Packaging Systems Solutions COLLAPSIBLE P ALLETS NEWST AC
Packaging Systems Solutions COLLAPSIBLE P ALLETS NEWST AC
C ™ T A S K L U B C O L L A P S I B L E C ™ A T S W E N He l ping Prot ect Your Pr od uc t W i t h E ’s EXPE RIENCE | E XCE L L E NC E | E F F I C I E N C Y E A G M O A U U P C D L N S L N T E T S Pa ck a g in g Syst em s S o l u t i o ns S C H A E F E R S Y S T E M S I N T E R N AT I O N A L P R O V E N E X P E R I E N C E At Schaefer, our business revolves around delivering E’s to our customers. This starts with the E’s of experience, excellence and efficiency. One of the world’s premier suppliers of storage, materials handling and logistics systems, Schaefer has remained dedicated to developing innovative systems for over 70 years, and leads the way in packaging designs that add the E’s of environmental and ergonomic advantages. A privately held and operated company, Schaefer started in the Siegerland region of Germany, known for steel production and processing. Today, our company employs more than 8,000 people across 50 countries connected by a cohesive distribution network. Schaefer Systems International, the North American subsidiary headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, spans four buildings. This complex includes an injection molding manufacturing plant with 12 injection molding machines and 40 hot stamping machines, producing over 2 million containers annually. since 1998 S H I P P I N G C O N TA I N E R S B A L A N C E D E F F I C I E N C Y Our NewStac™, ESD and CF Collapsible Containers mold cost-efficiency and functionality into 100% recyclable products that are compatible with all other collapsible and stack-only containers. Developed specifically for Nor th American shipping standards, our CF containers not only reduce return shipping costs, but are as strong as they are lightweight. S H I P P I N G C O N T A I N E R S CUTTING-EDGE E F F I C I E N C Y NF – NewStac™ Container Advantages The lightest totes (per size) in the industry, our NewStac™ line offers 13 sizes and smart features. • Improved impact strength • 100% compatible with existing box lines • Choice of Smooth, Crosstac™ or Crosspad™ bottom designs • Patented label pocket protects KanBan cards • Finger cutout for easy KanBan card removal • Smooth side-wall and rimless option provide wide surface for placards • Available in six heights • Option of drain holes for optimal versatility • Patented Crosspad™ bottom CF – Collapsible Container Advantages Our collapsible containers are filled with innovations that add strength, adaptability and resilience. • Compatible with Krypto-Lite™ pallet, Top Cap system, and other 48" x 45" systems • Stack with NF and AF Transtac™, Crosstac™ and Crosspad™ and all comparable straight-wall container systems • Available with attached lids (minimum order required) N e w S t a c ™ C o n t a i n e r s • Equipped with true ergonomic pocket handles • Available with placards, plastic cardholders and clips • 100% recyclable (including pivot pins) with no need to separate components • Security interlocks on side-wall hinges and lower pivots to prevent misaligned side-walls and maintain engagement if subjected to side impacts • Patented end-wall catch positioned over the pivot to support top and bottom side-walls • End-wall catches on base component to maintain box geometry during Collapsible Containers loading and minimize stress on pivots and snap-fits (which often fail on other designs) Dissipative Container Advantages With permanent ESD protection, our static dissipative containers protect valuable electronics and assure infinite shelf life for the container and its contents. • Rapid and consistent decay rate unaffected by environmental conditions • Humidity-independent interior • High-heat temperature deflection Dissipative Containers • Ergonomic fingertip handles on adjacent sides • Clean room compatible with low outgassing and low ionic contamination • Minimal sloughing compared to standard carbon-based materials (1% to 2% carbon versus up to 20% conductive carbon-filled) • Compatible with 48" x 45" pallet and top cap systems 48" x 45" x 17" B u l k S t a c ™ C O N T A I N E R S F i x e d Wa l l Container H I G H L Y E R G O N O M I C 48" x 25" x 25" Custom Container Better Design • Side-walls that snap onto base for easy replacement • Wider access door openings than comparable boxes 48" x 45" x 50" Collapsible Container • Doors on all four sides of 34" boxes and two sides of 25" boxes • Integrated recessed hinge • Base designed to prevent splitting of corner feet under heavy load (a common failure of comparable boxes) • Solid deck floor with drain holes eliminates the expense of base pads to cover open-grid deck floor • Banding slots on 45" walls • Rated for 2,000 lb. maximum load Fewer Space Constraints • Flat deck provides more usable internal space than other boxes on the market • 33.8" and 25.6" erect heights provide optimal Stacked Container in Collapsed Position utilization of truck volume • 12.75" collapsed height allows stacks of nine high for 12.5% freight savings, compared to eight high • Large ID tag on base center foot on 48" side • 5.25" x 13.5" label area per wall, allowing two Collapsible placards side-by-side or a KanBan cardholder Container • Fill line mark 1" below top rim with 4 Drop Doors Option 48" x 45" x 25" Collapsible Container B u l k S t a c ™ C O N TA I N E R S H I G H L Y Lighter than E R G O N O M I C comparable boxes on the market, BulkStac™ was designed to last and to maximize truck space. Because the base has peripher y runners, it eliminates the center foot which can deflect downward past the fill line and damage product in the container below. P A L L E T S & T O P C A P S B U I L T - I N E N D U R A N C E Designing innovative products that solve ever yday problems for has seven been the decades. hallmark Kr ypto-Lite™ of Schaefer automotive pallets and MultiStac™ top caps continue that tradition by combining strength and performance. Krypto-Lite™ Crafted from 100% recycled