will be
Head of Academic Drama.
B onnie M atters
T om M eatyard
Bonnie Matters joined the school shop 17 years ago working
only a few hours a week sorting out the lost property. She
worked alongside the wonderful Lavender Davy who sadly
passed away this year.
On Lavender’s retirement Bonnie stepped up to become
the manager and ran it seamlessly, supplying students and
teaching staff alike with everything they needed. Nothing
was ever too difficult to find. The shop grew in size and went
from being hand written ledgers (hours of deciphering illegible signatures on receipts!) to an efficient computer driven
emporium, kitting out thousands of students with uniform
and equipping the entire school with stationery.
Married to Richard Matters she came to the school as a
well travelled Army wife, mother of four and had previously
worked as a nurse; all of which armed her with a wealth
of experiences and knowledge which the pupils and staff
benefitted from over the years. She also acted as a guardian
to several overseas children, who now visit as adults as she
created such a loving home for family, friends and visitors
alike – including several naughty suspended pupils needing
a temporary safe haven in which to reflect on their actions.
Running a B &B service to many visiting overseas parents, teaching staff and some very colourful characters from
EFL during the school summer holidays has been just part
of Bonnie’s busy life. She is also dedicated to the church in
West Lavington and is a member of the choir and the Choral
Society and has recently been invested as a church warden.
She is a very strong community figure, generous to a fault
and will never be bored!
Having worked closely with Bonnie over the years we
lucky few in the shop can honestly say she is the kindest,
most considerate, caring person we have ever had the privilege to work with. We will miss her greatly, but hope that
when the smoke signals go up from the shop she will rush
across the fields to our rescue!
Tom Meatyard joined Dauntsey’s School in 2012 as a Graduate Assistant Teacher of Sport and PE, having completed
his degree in Sport and Social Science at Bath University.
Tom wanted to gain experience of working in an Independent School and spent two years at Dauntsey’s. Tom had
played for the England Students’ rugby team and was fully
involved in coaching rugby during his time at Dauntsey’s.
As well as coaching the Under 12As and Under 14Bs he
also helped coach the 2nd XV to an unbeaten season in 2013.
Tom finished his time at Dauntsey’s by travelling to Australia
with the 1st XV where he was responsible for strength and
Throughout his time at Dauntsey’s Tom was heavily
involved in the games programme and as well as coaching
rugby, he coached hockey, cricket and athletics. He helped
out in PE lessons and was part of our outreach programme
to local primary schools. Tom was involved in the Moonrakers programme and enjoyed taking mountain biking,
river crossing, team building and most of all cooking.
Tom especially enjoyed the two trips to Aberdovey in the
Summer Term.
In his final year Tom was also a tutor in Mercers’ House
where his good humour, his desire to seek the best for all
the boys, and his massive frame, ensured he was revered
and respected in equal measure. Tom also involved himself
in strength and conditioning during his two years here and
the pupils were very grateful for all the extra hours that he
put in helping and guiding them with their personal fitness.
Tom has gone on to take a PGCE at Cardiff Metropolitan
University and at the end of 2015 he will qualify as a PE
teacher. Tom will always be remembered as a young member
of staff full of enthusiasm and I know he will go on to be an
excellent and inspiring PE teacher.
Vale te
The kids loved it. Without doubt, Miss ‘Molly’ was cool, with
phrases such as ‘no way’ and ‘far out’ soon becoming synonymous. In addition, Anna’s capacity to make people smile or
laugh, together with an inbuilt modesty, both of which are
very noteworthy qualities, make her fantastic company.
Anna has been a very valued member of the PE and
Games departments, and the wider school community, and
she will be greatly missed. I also have no doubt that she will
certainly miss the environment to which she has become
accustomed. Anna leaves Dauntsey’s to take up a position
as PE Teacher and Netball Coach at KES Bath, so we will
certainly see her on the schools’ circuit during fixtures. I have
every confidence that Anna will continue to be a great success in her new role, and we wish her the very best of luck.
She loves sport. She loves teaching kids. She loves giving
her time to others. And we have loved having her here at
Dauntsey’s. Thanks Mol, it’s been a pleasure.
A nna M olineaux
Having made the trip over from the deepest darkest depths
of New Zealand, Anna was appointed at Dauntsey’s in September 2010, when she was initially employed as a Graduate Assistant Teacher, before securing a permanent post as
a teacher of PE in September 2011. Throughout her time at
Dauntsey’s, Anna demonstrated excellent subject knowledge and energy in core PE lessons and games, where she
coached hockey, netball, athletics, swimming and tennis
across the 11-18 age range, as well as cooking amazing pizzas in Moonrakers. Pastorally, Anna was both a residential
tutor in Jeanne as well as a Lower School tutor, as a Scotty.
Anna primarily worked as the Sports Co-ordinator, an
organisational and logistical minefield, as well as organising
whole school charity events, such as the Swimathon, Rowathon and Runathon events. She was also in charge of Squash
and assisted with the running of Lower School and Senior
Girls’ Athletics as well as the Extra-Curricular Clubs and
Societies programme. She has coached at A team standard at
U12 and U13 in hockey, whilst also being solely responsible
for the U16A team netball squad and working closely with
the 1st team squad. Anna also went on several school trips
and tours to Aberdovey, Gibraltar and Romania, where her
input and insight was always of great value.
Popular amongst pupils and staff alike, she has been
greatly respected, and as a very committed member of the
department, always showed a range of very commendable interpersonal skills. Throughout her time here, Anna
has worn a smile on her face, been full of beans, and has
been happy to help out in whatever way possible. She has
involved herself in all aspects of the Dauntsey’s community,
and built an excellent reputation.
Famed for her soft antipodean drawl, and her International status as a Kiwi Netball and Track and Field star,
Anna immediately put her sporting knowledge to excellent
use, showing confidence and talent as an informed and very
approachable netball and jumps coach. The pupils’ games
sessions were filled with exciting warm-ups, skill progressions and game play, but the overall sense was one of fun.
The D aunt seian 2014
D r A lex P age
What can one say about Dr Page? How to sum him up in the
few words available to us from the editor? It is not an easy task.
My first thought was to say that he is one of the cleverest people I’ve ever met. A genuine polymath with remarkable knowledge of a vast number of matters. A Maths teacher
up to Further Maths level, yet he would not describe himself
as a mathematician. A Natural Scientist, who also taught
Physics, his true academic discipline is Geology. To hear him
when occasionally he started talking about rocks was a thing
of wonder. A master of the Daily Telegraph crossword, he has
an extraordinary general knowledge, once having appeared
on University Challenge, and reaching the quarter finals
with his college team.
Indeed, one did always wonder whether he was slightly
misplaced at in a school environment. A visit to his study or
his flat made one feel that he should have stayed at Oxford,
as a don, and taken chambers there, to pursue a lifetime of
academia. Let’s just say that he was more likely to turn to a
nice drop of Rioja, or a quality real ale, than he was to pick
up the vacuum and have a good tidy up!
However, his love of all things academic was only a mere
part of the Dr Page who many Dauntseians grew to love. His
willingness to spend all hours of the day and night working
on support strategies for his tutees, using his in-depth knowledge of learning styles and issues relating to particular learning needs was terrific, and highly valued at the Manor, where
he became an icon. His ability to pinpoint young people’s
characters and behaviour patterns with amazing perception
and alacrity was outstanding. In short he was one of the best,
if not the best, tutors I have ever seen at work.
So an outstanding academic, and a huge pastoral supporter of the pupils …. And yet, that still seems to leave
something short. How to get across the real Dr Page? Well,
perhaps it was his utter love of and passion for cricket,
despite having what he would freely admit was a modest
level of ability. His sartorial style, often to be seen in tweed
jacket, rugby shirt, shorts and socks, and leather shoes may
tell the story. One pupil was quoted as saying ‘there was
never a dull moment in anything he was part of’.
In the end perhaps there is one conclusion: that while
it is customary on these occasions to say that a certain leaver
will be missed, in reality for many, a few months later no-one
can really remember his name. In Alex’s case, he will be truly
and sorely missed. He was a larger than life, perhaps at times
eccentric, character who was loved by the pupils he worked
with, in many areas of school life. And I don’t think you can
say much better than that. We wish him well as he moves to
New Hall School in Essex.
R osie P almer
Rosie Palmer, (née Corke), returned to Dauntsey’s to teach
Biology in November 2012 but she first became a member
of the Dauntsey’s community in September 1993 when she
entered the First Form and joined her older brother, Will, and
her parents Bill and Sue Corke, at the School.
Rosie’s arriving to teach in the Biology department
continued the unbroken service provided by members of
the Corke family since 1979, when her father first joined the
School. Rosie had considered a career as a vet but teaching
was, obviously, in her blood and during her time working at
Dauntsey’s she taught alongside both her father and mother,
relishing being back in the School. Rosie writes“It’s been an
absolute joy to come back to teach. The School still retains
its wonderful community spirit and atmosphere. I will miss
the pupils a lot. I can genuinely say that I looked forward to
seeing my classes every time I taught them.”
Rosie was also delighted to re-new her association
with King-Reynolds House, this time as a tutor rather than
a tutee. Always one to be fully involved in every aspect of
School life when she was a pupil, it was obvious that Rosie
would be an excellent tutor and throw herself into the job.
Attending a medieval banquet with the prefects or dressing as an enormous spider and playing Quiddich in front of
the Head Master are all in a day’s work for a King-Reynolds
tutor and Rosie has enjoyed every aspect of the role.
Rosie sees Dauntsey’s as a home from home. Before
she was a pupil she would be taken to school on Saturday
mornings and, while her parents taught, she would visit the
toad in the Biology prep room and re-organise the stationery cupboard, finishing up with a visit to the Tuck Shop with
sweets from Mrs Willis.
One of Rosie’s earliest memories, when she was about
three years old, is attending the opening of the new swimming pool and seeing Guy King-Reynolds jump into the
pool fully clothed. This must have sparked Rosie’s love
of water as she was a member of the 1st swimming squad,
and completing the Devizes to Westminster canoe race she
counts as one of her greatest achievements. As a pupil, she
was also an avid sailor and enjoyed her trips on Jolie Brise
despite a disastrous first cruise in her Fourth Year when the
boat ran aground over night off the French coast, got storm
bound in Honfleur and the engine broke down on the return
crossing of the Channel.
I got to know Rosie when I taught her in the Sixth Form
and it has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to work
alongside one of my ex-students who, as I wrote in a report in
1999, “is excellent, gives her all, efficiently meets every deadline and always produces a very high standard of work”.
Rosie returned to Dauntsey’s to cover a colleague’s
maternity leave and left in July 2014 when she, too, went on
maternity leave to await the arrival of twin girls thus ending
the Corke dynasty in the Biology department.
There may be a gap of a few years to wait but Rosie’s
daughters, Maggie and Phoebe, born on 19th August, are sure
to be welcomed as new members of Dauntsey’s once they
reach secondary school age especially as their father, Will
Palmer, also has a Dauntsey’s connection. He was working
as First Mate on Jolie Brise when Rosie met him during her
GAP year.
We shall all miss Rosie. Always positive and full of
energy, no matter the size of her bump; she managed to keep
Vale te
teaching Pilates well into her pregnancy. Rosie’s stamina
and application to the job will be a huge loss and we wish
her, Will and Maggie and Phoebe all the best for the future.
P hilip P owell
L ydia P almer
It certainly feels as if Lydia Palmer has been with us for ever,
but then again I suppose she has, having moved from the
dark side of the student body after seven years to the even
darker side of the Common Room two years ago after she
had completed her University degree.
Set Painting, Prop Making, Scene shifting, regular assistance with classes, running the Drama Club, helping with
Dance classes, covering rehearsals, costume making, and
directing“It Snows”, Lydia was always a busy young lady but
still found time to help with English lessons, run the Bulletin and in her second year, be a wonderful tutor in Evans.
Everything she did helped shape her thoughts that teaching was the direction that she wanted to head in and Lydia
leaves us to pursue a PGCE course.
As a GAT, everything Lydia did she did with typical
rigour, enthusiasm, sense of humour and above all total professionalism. But all this pales into insignificance given what
Lydia is really about and why she will make a wonderful
teacher in the future. She is kind, there are very few people
kinder and perhaps this attribute is why we as a department
and indeed school, were so fond of her during her short time
with us.
Philip joined Dauntsey’s in September 2008 as Head of Classics. He came from Downside School and this was to be his
final post in a long teaching career which included spells at
City of London Boys’ School and St Dunstan’s College. He
was an old fashioned schoolmaster who believed in education in the widest sense; any pupil of his learnt not only
the narrow syllabus but also about the wider Classical and,
indeed, more modern world. As a Classicist his knowledge
was encyclopaedic and he was generous in his sharing of
this knowledge and made the Ancient world accessible to
all. There are a number of pupils whose lasting love of the
Ancient World was kindled by Philip.
Outside the classroom he was for several years a tutor
in Forbes House, where he brought his own inimitable style
to the job, guiding tutees with a firm but gentle hand. He
was also involved in cricket, both as the teacher in charge of
a team, and a member of the Summer Puddings. He led trips
to classical sites both in Britain and overseas; these proved
extremely popular, with his last one resulting in a party of
sixty setting out for Pompeii and Herculaneum. He also went
on a number of school trips, including the Lower School
German Trip and the Western Front Tour.
As a colleague he was willing to share his erudition
with the other members of his department and was an affable and well liked member of the Common Room. He was
always willing to converse on a wide variety of subjects and
brought considerable intellect and immense kindness to any
The D aunt seian 2014
Rose Shawe-Taylor joined Dauntsey’s as Director of Art in
2013. Coming from Wellington College, she brought with
her Art History at A level, which is already proving to be
a popular course. During her short time at Dauntsey’s she
organised an inspiring trip to Florence, where students benefitted from the expert knowledge of one of our School Governors, Michael Liversidge, who kindly gave of his time to
guide the group between the very best architecture and the
very best gelato.
The visit also included studio time in the extraordinary
Charles Cecil Studios: a complex established as studios by
Lorenzo Bartolini in the nineteenth century where figurative
art is taught using methods dating from the Renaissance.
Rose Shawe-Taylor has made a lasting impact, not least on
the redecoration and reorganisation of the department. She
presided over a period of change with an unflappable aura
of academic calm and a warmth that will be missed by staff
and students alike. Shrewsbury School are now fortunate to
count Rose Shawe-Taylor amongst their staff, as she now
resides there as their new Director of Art.
R ose S hawe -T aylor
Savannah Thompson
Vale te
O bituary
B ill P arish 1935–2014
Over the years Dauntsey’s school has been lucky to attract
some outstanding and talented teachers, but in all probability very few are the equal of former Head of Mathematics
Bill Parish. The combination of a penetrating intellect, with
a breadth of imagination and creative restlessness created
a true genius. But unusually for such a genius, one who
was above all else a kind, caring and generous teacher and
friend, as delighted by the progress of his weakest pupils as
he was with the intellectual heights of his Oxbridge scholars.
Although ‘genius’ may seem too strong a word it was very
interesting to learn at his funeral that as a child his school
IQ test scored so highly with MENSA he had to retake the
tests in London at the MENSA HQ and still achieved the
same result.
Charles William ‘Bill’ Parish was born in Wokingham in
March 1935 and was educated at various schools as a result
of his family moving around frequently. His initial aim was
to join the Navy and at the age of 17 he was training to
become a naval officer, achieving various distinctions and
awards in the process, but to his great dismay he was found
to be suffering from spinal problems, resulting in his being
invalided out of the service. Despite this disappointment
he resolved then to pursue academic aims, returned to take
his A-levels and then gained a degree in mathematics at
Cardiff University.
Still undecided about his future, he tentatively applied
for a post as mathematics teacher at Dauntsey’s, West Lavington, in 1963 and was duly appointed. In this role he
achieved considerable success and in 1966 he was appointed
Head of Mathematics at the school.
As a teacher Bill’s lessons have been described by many
past pupils as a revelation, the adolescent fog of mathematical confusion blown away by inspirational enthusiasm,
simplicity and clarity. He was conscientious to the point of
not staying out late in the evening in case it affected his lessons the following day. As the Housemaster of Fitzmaurice
he had outboarders staying with his family and it was seen
The D aunt seian 2014
as a great treat to be a boarding pupil in the Parish home. In
everything he did in and out of school he was supported by
his lovely wife Annie and his four sons.
Bill’s achievements extended far beyond the classroom
and still have a direct impact on the lives of every Dauntseian today. His breadth of interests and hobbies are legendary. It is said that everything he did, he did well - and there
were very few things he could not do; from bird-watching
to really beautiful carpentry, from photography to building
restoration, from the study of poetry and painting to sailing
and navigation.
His love of music ran through his whole life and his
knowledge and understanding of music was extraordinary,
far exceeding that of many specialist musicians. Although not
an outstanding practical musician he played the trombone
in school orchestra for many years. Even after he retired he
and Annie continued to support music and drama at school,
attending every concert and always offering his thanks and
congratulations to the current staff and pupils.
His lasting legacy is of course the very active and
hugely popular Sailing Club. In 1970 as part of the newly
formed ‘Moonrakers’ he taught a group of very land locked
fourth year children the art of navigation at sea (before the
days of GPS) and of course they were keen to put this into
practice. So an advert appeared in the newspapers along the
south coast…
“Slave Gang from Wiltshire public school offers its
services to owner of embarrassingly large boat in return
for some sailing”
A retired Commander Hoare volunteered his boat ‘The
Griffin’ and the sailing club was launched. Bill took teams of
pupils down to Weymouth at weekends to work on the boat
and at one point even had the boat brought up to the school
farmyard (those being the last days of home grown bacon)
for a complete refit. Under his foremanship the sailing club
refitted ‘The Griffin’ to a very high standard and re-launched
her from Dauntsey’s with television news coverage, only
to see her lost at sea when she broke her moorings a few
months later following a very bad storm. Almost immediately Bill managed to negotiate with the Exeter Maritime
Museum a similar long term arrangement for the ‘Jolie Brise’,
a winner of both Fastnet and Tall Ship races; now wholly
owned by the school and still sailed by every pupil.
To finish I will borrow the end of Jim Hodges’ eulogy
from Bill’s funeral; as ever Jim’s eloquence far exceeds what
I could hope to write.
‘He was a great man. I always agreed with the great
John Donne’s statement that every man’s death diminishes
us, and I think many of us will have had our lives diminished
by the loss of Bill. And yet I think one must counter that with
this thought: concentrate not just upon his death but upon
his life. And when I think of his life, the same is true for all of
us, that his life enriched us all.’
William Sims
with many thanks to Jim Hodges and David Price
Angel Zhou
L ife I n T he L ower S chool
or both those who know the school well, and those
who don’t, the Lower School is an important stepping stone into the educational ‘exam years,’ where mistakes can be made and aspirations can flourish. This ethos all
revolves around The Lower School Centre and The Manor.
As I was not lucky enough to experience this first hand, as a
relative newcomer to the School, I am curious as to what the
Lower School is really like.
The first impression of the Lower School, which is
gained by any new Lower Sixth pupils, is that of Lower
School duty which is organised by ESC, Head of Lower
School. After my first morning in the Lower School houses,
particularly Scott, I learnt my most valuable lesson … that
eleven year olds have the ability to smell fear. Not because
they are wild animals who wish to tear you limb from limb,
but because they are territorial. They are protective over
the space that they will inhabit for their next three years at
Dauntsey’s, and for good reason.
The Lower School Centre was built in 1959 as a new
engineering block by the pupils themselves. This was
achieved under the leadership of the Headmaster at the
time, Mr. D.J. Forbes, after which one of the Lower School
houses is named. At this time in the School’s history there
The D aunt seian 2014
were 365 pupils, all of whom were boys, and the name had
only just been officially altered from Dauntsey’s Agricultural School to Dauntsey’s School. The Manor, our Lower
School boarding house, was purchased by the school in
1929, with the swimming pool, games room, craft room
and additional dormitory accommodation being added in
1934. In 1976 more changes were made to accommodate
girl pupils; such as new changing rooms, dormitories and
the Manor Sanatorium.
As can be expected, there are always those few Lower
School pupils who feel it necessary to lie on wheeled-chairs
and launch themselves across the room during prep time.
But I was pleasantly surprised by everyone’s adult approach
towards both their schoolwork and the teaching staff, particularly within the Third Form. They are always willing to
help the Lower Sixth take control of prep and to do their
work quietly. Although they do seem to enjoy hearing noisy
First Formers being told off a little too much!
There are various different responsibilities which are
given to the First and Second Form; with pupils in charge of
aspects ranging from lunch to lost property. However, in the
final year in the Lower School, which is the Third Form, one
of the new responsibilities that some pupils gain is that of
‘Head of House.’ This is awarded to one boy and one girl in
each of the four houses, including Manor. When asking how
this process takes place, ECG described how a democratic
vote is taken by both the students and the Staff: ‘Usually the
pupils’ decisions are pretty much the same as the tutors’’.
When asked to describe their experiences, some of the
Heads of House described First Form as being ‘new’ and
‘exciting,’ whereas ‘Moonrakers’ and the ‘Manor Ball’ were
particular highlights of Third Form, with Emily Tucker simply
describing it as ‘awesome!’ When I asked them specifically
about their responsibilities, their most enjoyable aspects
were ‘cheering on others in house events,’‘helping out with
all the new people in September’ and ‘watching over the
progress of [their] fellow housemates.’They also commented
on how being given this opportunity had allowed them to
feel more important and responsible, giving them more self
belief. Polly Maton stated, when asked, if her position had
helped her: ‘Yes, definitely, being a sort of role model really
helped me push myself to be the best I can be’.
Moreover, it is not only the pupils who enjoy their time
in the Lower School Centre, but the members of Staff that
act as tutors and role models for the pupils. In Rendell this
responsibility falls to MJO, who thinks that ‘the best thing
about Dauntsey’s pupils is the diversity and the acceptance
of the fact that everyone is different.’ When discussing the
Lower School in particular, MJO described it as ‘a key time in
the pupils’ lives.‘They are still young children and should feel
that they do not need to grow up too quickly while learning
the ways to be successful in a school like Dauntsey’s’. When
discussing this topic with ECG in Forbes, she noted the
importance of teaching the pupils key skills, such as ‘being
inclusive, learning how to ask questions, make friends,’ but
also to ‘have fun!’This is also the case in Scott, as GSW noted
the importance of pupils leaving the Lower School ‘with no
regret.’ She also mentioned how much she ‘love[s] the Scotties and Lower School,’ which is an attitude which is transferred to many of the pupils.
The one member of Staff who oversees the entirety of
the Lower School, as well as having her office in the Lower
School Centre, is ESC. It was clear she enjoys the Lower
School pupils’ ‘energy, their curiosity and their capacity for
asking very difficult questions’. As the former Housemistress of Hemens, it was clear to see that her current position
allows her to be ‘immersed in the lives of young people as
they learn to engage with the world around them’ as well
as being ‘continually invited to reconsider [her] own ideas
and perspectives’. One of the most important aspects of the
Lower School that ESC discussed, which can also be applied
to the rest of the school, ‘is to get the ethos right. If students
are happy, stimulated and inspired to succeed – and if courtesy, consideration for others and kindness are valued above
all else - then every single one of them will leave school with
the skills and the self- confidence needed to thrive.’ This
seems to be one of the most important themes which can be
seen throughout the Lower School Centre, which ESC commented had a ‘warm, friendly and supportive environment’.
In addition to the Lower School Centre particularly,
one of the other responsibilities which can be taken on by
the Lower Sixth is to spend a week doing what they can
to help at The Manor. The first thing you notice when you
wake up after spending a night in The Manor is the echoing of your own footsteps on the wooden floors. Sitting in
silence with the fellow Lower Sixth students, trying not to
fall asleep into your coffee. But as the bell rings, the hubbub
begins. Certainly, in the girls’ dormitory, this means various
renditions of Katy Perry at a volume which could be thought
of as impossible. Although there are a few Third and Second Form hedgehogs, who are not overly willing to begin
the new day, everyone greets you with a fairly conscious
‘morning’ as you enter their rooms. As everyone meets for
breakfast, the happy noise only increases, as more and more
sausages are consumed. It is no wonder that the pupils say
they ‘become really good friends with the catering staff!’
As the week goes on, more and more of the pupils begin
to recognise the Lower Sixth and accept and help them in
any way they can, as they do with every visitor. Members of
The Manor have described their fellow boarders as ‘family,’
with Sophie Hollis saying her roommates were ‘like sisters!’
When I discussed with her the idea of Lower Sixth helpers,
she commented that ‘It’s really nice when they come, and
by the end of the week we are begging for them to stay. But
they are always replaced by equally nice people!’ For Sophie,
in her own words: ‘Manor is the perfect place for me to be!’
This sentiment is also shared by the Housemaster in
charge of the Manor, TWB. When I asked him if he enjoyed
being at The Manor himself, he said that ‘Manor is a very
special place. Being away from the main site makes it a home
from home atmosphere, and the community is very strong as
well.’ I was also able to ask his opinion of the Sixth Formers
that come to help, as well as his advice to those who will be
helping throughout the rest of this academic year, to which
he had this to say: ‘They are fantastic role models for the
younger pupils, and the typical Dauntseian Sixth Former is
bright, engaging and positive. It helps us a lot with bed times
and things like registering the music bus! My advice would
be to throw yourself into it wholeheartedly, and enjoy it.’
When looking to the future, some of the Third form said
they would miss ‘the fun and carefree attitude in the Lower
School: the idea of ‘give it a go,’ whereas others focused on
‘the family-like atmosphere of the Manor.’ ECG commented
on how she really enjoys ‘seeing them growing up,’ with
GSW discussing the importance of allowing the pupils to
‘spread their wings.’ TWB stated all the staff at The Manor
‘wish them well at the end of the year and hope they all go
on to be successful at whatever they choose to do. Many do
come back to visit and fondly remember their time in the
Lower School.’
Eleanor Skipper
I would like to thank Sophie Hollis, Charlie Hinton, Kofi Cox,
Emily Tucker, Polly Maton, MJO, ECG, GSW, ESC and TWB for
their thoughtful contributions.
L ife I n The L ower S chool
& Societies
The D aunt seian 2014
C harity R eport 2014
his year, students at Dauntsey’s voted to support the
‘Friends of St. Michael’s School’ charity, which was
created in 2009 as a means of providing on-going support,
both practical and financial, to the little loving community
of St. Michael’s Primary School in the desperately poor
region of Busembatia, Uganda. The school admits girls from
throughout the country irrespective of religion, tribe, colour
or political affiliation. There are about 800 girls and 12 boys,
some of whom are orphans who have been given food and
shelter by the school.
The whole year was full of various whole-school events,
designed specifically to help raise funds for the charity. They
ranged from Mufti days and specially economised lunches to
more physically challenging sponsored walks and DW canoe
race sponsorship. A 24-hour Swimathon deserves a special
mention, as Dauntsey’s pupils swam an incredible 600 miles,
which would be enough to go from Devizes to Paris.
As always each House made a contribution to the
school charity by organising its own fundraising event. This
year we saw the return of some of the old favourites, including the legendary Mercers’ bacon butties, Manor’s outstanding Advent concert and super cupcakes from the Scotties in
Lower School. Booming Evans’ hot chocolate sales kept us
warm in the winter, whereas Ice Cream sales from Fitz and
Rendell saved us over the hot summer days. The car-lovers
could get their vehicles completely cleaned by the lovely
Jeanne ladies, and TV-show admirers were able to enjoy
a brilliantly staged version of ‘Mastermind’, organised by
King- Reynolds and won overall by a scholarly AMP.
With a grand total of an astonishing £22313.46 thanks go
to all staff, pupils and parents who participated in organising
or attending all of these events. The money will undoubtedly
be put to very good use by ‘Friends of St. Michael’s School’
in Uganda.
Illia Dakal
I nternational S ociety
he Dauntsey’s School International Society organises
many exciting events every year. Some highlights from
this year were the Alton Towers trip, the Leavers’ dinner, the
Sixth Form dinner and of course, the highly anticipated
Chinese New Year dinner.
To start of the year, the International Society organised a welcoming dinner for the Lower Sixth. It was a great
chance for all the new international students, as well as the
existing students, to get to know each another. Drinks were
served at the 17 Club before the dinner, and the atmosphere
was great! It turned out to be a lovely evening.
Moving on, a trip to Alton Towers was organised for the
first exeat. Many people signed up for it and it was good fun.
We spent the day enjoying the different rides, and had a great
meal down at the inn at which we were staying. Thankfully,
the weather that day was sunny. We spent the second day in
Oxford shopping. All in all, it was a good way to spend exeat.
This year’s Chinese New Year dinner was a huge success, with nearly 300 people attending. It was such a pleasure
to bring in the New Year (Year of the Horse) together with
everyone as a community. As expected, the performances
didn’t fail to disappoint either. Special thanks must go out to
the Russian dance and Nicole & Suki’s rapping - both were
outstanding. The decorations were spectacular as well, with
hundreds of lanterns hanging from the ceiling. It was nice to
see the amount of effort put in by the committee to ensure
that the evening went well.
To end the year, the International Society organised a
Leavers’ dinner for the Upper Sixth. It was a perfect way to
end the year. Although it was a small event due to many people having retakes, it was nonetheless a very special evening.
It gave us time to relax and catch up before the stress of the
exams really kicked in. On top of that, the food was great!
I would like to thank SMM, Bess and my committee
for helping out with the various trips and events this year.
Without them, most of these activities would never have
happened, let alone have been a huge success! I would also
like to thank the Head Master for his support towards the
International Society as well as all the teachers that have
taken the time to attend the various events. Not to mention,
thank YOU to all the students who have made an effort to
sign up for all the trips the International Society has to offer.
It has been an honour being the President, and I hope that
future events will be just as good, or even better!
Rachel Wing
International Society President 2013-14
E vent s & S ocie ties
A cademic E nrichment
auntsey’s programme for Able, Gifted and Talented
pupils continued to expand last year. In addition
to the Junior Scholars, increased Fourth Form provision
sees this scheme increasing dovetailing with Sixth Form
enrichment activities such as Oxbridge and the Medical
Focus Group. In addition to the exciting programme of talks
offered by the Departments, Collapsed Curriculum days and
the new Third Form Project Prize brought extra opportunities
to inspire, enthuse, stretch and challenge all our pupils.
The Junior Scholars series saw over 70 Lower School
pupils greeting topics from Crossword clues to Headline
news, from sustainable design to geological time and from
advertising norms to constitutional reform with eager-eyed
enthusiasm. Beyond this a set of seminars and a forensic
archaeological activity day brought World War I to life for
our First Form, whilst the Second Form Apprentice Day saw
pupils’ teamwork skills and creativity challenged in order to
design an innovative marketing campaign.
The Third Form went a step further as individuals competed for a Project Prize. Teed up with a lecture by Dr Jan
Zalasiewicz (University of Leicester) on how human activity has essentially created a new era of geological time, the
Anthopocene, pupils were challenged to produce a creative
response under the title “Planet Earth 2114: A hundred year
update”. The results were excellent. The judges had a tough
time. There were models, sculptures, dialogues, blogs. Anni
Crichard’s painting and short story took third place, Nick
Welch’s Wiki-page on the history of the 21st century was
runner-up, with a four minute piano composition by Ben
Harding detailing crisis, chaos, conflict and resolution won
The Fourth Form meanwhile visited Oxford and also
attended lectures, most notably a talk on ‘The Arts and Life’
by the philosopher AC Grayling, founding Master of the
New College of Humanties.
With opportunities for all ages at Dauntsey’s, there was
plenty to stimulate pupils both in and out of the classroom.
H istory D ept . F irst F orm E nrichment D ay
On Monday 17th March, as part of Dauntsey’s WW1 centenary commemorations, the First Form spent a day learning
about how the Great War shaped our future. They became
historical researchers, reconstructing the lives of four individuals: lives that still resonate today.
The pupils were given a chest of WW1 artefacts. From
these relics, they uncovered evidence of four individuals who
have altered the way we think.
The D aunt seian 2014
Nellie Spindler - a Staff Nurse, killed in action, who
inspired the Suffragettes.
Walter Tull - a former professional footballer who gained
rank despite it being illegal for black men to serve as officers
at the time.
Henry Tandey - a Victoria Cross winner who spared the life
of Hitler.
Thomas Highgate - the first man shot for desertion.
Throughout the day pupils worked in groups, splitting up at times to tackle different tasks. Some translated
documents, others went to a model graveyard and some
completed a battlefield archaeology exercise. In addition,
they engaged with historical sources, writing obituaries and
They used this research to design museum displays,
which they later presented to judges, including former Air
Chief Marshall Sir Richard Johns, and a team of WW1 experts.
Not only did the pupils bring out the key facts, they also drew
out the significance of the past for the modern world.
Ben Sandell, Head of History, commented,“Our aim on
Monday was to expand learners’ horizons and engage in a
little bit of the Historian’s most noble task – to pass ‘it’ on.
Not only did I sense that scores of pupils had fun – they also
learnt how to work as a team, to motivate themselves and
to deliver large projects, dividing work amongst themselves.
Perhaps more than this, though, they learned a little bit
about what that remarkable generation did in the 14-18 War,
in collectively shaping the modern world through unimaginable sacrifice.
Meanwhile, Alex Page, Enrichment Coordinator added
“Each individual the pupils studied entered the forces as an
ordinary serviceman or woman. In one way or another they
influenced history. Their lives inspired our pupils. They really
rose to the task. The enthusiasm, teamwork, endeavour our
First Form showed was exceptional. It will equip them well
for success across the whole curriculum.”
C heerleading
auntsey’s Dynamites had yet another fruitful year.
Needless to say, our squad put in 120% of effort, dedicating countless Wednesday prep sessions to achieve wonderful results. Training was twice as hard, twice as tough,
while stunts soared to new heights … quite literally.
In December, Dauntsey’s Dynamites entered the Winter Wonderland Cheer Competition, which was held at Crystal
Palace. We were up against over 10 professional squads but
our team put up a huge fight against our competitors. Overall, we came 7th in our division, which was a much improved
position compared to last year. Regardless of our placing, the
girls went back home with a smile.
Back at school, KG (being the ambitious coach she is)
pushed the squad harder than ever into training. In the next
few months, girls became soldiers. Deep down, we knew we
would not settle for 7th place, and we didn’t. All the hard
work bode well for the final competition of the year at the
British Cheerleading Association in Guildford.
Dauntsey’s Dynamites came away with excellent results
in the summer. We entered ourselves into three divisions
and won awards for every single entry. Our level one senior
group placed 2nd overall, while senior level two stunt groups
(Explosion and TNT) placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in their
divisions. Practice makes perfect and we were more than
satisfied with the results of the day.
It was a huge leap forward from the start of the year,
and we are extremely proud of our accomplishments. From
now on, Dauntsey’s Cheerleading squad can only get better
and better. GO DYNAMITES!
E vent s & S ocie ties
D ance S how
his year’s dance show centred on an ‘around the
globe’ theme, with every first and second form class
performing a dance based on a different global destination
in the first half, followed by a talented display from our
Dance Clubs in Act 2.
The first and second form pupils chose their own
nation and displayed real creativity in the staging of each
piece; costume, props, lighting and scenery were all vibrant
and professional. Having practised the dances in class for
just over a term, all pieces were very polished and really
showed off widespread talent from the youngest years of
the school! The show started off with 2A and their Antarctic
performance, followed by the contrasting tropical Brazil
piece of 1B. The audience were taken on a whirlwind tour of
the world, visiting India, China, Australia, England, USA and
finally Africa, which gave the West End ‘Lion King’ production a run for its money! There were stand-out performances
in all the groups, but Jason Yip’s beaming smile and incredible talent really blew the audience away. The pupils must all
be commended for their commitment and energy on stage,
entertaining well over 500 spectators over the two nights.
In Act II it was the turn of our diverse Dance Clubs to
take to the stage. As usual there were the familiar faces of
our most talented dancers, many of whom performed in as
many as seven of the performances! It was also pleasing to
see so many new dancers, embracing the wonderful opportunity of the wide range of dance on offer at school from
KG. Our widely acclaimed cheerleading team was first up,
who have been highly placed in national competitions two
years consecutively. The ‘Dynamites’ produced an exciting
performance, impressing the audience with dangerous lifts
and throws, and the incredible flexibility of many of the
The D aunt seian 2014
members! The next dance was to ‘Love The Way You Lie’,
featuring those who chose dance as a games option, many
of whom also performed in ‘E.T’ later on in the show. The
GCSE dance group this year was the biggest yet, and their
contemporary performance was interesting and polished; I
wish them all the best of luck when they take the exam in
June 2015. A beautiful performance to ‘Songbird’ by the very
best of our contemporary dancers provided a stark contrast
to the upbeat musical theatre that followed from both the
lower school and upper school groups. The younger pupils
danced to ‘Revolting Children’ from West End musical
‘Matilda’ which was full of fun and cheek, whilst the older
girls showed off their (very!) fast feet in Footloose. Our two
street dance squads finished the show; JSD (junior street
dance) featured many of the performers from the first act,
and Undaunted provided a dramatic and exciting end to a
wonderful dance show.
This year we say goodbye to some of the best and most
dedicated dancers the school has seen in the form of Suki
Tai, Cerys Lau, Nicole Yeung and Jade Tang, who have performed in an unbelievable number of dance pieces throughout their time at school. They will be sorely missed in all
aspects of Performing Arts, but no doubt next year’s dance
show will feature new talent and the standard of dance
will continue to increase. Thanks to KG for all of her hard
work this year involving dance, which is thriving like never
before at Dauntsey’s. Special mention must also go to CWS,
LKP and MRH for lighting, sound and costumes/props, as
well as all the parents for supporting the pupils and getting
costumes together for this year’s show!
Julie Scholefield
E vent s & S ocie ties
E vent s & S ocie ties
D evizes - W estminster
n the preceding months to the 125 mile race, the prospect
of kayaking for 7 hours each day was becoming more and
more daunting and ever so slightly incomprehensible. At
points there were bets as to whether flooding would mean
cancelling the race, amongst many injuries that could be
used as a valuable excuse to avoid the monotonous paddles.
However, on the Easter weekend 2014 all fourteen Dauntsey’s paddlers stood in Devizes Wharf ready to undertake
‘The Canoeists’ Everest’.
The selective process of the DW trials in the autumn
term lead to the ‘dream team’ consisting of seven boys and
seven girls not only capable of paddling across four days
covering three counties, but capable of bringing with them
the rest of their team. Rowan and Andrew Duckworth kept
morale high throughout training through their jokes, and
partly through their exceptionally high “swimming” rate (a
phrase we liked to use to make falling in sound more deliberate and enjoyable!). Therefore huge congratulations must
be given to Phoebe Barnes and Ellie Young who were never
lucky enough to take a dip into the ice cold mud bath that
was the Kennet and Avon Canal!
The start of DW training was easier for some than
others, with Robbie Mitchell and Archie Combe using their
The D aunt seian 2014
early training to take the lead in many of the first paddles,
and their focus left them consistently reaching fast times.
Torin Bain and Ross Tatham also secured a good pace early
on, even while managing to chat throughout the duration
of the weekly Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday paddles. For
many others progress seemed slow until one day when a
pair would subconsciously just ‘get it’; allowing both Rowan
and Andrew’s boat and Louie Carter and Alex Britton’s boat
to soon speed through training sessions.
