Caboolture Lakes Bowls Club Inc.


Caboolture Lakes Bowls Club Inc.
Caboolture Lakes Bowls Club Inc.
16 Stringfellow Road. Centenary Lakes
Caboolture. Qld. 4510. PHONE 5495 1314.
Chairperson:- Ken Burgess Secretary:- Phil Powell
Email Address:-
Web Page–
August/September Newsletter No. 5
Kevin Coggin had the honour of being the final Winner of the Friday pairs competition that has been running each Friday since 2006. On Friday July 12, Kevin
was presented with his prize from Bonnie Lude. Over those years Bonnie had
spent many hours collating the scores, and could not declare an actual Winner for
the final 3 weeks, due to there being a three way tie. In the end Kevin got the
points and was declared the Winner. Many thanks to Rowly Volk who hand
crafted the beautiful and unique Trophies which were presented each year. Photo
includes previous Winner Russell Familton and competition assistant Johnny Mac.
Come and join us on a
bus ride to Allora Gardens (Marroochy
Beach) Sunday 18th
August, for an afternoon of friendly Bowls.
Cost is $15.00 per
Player, covers the bus
and bowls fees. Purchase of lunch is available at the Club. Bus
Departs, Centenary
Lakes Sports Club at
9.55 am. And returns
from Maroochy Beach
at 4.30—5.00 p.m.
Sheet for names is in
the Office. Come along.
You know you want to..
Exciting News
Bus Trip price change
Now only $15. We need
30 passengers or we
can’t go (sad but true)
If you just want the outing with no
bowls its only $5.00, lets face it,
you can’t even buy a decent
icecream for that So come on board
To New Members:Peter Raske and
Ernesto Bolle-Pichard.
Angela Bolle-Pichard
John Moffatt
Upcoming Competitions
Championships:- Mens Triples,
Mixed Pairs and Mixed Fours, nominations close 24th August enq. Dave Eldridge or Macca Merchant.
Ladies Pennants Division 2 to
Commence 6th August.
The New Website has
details and information of every Club
activity , all results, photos and much
more. Check it out. Caboolture Lakes
Bowls Club will get you to the new
comprehensive Member’s
site. All thanks must go to Phil Powell
for his time, expertise and patience. If
you would like to place any information on the web site foreward to
Red and Purple Day. The inaugural event was held in 1986 and it was proposed as an enticement to
encourage new Members to the Club, while at the same time enabling all participants to enjoy a fun day,
so founder and creator of the event, Bert Morris, designed the red and purple colour scheme, one colour for
north of the river and the other for south,., He then also added the Prize money of $50 as more incentive.
Stuart then took over when Bert moved back to Finley. It has grown since then with Stuart, and son Craig
taking over then later down the track, Greg Mooney and Tommy Morris came on board making the prize
money at the present time $200. This prize money is spread amongst both Winners and Losers. So you are
a Winner just by playing.
Speaking about PURPLE
Is this Ray Roberts AKA
Elton Purple. Wonder if he can
sing? Maybe we could find out
at the Christmas party. Or he
might related to Alvin Purple?
Nah he couldn’t sing. Has to be
Elton. Available for autographs.
Great to see Merv Altmann pop in for a visit
last week. We all wish you the very best. Take
it easy, we missed your smiling face.
For all who are suffering any type of illness
we hope your recovery is quick and complete.
This Little joke may help you to recover, if only to
get to the Club and tell me off. Here goes.:What did the baby corn say to the Mama corn
“where’s poppa corn”
. Feel Better? Knew that would help !
Friends come in all
shapes and sizes and
you can never have too
This joke was sent to me by an
old school friend, we met when
we were 5 years old (thats
around 120 years ago). She is a
Police Widow and is involved
in writing articles for N Qld
QRPA police magazine. This
gives her the right to tell Cop
A Guy was taking his new Mercedes for a drive, quiet
night, top down, thought he’d just open her up. Big time.
Suddenly, he noticed in the rear view the red and blue
flashing lights. He pulled over. The Cop came up ,
inspected his licence and the car and said “Ïts been a long
day, the end of my shift and I don’t feel like more paperwork, so if you can give me a reason that I haven’t heard
before as to why you were speeding, you can go “
The Guy thinks for a second and says “Last week my wife
ran off with a Cop. I was afraid you were trying to give her
back “Have a nice week-end said the Officer” .
This Months Profile
This is a photograph of Our Phil in Uniform in 1986.
Phil Powell is currently the Clubs’ Board of Management Secretary and Men’s Committee Secretary, he is also the Creator and Master of the Club’s Web site. Phil grew
up in the Victorian Western Town of Mortlake. He joined the RAAF at the age of
17, after completing Form 10 at High School. Following Recruit training he was
stationed at East Sale, Vic, Darwin N.T. Canberra ACT, Newcastle NSW, Amberley
QLD, then Air Force recruiting in Townsville, back to Canberra. In January 1988,
after 20 years of Service Phil left the Air Force.
He was a Steward for 4 years then in Administration for 16 years reaching the rank of Flight
Sergeant. He married Kris (ex WRAAF) in 1970 and they have two Children and two Grand
Children. They moved to Caboolture in 1988 and that’s when Phil joined the Public Service and became an Administrative Service Officer for the Taxation Department and in 1989 He commenced
working with the Child Support Agency, then in 2007 due to his medical condition, Phil was invalidated out of the Public Service and retired from the work force. The Family moved to Burpengary in
1992. Phil’s battle with cancer commenced in January 1998 after two operations for removal of the
cancer from his tongue and radiation, another procedure was required in 2001 this time cancer was
removed from his bottom jaw. Phil has been on a liquid only diet since 1998. For a decade Phil enjoyed ten pin bowling, but had a hankering to try Lawn Bowls, he decided to do that, just prior to
turning 60. He had met Tony and Betty Goodwin in Darwin in 1972, so He came to the Lakes for a
trial run with Stu Morris as his Coach. He regrets not joining lawn bowls earlier, but is thankful he
did not leave it any later. He enjoys the game and the rest is history.
This is a story ‘bout a trip up North
We’re Kevy and Danny & we went on a trip
On Kingaroy’s Green we both had a slip
The Green was so fast
Our bowls sped right past
The morning was cold and very foggy
We were goose bumpy & a bit“Groggy “
Geoff and Joe shared our room
With never a moment of gloom
Oh wait, there was one little flaw
And that was Geoff..He could really snore
Causing paint removal and
a hole in the door.
We then high tailed it to the Biloela Club
Where Members were friendly
On the Green and the Pub
Those Country Folk play so well
For us, They created a sort of bowls hell
We played o k for most of the day, then
sadly, it was time to say ...“hurray “
So just forgive this terrible rhyme
Fact is...We had a good time.
We also popped out to the Theodore Club,
where flowers are grown on the green,
Lindsay Ross’s old stomping ground.
We met with great hospitality everywhere
Our Division 3 Pennant Team
Photographed: in no particular order, due to the fact the so
called photographer was being distracted by one, Dave
Thomson.from the peanut gallery. Here we go:- Ron Clune,
Lloyd Cuthbert, Barry Briggs, Dennis Parsons, Peter
McDonald, Ollie Halvorsen, Kevie
Chapman and Lionel Nolan. Missing was
Ted Randall. I was tempted to add a “P”
to Dave’s name to teach him a lesson.
Umpire for the Game on the day was
Dave Mills.
Latest news hot off the press...
THEY WON... Three cheers
Our new Bowls Shirts
Dot was in Cairns recently barracking for her Grandson, Mark, who was playing
Soccer in the Nationals, He only plays for Caboolture, and to be chosen shows his
dedication an ability for the sport.
Kaye and Tim McInerney just finished a pleasurable stint minding Grand children.
Whether it be Children, Grand Children, Nephews, Nieces, puppies or kittens, most of
us enjoy the privilege of taking care of them. Then of course, the other side is obvious in the tale below. Just gotta have a laugh.
We were indeed thrilled to have had Shirley and
Frank Simek from the Burnie Club in Tasmania
playing bowls with us, truly lovely couple. Shirley
presented Dot with a note pad depicting their
Club Logo. The Couple were house sitting in the
area. We will miss their Company, and we hope
they will be returning soon. They will always be
welcome at Caboolture Lakes.
Sausage sizzle was popular at the Red and Purple Day
A Few Excerpts from those
Church Ladies with Typewriters.
These sentences actually appeared in
Church Bulletins or were announced
during Service.
Ladies are commencing their Pennant practice this
Wednesday July 31. Mandy Deans and Mirth Morris
are back on the green Wednesdays. Good to see them
playing. Daphne Stoneham has recovered from her
hospital stay and is back bowling. Wonderful news
Ladies don’t forget the rummage sale.
Its a chance to get rid of things not
worth keeping around the house. Bring
your husbands.
Miss Charlene Mason sang “I will not
pass this way again” giving obvious
pleasure to the Congregation.
At the evening Service tonight, the
Sermon topic will be “What is Hell”
Come early and listen to our Choir
Fasting and Prayer Conference includes meals.
The beginning
The 5 stages of an Editor.
The end.