MyNetball Training Manual


MyNetball Training Manual
MyNetball Information ......................................................................................................................................... 1
How to use this manual .............................................................................................................................. 1
Menu Modes Explained ............................................................................................................................... 1
Help Options .................................................................................................................................................... 1
Quick Launch................................................................................................................................................... 1
Logging On ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
User Roles Explained ................................................................................................................................... 2
Person roles and sub roles explained ................................................................................................... 3
Glossary of common terms in MyNetball ............................................................................................ 4
Netball Setup - Association ................................................................................................................................. 6
Checking Organisation details ................................................................................................................. 6
Creating contact lists for your Affiliated Clubs ................................................................................. 6
Creating a brand new Person record .................................................................................................... 7
Searching for an existing record ............................................................................................................. 8
Adding a role to an existing record ........................................................................................................ 9
Checking a players last registration date ......................................................................................... 10
Reregister players ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Bulk Registrations...................................................................................................................................... 11
Registering a player on a clubs behalf ............................................................................................... 12
Transfers and clearances .................................................................................................................................. 13
Transferring a player to a secondary association......................................................................... 13
Clearing a player from one association to another / one club to another .......................... 14
Granting/denying clearances ................................................................................................................ 15
Enabling settings for clearances within clubs/associations .................................................... 15
Competition – full instructions....................................................................................................................... 16
Setting up draw detail .............................................................................................................................. 16
Setup wizard................................................................................................................................................. 16
Organisation Details, refer 2.1 .............................................................................................................. 17
Review Competition Settings ................................................................................................................ 17
Adding your venues................................................................................................................................... 18
Edit an existing venue......................................................................................................................18
Deleting a venue.................................................................................................................................19
Creating ladder points setup ................................................................................................................. 19
Creating ladder display schemes ......................................................................................................... 20
Entering match start times ..................................................................................................................... 22
Add non playing dates .............................................................................................................................. 23
Add a New Grade ...............................................................................................................................24
Checking teams in grades...............................................................................................................25
Season settings and fixture slots .................................................................................................27
Allocating ladders to grades..........................................................................................................28
Managing grade setup .............................................................................................................................. 24
Grade divisions ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Creating the draw ................................................................................................................................................ 30
Editing the fixture ...................................................................................................................................... 33
Venue calendar ...................................................................................................................................33
Editing teams, days, times and courts.......................................................................................33
Bulk changes to days, times or venues .....................................................................................34
Changing / replacing teams in a draw ......................................................................................35
Creating a single day tournament draw – TIPS ............................................................................. 36
To Publish Draws ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Match Manager ..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Score sheets .................................................................................................................................................. 38
Setting default score sheets...........................................................................................................38
Selecting different score sheets for different grades ..........................................................38
Printing score sheets ........................................................................................................................39
Entering results........................................................................................................................................... 39
Player stats.................................................................................................................................................... 40
Borrowed players ..............................................................................................................................40
Ladders..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Calculating Ladders ................................................................................................................................... 41
Viewing Ladders ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Basic Ladders ......................................................................................................................................41
Ladders by round ..............................................................................................................................42
Ladder adjustments .................................................................................................................................. 42
Activating finals .................................................................................................................................................... 44
Creating finals if NO FINALS was initially selected ...................................................................... 44
Regrading ................................................................................................................................................................ 46
Moving a team from one grade to another..............................................................................46
Swapping two teams ........................................................................................................................46
Re-grade report ..................................................................................................................................46
Setting up awards ........................................................................................................................................... 48
Entering votes.............................................................................................................................................. 49
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MyNetball Information
MyNetball is replacing NMAS as the new online system to record member details, create draws,
produce detailed reports and host websites.
How to use this manual
This manual is a detailed document created to support the Quick Reference Guides (QRG) and
the help menu’s within the system. While in mynetball there are different menu modes,
headings & items, these will be referred to throughout the manual and the QRG, as below.
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Menu Modes Explained
Depending on your level of access, you will be able to see different menu modes. Although some
tasks can be completed in more than one place, mode or menu and the options will vary.
Organisation - functions related to user maintenance and organisation details
Competition Participation – functions relating to participation in a competition
Competition Management - functions relating to the setup and management of a competition
Website (SportzVault) - relating to managing the setup and content of the website
Typically, Associations will have access to all modes and clubs will have access to Organisation,
Competition Participation and Website.
