2016 Media Kit - Points East Magazine
2016 Media Kit - Points East Magazine
! e e r F 2016 2015 season POINTS EAST The Boating Magazine for Coastal New England The proven way to reach New England boaters • 25,000 copies distributed to 700+ sites; • Eastport, Maine, to New York City; • Power & sail, racing & cruising readership; • Presence at boat shows throughout the region; • We are a part of the New England boating scene! Do you want to reach New England boaters? Then you should be advertising with Points East. We’ve always believed that our business model – with free distribution at real boater haunts – is the best way to capture the minds and hearts of New England boaters. Combine this free and easy access with fresh, local, intelligent content, and it’s no wonder that up to 30,000 copies of each issue are snapped up by local boaters. Get your message in front of them with Points East. Five reasons Points East is the right place for your business: We reach New England boaters better than anyone else: power or sail, cruiser, day tripper, or racer. No other regional publication speaks to this broad readership. 1 Ads in Points East are proven to work. Advertising effectiveness can sometimes be difficult to measure. But we have the best proof of all that our ads work: More than 60 marine-oriented businesses have been advertising regularly in Points East for more than 10 years! We are obviously working for them. How many other publications can say that? 3 Our editorial voice creates an environment of trust and local intimacy for your advertisement. We don’t do puff pieces, boat reviews, or destination pieces; readers recognize and respect our independence. Since our stories are written primarily by other New England boaters, readers can relate to what they see in Points East. We talk about the kind of boating they do. Our marina listings are accurate. Our tide tables are local. Our stories are real. A look at our spirited “Letters” section reveals the close bond we’ve developed with our readers. 2 Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 2 Points East advertiser information, 2016 publisher@pointseast.com There is no more cost-effective way to get your message out. Points East has the lowest cost-per-impression of any boating magazine. 75% less than the New England regional version of a well-known large-format boating magazine. 79% less than a well-known regional boating/lifestyle magazine. Compare for yourself! 4 Find your ad at boatshows in New England Show CMTA Hartford Providence Cape Cod Boatbuilders New England Boat Show Maine Boatbuilders Rhode Island Marine Trades WoodenBoat Show (Mystic) Maine Boats, Homes & Harbors Newport International Boat Show 5 Dates Jan. 28-31 Feb. 4 - 7 Feb. 5-7 Feb. 13-21 Mar. 18-20 TBA June 24-26 Aug. 12-14 Sept. 15-18 Issue Feb. 2016 Feb. 2016 Feb. 2016 Feb. 2016 Apr. 2016 May 2016 July 2016 Aug. 2016 Sep. 2016 Our readers Boat Ownership 90% own boats (average of 1.7 boats each). 48% own sailboats. 33% own powerboats. 18% own other (kayaks, canoes, etc.). Type of boating 90% are coastal cruisers (sail & power). 43% are day sailors. 