The group had the inevitable ups and downs, especially
Ellie Moulding who suffered recurring injuries. However
Ellie could make anyone smile, including herself, on even
the coldest, wettest and most horrible of days and so she and
partner Clara Richmond caught up on training and stayed
determined. Swans were always a hot topic in the DW minibus and were feared immensely by Hetty Sagers and Lauren
Sturges, and yet the supportive nature of the team allowed
them to paddle on despite hearing the splashing of water
metres away from the boat.
One of our greatest shocks was the sudden realisation
of how cold getting changed out of soaking wet clothes in car
parks during January would be! There are many other memorable clothing items of the Dauntsey’s DW Team 2014 such as
Alex and Louie’s bright hats and the Duckworths’ luminous
caps, but the only thing any of us wanted to see as we turned
round a bend in the canal was OC’s red coat – the beacon
of hope that maybe this would be the end of the afternoon’s
freezing cold paddle! AJS used tactics such as blatant lying as
to the direction of the wind to stop us moaning and running
along the side of the canal to keep morale up. Throughout
wind and rain, OC and AJS were amazing coaches for this
year’s team and a huge thank you is needed. We wouldn’t
have made it to Westminster Bridge without them.
Another pair that deserved a massive ‘thank you’ is
Dobbie and Mike – two men that joined us in the water to
coach us and make us laugh. Thank you also to SC and her
husband, who assisted us on the Paddling Weekend and
the actual race. And yet what would those four months of
training have been without our support crews, committed
with an equally challenging task as the paddlers? Throughout the race, parents, friends and family would race through
cities and countryside to force feed us energy gels, ham
sandwiches and Percy Pig chocolates and for that the team
cannot thank you all enough. Not only that, but the parents
supported the weekly paddles too, greeting us at the end
with a selection of bacon butties, sausages and hot chocolate. The underestimated level of effort and number of hours
that Dauntsey’s Support Crews gave is astonishing – ‘thank
you’ just doesn’t say enough.
The Dauntsey’s team were joined by Mima Pitceathly
and Henny Lowth paddling with Devizes Canoe Club, who
both kept up the strong reputation that Dauntsey’s has in
terms of power, speed and determination. As a result of
everyone’s effort, collectively the 2014 DW paddlers from
Dauntsey’s were the winners of ‘The City of London Police
Cadet Cup’, the ‘Junior Ladies Team Trophy’, the ‘Junior
Ladies Trophy’ and the ‘BSCA Junior Trophy’. This mental and
physical challenge wasn’t for the faint hearted, but accompanied by a great team and brilliant support it is definitely one
that I would recommend.
Lauren Sturges
E vent s & S ocie ties
D uke of E dinburgh ’ s A ward
T he W alking E xpedition
T he K ayak E xpedition
or our qualifying expedition, we went to Snowdonia National Park where we faced five days and four
nights of wild camps and walking. We used our map reading
skills to guide us across Snowdonia National Park with many
snack breaks to keep us going.
Our greatest achievement was climbing Snowdon,
however we couldn’t quite appreciate the views due to poor
visibility caused by fog. However, coming down we did see a
Mountain Rescue, which was certainly a highlight.
We had an unusual aim which involved carrying a
garden gnome (which we had ‘borrowed’ from the summer
ball the night before) with us for the whole trip! ‘Jeremy’
made it up and down Snowdon with only a few chips here
and there. Finding our campsites was a relief and every
dinner was a challenge… but an exciting one! We thoroughly enjoyed our expedition and are looking forward to
completing our Award.
Faye Hargreaves and Grace Jones
e arrived on a bright and blustery day and headed
down to the coast ready for the next four days of kayaking. With no blisters as yet, spirits were high and looking
up to the sky it was relatively clear, which was what we had
been praying for ever since our extremely miserable and
challenging practice weekend.
We had a true mixture of weather throughout, with some
extremely sunny days which lead to a small amount of sunburn but that did not phase either group one bit. Although
the weather also affected the waves and current in the ocean
on the first day we had to battle courageously to prevent ending up in the same spot as we started with when the current
and torrential rain and wind became quite a lot to deal with. I
believe such conditions put us in good stead for the next few
days as the weather just couldn’t compare.
We helped each other over the course of the next few days
and whilst completing our aim we had a lot of humorous and
memorable occasions. Whilst The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
expedition challenged me personally, mentally and physically
I am certain that it will benefit me in the future to become a
better, more rounded person. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
is a challenging but rewarding experience and gives you the
confidence to push you out of your comfort zone.
Megan Taylor
The D aunt seian 2014
F lying S chool
ver the last year, eight pupils and one member of
staff have taken part in one of Dauntsey’s most new
and exciting clubs – flying! The two year course which
is run by G. S. Aviation, a local Microlight flying school,
involves flying a real aircraft and gaining your National
Private Pilot’s Licence.
The course which started in September 2013 will eventually cover 30 hours of flying; this happens every other
weekend or after school. Five theory subjects, each with a
multiple choice exam at the end, are studied every other
week at school. We are well into the course with around 10
flying hours completed; near the end of the autumn term all
passed the Air Law exam; and all also passed the Air Technical exam in late April.
In the air we have covered many topics such as basic
controls, complex turns, dealing with emergencies and take
offs and landings, while developing our airmanship. At the
age of 16 you are allowed to fly solo and some of the pupils
will soon be able to do this, a key stage in the path to getting
your licence (at 17 years old).
The experience has been incredible and is something
everyone should try, even if just as a passenger. It has
even inspired me to pursue flying as a future career. The
whole course has been incredible so far and is all focused
around you, with your progress the top of the instructors’
concerns; indeed, our teachers have been very helpful and
The course will start again after this two year course is
finished and will be open to anyone in the third form and
above. Many thanks too to MR who runs the ground school
side of Dauntsey’s Flying Club.
Charlie Hinton
E vent s & S ocie ties
M ercers ’ L ectures
he School was pleased to host visits from many
‘great and good’ during the 2013-14 academic year –
with thanks, as ever, to JAS for organising and co-ordinating
such fantastic speakers.
On Friday 13th September,
Robert Hiscox, one of the City’s
longest serving executives and
Honorary President of Hiscox
Ltd, visited the School for the first
Mercers’ Lecture of the term.
After a lively discussion with
a group of Sixth Form pupils Robert Hiscox shared his secrets of
success in the Insurance industry
in his lecture entitled ‘Persistence
is Omnipotent’. He advised that a key quality required for
success is the ability to manage and deal with failure; the
audience left the lecture with a sense of anything is possible
with determination and a strong work ethic.
On Thursday 26th September,
broadcaster and media personality Christine Hamilton visited
Dauntsey’s to present her Mercers’ Lecture ‘Confessions of a
After a lively discussion with
a group of Sixth Form pupils,
Christine entertained a large audience of pupils, parents and members of the local community with
anecdotes of her life, covering the
highs and lows, revealing the advantages and disadvantages
of being constantly in the media spotlight.
On Thursday 24th October,
Monty Halls came to Dauntsey’s
to give a lecture entitled ‘The
Final Frontier - Exploring the
World’s Oceans’.
Beforehand, he met with a
group of interested Sixth Formers
to answer questions and tell us
about himself. His friendliness
and sense of humour came across
strongly in this session, especially
when he was asked ‘What is your favourite animal?’ His
answer was the cuttlefish, a creature that he ensued to speak
enthusiastically about for more than five minutes.
His lecture, which he delivered to an audience of more
than 500 people of all ages, was fascinating. He mainly talked
about the explorations which he had been a part of and gave
anecdotes about the amazing people he met along the way,
in particular the fishermen. The audience was enthralled by
his stories and I think everyone would agree that he struck
The D aunt seian 2014
the perfect balance between discussing the serious threats to
the world’s oceans and joking about his own life and ineptitude on a fishing boat. He inspired many members of the
audience to take action look to beneath the water’s surface
just as he was inspired by the likes of Jacques Cousteau.
In November, large audiences were entertained and
inspired by Baroness D’Souza,
Derek Redmond and Robert
Baroness D’Souza presented a brief overview of
recent Afghan history and
offered an informed insight
into the challenges facing Afghanistan in the next few years
once troops withdraw, arguing that education is vital. This
argument was complemented by her daughter Christa
D’Souza, who spoke enthusiastically and sincerely on the
superb work of Marefat High School, in Kabul.
Derek Redmond gave a thought-provoking and motivational lecture entitled ‘Going for Gold’ with the principal
theme throughout his lecture being self-belief. He gave an
overview of his career and shared his top tips for success.
Speaking on the importance of integrity in business
and the need to ensure that consumers trust retailers, Robert
Swannell outlined the M&S vision convincingly.
Finally, we were visited by Dame Fiona Reynolds who,
on arrival, met with a group of Sixth Form students. Many
interesting questions were posed by the group including
queries as to her time at The National Trust; as well as several significant environmental matters such as Renewable
Energy Sources and the Badger Cull. The Dame provided
many stimulating and thought-provoking answers and was
eager to take note of the pupils’ points of view. All too soon
was it time to head for dinner.
Having been warmly received into the Headmaster’s
home, the group gathered around the roaring open fire;
giving the students another chance to converse with the
affable Dame.
After Dinner, Dame Fiona Reynolds delivered her captivating lecture to an audience of over 200 people. The lecture elucidated the importance of our English countryside,
and its role in the development of children. She also outlined
the initiatives The National Trust has been implementing to
encourage young people to get outside more.
Dame Fiona Reynolds’ Lecture was inspirational and
was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. It was a marvellous experience to meet an individual with such charisma.
With thanks to Ed Henderson,
Finlay Kenneth and others
George Dolman
T r av e l
The D aunt seian 2014
T ravel
T he L iving R ainforest
N ewbury – N ovember 2013
n November 2013 the second form went on a very
exciting and educational trip to the Living Rainforest
in Newbury. Upon arrival, the year was given the time to
explore and adventure around the amazing tropical rainforest, particular animal favourites included the snakes, the
capuchin monkeys and the sloth.
After half an hour of independent research the year split
into smaller groups to be toured around the rainforest. Firstly
my group stopped to see the epiphyte that is the pitcher plant.
The pitcher plant draws in prey with sweet smelling perfume,
once the prey is on the plant it slips into a pool of acid where
it drowns. As we continued our way around we saw amazing
plants such as black magic (sheds water) and dumb cane (poison used by the natives to tip arrows in).
After spectating marvellous birds such as the toucans
gliding from tree to tree we stopped to see three amazing
tree snakes, a sloth and the rare miniature capuchin monkeys.
Still to come was a large glass pond full with tropical marine
life, such as, sting rays, parrot fish and other fascinating fish.
In conclusion, the whole year really enjoyed our visit
to the living rainforest and we learnt so much about foreign
tropics and their wildlife.
Elliot Yates
B erlin - N ovember 2013
n November, the Upper Sixth German class travelled
to Berlin to experience their cultural topics in greater
depth. We stayed in the‘Ostel’- an East German youth hostel
- which really gave us an insight into the GDR lifestyle,
complete with pictures of Erich Honecker above the doors
and lines in the wall remaining from Stasi listening devices.
The highlight of the trip was a visit to the Stasi prison of
Hohenschönhausen, where we saw for ourselves the shadowy depths of the grim reality experienced by many who
had crossed the path of the Stasi.
We did, however, have some more light-hearted
moments during the trip; such as when we visited the cinema in Potsdamer Platz to see ‘The Hunger Games’ in German, and finding the Rittersport chocolate shop. Another
funny moment was when we all had to run through the centre of Berlin to get to the Reichstag in time for our tour - we
just made it!
All in all, everyone enjoyed their time, experiencing a
different culture, and we would like to thank Michi – The
German Assistant, VAHW and SC for giving up their exeat
to take us to such an historic city.
Ruth Wilson and Ruby Holt
B hutan – D ecember 2013
rom 7th to 23rd December 2013, 18 pupils from the
Dauntsey’s Expedition and Mountaineering Society
visited the Kingdom of Bhutan. We also spent a few days
in Nepal to break up the journey to and from Bhutan. The
flight between Nepal and Bhutan was incredibly memorable as we flew past the peaks of the Himalayas, including
Mount Everest.
Tr avel
The first week of our trip was based on sightseeing.
On the first day we visited the Takin Zoo. The Takin is the
national animal of Bhutan and they believe that it was created by the Divine Madman out of the head of a goat and the
body of a cow. Next, we visited the biggest sitting Buddha
statue in the world. It is 167 feet tall and sits on the edge
of a hill so that it can be seen for many miles around. In
the afternoon we visited a school where we played darts and
basketball with the Bhutanese pupils. We lost at both! It was
so interesting to meet up with people of our age in Bhutan
and understand what their daily lives are like.
The following day we did a warm up trek to a temple at
a height of 3600m. The monks kindly gave us some tea and
biscuits and then we walked back down through streams of
prayer flags to a collection of Buddhist shrines, known as
the 108 Chorten, at the Dochula Pass. The Chorten were
built by the Queen Mother to honour the Bhutanese soldiers
who were killed when fighting the Indian rebels in 2003.
That evening we drove to a hotel in Thimphu, the capital of
Bhutan and met Michael Rutherford, who established the
school’s connection with Bhutan. It was fascinating to meet
him and hear about the time he spent tutoring the children
of the previous King of Bhutan.
The next day we visited the Fertility, or Divine Madman’s,
Temple where we were all blessed. We also got to go white
water rafting that day. We all really enjoyed it despite the
freezing cold water and scary moments. In the afternoon we
attended a Buddhist ceremony which was fascinating to take
part in. On our final day before the trek we returned to the
Dochula Pass for a Bhutanese festival. At the festival some
of us even got to meet the Queen Mother and the President
of Bhutan.
The next day was the first day of our five day trek up
to Mount Jumolhari base camp. Mount Jumolhari, at 7326m,
is among the world’s highest mountains. Each day when
we arrived at our camps our brilliant Bhutanese guides had
already set up our tents and had started cooking our evening
meal. The views on the trek were stunning as we were constantly surrounded by mountain peaks, rivers and prayer
flags. By the third evening we arrived at the Jumolhari base
camp which was situated at 4000m. There were amazing
views of the peak of Jumolhari and other Himalayan mountains. The next day around half of us walked up to the Tsophu
Lakes. Unfortunately, some people were suffering from altitude sickness so they had to start the walk down. However,
those of us who went up to the lakes, which were at 4600m,
had an extraordinary experience. The lakes were frozen solid
and the views were breath-taking. The trek down only took
two days. On the final morning it started snowing, which
made the scenery even more beautiful. We had a short walk
back to the start, where the buses were waiting to take us to
a hotel. The trek was amazing but we were all quite pleased
to sleep in a bed again and to have a shower!
However, we were not allowed to rest for long, as the
next day we trekked to the Tiger’s Nest, or Paro Taktsang,
Monastery. As it is situated right on the edge of a cliff face,
the trek there was quite difficult and nerve-racking. The
paths were surrounded by beautiful prayer flags and the
views were astonishing. It was an incredible way to spend
our final day in Bhutan.
This trip really was a once in a lifetime experience. As
well as limiting the numbers of tourists a year, Bhutan has
an index of Gross National Happiness rather than Gross
National Product and this really contributes to making this
country so unlike any other. We all feel incredibly honoured
to have visited Bhutan and I know that many of us would
love to visit again in the future.
Katie Everett
The D aunt seian 2014
I ndia – D ecember 2013
Day 1 – Saturday 14th December
Our first day was spent flying, eating and sleeping. After
leaving the miserable English weather behind, we flew over
numerous villages and mountains. The views from above
were amazing!
When we landed, we had to go through more security
which was tiring but worth it when we finally got on the
coach to our hotel. They gave us orange flowers tied in a
necklace to wear and said it was a symbol of peace in India.
Hundreds of photos were taken today, not only by us but by
numerous locals fascinated by us westerners with one forcing his new born child into my arms. It seems that we are still
a novelty, despite years of English speaking colonialism. I
was particularly in awe of the amazing architecture achieved
by crossbreeding different styles.
All of us thoroughly enjoyed this first day of sight seeing
though we had not overcome the pains of sleep deprivation
quite yet.
Jim Bruges
Holly Davies and Livvy Fife-Faulkner
Day 2 – Sunday 15 December
Having arrived at our first hotel, Hotel Vikram, everyone
rushed off to their rooms, many in search of a few precious
minutes of slumber. We had lunch at the hotel, consisting of
curry, rice, curry, curry, some naan, more curry etc. We left
for the Red Fort with our breath smelling of curry, the taste
lingering still in our mouths, with some hallucinating about
curry due to extreme fatigue. More sleeping was done on
the bus, interjected with insightful remarks about the local
landscape by our tour guide.
We arrived at the Red Fort with its walls towering above
us, the scene was majestic. Our guide led us around to the
entrance pointing out pitch holes used to boil intruders.
Day 3 – Monday 16th December
After a well needed sleep and a tasty breakfast we once again
got on the bus and hit the notorious Indian traffic and its craziness. The first of many sights we got to see was India’s largest mosque called Jama Masjid Mosque. To enter the mosque
we had to take off our shoes and cover our feet in foot covers
to show respect; also the girls had to wear covers and if the
boys were wearing shorts they also had to wear covers round
their legs. Then it was once again back on the bus and on
to the Raj Ghat the memorial to Mahatma Ghandi. Again
we had to remove our shoes to show respect. What I found
the best about this place was the eternal flame that had
not died in many years. The next place we visited was the
Sikh temple which was amazing, the inside was beautiful.
Tr avel
This time everyone had to wear headscarves, including the
boys. Next was the greatly anticipated local restaurant where
the food was absolutely delicious; there was so much on
offer that was so good.
Next we look a long drive to see some more sights but
because of the high security we could not get too close or
enter. These included the President’s House, Indian Gate
and the Indian Parliament building. The next stop was the
Qutab Minar which was 234ft tall - it also has an iron pillar
which has not rusted even after 1500 years - which was
pretty amazing. Last but not least we visited the mausoleum
of emperor Humayun which was again stunning. It was an
immense dome structure.
And after a packed day finally back to the hotel to
another well-earned rest.
Jacob McBride and Adam Jackson
Day 4 – Tuesday 17th December
After waking up at 4am we went down to the train station
after a short bus journey. The station was crowded so we had
to huddle together. The hotel was kind enough to give us
packed lunches to eat on the train.
The train ride took four and a half hours because of
delays. Then we had a short trip to the bear rescue sanctuary.
The bear rescue sanctuary had over 600 bears rescued from
Kallanders. Kallanders are a type of gypsy who train bears
to dance. In the sanctuary we saw an adorable dog called
Richard Parker!
After lunch we headed over to the Taj Mahal, we waited
several minutes before going through security. With beautiful
views and sights the Taj Mahal loomed in sight! With the day
ending we travelled back to the bus.
When we finished dinner we went to a Bollywood film.
It was very good. It was a little hard to understand because
it was in Hindi.
It was a very jam packed day and all got to sleep at
around midnight.
Tolly Bennett, Chloe Darlington and Fia Ensilidis
Day 5 – Wednesday 18th December
After an interesting night of Bollywood movies and the Taj
Mahal we awoke to the knocking of the door at 8:30am. After
breakfast we packed our bags ready to visit the Taj Mahal for
the second time. Today we witnessed the Taj Mahal at dawn.
The spectacular monument was an amazing sight, it was
said to have been built in 1560 in memory of Mumtaz Mahal
to enshrine her mortal remains.
Following the Taj Mahal we had lunch at the hotel
which consisted of curry, noodles and vegetable sweet and
sour. The boys then went into the pool, which was quite
We then departed to the Agra Fort where we were
greeted by monkeys... vicious monkeys! The buildings
surrounding us were made out of pure marble and engraved
with beautiful carvings. At the top of the fort was a fantastic
view of the Taj Mahal.
The D aunt seian 2014
On the way back from the Agra Fort we stopped at a
shop specialising in marble and gem stones. After a quick
briefing on how they make it we got the opportunity to
buy some for loved ones (a chance to practise our bartering
We followed this up with dinner with one of the nearby
families which was fun!
Tomorrow we will travel to Jaipur.
Chester Barnes and Conor O’Kelly
Day 6 – Thursday 19th December
Today was the day that we departed for Jaipur on a five hour
bus journey through India. After an hour on the coach we
visited the stunning ghost city of Fatehpur Sikri, it was built
by Emperor Akbar in 1569, in honour of the great Saint
Sheikh Salim. Then another hour and a half on the coach
and after a few toilet stops we arrived at a beautiful five star
hotel where the food was outstandingly delicious. We had
a two hour journey before another toilet break. Then we
arrived at Jaipur to find a vibrant city vibe.
For dinner we went to an ethnic village. We felt
welcome; there were elephant and camel rides (though not
at the same time). Then we came back to the Holiday Inn
and went to bed to have a well earned rest for the next day
ahead of us.
Lawrence Bett-Hewitt and Ed Crossfield
Day 7 - Friday 20th December
Today was our last day of the trip and we finished off the
excursion well with an amazing array of experiences.
Firstly, we set out to the Amber Fort, the largest, busiest
and most picturesque fort of the journey.
We rode elephants all the way up the steep winding
pathways of the fort. This was something both amazing
and unique that really started off the day well! Later on we
enjoyed the sight of the fort before returning on jeeps to the
bus. We then promptly moved on to the Maharaja’s City
where we toured various attractions including a clothes and
royal garments museum, an armour and weapons museum
(which boasted objects for disembowelment) and had a
brief glimpse of Jaipur Royals’ lives in their great hall, not to
mention a full market where craftsmen work.
However, the Jaipur regency’s primary attraction was
undoubtedly Jantar Mantar – the largest stone crafted observatory in the world, built from 1428 to 1434, by the king at
the time. Seventeen fully working astronomical instruments
can be seen, and still work to this day. In what seems to be a
surreal exhibition of sculptures, you can really see one of the
best feats of Indian science in the medieval era.
Yet the day’s excitement was far from over; in a stark
contrast to one of the sturdiest and most regal kinds of
transport, we swapped elephants for street rickshaws and
embarked on a perilous pedal powered parade, taking 11
rickshaws through Jaipur and back to the bus.
Eliot Johnson
Day 8 – Saturday 21st December
Today we left at 4:00am to go to the airport.
We woke up at 3:15 which was very hard considering
the day before was very long.
We arrived at around 9:00 and then checked in. After
that we went through security and went to gate 3 at 13:00.
The plane then left at 13:55. We had a fun 8 hours and
45 minutes to sleep and watch plenty of movies.
We landed at around 18:00 and went home.
We are all very grateful for this amazing trip.
Lucas Reay
Having read through the diary I realise quite how much we
actually did fit into a week of travelling! It was an incredible experience to share with pupils who, at the time of the
organising the trip, were all in the Lower School. All the
pupils were excellent company and were great ambassadors
for Dauntsey’s. As the diary showed, they learnt so much
and enjoyed the unique cultural experiences that only India
could offer! We are already being asked about arranging
another trip and we hope we might be able to go again at
the end of 2015.
Tr avel
P aris – F ebruary 2014
rom the 14th to the 17th February 2014, 18 Upper VI
pupils and two teachers, travelled to Paris to learn
more about the French Revolution and Napoleon, which
was indeed successful! The days were tiring with a lot of
walking and Sasha being in charge of ordering metro tickets.
We visited many interesting sites, namely Versailles, The
Place de la Concorde, The Louvre, Notre Dame, Les Invalides
and the Eiffel Tower. We definitely had some laughs, including leaving Sasha behind at a metro station, a certain teacher
falling asleep meaning half of us missed the stop whereas the
other half got off, and Kezia leaving the first aid kit on a metro
platform – which led to alarm bells ringing for security!
I am sure I can say on behalf of all of us, that it was a
brilliant, educational and a well organised trip, with lovely
meals out in the evening.
Jessica Foord
L indau – M arch /A pril 2014
n Saturday 23rd March, a group of students studying
German and two teachers travelled to Germany!
After checking into Heathrow and devouring lunch, we
boarded our flight. After an easy journey we arrived in
Munich. We toured Pasing and bought more food. Soon it
was time for a long train ride to Lindau. We passed pine forests, snow peaked mountains and picturesque little towns
before eventually pulling into Lindau Bahnhof. We were
greeted by a twilight view of Lake Constance. Before long,
we went our separate ways with our host families and settled
down to a long night of sleep. (Well we got up at 7.00am, so
not that long!)
The next morning, feeling slightly more refreshed, it
was a day of walking in the snowy Alps (it was warm enough
for T-shirts though)! We went to the top of the ski slopes
via cable car and then walked over the border into Austria.
We even had our own, yodelling, tour guide. We walked into
the village of Oberstdorf and then caught a bus back to the
nearby train station. But first it was time for cake, an Eisschokolade and more Küchen. Then we took the train back to
our families. There was much relief when the walking boots
could finally come off!
The D aunt seian 2014
The first day of lessons at Dialoge saw a large amount
of fun by all involved. Lessons included talking about where
we came from and what we did in our free time and on
holiday. After lunch we were off on a tour of the island of
Lindau. We learnt about the numerous historical buildings,
visited the beautiful town hall and even went into the ornate
Catholic Church. At the end we went to an ice-cream café.
The size of some of the ice creams was very impressive. Then
a few went to Lindaupark, a shopping centre nearby.
On Tuesday, after our morning lesson on dream holidays, we began a bike tour of the lake. We cycled from Lindau into Bregenz in Austria (and even the less able managed
to actually stay on their bikes). Here in the warm afternoon
sun, we explored the city and went into the outside opera
house that is situated on Lake Constance, where the opera
scene in ‘Quantum of Solace’ was filmed. The opera that
was on tour was the Magic Flute. Everyone enjoyed taking
‘selfies’ with the sets and their friends. Numerous cakes and
ice-creams were eaten (there seems to be a recurring theme
here) and so soon it was time to cycle back to Lindau and
enjoy the remaining hours of the sun.
Wednesday included another morning of lessons. In the
afternoon we took a double-decker train to Friedrichshafen
and visited the Zeppelin museum. We learnt the history of
these huge airships and discovered what it was like inside.
We also learnt about how the Hindenburg met its famous
end. There was a short while before our train back and so it
was time for more shopping and yet another ice cream!
On Thursday afternoon we travelled to Ravensburg,
home of Ravensburger jigsaws and games. This spectacular
city has a pretty ridiculous amount of impressive towers, so
VAHW and SKWK decided that we should go and count as
many as we could; so that’s what we did! Soon our feet were
aching so, naturally, we went for an ice-cream (yes, another).
The most popular flavours included Oreo, Chocolate, and
Tirimisu (“drei Kugeln bitte”)!
Friday was our final day and an early morning for many.
Another train journey to Munich in the morning meant we
could explore this cultural city. Whilst ambling through we
saw many men in Lederhosen, a violinist, surfers on the river
and listened to the glockenspiel on the famous town hall.
Several hours of shopping time satisfied everyone and soon
it was time to travel to our hotel. Unfortunately, a sudden
power cut meant that the train had to stop in the middle of
nowhere, and soon hundreds of people poured out of all the
exits and waited to catch buses. After a stressful hour we
sorted out taxis to the airport. We then caught another to our
Holiday Inn Express where we enjoyed a delicious dinner
before bedding down for an early morning start (after a few
kerfuffles with sharing beds). The next morning, after a 4
o’clock breakfast, we drove back to the airport and finally
caught our delayed flight back to England.
Overall, even if it was very stressful in several parts, it
was an extremely enjoyable trip. Thank you to our excellent
tour guides and to our amazing teachers, VAHW and SKWK!
Vielen Dank! We will never forget it!
Hannah Bamforth and Livvy Fife-Faulkner
S icily – A pril 2014
fter an early start from school and a long journey
to reach our first hotel (spanning from school to London, a connection flight from Rome, and onto a coach to the
hotel) it was fair to say that when a tired troupe of students
found themselves in a rather dishevelled looking car park
(due to a slight translation error when AJC requested to be
shown directions to the nearest ‘park’), the Sicily trip members were suddenly wondering what exactly they had got
themselves in for. But after a night of rest and food, finally,
in us, the next morning beckoned bright and sunny and
from there we didn’t look back – except for the moment
when The Chaplain led us in climbing atop a ruined temple
which led a rather angry Sicilian tour guide to start to accost
MC owing to the misunderstanding.
The trip took us throughout Sicily, to three hotels and
across a multitude of destinations. Up the hills of Segesta,
where students of Virgil’s Aeneid could see first-hand one
of the settling places of Trojan refugees and to view one
of Sicily’s two completely standing Greek temples - the
other at Agrigento. We viewed temples and amphitheatres
both Roman and Greek, across the stunning landscape of
Sicilian countryside. We rambled through the streets, passing through cathedrals and churches – some plain, some
adorned with golden mosaics from floor to ceiling and some
still incorporating original Doric columns into their walls.
We even visited the Sicilian parliament, viewing the murals
of Heracles that surrounded the walls, and scampered down
beautiful gorges.
However, I think for many the highlight of the trip was
being able to visit the active volcano Mt. Etna, where we
trooped around craters and received slightly alarming information, as our tour guide absentmindedly pointed out, that
“the gift shop over there was under lava not too long ago” as
well as being provided the information that the reason there
were so many ladybirds in the mountain was due to their
being attracted by the warm weather only to find no vegetation to live off. However, the sheer scale of the view from
the top of Mt. Etna was one that was stunning; the clear air
allowing the landscape to be seen all the way to the beach –
a vista which even silenced the most distracted third former.
Finally, the trip concluded after a night on the beach
near our third and final hotel, punctuated by a rather
aggressive pop quiz which I narrowly lost to Lorna Frankel’s
superior knowledge. Our journey home was good; we were
whisked through Rome’s airport and onto the flight back to
England. It was fair to say we were all tired, a little sunburnt
and craving food that wasn’t pasta followed by some form
of meat and potatoes – every hotel, without fail. But when
we woke up the next morning after a good night’s sleep I
think we were all a little at a loss not to be setting off to see
something new.
It has to be said that the teachers involved in organising
this trip, especially MC, deserve much gratitude. As do
the local guides who led us through the various sights of
Sicily, keeping us informed as to all the wealth of history the
country has to offer. I am sure that every member of the trip
took something away – even if it just was one of the slightly
dubious hats the fourth form boys made it their mission to
Christina Hall
Tr avel
N ormandy – M ay 2014
aving arrived at school for 4am, we all climbed excitedly onto the coach for our French Adventure, which
began with the drive to the ferry. Our vessel was large and so
were the waves! Some were very badly sea sick, others weren’t. By the time it was breakfast we felt as though it should
be lunch, as we had been out of bed for so long!
The long journey finished and we arrived in France.
Now came the drive to the Château in Criel sur Mer, it
seemed like it would never end; we were all so excited to
get there. Finally arriving at the château, which was very
imposing with geometric patterns in the garden planting, we
dumped our luggage in the rooms and went to have supper.
Once supper was over we were herded into a room to play
‘Werewolf’, which was great fun.
The next day we drove to Dieppe where we were told
about the market and the town. We then had an hour free
to experience the market - it was really interesting to see a
real French market up and running with all different sorts of
things on sale. There were lots of exciting purchases made.
Our next destination was Rouen where we were shown
around the Cathedral. It was just enormous; once we had
completed the small trail and been told about the uses and
structures of the huge building, we were given another
chance to do some shopping.
Sunday was another busy day full of travelling and
activities. Our first stop was Les Grottes de Naours, where
we explored the caves and tunnels where the French hid
during the war. Some of us, me included, were terrified of
the dark and the small spaces. Apparently, in one of the cave
sections there was a bat, luckily I didn’t see it! It must have
been awful to have had to live in the tunnels, but of course
it saved their lives.
One of the highlights of the trip was the Les Hortillonages boat ride. We were split into four different boats to be
shown around the meandering labyrinths of the river which
was surrounded by beautiful, well tended allotments and
gardens; accessible only by boat. In addition, the sun was
also showing us its own beauty and giving us some rare heat
on this trip! To end the spectacular day we were taken to
Amiens Cathedral. The building was dramatic and had some
amazing design features including the signs of the zodiac on
the outside of the building and huge golden memorials to
saints and other religious teachers.
Our final day in France was spent at Cité de la Mer, in
Cherbourg. Here we shopped for an hour in the large shopping centre, and then went on to the Aquarium. After having
time to look around in groups we were taken to an exhibition, to become submarine explorers. We undertook different tasks, like coping with darkness, and learning signals. To
finish, we went inside the submarine simulator, where we
were shown beneath the sea. The day was really fun and I
enjoyed the aquarium the most as there was just so much
marine life to see, like jelly fish, manta rays and some small,
bullish looking sharks.
Then it was all over; a brilliant but exhausting trip thank you!
Maddie George
Kristina Osipova
The D aunt seian 2014
N ightingales children ’ s charity , R omania
he majority of us travelling to Romania didn’t fully
understand the difficulties that many of the young people face daily. In order to join the UN, Romania had to ‘cut
down’ the number of orphanages, but in reality all they did
was create what is known as “super orphanages”. Here, the
conditions were very cramped and staff and resources were
extremely limited. To make matters worse, HIV positive and
disabled children were excluded from these orphanages.
Initially Nightingales children project was dedicated to caring for these children, but over time it has become so relied
upon that now it is a day centre for all children needing help
and support.
To fundraise for this expedition, we started by splitting
into small groups with the aim of raising at least £200 per
group, for example: car washing, afternoon tea and ‘Dauntseys bake off’. However, our main fundraising event was the
charity auction held in the Memorial Hall, from which we
raised £7000, bringing our total amount raised to £8000. This
allowed us to buy resources, such as flip-flops, clothes, toiletries, toys and what was needed for our play scheme. The
rest of the money has been used to provide central heating,
create a business for the young men and provided them with
tools, support one of the translators through university and
fund a holiday for the girls at risk.
Unlike previous years, we were able to travel from the
airport straight to what was known as the ‘home of happiness’ where we were introduced to the head of the charity,
Ben Wells. Thanks to Louise Duff’s fundraising, the rooms in
the day centre had been recently tiled, and we were provided
with brand new blow up beds. On Sunday we had a team
building day where we met the translators who we would
be working with for the week. During the training day, we
were taught the key phrases that we may need to use over
the course of the week (followed by a test!), took part in
various team building exercises and had a tour around Cernevoda where Ben pointed out where some of the children
were living. Our first task was to create a dance routine that
would become the ‘wake and shake’ to the song “Follow the
Having planned our main themes for the week, which
would be: jungle, health, circus, British, birthday and World
Cup, we organised 10 activities which fit into each theme.
On the first day, we were nervous to meet the children but
seeing them arrive so early with massive smiles on their
faces put us all at ease. We started each morning and afternoon session with the famous wake and shake (despite the
speakers catching on fire on the first day!), followed by group
games run by Ben, before we split off into our group activities. It was amazing to see that the children were thrilled
with anything we did whether it was a dodgy face paint, or a
questionable dance routine. This made us realise how much
we actually do take for granted, as the smallest thing such
as a sticker to decorate a bag can make their day. A particular highlight was seeing AJM share her birthday with one of
the children, which we all celebrated with cake pops, jelly
and ice-cream. Even after an exhausting day it didn’t stop
us staying up until midnight playing cards in the kitchen or
chatting in each others rooms, making some funny moments
including creating our very own Romania rap (courtesy of
Jamie and Archie) and becoming at ease with our room
mates- the cockroaches.
To separate the week, we took a day out to Constanta
beach. This was particularly nice as we were able to bond
with the translators in a more relaxed environment. On the
fifth day of the play scheme Ben arranged a football tournament between three teams: Team force, Dauntsey’s and boys
who came from a super orphanage in Constanta. After being
thoroughly beaten the boys came back to the day centre and
had pizza where we can honestly say we have never seen 30
pizzas be eaten so quickly!
Aside from the play scheme with the younger children,
we organised specialised activities for the older girls at risk of
trafficking. This involved nail painting, hair cutting / styling,
jewellery, a mural and a more grown up dance to ‘All the
Single Ladies’ which they then performed at the end of the
day. This was really well received with the girls and we felt
touched that they could talk to us about more serious issues.
On a similar subject, Oli and Jake ran a building workshop
for older men at risk in becoming involved with human trafficking, which became known as ‘Team Force’. Throughout
the week they built wooden furniture for the day centre and
now get regular employment around the town.
Unfortunately the last day with the children came all too
quickly for us and the goodbyes proved to be a lot harder than
we anticipated, with not a dry eye in the house. The bond
created between us and the children was so touching that
returning home to our normal lives was a strange experience.
We cannot describe in words how much you will gain
from this trip, but we can assure you it’s not one to miss
and many of us are hoping to return this coming year. A big
thank you must go to KG, AJM, NML, Molly, Jake and Oli
for their support throughout trip and to everyone involved
with the charity.
Lydia Davies and Louisa Cemm
Tr avel
C r e at i v e
Katerina Mishina
The D aunt seian 2014
A L emon
A T wist
I n T he T ale
My lemon:
Zesty, tangy and sour with a post-it note yellow edge,
which is as waxy as a lily petal with sherbet flavoured insides.
It’s like looking into a beehive or playing a game of trivial
pursuit. When I bite into it, a bad strings orchestra erupts
on my tongue making me cringe.
On its one broad face covered in dimples, it blushes at me
and green patches come and go away.
The young girl’s rippling, ebony hair was in tangles against
her pearly skin. Her crimson lips were torn by brambles and
a bead of scarlet blood was escaping as she screamed for
mercy. With a sterling gleam the razor-sharp scythe severed
her ivory neck. As the minute person shuffled into the darkness;
a faint whisper could be heard “Not so Dopey after all...”
Esme Evans
Ellen Weir
A L ime
A utumn F all
A lime, like an emerald, glinting shiny and green.
Dark as a tunnel,
Damp as a mop,
Cold like a disease,
Horrible, filthy, slop
Birds don’t fly,
Deer don’t dance,
It’s a muddy, mulchy mess,
The men get mown down,
As loud as a train on the track,
On the filthy, crunchy ground,
The leaves fall like men,
On a cold winter’s eve
A lime, like the sound of an out of tune, screechy violin cutting through the air; the taste slices over your now tingling
taste buds and tongue.
A lime, its indented pores like dents in a rock.
A lime, a sickly sweet and sour smell that disturbs your
nose like a bell at 5:00 am disturbs your ears. The taste of
a lime is an infestation; it travels round your mouth like a
raging contagion.
A lime, the skin as waxy and glossy as a seal on an envelope
and the taste like a thorny lizard, slashing your tongue with
sharp thorns of sourness and maybe even bitterness.
Scott Bamford
C omatose B eauty
Madeleine Brooks, Georgia Carpenter & Elsa Chick
I A m A lone
A poem based on ideas in William
Wordsworth’s poetry
She blacked out. Footsteps pattered like raindrops down
the hall, dulling to a gentle drizzle, and eventually subsiding
to echoes of nothing, and then only ghosts of echoes. And
nobody came. Even as the dust choked her dormant airways,
she welcomed death as the smothering kiss of a lover.
To be alone is not to be lonely.
I like a place where it is me only:
Below the cliffs are hills of sand,
The trees beside with leaves fanned;
The raging waves crested with foam,
The wind on the cliffs is a long, low moan;
The seagulls are shrieking not once, but thrice
And the wind, as cold as ice.
These paint a picture of a horrible place,
But when I stand there, hard of face,
The cliffs will look back with glares of stone,
And I will be happy because I am alone.
