Woodlawn FREE - TAKE ONE


Woodlawn FREE - TAKE ONE
Woodlawn Villager Woodlawn
March 2012
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
the “wonders”
in our
March 2012 Vol. 27 No. 3
How to Get
More Money
From God
Pg. 3
Sue’s Got
Cooking in
the Kitchen
Larry Katz
Does an Oscar
Also inside:
Ollie Matson on
Birthday List
Our Pet of the
and much more
On the cover:
Meet your picks
for phenomenal
women in
of Women’s
History Month
See pages 12-13
”Wonders” from the communities of Arbutus • Baltimore City • Brighton • Catonsville • Chadwick
• Dickey Hill • Edmondson Heights • Forest Park • Franklintown • Gwynn Oak • Hebbville • Liberty
Heights • Lochearn • Milford • Milford Mill • Pikesville • Powhatan • Owings Mill • Randallstown • Villa
Nova • West Hills • Westview Park • Windsor Hills • Woodbridge • Woodlawn • Woodmoor • Woodstock
Woodlawn Villager Your Editors
Debbie Douglass
Delores “Mom” Douglass
Happy springtime! As we
put the final touches on this
edition, the sun is shining
extremely bright. The
warm weather and budding
trees do a lot to lift our
moods. We hope you are
experiencing sunshine too!
We got a few emails
about our late news stand
appearances. Since our relaunch in August 2011, we
are now on a different print
schedule. Look for us on
news stands approximately
Keep that in mind when
sending your submissions.
In order to meet the
Yard Sale
publication date, we need
to get them by the 6th of
the month.
Do you know that we
will celebrate 10 years
as editors in February
2013?! We would love
to reach that date with a
fabulous celebration. Will
you commit to helping
us obtain advertisers and
sponsors to help with our
printing and production
Leave it to us to keep
bringing you interesting
and positive information
about our communities.
Visit us on Facebook and
on our website. We love
getting your feedback.
We love hearing from
you. Until next issue, stay
Founded in 1984
P.O. Box 47187
Windsor Mill, MD 21244
Celebrating Kim
Brockington as
Zora Neale Hurston
Business Mgr - Ollen Douglass
“Calling Me
Could Be The
A special story for
Women’s History Month
The Woodlawn Villligar
is putting the spotlight on
Milford Mill Alum, Kim
Brockington. Kim has
had great success on stage
and screen. Lately, she is
best known for her stellar
performances of “Zora.”
Kim starred in the onewoman show as recently as
March 12, 2012 in Atlanta
and before that, at the
Black History Month Play
Festival in New York City.
Zora Neale Hurston’s
Move You
Ever Make”
Photos) Sue Coflin/Max Photos
Coming Apart Together.
Her movie credits include
School of Rock with Jack
Black, Love Songs with
Lou Gossett, Jr., Dirty
Laundry with Jay Thomas,
Rock The Paint for
Tribecca Film Festival, Red
Right Hand, and Crossfire.
Kim and Villager editor,
Debbie are childhood best
friends. They reunited a
few years ago when Debbie
went to New York to see
Kim in the off-broadway
play, Angela’s Mixtape,
a story about the life of
Angela Davis’ niece.
Kim Brockington
“Kim is a kind, loving
most noted work was
person. She was when
her book, His Eyes Were
we were little girls. Her
Watching God. She was
performance in Angela’s
very popular during the
Mixtape gripped me to
Harlem Rennaisance.
my core. I look forward
Kim’s career includes
to seeing more of her
roles in From the
performances and to
Mississippi Delta, Thunder spending more time with
Knocking on the Door,
her,” Debbie said.
The America Play, In
Kim is slated to perform
Walks Ed, Dark Paradise,
Zora in Baltimore in May,
Venice, Flyin’ West,
though unconfirmed at
Legacies, Letters From
press time.
A New England Negro (a
Stay tuned for more
one–woman show) and A
updates on Kim
Christmas Carol.
Brockington, a wonder
Brockington has appeared from our community.
on the New York stage
More information and
in productions of Zora,
photos of Kim can be
Killa Dilla, Holiday Heart, viewed at her website,
In White America and
Debbie Bastacky
Rev. Chuck Brooks
Delores Douglass
De Jackson
Larry Katz
Valerie Matthews-Haynes
Ollie Matson
Sue Jackson-Stein
For assistance with
any of your real estate
Courtesy Photo
Thank you for your
support and
Parkview Trails Community
will be holding their yard
sale on Saturday May 12th
Carol Johnson
between 8:30 a.m.-1:30
Ollen C. Douglass
p.m. The yardsale will be
Lois V. Rosedom-Boyd
held at the community
Harrison H. Hill
pool/clubhouse parking lot
Sue Jackson-Stein
located on Cantwell Road
Vashti Davis Pullum
Ellen D. Dorkins
off of Fairbrook Road.
Debbie Knight
Items sold will be clothes,
E. Brown
toys, books, and many flea
market items. For more
Rutherford Heights
information, or to reserve
Improvement Association
a vendor space contact
Margaret Wells
Woodlawn Sr. Ctr. Council
Doretha R. Blackwell
Delores M. Speaks
Get your free copy at:
Wilnet Bristow
Social Security
Woodlawn Library
Alumni Association
Randallstown Library
the Captives Free
Liberty Resource Center
JC’s Chicken & Trout (Dogwood)
Herbert Rogers
Louise’s Bakery
New York Chicken
Naddiya Nash
of Gwynn Oak
Barbara Cuffie
Woodlawn Senior Center
Kimmoly Rice-Ogletree
Double TT Diner (Rt. 40 west) Everyday Women NetWork
Monaghan’s Pub
Laverne Jackson Holland
PriceRite Supermarket
Steve Whisler
Kernan Hospital
We Care Clinic Edmondson
Village Shopping Ctr
Social Security News Stands
Herbert Rogers
Page 2
March 2012 Darlean C. Williams
Life Member, Real Estate Million
Dollar Assn., Ltd.
BuAsk me for the unique
financing plan to meet
your needs.
Ask me for a free
market analysis of
your home.
7131 Liberty Road, Ste. 200
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Business: 410-944-7378
Residence: 410-922-2654
Advertising Disclaimer
The Woodlawn Villager reserves the right to revise,
reject or edit any advertisement or portion thereof
at its sole discretion. Claims for errors must be
made no later than 14 days after the ad appears.
The Woodlawn Villager does not reimburse for ads
printed incorrectly, however, every effort will be made
to satisfy the advertiser. The maximum liability of
the Woodlawn Villager for any error in printing shall
not exceed the cost of the paid advertisement. To
correct ads that repeat, it is the responsibility of
the advertiser to notify the Woodlawn Villager of
any errors so that such corrections can be made to
future publications. The Woodlawn Villager does not
endorse any claims made by its advertisers
Woodlawn Villager March 2012
income because you don’t
spiritually. In chapter three have enough money. God
it reads, "Will a man rob
says that you don’t have
God? Yet you are robbing
enough money because you
Me! But you say, 'How have are robbing Him. Much of
we robbed Thee?' In tithes
the Bible Points material
and offerings. You are
comes from the sermons of
cursed with a curse, for you Pastor Chuck Brooks who
are robbing Me, the whole
serves as pastor-teacher
nation of you!” (vs. 8-9)
of GraceWay Church,
In this passage God lets
2001 North Rolling Road,
His people know that they
Baltimore, MD. You can
didn’t have the money they listen to or download many
needed because they did
of Chuck’s sermons at
not give Him a proper ofwww.mygraceway.org or
fering. You may be thinking keep up with the events
that you can’t give the Lord sponsored by GraceWay on
a tenth or more of your
our Facebook page.
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
Bible Points
by Chuck Brooks, Sr. Pastor
Graceway Church
How to Get More
Money from God
God wants His children
to ask Him for help. Not
only does God want us to
ask Him, He wants us to
This month we are going
be diligent about asking.
to begin a look at what the
In Matthew 7:7 Jesus says,
Scripture teaches concern"Ask, and it shall be given
ing how to get more money to you; seek, and you shall
from God and more provifind; knock, and it shall be
sion from Him but this is
opened to you.” You cannot your run of the mill
not tell from the English
“Name It and Claim It” ser- translation but here Jesus
mon. You see, God does not is urging God’s children
have to do anything. God,
to come to Him continuthe Creator of all things, is
ously and persistently. The
sovereign in all things---we verbs in this passage are
aren't. God is not obligated in the present tense in the
to prosper anyone; God is
Greek and literally mean
not obligated to open the
to “keep on asking”; “keep
windows of Heaven and
on seeking”; “keep on
pour out a blessing but He
knocking.” In other words,
does because He is a grathe Father in heaven (vs.
cious God and blesses those 11) delights in giving to
who do not deserve to be
those who persist in prayer.
blessed. Our outline conLive Righteously. Many
sists of five simple points:
of North America’s oldest
(1)Ask Diligently, (2)Live
people credit their longevRighteously, (3Give Faithity to “living right.” A
fully, (4)Manage Dependsearch of the Bible will also
ably, and (5)Wait Patiently. reveal that answered prayer
We will look at the first
is connected to “righteous
three points and save the
living.” Just think of it,
rest for next time. Ask
good parents who love and
Diligently. In James 4:2, at care for their children will
the end of the verse James
not reward disobedience.
writes, “You have not beGod the Father, who is betcause you do not ask God.” ter than any earthly parent,
James is referring to the
will not bless unrighteous
ministry of prayer. Many
living. In fact, James goes
do not “have” because they on to say in his letter that,
do not “ask” God—they do “You ask and do not renot pray—they do not seek ceive, because you ask with
the Lord for the things they wrong motives, so that you
need to make it through
may spend it on your pleathis life. Much of the time
sures.” If we believe that
we are like that child who
“God is good; all the time!”
says to his mama, “I can do we must also believe that a
it myself.” We attempt to
good God will not wink at
do life on our own until we our bad behavior. This is
run into problems, experiwhy James says in 5:16 that
ence an emergency or hit
in order to get our prayers
a brick wall; only then in
answered you and I need to
our desperation do we pray.
confess when we sin. He
says, “…confess your sins
to one another, and pray
for one another, so that
you may be healed. The
effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish
much.” The windows of
heaven fling open on their
hinges for the one who
walks upright before God.
Quoting Psalm 34:15 Peter
writes, "The eyes of the
Lord are on the righteous,
and His ears are open to
their prayers; but the face
of the Lord is against those
who do evil" (1 Peter 3:12).
Give Faithfully. When you
and I make it a priority to
seek God’s Kingdom and
when we make it a priority
to live right, God will not
only take care of our needs
but will use us to become
a channel through which
to bless others. Jesus says
in Luke 6:38, “Give, and
it will be given to you…”
Jesus goes on to say, “If
you give, it will be given
to you, ‘good measure,
pressed down, shaken
together, running over, they
will pour into your lap. For
by your standard of measure it will be measured to
you in return.’” The picture
is a container of grain filled
to the brim and running
over the edge. In other
words, the more we pour
out of this container into
His Kingdom, the more He
fills it up to overflowing.
In the book of Malachi God
rebuked the people for their
neglect of the true worship
of the Lord and called them
to repentance (1:6; 3:7).
He used a question-andanswer method, to get them
to see where they were
Win a Spa Retreat for MOM!
KSB Ministries sponsors
essay contest for girls
8-12 from Mar 1st- April
21st.Write an essay
between 150-300 words
explaining why your
mom is a great mom and
deserves a spa getaway.
The winning mom will
receive a free trip to
the 2012 Spa Retreat
for women presented
by Karen S. Bethea
Ministries with complete
spa services (May 10th12th). Transportation will
also be provided. Submit
your essay and photo to the
address below (postmarked
by April 21st). Include your
name, mothers' name, and
contact information on your
essay. The contest winner
will be announced by May
1st. Essays and photos will
not be returned. Please
mail entries to:
Mother's Day Spa Getaway
Attn: Dec. Toni Wilkerson
Set The Captives Free
Outreach Center
7111 Windsor Mill Blvd.
Balto., MD. 21244
Submitted by Jacqueline Billberry
Epworth United Methodist Chapel
3317 St. Lukes Lane Baltimore MD 21207
Rev. Dr. C. Anthony Hunt, Senior Pastor
Rev. Kelly L. Grimes, Associate Pastor
Upcoming Events
Palm Sunday, April 1st, 8:15 & 10:45 am
Maundy Thursday Worship, April 5th,
Good Friday Worship, The Seven
Last Words, April 6th, 7:00 pm.
Easter “Resurrection” Sunday, 8:15
& 10:45 am services; breakfast, 7:00 am
Annual Men’s Day, Sunday, April 15th;
9:30 am single service only ; Dr. Stanley
Fuller, guest worship messenger.
Page 3
Woodlawn Villager March 2012 Talk to
Baltimore City College Choir Has Received
National and International Acclaim and Has
Performed at the White House
Conversations with
Life Coach
Valerie Matthews-Haynes
Dear Val,
I am about to become
an aunt! I had always
expected to be so happy
when this day came. But,
because of the circumstances, I am more concerned than happy. You
see, I am unable to have
kids of my own and had
looked forward to being a
close auntie when my only
brother had children. Well,
my brother broke up with
Sharon (his baby nana) the
month before she found out
that she was pregnant. My
brother, being the jerk that
he is, has been very fickle
about his feelings toward
fatherhood and he is adamant that his relationship
with Sharon is over.. I
think he likes the idea of
being a dad but does not
want the responsibility and
definitely does not wasn’t
the commitment of a relationship. I have only met
Sharon twice, but I want to
extend the hand of support
in a family manner. My
brother says I should mind
my business. (As far as U
an concerned, my soon-tobe-niece is my business.)
So, I ask you, Is it okay for
me to contact Sharon and
let her know that I would
like to be a part of my
niece’s life?
Signed Auntie WannaBe
Dear Auntie,
I think that it is commendable that you want to be
a part of your niece’s life
despite the situation. Yes,
I think it is okay for you
to reach out to Sharon. Be
clear and careful in your
approach. Make sure that
Sharon understands that
your interest is in her as
the mother of your niece.
And, that you have no
interest in what does (or
doesn’t) go on between
her and your brother. It
would be advisable to
have the same conversation with your brother.
You should not be denied
the joys of being a part
of your niece’s life. And,
depending on what happens between your brother
and Sharon, you may be
the bridge to your niece’s
paternal family members.
Call her and congratulations Auntie!
The Emmaus Missionary
Baptist Church
Trusting Wholly In the
Lord! Proverbs 3:5-6
Pastor, W.D. McClung II
Pre-Women’s Day Brunch
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Hat and Fashion Show
11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Tickets: $20 each
For infor call 410-6552095 or e-mail Emmaus@
1st Annual
Women’s Day
Sunday April 22, 2012,
10:45 am.
9928 Lyons Mill Road
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Theme: Christian Women
Page 4
Valerie Matthews-Haynes is a
Certified Life Coach practicing in Maryland, Florida and
Georgia. As part of Be The
Better You Empowerment
Services (BTBY), Valerie conducts workshops and private
coaching sessions. For more
info, contact us vmatthews@
bethebetteryou.com or 770619-5922.
The Baltimore City College High School Choral
Program consists of over
one hundred students ranging from grades 9 through
12. The choir takes pride
in performing music from
the classics of Handel and
Praetorius, to the spirituals and works of Dawson,
Hogan, Ellington and
Over the years, the
Baltimore City College
Choir is honored to have
performed at Baltimore’s
Christmas Monument
Lighting, the Christmas in
Washington Celebration,
at a number of U.S.
Presidential Inaugural
Balls and Ceremonies,
and (pictured above)
an impressionable
performance at the White
The choir has recorded
four CD’s: Vision for the
Millennium; Living the
Vision: The Europe Tour; A
New Vision: Great Things;
and Live in Milan.
Choir members must
balance a rigorous schedule
designed to develop their
academic and music skills.
This year, the choral program
of Baltimore City College
celebrates 25 years under the
direction of Linda R. Hall.
Woodlawn Villager De Jackson
On Family
Hello family.
As human beings we can
all acknowledge we have
fears. Does the fear of
height, deep water or dating sound familiar? Have
you let your fears stop you
from the joys life has to
offer? What about career
wise? Think about it. Do
you experience the fear
of interviews, speaking
in public or networking?
If you do here are some
helpful tips to help address
these issues:
Ask yourself what is the
worst thing that can happen if you feel you failed
an interview. Will you
be fired? No, you won’t.
Having a bad interview
can prepare you for the
next. Think of it as a
practice. Assess what you
think went wrong. Make
a list, then another list of
corrections you can initiate
March 2012
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
to make the next interview,
even better. Do this with
each interview. If you start
to feel frustrated because
you have not achieved your
goal, practice the art of
Always turn a negative into a positive. Why
do people fear speaking
in public? It’s probably
because no one likes to be
embarrassed or laughed at.
But, if you know your subject well, like a rehearsed
speech, the odds of your
nerves being a little calmer
would be greater. Confidence is a great career tool
that can be learned. Expose
yourself to Toastmasters
clubs or similar group settings. Speaking about various subjects can be made
easier if you expand your
knowledge base by reading
or researching topics.
Practice makes perfect,
or close to it. Networking
maybe difficult for those
who consider themselves
introverts. But an introverted person should never
feel they are missing the
mark. Instead, they should
look at them serves as analytical, observant, patient.
Their way of networking
does not have to mean talking all the time.
Deciding what needs
to be said and when, is a
valuable asset. Marketing yourself can sometimes
be uncomfortable. Most
people have been taught
to be humble and not to
brag. But when it comes to
talking about your KSAs,
bump that ego up a notch
and show off your best.
Let others know if you
have leadership qualities,
or are an excellent team
player. Don’t be afraid to
“brand” yourself as a good
candidate for opportunities.
Take on the challenges of
those tough jobs. Volunteer often so people will
call you engaged, committed and dependable.
Suited to Succeed:
12th Annual
Benefit “Suit-APalooza 2012”
Baltimore, MD January
20, 2012: Suited to Succeed
will hold its 12th Annual
Benefit “Suit-A-Palooza
2012” on May 24th, 2012
from 5:30pm– 9:30pm
at the Patricia & Arthur
Modell Center for the
Performing Arts at the
Lyric. The event ticket
price is $50 in advance and
$60 at the door. The Suit-APalooza Party Pack includes
10 tickets for $475.
This event, as in previous
years, will be an evening
of bidding on over 100
amazing silent & live
auction items, great live
music, entertaining and
artistic vendors, gourmet
food, delicious desserts and
so much more. Governor
Martin O'Malley is once
again the Honorary Chair.
Patrice Harris of Fox 45
will again be the Mistress
of Ceremonies along
with World renowned White
House Correspondent April
Ryan. Jonathan Melnick
of Alex Cooper will be the
Suited to Succeed is
a non-profit 501(c)(3)
organization that provides
professional clothing and
job training workshops
to women in the greater
Baltimore region who are
transitioning from welfare
or underemployment to
the workforce. Suited to
Succeed provides clothes
for approximately 200
women a month. In the
past two years, the program
provided more than 20,400
items of clothing to its
Suited to Succeed relies on
donations of goods, as well
as monetary donations from
foundations, major
corporations, law
firms, retail stores, and
individuals that help to
offset the costs of providing
clothing and services to
their clients. For more
information on Suited
To Succeed, visit www.
Planning your travel just got closer.
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Page 5
Woodlawn Villager WOODLAWN
This school year
has rounded its last turn
and with less than four
months to go BCPL is
here to help with school
assignments. Not only
is Woodlawn library
open every Sunday from
1:00-5:00p.m. (Holidays
excluded) but we have
some wonderful databases
to help both children and
adults. All you need is
your library card and
you’re ready to go. Log
onto bcpl.info, click on
Kids/Teens and then look
under the Got Homework
tab. Here you will find
information on inventors,
ideas for your next Science Fair project, biographies on famous people,
learn some sign language,
find the complete works of
William Shakespeare and
get geography, math and
history help.
One of our favorite databases free to the
public with a library card
is Brainfuse which provides online homework
help to libraries nationwide through its HelpNow service. Students
type their question in our
online classroom and
receive live homework
assistance from a Brainfuse-certified tutor. Tutors
are trained to not simply
provide answers but to
help students master the
homework assignments.
Patrons receive live writing assistance from Brainfuse tutors via our online
classroom, which features
copy/paste technology
and secure file sharing.
Live writing assistance is
particularly helpful during
Page 6
the preparatory stages of
the writing process when
students need help organizing outlines and developing
general themes. The writing
lab helps students submit
papers via our secure file
sharing feature then tutors carefully analyze
each paper with respect to
voice, word choice, content, sentence fluency, and
organization. Papers, with
constructive comments, are
returned to patrons within
24 hours. The FOREIGN
on-demand homework help
and has other resources
for patrons who are taking
a foreign language class.
Spanish is currently supported.
Brainfuse also has
CENTER which provides
foundational, career-enhancing skills to job seekers. In addition, the Adult
Learning Center offers test
preparation (including the
GED and the USCIS citizenship test), and a unique
academic skills center featuring live, online tutors.
BCPL is proud to
provide support for you and
your students online and
in person. Don’t forget to
check us out!
Woodlawn Library
March 2012
Preschool Story Time
2 to 5 years old with adult
Interact with your child to
nurture a love of reading by
enjoying stories, activities,
and songs together.
Fridays 1811 Woodlawn Drive
Woodlawn, MD 21207-4074
Monday through Thursday
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Friday and Saturday
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
10:30 AM
International Story Time
2-5 years old with adult
Join us inside Storyville
for stories and songs from
around the world.
Mar 1 Thu 7:00 PM
Baby Boosters Story Time
Birth through 23 months
with adult
Join us for simple stories,
music, movement and
rhymes for you and your
Mar 3 Sat 10:30 AM
Mar 17 Sat 10:30 AM
Mar 31 Sat 10:30 AM
Fiestas and Siestas
Birth through 23 months
with adult
(0-2 years with adult/0-2
años con una persona
Enjoy simple stories,
songs, and rhymes in
English and Spanish. Para
disfrutar unos hermosos cuentos, lindas canciones, y unas fabulosas
rimas tanto como en inglés
y español.
Mar 10 Sat 10:30 AM
Mar 24 Sat 10:30 AM
World Languages Story
All ages
Join us for stories and
songs in English and another world language.
Mar 15Thu 7:00 PM
Spanish and English
Woodlawn Book Club
Join us for lively discussions of great books. New
March 2012 Tips on
Protecting Our
Streams and the
Chesapeake Bay
article and art submitted
bybyStuart Campbell
Spring is just around the
corner and so are new
members welcome. Join us opportunities to make the
for some great discussions. Woodlawn area a healthier
neighborhood. Blue Water
New members welcome.
March‘s book is Secret Ob- Baltimore can help with
session by Kimberla Lawson free and low-cost water
conservation projects to
Roby. April’s book is The
green your home in an
Most Dangerous Thing by
effort to protect our local
Laura Lippman. May’s
streams and the Chesabook is Love Brought Me
peake Bay.
Back by Natalie Cole.
Blue Water Baltimore is a
non-profit focused on clean
Mar 15Thu 7:00 PM
Computer Know-How at
Your Library
Learn basic computer skills.
Registration required.
Mar 22 Thu 7:00 PM
LEGO Fun: Create with
LEGO blocks! All supplies provided. Registration
Elementary school age- 6 to
12 years old/children 6 to 7
with adult
Mar 24 Sat 2:00 PM
American Sign Language
Story Time
2-5 years with adult
Join us inside Storyville
for stories told in American
Sign Language with voice
interpretation presented by
teachers from the Maryland
School for the Deaf.
Mar 26 Mon 2:00 PM
Introduction to the Internet
Learn basic Internet skills.
Mouse and keyboarding
skills recommended. Registration required.
Mar 29 Thu 7:00 PM
streams and healthy communities. Opportunities
for your home include rain
barrels for water collection
and half-off Bay-friendly
landscaping. Currently,
stormwater is the primary
source of pollution in the
Baltimore area. This water
during rain carries trash,
oil and gas, and sediment
into your streams, polluting them and the Bay.
Diverting and storing
that water with barrels or
strategic landscaping helps
you and your community
at the same time.
Our Water Audit program
includes a free property assessment and financial incentives. This spring, make
a difference in your neighborhood. Contact us about
this free program and how
you can help clean up local
streams while greening
your neighborhood in the
process. Register online at
or call 410-254-1577 xt
Woodlawn Villager Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
Oscar Wrap Up
by Larry Katz
The Oscars were
broadcast on 2/26/12. As
usual the show was good
and bad.
Billy Crystal came back
and while he was his
usual amusing self, he
didn't really create that
atmosphere he used to.
We'll see who it is next
one time began at 10 p.m.
on the east coast and one
year the award for best
picture was given at 1:40
a.m. One year, the first
award was given some
forty minutes after the
broadcast started.
As far as the actual
awards were concerned,
it went pretty much as
planned. The big shock of
the night was when Viola
Davis from The Help lost
to Meryl Streep. Davis
Courtesy photo
The show at 3 hours in
length is getting shorter
every year. For 2012
audiences 2 hours of
awards and 1 hour on
the red carpet is enough.
Crystal was very funny one
year when he announced
at midnight on the east
coast "we're half way
through." The Oscars at
was favored.
The show can dispense
with smaller technical
awards. Who really cares
about sound editing?
People in general are only
concerned with the top 5
or 6 awards.
There will always be an
Oscar show. It just needs
to update itself.
World Premier Of Carl Grubbs’s
Inner Harbor Suite For Jazz And
String Ensembles
The Walters Art Museum Graham Auditorium, 8PM
Baltimore, MD (April 7, 2012).
It’s About Baltimore!!!
written in 1983 and
The Carl Grubbs Jazz
recorded by the Carl
Ensemble and the Peter
Grubbs Jazz Ensemble in
Minkler String Ensemble
1993, “Inner Harbor Suite:
join in a performance of
Live at the BMA”, moves
new arrangements of the
to another level with the
“Inner Harbor Suite: Live
inclusion of the string
at the BMA” at the Walters ensemble led by Peter
Art Museum Graham
Auditorium. Originally
by Tyler Perry
Review by
Stephanie L. Dunn-Hunt
Courtesy photo
Whether or not you
have previously been
a fan of Tyler Perry's
plays or other films,
take a leap of faith and
go see his latest film,
Good Deeds, which is an
uplifting story of finding
self, truth, and belief in
others without expecting
anything in return.
A stellar cast including
Phylicia Rashad, Thandie
Newton, Eddie Cibrian
and Gabrielle Union.
Tyler Perry plays
Wesley Deeds, an
affluent businessman
who leads a predictable
life, set forth by his
deceased father and
With SHE,
Month from the Point
of View of Women
Baltimore City
Community College will
kick off its artful spring
showcase of classical
music and stage events,
a spring arts festival and
fashion show, and poetry
reading by the new poet
laureate of Philadelphia
among many others, with
Verena Lucia Anders's
production of SHE,
Friday, March 16 from
7-8:30 p.m. at the Liberty
controlling mother (Rashad).
His fiancee (Union) lives
with Wesley, and knows
what her life will be like
down to what Wesley will
eat for breakfast every day.
He is also responsible for an
irresponsible brother(Brian
White), who has always
wanted to run their dad's
company, while their mother
and reckless choices have
made him a full-time job for
his older brother.
Enter Thandie Newton. An
angry mother who works for
Deeds Industries and falls on
severe hard times after her
military husband is killed,
thrusting her original life
plan of becoming a nurse
to provide a good life for
herself and her daughter to the
back burner. Yet despite her
myriad of problems, losing
her apartment and having
her belongings set out on
the street and almost having
her daughter taken from her
by Social Services, Thandie
comes to form a friendship
with Tyler, seeing beyond
his money; seeing the "real"
Wesley Deeds, who is not only
a generous person but a kind,
good person who is not being
campus Fine Arts Theatre,
2901 Liberty Heights Ave.
Awarded first place at the
Washington, D.C. Summer
2011 Fringe Festival, SHE
represents a continuation of
the collaboration between
Anders and Baltimore dance
company Shange, founded
by Baltimore School for the
Arts (BSA) alumna Kutia
Jawara. Most of the dancers
are also alumni of BSA and
draw their inspiration from
West African dance and ballet.
The group performs a diverse
repertoire on subjects ranging
from Hurricane Katrina to
sisterhood and has appeared
at the Kennedy Center's
Millennium Stage.
In SHE, womanhood is
explored through the creative
dance and expressions of
its all-female cast. The
March 2012
Courtesy photo
or living his "true self".
Every relationship in
Wesley's life is challenged
and clarified (for the better
ultimately) and the film
gives you pause to evaluate
the various aspects of your
life that you may want to,
need to, change or tweek
to achieve the happiness
you deserve. Go see "Good
Deeds" with an open
mind, an open heart, and
an understanding of how
you can bring the joy you
deserve into your life.
production incorporates
classical ballet and jazz
lines with the sounds of
techno, Afro-Caribbean and
drum beats and the soulful
sounds of live musicians,
all surrounding the general
philosophical concept of
being female, according to
Washington, D.C. theatre
critic Julia Katz. “The
dances [are] elegantly
feminine, yet delightfully
powerful. Expressive eye
contacts combined with
striking tableaux [are]
used often, for a very
theatrical event. SHE is a
very thought-provoking
piece, and definitely worth a
look,” according to Katz.
For more information,
contact BCCC art professor
Nicole Fall at 410-4628010.
Page 7
St. Veronica’s Youth Steel Pan Orchestra!
Woodlawn Villager Imagine
by Charles Sydnor
On Tuesday February 7,
2012 Imagine Discovery
Public Charter School PTA
hosted a program and reception for scholar-participants
scholar-participants were
Goldie Watts (Dance choreography- Middle); Stacy
Uwansc (Literature - Middle); Erin Lee (PhotographyIntermediate); Jordan Cammack (Visual Arts- Primary),
Jasmine Martin-Wilson (Visual Arts- Intermediate),
and Adam Martin (Visual
Arts- Middle). At the county
level, participants could be
Chapter Provides
Tools for Success
for Hispanic
Youth at
Woodlawn High
the students participating
in a debate to strengthen
their communication skills
and reasoning. At another
meeting, they may be playing an SAT based jeopardy
game to prepare for their
PSAT and SAT testing.
You may even find a variety of guest speakers, such
as Gustavo Minaya, Assistant Director of Admissions at Towson University
or Dr. Jessica GuzmanRea, an Academic Advisor
at UMBC. Professionals
and entrepreneurs come to
the Student Chapter meetings to give these young
people vision and insight
as well.
Most recently, the
USHYEE chapter at Woodlawn has begun to offer
Junior & Senior Class
meetings, which are geared
specifically to the upper
class high school students.
These meetings provide information on financial aid,
college applications, and
college admissions. They
also allow the students
to have a more one on
one experience with their
USHYEE advisors.
In addition to Student
Chapter meetings, USHYEE also holds programs
throughout the year such as
Achieve Forums, the Latino/Black Student Leadership Summit, and a sailing
leadership outing. To find
out more about USHYEE,
visit www.ushyee.org or
check our videos on www.
youtube.com/ushyee. You
can also find us on FaceBook www.facebook.com/
ushyee and Twitter, @
U.S. Hispanic Youth
Entrepreneur Education
(USHYEE), has organized a
USHYEE Student Chapter
at Woodlawn High School.
The Student Chapter meetings are geared toward
providing high school
students with the proper
tools to graduate and move
on to college and successful
careers. USHYEE Student
Chapters have been organized at four other high
schools in Baltimore County as well. USHYEE's Mission is to provide Hispanic
youth with innovative proJudges and the Reflections Volunteer Committee: Ms. Virginia
grams and tools, which lead
Ellis, Mrs. Jennifer Brumbalow, Ms. Sadie Flick, Mrs. Rachel
to enhanced opportunities
J. Barrett-Dolcine, (Chairperson) (left to right - back row) and
Reflections participants.
for success. Although the
and their families who sup- awarded an Award of Excel- name U.S. Hispanic Youth
ported the inaugural PTA lence, an Award of Merit or Entrepreneur Education
Reflections contest. The a Council Certificate of Par- indicates Hispanic Youth
Reflections Program, which ticipation. Recipients of the in its name, the USHYEE
has been in existence since Award of Excellence would staff assures that anyone is
1969, offered Imagine’s proceed to the Maryland PTA welcome. Attendees include students of all races
scholars the opportunity for state-wide judging.
Three participants re- and ethnicities.
to create original works of
On the first and third
art. The theme was “Di- ceived County PTA Awards
of every month,
versity Means.” Scholar- of Merit. They were Jasmine
participants included Goldie Martin-Wilson (Visual Arts/ you can find anywhere
Watts, Stacy Uwansc, Jo- Intermediate), Erin Lee (Pho- from 20 to 30 students in
seph Esema, Lisa Anoruo, tography Intermediate) and a classroom at Woodlawn
Erin Lee, Madison Watts, Stacy Uwansc (Literature/ High School preparing
for their college educaJordan Cammack, Jasmine Middle).
All students whose entries tion. Led by a USHYEE
M a r t i n - Wi l s o n , A d a m
Martin, Jaaven Middleton, were sent to the County Re- team, which is made up of
Guise Pham, Vincent Pham, flections contest who did not college students, Chapter
Camryn Sydnor, and Ashley receive an award received a meetings may cover any
Council Certificate of Par- topic that goes into buildWilson.
ing strong leaders. During
During the formal pro- ticipation.
one meeting, you may find
The PTA Council of
gram, PTA Reflections
Chair Rachel J. Barrett- Baltimore County ReflecDolcine and PTA President tions Awards Ceremony
Carlette Flowers presented will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Boy Scout Troop # 480 Has Openings
certificates. The St. Ve- Sunday, March 18, 2012
There are openings for boys age 11 and up to join the
ronica’s Youth Steel Pan at Cockeysville Middle
here at Salem. They have a wonderful schedule of
School located at 10401
Orchestra performed.
camping and retreats.
Six scholar-participants Greenside Drive Cockeysville,
If you know someone interested contact Scout Leader, Mr
were selected to represent
Imagine Public Charter open at 1:30 pm for regisVince Ellsworth-410-744-5533 or come to Salem Church
School at the PTA Council tration, refreshments and
on Tuesday evening at 7:00pm. The Church is located at
of Baltimore County for exhibits of entries.
7509 Windsor Mill Rd at Rolling Road.
county-wide judging. The
March 2012 Woodmoor
Elementary Art
Students Display
at Walters
Submitted by Beverly Humbert
In celebration of Youth Art
Month Baltimore County
Public Schools is displaying
student art work at the
Walters Art Museum from
March 7 – 18th.
Woodmoor Elementary
School is pleased to
announce that fifth grader,
Trequis Stanson and third
grader, McKaylyn Johnson
will have their work on
display at the museum for
this event. The art show
concludes on Sunday,
March 18 with a reception
honoring those participants.
Congratulations to these
Pepper Spray
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Upon successful completion
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Woodlawn Villager March 2012
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
A Surprise
Birthday Party
for Gwendolyn
by Sandra Brookins
Woodlawn Sr. Center
member Gwendolyn Scott
was surprised with a 70th
birthday party on February
19th at Harbor Magic at
Pier V. It is hard to get
anything past her because
she is always curious
about what is going on.
Her husband, Andrew,
also a Woodlawn Senior
Center member, and family
members were able to pull
it off. She celebrated with
family and close friends.
St. Patrick’s Day
Erin Go Bragh!
The honoree and her husband.
Gwen’s grandsons and step-daughter
Gwen cutting her cake.
Paul and Annie Mountain
Meet Gunther!
Our March Pet of the Month
Brother-in-law and sister
Lamonica and Sherrod
New All Saints
Catholic Church
Celebrates 100
by Dr. Thelma T. Daley
Gunther turns 8 on March 3rd.
He's from Delaware's Braveheart Kennel.
His mom and dad are Skylar and Cane (short for
He loves treats, and enjoys people, especially those
who pet him.
He is well-traveled, having lived in Baltimore, MD,
Atlanta, GA, and New London, CT - all with the
same owner, Kevin Thornton!
He loves Georgia the most.
The New All Saints Roman
Catholic Church, located in
the 4400 block of Liberty
Heights Avenue between
Mohawk and Eldorado
Avenues in Baltimore, under
the leadership of Fr. Donald
A. Sterling, is celebrating its
centennial year. The church
kicked off its year-long
celebration with a “planned”
outdoor Mass that included
the naming of the street,
blessing of the Rectory
(the original Chapel), and a
social. Ground was broken
for the church in September
1911 in what was then
beautiful farmland located
within Baltimore County.
The area was annexed in
1918 when the city line was
extended a few blocks north
to Northern Parkway and All
Saints became a city church.
The first service was held on
September 15, 1912. In
February, 1995, All Saints
Church (the original
name) was changed
to New All Saints to
represent the merger of
Our Lady of Lourdes
and All Saints Roman
Catholic Congregations.
The church’s centennial
theme is “ New All Saints
Entering a New Century:
Recalling, Reclaiming,
Renewing.” It is building
upon its rich history,
reaching out to reclaim
sons and daughters of
God, and renewing
relationships with God
and one another.
A series of activities
have included a Jazz
Vespers, Mass at the
Historic Basilica of
the National Shrine of
the Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary,
a mass honoring Fr.
Charles Uncles (the first
black priest ordained in
America), erection of
beautiful “Centennial
Angels” in front of the
church, and a Black
history concert of music
by Black composers
featuring vocalist Dr. Hattie
Shannon accompanied by
Dr. Kenneth Dean.
The Planning Committee
has researched and
distributed materials on
many areas related to
African Americans in the
Catholic Church, including
a recent release on the
fourteen predominately
African American Catholic
Churches in Baltimore.
Under the aegis of
the Women of New All
Saints, a Centennial Day
of Reflection is planned
for Saturday, March 31,
2012, 8:30 am to 12:30
noon at the church. The
theme focuses on renewing
energies as believers,
evangelists, and members
of the Body of Christ.
Theresa Favors, Director
of African American
Catholic Ministries for
the Archdiocese is the
Reflection Leader. For
information call: 410644-1013, 410-542-7952,
or 410-922-2536. All
are welcome. The office
number is 410 542 0445.
Woodlawn Villager OLLIE MATSON on
High School
The trip to the Comcast
center is filled with ups
and downs. The favorite
teams make it sometimes,
but there are no guarantees.
This is why we play the
game. Just the fact that
a team is in the playoffs
means they should be taken
seriously. This season we
had a new team in our area
that made some noise,
Western Tech. They almost
pulled it off. Their game
with New Town was epic;
the home team’s first time
in the hunt in years. This
was an even-played game
until the third quarter when
New Town's Jalen Clark
and company blew the
game open. They played
harder and made their
free throws. Western Tech
only scored four points
in the third quarter. They
missed shots and free
throws. They mounted a
come back but fell short.
Their coach seemed to
have a disconnect with
his players, to the point
that one young man left
the bench during the final
minutes of the game.
That is not sportsman-like
conduct. Overall it was
their best season in years.
Milford Mill and
Patterson played a
classic city versus county
down-to-the-wire game.
Milford’s all star-coach
Al Holley did not pull it
out this year. Turnovers
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Page 10
and missed free throws
sealed the victory for the
man Aquille Carr. He put
on a show with a gameleading 31 points and a
crowd-pleasing dunk to go
along with assists and great
leadership. The Millers had
another great season and
will be back next year.
Randallstown finished
strong and we look forward
to them and Woodlawn
making some noise next
year. Basketball in the area
is hot and we at the Villager
will continue to support our
young men in women in
their athletic and academic
endeavors. Until next time
stay up everybody and
remember to do your best
at all times.
2012 Maryland
Soccer Cup
Team registrations are
currently being accepted for
the US Club Soccer’s 2012
Maryland Cup scheduled to
take place the weekend of
April 28th - 29th in Carroll
County, Maryland.
The Maryland Cup features
Boys and Girls competition
in the U10 - U19 single age
groupings in the Recreation
Travel and Premier Travel
levels. Winners of the
Premier Travel level will
receive a free berth to
the US Club Regional
The application deadline is
April 18, 2012. The Online
Application and additional
information is available at
For additional information,
contact Mike Libber at
com or Mike Snitzer at
March 2012 BCCC Men's Basketball Team
Heading to NJCAA National
Baltimore City Community
College men's basketball
team won the 2012 Region
XX Tournament title on
Sunday, March 4, earning
one of 16 spots in the
National Junior College
Athletic Association
(NJCAA) Division II
National Tournament. The
tournament takes place on
the campus of Danville
Area Community College
in Danville, Ill. from March
The regional title signals
the continued progress that
the basketball program is
making under current head
coach Terry Maczko. In
each of his six seasons at
BCCC, the Panthers have
won more games than the
previous year. Maczko and
the Panthers won the 2010
Maryland Junior College
Athletic Conference (MD
JUCO) Championship and
finished as the regional
runner-up in 2010 and
Several of Maczko's
players have earned AllAmerican honors and are
currently having successful
playing careers at four-year
institutions. The Panthers'
most recent All-American,
Micah Fraction, got
national attention when
his game-winning shot for
Kutztown University was
No. 1 on ESPN's Top-10
countdown on Feb. 18,
This year's appearance
in the national tournament
further indicates BCCC
is ready to move up to
the NJCAA Division I
level. With a Division I
classification, the Panthers
would compete on a higher
level and have increased
national visibility for the
athletic programs and the
College. Additionally,
the reclassification would
broaden BCCC's recruiting
base and allow BCCC to
offer student-athletes room
and board.
The Panthers, who are
23-10 this season, are
guaranteed at least two
games in the national
tournament. Fans can
watch a free live stream of
all tournament games and
get up-to-date tournament
information at www.dacc.
For more information,
contact BCCC sports
information director Karen
M. Carty at kcarty@bccc.
The 18th Annual
Lax Max Lacrosse
with the Carroll County
Department of Recreation
and Parks and the
Westminster Area Lacrosse
The event is open to
all school, recreation
and club affiliated teams
located between Maine
and Florida. Additional
information, rules and
registration materials are
available at laxmax.com.
Call 410-363-8610 or
e-mail pikesvillelaxmax@
aol.com with any questions.
Team registrations are
currently being accepted
for the 18th Annual Lax
Max Lacrosse Tournament
which is scheduled for the
weekend of June 8th – 10th
2012. The tournament will
take place in Westminster
area of Carroll County,
Lax Max 2012 is
organized in cooperation
Woodlawn Villager March 2012
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
In the Kitchen
with Sue
Time-tested recipes from
Susan Jackson-Stein
Ask about
Our Wireless Metal-Free Clear Braces
Crab Pie,
I promised Deb and
Mom that I’d keep my
introduction short.
ns ent
ca onum tery
W r m eme !
yo NY Sta
in n th
An independent monument
company specializing in headstones, bronze markers, and
memorial photos - your alternative to high-cost cemetery
monuments and markers.
2133 Gwynn Oak Ave.
Maryland, “The Land
of Pleasant Living”,
really should be called
“The Blue Crab State”.
We have concocted
more ways to use the
crustacean’s meat
than out-of-staters can
I had this pie at a visit
to a friend’s house and
fell in love. He was kind
enough to give me the
recipe for this quichestyle extravaganza. (If
you have a recipe for
cheddar cheese piecrust,
I’d go ahead and
Eastern “Shore Good”
Crab Pie (2 pies)
2 prepared piecrusts
in 2 pans
1 pound Maryland back
fin crabmeat
4 eggs
1-cup mayonnaise, low
fat sour cream or Greek
1-cup milk
8-ounces shredded Swiss
8-ounces sharp cheddar
1-Tablespoon minced onion
1-Tablespoon finely chopped
green or red bell pepper
2 good dashes cayenne
pepper or Tabasco sauce
2 good dashes white pepper
2-Tablespoons flour
Old Bay seasoning, to taste
Preheat oven to 350
degrees. Bake the piecrusts
for 3 minutes and then
cool to start to firm up the
Inspect the crabmeat for
any bits of shell. Try not
to break up the clumps.
Whisk together eggs,
flour, mayo, and milk
until creamy. Add other
ingredients, except
crabmeat, and mix
thoroughly. Fold in the
Pour the mixture into
the prepared piecrusts.
Smooth out mixture. Put
a thin strip of foil around
the piecrust edges so they
won’t burn.
Bake for 50 minutes
until an inserted knife
comes out clean. Cool
and serve at room
This may be
refrigerated if it lasts that
long. Cover the crab part
with plastic wrap to keep
from drying.
Free Mulch And Compost for
Baltimore County Residents
Towson, MD - The
Baltimore County Bureau
of Solid Waste Management
has supplies of mulch
and compost available to
County residents, free of
charge. These products
are offered on a first-come,
first-served basis, only at
the Eastern Sanitary Landfill
Solid Waste Management
Facility in White Marsh.
This facility is located at
6259 Days Cove Road, and
is open Monday through
Saturday, from 7:30 a.m.
to 3:30 p.m. Attendants
are not available to assist
with loading the mulch/
compost; residents are
asked to bring their own
container(s) and shovels
to load the material
The quality of the mulch
and compost may vary,
and the County offers
no warranties regarding
usage of these materials.
Residents interested in
mulch and/or compost
are urged to contact
the Bureau in advance
to ensure that supplies
are still available. For
availability information
and directions, please call
Page 11
Woodlawn Villager March 2012 Our Readers
Celebrate Women’s
History Month
by Michelle Hayward
How do we define a
phenomenal woman.
Times have changed and
the role of women has
changed along with it.
There are so many ways to
appreciate and honor the
women in our lives.
We asked readers to
send us photos of women
who they believed were
phenomenal. In answer
to our request, we were
introduced to to an eclectic
group of women from all
walks of life.
Some demonstrate their
magesty in the places of
work. Others show their
magnificence in their
homes with those they
love. All of them show us
the power and grace of
the modern women and
remind us those whose
footsteps blazed the way.
From housewives to
entreprenuers to volunteers
to mothers, they represent
beauty and wisdom in
womanhood. For this
Women’s History Month,
we reflect on them and
are reminded of what it
means to be a phenomenal
Rosa Pryor-Trusty is also
known affectionately as
“Rambling Rose.” She has
been in the music industry
for 53 years. For 21 years,
her Rosa Pryor Music Scholarship Fund has blessed the
lives of young people.
Rosa has a “take-charge”
personality coated with
generousity and compassion.
She was recently honored
in front of a sell-out crowd,
including her friend, Kwiesi
Mfume, for all that she has
done to promote the careers
of musicians and artists.
Rosa shared her letter
of thanks to organizers
Winfield Parker, Wilbert
Fletcher and others in
which she wrote, “...I didn’t
know so many people even
stranger[s] cared about me
so much. They really loved
me and they treated me like I
was some kind of a celebrity.
I am so blessed...”
Well Rosa, you are a
celebrity and you’re also a
Wonder in our community!
Recently crowned Ms.
Exquisite International
2011, Julie King was
also a contestant in the
Mrs. Maryland United
States Pageant in 2008.
A winner of 92 Q’S “Fly
Mamma” contest and
recipient of The Women
of Power Award 2010,
Julie graduated Cum laude
with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Communication
Studies from Towson
University, while working
full time and raising a
family. She created her
own management company,
JK Management, where
she manages a boutique.
Julie continues her 25-year
career at the United States
Postal service as a letter
(410) 664-9810
in traditional
press and curl
Lorraine Bridges
Where Looking Good
Is Understood!
Page 12
submitted by Cedric Petteway
My daughter, Sheila L. Hall,
is a phenomenal women!
She is a holy yoga and
fitness instructor who
ministers to the saints about
getting healthy and whole
by connecting their bodies
to Christ using yoga and
exercise. She is the Holy
Yoga instructor for the One
Love Gospel Cruise and has
taught a yoga and gospel
zumba at the Yolanda
Adams Health and Lifestyle
Tour. She is an author.
She gives workshops and
does speaking engagements
about health and fitness.
submitted by Bobbie L. Webster
Katrina Beads of Owings
Mills, is an awesome sister
to myself, Angalita Bullock,
wife of a Maryland State
police officer, mother to
Desiree (14) and Alicia
(8), and daughter to retired
MTA bus operator Charlie
Wilkerson. The mold was
broken when they made her.
Woodlawn Villager, YES! I
am proud to be related to a
phenomenal woman.
My mother, Jacqueline
Banks Jones, continues
to be a phenomenal
woman. She started the
first African American
newspaper for the DelMar-Va Peninsula,
volunteered in schools,
the community and the
church. Our radio show,
RIB Radio, airs at 4 p.m.
on Fridays on Blog Talk
radio (www.blogtalkradio.
com/ribradio). Listeners
can call 347-324-5732
to listen or comment or
they can listen online.
RIB’s slogan is “Made
from a Man, but Built by
Women.” We talk about
topics relevant to women.
Our shows are also
archived on the website.
submitted by Angalita Bullock
submitted by Kendra Banks
3412 W. Belvedere Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21215
April Brogden is my
fiance'. This woman
should be honored
because she is my
modern-day queen. She
is GOD-fearing. She
knows how to support
her man and child. She
loves unconditionally
and she prays. Her spirit
emanates through her
physical frame and most
of all she is fully aware of
the fact that she is not the
only woman that deserves
My fantastic lady is my
wife, Annie Maitland, a
minister. She is always
there to help her family and
friends who are in need. If
she sees an old lady with
bags or a lady with children
at a bus stop she will try to
pick them up and take them
home. This year has been
a trying time for her. She
has been in the hospital,
nursing home, and rehab
for almost a year. She is
improving and, in spite
of that, is still doing good
submitted by Bob Maitland
Woodlawn Villager Mrs. Ruth P. Gillespie should
be honored for Women's
History Month for several
reasons. She has served as
mother, mentor, and advisor
to several people in the
Woodlawn community. Mrs.
Gillespie was an educator in
the Baltimore Public School
System for thirty-eight years,
where she served as a special
educator and administrator.
She has nurtured all who
have come in her path and
is affectionately called "Big
Mama" by those who respect
and love her. She is the
dedicated wife of forty-seven
years to Mr. Ray Gillespie
and mother of Mrs. Angelique
Gillespie-Gaines and Ms.
Shekisha Gillespie. Mrs.
Gillespie is truly an asset
to the community for all of
her love, dedication, and
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
Victoria A. Wynn,
Director of Planning,
Special Programs and
Administration for
Total Health Care, Inc.
Her core belief is that
regardless of race, color,
or age, all people deserve
equality, especially when
it pertains to receiving
quality healthcare. She
has been recognized
with commitment to
service awards by various
organizations such as
Baltimore City Public
School Systems’ Youth
Program, the National
Women’s Prison Project
and The Upton School
Foundation to name a few.
submitted by Raini Wynn
Christine Pack is a
phenomenal woman!
She is a leukemia
survivor who has been
We met Melinda Stecker
an example to her
from our Facebook page
family, friends and
and were impressed
church to trust God no
with her service to the
community. She has had a matter what it looks like.
food ministry for struggling She is my hero; I honor
and appreciate her.
families for 5 years.She
submitted by Tyniece Pack
taught enrichment classes
to women and children at
shelters. She held dinners
at the Catholic school in
Irvington once a month
serving over 300 at a time.
Starting March 9th at 7pm.
free classes will start. They
will be parenting classes,
celebrate recovery classes Beth Wiseman is
(for any type of addictions) currently serving her
third term as President
and Life After the Cross
of Baltimore County
classes. There are also
Association of Senior
youth groups for ages 12
Citizens Organizations
and up, 7-11 and 2-6. Bible (BCASCO). Her
class is available for the
unrelentless Pursuit and
monitoring of legislative
issues that impact the
lives of Baltimore
County's seniors is heroic.
Beth has been inducted
into the Maryland Senior
Citizens Hall of Fame for
her efforts.
submitted by A. Gillespie-Gaines
Debbi Rice-Knight is a
phenomenal woman! She
sets an awesome example of
the true qualities of a woman
of God. Her children call
her blessed. She is a woman
of her word and shows up
for her family, friends and
community. I appreciate
her friendship. The Villager
adds: Debbi is the CEO and
Founder of Flying Solo,
an organization birthed in
an effort to showcase the
accomplishments of single
parents and their children.
Visit her website at www.