Help Options
There are a number of online help methods if you get stuck:
A ‘Help on this Topic’ function at the top of each page within MyNetball is also available.
Within the Organisation mode, there is a help menu with a link directing you to the support
system or go to and lodge a ticket, enter as much
information as possible and leave your name and contact details.
This manual as well as Quick Reference Guides are available at
Quick Launch
As well as menu modes, match manger the quick launch menu allows for quick execution of
certain tasks. Before using this ensure that the season setting is correct each time!
Logging On
You should have received an email from ‘ResultsVault Administration’ with your Login ID and
Password as well as a link to the MyNetball Home page
If this is the first time your organisation has logged into mynetball you will be prompted to complete
the set up wizard. Once you have completed the Set Up Wizard you are ready to begin using
All users will need their own logins which will be created by their club or association.
User Roles Explained
Access to high level system administration.
Higher level website and competition related maintenance which is typically related to
‘setup’ or ‘configuration’ tasks.
Access to create and maintain other users. Warning – any user who has this role can
effectively then grant themselves any other role.
Website content related maintenance (eg. Create & maintain Html content, home page,
news, events, slideshow galleries).
Competition results related maintenance (eg. Clubs : results & scores update,
associations : match confirmation, exception reports etc).
A user within an organization which manages competitions between your ‘child’
organizations can administer directly without requiring a separate login to that club.
Sending of email messages.
Sending of SMS messages & ordering SMS credits.
Access to tasks relating to financial information (eg. Payments/subscriptions made by
players or other people in the system.
Person roles and sub roles explained
Each person that exists in the system is added as a certain role depending on the relationship they
have with netball i.e. a coach would have a coach role, a player would have a player role, an exec
member would have an exec role. Each role also has a sub role i.e. senior coach, junior coach,
president, secretary etc
Roles are important when allocating players to teams, creating your office bearer list, allocating
coaches and managers to teams and allocating umpires to games. If the person does not have the
relevant role they will not appear on the list to be selected.
NOTE: People who have come across from NMAS will have been assigned a role, however these may
not be entirely accurate so will need to be checked. Some people may also have a record but NO
ROLE in the system.
(association only)
Team Official
Office Bearer
Sub role
Net Set Go
Senior coach
Junior coach
Team manager
Ground contact
Media reports
Glossary of common terms in MyNetball
Administer a child Login on behalf of a user from the child organisation. Was referred to as
‘cloning in’ or ‘cloaking in’ in NMAS
Provisional grades created for teams to be nominated into
Child organisation
An organisation which sits below another e.g. a club is a child
organisation of an association
The act of moving a participant’s details from one organisation to another
(e.g. a move from one club to another club, one association to another
association or one club to another association)
Fixture slot
Available slots for games to be played created through a combination of
venue and allocations vs ttime allocations
Age groups/groups created for the categories to be grouped into
Grade divisions
A collection of grades created to improve the usability of the system to
group grades together e.g. U13, U14
The final grades where competitions and/ draws are created
An organisation above another e.g. Netball NSW is a parent organisation
of associations within NSW
Anyone who is created in the system
Principal User
An administrative user with special privileges. There can only be one
Principal User for an organisation at any one time
Public Portal
A public website ( on which anyone has
access to view detailed competition information for all organisations
using MyNetball to manage competitions
The period during which individuals participants can be registered
Registration Type
The types of memberships available
Another name for MyNetballInteractSport’s product name for the module
to manage participants and competitions
The involvement a person has in netball e.g. office bearer, umpire, player
The period during which competitions are scheduled
The public portal website InteractSport’s product name for the module to
manage websites
A spread sheet downloaded from the system which may or may not be
populated with information, depending on the filter criteria defined
The act of copying a participant’s details to another organisation. This is
primarily done so that the participant can register at a Registering for a
secondary association while maintaining registration at a primary
The court a game is played on
Netball Setup - Association
Checking Organisation details
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Organisation Details
Check the details are correct and once changes have been made or not required click ‘Update’
Creating contact lists for your Affiliated Clubs
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Teams and Affiliates – Child
Organisations (affiliates)
Select the correct child organisation and click ‘edit’
Click on ‘add a new designated contact’
Choose the contact from the drop down list you want to add in as a office bearer
Tick the communication methods and click ‘update all changes’
Creating a brand new Person record
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management /
Competition Participation
Add a new person
1. Search for the name
2. If it doesn’t appear click the ‘CREATE NEW PERSON’ button
3. Complete the details required with * identifying mandatory fields and click ‘add’
4. Once the record is added you will have the option to add another role and populate any
additional custom fields
5. To add a second role select the Roles tab and select a role and sub role then click ‘add’