Hannah Bamforth
Danny Tait
‘It’s induced, controlled, just a bit of barbiturate, a short
sleep, nothing to worry about.’They were converging onto
her now. A jagged shriek, sharply bitten back in a sudden
swell of claustrophobia, formed a kind of strangled sob.
They didn’t hear. And ever closer. And closer. And…
C re ative W riting
C ome and V isit M e
A poem inspired by Emily Brontë
Down in the rocky valley,
Where rivers fastly flow,
Down in the deep green valley,
Where the flowers slowly grow.
That is where you will find me,
Standing with leaves aglow,
That is where you will find me,
And that is where you will go.
Down through the rocky valley,
Through rivers, deep and cold,
Down through the deep green valley,
Through the flowers, bright and bold.
The river is strong and it is long,
Its currents pull and twist,
Its rocky banks are steep and wet,
And handholds are constantly missed.
But you will triumph, you will come,
Through the flowers bright and bold,
But do not falter, do not rest,
Because you carry a story to be told.
For I am waiting for you to come,
Hurry up! For I am weary and old,
Older than the dirt, from where I reside,
But hurry up before my life becomes cold.
My leaves are still glowing, but now they are flowing,
In waves down to the ground,
My branches once so strong and proud,
Now when looked upon receive only a frown.
But you have come!
I knew you would,
I put my faith in you,
And you have done me good.
So come now, close to my bark,
Whisper your secrets in my ear,
And I will protect you as you lie,
In my roots, safe and near.
My poem is about someone going on a journey, down
through a valley to go and visit a tree. All the way through
the poem you hear the tree talking to the person, guiding
them through the valley and telling them to hurry up this
is seen in the lines ‘But hurry up before my life becomes
cold’ and ‘Hurry up! For I am weary and old’, both of which
let you know that the tree doesn’t have much time left in
the world.
The D aunt seian 2014
My favourite images in my poem are ‘Standing with
leaves aglow’ and ‘Through the flowers, bright and bold’,
because ‘Standing with leaves aglow’ makes the leaves
sound like they are burning or somehow lit up, in reality it is
probably autumn and the leaves are bright orange or yellow
and the sun could be shining through the leaves making
them appear to glow. I like the image ‘Through the flowers,
bright and bold’ because it gives the flowers a personality, so
rather than just being flowers, they are bright, bold flowers,
this makes them seem like they are quite confident flowers
instead of shy, secretive flowers.
I got my inspiration for this poem by reading Emily
Brontë’s poems. In her poems she writes quite a lot about
nature and flowers and she often writes about beautiful,
natural scenes such as in ‘methinks this heart should rest
awhile’ she talks about: ‘And first conceal the hills in grey,
and then along the valleys wend’, this phrase is what made
me include a valley in my poem; it also made me think about
what persona to give the valley, a happy one or a sad one, I
went for somewhere in the middle with happy flowers and
a lonely tree. I think I have managed to write my poem in a
similar style to Brontë’s because I have used rhyming words
on the second and forth lines, which Brontë uses. I think I
have also managed to capture her essence of natural beauty,
which in my opinion is amazing.
Chloe Darlington
G awain ’ s B attle
with a D ragon
The snow came down like a series of tidal waves on my face.
My skin was a bright shade of magenta, and the ice had
long since worked its way into my boots, but still I trudged
along through the frozen forest. I needed shelter, for I feared
I would soon freeze to death. I ambled on up a sloping hill,
searching for a cave, a gap between rocks, or anything to
protect me from the harsh blizzard.
At the top of the hill I found a black, rocky area with
crags and boulders and jagged pillars. “Thank the Lord!”
I cried. Immediately I started wriggling into a crevice just
large enough for me to fit in, but deep enough to escape the
snow. As I curled up in the warm crag, I started to succumb
to sleep.
I must have slept for an hour or two, but I was woken
by a bone-shaking bellow. As one of King Arthur’s knights,
normally I would be on my feet in a heartbeat, but I was
much too tired for that. The rock around me began to swell
and warp until I was violently spat out of the crevice. I
landed hard on the stone ground, only to feel yet another
thunderous roar. It sounded like the clashing of copper
bowls, or the threatening tremor of an earthquake. All the
boulders and crags and pillars appeared to lift higher above
the ground together, like some great, black mass. As I stared
at the huge monster before me, a particularly large rock
opened up to reveal a glowing yellow eye, and I realized that
I had not been sleeping amongst rocks at all. The dragon let
out another deafening roar, showing its bone-white teeth,
dripping with venom.
I sprinted to the woods. The dragon half flew, half
bounded after me, and a few seconds later it had caught up
with me. I turned and drew my sword, and we circled each
other for a while. The beast then let out a hideous shriek,
and charged, its teeth bared and its head down. I raised my
sword, hoping to strike its ugly face. But the dragon was
much too swift for me. A strong slam knocked the air out of
my lungs and sent me into a tree. As I got up, catching my
breath, the monster thumped its barbed tail on the floor, as
if it was urging me to strike again. I charged, but this time
I was cunning.
The dragon breathed a white-hot jet of flame at me,
which I blocked with my iron shield. I continued to charge
head-on at the monster. Once I got within striking distance, the dragon lashed out twice with its claws. I dodged
the first attack with a simple side step, but I wasn’t so lucky
with the second. The poisonous claws embedded themselves in my shield, and I desperately tried to yank it out of
the beast’s grasp. After a long struggle, I violently ripped it
out of its talons, but it didn’t save me from what was coming. The dragon smashed its bony hand into my torso, raking its claws along my chest and sending me flying through
the air. My sword left my grip in mid-air, and it clattered to
the ground.
Once I hit the forest floor, I was left with nothing but
my spear, my useless, splintered shield and my bloodied
chest, painful from the venom. Realizing that my shield was
as good as gone, I aimed at the beast’s right temple, hoping
to at least knock it off guard. The intense pain made my
accuracy a little bad, but still I managed to get the dragon
in the jaw. The disgusting reptile toppled over, and I saw
my chance. I rushed to the nearest log on the ground, and
picked it up before hiding behind a tree. The dragon was up
on its feet right away, looking around the area for me, but
I was no-where to be seen. It beat its wings threateningly,
waiting for me to make my move. With a throaty war-cry, I
dashed from the tree and dropped the log on the dragon’s
tail. Feeling the chunk of oak pinning it to the ground, the
dragon rose up and turned around. I could see the monster’s
rage, and I could see the fireball building in its throat. With
a grunt, I thrust my spear through the dragon’s neck. The
fire died in its jaws, and thick, black blood dribbled down its
spiny hide. With the spear still skewering the beast’s throat,
the dragon swung its talons in rage, and with a firm twist,
the monster was decapitated. I picked up my sword, and
continued on my way through the snow.
F irst F orm
Luke Hatch
Georgina Henwood
Uniform buying,
Teacher meeting,
Bus catching,
Book collecting,
Friend making,
Manor camping,
Marshmallow toasting,
Treasure hunting,
Arrow firing,
Hockey playing,
Great dancing,
Bean collecting,
Play rehearsing,
Latin learning,
Sleep yearning,
Term starting,
Play performing,
Fab dancing,
Dance showing,
Spaceship building,
Tuck buying,
Match playing,
War remembering,
Merit counting,
Music making,
Bunsen lighting,
Bird box building,
Netball throwing,
Language swapping,
Sun shining,
Latin Singing
Summer concerting
Ferry crossing
France going,
Sight seeing,
Cake baking,
Exam revising,
Tennis playing,
Quiz taking,
Long jumping,
Discus throwing,
Cake selling,
Field tripping,
Map reading,
Service singing,
Term ending…Mamma Mia!
C re ative W riting
F ive minutes
at M oonrakers
I was peacefully flying over the emerald countryside. The
delicately fragranced breeze complemented the stunning
views, like cream draped over strawberries. The sun glowed
and emitted a warmth that glinted over the lakes below me.
It was calm and surreal. Then suddenly:
“Go away you noisy sheep! It’s 5 am and you’ve been
bleating for hours! I am exhausted!”. The voice sounded
stressed and irritated. There was silence for a minute.
“Baa!” I opened my eyes. Esmeralda was sitting up,
hunched over in her sleeping bag. The sides of the tent
were dripping on her from the zig-zag pattern stripes of
bug spray we’d decorated the tent with the night before,
not realising it would melt our shelter for the night. The air
smelt musty and vaguely of mint. I could feel twigs digging
into my back underneath the thin sleeping bag; despite
that I was snug inside a comfy cocoon of clothes, wedged
between Luna and Esmeralda. As I was in the middle, I had
no water dripping on my body, so unlike Esmeralda, I wasn’t
bothered by it.
However, Esmeralda was clearly very unhappy with the
situation. Her expression was one of extreme discomfort.
Occasionally she would mutter, “I hate camping. I never
want to come again.”Her hair was escaping out of the ponytail she had carefully manufactured the night before, and
she had dark rings underneath her eyes from lack of sleep.
Her face was sunburned to a crisp, and there were midge
bites all over her neck; some of these had been scratched
until they bled. She had a nasty scrape on her cheek as well.
The combination of these created an image of a monster,
feral and hideous to look at. There was a wild, crazy look
in her eyes as she desperately searched for something that
didn’t remind her of the fact that she was camping.
Luna was lying next to me, calmly dozing as Esmeralda rustled around in her bag. She looked happy and content. The water from the tent sides had formed a puddle
by her neck, but it wasn’t touching her yet. Her legs were
bent at the end of the tent, because she was too tall to fit
in comfortably, but she looked as if she had adjusted to the
situation. She had hardly any sunburn, due to the extreme
amounts of sun cream she had applied the morning before.
The sheep had by now moved on to annoy another
tent; we could hear them moaning as it greeted them.
Esmeralda had found a chocolate waffle in a pocket and
was much calmer now. Luna was still asleep. I decided to
go back to bed.
Names have been changed for individual protection!
Dulcie Spindler
The D aunt seian 2014
J eanie ’ s S tory
A poem inspired by Christina Rossetti’s
Goblin Market
I do not live to tell the tale
Of the Goblin Men and their delicious fruits,
But now hear my spirit, do not fail,
I cannot see another victim, tempted by these brutes.
One had the head of a cat,
While another prowled around, covered in fur.
Some had the wormtails of a rat
And they all danced around, causing a stir.
I was by myself and on my own
When they approached me with their baskets.
They told me the fruit was good enough for the throne
But not that it would lead me into a casket.
Alarm bells were ringing loud and clear.
My fiancée had warned me about these tempting men.
I was young and stupid and I’m sorry, my dear;
I should have listened to your warnings then.
I had no money for their sale
But they told me: “Your silken scarf will pay all fees.”
The deal was dealt and they disappeared into a swale,
And I ate the fruit for them to appease.
Soon I was finished and I returned home
To find that I still remained hungry and parched;
I had hoped that the goblins would by my house roam,
But strangely outside they did not march.
And I never did see them once more,
For they left me to whither away and die.
My hair turned white and my bones slowly wore;
My fiancée held me tight as I said my final goodbye.
Hannah Giraudeau
H umpty D umpty
N ow G one
A poem inspired by Thomas Hardy
Humpty Dumpty was an honest, working egg. He spent
days of toil and labour over the wall, built under commission of Puss in Steel-Toe-Cap-Boots Company. Humpty
inspected the finished wall, commanding a bird’s eye view
as he walked on top.
Puss himself had no idea that his own branded boots,
given to his workers, had no grip on brickwork! As Humpty
slipped and fell, it seemed like the end for this honest,
bricklaying egg.
Fortunately, Accident Helpine was there to help and offer
full compensation. Humpty lived happily, no win, no fee,
ever after.
Eliot Johnson
I once had faith in love,
But now that trust is gone,
It shielded me like a glove,
But now it’s deed is done
I can no longer feel,
My heart is not here,
My life is unreal,
I no longer fear
I once cared,
But now I feel nothing,
I have shared,
But I’m no longer trusting
I no longer have faith in love,
I no longer care,
It is not a dove,
It is not fair.
C hristmas
M ourning
Over the sea and through the snow
Unfeeling finger
Lamp lights glow
The whistle is blown
Over the edge!
Our courage is shown.
BANG! The guns go
The screaming men
The battlefield sure to overflow
On Christmas morning
All are mourning,
Satan comes carrying the frost
Refreshing our memories of the horror,
Of the night before.
This poem shows the grief of Hardy’s life and how he loses
everything when the person he loves most dies. This is the
sort of poem he would have written in the time after his first
wife’s death. Hardy writes with emotion and from grief. It
shows how people trust love and it just spits them straight
back out again. It shows that the person you love can mean
everything to you. Thomas Hardy wrote lots of poems about
love, quite often with sad endings so this shows off his
emotional style.
This poem makes you feel sorry for the narrator. The
first stanza tells us how you trust love and it betrays you.
The second stanza shows us how much one person can
mean and how you stop feeling once they are gone. The
third stanza also tells you how you do not care about the
world and won’t share when you lose them. The last stanza
is telling us about how he does not care or love and tells
us how the dove is a misconception and love is not fair.
The ABAB rhyming couplets are what Hardy used so this
portrays his style.
Harry Poole
Archie Osmond & Charlie Badman
C re ative W riting
Jolie Brise
The D aunt seian 2014
A Y ear in the L ife of
J olie B rise and the
S ailing C lub
e carried out Jolie Brise’s Annual winter refit from
November 2013 until March 2014. Various groups of
Dauntsey’s students came down to the Hamble at the weekends to help scrape barnacles and get everything spick and
span for the new sailing season.
In June, with Dauntsey’s students, we took part in a very
light-aired Round the Island Race, which we were leading in
our class until the wind died completely. Some rapid calculations were made which showed that we weren’t going to
make it back to the Hamble in time for the minibus to take
students back to school, so the engine was started and we
retired from the race.
photo courtesy of Rick Tomlinson
Following on from the Round the Island Race, for the
first time ever, Jolie Brise and the Sailing Club ran a Life
Skills Week for two groups of Fifth Form students at the end
of their GCSE Exams. We used Jolie Brise as a means of
transport to get them to various different locations in the
Solent area. During the week the students spent time learning how to cook, drive a power boat, administer first aid,
self-defence, how to sharpen knives, wire plugs, some basic
car maintenance, cook on an open fire and many other skills,
as well as taking part in a public transport challenge.
Over the Easter holidays, in addition to our usual charters, we ran two successful Dauntsey’s cruises that went to
France and the West Country, with both crews completing
their RYA five day Competent Crew Course. Jolie Brise also
took part in the Yarmouth Pilot Cutters Review at the end of
April with OD’s and Parents as crew, as the event took place
during term time. This was the fourth year of the Pilot Cutter
Review, Jolie Brise has taken part in three out of the four
years and has been the overall winner each time attending.
We then carried out our normal work locally until May,
when Parents and ODs helped deliver Jolie Brise to Jersey for
the students’ Summer Half Term Cruise.
J olie B rise
We then set off on the Summer Cruise programme
which started from Hamble, sailing to La Rochelle then on
to La Coruna, then nearly 1,000 miles out into the Atlantic to
the Azores, back to Northern Spain, Spain to Falmouth and
Falmouth Tall Ships Race to Royal Greenwich.
The main theme of the cruises had been to go in search
of wildlife, primarily whales, so this summer over the cruises
we encountered: fourteen sperm whales, two humpbacks,
two fin whales (one size down from a blue whale, so larger
than Jolie Brise, they were so close that the crew had to take
evasive action!), two hammerhead sharks, four leatherback
turtles, and way too many dolphins to mention.
The last cruise did very well in the Tall Ships Race, coming second in class and second in Fleet before arriving at
Canary Wharf where Jolie Brise was visited by HRH Countess of Wessex.
As term had now started, we sailed back to Hamble
from Royal Greenwich with young people, who were recovering from cancer, from the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust.
They all had a great time and we made it back in time to
start taking the Fourth Form and new students in the Lower
Sixth out for a taster on Jolie Brise. In amongst all that we
also took part in the ASTO Small Tall Ships Race, which was
in its 11th year. Jolie Brise and Dauntsey’s students won this
overall making it the eighth time we have won it outright.
In summary; a very busy and successful year for the
Club and Jolie Brise.
Toby Marris
Head of Sailing
Life skills
The Azores
Falmouth Parade of Sail (photo courtesy of Jasmine Boote)
The D aunt seian 2014
photo courtesy of Charlie Wilks
photograph from courtesy of Max Moody
J olie B rise S ummer H alf T erm C ruise 2014
C owes S mall T all S hips R ace 2014
Skipper: Toby Marris
First Mate: Adam Seager
Bosun: Catherine Holt
Crew: Alexander Clark, Jacob Frame, Fergus O’Keeffe,
Euan Reid, Kristin Romer-Lee, Phoebe Vernon, Charlie Wilks
Skipper: Adam Seager
First Mate: Luke Duckworth
Second Mate: Simon Pearson
Bosun: Fergus Taylor
Crew: Oliver Barnes, David Bennett, Jasmine Boote,
Meirian Evans, Phoebe Giraudeau, Torran Green, Grace
Keppel, Edward McCormick, Millie Prichard
n the first Monday of June half term, our Jolie Brise
group left school at 6.30 AM. We drove for about 2
hours to the ferry to Jersey. A few hours later we arrived and
unpacked on the boat. We then had a couple of hours to
explore the town and go through the safety instructions on
the boat.
The next morning we rose bright and early at 4.30 AM
to sail to Guernsey. On the way we anchored the boat at the
island of Sark, where we went for a swim that woke all of us
up! We had a lot of fun using a spare rope to swing off the
front of the boat and drop into the water by the ladder! After
that we finished our journey to Guernsey and went to bed
for a long sleep after visiting the shower block!
On day three we sailed from Guernsey to Cherbourg,
France, where we had lots of time to explore and find something nice for lunch. That evening we went out for a pizza
and bowling, which got very competitive between the three
The next day, despite the lack of wind, we sailed/
motored across the Channel back to Hamble, and made it
back at about 11, despite some engine problems. For the
last two days we took part in the Old Gaffers Festival in
Yarmouth; and competed in a couple of small races. In the
evenings we went to the main event where there was lots of
dancing and tribute bands… There were lots of events at the
festival (the best was the bouncy castle slide) and we also
took turns speeding down the river in the motor boat kept
on deck! We then returned to Hamble, where we cleaned the
boat until it was spotless and then returned home.
Charlie Wilks and Kristin Romer-Lee
rushed start to the weekend saw ten Dauntsey’s students arriving straight from school to Hamble on Friday 3rd
October, loading gear and food and a hasty exit and motor
sail to Cowes in order to make the race briefing.
The crew woke early on Saturday to heavy rain, poor
visibility and a forecast saying force 6 to gusting force 8,
plenty of wind.
The hour prior to the race start was spent sailing
around, practicing the manoeuvres on Jolie Brise and saw
the worst of the wind blowing through and cleared as the
race started, showing us in a good place on the line and first
across on a long wet upwind leg, through the Western Solent
entrance (Hurst narrows) and just about managed to be first
around the first mark, before the more modern bigger and
faster boats slipped by.
The race lasted a total of five hours and saw all manner
of weather conditions and numerous sail changes, challenging the students’ skills and their patience with us, as we
constantly asked something of them to encourage Jolie Brise
along at her full potential.
We crossed the line mid-afternoon to a cannon, signalling Jolie Brise being first across the line in her class, and
looking at our placing amongst the fleet of 28 boats, we were
silently hopeful of a good overall result.
We arrived at the prize giving and received our first in
class prize, and then to top a great day off, Jolie Brise was
announced as overall winner of the 2014 ASTO Small Ships
Race and awarded the Aurora trophy. All that was left to do
was get involved in the party and dancing, and the Dauntsey’s
fantastic students did not disappoint here either.
Sunday saw thick fog and no wind, and a motor back to
Hamble, and with a bit of spit and polish, so that Jolie Brise
was all ready for a day charter, the students were whisked
back to Dauntsey’s.
J olie B rise
The D aunt seian 2014
M usical H ighlights
A utumn
Jardine, Mr Gudgeon and Mrs Davey, who ran the event and
conducted the Jazz band and singers to the high standard
that was expected of the evening. Finally, thank you to Mr
Whyte and the 17 club members who waited the tables with
a degree of professionalism that one could only find at the
Ritz hotel.
Kezia Buckland and Georgie Fox
R onnie S cott ’ s E vening
his year’s Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Evening was an
incredible display of the musical talent at Dauntsey’s school and was hugely enjoyed by all who attended.
The new venue of the Memorial Hall saw the gathering of
around 400 people.
The evening began with Dauntsey’s Jazz Band’s energetic and vibrant performances of songs such as ‘Tequila’,
which the audience participated in as the jazz band members danced their way throughout the tables. This half also
saw 6 impressive vocal performances from Georgie Fox and
Kezia Buckland, Libby Hollingshead, Louise Duff, Georgie
Ashby, Archie Combe and Sophie Badman.
Before the interval, and the delicious hog roast, Clare
Teal made her entrance with a surprise performance of
‘Brightside of the road’ with the Dauntsey’s Jazz Band,
and the previous singers. After the fantastic meal, Clare
Teal appeared once again with her band. The atmosphere
was electric and Clare Teal provided the audience with an
extensive range of entertaining songs, which left many tapping their feet and clapping along. Her performance was,
as always, uplifting, humorous and engaging. It was clear
that the audience had fully appreciated the talented performance due to the tremendous cheer that erupted after
Clare’s last song.
However, this magical evening could not have been
possible without the efforts of Mr Sims and Mr Herring, who
smoothly operated from behind the scenes. Along with Miss
A utumn C oncert
n Wednesday 13th November, over 200 pupils took
part in the Autumn Concert, which was a resounding
success and raised over £1100 for this year’s school charity,
FSMU - Friends of St Michael’s Girls School Uganda.
Many musical groups played a series of pieces from different genres, from Mendelssohn to John Lennon. Along with
the fantastic ensemble performances, there were outstanding solos from Tabitha Bardsley (violin) who played Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto, accompanied by the Symphony
Orchestra. Emily Neve’s soprano saxophone solo with the
Concert Band was performed with elegance and poise.
The second half saw the Senior Chamber Choir perform
John Rutter’s Magnificat, in which Jessica Foord and Georgie
Fox shone as soprano soloists; and the Symphony Orchestra
finished off the evening with a high-energy performance of
Walton’s Spitfire Prelude and Fugue.
Many thanks to all those who took part and well done
for providing an excellent evening of entertainment.
M usic
S pring
C hoir T our
uring the February Half Term a team of 39 choristers
travelled to Barcelona on their very first choir tour.
After a long day of travelling and rehearsing, we checked
into the Erasmus Hotel where we would be spending four
nights. Over the next two days we were lucky enough to
sing in two beautiful buildings. The first was the Church of St
Gaieta, which once inside opened up into a beautiful domed
room with spectacular decorations and wonderful acoustics.
We performed a concert of pieces ranging from ‘Daemon’ to
Mr Totney’s ‘Mystery of Christ’ to an audience of enthusiastic
and appreciative locals. A lovely sound was created and the
choir really gelled to fill the space.
The next day we sang in the Barcelona Cathedral. This
was a much larger venue where we performed a concert in
front of the high altar. Following this, we sang at Mass, in a
side chapel of the cathedral. Again the setting and acoustics
were incredible with an echo of over five seconds. Before the
concert it looked as if we would be singing to an audience of
4 or 5 people, but suddenly about 200 people then arrived,
making the set of anthems we sang all the more fun as we had
more people to appreciate them. We then sang in a Spanish
mass where Mr Totney was seriously downgraded from the
most grand organ we had ever seen, to a very simple electric
keyboard. Nevertheless, it was still lovely and an essence of
the culture was taken in. Having sung in the grandeur of
Barcelona Cathedral, we were not necessarily expecting to
sing in (or even visit) a more impressive building.
However, the visit to the Sagrada Familia the following day proved us all wrong. Designed by the ambitious
architect Antonio Gaudi, the building has a very distinctive
range of styles - some parts of it angular and modern-looking, others are simply indescribable - and that’s just on the
outside! It will be the tallest building in Barcelona when it is
finished (yes, you read correctly - building work was started
in 1882 and is due to be completed by 2026), and I think
I can safely say that the architecture is unique. The inside
of the building was arguably far more astounding than the
outside. It was surprisingly light, built with very light colours
The D aunt seian 2014
and with many windows, with nature as Gaudi’s main inspiration (according to the guide who gave us a tour). Although
one could be forgiven for being reminded of futuristic science-fiction extra-terrestrial style film settings by Gaudi’s
innovative designs. We were lucky enough to be allowed to
sing three pieces at the back of the church, and quite a crowd
had gathered by the time we had finished singing ‘Daemon’,
‘Locus Iste’ and ‘O Magnum Mysterium’. It was an incredible
experience to sing in such a magnificent place.
The final day before our departure for England saw
the choir escaping from the confines of city life to a remote
church on the top of Tibidabo mountain (it was probably a
large hill but I like to think we went up a mountain), and
whilst the Temple of the Sacred Heart may have lacked a
snappy title, it certainly did not lack grandeur. With impressive views of the surrounding landscape (which we were fortunate enough to see from the very top of the church), both
the church itself and its position on the mountain made it a
wonderful place to perform our final concert, and a fitting
way to end the tour - by looking out across the city we had
enjoyed visiting and singing in. Thankfully we made use of
the funicular to get there and return (see, it must have been
a mountain) for a final dinner, in the Hard Rock Cafe. I don’t
know of anyone who didn’t thoroughly enjoy the choir tour
to Barcelona, although, with such an excellent combination
of sightseeing and singing (and a bit of walking), how could
it not be a success?
William de Chazal and Louise Duff
Senior Choristers
R ockfest
new timeslot and brand new format gave Rockfest an exciting atmosphere this year. By setting up,
rehearsing, sound checking all day Sunday and having the
final performances on Monday afternoon many more pupils
were able to join us for the concert. The Memorial Hall was
filled to capacity with pupils, staff and parents.
Twelve different acts took to two different stages and
produced a wide range of popular music, from the esoteric
folk influenced music of Monk’s Habit to the funky punk
of King Yurtle through metal, pop and rock. By swapping
between two stages the music was kept flowing and set up
times were minimal so a special mention is due to James
Matthews, Nik Mukherjee and Archie Combe who not only
all had to perform themselves but helped all the other performers get ready on each stage.
As the pictures reflect the light show provided by Mr
Herring was awesome. The sound was mixed by Sergio
Hunt, Nat King and James Devoto who did an excellent job
of controlling the difficult acoustic in the Mem Hall. Special
thanks to the adjudicators Mr Barwood and Mr Poole who
both thoroughly enjoyed the concert and have given constructive advice to all the bands.
Frankel, Sam Abel and Hermione Owen.
The evening concluded with a trip down memory lane,
as the entire Lower School gave a rousing finale of Music
Hall songs, interspersed with acts and jokes. Congratulations go to all the pupils and their supportive house staff for
all the weeks of preparation that led to such an enjoyable
and energetic evening.
N ew E nsembles
t seems that a new musical group pops up at
Dauntsey’s every week or so. The 3rd form string quartet
(Francesca McClean, Jeffrey Lam, Sam Abel and Hermione
Jewitt) rehearse on a Wednesday morning. They recently
had their début performance at the Music and Strawberries
evening, playing Mozart’s ‘Ave Verum Corpus’ and the theme
from ‘Fawlty Towers’.
Scott Bamforth and Robert Bourne rehearse as a violin
duo on Monday afternoons. They are currently working on
a suite of pieces written specially for them, entitled ‘Class
Clowns’, which they will perform early next year.
We now have four string quartets in total, plus two clarinet quartets and two saxophone quartets.
S ummer
L ower S chool M usic C ompetition
his year’s grand final took place in front of a packed
Memorial Hall on Thursday 13th February. After all
the pupils in Rendell House had set the ball rolling with a
rendition of Bad Day, four soloists from each house took
to the stage with displays of quality musicianship, leaving
our visiting adjudicator, Niki Bell from Pinewood School,
with some very tough decisions to make. To give her time,
the other houses enthusiastically offered their ensemble
performances, with Scott putting together a medley of Beatles songs, Forbes singing Counting Stars, and the Manor
showcasing Hall of Fame. The Lower Chamber Choir also
sang Proud by JLS, the song which was written for the 2012
Sport Relief Mile.
When the time came for the verdict to be delivered, Rini
Banerjee was highly commended for her piano and vocals,
having played and sung the Rihanna song Stay, and John
Frankel was declared the overall winner after a sensitive performance of Martini’s Plaisir d’amour on the cello.
The trophy was awarded to the house which accumulated the most points of the evening. This year it went to
Forbes for the combined efforts of Imogen Cockwell, John
S chool G rand S ummer C oncert
his concert certainly lived up to its title. Playing
to a packed Memorial Hall, some three hundred plus
musicians came together to perform Carl Orff’s stirring,
amusing (and at times somewhat risqué) oratorio, Carmina
Burana. The orchestra, led by Matthew Taylor, were always
impressive. The combined forces of the school choirs and
Dauntsey’s Choral Society raised the roof with some spectacular ensemble singing whilst the various soloists were
most definitely the icing on the cake with Sebastiano Cipolla’s drunken Abbot a highlight. Under the dynamic musical
direction of Mr Gudgeon, the oratorio was performed with
a real sense of occasion and will be remembered for many
years to come.
M usic
If this feast was not sufficient, the second half of the
evening was filled with a smorgasbord of musical delights.
The school Symphony Orchestra, led by Tabitha Bardsley,
performed, with considerable skill and sensitivity, Schubert’s ‘Unfinished’ Symphony No.8. Joined by the Lower
Chamber Choir we were taken to a very different sound
world with Dominic Irving’s beautiful orchestration of Menken’s Colours of the Wind. The Concert Band followed and
swung into easy-listening action with two standards under
the direction of Mr Totney.
Another change of gear saw The Dauntsey’s Quartet
- Miranda Bardsley, Nathaniel Arnold, Lorna Frankel and
Charlotte Sims - play Karl Jenkins’ Palladio with exquisite
agility and style. Closing a remarkable evening of musical
entertainment, Miss Jardine turned up the temperature with
the Dance Band featuring a terrific and decidedly cool solo
from trombonist, William Sims.
A collection was taken for the school’s charity – The
Friends of St Michael’s Primary School, Uganda – and
thanks to the generosity of an appreciative and musically
replete audience, raised a fantastic £1000.
Tabitha Bardsley
Leader of the Symphony Orchestra
more solo performances, the most striking of which was
an electrifying karaoke moment from the soon-to-depart
Phoebe Carter. The pupils then turned their attention to
their part in Carmina Burana and a tear-jerking rendition of
Colours of the wind at the Grand Summer Concert. The year
ended with a high quality pitch at the New Pupils’ Service,
which will no doubt have whetted the appetite of plenty of
soon-to-be young Dauntseians. I am particularly grateful
to Lewis Maclean, Finley Wilson, Robert Bourne, Hannah
Walker, Phoebe Carter, Sadie Mutton and Agnès Williams,
all of whom have taken turns in the position of Choir Senior
this year, as well as to Mrs Payne on the piano. Thanks also
to Jess Foord, our outstanding U6 prefect.
For many years the choir has been made up of only 1st
and 2nd Form pupils but, from September 2014, it will expand
to include the 3rd Form. It will therefore be a delight to have
the chance to work with the same outstanding team plus
more new pupils, a move which should only serve to make
next year even bigger and better!
M usic C ompetitions
he music competitions are fiercely battled each year.
As we knew would be the case, the competition in the
U6th form this year made for some very difficult decisions by
our visiting judges.
T he L ower C hamber C hoir
his has been a vintage year for the Lower Chamber
Choir, with a tremendously strong and highly committed top year leading the line. Their increased presence at
Lower School Services has seen them gain in confidence
and their first public performance of the year set the tone
for things to come. The Autumn Concert saw a medley
which included The Birds Lament by Richard Rodney Bennett and This Day by Bob Chilcott, alongside the traditional
Greensleeves. Each piece was arranged or orchestrated by a
member of the Dauntsey’s staff and there were solos from a
number of pupils, with Hermione Owen immediately establishing herself as a star voice of the future. In the run up
to Christmas, the pupils sang for the residents at Dauntsey
House, which, as well as providing welcome entertainment,
was used as a chance to warm up for the Carol Services.
The Spring Term saw the choir learn the JLS song Proud
to perform at the Lower School Music Competition, with yet
The D aunt seian 2014
The Barron Prize (6th Form Instrumentalists)
– Henry Roberts (clarinet)
The Gilliat Prize (4th – 6th Form Singers)
– Louise Duff
Middle School Music Competition
– Emily Neve (saxophone)
Lower School Music Competition
– John Frankel, cello
Rockfest, “Monk’s Habit”
– Emily Neve and Cicely Spence
Juliet Stewart Cup (for commitment to the Dance Band)
– Toby Dibble
The Richards Cup (for most improved string player)
– John Frankel
All music prizes are awarded by expert visiting adjudicators, with prizes for commitment, loyalty and leadership
decided democratically by the music staff. The one exception to this is the Anna Roberts Prize for Outstanding
Musical Performance, for which the recipient is decided by
the Director of Music. This award was created by Mr Roberts, in memory of Anna and her enormous influence on the
musical life of the school. While there were many memorable and dazzling solo performances this year, the greatest
emotional impact undoubtedly came from Louise Duff’s
understated and sensitive performance of In Trutina from
Carmina Burana in the Summer Concert. This is the second
time Louise has received this award, arguably the most prestigious we have, having been the inaugural recipient at the
request of Mr Roberts himself.
M ercers C oncert S eries
personality before looking at the ‘instruction manual’.
Another fascinating point for discussion was her distinction between ‘practice’ and ‘rehearsal’ - she practises
a little but rehearses a great deal. She defined practice as
learning the mechanics of a piece, whereas rehearsal captures the musical, emotional and expressive preparation for
communication to an audience, including consideration of
every aspect of the venue: from the acoustics of the space to
the character of the audience.
This was a wonderful opportunity for our pupils and
the wider community to join a world class percussionist on
an amazing journey of sound. Dame Evelyn was extremely
generous with her time, having been interviewed by pupils
earlier in the day and then taking questions from the audience after her performance. Over half of our pupils play
a musical instrument and many of us went away feeling
inspired by her ideas.
e were very pleased to resume the Mercers’ Concerts Series this year, the programme of professional
visiting artists, a series launched by the late Anna Roberts
with great success for so many years. We re-launched with
an incredible recital by internationally renowned tenor
James Gilchrist.
One of the musical highlights of the year, however,
was the visit of Scottish percussionist and composer, Dame
Evelyn Glennie, who captivated a capacity audience of more
than 600 pupils, parents and guests with an extraordinary
exploration of percussion, sound and performance. Dame
Evelyn, who has been deaf since the age of 12, always plays
in bare feet so that she can feel the music vibrating through
the floor. She performed at the opening ceremony of the
London Olympics and is the first person in musical history
to successfully create and sustain a full-time career as a solo
Evelyn eloquently and energetically led us on a journey of sound, starting with a dramatic snare drum solo performance of ‘Prim’ by Icelandic composer Askell Masson.
She then took everyone on an entertaining tour of sound,
illustrating her ideas with demonstrations on a variety of
percussion instruments including a snare drum, marimba,
waterphone, temple blocks and a halo.
During her talk, Evelyn encouraged us to experiment
and explore music and sound, without being constrained
by convention. She has a collection of more than 2000 percussion instruments and explained that when she finds a
new one she always experiments with it to determine its
I nterview : E velyn G lennie
What would you have done if you hadn’t had played an
I don’t know; I was very interested in sport and language,
and I like visual art as well: so possibly one of those subjects.
What was the last book you read?
I think it would have to be a book about Jacqueline du Pré,
the late English cellist; she was an utterly brilliant musician
M usic
who had an enormous career as a soloist, a concert soloist,
in the days when it was very unusual for a female cellist to
be out there as a soloist. It was always regarded as a male
instrument because of the posture you have to be in to play
it. And the reason for reading the book is because I did a BBC
radio interview called ‘Great Lives’ where they ask a person
like myself to choose a person who we think is wonderful
and so I’ve always felt that Jacqueline du Pré was a remarkable lady who died far too young, she died in her early forties
through MS, so she had a very short performing career.
How did you get interested in music, did anything
particularly inspire you?
I think it was a case of just building blocks, in a way that
just happened. For example, I went to a primary school, a
very remote primary school in Scotland which only had two
teachers, a tiny school that had 43 pupils at its maximum. But
each week all of the pupils got a music lesson so that by the
time they left primary school, at the age of 11, they could all
read music. I then went to a secondary school where music
was very important, and in those days, certainly in Scotland,
music was not seen as a soft subject; it was a serious subject and every pupil had the opportunity to learn a musical
instrument. So it was very natural for me to be curious and
see the school orchestra.
It was hugely inspiring and I looked around the
orchestra, I had already learnt piano, and I looked at the
strings and thought ‘um no I don’t fancy playing the strings,
or the brass, no, where must I go?’ I had already spent a year
playing the clarinet, and decided that wasn’t my instrument.
And I looked at the percussion and thought ‘Oh, I might give
that a go’ - I was 12 years old and it was extremely inspiring
to see pupils of more or less my age playing together and
I thought ‘I want to be a part of that’. But I had no idea of
ever becoming a musician: that was simply not on my radar,
I just wanted to give it a go. So the school was extremely
important. Then at the age of 15, I made it very clear in my
mind that I would give music a go as a profession. My parents weren’t too happy, they were quite, you know, worried
that it wasn’t going to be a concrete or stable career. I auditioned for two places, not expecting to get in, just to gain the
experience. However, the places were open to me, so I then
left school at 16 and graduated at 19 and then started to earn
my bread and butter. So for me, having those clear, simple
aims was really, really important.
Do you think that deafness is taken seriously and fully
understood by people?
It’s taken seriously but it is very much misunderstood.
And that’s a lot to do with the media. Because the media
just want to ask if you can hear or not. And it’s simply not
like that. It’s like seeing someone in a wheelchair and just
assuming they can’t walk. You know the interesting thing
is that if you see someone in glasses, well you don’t regard
them as a blind person. But if you see someone with hearing
aids you automatically think ‘ah they’re deaf’. Which is a very
strange thing. We are inclined to sort of want to categorise
everybody because it makes life simpler, but really it’s a lot
more confusing, it really is. So, deafness is definitely misunderstood. There’s lots of different forms of deafness, different
The D aunt seian 2014
levels of deafness: from hard of hearing, partial, profoundly
and very few people are totally deaf, that’s a very rare thing.
But the media will change something from profoundly to
totally and this is where confusion breaks out. Now with the
technology we have with advancement in hearing aids with
and implants things are much better. These implants didn’t
exist when I was young; we used to walk around with what
we call phonic ears, you know, very limitative. But the whole
of the technology side has really developed. Even for elderly
people, where deafness just comes on very naturally. We
feel we have to shout at them and things, but actually that’s
the worst thing you can do, because actually deafness can
be about hearing too much sound, it can sometimes be this
cacophony of sound - so you’re hearing absolutely everything
but you can’t decipher what it is or where it is coming from.
And that affects your balance, coordination and so it’s hard
to hear what is going on. So it isn’t always about the lack of
sound, it’s sometimes about too much sound.
Which dead musician would you like to have dinner with?
Well I have to say Jacqueline du Pré, the late comedian pianist Glen Gould, or, well, I wouldn’t mind Beethoven to be
there to be honest! He didn’t have anything to help him
really, he was literally reliant on bringing his senses together
without any help of technology. He was living in the days
where people thought sound was felt through the ears rather
than their body.
How do you emotionally feel the music and portray that
if you struggle to hear what you are playing?
Well for me if I’m creating the music myself that’s when I
get the emotion, and so I’m not saying this in any kind of
egotistical way, but if someone else does it I don’t get the
same emotion because I’m not the one producing the sound,
going through that journey. So recordings for me, even my
own recordings, I never listen to at all. It’s just you don’t get
enough subtlety in the recording. So I found the enjoyment I
get is through the participation and once that participation is
done, and finished, that’s that. I don’t try and replicate something I’ve done in the past because I can’t remember what
I have done in the past. It has to be now, ‘what’s the room
I’m in?’, ‘what’s the instrument I’m playing?’, ‘what is it I’m
feeling right now’? Once it’s done, well, that’s that really!
That’s why making a recording is sort of a real challenge, in a way, because obviously in a live situation you feed
off the audience and they are very much part of it. But in a
recording, you have the microphones and yet you are meant
to create the most amazing and inspired performance, and
there you are in a cell-like room, you know, with all these
microphones and you have to be inspired. And meanwhile
you have to do it in three hours! And it’s the difference
between practice, rehearsal and performance. It’s realising
the importance of an audience, and their participation in a
live situation and how you can then carry that feeling of the
presence of an audience.
Can you tell us about the Olympic Opening Ceremony?
When I was asked to do it, in all honesty, I wasn’t excited at
all. And the reason for that was because I was asked to do
the Greek Olympics when the games happened there but
at the last moment the direction of the ceremony changed,
and I was no longer required. So I thought ‘hey ho’ the same
thing could happen this time! And then as the time rolled
by, and things were much more concrete and contracted and
things like that, then I thought ‘OK, it’s a bit more firm and
stable now and the direction is very clear’. And then as we
started rehearsing I knew ‘right well, this is now going to
happen’. So it was a huge honour, and privilege, I have to
say, and probably the best kind of example I have seen of
team work, from all of the volunteers to all of the professionals who worked behind the scenes: so all of your sound
people, all of the staging people, just, I mean, the mountains
of people who were all so talented and so extraordinary in
getting this thing together.
It really was an unbelievable occasion, the whole ceremony just came together so brilliantly, and the rain stayed
off! Everything just seemed to work really well. I was very
proud to be British that day, I really and truly was. And I don’t
think I’ve had that complete feeling of recognising what it is
to be British, you know, and the celebration of the British
Isles, and I think all the more important now because Scotland is voting for independence quite soon. All of my family
are based is Scotland and I have two brothers: one is very
pro independence and the other is anti independence. I live
in England so I am not allowed to vote! But for me, I would
definitely want Scotland to be part of the UK and I think this
ceremony really highlighted the celebration of that.
that just seem to be magnified to yourself but which other
people wouldn’t notice. But that’s what makes you push
your boundaries more and make you a better player. I feel
we all have some nerves there. We all get nervous!
Can you reconstruct music in your head from when you
have heard it in the past?
Some things, yes I do. A lot of things not. For example, not
even with music, but with spelling; I used to be a very good
speller and used to really enjoy it and be good at it. But now
I find it very difficult to hear the words, I mean if it’s a more
unusual word, I find those much more difficult to reconstruct. But with music, that doesn’t worry me. I don’t try and
remember anything - I really don’t. For me it’s a discovery of
sound, that’s what is so important to me, what is the now, in
this room, what is it serving at this point in time?
When you dream do you hear sounds or music?
Sounds - I definitely do, but music hardly ever. Sounds definitely. They are usually quite extreme sounds like screeches
or rumbles, really extreme sounds as opposed to something
more musically constructed.
Ana Carter, Louise Duff and William de Chazal
We have a lot of concerts here, and many of us get very
nervous. How do you deal with nerves?
I think in all honesty if people really, really and truly put their
hand on their heart, everybody gets nervous. And it’s accepting that, you know it’s going to happen you just have to let
it flow through your system and not try to fight it. Of course
there are certain things that people do: each person has their
‘thing’ that they do, some people are more superstitious than
others, and so they must wear a certain thing or put on a
piece of jewellery or whatever before hand.
In my situation, less is more. By that I mean I don’t want
to be hostage to a situation, I don’t want to be hostage to
the fact that I always do something before a performance
and then I suddenly I can’t do it because of X, Y and Z reason. So, you know, every dressing room, every venue, every
situation is different. So I accept that and you know if you
are as prepared as possible and knowing that live performances can go one way or another, they just do. So if even
if you are really prepared, sometimes you do a performance
and you think ‘ah that didn’t go quite right’. And other times
you think before hand, ‘oh gosh I shouldn’t have done a bit
more work’, but somehow the performance just seems to
work: everything just seems to come together. And that’s
life, there’s always going to be that. What’s more important
is the consistency, making sure that your not-great performances are still at that high level where it’s an experience to
the audience. Because again, if people are truly, truly honest
with themselves, it’s just a handful of times whereby you
walk off stage and think ‘wow, now that was special’. Otherwise, 99% of the time you walk off stage and think ‘that
needs to be improved, I should have done that, and why did
I do that?’. You know you are always nit-picking at things
M usic
The D aunt seian 2014
I t S nows
t Snows by Bryony Lavery, Steven Hoggett and Scott
Graham transformed Annabelle’s studio into a winter wonderland with the whole cast wrapped up in outdoor
coats, scarfs and boots. The first directed play from LKP was
an excellent display of ensemble work from an energetic and
fresh cast varying in age and experience, with many members making their debut with Drama at Dauntsey’s.
The play began with the seemingly age old story of boy
meets girl. However, once ‘it snowed’ the story widened its
plot to teenage issues of bullying, parents and friendship.
Louisa Cemm and Fred Holt led the company with strong and
comedic performances telling their escape from everyday life
through photography and theatre. The ensemble work was
inspired by physical theatre company ‘Frantic Assembly’ and
created perfectly executed sequences such as a snowball fight
and a party that flowed in and out of slow motion.
Phoebe Borwell added a plot twist to the story as the
‘weird girl living in the building opposite’. Phoebe’s isolated character was conveyed through mime sequences that
trapped her behind a gauze wall. The snow bought the ability to ‘forget all your problems and for everyone to put their
differences aside’ and with that the piece was left with the
sense of being able to continue on as the characters went
back to their everyday lives.
Dr a m a
T he B utterfly ’ s E vil S pell
he Butterfly’s Evil Spell was the first play written
by Federico García Lorca. NML’s staging combined
acting, dance and live music to create a stunning piece of
non-naturalistic symbolist stylization theatre. The narrator,
Euan Falconer-Cunningham, opened the play with capturing monologue and then remained prominent throughout
the performance with his live guitar and vocals of original
and covered songs that supported the emotions of the story.
Monty Lovering’s interaction with Jenna Morshead,
the injured Butterfly temporarily stranded amongst other
insects, was communicated through dance as Jenna’s character spoke in Spanish as opposed to the rest in English.
The acting ability in this play took the audience through a
spectrum of emotions; from Ruby Holt’s pain stricken outcry of heartache over the loss of her son, to George Green’s
comedic portrayal of the larger than life local drunk.
The contemporary and ballet dancing girls were elegant, synchronised and simply stunning. This piece used
insects to symbolise the issues of our world. Lorca’s common traits of frustrated and unobtainable love and the
imminence of death were also accompanied by how we
treat and respect other people and our elders. NML captured the essence of the Mediterranean and transformed it
into a beautiful production.
The D aunt seian 2014
D avid C opperfield
JB’s excellent and charming production of ‘Dickens’
favourite child’, David Copperfield, saw a close knit
cast and crew of 26 transform Annabel’s studio into an
Elizabethan setting to packed audiences over three days.
The cast spanned across all ages of the school and brilliantly
portrayed an eclectic mix of both dramatic and comedic
A few stand out performers for me were Phoebe Borwell as the aristocratic Betsy Trotwood, Hannah Lawrence
as the often exasperated Pegotty as well as Millie Prichard
and Dom Bernard as the hilarious Mr and Mrs Macawber.
It was also great to see two younger members of the cast
excel in their roles: Rosie Coles, as Dora, and Miranda Bardsley as Emily.
To accompany the entire piece Mr Irving composed a
brilliant original score of incidental music which was performed live by a small ensemble. Along with Mr Herring’s
clever set design, the like of which I have not seen at school;
of large sloped wooden blocks which gave the actors plenty
of opportunities to create different spaces and locations.
David Copperfield gave a great evening’s entertainment to
its audiences and was memorably both hilarious and gripping at all times. Congratulations to FJB, the cast and crew.
Dr a m a
T he L ion , T he W itch
A nd T he W ardrobe
he Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, this year’s lower
school play, involved over 70 of the school’s youngest
pupils all working together to transform the Memorial Hall
into a winter wonderland. RMJ’s imaginative staging of
having the audience on three sides allowed for a vast white
stage accompanied with a backdrop of projections. By moving actors around the space in silhouettes or frozen positions
the cast were not lost on the large stage and made the performance truly feel like it was in a mythical land.
The piece was a great example of the entire company
working together, as well as their being many different
parts which showed off the talent of the Lower School. The
company was led expertly by the four evacuated Pevensie
Children: Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan played by Lottie
Wilson, Harry Markes, Charlie Stace and Hermione Owen,
respectively. Maddie Steggall’s portrayal of the dominating
White Witch rightfully won her the ‘George Award’ for
Best Lower School Performer. Other notable performances
came from the comedic Kiera Riordan as the Witch’s minion Grumpskin and also Elliot Yate’s as the charismatic Mr
Tumnus. It was lovely to see the enjoyment amongst the
company throughout the play, undeniably at its peak during
the dramatic ‘Battle of Beruna’ fight scene, and was equally
matched by the audience.
The D aunt seian 2014
M amma M ia !
new addition to the calendar saw Dauntsey’s
become the first amateur company anywhere in the
world to perform Mamma Mia! to sell out audiences for five
nights over the last week of the Summer Term. This production was a complete outburst of uplifting energy from a huge
cast of 150 which saw the dazzled audiences grant standing
ovations each night beginning in the Finale of ‘Waterloo’.
The production began rehearsals in the Spring Term
before being put away and replaced by exams. Half way
through June it became a main priority and over two weeks,
uncountable hours of rehearsals from cast and crew transformed the dance routines and testing Abba songs learnt in
March-time into polished and heightened performances.
From start to finish ‘Mamma Mia!’ showed off the talent
of Dauntsey’s varying between exceptional solo performances, such as Georgie Fox’s emotional ‘The Winner Takes
It All’, to the rip-roaring ‘Does Your Mother Know’ beach
scene fronted by Georgie Ashby with a company of worshipping males. All the girls also proved their dance ability
and energy during the hen night party that closed Act 1 and
overwhelmed the three confused possible fathers of the story,
played by Hamish Fyfe, Ollie Sibson and Tom Mastin-Lee. A
highlight of the show, as many audience members have said,
was the opening of Act 2 that saw Millie Jones, as Sophie,
have a nightmare about her wedding day. Gus Dunnett, Sky,
joined by his identical twin brother Zach as his bride and
around 40 ensemble members with Gus face masks ensured
this nightmare became eerily real for the audience.
‘Mamma Mia!’ closed the 2013-14 programme as the
seventh production this academic year. The diversity and
talent of the school’s dramatic arts shows how Dauntsey’s
has a rightful reputation for exceptionally high quality drama.
Dr a m a
Lest We
The D aunt seian 2014
T he G reat W ar C entenary
at D auntsey ’ s
ne hundred years ago this year, over sixty five million people fought across the expanse of Europe,
Africa and China to protect their freedom and the freedom of others. The First World War, named so in 1918, was
one of the deadliest conflicts in history which resulted in
the deaths of over sixteen million people. It famously began
after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand at the
hands of Gavrillo Princip, a young Serb terrorist, in Sarajevo
in Bosnia. This initiated a ‘domino effect’ leading to the German invasion of Belgium. The British could no longer stand
by, we are traditionally told, entering the conflict in 1914.
When looking in breadth at this vast conflict it is difficult to
imagine how it could have impacted Dauntsey’s School and
its pupils. Both teachers and students were united behind
this universal cause, which is reflected in the writing they
left behind.
The war had a profound effect on those who remained
at the ‘home front’, and the 1915 edition of the D.A.S. magazine discusses the impact the war had for those who were
not fighting. The impact on the school was seen in two main
directions. The first direction being the sense of depression
that was left on the boys who remained at the school. As
some of the older pupils had to leave school to take up
positions as assistants on farms, those in the younger years
were left with a sense of misery as their friends and classmates left. The second direction was the constant changing
of staff due to several members leaving the school to joining H.M. Forces. This meant that those who had remained
at the school had to now take on the work of those who
had left, adding a considerable amount of work on top of
them. The 1915 article explains how the Headmaster wished
“to express his gratitude for the spirit of loyal co-operation”
which had been manifested with the staff. Mr Morgan and
Mr Reynolds, who are said to have responded cheerfully to
the new tasks they had been asked to complete, were the
two members of staff who are noted for taking up the bulk
of the extra work.
Numerous Old Dauntseians fought during the First
World War, with most of these boys keeping in touch with
the school whilst they were fighting. Many of the letters
which were sent to the Headmaster during the course of the
war have survived through the ‘Old Boys Notes’ which were
published. W. Habberfield-Short (pupil from January 1912
to December 1913) wrote to the school in May 1918 whilst
he was recovering from several wounds in his leg at No. 1
New Zealand General Hospital, Brockenhurst. He wrote
that he was looking forward to receiving the school magazine whilst he was resting in the hospital. S. W. Day also
spoke of how he kept Dauntsey’s in his memory at the front
line. He wrote to the Head Master on the 9th October 1917
describing his time in Baghdad. He spoke of how, despite
the poor conditions in which he lived, he still kept his old
school photographs with him to look through in memory of
‘good old times’. Lieutenant Harold Johnston Browne (pupil
in 1915) was sent to France in late March or early April 1918
after gaining his pilot proficiency in a short amount of time.
Browne was in training at one of the Aeroplane Stations on
Salisbury Plain, and flew over the school on multiple occasions. Sadly, he was shot down by enemy machines on May
3rd, only a few days after being promoted to First Lieutenant.
On the 9th October 1917, the Headmaster received a letter
from S. W. Day, which had this to say: ‘We are having a strenuous time just now, though the terrible summer has passed
and the thermometer registers figures that one need not be
afraid of. At present I am looking after Enteric Fever cases on
night duty. It is a stiff job, as this fever is practically the worst
we have to contend with, but one does not mind working for
chums in distress.’
L est W e F orge t
Mr. L. Abram wrote to the Headmaster in April 1918.
He was in the R.A.F and was stationed at Halton Camp East,
Bucks. He notes he is ‘as happy in [his] work as Army conditions allow.’ He also comments on how he derives ‘great
pleasure’ from the fact he was ‘Bandmaster of the school
band.’ The links that the Dauntseians had with the school
appear to have provided a great comfort. In addition, W. H.
T. Ansell, who is hospitalised with five wounds in Beersheba,
said he was ‘delighted to have the school magazine.’Another
soldier ‘met some Dauntsey’s boys’ while stationed in France.
Some soldiers were even received parcels ‘of cigarettes which
the Head Master sent.’
A number of Old Dauntseians received military medals
in honour of their service. Captain C.A. Clarke, M.C. was
awarded the Military Cross in December 1917. He had joined
the Inns of Court O.T.C in spring 1915 and subsequently
became Second-Lieutenant in the London Regiment. In
February 1917 he was sent to France, where his initiative and
gallantry in battles in Bullecourt earned him congratulations
from his commander, who recommended he was awarded
the Military Cross. Eric Leader, M.C. was also awarded the
military cross. He was awarded for his good work in the
Ypres Section, alongside his bravery and resourcefulness.
Edgar Viane, a Petty Officer Motor Mechanic in the Royal
Naval Air Service, attached to Russian Armoured Cars, was
killed in action on the 1st July 1917 at 21 years of age, after the
armoured car in which he travelled sustained a direct hit in
an attack against the Germans. He fought in Galicia on the
Eastern Front with the Russian forces under Kerensky, was
awarded the Order of St. George (Russia), and is commemorated on the special memorial at Poznan in Poland to five
RNAS Armoured Car Petty Officers. He was buried will full
military honours before his grave was lost. J.S. Ralls received
the Military Medal after he repaired telephone lines under
heavy shell fire during a ‘stunt’ on the Somme. He spoke of
how communications were of vital importance during an
attack on enemy positions. Ralls was awarded the medal
on August 16th, the day that the village of Langemarck was
captured. Unfortunately after he was awarded the medal he
suffered from gas poisoning and was sent to hospital in London. Thankfully he recovered well.
Although reading through the letters sent to the
school can be both interesting and entertaining at times, it
is hard to overlook the fact that many pupils and teachers
did not return from war. Thirty four of the fatalities linked
The D aunt seian 2014
with Dauntsey’s served in the Army, three in the Air Force
and one in the Royal Navy, with fifteen becoming officers.
Four pupils moved to Canada and served with its forces. The
youngest to lose his life was eighteen, and the oldest thirty
eight. Moreover, only two men were killed before 1916; nine
died during that year, eleven in 1917 and fifteen in 1918. This
increase in loss of life could be explained by the fact that
more boys were leaving school each year and becoming eligible for military service.
It is clear from the documents we have that the First
World War was part of everyday life at Dauntsey’s throughout
its duration, with it being noted that boys turned into men
with a ‘fine physique’ during their service. However, we must
all take time to remember the names of those on the school
memorial. Of those who died with known graves, seventeen
are buried on the Western Front, one in Sierra Leone, one
in Jerusalem; one in Ireland and six in England. The rest are
commemorated on memorials, four on the Menin Gate in
Ypres, four on memorials in France and one each in Greece,
Poland and at Basra. Their sacrifice was greater than anything we can imagine. Everyone involved should be praised,
respected and commemorated for what they achieved; a free
country in which we live.
Eleanor Skipper and Madeleine Perrins
W hen the N azis
visited D auntsey ’ s
The following is an account written by the German contingent of the 1936 Dauntsey’s – German exchange translated
by Dr. Helen Roche of Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge as part of her research on Anglo-German cultural school
exchanges during the 1930s. With thanks to former history teacher Joy Thomas and nonagenarian OD Dick Hargreaves
who went on the exchange for alerting the editor to this document.
taken from Der Jungmann (newsletter of the Nationalpolitische
Erziehungsanstalt Oranienstein bei Diez an der Lahn)
etween 19th May and 12th June 1936, ten Jungmannen
from our upper school and I returned the visit which a
group of the same number from Dauntsey’s School had paid
to Oranienstein at the beginning of May.
Dauntsey’s School is situated in West Lavington, a small
village two hours from London with the express. The nearest
little market town lies ten kilometres away. Consequently,
we were somewhat shut off from the outside world.
Our welcome was extremely hearty. Our guests from
Oranienstein appeared when we arrived, as well as the
Headmaster and about half of the teaching staff. They
brought us in their cars to their house, where we were fed
and watered. During our entire stay we were always treated
in an extremely courteous and obliging fashion. Everyone
was concerned to make our stay as successful as possible.
The sleeping arrangements were not entirely ideal. Half
of the Jungmannen slept in the dormitories of the manor
house, the rest in two large frame-tents, together with six
English boys. I myself had a small frame-tent at my disposal.
The camping ground and the tents were perfect in any case.
Besides, we had numerous woollen blankets at our disposal,
so that we could not suffer any damage to our health thereby.
During the day and in the evenings, we could either spend
time in the spacious Salon of Manor House, or in certain
rooms in the classroom building, where books, newspapers
and magazines were available. Everyone therefore had the
opportunity to read and work undisturbed. In addition, the
housemasters’ study was open to me at all times.
Dauntsey’s School is a boarding school, filled with the
modern spirit. This streak of modernity is revealed clearly in
an external form in the becoming uniform which is worn by
the teachers and pupils. It consists of short trousers and a
jacket of light brown cloth. The pupils live in two different
buildings, which lie about ten minutes distant from each
other. The upper school lives in the actual school building. Since science subjects are given priority, generously-equipped laboratories are provided for Physics, Chemistry
and Biology. Next to the school building, the pupils have laid
out a botanical garden, under one of the teachers’ guidance.
Additionally, the school runs a farm. Stables, barns, a dairy
and other farm buildings also lie in the immediate vicinity.
The pupils in the lower school live in an old manor house in
the middle of a large park.
Although we were somewhat cut off from the outside
world, we still had ample opportunity to speak and hear
English spoken. In the mornings the Jungmannen took part
in lessons.
The afternoons were generally dedicated to private
reading or to sport. Sport had to take up a relatively large
amount of time, since, given the aforementioned isolation,
it offered the only possible way of filling one’s free time.
Our hosts enthusiastically attempted to introduce us to the
main types of sport which they cultivated. Above all, they
introduced us to tennis and football. The tennis training was
undertaken in the first instance by the older pupils, who
already displayed a remarkable facility. The football practices
were led by one of the teachers, who had already played
many times at an international level and was a master of his
subject. Additionally, we often played a variety of rounders
and squash against the English boys. In official competitions,
we drew a game of football in which we were noticeably
inferior, and just won a game of handball. In the swimming
competition we remained the sure victors. In the evenings
there were generally special events. Several times we joined
a large number of pupils in the assembly hall for a merry
“singsong”, at which we also sang German songs. Additionally, different teachers presented lectures to us, after which
there mostly followed a most lively discussion.
• William Shakespeare’s theatre
• The English school system
• The modern press
• The development of the press in the 18th century
• The English youth movement
It was particularly valuable that the Jungmannen were
alternately invited to tea or dinner in small groups by the
teachers. Through this, indeed, they were given the opportunity
to get to know different varieties of English home, and get a
small glimpse of English family life. Through coach trips, we
L est W e F orge t
got to know large parts of the surrounding countryside and
their landmarks. A dozen English boys always accompanied
us on these trips, whom we could ask questions about whatever we saw.
Programme of trips:
• Stonehenge, Old Sarum, Salisbury
• Oxford
• Old Sarum military airfield, where a flying event took
place on Empire Day
• Meeting of the Boy Scouts at Devizes
On the journey back we spent a day in London, so that
we had the opportunity to visit the most important attractions.
The substance of the debates did not get off to such
a smooth start, since countless pupils and teachers were
pacifists. Thus, the Headmaster even refused to set up an
Officer Training Corps at his school. These discussions often
ended with both sides setting out their position without
either party giving way. Incidentally, I established that the
English do not know about the wealth of political problems
in Germany, and that the Englishman does not possess the
qualifications necessary to understand our border problems.
In Geography, in response to the question of where Cologne
was, I received the answer: “Somewhere in Germany”. The
Geography master then explained to me that such ignorance
was completely understandable, since one focused almost
exclusively on England and the colonies. In such circumstances, we should obviously not wonder at the fact that
the English public has a hostile view towards the [Danzig]
corridor question, for instance. The future of our former colonies was discussed far more frequently. People recognised
the injustice which had taken place. On the other hand, they
apparently did not know how to put it right again, since they
do not wish to give away the possessions which they have
acquired at such small expense.
The Third Reich’s ideas are similarly unknown among
the wider public or, still worse, are completely distorted by
the press. Here, we succeeded in most cases in awakening
some sympathy, after long discussions. One managed this
most quickly if one referred to the idealist values of the new
The D aunt seian 2014
institutions. Yet how hard it must be for the average Englishman to understand our institutions and our thinking;
herewith an example. During a casual conversation about
rearmament, the school’s German master asked me quite
suddenly what the words “Blood and honour” on the Hitler
Youth sheath-knife signfied. When I made it plain to him
that one should not always imagine blood in drop-form,
but that it also occasionally had something to do with one’s
ancestors, he was somewhat relieved. Now this Englishman
is one of those who take a lively interest in Germany, and has
already been to Germany many times. During a conversation
about the Jewish question, I ascertained that in general the
English cannot be seized by such a loathing for the Jews as
we are, since the Jew does not encounter the English people
at every twist and turn, as was the case in Germany. He is far
more restrained, and even seems to set his shops up more
in a larger framework. I had saved this topic until the end,
and took care to touch upon it after I had visited the weekly
market in Devizes, at the suggestion of our English hosts.
Upon my return, I expressed my astonishment that in the
whole market I had not seen a single Jew, not even one of
the ‘cattle Jews’ (Viehjuden) which are so common at home.
I started out from this observation, and described how, in
Germany, the Jew has just betrayed the so-called man on the
street. In this way, I was able to awaken a certain sympathy
for our measures against the Jews.
The sermon which a Church of England vicar preached
on the occasion of Empire Day was also interesting, in that
he extolled the English as the chosen people, and reminded
the boys to be conscious of their higher mission, and to
carry on the fight for the Empire, in order to assure peace
and justice.
In a nutshell, I would like to say that the stay in England was a success for our Jungmannen. They have improved
their knowledge of the language, broadened their capacity
for judgement, and sought to serve the German idea to the
best of their ability.
Zugführer Goos
Translation by Helen Roche © 19th June 2013
Margaret Chung
S p o rt s
The D aunt seian 2014
R ugby
R ugby O verview
his has been another good season for Dauntsey’s
Rugby. A total of 130 matches have been played, with
79 being won, 46 being lost and 5 being drawn. There was a
new block fixture against Reading Blue Coat School as well
as a number of added fixtures throughout the term.
The 1st XV had a young team captained by Will Britton
in the Lower 6th. Unfortunately for Will and the team he
had a serious knee injury at half term and missed the rest
of the season. Hamish Fyfe in the Upper 6th took over the
captaincy and did a superb job. The team went on to win 9
of their 12 matches and it is hoped after a tour to Australia
in the summer of 2014, that next season will be another
good one.
But it is the strength in depth that was so special this
season with both the 2nd XV and the 3rd XV being unbeaten.
The 2nd XV coached by AJL won 11 and drew 2 of their
matches with JFOH’s 3rd XV winning all 7 and remaining
unbeaten for the second consecutive season. A lot of boys
choose to play rugby in the 6th Form and we were also able
to put out a 4th XV. For these senior teams it was an excellent achievement and it included wins against schools such
as Canford, Marlborough College and Bishop Wordsworth’s
Throughout the rest of the school, over half the matches
were won and the pupils continue to represent the school
with pride. We have a number of younger players involved
with the County and Bath Academy and I hope that we continue to do well in future years. Most importantly, our pupils
enjoy playing the game and learn how to win well and lose
with grace.
Once again I would like to thank all the staff for their
work and commitment over the year and the parents for
their support.
Head of Rugby
S port s
1 st XV R ugby P12 W9 L3 D0
he 1st XV started the season with a tough encounter,
away at Churcher’s college. The team had to rally
together quickly following an injury to second row Josh
Morris who would unfortunately be side-lined for the
remainder of the season. Nevertheless, Dauntsey’s steadily took control of the game, using the driving lineout to
gain much needed field position. Dauntsey’s ran out winners 10-3. Filled with confidence from an early victory,
Dauntsey’s faced King Edward’s Bath in their second game
of the season. Dauntsey’s would prove to be too strong for
KES winning 22 points to 7. The performance against KES
was never in doubt, but changes were made following the
Churcher’s game, with Harry Read moving into the no. 10
berth, where he would remain for the rest of the campaign.
A long trip to Canford would see this young team
defeated for the first time. However, Dauntsey’s showed
a dominant display in the scrum and were, at times, playing the superior rugby but failed to capitalise on potential
chances. A try from Prop Tom Parker in the dying minutes was not enough to save the game for the visitors. The
Dauntsey’s side made too many errors on this occasion. The
game was lost 18-5.
Despite losing against Canford, spirits and confidence
were running high as Dauntsey’s welcomed King Edward’s,
Southampton. A strong running game and dominant tackling by players such as Ellis Day and Guy Rawson-Smith
lead to a comfortable victory for the home side. Alex Britton
held strong in defence all day to secure the victory for his
team. The final score was a comfortable 25-6.
The D aunt seian 2014
Dauntsey’s next faced Downside away. The sun shone
as the game commenced but it was far from plain sailing for
the travelling side. A slightly disjointed performance in the
first half was met by a strong Downside team, who were
unwilling to be turned over at home. In the second half
Dauntsey’s started to hit their straps, with some delicate
backs interplay leading to Max Romer-Lee touching down in
the corner. The Dauntsey’s lineout held strong all day, with
delivery from second rows Will Britton and Josh Rice, it was
easy for scrum half Sam Tomlin to find the charging figure
of Ellis Day, smashing through the would-be defenders for
a storming try. Strong running from both wingers, Ed Young
and Ed Tomlin featured heavily in the second half as Dauntsey’s retained possession and territorial control. One half of
strong rugby from Dauntsey’s earned them a victory of 17-0.
There was a general feeling that better things were to come
of this side, it was only a matter of time.
The following fixture, Beechen Cliff at home, was to
be the first game where the entire team worked together
as one entity in a controlled mass of clinical operation. The
final score was 46-7 to the home team. Ed Tomlin finished
a great team try with a far corner following turn over ball,
generated by the forwards. A mention should go to the front
row of Tom Parker, Fin Kenneth and George Smith. Without Dauntsey’s dominance of the set piece, the score line
would have been much closer. The Dauntsey’s backs began
to show some flair as they tore through the Beechen ranks.
Carving runs from fullback Hamish Fyfe led to numerous
scoring opportunities.
Brimming with confidence, Dauntsey’s next faced Prior
Park at home. The weather was poor and the pitch was soon
reduced to a mud bath. A scrappy and very physical game
left Dauntsey’s the winners 22-5. The boys showed great
team spirit here to avoid allowing Prior the momentum to
launch a counter attack and regain a foothold in the match.
Dauntsey’s travelled to Bishop Wordsworth’s school in
Salisbury for a match that the team knew would be tough;
getting a win against this strong Bishop’s team would be
something special. Nevertheless, the boys delivered. A huge
performance by every man saw a very tight and tense game
sealed by an Ed Young try in the final ten minutes. The Bishop’s supporters were silenced as Young jogged back into
position, surrounded by cheering team-mates. Dauntsey’s
held on in the final minutes to win 11-8. Huge congratulations to the team on this achievement. Every man played his
part. Chris Coleman dealt with the pressure well on one of
his first games for the 1st XV.
Dauntsey’s next faced Sherborne in a NatWest Cup
fixture. The long bus journey down gave the players time to
prepare themselves for the task ahead. Dauntsey’s played
the better rugby and held much of the possession. A last
minute try by Sherborne denied Dauntsey’s further progression within the tournament. This was a game Dauntsey’s did not deserve to lose, something the boys were told
by the opposition coach. The final score was a narrow 17-13
victory to the home side.
Dauntsey’s next faced Lord Wandsworth. The power
and clinical finishing of the Dauntsey’s side was too much
for the visitors who were wiped out in a 49-5 victory to the
home team. The side had developed well and was in prime
position to travel to Reading Blue Coat School for the last
game of the season. A hugely physical tale, punctuated by
an Ed Young try, saw the home team hold on to the game
and to win by just one point. 13-12 was the final score. The
boys showed a massive amount of heart and determination
on this occasion. Charlie Nutland and Sam Tomlin did their
utmost to keep out Blue Coat players.
Finally, I would like to thank MJO, WPJW, TDM and all
other games staff for making this a successful season for the
1st XV. To all the boys, I thank you for your hard work and
undying endeavour to play for each other and to represent
the school this season. Thank you too, to Hamish, for leading
the team so well in my absence.
Will Britton
Squad Tom Parker, Chris Coleman, George Smith, Finlay
Kenneth, Andrew Duckworth, Josh Rice, Charlie Nutland,
Will Britton, Guy Rawson-Smith, Ellis Day, Josh Morris, Sam
Tomlin, Duncan Lorraine, Harry Read, Alex Britton, Max
Romer-Lee, Ed Young, Ed Tomlin, Hamish Fyfe, Charlie Hall.
2 ND XV R ugby P13 W11 L0 D2
he season got off to a flying start with a home 29-0
win against QEH in the trial match, although we were
sorry to lose try scoring flanker Josh Paton shortly after the
match with an ankle injury. Next up was an away fixture
against a tough Churcher’s side, the 0-0 score line illustrating the hard-fought nature of the contest. After a home
match against KES Bath where a storming display from
Harry Mangham helped secure a 20-0 victory came arguably the most difficult fixture of our season, away at Canford.
We arrived with only 15 minutes for a warm up, and then
found ourselves 8-6 down with just 8 minutes left on the
clock. No problem: Kevin Ridley calmly slotted a penalty
to put us 9-8 up and valiant defending saw out the last few
minutes, a sturdy rearguard performance that emphasised
the character of the team.
Then came two relatively straightforward matches:
85 unanswered points against KES Southampton, and 63
more without reply away at Downside. Far more testing was
our away game against Clayesmore 1st XV. 7 points down
early in the match we quickly fought back, and powerful
tries from Ed Sweett, Ollie Sibson and a cheeky touchdown
from Duncan Lorrain saw us victorious at 22-7. At home to
Beechen Cliff, solid defence and tries from among others
Harry “the wizard” Holt, fly half Bryn New, and an impressive Andrew Duckworth gave us a 49-0 margin. A tough
22-7 win against Prior Park in difficult windy conditions
was notable for the only points conceded all season on our
Fortress Second Team pitch.
Then came the derby match away at local rivals Bishop’s. An excellent forward display, especially Tom Middleton, Rowan Duckworth and Eddy Mackean, allowed us to
pile on the pressure in set pieces, eventually leading to a
try from a rolling maul. However, uncharacteristically weak
defence led to us conceding two soft tries for a disappointing
12-12 draw. The next game at home to St. Augustine’s was
much trickier than we had anticipated: it required something special and once Rogan Galea rumbled over to score
his first ever try for Dauntsey’s we relaxed, began to play our
normal game, and chalked up a 14-0 victory. Lord Wandsworth at home, normally a close encounter, was anything
but this year with 67 points scored without reply including a
glorious try, for Laurence McKellar, featuring several spectacular hand-offs. Our final match of the season was our
first ever fixture at Reading Blue Coat. We quickly asserted
our dominance, and tries from the rampaging Sacha Yates
and Toby Dibble, along with two debut tries from Jamie
Russell saw us run out 30-0 winners.
Thank you to AJL for his constant belief in our abilities
and his fantastic leadership; to TM for his valuable forwards
coaching; to Toby Sampson for his helpful vice-captaincy; to
Bryn New for being Player of the Year; and finally to everyone in the team for making this, my final season of rugby at
Dauntsey’s, such a success in every way.
Sam Dawson
Squad Rowan Duckworth, Rogan Galea, Tom Middleton,
Sam Dawson, Edward Mackean, Harry Mangham, Edward
Sweett, Oliver Sibson, Laurence McKellar, Charlie Newman,
Andrew Duckworth, Josh Paton, Duncan Lorrain, Bryn New,
Kevin Ridley, Toby Sampson, Sacha Yates, Toby Dibble, Harry
Holt, Mathew Williams, Monty Lovering, Charlie Hall, James
S port s
3 rd XV R ugby P7 W7 L0 D0
he 2013 season was yet another extremely successful
campaign for the 3rd XV with 7 games being played and
all 7 being won. With the team going unbeaten in the previous season there was immense pressure to continue this
legacy; the new LVI players acquitted themselves extremely
well and it was clear from the start that we had the makings
of a truly mighty 3rd XV.
A troubled start saw both QEH Bristol and Prior Park
withdraw from fixtures, undoubtedly they had heard of
our reputation! Thus we had to wait and for a block fixture
against Canford for our first match. A straightforward 20-12
victory was the perfect opening to our season as we grew
accustomed to playing as a team, vital preparation as our
next game was against Marlborough College the following
week. Having managed to beat Marlborough home and
away last season we were confident that they would be out
for revenge this year as we travelled away for the first of our
two game encounter. The match didn’t disappoint, it was a
classic local derby that had it all: physicality, commitment
and lots of advice for us from the Marlborough crowd. A win
for Dauntsey’s was never really in doubt with Archie Tawney
and Daniel O’Sullivan scoring early on and George Akerman at the death to seal the game 20-14. Sadly, Marlborough pulled out of the return fixture.
With our eye on the upcoming Bishop Wordsworth’s
game Clayesmore 2nd XV were dispatched 48-0; Will Blakeney
filled in excellently at scrum-half as we continued to gather
momentum. Travelling away to Bishop’s we were hopeful
for a fast, highly competitive game. However, we were once
again reminded of the calibre of Dauntsey’ s rugby as we
scored swiftly to take charge of a game that never looked in
any doubt, irrespective of some highly dubious substitutions
made by the opposition after the first half. A very satisfying
31-5 win included tries from Fred Holt, Archie Tawney and
Jamie Russell.
Following on from our early season success we had a
new fixture lined up against Kingswood, an extremely strong
rugby school, with only one training session with which to
prepare two teams from our squad of 30 players. We travelled
away once again, feeling daunted by the task ahead, to Bath,
for what would be our toughest fixture yet. What followed
was the most complete display of rugby from any Dauntsey’s 3rd XV in living memory; backs and forwards combined
effortlessly as we scored at whim, blowing them away 36-5.
The 4th XV had a more hard fought victory with JQ Kwan
breaking the 5-5 deadlock in the last minutes to seal a 10-5
win. We journeyed home with just one more 4th team fixture left between us and a second perfect season. Playing
against Monkton Coombe, we didn’t disappoint as we ran
riot beating them 39-5, with Austen Uncles slotting perhaps
the most unlikely conversion the first team pitch has ever
seen and Henry Giles scoring a superb try immortalised on
video, sure to be shown to his grandchildren.
And so ended a second unbeaten season of rugby for
the 3rd XV, stretching our run of victory to 15 games. It has
been an enormous pleasure to captain the side this season
and I will always remember playing a part in the restoration
of 3rd XV rugby to its mighty status. Many thanks must got
The D aunt seian 2014
to JFOH for the time and energy he puts into training and to
DAF for making us such a fit and technically adept side, without them would certainly wouldn’t have achieved so much. I
can only hope that the legacy continues in seasons to come.
Archie Tawney
Squad Archie Tawney, George Andrews, Richard Marshall,
David Winchcombe, Daniel O’Sullivan, Torin Bain, Ed Henderson, Peter Dyer, Jamie Short, Will Western, Tim Bradley,
Gus Dunnett, George Akerman, Zach Dunnett, Jamie Russell, Fred Holt, Charlie Dale, Ben Arnold, JQ Kwan, James
Hollis, Henry Lee, Harry Lowen, Will Blakeney, Austin
Uncles, Henry Giles, Tom Verdon, Felix Baumann, Nik Mukherjee, Greg Bell
C olts B R ugby P8 W3 L4 D1
he Mighty Bs were led ably by the fleetest of feet
Jacob Platt, who covered ground like a gazelle being
chased by lions. Overseeing three wins, four losses and a
draw, he and the rest of the squad can be proud of a season
in which few were injured, much was learnt and all grew to
love 10-1s.
‘Train hard, fight easy’ someone once said, and that was
the philosophy for the term. Fitness levels rapidly rose in
the opening weeks, meaning that mistakes were recovered,
loose ball was snaffled up and opposition was gradually worn
down by the dogged determination of the team. A small but
powerful pack was fantastic throughout the season, with
Josh Philliban often leading the charge and all working wonderfully for one another. Webb, Foggett, Jackson, Semple and
Nixon epitomised the classic front five: good looking, razor
sharp and with skills to burn. They were also keen to listen,
keen to learn and totally dependable.
Back row players came in the forms of Hooke, Matveev,
Leeming, Green and the slightly untamed Chan, who thankfully managed to keep his battle cry for the training ground
only. Hooke particularly was outstanding, with an increasing presence in every game he played and a training ethic
that was exemplary. Gurney and Whitrow ensured that at 9
they were as annoying to the opposition as if they had been
siblings, and they fed the backs with great quality passing.
Pitceathly, Hammond, Sheppy, Wong, Harding and
Gompels all gave options in the backs, with some really
impressive runs from Hammond and Wong particularly,
who moved with pace and poise through the opposition.
Harding at 15 was brilliant, both in training and in combat,
showing a big heart at all times.
The Mighty Bs had some tough matches, but many
showed great toughness and remained cheerful in the face
of adversity. Well done, thank you for your efforts and good
luck in the senior teams.
Squad Yoann Chan, Joe Foggett, Patrick Gompels, George
Green, Joe Gurney, Michael Hammond, Will Harding, Fergus
Hooke, Sam Jackson, Hugo Leeming, Maxim Matveev, Matt
Nixon, Josh Philliban, Callum Pitceathly, Jacob Platt, Will
Semple, Alex Sheppy, Matt Webb, Adam Whitrow, Mason
U15A R ugby P17 W11 L6 D0
he U15A side had a mixed season with some missed
opportunities but also some very strong performances
which lead to a good run in the NatWest Vase. The season
started with a tough fixture against a very physical Churcher’s College side which we lost 31-5. This was a ‘wake up call’
for the squad as we soon realised we had to improve our
organisation in defence and work to retain possession. The
side bounced back with a strong result in the NatWest Vase,
beating Frome 54-0, which showed the side’s clear attacking
potential. We trained hard in sessions with AJP and MJO
focussing on our physicality, and had a tough series of fixtures which tested the side’s perseverance and character.
After these tough fixtures it was great to achieve good
wins over Beechen Cliff and Prior Park College where the
side showed a fantastic defensive effort. As always, the fixture against Bishop Wordsworth’s was approached with a
much focused week of training. Having been on the wrong
side of the result in previous years the squad knew a big performance was due. Everybody played their part in a brilliant
20-0 result which again illustrated how clinical the squad
could be when everybody was on task. This game was a
turning point for the squad as we then went on to play with
more confidence in attack and more endeavours and pride
in our defence. Convincing victories against Lord Wandsworth College and Reading Blue Coat were highlights for
the squad.
In the NatWest Vase the side had had a great result
against Castle School, scoring a host of tries and conceding
none. The side then had a challenging fixture against Blackwell School who were physically bigger than our side and
put a great deal of pressure on the break down. Our next
fixture, against Poole Grammar, was of a very similar nature
and we struggled to retain possession. Poole were disruptive
and did not allow us to play our structures, however a first
half try from James Gardiner kept us in the game. A mention
must go to Noah Cannon who scored the try of the season
to keep our Vase hopes alive. We played Reading School at
Maidenhead Rugby Club in the last 16 of the vase. Their forwards put us under pressure and their fly half kicked very
well to amount yet more pressure. The fly ran the show for
them, scoring a try and converting 100% of the time.
Overall this season, as a team, we came on hugely and
a lot of the boys developed well leading us on to a seven
match winning streak - which boosted our season hugely
after a shaky start.
George Costard
Squad Tom Mutton, Noah Cannon, Harry Baker, Chris
Chester, Tom McGrath, Will Langton, Euan Reid, Oli Jackson,
Kincaid Ingram, Adrian Chau, Will Barker, Elliot Lassiter,
Simon Winchcombe
U15B R ugby P11 W6 L5 D0
o coin a cliché, very much a season of two halves,
almost literally, as we lost nearly all the first half of our
fixtures and won nearly the entire second half. It would be
incorrect to draw the facile conclusion that the opposition
in the latter stage of the season was merely easier, for, while
there may be an element of truth in this, I think it had more
to do with the progression and development of the team,
not to mention the eventual gelling of certain players in
key positions.
Every player in the squad list below played at least one
match and, as can be seen, there are almost enough players
for two teams, such was the strength in depth at this level.
Hardly surprising then, that the U15C won both of their fixtures relatively easily. The U15B showed a lot of grit in the
latter half of the season, often winning matches where the
opposition had taken the lead, or reasserting themselves in
games where our opponents enjoyed a lot of possession in
the early stages.
I shall not waste words here on the facile victories or
more indifferent early season performances. Two games
stand out in the memory: the victory at Prior Park (36-19)
and the very narrow defeat at Bishop Wordsworth’s (17-21).
Both were proper games of rugby between two sides who
did not want to be beaten. The conditions at Prior Park were
difficult and they scored first under the posts, but we used
quick hands to make the pitch as wide as possible to break
their spirit late on. Bishop Wordsworth’s were one of the best
sides we encountered and, had we played as we did against
them all season, I seriously believe we would have lost only
a couple of matches. The defence of both sides that day was
excellent and rarely did one single player on either side
make more than a dozen or so metres. No little boy rugby
running through wet tissue paper here! A testament to the
standard of play was the tumultuous applause both large
sets of parents gave the teams at the final whistle. I have
seldom heard anything like it at this level of rugby; such was
the level of skill the spectators were afforded in this hard, but
wonderfully spirited, local derby.
Squad Myles Appleby, Nat Arnold, Harry Baker, Will
Barker, Charlie Barraclough, Oskar Boaler, Adrian Chau,
Chris Chester, Devan Conidaris, Patrick Cunnington, Kieran
Fortune, Jacob Frame, James Hall, George Hood, Kincaid
Ingram, Adam Jackson, Tom Jewson, Tristan King, Will Langton, Elliot Lassiter, Adam Leese, Will O’Brien, Chris Prinsloo,
Charlie Rigby, Ed Scott, Tom Sheinman, Ryan Yip
U14A R ugby P12 W6 L6 D0
he U14A’s opened the season against Churcher’s
College. Churcher’s started the stronger and we conceded a couple of well worked tries which saw us 12-10 with
only a couple of minutes left on the clock. We managed to
keep possession from the restart and to work the ball wide to
take 15-12 victory with the last play of the game.
We then travelled away to play KES Bath. Ed Long got
us off to a flying start demonstrating some wonderful pace
S port s
out wide to score a brace of tries. Dan Hammond led from
the front as pack leader and a great performance saw us win
51-5. The following Wednesday, we played on the 1st XV
pitch against a very physical Melksham Oak side. We used
the space well and kicked in the right areas. The Melksham
forwards were strong and we missed a few tackles which
allowed them to score under the posts early on. In the second half, we gained more of a foothold and our fitness and
organisation started to pay dividends. The front row of Ben
Harding, Charlie Stace and Zander Balls played exceptionally well against a very physical set of forwards. We ended
the game with a 34-21 victory.
We then travelled to Southampton to play a good KES
side. Xavi Kemper kept us in the game, putting in a brilliant
defensive display at full-back. We went in at half time with
our opponents only a score ahead. In the second half we tired
and lost 35-14. We bounced back the following week as we
beat Marlborough College Cs 54-0. Joe Stratford, Tom Vernon
and Will Thomas all played well, getting their names on the
score sheet. Our form continued against Downside beating
them 44-12. Our pack controlled the breakdowns, giving our
backs quick ball to play with. We were hoping for more of the
same against Clayesmore, but they proved too strong. Missed
tackles and complacency allowed our opponents to gain a
healthy lead. We fought back well to score two unanswered
tries but it was not enough as they went on to win 43-24.
We knew we would have to really step up to take on
Bishop Wordsworth’s the following Saturday. It did not start
well as we conceded early on. Ed Long kept the score board
ticking over with the boot to keep us in touch. Dan Hammond then crossed the white wash to draw us level, with
all the momentum swinging in our favour until the last play
where our opponents turned the ball over and broke away to
score, finishing the game 27-20.
Our next match saw us replay Marlborough College.
This time they fielded their A side owing to our strong performance against their C’s earlier in the season. They out
classed us, dominating possession, beating us 52-0. Our
penultimate game of the season saw us travel to Lord Wandsworth College. We played with accuracy and determination,
applying what we had learnt from the narrow defeats we had
suffered in the past couple of weeks. Ed Long scored 2 tries
adding to Henry Hill’s powerful run as he broke through to
score under the posts, sealing a 34-12 win.
We played our last game on the 1st XV pitch against
Reading Blue Coat. This new fixture was always going to
be a tight affair. Henry Hill ran through their back line and
was awarded a simple try under the posts, but our opponents fought back and maintained a score advantage for
the majority of the game. We eventually lost 19-12. The final
result was unfortunate, but the team played well, ending on
a good season for the U14A. Well done to all the players and
thank you to WPJW for a very enjoyable season.
U14B R ugby P11 W10 L1 D0
e started off the season against a strong Churcher’s
College side, getting off to a slow start but just before
the half time whistle blew, Zoltan Yasin went over the line
to score our first try. Henry Hill broke through the defence
and we were 12-0 up and it remained that way for the rest
of the game.
The following Saturday, after a good week’s training,
we travelled to KES Bath. The boys started well with a converted try from Zoltan Yasin and soon after Conor O’Kelly
broke over the line to score for the second time. At half time
the score was 12-0 to Dauntsey’s but after the break the
boys played really well with Joe Prodger and Chester Barnes
having a great half. The final score was 36-0 to Dauntsey’s.
The next week we played KES Southampton; unfortunately
during the game Conor O’Kelly was tackled and broke his
collar bone which put him out for the rest of the season, and
this gave the boys the determination to put as much as they
had into the rest of the game. Archie Osmond, Zoltan Yasin,
Kwun Lum Chan were among the try scorers with Jack Rigby
and Harry Burke having a great game. In the end Dauntsey’s
ran away with the victory winning 45-7.
Our next fixture was against Marlborough E’s. The
Boys played really well especially Ben Pugh-Cook and Ryan
Cooper to win 49-0. The next game was against Downside.
Quentin Choi made his debut for the team in this match and
played well on the wing. The whole team played outstanding
rugby and won 60-0 against a weak opposition. Clayesmore
were our next opposition, Dan Harris and Harry Sandford-Hill
had an outstanding game with both picking up tries. Finally
Dauntsey’s won comfortably with a 46-0 victory. Our next
opponents were Prior Park away; the boys played really well
in tough conditions to win the game 22-7. Jack Rigby had a
good game scoring a try from a lineout in Dauntsey’s Half.
Then came local rivals Bishop Wordsworth’s. We new that
this was going to be one of the hardest games of the season.
Dauntsey’s in the first half didn’t play well and at half time
were 15-0 down, though in the second half Bishop’s number 8 was yellow carded. This gave all the boys confidence to
believe that we could win. In the final minute Zoltan Yasin
went over the line to make Dauntsey’s 19-15 victors.
Marlborough College away was the only loss for the
U14B’s losing 31-0 but we played some of our best rugby
especially Ben Pugh-Cook. After the heavy mid-week loss
Dauntsey’s were determined to beat Lord Wandsworth. All
the boys played well and Dauntsey’s won 31-5. Our final
game was a new fixture against Reading Blue Coat. In horrible conditions Dauntsey’s came back from 5-0 down to
become 10-5 victors with tries from Kwun Lum Chan. Overall the U14B’s had an incredible season with 11 games being
played and 10 being won and only one loss. Overall the boys
scored 330 points and only 70 against. Well done to all the
players and thanks to AAP for a very enjoyable season.
Rahul Patel
Henry Cox and Sam Prichard
Squad Zander Balls, Ben Harding, Charlie Stace, Tom
Vernon, Robbie Andrews, Hugh Jacobs, Daniel Hammond,
Joe Fortune, William Thomas, Rahul Patel, Edward Long, Joe
Stratford, Xavi Kemper, Matthew Snell, Zoltan Yasin
The D aunt seian 2014
Squad Ryan Cooper, Joe Prodger, Theo Dunnett, Harry
Sandford-Hill, Christian Bryer-Ash, Jack Rigby, Henry
Green, Kwun Lum Chan, Archie Osmond, Archie Cole,
Ben Pugh-Cook, Sam Prichard, Zoltan Yasin, Harry Markes,
Henry Cox (Captain), Harry Burke, Chester Barnes, Daniel
Harris, Lucas Reay.
U13A R ugby P13 W4 L9 D0
he U13 A’s began a tough fixture list with matches
against Churcher’s College and King Edward’s Bath. We
lost both matches heavily, 39–12 and 59–0 respectively. After
a slow start in both matches, where the opposition gained
an unassailable lead well before half time, we put in stronger
second half performances, producing some promising passages of play.
Having learned some valuable lessons from the first two
fixtures, there was a much improved performance against
West Hill Park as we enjoyed the majority of possession
and used it to good effect, winning 37–5. There were strong
performances from George Lishman who worked tirelessly
to retain possession for the team and Archie Ayling whose
strong running set up a number of tries. We backed up our
first win of the season with another strong performance
against All Hallows School, winning a hard fought game
24–10. Our winning run did not continue however and
King Edward VI School took advantage of some poor defensive organisation combined with weak tackling to win 66–5
in a game which could have been much closer if it weren’t
for our defensive frailties.
After a strong 34–5 win against Sexey’s Bruton, there were
two tough fixtures before the half term break, firstly against
Sandroyd Prep School and secondly Magdalen College.
We played well in both matches, particularly in the first
encounter as we showed outstanding commitment, work
ethic and attacking movement. Unfortunately, despite being
camped on the opposition line for the final five minutes of
the game, we were unable to score, narrowly losing 27–21.
Oscar Aspey played well, igniting our attacking play and
Lewis Maclean was physical throughout gaining valuable
yards for the team in both defence and attack. We slipped
back into some bad habits defensively in the first half against
Magdalen College but righted them in the second, keeping
them scoreless. James Hallam was outstanding defensively,
making a number of covering tackles that have become his
trademark this year. Their lead, however, was too much to
claw back as we lost 31–12.
The half term break saw us lose our momentum slightly
and we suffered three consecutive defeats against Prior Park,
Monkton Prep and Bishop Wordsworth’s. We managed to
turn things around, however, against Lord Wandsworth with
the most complete performance of the year. It was a close
game between two evenly matched sides. Late into the second half, the scores were even and although we were under
pressure, our defence held strong and we were able to score
two late tries to eventually win 33–19. It was pleasing to see
the boys bring all the lessons of the year together and put
them into one successful performance. Unfortunately we
were not able to carry this momentum into the last game of
the season against Reading Blue Coat and although we put
in a solid performance we were unable to convert pressure
into points, finally losing 19–10.
The Second Form is consistently a challenging year for
our sports teams, particularly when playing against prep
schools that have greater numbers and experience playing
together. The statistics show that is has been another difficult season; however, the boys have developed significantly
and after some heavy early losses, enjoyed some strong performances against Sandroyd Prep School, Magdalen College
and a deserved win against Lord Wandsworth School. It was
pleasing to see the team improve throughout the season, not
only their skill level but also their game understanding, commitment and work rate at key times.
Squad Oscar Aspey, Archie Ayling, James Blake, Edward
Crossfield, Carraig Green, Oscar Gompels, Hector Gunnerud, James Hallam, Lewis Jackson, George Lishman,
Lewis MacLean, Robert McNamara, Thomas Morgan, Oliver
Middleton, Felix Nagel, Samuel Nield, Tom Wild, Jason Yip
U12A R ugby P10 W4 L6 D0
ess than 72 hours after arriving at Dauntsey’s for the
first time, 41 new 1st Form boys took to the rugby pitches
for their first training session. In exactly a week from now,
and with only 3½ hours on the field, a squad would have to
be ready for our first match. It was an action-packed afternoon and our coaches were quick to notice the statement of
intent put out by the two pupils wearing fluorescent yellow
boots, which obviously helped them run faster!
Our first match was a soggy encounter down on the
south coast with Churcher’s. The time to prepare had been
minimal but our first match-day experience was here and
we had to face it. In the first half, many of us had not got
beyond the ‘ants chasing a ball’ stage and Churcher’s raced
into a healthy lead. More pressure followed in the second
period, but we did at least take something from the game by
putting together a slick move and scoring a well-worked try
in the corner, which I finished. The target for next week was
to close the gap on this 5-33 defeat.
Another two very hard training sessions later and our
first home game of the season saw us up against a strong
KES Bath side. But we matched them for long periods and,
although they always just about had the upper hand, we
gave them a good game, with several tries being exchanged.
I was pleased to get on the score sheet again, but the final
score of 14-24 was not so much a talking point - more that
we had played and battled with a much better structure to
our game, representing a significant week’s progress.
Another trip south followed as we met KES Southampton. Unfortunately we allowed them to race into a useful
lead and, even though we threatened at one point to come
back into the game with tries from George Sherwood and
Wilfred Fitzgibbon, we couldn’t sustain it for long enough.
KES ran away again towards the end to condemn us to a
12-34 defeat.
The second half of term began with the closest and
scrappiest game of the season at Prior Park. There were
several early opportunities on both sides but no-one took
S port s
them and the scoreboard was blank at the break. After a
second period of battling, Hamish Gardner finally went over
to score the only try of the match midway through the half.
We closed the game out well to protect our lead and, whilst
this 5-0 victory was hardly a classic, after the disappointment
of Sandroyd, it was that feeling of ‘a win’s a win!’
A dominant performance followed against Monkton
Combe, with more tries for Hamish and Wilf, and an outstanding effort from Benedict Kinder. Ben switched wings and
found a gap for me to lay on a pass, which he finished beautifully. Suddenly we were on a roll and ran out 21-0 winners.
The battle at Bishop’s was up next and this is always
tough. We had heard how last year’s team had lost by 50
points, however, we kept the score line down as best we
could, and only allowed them to register 22. Although we
never looked likely to match them, we could not be disappointed with the way we kept fighting.
At the Head Master’s final assembly of term, Wilf, Guy,
George, Oscar and I were awarded colours, but the whole
team deserves credit for gelling together so quickly. Thanks
to TDM and CJT for coaching us. We have learned a lot and
have shown some brilliant improvements as a team, so now
we look forward to what lies ahead at U13 level.
Kit Major (Captain) & CJT
The D aunt seian 2014
G irls ’ H ockey
G irls H ockey O verview
t the top end of the School, for the 1st XI, 2nd XI,
3rd XI and 4th XI, the 2013 Dauntsey’s Girls’ Hockey
season was one of the most successful on record, matching
the previous best in 2012. Indeed, the overall win/draw %
for all teams was over 57% (7% higher than last year) and
the best in recent memory. Furthermore, the four senior
sides averaged 73% win or draw. From a total of 145 school
fixtures, 68 were won, 15 drawn, and 62 lost. Furthermore,
the 1st XI won 65% of their matches, whilst the 2nds, 3rds
and 4ths produced win statistics of 75%, 60% and 75%,
Overall, we again scored a significant number of
goals this season, with a total of 272 goals scored and 265
There have been some strong performances from
teams throughout the school, in a tough fixture list. The
2nds completed the season with a six match winning streak,
which included victories over Kingswood, Bristol Grammar,
Wellington College and Marlborough College. The 3rds
scored 36 times in their half a dozen wins. The U14As
produced some good results, winning 6 of their 13 games,
scoring 37 goals in the process. Also, The U13 age group won
or drew over 65% of their matches, finding the net 46 times.
Following a busy start, the 1st XI set the standard for the
season. They produced some memorable victories against
KES Bath, Bradfield College, Bryanston, Churcher’s College,
and Bristol Grammar, to name a few. Winning 11, and losing
6, scoring 44 goals and conceding just 25, it was certainly a
campaign to remember. Lottie Colquhoun top scored with
a season tally of 12.
Taking inspiration from the previous year’s success, it
was a very enjoyable and rewarding season. There was great
improvement as the term progressed, and I am hopeful that
we can produce more of the same in 2014.
Head of Hockey
S port s
I st XI G irls ’ H ockey P17 W11 L6 D0
ollowing on from last year’s hugely successful season
a certain amount of pressure was on this year’s relatively
young 1st XI team to follow suit and deliver: after losing eight
senior members. With seven new players making their full
debut, I can only commend the girls for how quickly we
gelled as a group and found our strengths of speed, stamina
and quick passing hockey. This approach proved successful as we were victorious in our first two matches against
Devizes HC and Monkton Combe winning 2-1 and 4-1
Our first big test came early on against Canford. We
gave an excellent account of ourselves by beginning well and
having the better of the early exchanges. However, Canford
scored shortly before half time and started the second half
stronger to end the game 3-0, despite our defence of Livvy
Berry, Steph Jones, Phoebe Whitehouse, Cathy Tinker and
Clara Richmond. Third former Imogen West should also be
congratulated for her debut at 13 years old against Canford.
We learnt from this encounter and bounced back winning
the next 5 out of 6 matches. With standout victories over
Bradfield (4-1), after being 2-1 down at half time, Churcher’s
College (3-0) and claiming a 1-0 victory in the last minute
against Bryanston through a Lottie Colquhoun goal. Lottie’s
infamous knack of finding the back of the net also shone
through claiming all four goals against St Mary’s Shaftsbury
(4-0). In the first half of term notable attacking performances
also came from the Pitceathly twins Mima and Izzy, totting
up eight goals between them, and Bronte Vivian-Crowder
The D aunt seian 2014
finishing the season with seven goals each for the three girls
The second half of term would require stamina, consistency and determination as we embarked on seven consecutive matches including the West Finals, playing on a Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. It has been the busiest season I’ve
ever taken part in and I think the team would agree it was
both enjoyable and extremely beneficial to our skill, putting
our training to good use in constant match play. We won four
out of these seven matches. Against KES Bath, on a freezing
evening under the University’s floodlights, an excellent display saw us win 3-0 and was a fitting setting for Viki Bartlett
in her third season to score her first goal for the 1st team.
For me, the match against Marlborough College proved how
much we improved throughout the season. Although we lost
2-1, it was a narrow defeat and this competitive match was
a great advertisement for the hockey we had developed as a
united group. We passed the ball cleanly from the defence,
often via transferring laterally, through the midfield, including Libby Seed, and up to the quick paced upfront, notably
Henny Lowth, sprinting down the wings. Goalie Flossie
Shepherd must be mentioned for being as reliable and feisty
as she was for the entire season.
This season has not only been successful through
results but also in the quality of hockey we produced and
I am honoured to have captained this talented group of
players. I’d like to thank the girls for their hard work making
such a fantastic season, a personal highlight and one shared
by the other six leavers was winning the last home match
against Bristol Grammar School. The most important person
to thank is obviously MDC. His expertise, support and good
humour is why we have all enjoyed this season so much and
may through his work see the girl’s hockey at Dauntsey’s go
from strength to strength.
Kezia Buckland
Squad Flossie Shepherd, Livvy Berry, Steph Jones, Phoebe
Whitehouse, Cathy Tinker, Clara Richmond, Viki Bartlett,
Libby Seed, Mima Pitceathly, Kezia Buckland, Henny Lowth,
Izzy Pitceathly, Lottie Colquhoun, Bronte Vivian-Crowder,
Imogen West
2 nd XI G irls ’ H ockey P16 W12 L3 D1
he 2nd XI had a fantastic season. They displayed great
energy and enthusiasm throughout the season and
certainly developed the knack of winning matches. It often
came down to their hunger for scoring goals and it was this
persistent need to score goals that ultimately won them
many matches.
The team started strongly with victories over Monkton Combe and Canford and maintained that momentum
throughout the term. The team won the final six games of
the season playing some excellent attacking hockey. The
team was led superbly by Louisa Lacey and she ended top
goalscorer with eight goals. It was a real team effort and the
whole squad was utilised in the sixteen games this term.
Most importantly, the girls showed great spirit and a
great desire to learn. They were relentless in their pursuit of
victories and in the end this determination combined with
good skill was the catalyst for a superb season.
Squad Rosie Coles, Sophie Thomas, Anna Brown, Louie
Carter, Julie Scholefield, Imogen Barlett, Millie Jones, Josie
Goddard, Megan Cleeves, India Cook, Rosie Fanshawe,
Louisa Lacey, Jemima Jackson, Hetty Sagers
3 rd XI G irls ’ H ockey P10 W6 L3 D1
he 3rds had a very fun, enjoyable and successful
season with our win/draw ratio being 70%. The most
memorable of these was against Monkton Combe where
Monty Fillingham, Ruth Wilson and Jess Foord took five
goals in total and along with our strong defence we were
able to win our first match 5-0. After this, we had a number of other successes, such
as our 4-1 win against St Mary’s Calne and Kingswood.
However, we also had a number of tough opponents, in particular Canford, where we lost 0-6. Although, next year, we
are determined to get a more deserving score against them! Well done to all the girls that played this season, especially
Ruth Wilson who was the top scorer, and a huge thank you
to LS for coaching us.
Sarah Hannaford
Squad Grace Czapalski (Capt.), Lydia Borwell, Lauren
Sturges, Sarah Hannaford, Beckey Newman, Grace Nagel,
Jessica Foord, Phoebe Borwell, Ruth Wilson, Georgie Fox,
Chloe Newman, Emma Cavolli, Hetty Sagers
4 th XI G irls ’ H ockey P8 W6 L2 D0
fter two rather demoralising opening losses against
strong Canford and Bradfield teams, the season turned
out to be one of the most successful and high-scoring for
the 4th XI squad in many years. The matches were characterised by both excellent team spirit and willingness to work
for each other as well as some brilliant and determined
individual performances. Top goal scorer with 10 goals was
Emily Neve, closely followed by Lydia Davies (9) and Emily
Diamond (7). In attack, Tamzin Howard was most effective
at Left Forward, feeding up the left wing to Emily who was
situated on post. Lydia Davies was very strong on the ball,
feeding it up to the shooters and, despite being the most
accident-prone player on the team, always carried on no
matter what injury she sustained.
In defence, Lauren Taylor was very strong in tackling
at short corners and saved many goals. Hannah Lawrence
was a key defender, sure in her tackling and demonstrating
very good vision and skill on the ball. Ellie Young was a very
useful goal keeper and foiled many attacks on goal. Sophie
Gracie made an excellent sweeper, with a very strong and
penetrating defensive clearing hit. Probably the most memorable moment was at the Kingswood fixture when Sophie
swapped positions with the centre forward mid-match, took
the re-start and promptly bypassed all the opposing defenders to score an unopposed goal! Particular thanks go to Emily
Hourahane for her effective leadership of the team from the
midfield and for her organisation of the squad.
Squad EllieYoung, Sophie Gracie, Hannah Lawrence, Emily
Hourahane, Jess Tam, Holly Sampson, Tamsin Howard,
Isobel Hale, Lydia Davies, Emily Neve, Emily Iamont, Jess
Fellows, Josie Duff, Helen Jackson
U15A G irls ’ H ockey P14 W2 L10 D2
his was a difficult season for the girls. They were a
really pleasant group – lively, keen and they accepted
the coaching that I offered them really well. There was a
significant improvement in their play over the season. However, they were simply too “nice” on the pitch – they did not
show the aggression needed to compete with many of the
teams that we played against!
Arabella Harvey played in goal – she was a safe ‘keeper,
who made many good saves and helped keep the score line
respectable in many of the matches. The defence featured Tseki
Wangdi, Kirsty Robertson, Arabella Le Coyte, Milly Sampson
and Atlanta Hatch. They worked well as a unit, and helped each
other out as they worked to contain the opposition forwards.
Kirsty was especially outstanding with her hard tackling and
S port s
overall enthusiasm. Milly was, unfortunately, injured against
Canford and, as a result, missed out on quite a few matches.
The midfield was made up of Laura Weir, Daria Galkina
and Esmee Whitehouse. All three worked hard as that vital
link between defence and attack. Daria was an especially
strong player and she made a huge contribution to the team
overall, scoring three goals from midfield. All three played
with spirit and determination.
Up front, the team featured Tilly Whitehouse, Hattie
Bennett, Aurora Paris and Ellen Hickin. Aurora was our centre
forward and contributed half of the team’s total of goals scored
with a personal total of 7. Tilly also scored four for the team.
They worked hard as a unit and the wingers did their job well,
getting the ball down the flanks and putting in crosses.
As a team, this group really worked hard. They were
only really overwhelmed in four of their 14 matches, where
the opposition were simply far too good for us. In most of the
remainder, they fought strongly to gain results, and many of
the losses were just by the odd single goal. Given a bit more
luck in front of goal at either end, these results could easily
have been reversed. They were fun to work with, and they
certainly gained quite a bit from this difficult season.
Squad Arabella Harvey, Tseki Wangdi, Kirsty Robertson,
Arabella Le Coyte, Atlanta Hatch, Laura Weir, Daria Galkina,
Esmee Kirkpatrick, Tilly Whitehouse, Hattie Bennett, Aurora
Paris, Milly Sampson, Ellen Hickin
U15B G irls ’ H ockey P10 W4 L3 D3
he girls had struggled in their three previous hockey
seasons so it was no surprise that we began the season lacking confidence. Tentative in defence and allowing
the opposition time and space, we were 6-0 down at half
time against Canford in our opening fixture. However, the
girls showed character and resilience as we went on to win
the second half 1-0. We were then held to a scrappy goalless draw against KES Bath and suffered a disappointing 2-1
defeat by Bradfield College.
The team started to click in the match against Prior Park
as we played with enthusiasm, commitment and increasing confidence. Imogen Davies controlled the defence and
although the game ended goalless, the team performance
was much improved. We carried this into our next two games,
with Yasemin Botterill opening the scoring in a 2-0 victory
over St Mary’s Shaftesbury and Kristin Romer-Lee scoring all
four, including an assured penalty stroke in a 4-0 win over
Churcher’s College. A single goal defeat by Wellington and
a 2-2 draw against St Mary’s, Calne temporarily slowed our
progress, although a perfectly executed short corner routine
in the latter was well-celebrated by all. We ended the season
on a high as Georgie Woodward and Megan Woodruffe dominated the right-hand side in a 1-0 victory against BGS, and
Lucy Wand’s driving runs helped us to a 2-0 win over King
Edward VI Southampton.
The girls should be proud of their incredible progress
this season, much of it due to their willingness to listen and
The D aunt seian 2014
their hard work during training. They conceded just five
goals in the final nine and a half games and lost only once in
the final seven fixtures. Incredibly, Kristin Romer-Lee scored
twelve of the team’s thirteen goals but it was without doubt
a team effort. Each member of the squad played their part in
what was a successful season and I wish them all the best
for next year.
Squad Emma Lovell, Rosie Martin-Barton, Sophie Muir,
Imogen Davies, Abbie Mitchell, Megan Woodruffe, Betty
Lorimer, Cherry Ip, Elvira Parr, Georgie Woodward, Thea
Hurley-Bennett, Kristin Romer-Lee, Yasemin Botterill,
Lucy Wand
U15C G irls ’ H ockey P3 W0 L2 D1
his season we had fixtures against Bradfield, Sherborne
Girls and Wellington College. After a well-earned draw
against Bradfield, we found that both Sherborne and Wellington had more pace in their teams than we did and were
strong on the ball; we nonetheless competed hard against
Sherborne, especially in the first half, and defended with
great resolution until late in the game against Wellington.
The defence, with Charlotte Pender giving spirited performances in goal and Pheobe Vernon outstanding both in her
tackling and her passing, was probably stronger than the
attack, but all played with enthusiasm and in very much the
right spirit; it is to be hoped that this group of players will
continue to enjoy their hockey in future seasons.
Squad Alexandra Bateeva, Rosie Billyard, Jasmine Boote,
Olivia Fife-Faulkner, Isobel McKellar, Hattie Sibson, Phoebe
Vernon, Alice Walton-Knight, Ella Ward, Charlotte Ashley,
Sophie Ashley, Hannah Bamforth, Andrea Chan, Constance
Hung, Charlotte Pender, Sophie Stone, Polina Trifonova,
Kinley Yangden
U14A G irls ’ H ockey P13 W6 L7 D0
ith the arrival of new students to the Third Form
year group the selection for the U14A squad was
challenging but exciting. Fresh talent forced original members to raise their game in training, and so they did, welcoming the new girls into the team. As the girls adjusted to
the higher intensity expected at U14 level and the 11-a-side
format, it became clear that this team had serious potential.
This was confirmed with a 10 goal thrashing of Hampshire
Collegiate in the very first fixture and it was undeniable
that the season had got off to the very best of starts. More
challenging opposition lay ahead however, and from the
success of the first result, the team was brought back down
to earth by a clinical KES Bath who won by four goals to
nil. The approach in training was refocused and the girls
responded well, becoming sharper in front of the goal, but
also working on their distribution skills to provide outlets
from the back line and link passes in midfield, that were
missing against KES.
The fluctuating form continued with a 3-1 win against
Monkton Coombe, followed by a disappointing 4-0 loss to
Canford. Despite the score line, there was a belief and confidence in the style of play, and a 2-1 loss would have been a
much fairer representation. Lessons of ruthlessness in front
of the goal and precision with passing were learnt from the
game and again the girls committed themselves to the training field to become better and stronger on the ball.
Highlights from the second half the season saw three
storming 6-0 wins against Downe House, St Mary’s Shaftesbury, and St Mary’s Calne. Further lessons were learnt following another 4-0 loss to an imposing Bradfield College side and
it was great to see the team fight hard against a very equally
matched Prior Park side, despite surrendering eventually to
a 2-1 loss. Wins against St Mary’s Shaftesbury and Churcher’s College were the first consecutive wins of the season and
U14A’s travelled to Wellington College with determination
and the momentum to secure a 1-1 score line at half time.
As the game became more stretched, however, opportunist
finishing saw Wellington as victors five goals to one.
The final two games of the seasons, against Bristol
Grammar School and King Edward VI Southampton,
although both narrowly lost, demonstrated the progress
made by the U14As this year; flowing passes, strong tackles
and solid decision making were abundant in both games.
Throughout the year the girls has been eager and responsive
in training with a clear intent to improve but also a determination to give each game everything they had and leave nothing in the tank. They can be proud of their efforts and relish
the cohesive team they formed. A special mention goes to the
top goal scorers Harriet Steptoe and Chloe Vautier, who both
contributed nine goals each to the total 37 goals versus the
26 against, but also to the supreme skills of Imogen West, and
the sheer determination of Emma Matsumoto-Prouten who
all earned colours for their contributions. Well done to all the
girls for making the season so enjoyable and rewarding.
her name. In the next fixture against Canford, the team
was brought down to earth with a bump. Even with some
excellent defensive work by Grace James Park in goal,
Sam Arnold and Elsa Chick in defence, Canford were too
strong. The ball barely got out of our defensive 25 despite
the teams best efforts. A late mid week fixture against the
distant Downe House maybe explained the unusually
lethargic performance which the team put in. The Downe
House team seemed much stronger and more powerful
than Dauntsey’s; maybe not so surprising as it transpired
that they had fielded many of their U15 squad. The girls
soon bounced back and their next three games saw them
achieving one draw and two wins. Against St Mary’s the
girls certainly had had their ‘Weetabix’ with fierce attacking
play from Sophie Atkinson, Madeleine Brooks and Megan
Macduff; the game ended with a clean sheet and four goals
against the opposition. Always in the mix was Hannah
Gibson whose terrier like qualities put the opposing midfield on the back foot.
The Wellington College game will not be remembered
because of the score line but due to the number of injuries
which the girls received. Holly Davies saw her life flash
before her eyes as a ball hit high and hard hit her upper
body – she certainly took one for the team. The girls’ spirit
and energy were in full flow against out final competitors
of the season: St Mary’s, Calne and BGS. Imogen Cockwell
overcame her injuries to link up well with Anni Crichard
and Georgiana Gray creating some excellent offensive play
leading to the team scoring three and two goals in each
respective match.
The girls impressed me with their upbeat, positive
nature and their willingness to listen and learn throughout
the season. Livi Welsh’s sense of humour always ensured
that the training sessions and long journey to venues were
fun. There are some very talented hockey players in this
squad and I fully expect many of them to move up the ranks
as they progress along their hockey career at Dauntsey’s.
Squad Imogen Cockwell, Sophie Jephson, Sophie Atkinson,
Anni Crichard, Georgiana Gray, Elsa Chick, Grace James
Park, Megan Macduff, Madeleine Brooks, Hannah Gibson,
Natasha Whitrow, Olivia Welsh, Holly Davies, Sam Arnold
Squad Chloe Vautier, Imogen West, Harriet Steptoe,
Emily Tucker, Charlotte Hamilton-White, Corinna Clark,
Georgia Carpenter, Emma Matsumoto-Prouten, Polly Maton,
Ella Boutal, Dulcie Spindler, Liddy Payne, Olivia Keppel,
Anna Gilbert
U14B G irls ’ H ockey P10 W5 L4 D1
he U14B girls have encapsulated the phrase ‘team
spirit’ as in each and very match they gave of their
all. Their energetic performances were driven by the team
captain, Natasha Whitrow, who was consistently a powerhouse in midfield.
The season started well with a convincing win over
the nearby KES Bath with three goals being netted. Sophie
Jephson set her intentions by scoring in this game; ultimately becoming the season’s top scorer with 6 goals to
U13A G irls ’ H ockey P13 W6 L4 D3
he U13A hockey team should be delighted with what
they achieved this season; it has seen them develop
their individual skills but also improve their play as a team.
The season started extremely positively with the girls winning or drawing six out of the seven first games. Notably,
in these seven games the team scored 19 goals and conceded just 10; it was certainly an excellent start. The second half of games proved trickier and we faced some very
good teams which meant we lost momentum a little but
finished strongly with two wins. Throughout the season I
was impressed with the team’s attitude and approach to
training and matches alike; it was a pleasure to coach them.
S port s
The girls’ first few games were tough where we drew
against Hampshire Collegiate and then lost to an extremely
strong West Hill Park side but the girls soon made progress,
finding their winning way against Monkton Prep. The team
worked remarkably well together especially in the 6-1 win
over Warminster followed shortly after by a 5–0 win over St
Mary’s Shaftesbury and then towards the end of the season
an impressive 4–1 win over Prior Park. There were a number
of very close games in which the girls were unfortunate not
to win and had to settle for a draw. Not matter what the
result, the girls played in a positive way and in good spirits.
There were some excellent individual performances
which are worth mentioning. Natasha Parks-Tunstall continued in her impressive goal scoring form and scored 16
goals this season; this makes her the top goal scorer in the
school this season. Once again, Tiggy Lovering was solid
in the midfield often providing the vital pass to unlock the
opposition’s defence. Louisa Hill was also integral in the
midfield where she worked tirelessly in attack and defence;
she bagged herself four goals and was second top goal
scored in the U13A team. Georgia Pickford was crucial in
the defence and made a number of vital tackles and interceptions; she then showed excellent vision to clear the ball
to the attack. Lauren Dallison, once again, had a super season and was a stalwart in the goal; she made a number of
vital saves throughout the season.