Michele Benbow Miller
is a mother who takes care
of everyone in addition to
being self employed with
several businesses. She
owns Chapman Gardens
in Randallstown and has
revitalized the property
by herself over the past 4
years to bring it back to the
way it was years ago. She
is a realtor and is also an
amimal rescuer who has
saved the lives of numerous
dogs from death row. She
is a wonderful women who
would do anything for
anyone, anytime.
Nancy Lafferty is
the instructor of the
Serendipity class at
the Woodlawn Senior
Center. Her well-planned
memory-challenging and
invigorating exercises help
to energize and stimulate
the attendees. She makes
extraordinary efforts
to recognize important
milestones in the lives of
each member of the class.
The former Woodlawn
resident travels from
Pennsylvania each week
to conduct her classes.
submitted by Tyniece Pack
submitted by Stanley Katz
submitted by Leslie Hyman
Jean Parks, is tireless
in her efforts to provide
assistance to her even
more elderly neighbors
and friends. At 85, she
still runs errands and
provides transportation
to several mobility
impaired neighbors.
Jean has been inducted
into the Maryland
Senior Citizen's Hall of
Fame in recognition of
her volunteer services.
submitted by Bernice Dargan
March 2012
Ms. Lisa Moore-Holliday is
the Pastor of O'MACS and
executive director of Home
Educators Leading The Way.
She believes in freedom and
justice for all children to
gain an education. Ms. Lisa
Moore-Holliday is making
a difference in education for
many Baltimore area children.
submitted by Lillian Hardie
Mrs. Valerie Stewart is a
wonderfully gifted wife,
mother, sister, and community
servant. This woman of
elegance and grace is
intelligent and beautiful.
Humbly submitted, in honor
of Women's History Month
submitted by Pierre Stewart
Heather Young moved to
Woodlawn a few years ago
and has truly embraced the
community. She is currently
the chair of the board for The
Night of Peace Family Homeless
Shelter in Woodlawn. She is
the author of What Mama Never
Told About Men, Motherhood,
and Marriage and is an active
member of her church. She
loves family, educating children,
helping all people and doing the
Lord's work.
submitted by Tanya Dozier, her twin
Page 13
Woodlawn Villager Area Events, Meetings &
Brief Announcements
Business Association
Milford Mill
Alumni Organization
Baseball Clinic
Ages 5-13
Hosted by Brian Jordan
Milford Mill Alum &
March Meeting
Former Atlanta Braves
March 21, 2012
Baseball Player
Woodlawn Library
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Milford Mill Academy
Come and be a part of an
3800 Washington Ave
important zoning decision
Baltimore, Md 21207
8:45 a.m. - 10 a.m.
9am – 12pm
Registration 8am sharp!!!
$20 per child
Come meet other business
(Money Order Only)
owners and representatives.
Free Glove, Tshirt
and BJF Backpack
Lunch 12:15 – 1:15pm
Office Information:
7008 Security Blvd
Suite 220,
Balto., MD 21244
com/410-925-9999 443-231-0007
Milford Mill Alumni
REGISTER by Friday,
March 30, 2012
WSC Spring Fling
Line Dance Party
March 30, 2012
Woodlawn Rec Center
2120 Gwynn Oak Ave.
Baltimore, Md. 21207
7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
BYOB - Free set-ups
Info: 410-887-6887
Make your Vote count
in the next Presidential
Election! Register to
vote, now inside Maryland
Speedy Tag and Title
inside Security Square
Mall. Last day to register
for Primary Election is
March 13th, 2012. For
more information call 410277-8900.
Page 14
Join a positive group of
active seniors at
The Woodlawn
Senior Center
2120 Gwynn Oak Ave
Gwynn Oak , Md. 21207
Aerobics on Monday,
Wednesday and Fridays
at 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. with
Theresa Reed
Chat & Chew on Tuesdays
at 12 Noon
Line Dancing with Randy
Dennis on Thursdays at
your free copy at:
at 10:a.m.
12 Noon
JC’s Chicken
& Trout
to 3:00 p.m. , and much,
New York Chicken
much more.
Call Oak
410-887of Gwynn
for a complete
list of
Senior Center
Double TTMake
Diner WSC
(Rt. 40your
"Home Away From Home".
Elite Female
Registration for the Spring
Session is now open.
Accepting Girls ages 11-17
Some of the topics
addressed are: Building
Self-esteem, Developing
Healthy Relationships,
Improving Self-image,
Self-respect, Core Values,
and Decision Making skills
Saying NO to Violence,
Drugs, & Sex Before
com for full details or
contact 410-655-2992.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Hilton Garden Inn
Owings Mills
4770 Owings Mills
Boulevard, Owings Mills
MD 21117
Pre-registration/Prepayment of $25 for
attendees required on or
before March 5, 2012.
To pay by check, mail
your check to Stephanie
Dunn-Hunt, c/o Dunn
& Associates Public
9722 Groffs Mill Drive
PMB #201, Owings Mills,
MD, MD 21117 or visit
our website at www.
sldunndeal.com (under
events) by PayPal. Space
is limited, so reserve early.
Baltimore County is now
accepting applications for
Probationary Firefighter.
Apply at BCOFDcareers.
com or through the
Baltimore County website
by March 30, 2012.http://
html. Apply online
February 6, 2012 through
March 30, 2012.
Hold Forum
on Political
U.S. Hispanic Youth
Entrepreneur Education
(USHYEE) is hosting
their first Achieve Forum
of the year on Saturday,
March 24 in Annapolis.
Anyone who attends
will be able to hear from
Senator Victor Ramirez as
well as Delegates Anasol
Gutierrez and Jocelyn
Rosalin Pena Melnyk,
a great opportunity for
those interested in politics.
Being able to speak to
these prominent figures
also allows for a chance
to gain leadership skills
and learn how to make
a difference in your
community. Achieve
Forum attendees will also
go on a walking tour of
Annapolis and a boat tour.
The event is free of
charge. Meeting guest
speakers, both tours, and
lunch will all be free to
Achieve Forum attendees.
Bus transportation will
be provided for students,
where breakfast will also
be given. Students from
anywhere in the area are
encouraged to attend. To
register for the Achieve
Forum, visit www.ushyee.
org. Space is extremely
limited for this event.
The Gwynn Oak
Community Association
Invites all to come out on
April 4, 2012 to
Meet and Greet
our new captain of
Precinct Two
Captain Davis
and to welcome him back
Time: 7:00 pm
Woodlawn Rec and Parks
Community Center
2120 Gwynn Oak Avenue
Gwynn Oak, MD 21207
Refreshments served
Carroll Watkins
Loving Arms is
continually searching for
dedicated and qualified
individuals to fill a variety
of full-time and parttime positions that may
include working with
children, youth, families,
and/or persons with
mental illness. We offer
competitive salaries and
wages along with a quality
employee training and
future benefits program.
Moreover, Loving Arms is
looking for people who can
work a flexible schedule
and have a vehicle.
In order to be
considered for any of
these positions, please
follow the application
instructions contained
with each position. If
application instruction
is not provided with a
particular job listing,
please provide us with a
copy of your resume and/
or completed Employment
Application along with a
completed Employment
Interest Inventor and
letter expressing interest
in employment with our
organization. You may
send your resme via: Email
- lovingarms1@gmail.com
Current Opportunities:
--Youth Advocate I (Part-Time) - 1 part-time
--Youth Advocate I - (FullTime) - 1 position
--Social Worker (FullTime) - 1 position
Opportunity for a licensed
childcare provider in
need of adequate space
to run a daycare at a
newly constructed home
with a finished basement
conveniently located near
the 695 beltway and public
transportation ideal for
drop offs. $50/week/child.
Email interest/questions
to childcareop2012@
Woodlawn Villager IN LOVING
Otis Bernard Norris, affectionately called, “OB”,
triumphantly went home
to be with our Lord and
Savior on Thursday, February 23, 2012. OB, the son
of the late Emerson Norris, Sr., and Grace Walters
Norris, was born in Northumberland County, Virginia on August 8, 1940.
He received his education
in the Northumberland
County Public School System. At an early age, Otis
joined Mount Olive Baptist Church n Wicomico
Church, Virginia. In 1958,
OB moved to Baltimore,
Maryland to seek employment.
Otis was united in Holy
Matrimony to Mary
Shippy on August 13,
1960. To this union four
children were born, Kevin
(deceased), Keith, Karen
and Jeffrey. His children
and grandchildren were the
joy of his life. Otis loved
people and they loved him
back. He made himself
known quickly to whomever he came in contact
with. He never met a
As a member of Concord Baptist Church, Otis
always exhibited warmth
and friendship to all. He
worked diligently with the
Baltimore Helping Hand
Ministry which supports
his home Church in Virginia. He loved sharing
and helping people at his
Church and in the community.
March 2012
Celebrating the “Wonders” of Our Community
Otis was employed with
A&P Grocery Stores, Inc.
until the company closed.
