HecNews Hectronic Sales Conference 2015


HecNews Hectronic Sales Conference 2015
May/June 2015
Issue 03/15
Dear Readers,
Time flies and the first half of 2015 is already over. Hectronic is doing well and
everyone is very busy. So perhaps this is
a good time to point once again to our
social commitment in India.
By now, the GandhiCare organisation
makes it possible for 650 girls and boys
to attend school, runs its own carpenter’s
shop to train boys and two sewing rooms
for young married women. GandhiCare
also supports the local population with
the construction of wells and toilets. The
aid benefits orphans, half-orphans and
people in need, who would have no chance of attending school without any support. Hectronic provides both financial
and personnel support for these activities
Getting involved – Giving help.
For further information, follow the link:
Best wishes from Bonndorf,
Stefan Forster
Hectronic Company Magazine
Hectronic Sales Conference 2015
Workshops and presentations in the beautiful surroundings of the Black
Forest – Guests enjoy the Black Forest atmosphere
This year‘s Hectronic Sales Conference took place in the beautiful region Schluchsee, just
a few steps from the Hectronic headquarters in Bonndorf. The international event was
the first consolidated conference of all Hectronic business units Parking, Refuelling and
Sensor Systems. About 140 people of the Hectronic sales partner companies from all over
the world took up the invitation and came to attend the event near Lake Schluchsee.
At the kick-off dinner on Wednesday, 10th June, on the MS Schluchsee, the sales directors Robert Mazuga and Sven Stottmeier welcomed the first arrivals. On Thursday morning
all participants visited the Hectronic premises in Bonndorf. The visit was rounded off with
a brief insight into the world of „Fasnacht“(carnival in south-west Germany) in the Bonndorf „Narrenstuben“. In the afternoon, the managing director, Stefan Forster, launched the
2-day sales conference. A lot of interesting presentations by external speakers followed.
Among them, speakers from companies such as B+S Card Service, PayPal, Migrol, AS24
or SIX Payment Services. However, the Hectronic sales partners themselves were also involved. They presented the possible fields of application of Hectronic technology, citing
their successful reference projects. The busy working day was then brought to a close
over a Black Forest buffet and selected wines in the conference hotel „Vier Jahreszeiten“.
In addition to the „Blosmaschii“ brass band, the
highlight of the evening was the election of the
partners and newcomers of 2014 for outstanding projects and achievements. In the Parking
area, the cup went to Soltrafégo from Portugal
as the newcomer and to Gleichauf from Germany
as the partner of the year. In the Refuelling area,
both DTech from the United Arab Emirates as the newcomer and TGI from Italy as the partner of the year welcomed their awards. All were visibly proud to receive titles this year.
The second day of the conference was dominated entirely by the workshops. The main
focus here was on presenting the innovations and developments in the Hectronic product
portfolio. After an intensive and above all interesting workshop day, the participants relaxed in the comfortable atmosphere of an typical Black Forest farmstead, the „Henslerhof“
in Hinterzarten. The sales conference was then rounded off on the Saturday morning with
a visit to the traditional Rothaus state brewery. It was then time to say goodbye. All in all, it
was a very successful and effective conference that we will remember fondly for a long time.
Please have also a look at our brand new video about the Sales
Conference in the news section of our website:
HecNews 2015
Citea Parking ticket machine with integrated ATOS
reader has been approved in Holland
The company ATOS Worldline has given the green light to our
new parking ticket machine with ATOS card reader, Citea, after it
had successfully passed the required authorisation procedure. It
has been confirmed that all test steps regarding the mechanical
implementation of the ATOS card readers XENOA and XENTEO
(with PinPad), and also the functionality of the software according
to country-specific requirements in the Netherlands were carried out correctly and according to the regulations. With effect from 1st June 2015, Citea with its integrated ATOS
readers will be formally registered as accredited and approved. In practice this means
that the entire payment process, from inserting the card in the machine to submitting
the transaction to the bank, fulfills the specific security criteria and therefore possesses a
high degree of robustness against attempted manipulation. Several Citeas with integrated ATOS readers have already proved their efficiency on the streets of the Netherlands.
Hectronic India goes into top gear –
acquisition of the company Sams Systems
Hectronic’s Indian subsidiary has been
able to expand its presence and position
in India further. With the takeover of the
company Sams Systems, the branch now
has a further location in India, in Pune to
be exact. Pune is located in Western India,
ca. 150 kilometres from the business metropolis of Mumbai. The company Sams
Systems has existed for ten years and has
a broadly-based spectrum of experience
in the field of tank technology. The managing director of Sams Systems, Abhay Bhuskute, and his 5 employees will optimally
Successful trade fair
appearance in Münster
‘Tankstelle & Mittelstand 2015’, the trade fair for petrol station equipment and consumer goods recently
held in Münster, proved to be a highly successful
event for Hectronic. During the two trade fair days
on 6 and 7 May, we presented our modern and newly designed trade fair stand, made many close contacts and engaged in a number of constructive discussions. Our new probe OptiLevel Inovo for modern
tank content management attracted great interest
from the industry. In addition, the innovative Hectronic Cloud solution was also well received. We were
delighted by the positive response. Hectronic Vertriebs- und Service GmbH, which was established in
2014 and has branches in Bremen and Oberhausen,
was also present at our stand for the first time – true
to the motto “service in proven Hectronic quality”.
New OptiLevel video!
Handshake: Hemant Dahale, managing director of
Hectronic Indien (left) and Abhay Bhuskute, managing director of SAMS Systems (right) are looking
forward to their joint collaboration.
You can watch this on our website:
strengthen the Indian branch in the future with their know-how, to be clients on location even more efficiently.
Diyar United Company becomes the new Hectronic partner in Arabic-speaking countries
The contract has been signed – after negotiations lasting one year Hectronic is
looking forward to a successful and promising collaboration with the company
Diyar United Company. Diyar is one of
the leading solution providers in the oil
and gas industry. With a range of experience stretching back over 30 years and
Smart solutions for
parking and refuelling
HecNews - Hectronic
Company Magazine
Hectronic GmbH
Allmendstrasse 15
79848 Bonndorf, Deutschland
Tel: +49 (0) 77 03 - 9388 0
Fax: +49 (0) 77 03 - 9388 60
Left to right: Miroslav Godovanez (Key Account
Manager Hectronic), Saeed Al-Rashedi (SVP-IT
ADNOC), Stefan Forster (CEO Hectronic), Abdulla
Salem Al Dhaheri (CEO ADNOC) and Bashar Atout
(CEO Diyar).
more than 650 employees, the company’s
field of activities stretches throughout the
Gulf region. As a service provider for the
mineral oil corporation “ADNOC”, Diyar is
already using Hectronic’s automatic vehicle
recognition system, PetroPoint. Although,
this project is still in its pilot phase, the advantages for all sides are very clear to see.
ADNOC, Diyar and Hectronic stand for new
innovations and want to create something
“big” together – the path towards it has
been smoothed by the signing of this contract. “A readiness to work in an international environment – this is what Hectronic
has been demonstrating and putting into
practise for many years. There are no language barriers or cultural hurdles with us.
We are delighted to have acquired a new
partner in the Arabic-speaking countries
with whom we will be able to tread new
paths together” said Miroslav Godovanez, Key Account Manager of Hectronic.