Each member of the U13A squad played an important
role in ensuring the season was a success and they should
all be immensely proud of what they achieved. It has been
a privilege to work with such a great group of girls and I
thoroughly enjoyed the term. Thanks for all your hard work
this season and I wish you the best of luck in future games.
challenge, Kat Long scored an excellent goal and Hannah
Girardeau played extremely well in defence. Camilla Walton-Knight and Esme Evans played well in the last few
matches. The girls played extremely well against Monkton
prep continually fighting to win but the result was a 1-1
draw. The next match was against Warminster which they
won 4-0! There were two goals scored by Octavia Pye and
two from Katherine Long. These results were fantastic and
spirits were always high.
The B team had a bubbly atmosphere throughout the
entire season and continuously kept an upbeat spirit even
in matches where lots of goals were conceded or not many
scored. JW was an excellent coach and brought out the best
in the whole team by being extra supportive in the tough
matches. The training session drills were fun so the team
was eager to play well every time they stepped onto the
pitch. Thankfully there were no terrible injuries in the season meaning that the team performed to the best of their
ability in all the matches. Although there was a large team
playing, there was huge amount of kindness and friendship
among the members and everyone supported and tried to
help out either with swift accurate passes or selfless runs.
New skills such as Hits and reverse stick dribble were being
practised and used every week whether a match was being
played or it was just for the training session. Throughout the
whole term the members were never lazy or downhearted
they kept high spirits and morale going even when they
were disappointed.
The team played a number of matches throughout the
season. In summary we played 10 games, we won five, drew
one and lost four. In every match we gave it our all.
Catriona Edington
Squad Tiggy Lovering, Natasha Parks-Tunstall, Georgia
Pickford, Louisa Hill, Jemima Frost, Lara Maton, Lauren
Dallison, Zoe Cranstone, Imogen Dawe-Lane
Squad Chloe Darlington, Catriona Edington, Katherine
Long, Esme Evans, Octavia Pye, Hannah Giraueau, Grace
Drew, Phoebe Carter, Agnes Williams, Hannah Walker,
Sophie Ryalls, Kat Long, Maddie Wilks
U13B G irls ’ H ockey P10 W5 L4 D1
U12A G irls ’ H ockey P10 W3 L5 D2
n summary the 2013 U13B team had a good season,
with a 60% win/draw ratio. There was excellent coaching from JW, AEJH and MDC, all players worked hard and
improved over the season.
Agnes Williams and Octavia Pye played well in attack.
Phoebe Carter, Catriona Edington, Sophie Ryalls and Hannah Walker working together in midfield. Kat Long, Maddie
Wilks, Grace Drew and Hannah Girardeau formed an excellent
defence, and Chloe Darlington was outstanding goal keeper
saving many goals.
During the season the U13’s played both 11 and 7 a side
games. This gave the girls new challenges as the squad and
formation changes significantly. During these 11-a-side games
the girls coped well as a team and overcame the challenges.
The first match of the season was against Sherborne
Girls. The girls gained a 2-1 victory with goals from Phoebe
Carter and Agnes Williams. Later on in the season the team
played its first 11’s game and they coped well with the new
The D aunt seian 2014
he U12A squad was made up of a lively bunch of girls
who were all keen to make their mark. It proved to be
a tough season for the squad, but the improvement made
by all players was evident even from game to game.
The season was opened with a 0-0 draw against
Hampshire Collegiate, followed by a loss to a well matched
West Hill Park Prep side where the score line did not reflect
the game; however Hannah Bradley put the first points on
the board in the third game against Monkton Combe Prep.
A loss to a late All Hallows’ side on grass, despite a
strong showing from Jessie Romer-Lee, was closely followed up by the first victory of the season against KES
Bath. A much more focussed side that was willing to work
for each other right from the warm up and implement more
confident attacking plays came away with a 3-2 win with
Freya Chapman on the scoreboard and two more netted
for Bradley. Jess Nixon was outstanding in goal and Annie
Hourahane was named player of the match.
Riding on the tails of success, the girls went on to beat
Godolphin with another goal for Chapman. A narrow 1-0
loss to Churcher’s fuelled the fire and the U12’s came out
stronger against Kingswood at home and were victorious
4-2 with two goals each for Bradley and Amelia Place;
India Eastlake was named player of the match and Nixon
was again an asset in goal. Place was the only scorer in the
penultimate game against a well-drilled, aggressive Bristol
Grammar side with the final showing against KES Southampton a narrow 1-0 loss.
All squad members did their best and pushed each
other for places on the pitch. Bradley and Place received
colours for their impressive performances and effort
throughout the season. Special mention should also go
to Eastlake who worked her way up from the B team and
earned her place in the starting seven towards the end of
the season. With continued work on intensity and doing
the basics well, it promises to be an exciting season for the
U13 side in 2014. Well done to all girls involved.
Squad Eleanor Barker, Hannah Barnes, Hannah Bradley,
Freya Chapman, India Eastlake, Maddie George, Sophie
Hollis, Annie Hourahane, Jess Nixon, Hermione Owen,
Amelia Place, Jessie Romer-Lee
of the team had played little to no hockey before and found
themselves up against much more experienced hockey players. All the matches were very closely fought and many of
them could have gone either way. The girls always tried hard
to the end of each match and did improve hugely throughout the season.
India Eastlake was our top player and towards the end of
the season she was moved up to the A team. Elizabeth Peak
showed promise in attack, as did Alice Came who showed real
competitive drive. Grace Welsh led the defence with Amber
Fletcher proving a major asset in goal.
Many of our matches were extremely close: 0-2 against
Hampshire Collegiate, 0-1 against Sherborne Girls and 1-2
against Kingswood. The main element missing from the girls’
game in these matches was the confidence to really attack and
drive forward for goal. I am sure that this will develop in time
and they will be able to finish off matches more positively.
We did secure two hard fought wins against Godolphin
and King Edward VI Southampton. India Eastlake scored
twice against Godolphin and Elizabeth Peak scored to win
the King Edward’s match.
The girls all showed great commitment and effort
throughout the season, despite some very unlucky nearmiss losses. I have no doubt that with more experience they
will develop into a confident attacking side.
U12B G irls ’ H ockey P9 W2 L7 D0
his was a tough season for the U12 B’s, but despite
the results, a lot of positives can be taken from it. Most
Squad Amber Fletcher, Alice Came, Elizabeth Peak, Lucy
Talbot, Beth McNamara, Francesca Whinnet, Jenna Tatham,
Niamh Clark, Poppy Waterworth, Grace Welsh, India
Eastlake, Lottie Wilson, Abigail Baker, Holly Baker
S port s
B oys ’ H ockey
B oys ’ H ockey O verview
he 2014 Dauntsey’s Boys’ Hockey season has been
successful in the Senior School, whilst the Lower
School Teams have been subjected to a steep learning
curve. From a total of 126 official school fixtures, 35 have
been won, 18 have been drawn, and 74 have been lost.
Therefore, 42% of these competitive matches have either
been won or drawn.
Even though the overall results are down from 52% in
2013, it does not get any tougher nationally, let alone within
our region, than playing the likes of Millfield, Dean Close,
Kingswood and Canford. In addition, we have actually
played 33 more matches than in 2013, with an additional
block fixture versus King Edward’s Southampton and some
better weather than in the past! As well as fielding 14 competitive teams (1sts, 2nds, 3rds, 16A, 15A, B & C, 14A, B & C,
13A & B 12A & B) we have also continued with our popular
‘internal’ school matches at U12, U13 and U14 level. These
matches have offered those players not playing regular team
hockey the chance to play on Astroturf, against other boys in
their year, in an official match, with a match tea afterwards.
The D aunt seian 2014
These have been a great success and well received by staff,
pupils and parents alike.
Dauntsey’s teams, throughout the School, have again
scored a significant number of goals this season. Indeed, a
total of 186 goals have been scored. A committed, skilful and
talented 1st XI has played very well, winning 9 and drawing
4 of their 18 matches, scoring 51 goals in the process. The
team successfully defended their title in the Dauntsey’s
Invitational Tournament at the start of term having also
won it in 2013, and also registered memorable victories over
Clifton College, Kingswood, KES Bath and KES Southampton. The 1st XI also had a decent run in the U18 National
Schools’ Cup – reaching the last 32 of the Plate. The 2nd XI
has also been strong, winning 5 and drawing 1 of their 10
matches. In addition, the 3rds and 16As won or drew half of
their matches.
It has been an enjoyable season, with much promise
for 2015, including a Senior Boys’Tour to Malaysia at Easter.
Head of Hockey
I st XI B oys ’ H ockey P18 W9 L5 D4
espite losing many of our players from the 1st XI‘s
previous season, we started very strongly with many
new players keenly embracing the opportunity to perform as
part of what soon became a highly competitive and skilful side.
On a physically demanding weekend, our fitness was
tested when our successes began with a 1-1 draw against a
highly competent Sherborne side. Johnny Bishop performed
very well at right back and proved to be a useful defensive
outlet throughout the season. Max Romer-Lee scored the
first and final goal of the game, which was merely one of
his seventeen goals that were to follow throughout the term.
Unfortunately, Max suffered a severe break to his finger
whilst playing against Canford and was unable to finish the
season; we wish him the best in his recovery. The following
day recorded memorable victories against the likes of Kingswood, Dean Close, Prior Park and KES Bath to gain the title
of ‘Dauntsey’s Invitational Champions 2014.’
We also competed in the U18 Schools Cup, which
provided us with an opportunity to test ourselves against
sides that are not normally part of our fixture list. In the first
round against Wells Cathedral, our performance was not as
strong as we would have liked, but we managed to grind out
a 4-3 victory with more goals from Max, followed by well
executed goals from Charlie Mallet and Zach Dunnett who
both continued to score throughout the season. However,
after a long drive, the second round was tough for the 1st XI
when we were faced up as what can only be described as
a phenomenal Exeter side that contained four experienced
international players. We came away from the 8-0 loss with
our heads down, but equally hungry to learn from the experience and to bite back in the following weeks. We recorded a
win against Clifton College and very pleasing draws against
both Marlborough College and Prior Park; both games
proving to be very entertaining, providing a thrilling experience for all of our spectators. Hamish Fyfe and Guy Rawson-Smith also continued to show their dominance in the
centre midfield and centre back positions during all matches.
Other memorable moments of the season include convincing wins against KES Bath- a game that we started relatively poorly- however we stepped up to a different level in
the second half to destroy the KES side 6-2; Zach Dunnet
managed to bag himself a hat-trick. A Similar second half
victory occurred when we played Sir Thomas Rich’s in the
U18 Schools Plate, winning comfortably 6-1. Toby Sampson
played well in attack, providing many opportunities and
securing a goal for himself also.
In the following games, our defence was thoroughly
tested, especially against a clinical side such as Dean Close.
Our run in the U18 Schools Plate was sadly ended after our
game against Warwick; the game was lost on Penalty Flicks.
However, the team put out a very strong performance, with
Tom Parker maintaining his strength in defence, and Gus
Dunnet using his impressive skills to work the ball forwards.
Upon arriving at Kingswood we knew it was going
to be a demanding match that could go either way, but we
looked past this and focused on the victory we had set out to
S port s
claim. Yet again, we started the first half poorly but with the
whole team digging deep, we managed to come away with a
3-2 victory and left the vocal Kingswood side feeling rather
unsettled. Harry Mangham had one of his many outstanding games, and Duncan Lorain’s good work rate throughout
the season was not only evident at Kingswood, but was also
very useful for the team, both defensively and offensively.
Paddy Gompels was also ruthless in defence, playing a key
role when keeping the opposition out of our half. In the
following game, Kevin Ridley impressed the home crowd
with two great goals that gave us an early lead against the
well-known Canford side. However, Canford fought back,
culminating in a final 4-2 loss.
The 1st XI were also faced up against an outstanding
All Stars side, containing many players with various international honours. The game provided a great exhibition of top
level and left us all with something to aspire to.
Overall it was a fantastic season for the 1st XI; with
one of the toughest fixture lists around, the whole team
should be proud of their achievements and improvements
throughout the season. I would like to thank MDC for all
his coaching and support throughout the season, without
such dedication and effort, we would have been unable to
experience such an enjoyable season. Thank you and well
done also to the youngsters; Kincaid Ingram and Jamie Short
for stepping up to play for the 1st XI in the second half of
the season after the team suffered a loss of players due to
injury. It has been a great opportunity for me to Captain the
Dauntsey’s Teams this year, and I wish them all the luck with
their future seasons.
Jack Gompels
Squad Jack Gompels , Gus Dunnett , Hamish Fyfe, Duncan
Lorrain, Zach Dunnett, Charlie Mallet, Tom Parker, Max
Romer-Lee, Paddy Gompels, Johnny Bishop, Harry
Mangham, Guy Rawson-Smith, Kevin Ridley, Toby Sampson,
Jamie Short
2 nd XI B oys ’ H ockey P10 W5 L4 D1
he 2nd XI produced some extremely strong performances this year. The highlights were the 3-2 victories
over Canford and Dean Close as the team displayed great
character to come from behind in both games. The team
was well led by Sam Dawson and began to develop a strong
attacking passing game. Whilst the goals were difficult to
come by, every player worked extremely hard for the team.
After half term the team began to show great improvement
and were deserved winners in three out of the final four
games. With only four Upper Sixth players leaving, the prospects for another successful season are good. Well done to all
the players for a great season!
Squad Miles Davies, Archie Tawney, Sam Dawson, Ollie
Sibson, Ben Arnold, Doug Tilley, Sacha Yates, Jamie Short, Ed
Tomlin, Ed Sweett, Ed Young, Sam Tomlin, Monty Lovering,
Josh Morris
The D aunt seian 2014
3 rd XI B oys ’ H ockey P8 W2 L4 D2
ith a large group of new Fifth Form players joining
the squad, the season got off to a slow start without
a win in our first three games. However, as the team began
to adjust to each other, our set-plays improved as well as the
communication between the boys on the pitch. This led to
success on the score sheet, leading to two wins in our next
two matches against both Prior Park and Dean Close. These
back to back wins were, however, to be our only successes
for the season. Of the 8 goals we scored over the season,
Harri Lowen scored the majority.
Even though we lost 50% of our games, the team never
lost their sense of humour and sportsmanship: without LS’
optimism and encouragement, I don’t think this could have
been possible. Hopefully next season the team will manage
to improve on what they have learnt this time around, and
maybe concede a few less goals against Kingswood.
Dom Booth
Squad Rowan Galea, Dominic Booth, Harri Lowen,
Jonathan Scott, Jack Levy, Will Harding, Callum Pitceathly,
Ty Naug, James Hollis, George Smith, Josh Stace, Henry
U16A B oys ’ H ockey P11 W4 L6 D1
e started the season with two tricky away games
to Sherborne and Millfield. Having been level in both
games at half time, we ended up losing 3-2 to Sherborne and
then going down 6-2 to Millfield due to their superior second half short corner routines. J. Platt scored in both games.
We got our winning tally up and running the next
weekend against KES Bath. We took bit of time to get going
but in the end netted 3 goals, through T. Fechner’s reverse
stick hit into the bottom right. O. Graham and H. Williams
also scored. We then travelled to Marlborough in a tough
mid-week game. We fought well but were out muscled in a
physical game and lost 4-1.
The game against Prior Park boosted morale. We were
on top from the start with outstanding performances from
O. Graham getting a Hat-trick and F. Hooke who also neatly
tucked away a goal. We ran away with it winning 6-1.
One of the best results for us this season was a 2-2
draw against a top Dean Close team. Having gone down two
quick goals, our second half performance saw us finish with
a deserved draw with two great goals including a great bit of
individual skill from an A. Whitrow.
The next game was a rematch against Marlborough
College. We played much better this time around, and our
defence thanks to A. Archer, G. Dolman, G. Webster and A.
Whitney was supreme. However a lucky Marlborough goal
saw us lose 1-0.
We faced a tough away game to an unbeaten Kingwood
3rd team. With the help of great goalkeeping from M. Matveev we were able to then see C. Welsh finishing smartly to
put us level at half time. After recovering at half time from
the heat we came out fighting and scored off a slick short
corner routine. We held out to win 2-1.
Our next fixture was against Hampshire Collegiate 1st
team; a tough game which again our defence stood out in as
well as M. Webb who linked well in the midfield. Undeservingly we lost a thrilling game 4-3.
In a bad tempered Canford game we had glimpses of
brilliance, in particular H. Williams’s goal with a nice flick
over the Canford keeper. This was mixed with moments of
weaker play which saw us conceding five goals, and the final
score was a 5-3 loss.
Our final game saw us play against Devizes HC, an
interesting encounter for T. Fechner playing against his club
team. We had a dominant first half and scored two good goals
with M. Reece terrorising the Devizes Defence. However
in the second half we conceded a p-flick and a breakaway
goal. But an S. New goal from a short corner routine gone
wrong saw us hold on to a 3-2 win.
We all would like to thank ESC for her coaching and
support. We improved greatly throughout the season.
Hamish Janes
Squad Maxim Matveev, Alex Archer, George Webster,
George Dolman, Sam New, Angus Whitney, Matt Webb,
Fergus Hooke, Hamish Janes, Tobias Fechner, Matt Reece,
Adam Whitrow, Oliver Graham, Jacob Platt, Henry Williams,
Cameron Welsh
touch-in goals. Adrian’s sheer pace was too much for most
defenders. Kincaid was the most skilful of our strikers, and
made many chances at goal.
We started the season with a good win against Sherborne, but then lost to a very strong Millfield side. We should
have drawn with KES Bath, but lost to a lucky late goal. We
drew a match which we totally dominated against Marlborough and then had a really exciting and open 2-2 draw
against Clifton. Our fixture against Dean Close (National
U14 finalists last year) was very frustrating. We were, by a
margin, the better side for the majority of the match; but we
simply could not score. Our first corner routine rattled their
post, another shot hit the side netting, and we outplayed
them in every department apart from the goals tally – their
finishing was very hot! An easy win against Hampshire Collegiate got our confidence back up, and this showed in a very
good display to beat Canford 2-1 away – an unusual event
indeed. This was the only time in the season where all sections of the team were really at their best and showed how
good they could be. We then lost to a very strong KES side
in our final match.
Overall, I hope that the team enjoyed the season – they
certainly learned a lot, improved their play significantly, and
changed from a boys’ to a men’s style of Hockey – far harder,
far pacier and far more demanding on the players. I am sure
that many of these boys will go on to represent the school at
1st team level in the future.
U15A B oys ’ H ockey P11 W3 L6 D2
his was a far better team than these results suggest
– they had a lot of individual skill and loads of team
spirit. Unfortunately, they came up against some very strong
teams indeed at their age group, and also lacked the killer
instinct in the two shooting circles.
The defence featured Tom Mutton in goal, Noah Cannon (1) as sweeper, and then Harry Baker, Chris Chester and
Tom McGrath across the back. They could play very well as
a defensive unit, but their weakness all season was communication – Tom was not vocal enough at times, and this led
to the defenders getting confused and handing some goals
to the opposition that were really quite soft. Noah proved to
be the“own goal”champion, scoring three for the opposition
in 11 matches! At other times, for example against Canford,
they played really well and dominated the opposition, allowing them almost no shots on goal.
The midfield had Will Langton (4), Euan Reid (1) and
Simon Winchcombe as the normal trio. Will was outstanding
in both attack and defence and was my man of the season.
His tackling, skill, work-rate and distribution were an example to everyone. Euan and Simon both displayed outstanding skill levels, and were willing to run themselves into the
ground for the team. Will Barker helped out in midfield on
occasions, but looked happier in the forward line.
Up front, Kincaid Ingram (5) played in the central role,
with Adrian Chau (3) and Oli Jackson (4) on the wings. Euan
Falconer-Cunningham and Will Barker (2) were also strikers
for the team. These players were adept at passing and moving, and the wingers were good at coming into their posts for
U15B B oys ’ H ockey P10 W2 L5 D3
he season began with an exhilarating match against
Sherborne. Poor marking gifted the opposition a two
goal half-time lead before we displayed our attacking flair
and completely dominated the second period. However,
wayward shooting meant we got nothing out of a game
could easily have finished six all. We were clinical against
Millfield with Ioan Gwynne Davies and Myles Appleby both
scoring braces, and James Long grabbed a late goal to round
off a well-deserved 5-1 victory.
The fixture against KES Bath proved to be the highlight
of the season. Wind and rain blitzed Astro 2 and unsurprisingly a scrappy game between two evenly matched teams
ensued. Midway through the first half and with KES starting to get on top, Barney Spooner drifted in from the right
and slotted the ball into the bottom left corner. Moments
later he was causing problems again, this time winning a
short corner which Oskar Boaler converted after the team
perfectly executed a training ground routine. KES battled
their way back into the game but were repeatedly thwarted
by Adam Jackson who was inspirational in goal. James Gardiner scored from a late short corner to cap a magnificent
3-0 victory with Adam Jackson man of the match.
The rest of the season proved disappointing as we
struggled in what were often winnable games. Josh Jefferies
scored a dramatic equaliser with the last play against Prior
Park and the boys showed character and endeavour against
Canford. Despite a heavy defeat in what was our toughest
S port s
match, we produced our best movement and link up play
of the season and Ioan scored a well-deserved goal. If we’d
played at this level throughout the season then the boys
would have enjoyed a much more successful season.
Squad Adam Jackson, George Matthews, George Hood,
Charles Rigby, George MacMullen, James Gardiner, Oskar
Boaler, Joshua Jefferies, Haydn Kiff, Ioan Gwynne Davies,
Edward Scott, Myles Appleby, James Long, Barney Spooner,
Nicholas Parks-Tunstall
U14A B oys ’ H ockey P10 W2 L8 D0
his was not an easy season for a team that really
struggled to score goals, as the statistics show, on a
fixture list in which there are no easy games. The standard
of opposition was extremely strong in nearly every game
and, although the boys worked incredibly hard, it was very
difficult to defend for long periods of time without conceding. Heavy defeats, by margins of five goals or more, were
suffered at the hands of very strong and technically skilled
Sherborne, Millfield, Marlborough, Dean Close, Canford and
King Edward’s, Southampton sides. Despite the score lines
on each occasion, the boys cannot be faulted on their work
ethic or their determination to compete; and each and every
one of them continued to battle and demonstrate real commitment throughout each game. However, it proved very difficult to reduce the pressure, which ultimately told in each of
these games. Despite the time spent in training on attacking
opportunities, these proved fairly limited in match situations;
and when they did occur, we often lacked the confidence to
take them. Good displays were shown against Prior Park
(L1-3) and Kingswood (L0-3), but in each case, as above, the
opposition were technically and physically stronger.
The highlights of the season came in matches three and
four, when much needed victories, after two heavy defeats,
were recorded against somewhat weaker, in comparison to
the rest of the season, King Edward’s, Bath and Clifton College
sides. An impressive 4-0 victory was followed by a 2-1 success, although the latter was made much more difficult than
it should have been, and their late goal led to a very tense last
ten minutes. But the important thing was that these victories
brought a greatly needed boost at a key time of the season,
particularly if one looked ahead to the fixtures to come.
Rahul Patel played with real commitment and skill
throughout the season and was well supported in midfield
by Ed Long and Will Thomas. His determination and drive
as captain was vital in maintaining a positive effect across
the team both in matches and in training. Overall there is
no doubt that this side has potential and, if they continue to
work hard on their basic skills over the next few years, they
will undoubtedly compete much more favourably on such a
strong fixture list. Scoring goals will be the big issue, but that
will hopefully come with competing more effectively. I will
certainly watch their progress with interest.
The D aunt seian 2014
Squad Robbie Andrews, Zander Balls, Archie Cole, Dan
Hammond, Ed Long, Archie Osmond, Rahul Patel, Ben
Pugh-Cook, Charlie Stace, Joe Stratford, Will Thomas, Zoltan
Yasin, Kwun Lum Chan, Joe Fortune
U14B B oys ’ H ockey P10 W2 L5 D5
he U14B’s started the season in a promising style
with a one all draw against a well drilled Sherborne side.
The midfielders of Theo Dunnett, Chester Barnes and Conor
O’Kelly put in a phenomenal work rate – linking up with the
forward line on the offensive and supporting the back line
when the need arose. Our match against Millfield proved
to be a very tough game and, despite some excellent saves
by Henry Green and decisive tackling by Sam Pritchard and
Dan Harris, Millfield slotted five goals past us. The team
responded in superb fashion and over the next four games
went on an unbeaten run. This included an edgy nil all draw
against a very well drilled KES Bath. Here, the captain, Xavi
Kemper, controlled the midfield and Henry Hill sudden
bursts up field were a constant threat for the opposition.
The highlight of the year was the stunning 9-0 win over
Clifton College. Here, the man of the match, Kwun Lum Chan
was on fire – making searching runs, tackling back and creating lots of chances in the opposition’s ‘D’. His endeavours
were rewarded with a fantastic hat trick. Not to be outdone
Lucas Reay, Charlie Badman and Harry Burke each scored a
brace. Charlie Badman made a number of tireless runs on the
left wing creating chances for his teammates. In the following
mid-week derby against Marlborough College Theo Dunnett
controlled the central spine anticipating the flow of play well
and making some delightful floating passes to his team mates.
It was nip and tuck as the two teams alternated who was in
the lead: a three all draw was a fair result for both parties.
On a fine spring day, the team made the journey to
Cheltenham for our new fixture against Dean Close. The
team’s energy and commitment was first rate and many of
the boys put in their best performance of the season. Tom
Vernon was a constant threat on the wing, Henry Hill ran the
equivalent of a marathon and Joe Prodger’s versatility a godsend as he alternated from the midfield to the forward line.
Disappointingly, the score line did not reflect the performance with a 1-2 loss. Alas, the following two matches also
presented the boys with two further defeats, one of which
was a crushing 9-0 drubbing by Canford: here, the heads
went down and the boys, in effect, gave up – such a contrast
to the Dean Close game. Pleasingly in the final game of the
season against KES Southampton the boys restored their
pride with a one nil win. It could have been more as Harry
Burke was on fire with his attacking runs into the opposition
‘D’ and Henry Hill’s surging runs from midfield.
The large squad of the U14B all played their part in
ensuring that the games were played with great spirit and
the camaraderie was second to none.
Squad Henry Greene, Sam Pritchard, Xavi Kemper, Theo
Dunnett, Dan Harris, Conor O’Kelly, Harry Markes, Chester
Barnes, Charlie Badman, Theo Dunnett, Joe Prodger, Ben
Pugh- Cook, Lucas Reay, Hugh Jacobs, Henry Hill, Dan Harris,
Kwun Lum Cham, Tom Vernon
U13A B oys ’ H ockey P10 W2 L8 D0
his was tough season for the team, but despite the
results, a positive one in many ways. We were on the end
of several heavy defeats, but the players can be proud that they
tried hard throughout and improved the level of play. Many of
the teams we play have players with far greater experience
than ours.
We did secure two hard fought wins. Here we came up
against a similar level to our own. Pablo Ventos Baena scored
twice against Clayesmore, and some good attacking play
saw us score three against Hampshire Collegiate. We also
had good performance in the rain and sleet against Devizes
Hockey Club, but lost a close game 3-1.
Elsewhere, sides had skilful and fast attacking players
who our midfield and defence struggled to cope with. Despite
this, with few exceptions, the team battled hard and kept
going to the end of every game.
Lewis Jackson and Archie Ayling were the leading players and both showed signs of good promise for the future.
George Lishman was a defiant presence at the heart of the
defence, often battling against heavy odds. All three were
awarded colours.
If the side show the same level of commitment and effort
that they demonstrated this year, I am sure they will only
improve in future, and I hope they will continue to enjoy their
Squad Lewis Jackson, Archie Ayling, George Lishman,
Robert McNamara, Graeme Smith, Oscar Gompels, Lewis
MacLean, Adam McCormick, Hector Gunnerud, Pablo Ventos Baena, Oscar Aspey, Tom Wild, Thomas Morgan, Olly
U13B B oys ’ H ockey P8 W0 L8 D0
difficult season for the U13 B side started against
Clayesmore Prep with a 4-0 defeat. Although the team
had limited time to prepare before the match, there were
promising displays from Edward Crossfield and Lawrence
Bett-Hewitt. Our next match was a tight encounter with
Hampshire Collegiate School. James Hallam scored a well
worked goal and at 2-1 down in the second half, we had a
number of chances to level the scores. Unfortunately we weren’t able to capitalise on our pressure and eventually lost 3-1.
In our one and only 7 a side match of the year, Prior Park
College dominated the game, exploiting our lack of comfort on
a smaller field, winning comfortably 8-0. The following games
however against Chafyn Grove and Monkton Combe saw
us produce our strongest performances of the year. Against
tough opposition, Spencer Toon was dominant in midfield
and was ably supported by Jamie Blake, Tolland Bennett and
Felix Nagel. Our profligacy in front of goal cost us again however and we lost both matches 3-0 and 4-0 respectively.
In our last three matches of the year, a number of players
were introduced to the side. Jason Yip added pace to our attack
and his work rate on the wing was outstanding. Cameron
Wilson did well at right back, allowing Alex Boaler to show his
ability in midfield. After an early season injury, Tom Wild came
back into the side and showed how much we had missed him
in the earlier matches and, having impressed in training, Harry
Poole came in to strengthen our midfield, doing particularly
well in the match against Kingswood. These additions, allied
to players like Sam Nield, who had worked tirelessly at left
back all year, and Carraig Green who was starting to find his
feet at the centre of defence, meant that we played some great
hockey at the end of the season. Unfortunately however, we
were unable to get a much needed win.
Although it was a tough season for the U13 B side, the
boys always maintained a positive attitude and, in training,
were always keen to learn and develop their game. Special
mention much also go to both Graeme Smith and Robert
McNamara for their outstanding play in goal; both produced
a number of fantastic saves throughout the year to keep the
opposition attackers at bay.
Squad Alex Boaler, Tolland Bennett, Lawrence Bett-Hewitt, Jamie Blake, Edward Crossfield, Carraig Green, James
Hallam, Robert McNamara, Felix Nagel, Sam Nield, Harry
Poole, Graeme Smith, Spencer Toon, Sebastian Tyler,
Tom Wild, Cameron Wilson, Elliot Yates, Jason Yip
U12A B oys ’ H ockey P8 W1 L6 D1
he U12A’s started the season with a narrow loss
against Clayesmore. There were some pleasing signs
considering the lack of match practice and training time we
had prior to a very well contested game which ended 1-0.
The boys worked hard to prepare for our next fixture
against Hampshire Collegiate. We scored a couple of well
work goals through Archie McKinnon, George Moulding
and Charlie Purves to lead 3-1. The opposition hit back with
another late on to make it a nervous final few minutes. We
managed to hold on through some strong defending by Isaac
Bull and Guy Harmer who played well in goal.
Our next fixture saw us take on an U13C Prior side.
We kept ourselves in the game, but could not over power a
strong side made up of boys a year older, eventually losing
4-0. We travelled away to play a return fixture against Hampshire Collegiate. They fielded a much changed side including
a number of very strong players returning from injury. We
struggled to get a foot hold in the game with the opposition
keeping possession well. We eventually slipped to a very disappointing 7-0 defeat. The boys picked themselves up from
this and worked well in training with the challenge of taking
on Monkton Prep the following week. Both teams were very
well matched, with Monkton having the better chances in
front of goal. A very good display by Guy Harmer saw us
draw the game 1-1.
S port s
The second half of the season saw us play more 11 aside
games against some tough opposition. We unfortunately
suffered heavy losses against Kingswood, West Hill Park and
KES Southampton. These sides all had a number of very good
club hockey players and had been playing together for much
longer than us. It was good experience to play against these
teams and highlighted the standard the boys should look to
reach over the next few seasons.
Squad Jesse Allinson-James, Isaac Bull, Oliver Frost, Olly
Gompels, George Lindh, Archie Mackinnon, Kit Major,
Joshua Mallinson, George Moulding, Charlie Purves, George
Sherwood, James Sykes
U12B B oys ’ H ockey P8 W1 L6 D1
t was a really enjoyable hockey season with a very
motivated and keen group of boys. Although the statistics show only one win, the 12 B’s could easily have avoided
losing at least four other games, but for a lack of finishing in
front of goal. Chance after chance was created in every match
but we lacked power and accuracy in our shooting, and at
times luck was against us.
That said, I am heartened by the attitude and general
love of sport from this year group and it bodes well for the
future. Colours were awarded to Josh Mallinson, Jordan Hills
and Hamish Gardner, though many of the team deserved
The D aunt seian 2014
recognition for their sportsmanship and sterling efforts. I
would not be surprised if a number of these boys develop into
1st team players of the future. Well done.
Squad Josh Mallinson, Algie Fookes, Matthew Large,
Hamish Gardner, Jordan Hills, Benedict Kinder, Josh
Duckworth, Ben Gardiner, Olly Cons, George Sherwood,
Toby Chick, Tom Lampard-Vail, George Lindh, Kit Major.
N etball
1 st T eam N etball P10 W4 L6 D0
t was a tale of two halves this season for the first team.
Although we played some great netball before half term
we found ourselves on the wrong side of the results winning
just one of our matches. We had strong games against Bradfield and Canford but a lack of consistency in our shooting
circle meant that we didn’t convert our opportunities and
narrowly lost these games. Our defence as a team was excellent: some strong mid court defence from Lottie, Kezia and
Jemima restricted our opponents’ flow through the court.
Our circle defence of Henny, Vikki and Georgie was
very effective and the three of them worked tirelessly to
restrict shooting opportunities. We were unlucky to lose
Meg Cleeves and Meg Taylor to injury early on in the season
which ruled them both out for most of our matches. The girls
regrouped after half term and seemed to gain more consistency and confidence. The girls were playing some very
intelligent netball; keeping possession of the ball and using
this to their advantage which led to more shooting opportunities in games. Our attacking players were combining well,
and our shooters Steph, Imogen and Livy were converting
our opportunities. The team grew in confidence and were
playing very well which resulted in them winning three of
their four remaining games. A great end to the season girls.
Squad Vikki Bartlett, Henny Lowth, Lottie Colquhoun,Steph Jones, Jemima Pitceathly, Livvy Berry, Imogen Bartlett,
Georgie Ashby, Meg Taylor, Kezia Buckland
2 ND T eam N etball P11 W6 L4 D1
he Seconds team has had a great season this year,
finishing as the most successful senior team. We have
had a big squad with a lot of depth which has served us well,
offering us lots of combinations in attack and defence.
We started the season very promisingly with a close win
against a strong side at Bradfield, 20-19, where Imo Bartlett and Jess Foord were awarded joint player of the match.
Following this was a disappointing draw against St Mary’s
and two close losses against Canford and Prior Park, despite
S port s
strong defensive work from Lydia Davies and India Cook.
Against Bristol Grammar School we achieved a convincing
win 15-5, playing sensibly in difficult conditions and managing to keep possession well, with good centre court play
from Sophie Thomas. The next Saturday saw our highlight of
the season - a sunny home match against KES Southampton saw us win 20-19 having been six goals down after the
first quarter, with Julie Scholefield scoring the winning goal
following a nail- biting final quarter. The support throughout
the match was fantastic, and both parents and players were
ecstatic with the result; it was a great team performance.
The rest of the season was comprised of three wins and
two losses against a strong (and tall) Kingswood side and the
first team from Monkton Combe. The latter saw determined
defensive work and many interceptions from Lydia Davies. We
managed to succeed in obtaining two very easy wins against
Downside and Warminster, 30-3 and 29-3 respectively, displaying our versatility on court with many of our players
playing new positions; Jess Foord’s shooting performance
should get a special mention! In both these matches, Tamzin
Howard and Sarah Hannaford played superbly in the centre
court and visibly from the score line, the shooters (Lou Lacey,
Anna Brown and Julie Scholefield) converted movement up
the court effectively into goals. We finished the season on a
high beating Downe House convincingly at home, tallying up
our goals scored to 180 for the season, conceding 150.
Overall, it was a great season full of laughter and ‘banter’
from all the girls. The team sprit was high throughout and
on the whole we played our best, getting some good results.
Thanks to the Upper Sixth girls who have played their last
ever season of netball at Dauntsey’s this year - Jess Foord
and Lou Lacey.
Squad Julie Scholefield, Louisa Lacey, Jess Foord, Tamzin
Howard, Sarah Hannaford, India Cook, Sophie Thomas,
Anna Brown, Lydia Davies, Imogen Bartlett
3 rD T eam N etball U
nfortunately the 3rd team didn’t have quite the
season that we had hoped for, but team spirits
remained high throughout the season. The Lower Sixth
and the Upper Sixth girls played and trained together well.
Our shooting remained constant throughout the season
with Phoebe Whitehouse and Faye Hargreaves scoring a
total number of goals 85 goals. Their work around the goal
improved during the season. Sophie Schneider was introduced into the team at a later stage and, although she had
never played this position before, contributed well to this
total. The midcourt was an essential part of the team especially against the harder opposition.
Ruth Wilson and Sophie Badman, our older and more
experienced netballers, led the middle players well and they
made sure the shooters had plenty of opportunities with
support from Bronte Vivien-Crowder. Emily Hourahane
and Lauren Taylor swapped between centre and wing attack
without fuss and were effective in both positions. In defence
The D aunt seian 2014
Grace Jones worked hard as WD, was definitely a key player
with tactical interceptions and her team spirit and general
encouragement was never influenced by the score line.
Charly Mangham and Libby “Ja’mie” Hollingshead worked
together efficiently which the score line often didn’t reflect.
That said, their commitment within the circle and relentless
energy remained constant during the season. Robin Weir
and Phoebe Borwell made their netball debuts showing real
potential for the future. Finally, a huge thank you to ECG
who understood the team well and not only brought out
individual talents to create a team that played together well,
but also converted potential energy in our less enthusiastic
members into a powerful reality.
Sophie Badman & Charlotte Mangham
Squad Charlotte Mangham, Sophie Badman, Libby
Hollingshead, Lauren Taylor, Phoebe Borwell, Ruth Wilson,
Sophie Schneider, Emily Hourahane, Robin Weir, Phoebe
Whitehouse, Faye Hargreaves, Grace Jones, Bronte
U16A N etball P7
he U16A’s have had an unfortunate season winning
only two matches and drawing one out of the 7 that were
played. However, the disappointing results throughout the
season did not reflect both the ability and effort from the team.
We started off the season with a loss against a tough
Bradfield side, despite strong showings in training and
good play during the match. A pleasing performance overall
against Raychem followed, with domination throughout the
game due to the reliable defence, resulting in a narrow draw.
The team then suffered unfortunate defeats against Canford
and Bristol Grammar School; tall, mobile opposition shooters and slippery courts not helping our chances. However,
a close and physical game against St Mary’s Calne ended
in our first pleasing result with encouraging play throughout and the added help of Lottie Colquhoun and Imogen
Bartlett, winning the match 14-10. The team was again
strengthened by the inclusion of Imogen Bartlett and Lottie
Colquhoun when we produced a solid win against Downside, 25-16, with a strong performance in the shooting circle
by Josie Duff, as well as good balance and controlled play
through the court. We had a disappointing end to the season
with a frustrating defeat against Kingswood where we did
not manage to demonstrate our best ability.
Overall, the team portrayed strong match play in
various patches throughout the season and worked well
together. Josie Duff, Emily Diamond and Sophie Maclean
made good improvements in their formation of triangles and
creating space in the shooting circle. Rosie Coles, Rosie Fanshawe and Millie Jones created balanced and dynamic play
throughout the mid court. The defence unit of Cathy Tinker,
Becky Newman, Holly Sampson and Montana Fillingham
proved to be strong and reliable. Team colours were awarded
to Rosie Fanshawe, Rosie Coles and Emily Diamond.
Rosie Fanshawe
Squad Rosie Coles, Emily Diamond, Josie Duff, Rosie
Fanshawe, Montana Fillingham, Millie Jones, Sophie
Maclean, Rebecca Newman, Holly Sampson, Cathy Tinker
U16B N etball P6
espite the wet weather for the first half of term,
it was an enjoyable season. The season began with a
tough first fixture against Bradfield College; although we were
neck and neck in the first quarter there were some errors in
passing and they pulled away in the second quarter eventually
winning 17-25. In the next match we suffered a close defeat
against Canford 18-20. Jess Fellows gallantly stepped in as
Goal Defence to cover for Grace Keppel, who was injured; her
determined play earned her player of the match.
The next fixture provided us with our first convincing win
against Prior Park 18-9, despite having a heavily depleted team
due to injury which meant that most of the players spent part
of the match playing out of position. King Edward’s Southampton proved to be our most challenging fixture in which
we were beset with more injury losing Katy Sandford-Hill, our
other defender, which meant the team was down to seven,
including Holly Sampson, who stepped in to make up numbers. We played well even though we knew the other team
was stronger than us and lost 14-26. St Mary’s Calne was
probably the most satisfying victory of the season: our team
played confidently and aggressively for the first three quarters leading 18-13 at the end of the third quarter; however St
Mary’s started to pull back in the 4th quarter to draw level in
the closing minutes. The end was a bit scrappy but Dauntsey’s
held their nerve to take the lead in the final minutes 22-23.
Our final fixture against Downside was our easiest
match and we worked extremely well as a team, eventually
winning 28-11, which was a great end to the season. The
shooters Grace Nagel, Jenna Morshead and Jemima Jackson
shot accurately throughout the season and Jess Fellowes,
Becky Allen and Becky Newman held strong positions in
centre court. Despite our lack of defenders this season, the
team showed versatility playing out of their normal positions and Lottie Salmon held the D together with a variety
of partners. Overall, everybody’s fitness and Netball skills
improved greatly over the season; thank you to DSI for
coaching us this season.
Squad Grace Nagel, Jenna Morshead, Jemima Jackson,
Becky Allen, Jess Fellowes, Emily Neve, Becky Newman, Amy
Huang, Katy Sandford-Hill, Grace Keppel, Lottie Salmon
U15A N etball P9
he 15A squad were a lovely group of girls, they have
worked hard all season at training and in match play. All
players have made great improvements throughout the season in all areas of the game; ball skills, movement through
the court, defending, centre court play and the shooting. Our
shooters’ goal average increased from 30% to 70%.
We won three matches this season: Bristol Grammar
School 8-4, Warminster 18-13 and Downe House 20-13.
Downe House was the last match of the season; it was great
to finish with a win, this squad have a great deal of potential
if they keep focused and work hard. Arabella was our captain this year, she was very organised and worked tirelessly
all season for her team. Well Done!
Squad Tseki Wangdi, Sophie Muir, Arabella Harvey, Daria
Galkina, Lucy Wand, Kirsty Robertson, Imogen Davies,
Georgia Woodward
U15B N etball P9
he girls were very dedicated in training and quickly
honed their fitness and skills to become more competitive in their matches. Despite losing their first six matches,
they finished the season with finesse, winning their last three.
Two of our stalwart centre court players, Milly Sampson and Abbie Mitchell sustained injuries during the season
but it was great that Milly was able to compete again and
strengthen our team for the last few matches. Milly’s enthusiasm and dedication is second to none and she really helped
to lift the spirits of the other girls. Abbie is a very promising
player and I hope that she remains injury free next year.
Arabella Le-Coyte, Jasmine Boote, Aurora Paris and
PhoebeVernon are all talented shooters. Jasmine was awarded
player of the match against KES Southampton. Aurora and
Arabella scored some brilliant goals against Prior Park only to
narrowly lose against them. Phoebe is a very versatile player
who was needed as goal defence in most of our matches but
is also an excellent shooter. I hope she gets the opportunity
to play the latter position more often next year.
Our centre court players included Elvira Parr, Kristin
Romer-Lee, Hattie Bennett and Tilly Whitehouse. Hattie was
a strong centre and became more competitive as the season
went on. Tilly is a very graceful player, who intercepts balls
well. Elvira’s determination and intelligent play helped the
team to secure a narrow victory against Hampshire Collegiate School. Kristin made outstanding progress throughout
the season and she was willing to play goal keeper when
needed, as well as any centre court position.
The defence consisted of Rosie Martin-Barton, Alice Walton-Knight and Phoebe Vernon, who worked well as a team to
keep our score lines respectable. Alice’s quick hands and rangy
movement helped her to clear balls from the circle. Rosie tried
different tactics to successfully block attacking players.
It has been a pleasure to manage such a lovely group of
girls and I look forward to seeing how they progress further
up the school as they have plenty of potential.
Squad Milly Sampson, Abbie Mitchell, Arabella Le-Coyte,
Phoebe Vernon, Jasmine Boote, Elvira Parr, Hattie Bennett,
Kristin Romer- Lee, Tilly Whitehouse, Rosie Martin-Barton,
Alice Walton-Knight, Aurora Paris
S port s
U14A N etball P10 W4 L6 D0
he U14A squad faced a tough season with some
challenging fixtures early on. As a group of athletic
girls, the challenge was to play the game intelligently and
skilfully. The girls began season with a clear determination to
improve their netball skills and brought a great commitment
to all their matches. The first three fixtures against Bradfield
College, Prior Park and Bristol Grammar School meant the
girls had to hit the floor running and gel quickly as team
which was composed of several new members. Although the
results did not go our way early on, the girls demonstrated
clear progress, narrowly missing out on a win against Bristol
Grammar, in a vastly improved performance from the previous
two games.
Although heads were low following three defeats,
motivation and heart was not. Training focused on feeding
the circle and the ‘final pass’ as we had failed to capitalise
on turn overs in the first couple of games. The hard work
paid off with a pleasing 15-10 victory against a feisty team
from Hampshire Collegiate School. The girls fought hard to
stay in control following a strong first quarter as the game
became more competitive. The team continued to focus on
supplying good ball to the shooters in training as well as
controlling the centre court. With a renewed enthusiasm
from the first win of the season the U14A’s now faced a tall
KES Southampton teams where the defence were pushed
the limits but rose to the challenge. Unfortunately lack of
ball in our attacking third put pressure on the shooters and
the game was lost 34-16.
Two consecutive wins followed against St Mary’s Calne
and Downside, won 26-14 and 34-1 respectively. More control with the ball and greater procession allowed our shooters
to manipulate space in the circle to give them the best possible chance of scoring, and they did not disappoint. Accurate
shooting and sensible decision making in the centre third
proved success was achievable and very much enjoyed.
The following two losses therefore were difficult to
take considering the excellent progress made in the past
couple of fixtures, especially as each game was lost by fewer
than two goals. Against Lavington School the defence managed to spoil the relentless attack from an experienced side
with a particularly skilful goal attack. Our shooters were
performing well and the defence put pressure on right to
the end, but the girls narrowly missed out on the win in the
last minute. Against Warminster the girls showed determination and constraint in what was a gritty and feisty game,
but again were unlucky to lose out in the final moments of
the match.
On the back of two heart-breaking losses the U14A’s
travelled away to Downe House hoping to finish the season
on a high. Accurate shooting enabled the team to established a big lead from first quarter and secure a win, 20-13,
despite a come back from Downe House in last quarter. An
excellent finish to demanding season.
It has been a pleasure to work with this group of girls
across two different terms and sports and I look forward to
seeing them continue to flourish on the sports fields next year.
The D aunt seian 2014
Squad Georgia Carpenter, Emily Tucker, Emma Matsumoto-Prouten, Imogen West, Harriet Steptoe, Chloe Vautier,
Charlotte Hamilton-White, Olivia Keppel, Madeleine Brooks
U13A N etball P11 W2 L9 D0
t took a while to sort through rather a large number
of girls before I was able to select the final squad for
this age group. Quite a lot of training was spent on honing
basic skills before we could think about tactics. Although the
results show only 2 win;, 3 losses were by only 1 goal, and
one loss occurred when concentration dropped off and a 2
goal lead ended in a 3 goal loss!! A lot of match play ended
up in the middle channel despite plenty of training focussing on the whole width of the court. Later in the season
the girls produced some lovely attacking netball with the
shooters on form, but unfortunately the girls could not produce this for a whole match!! There were several dedicated
players in this squad, and there is plenty of potential to work
on in the future. Special mention goes to Octavia Pye, at GD,
who was outstanding throughout and played a full match
every time. Good luck with your future netball girls.
Squad Chloe Darlington, Imogen Dawe-Lane, Louisa Hill,
Tiggy Lovering, Lara Maton, Natasha Parks-Tunstall, Georgia
Pickford, Octavia Pye, Jemima Frost
U13B N etball P11 W5 L6 D0
he U13 girls were a very enthusiastic group of
netballers, which allowed us to develop a large B team
squad and to rotate the players throughout the season, so
that over 20 girls gained match experience. The overall
results were very pleasing and the girls can be proud of the
term’s statistics, although I am sure that they will be able to
improve upon these results as U14s.
The season started with a narrow defeat away to Salisbury Cathedral School (5–7), the girls played with energy,
but it was extremely hard to see the court markings, so mistakes were made. The defenders worked well, but occasionally seemed a little reluctant to mark closely, and with some
difficulties at the attacking end, the game did not go our
way. However, there were a number of excellent moments
including; a fabulous goal from the edge of the D by Maria
Mishina, confident centre court play and positive team work.
A very different team took to the court against Prior
Park Cricklade to win 22–11. The girls played a great game,
demonstrating good movement around the court and some
fantastic positioning and shooting by Jemima Frost. The
following match against Raycheam Netball Club, resulted in
a narrow defeat with the game being played in extremely
windy conditions which made shooting challenging.
The B team then had a winning streak, beating Chafyn
Grove (16-12), Prior Park (13-10), Bristol Grammar School
(6-1) and Hampshire Collegiate College (9-1). These were
impressive results over traditionally tough teams, and the
girls consistently demonstrated strong passing and shooting,
with good teamwork and consistent defending too. Louisa
Hill and Zoe Cranstone stood out especially for their determination during play.
In March they faced a string of challenging opposition,
and lost the final four matches against KES, St Mary’s Calne,
Kingswood and Downe House. Under pressure the girls
did struggle to keep calm and this resulted in some panicky
throwing and missed shooting opportunities. We focused on
defensive work in games sessions and tried to improve positioning on court, and the squad did make progress throughout the term, although they did not convert this into wins.
However, it was pleasing to see the girls play with determination and enjoyment throughout the term, especially Camilla
Walton-Knight, Jasmin Hosier, Esme Evans, Jemima Frost
and Zoe Cranstone who were awarded team colours.
It was a pleasure to coach the U13B team this season, I
am sure that they will continue to improve throughout their
time at Dauntsey’s. I was also delighted by how many parents came along to watch each week, braving the rain and
driving wind to support their daughters, it made for a very
memorable season.
I wish everyone the best of luck for the 2015 season.
and, being a relatively small team, were sometimes at a
height disadvantage, although they made up for this in spirited performances. Out of the 10 games played two were
won, two were drawn and six were lost. 48 goals were scored
by the team across the matches. Defence was strong with
Hermione, Sophie, Frankie and Holly all working tirelessly
and keeping their effort up even when the games were not
going our way.
Jessie proved to be a formidable centre who was light
on her feet and moved quickly around the court. Lottie was
an enthusiastic and determined mid-court player, as were
Alice, Rachel and Susannah. Elisabeth, Poppy and Lucy were
all reliable shooters who coped with the pressure of getting
the ball through the net at the crucial moments. The girls
listened hard in training sessions and were keen to incorporate their skills in matches. As time goes on, I am sure
that the team will develop further and continue to work well
as a unit. I would like to thank every member of the team
for their enthusiasm and spirit and I look forward to the
progress that they will certainly make next season.
Squad Hermione Owen, Alica Came, Maddie George, Sophie
Hollis, Holly Baker, Jessie Romer-Lee, Lottie Wilson, Elizabeth
Peak, Poppy Waterworth, Francesca Whinnett, Rachel King
Squad Jemima Frost, Maria Mishina, Phoebe Carter, Kat
Long, Louisa Hill, Hortense Heijmans Bulder, Sadie Mutton,
Lauren Place, Hannah Walker, Zoe Cranstone, Esme Evans,
Jasmin Hosier, Maddie Wilks, Agnes Williams, Camilla
Walton-Knight, Catriona Edington, Helena Cockwell, Kitty
Kirby, Grace Drew, Martha Holden, Ellen Weir, Ellie Deegan,
Fia Enislidis, Hannah Giradeau, Sophie Kelly
U13C N etball P1
he U13C team worked enthusiastically throughout
the season in training and although they only had one
fixture many of them also played for the B team later on in the
term. They were a strong group who played with energy and
aggression against BGS which allowed them to win comfortably 7-0. The shooting was strong and Helena Cockwell
fully deserved her nomination as woman of the match as she
worked hard to control play under the net. Across the court
the girls played well, marking closely and passing accurately.
They should be extremely proud of this result and should be
working hard to secure places in the B team next year.
Squad Phoebe Carter, Helena Cockwell, Zoe Cranstone, Ellie
Deegan, Catriona Edington, Maria Mishina, Sadie Mutton,
Lauren Place, Hortense Heijmans Bulder, Grace Drew
U12B N etball P10 W2 L6 D2
he girls played with good humour and determination
throughout the season. They had some tough matches
S port s
F ootball
F ootball O verview
hen Sir Alex Ferguson began the 1995-96 season
with six players aged 20 or under in an opening day
3-1 defeat at Villa Park, several hours later on Match of the
Day, Alan Hansen insisted, “You can’t win anything with
kids”. Of course, this infamous statement is now a part of
football folklore and the Manchester United team of that
season, ultimately a blend of youth and experience, went on
to secure the league and cup double.
Ultimately, the Dauntsey’s 1st XI of 2014 didn’t win their
league, but, boy, they didn’t half come mighty close to winning it. Moreover, what they did do was record the best ever
season by a Dauntsey’s team. The spirit in the squad was
fantastic and with the right blend of strength and aggression
to match their pace and skill, the passing game that they
played was exciting and entertaining. While it is always difficult to compare with sides of the past, they would provide
a stern challenge to the teams of 2006 and 2007 as the best
that the school has produced in the last decade. Statistically,
they equalled the most wins of six (2006) and equalled the
least defeats (both only 1-0) of two (2007). Least goals ever
conceded (eight) and with 26 goals scored, a plus 18 goal
The D aunt seian 2014
difference is also a record.
In the Bath and Wilts U19 League, the team finished runners-up for the first time, only losing out to King
Edward’s School, Bath, by virtue of conceding to the eventual
champions in the final minute of a keenly contested match.
Season highlights included beating Beechen Cliff 3-2 again,
this time on their pitch, and holding Marlborough to a oneall draw on Mercers’ Field. However, the 2-1 away victory
over Sherborne (for the first time) was arguably the display
of the season. The boys were simply magnificent in taking
the game to the opposition to go two up in the first half and
defending tremendously in the second; a super team effort
that epitomised a season to remember.
Captain Harry Holt had a wonderful season by any
measure; one of the finest I have witnessed by a Dauntsey’s
footballer. That said, his brother Fred was up there too and
the heights that his play reached as the team’s midfield
lynchpin was acknowledged by the squad in voting him as
the coveted Players’ Player of the Season. As always, many
thanks to all the boys who played football for the school in
2014 and my best wishes go to the leavers. A huge thank you
to Harry and his vice-captain George Smith, for setting such
high standards, leading and driving the team on with skill
and determination; great ambassadors for school football
both on and off the pitch.
With around half of the 1st XI squad still at the school
and with boys from the 2nd XI eager to step up, the signs are
promising for the new season. Indeed, the 2nd XI entertained
with goals aplenty, albeit not always in the opposition’s net.
However, out of the for and against combined total of 36,
they slammed six of those past Warminster in a match they
dominated from start to finish for a convincing 6-0 victory in
a superb team performance.
My thanks go to MRD and PJT for all their hard work
and input in helping to run school football with me this season. I am also most grateful to PJT, along with DAF and Graham Davis and Gordon Ashworth for their support in the
refereeing of 1st and 2nd XI matches. Steve Robertson from
Swindon Town FC’s Football in the Community project visited us each week to help coach the 1st XI. From all the boys
and football staff, thanks go to Steve Challis and his team for
providing the excellent playing surfaces on Mercers’ Field.
1 st XI F ootball P9
(Bath and Wilts League P4 W3 L1 D0)
aving got the better of perennial league champions
Beechen Cliff School for the first time last season, it
was an undaunted Dauntsey’s 1st XI that travelled to Bath for
their opening league fixture of a new campaign hoping for a
repeat success. On the hosts’ muddy pitch, we started on the
back foot, but then after ten minutes, George Smith turned
on the edge of the box to power a curling shot over the
keeper into the top corner. However, Beechen Cliff continued to press and shortly after forcing a good save from Rory
Walker, they levelled the scores mid way through the first
half. Just five minutes after the interval, Nick Thornley-Chan
skipped down the wing before feeding Charlie Hall in the
inside left channel, who wriggled his way through the
Beechen defence before slotting home into the bottom right
hand corner to put us 2-1 ahead. With our tails up, we now
sensed our opportunity, as first a stunning strike from manof-the-match Dan Watt rattled the crossbar, before he broke
away down the left and cut back inside to stroke a third
goal - again into the bottom right corner. Although Beechen
pulled one back immediately after the restart, we held on in
a tightly contested last 20 minutes for a deserved 3-2 victory
and a stunning start to our league campaign.
Two days later, our first home match of the season saw
us entertain Clayesmore School. In the first half, we played
with a strong wind behind us and soon got our reward with
a good finish from Charlie Hall. Jamie Russell quickly doubled the lead with a fine run down the right before striking
low into the opposite corner. We continued to dominate and
as Hall picked up the ball some thirty yards out, you could
see there was only one thing on his mind. Weaving past two
defenders, he then curled an exquisite strike into the top
corner to make it 3-0. Next, Cameron Young smacked a rasping drive against an upright, but after the break, conditions
deteriorated and we were soon playing in horizontal rain
and hail. However, we kept the ball on the deck and a lovely
passing move saw Michael Hammond cross from the left for
man-of-the-match Russell to claim a second after an assist
from the opposition’s keeper to make it 4-0. Clayesmore had
been limited in their chances but they did catch us on the
break with a clever chip over the top of our defence and the
wind helped their striker pull one back.
The following Thursday, we hosted King Edward’s
School, Bath, for our second league match of the season.
With confidence high after back to back wins, we were soon
dominating proceedings. We went close to opening the scoring with a towering header from Fred Holt and a sharp turn,
run and low drive from Dan Watt, but we couldn’t break the
deadlock before the interval. However, KES were proving to
be a skilful and well organised outfit and arguably shaded
the play in the second half. With 15 minutes remaining, they
were awarded a dubious penalty. Fortunately, their striker
blazed over the bar. The game swung from end to end, but
with our defence standing firm, in which man-of-the-match
Greg Bell was outstanding, it remained goalless. Then, in the
last minute of normal time, we gave away a needless free kick
in the centre circle. A long ball into the box was headed clear
only to land at the feet of a KES player lurking just outside the
D, who showed great technique to strike a peach of a left foot
volley into the bottom right corner to win the match.
We were determined to bounce back and two weeks
later, the match against Marlborough College just before half
term provided the perfect opportunity. We began the match
playing the better football and it came as no surprise when
we took the lead following a lightning break by Jamie Russell down the right, and his inviting cross was shouldered
home by Charlie Hall. In the second half, we had chances
to increase our lead, notably when Hall broke the offside
trap to race clear, but unfortunately he fired narrowly over
the bar. However, as the match wore on, we were coming
under increasing pressure and our well-drilled opponents
equalised ten minutes from time, but a first point in six years
against our local rivals was a fantastic result and it was the
start of a tremendous spell of the form that saw us win three
in a row after half term.
Our third league game against Sherborne School
was a match we had to win to keep our title hopes alive.
A tremendous start saw Fred Holt power home a stunning
twenty yard header from a Josh Paton free kick. Ten minutes
later with the home side rattled, our audacity was rewarded
again as the same player doubled his tally, rifling a low drive
into the bottom corner from the edge of the box. Sherborne
dominated possession in the second half; however, we were
defending magnificently in the wind and later driving rain.
With thirteen minutes left, we were breached and conceded
from a corner, but on this occasion our“Alamo”held firm and
we hung on for a vital three points.
Two days later on the Saturday, Downside School were
the visitors and, using the momentum from the Sherborne
game, we raced out of the blocks to put them under early
pressure. It didn’t take us long to capitalise and we were
quickly two goals up, after two delightful weaving runs and
S port s
finishes from Mikey ‘quick feet’ Hammond. A dominant first
half performance saw us score a third before the break. Austen Uncles won a free-kick on the left some 30 yards or so
from goal and it was left to Dan Watt to step up to send the
ball looping outrageously, just out of the reach of the keeper,
into the top right hand corner of the net. We took our foot off
the gas in the second half and Downside pulled a goal back
with a smart finish as their striker latched on to a through
ball that split our defence, but the match finished with a
deserved 3-1 victory.
The fourth game in this magical spell was our final
league game against Warminster – goal difference required
us to hit them for six to go top of the table. A George Smith
30 yard rocket settled the nerves, but we were struggling
to increase the lead until three goals in ten minutes at the
end of the half from Dan Watt, Charlie Hall and a second
for Smith. After the interval, we added three more; Ed Giles
was causing havoc down the left and he deservedly slotted
home the fifth, with Josh Paton and another for Hall completing the rout. In the final minute, a fantastic fingertips
save from an acrobatic Ellis Day preserved our clean sheet.
(In the end, it wasn’t to be and KES beat Sherborne 2-0 to
win the league title with four wins out of four matches; their
last minute winner against us ultimately proving to be the
deciding moment!)
After a ten day break in fixtures, we travelled to Bristol Grammar School. We arrived late, following the coach
driver’s tour around the Bristol area and with little time to
warm-up, we had to go straight into the action. Nonetheless,
we got off to a fine start but couldn’t create any real threat
and two good saves from Ellis Day kept us in the game in a
goalless first half. The match remained in the balance, before
a fine piece of counterattacking football from BGS caught us
out of position and the home side took the lead with a close
range strike. With 20 minutes to go, we continued to press
high up the pitch, but despite good performances from Jamie
Russell and Mikey Hammond, we couldn’t find an equaliser and lost the game 1-0 after a somewhat lacklustre and
uncharacteristic second half performance.
On the last Saturday of term, we travelled to Clayesmore School for a return fixture and our final match of the
season. After Tuesday’s defeat to BGS, it was important to get
off to a good start. We created numerous chances through
Jamie Russell and Ed Giles, before Charlie Hall gave us the
lead after he beat the keeper one-on-one. It wasn’t long
before Hall got his second and we soon put the game out
of the reach of our hosts. Mikey Hammond slipped through
to get the third before Ed Giles won a penalty, which Harry
Holt converted, to take us into the break 4-0 up. Despite
numerous rolling substitutions and positional changes in the
second half, we still dominated the game and created plenty
of chances. Hall eventually grabbed his third to finish the
season with a hat-trick, before George Smith got his fourth
of the season with a well placed shot from outside the box.
We were unlucky not to increase the score-line, hitting the
woodwork three times in the match, as the game finished
6-0 to round off the season in triumphant style.
Harry Holt
The D aunt seian 2014
Warminster 6-a-side
On the last Thursday of term, a squad of 10 of the 1st XI competed in the Warminster 6-a-side tournament. The opening
match with Shaftesbury School ended in a 1-1 draw, but
then two victories against Canford School (2-1) and Sexey’s School (2-0) meant the boys topped their group. With
Charlie Hall, Dan Watt and Mikey Hammond in amongst
the goals, confidence was high and it was all to play for in
the knock-out stages. In their quarter-final match against
familiar rivals Sherborne School, the boys dominated possession and peppered the opposition’s goalkeeper. However,
they couldn’t find a way past and a dubious penalty in the
first half meant a 1-0 defeat and an unfortunate exit in what
felt like an opportunity missed. The tournament was won
by Bristol Cathedral School, beating Bishop Wordsworth’s
School in the final.
2 nd XI F ootball P6
he season was full of goals, many of which we were
able to cheer and some we would rather not remember.
Certainly, it was a season in which real quality was a feature
in many matches, with a peaking performance in our penultimate game against Warminster.
Within a minute of the opening fixture at Beechen
Cliff, we were down a goal. Thankfully, things improved, in
no small part down to Ellis Day, whose slightly unhinged
heroics certainly ensured many games, and not just shots,
were saved. Goals from Joe Brooks and George Akerman
ensured a 2-1 victory, a first for the 2nd XI against Beechen
Cliff. When Ellis was not between the posts, we could choose
from Rob ‘The Cat’ Ellis, or George ‘The Keeper / Defender /
Midfielder / Utility Hero’ Andrews, whose enthusiastic support and encouragement, whether on or off the pitch, was a
huge boost to the team.
Defending well was something that, as a team, seemed
to come so easily at times, whilst at others we became rather
too polite, opening the door and treating the opposition
more like guests, such as in a forgettable defeat to Downside! More painful still was a second half smashing by Bristol Grammar School away, in a game that had started so well
when Matt Williams drew first blood. Thankfully, however,
heavy losses were the exception, with the rule being hard
fought, competitive and sometimes victorious games. The
level of commitment from all was fantastic, but some players
stood out consistently.
Moving between the 1st XI and 2nd XI like nomads, Austen Uncles and James Leworthy always provided an oasis of
solidity and poise. Controlled, yet fiercely competitive, their
presence raised the games of all on the pitch and inspired
some wonderful football. Matt Hubbard too was always
making a nuisance of himself with the opposition, hassling
for the ball and then distributing selflessly. Matt Williams’
pace and finish were always a threat, but never more so than
in our greatest game of the season against Warminster, when
he added four to our score! Hubbard and Uncles completed
the scoring for a fine 6-0 win.
At the back, Matt Nixon was the young gun whose
tackling precision felled many a forward, and before his call
up, Charlie Dale was outstanding. Against strong opposition
such as Marlborough College and Sherborne School, we
held firm for long spells of matches, losing narrowly 3-2 to
the former, with two again for Matt Williams, and it required
three goals in the last five minutes for the latter to defeat
us 5-2, with Matt Hubbard and Nick Thornley-Chan on the
score sheet.
It was a fun season, with new players pushing for regular places and an excellent team spirit pervading both training and matches. My thanks to you all for your commitment
and quality.
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B asketball
1 st T eam B asketball P8 W7 L1 D0
ith the departure of the majority of First Team
players from last year we were determined to continue the unbeaten streak from what was an incredible
2013 season. With three of our starting five gone, we had
to rebuild our team chemistry in a relatively short period of
time. With key additions of Nik Nukherjee, Mason Wong
and Yoann Chan, we were able to adapt to a whole new
offensive set drawn by coach, AP.
The season began with an away fixture against a very
average Downside team, a school that we have not played
against for several years who are currently rebuilding their
basketball. It was a good chance for our younger new players
to get into the rhythm of playing in a game situation and
they scored a great win to start the season off. We also played
Canford, Wycliffe, Marlborough, and Sherborne. Each game
presented us with a different challenge, but we gave our all
and found ourselves on top in all of these matches, often by
a large score differential.
The real challenge, however, came from the last fixture of the season against Bradfield College; a team that we
knew from the past few years’ matches would be our greatest
The D aunt seian 2014
challenge. They were able to exploit our defense in a variety
of ways, and although close, the match tipped in Bradfield’s
favour when they scored a long-range buzzer beater to end
the half. However, in the third quarter, we showed our character and fought our way back into the game to lead by 6
points. Defense has been the key to the success of Dauntsey’s basketball in recent years, and we managed to limit
their scoring to only two points in ten minutes. However,
late in the fourth they found their shooting rhythm, and with
a couple of 50/50 calls going against us towards the end, we
lost a very tight game. This was the first defeat since March
2012, but we had learnt a valuable lesson; that each player
had an equally important role to play in this team and every
one of us felt equally passionate. The loss still stings, but it is
another way of learning.“When we compete, we make mistakes, we learn from mistakes and we win” - as NBA legend,
Julius Erving, once said.
It was a pity that we couldn’t finish the season unbeaten,
but we fought hard as a team, we won as a unit and we lost
as a unit, and most importantly we had fun while doing it.
We would not have reached this stage without all of our
players’ dedication, hard work, and determination to get
better each day. Special mention goes to this season’s top
scorer, Victor Cheng; this being the third season in a row that
he has impressed with his long range shooting, and most
improved players Nik Mukherjee and Mason Wong, instrumental at both ends of the court. As a team we would like
to thank all our supporters and hope you have enjoyed the
ride with us, especially in our home games. I would also like
to thank every single player, who worked so hard in training,
and who gave their heart and soul in matches. Last but not
least, I would like to thank AP for his outstanding leadership,
and for trusting in me by giving me the captain’s armband. I
feel honoured to have led a team full of such big hearts, and
I have definitely enjoyed every single second of it.
I would like to end with a famous quote by the global
basketball icon Michael Jordan. “I can accept failure, but I
can’t accept not trying” This is what Dauntsey’s Basketball
is all about.
Jeffrey Law
Squad Jacky Chang, Peter Dyer, Arnold Chan, Daniel To,
Victor Cheng, Mason Wong, Robert Manson, Nick Maharaj,
Mark Winckley, Jeffrey Law, Nik Mukherjee, Yoann Chan
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C ricket
C ricket O verview 2014
he 2014 season threatened to be a transitional one for
Dauntsey’s Cricket. A large and talented group of U6th
had left in 2013 and we had also lost the services of coaches
SPS, PDP and NDC (my thanks to them for their contributions over the years). However, it proved to be very much
business as usual; the 1st XI retained the PS League title and
both U15A and U14A XIs reached the final of their respective county cup competitions. We welcomed DAF and TDM
to the coaching team who proved invaluable in running a
junior and a senior team each.
The fixture list was further strengthened with a block
against Winchester College, which resulted in four wins and
four defeats. Overall, we won 30 and drew four of the 65
matches played. The senior teams led the way with high win/
draw percentages: 1st XI 85%, 2nd XI 83% and 3rd XI 100%.
Duncan Lorrain proved to be an excellent Captain of
Cricket; leading from the front and setting high standards.
He coped with the heavy demands of opening the batting
and keeping wicket on top of captaincy, and impressed many
who saw him in action. He averaged over 50 with the bat
The D aunt seian 2014
and took a good number of catches as well as 9 stumpings,
mainly standing up to seam bowlers.
Further improvements were made to our facilities with
the provision of cover sheets for the main square and a
Water Hog for removing excess water; something we had a
lot of at times with 32 matches being cancelled.
As ever, I extend my thanks to the coaches, the grounds
staff and the catering team for their support. I especially
thank JRA who often had to fill my role in addition to his
own during my absences.
Representative Honours:
Duncan Lorrain (Wiltshire Academy)
Oliver Jackson (Wiltshire U15)
Rahul Patel (Wiltshire U14/U15; U14 Player of the Year)
Will Thomas (Wiltshire U14)
Archie Ayling (Wiltshire U13)
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1 st XI C ricket P12 W8 D2 L2
nyone coming along to watch the Dauntsey’s 1st XI
cricket team throughout the 2014 season would have
noticed one significant thing – Team Spirit. It’s a term and
motivational tool that many coaches and managers use to
bring a team closer and creates an atmosphere that brings
the best out of each and every individual. It’s very easy to
just take this for granted and to lose sight of what it actually
means. Reflecting on the season, the squad of 2014 embraced
the pure essence of ‘Team Spirit’.
The season began with a meal and an intense week of
training prior to our first game on May 3rd at home to Winchester. Commitment was the key at first to training, squad
meetings and any social events. The squad showed their dedication from the outset and it gave the team huge confidence
and excitement in the build up to the season. With 6 of the
1st XI players leaving from last year it meant the side had a
new, fresh look about it. We could create a new atmosphere
and attitude that gave us the best opportunity to achieve. We
knew it would be challenging at first as many players had
little first team experience but the aim was to grow into the
season and to see what level we could consistently play at.
We knew at the start we would need to dig deep when
batting and excel with the ball if we were to do well, and
this we did. Our impressive record at the end of the season meant we could look back with proud memories. On
numerous occasions throughout the season, the team was
tested, whether it was being 35 for 5 against KES Bath or
being bowled out cheaply against Pennleigh and Essendon
(Aus.). No matter the height of the challenge that was put
in front of us, members of the team stood up at key times to
get us over the line. With the ball we had options with both
spin and pace and with the bat we grew in confidence and
by the end of the season looked to have a very long batting
line up.
Once again we secured the Peak Sports League title for
the third year in a row and had memorable wins against the
MCC and of course Clifton. The feeling around the school
that day was one which I am sure everyone involved will
never forget. It was, no doubt, the turning point of our season and gave the whole squad a boost of confidence that we
could not only compete with some of the biggest schools in
the country, but beat them.
It was great to see on many occasions, Old Dauntseians,
current pupils, families and the Head Master always on the
boundary rope to support the boys. The BBQs, spectators, the
general buzz about the team’s progress and the management
of AJP and JRA created an amazing environment to play in.
It was a fantastic season with many laughs on and off the
pitch and one which I feel will be remembered at Dauntsey’s
for long into the future.
Duncan Lorrain
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Squad Duncan Lorrain, Hamish Fyfe, Kevin Ridley, Ellis
Day, James Leworthy, Andrew Duckworth, Rowan Duckworth,
Guy Rawson-Smith, Jamie Short, Harry Mangham, Charlie
Dale, Tom Parker, Max Romer-Lee, Hamish Janes, Oliver
2 ND XI C ricket P6 W5 D0 L1
his year a couple of the earlier fixtures had to be
cancelled because of the very wet weather but we still
enjoyed a very successful season from the six that remained.
The nine wicket victory over KES Bath and the six wicket
victory over Monkton Combe were so facile as not to merit
much mention other than Jamie Short’s 33* in the former and
Fergus Hooke’s five wickets for 21 in the latter. The Monkton
encounter also featured an excellent catch by Sam New and a
very sharp catch in the slips by the skipper, Josh Morris.
The victories over Winchester and Canford were
infinitely more satisfying as they were against decent opposition. Against Winchester Matthew Webb scored 57 and
Hamish Janes 50* which helped us to a total of 163 and a 7
wicket success. Against Canford, James Leworthy took 3 for
34 and Matthew Webb scored 49 in a seven wicket victory.
At Clifton College we lost by 10 wickets against a 2nd XI the
strength of which I have not encountered in a very long time,
if ever. Our hosts only needed 80 to win but at least had
to bat for more than 20 overs to get them. They played the
game very much in the spirit we play all of ours, and there
was not the slightest hint of triumphalism at the end, despite
their wide margin victory.
The final match of the season was away at Kingswood,
always enthusiastically vocal in the field and a kind of polar
opposite to Clifton in all respects. Their enthusiasm this time
was rather dampened by Tom Parker’s 62 and a skied catch
he took in the deep off the bowling of Josh Morris, having to
look directly into the sun. Tom also took three wickets, as did
Charlie Newman, in an extremely satisfying 46 run margin
victory, fittingly sealed by a full length forward diving caught
and bowled by captain Morris.
My thanks go to Josh Morris for captaining the side so
affably yet effectively and to AJP, JRA and DAF for their help,
advice and support.
Squad Sergio Hunt, Matthew Webb, Hamish Janes, Josh
Morris, Jamie Short, Sam New, Tom Parker, Monty Lovering,
Nikhil Mukherjee, Charlie Newman, SachaYates, Nikko Hunt,
Toby Sampson, John Bishop, Fergus Hooke, Will Western, Toby
Dibble, James Leworthy and Harri Lowen
3 RD XI C ricket P3 W3 D0 L0
fter an unbeaten season for the 3rd XV rugby team,
the 3rd XI cricket team were able to emulate their success. This really shows the strength in depth that we have in
the senior school and is a credit to all of the boys who played.
Unfortunately, a number of fixtures had to be cancelled due to
The D aunt seian 2014
the inclement weather, however the performances that the 3rd
XI put in were outstanding. We started off with a trip to Winchester College where strong bowling from Will Western, Fergus Hooke and Toby Sampson kept them to a score of 112 for
8 wickets. John Bishop and Toby Dibble then lead us to victory
in a superb display of batting scoring 45 and 46 respectively as
we finished with 113 runs for no loss of wicket.
Our next match saw us defeat Clifton College by
105 runs. In a fantastic performance, Matt Nixon scored
87, Rogan Galea 54, Toby Dibble 31 and Josh Stace took 3
wickets for 20 runs. Our final match of the year was against
Monkton Combe and despite a stiff challenge, we managed
to come out on top. Another impressive display from Matt
Nixon saw him score 34* and take three wickets for 18 runs.
Henry Williams also put in a strong performance with the
bat, scoring 46 runs. Throughout the year I was impressed
with the players’ ability and attitude, both when playing and
practising. They all showed a level of skill and understanding
that was impressive at third team level and I look forward to
working with them again next year or seeing them go on to
greater honours.
My thanks go to Rogan Galea for leading the side and
creating a fantastic atmosphere within the squad and to AJP
and JRA for their support and advice throughout the year.
Squad Rogan Galea, Callum Pitceathly, Henry Williams,
Matt Nixon, Jack Gompels, Toby Sampson, John Bishop, Fergus Hooke, Will Western, Toby Dibble, Charlie Hall, Harry
Holt, Toby Fechner, Josh Stace, Jacob Frame
U15A C ricket P8 W2 D0 L6
he team have worked extremely hard this year
and have shown great improvement throughout the
season. Unfortunately, we have not been consistent enough,
especially in the batting department, to produce winning
performances. The team were comprehensively beaten in
the first match despite a very good 38 from Kincaid Ingram.
The total of 78 was easily knocked off by Winchester College.
As the season progressed the team began to post totals of
over one hundred in the matches versus Canford, Monkton
Combe and Kingswood. However, the team were unable to
restrict the opposition in achieving the total. The highlight of
the season was the T20 competition where the team reached
the final after beating Lavington and St Laurence. Despite
narrowly losing the final, the team put in a brave performance with Ollie Jackson scoring 66 out of a strong total of
134. St John’s batted well and reached the target with three
balls to spare. Overall, the team has made big improvements
and have been a great group to coach.
Squad Harry Baker, Kincaid Ingram, Arthur Mui, Tristan
King, Noah Cannon, Will Barker, Ed Scott, Josh Jefferies,
Tom McGrath, Oscar Boaler, Tom Mutton
U15B C ricket P5 W1 D4 L0
he U15B cricket side had a number of close fixtures this season. It has been impressive to see the
step up they have taken in just a year. Instead of trying to hit
every ball as far and as hard as possible in net sessions they
now started to think about the line and length of the delivery
to inform the type of shot they tried to play.