Searching for an existing record
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management /
Person List
1. Select the role and sub role
2. Add the person’s name to narrow the search
Adding a role to an existing record
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Participation
Person List
1. Select the role and sub role
2. Add the person’s name to narrow the search
3. Under Organisation, to show members of a club select ‘Include records within the selected
organisation’ and select the club from the drop down box
4. Double click on the name to bring the record up
5. Select the ‘Roles’ tab
6. From here you can add an additional role under ‘Add new role’
7. Once selected click ‘Add role’
8. To view the persons role across other organisations click the ‘Show role history in all
organisations’ box
Checking a players last registration date
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Participation
Player List / Search
1. Once you have brought up the person record, click on the player tab and then Registration
Reregister players
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Person List
The NMAS ID number will be available to cross check this against their existing ID
1. Select the role and sub role
2. Add the person’s name to narrow the search
3. Double click on the name to bring the record up
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4. Select the Player tab and Registration
5. Select the parent organisation and registration type and click ‘Add Registration’
If you cannot find a player you will need to create a new record and create a role / sub role before
Bulk Registrations
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Registration Manager
NOTE: Only one type can be registered at a time using this method
Select the role and sub role to register or ALL ROLES for more options
Select the association name in Association field
Lists can be further filtered by entering minimum and maximum age
Select the name or leave blank for a list of players
Select records to register or tick select all
Under ‘Actions’ select register and click ‘perform action’
Select the membership type to register them under
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Registering a player on a clubs behalf
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Quick Launch
Administer a Child Org
1. From the drop down menu select the child organisation you want to ‘clone’ in as
2. Register a participant as explained in this section
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Transfers and clearances
Transfers - a player can be registered under many associations, this is called a transfer in MyNetball
and the second association, becomes the secondary registration, this does not need authorisation.
Clearances – moving a player from one association to another OR moving from one club to another
OR one club to another association, does need authorisation, and is referred to in MyNetball as a
Transferring a player to a secondary association
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Participation
Add New Player
1. You will need to use the ‘Add New Player’ screen as this will enable you to search for all
players within Netball Victoria
2. Search for the name and use the extra filtering to allow you to define the search
3. Once you have found the correct Person, select the name and under the Transfer Column
click ‘Add to x-association/club name-x’
Please Note: If you choose the club it will transfer the person directly
4. Select the transfer options and roles
5. Click ‘Transfer’
For data protection the TO organisation cannot edit the persons details until after 5 days. If the
FROM organisation wants to deny the transfer they must submit a support ticket within 5 days
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Clearing a player from one association to another / one club to
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Participation
Add New Player
1. You will need to use the ‘Add New Player’ screen as this will enable you to search for all
players within Netball Victoria
2. Search for the name and use the extra filtering to allow you to define the search
3. Once you have found the correct Person, select the name and under the Clearance column
select ‘Apply for Clearance’
4. On the next screen add the clearance reason and their role and click ‘Submit’
Clearance requests must be approved before a player is able to move to a new association or club
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Granting/denying clearances
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Participation/
Permits and Clearances –
Clearance and Permits List
Locate the ‘Clearances requested by other organisations’ section
Ensure the correct season is selected
Locate the player in the table
Click ‘Detail’ and select the response
Fill in the ‘From club comment’ and click ‘Submit’
Enabling settings for clearances within clubs/associations
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Competition Settings
1. Select the ‘Clearances’ tab
2. Tick ‘Enable Clearances and Permits’
3. Add a link to the constitution / by-laws if these have been updated and click ‘Update’
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Competition – full instructions
Setting up draw detail
To create your draw you can follow the Setup Wizard steps, set up each section individually or use a
combination of both. We recommend the set up wizard if this is your first time
Setup wizard
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Setup Wizard
Select the Set Up Mode – ‘Simple’ or ‘Advanced’ depending on how much information you want
to input
Select the Team Mode – ‘Teams Managed By Clubs’ or ‘Teams Managed By This Organisation’
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Organisation Details, refer 2.1
Review Competition Settings
At the top of the page there are 3 tabs, ‘Registration’, ‘Clearances’ and ‘Result Types’
1. In the ‘Registration’ tab ensure ‘Enable Registration’ is ticked to be able to register for the
current competition, select update
2. Once this is completed, you will have 3 options to choose from, ‘Require reg and report
exceptions’, ‘Require reg and prevent selection’ and ‘Don’t Require reg’.
3. In the ‘Clearances’ tab ensure ‘Enable Clearances and Permits’ is ticked, to ensure players
can be transferred from other clubs / associations, click update. You can provide a link to
your constitution / by laws if these include clearance by laws
4. In the ‘Results Types’ tab, choose the match types that relate to your competitions,
click update
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Adding your venues
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Venues > Maintain Venues
Venue details should have been migrated across from NMAS. If you find some discrepancies with the
information you will need to add / edit details. Venue in MyNetball means the one court e.g. if your
venue is x park you will need to call it X PARK COURT 1 or COURT 1 X PARK. If you have 15 courts you
will essentially have 15 venues.
Click on ‘Add New Venue’
Add the venue name (see description above)
If you want a venue link / map on the public site add the address details. The address will link to
google maps once input
Tick ‘Active’ and ‘Update’
If you aren’t able to locate the venue accurately on the map:
ensure you include state
try some different combinations of the address
drag and drop location marker onto the correct map point
4.5.1 Edit an existing venue
Click on Edit next to the venue name
Make changes as necessary and update
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4.5.2 Deleting a venue
Select ‘Delete’ next to the venue name
4.6 Creating ladder points setup
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Ladders > Ladder Points
Click on ‘Add New Ladder Points Scheme’
Add a name for the ladder
Ensure bonus points tick box is ticked if your association uses bonus points
Tick ‘Default points scheme’ if this is the main ladder you will use
Add your points settings for each match outcome (this will be different for each association)
The sections highlighted yellow will not show as a match result
Click ‘Update’ to save
NOTE: Areas highlighted yellow will not display as result types to be selected. To change refer to 4.4
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4.7 Creating ladder display schemes
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Ladders > Ladder Display
There are 2 options with ladder display schemes; simple and advanced
Shows a basic ladder and you have no control over which columns appear
ADVANCED – Can be customised, calculated on column order and any number of columns
selected to be displayed
Click on ‘Add New Ladder Display Scheme’
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Column order can be changed by
dragging and dropping to relevant
Under Simple Mode tab:
Add the scheme name
Add number of finals teams
Tick ‘Show Team Logos in Ladder’ if you want to display the team logo
Tick Default display scheme if you want to make it the default scheme
Tick ‘Show Ladder Summary Fields’
Select the correct Points Ratio Display
Select the correct Percentage Calculation Method
Click ‘Update’
Under Advanced Mode tab:
Ladder Sort Order if required.
Under Ladder Columns to Display add columns if you require.
You can also move columns up and down and delete as required.
Click ‘Update’
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4.8 Entering match start times
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draw > Configure Start Times
Click on ‘Add New Match Start Time’
Select the day and time
Add a sort order (the sort order determines the ordering of the start time with lower values at the
top and higher values at the bottom)
Click ‘Save’
To edit previous start times click on ‘Edit’
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4.9 Add non playing dates
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Non Playing Dates
Under ‘Add non playing date grouping’ add a new group name
Add a description – optional
Click ‘Save’
To add the specific dates under ‘Existing groupings’, ‘Actions’ click ‘Edit’
In the ‘Add new date’ box select the date range
(It is recommended that if this is a range you specify the day after the last match up to the day before
the next match)
In ‘Add public holidays section’ click on ‘Include dates’ – optional
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4.10 Managing grade setup
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Maintain Grades,
Teams & Ladders
4.10.2 Add a New Grade
The below boxes in orange are tasks that are yet to be completed
Select ‘Add New Grade’
Add in the Grade Name and tick ‘active’ to display
Add in a ‘Grade Sort Order’ number (optional) - this affects the order in which the grades are in a list
Select the grade type from the drop down menu
Add in ‘Age Range’ (optional)
Add a ‘Default Start Time’ (optional and not needed if fixture slots are created)
‘Umpire Allocation Organisation’ – optional at this point
‘Club Championship Weighing Factor’ – not applicable
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‘Automatically Make Match Official When Confirmed’ – i.e. once results are confirmed. Tick if you
want this setting to be enforced
Select ‘Fixture Sort Order’ by round
Select your preferred Match Result Entry Settings
Select your preferred Player Score Entry Settings
Click ‘Update’
4.10.3 Checking teams in grades
1. Select the ‘Allocate Teams’ tab
2. In ‘Populate Available List From’ select ‘Child Organisations’ from the drop down menu
3. In the available teams box select the clubs who are nominating teams into the grade. If a
club has entered more than one team, move the club to the right box x number of times i.e.
if a club has 2 teams, select the club name once then again.
4. When all clubs are in the Teams in this Grade box select ‘Update’
Entity Teams
5. In ‘Populate Available List From’ select ‘Teams with Current Organisation’ (affiliate teams)
from the drop down menu
6. Click on ‘Add New Team’
7. Insert the team name and allocate players to the team.
8. Click ‘Update’
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OR Copy data from a previous grade or season
9. Tick the box below with info you want to copy over
Select the season and grade and click GO – This will override any existing setups carried out for this
In the Grade Management screen select Team Settings
Once a team has been allocated to a competition grade, any changes to the team name and players
should be made here, NOT in the nomination area. Any changes made in the nomination grades
WILL NOT filter through to competitions.
In Team Settings make any changes necessary to the team name / team media name
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Under ‘Squad size’ column click edit to add players to the team
Allocate team roles – optional
Click ‘Save’
Add players across from the squad list from the left to right
Once in the ‘Chosen Players’ box, select a player to add to Captain, Team Manager or Coach and
Once all changes have been made in Team Settings click ‘Update’
4.10.4 Season settings and fixture slots
Fixture slots are a way of adding venues to grades, made up of court allocations versus time
Under the ‘Season Settings’ tab tick the boxes relevant to your association
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Ensure ‘Ladders and fixtures are published for this grade’ is ticked
Select the relevant match type from the drop down menu (this is your match playing time and must
be less than or equal to your fixture slot allocated)
Click on ‘Add New Fixture Slot’
Select the ‘Start Time’ and ‘Venue’
If relevant edit the Weighting and Priority (The weighing will determine the order in which matches
are allocated to this slot. Higher weighting means higher selection chance. Priority is used to
determine the allocation order between fixture slots with the weighting. Lower = higher priority.
4.10.5 Allocating ladders to grades
Select the ‘Ladders’ tab and ‘Add New Ladder’
Select the Ladder Points Scheme and Ladder Display Scheme to allocate to the grade
Set the ladder calculation mode to ‘Auto’
Ensure the ‘Visible on public sites’ is ticked
Grade divisions
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Grade Divisions
Grade divisions are ways of sorting grades into groupings to make it easier to filter i.e. equivalent to
age groups in NMAS. The divisions will also sort the grouping of the grades on public websites
Click on ‘Add New Division’
Add the Division name e.g. Seniors
Enter a sort order, the lower the number the higher the sort list
Click ‘Update’
Select ‘Edit Members’
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Select the grades to add to this division and ‘add’ to selected grades list
Click ‘Save’
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Creating the draw
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Create Draw
N.B. Draws cannot be created for grades with less than 2 teams in
Select the draw type (usually round robin) and the season
Select the grades to create draws for and click on the arrow to move them across
Select fixture template, finals template and match type
Enter draw start date (start date should be the Monday the first week of your fixture. Start time is
not relevant if using fixture slots)
Enter number of rounds
Enter time between rounds (weekly = 7 days)
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In ‘Venue Allocation’ select fixture slots or Home and Away depending on your competition
Tick ‘Publish Draw’ if applicable if you want to put it on the website
Tick ‘Manually enter / edit matches
Enter non playing dates by selecting a group from the drop down list.
Headers and footers can be added to the draw (optional)
Click ‘Next’
Round Settings
Confirm the match types for each round
Round Dates
Starting date and times will be populated by the fixture slots created. If fixture slots have been
assigned you can skip this step
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Venue Selection
If fixture slots have been assigned you can skip this step
Allocate venues to start times or if ‘Any Venue/Court’ is selected matches will be allocated to any
venues specified in the Default venues list.
Seeding - optional
Seeding relates to the fixtures template which can be found in the create draw Start page – Regular
Season Fixture Template more information
Make changes before reviewing /submitting
Check the generated fixture to ensure it meets your requirement. Once you are happy click ‘Submit’
to save
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Editing the fixture
5.1.1 Venue calendar
There are a number of methods that can be used to edit the draw once submitted. Below are a few
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Venues > Venue Scheduler
In this view once the draw has been created matches can be moved to different start times and
venues using drag and drop (maximum 10 venues visible each time)
Select the match you want to move and drag it into the venue and time slot OR
Right click on the match
Select ‘Edit’
Change the details in the pop up screen and select ‘Update’
Be aware once this has been done it is automatically saved so do not move matches unless you are
100% sure!
5.1.2 Editing teams, days, times and courts
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Draw Management
or Edit Draw
Select the grade to make changes to and in the Edit Draw column click ‘Edit’
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Select the round games to display
Make the relevant changes and click ‘Update’
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Maintain Grades,
Teams and Ladders
Next to the grade you want to edit, under ‘Matches’ column select ‘Edit Draw’ from the drop down
Click ‘Edit’ on the relevant match
Make the required changes
Click ‘Update’
5.1.3 Bulk changes to days, times or venues
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Matches > Match
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Select the grade to display
Select the date range or round for the games to display
Click on ‘search matches’
Tick all the relevant matches the change will apply to
In the bulk actions box select ‘Change match dates/times’ or ‘Change match type’ or ‘Change match
Click ‘Perform action’. This will perform the bulk changes for you. You will need to print an updated
fixture list
5.1.4 Changing / replacing teams in a draw
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Replace Team in
This can be used for a last minute replacement of a team.
Once you have added in the extra team in Maintain Grades, Teams and Ladders section, select the
relevant grade
Locate the team to be replaced
In the drop down options select the team to replace them
If a round has already been played and scores input, the change will need to be made manually for
each round using Edit Draw following instructions below:
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Edit Draw
Select the grade and round you would like to implement the changes for
Next to the relevant match click ‘Delete’
You will receive the message below
Click OK
A small C will appear next to the match
Click Update at the bottom – this will clear the score for the game
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Click edit next to the same game
Make the necessary team changes
Click update next to the game and at the bottom of the screen
You will now need to re input the scores in match manager and recalculate the ladder
Creating a single day tournament draw – TIPS
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Create Draw
Ensure you have added in all your possible fixture slots before creating the draw
In ‘Draw start date and time’ add in the tournament date and first match time
In ‘Frequency’ select Tournament
In ‘Rounds per day add in number of rounds to be played
In ‘Time between rounds’ select 0 days, 0 hours and number of minutes from end of one game to
beginning of the next e.g. 15 mins
In ‘Venue allocation’ select Fixture slots
Ensure ‘manually edit matches’ is ticked
To Publish Draws
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draw Management
This will take you back to the draw setup page once you select the grade you want to edit
Make the changes and update
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Match Manager
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches > Match Manager
Before using match manager ensure the correct season is selected! For instructions on editing the
current season read through the Setting Season section
The match manager can be used to execute a number of tasks quickly including:
Entering scores
Changing match statuses
Recalculating ladders
Printing score sheets
Editing the draw
Adding players to entity teams
Adding player stats
Some of these tasks can also be performed through other menu mode options
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Score sheets
6.1.1 Setting default score sheets
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Advanced Grade
In the ‘Match scorecards’ tab, you can either set one default to be used for all grades of different
scoresheets for different divisions.
In default settings choose the default score sheet you want to use. Add any text you want at the top
and the bottom (selecting scorecard preview screen will show which ones can be edited)
Add the organisation logo and sponsor logos (these files will need to be uploaded to the website file
manager before they can be selected)
6.1.2 Selecting different score sheets for different grades
To set different score sheets for specific grades, under Grade Settings tick the grade(s) you want
Click on ‘Update selected grades’
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Choose the template
In the pop up window add in the text you want for these grades (e.g. junior score sheet instructions
and senior instructions)
Click Update
6.1.3 Printing score sheets
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches > Match Manager
Select the grade division or grade and date range or round to display
Tick the grade you need or tick select all in the grade list
In ‘Actions’ drop down menu select ‘Print scorecard’
Entering results
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches > Match Manager
Select the relevant Grade Division and Grade or ‘All grade divisions’ and ‘All grades’ to show a list
Select the date range to show matches or round
Click ‘Search matches’
In the match list tick the matches to enter results for or tick ‘Select all’
In Actions choose ‘Enter result’ from the drop down menu
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Add your scores and result in and click ‘Update’
Player stats
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches > Match Manager
Once the results have been added go to the previous match manager screen
In the matches list next to the relevant match select Actions
Under ‘Enter player scores’ select
Complete player stats – untick ‘played’ for players who have not taken the court or add in periods
played and positions for more detailed stats
Click ‘Update’
6.3.1 Borrowed players
In the player result list above, click the ‘Add player’ box at the bottom
Search for the player and add them to the game
Click ‘Update’
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Calculating Ladders
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Ladders > Maintain Grades,
Teams, Ladders
If you have set the ladder to calculate automatically this will be actioned overnight. If you need to
see the ladder update straight away follow the steps below
Click on ‘Ladders’ in the ladder column
Under ‘Recalculate auto ladder’ select Recalc
You should now be able to see an updated ladder
Viewing Ladders
7.2.1 Basic Ladders
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Public Portal Reports >
Ladders - Basic
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7.2.2 Ladders by round
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Public Portal Reports >
Ladders – By Round
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Ladders > Ladder
Ladder adjustments
Click on add a new adjustment
Select round and Grade and click Go
Select the match the adjustment applied to
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Select the team the adjustment applies to
Adjust the points
Add comments
Click ‘Add’
The adjustment and comments will display on PUBLIC PORTAL REPORTS > LADDERS > BY ROUND by
an A
Clicking on the A will display the reason for the adjustment:
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Activating finals
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Activate Finals
If this information was included when setting up the grades and fixtures template, finals can be
activated using this method
Grades listed in Source Grades should already have valid finals templates for the current season (this
was set up when creating the ladder display scheme and in the Finals Fixture Template in Create
Select grades to create finals for and move across to Grades to Process list
Click Activate Finals when ready
The TBC games on the initial fixture will be filled with team names
Creating finals if NO FINALS was initially selected
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Draws > Create Draw
Select the grade to create the finals for and click the right arrow to move across
Select the finals fixture template
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Select the start date and time of the first game
Enter ‘0’ rounds
Ensure all other settings are the same as creating a draw for the first time
Proceed through the next screens until you reach ‘Create Draw’ page
EITHER Overwrite the information by allocating team names to the finals and submit draw
OR submit draw and follow Activating finals steps above
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Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Grades > Re grade Team
Select the source grade being moved from
Select the ‘Team to re grade’
Select the destination grade
9.1.1 Moving a team from one grade to another
Follow the steps above
Select ‘Create as a new team’
Optional – select ‘Replace future byes in the destination grade with migrated team’ if applicable
Tick ‘Copy played matches and ladder points’ if applicable or leave unticked to start from 0
Tick ‘Replace migrated team with BYE in the source grade’ if applicable
Click ‘Submit’
9.1.2 Swapping two teams
Follow the steps above
Click ‘Submit’
Repeat the steps above for the other team
9.1.3 Re-grade report
Click on ‘Re-grade report’ on the right to show a re-grading history
NOTE: If you find that the team that has been regraded is not displaying on the ladder or fixture,
check whether they have been hidden at Maintain Grades, Teams and Ladders Page
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To show the rounds the team participated in before being regarded look at COMPETITION
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10 Setting up awards
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches> Voted Awards >
Voted Awards Management
Click on ‘Add new award’
Add the award name
Add details into the notes
Select the season it applies to
Select the Public Report Display Status:
 Principal User Only – Will not get displayed on any public pages
 Unrestricted – Will display on public sites such as the public portal
In ‘Vote entry access’ select the people you want to have access to enter votes
Select the grades the vote applies to and click ‘Add’ to move it to Selected Grades box
Select the applicable grade behaviour
Choose the correct validation notes:
 Number of voters - The number of separate 'Vote Entries' for a given match. For example, if
this is set to 1, only one voter can enter votes in a match for this award (for one or more
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players - see below). Any user accessing the Enter Votes screen for the same award and
match will not be able to enter an extra set of votes, but depending on their access, they
may be able to edit the existing votes.
Sum of votes in match - For a single 'Vote Entry', determines the maximum and minimum
range for the tally of votes across all players.
Votes given to an individual player - For a single 'Vote Entry', determines the maximum and
minimum range for the votes given to any one player. Players not receiving votes are left
Number of players that must be given votes - For a single 'Vote Entry', determines the
maximum and minimum number of players that receive votes.
Add in optional notes and click ‘Update’ to confirm
Entering votes
Either select Enter Votes in the Voted Awards Management page or use the menu mode below
Menu Mode
Menu Heading
Menu Item
Competition Management
Matches> Voted Awards >
Enter Votes
Select the Round, Award and Grade and click GO
In the Actions box click on Enter Votes
Add the votes in
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