materials, Kr ypto-Lite™ exhibits the strength, rigidity and deflection performance of mid-duty 4845 pallets, but with 25% less weight. Under 32 pounds, it can be lifted via molded-in hand holes by a single worker, yet offers superior impact resistance. MultiStac™ Molded of 100% recycled material, MultiStac™ is designed to work with palletized bins, bulk boxes and steel racks. This compatibility affords maximum flexibility for mixed loads and storage. Limitations: MultiStac™ on a bulk box cannot accept a load of palletized bins, and it should never be used on top of a steel rack. P A L L E T S & T O P C A P S B U I L T - I N E N D U R A N C E C U S T O M S T E E L INTERACTIVE R A C K S ENGINEERING When it comes to product protection and material handling, one solution rarely fits any application. Our design engineers have decades of experience developing custom packaging solutions tailored to your specific needs. We can modify existing packaging to reduce costs and minimize packaging waste. Using customer-provided mathematical data and/or physical par ts, our designers create custom packaging concepts utilizing state-of-the-ar t 3-D solid modeling software. Once the concept is approved, we develop a physical prototype to ensure par ts fit properly, are protected, and all ergonomic parameters are met. Each prototype is built to withstand rugged testing, both in the laborator y, a plant environment and during over-the-road transit trials, so you can fully evaluate its effectiveness. Our prototype production process includes: • Consultation with an experienced packaging specialist to determine precise needs and objectives • Custom design concepts presented in 3-D solid modeling to encourage customer feedback and discussion • Development of a high-quality prototype which can be evaluated and tested in real life situations, laboratory simulations, and shipping trials • Quality checks and inspections performed throughout the manufacturing process • Follow-up product review with our packaging specialist to ensure customer satisfaction Left Custom Steel Sequence Rack w i t h H a n g i n g B a g D u n n a g e & 4 - Way Access Right 48" x 45" x 50" Steel Bag Rack with Class "A" Dunnage Cut & Weld Containers Creating Custom Sizes Modified Bulk Container with C U S T O M S T E E L R A C K S Hanging Bag I N T E R A C T I V E ENGINEERING Dunnage & Vinyl Cur tain Cut & Weld Bulk Container with an Actuating Hinged Shock Lid, Drop Down Access Door & Custom Vacuum Thermoformed Tr ays Left Standardized Automotive Rack Platform Right Custom Steel Par t Rack with Actuating Shelves & Protective Foam Dunnage L e f t Te x t i l e P r o t e c t i v e D u n n a g e Utilizing Sewn Bag Design Right Custom Molded Expanded Foam Dunnage Die-cut Foam Dunnage Machined High-density Polyethylene Plates & Dunnage C U S T O M I N T E R I O R D U N N A G E I N N O V A T I V E E X P E R T I S E Par tition Dunnage Sets w i t h C l a s s ‘A’ Protection ESD Custom Dunnage for Electronic Par t Protection Left Custom Vacuum Molded T h e r m o f o r m e d Tr ays & D u n n a g e Right Custom Wire Baskets & Protective Dunnage Designs CUSTOM INTERIOR DUNNAGE I N N O V A T I V E E X P E R T I S E Whether you require shock or vibration protection, part separation, specific orientation for class “A” parts or electrostatic discharge protection, Schaefer can meet your needs. Our engineers have extensive experience in custom designing dunnage for specific products and handling requirements. Crafted using a wide array of materials such as plastic corrugated sheeting, polyethylene and cross-linked foams, highdensity polyethylene sheet and assor ted laminations, custom dunnage can save on packaging costs. In addition, turnkey interior packaging protects fragile and unusually shaped par ts from damage during transit and maximizes shipping space. S U S T A I N A B L E D E S I G N I N T U I T I V E LY E N V I R O N M E N T A L Total integrated system design has made Schaefer an international leader in returnable packaging solutions. We’re dedicated to efficient designs with the built-in capability for a fully integrated line of products. Our packaging systems offer broad flexibility and lay the groundwork for future expansion without the need to retool or replace system components. Our containers interface with the latest automated materials handling systems, as well as containers that are ergonomically designed for manual handling. In addition, we use sustainable production methods and resources to develop products that not only include recyclable materials, but that can be fully recycled themselves for zero waste. O U R C O M M I T M E N T P E R P E T U A L E X C E L L E N C E Years of experience, incisive use of technology, and solid customer partnerships have served as the foundation for our success. Products designed and manufactured by Schaefer provide the basis for sound packaging and logistics systems around the globe. Our commitment to reliability and first-class performance ensures maintenance and support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Despite our growth and industrial edge, we remain committed to superb, personal service and developing next generation packaging and logistic solutions to make our customers’ jobs easier and businesses more productive. Whether you prize our products for their compatibility, value through long-term durability, or appreciate our ecological commitment to recycling and reuse, you can rely on Schaefer to bring E’s to your business. USA HEADQUARTERS Schaefer Systems International, Inc. Shipping Address 10021 Westlake Drive Charlotte, NC 28273 Mailing Address P.O. Box 7009 Charlotte, NC 28241 Tel: 704-944-4500 PACKAGING SYSTEMS DIVISION USA, CANADA, MEXICO 1795 Alysheba Way Suite 6104 Lexington, KY 40509 Packaging Sales Tel: 859-294-5615 Fax: 859-294-5616 Toll Free: 888-SSI-TOTE Email: Packaging Ser vices S C H A E F E R S Y S T E M S I N T E R N AT I O N A L PACKAGING SYSTEMS S O L U T I O N S Tel: 704-944-4583 Fax: 704-944-4582 Email: