The Blazer


The Blazer
The Blazer
It’s your school paper.
June 2012 ~ Daniel Boone Area High School ~ Birdsboro, PA 19508
Billboard #1 Songs
1993: Whitney Houston “I Will Always Love You”
1994: Mariah Carey “Hero”
1995: Boyz II Men “On Bended Knee”
1996: Los Del Rio “Macarena”
1997: Toni Braxton “Un-Break My Heart”
1998: Brandy and Monica “The Boy is Mine”
1999: Cher “Believe”
2000: Madonna “Music”
2001: Janet Jackson “All for You”
2002: Eminem “Lose Yourself”
2003: Beyonce and Jay-Z “Crazy in Love”
2004: Usher ft. Lil’ Jon and Ludacris “Yeah”
2005: Mariah Carey “We Belong Together”
2006: Daniel Powter “Bad Day”
2007: Rihanna ft. Jay-Z “Umbrella”
2008: Flo Rida “Low”
2009: Black Eyed Peas “I Got a Feeling”
2010: Ke$ha “Tik Tok”
2011:Lady Gaga “Born This Way”
2012: Fun. “We Are Young”
#1 Hits Through
the Years
#1 Movies of the Year
1993: Jurassic Park
1994: Forrest Gump
1995: Toy Story
1996: Independence Day
1997: Titanic
1998: Saving Private Ryan
1999: Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
2000: How the Grinch Stole Christmas
2001: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
2002: Spider-man
2003: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
2004: Shrek 2
2005: Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
2006: Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
2007: Spider-man 3
2008: The Dark Knight
2009: Avatar
2010: Alice in Wonderland
2011: Inception
2012: The Avengers
Class of 2012!!
Mipsey: I leave you all the skittles and magic beans
in the world! Bethany: I leave you the altos, Mrs.
Weiser, and MWAH! Tyler: Good luck without me!
- Cory—Señora Arroyo: ¡Que guay!
Meghan McGovern, call me if you need fashion or
hair tips! My Spanish 5 class, ¡Que Guay! Corey
Schamschellllllll, enuf sed. Bradford, Oh Bo (oboe).
Scott, have fun being an only child! Everyone else,
Love, Jes.
I remember getting yelled at every day for talking
with Amber Heere-Mclead in Algebra freshman
year. I remember my hilarious German classes
every year!
-Briana Rogers
To my sister Erin, I leave you my stress from AP
Physics :) and my responsibilities as SADD vice
-Love, Your Big Sissy <3
To Frau Frederick, stop yelling at Deutsch 5 so
much. It hurts our feelings :’(. Be sure to watch
Spongebob with your daughter, Hanelore.
The Announcers Club: I leave senior privileges to
Amanda, Jaime, Kayla-they have final say on everything; Eric, do what you do-teleprompter & Minecraft; John, don’t let seniors kill you; everyoneshow up, record, read, do things.
-Mike Rapak
To Darian, all of the good memories and all of the
bad ones make up what we are. Counting the stars
on the clearest night or getting upset over the stupid fight. Everything is worth it. You’re my everything. Forever and always.
To J.J. Krystopa, I leave my video editing skills as
well as my sacrifice of not having a life because of
it. I wish you luck.
To all my math and science teachers I give you the
work I never showed on my homework, quizzes,
and tests.
-Jacob Peifer
To all my friends I leave the good times, the times
we laughed, the times we ran down the halls to get
to lunch, and all the times we raced Mr. Helzer,
the numerous times we played Uno in Study Hall,
and for all the younger students I leave the hope
that they can have as much fun as I have experienced these past four years.
-Britni Jackson <3
I leave all my experiences and devotion to my
younger sister, Abby. She’s going to need it for
the challenges to come.
-Madison Chirinos
I remember Mondays at lunch during sophomore
year. Our entire lunch side of the cafeteria would
stare at Rob McNerney until he took a bite of his
food. Everytime he did, we would all yell,
―Oooo!‖. After a while, the other side would echo
I leave my amazing grades to James Holowko, my
our yells so the whole cafeteria was yelling at Rob
dashing looks to Ryan Bologa, and most importantly when he tried to eat.
my heart to Miss Sarah Seasholtz.
-John Holowko
I remember during Mr. Boone practice when I fell
and cut my leg open, and when I got thrown on
To Pat Stone, I leave my parking space. To Brandon my face-overall it was the time of my life and
Hultz, I leave my football locker.
something I will never forget.
-Jesse Jones
-Blase Cesarone
To Darian, all the good memories and all of the bad
ones make up what we are. Counting the stars on the
clearest night or getting upset over the stupid fight.
Everything is worth it. You’re my everything. Forever and always.
I remember when I used to say ―I can’t wait to be
a senior and get out of here‖. Now I wish I wasn’t
leaving everyone I love and wishing I could do it
over again.
I will always remember Mr. Boone and all of the
new friends I made my senior year. The bonds we
chefs formed will never be forgotten. And I’ll always remember the look on Blase’s face when we
tossed him in the air at Mr. Boone practice. Priceless.
-Dalton Voerman
To all future Shakespeare classes, I’d like to leave
all the amazing memories and laughs I shared with
my ninth period class during my junior year.
-Brad Simko
To Dom M. I leave the position of captain and also
the pleasure of being the cutest on the team, stay
schemin’. To Devyn M., I leave the position of
―swag king‖. With great power comes great responsibility! To Kelly B., I leave my heart…oh
wait you have that. <3
-Chris Coasram
I would like to bequeath the power of doodling in
class (it helps you pay attention, unlike when you
text), and the power of indifference (it doesn’t matter what other people think or say, just ignore
-Sara Ellis
I leave my brownie and cookie recipes to Mr.
Lugar and Mrs. Dippilito, so they can always have
something to look forward to and always have
To my lovely, friendly J.D. Okunewski, I wanted to something sweet to remember me by. <3
let you know that I love you like a brother and I
-Love always, Danielle Werley
will miss you next year. You’re a lovely friend who
makes my heart warm. Senior year goes by quicker To the School, I give my common sense. You’re
than you think.
-Kyler Gauger
I remember when people could carry around backpacks without the threat of immediate danger. Oh
how I miss January.
-Michael O’Mara
It was a normal, cheery morning in Mrs. S.
Fulmer’s honors POD class, and no one could foresee the horrid event to come. Innocent Susan
strolled in, and was suddenly tripped by the accursed Ed Kim-her papers flying everywhere.
To Zach Haines,
I leave my awesome lunch table in the corner next
to the window. Make sure you don’t eat the
chicken patties!
-Josh Housel
To Eric Mannering, I apologize for karate chopping
every fruit you had at lunch.
I remember during junior year, in Miss Jones fourth
period history class, a bunch of students would create different objects before she came in like a pyramid, bicycle, and many others.
-Rian Waldbrann
―Years from now, I won’t remember every freaky
night or the things that made us laugh so hard until
our stomachs hurt, but I will remember that they
were the ones that were there, always.‖
-KAT forever –Kirsten Mamaster
Mr. Less is gone, needlemeyers. The world has
-Justin Kline
I leave all my memories and laughter with my only
two friends. KAT forever!
–Ashley Childs
To Morgan Mack, Nicole McNerney, and Lizzie
Levy: You’re all such talented musicians! Thanks
for making senior year fun! I’ll miss our fun times
at practice! I love you all, good luck next year with
-Love, Miranda Esposito
To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
but also dream; not only plan but also believe. Always keep your head up like I did no matter what
life throws at you.
Stay in school.
–Lizzie Rosario
I love you, Mrs. Thomas! The best substitute
teacher ever!
Man…I’m going to miss our baseball locker room. you with this: goodbye and good luck.
-Keeanu Erb
–Sam Coccie
I leave my neck brace to Mike Carr. The student
section will be run by J.D., Austin, and Gianmarco.
And to dirty Dan, my beloved little brother, I leave
you without a ride to school.
- Alex Downs
To John Luke Thorp, I leave you the wisdom bestowed upon you, also, my knowledge of various
caterpillar species. To J.D. I leave you my mojo
and funk-use it well.
–Jesse Arthur Orr
You will all be missed like I miss lunch…not at all.
- Nicholas Pigner
To Jon (fluffy) Herflicker, we’ve been together
throughout the years of school. It sucks that you’re
not graduating the year with me; I feel so disappointed and it won’t be the same. I want you to realize that your high school years are so important; I
want you to do the best of your ability to be successful. Keep your chin up because your sister will
always be at your side.
–Jackie Herflicker
I’d like to thank Joe Perfetti for being Italian, and I
appreciate beating Damien in ping pong everyday. To Damon, Aiden, and Camryn Brown; have fun
Best of luck to the future ping pong players of stu- without me next year.
dent union 2013.
–Jacci Brown
–Dai Huffin
To Paige: I leave you my case of senioritis and the
To all the underclassmen, do not procrastinate, do opportunity of good and bad times during high
all of your work, and enjoy your senior year.
–Melissa McLaughlin
–Megan Lanham
I’m going to miss study hall picnics with Rich
Kelemen. He made the best sandwiches!
–Emily Eddinger
To my little brother Casedawg, make sure you enjoy your years in high school and don’t act a fool.
To the Lady Blazers softball team, have a great
season next year and play your hearts out. To
I will never forget during my sophomore year I got Daniel Boone High School, it has been real and
trapped in Mrs. Mewhort’s room. The worst part is thanks for all the memories.
that everyone could escape but me crawling out the –Briana Heffernan
window. I will also miss Thorp, even if he is my
Even through all the drama, senior year has been
–Ryan Morta
amazing. I am most definitely going to miss the
guys racing down the halls and chanting what’s on
Things I will miss: walking the halls with my
their minds. My friends and I have so many amazfriends and hanging out at our lockers and talking. I ing memories thanks to each other and the teachers
will also miss a few teachers that I had, like Mrs.
who we saw everyday. I am going to miss all of
Dangler, Mr. Werely, Mrs. Houck, Mr. Tothro, and this, but the next step will be even more amazing
Mr. Thorp. –Renee Gebhard
memories for all of us.
–Kazandra Loader
To all my choir friends, I leave you with all the
new freshman… have fun! To my locker buddy
I look forward to never again taking a test with the
Christine: you can keep the green mirror you have question ―the moment of truth‖ and the answer
had since freshman year. Cory Jones, my good
―spike.‖ Then again I look forward to never taking
friend: I thank you for all the happy memories and a written gym test again.
all the advice you have given me. I don’t leave you – Connor Kurtz
with anything, because when I need a friend, surely
enough, you will be there. To everyone else, I leave
Mr. B tulations
did a one 2012! Chip Sch
n aw
esom Everyone eick,
e job
Colors: Black and Blazer Blue
Song: One Republic “Good Life”
Quote: “To accomplish great
things, we must not only act,
but also dream; not only plan
but also believe.”
Congratulations to
Lauren Demberger
and Alex Downs,
the Prom Queen
and King !
Well Wishes to the
Class of 2012
Dear Classmates,
Where has the time gone? Thirteen years after
starting kindergarten, high school graduation is here
already. Friendships have been made and broken, tests
have been passed and failed, and classes have come
and gone. Now, our final ―assignment‖—graduation—
is almost due.
Our years at Daniel Boone Area High School
have been, at times, challenging and demanding.
Whether preparing for that critical math final or perfecting that difficult athletic play, we have all had our
share of high school challenges. These challenges
helped shape us into who we are today and contributed
to making us stronger and more resilient learners.
high school presented many
challenges, it
also presented
many fun and
rewarding opportunities that
developed into
experiences that
we will remember forever.
Maybe your favorite memory is setting a new school
record or marching in a local parade; maybe your favorite memory is chatting with friends in the student
union or spending the day with your friends on the
class trip. We each have our own favorite memories of
our time at DBHS. While high school may only last
four years, the memories we have made will last eternally.
We have faced challenges and we have
achieved great things. Now it is time to move on. On
behalf of the class officers, I would like to wish you
success and good fortune in life beyond high school.
DBHS has given us the tools we need to succeed; now
it is our chance to use those tools to shape our lives,
our communities, and our world.
Until we meet again, thank you for the memories!
Connor Kurtz, Class Treasurer
Class of 2012
By the Numbers
We have had 2,340 school days
…Which, at nearly 7 hours per school day, is
over 950,000 minutes!
…Which is more than 270,750,000 minutes for
the Class.
…Which is over 515 years of school, nonstop,
We have had to roll out of bed and
come to school on more than 400 Mondays.
The Class of 2012 has been served
nearly half a million meals since first grade.
…and that doesn’t include breakfast.
If you were paid minimum wage for
every hour spent in school you would have over
The bell has rung over 7,920 times during our high school career.
We have had over 6,400 class periods in
our high school career.
Thinking Ahead...
Please ―like‖ the class Facebook page
at It is our
hope that this page will be a resource for information about classmates and upcoming events.
Finally, we would like to thank you for
allowing us to serve you during our high school
Stay in touch,
Rileigh Gerhart, President
Lauren Demberger, Vice President
Connor Kurtz, Treasurer
Rhea Santos, Secretary