As a result our batting did steadily improve throughout
the season despite the good level of bowling we faced. It
must be noted that Edward Jenkins persevered and worked
tirelessly on his batting which culminated in a man of the
match display away at Canford where he demonstrated
superb technique and composure at the crease. As a team
we became more aggressive in the field and tried to limit the
singles that we haemorrhaged earlier on in the season. Our
bowling attack were consistent and became the real strength
of our side. William Allen provided accurate line and length,
Devan Conidaris and Chris Prinsloo instilled fear into batsmen with their pace whilst Myles Appleby dabbled in some
off spin to keep them on their toes. The side has a great
attitude to training and matches and I really hope they got
as much enjoyment out of the season as I did. I hope they
continue to play and enjoy the brilliant game.
Squad Simon Winchcombe, Edward Jenkins, Christopher
Prinsloo, Morgan Holden, Myles Appleby, George MacMullen,
James Hall, Fergus O’Keeffee, Devan Conidaris, Tom Sheinman, William Allen, Jacob Frame, James Western
U14A C ricket P8 W5 D0 L3
espite poor weather at the start of the season, this
proved a successful year for the U14s. Several matches
were rained off, but we still played 8, of which 5 were won.
The team reached the final of the Wiltshire Cup, and above
all, the players enjoyed their cricket, and developed their
skills and understanding of the game.
Early limited overs games in the cup saw convincing
wins against a weak Lavington School and the more experienced side from Hardenhuish. In between we had comfortable wins against decent sides from Winchester and Beechen
Cliff. Our only defeats came against strong teams from
Clifton College, Canford and Marlborough in the cup final.
Most of the wins were down to our two key players,
Will Thomas and Rahul Patel, who are both excellent batsmen. Sadly Will’s season was cut short by injury, and thus
the pressure to score heavy runs fell to Rahul. He complied,
scoring 76 vs. Hardenhuish, 43 vs. Beechen Cliff, and an
outstanding 109 as we very nearly chased down 177 for
victory at Canford.
Other useful performers were Henry Cox who bowled
improving left arm spin, Ed Long, whose opening bowling
has a great deal of potential, and Zander Balls who has the
ability to score useful runs. Three players from the U13 played
up a year group when they could, and of these, Archie Ayling
played well and showed the most potential for next year.
Next season the target is for the squad members to
improve consistency with bat and ball, and to further their
understanding of the game.
Squad Will Thomas, Rahul Patel, Zander Balls, Ed Long,
Joe Stratford, Zoltan Yasin, Archie Osmond, Ben Pugh-Cook,
Chester Barnes, Dan Hammond, Henry Cox, Archie Ayling,
Lewis Jackson, George Lishman
U14B C ricket P4 W2 D0 L2
aced with the sort of summer that made Noah get
his hammer, Dauntsey’s U14Bs dodged the showers
and completed four of their nine scheduled fixtures. Whilst
the weather was damp, the spirits were not so, and the boys
developed their skills and knowledge considerably through
a series of mostly close matches.
First up came Winchester, a pukka outfit undone by the
flight and guile of left-arm spinner Henry Cox. Once Coxy
had eviscerated their middle order with staggering figures
of 4-4-5-5, and Robbie Andrews taking a sublime chance, it
should have been a simple chase. However, on a two-paced
pitch against the Wykehamist seamers, our boys found that
batting is much easier in the nets than in the middle. That
said, some nuggety sweep shots from Chester Barnes (11*)
saw us eventually to the 46 runs required, and the season
had started with a four wicket win.
Next, we faced Sexey’s U14A and some tidy bowling
restricted the Somerset side to 71. With the air thick and
the ball hooping, batting was not easy, and though our boys
knew to adjust their stance to a left arm seamer, they didn’t
quite know how to handle vicious in swing, and our last
wicket fell four runs short.
With a rain-induced interregnum taking out much of
the middle season, it was not until after half term that we
went away to face Clifton. Bowling first again, Harry Burke
and Charlie Stace shared three wickets a piece, and with a
wonderous catch and a run out, Joe Prodger set the standard in the field as we restricted our opponents to 87. It was
clear that hours of middle practice paid off. Harry Burke (19)
and Joe Fortune (15) ran well to set an opening stand of 36,
before Henry Hill (22) and Sam Prichard (8*) struck some
lusty blows to see us home.
Nuanced nurdles and well-run singles were something our boys really worked on throughout the summer,
with left-handers Josh Evans (27) and Joe Prodger (24*)
along with the less conventional biffing of Dan Hammond
(25*) enabled us to post 120 against Canford. Sadly this
was never enough, as despite some excellent fast bowling
from Felix Nagel (5-0-11-2), the Canford boys delivered a
master class in pacing an innings consigning the Bs to a six
wicket defeat.
Whilst they had enthusiasm in abundance, the unseasonal weather robbed our boys of competitive cricket. Nevertheless, in the few games we did have, a team was forged
and our lads developed both their batting and bowling,
becoming also increasingly adept as fielders. Captain Dan
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Harris marshalled his men well, and we can only hope that
2015 will yield more matches.
Squad Dan Harris, Josh Evans, Joe Prodger, Dan Hammond,
Harry Burke, Charlie Stace, Joe Fortune, Henry Hill, Sam
Prichard, Chester Barnes, Henry Cox, Robbie Andrews,
Charlie Badman, Conor O’Kelly, Lucas Reay, Harry Markes,
Archie Cole, Ben Harding
U13A C ricket P5 W1 D0 L4
his team showed both talent and enthusiasm,
and, despite defeat against some strong opposition,
played some good cricket as the season progressed. After
defeat against Colston’s in a chilly season’s opener, we took
Beechen Cliff to the final over in a narrow T20 defeat, with
Archie Ayling scoring a powerful, elegant undefeated 38.
After an untidy performance in losing to KES Bath, we produced what was probably the stand-out performance if the
season, a 6-wicket win over Monkton Prep. Here, we took
early wickets and, despite a rearguard action, Monkton were
all out for 97 on a good pitch with a fast outfield. When we
batted, these conditions suited admirably the strokeplay of
Archie Ayling and George Lishman, but, after they were both
out, it needed the cool heads of “the two Lewises” – Jackson
and McLean – to see us home. The final match, against Sandroyd, ended in defeat, but not before a sound performance
in the field had restricted Sandroyd to 117, and, after early
setbacks, Archie Ayling and Lewis Jackson produced a wellpaced stand of 61 which looked as if it might see us home
until both were out at crucial moments.
Despite gaining only the one win, there was a good
deal of promise shown; the captain, Archie Ayling, and
Lewis Jackson were the foundation of the team, but George
Lishman performed admirably behind the stumps and as an
attacking batsmen, whilst Sam Nield and Tom Morgan both
worked hard at the top of the batting order. Tom also showed
ability with the ball, taking four wickets against KES Bath,
as did Adam McCormick with his well flighted leg-spin and
Alfie Miles-Hobbs with his rather quicker leg-spin and his
medium pace. There was plenty of commitment in the field;
Lewis McLean’s catch at Sandroyd was one of the champagne moments of the season. Well done, everyone.
Squad Archie Ayling, Lewis Jackson, George Lishman, Lewis
McLean, Tom Morgan, Alfie Miles-Hobbs, Sam Nield, Tom
Wild, Adam McCormick, Olly Middleton, Hector Gunnerud
U13B C ricket P5 W1 D0 L4
t was a fractured season for the U13B side as the
weather caused a number of matches to be called
off. As a result, when we did take the field we lacked
match sharpness and were often inconsistent. Moments of
The D aunt seian 2014
brilliance were a regular occurrence as were, unfortunately,
moments of naivety and poor play. This meant that although
the boys played well throughout the season, they weren’t
always rewarded for their efforts and I feel that one win from
five matches probably wasn’t a fair reflection of the talent in
the squad.
We started the season with a heavy loss away to Colston’s. In the first innings we batted naively, giving our
wickets away easily with a number of unnecessary run outs.
We were only able to manage a total of 61 all out, a total
which was easily reached by our opponents for a loss of
only two wickets. The consistent bowling of Finley Wilson
gave us cause to be positive however as was the turn and
bounce that Sebastian Tyler found when he hit a good line
and length. We then played King Edward’s, Bath and in a
much improved performance scored a promising total of
94 for 7 wickets. King Edward’s were too strong however
and batted well to score 95 for 3 wickets. Our next match
against Monkton Combe saw some pleasing performances
with both bat and ball as Felix Nagel took 3 wickets for 25
runs and Oscar Aspey scored 47*. Unfortunately we failed to
make the most of the early inroads we made with the ball in
the first innings, making disappointing fielding errors and
giving their big hitting batsman too many balls to swing at.
As a result, they made a total of 145 for 6 wickets and we
were unable to score quickly enough to reach their target,
scoring 94 for a loss of 3 wickets.
The following week we went away to play Sandroyd
Prep School. In another inconsistent display, we bowled well,
with Felix Nagel taking three wickets for 17 runs and Harry
Poole taking four wickets for five runs. Our batting let us
down, however, and we were bowled out for 49 having kept
Sandroyd to an achievable target of 81. Our final game of the
season saw us take on All Hallows School where we played
our best match of the season. The boys managed to maintain
their focus throughout the game, batting well to post a total
of 146 for 3 wickets with Oscars Aspey and Gompels retiring
on 33* and 31* respectively. We then bowled well to secure
the win.
Squad Oscar Aspey, Oscar Gompels, Harry Poole, Sebastian
Tyler, Spencer Toon, Lawrence Bett-Hewitt, Finley Wilson, Felix
Hagel, John Frankel, Jamie Blake, Graeme Smith, Tolly Bennett,
Alex Boaler, James Hallam
U12A C ricket P7 W3 D0 L4
auntsey’s U12A’s started off their 2014 season with
a disappointing display against Colston’s. Our players
struggled with the slow pace on the early season wicket and
posted a very modest score which was quickly knocked off
by our opponents. The following week saw us travel away
to KES, Bath. We won the toss and elected to field. George
Moulding got us off to a fantastic start, dismissing one of
their openers in the first over. Hugo Spindler, Josh Mallinson
and Jake Steele all bowled well. Despite a quick flourish by
one of the KES middle order; we were able to limit them
to 109-7 off their 20 overs. After a very impressive fielding
display we felt confident as we prepared for our innings. Jake
Steele scored an unbeaten 56* and was well supported by
Hugo Spindler who scored a quick fire 20 to take the game
away from the opposition. Charlie Purves came in to see us
through to a well deserved win.
Our next game saw us play host to a very strong Monkton Prep side. They scored 146 - 4 off their 20 overs and we
struggled to keep up with the required run rate, slipping
to a disappointing 73 run defeat. The boys worked hard in
training with a renewed focus and were looking forward
to their next fixture against Sandroyd at the Manor. We
bowled extremely well and limited the opposition to just 85
in 24 overs. Hugo Spindler took 2 for 8 and Josh Mallinson
recorded figures of 3 for 8. We took the field and kept up
with the run rate but lost too many wickets early on. George
Sherwood scored an impressive 22 before falling victim to
one of the opposition’s bowlers who recorded a match winning five wicket haul. We lost by 13 runs and definitely felt
that we should have won.
We were determined to make amends in our next fixture against All Hallows. The opposition batted well and
posted a target of 117 for 6 off their 25 overs. Hugo Spindler,
George Moulding, Hamish Gardner, Josh Mallinson, Jake
Steele, and Tommy Gilbert all bowled exceptionally well.
We knew we had to up our efforts with the bat and learn
from our mistakes over the last few weeks. We lost George
Moulding early on and it was left to Jake Steele, Hugo Spindler and George Sherwood to bring us home. Jake Steele
stole the show with one of the best batting displays of the
season, scoring 70*. George Sherwood supported Jake with
an unselfish and unbeaten 18*.
Our next fixture gave the boys the opportunity to play a
T20 against Christ’s Hospital on the 1st XI pitch. We elected
to bat and did not perform to the best of our abilities. Jake
Steele top scored with 18 and Tommy Gilbert posted a much
needed 13 lower down the order. We limped through to 83
off our 20 overs and felt disappointed with what we thought
to be a very modest total. We knew we had to be on top form
with the ball and let nothing slip in the field. We bowled with
a great deal of control. Hugo Spindler took 3 for 7 and was
well supported by Josh Mallinson, Benedict Kinder, Hamish
Gardner and Tommy Gilbert. We took some key wickets with
batsman that had the potential to take the game way from
us. We eventually limited the opposition to 79 and took a
very narrow five run victory.
Our final match of the season saw us play away at
Kingswood in Bath. We came up against a very strong Kingswood side that scored an impressive 160 off their 20 overs.
Callum Marshall bowled extremely well during a very difficult period of the game and did a great job reducing the run
rate. We were always behind the run rate and struggled to 51
off our 20 overs.
U12B C ricket P4 W1 D0 L3
he U12B side enjoyed a season with a number of
competitive fixtures in which the side demonstrated
a huge learning curve. The side was characterised by their
unwavering enthusiasm and constant optimism. After a very
close encounter with KES Bath which went down to the final
over in the first match of the season, the boys then struggled
to post big batting targets in the following matches.
Whilst the boys valued their wicket and their shots
improved as the term progressed, as a side we struggled to
recognise the opportunity to take quick singles and put up
a score that reflected our commitment to training. All boys
selected to play in the side had the opportunity to bowl in
competitive matches. Our bowling improved dramatically
and this was evident in the closely fought match against
Sandroyd Prep School, in which Ethan Jefferies and Hamish
Gardner were the stand out players. The season, whilst not
the most successful, was a valuable and enjoyable experience
for all the boys involved and bodes well for their future years
at the school.
Squad Josh Duckworth, Hamish Gardner, Tommy Gilbert,
Benedict Kinder, Archie Mackinnon, Callum Marshall,
Joshua Mallinson, George Moulding, Charlie Purves, George
Sherwood, Hugo Spindler, Jake Steele
S port s
T ennis
B oys ’ T ennis O verview
uring the summer term, Dauntsey’s Boys’ Tennis
teams played 37 fixtures, winning 23 and losing 14.
Our senior teams were particularly successful, winning all
bar one of their 16 fixtures.
1 st VIP7
The 1st team was an experienced VI with five of them having
played for the team last year. This allowed for settled pairings
who knew each others’ games well. The outcome was an outstanding, unbeaten season (albeit a relatively short one due
to difficulties with agreeing fixtures with several schools).
Top pair Ed Giles and Ed Tomlin led the way, dropping
just one of the 23 sets they played within their 7 fixtures. The
2nd pairing of Sam Tomlin & Will Blakeney dropped just 4 of
their 23 sets, while the 3rd pairing of Captain Finlay Kenneth
& Will Allman dropped only 6.
The D aunt seian 2014
These numbers reflect the dominant displays these
boys produced in their matches over our traditional rival
schools, which included Bryanston and Marlborough College. As all of our players, with the exception of the captain,
will have one final season of school tennis next summer, it is
hoped that a tougher fixture list can be put in place, so that
the players are challenged to raise the standard of their play
even higher.
2 nd VIP6
The 2nd team not to be outdone, was also unbeaten, winning
all 6 of their fixtures, in a similarly dominant fashion. The
stalwarts of the team were Alex Archer, David Chiu, Eugene
Wong, Mason Wong and Adam Whitrow. The first four of
these completed the season without dropping a set. Next
summer I look forward to seeing these five players pushing
hard for 1st team places.
3 rd VIP3
The 3rd team had fewer opportunities, but won two of their
three fixtures. Ed shepherd and Leon Vvedenskiy caught
the eye and there were solid performances from the likes
of Archie Tawney, Archie Combe, Hinson Iu and Mark
Over the season as a whole I would like to thank our Captain
of Boys’ Tennis Finlay Kenneth, for his mature and reliable
And finally a huge thank you, yet again, to coach David
Low, without whom Dauntsey’s would really struggle to
provide the boys’ tennis opportunities that it does.
The U15 team had the most arduous fixture list among the
year groups. They were able to win two of their four Saturday
fixtures –against KES Bath and Downside, but struggled in
the Wiltshire Schools Tennis League, where they came up
against some of the best players in the county, and lost to
Bishops Wordsworth School, Warminster School, Marlborough College and St Augustine’s School.
However the spirit within the squad stayed positive
throughout – a tribute to their coach Will May-Miller. The
squad was led by Euan Reid and well supported by Chris
Chester, George Hood, Will Langton, Adrian Chau, Adam
Jackson & Ben Xu.
The U14 team won two out of the five fixtures they played,
with the highlight undoubtedly being the very tight victory
over Trafalgar School’s A team, where, after the sets were
level at 3 -3 , Charlie Badman & Nic Garreffa won the tiebreak play off. Other members of the squad, Chris Bryer-Ash
and Joe Fortune made useful contributions, and I would like
to thank Anton Kaem who played up from the U13’s on a
couple of occasions.
Team Colours
Ben Kinder & Charlie Purves
Euan Reid & George Hood
3rd VI 2nd VI Alex Archer, David Chiu, Eugene Wong, Mason Wong
& Adam Whitrow
Full Colours
Will Allman, Will Blakeney, Ed Giles, Finlay Kenneth, Ed
Tomlin & Sam Tomlin
Distinguished Commendation Awards
Oliver Thomas & Archie Tawney
Most Improved Players
Lower School Harry Poole
Middle School Barney Spooner
Senior School Zach Dunnett
The U13 team had very limited opportunities and victory
eluded them, however many boys were given the opportunity to play in formal matches and this will hopefully
have helped build their confidence for next season. Those
involved were Anton Kaem, Sam Nield, Felix Nagel, Alfie
Miles-Hobbs, Oscar Gompels, Oscar Aspey, Harry Poole,
Robert McNamara, Tolland Bennett, Olly Middleton, George
Lishman, Ed Crossfield and Luke Hatch.
The U12 team unearthed some players of real promise and
they managed to win four of their five fixtures (and even
the loss was a very close 4 - 5 affair). Ben Kinder & Charlie Purves were particularly impressive, but also the likes of
Ollie Cons, Jordan Hills, Guy Harmer, Jessie Allinson-James
and Archie Mackinnon showed that they were able to play a
decent level for their age.
S port s
G irls ’ T ennis O verview
auntsey’s ran 14 Girls’ Tennis Teams during the
2014 season, playing a total of 51 matches and 407
sets. The girls won 32 of their matches and 221 of the sets
played, losing 19 matches and186 sets.
The Senior Teams played 27 matches, won 18 and lost
9. The Lower School sides played 24, won 13 and lost 11.
The 1st VI had a successful season, only losing one of their
matches early in the term.
1 st VIP5
The 1st VI’s season began with an unsteady start, losing (8-1)
to Kingswood. However, the girls rallied and came back with
a (5-4) victory over St Mary’s Calne, followed by convincing
wins against Prior Park (6-3) and Godolphin (7-2). A (6-3)
win against Bryanston in the final fixture proved to be the
highlight of the season, with the girls playing some of their
best tennis in nail-bitingly close sets. Nicole Yeung and
Georgie Fox have played some wonderful tennis this term
and have been great team captains. They will be missed
next season.
2 nd VIP5
The 2nd VI also only lost one of their matches this term
and achieved an impressive straight set win over St Mary’s
Calne. Stephanie Jones and Olivia Berry have proved a solid
partnership this season; well done.
3 rd VIP3
4 th VIP2
The 3rd VI and 4th VI were able to come away with two
victories each from their 3 matches.
The U15A VI team had a great season winning 5 out of
their 8 matches, battling hard against Godolphin to win the
final tie break shoot out 10-6. The U15B VI also did well this
season, with Sophie Muir and Elvira Parr winning all three of
their sets against Prior Park, and, Emma Lovell and Imogen
Davies winning all three of their sets against Godolphin 6-0.
The U15C VI also performed well against Godolphin, winning (9-0) in an impressive straight set victory.
The D aunt seian 2014
The 14A VI had a fantastic season, winning 6 out of their
7 matches played, producing some straight set wins in their
AEGON matches against St Augustines and St Edmunds
(in one match, only dropping 1 game throughout the 6 sets).
There have been some very promising individual performances this season:
U14A Thea Hurley Bennett and Tseki Wangdi both won 13
sets each, including 7 AEGON singles matches.
U13A Harriet Steptoe did exceptionally well to win 19 sets,
only dropping 2 in the whole season in the match against
Canford. She also had a straight set victory playing for the
3rd VI against Bryanston in the last match of the season.
U12A Alexandra Clark and India Eastlake produced some
encouraging results, especially winning 6-0 in all of their
sets in an AEGON match against Trafalgar.
B adminton
B adminton R eport
he past academic year has been a very strong year
for Badminton at Dauntsey’s. The weekly sixth form
games sessions have seen an increasing attendance and the
quality of play remained strong each week. Additionally, the
popularity of the after school club has remained high with
regular attendance from pupils across the school and guest
appearances by enthusiastic staff, notably Pete Wells and AP!
Consequently our performance this year in competitions has
been excellent.
Medal success
U15 singles Daria, gold medal placing
U15 doubles Ben & Joe, silver medal placing
U15 mixed doubles Ben & Daria, bronze medal placing
U17 singles Cherry, gold medal placing
U17 singles Daria, silver medal placing
U17 doubles Cherry & Daria, gold medal placing
U17 doubles Nicole & Jade, silver medal placing
U17 mixed doubles Mason & Daria, gold medal placing
Mid Wilts Restricted Badminton Tournament
Again, for the fifth time, we hosted the Mid Wilts Restricted
Badminton Tournament. The attendance this year across both
Saturday and Sunday was high with players from schools and
clubs in the Mid Wilts region performing. Over 230 matches
took place throughout the weekend and the audience were
treated to many excellent games of Badminton.
Dauntsey’s pupils maintained their tradition of strong
performances in this competition with all players giving
100% to their games.
Yhelex Inter District Badminton Tournament
Our four strongest players attended the Yhelex Inter District
Badminton Tournament in March at the Christie Miller Centre in Melksham. We entered the competition as the defending champions from 2012 and hopes were high of retaining
the title! Competition was fierce, particularly from the Swindon Team and although all played well we were unable to
maintain our crown and were placed second in the competition. Well done to Mason Wong(C), Joey Lau, Cherry Ip and
Daria Galkina on their determined play and sportsmanship.
Squad Ben Pugh-Cook, Joe Prodger, Mason Wong, Joey
Lau, Ryan Yip, Daria Galkina, Cherry Ip, Nicole Yeung, Jade
County Badminton
I am pleased to report that the strength of our players has
been recognised within Wiltshire and both Cherry Ip and
Daria Galkina have been selected to train and play for the
Wiltshire Performance Team. This involves them committing
to regular training sessions on a Sunday and having the
opportunity to compete for Wiltshire during the forthcoming
season. Well done to both girls.
S port s
A thletics
A thletics R eport
his was another really enjoyable and successful
athletics season for Dauntsey’s School. Pupils continue to show huge commitment and I am grateful for the
hard work the staff put in. Once again our athletes won most
of their fixtures, beating the likes of Marlborough College,
Abingdon School, Cheltenham Ladies, Sherborne, Bryanston, Godolphin, Wellington, Kingswood, Canford and
Clayesmore. Our senior teams were led superbly by Emily
Sheppy and Charlie Nutland.
Dauntsey’s had 22 athletes selected for the Kennet Area
Team. Polly Maton, Hugh Jacobs, Nikko Hunt and Imogen
Dawe-Lane were all selected to represent Wiltshire in the
South West Championships.
Many congratulations to Polly Maton who competed
for Team GB in the IWAS World Junior Games 2014. Polly is
now officially Triple World Junior Champion having gained
a gold medal in Long Jump, 100m and 200m at this event.
Polly has now set her sights on the Brazilian Paralympics to
be held in Rio in 2016. We wish her the very best of luck with
her training and will follow her progress with interest.
Well done once again to all the athletes and coaches!
Marcus Olsen
Head of Athletics
The D aunt seian 2014
S wimming
S wimming R eport
his year Dauntsey’s swimmers have competed in 7
school galas and two national relay events. We have
had inter-school fixtures home and away against Godolphin,
Kingswood and St John’s Marlborough and the inter-house
events have been hotly contested in good spirit.
In the ESSA National relay championships we competed against all schools in the South West division. The
competition faced was strong but Dauntsey’s swimmers rose
to the challenge and some excellent times were achieved
including two new school records for the Senior and U16
Boys freestyle teams.
The highlight for the senior swimmers was the chance
to compete in the 2012 Olympic Pool at Queen Elizabeth
Park in the Bath and Otter Cups. The teams performed well
and the boys were unlucky to just miss out on making the
finals in both their events.
We have had some close encounters in our inter-school
fixtures, but Dauntsey’s swimmers have fought hard to
win five of the seven matches overall. The boys have had
a particularly impressive season with the seniors being
unbeaten and the team only losing one out of thirteen contested matches across the year. Congratulations to Jeffrey
Law and Christopher Prinsloo for setting new school records,
both in the 100m Individual Medley and also for Christopher
in the 50m Breaststroke. The girls have had a tougher season
winning seven of sixteen matches, but showed resilience and
great team spirit and demonstrated a marked improvement
as the year progressed.
We have some talented swimmers at Dauntsey’s and
are generating a strong team across the age groups with
considerable depth, particularly in the boys’ teams. Thank
you to all those who have represented the school during the
year and a special thank you to Jeffrey Law and Ruby Holt for
their able captaincy of the team. I look forward to another
exciting year where we can see the team develop further.
S port s
C ross -C ountry
C ross -C ountry R eport
auntsey’s runners have continued to challenge
themselves to ever-greater efforts in a variety of
events over the course of the year. Our season began with
the Area Trials, which saw the Dauntsey’s teams compete
against six local schools for selection to compete in the
County Championships. Once again we had a considerable
turnout, with 45 1st – 5th Formers competing on an open and
windy Marlborough College course. We enjoyed considerable success: five of our Minor Girls finished in the top ten,
with Maddie George, India Eastlake and Hannah Bradley
securing a Dauntsey’s 1, 2, 3. Four of the Minor Boys finished
in the top ten, with Ollie Frost leading the Dauntsey’s team
home in 5th place. The Junior Girls enjoyed an impressive
seven top-ten places, with Catriona Edington and Chloe
Vautier finishing 2nd and 3rd, whilst Henry Cox (2nd) and Xavi
Kemper (5th) led the way for the Junior Boys. Our Inter teams
also finished well, with Alice Walton-Knight and Emily Gibson finishing 2nd and 3rd and Jacob Platt and Elliot Lassiter
finishing 1st and 2nd in their respective races.
In the event, 27 of our team qualified to compete in the
County Championships at Grittleton House School. Once
The D aunt seian 2014
again, bad weather saw the event postponed, though heavy
rain, rather than snow, posed the problem this year. Conditions were boggy on the day and our runners did well to
compete over a tough course. Most impressive results on
the day came from Maddie Perrins, who finished 4th in the
Senior Girls race; Ed Sweett, who finished 5th in the Senior
Boys; Jacob Platt and Elliot Lassiter who finished 5th and 8th
in the Inter Boys race and Maddie George who finished 11th
in the Minor Girls race. Maddie, Ed, Jacob and Elliot were
subsequently selected to compete for Wiltshire.
Meanwhile, our Running Club enjoyed participating in
some local races before making its way to Paris to compete
in the Half Marathon in March. In December, 12 Dauntseians competed in the ‘Bromham Pudding Run’, a 10K road
race with the incentive of a Christmas pudding for all finishers. Alice Walton-Knight and Rob Ellis also enjoyed the
distinction of being the 1st Junior Female and Junior Male
over the line. In February, 29 of us made our annual pilgrimage to the Longleat Estate to run a very hilly 10K on an
extremely blustery day. This all proved excellent preparation
for Paris, when a record number of 34 students and four staff
completed what is an extremely enjoyable Half Marathon.
Leading the way for the girls was Pip Moakes in 1hr 56mins
and 8th in the Junior Female category, whilst Ed Sweett and
Duncan Lorrain both finished in under 90 minutes and in 4th
and 6th places in the Junior Male category.
Congratulations to all of our runners for some fantastic
Squad Maddie George, India Eastlake, Hannah Bradley, Abi
Baker, Eleanor Barker, Maddie Ginger, Poppy Waterworth,
Hannah Barnes, Elisabeth Peak, Ollie Frost, Oscar Palmer,
Ollie Crichard, Josh Duckworth, George Lindh, Jack Hall,
Catriona Edington, Chloe Darlington, Maddy Wilks, Octavia
Pye, Hannah Walker, Louisa Hill, Harriet Steptoe, Olivia
Keppel, Imogen West, Chloe Vautier, Sophie Jephson, Anna
Gilbert, Edward Crossfield, Oscar Aspey, George Lishman,
Xavi Kemper, Archie Cole, Hugh Jacobs, Harry Burke, Robert
McNamara, Maurice Inigo-Jones, Seb Tyler, Elliot Lassiter,
Henry Cox, Will Everett, Jacob Platt, Joe Stratford, Maddie
Perrins, Ed Sweett
P aris H alf -M arathon
n the first weekend of March, Dauntsey’s took 35
runners to France for the 22nd Semi Marathon de
Paris. The group, having undergone time trials and team
runs, was feeling prepared to conquer the monstrous 21.1km
run, come rain or shine. Despite the predicted times ranging
from 75 minutes to over two hours, everyone was fuelled up
for what was some people’s most difficult mental and physical challenge yet.
After travelling on the Eurostar, the realisation of what
we had all signed up began to sink in, and nerves started to
take hold. However, our apprehension was quickly diverted
by the excitement of the beautiful Bercy Village. We gathered
for dinner, followed by free time around the Parisian shops
before heading back to the hotel. Everyone was in high spirits.
On our second morning in Paris the group got off to
an early start with a training run in the local park before
collecting our shirt numbers at the pre-race fair. It was here
that the full impact of the race set in as we were told that
we were amongst the 40,000 runners all hoping to cross the
line at tomorrow’s event. Following the chaos of the various
competition draws and free energy drinks we took advantage of the rest of the day in Paris, visiting the Arc de Triomphe to absorb the incredible 360° view. We then divided;
some toured the Eiffel Tower whilst others strolled down
L’Avenue des Champs-Élysées buying extortionately priced
macaroons; not to mention a quick visit to le Centre Georges
Pompidou before ‘the last supper’. After a packed day of
sightseeing we were all ready for a much needed early night
in preparation for the big day.
We met on race day with even mix of optimism and
nervousness and it was clear that this event was on a nationwide scale. All around us there were groups of extremely
enthusiastic warm up teams in incredibly ‘streamlined’ Lycra
suits and runners at every level of ability. The exhausting 13
miles flew by for some, including standout performances
from Pip Moakes who completed the race in just 1 hour 56
minutes and Ed Sweett who achieved it in under 90 minutes.
Louise Duff managed to make her mark in Dauntsey’s history raising over £1000 for Nightingales Children’s Project.
All of the Dauntsey’s runners completed the race; rewarded
with sturdy medals and a lifetime supply of orange slices we
headed home. Well done Dauntsey’s!
Lauren Sturges & Phoebe Borwell
S port s
E questrianism
M atch R eport : I sode
n one of Stonar School’s picturesque meadows
early in May, amongst serried ranks of chrome
encrusted horse lorries and gleaming 4x4’s whose combined
equestri-bling likely exceeded the worth of a number of
small countries, four small trailers holding the mounts of the
Dauntsey equestrian team, would have been seen rocking
and bumping pluckily over the turf.
Competing against over three hundred other riders
drawn from 57 schools across the South of the country in
the 2014 Independent Schools’ One Day Event, Georgia
Carpenter, Megan MacDuff, Lauren Dallison and Amber
Fletcher wore Dauntsey black, white and red on Saturday,
while Lucy Downer, Oscar Palmer, Amelia Place and Beth
McNamara would carry the mantle on Sunday.
Dressage, the first event, and the only section subjectively judged, proved to be the greatest challenge for the
teams, where points are scored for accuracy and control in
a series of manoeuvres designed to show the rider’s skill
at close control. Each of the Dauntsey’s competitors put in
solid performances.
Next was the Show Jumping where a tight, twisting
combination of jumps caught out many of the other teams,
whilst Dauntsey’s scored three clear rounds on Saturday
from Megan, Lauren and Amber. The team on Sunday had a
clear round from Oscar.
In the cross country phase the riders really showed their
mettle and excelled with, gutsy, fast-paced performances
across challenging terrain, earning praise from the commentary team and spectators, with all four riders jumping clear.
On Sunday, two clear rounds were achieved by Lucy and
Amelia; sadly Oscar, though going strongly had to retire when
his pony went lame four from home: a great disappointment.
On Saturday, Amber Fletcher gained a 6th position, Lauren Dallison 11th, Megan MacDuff 19th and the team was 8th
overall out of 36 teams, just a couple of points off the prizes.
Dauntsey’s was placed well ahead of both of the St Mary’s
teams, both Stonar teams, Royal High, Millfield and Bryanston
to name but a few. On Sunday Amelia Place was 20th.
All in all a great weekend for all the riders, who did
Dauntsey’s proud.
The D aunt seian 2014
S port s
R ifles
R ifles ’ R eport
ast year was easily the Rifles’ most successful. The
numbers tell it alone. 75 pupils discharged 50,000 bullets over 280 sessions; 43 fired in matches and 36 in postal
leagues. Our senior team went from strength to strength,
and the honours board required an extension. The medals
flowed. Four pupils shot in the Home Countries International match. Lloyd Ollerhead gained a bronze medal in the
Isle of Man Easter Shooting Festival. Adam Lassiter topped
the national averages. Nat King and Diana Yarosh were victorious their Divisions of the Wiltshire league; and together
these pupils, along with Josh Philliban, formed the team that
won the British Schools’ Summer League. Regional, national
and international triumphs.
The dedication and commitment of our young firers has
been exemplary. This year, more than any so far, we had an
elite squad that would not settle for second best. In addition to
the autumn programme of short-range matches against Marlborough and indoor games session practices, we introduced a
series of Saturday sessions in preparation for the long-range
competitions at Bisley. These sessions paid off. Compared to
last year, our shots increased their scores by 11 points on average (Ed Muir went up by 27). Lloyd Ollerhead and Dom Bernard finished third in the Under 16s second of in the British
Schools’ Winter Open with Dauntsey’s fifth overall.
Throughout the winter we edged closer and closer to
Marlborough in a series of shoulder-to-shoulder matches.
Whilst our B team had been going toe-to-toe with our old
rivals, in the autumn our A’s were very much carried by their
Captain, Diana. Come spring, buoyed by away match victories against Sherborne and Abingdon, we pipped Marlborough to second place in a three-way won by Wellington.
Then at the start of summer, on our return from the Isle of
Man, Dauntsey’s Rifles completed a comprehensive victory
over Marlborough As, Bs and Cs in an outdoor match with
Lloyd firing a near perfect 197 out of 200.
The Easter trip to the Isle of Man was a tremendous
success. Not only did it provide an opportunity for our shots
to fire competitively in a Commonwealth Games qualifying
competition alongside Paralympians and World Champions. The demanding 120 shot course-of-fire really tested
our shots, taking them to a new level of skill, discipline and
endurance. The trip itself also provided opportunities to take
part in team building and adventurous activities including
obstacle courses, archery and abseiling, as well as developing the life skills of cookery and budget management, staying as we did in self catered accommodation. There is little
doubt that going away together not only forged a greater
team spirit amongst the Rifles, but it also brought our shots
on in their independence as individual firers, forming the
fillip for our summer successes.
The D aunt seian 2014
As well as being a prize packed year for our Elite Squad,
the Development Squad won prizes galore. As well as winning M Divisions in the British Schools’ Senior Ten Bull
Leagues, we won N Division titles in the Junior Five Bull
Competition. Tom Middleton, Vivek Prabakaran and Marcus
Yao secured Perfect Score prizes for Five Bull hundreds, and
matches against Beechen Cliff increased the opportunities
for the Development Squad to shoot competitively. In the
Inter-house Competitions, talented set of firers from Scott
and Manor fought out the Lower School trophy with the
Manor Girls emerging victorious, whilst a strong Farmer
team saw off the challenge of Mercers in the Upper School
Competition. And it was particularly pleasing to see that
these Development Squad activities have proved chances for
up-and-coming firers like Greg Thomas and Tom Middleton
to step up to the Elite Squad during the year.
Overall, it is not just the headline success of winning
the British Schools’ Summer League that gives satisfaction,
it is also seeing the personal growth of our firers over the
course of the years that makes it satisfying to be involved
with Dauntsey’s Rifles. As Master in Charge, I have really
enjoyed watching our younger firers discovering a hidden
talent and developing their techniques through practice and
perseverance. It is wonderful to witness the progress that has
been made through the encouragement, enthusiasm and
advice offered by our coach Sandy Bull and the progress they
have made over the past three years has been a testament to
her skill. So, as I move on to pastures new, and hand control
of the Rifle Club to The Bursar, who was himself a shot in
his military days, I know all the ingredients are in place to
continue the success of Dauntsey’s Rifles.
S port s
Josie Goddard
D auntsey ’ s S chool S ixth F orm L eavers 2014
Toby Sampson
Matthew Hubbard
Daniel O’Sullivan
George Smith
Sophie Alexander
Victoria Bartlett
Whimsy Yu
Anya Galkina
Sophie Badman
Laurence McKellar
Kezia Buckland
Sacha Yates
Olga Galkina
Charlotte Mangham
Olivia Fisher
Nathaniel King
Charles Mallet
Oliver Spurr
Matthew Williams
Aleksandr Vvedenskii
Annie Lin
Flora Shepherd
Rachel Bromell
Chloe Newman
Nicole Yeung
Ana Carter
Savannah Thompson
Isabel Papworth-Smith
Suki Tai
Margaret Chung
Sharon Tam
Emma Adams
Rachel Wing
Grace Czapalski
Daria Sinelnikova
Vivian Kwan
Victoria Jackson
Tabitha Bardsley
Emily Sheppy
Lydia Borwell
Tanrada Pansuwan
Hamish Fyfe
Charlie Nutland
Joshua Paton
David Winchcombe
Ellis Day
Rogan Galea
Jamie Russell
Austin Uncles
George Andrews
Jacky Chang
Duncan Lorrain
Phoebe Whitehouse
Archie Tawney
Jacky Chang
Bryn New
Ilya Kolpakov
George Osborne
Georgina Ashby
Harry Holt
Louisa Lacey
Fred Holt
Cameron Falconer-Cunningham
Finlay Kenneth
Sam Dawson
Richard Marshall
Nick Thornley-Chan
Vivian Kwan
Ruby Holt
Clare McComas
Rosalind Dolman
Ema Cavolli
Christina Hall
Stephanie Jones
Zoe Willis
Isabelle Leeming
Georgie Fox
Ilia Dakal
Josh Morris
Charlie Newman
Louise Duff
Andy She
JQ Kwan
Margarita Poluektova
Kenneth Tang
James Leworthy
Josephine Semple
Gabriel Dalboozi
William De Chazal
Elliot Hewitt
Henry Roberts
Jack Gompels
Angela Ou
Elliot Berning
Elizaveta Ryabova
James Brooks
Daisy Keeping
Ollie Thomas
Jess Foord
Toby Dibble
Rob Ellis
Rob Manson
Isabelle Duncan
Kevin Ridley
Ruth Wilson
Jeffrey Law
Livvy Berry
Tom Mastin-Lee
Alice Cavanagh
Peter Dyer
Amelia Le Coyte
Eddy Mackean
Pippa Moakes
Sergio Hunt
Cerys Lau
Jade Tang
Henry Giles