Beach Historic Property Survey
Beach Historic Property Survey
City of Hollywood Beach CRA Historic Property Survey Florida Atlantic University Center for Urban Redevelopment and Education December 2006 1 Florida Atlantic University Center for Urban Redevelopment and Education Principal Investigator: Professor Ralph B. Johnson Field Directors: Miguel Cifuentes Daryl Johnson Collaboration: Brandon Alba Vania Duailibi Jeff Green 2 Table of Contents Methodology………………………………………………………………………………4 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………..5 Hollywood Beach Historic District Map…………………………………………………..6 Criteria for Designation………..…………………………………………………………..7 Table 1: Properties List……………………………………………………………………8 Table 2: Criteria Matrix……...…………………………………………………………….11 Criteria Description………………………………………………………….…………….17 Description of Architectural Styles……………………………………………….……….92 Major Features……………………………………………………………………………..92-A Bibliography……………………………………………………………………….………94 3 Methodology Several meetings in connection with this project have been held throughout the months from May to September 2006. These meetings were held with the city’s archives, various historical associations and societies related to the history of the city. Research of the Florida Master Site File (FMSF) data base has been conducted in order to learn about previous efforts done by the city of Hollywood. Historic data has been collected to facilitate the understanding of the urban environment at hand. Books, newspapers, videos, historic designation reports and published documents by the National Register for Historic Places have been investigated to gather enough information as to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the architectural sources present at the study site. An in depth analysis of the styles and the criteria to observe them has been done. Specialized books and documents were investigated to reinforce previous notions of style elements and how these contribute with building designations. A field survey has been conducted to capture the site in photographic form. The inventoried result is being entered into the established formats to advance the production of the designation report portion of the document. The city’s ordinance for historic designation has been applied to the findings in order to identify the criteria that would determine the extent of the historic district and the conservation district. 4 Recommendation Broadwalk Historic District: The Idea Behind It Two urban components were included in the zone that is to be designated as a historic district. The Broadwalk, a pedestrian conceived urban element defines the district to the east and serves as a continuous datum to define the historic district from north to south. In addition, all of the city blocks between the Broadwalk and Surf Road were also included for these not only face the ocean, but in most cases are one building deep. These series of blocks are, as a coherent collection, a fragile urban and architectural component that is crucial for the required future cohesive and unified development of the area. Although there are not many contributing architectural buildings remaining in this proposed district, the blocks themselves along with the Broadwalk were the beginning of the city’s tourism oriented development. Together they will form the potential urban skeleton for the mix-used environment expected with revitalization of this urban edge. The western border that defines the district picks up eligible structures outside of the Broadwalk – Surf Road area. These structures are marked (see map) in order to show the number of review criteria items that apply to each property. Only properties that have two or more review criteria were included in the historic district zone. The historic sites with just one review criteria were left out of proposed historic district. These structures are considered to be contributing properties and will help define the proposed conservation district. In most cases they are recommended for individual historic designation. Finally, the west defining line moves along the east edge of Surf Road unless there is a contributing structure on the other side of the road. 5 6 Criteria for Designation A. Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association; B. 1. Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; 2. Association with the lives of persons significant in our past; 3. Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction; 4. Possession of high artistic value; 5. Representation of a work of a master; 6. Representation of a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; 7. Yield or the likelihood of yielding information in prehistory or history. 7 Table 1: Properties List Address Site File No Site Name Date Built Style 309 Arizona Street 317 Arizona Street 312 Arthur Street 1214 N. Broadwalk 301 Buchanan Street 319 Carolina Street 299 Connecticut Street 311 Connecticut Street 309 Crocus Terrance 312 Fillmore Street 323 Fillmore Street 340 Garfield Street 320 Georgia Street 324 Georgia Street 330 Georgia Street 325 Grant Street 334 Grant Street 310 Harrison Street 314 Harrison Street 313 Hayes Street 321 Hayes Street 330 Hayes Street 324 Indiana Street 301 Jackson Street 311 Lee Street 300 Madison Street 309 Madison Street 329 Madison Street BD00304 The Cavanaugh Apts. 1926 Mediterranean Revival 1930 Mission BD00305 BD03798 Oasis Apts. 1950 Art Moderne BD 00002 Nick's Restaurant *** Masonry Vernacular 1940 Art Moderne BD03775 BD03828 Aquarian Apts. 1938 Art Moderne BD03800 Fisher House 1950 Mid-Century Modern BD03799 Carlson Apts. 1940 Mediterranean Revival BD 00008 Whitehouse Condo *** Art Moderne BD03763 1940 Tudor Revival BD00397 1938 Art Moderne BD03797 1935 Cad Cod Cottage BD03741 1955 Mid-Century Modern BD03742 1955 Mid-Century Modern BD03743 1955 Mid-Century Modern BD00454 1940 Mission 1955 Mid-Century Modern BD00473 1930 Mission BD00474 1930 Mission 1942 Art Moderne BD03793 1940 Art Moderne BD00522 1927 Mission BD00587 1926 Masonry Vernacular BD03310 1940 Mediterranean Revival 1955 Art Moderne BD 03298 1949 Mid-Century Modern BD00669 1930 Mission BD03297 1940 Art Moderne BD03787 BD03796 BD03840 Princess Apts. Caribbean Apts. Chateau Gardens 8 Address Site File No 322 Monroe Street 337 Monroe Street 345 Monroe Street 311 Nebraska Street 322-324 Nebraska Street 310 New York Street 101 N. Ocean Drive 809 S. Ocean Drive 1900 N. Ocean Drive 1908 N. Ocean Drive 2200 N. Ocean Drive 2309 N. Ocean Drive 326-328 Oklahoma Street Date Built Style BD00734 1926 Mediterranean Revival BD03003 1936 Masonry Vernacular BD03305 1938 Mediterranean Revival 1942 Art Moderne BD03817 1942 Art Moderne BD00770 1922 Masonry Vernacular 1925 Mediterranean Revival BD03295 1940 Art Deco BD00776 1940 Mid-Century Modern BD00777 1938 Art Moderne BD03838 1940 Art Moderne BD03827 1940 Art Moderne BD03809 1942 Art Moderne 330 Oklahoma Street 333 Oklahoma Street 301 Oregon Street 316 Oregon Street 322 Oregon Street 317 Polk Street 320 Polk Street 328 Polk Street 321 Roosevelt Street 323 Roosevelt Street 300 S. Surf Road 500 N. Surf Road 511 S. Surf Road 604 S. Surf Road 811 S. Surf Road 900 N. Surf Road BD03810 1952 Mid-Century Modern 1950 Art Moderne BD 00004 *** Mid-Century Modern BD00782 1935 Mediterranean Revival BD03747 1950 Mid-Century Modern BD 03330 1948 Mid-Century Modern BD03329 1945 Mid-Century Modern BD03326 1945 Mid-Century Modern BD03816 BD00774 BD03808 Site Name Marlin's Apts. Hollywood Beach Hotel Seaside Motel BD03822 Southwinds 1950 Art Moderne BD03823 Mid-Dream Apts. 1942 Art Moderne BD 03318 1938 Art Moderne BD03337 1938 Art Moderne BD 00003 1948 Art Moderne BD 03299 1946 Mission BD03288 1938 Art Moderne 1955 Mid-Century Modern BD 03769 Ocean Alley Bar 9 Address Site File No Site Name Date Built Style 1401/1451 S. Surf Road 1500 S. Surf Road 1601 S. Surf Road 1700 S. Surf Road 1900 S. Surf Road 2101 S. Surf Road 2104 N. Surf Road 2208 N. Surf Road 2307 N. Surf Road 2325 N. Surf Road 2400 N. Surf Road 2500 N. Surf Road 2700 N. Surf Road 2760 N. Surf Road 2780 N. Surf Road 331 Taylor Street 338 Taylor Street 319 Tyler Street 330 Virginia Street BD 00005 Casa la Playa Condo *** Mid-Century Modern BD 00006 Nautilus Condo *** Mid-Century Modern BD 00009 Enchented Isle Resort *** Mid-Century Modern *** Mid-Century Modern BD 00010 BD 00011 Greenbriar Motel *** Mid-Century Modern BD 00012 Driftwood Apts 1952 Mid-Century Modern 1945 Art Moderne 1940 Art Moderne BD03820 1952 Mid-Century Modern BD 00001 *** Mid-Century Modern BD03824 1938 Art Moderne BD00868 BD03819 Seaside Apts. BD03829 Twin Towers Apts. 1947 Art Moderne BD03830 BD03831 Durant I Durant II 1942 1942 Art Moderne Art Moderne BD03832 Durant III 1942 Art Moderne BD03754 Sun Castle Apts 1955 Art Moderne BD03333 1940 Art Moderne BD03753 1941 Art Deco BD03315 1935 Art Moderne Table 2: Criteria Matrix 10 Address 309 Arizona Street 317 Arizona Street 312 Arthur Street 301 Buchanan Street 1214 N. Broadwalk 319 Carolina Street 299 Connecticut Street 311 Connecticut Street 309 Crocus Terrace 312 Fillmore Street 323 Fillmore Street 340 Garfield Street 320 Georgia Street 324 Georgia Street 330 Georgia Street 325 Grant Street 334 Grant Street 310 Harrison Street 314 Harrison Street 313 Hayes Street 321 Hayes Street 330 Hayes Street 324 Indiana Street 301 Jackson Street 340 Jackson Street 311 Lee Street 300 Madison Street 309 Madison Street A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Site File No BD00304 BD00305 BD03798 BD03775 BD 00002 BD03828 BD03800 BD03799 BD 00008 BD03763 BD00397 BD03797 BD03741 BD03742 BD03743 BD00454 BD03787 BD00473 BD00474 BD03796 BD03793 BD00522 BD00587 BD03310 BD03312 BD03840 BD 03298 BD00669 11 Address 329 Madison Street 322 Monroe Street 337 Monroe Street 345 Monroe Street 311 Nebraska Street 322-324 Nebraska Street 310 New York Street 101 N. Ocean Drive 809 S. Ocean Drive 1900 N. Ocean Drive 1908 N. Ocean Drive 2200 N. Ocean Drive 2309 N. Ocean Drive 326-328 Oklahoma Street 330 Oklahoma Street 333 Oklahoma Street 301 Oregon Street 316 Oregon Street 317 Polk Street 322 Oregon Street 320 Polk Street 328 Polk Street 321 Roosevelt Street 323 Roosevelt Street 300 S. Surf Road 500 N. Surf Road 511 S. Surf Road 604 S. Surf Road 811 S. Surf Road A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Site File No BD03297 BD00734 BD03003 BD03305 BD03816 BD03817 BD00770 BD00774 BD03295 BD00776 BD00777 BD03838 BD03827 BD03809 BD03810 BD03808 BD 00004 BD00782 BD 03330 BD03747 BD03766 BD03326 BD03822 BD03823 BD 03318 BD03337 BD 00003 BD 03299 BD03288 12 Address 900 N. Surf Road 1401/1451 S. Surf Road 1500 S. Surf Road 1601 S. Surf Road 1700 S. Surf Road 1900 S. Surf Road 2101 S. Surf Road 2104 N. Surf Road 2208 N. Surf Road 2325 N. Surf Road 2307 N. Surf Road 2400 N. Surf Road 2500 N. Surf Road 2750 N. Surf Road 2700 N. Surf Road 2760 N. Surf Road 2780 N. Surf Road 331 Taylor Street 338 Taylor Street 319 Tyler Street 330 Virginia Street A B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 Site File No BD 03769 BD 00005 BD 00006 BD 00009 BD 00010 BD 00011 BD 00012 BD00868 BD03819 BD 00001 BD03820 BD03824 BD03829 BD 03834 BD03830 BD03831 BD03832 BD03754 BD03333 BD03753 BD03315 13 Criteria Description BD 00304 309 Arizona Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 309 Arizona Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mediterranean Revival Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 1. “Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history” Built in 1925, the Cavanaugh Apartments are associated with the history of Hollywood because it was constructed during Joseph Young’s development period. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Cavanaugh Apartments embodies the characteristics of the Mediterranean Revival architectural style. A great feature of this building is the central stair that connects the first floor to the roof terrace. It also has four towers at each edge with arched openings. Though not large in scale, it has a monumental concept. Other characteristics of the Mediterranean style include low-pitched roofs, light color textured stucco and roof tiles. 14 BD 00305 317 Arizona Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 317 Arizona Street is associated with the life of a significant person in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” This building was the residence of Chandler Parson. He was a member of the Hollywood Kiwanis, American Legion, Hollywood Yacht Club and Episcopal Church. Also, he was the former head of the city docks and commodore of the Hollywood Yacht Club, which was afterwards dedicated in his honor. Parson bought this building at 2606 Washington Street and relocated it to the beach area right next to the Cavanaugh Apartments. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Although this building is not the best representation of its architectural style, it does contain some of the characteristics of the Mission style. At the time of its relocation to the beach, the building was remodeled into one of the most attractive small properties on the beach. A number of features true to the Mission style include flat roof, exterior stucco, minimal ornamentation and symmetrical massing. 15 BD03798 312 Arthur Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 312 Arthur Street is associated with the Art Moderne movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1950, the Oasis Surfside Condominiums embodies the characteristics of the Streamline/Art Moderne style. The rounded corners and corner windows are the most distinctive feature of this building. The complex has a small interior yard that provides privacy to tenants and their guests. Other characteristics of this style are the flat roof, smooth wall surfaces and overhangs above the doors, typical of Streamline/ Art Moderne movement. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” The Oasis Surfside Condominiums is one of the best examples of Streamline/Art Moderne construction on Hollywood Beach. 5. Representation of a work of a master” The architect Bayard Lukens expressed the Streamline/Art Moderne style by taking advantage of the urban setting in relation to the beach environment. 16 BD03775 301 Buchanan Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, Alma Apartments at 301 Buchanan Street is associated with the Art Moderne movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1940, Alma Apartments is a simplified example of Streamline/Art Moderne construction on Hollywood Beach. The building displays the following characteristics common to its period: flat roof with banded parapets, smooth stucco finishing, and eye-brow overhangs. 17 BD 00002 1214 N. Broadwalk A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1214 N. Broadwalk is associated with the Masonry Vernacular movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Nick’s Restaurant is an example of Masonry Vernacular architecture. The main entrance is beachfront and the front façade is finished with veneer stonework with lots of window openings. The roof systems consist of flat and gable roofs. Exterior decorations include lamps and signage. 18 BD 03828 319 Carolina Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, the Aquarian Apartments is associated with Art Moderne movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1938, the Aquarian Apartments is one of several duplexes built in the Streamline/Art Moderne period. The main wall is divided in two, distinguishing the centrality of the threshold to its rounded corners. Other characteristics of this type include: corner windows, flat roof with banding, scuppers, and smooth wall finish. The crimson stripe unifies the doors and windows by emphasizing the horizontality of the façade. 19 BD 03800 299 Connecticut Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, the Fisher House is associated with earliest development period of Hollywood. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 6. “Representation of a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction” The building does not contain any characteristics that truly represent any particular architectural style. However, it displays a mix of styles that make this building unique. One of its interesting features is the roof, mostly of tile, which is a combination of flat, gable and hip roofs. Other aspects of this building include corner windows, rounded walls, stucco finishing, and Mission bell-shaped edge. 20 BD 03799 311 Connecticut Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 311 Connecticut Street is associated with the Mediterranean Revival style in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1940, the Carlson Apartments embodies characteristics of two architectural styles. The first floor has Art Moderne features such as eye-brow overhangs and streamlines elements. Whereas the second floor has Mediterranean Revival qualities including clay tile roof and decorative finishing. 21 BD 00008 309 Crocus Terrace A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 309 Crocus Terrace is associated with the Art Moderne/Streamline movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Whitehouse Condominiums, located at 309 Crocus Terrace is an example of Art Moderne/Streamline style. The building is a 2-story structure and U-shaped in plan. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: Q-shape staircase, interior courtyard, eyebrows, flat roof with decorative parapet and scuppers 22 BD 03763 312 Fillmore Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 312 Fillmore Street is one of the few Tudor Revival houses in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The building has simplified elements reminiscent of the Tudor Revival movement. Even though it is not genuine, it still embodies the construction pattern of Hollywood Beach. The house has a blend of northern and southern architecture. For example, the steep roof, chimney and attic are elements distinct to cold climate, yet the building materials and construction are related its locale. 23 BD 00397 323 Fillmore Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 323 Fillmore Street is associated with the Art Moderne movement of South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This apartment complex is an example of the Streamline/Art Moderne style. It consists of two buildings separated by a central walkway. The building has a sun motif gated entrance that defines the central walkway. Other characteristics include: rounded corners with windows, smooth wall finish, and horizontal banding. 24 BD 03797 340 Garfield Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 340 Garfield Street is associated with the life of a significant person in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 1. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” Patricia Smith, who is a member of the Hollywood Historical Society, was raised in the residence of 340 Garfield Street. Her family was one of the first settlers to reside on Hollywood Beach during Young’s booming years. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies the characteristics of the Cape Cod cottage style. It is a wood frame construction with gable roof. The entrance and windows are along the ridge side as oppose to the gable side. This is a distinct feature of the architecture common to New England. 5. “Representation of the work of a master” The architect Bayard Lukens constructed this home for the Valentine Martin family. 25 BD 03741 320 Georgia Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 320 Georgia Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1950’s, the apartment complex represents Mid-Century Modern movement of Hollywood Beach. This building is a set of four which are similar in design, material and construction. The building has horizontal and vertical elements that unify and contrast one another. The horizontal windows and vertical wall delineates the composition of the façade. 26 BD 03742 324 Georgia Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 324 Georgia Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1950’s, the apartment complex represents Mid-Century Modern movement of Hollywood Beach. This building is a set of four which are similar in design, material and construction. The building has horizontal and vertical elements that unify and contrast one another. The horizontal windows and vertical wall delineates the composition of the façade. 27 BD 03743 330 Georgia Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 330 Georgia Street is associated with Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1950’s, the apartment complex represents Mid-Century Modern movement of Hollywood Beach. This building is a set of four which are similar in design, material and construction. The building has horizontal and vertical elements that unify and contrast one another. The horizontal windows and vertical wall delineates the composition of the façade. 28 BD 03790 325 Grant Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 325 Grant Street is associated with the Mission movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1940, the house represents a mixture of Mission and Mid-Century Modern architecture. The plan of the structure follows a rectangular layout with an enclosed porch. Other features include: flat roof parapet, stylized chimney, and textured stucco finish. Although a portion of this building has been altered it still retains the overall characteristics of the Mission style particular to Hollywood Beach. 29 BD3787 334 Grant Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 334 Grant Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1955, the Princess Apartments are part of the Mid-Century Modern movement. It is built of concrete masonry, stucco finishing, and artificial masonry veneer. The plan follows a U-shape layout with a small centralized courtyard. In addition, the composition of the façade is delineated by vertical and horizontal planes that contrast one another in texture and shape. 30 BD 00473 310 Harrison Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 310 Harrison Street is associated with the Mission Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1930s, the small residence is a mixture of two styles. Its method of construction represents a transition from the Mission to Streamline/Art Moderne architecture. It has an irregular façade with smooth stucco finishing. The roof is primarily flat with slightly sloped extensions. In addition, the building is almost a duplicate of the property beside it. The main characteristic that makes this design unique is that the mission parapet mirrors itself to its neighbor. 31 BD 00474 314 Harrison Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 314 Harrison Street is associated with the Mission movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1930s, the small residence is a mixture of two styles. Its method of construction represents a transition from the Mission to Streamline/Art Moderne architecture. It has an irregular façade with smooth stucco finishing. The roof is primarily flat with slightly sloped extensions. In addition, the building is almost a duplicate of the property beside it. The main characteristic that makes this design unique is that the mission parapet mirrors itself to its neighbor. 32 BD 03796 313 Hayes Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 313 Hayes Street is associated with Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Caribbean Apartments is a two story structure representative of the Streamline/Moderne movement. It has asymmetrical massing and is built of concrete masonry. The cylindrical forms and rounded edges are just some of the prominent features of this building. Other features include: two winding stairs, central courtyard, horizontal banding, and streamline elements. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” The Caribbean Apartments is one of the best examples of Streamline/Moderne architecture on Hollywood Beach. The design and method of construction compliment the local surroundings and reinforces the beach atmosphere of indoor/outdoor living. 33 BD 03793 321 Hayes Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 321 Hayes Street is associated with Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1940, the Marine Deck Apartments embodies the characteristics of the Streamline/Moderne style. The apartments are built of concrete block with stucco finishing. It is a set of four duplexes, where two of the duplexes have their façade facing the street and the other two set to the back. The Marine Deck Apartments exterior plan is a rectangular layout with central walkway that connects the street to the interior courtyard. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” The Marine Deck Apartments is a good example of Hollywood Beach architecture because its design and method of construction follows the character of the Art Modern movement. 34 BD 00522 330 Hayes Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 330 Hayes Street is associated with the earliest development period of Hollywood and with the Mission movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Breakers Apartments embodies the characteristics of the Mission Style movement. Built in 1926, the building is a twostory rectangular massing with a flat roof and central bell-shaped parapet. The exterior walls are finished with textured white stucco. The building contains a large number of windows, which provides a better view of the outside setting. A decorative doorway demarks the entrance door located on the west side. 35 BD 00587 324 Indiana Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 324 Indiana Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with and with the life of a significant person in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 1. “Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history” The Coral House Motel is significant to history of Hollywood because it is one of the earliest buildings (second building built by a private individual) of the beach to be built and was the first hospital established and operated in the city. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” The Coral House Motel was built by Daniel Russo family in 1924 as an apartment house. Later it became the Gulf Stream Hospital established and operated by Dr. Harrison Walker, but the Depression in 1929 caused him to shut down the hospital. Later became a temporary triage center for injured soldiers serving in WW2. 36 BD 03310 301 Jackson Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 301 Jackson Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies some attributes found in the Mediterranean Revival movement. Although is not the best example, the main characteristics that define this structure include: Italianate cornice, rectangular layout, barrel hip roof and Palladian facade. 37 BD 03312 340 Jackson Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 340 Jackson Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies some of the characteristics of Mid-Century Modern style. Although is not the best example, the main characteristics include: U-shape layout with central courtyard, barrel tile ceiling and eyebrows. 38 BD 03840 311 Lee Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 311 Lee Street is associated with the Art Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Chateau Gardens (formerly the General Lee Apartments) embodies the characteristics of Streamline/Art Moderne style. This is a two-story building with a U-shaped layout and lateral stairs. The main characteristic of the Lee Apartments is the horizontal emphasis. The horizontal lines are accentuated by the use of different texture and banding. In addition, the overhangs above doors and windows are another characteristic of the Streamline/Art Moderne style. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” The Chateau Gardens is a good example of Streamline/Art Moderne because it embodies the main characteristics of its style. 39 BD 03298 300 Madison Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 300 Madison Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies the Mid-Century Modern style. It is a two story residence with rectangular exterior plan and masonry structure system. Additionally, it has hip and flat roofs and front gable pediment on porch. Other characteristics include porthole windows, large bay window on beach front façade, stairs at side entrance and one-story extension (garage). 40 BD 00669 309 Madison Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 309 Madison Street is associated with the earliest development period of Hollywood and with the Mission movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1930, this building is a great example of the Mission architectural movement. With a rectangular exterior plan, this one-story private home has a wood frame structural system with exterior textured stucco. In addition, it has a flat roof with curved parapets and barrel tile trim. The main entrance is an arched opening facing the street. Another detail is the chimney located on the exterior east end. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” 309 Madison Street is a great interpretation of the Mission Style movement in South Florida because of its design features and spatial relationships. 41 BD 03297 329 Madison Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 329 Madison Street is associated with the earliest development period of Hollywood and with the Mission movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in1940, 329 Madison Street embodies the characteristics of Streamline/Moderne style. It is a two-story building that follows a U-shape layout with interior courtyard. The method of construction is a concrete masonry with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof with parapet, T-shape staircase, metal pipe railing, horizontal banding, and scuppers. 42 BD 00734 322 Monroe Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 322 Monroe Street is associated with the Art Mediterranean Revival Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This structure represents the Mediterranean Revival architectural style in Hollywood. It is a two-story apartment building made of concrete blocks and exterior textured stucco. Another feature is the integrated corner towers with simulated arch openings. The roof is primarily flat with parapets, and hip roofs are covered with clay tile. 4. “Possession of high artistic value” This building is of high artistic value because it is a good example of the Mediterranean Revival movement in South Florida. 43 BD 03003 337 Monroe Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 337 Monroe Street is associated with the life of a significant person in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” Benjamin Kramer, a New Jersey liquor-store owner built this house in 1936. In the 1990’s the building was bought and carefully restored by Sal Pellettiere, a former manager of the Southwind Motel in Hollywood. He was presented with the Hollywood Historic Society Certificate for restoring the building. 5. “Representation of the work of a master” The architect Anderson Dickey designed the home for Benjamin Kramer in 1936. 44 BD 03305 345 Monroe Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 345 Monroe Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mediterranean Revival movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1938, 345 Monroe Street residence embodies the characteristics of the Mediterranean Revival movement. It has a gable roof façade with enclose front terrace room. Interesting features of construction includes arched windows and doors, mansard chimney, porthole in gable, smooth wall finishing and scuppers. 45 BD 03816 311 Nebraska Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 311 Nebraska Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Marlin Apartments is a mixture of Streamline/Art Moderne and Mid-Century Modern. The one-story portion of the complex is Streamline/Art Moderne in that it is smaller in size and has a rounded façade. The two story portion of the complex is Mid-Century Modern in that it is larger in size and rectangular in shape. The Marlin Apartments represent a transition from 1940’s to 1950’s construction. 46 BD 03817 322-324 Nebraska Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 322-324 Nebraska Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Art Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1942, the duplex at 322-324 Nebraska Street one of several duplexes built in the Streamline/Art Moderne period. The main wall is divided in two, distinguishing the centrality of the threshold to its rounded corners. Other characteristics of this type include eyebrow overhangs, corner windows, and flat roof with banding, scuppers, and smooth wall finish. It embodies the attributes of many other Streamline/Art Moderne buildings found on the beach. 47 BD 00770 310 New York Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 310 New York Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Coral House is representative of the Masonry Vernacular movement. Built in 1922, it is one of the few buildings left in Hollywood built of coral rock. There are also Mission Style elements such as parapet, barrel tile, and arched windows. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” It is a good example of an early South Florida residence that employed the use of native building material. The home is in good condition and remains true to its original character. 48 BD 00774 101 N. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 101 Ocean Drive is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mediterranean Revival Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 1. “Association with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history” The Hollywood Hotel is a central landmark to the history of Hollywood Beach. It was a principal element of Joseph Young’s original town plan. It was said to be one of the most luxurious hotels in the nation. The opening of the hotel was highly anticipated at the time. As a result, Tent City was established just south of the hotel to accommodate the high volume of tourist. Despite the setbacks of the 1926 Hurricane, a large formal social event marked its grand opening. During World War II, the hotel was taken over by the U.S. Armed Services. It became a naval training school and base for the Navy. The towers of the hotel were used as surveillance posts anticipating an attack from German submarines. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” 49 Joseph Wesley Young was the master planner and founder of Hollywood, Florida. He came to Florida in the early 1920’s to design his “dream city” called Hollywood-by-the-Sea. He quickly acquired real estate along the beach and began developing it in sections. He chose the end of Hollywood Boulevard to be the site for his new hotel. The Hollywood Hotel was the largest hotel north Miami Beach and represented the vigor of Young’s vision. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building is significant because it dates from the earliest construction period in Hollywood, Florida. Built in 1925, it was constructed in only six months time. It is a seven story structure with an ocean front view. Built in concrete masonry and stucco finish it is one of the best examples on the beach. 5. “Representation of a work of a master” Rubush and Hunter designed the Hollywood Hotel in the Mediterranean Revival Style. Lead architect, E.O. Hunter and Rubush were close friends of Mr. Young. Many of their projects were based on California’s trend of Mission, Pueblo, and Mediterranean Styles. 50 BD 03295 809 S. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 809 Ocean Drive is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Art Deco movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Bulldog Manor Apartments, formerly the “W” Apartments is of the few examples of Art Deco on the beach. It represents a transition from Art Deco to Art Moderne. It was constructed in 1940’s and has a second prototype located at 2208 Surf Road. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The “W” Apartments possess a high artistic value because it is one of the best examples of Art Moderne on the beach. In addition, the structure has been well preserved over time and still holds its original character. The decorative elements of the facade mark a transition from Art Deco style into a more simplistic Art Moderne style. 5. “Representation of the work of a master” Bayard Lukens was the architect whom designed the “W” Apartments. The building is a good example of his overall work. In this case, the façade defines the whole essence of the building. The alternating walls undulate back and forth emphasizing the central entryway. In addition, the scuppers follow a 5-count pattern that is repeated along the perimeter of the roof parapet. The “W’” apartments are representative of a Lukens design in that its characteristics can be found in other projects from the same period. 51 BD 00776 1900 N. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1900 Ocean Drive is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mid-Century movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the early 1950’s, the Florence Apartments is a two-story apartment building representative of the Mid-Century Modern movement. The building follows a U-shape layout with interior courtyard. The method of construction is a concrete masonry construction with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: Y-shape staircase, horizontal grooves, horizontal banding, corner windows, and flat roof with parapet. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Florence Apartments has high artistic value because it is one of the better examples of Mid-Century Modern buildings on the beach. The building has a strong rectangular shape that emphasizes the two sides. It follows a bilateral symmetry that helps to reinforce the U-shape layout. Lastly, the Y-shape staircase ties the whole building together by linking the two wings. 52 BD 00777 1908 N. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1908 Ocean Drive is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in 1938, the Edgewater Apartments are a two-story apartment building representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The building possesses many streamline qualities common the surrounding area. The complex consists of three buildings with side courtyards leading to the intracoastal. Interesting features of construction include: cornice grooves, scuppers, eyebrow ledges, smooth edges, outdoor stairs and roof terrace. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Edgewater Apartments has high artistic value because it is one of the better examples of Streamline/Art Moderne buildings on the beach. The building has a strong horizontal façade with alternating masses that step in and out. In addition, there are two pointed archways on both ends. This element has an aesthetic yet functional aspect in that it defines a boundary from street to private. What makes this structure unique is the blend of Streamline and Moorish motifs. 53 BD 03838 2200 N. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2200 Ocean Drive is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Carousel Apartments is a two-story apartment building representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. It was built in 1941 and has an intracoastal view to the west. The building possesses many streamline qualities common to the 1930’s and 1940’s construction. Interesting features of construction include: rounded corner bay, corner windows, banding at roofline, eyebrows, and cartouche with the letter C. 54 BD 03827 2309 N. Ocean Drive A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2309 Ocean Drive is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Hartman House is a one-story apartment building representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. It was built in 1940 and possesses many qualities common to the 1930’s-1940’s construction. The plan follows a slightly L-shape layout with rounded facade. Interesting features of construction include: front porch with steps, corner windows, eyebrow ledges, flat roof parapet, and decorative angelfish vents. 55 BD 03809 326-328 Oklahoma Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 326-328 Oklahoma Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Trade Winds duplex is a one-story building representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The building is one of three duplexes designed and constructed in same fashion. Interesting features of construction include: front steps at entrance, rounded edges, smooth stucco finish, eyebrows, corner windows, and flat roof with parapet. Lastly, the vertical terra-cotta stripe reinforces the façade by creating a connection between ground-plane and entryway. 56 BD 03810 330 Oklahoma Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 330 Oklahoma Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Oklahoma Apartments is a one-story complex representative of the Mid-Century Modern movement. It was built in 1952 and embodies many attributes common to 1950’s construction. The plan follows a U-shape layout with an interior courtyard. It is a concrete masonry structure with flat roof. Interesting features of construction include: eave overhangs, brick veneer, jalousie windows and a low brick wall planter. 57 BD 03808 333 Oklahoma Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 333 Oklahoma Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Seaside Motel is two-story structure representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. It was built in 1942 during the World War II period. The plan follows a G-shape layout with two rounded ends that extend inward. It also has an outdoor courtyard with views toward the street-side. Interesting features of this construction include: corner windows, snaking staircases and flat roof parapets. Built in concrete masonry, it has many characteristics common to other Streamline buildings found on the beach. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Seaside Motel has high artistic value because it is one of the better examples of Streamline/Art Moderne buildings on the beach. What makes this structure unique are the rounded ends and winding staircases. These aerodynamic elements represent the attitude of the modern age; machines were a symbol of growth. 58 BD 00782 316 Oregon Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 316 Oregon Street is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the lives of significant persons in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” Edwin Rosenthal became owner of the one-story house in 1940. He and his brother Albert purchased the Hollywood Beach Hotel, Golf Country Club, and Park View Hotel in the early 1930’s. These landmarks served as an important basis for the economy and employment of Hollywood, FL. 59 BD 00004 301 Oregon Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 301 Oregon Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The ocean-front, two-story building located at 301 Oregon Street is an example of Mid-Century Modern style. The structure is a multi-dwelling that was divided into two apartments. It is built of concrete masonry with texture stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: hip roof with white barrel tiling, porch with balcony above, and flat roof overhangs. 60 BD 03747 322 Oregon Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 322 Oregon Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Southwinds Apartments is representative of the Mid-Century Modern movement. Built in 1954, the building embodies many of the characteristics of its period. The building plan follows a C-shape layout with interior garden. Interesting feature of this structure is the two exterior staircases with streamline railings. These elements reinforce the play between horizontal and vertical lines. Built in concrete masonry with flat roof overhangs, it is one of the more consistent examples of its style. 61 BD 03330 317 Polk Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 317 Polk Street is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies the Mid-Century Modern Movement. Built in 1948, this is a two-story and L-shaped building. The roof types consist of gable and side-gable concrete tiles. Additionally, the building has scalloped sill under windows, scuppers, and shaped rafter tails. 62 BD 03766 320 Polk Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 320 Polk Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the lives of significant persons in Hollywood’s past. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 2. “Association with the lives of persons significant in our past” The residence at 320 Polk Street was the home of Dr. Arthur Blanchard Connor. Dr. Connor was an eye-nose-ear-throat specialist from Chicago, Illinois. In 1925, he and his wife traveled to Hollywood, Florida for one of J.W. Young’s ten-day vacation packages. In 1933, they had their home built in the Cape Cod cottage style along Polk Street. During World War II, he reconstructed the faces of soldiers badly burned in battle. Many of the injured were sent to Jackson Memorial Hospital where medical facilities were more suitable for severe cases. Dr. Connor was awarded a presidential commendation from President Franklin D. Roosevelt for his contributions. 63 BD 03326 328 Polk Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 328 Polk Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The house at 328Polk Street is an example of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. Built in 1945, it represents a transition from Art Deco into the Streamline. The doorway features a tropical decorative motif made in a limestone finishing. Whereas the other components of the house lack the decorative detailing found in many Art Deco buildings. Therefore the corner windows, flat roof parapets, and stucco finishing reflect the simplicity of the Streamline period. 64 BD 03822 321 Roosevelt Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 321 Roosevelt Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Southwinds is a Streamline/Art Moderne house converted into a multi-dwelling residence. Built in the early 1950’s, it is one of the more interesting examples because the house plan steps back into the site. In addition, the exterior staircase unifies the overall composition of the façade, reinforcing the L-shape layout. Method of construction used in this example is concrete masonry and stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: horizontal bands, corner windows, eyebrow ledgers, flat-roof parapet and decorative vents. 65 BD 03823 323 Roosevelt Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 323 Roosevelt Street is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Mi-Dream Apartments is a mix between Art Moderne and Mid-Century Modern. The two-story structure has the streamline components such as curved façade, eyebrows, and flat-roof with parapet. Whereas the secondary structure is an addition built in the 1950’s. It follows a more rectangular shape and relates more to the Mid-Century Modern movement in terms of proportion and aesthetics. Despite their differences, they represent a method of construction common to its time, a concrete masonry structure. 66 BD 03318 300 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 300 S. Surf Road is associated with the Streamline/Art Moderne movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building embodies the Streamline/Moderne style. It is a one-story U-shaped building. Typical characteristics of this style include flat roof, scuppers, eyebrow ledges above doors and windows and smooth exterior stucco. Other features include jalousie and awning windows and diamond patterned stucco fence. 67 BD 03337 500 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 500 N. Surf Road is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Art Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Shuckums building is an oceanfront property and embodies the characteristics of Art Moderne. The single story structure is concrete masonry with stucco finishing. It has a U-shape plan with a porch element wedged between. Others attributes that can be found are rounded edges, flat roof, and streamline wings. 68 BD 00003 511 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 511 S. Surf Road is associated with the Art Moderne/Streamline movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The ocean-front residence located at 511 S. Surf Road is an example of the Mid-Century Modern style. Built in 1948, the home is a cluster of two rectangular structures joined at each corner. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with parapet, jalousie windows, eyebrows, and scuppers. 69 BD 03299 604 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 604 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mission style movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This two-story residence embodies the features of Mission Style. Although not the best example of its style, some of the characteristics are typical of Mission. They include flat roof with shaped parapet, barrel tile roofing and textured stucco. Other characteristics consist of jalousie windows, scuppers and front porch. 70 BD 03288 811 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 811 S. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The house at 811 S. Surf Road is an example of Streamline/Art Moderne and Mid-Century Modern. It has a mix between 1940’s and 1950’s construction styles. The double story component of the house is quite different from the single story part. It is rectangular in form and has large interior spaces whereas the single story is rounded and more related to Art Moderne. 71 BD 03769 900 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 900 N. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Ocean Alley Bar is Mid-Century Modern building. It is a two-story concrete block building with flat roof and stucco finishing. The main entrance is within a patio seating area. Other characteristics include metal, paired and awning windows; awning roof covering the patio and entrance. Additionally, the building has balcony on the second floor facing the beach. 72 BD 00005 1401/1451 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1401/1451 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The ocean-front property, Casa La Playa Condominiums is located at 1401/1451 S. Surf Road is an example of the Mid-Century style. The building has horizontal and vertical proportions analogous to the construction pattern of 1950’s. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with overhangs, horizontal windows, unique staircase, balconies, and roof terrace. 73 BD 00006 1500 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1500 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Nautilus Condominiums, located at 1500 S. Surf Road is an example of the Mid-Century Modern style. The building is a 2story structure and longitudinal in plan. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with parapet, corner windows, horizontal walkway, and roof deck. 74 BD 00009 1601 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1601 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Enchanted Isle Resort/Condominiums, located at 1601 S. Surf Road is an example of Mid-Century Modern style. The property is a set of three buildings each located across from the other. The main building is an ocean-front property, 3-stories high. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with overhangs, decorative staircase, and vertical banding. 75 BD 00010 1700 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1700 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The two-story structure, located at 1700 S. Surf Road is an example of Mid-Century Modern style. The property is a multidwelling with two staircases on either side. It is built of concrete masonry with stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: gable roof, curved staircase, decorative trim, and front elevated patio. 76 BD 00011 1900 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 1900 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Greenbriar Apartment/Motel, located at 1900 S. Surf Road is an example of Mid-Century Modern style. The property is a set of two buildings, one being an oceanfront property and the other off of Surf Rd. It is built of concrete masonry with smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with overhangs, decorative railings, half-cylindrical staircase, and “greenbriar” signage at parapet. 77 BD 00012 2101 S. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2101 S. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Driftwood on the Ocean Motel, located at 2101 S. Surf Road is an example of Mid-Century Modern Style. The property is a set of three ocean-front buildings side-by-side. Built in 1952, the structures follow the horizontal/vertical proportions of 1950’s construction. It is built of concrete masonry and smooth stucco finishing. Other characteristics of construction include: flat roof with overhangs, eyebrows, streamline railings, and corner windows. 78 BD 00868 2104 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2104 N. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The house located at 2104 N. Surf Road is an oceanfront property representative of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The house is a 2-story structure with balcony and features an exterior stairs alongside the main wall. Constructed in the mid1940’s, it is one of the better examples of its kind. The structure is built of concrete masonry, stucco finishing, flat roof with parapet, eyebrow ledgers and decorative railings. 79 BD 03819 2208 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2208 N. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Seawind Apartments is a good example of Streamline/Art Moderne because it embodies the attributes of the style in its design and beauty. It was constructed in 1940’s and has a second prototype located at 809 S. Ocean Drive. 5. “Representation of the work of a master” Bayard Lukens was the architect whom designed the Seawind Apartments. The building is a good example of his overall work. In this case, the façade defines the whole essence of the building. The alternating walls undulate back and forth emphasizing the central entryway. In addition, the scuppers follow a 5-count pattern that is repeated along the perimeter of the roof parapet. The Seawind Apartments is representative of a Lukens design in that its characteristics can be found in other projects from the same period. 80 BD 03820 2307 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2307 N. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Surf Terrace Apartments are an example of the Mid-Century Modern style. Built in 1952, it represents a transition from smaller to larger room layouts. It has an L-shape plan with central courtyard. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof overhangs, veneer brick finishing, decorative brick railings, and corner windows. It is iconic in a sense in that it reflects the construction period of 1950’s. 81 BD 00001 2325 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2325 N. Surf Road is associated with the Mid-Century Modern movement period in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” This building represents the Mid-Century Modern movement in Hollywood. It is two-story U-shaped exterior plan. The roof system is flat with overhangs. The semi-private courtyard faces the beach and it has a set of stairs that leads to the public broadwalk. Other characteristics include exterior stucco and shuttered windows. 82 BD 03824 2400 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2400 N. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Weber Apartments represents the Streamline style. It is a two-story structure with a cluster of rectangular prisms. It is built of concrete masonry with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof parapet, eyebrow ledgers, corner windows, scuppers, horizontal banding, and L-shape staircase. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Weber Apartments possess high artistic value because it is a good representation of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. It is consistent in design, aesthetics, and method of construction common to Hollywood Beach. The repetition of horizontal elements of the façade unites the components of the structure to the whole. It is one of the few examples left on the beach. 83 BD 03829 2500 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2500 N. Surf Road is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Twin Towers Apartments is an example of the Streamline/Art Moderne style. Built in 1947, building is a two-story structure that follows an L-shape plan with oceanfront courtyard. Interesting features of construction include: horizontal banding. Flat roof parapet, rounded corner windows, and winding staircases. It is one of several examples of Streamline/Art Moderne buildings built in the same fashion. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Twin Towers Apartments has high artistic value because it is one of the better examples of Streamline/Art Moderne buildings on the beach. What makes this structure unique are the rounded ends and winding staircases. These aerodynamic elements represent the attitude of the modern age; machines were a symbol of growth. 84 BD 03830 2700 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2700 N. Surf Road is associated with earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Durant Beach House I is a good example of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The structure was built in 1942 and is one of the few surviving beach homes. It is a concrete masonry construction with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof parapet, horizontal banding, rounded edges, and scuppers. It is one of three homes built in the same fashion. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Durant Beach House I has high artistic value because it is a good representation of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The attributes that define this structure are horizontal lines, rounded edges and flat roof parapet. 85 BD 03831 2760 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2760 N. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Durant Beach House II is a good example of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The structure was built in 1942 and is one of the few surviving beach homes. It is a concrete masonry construction with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof parapet, horizontal banding, rounded edges, and scuppers. It is one of three homes built in the same fashion. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Durant Beach House II has high artistic value because it is a good representation of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The attributes that define this structure are horizontal lines, rounded edges and flat roof parapet. 86 BD 03832 2780 N. Surf Road A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 2780 N. Surf Road is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne Movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Durant Beach House III is a good example of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The structure was built in 1942 and is one of the few surviving beach homes. It is a concrete masonry construction with stucco finishing. Interesting features of construction include: flat roof parapet, horizontal banding, rounded edges, and scuppers. It is one of three homes built in the same fashion. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Durant Beach House III has high artistic value because it is a good representation of the Streamline/Art Moderne movement. The attributes that define this structure are horizontal lines, rounded edges and flat roof parapet. 87 BD 03754 331 Taylor Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 331 Taylor Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Suncastle Apartments is a single story structure that embodies the characteristics of Streamline/Art Moderne style. In plan, the building follows a U-shape layout that is symmetrical on both sides. The construction is concrete block with stucco finishing. Again this is an example of Streamline/Art Moderne building common to the surrounding neighborhood because its aesthetics and proportions correlate to one another. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Suncastle Apartments is another good example of Streamline/Art Moderne building type. It has rounded corners and decorative lines that are consistent throughout. An important feature would be the roof parapet in that the horizontal lines step up and down creating a focal point of interest. 88 BD 03333 338 Taylor Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 338 Taylor Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The building at 338 Taylor Street is a single story structure designed in the Streamline/Art Moderne style. The construction is quite simple in that it follows a rectangular plan with two ends that protrude perpendicularly. Some of the architectural characteristics of the building include eyebrows, rounded corners, scuppers and flat roof. 89 BD 03753 319 Tyler Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 319 Tyler Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Art Deco movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” Built in the 1930’s, the two-story apartment building is an example of the Art Deco movement on Hollywood Beach. It has Art Deco qualities in terms of its composition and proportion. For example, the entrance emphasizes the vertical massing in relation to the symmetry of the façade. Interesting features of construction include: smooth stucco finishing, flat roof parapet, vertical/horizontal banding and detailing. 90 BD 03315 330 Virginia Street A. “Integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and association” Located within the City of Hollywood, 330 Virginia Street is associated with the earliest development period of the city and with the Streamline/Moderne movement in South Florida. Its design, material and workmanship are true to the setting and time of construction. B. 3. “Embodiment of distinctive characteristics of a type, period or method of construction” The Beach View Apartments embodies the characteristics of the Streamline/Moderne style by emphasizing horizontal lines and curved planes. In plan, the building follows a U-shape layout that is symmetrical on both sides. The central courtyard is a distinct feature of this building in that it allows for a delightful approach yet marks its boundary from public to private. 4. “Possession of high artistic values” The Beach View Apartments possess a high artistic value because it is one of the few examples on the beach that has consistency amongst its parts. It has curved façade, corner windows, rounded corners, eyebrows, flat roof, etc. These components all work together in a way that is uniform and balanced. 91 Description of Architectural Styles -FRAME VERNACULAR: (1920-1930) These buildings represent the typical method of construction used by the pioneers in South Florida. Although it does not have an academic style, it uses the builder’s experiences and local available materials to create a functional building. Buildings are mostly rectangular, single mass structures where simplicity induced these to adapt well to the subtropical climate where they are located. -MEDITERRANEAN REVIVAL STYLE/SPANISH ECCLECTIC: (1917-1935) This often sophisticated style was a strong influence for Joseph Young in the planning of early Hollywood. This was the first academic style to be seen in the formative years of the city. Characteristic features of this style include wrought-iron work on balconies and balconettes, heavy wood paneled doors, and decorative vents. Low pitched gabled and hipped roofs highlighted with spiral columns, pilasters, stone carvings or tile. Arches are a common feature. Loggias, balconies and patios extend living space to the outdoors. Stucco, limestone, terracotta and glazed tile are materials most frequently used. -MISSION STYLE (1910-1930) It became a popular residential style in Hollywood after it was used to build structures such as train stations, churches and government buildings. While similar in basic materials and architectural gestures to the Mediterranean Revival, the Mission style differs in its simplicity of form and ornament. Indeed, it adapted a freely interpreted vocabulary of design, modest scale and inexpensive construction made it a favorite construction style. The distinguishing features include flat roofs, enhanced by parapets, which can be straight or curved and are often edged with a raised molding. A single row barrel tile sometimes enhances the roof line. Arched doorways or windows are common features as are bell towers and arcades. Scuppers are used to drain the roof. Stucco exteriors can be rough textured or smooth. -ART DECO (1925-1940) Art Deco is a unique style that developed in the 1925 during the “Exposition Internationale de Arts Decoratifs et Industries Moderne” in Paris, this was also the source for the style name. A blend of art and industry, this was a break from traditional eclectic revivals; a self consciously “modern” style, for it looked not to historicism and the past inspiration, but to the future. Angular features play a prominent role. Decorations are limited to geometric or abstract forms. Vertical fluting is common as are bas-relief, panels, etched glass and nautical of tropical motifs. -STREAMLINE/ART MODERNE: (1930-1945) The architecture of the 1930s was greatly affected by the ability to transmit information and people rapidly around the world. The automobile, train and airplane were the new symbols and sources for inspiration. The Italian futurist, the German Bauhaus, and the Dutch De Stijl provided the basis for individuals like Eric Mendelsohn and Le Corbusier to develop a new architectural 92 vocabulary. Massing became more important than the application of detail. Rounded, horizontal, flat, smooth, aerodynamic, became the terms and the goals of not only monumental structures but of the working class homes of the time. In America the style became known as Streamline. -POST WAR MODERN: (1946-1960) Ranch Style Homes: Two unrelated conditions contributed to this turn in residential design. The first result of the long building hiatus and the need for quick, efficient housing. Many soldiers familiar with subtropical environment during training in Hollywood of other locations, returned to South Florida with young families. Ranch homes were erected in mass to house a wave of new residents. This style popular with builders, were relatively inexpensive and used simple materials with none of the traditional detailing. POST WAR MODERN: Mid-Century Modern Architecture: Architecture of this period often sought to use the method of construction as a design expression. Exposed supporting beams and other structural members are common; materials are exposed are exposed and receive little treatment if any. Wide eave overhangs, unusual and oversized windows/window walls and flat pitch roofs only begin to describe the modern home, and frequently the indoor/outdoor condition was a main focus of design consideration. Exterior spaces merged with interior through large glass areas; new construction methods (steel) allowed extended cantilevers which took the form of covered exterior space near the home. 93 Bibliography Books: Berrizbetia, Anita. Inside Outside: Between Architecture and Landscape Cincinnati. Ohio: Rockport Publishers., 1999 Capitman, Barbara Baer. Deco Delights: Preserving the Beauty and Joy of Miami Beach Architecture. E.P Dutton. New York, 1988 City of Hollywood. Design Guidelines for Historic Properties and Districts. Published by the City of Hollywood, 2005 Henry, Geoffrey B. Final Report Hollywood Beach: Architectural Survey-Phase II. GAI Consultants, 2003 Hillier, Bevis. The World of Art Deco. E.P Dutton. New York, 1971 Mickelson, Joan. A Guide to Historic Hollywood: A Tour through Place and Time. Publisher Charleston, SC: History Press, 2005. Nicolas, Olberg. Carlo Scarpa: Intervening with History” Montreal, Canada The Monacelli Press Inc., 1999 Resourceful Rehab: A Guide for Historic Building in Dade County. Office of Community and Economic Development Historic Preservation Division. Metropolitan Dade County, 1987. TenEick, Virginia. History of Hollywood (1920 to 1950). Published by the City of Hollywood, 1966 Shulman, Allan. The Making of Miami Beach: 1933-1942. The Bass Museum of Art, 2000 University of Florida Press. A Guide to Florida’s Historic Architecture. Board of the State of Florida, Gainesville. 1989 Florida Master Site File: Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03337,July 2000. 94 Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03333,July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03315,July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03288,July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00868, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00777,July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03295,July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03329, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03326, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03808, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00304, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00397, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00305, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00454, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00522, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00587, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03310, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03840, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00669, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00473, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00474, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03787, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-00522, July 2000. Anderson, Sherry. Anderson Consulting, Florida Master Site File, BD-03003, July 2000. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03816, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03817, January 2003. 95 Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03838, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03827, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03809, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03810, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03808, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-00782, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03747, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03822, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03823, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03819, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03820, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03824, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03829, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03830, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03831, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03832, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03754, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03798, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03775, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03828, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03800, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03799, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03763, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03797, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03797, January 2003. 96 Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03741, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03742, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03743, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03787, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03795, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03796, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03793, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03003, January 2003. Henry, Geoffrey. GAI Consultants-SE, Florida Master Site File, BD-03813, January 2003. Kemper, Marlyn. Historic Broward County Preservation Board, Florida Master Site File BD-03753. Kemper, Marlyn. Historic Broward County Preservation Board, Florida Master Site File BD-00770. Kemper, Marlyn. Historic Broward County Preservation Board, Florida Master Site File BD-00774. Kemper, Marlyn. Historic Broward County Preservation Board, Florida Master Site File BD-00776. Kemper, Marlyn. Historic Broward County Preservation Board, Florida Master Site File BD-00777. 97