20% are blue-water cruisers (sail & power). Gender 87% male, 13% female. Household income 72% have annual household income above $50K. 33% have annual household income above $100K. Website access 80% have visited the Points East website. Advertisers get increased online explosure since our “free” business model lets us put all our issues online in their entirety, including hotlinked ads. Check us out at www.pointseast.com. Coming from Kittery Pt (fisherman daughter) we both enjoy Points East. Enjoy all articles comparing sail vs. power boat vs.single/twin engines; Cruising DownEast/ICW. Advertisers have come in handy many a times ... To the whole team at Points East Online: A dynamic community More than 5,000 visits and 16,000 page views per month (2015 average) • Complete issue available online • Tablet-friendly design • Archived issues back to 2009 • Classified ads • Crew Match listings • Calendar of events • Marine Services directory • Registration for Points East events Points East, Thank you. Peggy Smith, WYC M/V Pegasus • Marina Listings with interactive charts, website links and complete services listings and contact information • Expanded tide tables covering Maine to Conn. Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 www.pointseast.com Points East advertiser information, 2016 3 Points East is an integral part of the New England boating scene Now in our 19th year, Points East has become part of the fabric of New England boating. Your ad in Points East makes you part of this vibrant boating community. So put our local knowledge to work for you. Winter Lecture Series We’ve partnered with the Herreshoff Marine Museum in Bristol, R.I., to bring boaters together on those cold winter nights to share refreshments and hear from some fascinating speakers. People like John Rousmaniere, Capt. Richard Phillips and George David, among many others who have been featured. Points East Crew Match When a captain needs crew for his or her boat, or when sailors are looking for racing and cruising opportunities, they turn to the Points East Crew Match. Our free listings, which appear online and in printconnect boat owners and crew like no other service. Our Crew Match parties, complete with free food, beverages and prizes, are a huge hit. Race and event sponsorship Each year we help sponsor a number of high-profile boating events. Our sponsorship includes advertising and often the insertion of the event program in an issue of the magazine. Events have included: • Cape Cod Boat Show • Herreshoff Museum Winter Speaker Series • Diesel maintenance workshops • Hospice of Maine Regatta • Portland Yacht Club-Monhegan Race • Penobscot Pursuit • Corinthians Ocean Race • Gulf of Maine Solo-Twin • MS Harborfest • Penobscot Bay Rendezvous • ONE Offshore New England Championships • Maine Rocks Race • Round Island Regatta Diesel engine workshops Our diesel engine workshops, taught by Bob Gerwig at Brewer’s South Freeport Marine are very popular. Featuring small class sizes and Bob’s extensive knowledge of marine engines, these workshops are a must for any boat owner who wants to know more about his or her engine. Points East sponsors these kind of events as part of our continuing effort to be an important contributing member of the New England boating community. Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 4 Points East advertiser information, 2016 publisher@pointseast.com Points East maximizes the impact of your ad Here at Points East we go to great lengths to maximize the impact of every advertiser's budget. For example, display advertisers will find their in-print presence complemented by our online reader, where every issue is available just as it is in print, including all ads with clickable links. And they'll have their services listed at no additional cost in our online marine directory. For those with tight budgets, our group ads offer a way to share in a full-page presence at a fraction of the cost. And for advertisers interested in extending their reach beyond print and online, we sponsor a range of live events that provide opportunities for an in-person presence. Some examples of our advertising options: ★ Welcome to Bristol Rhode Island’s 226th Annual ★ Fourth of July Celebration And to the Herreshoff Marine Museum & Points East Magazine Weekend Rendezvous ★ Whether you’ve arrived by boat, car, or foot, you’ll find plenty to enjoy as “America’s Most Patriotic Town” celebrates the founding of our nation. ★ Inside you’ll find: A schedule of town-sponsored activities Details on the special events planned for participants in the Weekend Rendezvous Contacts, phone numbers and other information to help you plan your activities ★ ★ ★ So get those flags ready there’s no better place to be than here on the 4th ★ Event sponsorship Get your products, banners, and people face-toface with Points East readers by sponsoring one of our many events, including crew match parties in the spring, holiday rendezvous in the summer, and speaker series in the winter. Dealer groups Westerbeke™ and their dealers let you cruise coastal New England with confidence. & Engines & Generators Marine Propulsion Engines RUGGED SMOOTH MAINE Boothbay Region Boatyard W. Southport, ME 207-633-2970 www.brby.com Crocker’s Boat Yard Manchester, MA 978-526-1971 www.crockersboatyard.com Handy Boat Service Falmouth, ME 207-781-5110 www.handyboat.com Kittery Point Yacht Yard Kittery, ME 207-439-9582 www.kpyy.net Portland Yacht Services Portland, ME 207-774-1067 www.portlandyacht.com Universal Diesel Engines Forepeak/Marblehead Trading Co. QUIET Marblehead, MA 781-639-0029 www.marbleheadtrading.com Fred J. Dion Yacht Yard Salem, MA 978-744-0844 www.fjdion.com Westerbeke Digital D-NetTM Diesel Generators Robinhood Marine Center J-Way Enterprises Scituate, MA 781-544-0333 www.jwayent.net Georgetown, ME 800-443-3625 www.robinhoodmarinecenter.com Kingman Yacht Center Whiting Marine Services Cataumet, MA 508-563-7136 www.kingmanyachtcenter.com South Berwick, ME 207-384-2400 whitingmarine@yahoo.com Merri-Mar Yacht Basin Yankee Marina & Boatyard Newburyport, MA 978-465-3022 www.merri-maryachtbasin.com Yarmouth, ME 207-846-4326 www.yankeemarina.com Niemiec Marine NEW HAMPSHIRE Great Bay Marine New Bedford, MA 508-997-7390 www.niemiecmarine.com Newington, NH 603-436-5299 www.greatbaymarine.com RHODE ISLAND Westerbeke 65A-Four MASSACHUSETTS Brewer Plymouth Marine New England Boatworks, Portsmouth RI 401-683-4000 www.neboatworks.com Plymouth, MA 508-746-4500 www.byy.com/plymouth CONNECTICUT Burr Brothers Boats Mystic Shipyard Marion, MA 508-748-0541 www.burrbros.com Mystic, CT 860-536-6588 www.mysticshipyard.com Spare Parts Kits That Float! Hansen Marine Engineering, Inc Concordia Company Yankee Boat Yard & Marina Marblehead, MA 781-631-3282 www.hansenmarine.com South Dartmouth, MA 508-999-1381 www.concordiaboats.com Our dealer ads, which include the most popular engine, electronic, and boat manufacturers, are a great way to get a big impact for a small price. Make sure our readers know that you are an authorized dealer for these premier brands. Portland, CT 860-342-4735 www.yankeeboatyard.com editor@pointseast.com 88 Points East December 2011 Marina directory DOCKAGE SERVICES AMENITIES ) (W iFi W (L) ) • ry d (P ) un ne ho • La it (B a yp ) Pa s (S I) B ) ( (C er e NG ow ) Ic Sh (G P) C ) s )• (O e( s (R cerie pan rd P) s o o r m oa p ( ) Pr oo ) G utb Pro (E D) str (C • O ) • ics el( Re lery (I) (F on L) ies d ds ss ctr R )D an ar gla le h ( Ch as(G bo er • E unc s ie In ib ) G a s: • F (R L cilit el: air W) ing mp Fa ase Fu p g ( a t Re od Rig e•R pou -ph o • n /3 le W S) )ra um 0 ab ( (C • P /22 • C il Sa L)ift• ater 110 one LOA •( W er: ph ax s ay w le M rth ilw e Po : Te )a s / B el (R up gs nn ok rin ha Ho oo C M HF nt V sie an Tr of # MARINA CITY TEL# Stamford Stratford 203-359-4500 203-377-4477 CONNECTICUT WEST Brewer Yacht Haven Marina Brewer Stratford Marina CENTRAL Brewer Bruce & Johnson's Marina Branford Brewer Pilots Point Marina Westbrook 9 9 0/25 130' 110/220 W/P L/C 0/6 90' P/C 110/220 W/P L/C ALL ALL G/D G/D/P C/I C/I ALL W ALL W 9/65a 0/20 65' C 9 0/40 130' C ALL ALL G/D ALL C/I C/I Essex 860-767-2483 9/12 5/10 110' P/C 110/220 W/P L/C ALL G/D/C C/I ALL W Brewer Ferry Point Marina Brewer Deep River Marina Old Saybrook Deep River 860-388-3260 860-526-5560 9 9 0/4 45' C 0/5 60' C ALL ALL G G/D C/I C/I ALL W R/S P/W 20/5 55' C ALL W/P L/C/RL ALL G/D I R/S W G/D I I ALL W ALL W Yankee Boat Yard & Marina, Inc. Portland 860-342-4735 68 EAST Mystic Shipyard Brewer Yacht Yard at Mystic Mystic Mystic 860-536-6588 860-536-2293 9/68 /30 140’ 9/11 0/5 50' C 110/220 110/220 110/220 110/220 110 110/220 W/P L/C W/P L/C W/P L/C W/P L/C W/P L/C W/P L/C ALL ALL ALL W R/S W RHODE ISLAND WEST NARRAGANSETT BAY Brewer Wickford Cove Marina Wickford Brewer Yacht Yard at Cowesett Warwick Brewer Greenwich Bay Marina Warwick 401-884-7014 401-884-0544 401-884-1810 9 9 9 6/6 110' 110/220 W/P L/C ALL G/D 18/20 50' P/C 110/220 W/P L/C I/W/F/P/S/R/E 0/30 150' 220 W/P R/L/C ALL G/D I I I ALL W ALL W ALL W NEWPORT-NARRAGANSETT BAY Brewer Cove Haven Marina Barrington Brewer Sakonett Portsmouth 401-246-1600 401-683-3551 9 9 0/6 55' P/C 110/220 W/P L/C/RL ALL G/D C/I ALL W Hinckley Yacht Service-RI 401-683-7100 9 11/CALL150' D/P C/I ALL P/W Portsmouth 0/5 100' P 110/220 110/220 W/P L/C W/P L/C ALL ALL G/D C/I R/S W D I N E ASHORE & August 12, 6pm - August 13, 5pm Kingman Yacht Center Cataumet (Bourne), Cape Cod M A R I N A Pick up your BPI mooring at Prouts Neck YC: N 43° 32” 47’ Launch serv W 70° 18” 45’ Dealers for Evinrude & Suzuki Service most outboards Come sit a spell while having a bite to eat. 1/4 pound lobster rolls BLLT (bacon, lettuce, lobster, tomato) wraps Hearty sandwiches-vegetarian too Hand-tossed pizza Maine made Gifford's Ice cream Homemade whoopie-pies Join us fo dinner, o Black Point (207) 883-250 Monitoring VHF Ch: 10 Located in Diamond Cove on Great Diamond Island, one of the Casco Bay islands off the coast of Portland, Maine. (207) 766-5850 www.pearlsseasidemarketandcafe.com www.diamondsedge.com GREAT DIAMOND ISL.,CASCO BAY,ME MAIN STREET SOUTH FREEPORT 207-833-6000 Restaurant www.dolphinmarinaandrestaurant.com Enjoy Maine’s finest shoreside dining at The Osprey, overlooking the waterfront at Robinhoond Marine Center. Come by land or sea! RobinhoodMarineCenter.com/aaa/osprey BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME Points East Brokerage & Dealers 11 Bristol Way, Harpswell, Maine 04079-3416 2008 Sea Ray 230 Select Waiting to take on the waves. $45,000 2003 Boston Whaler 230 Dauntless w/2003 22XL Mercury Low Hours! $31,000 CASH for your Boston Whaler. Any condition considered. Please call John at ext 13. 16’ 2001 Boston Whaler 160 Dauntless powered by a 4-Stroke 100hp Yamaha. $14,000 JUST REDUCED 25’ 2002 Boston Whaler 255 Conquest w/2004 Yamaha 300hp HPDI. Yours for $39,500 JUST REDUCED 18’ 1986 Boston Whaler 180 Outrage w/2004 200hp Honda $12,900 Visit our website for more information and photos of these and other quality pre-owned boats. A Full Service Marina Serving the Seacoast for over 50 Years 20 Harris Island Road, York, ME 03909 www.YorkHarborMaine.com Toll Free 866-380-3602 303 Pearson $31,000 36' Cheoy Lee sloop w/Volvo $25,000 POWER 18.5 Sea Swirl '98 115OB $10,000 20’ Mitchell Cove CC 35,000 23' Formula, '88, 496 IO 11,000 26' Chris Craft Constellation w/trailer '03 39,000 26' Steam w/stern paddle 29,900 28’ Silverton ’77 4,900 28' Mitchell Cove lobster 19,000 28’ Rinker ’99 28,000 30' Down East cruiser by Doug Dodge, loaded '04 89,000 32' Black Fin loaded '89 130,000 33’ Black Horse molds business opportunity 100,000 36' Crowley Tuna Rig '92 79,000 36' Ellis Tuna Rig '98 139,500 42’ Wesmac lobster boat 800hp CAT, '97 175,000 45' Novi lobsterboat, '97, 3208CAT 100,000 50' Wesmac cruiser 950,000 57’ Wesmac lobster ’06 500,000 SAIL 19' Precision w/trailer 25' C&C '73 30’ Pearson ’73 30' Hunter '81 33’ Hobie w/trailer $12,500 6,500 12,000 9,500 21,000 Broker: Al Strout Phone: 207-833-6885 Mobile: 207-890-2693 email: sales@fkby.com web: www.fkby.com Scandia Yacht Sales of Maine Tidewater Center Consoles are made for long weekends of fishing or just having fun with the family cruising. An 18 footer that feels much bigger with a very dry ride running 40 mph. 30’ Larrabee Flushdeck 27’ Devlin Surf Scoter - Diesel Tidewater 180CC LOA 17'8" ● Beam 7'9" ● Draft 10" ● Fuel Cap. 40 gal. ● Max HP 115 150 HP Honda 4 stroke Bristol Harbor 21CC LOA 21'3 5/8" ● Beam 8'5" Draft 14" ● Weight (dry) 2,575 lbs. Woolwich, Maine (207) 443-9781 www.scandiayachts.com Immaculate Heads, Showers, & Laundry ● Snack Bar, Gas BBQ Grills, Ice, & CNG ● Largest Stocked Chandlery in the Midcoast Boothbay Harbor, Maine MARSTON’S MARINA carouselmarina@myfairpoint.net Monitoring VHF Channel 9 Dockage - Moorings - Gas - Ice (207) 633-2922 www.carouselmarina.com MARINE ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS CUSTOM BOAT BUILDERS Surry, Maine 207-667-4822 www.marstonsmarina.com sales@wesmac.com 207-283-3727 WWW.WESMAC.COM Service groups ROBINHOOD MARINE CENTER 207.371.2530 BOOTHBAY HARBOR, ME www.southportmarine.com Boating isn't just a business at Robalo, it's a way of life. Easy Access Floating Docks to 180 Ft Heavy Deep Water Moorings to 50 Ft S. FREEPORT, CASCO BAY, ME Riverside Patio Dining Room & Bar Area DOCKING AVAILABLE 119 Commercial Street, Bath, ME Located at SOUTH PORT MARINE 14 Ocean Street, South Portland, ME 04106 www.harraseeketlunchandlobster.com POTTS HARBOR, CASCO BAY, ME Restaurant ● ● Lunc Freshest seasfood 11:00 AMh Counter - 8:45 PM served up by the (207) 8654888 Coffin Family for 40 years. Save Lobs room for homemade 7:00 AMter Pound desserts using (207) 865-8:45 PM 3535 their family recipes. Dockage and moorings Fuel, ice, water 207-833-5343 Marina Bar & Tavern, Waterfront Deck, Patio Area, Private event dining room. CAROUSEL MARINA 22’ Scout 222 Abaco RECREATIONAL BOATS-BOUGHT AND SOLD If you have a clean boat to list, give Eric a call at 877-241-2594 “Boats are moving at The Yacht Connection” 1-800-287-3309 Brunswick, Maine www.bamforthmarine.com ● Next to Town Dock Called one of Maine’s most promising young chefs, Justin Rowe has made a bold new mark on coastal Maine cuisine. 207-846-5155 www.chebeagueislandinn.com On New Meadows River Easy access to Casco Bay. Rent a boat. Go FISHING! FMI Call 207-443-4254 www.newmeadowsmarina.com Mention this ad for savings, some restrictions apply CLIFF ISL., CASCO BAY, ME Free moorings and launch service to Inn and Restaurant Guests CHEBEAGUE ISL., CASCO BAY, ME 10% off marine accessories & special orders Same incredible location Under new management. 207-766-2312 Daily 9-7 PROUTS NECK, CASCO BAY, ME “Love your publication. It’s au- Edward Fogarty Reader Southwest Harbor, Maine KYC Offshore Fishing Tournament www.kingmanyachtcenter.com/event R E S T A U R A N T BATH, ME and overall, very enjoyable.” Second Annual To Feat ur ur na ed me nt DIAMOND’S EDGE 207.442.9636 www.kennebectavern.com thentic, real, beautifully written, Visit www.pointseast.com for direct access to these restaurants' websites. ed nd nt pa rfro Ex ate W 203-488-8329 860-399-7906 Brewer Dauntless Shipyard This go-to reference for cruisers is found in the magazine from June to September. Your same listing appears online with user-friendly chart and satellite images of your yard, and clickable links to your own website. Re N sta EW ura nt 2011 MARINA LISTINGS Motor 22’Sizu Hardtop New inboard $23,995 22’ Pulsifer Hampton Launch several available with trailers $17 to $28k 27’ Sam Devlin Surf Scoter, 2006 Turbo diesel, a must see at $98,500 29’ Blackfin Combi,1996 Tower $61,900 29’ Sea Ray Amberjack 290 2006 $99,500 29’ Shannon Brendon Express ’88 $29,900 30’ Fred Larrabee Flushdeck ’52 $29,900 30’ Cape Classic Flybridge ’04 $145,000 34’ Mainship Trawler, diesel $47,900 $29,900 36’ Egg Harbor Flybridge, diesel 36’ Mainship Aft Cabin diesel $58,900 $98,000 45’ Newburyport Motor Yacht 35’ Joel White design – G Swift built Pulsifer Hamptons en route Sail 16’ Haven, 2008 w/trailer 23’ Hunter Sloop 1983 24’ Eastward Ho 1975 diesel 25’ Eastsail New Moon ’05 26’ Ericson diesel, 1984 28’ O’Day, 1980 32’ Pearson Vanguard, 1966 35’ Ericson M III, 1990 35’ Pearson CB, 1971 35’ Joel White/Swift Cutter 48’ Hans Christian Cutter $22,500 $4,500 $13,900 $39,900 $13,900 $7,900 $39,750 $59,900 $29,900 $109,000 $395,000 see all the details at our website www.boatinginmaine.com (207) 899.0909 YARMOUTH, MAINE Our Dine Ashore package offers one-stop shopping for cruisers (and landlubbers) looking for a place to eat. The Tacklebox places sportfishing businesses with tournament schedules. In our Brokerage section, boat dealers have a highly-visible section to advertise specific boats. Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 www.pointseast.com Points East advertiser information, 2016 5 2016 Ad Rates Color Display Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page 1/8 page 9x $952 716 546 405 308 230 178 5x $1,094 823 629 466 355 264 205 1x $1,236 931 710 527 402 299 231 Black and White Display Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page 1/8 page 9x $714 538 411 304 231 172 134 5x $820 617 471 349 267 198 154 1x $927 699 533 396 301 225 174 9x $1,352 1,235 1,235 1,122 1,047 999 5x $1,495 1,380 1,380 1,266 1,203 1,149 1x $1,637 1,522 1,522 1,408 1,360 1,298 Premium Position (color only) Back cover - full page Inside front cover - full page Inside back cover - full page Page 3 - full page Page 5 - full page Page 7 - full page Special Sections URL color ad $50 * Marina listing $100 * Dine Ashore $250/$350 Tackle Box $300 * Gift Locker Section sponsorship Dealer ads 9 issue contract June through September includes placement in online directory June through September includes placement in online directory May through October includes placement in online Tackle Box directory. Pricing based on ad size. Includes hotlinked ad in online guide. Call for pricing Pricing varies with total participation. Includes online link. * Discounted rates available for regular advertisers. Classified Advertising Display ad First insertion $35 per column inch Line ad* First insertion $25/25 words, $5/additional 10 words. $5/photo includes online placement 20% discount for subsequent insertions * Annual advertisers receive 5 free line ads per issue. Online opportunities 150px X 150px button link throughout site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50/month Page sponsorship: 600px x 120px banner link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150/month All prices are net Free ad preparation We’re glad to provide design services to build your ad using your text and graphics. There is no charge for this service. Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 6 Points East advertiser information, 2016 publisher@pointseast.com Print Ad Specifications 1/8 3.437” x 2.209” 1/2 vertical 3.437” x 9.312” 1/2 island 4.596” x 7” 1/4 vertical 3.437” x 4.573” 1/4 horizontal 7” x 2.209” 1/3 vertical 2.259” x 9.312” 2/3 vertical 4.596” x 9.312” 1/2 horizontal 7” x 4.573” 1/6 horizontal 4.596” x 2.209” 1/3 square 4.596” x 4.573” 1/6 vertical 2.259” x 4.573” Full page (bleed) Safe zone: 7” x 9.312 Trim: 7.75 x 10.5 Bleed: .25” all around Full page 7” x 9.312” 2/3 horizontal 7” x 6.113” 1/3 horizontal 7” x 3.010” Dine Ashore page (Dining guide) 2.25” x 2.25” 2.25” x 2.25” Web button page (website address buttons) 2” x 1.75” 4.555” x 2.25” 2.25” x 2.25” 2.25” x 2.25” Issue Midwinter April May June July August September October/November December We accept electronic ad files in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. Ad files should have all fonts embedded or 4.555” x 2.25” 2.25” x 2.25” Print Ad Formats 2” x 1.75” 2” x 1.75” converted to outlines and any colors should be converted to CMYK. Photos and graphics should be sized 2” x 1.75” 2” x 1.75” 2” x 1.75” at 200 dpi. Electronic files may be emailed to office@pointseast.com. Hard copy camera-ready print- 2” x 1.75” 2” x 1.75” 2” x 1.75” 2016 Deadines Advertising deadline* Jan. 6 Feb. 26 April 1 May 6 June 3 July 1 Aug. 5 Sept. 9 Nov. 4 outs are also acceptable. Distribution Jan. 25 March 14 April 18 May 23 June 20 July 25 Aug. 29 Oct. 3 Nov. 21 We advertise predominantly in Points East. Our ad has brought in new business and developed our reputation. The Points East team has been very pleasant to work with and make advertising easy. *Applies to camera-ready ads only. Ads requiring design work need to be submitted one week prior to this date. Deborah Delp, president Yankee Marina & Boatyard Call Now! 1-888-778-5790 www.pointseast.com Points East advertiser information, 2016 7 To place an ad, please contact your local account representative Maine Lynn Emerson Whitney phone: 207-326-9051 mobile: 207-479-5484 lynn@pointseast.com Massachusetts & New Hampshire Peter Partridge mobile: 508-277-4344 peter@pointseast.com Connecticut & Rhode Island David Stewart mobile: 401-862-0446 david@pointseast.com All other states Joe Burke phone: 888-778-5790 mobile: 603-930-5160 publisher@pointseast.com How to reach us Our mailing address is: Points East Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 1077 Portsmouth, NH 03802-1077 Telephone & internet information Toll free: 888-778-5790 Local: 603-766-EAST (3278) Fax: 603-766-3280 Email: office@pointseast.com Web: www.pointseast.com Package delivery 249 Bay Rd., Newmarket, N.H. 03857 Member “Magazines deliver powerful relationships that influence, inspire and endure. The magazine media brand experience is based on trusted editorial, complemented by relevant advertising.” Magazines continue to score significantly higher than TV and online in ad attention and receptivity Simmon’s Multi-media Engagement Study 8 Points East advertiser information, 2016 publisher@pointseast.com