Later, he sought employment
at Thurgood Marshall (BWI)
Airport and worked there for
five years. After retirement,
Otis worked part-time at the
Woodlawn Senior Center.
Otis never called it work
because he truly enjoyed
being there, and of course,
he made more new friends!
The staff and members alike
adored Mr. Otis, as they
called him. He encouraged many other relatives
to fellowship at the center
event though they originally
thought they would not enjoy the activities. Mr. Otis
was known as the escort for
the Woodlawn Whimsical
W-Red Hatters. These visits
turned into the cool thing to
do! Otis loved to travel with
family members and he and
Mary took many bus trips
and cruises.
Ob’s special gift was spreading the news to his family.
To family members, he was
“the information center.” If
anyone wanted to know what
was happening in Northumberland County, Baltimore,
City, or around the globe,
he was our source to call.
Currently, there is a show
on television titled, “The
Finder” and the star of the
show can find anything or
anyone. OB was our family
finder! If you were a family
member, he would definitely
find you.
OB is survived by his loving
wife of 52 years, Mary; sons
Keith & Jeffrey (Janine);
daughter Karen; grandchildren Terrance, Corporal,
Roman, and Paige. He also
leaves to mourn his passing brothers Emerson Jr.
(Grace), Randolph (Elsie),
Douglas (Margaret), and
Stanley (Phyllis); sisters
Eva, Gladys, Violet, Helen
(Donald), Joyce, and Patricia; sisters-in-law Theosia,
Estelle (Richmond), and
Ann; and a host of other
family and friends.
Say Happy March Birthday!
Tell them you saw it here!
Darlene Matthews (1st)
Sean Montague (1st)
Jerome Person (1st)
Kisha Smith (1st)
Janice Adams-King (2nd)
Brian Garner (2nd)
Kenny Golder (2nd)
Lee Martin (2nd)
Alphonso Ricks (2nd)
Tawanda Wilkens (2nd)
John Bonnie (3rd)
Iris Cartwright (3rd)
Iris Halcromb (3rd)
Twa Jones (3rd)
Joseph Jennings (3rd)
Termika McCoy (3rd)
Victoria Moore (3rd)
Lakell Nelson (3rd)
Marsha Reeves-Jews (3rd)
Charles Tubman (3rd)
Chantel Williams (3rd)
Sheldon Ballatt (4th)
Melanie Becwar (4th)
Kenyatta Boone (4th)
Michael A. Brown (4th)
Max Fortune (4th)
Aja Jackson (4th)
Tony Lobin (4th)
David Smith (4th)
Rick Taylor (4th)
Natalie Berkley (5th)
Robyn Bishop (5th)
Ron Blavatt (5th)
Leslie Blustein (5th)
Donetta Heath Johnson (5th)
Denise Johnson (5th)
Jeffrey Norris (5th)
Yolanda Parker (5th)
Lauren Boswell (6th)
James Garrett III (6th)
Hassan Giordano (6th)
Yale Madison (6th)
Jeff McCabe (6th)
Angie Policelli (6th)
Joseph Woodson (6th)
Joe Ular (6th)
Ollen C. Douglass (7th)
Scott Finley (7th)
Alikia Jackson (7th)
Clifton McEachin (7th)
Trenita Purdie (7th)
Tara Thompson (7th)
Cathi Hagner Benner (8th)
Devon Howard (8th)
Chanel Nixon (8th)
LaSchelle Ross (8th)
Corrogan Vaughn (8th)
Michele Ellis-Henderson (9th)
William Moody (9th)
Sherriae Saunders (9th)
Dorothy Smith (9th)
Lynda Sydnor (9th)
Wanda Jackson (10th)
Wallace Laster (10th)
Catherine Pugh (10th)
Sunshine Roberson-Banks (10th)
Edward Scruggs (10th)
Brian Sutherland (10th)
Diana Cooper (11th)
Donald Frock (11th)
Karl Hunt (11th)
Al Johnson (11th)
Mary Johnson-Moore (11th)
Walter Johnson (11th)
Millicent Richardson (11th)
Shantyl Byrd (12th)
Patricia Campbell (12th)
Spirit Douglass (12th)
Donte Quarrels (12th)
Elanda Worden (12th)
Kellye Anthony-Parker (13th)
Asa Barksdale, Jr. (13th)
Rodney Quick (13th)
Jacqueline Moye (13th)
Carla Donavin Saunders
Dianne Russell (13th)
Erica Staton (13th)
Clyde Thompson III (13th)
Karen Boddie (14th)
Robert Taylor (14th)
Karen Bass (15th)
Ruffin Bell (15th)
Terri Burgess (15th)
Samuel Fletcher (15th)
Carlette Flowers (15th)
Nellie Grinage (15th)
Solomon N. Horsey (15th)
Lewis Kaiser (15th)
Wendy Marshall (15th)
Fredericka Pollard (15th)
Aisha Carr (16th)
Marshall Goodwin (16th)
Nichelle Hinson (16th)
Clarence Jefferson (16th)
Ramona Jones (16th)
Stephanie Makle (16th)
Katie O’Mara (16th)
Taylor Schow (16th)
David Scott (16th)
April Smith (16th)
Che Evans (17th)
Letitia Hargrove-Elliott (17th)
Lisa Marie Hargrove-Fox (17th)
Wayne Oliver (17th)
Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake (17th)
Kyana Beckles (18th)
Yvette Gordon-Walker (18th)
Purnell Richardson (18th)
Lynne Tolson-Leonard (18th)
Catalina Byrd (19th)
Beth Dellow (19th)
Kimberly Hairston-Washington (19th)
Erika Harris (19th)
Skip Hartley (19th)
Angela Johnson-Jones (19th)
Linda Moore (19th)
Angela Rawls (19th)
Kimberlee Baker (20th)
Michael Haynie, Sr. (20th)
Davon Jackson (20th)
Dale Warner (20th)
Denise Williams (20th)
Elaine Williams (20th)
Cindy Freland (21st)
Lisa Goodwin (21st)
LaVaida Hunt (21st)
Pamela Lee (21st)
Tonya Marshall (21st)
Damon Nock (21st)
Nathereane Perry (21st)
Darrin Scarbough (21st)
Joi Alexander (22nd)
Marian Backmann (22nd)
Tonya Evans (22nd)
LaShawn Green (22nd)
Kevin Parson (22nd)
Eden Schlessinger (22nd)
Reggie White (22nd)
Vickie Adams-Carls (23rd)
Al Archbold (23rd)
Kashaun Cooper, Sr. (23rd)
Terry Dorsey (23rd)
Reggie Gant (23rd)
Cecil Phillips (23rd)
Angela Shaw (23rd)
Dana Soleas-Dettmer (23rd)
Ricky Wade (23rd)
Paul Mountain (24th)
Darien Thomas (24th)
Ollen W. Douglass (25th)
Louis Durant (25th)
Shon Ellis (25th)
Kenneth Finley (25th)
John Paul Johns (25th)
Shalise Poindexter (25th)
Peggy Singletary (25th)
Kim Swain (25th)
Robin Swartz (25th)
David Thomas (25th)
Darrell Greene, Sr. (26th)
Sandi Mallory (26th)
Demetria Scott-Lynch (26th)
George Chainey (27th)
Anthony Evans (27th)
Wassie Evans (27th)
Jean Floyd (27th)
Alaina Jupiter (27th)
Eva Kehm (27th)
Brianna Lassiter (27th)
Keyanna Murrill (27th)
Corella Proctor (27th)
Fran Allen (28th)
Yvette Bailey (28th)
Lisa Fenwick-Henderson (28th)
Dawn Graves (28th)
Briana J. Powell (28th)
Quinton “Q” Smith (28th)
David Spears (28th)
Eric Sykes (28th)
Ruby Weston (28th)
Laverne Green (29th)
Sheri Green (29th)
Raymond Hall (29th)
Brian Jordan (29th)
Chris Thomas (29th)
Beth Wilkins-Haris (29th)
Delores Willis (29th)
Jeffrey Wolk (29th)
Charlotte Dorman (30th)
Karen Makino (30th)
Mike Monaghan (30th)
Brian Bailey (31st)
Chris Cash (31st)
Micha Denmark (31st)
Siri Svaeren (31st)
Page 15
Woodlawn Villager March 2012 Hey, Neighbor!
We’re Right Around the Corner
Did you know that you and members of your immediate family* could be eligible
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A credit union is a member-owned financial institution that provides the same
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Because we are able to keep fees low, Credit Union members nationwide could
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Visit our Woodlawn branch, located at 1514 Woodlawn Drive or our Franklin branch,
located at 11700-E Reisterstown Road, contact our Call Center at 410-965-8908 or
visit our website, www.securityplusfcu.org, for eligibility requirements.
*Your immediate family includes brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren (including in-laws and
step-family members) and anyone who lives in your household. **Savings are federally insured to at least $250,000 and
backed by the full faith and credit of the National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency.