Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Administrator`s


Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Administrator`s
Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response
Administrator's Guide
Version 4.2
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under “Notices” on
page 611.
This edition applies to Version 4 Release 2 of IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response (program
number 5724-I07) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make
sure you are using the correct edition for the level of the product.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1994, 2010.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
. ix
Tables .
. xi
About this information. . . . .
Who should read this book. . . .
How to use this book . . . . .
Following the procedures in this book
Typographic conventions . . . .
Accessibility. . . . . . . . .
Notes on terminology . . . . . .
Where to find more information . .
Useful Web sites . . . . . .
Making comments on this book . .
. .
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. .
. .
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. .
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. .
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging .
Installing the basic system . . . . . .
Before you install Unified Messaging . .
Installing the Unified Messaging software
components . . . . . . . . . .
Configuring and testing the system . .
Migrating to Unified Messaging Version 4.2
Preparing to Migrate . . . . . . .
Prerequisites for Migrating . . . . .
Migrating a standalone system . . . .
Migrating an SSI system . . . . . .
Migrating an SSI system with HACMP .
Installing PTFs . . . . . . . . . .
Understanding Unified Messaging update
processes . . . . . . . . . . .
How to update Unified Messaging to the
latest PTF level . . . . . . . . .
Unified Messaging PTF Manager tool
(UM_ptf_mgr) . . . . . . . . .
Unified Messaging PTF Manager syntax
Logging and errors. . . . . . . .
PTF install and import procedure . . .
PTF remove and reject procedure . . .
Backing up your Unified Messaging system
Migrating to a single system image . . .
Example of merging standalone systems
into a single system image . . . . .
How Unified Messaging uses application
profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unified Messaging application profile .
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
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. 1
. 1
. 2
. 3
. 4
. 11
. 12
. 12
. 14
. 15
. 15
. 16
. 16
. 23
. 24
. 25
. 26
External caller application profile . . . .
System distribution list application profile
Quick message application profile. . . .
Broadcast application and administrator
profiles. . . . . . . . . . . . .
VPIM and e-mail application profiles . .
AMIS-A and DTM-D external messaging
application profiles. . . . . . . . .
Fax application profile . . . . . . .
Test subscriber application profiles . . .
Implementing VoIP using SIP . . . . . .
Inbound calls . . . . . . . . . .
Outbound calls . . . . . . . . . .
Customizing Tromboning . . . . . .
Supporting mixed protocols . . . . . .
Supporting variable SIP domains . . . .
Outgoing notification calls . . . . . .
Send to Phone calls . . . . . . . .
Implementing call transfer . . . . . . .
Customizing the call transfer state table . .
Enabling call transfer functions . . . .
Implementing AMIS-A external messaging . .
Implementing DTM-D external messaging . .
Implementing VPIM or SMTP/MIME external
messaging. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . .
Defining a remote VPIM destination . . .
Setting up remote audio names and
location names . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up Web access to Unified Messaging
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pass-through authentication for the Unified
Messaging Web interface . . . . . . . .
Pass-through authentication demonstration
Implementing pass-through authentication
Setting up WAP access to Unified Messaging
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedures . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up IMAP4 access to Unified
Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . .
Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up fax capability . . . . . . . .
Modifying Brooktrout configuration
parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting up text-to-speech engines . . . . .
IBM WebSphere Voice Server TTS . . . .
Fonix AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001
Implementing a fax mailbox . . . . . .
Implementing SMTP mail server support . .
Implementing SMDI support . . . . . .
If you are installing SMDI support for the
first time . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you are migrating SMDI support . . .
Installing and configuring the SMDI Server
Installing and configuring the sample LNP
server . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Command line test utilities . . . . . .
Implementing LDAP server support for
e-mail messaging . . . . . . . . . .
Implementing LDAP server support for
AMIS-A and VPIM messaging . . . . . .
Implementing a telephony portal . . . . .
Implementing extension dialing . . . . .
Implementing menu-routing schedules . . .
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
Standard subscriber menu key assignments
Subscriber type menu key assignments . . .
Prompts and help . . . . . . . . . .
First time users . . . . . . . . . . .
Signon methods. . . . . . . . . . .
Security . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sending messages . . . . . . . . . .
Confidential e-mail messages . . . . . .
Variable silence before prompts . . . . .
Avoiding messages being left unintentionally
Listening to messages . . . . . . . . .
Statistics and accounting data . . . . . .
Call handling . . . . . . . . . . .
Letters associated with telephone keys . . .
Unified Messaging state tables . . . . . .
Unified Messaging custom servers . . . .
Web access to Unified Messaging . . . . .
Dynamic caller options . . . . . . . .
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified
Messaging . . . . . . . . . .
Defining a new language. . . . . .
Recording new voice segments . .
Importing WAV files using the Batch
Voice Import (BVI) utility . . . .
Web Interface . . . . . . . . .
Administrator's Guide
. . 91
. . 91
. . 100
. 101
. 102
Enabling the Web Interface to select a
new language . . . . . . . .
Removing unused languages . . .
Voice Interface . . . . . . . . .
Unified Messaging Interface Tool . .
Dynamic language change . . . . .
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration . . 105
The Unified Messaging line command
utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Adding a new subscriber (adduser) . . . . 108
Adding a list of new subscribers (addlist)
Creating a user partition (addPartition) . . 110
Deleting a subscriber (deluser) . . . . . 111
Deleting a list of subscribers (dellist) . . . 111
Displaying details of a subscriber (showuser) 112
Changing details of a subscriber
(changeuser) . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Aliases . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Business hours . . . . . . . . . . 125
Confirmation of message deletion . . . 125
Deputy and temporary deputy numbers 126
Entry point . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Fax number and temporary fax number
Fax server . . . . . . . . . . . 127
First time user status. . . . . . . . 127
Greeting selection . . . . . . . . . 127
Language . . . . . . . . . . . 128
LDAP server . . . . . . . . . . 128
Mailbox in use . . . . . . . . . . 128
Menu routing schedules . . . . . . 129
Notification schedules . . . . . . . 129
Owner status . . . . . . . . . . 130
Pager number and temporary pager
number . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Password . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Play header preference . . . . . . . 131
Profile active greeting . . . . . . . 131
Prompt level . . . . . . . . . . 131
Reach-me number and temporary
reach-me number . . . . . . . . . 131
ReachMe security . . . . . . . . . 132
Referral number and temporary referral
number . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Referral type . . . . . . . . . . 134
Retrieval order . . . . . . . . . . 134
State table . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Subscriber class . . . . . . . . . 135
Subscriber name . . . . . . . . . 135
Subscriber type . . . . . . . . .
Taking message status . . . . . . .
Searching for a subscriber (finduser) . . .
Unlocking a mailbox (changeuser) . . . .
Unlocking the system (changeuser) . . . .
Understanding the aliases feature . . . .
Support for alias numbers . . . . . . .
Adding an alias to a number (addalias) . .
Deleting an alias from a number (delalias)
Converting a mailbox to become an alias
(makealias) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Converting an alias and mailbox back into a
normal mailbox (unmakealias) . . . . .
Understanding the multiple sub-mailbox
feature . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administering shared numbers with
multiple mailboxes . . . . . . . . .
Adding a new shared number with multiple
sub-mailboxes (addsharednumber) . . . .
Deleting a new shared number with multiple
sub-mailboxes (delsharednumber) . . . .
Converting a mailbox to become a shared
subscriber mailbox (makeshared). . . . .
Converting a shared subscriber mailbox into
a normal mailbox (unmakeshared) . . . .
Adding and deleting further sub-mailboxes
under a shared subscriber mailbox . . . .
Moving sub-mailboxes to other numbers . .
Running other queries and changes on
shared numbers and sub-mailboxes . . . .
Moving an application profile from one
number to another on the same system
(moveuser) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving an application profile from one
number to another on the same system
(copyuser) . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving an application profile to a new
system (moveprofile). . . . . . . . .
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
Moving a subscriber’s profile . . . . .
Renaming a subscriber’s application
profile . . . . . . . . . . . .
Listing all the subscribers (listuser) . . . .
Handling Unified Messaging statistics
(FormatStats) . . . . . . . . . . .
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
Sending a broadcast message . . . . . .
Creating subscriber or caller banner
messages. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating distribution lists . . . . . . .
Creating shared distribution lists. . . .
Creating distribution lists from other lists
Understanding the menu-routing application
Menu-routing schedules . . . . . .
Administering the menu-routing application
Adding menu-routing scheduling facilities
Understanding the auto-attendant
application . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administering an auto-attendant application
Understanding Survey Mailbox applications
Administering Survey Mailbox
applications . . . . . . . . . . .
Migration Utilities . . . . . . . . .
Voice message ID renumbering utility . .
Voice message and mailbox backup utility
Voice message and mailbox restore utility
Voice message database integrity check
utility . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message Waiting Indication configuration
utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Command line parameters . . . . . .
load_splits utility . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Starting the Unified Messaging Interface
Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System partitioning . . . . . . . . .
Inter- and intra-partition visibility . . .
Adding partitions . . . . . . . . .
Listing partitions . . . . . . . . .
Listing partition details . . . . . . .
Deleting partitions . . . . . . . .
Partition administrators . . . . . . .
Subscriber administration . . . . . . .
Adding a new subscriber . . . . . .
Adding a list of new subscribers . . . .
Deleting a subscriber. . . . . . . .
Deleting a list of subscribers . . . . .
Displaying and changing the details of a
subscriber . . . . . . . . . . .
Unlocking a mailbox . . . . . . . .
Resetting a subscriber’s PIN . . . . .
Moving a subscriber to another partition
Custom server management . . . . . .
Scheduling a Unified Messaging backup . .
Global variable modifications . . . . . .
Remote System Administration (RSA) utility
Starting the RSA utility . . . . . . .
Setting up external messaging . . . .
Remote nodes . . . . .
Modifying a remote node .
Defining subscribers allowed
restricted nodes . . . .
. .
. .
. .
. 209
. 211
. 212
Chapter 6. Implementing XML
Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Configuring XML Provisioning . . . . . 217
Message Interface . . . . . . . . . . 218
Add Subscriber . . . . . . . . . 218
Delete Subscriber . . . . . . . . . 223
Change Subscriber . . . . . . . . 225
Get Subscriber . . . . . . . . . . 234
Add Unified Messaging Partition . . . 237
Get Unified Messaging Partition . . . . 238
Create a distribution list . . . . . . 241
Mixed message support . . . . . . . 243
XML Element Dictionary . . . . . . . 245
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging
menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Standard subscriber menus . . . . . . 251
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice
segments . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
IMC voice directory (voice segment details) 261
IMC_SYSTEM voice directory (voice segment
details) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state
tables . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internal Unified Messaging state tables . .
IMC_AMIS_LOGS . . . . . . . . .
IMC_AMIS_VN . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_BANK. . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_BI_LING . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_DLIST. . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_DPTY . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_FAX . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_MR . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_OPER . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_PAGEME. . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_PASWD . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_REACHME . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_RFRL . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_SCHED . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CHK_SPLITS . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CLR_DYNMENU . . . . . . . .
IMC_CLR_SHARED . . . . . . . . .
Administrator's Guide
IMC_CLR_SMEN . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CLR_SMEN_09 . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CLR_SMEN_10 . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTRL_MENU . . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTL_MENU_08 . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTL_MENU_09 . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTL_MENU_10 . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTL_MENU_11 . . . . . . . .
IMC_CTL_MENU_12 . . . . . . . .
IMC_FAX_LOG . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_FIRSTTIME . . . . . . . . . .
and IMC_FIRSTIME_12 . . . . . . . .
IMC_GETPAGERTXT . . . . . . . .
IMC_GETSTRG . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_LANG. . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_LANG_C . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_LOGON . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_MSG_CALL . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_MSG_EXIT . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_NOTIFY . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM . . . . . . . . .
IMC_OCALL_MAKE . . . . . . . .
IMC_OCALL_MENU . . . . . . . .
IMC_OCALL_START . . . . . . . .
IMC_PROCESS_KEY . . . . . . . . .
IMC_PAGE_SBR . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_RECORDCOMP2 . . . . . . . .
IMC_REM_CHECK . . . . . . . . .
IMC_REMCONF . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_REMGRT . . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_REMMSGI . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU . . . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_08. . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_09. . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_10. . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_12. . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_CH . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_EM . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_MP . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_NB . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MENU_NS . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MNU_SCH . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MNU_SEM . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MNU_SMP . . . . . . . .
IMC_SBR_MNU_SNB . . . . . . . .
IMC_STATS . . . .
IMC_XFER . . . .
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging
custom servers . . . . . . . .
Custom server descriptions and settings
IMC_AcuVoice_TTS . . . . . .
IMC_Admin . . . . . . . .
IMC_Attachment . . . . . . .
IMC_Barring . . . . . . . .
IMC_Broadcast. . . . . . . .
IMC_ByName . . . . . . . .
IMC_ByNumber . . . . . . .
IMC_CA_Monitor. . . . . . .
IMC_CallerName . . . . . . .
IMC_Change_Lang . . . . . .
IMC_CS_Control . . . . . . .
IMC_DeleteMsg . . . . . . .
IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage . . . .
IMC_Directory . . . . . . . .
IMC_Dlist . . . . . . . . .
IMC_DlistNames . . . . . . .
IMC_DlistReview . . . . . . .
IMC_GetEmsgBox . . . . . .
IMC_Getmail . . . . . . . .
IMC_GetProf . . . . . . . .
IMC_GetPwd . . . . . . . .
IMC_GlobalVariables. . . . . .
IMC_Greetings. . . . . . . .
IMC_IMAP4_Client . . . . . .
IMC_IMAP4_Server . . . . . .
IMC_IOBI_EventSvr . . . . . .
IMC_LDAP_Client . . . . . .
IMC_LineCounter . . . . . . .
IMC_LogError . . . . . . . .
. . 453
. . 456
. . 457
. . 458
. . 462
. . 463
. . 464
. . 469
. . 470
. . 472
. . 473
. . 474
. . 475
. . 477
. . 482
. . 484
. . 484
. . 487
. . 488
. . 489
. . 490
. . 493
. . 494
. . 495
. . 496
. . 498
. . 499
. . 499
. . 501
. . 504
. . 505
IMC_MAO . . . . .
IMC_MoveProfile . . .
IMC_MR_Retrieve . .
IMC_MsgClient . . .
IMC_MsgServer . . .
IMC_Notify . . . . .
IMC_OneCall . . . .
IMC_OutboundCounter .
IMC_Pager . . . . .
IMC_Password. . . .
IMC_PhraseSlicer . . .
IMC_PlayMsg . . . .
IMC_POP3_Client. . .
IMC_RemoteNames . .
IMC_RemoteSystems. .
IMC_Returnmail . . .
IMC_RunST. . . . .
IMC_Scheduler . . .
IMC_Sendmail . . . .
IMC_SMDI_Client . .
IMC_SNPP_Gateway. .
IMC_Splicer. . . . .
IMC_Stats . . . . .
IMC_SurveyMail . . .
IMC_XMLProvisioning .
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response
system variables used by Unified
Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message
Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail
before.... . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enhancements in IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2. . .
Enhancements made to Unified Messaging
in V4.2 PTFs . . . . . . . . . . .
Enhancements in IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response Version 3.1. . .
Enhancements in IBM Message Center for
DirectTalk Version 6 Release 3 . . . . .
Enhancements in DirectTalkMail Version 2
Appendix G. Configuration file
Initialization files (.ini files) .
Partition-level .ini files . .
Subscriber-type .ini files. .
System-wide-only settings .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
. . . .
Subscriber-type and partition-level
settings . . . . . . . . . . .
Special subscriber-type and partition-level
settings . . . . . . . . . . . .
Holidays section . . . . . . . .
Subscriber class settings. . . . . . .
Glossary .
. 604
. 604
. 609
Administrator's Guide
. 615
Product documentation . . . . . . . 633
WebSphere Voice Response base software
WebSphere Voice Response related products 635
Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
. 594
. 637
Overview of possible switch
configurations . . . . . . . . . . 5
Use of application and administrator
profiles in the basic voice messaging
system . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Use of application profiles for external
messaging . . . . . . . . . . . 28
SIP support . . . . . . . . . . 32
Using Unified Messaging over the Web 46
SMDI support overview . . . . . . 55
Screen used in adding a logical volume 57
Screen used in adding a standard
journaled file system . . . . . . . 58
WebSphere Voice Response and ISO/IEC
key assignments . . . . . . . . . 84
Welcome window . . . . . . . . 91
Configuration menu . . . . . . . 92
Languages window. . . . . . . . 92
Languages (unnamed) window . . . . 93
Language Save As screen . . . . . . 94
Language Selection screen . . . . . 95
Language Save As window . . . . . 96
Language Selection window . . . . . 97
Language Save As window . . . . . 98
Language (U.S.Spanish) window
Languages . . . . . . . . . . 100
Web directory structure . . . . . . 103
Alias feature. . . . . . . . . . 138
Alias feature used with multiple
mailbox . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Multiple sub-mailbox feature . . . . 143
Unified Messaging Interface Tool main
screen — character-based . . . . . 178
Unified Messaging Interface Tool main
screen — X-windows based . . . . 179
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Unified Messaging Interface Tool
screen for adding partitions . . . .
Sample output from listing partition
details . . . . . . . . . . . .
Super administrator: Administrator
Management menu . . . . . . .
Level-1 administrators main Unified
Messaging Interface Tool menu . . .
Level-2 administrators main Unified
Messaging Interface Tool menu . . .
Mailbox Management menu . . . .
Add a new mailbox menu . . . . .
Change/Show Mailbox Details window
Move a Mailbox to a Partition menu
Custom Server Management menu
Schedule a job menu . . . . . . .
Global Variables Management screen
The RSA utility initial screen . . . .
The RSA utility AMIS Setup screen
The RSA utility AMIS Setup screen
(continued) . . . . . . . . . .
The RSA utility Remote Nodes screen
The RSA utility Create a new remote
node window . . . . . . . . .
The RSA utility Subscriber
Authorization screen . . . . . . .
The RSA utility Create Subscriber
screen . . . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning system configured as MQ
client . . . . . . . . . . . .
Provisioning system configured as MQ
server . . . . . . . . . . . .
Administrator's Guide
Prerequisite software for Unified
Messaging Version 4.2 . . . . . . . 2
SMDI port_config file values . . . . 61
Subscriber types and state tables
Subscriber type state tables . . . . . 80
Default values . . . . . . . . . 81
Dynamic caller options . . . . . . 87
Greeting IDs . . . . . . . . . . 88
Settings Names . . . . . . . . . 89
Mailbox field names used with
changeuser command . . . . . . 114
Application profile field names used
with changeuser command . . . . . 123
Notification schedule field names used
with changeuser command . . . . . 124
Subscriber class of IMC_MR_RESTRICT 133
Subscriber class not
IMC_MR_RESTRICT . . . . . . . 134
Global Variables Management field
descriptions . . . . . . . . . . 197
Fields in the RSA utility AMIS Setup
screen . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Fields in the Create a new remote node
screen . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Fields in the Create Subscriber screen
Generic error codes and messages
Error codes and messages for
AddSubscriber . . . . . . . . . 223
Error codes and messages for
DeleteSubscriber . . . . . . . . 225
Error codes and messages for
ChangeSubscriber . . . . . . . . 231
Error codes and messages for
ChangeTelephoneNumber . . . . . 232
Error codes and messages for
NewLanguage . . . . . . . . . 232
Error codes and messages for Reset
and Change PIN . . . . . . . . 232
Error codes and messages for
AddMailbox . . . . . . . . . . 232
Error codes and messages for
DeleteMailbox . . . . . . . . . 232
Error codes and messages for
ChangeAttribute . . . . . . . . 233
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Error codes and messages for
AddSharedNumber . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
MakeShared . . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
DeleteShared . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
DeletePrimary . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
MakePrivate . . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
MakeNonMultiple . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
MakeNonShared . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
GetSubscriber . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
AddPartition . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
GetPartition . . . . . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
CreateDistributionList . . . . . .
Error codes and messages for
MixedMessage . . . . . . . . .
Unified Messaging state tables
IMC_STATS flags and descriptions
Unified Messaging custom servers
IMC_Notify message format control file
tags . . . . . . . . . . . .
Message format control file tags with
example custom strings . . . . . .
Message format control file tags
Message format control file tags with
example custom strings . . . . . .
IMC_SendMail message format control
file tags . . . . . . . . . . .
Message format control file tags with
example custom strings . . . . . .
SurveyMail message format control file
tags . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mapping user data to system variables
Mapping user data to system variables
(notification schedules) . . . . . .
Runtime system variables . . . . .
Message format control file tags
Fields shown in the WebSphere Voice
Response GUI . . . . . . . . . 609
Administrator's Guide
About this information
The IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Administrator's Guide
tells you how to administer IBM® Unified Messaging for WebSphere® Voice
Response: how to install and configure it, and how to manage it on a
day-to-day basis.
IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response is an application that
runs on IBM WebSphere Voice Response for AIX® Version 4.2 and Version 6.1.
Throughout this information, we refer to IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response as Unified Messaging. We refer to IBM
WebSphere Voice Response for AIX as WebSphere Voice Response, except
where we need to distinguish between particular releases of the product.
Who should read this book
This book is for anyone who installs and configures Unified Messaging, and
provides systems administration and operations support.
This book assumes that you are already familiar with Unified Messaging, and
have planned to install and operate it. If you are new to Unified Messaging,
read IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: General Information
and Planning before you start to use this book.
To use this book you should also be familiar with AIX for use on a pSeries®
computer, AIXwindows and WebSphere Voice Response for AIX. You also
need a basic knowledge of telephony and an understanding of the
connectivity of your switch.
How to use this book
This book contains procedures and reference information. The procedures
explain how to complete the tasks for which you are responsible.
Following the procedures in this book
The procedures assume that you are already familiar with using a mouse and
window environment and that you know how to use the common actions
such as Save to work with information. If you are new to WebSphere Voice
Response for AIX, have a look at the Websphere Voice Response for AIX: User
Interface Guide, which tells you how to log on and log off, and use the
WebSphere Voice Response for AIX windows efficiently.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Typographic conventions
This book uses the following typographic conventions:
Identifies an item in a WebSphere Voice Response window. The item
could be a keyword, an action, a field label, or a pushbutton.
Whenever one of the steps in a procedure includes a word in
boldface, look for an item in the window that is labeled with that
boldface italics
Are used for emphasis. Take extra care wherever you see bold italics!
Identify one of the following:
v New terms that describe Unified Messaging components or
concepts. A term printed in italics is usually followed by its
v Parameters for which you supply the actual names or values.
v References to other books.
Text that you type in an AIX window. Because AIX is case sensitive,
make sure you type the uppercase and lowercase characters exactly as
The Unified Messaging application is developed to run on WebSphere Voice
Response and provide telephone access to business data and services. In this
way, Unified Messaging provides accessibility for people who cannot access
the data and services by using regular Web pages or traditional graphical
interfaces. These telephone user interfaces are fully accessible to people who
are blind or have low vision and, if speech recognition is implemented, to
people with mobility impairments or limited hand use. Speech recognition
capability can be provided by products such as IBM WebSphere Voice Server.
In addition, support for users of Telephony Devices for the Deaf (TDD) is
provided as part of the WebSphere Voice Response product.
With Unified Messaging and WebSphere Voice Response you can perform
many application development and system administration tasks using a text
editor or line commands – these are accessible if you use a screen reader
product to interface with them. Also, the default settings of the WebSphere
Voice Response graphical user interface can be changed to produce large fonts
and high contrast colors. Details of how to use these accessibility features can
be found in the Websphere Voice Response for AIX: User Interface Guide.
Administrator's Guide
Alternatively, application development can be done using Java™ or VoiceXML
development tools supplied by IBM and third parties.
You can also use a screen-reader product to access the Unified Messaging and
WebSphere Voice Response publications in HTML format (for details of
availability refer to “Product documentation” on page 633).
Notes on terminology
v A glossary of commonly-used terms is provided at the end of this book
v The full product name of Websphere Voice Response for AIX with DirectTalk®
Technology is generally abbreviated in this book to WebSphere Voice Response.
v The term IBM System p® is generically used in this book to refer both to
PCI-based RS/6000® computers and to appropriate models of the IBM
System p® and pSeries® ranges. (Consult your IBM representative for details
of models that are supported for use with Websphere Voice Response.)
Throughout this book, IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response
is generally referred to simply as Unified Messaging, and IBM WebSphere Voice
Response for AIX® is generally referred to as WebSphere Voice Response.
Where to find more information
Apart from this and other books in the Unified Messaging library, your main
source of information is likely to be the WebSphere Voice Response for AIX
library. Becoming familiar with the WebSphere Voice Response for AIX library
will help you accomplish tasks more quickly.
Details of all available books in the Unified Messaging library, as well as other
product related documentation can be found in “Product documentation” on
page 633.
Useful Web sites
The following Web sites are useful sources of information about WebSphere
Voice Response and related products:
IBM WebSphere voice products
Select the Products link on the Pervasive Computing Software home
page at http://www.ibm.com/software/pervasive
VoiceXML Version 2.1 specification
VoiceXML Version 2.0 specification
About this information
CCXML Version 1.0 specification
Making comments on this book
If you especially like or dislike anything about this book, feel free to send us
your comments.
You can comment on what you regard as specific errors or omissions, and on
the accuracy, organization, subject matter, or completeness of this book. Please
limit your comments to the information in this book only and the way in
which the information is presented. Speak to your IBM representative if you
have suggestions about the product itself.
When you send us comments, you grant to IBM a nonexclusive right to use or
distribute the information in any way it believes appropriate without
incurring any obligation to you.
You can get your comments to us quickly by sending an e-mail to
idrcf@hursley.ibm.com. Alternatively, you can mail your comments to:
User TechnologiesIBM
United Kingdom Laboratories,
Mail Point 095, Hursley Park,
Winchester, Hampshire, SO21 2JN, United Kingdom
Please ensure that you include the book title, order number, and edition date.
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Assuming you are familiar with the capabilities of Unified Messaging and
have planned for its implementation, you are ready to start installing it. (If
you are not sure that you’re ready, look in IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response: General Information and Planning).
You must plan the installation process too, particularly if you are replacing
another voice mail system, or a previous release of Unified Messaging that is
already in production. Read through this chapter before you start, to get an
idea of what you’re going to have to do.
If you are replacing a voice mail system that is already in production, you
must plan the migration very carefully and ensure that the subscribers are
well-prepared for any changes, and aware of the migration itself, even if you
intend it to be transparent to them. Ideally, you should thoroughly test the
whole new system before moving any of the subscribers to it.
Note: Your copy of Unified Messaging is licensed for use with an explicit
number of mailboxes. Exceeding this number is an infringement of your
license agreement. Check with your IBM representative if you are in doubt
about the number of mailboxes your license specifies.
If you are installing Unified Messaging for use with a large
telecommunication group, you can find more information if you go to
Installing the basic system
These are the steps you must perform before Unified Messaging is
If you are migrating a Unified Messaging system, go to“Migrating to Unified
Messaging Version 4.2” on page 11. At the end of this procedure, the system
will be capable of handling messages from internal and external callers, but
will not be capable of exchanging messages with other voice mail systems.
Many of the steps refer to more detailed information elsewhere; make sure
you have a copy of Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation before you
start. You might also find some of the following books helpful:
v AIX: Operating System Installation: Getting Started, SC23–4388
v AIX: Installation Guide and Reference, SC23–4389
v Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
v Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Designing and Managing State Table
v Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System
Before you install Unified Messaging
Before installing Unified Messaging, you should be aware of the software
levels required to support each of the Unified Messaging functions. These
prerequisite software levels are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Prerequisite software for Unified Messaging Version 4.2
Unified Messaging Version 4.2
WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2
AIX 5.2, 5.3, or 6.1
(AIX must be purchased separately)
DB2® V8.1
(included with WebSphere Voice Response)
WebSphere Voice Response Version 6.1
AIX 6.1 (AIX must be purchased separately)
DB2 V9.5
(included with WebSphere Voice Response)
Developing custom servers using IBM Visual Age C++ Professional for AIX
C++ language
compiler – Version
Highly available large scale
Unified Messaging system
HACMP™ 5.1
Text-to-speech (using WebSphere
Voice Server)
WebSphere Voice Server 4.2
Voice Interface
J2EE 1.3 Compliant Web server (for example,
WebSphere Application Server 5.0),
VoiceXML 2.0 Browser
(part of WebSphere Voice Response), and
WebSphere Voice Server Version 4.2
for menu navigation using speech
Web Interface
J2EE 1.3 Compliant Web server (for example,
WebSphere Application Server 5.0)
XML Provisioning
MQ V5.3
XML4C Parser V5.4
MWI notification using SMDI
SMDI Server running AIX 5.2
LNP Server running AIX 5.2
IMAP4 mail server
POP3 mail server
Administrator's Guide
1. Installing the licensed programs
Follow the instructions in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation to
install the correct level of the AIX operating system, any other licensed
programs you require (for example, NetView for AIX, SNA Server for AIX,
Ultimedia Services for AIX), and the Version 4.2 release of WebSphere Voice
Response itself.
Note: If you want to modify any of the Unified Messaging custom servers
you must have a C or C++ compiler installed on the system on which you
customize the Unified Messaging application. However, the compiler is not
required for a production system, so you do not need to install it on your
production Unified Messaging systems.
2. Testing the WebSphere Voice Response installation
After you have installed the WebSphere Voice Response software, continue to
follow the procedures in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation
(“Starting WebSphere Voice Response and testing the installation”) until you
can make a call to WebSphere Voice Response and hear the "Welcome to IBM
AIX DirectTalk/6000" message. Then, if telephony is working, continue with
the installation of Unified Messaging.
Installing the Unified Messaging software components
3. Installing the Unified Messaging option
Read the latest information about Unified Messaging in the README file in
the /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter directory.
Now you can install the Unified Messaging licensed program product (LPP)
from the CD-ROM using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT):
v For an SSI client you need install only the dirTalk.UM.base file set. All the
configuration for an SSI client is done at the SSI server; the remaining steps
need to be done only on the server.
v For any other system, including SSI server and standalone, install the
dirTalk.UM.base, dirTalk.UM.rte and dirTalk.UM.web file sets.
Check the SMIT log for any errors during installation.
4. Importing the Unified Messaging application
Once installed, the application can be imported using the UM Install Manager
(UM_install_mgr) tool, as follows:
1. Log on to AIX using the WebSphere Voice Response user ID (for example,
2. Start WebSphere Voice Response if it is not already running.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
3. Quiesce telephony on all Unified Messaging systems.
4. Change directory to $VAE/sw/MessageCenter/tools.
5. Run the Unified Messaging Install Manager (UM_install_mgr) to import
the application objects into the DB2 database. The syntax is:
UM_install_mgr 42
6. Review the contents of the UM_install_mgr.log file located in
7. To invoke any Unified Messaging environment variables that have been
added to .profile, run the commands:
cd /home/dtuser
. .profile
If this is not done on a new installation, utilities such as mcit will not
work correctly.
5. Installing SMDI support
If you are intending to use Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) support,
the SMDI server fileset, dirTalk.UM.smdi, should now be installed on the
SMDI server. The SMDI server software runs on AIX only and AIX must be
installed before installation of the SMDI server package.
Installation of the SMDI server package is described in “Implementing SMDI
support” on page 54.
6. Installing XML Provisioning support
If you intend to use XML Provisioning support, refer to Chapter 6,
“Implementing XML Provisioning,” on page 215 for information on
configuration your system to use XML Provisioning, and for details of the
IBM XML Parser for C++ and the Websphere MQ fileset, which are required
to support this functionality.
7. Configure the Message Waiting Indicator
Run the Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) configuration utility, mwi_config,
with the appropriate parameters, as described in “Message Waiting Indication
configuration utility” on page 173.
Configuring and testing the system
The Unified Messaging software is now installed, but before you configure
and test the system, you need to consider the telephony changes to make on
the switch to route calls successfully to the Unified Messaging system.
Administrator's Guide
8. Configuring your switch
An overview of possible switch configurations is shown in Figure 1.
Unified Messaging
Routing Number
Hunt Group
Forward on
Data Link
Switch Configuration
Figure 1. Overview of possible switch configurations
In addition, when using many of the channel associated signaling (CAS)
protocols, called and calling number information is not passed from the
switch to Unified Messaging using the trunk; this information will need to be
carried over an exchange data link (EDL). If the message waiting indication
selected is either a message waiting light or stutter dial tone on the telephone
handset, message waiting commands might also be passed over this link from
Unified Messaging to the switch. For an introduction to EDL, see Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: General Information and Planning.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
You need to configure your switch to route calls to Unified Messaging.
Discuss these requirements with your switch representative:
1. Select a number to be your Unified Messaging number. This is the same
number as the VMailExtension value in the GlobalVariables section of the
file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini (see “11. Modifying the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file” on page 7).
Define this number to route calls to the trunk (or trunks) connecting the
switch to the Unified Messaging system. How you do this depends on the
switch you are using. For example, on the Ericsson MD110 this number is
defined as a hunt group, but on the Siemens Hicom it is defined as a
routing number.
If you are using alternative voice mail numbers, (AltVMailExt1,
AltVMailExt2, and AltVMailExt3) you need to define these too.
2. If you are using a hunt group, add the telephone numbers allocated in the
switch to the channels on the trunk (or trunks) to the hunt group as
already described in the previous step.
3. If you are using the quick message facility, define a number as your quick
message number (see “Quick message application profile” on page 28). Set
this number to forward immediately to the Unified Messaging number.
4. Change all user numbers so that they forward to the Unified Messaging
number on busy, ring-no-answer, and manual call forward.
When you are implementing the Unified Messaging system, you might find it
easier to add users to the system in groups. This should help to manage initial
user problems, and allow users access to the system only after receiving
training. To do this, you might need to state the telephone forwarding
configuration on the switch.
9. Installing Brooktrout fax support
For information on how to install fax support refer to Websphere Voice Response
for AIX: Fax using Brooktrout .
10. Modifying the Incoming_Call state table
By default, the WebSphere Voice Response Incoming_Call state table performs
the AnswerCall action. This action clears some parameters that Unified
Messaging may require. The AnswerCall action should be removed from the
Incoming_Call state table so that these parameters are preserved. The
IMC_STARTUP state table will answer the call instead. The action is removed
as follows:
1. From the WebSphere Voice Response Welcome window, click:
Applications->State Tables
2. In the list of state tables, find Incoming_Call and double click to open.
Administrator's Guide
3. In the list of state table actions, select and delete the AnswerCall action
4. Validate and save the state table (File->Validate and Save).
5. Close the State Table editor (File->Close).
11. Modifying the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file
All of the configuration information is stored in a centralized configuration
file called IMC_MessageCenter.ini which is located in the directory
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini. This file is a plain text file that is organized into sections
with each section having a number of fields or variables and associated data,
for example
field1 = data1
field2 = data2
1. Set VMailExtension to the phone number associated with Unified
Messaging itself. You also need to add this number to the system (see “16.
Loading and creating the subscriber application profiles” on page 11).
When the called number matches the profile set as the VMailExtension,
Unified Messaging plays the signon prompt, rather than playing a
subscriber's greeting or the system default greeting.
If you are using direct inward dialing (DID), set VMailExtension to a valid
telephone number on your telephone switch. If you are using an
auto-attendant or attendant, you can choose any valid application profile
ID. Make the number as short and easy-to-remember as possible. The
default value is 111, which matches the supplied application profile ID.
2. Set AltVMailExt1, AltVMailExt2, and AltVMailExt3 to alternative telephone
numbers for WebSphere Voice Response, or to the same value as
Note that AltVmMailExt1, AltVMailExt2 and AltVMailExt3 are used by the
sample IMC_STARTUP state table to mean the following:
If the calling number can be recognized as a valid profile, the
caller has only to enter the PIN, otherwise the caller has to enter
the user ID (telephone number) and PIN.
AltVMailExt2 and AltVMailExt3
If the calling number can be recognized as a valid profile and PIN
Security is off, then the caller has to enter neither user ID nor PIN.
If PIN Security is on (Subscriber Types 6, 7 and 8 only), a caller
will still have to enter the PIN. If the calling number cannot be
recognized as a valid profile then the caller will also have to enter
the user ID (telephone number).
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
The behavior of these additional entry points is determined by the
MCMainControl parameter. See MCMainControl.
To allow additional Unified Messaging platform access numbers, there are
three entry labels in IMC_STARTUP that allow the administrator to
configure additional access number profile behaviors. Each of these labels
has a specific logon behavior. See “IMC_STARTUP” on page 440 for
3. Set OperatorNum to the number of the switchboard attendant at your
location. This is the default number to which a call is transferred if a caller
chooses that option at any time before, during, or after leaving a message.
Subscribers can set their own attendant number (see the IBM Unified
Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Subscriber's Guide (Types 0,1,2,3,4
and 9)) to override the system default.
4. If you are enabling any of the call transfer functions, make sure that
DisableCallSndr, DisableDeputy, DisableFax, DisableJumpout,
DisableOperator, DisablePageMe, DisableReachMe, DisableReferral, and
DisableXfer are set as appropriate. See “Enabling call transfer functions”
on page 36.
5. Set PartitionVisb to determine the type of partitioning (inter or intra) to be
used at your site. (See “System partitioning” on page 179 for information
on managing your system partitions.)
6. Set TTS_Engine to indicate the kind of text-to-speech engine you intend to
use. You need a text-to-speech engine to play back e-mail text. You must,
of course, install whichever text-to-speech engine you want to use, and
ensure that it is working properly. Use the manufacturer's instructions for
this. Unified Messaging currently supports the following products:
TTS_Engine Value
No TTS engine installed
AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001 for AIX from Fonix
WebSphere Voice Server Text-To-Speech
More information on setting up text-to-speech engines can be found in
“Setting up text-to-speech engines” on page 52.
7. Make sure that you set appropriately other parameters in the
GlobalVariables section. Pay particular attention to parameters such as
UniqueDlists, SysDistAllowed, FirstTimeUsage, MaxPWAttempts,
ProfilePWLimit, PwdExpiryDays, and GlobalPWLimit.
12. Creating the application profiles
Create the application profiles required for Unified Messaging operation (for
background information, see “How Unified Messaging uses application
profiles” on page 25). The profiles you must create are:
Administrator's Guide
v Application profiles for Unified Messaging logon – VMailExtension.
v Application profiles that define mailboxes for test subscribers. You need
two or three profiles, so that you can run the tests described in “15. Testing
Unified Messaging” on page 10.
Use the adduser or addlist commands for this; see “Adding a new subscriber
(adduser)” on page 108 and “Adding a list of new subscribers (addlist)” on
page 109.
Each test subscriber application profile needs a subscriber class, a PIN, and
mailbox number 1 activated.
13. Implementing the exchange data link
If you are using an exchange data link or voice bridge, make sure that it is
correctly installed and configured. (For the WebSphere Voice Response end,
see Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation and Websphere Voice Response
for AIX: Configuring the System).
14. Setting system parameters
1. Ensure that the values of the following parameters are correct for your
implementation of Unified Messaging:
v From the WebSphere Voice Response Welcome window, click
Configuration → System Configuration → Change → Application Server
Password Minimum Length
WebSphere Voice Response and Unified Messaging allow PINs
from two to eight characters long. The WebSphere Voice
Response default minimum PIN length, defined by the
Password Minimum Length system variable, is four characters.
Either change the Password Minimum Length system variable
to two or rerecord voice segment 6219 so that the voice segment
matches the system variable setting.
Stop Key
Set the value of the Stop Key parameter to # unless you plan to
customize Unified Messaging to use a different stop key. The #
key is the stop key specified by the International Standard
ISO/IEC 13714, whereas the supplied value for this WebSphere
Voice Response parameter is *.
Number of Pool Buffers
Set the value of this parameter to at least 2000. These buffers are
used by WebSphere Voice Response to manage Unified
Messaging. For more information on pool buffers see Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: Managing and Monitoring the System.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Maximum Cached Buffers
The default value of 300 is insufficient for you to keep Unified
Messaging's state tables in memory, improving performance. Set
this parameter to at least 500 for Unified Messaging.
v From the WebSphere Voice Response Welcome window, click
Configuration → System Configuration → Change → General
Number of Voice Messaging Servers
This parameter controls the number of voice messaging server
processes that WebSphere Voice Response starts (from 1 to 8).
Increase the value from the default of 1 to improve Unified
Messaging's responsiveness.
Record Voice Maximum (Seconds)
This parameter controls the maximum amount of time allowed
for recording audio data (voice segments and messages).
Increase the value from the default of 120 seconds to 300
For more information on system parameters see Websphere Voice Response
for AIX: Configuring the System.
2. Stop and restart WebSphere Voice Response so that the new parameter
values take effect. Click Operations → Quiesce Shutdown. Wait until you
see the message Node Manager terminating in the WebSphere Voice
Response Status window before restarting. Restart by typing vaeinit at
the command prompt. (The full path name is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/tools/
3. Start the IMC_IMAP4_Server to ensure that certain essential database
tables are created. From the Custom Server Manager window, start the
IMC_IMAP4_Server custom server using the Run Status dropdown menu.
Note: The IMC_IMAP4_Server will stop automatically.
4. At this stage make sure that the changes on the switch described in “8.
Configuring your switch” on page 5 for the Unified Messaging and quick
message numbers are complete. You also need to have changed the
forwarding for your test subscriber telephone numbers.
15. Testing Unified Messaging
1. Dial the Unified Messaging number. When prompted, sign on as one test
subscriber and record an audio name and greeting. Repeat this process for
the other test subscriber application profiles that you have created.
2. Dial the number of one of the test subscribers. Listen to the greeting and
leave a message. Repeat for the other subscribers.
3. Dial the Unified Messaging number, sign on, and listen to the messages.
Send messages to other subscribers. If you have enabled transfers for
Administrator's Guide
subscribers (see “Implementing call transfer” on page 35), transfer the call
to another number. Repeat for the other subscribers.
4. Dial the number of one of the test subscribers. Interrupt the greeting and
transfer to the attendant's number.
5. When all these procedures are working, you have a Unified Messaging
system that can handle messages from external and internal callers, but
cannot yet exchange messages with other voice mail systems.
16. Loading and creating the subscriber application profiles
You are now ready to create application profiles for your subscribers. Decide
how you are going to enter your subscribers' names. To use dial-by-name
effectively, enter subscribers' surnames followed by first names. For example:
Note: To create subscriber application profiles, use the adduser or addlist
commands (see “Adding a new subscriber (adduser)” on page 108, “Adding a
list of new subscribers (addlist)” on page 109), or use the Unified Messaging
Interface Tool (“Adding a new subscriber” on page 187) rather than the
WebSphere Voice Response graphical user interface.
Migrating to Unified Messaging Version 4.2
This section describes the migration from Unified Messaging Version 3.1 to
Unified Messaging Version 4.2.
You should carry out the steps in “Preparing to Migrate,” check that you are
at the required software levels to carry out the migration (see “Prerequisites
for Migrating” on page 12), and then refer to the section appropriate to your
system: “Migrating a standalone system” on page 12, “Migrating an SSI
system” on page 14 or “Migrating an SSI system with HACMP” on page 15.
Preparing to Migrate
It is recommended that you make a full backup of your system prior to
migration and that you test any customizations (state tables, prompts and
custom servers) with the new release of Unified Messaging before migrating
your live system to the new release.
Backing up customizations
Ensure that you have a backup of your state table, prompt, custom server and
voice segment customizations. In the case of state tables and prompts, you
will need to apply the changes that you made to your Version 3.1 system files
to your newly installed Version 4.2 system.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
It is important that you have your Version 3.1 files available so that you can
check the differences between the Version 3.1 and Version 4.2 files.
Testing your customizations
The following steps outline a method for installing Unified Messaging on
your test system and verifying operation with your customizations:
1. Install Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 on
the Test System as described in “Installing the basic system” on page 1.
2. Obtain the Unified Messaging Version 4.2 version of any state tables and
prompt files that you have customized in Version 3.1. This is done by
exporting them from the newly installed Unified Messaging Version 4.2
using the DTst and DTprompt tools. Merge your customizations into the
relevant Unified Messaging Version 4.2 files.
3. Import your re-customized state table and prompt files and verify that
your customizations continue to function as before in conjunction with the
new functionality provided in Unified Messaging Version 4.2.
4. If you have customized any custom servers, re-insert your C code changes
into the Version 4.2 files and recompile.
5. Back up your re-customized Unified Messaging Version 4.2 files so that
they can be imported when you install Unified Messaging Version 4.2 on
your live system.
Backing up your system
Make a Full System Backup as described in “Backing up your Unified
Messaging system” on page 22.
Prerequisites for Migrating
The following software levels are prerequisite and must be in place prior to
the migration to Unified Messaging Version 4.2:
v AIX 5.2 at the latest maintenance level
v WebSphere Voice Response Version 3.1 plus the latest PTFs
v Unified Messaging 3.1 plus the latest PTFs.
Ensure that the prerequisite software configuration is installed and that the
system works with these software levels.
Migrating a standalone system
This following steps can be used to migrate a standalone system.
Administrator's Guide
1. Migrate to WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2
Upgrade to WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 using the migration
installation instruction in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation.
Ensure the database has been migrated by running DTdatabase – m as
described in WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2.
Note: Unified Messaging Version 3.1 with WebSphere Voice Response Version
4.2 is not supported. Unified Messaging Version 3.1 should not be started on a
system on which WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 has been installed.
Similarly, in SSI or HACMP systems, clients with Unified Messaging Version
3.1 should not be started where servers have been migrated to Unified
Messaging Version 4.2.
2. Install the Unified Messaging filesets
Installation is a two stage process comprising installation of the Unified
Messaging filesets followed by importing the application objects (such as state
tables, prompts, custom servers and voice segments) into the database.
Install the filesets as described in “3. Installing the Unified Messaging option”
on page 3.
3. Import the Unified Messaging application
To import the Unified Messaging application:
1. Log on to AIX using the WebSphere Voice Response user ID (for example,
2. Start WebSphere Voice Response if it is not already running.
3. Ensure that telephony is quiesced.
4. Change directory to $VAE/sw/MessageCenter/tools.
5. Ensure that the IMC_CS_Control custom server is running.
6. Run the Unified Messaging Install Manager (UM_install_mgr) to import
the application objects into the DB2 database. The syntax is as follows:
UM_install_mgr 42
When migrating from a previous release, the UM_install_mgr will restore the
IPL and run states for Unified Messaging custom servers to their state under
the previous release.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
4. Restore customizations
If you have validated your customizations on a test system, and backed them
up from the test system, as recommended above, import them into the
Unified Messaging database using the DTst command for state tables,
DTprompt for prompts and the dtimport command to restore any customized
voice directories.
5. Modify the Incoming_Call state table
The AnswerCall action must be removed from the Incoming_Call state table
as described in “10. Modifying the Incoming_Call state table” on page 6.
6. Migrating XML Provisioning support
If you use XML Provisioning support, you must install the version of the IBM
XML Parser for C++ specified in “IMC_XMLProvisioning” on page 557.
7. Install SMDI Support
When you have completed Unified Messaging installation, install SMDI
support, if required, as described in “Implementing SMDI support” on page
8. Verify correct system operation
Verify that the new version of software operates correctly and that any
customizations perform as expected with the new release of Unified
Migrating an SSI system
In an SSI system, comprising one or more servers and a number of clients, it
is possible to reduce downtime by migrating the servers and a limited
number of clients. A reduced capacity system can then be run with the new
Unified Messaging Version 4.2 while the remaining clients are migrated. This
scenario is described in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Installation.
For a Unified Messaging client, you should only install the Unified Messaging
base fileset.
For the SSI server:
1. Make sure WebSphere Voice Response is running on the SSI server.
2. Ensure that the IMC_CS_Control custom server is running on all machines
in the SSI cluster on which WebSphere Voice Response is running.
Administrator's Guide
3. Carry out steps “2. Install the Unified Messaging filesets” on page 13 to
“6. Migrating XML Provisioning support” on page 14.
4. Install SMDI support, if required, as described in “Implementing SMDI
support” on page 54.
Migrating an SSI system with HACMP
For a Unified Messaging client, you should only install the Unified Messaging
base fileset.
For the first SSI server (the server on which the DB2 database is migrated):
1. Make sure WebSphere Voice Response is running on the SSI server.
2. Ensure that the IMC_CS_Control custom server is running on all machines
in the SSI cluster on which WebSphere Voice Response is running.
3. Carry out steps “2. Install the Unified Messaging filesets” on page 13 to
“6. Migrating XML Provisioning support” on page 14.
For the second server of HA pair, as the database has already been migrated,
it is only necessary to install the Unified Messaging filesets. The
dirTalk.UM.base, dirTalk.UM.rte and dirTalk.UM.web filesets should be
installed as described in “3. Installing the Unified Messaging option” on page
When you have migrated your SSI system with HACMP to Unified
Messaging Version 4.2, you can install SMDI support, if required, as described
in “Implementing SMDI support” on page 54.
Installing PTFs
To update your Unified Messaging application with the latest Unified
Messaging PTF, you must carry out a two-step procedure:
v Install
v Import
The update procedure is coupled with a two-step reverse procedure. To
de-install a Unified Messaging PTF, you must also carry out a two-step
v Remove
v Reject
The Install and Reject processes are done using the AIX commands smit or
smitty; the Import and Remove processes are carried out using the Unified
Messaging PTF Manager tool, UM_ptf_mgr.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Note: It is essential that you follow the additional instructions in the Memo to
Users section of the Info File supplied with each Unified Messaging PTF when
you carry out the Install and Import processes. Administrators should refer to
the Info File for comprehensive instructions on how to update Unified
Messaging. The information provided in this section is to aid understanding
only and does not constitute complete update installation instructions for
specific PTFs.
Understanding Unified Messaging update processes
When the latest Unified Messaging file sets are installed using the smit or
smitty commands, Unified Messaging object import files (.imp) are placed in
the directory $VAE/sw/MessageCenter/imp. Each import file contains
Unified Messaging objects that must be imported into WebSphere Voice
Response using the Unified Messaging PTF Manager (UM_ptf_mgr) tool.
Individual PTFs should generally be applied in sequence, but occasionally a
PTF is issued of a type called a premaint. A premaint ‘wraps up’ the PTFs that
precede it into a single package, and in this case you do not need to install
the individual preceding PTFs. For example, after PTFs #1, #2 and #3 have
been issued, it may be decided to make PTF #4 a premaint. In this case, when
applying maintenance you would not be required to install PTFs #1, #2, or #3
separately, but would start from #4 (and then apply #5, #6, and so on). After
installing the file sets in a premaint, you still need to import in the correct
order the individual import files for each of the previous PTFs packaged in
the premaint. See “Unified Messaging PTF Manager tool (UM_ptf_mgr).”
If it becomes necessary to remove a Unified Messaging PTF, Unified
Messaging PTF Manager tool must be used to remove PTF updates in the
correct (reverse) order.
How to update Unified Messaging to the latest PTF level
The PTF is installed by running UM_ptf_mgr. The PTF Manager is described
in “Unified Messaging PTF Manager tool (UM_ptf_mgr)” and the steps
required to install a PTF are described in “PTF install and import procedure”
on page 19.
Unified Messaging PTF Manager tool (UM_ptf_mgr)
UM_ptf_mgr should be used to import and, if necessary, remove PTF updates.
Since it is essential that PTF updates are imported in the correct order,
UM_ptf_mgr is able to detect whether previous updates have been imported
successfully in WebSphere Voice Response (see “Preparation” on page 17).
The UM_ptf_mgr tool manages several of the steps that Unified Messaging
administrators were previously required to take to update their systems. For
v backing up objects that will be updated
Administrator's Guide
v stopping and restarting custom servers on Unified Messaging clients and
servers, as necessary
v importing updated Unified Messaging objects into WebSphere Voice
v removing Unified Messaging updates, if necessary
Unified Messaging PTF import files are named UM_42_updatesn.imp, where n
is the PTF update level.
Before attempting to use UM_ptf_mgr:
v Quiesce telephony on all Unified Messaging systems.
v Change directory to $VAE/sw/MessageCenter/tools or add
$VAE/sw/MessageCenter/tools to the $PATH system variable.
v Ensure that IMC_CS_Control is running.
Unified Messaging PTF Manager syntax
To import
UM_ptf_mgr [PTF level] [-s start_ptf_no] [-e end_ptf_no] [-l] [-v]
To remove
UM_ptf_mgr [-r] [-s] PTF level [-R] [-v]
To view
UM_ptf_mgr [-q] [-h] [-v]
PTF level
The level of the Unified Messaging single PTF update that is to be either
imported or removed.
-s start_ptf_no
The first PTF of a sequence of updates to be imported. The default value
for start_ptf_no is 101
-e end_ptf_no
The last PTF of a sequence of updates to be imported. The default value
for end_ptf_no is the highest installed PTF level
Import all PTFs up to the latest level.
Remove the specified PTF.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
-r -s
Remove PTFs in sequence back from the current level specified to the
number of the last level to uninstall as specified by PTF level.
-R Remove all PTFs.
-q Displays all PTF levels that are installed on the machine and imported
into Websphere Voice Response as part of Unified Messaging.
-v Displays verbose information.
-h Displays syntax help and quits.
If a PTF import or removal operation fails as part of a bulk import or
removal, the UM_ptf_mgr command stops immediately.
To update Unified Messaging to level, type:
UM_ptf_mgr 1001
To remove level, type:
UM_ptf_mgr –r 1001
To import all levels in sequence, type:
UM_ptf_mgr -l
To remove all installed PTFs, type:
UM_ptf_mgr -R
With PTF 101 already installed, to import PTFs in the range 102 through 120,
inclusive type:
UM_ptf_mgr -s 102 -e 120
Syntax Help will be displayed when UM_ptf_mgr is used with invalid syntax.
Or, to display syntax help, type:
UM_ptf_mgr -h
Back up
UM_ptf_mgr exports all customizable state tables and prompts that will be
updated by the PTF in text (ASCII) format. This allows users to reference any
previous customizations to state tables and prompts after updated Unified
Messaging objects have been imported into WebSphere Voice Response. For
Administrator's Guide
custom servers that will be updated by a PTF and which are customizable,
UM_ptf_mgr archives the entire custom server directory.
The customizable object backups will be stored as follows:
ascii_statetablesN/state table name
ascii_promptsN/prompt name
cs_sourceN/custom server archive name
Logging and errors
UM_ptf_mgr writes all progress and error statements to standard out and the
UM_ptf_mgr log file, $OAM_LOG_PATH/UM_ptf_mgr.log. After the
UM_ptf_mgr log file is created – the first time UM_ptf_mgr is used – all
logging is appended to the log file. The system administrator must monitor
and manage the log file. It will not be deleted automatically and will continue
to grow in size each time UM_ptf_mgr is used. If the log file already exists it
will be appended to.
Each step of the Import process (see “PTF install and import procedure”) is
dependent on successful completion of all previous steps, and the Remove
process (see “PTF remove and reject procedure” on page 21) is dependent on
the successful completion of the Import process.
If you encounter a problem in either the Import or the Remove process,
UM_ptf_mgr will stop and refer the user to the UM_ptf_mgr log file, which
will provide information about the problem. Once the problem has been
resolved, the user must run UM_ptf_mgr again. UM_ptf_mgr will resume
processing from the point of failure.
PTF install and import procedure
To install and import the PTF carry out the following steps:
1. Install PTF update file sets using the System Management Interface Tool
(SMIT), following the instructions described in the Info File that
accompanies the PTF.
2. Log on to AIX using your WebSphere Voice Response user ID (for
example, dtuser).
3. Start WebSphere Voice Response, if it is not already running.
4. Ensure that IMC_CS_Control is running and that all necessary
UM_ptf_mgr requisites have been fulfilled.
5. Import the PTF import file using UM_ptf_mgr by typing:
UM_ptf_mgr <PTF level>
If you have updated Unified Messaging with more than one PTF update
level you will have several new import files in $VAE/sw/
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
MessageCenter/imp. You can install these by calling the above command
for each PTF in sequence, or you can import all of them using:
UM_ptf_mgr -l
6. Check that UM_ptf_mgr has restarted your Unified Messaging custom
servers as desired.
7. Re-insert customizations to Unified Messaging objects that have been
Refer to state table, prompt and custom server backup directories (see
“Back up” on page 18) to view your customized objects as they were
before Unified Messaging was updated.
8. Restore any changes you have made to the custom server command line
parameters by editing $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini. If you
were using main() args, you should now use IMC_MessageCenter.ini.
9. The method for applying Unified Messaging Web Interface updates
differs depending on whether you need to update the Unified Messaging
web application or whether you are installing it for the first time.
a. If you are installing the Unified Messaging web interface for the first
time, you should deploy the Unified Messaging web application on
your Web server. Follow the instructions in “Setting up Web access to
Unified Messaging” on page 43. The Unified Messaging web interface
is shipped as a complete web module, IMC_Web_Interface.war, and
can be found in the directory $CUR_DIR/Web_Interface/ on the
WebSphere Voice Response database server.
b. If you have installed the Unified Messaging Web Interface previously
and have implemented customizations, you should apply updates
only. First, back up your web application by copying the source
directory containing the Web application on your Web server to
backup media. Then, untar $CUR_DIR/Web_Interface/
IMC_Web_UpdatesN.tar into a temporary directory. Copy files that are
extracted from IMC_Web_UpdatesN.tar into your existing Unified
Messaging web application, overwriting those in your current web
application. If necessary, carry over or re-insert any customizations
that you made to your previous Unified Messaging web application.
10. The method for applying Unified Messaging Voice Interface updates
differs depending on whether you need to update the Unified Messaging
voice application or whether you are installing it for the first time.
Administrator's Guide
If you are installing the Unified Messaging web interface for the first
time, you should deploy the Unified Messaging voice application on
your Web server. Follow the instructions in “Setting up Web access to
Unified Messaging” on page 43. The Unified Messaging Voice
Interface is shipped as a complete web module,
IMC_Voice_Interface.war, and can be found in the directory
$CUR_DIR/Voice_Interface/ on the WebSphere Voice Response
database server.
b. If you have installed the Unified Messaging Voice Interface previously
and have implemented customizations, you should apply updates
only. First, back up your voice application by copying the source
directory containing the voice application on your Web server to
backup media. Then, untar $CUR_DIR/Voice_Interface/
IMC_Voice_UpdatesN.tar into a temporary directory. Copy files that
are extracted from IMC_Voice_UpdatesN.tar into your existing Unified
Messaging voice application, overwriting those in your current voice
application. If necessary, carry over or re-insert any customizations
that you made to your previous Unified Messaging voice application.
11. Restart telephony.
This concludes the update installation.
PTF remove and reject procedure
To remove and reject the PTF carry out the following steps:
1. Log on to AIX using your WebSphere Voice Response user ID (for
example, dtuser).
2. Start WebSphere Voice Response, if it is not already running.
3. Ensure that IMC_CS_Control is running and that all necessary
UM_ptf_mgr requisites have been fulfilled.
4. Remove the PTF import file using UM_ptf_mgr by typing:
UM_ptf_mgr -r <PTF level>
If you wish to remove more than one Unified Messaging PTF update level,
use UM_ptf_mgr -R to remove all PTFs or if you only want to revert to a
certain level, use:
UM-ptf_mgr -r -s <last_ptf_no_to_remove>
If you wish to remove more than one Unified Messaging PTF update level,
ensure that each PTF update level is removed, one at a time, in the correct
(reverse) order.
Check that UM_ptf_mgr has restarted your Unified Messaging custom
servers as desired.
Restore your backup, if your have deployed the Unified Messaging Web
interface on your Web server, by copying it to the source directory
containing the Web application on your Web server.
Restore your backup, if your have deployed the Unified Messaging voice
interface on your Web server, by copying it to the source directory
containing the voice application on your Web server.
Reject the PTF update file sets using the System Management Interface
Tool (SMIT) and following the instructions described in the Info File that
accompanies the PTF.
9. Restart telephony.
This concludes the PTF removal procedure.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Backing up your Unified Messaging system
Back up your Unified Messaging system regularly so that you can restore
your system in case of a disaster. You can follow several types of backup
strategy, including:
Full system backup
This backs up the AIX system on which WebSphere Voice Response
and Unified Messaging run. A full system backup of rootvg (the
volume group of disks where the base AIX system is installed) can be
taken with the mksysb command.
If you have data on other volume groups of disks, you also need to
back up each of these with the savevg command to restore these
volume groups. For example, you might have your DirectTalk
executables in /usr/lpp/dirTalk, or your voice data stored in
/home/dirTalk, both in separate volume groups. Always shut down
WebSphere Voice Response and DB2® before taking a full system
Take a full system backup at least once a year.
Unified Messaging executables backup
Back up all the Unified Messaging executables (unless they have been
modified or moved to other applications) by exporting the
MessageCenter application from the Application Manager (see
Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Managing and Monitoring the System)
or with the command:
dtexport -f MessageCenter.executables -appl MessageCenter
If you have added any Unified Messaging state tables or prompts,
these might be in the Default application, which you might also want
to export from the Application Manager or with the command:
dtexport -f MessageCenter.modifications -appl Default
If you have moved the state tables, prompts, or any other components
of your system to other applications, you might also want to export
these applications in a similar way.
Of course, if you modify ASCII versions of state tables or prompts,
you also need to back up your ASCII versions with the AIX backup or
tar commands. For example, if you keep all your modified state tables
in a directory called um_ascii, you can back up the contents of that
directory to file MessageCenter.ascii.tar using the command:
tar -cvf MessageCenter.ascii.tar um_ascii
Take backups of your Unified Messaging executables whenever you
make any significant changes to the system. In each of the examples
Administrator's Guide
we have given, the backups were taken to files. Ideally, you should
copy these backups to a tape or other removable medium by moving
all the individual files to a directory such as um_executables and then
running a command such as:
backup -f /dev/rmt0 um_executables
Unified Messaging messages and mailboxes backups
All the application profiles and mailboxes created by the adduser
command are initially placed in the User application. Although you
can export application profiles and mailboxes using the dtexport
command or the Application Manager, the messages associated with
the mailboxes are not exported. You can use the Unified Messaging
command, vm_backup (see “Voice message and mailbox backup
utility” on page 169), to take a backup of Unified Messaging
application profiles, mailboxes, distribution lists, notification
schedules, and voice messages. For example:
vm_backup -f /dev/rmt0
You will get a cleaner backup if you shut down your system before
backing it up. It is possible to run vm_backup while Unified
Messaging is still processing calls, but there is a chance of conflicting
data in your backup.
There might be other high availability strategies with which IBM and its
business partners can help you. These might include the use of mirrored disks
and ADSM. Contact your IBM representative to discuss your backup strategy
if you are interested in high availability solutions.
Migrating to a single system image
To migrate multiple Unified Messaging systems to a single system image:
1. Use the instructions in “Installing the basic system” on page 1 to migrate
all the systems to standalone Unified Messaging Version 4.2 systems.
2. Use the utilities described in “Migration Utilities” on page 167 to move
your Unified Messaging data to the machine that will become the SSI
v “Voice message ID renumbering utility” on page 168 describes
vm_renumber, which ensures that each system in a single system image
has a unique range of message IDs.
v “Voice message and mailbox backup utility” on page 169 describes
vm_backup, which backs up all the voice message and mailbox data on
a system before you merge systems.
v “Voice message and mailbox restore utility” on page 170 describes
vm_restore, which restores all the data backed up by vm_backup.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
v “Voice message database integrity check utility” on page 171 describes
vm_integrity, which identifies and optionally tries to fix any problems
with the voice messaging database.
“Example of merging standalone systems into a single system image”
shows how to use the four vm_ utilities to create a single system image.
3. Once you have merged the data from the systems onto a single machine,
you can create the server as explained in Websphere Voice Response for AIX:
Note: The saveDT and restoreDT commands do not save all settings and
subscriber data. Use vm_backup to ensure that all information is restored.
In an SSI setup the maximum number of processes allowed per user on each
client should be set to at least 1600. This can be done under AIX using smitty
→ System Environments → Change/Show Characteristics of the Operating
Example of merging standalone systems into a single system image
In this example there are two standalone systems, system A and system B,
which are to be merged into a single system image (SSI) server system, system
1. On system A, shut down WebSphere Voice Response and run:
This renumbers the messages in system A from 1 to 3847. It reports the
highest number message (3847), which the system administrator uses to
decide where to start renumbering message on system B. In this case, the
administrator chooses 4000.
2. On system B, shut down WebSphere Voice Response and run:
vm_renumber -s4000
This renumbers the messages in system B from 4000 to 7398.
3. On system A, run:
vm_backup -a -f vm.backup.system.A
This backs up everything in system A’s database, including the remote
systems data.
4. On system B, run:
vm_backup -f vm.backup.system.B
This backs up everything in system B’s database except the remote
systems data.
Administrator's Guide
5. On system S, shut down WebSphere Voice Response and run the following
vm_restore -r -a -f vm.backup.system.A
This restores everything from system A’s database, replacing anything
that system S already had in its database. The remote systems data
from system A is also imported.
vm_restore -f vm.backup.system.B
This adds everything from system B’s database, and logs several
errors indicating that some Unified Messaging profiles (such as the
system profiles 999999, 999998, 999997, 333333, 444444, 555555,
666666, 777777, and 888888) already exist on system S. This is quite
correct and nothing to be concerned about.
vm_integrity -f
This fixes any problems with the merged database.
vm_integrity -v -f
This removes any old message files from system S which might have
existed before system A’s database overwrote system S’s database.
This renumbers the messages in system S from 1 to 7246 and sets
the counter for the next message number to 7247.
How Unified Messaging uses application profiles
The application profiles required for Unified Messaging operation and created
during the import process are listed here.
The following application profiles, shown in Figure 2 on page 27 and Figure 3
on page 28, are required for Unified Messaging operation and are created
during the import process:
Unified Messaging application profile
External caller application profile
System distribution list application profile
External messaging application profiles
Quick message application profile
Broadcast application and administrator profiles
VPIM and e-mail application profiles
v Fax application profile
v Test subscriber application profiles
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Unified Messaging application profile
This profile specifies the phone number associated with Unified Messaging
itself. When this number is passed to Unified Messaging as the called number,
Unified Messaging plays the signon prompt, rather than playing a
subscriber’s greeting.
If you are using direct inward dialing (DID), set the profile ID to a valid
telephone number on your telephone switch. If you are using an
auto-attendant or attendant, you can choose any valid application profile ID;
make the number as short and easy-to-remember as possible. A sample
application profile, with profile ID 111, is supplied.
You can create up to four application profiles for Unified Messaging. If you
have a mixed DID and auto-attendant system, you could use one for external
callers and one for internal callers.
External caller application profile
This profile identifies messages left by external or unknown callers. It is
unlikely that you will need to change from the supplied external caller
application profile, with profile ID 999999. If you do, you must also change
the value of the External Caller ID parameter in the Global Variable
Modification section of the Unified Messaging Interface Tool.
System distribution list application profile
This profile holds distribution lists available for use by all subscribers on the
Unified Messaging system.
The SystemDistID parameter in the startup state table is set to 444444. This
associates all system-wide distribution lists (those available to all subscribers)
with the system distribution list profile ID. You can, if you prefer, set up a
separate application profile for this purpose. If you do, you must change the
value of the SystemDistID parameter.
Administrator's Guide
All subscribers have an application
profile that defines their mailbox
(the profile IDs must be real
extension numbers for DID)
application profile
External caller
application profile
Quick message
application profile
Broadcast message
application profile
Broadcast message
administrator profile
Used as the sending application
profile for messages left by
unknown external callers
Associates an audio name
with messages sent using the
quick message service
Defines the broadcast
message mailbox
Authorizes an administrator to send
messages to the broadcast mailbox
for broadcast distribution and
associates an audio name with
broadcast messages
Unified Messaging
application profile
Up to four profiles
define the Unified
Messaging application
for DID (the profile
IDs must be DID
extension numbers)
Figure 2. Use of application and administrator profiles in the basic voice messaging system
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Used to hold distribution lists
available for use by all subscribers
on this Unified Messaging system
System distribution
list application profile
External sending
application profile
External receiving
application profile
application profile
VPIM and e-mail
application profile
Holding mailboxes for AMIS-A
messages sent to external
Used as the sending application
profile ID for messages received
from external voice mail systems
Used as the fax application profile
ID for denoting a fax attachment to
a voice message
Used as the holding application profile
ID for outgoing messages destined for
e-mail or VPIM destinations
Figure 3. Use of application profiles for external messaging
Quick message application profile
This profile identifies messages sent using the quick message service. You can
use the supplied quick message profile, with profile ID 888888. It is unlikely
that you will need to change this. If you do, you must change the value of the
QuickMessage ID parameter in the Global Variable Modification section of the
Unified Messaging Interface Tool. See Quick Message ID
You must also record an audio name, for example, "the quick message
service", so that the message header can say “a message sent by ’the quick
message service’ ...”.
You will also need to create a DID number for the quick message service and
associate a profile ID of the same number with the quick message startup
state table, IMC_START_QMG.
Administrator's Guide
Broadcast application and administrator profiles
The broadcast application profile identifies the broadcast mailbox, which is
the mailbox to which all broadcast messages are originally sent. The broadcast
administrator profile identifies the only subscriber who can send messages to
the broadcast mailbox.
You can use the supplied broadcast profile, with profile ID 777777, and the
supplied administrator profile, with profile ID 666666. For more information
about changing these profile IDs, see “IMC_Broadcast” on page 464.
There are a number of other broadcast profiles. Profile IDs of the form 666xxx
are used by partition administrators to broadcast messages to subscribers
belonging to a particular partition (with the ID xxxx). You create these profiles
using the Unified Messaging Interface Tool whenever you create a partition.
For more information, see “Adding partitions” on page 180.
You can use a profile ID of the form 8888xxxx to broadcast messages to
subscribers belonging to a particular partition (with the ID xxxx). These
partitions must be created using either XML Provisioning or the addPartition
command. (See Chapter 6, “Implementing XML Provisioning,” on page 215
and “Creating a user partition (addPartition)” on page 110.) Consequently, the
mailbox numbers of Corporate Subscribers must not begin with 8888 .. The
sending of broadcast messages sent using a profile ID of the form 8888xxxx
can be staggered and the number of recipients can be restricted. See “Sending
a broadcast message” on page 156, and “IMC_Broadcast” on page 464 for
You can use a profile ID of the form 9999xxxx to broadcast messages to
subscribers belonging to a particular system distribution list (with the ID
xxxx). Consequently, the mailbox numbers of Corporate Subscribers must not
begin with 9999. The sending of broadcast messages sent using a profile ID of
the form 9999xxxx can be staggered and the number of recipients can be
restricted. See “Sending a broadcast message” on page 156, and
“IMC_Broadcast” on page 464 for details.
The profile numbers of users authorized to send a broadcast message to a
particular distribution list or partition are identified by entries in a flat file. If
a distribution list or partition has no entries in the flat file associated with it,
nobody is allowed to send to it. The name and path of the flat file (which
ideally should be stored in the $CUR_DIR/ca/config directory) is specified by
the value of the AuthUsersFile parameter in the configuration file
VPIM and e-mail application profiles
Application profile 555555 is used as the holding application profile ID for
outgoing messages destined for e-mail or VPIM destinations. This profile ID
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
must have 10 active mailboxes. If you need more outgoing mailboxes, use
more profile IDs, for example, 555551 and 555552. See “IMC_Sendmail” on
page 541.
AMIS-A and DTM-D external messaging application profiles
The following supplied application profiles are used for external messaging:
999997 A profile for the sending application
999998 A profile for the receiving application
Do not change these application profiles. If you do, you must change the
value of the AMISReceiverID and AMISSenderID parameters in the Global
Variable Modification section of the Unified Messaging Interface Tool. You
need to record suitable audio names for these sending and receiving profiles.
999801 - 999810
These profiles are used for the external messaging output channels
and must not be changed. They do not need audio names.
If a remote audio name cannot be played for an AMIS-A message, and no
information is received to identify the subscriber, the audio name (999998) of
the receiving application profile is used in the header of the incoming
message heard by the subscriber. For example:
“New message number three from receiving profile audio name
received on the third of January at four thirty-five pm.”
You could record the phrase “an external caller” as a suitable audio name.
When reviewing outgoing mail bound for AMIS-A destinations, the sender
hears the audio name of the sending application profile. A phrase you might
record as a suitable audio name is “an external destination”.
You can use the application profiles as supplied, or copy them, give them new
profile numbers, and change them. Do not use real telephone numbers for
application profiles because a caller dialing a wrong number could start the
application by mistake.
The default application profile ID for outgoing messages destined for e-mail
and VPIM is 555555. All ten mailboxes associated with this profile ID must be
active. If you need more than ten outgoing mailboxes, you can add additional
profile IDs to the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Sendmail_dir/control.file. For more
information see the custom server “IMC_Sendmail” on page 541.
Fax application profile
Application profile 333333 is used to denote a fax attachment to a voice
message and to forward outgoing faxes to a fax server.
Administrator's Guide
Test subscriber application profiles
Create at least two test subscriber application profiles so that you can check
the basic functions of the system before adding application profiles for real
subscribers. Specify your startup state table in both profiles.
The profile IDs must be valid telephone numbers. If you are using direct
inward dialing (DID), the format must exactly match the format of the called
number passed by the telephone switch.
Implementing VoIP using SIP
Unified Messaging can function when connected to a Voice over Internet
Protocol (VoIP) environment using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signalling.
Unified Messaging callers and subscribers are able to interact using both IP
telephones operating on an intranet, and PSTN networks, as shown in
Figure 4 on page 32.
Unified Messaging does not store SIP URIs, it only stores telephone numbers.
SIP Universal Resource Indicators (URIs) must be present, however, in the ‘To'
and ‘From' fields of both inbound and outbound SIP messages. A SIP URI
may follow this format:
A SIP call will always have a ‘From' URI and a ‘To' URI to indicate the logical
sender and receiver of the call.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
MWI Notification
via SMDI
WebSphere Voice Response
Unified Messaging
SSI Server
HA Pair
Figure 4. SIP support
Inbound calls
When a SIP caller calls Unified Messaging, if the <user> part of the ‘From’
URI is numeric, Unified Messaging will use this as the calling number. If the
<user> part of the ‘To’ URI is numeric, Unified Messaging will use this as the
called number. <user> should be numeric for Unified Messaging to identify
calling and called numbers correctly.
Unified Messaging also supports the SIP diversion header, as defined in
Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Voice over IP using Session Initiation Protocol.
The diversion header can provide a reason explaining why the call was routed
to Unified Messaging. If the diversion reason indicates that the call has
reached Unified Messaging because a phone was busy, Unified Messaging
plays the subscriber's busy greeting to the caller. Otherwise, the currently
active greeting is played. Not all SIP networks will provide the diversion
header to Unified Messaging.
Outbound calls
Unified Messaging does not support any type of true call transfer (for
example, blind or attended transfer) when using the SIP protocol. Call transfer
is only supported by tromboning (see “Implementing call transfer” on page
35), using the IBM_Trombone custom server. To specify that tromboning
Administrator's Guide
should be used instead of transfer, XferType = 1 should be added to the
Global Variables section of $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini as
[Global Variables]
See Appendix G, “Configuration file settings,” on page 589 for more
As Unified Messaging only stores telephone numbers, it must artificially
create a full URI for outbound calls. By default, if Unified Messaging makes
an outbound call to 1111 on an outbound SIP channel, the local domain name
of the WebSphere Voice Response machine will be appended to create a
complete URI:
This means that, by default, Unified Messaging will make outbound SIP calls
to users in the local domain. Functionality can be extended to wider domains
with simple customization. See “Customizing Tromboning” below.
By default, Unified Messaging will make the outbound call on the first
available outbound telephony channel. The signalling protocol used will be
determined by the protocol configured for this channel. In a mixed protocol
telephony client (for example, one containing both DTEA and DTTA cards),
customization may be necessary to ensure the call is made to the correct
protocol. See “Customizing Tromboning” below.
Customizing Tromboning
In a mixed telephony protocol system, it may be necessary to specify that the
outbound call should be made on a specific protocol (for example, SIP).
Unified Messaging can be customized to implement this by setting the system
variable SV128.
It may be necessary to allow Unified Messaging to make outbound trombone
calls to another domain. Unified Messaging should be customized to
implement this capability by setting the ‘To’ and ‘From’ SIP URIs.
All outbound trombone calls use the IMC_TRMBONEOUT state table. Look
for the label ‘outdial’. All logic to set the SIP ‘To’ and ‘From’ headers, and to
request a specific signalling type, should be placed directly after this label, but
before the MakeCall() action.
Supporting mixed protocols
SV128 can be set to request a specific outbound signalling type is used in the
following MakeCall action. Values for SV128 are defined in the slcommon.h
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
header file that is shipped with WebSphere Voice Response
(/usr/lpp/dirTalk/include). A useful subset is reproduced here:
User signalling process 1-19
T1 National ISDN
DMS National ISDN
Implement logic (if any) to decide on the required signalling type after the
‘outdial’ label, but before the MakeCall action. Set SV128 to the required
signalling type. For example, to request that the call is made using the
VOIP/SIP protocol, add the following line:
AssignData(SV128, ASSIGN, 36);
Supporting variable SIP domains
By default, if Unified Messaging makes an outbound call to 1111 on an
outbound SIP channel, the local domain name of the WebSphere Voice
Response machine will be appended to create a complete URI:
If a different domain is required, a TO_HDR tag can be set containing the
complete URI. Implement logic (if any) to decide on the required URI, after
the ‘outdial’ label but before the MakeCall action. Assign a TO_HDR to SV541
as follows:
AssignData(SV541, “PUT_TAG”, “TO_HDR”, <complete SIP URI>);
Administrator's Guide
If the MakeCall is made using the SIP protocol, the INVITE will be sent to the
TO_HDR URI instead of the phone number provided in the MakeCall.
Outgoing notification calls
Outbound telephone calls made by UM to provide message notification use
the IMC_OCALL_MAKE state table. This state table can be customized to
support variable SIP domains by assigning a TO_HDR to SV541, and to
request signalling protocol by setting the value of SV128.
Send to Phone calls
Outbound telephone calls made by UM to implement the web interface's Send
To Phone feature use the IMC_MSG_CALL state table. This state table can be
customized to support variable SIP domains by assigning a TO_HDR to
SV541, and to request signalling protocol by setting the value of SV128.
Implementing call transfer
You need to implement some form of call transfer to:
v Transfer out of a greeting to the attendant, the subscriber’s colleague
number, or to another telephone number
v Call the sender of a message
v Forward incoming calls to another number
v Explicitly transfer to another telephone number
You can provide call transfer using either the switch to which WebSphere
Voice Response is connected, or WebSphere Voice Response’s ability to
trombone calls on the DTQA and DTXA trunk adapters. Tromboning calls
means connecting the voice channel of an inbound call with the voice channel
of an outbound call.
If you use the trombone feature, remember that, when the call is transferred
and throughout the entire call, two WebSphere Voice Response channels are in
use. (In a switch transfer, the single channel performing the transfer is
released). This can increase the use of WebSphere Voice Response channels
considerably, and you might need many more WebSphere Voice Response
channels to support your Unified Messaging installation.
If you are using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) signalling in a Voice over
Internet Protocol (VoIP) environment, the only method of transfer supported
is tromboning. Switch transfers using SIP are not supported.
To specify that tromboning should be used instead of transfer, XferType=1
should be added to the Global Variables section of $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini. See Appendix G, “Configuration file settings,” on
page 589 for more information.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Customizing the call transfer state table
Unified Messaging uses the state table IMC_XFER_DO to transfer calls. If you
are using the capabilities of a switch to implement transfer, you might need to
edit this state table with any switch-specific modifications necessary to get call
transfer to work properly. For example, some switches routinely return edges
(return codes) to ReconnectCall. The supplied version of IMC_XFER_DO
treats these as errors. Before you start editing the state table, you must
establish how WebSphere Voice Response call transfers are implemented with
your switch. For more information, see “TransferCall” in Websphere Voice
Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
You should add logic to the IMC_XFER_DO state table to prevent expensive
calls being made, particularly if you are concerned about abuse of the system
by hackers. You could, for example:
v Prevent all subscribers from making trunk calls.
v Check that the subscriber is in a subscriber class that is allowed to transfer
to a public network number and, if not, skip directly to return “invalid”
from IMC_XFER_DO, bypassing the TransferCall action.
v Set the maximum length of a number to which a transfer can be made to
four digits, limiting call transfers to internal telephone numbers.
v Check the class of service of the caller (allowing only internal users to use
transfer) or subscriber in such variables as transfer_cos (SV427) and
referral_cos (SV498). For more information, see Appendix E, “WebSphere
Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging,” on page 563.
v Use state tables such as IMC_CHK_RFRL and IMC_CHK_REACHME to
validate the numbers to which transfer is being attempted.
IMC_CHK_RFRL is already used to validate subscriber entry of numbers,
but if you modify it, and make illegal a number previously allowed, you
need to catch numbers previously entered in IMC_XFER_DO.
Enabling call transfer functions
As supplied, functions that involve call transfer are disabled. Do not enable
these functions if your switch does not support call transfer, and you cannot,
or do not want to, use the WebSphere Voice Response trombone feature.
To enable the call transfer functions, set the following parameters in the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file to no: DisableCallSndr, DisableDeputy, DisableFax,
DisableJmpout, DisableOperator, DisablePageMe, DisableReachMe,
DisableReferral, DisableXfer.
You must also customize the following state tables to allow positive validation
of transfer numbers:
Administrator's Guide
Implementing AMIS-A external messaging
The Audio Messaging Interface Specification (AMIS) is a set of standards
enabling different manufacturers’ voice messaging systems to exchange
messages. AMIS analog (AMIS-A) specifies the use of analog signals for the
message, and enables Unified Messaging to exchange messages with other
manufacturers’ mail systems, as long as both systems are on the same
telephone network.
To set up AMIS analog messaging on your Unified Messaging system:
1. Check that you have sending and receiving application profile IDs.
(Typically these are profile numbers 999997 and 999998 as supplied with
Unified Messaging.)
2. Record suitable audio names for the sending profile (999997) and receiving
profile (999998). See “AMIS-A and DTM-D external messaging application
profiles” on page 30.
3. Check that these profiles are defined in the AMIS Setup window of the
RSA utility within the Unified Messaging Interface Tool. (See “Setting up
external messaging” on page 206.)
4. Add definitions for remote nodes using the RSA facility of the Unified
Messaging Interface Tool and tell your subscribers about them. (See
“Remote nodes” on page 209.) Alternatively, configure an LDAP server
with remote users as described in “Implementing LDAP server support for
AMIS-A and VPIM messaging” on page 68.
5. If authorization is required for any of the remote nodes, add subscriber
definitions for those subscribers permitted to send messages to these
nodes. Authorization is used to restrict who can send messages to a node;
for example, you might want to restrict the list of subscribers who can
send messages to remote nodes in other countries.
Note: The support for remote users on LDAP servers does not permit
such restrictions.
6. Set up your switch for the AMIS numbers. A typical installation would be
as follows:
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
v Set up a DID number to be your external message receiving number.
This is the number that sending systems dial to establish a connection.
Set this number to hunt a number of WebSphere Voice Response
v Create a corresponding application profile on WebSphere Voice
Response, specifying IMC_AMIS_D as the state table. This state table
will answer all incoming calls to your external message receiving
number. The size of the hunt group limits the number of concurrent
incoming AMIS-Analog sessions.
7. Set the Number of AMIS Output Lines field of the RSA utility within the
Unified Messaging Interface Tool. This is the maximum number of
simultaneous outgoing calls that can be made when sending analog AMIS
Implementing DTM-D external messaging
DirectTalkMail Digital (DTM-D) is a protocol enabling Unified Messaging
systems to exchange messages. It’s faster and more efficient than AMIS-A, and
preserves the quality of the original recording. However, you can use it to
exchange messages only between Unified Messaging systems over a LAN.
To set up DTM-D messaging on your Unified Messaging system:
1. Check that you have sending and receiving application profile IDs.
(Typically these are profile numbers 999997 and 999998 as supplied with
Unified Messaging.)
2. Record suitable audio names for the sending profile (999997) and receiving
profile (999998). See “AMIS-A and DTM-D external messaging application
profiles” on page 30.
3. Check that these profiles are defined in the AMIS Setup window of the
RSA utility within the Unified Messaging Interface Tool. (See “Setting up
external messaging” on page 206.)
4. Add definitions for remote nodes and tell your subscribers about them.
(See “Remote nodes” on page 209.)
5. If authorization is required for any of the remote nodes, add subscriber
definitions for those subscribers permitted to send messages to these
nodes. Authorization is used to restrict who can send messages to a node;
for example, you might want to restrict the list of subscribers who can
send messages to remote nodes in other countries.
Implementing VPIM or SMTP/MIME external messaging
This section tells you how to set up Unified Messaging so that your
subscribers can send messages to, and receive messages from, external
locations. They can exchange messages with:
Administrator's Guide
v Subscribers on other voice mail systems (including other Unified Messaging
systems) that support the Voice Protocol for Internet Mail (VPIM).
v Users of e-mail systems, exchanging e-mail messages with attached sound
files, using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol with Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions (SMTP/MIME).
Your subscribers can also have their incoming voice mail redirected to their
Internet e-mail address or to a different voice mail system.
To implement VPIM or SMTP/MIME external messaging on your Unified
Messaging system:
1. For each subscriber on your system who can accept incoming
SMTP/MIME e-mail or VPIM messages, add a line to the AIX
/etc/aliases file to specify how the incoming mail will reach the Unified
Messaging programs that put the corresponding voice messages into the
Unified Messaging mailboxes.
How you do this depends on whether you have a standalone system or a
single system image cluster:
For a standalone system
Add a line of the format:
6926: alias_id
where 6926 is the subscriber's application profile ID and alias_id
is the name used to link profiles to the dtmailin program (see step
2 on page 40). The alias_id must not be a valid AIX userid
because it could receive mail other than voice mail. The default
alias_id can be used if there is no AIX userid of this name.
On a single system image cluster
Do not make the incoming mail activate the dtmailin program on
the single system image server if that server has no telephony.
When a system receives a mail item, its notification system is
triggered. If the system has no telephony, it won't be able to make
outcalling notifications to the subscriber's notification schedules.
Instead, set up the server to forward any mail it receives (not that
it should ever be sent any). The entry in the /etc/aliases file
should look something like this:
6296: 6296@ssiclient.company.com
where ssiclient.company.com is the host name of the single
system image client. The entry in the client system's /etc/aliases
file would be the same as for a standalone system:
6926: alias_id
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
2. Add the following line, including the quotes, to the AIX /etc/aliases file:
alias_id: "| /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/IMC_Getmail_dir/dtmailin dtuser"
For dtuser substitute the AIX userid of the WebSphere Voice Response
user; for alias_id substitute the name used to link profiles to the dtmailin
Using IMC_Getmail to process the mail
It is possible to configure /etc/sendmail.cf to forward all mail to e-mail
addresses that have purely numeric user IDs to one alias in /etc/aliases.
If the user does not exist on the UM system then IMC_Getmail rejects the
mail using IMC_Returnmail. In this way /etc/aliases does not have to be
updated every time users are added or deleted from the system. To do
this, define a keyed/external check routine for numeric IDs which changes
the address to alias_id, both for those addresses ending in a hostname
and addresses that are completely numeric by adding the following entries
under the DS entry or above other entries starting with K. Use a tab before
the regex command in these lines:
Knumeric regex -aalias_id ^[0-9 <>]+@.*
Kallnums regex -aalias_id ^[0-9]+$
Add the following rules to Ruleset 98, under S98, being careful to use tab
characters between the R$* and the rest of the line:
$: $(numeric $1 $)
$: $(allnums $1 $)
Ruleset 98 is called from Ruleset 0 (used for processing all inbound
addresses) to process numeric addresses and local hacks, and with these
changes will change the numeric user ids to the local alias_id. These
rules will be activated by running newaliases and refresh -s sendmail in
step 5 on page 41.
3. Ensure that the AIX sendmail program on your WebSphere Voice Response
system preserves the case when passing the command to the AIX shell to
invoke the dtmailin program. Do this by updating the /etc/sendmail.cf
file. This is best done by your AIX system administrator. One of the
stanzas in sendmail.cf defines the local mailer specification. For example:
Mprog, P=/bin/sh, F=lsDFMu, S=10, R=20, A=sh -c $u
The u parameter in the F= field preserves the case.
Administrator's Guide
Attention: Beware of creating masquerade settings in the sendmail.cf file.
Masquerading is when you set something up that makes mail appear as if
it's coming from another machine.
An example of inappropriate masquerading is when addresses such as:
get converted to:
Unless you have set up adequate aliasing at your company's mail gateway
to convert these back to a form that identifies the correct machine, any
replies sent will fail to reach their destination.
4. Ensure that AIX sendmail is configured to keep the To: header when it
receives e-mail messages through SMTP/MIME. You can do this by
editing the file /etc/sendmail.cf. The following stanza does this:
H?u?To: $u
You can confirm that this is working correctly by sending a test e-mail
message to an AIX test user and examining that subscriber's mail file in
/var/spool/mail. If it's working, the header of the message will have the
To: header field.
5. After you have updated the /etc/aliases file with the details of new or
deleted subscribers, refresh the sendmail system using the following
commands (as the root user):
refresh -s sendmail
You must also use refresh -s sendmail after updating /etc/sendmail.cf.
Defining a remote VPIM destination
You can define a remote VPIM destination either by using the RSA features
within the Unified Messaging Interface Tool (see “Remote nodes” on page
209) or by using an external LDAP directory (see “Implementing LDAP server
support for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging” on page 68).
You can also simply set an e-mail address for a subscriber and have e-mail
with attachments sent to the subscriber’s e-mail address. To do this, create a
local profile for the remote destination.
Creating a local profile for the remote destination
1. Add the subscriber. For example:
adduser -e 1234 -u "remote destination 1234"
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
2. Set the remote delivery address to the VPIM or e-mail address. For
changeuser -e 1234 -u vpim_address -v your_id@yourmail.com
3. Set the message delivery preference to remote delivery only. For example:
changeuser -e 1234 -u vpim_msg_del_pref -v 1
4. Set the remote voice type if required (see vpim_voice_type). For example:
changeuser -e 1234 -u vpim_voice_type -v 1
Setting up remote audio names and location names
This section tells you how to set up remote audio names and a location name
for an external node.
Audio names identify the sender or recipient of a message. When a subscriber
receives a message, the message header gives the date and time when the
message was left, and plays any audio name that the sender has recorded.
When a subscriber sends a message, Unified Messaging plays the intended
recipient’s audio name to confirm the recipient’s identity to the sender.
Similarly, remote audio names identify senders and recipients of messages not
on the local Unified Messaging system.
You can configure remote audio names in one of three ways:
1. The way that Unified Messaging supports the VPIM standard allows
remote audio names to be packed with a VPIM message, and unpacked by
the receiving mail system. This packing and unpacking happens
automatically, unless you turn it off in IMC_Sendmail (see
“IMC_Sendmail” on page 541).
2. To use audio names from other Unified Messaging systems, you can copy
the audio name directories of these systems in one of two ways:
v By using cross-mounted directories on the AIX networked file system
(NFS). Ask your AIX administrator to set them up for you.
v By copying the directories using FTP.
Unified Messaging expects to find remote audio names in
$CUR_DIR/voice/rname/nnn/, where nnn is the code for the remote node.
NFS mount, or FTP copy, the contents of the remote node’s
$CUR_DIR/voice/aname directory to this directory, and your Unified
Messaging system can play those remote names.
3. Record the audio names on your local system and move them to the
directory where Unified Messaging expects to find remote audio names.
You can record voice segments, greetings, or audio names in the usual
way, then move them to the $CUR_DIR/voice/rname/nnn/ directory, where
nnn is the code for the remote node using those audio names.
The names of files in the nnn directory take the form pppppp.mmm.ccc where:
Administrator's Guide
is the application profile
is the mailbox (typically 001)
ccc is the compression type (typically 002 for WebSphere Voice Response
compressed voice)
For example: 154001.001.002.
You can configure remote site names in a similar way to option 3 above.
Record the site name as a voice segment, greeting, or audio name, and move
the recording to the $CUR_DIR/voice/rname/nnn directory as a file called
Setting up Web access to Unified Messaging
This section tells you how to provide your subscribers with a visual user
interface to Unified Messaging using a Web browser such as Internet Explorer
or Apple Safari.
The Unified Messaging Web interface must be deployed on a Web application
server compliant with J2EE 1.3 or later. If your Web server is on a different
system from Unified Messaging (recommended for best performance) then the
two systems must be connected by TCP/IP.
All the files required to set up the Unified Messaging Web interface are
contained in a Web Archive (WAR file), IMC_Web_Interface.war.
IMC_Web_Interface.war is obtained by installing the dirTalk.UM.web fileset
which contains the following .war files:
v IMC_Web_Interface.war
v IMC_Web_PassThrough.war
v IMC_Voice_Interface.war
The fileset can only be installed on a AIX machine. When installed, the web
interface WAR file is located in $CUR_DIR/Web_Interface/
Note: If your Web server runs under Windows, the fileset should be installed
on the WebSphere Voice Response machine and then copied across to the Web
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Single system image considerations
If your single system image server has no telephony connections, and you
want the Web interface to make outbound calls to phones to play messages,
consider not configuring the Web pages to use the server as the system from
which to retrieve messages. The server cannot initiate calls (if users elect to
send messages to the telephone instead of having them downloaded to their
browser as .wav files). For such a single system image server, enter the host
name or address of a client instead of the server see step 1 on page 45 of
To deploy a new Unified Messaging Web interface:
1. Ensure that the IMC_MessageCenterAPI custom server is installed on your
Unified Messaging system and that its Run status is Active. You should set
the server IPL status to AUTOEXEC, so that every time WebSphere Voice
Response is restarted the custom server is also restarted.
2. Load the IMC_Web_Interface.war package onto your Web application
server. Follow instructions for the Web application server you are using.
You will probably be prompted for a Context-Root URL. This refers to the
Web address that subscribers must type into their Web browser to reach
the site, in the format: http://<hostname>/<context-root>. For example,
where the <context-root> URI is UnifiedMessaging.
To update an existing Unified Messaging Web interface:
1. Backup your current Unified Messaging Web interface.
2. Unzip the WAR package IMC_Web_Interface.war into a temporary
directory. The file is in standard .zip format.
3. Copy all the files across, overwriting those in your current Web
4. Carry over any changes from your previous Web interface into the new
To configure the Unified Messaging Web interface you have to edit the file
<application root directory>/jsp/Config.jsp, as follows:
Administrator's Guide
1. Enter the host name or IP address of the Unified Messaging system
running IMC_MessageCenterAPI into the following line:
session.setAttribute ("hostname","<enter hostname or IP address here>");
2. Change the logging level to the required setting. Logging levels are:
No logging.
Minimal logging; logs authentication requests.
Medium logging; logs e-mail server information and minimal
Unified Messaging information
Maximum logging; logs all requests to and from Unified
Messaging and detailed e-mail server information.
The recommended setting for normal running is logging level 0.
3. Set the logging level in the line:
4. Enter the directory path for the log file in the line (only necessary if
logging is not set to 0):
String logPath =
"<enter the path to your logging directory here>";
Note: In Microsoft Windows \\ are required in paths; in AIX, only /
should be used.
If you have changed the port number that IMC_MessageCenterAPI is
running on by setting it in the file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini (see Appendix D, “The Unified Messaging custom
servers,” on page 453) then enter the new port number into the following
session.setAttribute("port", "25121");
To access the Unified Messaging Web interface:
After installing, you can access the Login page on the Web interface by using
the following URL:
where <hostname> is the host name of the Web server upon which you have
installed the Unified Messaging Web interface and assuming the context path
for the index.html file has been set to /UnifiedMessaging.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
If you want to customize the Web Unified Messaging access form, see “Web
access to Unified Messaging” on page 86, or to customize the Unified
Messaging Web interface for any language, see “Web Interface” on page 102.
Web Server
Unified Messaging
Java Interface
Voice Response
Unified Messaging
Custom Server
Web Client running
a WWW browser
Subscriber and
Voice Message
Subscriber's Personal
Computer or Workstation
Subscriber's or
Caller's Telephone
Figure 5. Using Unified Messaging over the Web
Pass-through authentication for the Unified Messaging Web interface
Using the pass-through authentication feature for the Unified Messaging Web
interface, a Web application can direct its authenticated users to their Unified
Messaging mailboxes without having to go through the Unified Messaging
logon page.
As the Unified Messaging authentication is bypassed, the implementing Web
application must itself securely authenticate the subscriber, and must
guarantee the subscriber's identity.
This feature is provided as a Web application archive,
IMC_Web_PassThrough.war, which contains all the necessary JSPs and Java
classes to bypass the Unified Messaging logon page.
The IMC_Web_PassThrough.war file is in the dirTalk.UM.web package which
must be installed on a AIX machine. When dirTalk.UM.web is installed, the
IMC_Web_PassThrough.war file is located in:
Administrator's Guide
Note: If your web server runs under Windows, install the dirTalk.UM.web
package on your WebSphere Voice Response machine and copy it to the web
To integrate the files with your own Web application, the Web archive must
be expanded. A ZIP utility can be used to expand the archive. If you have a
Java SDK installed, the jar utility can be used:
jar xvf IMC_Web_PassThrough.war
The WAR file contains the following files:
Contains the Java class files, providing the methods that allow
pass-through authentication to take place.
An example of how the Java methods can be used to implement
pass-through authentication. The JSP expects to be passed a profile
parameter, specifying the subscriber's telephone number, and
optionally a lang parameter, specifying the required language (for
example, en_US).
By default, this is the error page referred to by UnifiedMessaging.jsp.
A simple Web page for demonstration.
Pass-through authentication demonstration
To see the pass-through authentication demonstration:
1. Deploy the WAR file onto a web application server compliant with J2EE
1.3 or later.
2. Modify UnifiedMessaging.jsp to define the following variables:
This is used if no lang parameter is passed to
UnifiedMessaging.jsp. The default is en_US. Change this if you
want the default language to be anything else.
This is the full application root Web address of the JSP directory of
your Unified Messaging Web application, in the format:
This is the server name or IP address of your Unified Messaging
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
This is the port number used to communicate with the Web
interface custom server. The default is 25121. This should be the
same as your system is using.
This is the administrator profile, as defined in the SysAdminProfile
field in the [XXX_MessageCenterAPI] stanza of
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini on your Unified
Messaging server.
The PIN for the administrator profile. You will have to ask the
Unified Messaging system administrator for this.
The action to take when a user logs out.
logoutAction = "close"
Close the Browser window.
logoutAction = "logon"
Return to Unified Messaging logon screen. This is the default
if no logoutAction is specified.
logoutAction = "[valid URL]"
Redirect to the specified Web address.
3. Start the application server.
4. Use a browser to navigate to index.html. Enter the telephone number of a
subscriber on the Unified Messaging system and click Log On. The
subscriber is logged on to the requested mailbox without entering an
additional PIN.
Implementing pass-through authentication
To implement pass-through authentication from your own application, your
code must:
1. Check that the user has been securely authenticated with your Web
2. Obtain a connection to Unified Messaging.
Connection connection = new Connection(String hostname, int portNumber);
where hostname is the name of the WebSphere Voice Response server on
which Unified Messaging is running, and portNumber is the port on which
the IMC_MessageCenterAPI custom server is listening (default 25121).
3. Obtain the subscriber's PIN.
String subscriberPassword = connection.getPassword(String adminProfile,
String adminPassword, String subscriberProfile)
Administrator's Guide
where adminProfile is the SysAdminProfile as defined in
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini, adminPassword is the PIN for
the adminProfile, and subscriberProfile is the profile of the Unified
Messaging subscriber.
4. Close the connection.
5. Redirect to the Unified Messaging Web application jsp/Config.jsp, passing
the following parameters:
lang = [desired language, e.g. en_US]
profile = subscriberProfile
password = subscriberPassword
logoutAction = [action on logout]
Setting up WAP access to Unified Messaging
This section tells you how to provide your subscribers with a visual user
interface to Unified Messaging using the WAP interface.
These are the same as for the Web interface with the addition that the Web
server needs to have access to a WAP Gateway via a TCP/IP connection. The
Web server must support WML 1.2.
1. Assuming you have followed the install instructions for the Unified
Messaging Web interface Web access “Setting up Web access to Unified
Messaging” on page 43, the WAP files will already have been copied to
the correct directory on your Web server.
2. You will now need to enter some configuration details into <application
root directory>/wap/config.jsp as follows:
v Enter the host name or IP address of the Unified Messaging system
running IMC_MessageCenterAPI into the following line:
session.setAttribute("hostname","<enter hostname or IP address here>");
v Change the logging level to the required setting. Logging levels are:
No logging.
Minimal logging; logs authentication requests.
Medium logging; logs e-mail server information and minimal
Unified Messaging information
Maximum logging; logs all requests to and from Unified
Messaging and detailed e-mail server information.
The recommended setting for normal running is logging level 0.
v The logging level is set in the line:
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
3. The following MIME types must be added within your Web server:
WML text/vnd.wap.wml
4. Your Web application server needs to be setup to execute the index.jsp file
in the <application root directory>/wap directory. The Web address
associated with this file can be something like <hostname>/UMWAP but
should be different to the Web address of the standard Web interface.
5. You also need to configure the WAP gateway. If you are using your own
gateway, refer to its documentation to do this. If you are making use of an
external gateway, then ask the system administrator of the gateway to
configure it for you.
6. The WAP interface can then be accessed by, for example,
http://<hostname>/UMWAP, where <hostname> is the host name of the Web
server upon which you have installed the Unified Messaging Web
Setting up IMAP4 access to Unified Messaging
This section tells you how to set up the environment that lets your subscribers
use an industry standard IMAP4 e-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook
Express to access the voice, fax, and e-mail messages in their Unified
Messaging mailbox.
You must have access to a Web server running under AIX. If you are already
using such a server for the Unified Messaging Web interface, use that server.
Single system image considerations
You should run the custom server, IMC_IMAP4_Server, only on the SSI server.
Although you can run it on SSI clients, running it on the server simplifies the
process for subscribers when they set up their IMAP4 e-mail clients.
Administrator's Guide
1. Ensure that the IMC_IMAP4_Server custom server is installed on your
Unified Messaging system with an IPL status of AUTOEXEC.
2. In the custom server properties for IMC_IMAP4_Server, use the -w
parameter to specify the fully qualified domain name of the Web server. If
you are using the same AIX system for both Unified Messaging and the
Web server, set the -w parameter to hostname, or omit it.
3. Add the following line to the file /etc/inetd.conf (you will need to be
logged on to the AIX system as root):
imap stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/imap_link imap_link
4. Run /usr/lpp/dirTalk/tools/vae.setenv as root.
5. As root, go to the directory /usr/sbin and run the following command:
ln -s $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_IMAP4_Server_dir/imap_link imap_link
6. Edit /etc/services and change imap2 to imap.
7. Run refresh -s inetd as root.
8. Uncompress and untar the RealAudio encoder files that were downloaded
and place them into the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_IMAP4_Server_dir/realaudio
9. After starting the IMC_IMAP4_Server custom server, examine the log file
$OAM_LOG_PATH/IMC_IMAP4_Server.log for any errors. The custom server
does a self-check when it starts up to ensure that all the components are in
Setting up fax capability
This section describes what to do to update the Unified Messaging
configuration to specify usage of Brooktrout fax.
Update Unified Messaging configuration to specify usage of Brooktrout fax
(see “Implementing a fax mailbox” on page 52). The fax_server must be set to
TR114 in each mailbox that supports Brooktrout fax.
changeuser -e 245678 -u fax_server -v TR114
If you are enabling the fax functions, make sure that DisableFax = No is set
in the [GlobalVariables] section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini. Then, you
need to ensure that you have updated the IMC_CHK_FAX state table so that
valid numbers are allowed and that this state table can exit without problems.
Modifying Brooktrout configuration parameters
For further information on see Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Fax using
Brooktrout .
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Setting up text-to-speech engines
This section gives you some basic configuration information for each of the
text-to-speech engines that Unified Messaging supports. It does not replace
the installation instructions that come with the products.
IBM WebSphere Voice Server TTS
IBM WebSphere Voice Server TTS has both client and server components. For
good performance, the server component should be installed on a separate
server and the client component should be installed on your WebSphere Voice
Response server (for a standalone system) or client (for an SSI system).
You will need to install IBM WebSphere Voice Server TTS and configure it by
running vvt_config on both the server and client in order to set up the
VVTdefaults file.
To install and configure WebSphere Voice Server 4.2, follow the instructions
given in the “Installation and verification” section of the WebSphere Voice
Server for AIX: Administrator's Guide.
In addition, to configure Unified Messaging to use the IBM WebSphere Voice
Server TTS, you must set the TTS engine in the Global Variables section of the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file, as follows:
[Global Variables]
Fonix AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001
This text-to-speech engine comes with its own installation script. You need to
select an appropriate directory in which to install the product. Having done
so, edit the file /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/AcuVoice_TTS.ini to indicate the
location of the sound bank and dictionary files. The file looks like this:
Soundbank = /home/dtuser/AcuVoice/sndbank
DictFiles = /home/dtuser/AcuVoice/dictfls
Temp = /tmp
You must also confirm that you have installed the custom server
IMC_AcuVoice_TTS and set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Implementing a fax mailbox
This section tells you how to set up Unified Messaging to handle faxes in
subscribers’ voice message mailboxes.
Start by enabling fax processing by setting the DisableFax variable to no in the
GlobalVariables section of the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini. With fax enabled,
Administrator's Guide
when Unified Messaging detects incoming fax tones, it reacts in one of the
following ways, depending on your system environment:
v If the profile receiving the call (the called number) has a fax number
defined, Unified Messaging transfers the call to that fax machine or fax
A fax number can be defined for a profile either by the subscriber (in the
voice menus) or by the system administrator (using the changeuser
command; see “Fax number and temporary fax number” on page 126).
v If you have installed the Brooktrout fax solution, Unified Messaging
attaches the fax to a voice message, beginning with the words “This
message is a fax”. The recipient can manipulate this voice message with its
fax attachment in all the usual ways (save, delete, forward, and so on), as
well as sending it to a fax machine using the Brooktrout fax card.
To set this up for each receiving profile on a system with the Brooktrout
fax, use the changeuser command to set the fax server to TR114 (see “Fax
server” on page 127).
You can also integrate Unified Messaging with fax servers other than the
Brooktrout fax, in any of the following ways:
v When transferring to a fax server, Unified Messaging can indicate which
number was being called, by dialing the number in dual-tone
multifrequency (DTMF) tones. Fax modems that support DTMF routing can
detect these tones and forward the addressing information to the fax server.
v If you have another manufacturer’s fax server that can send faxes as TIFF
files in VPIM or SMTP/MIME format, faxes can be forwarded as VPIM or
SMTP/MIME mail items to the Unified Messaging mailbox to which they
were addressed. Unified Messaging then attaches the fax to a voice
message, starting with “This message is a fax”.
v If a subscriber has set up a fax server, other than the Brooktrout fax server,
and chooses to send the fax to a fax machine, Unified Messaging sends the
fax to the server as an SMTP/MIME mail item. It also sends the fax
machine number as the name of the intended fax machine.
For example, if a subscriber has a fax server defined as
fax_fx@site.company.com, and sends a fax to 01962818933, Unified
Messaging sends the fax with the addressing information To:"01962818933"
Implementing SMTP mail server support
This section tells you how to set up SMTP server support in Unified
Messaging. The Unified Messaging Web interface allows certain subscriber
types to send e-mail. To be able to do this, they need access to an SMTP
server. A system-wide SMTP server is used.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
To set up and configure SMTP support:
v Configure the system-wide SMTP server by setting the SMTP_Server
variable in the section XXX_MessageCenterAPI of the file
IMC_MessageCenter.ini to the fully qualified domain name of the STMP
Implementing SMDI support
Support for implementing the Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) is
provided by a custom server, IMC_SMDI_Client, which sends MWI
indications to the switch port via an SMDI server. The SMDI architecture
enables third-party add-ins to be included to provide capabilities such as
Local Number Portability (LNP). A sample LNP application is supplied, and
the installation and configuration of an SMDI solution with LNP is described
in this section.
The SMDI Server comprises smdi_server and smdi_tty processes. The
smdi_server process listens for TCP/IP connections from the LNP server and
sends MWI requests to the smdi_tty process for the appropriate switch port.
The LNP server, comprising the lnp_server process, receives MWI requests
from the IMC_SMDI_Client custom server and translates them into requests to
a specific switch port, appending an area code to the telephone number of the
request if necessary, as illustrated in Figure 6 on page 55.
Administrator's Guide
5. MWI set ON
1. Caller leaves
message for
4. SMDI Server sends MWI
ON for 019625551234
2. New message for
5551234. SMDI client
sends MWI ON request
port 2
SMDI Server
MWI ON for port 2,
number 019625551234
SSI Server
MWI ON for
3. LNP Server translates
number and adds ports:
5551234 -> 2 019625551234
Figure 6. SMDI support overview
If you are installing SMDI support for the first time
If you are installing SMDI support for the first time, you should:
1. Install and configure the sample LNP server software as described in
“Installing and configuring the sample LNP server” on page 63.
2. Install and configure the SMDI server software as described in “Installing
and configuring the SMDI Server” on page 56.
3. Configure the Unified Messaging IMC_SMDI_Client as described in
“IMC_SMDI_Client” on page 548. In the case of an SSI cluster, each client
must be configured to start IMC_SMDI_Client, but will load the custom
server from the database server.
4. Start the IMC_SMDI_Client custom server on a standalone machine or on
all of the clients of an SSI cluster.
If you are migrating SMDI support
If you have migrated to Unified Messaging Version 4.2, and had previously
installed SMDI support, your system will still include the previous SMDI
custom server, IMC_SMDI_Gateway.
The IMC_SMDI_Gateway custom server can continue to communicate with
the LNP server and SMDI server while the new version of SMDI server
software is installed. If you are using multiple SSI clusters, you must migrate
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
all SSI clusters to Unified Messaging Version 4.2 before switching over
operation to the new SMDI custom server. When all systems have been
migrated, you can stop the old SMDI processes and start the new SMDI
processes, and then stop the IMC_SMDI_Gateway custom server and start the
IMC_SMDI_Client custom server.
The steps are as follows:
1. Install and configure the sample LNP server software as described in
“Installing and configuring the sample LNP server” on page 63.
2. Install and configure the SMDI server software as described in “Installing
and configuring the SMDI Server.” As part of the installation procedure,
you will modify the /etc/services file to remove the old processes and
start the new processes when the server is restarted.
3. Configure the Unified Messaging IMC_SMDI_Client as described in
“IMC_SMDI_Client” on page 548. In the case of an SSI cluster, each client
must be configured to start IMC_SMDI_Client at IPL, but will load the
custom server from the database server.
4. Stop the IMC_SMDI_Gateway and start the IMC_SMDI_Client custom
server on a standalone machine or on all of the clients in an SSI cluster.
The IMC_SMDI_Gateway IPL status should be set to INSTALLED, so that
it does not start at IPL.
Installing and configuring the SMDI Server
The SMDI server software will run on AIX only, and is typically installed on a
PowerPC RS/6000 such as the pSeries 660 using at least one PCI 128-port
Async Adapter (part number 2944) with 16-port Rack Mountable Remote
Async Nodes (RANs – part number 8136). Currently, up to two 128-port
Async Adapters are supported in a single PowerPC RS/6000. All the software
is installed to /home/smdi/bin and runs as user smdi, group staff.
Installing the SMDI Server
1. Install the dirTalk.UM.smdi fileset onto the SMDI server machine.
2. Configure a TTY for each serial port you wish to use (usually on a
Remote Async Node (RAN) for the 128-port Async Adapter) using the
command smit maktty or any other appropriate method described in the
hardware documentation; select tty rs232 Asynchronous Terminal and
leave all other settings as defaults.
3. Set the TTY devices in /dev which will be used for SMDI to be owned
by smdi, group staff, permissions 600 (read and write for the file owner
only) using the following commands (as root):
chown smdi : staff /dev/tty*
chmod 600 /dev/tty*
4. Create directories /var/spool/smdi and /var/log if they do not already
exist. For efficient performance, create them as separate file systems from
Administrator's Guide
/var, each of at least 64 MB. Put them on the fastest parts of the disks
available on the system (usually the centre). This can be done using the
smit mklv command (opens the Adds a Logical Volume screen, in which
the location on the disk can be specified) followed by smit crjfslvstd
(opens the Adds a Standard Journaled File System screen based on the
previously defined Logical Volume).
For the smit mklv command, the example shown in Figure 7 is for
/var/spool/smdi with no mirroring or striping. Your settings might be
affected by the number of disks available in the machine and your
choices for reliability and performance.
Figure 7. Screen used in adding a logical volume
For the smit crjfslvstd command, the example shown in Figure 8 on page
58 is for /var/spool/smdi.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Figure 8. Screen used in adding a standard journaled file system
5. Make /var/spool/smdi owned by smdi, group staff, permissions 755
(read, write and allow entry to directory for the file owner, read and
allow entry only for all others) using the following commands (as root):
chown smdi:staff /var/spool/smdi
chmod 755 /var/spool/smdi
6. Give /var/log (owned by root, group system) permissions 1777 (read,
write and allow entry to directory for all users, sticky bit set to allow
users to write files as if they were root) using the following command (as
chmod 1777 /var/log
7. As root, copy /etc/hosts from the WebSphere Voice Response system
running IMC_SMDI_Client; for example, the WebSphere Voice Response
SSI Server system. This allows the SMDI server system to use the
hostname of the system running the IMC_SMDI_Client custom server as
found in the /etc/hosts file on that system.
8. As root, create an /etc/netsvc.conf file containing (only) the line
hosts=local, bind
This prevents the SMDI server system from looking for a hostname on a
Domain Name Server (DNS). It will now look only in its local /etc/hosts
9. As root, edit /etc/services to contain the line
Note: If you are migrating from a previous SMDI server, remove any
lines referring to the smdi_socket and smdi_port processes.
This defines the default TCP/IP port to use to connect to the
IMC_SMDI_Client custom server. An alternative port may be specified
Administrator's Guide
instead of the default port 14000. If you require this, simply specify your
desired port number instead of 14000.
10. Edit the file /home/smdi/bin/lnp_servers, which contains the IP
addresses of the LNP servers that can connect to this SMDI server, and
the ports that they can connect to. The file can be used to specify
whether INV (invalid) and BLK (blocked) errors from the switch should
be returned to the LNP server, and then to the UM system, where they
will be flagged as warnings. For example, where there are two such LNP
server systems using the default ports and receiving all switch errors, the
file would read: INV BLK INV BLK
11. If you are migrating from a previous SMDI server, remove the line
smdi:2:once:su - smdi -c 'nohup /home/smdi/bin/smdi.rc &' from
/etc/inittab by running rmitab as root:
rmitab "smdi:2:once:su - smdi -c 'nohup /home/smdi/bin/smdi.rc &'"
Add the line smdi:2:once:su - smdi -c 'nohup /home/smdi/bin/
start_smdi.rc &' to /etc/inittab by running mkitab as root:
mkitab "smdi:2:once:su - smdi -c 'nohup /home/smdi/bin/start_smdi.rc &'"
12. Restart the machine. The SMDI server software will now start.
SMDI Server process control
The smdi_server process is the core of the SMDI server. This process is
responsible for reading the SMDI server control files and starting and
managing processes (smdi_tty) to handle input/output on serial ports.
There are two control files used by smdi_server, lnp_servers and
port_config, located in /home/smdi/bin.
lnp_servers control file:
The format of the lnp_servers file is as follows:
<Address>:<Port> BLK INV
All text fields are NOT case sensitive. There is a limit of 100 entries
in this control file.
The IP address or hostname of the LNP server that is allowed to
connect to this SMDI server.
An optional port number that the LNP server must connect to. If not
specified then the default port 14000 is used.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
If the optional BLK field is specified then BLK messages received from
a switch over the serial line in response to an MWI request will be
passed back to this LNP server. The order of the BLK and INV fields
is not important.
If the optional INV field is specified then INV messages received from
a switch over the serial line in response to an MWI request will be
passed back to this LNP server.
The lnp_servers control file can contain multiple lines specifying different
LNP server connections. The same LNP server can connect to different ports
on the SMDI server, but can only connect once on any given single port. The
set of unique port numbers specified in this control file defines the list of
ports that smdi_server will listen on for connections. The smdi_server will
accept connections on these ports from any LNP server that has an IP address
entry in the lnp_servers file.
port_config control file:
The second control file is called port_config and defines the TTY serial ports
to be configured on the SMDI server. This file is read by smdi_server and for
each valid TTY port configuration line a smdi_tty processes is started with the
relevant port configuration.
The format of the port_config file is as follows:
v <TTY>|<Baud>|<Data>|<Parity>|<Stop>|<Flow>|<Open>|<Local>|
<Hup>|<HB#>|<HB period>|<HB timeout>|<HB threshold>|
<Retry period>|<BLK period>|<BLK threshold>|<state>
v Each fields is separated by the | character. A blank field (indicated by
consecutive | characters) means use the default value for that field. All text
fields are NOT case sensitive. The possible values for each field in the
port_config file are provided in Table 2 on page 61.
The TTY serial port number being configured. This field is mandatory.
If two or more lines in the control file specify the same TTY port then
only the first line encountered is used and further lines are ignored.
This field, if present, specifies the baud rate to use.
Gives the number of data bits to use.
Parity Specifies the parity to use.
The number of stop bits used.
This field indicates the flow control to use.
Specifies the open protocol to use.
Specifies the local protocol to use.
Administrator's Guide
The hang-up discipline to use.
This fields gives the heartbeat number to use to establish the serial
link to the switch is active. This should be a number that is known to
be invalid on the target switch and should be between 1 and 10 digits.
HB period
The period in seconds at which the heartbeat number (HB#) should be
sent to the switch to prove the link.
HB timeout
Once a heartbeat has been sent, the smdi_tty process will wait for this
number of seconds for a response before considering the heartbeat
HB threshold
The heartbeat threshold specifies the number of lost (or missed)
heartbeats before the smdi_tty process considers the link as down.
Retry period
Once the smdi_tty process considers its link as down, it will retry to
link at specific intervals specified by this field.
BLK period
If an MWI request sent to the switch receives a BLK response then the
smdi_tty process will attempt to retry the request at the interval
specified by this field.
BLK threshold
This field gives the maximum number of times a BLK'd message will
be retried before the BLK message is sent up to the smdi_server
process and the smdi_tty process stops re-trying the request.
The state field is used in a redundant SMDI server configuration. The
TTY port on the active server would be configured as ACTIVE, whilst
the equivalent port on the redundant server would be configured as
PASSIVE. Being configured as passive stops the smdi_tty process
sending any data over the serial link. It does, however, listen and if
the port on the active server fails, this redundant passive port can
become active. Unless redundancy is being used this setting should be
set to ACTIVE.
Table 2. SMDI port_config file values
Field name
0 → 255
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Table 2. SMDI port_config file values (continued)
Field name
bits per second
50 / 75 / 110 / 134 9600
/ 150 / 200 / 300 /
1200 / 2400 / 4800
/ 9600 / 19200 /
1 → 10 digits
HB period
0 (= heartbeats off),
2 → 3600
HB timeout
1 → 3600
HB threshold
1 → 50
Retry period
2 → 3600
BLK period
1 → 86400
BLK threshold
1 → 50
The utility SM (SMDI Monitor) is provided with the SMDI Server package.
The utility can be used on the system on which the IMC_SMDI_Client runs:
Administrator's Guide
This utility gives a view of what ports are up and what ports are
down for the first 128 ports on the first 2 SMDI servers defined. It is
best viewed on a color display which supports vt100 emulation. Ports
which are up are shown in green and have either an A (for active,
sending and receiving heartbeats and requests) or P (for passive,
receiving responses only). Ports which are down are shown in red and
have a D (for down) by them. Ports whose state is unknown show up
in purple with a question mark (?) by them.
Log files
The SMDI server's server and port processes both log files in the /var/log
directory. The smdi_server process used the log file SERVER.MMdd and the
smdi_tty process logs to TTY.ppp.MMdd, where MM is the month, dd the day
of the month and ppp is the SMDI serial port number (0–127).
The two processes use the same format for the log file:
dd/MM/YY HH:mm:ss Message
A typical log line might look like:
01/10/03 09:38:01.005 Child process commencing socket reconnection`
Installing and configuring the sample LNP server
The LNP server software will run on AIX only, and is typically installed on a
PowerPC RS/6000 such as the pSeries 660. All the software is installed to
/home/smdi/bin and runs as user smdi, group staff.
1. Install the dirTalk.UM.smdi fileset onto the LNP server machine.
2. Using the sample LNP server process source code lnp_server.c as a
starting point, create a LNP server process that suits your requirements.
3. Build the lnp_server.c file using the make command in the
/home/smdi/bin directory.
4. Ensure the smdi_ranges control file contains your number to port
mappings if it is used in your LNP server process. See “smdi_ranges
control file” on page 64.
5. Start the LNP server process using the command:
/home/smdi/bin/lnp_server –a <SMDI Server name>
substituting <SMDI Server name> for the name for your SMDI server.
This lnp_server process connects to a given SMDI server on port 14000 (by
default) and then listens for connections from IMC_SMDI_Client custom
servers on port 14000 (by default). Once a connection is established at both
ends, the LNP server accepts MWI requests from a connected
IMC_SMDI_Client custom server or accepts messages from the SMDI server.
If a request is received from an IMC_SMDI_Client custom server then the
sample LNP server will determine which TTY port to send the request to by
looking at the control file smdi_ranges, pre-pends the TTY port number to the
request, and forwards the request to the SMDI server.
When a message is received from the SMDI server, the sample LNP server
will simply broadcast this message to all connected IMC_SMDI_Client custom
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
smdi_ranges control file
The smdi_ranges control file is simply a list of ranges of numbers and their
destination ports:
Fields are separated by white space.
<Start> <End> <TTY#>
The starting number in the range. This must be <= End.
The ending number in the range.
The TTY serial port to send the MWI request to. From 0 → 255.
Command line test utilities
These command line test utilities are provided in /home/smdi/bin on the
SMDI server:
setmwi <port number> <number to turn on MWI for>
This command can be used to test a serial port which is connected to
a switch (or a simulated switch such as that provided by the testport
command below), by sending a single MWI ON request. The setmwi
command then disconnects from the port; it does not wait for any
response or lack of response to the MWI request. A successful MWI
request will not generate any response in any case.
rmvmwi <port number> <number to turn off MWI for>
This command can be used to send a single MWI OFF request; it is
otherwise identical to the setmwi command.
testport port number
This command can be used to simulate a switch on a serial port
which is connected to another serial port on the same SMDI server or
another SMDI server. The simulated switch will remain running until
it is stopped (for example, by pressing Ctrl-C when you are on the
command line which started it) and will display details of the
interactions the simulated switch is having with the serial port it is
connected to. To use any of these command line utilities on a
particular serial port on the SMDI server the server must not already
be using the serial port for another purpose (it must not be included
in the port_config file of SMDI server).
testlnp addressport
A tool for simulating the LNP server by connecting to the specified
SMDI server on the TCP/IP address and port. Once connected, the
behavior is similar to testcl below, except that the specific serial port
to send an MWI request to must be specified.
testcl addressport
This tool simulates an SMDI Client process by connecting to the
specified LNP server on the TCP/IP address and port, given. Once
Administrator's Guide
connected the process accepts keyboard input in the form of text to
send to the LNP server. If the text takes the form OP:MWI
XXXXXXXXXX or RMV:MWI XXXXXXXXXX then testcl reformats this
text into a valid MWI request. Any other input is sent "as-is" to allow
the testing of abnormal conditions. Any responses from the LNP
server are displayed on the screen as ASCII text.
testsmdi port
Listens on the specified TCP/IP port, for connections from the LNP
server. When connected this tool acts like an SMDI socket process,
accepting MWI requests from the LNP server and displaying them on
the screen in ASCII text. A keyboard interface allows INV and BLK
messages to be returned to the LNP server.
testlink port [HBEAT [freq] [number]]
A simple tool to connect to the given serial port and allow the user to
type MWI requests to send to the switch. Requests are entered as for
the testcl tool above. The tool displays any responses from the switch
as ASCII text. This tool is useful for proving a link is operating
correctly and, unlike setmwi/rmvmwi, allows multiple messages to
be sent in one invocation as well as the display of any responses. The
optional parameter HBEAT, if present, indicates that heartbeat
messages should be automatically sent. The tool does not specifically
wait for a response but does display any response received on the
screen. The parameter freq gives the heartbeat period in seconds, and
number defines the heartbeat number. The defaults for these options
are 60 and 0000000000 respectively.
Implementing LDAP server support for e-mail messaging
This section tells you how to set up LDAP server support for e-mail
messaging in Unified Messaging.
Unified Messaging allows subscribers to query LDAP servers when
attempting to find the e-mail address of people they wish to filter e-mail
messages from, or when sending messages.
There is a system-wide LDAP server that is used, but subscribers can also
have a separate corporate LDAP server. The Corporate LDAP Server, is the
name given to a user-defined LDAP server that subscribers can specify. If the
subscriber does not define a corporate LDAP server, then the system-wide
server is used for such things as filtering. If the subscriber does define a
corporate LDAP server, then that one is used instead of the system-wide
server. The primary use for this alternate LDAP server is for situations where
there are multiple companies using one Unified Messaging box, for example,
in a ‘telco' environment or when partitioning is used.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
The following steps should be followed when setting up and configuring
LDAP server support:
v Configure the system-wide LDAP server. This is done by setting the
SystemDefaultServer variable in the section LDAP_Server of the file
IMC_MessageCenter.ini to the fully qualified domain name of the server.
The following is taken from the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file.
SystemDefaultServer = ldapserver.ibm.com
v Create an .ini file for each LDAP server that users will possibly wish to
access, including the system-default LDAP server. The .ini files are placed
in the directory $CUR_DIR/ca/ini and have a name that consists of the
fully qualified domain name of the LDAP server with .ini appended, for
example, if the LDAP server name is ldapserver.ibm.com, the .ini file name
will be ldapserver.ibm.com.ini.
The .ini file contains configuration information specific to the particular LDAP
server. This information consists essentially of a mapping between Unified
Messaging and the LDAP server such as MessageCenterFiledName =
LDAPServerFieldName. These field names can differ, to a greater or lesser
extent, between various types of LDAP server for example, Lotus Domino,
Microsoft Exchange, OpenLDAP. Each LDAP server will require its own
specific configuration information. These field names are defined in the
LDAP-server's schema. This information is used by Unified Messaging so that
it will know what fields must be searched when doing queries. A sample .ini
file called ldapserver.ibm.com.ini is provided in the directory
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini. Here are the contents of the sample file and a description
of each of the variables:
Base =o=MessageCenter
UseSSL = no
SysAdminLoginID = administrator
SysAdminPassWD = 17d442f303873c46
NameField = CN
DistinguishedNameField = dn
DigitNameField = mobile
EmployeeNumberField = employeeid
DepartmentField = department
PhoneNumberField = phonenumber
TielineField = tieline
FAXNumberField = facsimileTelephoneNumber
TransferNumberField = callforwardingnumber
EmailAddressField = mail
LoginField = employeeid
PinField = mobile
EmailServerTypeField = mailsystem
Administrator's Guide
EmailServerField = mailserver
EmailAccountIdField = shortname
EmailPasswordField = userpassword
EmailAddressField = mail
The base for the LDAP server. This is site and location specific, for
This is for future use and is ignored for now.
In order for Unified Messaging to fully utilize the LDAP server, it
must have system administrator privileges. This variable contains the
name of a user with system administrative privileges. This should be
the distinguished name of the user.This field is mandatory.
This field contains the encrypted PIN. This should not be edited
manually. The 'pwdutil' utility should be used and is located in the
directory $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_LDAP_Client_dir/utils. Its syntax is as
[Command Line]>pwdutil inifile section key value.
For example:
[Command Line]>pwdutil messagecenter.ibm.com.ini Login SysAdminPassWD password.
Once this command has been run, the LDAP server's Administrator
PIN will appear in the .ini file in an encrypted form. This field is
This is the field containing the full name of the person. This would
typically be cn for the canonical name.
This is the name of the field containing the distinguished name. This
would usually be dn for distinguished name.
Note: An LDAP server administrator is free to configure each of the
following Unified Messaging field names. These LDAP server field
names will be drawn from the LDAP server's schema.
This is the name of the field that contains the digitname spelling of
the person's name. If this field is empty or not set, then searches
based on digitnames cannot be done.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
This is the name of the field containing the employee number of the
This is the name of the field containing the department name or ID of
the person.
This is the name of the field containing the telephone number for the
This is the name of the field containing the tieline phone number for
the employee if one exists
This is the name of the field that contains the fax number for the
person. This isn't currently being used and is for information
purposes only.
This is the name of the field that contains a telephone number to
which subscriber would like their calls transferred. This isn't currently
being used and is only for information purposes
This is the name of the field containing the e-mail address of the
Implementing LDAP server support for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging
This section tells you how to set up LDAP server support in Unified
Messaging for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging.
Unified Messaging allows subscribers to query LDAP servers when
attempting to find the AMIS-A and VPIM addresses of people to whom they
want to send voice messages. This uses a server defined as the
“Interoperability Server” for the system, subscriber type or partition. The
setting for the “Interoperability Server” is separate from the settings for the
“system-wide” and “corporate” LDAP servers defined for e-mail messaging
(although the same server can be used if desired).
The following steps should be followed when setting up and configuring
LDAP server support for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging:
1. Configure the Interoperability LDAP Server. This is done by setting the
InteroperabilityServer variable in the section LDAP_Server of an INI file
such as the system-wide $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini to the
Administrator's Guide
fully qualified domain name of the server to be used for lookups of
AMIS-A and VPIM addresses. For example:
InteroperabilityServer = ldapserver.ibm.com
2. Configure the range of digits for searches on the Interoperability LDAP
Server. This is done by setting the InteropDigits variable in the
LDAP_Server. For example:
InteropDigits = 9-11
Note: The InteroperabilityServer and InteropDigits variables can be set
for a particular subscriber type (for example, subscriber type 7 INI file
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter_07.ini) or for a particular partition
(for example, IBMUsers partition INI file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
3. Create a .ini file starting with the fully qualified domain name of each
LDAP server that will be used and ending in .ini. These .ini files are
placed in the directory $CUR_DIR/ca/ini. For example, if the LDAP
server name is ldapserver.ibm.com, the .ini file name required is
The LDAP server .ini files contain configuration information specific to the
LDAP schema of each particular LDAP server. This information consists
essentially of a mapping between Unified Messaging field names for VPIM
and AMIS and the LDAP server’s field names such as:
VPIMAddressField = vpim_address
AMISAddressField = amis_address
where the fields on the left are Unified Messaging field names and the fields
on the right are the LDAP server's field names. See “Implementing LDAP
server support for e-mail messaging” on page 65 for further discussion of
these field names.
The LDAP server .ini file for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging needs to contain
many of the fields already described in “Implementing LDAP server support
for e-mail messaging” on page 65 plus the VPIMAddressField and
AMISAddressField fields. The most critical of these fields for AMIS-A and
VPIM messaging to function are:
The base for the LDAP server. This is site and location specific, for
example, o=IBM c=US.
This is the name of the field containing the full telephone number for
the person.
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
This is the name of the field containing the VPIM address for the
person. The VPIM address is essentially just an e-mail address which
may start with a number instead of a name.
This is the name of the field containing the AMIS-A address for the
person. The AMIS-A address is composed of the mailbox number for
the person (which is not necessarily their full external telephone
number, but is usually a shorter number) and the AMIS Delivery
number of their voice mail system (the number which is dialed by the
sending voice mail system exclusively for sending messages using the
AMIS protocol), separated by an @ sign like an e-mail address, for
where 247435 is the mailbox number and 01962818888 is the AMIS
Delivery number of the voice mail system.
Fields which are not used at all in AMIS-A and VPIM messaging, and which
do not have to be set if a server is only to be used for AMIS-A and VPIM
messaging are:
Implementing a telephony portal
This section tells you how to setup Unified Messaging as a telephony portal.
When Unified Messaging is configured as a telephony portal, it isn't necessary
to create and administer subscriber mailboxes on the WebSphere Voice
Response for AIX system. Instead, the necessary subscriber information is
extracted from an LDAP server. Subscribers that are configured as telephony
portal users have a limited amount of functionality. The following features are
the only ones available to them:
v Receive voice messages as .wav file attachments in their e-mail
v Retrieve voice and e-mail messages. E-mail messages are played back using
v Reply to messages
v Forward messages
v Delete messages
v Mark messages as read
v Change their PIN.
Administrator's Guide
The following steps should be taken to enable and configure the telephony
v Enable the feature by setting the Active variable in the telephony portal
section of the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini to yes. Unified Messaging is
provided with the telephony portal disabled.
v Set up an access number for subscribers to dial when they wish to log in
and check their messages. This number must be different to the
VMailExtension and the alternate telephone numbers. This is configured by
setting the TelephonyPortalExt variable in the GlobalVariables section of the
file IMC_MessageCenter.ini.
Note: Unlike the VMailExtension number, the TelephonyPortalExt does not
have a corresponding Unified Messaging Application Profile. WebSphere
Voice Response's default application profile (000000000) must exist in the
Unified Messaging AIX system for the telephony portal to work.
v Ensure that a system-wide LDAP server is configured. The variable
SystemDefaultServer in the section LDAP_Server of the file
IMC_MessageCenter.ini must be set to the fully qualified domain name of
the server.
v Configure the Fields section of the .ini file for the system-wide LDAP
server. Here is the relevant section and a description of each of the required
LoginField =telephonyPortalLoginId
PinField =telephonyPortalPin
EmailServerTypeField = =emailServerType
EmailServerField =emailservername
EmailAccountIdField =emailAccountId
EmailPasswordField =emailPassword
EmailAddressField =mail
For best performance, these fields must be explicitly added to the
LDAP-server's schema.
This is the name of the LDAP field that will be used by Unified
Messaging when authenticating users. The will typically be the
telephone number of the subscriber.
This is the name of the field containing the PIN the subscriber will
use when logging in. This field will be encrypted, and must be set
using the set_user command, found in the directory
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_LDAP_Client_dir/utils. See set_user
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
This is the name of the field that contains a flag indicating the type of
e-mail server the user is using, whether it is IMAP4-compliant or
This is the name of the field that has the fully qualified domain name
of the e-mail server the users will be using as their message store.
This is the name of the field that contains the login ID for the e-mail
This is the name of the field that contains the PIN for the subscriber's
e-mail account. This field will be encrypted
This is the name of the field that contains the e-mail address of the
Ensure that the telephony portal subscribers are set up correctly. These
subscribers must exist in the LDAP server and certain fields must be
configured for each user. The telephony portal requires the following
information for each subscriber in order to function properly:
v The e-mail address.
v The telephone number the users will use to identify themselves to Unified
v The PIN each user will use when logging in via the telephony portal.
v The type of e-mail server (POP3 or IMAP4).
v The address of the e-mail server.
v The login ID for the e-mail account on the e-mail server.
v The PIN for the e-mail account.
This information can be set by using the command line utilities in the
directory $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_LDAP_Client_dir/utils, as follows:
sets up a user's telephony portal PIN, encrypts it and stores the
encrypted data on the LDAP server. When required, Unified
Messaging accesses this encrypted field and decrypts it itself.
Therefore, set_user must be used to set all telephony portal users'
PINs. The telephony portal cannot use unencrypted fields or data for
a user's PIN. The syntax for set_user can be displayed by entering the
set_user command on its own and pressing Enter.
Administrator's Guide
retrieves a telephony portal user's details from the LDAP server, and
prints them out as a list. The syntax for get_user can be displayed by
entering the get_user command on its own and pressing Enter.
retrieves the distinguished name of a user from the LDAP server. It is
usually used to facilitate the get_user command. The results of this
command will be displayed in the format of CN=xxx, O=xxxx. The
syntax for get_dn is displayed by entering the get_dn command on its
own only and pressing Enter.
Implementing extension dialing
This section tells you how to set up Unified Messaging so that subscribers
and callers can dial a short number (for example, 1001) to address a longer
user ID in your database (for example, 1230001001). This can be used when
v A destination address for a message
v A transfer destination, for example, when using an auto-attendant
To set up extension dialing, add an ExtensionDialing setting to the Global
Variables section of an INI file such as the system-wide $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini as follows:
ExtensionDialing = 4
ExtensionDialing can be set for a particular subscriber type, for example
subscriber type 7, by using the INI file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter_07.ini) or for a particular partition, for example, by using
IBMUsers partition INI file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter_IBMUsers.ini. See Appendix G, “Configuration file
settings,” on page 589 for more information on INI file settings.
With an ExtensionDialing=4 setting configured, if a subscriber or caller enters
a four digit number, Unified Messaging uses the IMC_XFORM_NUM state
table (see “IMC_XFORM_NUM” on page 452) and the IMC_ByNumber
custom server (see “IMC_ByNumber” on page 470) to find a 10 digit number
that ends in these four digits. If the subscriber (or in the case of an auto
attendant, the auto attendant number) is in a partition with intra-partition
visibility (users outside the partition cannot be addressed) the search occurs
only within that partition.
The ExtensionDialing setting can also specify a range of digits if the
extension length varies, for example:
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
ExtensionDialing = 3-5
Such a setting would allow entered numbers between three and five digits to
be used for a search. Ensure that you use the - (minus or hyphen) character
between the lower number of the range and the higher number of the range
and do not include spaces between the numbers and the - (minus or hyphen)
If your system does not use ten-digit numbers, but uses numbers of another
length then you can set a MailboxDigits setting so that the IMC_ByNumber
custom server uses that length instead - for example, for a system with 8 digit
numbers you can use:
MailboxDigits = 8
If your system is large and extension dialing is likely to be used frequently,
you are advised to add a special index to assist with extension dialing. This
must be done in a maintenance window when the system is not taking calls.
To use the special index to assist with extension dialing:
1. Change directory to the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_ByNumber_dir/utils
2. Run add_reverse_id_index.
3. Add the following setting to $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MessageCenter.ini file:
ReverseID = yes
4. Restart the IMC_ByNumber custom server for it to start using this setting.
See "IMC_ByNumber" in Appendix D of the Administrator's Guide for
further settings that can be used to suit IMC_ByNumber for your
Note: Extension dialing has been found to degrade performance very slightly.
For example, assuming a DB2 Server machine with 4 x 1452 MHz CPUs:
With Reverse Index CPU
Usage may rise by up to 1% under high call volumes (near full
loading) for each 2% of calls using extension dialing as opposed to
regular addressing. Performance of extension dialing will be good
with likely response times in tens of milliseconds.
Without Reverse Index CPU
Usage is likely to rise by 1% under high call volumes (near full
loading) for every 1% of calls using extension dialing as opposed to
regular addressing. Performance of extension dialing will be poor
with likely response times in the range 1-5 seconds.
Administrator's Guide
Implementing menu-routing schedules
After installing Unified Messaging, you can set up Unified Messaging
database support for different menu-routing application behavior at different
times of the day and on different days of the week, or in an emergency.
See “Menu-routing schedules” on page 159 for information on menu-routing
To setup the database table and enable schedules to be stored, run the
create-db-table.sh script in the custom server directory
Chapter 1. Installing Unified Messaging
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
You might want to customize Unified Messaging to suit company policy, to
make it work with your telephone switch, or to make it easier for subscribers
who have been using another voice mail system. You can customize many
things, including:
v “Standard subscriber menu key assignments”
v “Subscriber type menu key assignments” on page 78
v “Prompts and help” on page 79
v “First time users” on page 79
“Signon methods” on page 80
“Security” on page 80
“Confidential e-mail messages” on page 82
“Sending messages” on page 81
“Variable silence before prompts” on page 83
“Avoiding messages being left unintentionally” on page 83
“Listening to messages” on page 83
“Statistics and accounting data” on page 83
“Call handling” on page 84
“Letters associated with telephone keys” on page 84
“Unified Messaging state tables” on page 85
“Unified Messaging custom servers” on page 85
v “Web access to Unified Messaging” on page 86
v “Dynamic caller options” on page 87
Standard subscriber menu key assignments
All supplied menus for Standard subscribers are consistent with International
Standard ISO/IEC 13714. This standard has been developed with the leading
suppliers and users of voice processing systems, and aims to provide a
consistent interface for callers and subscribers across the world. So you should
think carefully before adopting different key assignments. However, the menu
key assignments you can assign are described here.
v Any function to any menu
v Any DTMF key to any function on any menu
Replace the IMC_SBR_MENU state table for subscriber menus or the
IMC_CLR_SMEN state table for caller menus. If you change the default name
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
of MenuStateTable from IMC_SBR_MENU, you must also rename the
following state tables (limit the name to a maximum of 12 characters and use
the same three-character suffixes as below):
Set the following parameters in the Global Variable Management section in
the Unified Messaging Interface Tool (see “Global variable modifications” on
page 196):
If you want to change the keys for functions available while a message is
playing, you must also reset the following parameters in the Global Variable
Management section in the Unified Messaging Interface Tool (see “Global
variable modifications” on page 196):
Subscriber type menu key assignments
In addition to the Standard subscriber interface, Unified Messaging provides
eight alternative subscriber interfaces that either add additional function to
the standard interface, or remove function to provide a simpler subscriber
interface. These are described here.
The alternative interfaces and the state tables used to implement them are:
Table 3. Subscriber types and state tables
Subscriber Type
Subscriber State Table
Caller State Table
Business - local & remote
Business - local
Administrator's Guide
Table 3. Subscriber types and state tables (continued)
Subscriber Type
Subscriber State Table
Caller State Table
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
You can use different sets of menu key assignments by changing the
appropriate state table listed above.
Prompts and help
If the wording, voice, or language does not match your requirements, you can
rerecord the prompts or define an additional language. Subscribers and callers
can select a language from the control menu.
For instructions on how to define a new language in addition to the language
packages provided, see Chapter 3, “Internationalizing Unified Messaging,” on
page 91.
You can customize the help that is available on all menus, and you can assign
any single key to access it from each menu (if the ISO-consistent key 0 is
First time users
You can choose whether first time users are to be guided through the process
of changing the PIN, recording an audio name, and recording a greeting,
followed by an optional tutorial.
If you want to provide a tutorial, record it in voice segments 6379 and 6380.
These are optionally played at the end of IMC_FIRSTTIME for standard
Set the FirstTimeUsage option in the start up state table in the Global Variable
Modification section in the Unified Messaging Interface Tool.
Adapting state tables for first time users
Each of the eight alternative subscriber interfaces has its own state table for
first time users. You can edit these state tables to provide your own tutorial.
The state tables for each of the subscriber types are listed in the following
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
Table 4. Subscriber type state tables
Subscriber Type
State Table
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
Signon methods
You can choose one of the methods for subscriber signon described here.
v Prompt for mailbox number and PIN.
v Use the mailbox number passed from another application and prompt for
the PIN only.
v Use the mailbox number passed from another application that has already
done its own authorization and do not prompt for the PIN. If the switch
supports logging-on to the telephone with a security code, subscribers can
access their mail without further entry of mailbox or PIN.
Set the MCMainControl variable in the GlobalVariables section of the file
This section explains how to guard against unauthorized access to mailboxes.
To guard against unauthorized access to mailboxes, you can specify:
v The minimum number of days that must pass before a PIN can be reused.
v A maximum number of invalid PIN attempts for each mailbox. If this
number is exceeded, the call is dropped.
v A cumulative maximum number of invalid PIN attempts for each mailbox,
after which the mailbox is locked until unlocked by the system
v A cumulative maximum number of invalid PIN attempts over the whole
system, after which all system access is locked.
v The maximum number of days after which subscribers will be forced to
change their PINs.
Administrator's Guide
v Checking the PIN, using the IMC_CHK_PASWD state table, to ensure that
it meets location standards.
Set the following variables in the GlobalVariables section of the file
Note: The value of MaxPWAttempts must be less than the value of
Table 5. Default values
Unified Messaging would never become
locked due to too many system-wide,
failed login attempts
Unified Messaging would hang up the
phone after three consecutive failed login
A subscriber’s mailbox would never
become locked due to too many failed
login attempts.
The default setting would force all
subscribers to change their PIN every 30
The number of days that must pass before a PIN can be reused is determined
by the variable MinTimeReuse in the Passwords section of the file
IMC_MessageCenter.ini. The default is 180 days. Here is the relevant section
from the file:
MinTimeReuse = 180
Sending messages
You can specify the key that indicates that the subscriber is going to enter the
destination for a message as a name rather than a number. The supplied value
is the # key.
You can specify that distribution list IDs can be assumed to be unique, that is,
they can’t be confused with other destination IDs such as telephone numbers.
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
Set the following variables in the GlobalVariables section of the file
When sending messages, you can also specify that short extension numbers
should be expanded to longer user ids. See ExtensionDialing and
You can customize Unified Messaging to use other methods of transforming
entered numbers in customizable state tables such as “IMC_XFORM_NUM”
on page 452 and “IMC_GETSTRG” on page 412 (see pages
“IMC_XFORM_NUM” on page 452 and “IMC_GETSTRG” on page 412,
When sending messages, you can also define other voice mail systems which
can be sent messages using the RSA features within the Unified Messaging
Interface Tool (see “Remote nodes” on page 209) or by using an external
LDAP directory (see “Implementing LDAP server support for AMIS-A and
VPIM messaging” on page 68), and can define e-mail systems which can be
sent messages using an LDAP directory (see “Implementing LDAP server
support for e-mail messaging” on page 65).
You can customize the methods used by Unified Messaging to obtain external
addresses for AMIS-A and VPIM messaging in the customizable state table
IMC_AMIS_VN (see “IMC_AMIS_VN” on page 396).
Confidential e-mail messages
As a security measure, you may want to restrict access to confidential e-mail
messages by subscribers over the telephone. Unified Messaging can be
configured to identify confidential messages based on text within the e-mail
subject. If a message has been identified as confidential and access to
confidential messages is restricted, then the user will not be able to retrieve
the messages.
The access to confidential messages is configured via the Confidential Email
section in the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini. Here is the relevant section:
[Confidential Email]
SubjectText = Confidential
TelephoneAccess = yes
This is the text to look for in an e-mail subject in order to identify it
Administrator's Guide
as being a confidential message. If your company does not have a
specific string of text that appears in all confidential e-mail subjects,
then this feature cannot be used.
This enables or disables access to confidential e-mail messages via the
TUI. When set to yes, confidential e-mail messages can be retrieved.
Variable silence before prompts
Some switches suppress sound for a short time after a key has been pressed.
This might result in prompts that seem to start abruptly, or where the
beginning might not be heard. You can set the length of time you want
Unified Messaging to wait before prompts are played. Voice segment 9010 is
used for this delay; it is supplied as a pause of 200ms.
Avoiding messages being left unintentionally
Sometimes callers unintentionally leave short, empty messages when they
hang up after the tone. You can specify the minimum length of a message that
will be saved when a caller finishes by hanging up. An initial value of 2000ms
is suggested to start with, but experiment with different settings to establish
the best for your system and organization.
Set the MinMessageTime variable in the GlobalVariables section of the file
Listening to messages
As supplied, you can speed up, slow down, and change the volume of
You can specify the time intervals for skipping backwards and forwards while
playing back messages.
Set the following variables in the GlobalVariables section of the file
Statistics and accounting data
You can write programs to process the comprehensive statistical data created
by Unified Messaging in the file $OAM_LOG_PATH/IMC_Stats.log.
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
Call handling
To enable and control call transfer and outward dialing notification the state
tables to which you need to add the necessary logic are listed here.
You need to add logic to the following state tables if you want to enable and
control call transfer and outward dialing notification:
Letters associated with telephone keys
You can reassign letters to different telephone keys. You might want to do this
if the letters on your telephone keys are different from the WebSphere Voice
Response default key assignments, or if you want to use the ISO/IEC 995-8:
1994 standard key assignments. These letters are used when you send a
message by keying the addressee’s name instead of the telephone number.
These assignments are shown here.
WebSphere Voice Response
Key Assignments
Key Assignments
Figure 9. WebSphere Voice Response and ISO/IEC key assignments
Administrator's Guide
To change the letters assigned to telephone keys, see the Key Signals parameter
in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Configuring the System.
Unified Messaging state tables
The /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src directory contains the source
code of the customizable Unified Messaging state tables. If you decide to
customize a Unified Messaging state table, copy the source file to another
directory and make your changes to the copy. Leave the original files in the
st_src directory; these files might be overwritten if you apply fixes to Unified
Editing Unified Messaging state tables
When you customize a state table, you can either use the WebSphere Voice
Response state table editor, or you can update the ASCII source code supplied
in /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src, and import the updated
source into WebSphere Voice Response using the state table editor or the DTst
utility (see Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State
Tables for details). We recommend that you use this second method, and
maintain the ASCII source code as the master copy of the application.
The names of the ASCII source files are the same as the state table names, but
without the prefix IMC_, and in lowercase. For example, the source for the
IMC_STARTUP state table is held in the file startup. For a complete list of all
Unified Messaging state tables and their source file names, see Table 40 on
page 385.
For more information on state tables and how to edit them, see Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
Unified Messaging custom servers
This section explains how you can customize some of the Unified Messaging
custom servers.
You can customize some of the Unified Messaging custom servers by:
v Changing information in IMCdefaults.file. This file is in the
/var/dirTalk/MessageCenter directory.
v Changing information in the configuration file IMC_MessageCenter.ini. This
file is in the directory $CUR_DIR/ca/ini. You can change settings just for a
particular subscriber type by editing a file such as
IMC_MessageCenter_07.ini, which holds settings just for that subscriber
type. If such a file is not found, then the system-wide
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
IMC_MessageCenter.ini will be used instead. See Appendix G,
“Configuration file settings,” on page 589 for more information.
v Removing calls to the custom server from state tables.
v Using command line parameters.
v Changing the source file (where supplied) for the custom server. If you
decide to change a Unified Messaging custom server, make a copy of it and
work on the copy.
To create a new, or modify an existing, custom server, you must be familiar
with programming logic and C language programming. You also need to
understand how a custom server interacts with host and voice applications.
See Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State
Tables for more information.
See Appendix D, “The Unified Messaging custom servers,” on page 453 for
details of the Unified Messaging custom servers, including those you can
Web access to Unified Messaging
The Unified Messaging Web interface is implemented as a hierarchy of forms.
These are contained in the IMC_Web_Interface.war file, and were deployed
onto your Web server.
See “Setting up Web access to Unified Messaging” on page 43. The top-most
form is index.html. Most other forms are Java Server Pages (JSP). JSPs are
used to generate dynamic Web pages. When accessed from a browser, the JSPs
are first compiled into servlets by the Web application server. These servlets
read and write data to Unified Messaging using the Unified Messaging Java
interface, and then deliver the required HTML to the requesting browser.
You can modify the Web interface in the following number of ways:
v Changing the appearance of any of the HTML and JSP pages by altering the
graphics, form-field dimensions, logo and text that are not within JSP tags.
Be careful with any changes you make to these pages, as they have been
formatted with tables and images of specific dimensions. Test your changes
with a Web browser.
v Replace the whole interface with your own, making use of the Java
interface to Unified Messaging.
v Specify a different host name (or IP address) and port number of the
IMC_MessageCenterAPI custom server for TCP/IP communications
between the Web interface and the custom server. This procedure is detailed
in “Setting up Web access to Unified Messaging” on page 43
Administrator's Guide
Dynamic caller options
Unified Messaging lets Business - local (subscriber type 1), Business - local &
remote (subscriber type 2), Residential (subscriber type 3), Remote e-mail only
(subscriber type 4), Small Business (subscriber type 7) and Enterprise
(subscriber type 8) subscribers provide different options to callers depending
on the greeting that the subscriber has active.
The table below describes the default features that are available for each
greeting type.
Table 6. Dynamic caller options
Available and working at the
Available, but working away
from the office
Unavailable but accepting
Unavailable and not accepting
Left for the day
On the phone
The notice board feature allows the subscriber to provide a caller with a
pre-recorded message on demand through the dynamic caller menu. An
example may be a shop that has voicemail, but wants to make its opening
hours available on demand. It is not ideal to have the opening hours play
every time somebody calls to leave a message, so instead they could record
their opening hours into the noticeboard, and use the following greeting:
“We can't take your call at the moment, so please leave a message after
the tone. Alternatively, if you wish to hear our opening hours,
press zero five.”
You can change each of the dynamic menu settings, across the whole Unified
Messaging system, by editing the ASCII file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/Greetings.ini.
You can change a setting just for a particular subscriber type by editing a file
such as $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/Greetings_07.ini which holds settings just for that
subscriber type. If such a file is not found then the system-wide Greetings.ini
will be used instead.
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
This file contains a section for each greeting. Here, as an example, is the
default section for the Available and working at the office greeting:
# Available and working at the office
pager = yes
followme = no
backup = yes
transfer = yes
Following the dynamic caller option such as, transfer, is the word yes or no.
Instead of the word yes, if you want to use a particular voice segment in the
dynamic caller menu in place of the default voice segment, put the segment
number. For example:
#Available and working at the office
[1 ]
pager =9655
followme =no
backup =9653
transfer =9652
The section heading is the greeting ID for the relevant named greeting. The ID
for each of the named greetings is listed in Table 7:
Table 7. Greeting IDs
Personal/Available and working at the office/In the office and
Alternate/Available, but working away from the office/In the office
and not available
Unavailable but accepting messages
Left for the day
On the phone/Busy
Unavailable and not accepting messages
The settings, which can be changed, can have various names and various
default voice segments. These are used for different subscriber types, should
the segment number not be specified:
Administrator's Guide
Table 8. Settings Names
Setting Names
Default Segment
for Subscriber
Types 1–4
Default Segment
for Subscriber
Type 7
Default Segment
for Subscriber
Type 8
transfer / jumpout
There is no need to stop and restart the IMC_Greetings custom server after
editing this configuration file to make the changes active. However,
IMC_Greetings may not reload the settings until its CacheTime, (by default, 3
seconds), has expired.
You can add types which do not have one of the setting names above if you
wish, but should specify the segment number also in the Greetings INI file,
and must be prepared to edit the dynamic caller menu state table
IMC_CLR_DYNMENU to support the new type you are adding.
Chapter 2. Customizing Unified Messaging
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Although Unified Messaging is supplied with U.S.English as the default
language, you are not restricted to using U.S. English only. This chapter
describes how other languages of your choice can be added.
Defining a new language
If you want to use a language that is not supplied with Unified Messaging
you can add a different one. The steps you need to follow to do this are
described here.
1. Start the WebSphere Voice Response GUI. You should see the Welcome
Figure 10. Welcome window
2. In the Welcome window, click Configuration. You should see
configuration menu.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Figure 11. Configuration menu
3. From the Configuration menu click Languages... You should see the
Languages window.
Figure 12. Languages window
4. In the Languages window, click File → New.... You should see the
Languages (unnamed) window.
Administrator's Guide
Figure 13. Languages (unnamed) window
5. In the Language (unnamed) window click Voice Only → File → Save. You
should see the Languages Save As window.
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Figure 14. Language Save As screen
6. Click Source for Voice.... You should see the Language Selection window.
Administrator's Guide
Figure 15. Language Selection screen
7. Select U.S. English from the list of languages displayed and click OK.
The language you have selected (U.S. English) should now be displayed
in the window.
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Figure 16. Language Save As window
8. In the Language Save As window click New Language Name....
Administrator's Guide
Figure 17. Language Selection window
9. You should see a list of languages, in the Language Selection window,
that have language IDs assigned to them. You can select a language from
this list or create your own. For example, to create U.S. Spanish, type
U.S. Spanish in the text box below the words User Defined and click
OK. The Language Save As window should now display showing the
source language, the new language name and the language code.
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Figure 18. Language Save As window
10. You must assign a language code that is not already being used (between
1 and 255), for example 250. To change the code for the new language
you have named, click the code, delete it, and type a new code. Click
Administrator's Guide
Select All Items. You should see that all the voice directories and voice
tables in U.S. English are selected in the list (you can verify this by
clicking on one of the radio buttons). Click OK. You should see the
following two windows:
Figure 19. Language (U.S.Spanish) window
11. The new language you have just added should now be listed in the
Languages window:
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Figure 20. Languages
Recording new voice segments
After you have defined the language, you must rerecord the voice segments
and store them in the voice directories in the new language. Unified
Messaging uses two voice directories:
v “IMC voice directory (voice segment details)” on page 261.
v “IMC_SYSTEM voice directory (voice segment details)” on page 376.
The voice segments that are available are listed, in numerical order, in each of
the voice directories. For a complete list of voice segments supplied with
Unified Messaging, see Appendix B, “Unified Messaging voice segments,” on
page 261.
Before you rerecord and replace the voice segments, first make draft
recordings using the IMC_RECORDCOMP2 state table. You can do this by
changing an application profile to point to the IMC_RECORDCOMP2 state
table (see “IMC_RECORDCOMP2” on page 426) and assign a phone number
to that application profile. Then test the system fully until you are satisfied
with the wording. If the voice quality is adequate, you need do no more, but
Administrator's Guide
if you want high-quality voice recordings, you can rerecord your voice
segments in a professional recording studio. The voice segments must be
recorded into WAV files which will enable you to use the Batch Voice Import
(BVI) utility, already supplied, to import the WAV files into WebSphere Voice
Response. For more information on batch voice import, see Websphere Voice
Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables. To carry out the
import procedure, see “Importing WAV files using the Batch Voice Import
(BVI) utility” for detailed instructions.
Importing WAV files using the Batch Voice Import (BVI) utility
If you want to use the BVI utility, you must import BVI.imp from
After you have created the WAV files you should transfer them to the
WebSphere Voice Response machine and place them in a directory such as
/home/dtuser/wavfiles. The WAV files should have a filename format of
<segment_id>.wav where <segment_id> corresponds with the segment IDs
listed in Appendix B, “Unified Messaging voice segments,” on page 261.
Before using the BVI utility, customize the $CUR_DIR/ca/BVI_dir/bvi.control
file that is supplied with BVI.
To import a WAV file into WebSphere Voice Response, you should type the
following five commands on the AIX command line as dtuser (the words in
italics should be replaced by appropriate values):
cd $CUR_DIR/ca/BVI_dir
bvi_wav wavfile
echo "language,\"voice directory\",segment id,compression type,\
"segment description\"" > bvi.descr
For example, if you want to import voice segment 1001 into the IMC voice
directory with language code 250, using the WAV file /home/dtuser/
wavfiles/1001.wav, and to store it in compressed format, then the above
values would be replaced as follows:
wavfile = /home/dtuser/wavfiles/1001.wav
language = 250
voice directory = IMC
segment id = 1001
compression type = 0
segment description = Please enter your own number, followed by #.
Therefore, you should type the following:
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
cd $CUR_DIR/ca/BVI_dir
bvi_wav /home/dtuser/wavfiles/1001.wav
echo "250,\"IMC\",1001,0,\" Please enter your own number, followed by #.
\"" >bvi.descr
Configuration Files
Some configuration files must be copied and translated into the language of
your choice. The configuration files that you must copy reside in
$CUR_DIR/ca/config and in $CUR_DIR/ca/template. The
language-dependent configuration files have an extension of "language code".
For example, if you have created a new language with language code 250, you
should copy $CUR_DIR/ca/template/EMAIL.1 to $CUR_DIR/ca/template/
You should update the Time and Date2 prompts so that the logic observes the
rules of the language that you are defining for time and dates. You can update
the prompts by using the prompt editor provided with WebSphere Voice
Response, or by exporting the prompt into ASCII format, updating the prompt
using an editor of your choice and then importing the prompt. Details of
exporting and importing prompts can be found in Websphere Voice Response for
AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
Web Interface
The Web Interface can be customized to enable you to select a new language.
Enabling the Web Interface to select a new language
To customize the Web interface to use a language not supplied with Unified
Messaging, carry out the following steps:
1. Locate a top level directory on the Web application server referred to as
rootURI. This contains the following directories:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 21. Web directory structure
2. Add a directory under the rootURI directory with the abbreviation of your
language. For example, for U.S. Spanish, create a directory called es_US.
3. Locate the following files from rootURI/WEB-INF/classes/com/ibm/
4. Copy and rename these files (for Spanish United States locale) as follows :
5. Translate into Spanish:
6. Copy the files and directories under rootURI/en_US to rootURI/es_US.
7. Edit the rootURI/es_US/index.html file by replacing the lines:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=../jsp/logon.jsp?lang=en_US">
With the lines:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=../jsp/logon.jsp?lang=es_US">
8. Translate into Spanish the following files, from rootURI/es_US/Help
Chapter 3. Internationalizing Unified Messaging
Subscribers can now select the en_US language using this URL:
or the es_US language using this URL:
Removing unused languages
You will need to edit telIS.jsp for subscriber types 0, 1 and 2. For the language
selection box, you should include only those languages that are available on
your system. Otherwise, it is possible that subscribers will set a language that
is not present, which will prevent them from logging into the tone interface.
Voice Interface
The voice interface currently supports U.S. English only and cannot be
Unified Messaging Interface Tool
The Unified Messaging Interface Tool cannot easily be internationalized. A
good technical knowledge of AIX is required in order to translate the strings
displayed by the Interface Tool.
The translation is made by accessing the ODM (Object Data Manager) and
changing the strings stored within it that are used by the Interface Tool.
Dynamic language change
This section tells you where to look for information on how to implement
dynamic language change by subscribers and callers.
For details on how to implement dynamic language change by subscribers
and callers, see “IMC_LANG” on page 413.
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
This chapter describes how to carry out day-to-day administration of a
Unified Messaging system. In all cases, we recommend that you use the
Unified Messaging commands described here. Although you can do some of
the tasks here using the WebSphere Voice Response windows, you will find it
quicker to use the commands.
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
v “The Unified Messaging line command utilities” on page 106
v “Adding a new subscriber (adduser)” on page 108
v “Adding a list of new subscribers (addlist)” on page 109
“Creating a user partition (addPartition)” on page 110
“Deleting a subscriber (deluser)” on page 111
“Deleting a list of subscribers (dellist)” on page 111
“Displaying details of a subscriber (showuser)” on page 112
“Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on page 113
“Searching for a subscriber (finduser)” on page 136
“Unlocking a mailbox (changeuser)” on page 137
“Unlocking the system (changeuser)” on page 137
“Aliases” on page 124
“Understanding the aliases feature” on page 138
“Adding an alias to a number (addalias)” on page 140
“Deleting an alias from a number (delalias)” on page 141
v “Converting a mailbox to become an alias (makealias)” on page 141
v “Converting an alias and mailbox back into a normal mailbox
(unmakealias)” on page 142
v “Understanding the multiple sub-mailbox feature” on page 143
v “Adding a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes
(addsharednumber)” on page 144
v “Deleting a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes
(delsharednumber)” on page 146
v “Converting a mailbox to become a shared subscriber mailbox
(makeshared)” on page 147
v “Converting a shared subscriber mailbox into a normal mailbox
(unmakeshared)” on page 149
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
v “Adding and deleting further sub-mailboxes under a shared subscriber
mailbox” on page 150
v “Moving sub-mailboxes to other numbers” on page 150
v “Running other queries and changes on shared numbers and
sub-mailboxes” on page 151
v “Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same
system (moveuser)” on page 151
v “Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same
system (copyuser)” on page 152
v “Moving an application profile to a new system (moveprofile)” on page 152
v “Listing all the subscribers (listuser)” on page 155
“Handling Unified Messaging statistics (FormatStats)” on page 155
“Sending a broadcast message” on page 156
“Creating subscriber or caller banner messages” on page 158
“Creating distribution lists” on page 158
“Understanding the menu-routing application” on page 159
“Administering the menu-routing application” on page 160
“Understanding the auto-attendant application” on page 162
v “Administering an auto-attendant application” on page 163
v “Migration Utilities” on page 167
v “Message Waiting Indication configuration utility” on page 173
v “load_splits utility” on page 175
The Unified Messaging line command utilities
The Unified Messaging line command utilities can be run by any authorized
administrator logged on to the IBM System p, or BladeCenter computer on
which Unified Messaging is installed. Use AIX file system security processes
to prevent unauthorized access to the utilities. Many of the command line
utilities can also be run from a remote machine using the optional -H hostname
parameter. A defaults file must be available on the remote machine.
Note: Any name string in a command containing an apostrophe as a single
quote (such as O’Reilly) must be enclosed in double quotation marks. For
example, to avoid parsing by the AIX shell when using the adduser
command, type:
The addlist command parses the names within the administration utility, so
no special treatment is required. (For more on the administration utility, see
“IMC_Admin” on page 458).
Administrator's Guide
The following is a list of the Unified Messaging line commands and the page
numbers where you can find them. All the commands are in the
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils directory, with the exception of FormatStats
and moveprofile, which have their own directories as described in the sections
referred to below.
v “Adding an alias to a number (addalias)” on page 140
v “Adding a list of new subscribers (addlist)” on page 109
v “Adding a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes
(addsharednumber)” on page 144
v “Deleting a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes
(delsharednumber)” on page 146
v “Adding a new subscriber (adduser)” on page 108
v “Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on page 113
v “Deleting an alias from a number (delalias)” on page 141
v “Deleting a list of subscribers (dellist)” on page 111
v “Creating a user partition (addPartition)” on page 110
v “Deleting a subscriber (deluser)” on page 111
“Searching for a subscriber (finduser)” on page 136
“Handling Unified Messaging statistics (FormatStats)” on page 155
“Listing all the subscribers (listuser)” on page 155
“Converting a mailbox to become an alias (makealias)” on page 141
“Converting a mailbox to become a shared subscriber mailbox
(makeshared)” on page 147
“Moving an application profile to a new system (moveprofile)” on page 152
“Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same
system (moveuser)” on page 151
“Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same
system (copyuser)” on page 152
“Displaying details of a subscriber (showuser)” on page 112
v “Converting an alias and mailbox back into a normal mailbox
(unmakealias)” on page 142
v “Converting a shared subscriber mailbox into a normal mailbox
(unmakeshared)” on page 149
v “Migration Utilities” on page 167
The syntax of the line commands in this chapter gives the command name
and parameters in bold, with the associated variable names shown in italics.
Optional parameters are shown in [square brackets]. For example:
-e Extension Number
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
-u Subscriber Name
[-m Number of Mailboxes]
[-p Password]
The examples show the command and parameter names in bold, with the
variables in ordinary text. For example:
adduser -e 1234 -u myprofile
Adding a new subscriber (adduser)
The adduser command creates a single WebSphere Voice Response application
profile. A minimum of two parameters, the telephone number (profile ID) and
subscriber name, are required. The other parameters are taken from
Note: In the defaults file, you can change any mailbox parameter listed under
the changeuser command; adduser makes these changes automatically after
adding the profile. For example, you could add the following lines to
mailbox_active_grt=1; fax_server=TR114; delete_new_msgs=1; autosave_new_msgs=1;
This applies only to mailbox parameters, not to application profile or
notification schedule parameters. (See Table 9 on page 114 for a list of mailbox
From the AIX command line:
-e extension number
-u subscriber name
[-a active greeting]
[-d alternative default file]
[-H hostname]
[-l language code]
[-m number of mailboxes]
[-p password]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-Q] operate in quiet mode, fail on non-unique password
[-sc subscriber class]
[-st subscriber type]
[-stn state table name]
[-ste state table entry point]
Note: Parameters -e and -u are mandatory. Parameters -stn and -ste must be
used together.
Administrator's Guide
To use dial-by-name effectively, enter the subscriber’s surname followed by
their first name. Make sure that names are typed in a consistent way (for
example, in capital letters, last name, first name), to make sorting and
searching for them more efficient. For example:
adduser -e 1234 -u myprofile
Adding a list of new subscribers (addlist)
The addlist command creates a single WebSphere Voice Response application
profile for each entry in a list. The name of the list is passed to this command
preprocessor as the only parameter.
The format of the list file entry is:
is the telephone number
is the subscriber name and details
is the voice mailbox PIN
For example:
1234:JOSEPH GREEN:4224:
Note: Make sure you include the “:” at the end of each parameter.
Although you can create this list file manually, it is usually created by a report
converter program. The input to the converter program is a report from the
attached switch, automated attendant, or electronic telephone directory. Some
switches give you a list of telephone numbers in a file that you can use as the
basis for creating an input file for addlist.
Note: In the defaults file, you can change any mailbox parameter listed under
the changeuser command. After adding the profile, addlist makes these
changes automatically. For example, you could add the following lines to
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
This applies only to mailbox parameters, not to application profile or
notification schedule parameters. (See Table 9 on page 114 for a list of mailbox
From the AIX command line:
-f list filename
[-d alternative default file]
[-H hostname]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
Note: FileName.List must include the full path if the file is not in the current
directory. The filename is unrestricted, but is easier to identify if the extension
is .list.
addlist -f /my/directory/is/here/file_to_use.list
or (to use the current directory):
addlist -f file_to_use.list
Creating a user partition (addPartition)
Use the addPartition command to create a partition. It can be found in
The syntax of addPartition is:
addPartition -u partition -v partition_name -u description
-v actual description of partition
addPartition -u partition -v IC_crew -u description -v Customer_11223
The alternative (but now deprecated) syntax of addPartition is:
addPartition -u department -v partition_name -u description
-v actual description
Administrator's Guide
addPartition -u department -v IC_crew -u description -v Customer_11223
The partition name should consist of only alphanumeric characters and the
underscore character. Once a partition has been created, mailboxes may be
created in it or moved into it. If a designated administration user ID is
required to administer the partition, the Unified Messaging Interface Tool
should be used to create the partition. See “Adding partitions” on page 180.
Deleting a subscriber (deluser)
Use the deluser command to delete a single WebSphere Voice Response
application profile. The command has one mandatory parameter, the
telephone number, and one optional parameter, the subscriber's name. The
optional parameter can be used to provide a check that the profile to be
deleted is the correct one.
Note: This parameter must exactly match the name in the profile or the
command will fail.
From the AIX command line:
deluser -e telephone number
[-H hostname]
[-k] keep entries for this user in Distribution Lists
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-u subscriber's name]
deluser -e 1234
Deleting a list of subscribers (dellist)
Use the dellist command to delete a single WebSphere Voice Response
application profile for each entry in a list. The name of the list is passed to
this command preprocessor as the only parameter.
Although you can create this list manually, it is usually created by a report
converter program. The input to this converter program is a report from the
attached switch or automated attendant.
The format of the list file entry is:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
where EEEE is the telephone number.
From the AIX command line:
-f list filename
[-H hostname]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
Note: FileName.List must include the full path if the file is not in the current
directory. The file name is unrestricted, but is easier to identify if the
extension is .list.
dellist -f /my/directory/is/here/file_to_use.list
or (to use the current directory):
dellist -f file_to_use.list
Displaying details of a subscriber (showuser)
The showuser command displays the details for a given WebSphere Voice
Response profile ID.
The syntax of showuser is:
showuser -e extension number
[-c] display information as colon separated fields
[-f] display all details
[-h] display help
[-H hostname]
[-l] list available field names
[-m mailbox number]
[-s schedule number]
[-u field name]
Use the -f option to display all information associated with the application
profile. Use the -s option to display information associated only with
notification schedules. Use the -u option to display details of the given field
Note: Although you can use the showuser command to display the
information in mailboxes other than mailbox 1 (the default), remember that
Unified Messaging stores profile information only mailbox 1.
Administrator's Guide
For example, the command, showuser -e 15004, would produce:
Profile . . . . . . . . : 15004
Name . . . . . . . . . . : Phil's test mailbox
Mailbox . . . . . . . . : 1
Digit name . . . . . . : 7445783786245269
State Table name . . . : IMC_STARTUP
State Table Entry name : Start
Subscriber class . . . : IMC_Basic
Profile active greeting: 1
No of active mailboxes : 1
Partition . . . . . . : IBM
Preferred Name . . . . : Phil's test mailbox
Mailbox status . . . . : 1
Active greeting . . . : 1
Subscriber Type . . . : 1 (Business - Local & Remote)
Take Message . . . . . : 1
Prompt level . . . . . : 0
Referral number . . . :
Referral type . . . . : 0
Retrieval order . . . : 0
Access mode . . . . . : 0
Number of new msgs . . : 2
Number of saved msgs . : 1
Number of outgoing msgs: 0
Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)
Use the changeuser command to update any field in the application profile or
The syntax of changeuser is:
-e profile id
-u field name
-v field data
[-all] apply to all profiles (use with caution)
[-f] force - ignore restrictions on field settings
[-h] display help
[-H hostname]
[-m mailbox id]
[-s schedule id]
The default mailbox ID is 1.
For a list of valid field names see the tables that follow. Each table lists, in
alphabetic order, the fields of a particular type, as follows:
v Table 9 on page 114
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Mailbox: you can add this field to /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/
v Table 10 on page 123
Application profile: some of these fields are present in /var/dirTalk/
MessageCenter/IMCdefaults.file, but you cannot add any others.
v Table 11 on page 124
Notification schedule: you must specify the schedule ID with the -s
parameter in changeuser and showuser commands.
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command
Field Name
Length Field Data
The aliases for a
subscriber. This
should not be
modified with the
command, although
it can be queried
with the showuser
Save new messages
automatically after
0 = do not save new
messages automatically (default)
1 = save new messages automatically
Bilingual user
0 = off (default)
1 = on
The business
opening and closing
times and whether
the out-of-hours
greeting is active.
numeric string
alphanumeric string nnnnnnnn1;...
Where nnnnnnnn1 is the first alias for a
mailbox. In the case of sub-mailboxes this is
the shared number. In the case of numbers
with aliases this is a list of the aliases which
are associated with the mailbox. Further aliases
(such as nnnnnnnnn2) may be listed, each
separated by a semicolon.
n = 0 or 1 (On or Off status of the
out-of-hours greeting)
HHMM = opening time in 24 hour format
hhmm = the closing time format
Clock preference (12
or 24 hour) used by
Number of days
after which new
messages are
Administrator's Guide
0 = 12-hour (default)
1 = 24-hour
0 = use value in subscriber class (default)
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
Number of days
after which saved
messages are
0 = use value in subscriber class (default)
Number of days
after which
messages expire and
can be deleted using
confirmation of
message deletion.
Let subscribers
delete new messages
without listening to
the whole message?
Class of service for
setting colleague and
attendant numbers
With normal
mailboxes contains
the colleague
number or third
Find Me number.
0 = use value in subscriber class (default)
0 = do not delete new messages (default)
1 = delete new messages
numeric string
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 2.
Address for e-mail
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
With normal
mailboxes contains
the fax number.
(Transfer to this
number if no fax
server, or use default
fax delivery
numeric string
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 4.
TR114 or
address of fax server
First time user status 1
0 = not listened to first-time script (default)
1 = listened to first-time script
Active greeting
number, played to
1 = Personal greeting 1
2 = Personal greeting 2
3 = Personal greeting 3
4 = Personal greeting 4
5 = Personal greeting 5
7 = Announcement-only greeting
9 = System default
10 = System default announcement-only
11 = Alternative system announcement-only
12 = Alternative announcement-only
indicates whether
the mailbox is in use
0 = not in use
other values = in use
Indicates whether
mailbox is active or
1 = active
2 = inactive
Administrator's Guide
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
This defines the
e-mail server
associated with the
mailbox. Mail_server
takes the values;
Type = 1 for IMAP
Type = 2 for POP3
v server_name
v account_name
v password
v type
(where these values
must be separated
by the new line
character \n)
Maximum number
of times a survey
question is repeated
due to no input
(such as timeout) or
an invalid input,
after which the
survey will be
considered to have
"failed". A value of 1
means that questions
can be replayed
number in the range 0 through 20
Minimum number of 2
questions a caller
must answer before
the results are
mailed to the email
address or addresses
specified for the
survey mailbox.
number in the range 0 through 40
0 = Uses the MaxRepeats setting from the
global or partition INI file. The default value
of MaxRepeats is 3.
If the value of MaxRepeats is also 0, survey
questions are not repeated.
0 = Uses the MinAnsweredQuestions setting
from the global or partition INI file. The
default value of MinAnsweredQuestions is 0.
If the value of MaxRepeats is also 0, all survey
questions must be answered.
Class of service for
sending messages
from the Web
New messages
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
Class of service for
setting notification
schedules, and fax
and pager numbers
Notification schedule 1
A general purpose
configuration field
used to:
0 = inactive
1 = active
numeric string
v Specify whether
or not
application has
v Identify a
subscriber as an
IOBI subscriber
v Allow the
subscriber of
mailbox 1 of a
multiple mailbox
to record a general
welcome greeting
v Specify the Find
Me Follow Me
screening setting.
attendant number
numeric string
Unread /unnotified
messages sent to
other mailboxes
Administrator's Guide
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
With normal
mailboxes for
subscriber types
other than 0:
contains pager
number for Page-Me.
With normal
mailboxes for
subscriber types 0,
contains pager
bureau number.
numeric string
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 5.
For subscriber types
other than 0: pager
type for Page-me
For subscriber types other than 0: = Various
pager types
For subscriber type 0: numeric string
For subscriber type
0: pager reference
The partition for a
subscriber. The
partition must have
previously been
Note: This replaces
the department field
alphanumeric string
Mailbox PIN
numeric string
Date after which
PIN must be
Number of incorrect
PINs entered
PIN security
Play (long) message
information before
message begins
0 = disabled (default)
1 = enabled
0 = do not play headers (default)
1 = play headers
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
The fully qualified
domain name of the
LDAP server for the
subscriber. If this is
blank, then the
system-wide LDAP
server will be used.
Copy of Subscriber's
name from
application profile
alphanumeric string
Level for prompts
0 = normal prompts (default)
2 = expert prompts
With normal
mailboxes contains
the ReachMe
number or Find Me
number 2.
numeric string
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 3.
Class of service for
call-forwarding and
ReachMe numbers
With normal
mailboxes contains
the call-forward
number or Find Me
number 1, and with
standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 1.
numeric string
With enhanced
menu routing
mailboxes, contains
configuration for
transfer capabilities.
Administrator's Guide
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
Find-Me on/off
Order messages are
0 = FIFO (default)
1 = LIFO
Saved messages
Address message
before or after
recording message
0 = record message first (default)
1 = record address first
The subscriber type
determines the
menus and options
available to the
subscriber, and to
callers to the
subscriber's mailbox
0 = Standard
1 = Business - local & remote
2 = Business - local
3 = Residential
4 = Remote e-mail only
5 = Corporate
6 = Home
7 = Small Business
8 = Enterprise
10 = Menu routing
11 = Auto attendant
12 = Survey Mailbox
With normal
mailboxes contains
the temporary
colleague number
(subscriber type 0
numeric string
numeric string
0 = find me off (default)
1 = find me on
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 7.
With normal
mailboxes contains
the temporary fax
number (subscriber
type 0 only).
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 9.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
With normal
mailboxes for
subscriber types
other than 0,
contains the pager
bureau, VRU or
modem number for
Page-me. With
normal mailboxes
for subscriber type 0,
contains the pager
bureau, VRU or
modem number if
required by pager
numeric string
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 0.
For subscriber types
other than 0: not
used and may be
numeric string
numeric string
For subscriber type
0: temporary pager
reference number
temp_reachme_number With normal
mailboxes contains
Reach-Me number
(subscriber type 0
only) or the
ReachMe PIN or
(subscriber types 1,
2, 6, 7).
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 8.
Administrator's Guide
Table 9. Mailbox field names used with changeuser command (continued)
Field Name
Length Field Data
With normal
mailboxes for
subscriber type 0,
contains Temporary
numeric string
Class of service for
transfer by user
Address for e-mail
alphanumeric string
Indicates whether
the message will be
sent to e-mail
0 = local
1 = remote
2 = local and remote
E-mail attachment voice type
0 = WAV (MS-GSM)
1 = AU (µ-law)
With standard menu
routing mailboxes
contains the number
transferred to if you
press 6.
time zone specified in AIX TZ environment
variable format
Table 10. Application profile field names used with changeuser command
Field Name
Field Data
Language identifier
1 = US English
17 = UK English
Startup entry label
up to 15 string
Name of startup state
up to 15 string
Subscriber class name
up to 16 string
User's name (for
dial-by-name and by the
graphical user interface)
alphabetic string
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 11. Notification schedule field names used with changeuser command
Field Name
Field Data
Notification schedule
0 = off
1 = on
Backup outcalling
number, set to the text
“PAGER” when the type
is pager and no pager
service number (for
example VRU, bureau or
modem number) is
numeric string
sched_backup_num_typ Type of backup device
0 = normal telephone
1-999 = various pager types (as
defined in Pager Types)
Backup pager number
numeric string
Days of the week, can be
a combination of any
valid numbers
up to 7
Initial outcalling number,
set to the text “PAGER”
when the type is pager
and no pager service
number (for example
VRU, bureau or modem
number) is required
numeric string
Type of initial device
0 = normal telephone
1-999 = various pager types (as
defined in Pager Types).
Initial pager number
numeric string
Urgency of messages that 2
triggers notification
10 = Emergency
20 = Urgent
30 = Normal
Start time (24-hour clock) 4
Stop time (24-hour clock)
A semi-colon-separated list of aliases which point to a subscriber. These are
additional numbers which, if called, will get you to the subscriber's mailbox.
Administrator's Guide
A shared number is a special type of alias for sub-mailboxes and is listed as
an alias if the mailbox is a sub-mailbox. You should never use changeuser to
modify the contents of the aliases field. Use instead the special commands for
adding (addalias) and deleting (delalias) aliases, but you can use showuser to
see what aliases a mailbox has.
showuser -e 1234 -u aliases
Example output:
Business hours
Business hours are used with the Out-of-Hours (OOH) greeting feature. The
business_hours field specifies whether or not an out of hours greeting is
active and what time the office open and closes.
The field must be 9 characters long and is used to encode the following
1st char: 0 or 1 – on or off status of out of hours greeting
2-5th char: opening time in 24 hour format (HHMM)
6-9th char: closing time in 24 hour format (HHMM)
For example, 109001730 means that the OOH greeting is enabled between
1730 and 0900 the next day. Weekends and bank holidays are dealt with by
settings in INI files see “WeekDays section” on page 603 and “Holidays
section” on page 604 in Appendix G, “Configuration file settings,” on page
changeuser -e 1234 -u business_hours -v 109001730
Confirmation of message deletion
Example showing how to enable subscriber with profile ID 1234 to delete
messages older than 10 days when prompted after logging on:
changeuser -e 1234 -u listen_and_del_days -v 10
The mailbox value maxmsgln is used to store the value of the
listen_and_del_days parameter setting in the database.
Note: a value specified with the changeuser command overrides the INI file
setting of the ListenAndDeleteDays parameter.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Deputy and temporary deputy numbers
Unified Messaging uses the deputy number field in three different ways and
the temporary deputy number field in two different ways:
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 0, 1 and 2
The deputy_number field holds the deputy (or colleague) number.
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 6 and 7
The deputy_number field holds the third Find-me number.
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber type 0
The temp_deputy_number field holds the temporary deputy (or
temporary colleague) number.
Standard menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The deputy_number field holds the number to which callers are
transferred if they press 2. The temp_deputy_number field holds the
number to which callers are transferred if they press 7.
The deputy number (also known as colleague number) is additional
subscriber information you can see using the showuser command, and update
using the changeuser command. The temporary deputy (or temporary
colleague) number can be changed in the same way.
Example, to change the deputy or colleague number:
changeuser -e 1234 -u deputy_number -v 345664
Entry point
changeuser -e 1234 -u state_table_label -v Start
Note: Validation of state_table_label is done at the time of the changeuser
Fax number and temporary fax number
Unified Messaging uses the fax and temporary fax number fields in two
different ways:
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 0, 1, 2, 6, and 7
The fax_number field holds the fax number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u fax_number -v 4153598562
Administrator's Guide
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber type 0
The temp_fax_number field holds the temporary fax number,
changeuser -e 1234 -u temp_fax_number -v 4153598562
Standard menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The fax_number field holds the number to which callers are
transferred if they press 4. The temp_fax_number field holds the
number to which callers are transferred if they press 9.
Fax server
changeuser -e 247435 -u fax_server -v TR114
First time user status
When subscribers use Unified Messaging for the first time, they might want to
be introduced to Unified Messaging and guided through the setup and
tutorial dialogs. If FirstTimeUsage is set, the value of the first_time_user field
controls the status of the subscriber; there are two possible values:
Mailbox has never been entered
The user has listened to the tutorial already
changeuser -e 1234 -u first_time_user -v 1
Greeting selection
The mailbox active greeting numbers used by Unified Messaging are:
Personal greeting number 1
Personal greeting number 2
Personal greeting number 3
Personal greeting number 4
Personal greeting number 5
Announcement only greeting
System default greeting
System default announcement-only greeting
Alternative system announcement-only
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Alternative announcement-only greeting
If mailbox active greeting number is set to anything other than one of the above,
Unified Messaging uses personal greeting 1.
Note: This is the mailbox active greeting number, not the profile active greeting.
Unified Messaging does not use the profile active greeting for greeting
changeuser -e 1234 -u mailbox_active_grt -v 3
Language is updated by supplying the WebSphere Voice Response language
number, for example, 1 for US English.
changeuser -e 1234 -u language -v 1
LDAP server
A subscriber can use an LDAP server for finding the e-mail addresses of
people in order to filter their e-mail messages, sending voice messages,
replying to voice or e-mail messages, and forwarding voice or e-mail
If the subscriber has an LDAP server configured, then Unified Messaging will
use that server, otherwise a system-wide default LDAP server will be used. To
configure an LDAP server for a particular subscriber, set the postal_address
field to the fully qualified domain name of the LDAP server.
changeuser -e 24735 -u postal_address -v ldapserver.ibm.com
Mailbox in use
WebSphere Voice Response uses a mailbox_busy flag to prevent the same
mailbox from being logged into simultaneously by two callers, which could
easily cause confusion if the two callers are working with the same message
queue. You should not normally need to update this mailbox_busy flag.
However, if the system keeps saying that a mailbox is in use when it clearly
isn’t, you can unlock it by setting the mailbox_busy flag to 0.
Administrator's Guide
changeuser -e 1234 -u mailbox_busy -v 0
Menu routing schedules
After running a script to set up the required database table on installation as
described in “Implementing menu-routing schedules” on page 75, the
scheduling capabilities of a menu-routing application are specified using the
noticeboard_password field. See also the “Referral number and temporary
referral number” on page 132 field.
For example, to add scheduling capabilities to menu-routing, after creating a
menu-routing subscriber (type 10) in the normal manner (as described in
“Administering the menu-routing application” on page 160), the administrator
configures the noticeboard_password field to have a 1 in the third character of
this field buy using the changeuser command:
changeuser -e 1234 -u noticeboard_password -v nn1
Where nn are either the existing values of this field or 00.
Using the .ini configuration file parameter MRCallerIDSend, you can also set
the caller ID as the calling number for calls transferred by an enhanced
menu-routing application. The default is not to set the calling ID.
Notification schedules
Notification schedules can be updated either by individual subscribers using
the telephone handset when they are signed on to Unified Messaging, or from
the Web, or using the changeuser command. For example:
changeuser -e 1234 -s 1 -u sched_main_number -v 246027
Notification schedules need two triggers to activate them: the mailbox field,
notif_sched_status, which acts as a global on and off switch for all schedules,
and the sched_active field to enable individual schedules.
To enable notification schedules:
changeuser -e 1234 -u notif_sched_status -v 1
Then, to activate schedule 1:
changeuser -e 1234 -s 1 -u sched_active -v 1
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Note: Make sure that all the relevant fields in the schedule are set correctly
before activating it.
Owner status
Do not change this field; it is reserved for use by Unified Messaging.
Pager number and temporary pager number
Unified Messaging uses the pager and temporary pager number fields in two
different ways:
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 0, 1, 2, 6, and 7
The pager_number field holds the pager number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u pager_number -v 4153598562
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber type 0
The temp_pager_number field holds the temporary pager number,
changeuser -e 1234 -u temp_pager_number -v 4153598562
Standard menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The pager_number field holds the number to which callers are
transferred if they press 5. The temp_pager_number field holds the
number to which callers are transferred if they press 0.
changeuser -e 247435 -u reachme_number -v 248933
The partition to which a subscriber belongs. By default, subscribers can
interact only with other subscribers belonging to the same partition. A
partition must exist before you can move a subscriber to one.
changeuser -e 1234 -u partition -v Partition 1
changeuser -e 1234 -u password -v 3487
Administrator's Guide
Play header preference
Play header preference controls whether the subscriber hears the full message
header played before each message. Valid settings are:
Don’t play header
Play header
Example (to change play header preference):
changeuser -e 1234 -u play_headers -v 0
Profile active greeting
Do not change this field; it is reserved for use by Unified Messaging.
Prompt level
Unified Messaging uses two levels of prompt, normal and expert. When using
the changeuser command to update prompt level, use the following values:
Normal prompts
Expert prompts
changeuser -e 1234 -u prompt_level -v 0
Reach-me number and temporary reach-me number
Unified Messaging uses the Reachme number field in three different ways and
the temporary Reachme number field in two different ways:
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 0, 1 and 2
The reachme_number field holds the ReachMe number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u reachme_number -v 4153598562
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 6, and 7
The reachme_number field holds the second Find-me number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u reachme_number -v 4153598562
The fourth string character of the noticeboard_password field holds
the configuration setting for find-me follow-me caller screening, where
1 indicates enabled, 0 indicates disabled.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Example, to enable caller screening:
changeuser -e 1234 -u noticeboard_password -v nnn1
Where nnn are either the existing values of this field or 000.
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber type 0
The temp_reach-me_number field holds the temporary reach-me
changeuser -e 1234 -u temp_reach-me_number -v 4153598562
Standard menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The reachme_number field holds the number to which callers are
transferred if they press 3. The temp_reachme_number field holds the
number to which callers are transferred if they press 8.
changeuser -e 247435 -u reachme_number -v 248933
ReachMe security
Unified Messaging can be configured on a per-subscriber basis to require
subscribers to enter a PIN in order to receive telephone call transferred via the
reach-me facility. If a PIN is configured in the field temp_reachme_number,
then the subscriber will be prompted to enter it. If this field is left blank, then
calls will be transferred without requiring a PIN.
changeuser -e 24735 -u temp_reachme_number -v 1234
Referral number and temporary referral number
Unified Messaging uses the referral number field in four ways, depending on
the value of the menu routing schedules field (which determines the enhanced
menu routing characteristics of a mailbox). See “Menu routing schedules” on
page 129. Unified Messaging uses the temporary referral number field in two
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 0, 1 and 2
The referral_number field holds the call-forward number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_number -v 4153598562
Administrator's Guide
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber types 6 and 7
The referral_number field holds the first Find-Me number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_number -v 4153598562
Normal mailboxes — Subscriber type 0
The temp_referral_number field holds the temporary referral number.
changeuser -e 1234 -u temp_referral_number -v 4153598562
Standard menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The referral_number field holds the number to which callers are
transferred if they press 1. The temp_referral_number field holds the
number to which callers are transferred if they press 6.
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_number -v 4153598562
Enhanced menu routing — Subscriber type 10
The referral_number field is used together with a setting of subscriber
class to IMC_MR_RESTRICT, to specify menu routing capabilities.
(See “Subscriber class” on page 135.)
Table 12. Subscriber class of IMC_MR_RESTRICT
Value in referral_number
Transfer capability
Any Unified Messaging number on the Local node,
inside of partition
0 (default)
Any Unified Messaging number on the Local node,
outside of partition
Any Unified Messaging number within the Unified
Messaging solution across all configured nodes.
For example, to configure a menu routing application to be
able to transfer calls directly to any mailbox outside a
subscriber’s partition on the local node:
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_number -v 1
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Table 13. Subscriber class not IMC_MR_RESTRICT
Transfer capability
Value in referral_number
Any Unified Messaging number on the local node,
inside of partition
n0 (default)
Any Unified Messaging number on the local node,
outside of partition
Any Unified Messaging number within the Unified
Messaging solution across all configured nodes.
Any number as controlled by the IMC_Barring custom
Where n = 1 or 0:
Transfer to the backup number allowed
Transfer to the backup number not allowed
For example, to configure a menu routing application to be able to transfer
calls to any number within a subscriber’s partition on the local node and also
to transfer to the backup number, set the subscriber class not to be
IMC_MR_RESTRICT and the referral_number field to 10, as follows:
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_number -v 10
Referral type
Referral type controls whether Find-Me is on or off for the subscriber mailbox.
Valid settings are:
Find me off
Find me on
changeuser -e 1234 -u referral_type -v 0
Retrieval order
Unified Messaging processes messages in First In First Out (FIFO) order by
The administrator can change the order to Last In First Out (LIFO). Use the
following values when using the changeuser command to update retrieval
Administrator's Guide
changeuser -e 1234 -u retrieval_order -v 0
Note: You should always specify FIFO. Experience has shown that subscribers
use LIFO less effectively when managing their messages.
State table
changeuser -e 1234 -u state_table_name -v IMC_STARTUP
Note: Validation of state_table_name is done at run time.
Subscriber class
Subscriber classes are used to control the use of mailboxes. The default
subscriber class set is typically IMC_Basic, but it is possible to use alternative
subscriber classes, supplied with the product or created by the
super-administrator. For example, setting IMC_MR_RESTRICT as the
subscriber class for a subscriber limits the available menu-routing facilities to
direct transfer to a mailbox. (See “Menu-routing schedules” on page 159.)
Subscriber classes also determine various limits such as the maximum number
of entries in a distribution list. For more information about subscriber classes,
how they work, and how to create them, see Websphere Voice Response for AIX:
Designing and Managing State Table Applications.
changeuser -e 1234 -u subscriber_class -v IMC_Basic
Subscriber name
Use the changeuser command to update a subscriber’s name, for example:
changeuser -e 1234 -u user_name -v “JOSEPH GREEN”
Note: If you have spaces in the field data, as in the subscriber’s name above,
put double quotes around the field data.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Subscriber type
Subscriber types are used to control the menus and options available to a
subscriber. For example, subscribers configured as Residential can receive only
voice messages, record one greeting, and change their PIN.
The possible subscriber types are:
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
Reserved type for Telephony Portal subscribers. Do not use.
Menu routing application
Auto attendant application
Survey mailbox application
changeuser -e 1234 -u subscriber_type -v 6
Taking message status
Do not change this field; it is reserved for use by Unified Messaging.
Note: Unified Messaging uses the mailbox active greeting number to decide
whether or not to take messages. If the greeting number is set to 7, 10, 11, or
12, Unified Messaging does not take messages.
Searching for a subscriber (finduser)
The finduser command searches for one or more subscribers, either by
application profile or user name. You can use a fuzzy search, which can return
more than one profile. The output of finduser is displayed on the screen, or
you can pipe it to a file.
Administrator's Guide
The syntax of finduser is:
[-e extension number]
[-u user name]
[-l] fuzzy search
[-h] help
You specify either -e or -u: if you use no options, all profiles are listed.
To list all profiles that start with 15400:
finduser -e 15400 -l
To list all profiles with John in the name:
finduser -u John -l
To list all profiles with O’Connor in the name:
finduser -u "O’’CONNOR" -l
In the above example, note that there are the two single quotes between the O
and C, and double quotes around the whole name.
Unlocking a mailbox (changeuser)
A subscriber's mailbox is locked after the cumulative number of failed PIN
attempts reaches the value of ProfilePasswordLlimit as specified in the Global
Variable Modification section of the Unified Messaging Interface Tool. The
command to use to unlock it is described here.
To reset the failed PIN count from the command line:
changeuser -e 1234 -u password_fail_count -v 0
Unlocking the system (changeuser)
When the global PIN limit is exceeded, all subscribers are locked out of the
system. The command to use to unlock the system is described here.
To reset the global PIN failure count use:
changeuser -e 999999 -u password_fail_count -v 0
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
If you want to find out how many times PINs failed, before resetting the
global PIN failure count, use:
showuser -e 999999 -u password_fail_count
If you use the global PIN limit on your system, you need to reset the failure
count regularly. For example, you could run the following script as part of
your regular system housekeeping:
DATE='date' COUNT='showuser -e 999999 -u password_fail_count'
echo $DATE Total failed passwords today = $COUNT >> GLOBALPW.LOG
changeuser -e 999999 -u password_fail_count -v 0
You could also use this script to record the number of PIN failures over a
period of time and use these statistics to set the global PIN limit accordingly.
Understanding the aliases feature
The Aliases feature can be used to provide a mailbox to a group of users who
need to access a single store of messages jointly.
This is depicted in Figure 22.
Primary number 5556789
Mailbox 1
Figure 22. Alias feature
The Aliases feature can also be used to provide mailboxes to a group of users
who need to access a multiple store of messages jointly, as depicted in
Figure 23.
Mailbox 1 (John)
Shared number 5556789
Mailbox 2 (Jane)
Mailbox 3 (Mark)
Figure 23. Alias feature used with multiple mailbox
The Aliases feature allows multiple additional telephone numbers (known as
alias numbers) to be associated with a single standard Unified Messaging
mailbox or multiple mailbox. When a caller calls the telephone number
Administrator's Guide
associated with a mailbox or any of the alias numbers associated with it, and
the call is not answered, the caller hears the mailbox greeting and can then
leave a message.
When callers call a telephone number associated with multiple sub-mailboxes
or any of the alias numbers associated with the telephone number, and the
call is not answered, they hear a menu that allows them to select one of the
sub-mailboxes. After a sub-mailbox has been selected, callers hear the greeting
recorded by the sub-mailbox owner and can then leave a message. Like the
owner of the main telephone number, the owners of the alias numbers are
able to access the stored messages; access should be restricted to one person at
a time, however.
As is the case with the owner of the main telephone number, the owners of
the alias numbers can have message waiting indicator (MWI) signals sent to
their telephones when new messages arrive at the mailbox. With multiple
mailboxes, the message waiting indicator (MWI) signal can be sent only to the
primary number when new messages arrive at any of the submailboxes. See
“Understanding the multiple sub-mailbox feature” on page 143 for more
information on multiple mailboxes.
The number of alias numbers that can be associated with a standard mailbox
is limited, and depends upon the length of the alias numbers. The alias
numbers are stored in a 255 character field and require a 1 digit separator
character. This means that with 10 digit alias numbers, a maximum of 23 alias
numbers is possible ((10+1)x23=253). Each alias number requires the creation
of a WebSphere Voice Response application profile. The alias application
profiles do not support the store of any messages.
Support for alias numbers
All actions that are performed using an alias number are actually performed
on the referenced mailbox or multiple mailbox, enabling a single or multiple
mailbox to be shared by multiple numbers.
If a voice message is received at a mailbox that has defined alias numbers and
the switch configuration supports message waiting indicators (MWI), the
indicators will be set and reset for all the aliases in addition to the base
extension. The alias numbers that are defined for a given extension can be
displayed by using the showuser command using the 'aliases' field.
showuser -e 245678901 -u aliases
The following commands can be used to support alias numbers:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
creates a new alias number for an existing mailbox or multiple
removes an alias number
converts an existing mailbox to be an alias of another mailbox or
multiple mailbox
reverses the action of makealias
These commands can be used by either:
v changing directory to $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils and typing the
v adding $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils to the current $PATH
definition and typing the command from any directory.
Adding an alias to a number (addalias)
The addalias command creates a WebSphere Voice Response application
profile for a mailbox. The mailbox must itself be a WebSphere Voice Response
application profile with active mailboxes. A minimum of two parameters are
required - the number (profile ID) of the main profile/mailbox and the
number of the alias. Other parameters for the alias are taken from
/var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/IMCdefaults.file. Although some of these
defaults can be altered (state table name, entry point, subscriber class,
language) there is usually no benefit in doing so because the characteristics of
the real mailbox the alias points to are used instead of the characteristics of
the alias.
The syntax of all administration commands can be displayed by entering the
command with no arguments. For example addalias.
From the AIX command line:
-e existing mailbox number
-a alias number to be created
[-d alternative default file]
[-H hostname]
[-l language code for the alias]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-sc subscriber class]
Administrator's Guide
[-stn state table name for the alias]
[-ste state table entry point for the alias]
Note: Parameters -e and -a are mandatory. Parameters -stn and -ste must be
used together.
addalias -e 2456789012 -a 2466789012
Deleting an alias from a number (delalias)
Use the delalias command to delete an alias from a mailbox. The mailbox
must itself be a WebSphere Voice Response application profile with active
mailboxes. The command has one mandatory parameter, the alias number,
and one optional parameter, the mailbox number that this is an alias of. The
optional parameter can be used to provide a check that the profile to be
deleted is the correct one.
From the AIX command line:
-a alias number to be deleted
[-e extension Number] (if this is specified it must be the correct number
otherwise, an error will be signalled.)
[-H hostname]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
Note: Parameter -a is mandatory.
delalias -a 2466789012
Converting a mailbox to become an alias (makealias)
The makealias command changes the number for a normal WebSphere Voice
Response application profile used for voice messaging into an alias number
which points to a the original data for the normal WebSphere Voice Response
application profile which has been renumbered. All messages, greetings,
audioname and settings of the original application profile's mailbox are
moved to the new number. This may be particularly useful where it is
desirable to move a mailbox to a new number while ensuring that original
number still works as before: for example, in the migration or split of a
dial-plan. A minimum of one parameter is required - the extension number
(profile ID) of the profile to be converted.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
There are two alternative methods of specifying the parameters used by this
command. The second method (-f/-t) mirrors the -from and -to parameters
used by the moveuser command.
From the AIX command line:
-e | -f extension number (must already exist)
[-H hostname]
[-n | -t| -a new number for the specified extension number]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
For example, the following commands are equivalent:
makealias -e 2456789012 –n 5426789012
makealias -f 2456789012 –t 5426789012
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory.
Converting an alias and mailbox back into a normal mailbox (unmakealias)
The unmakealias command is the complement of the makealias command. It
changes a normal WebSphere Voice Response mailbox number with an alias
back to a normal WebSphere Voice Response application profile on the alias
number. All messages, greetings, audioname and settings of WebSphere Voice
Response mailbox are copied into the number on what was the alias number.
Any aliases other than the one specified are modified to point to what was
the alias number specified (what is now the normal WebSphere Voice
Response mailbox).
For example, for profile
with aliases
When the unmakealias command runs it will:
v delete the alias specified (for example, 4085550001)
v move the regular WebSphere Voice Response mailbox 4085550000 to
v point the aliases for 4085550000 to 4085550001
Administrator's Guide
The moveuser command has the same behavior as this, so moving a mailbox
using moveuser will move its aliases as well. A minimum of one parameter is
required for the alias number to be converted.
From the AIX command line:
-a Alias Number
[-e Extension Number] (if this is specified and -a is not an alias to this,
the command will fail)
[-H hostname]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
Note: Parameter -a is mandatory.
unmakealias -a 4085550001
Understanding the multiple sub-mailbox feature
The Multiple Sub-Mailbox feature can be used to provide separate mailboxes
to a group of users who need to share a single telephone.
This is depicted in Figure 24.
Figure 24. Multiple sub-mailbox feature
When callers call the telephone number associated with a standard Unified
Messaging mailbox, and the call is not answered, they hear the greeting
recorded by the mailbox owner, and are then able to leave a message. The
multiple sub-mailbox feature allows multiple sub-mailboxes to be associated
with a single telephone number. When callers call a telephone number
associated with multiple sub-mailboxes, and the call is not answered, they
hear a menu that allows them to select one of the sub-mailboxes. After a
sub-mailbox has been selected, callers hear the greeting recorded by the
sub-mailbox owner and can then leave a message. Owners of sub-mailboxes
are able to access their messages in much the same way as owners of
standard mailboxes.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Up to 10 sub-mailboxes can be associated with a single telephone number.
Each sub-mailbox requires the creation of a WebSphere Voice Response
application profile. In addition, a parent application profile must be created
for each group of sub-mailboxes. When creating these profiles you must give
the shared telephone number to the parent profile (for example, 222333444),
and the numbers you give to the child profiles are the parent profile number
followed by the digits 0 to 9 (sub-mailbox 1 is given 2223334441 and
sub-mailbox 2 is given 2223334442, for example). The parent application
profile does not support the store of any messages.
You can also specify one or more alias numbers for a shared number, as
shown in Figure 23 on page 138.
Administering shared numbers with multiple mailboxes
The commands that can be used to administer shared numbers with multiple
mailboxes are described here. These commands are: addsharednumber,
delsharednumber, makeshared, and unmakeshared.
The following commands can be used to administer shared numbers with
multiple mailboxes:
addsharednumber delsharednumber makeshared unmakeshared
Once a shared number has been set up, new sub-mailboxes can be added and
removed using the existing commands adduser and deluser. The
sub-mailboxes linked to the main number can be displayed using the
showuser command specifying the main number. For example:
showuser -e 2451234567
The PINs used by sub-mailboxes must normally be unique. To change this
requirement, alter the following parameter in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file:
UniquePwds = yes
Adding a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes (addsharednumber)
The addsharednumber command creates a WebSphere Voice Response
application profile under which up to 10 sub-mailboxes which share the main
profile number may exist. These sub-mailboxes are numbered 1 through 9 and
0, based on the number which a caller must press to select the sub-mailbox.
The sub-mailboxes are themselves WebSphere Voice Response application
profiles with active mailboxes.
Administrator's Guide
A minimum of one parameter is required - the number (profile ID) of the
main profile (the shared number itself). If subscriber names of any
sub-mailbox users are specified, then the sub-mailboxes are automatically
added. PINs for the sub-mailboxes can be specified on a per-mailbox basis. If
the Unified Messaging system's configuration has been set to ensure unique
PINs for each sub-mailbox (the default setting) and the PINs are not unique,
then an informational message will be generated to indicate that the PINs
specified were not unique. The non-unique PINs will then be automatically
altered to ensure uniqueness for the command to complete. Other parameters
for the sub-mailboxes are taken from /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/
IMCdefaults.file, although some of these defaults can be altered (state table
name, entry point, subscriber class, subscriber type, language) for all
sub-mailboxes added by specifying command line options.
Note: In the defaults file, you can set any mailbox parameter listed under the
changeuser command. These changes are made automatically by
addsharednumber to every sub-mailbox after adding the profile and
sub-mailboxes. For example, you could add the following lines to
mailbox_active_grt=1; fax_server=TR114; delete_new_msgs=1; autosave_new_msgs=1;
This applies only to mailbox parameters, not to application profile or
notification schedule parameters. (See Table 9 on page 114 for a list of mailbox
From the AIX command line:
-e extension number
[-a active greeting]
[-d alternative defaults file]
[-H hostname]
[-l language code for main profile and any sub-mailboxes]
[-m number of mailboxes for any sub-mailboxes]
[-p0 Password0]
[-p1 Password1]
[-p2 Password2]
[-p3 Password3]
[-p4 Password4]
[-p5 Password5]
[-p6 Password6]
[-p7 Password7]
[-p8 Password8]
[-p9 Password9]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-sc Subscriber Class for any sub-mailboxes]
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
[-st Subscriber Type for any sub-mailboxes]
[-ste State Table Entry Point for any sub-mailboxes]
[-stn State Table Name for any sub-mailboxes]
[-u0 Subscriber Name0]
[-u1 Subscriber Name1]
[-u2 Subscriber Name2]
[-u3 Subscriber Name3]
[-u4 Subscriber Name4]
[-u5 Subscriber Name5]
[-u6 Subscriber Name6]
[-u7 Subscriber Name7]
[-u8 Subscriber Name8]
[-u9 Subscriber Name9]
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory. Parameters -stn and -ste must be used
addsharednumber -e 1234
-u1 first sub-mailbox -u2 second sub-mailbox
-p1 1111 -p2 2222
To use dial-by-name effectively, enter the subscriber's surname followed by
the first name. Make sure that names are typed in a consistent way (for
example, in capital letters, last name, first name), to make sorting and
searching for them more efficient. For example:
Deleting a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes (delsharednumber)
The delsharednumber command can be used to delete a shared number and
all its sub-mailboxes.
From the AIX command line:
-e extension number
[-H hostname]
[-q] operate in quiet mode. Do not prompt for confirmation.
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory.
delsharednumber -e 1234
Administrator's Guide
Converting a mailbox to become a shared subscriber mailbox (makeshared)
The makeshared command changes a normal WebSphere Voice Response
application profile used for voice messaging into a shared number under
which up to 10 sub-mailboxes which share the main profile number may exist.
All messages, greetings, audioname and settings of the original application
profile's mailbox are copied into the first sub-mailbox. Sub-mailboxes are
numbered 1 through 9 and 0, based on the number which a caller must press
to select the sub-mailbox. A minimum of one parameter is required - the
extension number (profile ID) of the profile to be converted. If the subscriber
name of the first sub-mailbox is specified then the name associated with the
sub-mailbox is changed to this parameter. If subscriber names of any
additional sub-mailbox users are specified then the additional sub-mailboxes
are automatically added. PINs for the sub-mailboxes can be specified on a
per-mailbox basis. If the Unified Messaging system's configuration has been
set to ensure unique PINs for each sub-mailbox (the default setting) and the
PINs are not unique then an error will be generated to indicate that the PINs
specified were not unique. The non-unique PINs will then be automatically
altered to ensure uniqueness for the command to complete.
The other parameters of sub-mailboxes are usually taken from
/var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/IMCdefaults.file but may be instead defaulted
to the existing settings of the profile being converted if the -s parameter is
specified. Some of these defaults can also be altered (state table name, entry
point, subscriber class, subscriber type, language) for all sub-mailboxes added
by specifying command line options.
Note: In the defaults file, you can set any mailbox parameter listed under the
changeuser command. After adding the profile and sub-mailboxes
addsharednumber makes these changes automatically to every sub-mailbox .
For example, you could add the following lines to /var/dirTalk/
This applies only to mailbox parameters, not to application profile or
notification schedule parameters. (See Table 9 on page 114 for a list of mailbox
From the AIX command line:
-e extension number
[-a active greeting]
[-d alternative defaults file]
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
[-H hostname]
[-l language code for main profile and any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-m number of mailboxes for any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-p0 Password0]
[-p1 Password1]
[-p2 Password2]
[-p3 Password3]
[-p4 Password4]
[-p5 Password5]
[-p6 Password6]
[-p7 Password7]
[-p8 Password8]
[-p9 Password9]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-s] base additional sub-mailbox parameters on first sub-mailbox's settings
instead of IMCdefaults.file
[-sc Subscriber Class for any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-st Subscriber Type for any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-ste State Table Entry Point for any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-stn State Table Name for any sub-mailboxes other than the first]
[-u0 Subscriber Name0]
[-u1 Subscriber Name1]
[-u2 Subscriber Name2]
[-u3 Subscriber Name3]
[-u4 Subscriber Name4]
[-u5 Subscriber Name5]
[-u6 Subscriber Name6]
[-u7 Subscriber Name7]
[-u8 Subscriber Name8]
[-u9 Subscriber Name9]
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory. Parameters -stn and -ste must be used
makeshared -e 4085550000
-s -u2 second sub-mailbox -u3 third sub-mailbox
-p2 2222 -p3 3333
To use dial-by-name effectively, enter the subscriber’s surname followed by
their first name. Make sure that names are typed in a consistent way (for
example, in capital letters, last name, first name), to make sorting and
searching for them more efficient. For example:
Administrator's Guide
Converting a shared subscriber mailbox into a normal mailbox (unmakeshared)
The unmakeshared command changes a shared profile under which up to 10
sub-mailboxes may exist into a "normal" WebSphere Voice Response
application profile used for voice messaging. All messages, greetings,
audioname and settings of the first (or selected) sub-mailbox are copied into
the "normal" WebSphere Voice Response application profile. Any
sub-mailboxes other than the first (or selected) sub-mailbox which was
converted are left untouched.
For example, for profile
with sub-mailboxes
when the unmakeshared command converts the first sub-mailbox
(40855500001) into normal mailbox 4085550000 the other sub-mailboxes
(40855500002 and 40855500003) remain, but callers cannot leave messages in
them as the shared number menus no longer exist on the main number
(4085550000). Therefore, it is advisable either to move such sub-mailboxes to
other numbers if the users of the sub-mailboxes wish to continue using the
system (see “Moving an application profile to a new system (moveprofile)” on
page 152), or to ensure that no such sub-mailboxes exist before the
unmakeshared command is used (for example, by deleting them with
deluser). A minimum of one parameter is required; the extension number
(profile ID) of the shared profile to be converted.
From the AIX command line:
-e Extension Number
[-H hostname]
[-m sub-mailbox number (1-9 or 0)] convert sub-mailbox specified into the
unshared mailbox
[-q] operate in quiet mode
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory.
unmakeshared -e 4085550000
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Adding and deleting further sub-mailboxes under a shared subscriber mailbox
As sub-mailboxes are essentially identical to normal mailboxes in every
respect, except that they exist under a main shared number and have one
more digit to the shared number they reside under, the same commands used
for adding and deleting normal mailboxes can be used to add or delete
further sub-mailboxes.
For example, where profile:
is a shared profile with sub-mailboxes
If sub-mailbox 4 is required, this can be added by using
adduser -e 40855500004 -u sub–mailbox 4
If sub-mailbox 4 is later no longer required, it can be deleted by using
deluser -e 40855500004
Moving sub-mailboxes to other numbers
As sub-mailboxes are essentially identical to normal mailboxes in every
respect, except that they exist under a main shared profile, the same
commands used for moving mailboxes (moveprofile or moveuser) can be used
on sub-mailboxes.
For example, if under a shared number 4085550000 there was a sub-mailbox
40855500001 and this was moved to a directly dialable number such as
4085554444, then the sub-mailbox becomes a normal mailbox purely by virtue
of the fact that it is now directly dialable. The converse also applies; normal
mailboxes can become sub-mailboxes by having their number changed to
have one more digit than a shared number they are moved under.
Administrator's Guide
Running other queries and changes on shared numbers and sub-mailboxes
As sub-mailboxes are essentially identical to normal mailboxes in every
respect, except that they exist under a main shared profile, the same
commands used for showing (showuser), changing (changeuser), listing
(listuser) and searching on mailboxes by name (finduser) can be used on
sub-mailboxes in the same way they are used on normal mailboxes.
If the showuser command is used on the parent main number the output will
show a name in the form # SHARED NUMBER XXXXX and will list all the
If the showuser command is run on a shared number to show general details
about the profile then it will be evident that the shared number is not a
normal mailbox because its name and startup state table will indicate that it is
a shared number.
If the showuser or changeuser command is run on a shared number to show
or change mailbox parameters it will be evident that the shared number is not
a normal mailbox because it has no such mailbox or mailbox parameters.
Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same system
The moveuser command moves all details of a mailbox (including distribution
lists, POP3 and IMAP4 settings, greetings, audionames, messages, mailbox
settings, authorization to use external, national and international AMIS
destinations) from one number to another number on the same system.
Compare this command with “Moving an application profile to a new system
(moveprofile)” on page 152.
From the AIX command line:
-e | -f Extension Number
[-H hostname]
[-m] if this flag is specified, messages already sent by this user will still
appear to have been sent from the old extension number
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-t new number for the specified extension number]
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory.
moveuser -e 1000
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Moving an application profile from one number to another on the same system
The copyuser command copies all mailbox settings to a new number on the
same system. It does not copy greetings, audioname, messages, schedules or
distribution lists.
From the AIX command line:
[-e | -f source extension number]
[-H hostname]
[-p new password]
[-q] operate in quiet mode
[-t destination extension number]
[-u new user name]
Note: Parameter -e is mandatory.
copyuser -e 1000 -t 2000 -u SMITH PAT
Moving an application profile to a new system (moveprofile)
The moveprofile command moves one or more users to a new system or
extension. You can move the greeting header and greetings, the audioname,
and all new and saved messages and any message attachments. However, you
can not use this command to copy distribution lists.
If you want to move all the profiles in a system, including their distribution
lists, onto another system, use the vm_backup and vm_restore commands (see
“Backing up your Unified Messaging system” on page 22).
The moveprofile command is in the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MoveProfile_dir/utils
The IMC_MoveProfile custom server must be running before you use
moveprofile. If IMC_MoveProfile has an IPL status of INSTALLED you will
need to start it.
The syntax of moveprofile is:
-e profile id
-f filename
Administrator's Guide
[-p server port]
[-s server address]
-e profile ID
The profile ID or extension number of a subscriber. The list function
operates by default with this parameter. This is a mandatory parameter if
you do not use the -f flag.
-f filename
The file must contain a list of the profile IDs of the subscribers. Each of
these profile IDs must be terminated with a new line character. This is a
mandatory parameter if you do not use the -e flag.
-a The audio name of the subscriber.
-g The recorded greetings and greeting header of the subscriber.
-h The help panel.
-p server port
The default is 25113.
The load function searches for the files saved by the unload function. If
they exist, it loads the contents into storage and creates the appropriate
voice segments or messages.
The subscriber’s application profile.
-s server address
The TCP/IP address of the WebSphere Voice Response system running the
custom server. The default is
-u The unload function reads the file containing the subscriber’s associated
data, and writes it to disk in the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MoveProfile_dir/utils
directory .
-v The subscriber's new, saved, and outgoing voice messages with any
Moving a subscriber’s profile
To move a profile to another system, change the directory to
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MoveProfile_dir/utils and issue the command:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
moveprofile -e nnnnnn -u
This unloads all the appropriate files into the $CUR_DIR/ca/
IMC_MoveProfile_dir/utils directory. Copy these files to the same directory
on the target system, then issue the following command on that same system:
moveprofile -e nnnnnn -l
When loading a profile onto a new system, the outgoing voice messages are
not reloaded. If a message has no sending profile, it is treated as if it had
come from an external caller.
Before loading a profile, check that the startup state table and subscriber
classes exist on the target system, or you will get errors when loading the new
profile. For information about subscriber classes see Websphere Voice Response
for AIX: Designing and Managing State Table Applications.
Renaming a subscriber’s application profile
To rename a profile, unload the profile, then rename the files as appropriate.
For example:
moveprofile -e 247027 -u
Use the moveprofile command to load the profile:
moveprofile -e 241234 -l
Do not forget to delete the old profile if necessary (see “Deleting a subscriber
(deluser)” on page 111 ).
Note: The user name of the new profile will have an asterisk (*) prefix,
because the profile ID and user name have to be unique. You can change this
using the changeuser command (see “Subscriber name” on page 135) after
deleting the old profile ID.
Administrator's Guide
Listing all the subscribers (listuser)
The listuser command lists the application profiles on the WebSphere Voice
Response system. This command does not have any parameters.
The syntax of listuser is:
The output is saved in $CUR_DIR/oamlog/IMCprofilelist. The profile ID,
name, and digit name for each subscriber are listed. The file is overwritten
each time this command is used.
Note: When you run listuser, other processes might be locked out of the
database until it completes. On smaller databases (up to 1000 subscribers), the
impact is likely to be minimal. On larger databases, it could cause a
short-term drop in performance. For this reason, we recommend that you use
listuser sparingly, and at off-peak times.
Handling Unified Messaging statistics (FormatStats)
Unified Messaging has a trace facility that lets you follow time-recorded
events for subscribers and callers. These events are stored in
For a description of the record format and meaning of the action mnemonics,
see the IMC_STATS state table in “IMC_STATS” on page 441.
If you want to send a copy of each record to the IMC_Stats custom server,
remove comments in the IMC_STATS state table. The ASCII source file for this
state table is called stats. You can then process these records as you want, by
updating the source code in IMC_Stats_dir. For information on the IMC_Stats
custom server see “IMC_Stats” on page 553.
Use the FormatStats utility to interpret the log file and help you with problem
determination. FormatStats displays its output on your screen. Alternatively,
you can write it to an HTML file that you can process in batch mode
overnight, giving you useful reports each morning.
The FormatStats utility can be found in $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Stats_dir/utils.
The syntax of FormatStats is:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
-i filename
-o filename
-w filename
-h Online help.
-i filename
Use the file, filename, as the input file. The default is IMC_Stats.log in the
$OAM_LOG_PATH directory.
-o filename
Route the output to the specified filename in the current directory.
-w filename
Create an HTML formatted file, filename, in the current directory.
Sending a broadcast message
An authorized administrator can broadcast messages to every mailbox on the
system, including those on other nodes, or arrange for others to do so. The
administrator can create an exclusion file of mailboxes that should not receive
the broadcast.
See the descriptions of the ExcludeFile, LocalExcludeFile, and
RemoteExcludeFile configuration parameters of IMC_Broadcast in “Control
files” on page 466.
For broadcast messages from mailbox IDs of the form 8888xxxx to subscribers
belonging to a particular partition or from mailbox IDs of the form 9999xxxx
to subscribers belonging to a particular distribution list, the administrator can
restrict the number of mailboxes to which a broadcast message can be sent
without authorization by using the DistListAuthThreshold parameter in the
configuration file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini. To protect the
system being overloaded by multiple simultaneous responses to messages
broadcast to a large number of recipients, the administrator can also control
the rate at which a broadcast message is disseminated. The broadcast of the
message is staggered so that it is sent only to a specified number of mailboxes
simultaneously, and then after a specified delay, to another subset of
recipients. The process is repeated until the message has been sent to all
recipients and is controlled by the StaggerThreshold,
StaggerNumberMailboxes, StaggerDelay parameters in file
IMC_MessageCenter.ini. These parameters do not affect standard broadcast
messages sent using profile IDs 666666 or 666xxx to profile ID 777777.
To send a broadcast message, the authorized sender sends the message to be
broadcast to a special mailbox defined by the broadcast message application
Administrator's Guide
profile. See “How Unified Messaging uses application profiles” on page 25.
Urgent broadcast messages are delivered to local (but not remote) mailboxes
that are full or not accepting messages. Non urgent messages are not
delivered to such mailboxes.
Subscribers who are authorized to do so can use mailbox IDs of the form
8888xxxx to broadcast messages to subscribers belonging to a particular
partition (with the ID xxxx). You can use mailbox IDs of the form 9999xxxx to
broadcast messages to subscribers belonging to a particular distribution list
(with the ID xxxx). Multiple addressing is not supported, however, and to
send a broadcast message to more than one partition or distribution list you
must choose to send it to another partition or distribution list after hearing
confirmation that it has been sent to the previous partition or distribution list.
Repeat this process until the message has been sent to all the partition or
distribution lists to which you wanted to send it.
Each broadcast message is stored on the system as one file and given a
unique filename of the form xxxxyyyyyyyy.idx, where xxxx is the message ID
and yyyyyyyy is the date that the message was sent. Broadcast messages sent
to more recipients than the value set for the DistListAuthThreshold parameter
are held by the system and the filenames are given a suffix of .pending. The
administrator, who is notified by email, can then log on and if satisfied that
the message should be broadcast, can remove the .pending suffix. If the
message is not to be sent, the administrator can rename the file so that it has a
.delete suffix. Depending on the file suffix, the message will automatically be
sent, deleted, or continue to be held. By shutting down the IMC_Broadcast
custom server, administrators can stop and later resume the dissemination of
broadcast messages without repeated delivery of the message.
To set up the authorization facility, type the administrator's email address for
the BroadcastAuthEmail parameter in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file and
place a template file called DISTAUTH in the $CA/template directory. See
“Control files” on page 466 for details of the DistListAuthThreshold and
BroadcastAuthEmail parameters.
Administrators can also send broadcast messages to subscribers in a particular
partition or in a particular distribution list. See “Adding partitions” on page
180 for more information on sending broadcast messages to a partition. Refer
to the IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Subscriber's Guide
(Types 0,1,2,3,4 and 9) or IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response:
Subscriber's Guide (Types 5,6,7 and 8) for more information on sending
messages to a distribution list.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Creating subscriber or caller banner messages
An administrator or other authorized person can create a standard banner
message to be played to all subscribers who log in to Unified Messaging. A
banner message can similarly be played to all callers before the greeting
selected by the subscriber (for example “Please note that today is a public
Use the IMC_RECORDCOMP2 state table to record your banner messages.
Record your:
v Subscriber banner message in voice segment 6392.
v Caller banner message in voice segment 6446. This voice segment is played
before the subscriber’s greeting.
v Caller banner message in voice segment 6447. This voice segment is played
after the subscriber’s greeting.
Note: Subscriber and caller banner messages are played across the whole
system. To provide different banner messages for different partitions, you
need to customize the relevant custom servers, for example, IMC_SBR_MENU
Creating distribution lists
From the WebSphere Voice Response window you should only view Unified
Messaging distribution lists. You can create distribution lists using the
IMC_Dlist custom server.
For more information see “IMC_Dlist” on page 484. Alternatively, you can use
the XML Provisioning CreateDistributionList message. See “Create a
distribution list” on page 241.
Attention: Do not create, update, or delete distribution lists from the
WebSphere Voice Response windows. Distribution lists have audio names
associated with them that cannot be handled from the WebSphere Voice
Response windows.
Creating shared distribution lists
You can create shared distribution lists for the convenience of all subscribers.
Create shared distribution lists in the system distribution list profile mailbox,
mailbox 444444. Sign on to mailbox 444444 and create these lists in the normal
way using the telephone.
Note: Before you sign on to mailbox 444444 for the first time, you need to
reset the PIN.
Administrator's Guide
Creating distribution lists from other lists
You can create distribution lists from other lists, such as your location’s
telephone list, using the IMC_Dlist custom server. For information on how to
use this custom server see “IMC_Dlist” on page 484.
Note: There is an overall system limit of 90 members on the number of
entries you can have in a distribution list, but the actual limit depends on the
subscriber class. You can also nest distribution lists to create a list of
distribution lists, so the effective overall system limit is 8011 members.
Understanding the menu-routing application
If the menu-routing application is called, the caller is played a greeting
allowing a choice of destination by pressing a single key on the telephone
keypad. The menu-routing application attempts to perform a transfer by
calling the number for the destination chosen. If the number called answers,
the menu-routing application connects the call between the caller and the
number called. If the number called does not answer after a timeout, then the
menu-routing application sends the caller to the voice mailbox for that
number. You can also configure the menu-routing application to send a caller
directly to a particular voice mailbox.
A greeting informs the caller of the choices available. The greeting, up to 5
minutes long, can be recorded using the telephone or uploaded using the Web
interface. If such a greeting has not been recorded, a system default greeting is
used. The system greeting takes the format:
“press 1 for [recorded name for first number], press 2 for [recorded name for
second number], press 3 for [third number, for which no recorded name could
be found]...”
Up to 10 transfer numbers can be configured by logging on to the application
using the telephone or Web interface.
Menu-routing schedules
To allow different menu-routing behavior at different times of the day and on
different days of the week, or in an emergency, up to 11 different
menu-routing schedules can be configured for a menu-routing application by
subscribers if this facility has been made available on your system. See “Menu
routing schedules” on page 129 for further information. The Business Hours,
Out of Hours, and Emergency schedules are always available, together with
up to eight Holiday Schedules. (The actual number of Holiday Schedules is
configured by the System Administrator on a partition basis using the .ini
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
file configuration parameter NumMRHolSchedules.) If enabled, the Emergency
schedule overrides any other menu-routing schedule. Out of Hours is the
default schedule.
Using either the Telephony or Web interface, a different greeting can be
specified by subscribers for each schedule, and also the following aspects of
menu-routing behavior:
v Whether or not the greeting can be interrupted.
v Whether or not the recorded greeting is followed by the System Greeting.
v The number of times (between one and five times) that a greeting is
repeated until a call is terminated or transferred to an operator.
v An optional repeat facility, allowing calls to be transferred to the current
(answering) number.
v An optional backup number to which a call is transferred if the main
transfer number is not answered within a specifiable number of seconds
(between five and 60). This duration can be set on a partition basis to a
different value for main transfer numbers that are identified as operator
numbers by using the .ini file configuration parameter MROpRingTime.
Administering the menu-routing application
The menu-routing application uses subscriber type 10. This section describes
how create a new menu-routing application with the command line utilities.
To create a new menu-routing application with the command line utilities, use
the following syntax:
adduser -e [menu-routing number] -u [name] -p [PIN] -st 10
For example:
adduser -e 3054361600 -u "Menu Router 3054361600" -p 1600 -st 10
The menu-routing application (and the associated voice mailboxes) must be a
member of a partition. To add the menu-routing application to a partition use:
changeuser -e [menu-routing number] -u partition -v [partition name]
For example:
changeuser -e 3054361625 -u partition -v companyX
The menu-routing application should not be able to receive messages. To
prevent such a number receiving messages but still allow a subscriber to
login, you must:
Administrator's Guide
1. Copy the IMC_Null subscriber class to another subscriber class with a
different name, such as IMC_MenuRouting.
Note: A subscriber given the IMC_Null subscriber class would not be able
to log in.
2. Increase the "maximum length of greetings" to 300 seconds.
3. Give the newly-named subscriber class to the menu-routing application.
The subscriber class can be given to the menu-routing application using:
changeuser -e [menu-routing number] -u subscriber_class
-v IMC_MenuRouting
Alternatively, this subscriber class can be specified when the application is
created, using the -sc option, as in:
adduser -e [menu-routing number] -u [name] –p [PIN]
-sc IMC_MenuRouting -st 10
Valid transfer numbers can be determined by customizing the IMC_CHK_MR
state table. See “IMC_CHK_MR” on page 399 for details.
The 10 transfer numbers. which can be telephones or voice mailboxes, can be
configured for standard menu routing applications without schedules by
logging in to the application using the telephone or web interface. Use the
following syntax:
changeuser -e [menu-routing number] -u [field name] -v [transfer number]
To specify that the menu option transfers directly to a mailbox, instead of first
attempting to call the telephone number itself, prefix the transfer number with
a single digit which can be either 1 or 0, followed by a semi-colon, and
enclose the whole transfer number string in double quotation marks:
Prefix Action
Transfers to a telephone.
Transfers to a telephone.
Transfers direct to a mailbox.
The field names to use for each keypress are listed in the table below:
Transfer Option
Field Name
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Transfer Option
Field Name
For example, the command:
changeuser -e 3054361600 -u reachme_number -v 30543612800
means that if a caller chooses transfer option 3, the call is transferred to
telephone number 30543612800.
In the following example, if a caller chooses transfer option 1, the call is
transferred directly to the mailbox of subscriber 4085551235.
changeuser -e 4085551234 –u referral_number –v “1;4085551235”
Adding menu-routing scheduling facilities
To add scheduling capabilities to menu-routing, after creating a menu-routing
subscriber (type 10) in the normal manner, configure the menu-routing
schedules field (which determines the enhanced menu routing characteristics
of a mailbox).
See “Menu routing schedules” on page 129 for more information.
Understanding the auto-attendant application
If the auto-attendant application is called, callers are played a greeting asking
them to enter the telephone number of the person that they are trying to
The greeting that they hear is:
"Please enter the 10-digit telephone number of the person you are calling,
followed by #. To dial by name, begin with #."
If the caller enters a telephone number, the auto-attendant application
attempts to perform a transfer by calling the number for the destination
chosen. The caller hears :
Administrator's Guide
"<audio name for the number that was entered>
Please hold for a few moments while we connect you
If callers do not know the telephone number they can press the # key. They
can then use the telephone keypad to spell a surname instead. If callers press
# they hear:
"Enter the letters of the name using key 1 for Q or Z. To finish, press #."
Callers can now enter letters to spell the surname of the person that they are
trying to reach. If more than 9 matches are found for the surname that was
entered, the caller hears:
"The number of matches found was XX. This is too many. Please continue
to enter more of the name or press # to start again."
If only one match is found the caller hears:
"<audio name of single match>
Please hold for a few moments while we connect you
If 2 to 9 matches are found the caller hears:
"The number of matches found was X.
For <audio name1> press 1
For <audio name2> press 2
For <audio name3> press 3
For <audio namex> press X
Press # to start again."
After the caller selects one of the matches, the caller hears:
"<recorded name of person>
Please hold for a few moments while we connect you
If the number called answers, then the auto-attendant application connects the
call between the caller and the number called. If the number called does not
answer after a timeout, then the auto-attendant application sends the caller to
the voice mailbox for that number.
Administering an auto-attendant application
An auto-attendant application uses subscriber type 11. An auto-attendant
application cannot receive messages and cannot be logged into. To ensure this,
the auto-attendant number should use the IMC_Null subscriber class.
To create a new auto-attendant application with the command line utilities,
use the following syntax:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
adduser -e [mailbox number] -u [name] -st 11 -p [PIN] -sc IMC_Null
For example:
adduser -e 3054361601 -u "Auto Attendant 3054361601" -st 11
-p [PIN] -sc IMC_Null
The auto-attendant application must be in a partition. To add the
auto-attendant application to a partition use:
changeuser -e [mailbox number] -u partition -v [partition name]
For example:
changeuser -e 3054361601 -u partition -v companyX
Understanding Survey Mailbox applications
A Survey Mailbox can be created to allow subscribers or administrators to
create surveys, which are a series of recorded questions (recorded in the
telephone interface or uploaded in the Web interface) to which answers can be
entered or recorded and sent to the subscriber or administrator's chosen
e-mail address or addresses. These answers are sent to the specified e-mail
address or addresses and are not stored in the Unified Messaging mailbox for
subsequent retrieval.
If a Survey Mailbox application is called, callers are played the first question
recorded and given the opportunity to answer that question using keys on the
telephone keypad or a spoken response. When callers answer the first
question they are then played the second question and so-on until all
questions have been answered, at which point a "completion" prompt which
can be recorded by the subscriber or administrator plays, and the survey
results are mailed to the subscriber or administrator's chosen e-mail address
or addresses.
If a caller hangs up before answering all the questions, the results can still be
mailed if a certain number of questions have been answered (see the
information on the min_questions parameter in “Administering Survey
Mailbox applications” on page 165).
If a caller does not answer the questions in a satisfactory fashion after the
question has repeated a number of times (for example, if they do not press a
key at all or press the wrong key), the caller is told that the survey has failed
and the call will be hung up. This "failure" prompt can also be recorded by
the subscriber or administrator and the number of times a question repeats
can be configured.
Administrator's Guide
There are a limited number of types of question that can be configured for
Survey Mailboxes - these question types are:
v Type 0: spoken response (caller records a voice message)
v Type 1: yes/no (caller presses 1 for yes or 0 or 2 for no)
v Type 2: fixed length answer (caller enters digits up to the length set by the
v Type 3: variable length answer (caller enters digits up to the length set by
the subscriber and enters # to complete their entry)
For any question a "confirmation" can also be set which plays back the answer
to the caller and asks the caller to confirm that this is what they entered or
allows them to re-enter or re-record their answer.
All questions and question types are configured using the telephone or Web
interfaces. Use of command-line tools to configure Survey Mailboxes is not
Maximum record times for questions are set by the mailbox's subscriber class
setting for the maximum greeting length, and maximum record times for
answers are set by the subscriber class setting for maximum voice message
A maximum of 40 questions can be configured per Survey Mailbox.
Administering Survey Mailbox applications
The survey mailbox application uses subscriber type 12. To create a new
survey mailbox with the command line utilities, use the following
adduser -e [survey mailbox number] -u [name] -p [PIN] -st 12
For example:
adduser -e 3054361600 -u “Survey Mailbox 3054361600” -p 1600 -st 12
When the survey mailbox has been created, the following additional
parameters can be configured using the changeuser command:
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Parameter name
Acceptable Values
0 to 40
Minimum number of
questions a caller must
answer before the results
are mailed to the email
address(es) specified for
the survey mailbox. Set this
parameter to 0 to use the
setting from the global or
partition INI file. (A value
of 0 for both min_questions
means that all questions
must be answered. The
default of
MinAnsweredQuestions if
there is no INI file entry at
all is 0.)
Maximum number of times 0 to 20
a question would be
repeated due to no input
(ie timeout) or an invalid
input, after which the
survey will be considered
to have "failed". A value of
1 means that any question
will be replayed once. Set
this parameter to 0 to use
the MaxRepeats setting
from the global or partition
INI file. (A value of 0 for
both max_repeats and
MaxRepeats would means
that questions would not
be repeated, they would
only be played only once.
The default of MaxRepeats
if there is no INI file entry
at all is 3.)
Note: It is recommended that a survey mailbox have a mailbox_active_grt
which prevents other subscribers from sending it messages. This can be set
using an appropriate default of
mailbox_active_grt = 0;
Administrator's Guide
in IMCdefaults.file or by using
changeuser -e [survey mailbox number] -u mailbox_active_grt -v 0
If this is not set, messages sent from other subscribers will be forwarded to
the e-mail address that is configured in the survey mailbox. Usually the
survey mailbox owner configures the e-mail address but alternatively, the
administrator can configure it using:
changeuser -e [survey mailbox number] -u email_address
-v [address to send surveys to]
changeuser -e [survey mailbox number] -u vpim_address
-v [address to send surveys to]
changeuser -e [survey mailbox number] -u vpim_msg_del_pref -v 1
Other interfaces set the vpim_address and vpim_msg_del_pref fields
automatically for survey mailboxes when the e-mail address is set, but these
fields need to be configured manually by changeuser if you want to ensure
that messages from other users are forwarded to this e-mail address even
when the survey mailbox has not been used.
To delete a Survey Mailbox, use the deluser command using the usual syntax.
For example, to delete survey mailbox 247815 use:
deluser -e 247815
Although it is not possible to configure questions using the command-line
tools, the showuser command does show the configuration that has been set
for a survey mailbox.
For further guidance on configuring questions, refer to "Survey mailboxes" in
the IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response: Subscriber's Guide
(Types 5,6,7 and 8) information.
Migration Utilities
Unified Messaging provides four utilities to help you migrate data from a
standalone configuration to a Single System Image (SSI) configuration.
The utilities are:
Renumbers message IDs on systems to be merged together. This
ensures that there is no possibility of message IDs clashing, which
could result in messages from one system overwriting messages from
another system when the systems are merged.
For a complete description of vm_renumber, see “Voice message ID
renumbering utility” on page 168.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Backs up all the mailboxes and messages on a system. It does not
back up the programs (state tables, custom servers, prompts, voice
tables, and voice segments) on a system. You back these up using the
dtexport command.
For a complete description of vm_backup, see “Voice message and
mailbox backup utility” on page 169.
Restores all the mailboxes and messages on a system. You can use
settings on the utility to replace or merge the mailboxes and
For a complete description of vm_restore, see “Voice message and
mailbox restore utility” on page 170.
Refreshes the integrity of the mailbox and message databases. If you
merge several systems together, some of the system profiles which
existed on each system will need updating on the merged system with
the correct counts of messages that the profiles actually hold. This is
what vm_integrity does.
For a complete description of vm_integrity, see “Voice message
database integrity check utility” on page 171.
Voice message ID renumbering utility
On every Unified Messaging system, voice messages are given a voice
message ID consisting of a number (the first message ever created on the
system is number 1, the hundredth is message 100, and so on) and the date
and time (to the nearest second) that the message was created.
If multiple systems are to be merged together, there is a small chance that
voice message IDs on one system might conflict with those on another. To
avoid this situation, which might result in some messages from one system
overwriting messages on the other, the vm_renumber command lets you
renumber all the message IDs on the systems to be merged together, so that
each system has a distinct range of message IDs.
You can also run vm_renumber on the system into which all the systems have
been merged, to reset all the numbers into a single sequence.
The vm_renumber command does not alter the date and time part of the
message ID, only the number part.
Administrator's Guide
We recommend that you shut down WebSphere Voice Response before you
run vm_renumber, so that new messages do not arrive while the utility is
Command line parameters
-s start number
Start renumbering from this starting number (the default is 1).
Use this to ensure that you get unique message IDs for every system.
For example, on the first system you could run vm_renumber -s1.
vm_renumber will show what number it has reached (which is also
the total number of messages on that system), for example 9847. On
the second system you could then run vm_renumber -s10000 to
ensure that none of the IDs clash with the IDs on the first system. On
the third system you could then run vm_renumber -s20000, and so on.
Voice message and mailbox backup utility
The vm_backup utility backs up all the voice message and mailbox data on a
This is not the same as a full system backup, which should be performed with
mksysb and savevg commands. Furthermore, it doesn’t back up any of the
programs (state tables, custom servers, prompts, voice tables, and voice
segments) which make up the Unified Messaging application.
The WebSphere Voice Response objects that vm_backup backs up are:
subscriber classes, application profiles, mailboxes, mailbox notification
schedules, mailbox distribution lists, greetings, audio names, messages, and
distribution list names. With an optional command line argument, you can
also use it to back up the remote systems data, including any remote audio
names on the system.
If you are backing up a system with the intention of merging several systems
together, we recommend that you first shut down WebSphere Voice Response
and run vm_renumber (see “Voice message ID renumbering utility” on page
168) before running vm_backup.
The vm_backup utility requires a significant amount of space in the file
system in which it runs to create temporary files from the database before
writing the data to the specified location. The amount of space will vary,
depending on the size of your voice messaging database. Ensure that you
have at least 10 MB free for a small voice messaging database, and at least 50
MB for a large voice messaging database. vm_backup deletes these temporary
files when it finishes processing.
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Command line parameters
Back up only the mailboxes and messages on a system (the default).
Back up the remote systems data (including any remote names
accessible by the system) as well as the mailboxes and messages on a
-f filename
A filename or device on which to save the data. For example:
If you omit this option, the data is saved in a file called vm.backup in
the directory in which the command was run.
Voice message and mailbox restore utility
The vm_restore utility restores all the voice message and mailbox data saved
with the vm_backup utility. With an optional command line argument, you
can also use it to restore the remote systems data, including any remote audio
names, if this data was previously saved with the vm_backup utility.
By default, profiles created with the Unified Messaging adduser utility are
stored in the User application. This application exists by default on all
systems. However, if you have previously moved profiles to other
applications (such as MessageCenter, or applications you have created), these
applications must be created on the system on which the profiles are to be
restored before those profiles can be restored on the system.
If you are restoring several systems on top of each other to merge the data
together, you will see various errors generated informing you that duplicate
profiles exist (these are usually Unified Messaging system profiles, unless you
have other duplicate profiles on your systems). We recommend that you run
vm_integrity after restoring the systems to reset any message counts which
might be incorrect.
The vm_restore utility requires a significant amount of space in the file system
in which it runs to create temporary files from the database before restoring
the data to the database. The amount of space will vary depending on the size
of the voice messaging database being restored. Ensure you have at least 10
MB free for a small voice messaging database, and at least 50 MB for a large
voice messaging database. vm_restore deletes these temporary files when it
completes its processing.
By default vm_restore runs in insert mode; it tries to insert data which is not
already there into the database. This produces errors regarding duplicate
profiles existing, as already noted. You can also run vm_restore in replace
Administrator's Guide
mode; it deletes all existing data in the database and replaces it with the data
from the device or file you specified. There is also an update mode; vm_restore
inserts data which is not already there into the database, and updates any
duplicates between the two data sets with the data from the device or file you
specify. This update mode takes much longer to run than insert mode because
of the consistency checking required while duplicate rows are being updated.
Command line parameters
Restore only the mailboxes and messages on a system (the default).
Restore the remote systems data (including any remote names) as well
as the mailboxes and messages on a system.
-f filename
A filename or device on which to save the data. For example:
If you omit this option, the data is restored from a file called
vm.backup in the directory in which the command was run.
Run vm_restore in replace mode; delete all the existing data in your
database and replace it with the data being imported. This mode is
suitable for cloning a system or restoring an older version of data, but
is unsuitable for merging systems together.
Run vm_restore in update mode. This produces fewer errors than
insert mode, because duplicates in the database are updated according
to the data being imported. However, update mode takes far longer to
run because of the consistency checking involved in updating the
duplicate entries (An insert can take several minutes to run, but an
update can take several hours.)
Voice message database integrity check utility
The vm_integrity utility identifies any problems with your voice messaging
database and, if you specify the -f (fix) parameter, tries to fix these problems.
It’s a good idea to run vm_integrity on a system just after a migration from a
previous release, or after merging data from several stand alone machines into
a single system image server.
You also need to run vm_integrity if you change the timezone environment
variable (TZ) on your system because of a geographical relocation of the
machine or a change in the way summertime time differences are handled.
This is because voice objects are filed according to the date and time that they
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
were recorded, whereas the database uses an absolute time value. Therefore,
the absolute time value could refer to various different times (or even dates)
in different geographical time zones.
Always run vm_integrity without the -f option first to check that it can find
the voice objects on your system. If the file system holding the directory on
which the voice messages are stored (/home/dirTalk/current_dir/voice/msg)
is unmounted, vm_integrity might assume that the database entries are now
redundant and could all be deleted.
For the same reason, never schedule vm_integrity with the -f option to run on
a regular basis or unsupervised. During normal operation of Unified
Messaging you should not need to run vm_integrity. We advise that, before
running vm_integrity, you take a vm_backup in case any data is lost due to
the voice message file system becoming unmounted.
If you specify no options, vm_integrity reports any problems it finds while
comparing the database to itself and to the voice message files on disk. These
problems might include:
v Voice messages found in unexpected directories (because of a change in
timezone or summertime properties of the TZ environment variable)
v Voice message entries in the database with no corresponding voice files
(because of a problem writing the voice file at the time of recording, such
as a full file system or a system crash)
v Voice message entries in the database with an incorrect count of the number
of recipients (because of some previous problem with the database)
v Voice messages with no corresponding mailbox (because of some previous
problem with the database)
v Mailboxes with incorrect counts of the number of new, saved, or outgoing
messages (because of multiple systems being merged together with
vm_restore or some previous problem with the database)
Command line parameters
Try to fix any problems found.
We recommend that you shut down WebSphere Voice Response before
running vm_integrity with the -f option, as it is likely that response
times for callers will be greatly impacted while it is running. It is also
possible that messages left while vm_integrity is running might make
it update a count of messages to an incorrect value.
Compare the voice message files found on disk with the database
entries for voice messages.
With the -f flag, this deletes any voice message files which do not
have database entries. Always run vm_integrity -f before running
Administrator's Guide
vm_integrity -v -f. vm_integrity -f tries to correct the database entries
of messages which have files in unexpected directories because of
timezone differences; vm_integrity -v -f simply deletes any message
files found without database entries.
Don’t check for the existence of voice message files which might be in
unexpected directories. Instead vm_integrity checks only that the
counts for the number of recipients for messages, and the counts of
new, saved, and outgoing messages in mailboxes are correct. This
eliminates the chance of problems caused by voice message files not
being found.
Reset all the counts to the correct values instead of querying the
database for incorrect counts before attempting to correct them. (You
can use this only with the -c parameter.)
Specifying vm_integrity -r -c might be faster than vm_integrity -f -c
on smaller databases, and might be appropriate for running while
WebSphere Voice Response is still receiving calls.
-e mailbox number
Check only the single mailbox specified for problems. If you also
specify the -f parameter, the utility also tries to fix problems with the
Message Waiting Indication configuration utility
The mwi_config utility configures the WebSphere Voice Response database
triggers to send message waiting indicator signals in a minimal (only when
the new message count changes from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0) or maximal (whenever
the new message count is incremented or set to 0) fashion and to enable
support of alias numbers and shared numbers and their sub-mailboxes. It may
also be configured to set MWI only for numbers (and shared numbers and
alias numbers) of a set number of digits.
Command line parameters
Notify only for the first new message arriving in a mailbox (the
-every Notify for every new message arriving in a mailbox.
-l MWI number length
The length in digits of mailboxes and numbers on the system for
which to set MWI. Sub-mailboxes will have one more digit than this.
Mailboxes of the specified length only, sub-mailboxes of one more
digit than the specified length (converted to their shared number of
the specified length) and aliases of the specified length, shall have
MWI notifications. (Must be specified with –l)
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
Any mailbox of any length shall have MWI notifications (the default).
-show Shows the settings currently in use on the system.
It is advisable for a large scale system (100,000 susbcribers or more) to use:
mwi_config -first -any
Please note that the utility uses DB2 User Defined Functions (UDFs) that are
shipped with Unified Messaging. The default UDFs that are provided are
suitable only for a 64-bit DB2 database instance. A 64-bit databse instance is
used by default by WebSphere Voice Response for those p-Series machines
that can support a 64-bit architecture. For older p-Series machines which
cannot support a 64-bit DB/2 database instance, a 32-bit database instance is
used by WebSphere Voice Response.
To find out what type of instance you are running, you can type:
/usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/db2ilist -a
For a 64-bit database instance, this will return:
For a 32-bit database instance, this will return:
If you are using a 32-bit database instance, then you must use the 32-bit UDF
files that are shipped with Unified Messaging. To do this, type the following
(it is advised that calls are quiesced at this point):
cd /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils
mv aliasnums.o aliasnums64.o
mv udfaliasnums.o udfaliasnums64.o
cp aliasnums32.o aliasnums.o
cp udfaliasnums32.o udfaliasnums.o
mwi_config -first -any
To restore to using the 64-bit UDF files, type:
cd /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils
mv aliasnums.o aliasnums32.o
mv udfaliasnums.o udfaliasnums32.o
mv aliasnums64.o aliasnums.o
mv udfaliasnums64.o udfaliasnums.o
mwi_config -first -any
Administrator's Guide
load_splits utility
The load_splits utility creates the IMC_CHK_SPLITS state table which allows
other state tables (such as IMC_STARTUP, IMC_LOGON, and so on) to check
if a called number can be converted to another number during periods when
a number might have more than one possible area code or other prefix. This
could happen if a range of telephone numbers were being migrated to another
range of telephone numbers. (See “IMC_CHK_SPLITS” on page 402 for
further information on the state table.) The utility uses files of data in a
particular format. The file names start with the first three digits of the new
NPA and ending with .dat and the files contain lines 60 characters long in the
following format:
YYYYMMDD1 [8] (ignored)
YYYYMMDD2 [8] START DATE for multiple prefix dialling
YYYYMMDD3 [8] (ignored)
YYYYMMDD4 [8] END DATE for multiple prefix dialling
YYYYMMDD5 [8] (ignored)
STATUS [1] A=ADD (use) D=DELETED (ignore)
OLD STATE [2] eg, TX (ignored)
NEW STATE [2] eg, TX (ignored)
An example of such a line from a file called 325.dat:
To use the utility, simply run it when logged on as dtuser on the WebSphere
Voice Response server (on the SSI server only for an SSI cluster) in a directory
containing the .dat files you want to use. This directory must be readable and
writeable for dtuser and the .dat files must be readable for dtuser.
The utility creates a chk_splits file containing source code for the
IMC_CHK_SPLITS state table and attempts to load this into WebSphere Voice
Response using:
DTst -import -f chk_splits -o IMC_CHK_SPLITS -noprompt
Any errors with this process are reported to the console that ran the
You can instruct load_splits to:
v Create chk_splits/IMC_CHK_SPLITS based on all of the rules found in the
.dat file (which may result in a very large state table, potentially too large
to be imported into WebSphere Voice Response if the .dat file is very
Chapter 4. Subscriber administration
v Create chk_splits/IMC_CHK_SPLITS based on the rules that are valid on
the day it is run (by excluding rules where the START DATE and END
DATE range does not include the day on which it is run.
To do this, use the -o option thus:
load_splits -o
If you use this -o option you will need to run load_splits every day, or at
least every time that any START DATE or END DATE changes, but the
number of rules within chk_splits/IMC_CHK_SPLITS will be reduced.
Otherwise, without any options specified, load_splits will include rules for
START DATEs and END DATEs within the chk_splits/IMC_CHK_SPLITS state
table itself, which will therefore allow load_splits to be run only when the
.dat files are updated. It may be preferable to run load_splits on a test
system if there any changes in multiple prefix dialling (permissive dialing)
rules in the .dat files and then dtexport the IMC_CHK_SPLITS state table
from the test system using:
dtexport -f IMC_CHK_SPLITS.imp -stab IMC_CHK_SPLITS
You can then dtimport it on any production system using:
dtimport -f IMC_CHK_SPLITS.imp
This will prevent any runtime impact of using the load_splits command or
the state table validation that it performs using the DTst command. The
functionality supported within load_splits for using either old or new number
during a multiple prefix dialling (permissive dialing) period includes
incoming calls to mailboxes (in which original called number is received).
Logging on to mailboxes on the Web interface and the following Telephony
User Interface (TUI) functionality is not supported:
v Using an auto-attendant.
v Logging on to mailboxes by manually entering a mailbox number.
v Replying to messages.
v Forwarding messages.
v Sending messages from within a menu.
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
This chapter tells you how to use the Unified Messaging Interface Tool as an
alternative way of managing a Unified Messaging system.
The topics covered in this chapter are:
v “Starting the Unified Messaging Interface Tool”
v “System partitioning” on page 179
v “Subscriber administration” on page 186
v “Custom server management” on page 195
v “Scheduling a Unified Messaging backup” on page 195
v “Global variable modifications” on page 196
v “Remote System Administration (RSA) utility” on page 205
Starting the Unified Messaging Interface Tool
The Unified Messaging Interface Tool, which we also refer to as the Interface
Tool throughout this chapter, is a menu-based tool that operates in much the
same way as the AIX administrative tool, SMIT (System Management
Interface Tool).
You use it in one of two ways:
1. If you are using an ASCII terminal, use the character-based menu system.
2. If you have X-Windows running and you have configured your DISPLAY
environmental variable, use an X-Windows based application.
There are three different sets of the Interface Tool menus, depending on your
level of authority. The dtuser user has the highest level of authority and is
considered to be the Unified Messaging super-administrator.
You can have additional administrators with more limited function. When
these administrators log on to AIX, they are placed immediately into the
Interface Tool menus without receiving an AIX prompt.
The dtuser user launches the Interface Tool by running mcitty or mcit on the
command line. The character-based menus are started by running mcitty. If
you are using the AIX console, or have the DISPLAY environmental variable
configured, mcit starts as an X-Windows GUI application; otherwise, it starts
as a character-based menu.
Here is what the main character-based Interface Tool screen looks like:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Figure 25. Unified Messaging Interface Tool main screen — character-based
Here is what the X-windows based Interface Tool screen looks like:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 26. Unified Messaging Interface Tool main screen — X-windows based
In the examples in this chapter, we show the character-based menus. This is
probably the way that you will do it most frequently, especially if you are
managing Unified Messaging remotely over a LAN or dial-up connection,
rather than directly on the system console.
System partitioning
System partitioning lets you create voice messaging partitions that are isolated
from each other. Partitions created by this utility have their own
administrators. If it is not required to have a separate administrator the
partition can be created by the addPartition command.
See “Creating a user partition (addPartition)” on page 110 for more details.
Once created, all partitions can be administered using the Unified Messaging
Interface Tool.
You can also configure the system so that subscribers within one partition
cannot interact with subscribers in another partition (this is the default
You can use the Interface Tool to administer system partitioning.
(Alternatively, some aspects of system partitioning can be administered using
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
XML Provisioning.) This section introduces partitioning using the Interface
Tool, and tells you how to manage the partitions. The topics covered are:
v “Inter- and intra-partition visibility”
v “Adding partitions”
v “Listing partitions” on page 182
v “Listing partition details” on page 182
v “Deleting partitions” on page 183
v “Partition administrators” on page 183
For details of how you can use XML Provisioning to administer some aspects
of system partitioning see:
v Chapter 6, “Implementing XML Provisioning,” on page 215
v “Add Unified Messaging Partition” on page 237
v “Get Unified Messaging Partition” on page 238
Inter- and intra-partition visibility
There is a global setting within Unified Messaging that determines partition
visibility. If the system is set up for intra-partition visibility, subscribers within
a particular partition cannot interact with subscribers in another partition. If
the system is set up for inter-partition visibility, subscribers are allowed to
interact with subscribers within other partitions.
One possible use for inter-partition visibility would be for a large organization
to place each department in a separate partition, but have individual
administrators for each partition.
Set the PartitionVisb variable in the Global Variable Modification section of the
Interface Tool to determine the type of partitioning to be used at your site.
Adding partitions
The Interface Tool screen for adding a new partition is as follows:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 27. Unified Messaging Interface Tool screen for adding partitions
Here's what you should enter in each field:
Partition NAME
The name of the partition. If your system services
multiple companies, this will typically be the name of
the company. If you are using partitioning to divide a
single company into logical divisions, this can be the
name of a department or division.The name must be
15 characters or fewer and must begin with a letter.
The only characters allowed are A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and
A descriptive name for the partition.
Level1 admin id
The AIX login ID for use by the first level-1
administrator. You can always add additional level-1
administrators once you've created the partition.
Level1 admin Name
The full name of the level-1 administrator.
Level2 admin id
The AIX login ID for use by the first level-2
administrator. You can always add additional level-2
administrators once the partition has been created.
Level2 admin Name
The full name of the level-2 administrator.
When you create a partition, the following happens:
v A WebSphere Voice Response application is created with the same name as
the partition. All subscribers belonging to this partition will be placed
within this partition.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
v The level-1 and level-2 AIX accounts are created. These accounts are
configured so that when users log on to AIX, they are placed directly into
the Interface Tool. This is for security purposes. The Interface Tool menu
that they see is reduced in function, allowing them to perform operations
only within their partition.
v A new Unified Messaging profile is created for sending broadcast messages
to other subscribers within the partition. This profile has a name of the
form 666xxx. To send a broadcast message, log on as this subscriber and
send a voice message to the profile 777777. The custom server
IMC_Broadcast must be running in order for this to work. See “Broadcast
application and administrator profiles” on page 29, “Sending a broadcast
message” on page 156, and “IMC_Broadcast” on page 464 for more
v A IMCdefaults.file is created for the partition. This file is placed in the
directory $CUR_DIR/ca/mcit. The name of the file is
IMCdefaults.file.partition_name. When the partition is first created, this
file is based on the standard IMCdefaults.file file.
Note: File partition.info in directory $CUR_DIR/ca/partition is not updated
with details of a new partition created using the Interface Tool. To make
partition information available to XML Provisioning or to send a broadcast
message using profile 8888xxxx (where xxxx=Partition ID), partitions must be
created using either XML Provisioning or the addPartition command.
Listing partitions
The Interface Tool provides a means of displaying all the partitions that you
currently have defined. This is within the Partition Management menu.
Listing partition details
You can use this option of the Partition Management menu to view the
details of a particular partition. Once you select the partition you are
interested in, you can view the following:
v The total number of mailboxes within the partition
v The mailbox used to send broadcast messages to subscribers within the
v All the level-1 and level-2 administrators created for this partition
v A list of the subscribers that belong to this partition
Here is a sample of the output produced:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 28. Sample output from listing partition details
Deleting partitions
You can use this option of the Partition Management menu to delete a
partition from the Unified Messaging system.
You can delete a partition only if it does not contain any subscribers. You can
either delete all the subscribers before deleting the partition, or move all the
subscribers to another partition.
When you delete a partition, the following happens:
v The broadcast profile for the partition is deleted.
v Any level-1 and level-2 administrators for the partition are removed from
v The WebSphere Voice Response application for the partition is deleted.
v The IMCdefaults.file.partition_name file is deleted from the directory
Partition administrators
Within the Interface Tool, there are three levels of administrator:
v The super-administrator
v Level-1 administrators
v Level-2 administrators
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Super administrator
This is the dtuser user. The super-administrator has full access to all the
features and functions of the Interface Tool.
A super-administrator can create additional level-1 or level-2 administrators
for any partition within the system using the Administrator Management
menu, shown below:
Figure 29. Super administrator: Administrator Management menu
Level-1 administrators
Each partition created has at least one level-1 administrator. These
administrators can perform subscriber administration only within their
Here is the main the Interface Tool menu for level-1 administrators:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 30. Level-1 administrators main Unified Messaging Interface Tool menu
Level-2 administrators
Each partition created has at least one level-2 administrator. They can perform
the same functions as level-1 administrators, but they can also work with
certain Unified Messaging log files.
Here is the main Interface Tool menu for level-2 administrators:
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Figure 31. Level-2 administrators main Unified Messaging Interface Tool menu
Subscriber administration
The Interface Tool provides a convenient way of managing subscribers.
Although you can do most of the tasks using the command line utilities, if
you are using partitioning on your system, you must use the Interface Tool for
your administration.
Here is the main Mailbox Management menu:
Administrator's Guide
Figure 32. Mailbox Management menu
The rest of this section deals with the options on that menu. The topics
covered are:
“Adding a new subscriber”
“Adding a list of new subscribers” on page 190
“Deleting a subscriber” on page 191
“Deleting a list of subscribers” on page 191
“Displaying and changing the details of a subscriber” on page 191
“Unlocking a mailbox” on page 193
v “Resetting a subscriber’s PIN” on page 194
v “Moving a subscriber to another partition” on page 194
Adding a new subscriber
All levels of administrators can add subscribers to Unified Messaging. Level-1
and level-2 administrators can add subscribers only to the partition that they
administer. Super-administrators can add subscribers to any partition.
If you are using partitioning (that is, you have created at least one partition),
when creating a mailbox as the super-administrator, you are prompted to
select the partition to which the mailbox should belong.
If you are creating a mailbox as a level-1 or level-2 administrator, the mailbox
is placed in the partition that you are authorized to administer.
When adding a mailbox, you use the following screen:
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Figure 33. Add a new mailbox menu
Here’s a description of the fields:
Partition Name
The partition to which the subscriber is being added.
You can modify this field only if you are logged on as
the super-administrator.If you are a level-1 or level-2
administrator, this field defaults to the partition that
you are authorized to administer.If you are not using
partitioning (that is, you have created no partitions),
the subscriber is placed in a default partition called
Extension Number
The telephone number for the mailbox.
A subscriber name.To use dial-by-name effectively,
enter the subscriber’s surname followed by their first
name. Make sure that you type names in a consistent
way (such as capital letters, last name, first name), to
make sorting and searching for them more efficient.
For example:
Administrator's Guide
The PIN to which the subscriber’s mailbox is set
when it is created.
State table name
The state table to be launched for this mailbox. This is
typically IMC_STARTUP, but might differ depending
on the configuration of the system.For example, with
partitioning in use, the super-administrator can create
different startup state tables for each partition.The
super-administrator sees a list of all the state tables on
the system. Level-1 and level-2 administrators see a
restricted list, the exact contents of which are defined
by the super-administrator.
State table entry label
The entry point for the state table in the State Table
Name field
The language code for the subscriber. This is typically
1 (for US English), but might be changed if your
system has been configured to support multiple
Subscriber class
Determines various limits for the mailbox, such as the
maximum number of messages that the subscriber is
allowed to have. This is typically IMC_Basic, but it is
possible to use alternative subscriber classes, created
by the super-administrator.
Subscriber type
The type of menu a subscriber gets, as follows:
Business - local & remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
If no partitions are defined, the Interface Tool fills in the fields based on what
is in the file /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/IMCdefaults.file.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
If you are adding a subscriber to a particular partition, the Interface Tool fills
in the fields based on the contents of $CUR_DIR/ca/mcit/
IMCdefaults.file.partition_name where partition_name is replaced with the
name of the actual partition.
Adding a list of new subscribers
The Add a list of mailboxes menu option allows you to add multiple
subscribers to the system using a plain ASCII file containing the telephone
numbers and names of the subscribers, and their PINs.
The name of the file must end in .lst. The file must contain one entry on each
line, with the entry format being:
is the telephone number
is the subscriber name and details
is the voice mailbox PIN
For example:
1234:JOSEPH GREEN:4224:
Note: Make sure that you include the : (colon) at the end of each parameter,
including the last one.
Level-1 and level-2 administrators do not have access to an AIX command
line prompt. They must first create the file on another machine and then FTP
the file to their home directory.
When using this menu option, the Interface Tool does not allow you to enter a
filename. Instead, you must select the file from a list that is presented when
you press F4. To generate the list, the Interface Tool looks in the
administrator’s home directory and only displays files that end in .lst.
As a super-administrator, you must follow the same guidelines. However,
because you have access to the command-line prompt, you can create the file
directly on Unified Messaging; you do not need to transfer the file to the
system using FTP.
If the list is being added by a level-1 or level-2 administrator, the subscribers
are automatically put in the partition that the administrator is authorized to
administer. If the list is being added by the super-administrator, the Interface
Administrator's Guide
Tool prompts for a partition to be selected. If there are no partitions defined,
subscribers are put in the default User partition.
Deleting a subscriber
The Delete a mailbox menu option allows you to delete a single WebSphere
Voice Response application profile. Level-1 and level-2 administrators can
delete only subscribers that are within their partition. The super-administrator
can delete any subscriber on the Unified Messaging system.
Deleting a list of subscribers
Use the Delete a list of mailboxes menu option to delete a single WebSphere
Voice Response application profile for each entry in a list.
The name of the file must end in .lst. The file must contain one entry on each
line, and the format of the entry is:
where EEEE is the telephone number.
Note: Make sure you include the : (colon) at the end of the line.
When using this menu option, the Interface Tool does not allow you to enter a
filename. Instead, you must select the file from a list that is presented when
you press F4. To generate the list, the Interface Tool looks in the
administrator’s home directory and only displays files that end in .lst.
Displaying and changing the details of a subscriber
Use the Change/Show mailbox details menu option to view, and optionally
change, the details of a subscriber. Here is a typical Change/Show Mailbox
Details window:
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Figure 34. Change/Show Mailbox Details window
Here’s a description of the fields:
Partition name
The partition to which the subscriber is being added.
You cannot modify this field from this screen.
Extension number
The telephone number for the mailbox.
A subscriber name.To use dial-by-name effectively,
enter the subscriber’s surname followed by their first
name. Make sure that you type names in a consistent
way (such as capital letters, last name, first name), to
make sorting and searching for them more efficient.
For example:
Digit name
The DTMF keys that correspond to the subscriber’s
name. You cannot modify this field.
State table name
The state table to be launched for this mailbox. This is
typically IMC_STARTUP, but might differ depending
on the configuration of the system.For example, with
partitioning in use, the super-administrator can create
different startup state tables for each partition.The
super-administrator sees a list of all the state tables on
the system. Level-1 and level-2 administrators see a
restricted list, the exact contents of which are defined
by the super-administrator.
Administrator's Guide
The language code for the subscriber. This is typically
1 (for US English), but might be changed if your
system has been configured to support multiple
Subscriber class
Determines various limits for the mailbox, such as the
maximum number of messages that the subscriber is
allowed to have. This is typically IMC_Basic, but it is
possible to use alternative subscriber classes, created
by the super-administrator.
Subscriber type
The type of menu a subscriber gets, as follows:
Business - local & remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
Mailbox greeting number
The greeting that the subscriber has active.
Referral number
Unified Messaging uses this field to hold the number
used when forwarding calls for a subscriber to
another number.
Number of new messages
The number of new messages the subscriber has in
the mailbox.
Number of saved messages
The number of saved messages the subscriber has in
the mailbox.
Number of out messages
The number of outgoing messages the subscriber has
in the mailbox.
Unlocking a mailbox
A subscriber’s mailbox is locked after the cumulative number of failed PIN
attempts reaches the value of ProfilePasswordLimit specified in the Global
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Variable Modification section of the Interface Tool. Use the Unlock a mailbox
menu option to reset the failed PIN count.
Resetting a subscriber’s PIN
Use the Reset the password for a mailbox menu option to change a
subscriber’s PIN. When the subscriber next logs into their mailbox, they will
have to change their PIN.
This option is most useful when subscribers forget their PIN (usually after a
holiday, or even a long weekend).
Moving a subscriber to another partition
Use the Move a Mailbox to a Partition menu option to move a subscriber to
another partition. You must be logged into AIX as the super-administrator to
do this.
Here’s the screen you see:
Figure 35. Move a Mailbox to a Partition menu
Press the F4 function key for a list of partitions from which you can choose
the new partition for the subscriber.
Administrator's Guide
Custom server management
The tasks that you can perform using the Custom Server Management menu
are described here.
The Custom Server Management menu allows you to:
v Start or stop individual custom servers
v Start all custom servers that are set to AUTOEXEC
v Stop all custom servers
v View the status of a particular custom server or all custom servers
Here is the Custom Server Management menu:
Figure 36. Custom Server Management menu
You must be logged on as the super-administrator to have these options
Scheduling a Unified Messaging backup
From the Schedule a job menu, super-administrators can schedule a Unified
Messaging backup, as well as viewing and canceling scheduled jobs.
Note: Currently, the only type of job that can be scheduled is a backup job.
Here is the screen for Schedule a Job menu :
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Figure 37. Schedule a job menu
When a scheduled job runs, it backs up Unified Messaging using the
vm_backup utility. It backs up all the voice message and mailbox data on the
v Application profiles
v Subscriber classes
v Mailboxes
v Mailbox notification schedules
Mailbox distribution lists
Audio names
Distribution list names
You should schedule these backups when the system is not being heavily
used, for example, early in the morning or late in the evening.
Global variable modifications
Unified Messaging uses various settings that determine how it functions and
what functionality is available to subscribers. These settings or variables are
stored in the file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini. The Global
Variables menu allows you to easily view and update these settings without
your having to manually edit the configuration file.
Administrator's Guide
Here is an example of the Global Variables Management screen:
Figure 38. Global Variables Management screen
Here’s a description of all the fields that are available in the Global Variables
Management screen
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions
Alternate Voice Mail
Extension 1; Alternate Voice
Mail Extension 2; Alternate
Voice Mail Extension 3
You can have up to four telephone numbers defined to
call in to Unified Messaging. The primary number is
defined in VmailExtension; define the other numbers in
AltVmailExt1, AltVmailExt2, and AltVmailExt3. If you
do not want to use more than one telephone number for
Unified Messaging, set the unused values to the same
value as VmailExtension.
Audio Messaging
Interchange Specification
(AMIS) Receiver
The profile ID to be used as the sending profile ID
when an external message is received by a Unified
Messaging subscriber. The default is 999998.
Audio Messaging
Interchange Specification
(AMIS) Sender
The profile ID to be used as the temporary receiver
profile ID when an external message is sent by a
Unified Messaging subscriber. The default is 999997.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Back Key
The key to be used to skip backward when listening to
a message. The default value is the 7 key. (This
parameter is used only if the SimplePlay parameter is
set to No.)
Back Time
The time in milliseconds to skip backward when the
BackKey is pressed when listening to a message. The
default value is 4000ms. (This parameter is used only if
the SimplePlay parameter is set to 0.
Enables or disables the use of bilingual greetings on this
Unified Messaging system:
0 = Bilingual greetings cannot be used
1 = Bilingual greetings can be used
By Name Key
The key to be used to signal that a destination for a
message is to be dialed by name, rather than by
entering a numeric destination. The # key is the default.
Control Menu State Table
This state table presents menus in the call-answering
dialogs. Nine caller menu state tables, IMC_CLR_SMEN
(for Standard subscribers) and IMC_CLR_SMEN_01 to
IMC_CLR_SMEN_08 (for Business - local and remote,
Business - local, Residential, and Remote e-mail only,
Corporate, Home, Small Business, and Enterprise
subscribers), are supplied with Unified Messaging. The
key usage is consistent with the International Standard
ISO/IEC 13714. You can replace any of these with a
customized state table.
Customer Prefix
Three letter prefix used for WebSphere Voice Response
State Tables, Custom Servers & Voice Directories on
Unified Messaging customer Installations. The default is
Disable Call Sender
Whether subscribers are allowed to request a transfer to
the sender of a message:
No = Enable the call sender function
Yes = Disable the call sender function (default)
Disable Deputy
Whether callers are allowed to request a transfer to a
subscriber’s colleague:
No = Enable colleague transfer
Yes = Disable colleague transfer (default)
Administrator's Guide
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Disable Fax
Enable or disable fax support:
No = Enable fax support (default)
Yes = Disable fax support
Disable Jumpout
Whether callers are allowed to request a transfer to
another number:
No = Enable jump out
Yes = Disable jump out (default)
Disable Operator
Whether callers are allowed to request a transfer to the
No = Enable transfer to attendant (default)
Yes = Disable transfer to attendant
Disable Page Me
Whether callers are allowed to request a transfer to a
No = Enable PageMe
Yes = Disable PageMe (default)
Disable Reach Me
Whether callers are allowed to request a transfer to a
ReachMe number:
No = Enable ReachMe
Yes = Disable ReachMe (default)
Disable Referral
Whether Unified Messaging can attempt to transfer
callers to the subscribers call-forwarding (referral)
No = Enable transfer to referral number
Yes = Disable transfer to referral number (default)
Disable Synchronization
Whether Unified Messaging supports integrated
No = Integrated messaging is supported
Yes = Integrated messaging is not supported (default)
Disable Transfer
Whether subscribers are allowed to request a transfer to
another number:
No = Enable subscriber call transfer (default)
Yes = Disable subscriber call transfer
Email Identification
The application profile ID used to identify e-mail voice
messages. The default is 555555.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
External Caller ID
The application profile ID associated with messages left
by external or unknown callers. You can change this,
but if you do you must also create an application profile
with a profile ID of the same value.
Fast Key
The key to be used to speed up playback when listening
to a message. The default value is 6. This parameter is
used only if the SimplePlay parameter is set to No.
Fax Identification
The application profile ID used to identify fax voice
messages. The default is 333333.
First Time Usage
Whether first-time users should be conducted through
the process of changing PIN, recording an audio name
and greeting, and running the optional tutorial:
No = Do not use the first-time process for new
users (default)
Yes = Use the first-time process for new users
Forward Key
The key used to skip forwards when listening to a
message. The default value is the 9 key. This parameter
is used only if the SimplePlay parameter is set to No.
Forward Time
The time in milliseconds to skip forwards when the
ForwardKey is pressed when listening to a message.
The default value is 4000ms. This parameter is used only
if the SimplePlay parameter is set to No.
Global Password Limit
The maximum cumulative number of invalid PINs
across all profiles that can be entered before Unified
Messaging stops access to all mailboxes. This limit could
be triggered by, for example, a hacker systematically
trying to sign on to a large number of mailboxes. To
disable global password limit checking, set this
parameter to 0. A typical setting of this parameter is
100. If the GlobalPWlimit is exceeded, all subscribers are
locked out of the system. If you set this parameter to a
value other than 0, you will have to reset it regularly to
prevent subscribers eventually being locked out of the
system. To reset the global password failure count, see
“Unlocking the system (changeuser)” on page 137.
Internal Prefix
The 3 letter prefix for the version of Unified Messaging
being used.
Loud Key
The key used to increase the volume of playback when
listening to a message. This parameter is used only if
the SimplePlay parameter is set to No. The default is 2.
Administrator's Guide
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Maximum Password
The maximum number of invalid PINs that can be
entered before Unified Messaging disconnects the caller.
A typical setting of this parameter would be 3. The
default is 3.
Menu State Table
This state table presents menus in the subscriber
dialogs. For Standard subscribers, there is a general
menu state table, IMC_SBR_MENU, and several
menu-specific state tables, with names beginning
IMC_SBR_MENU_. For Business - local and remote,
Business - local, Residential, and Remote e-mail only
subscribers, there are equivalents: four state tables called
IMC_SBR_MENU_01 to IMC_SBR_MENU_04 for the
general menus, and state tables with names beginning
IMC_SBR_MNU_S for specific menus. In all cases, the
key usage is consistent with the International Standard
ISO/IEC 13714. You can replace any of these with a
customized state table.
Message Undeletion
This controls the "undeletion of messages" feature:
No = Messages cannot be undeleted (default)
Yes = Messages can be undeleted
Minimum Message Time
The minimum message length in milliseconds that
Unified Messaging saves if a caller finishes recording by
hanging up. This allows you to discard messages where
the caller listens to a subscriber’s greeting, intends to
hang up without leaving a message, but accidentally
records one. If you are planning to use
MinMessageTime, experiment with different settings to
establish the best value for your system and your
organization. Messages completed by the caller pressing
the # key are always saved, no matter how short. If you
want to save all messages, whether very short or not,
set MinMessageTime to 0.
Operator Number
The number of the switchboard attendant or help desk
at your location. In their greetings, Unified Messaging
subscribers can invite callers to press 0 to jump out to
the attendant, instead of leaving a message.
OperatorNum is the number to which a call will be
transferred if a caller presses 0 at any time before,
during, or after leaving a message. Note: The Unified
Messaging administrator should set the attendant
number when installing Unified Messaging see step 3
on page 8. Also note that subscribers can set their own
attendant number.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Partition Visibility
This controls the visibility of MC partitions to one
another. Valid values are:
Password Expiration Days
The number of days before a PIN expires and a new
PIN must be chosen. To disable PIN expiry, set this
parameter to 0. The default is 30 days.
Pause Key
The key used to pause when listening to a message. The
default value is the 8 key. This parameter is used only if
the SimplePlay parameter is set to No.
Profile Password Limit
The cumulative maximum number of invalid PINs that
can be entered over a series of signon attempts before
Unified Messaging disables the mailbox. The
administrator can re-enable mailbox access. A typical
value for this parameter is 7. To disable cumulative PIN
limit checking by profile ID, set this parameter to 0. The
default is 0.
Quick Message
The application profile ID associated with messages sent
using the Unified Messaging quick message facility. The
default value is 888888. You can change this, but if you
do you must also create an application profile with a
profile ID of the same value, and record an audio name
such as "quick message".
Quiet Key
The key used to decrease the volume of playback when
listening to a message. The default is 5. This parameter
is used only if the SimplePlay parameter is set to No.
Remote Destination field
Whether the message destination is a remote destination
for which there is no local profile on this system:
Simple Play
Whether Unified Messaging plays voice messages from
the Unified Messaging state tables using the
PlayVoiceMessage action or the IMC_PlayMsg custom
server. In the latter case the subscriber can use the
speed-up/slow-down facility and also increase or
decrease the volume at which the message is played.
Values are:
No = Use the IMC_PlayMsg custom server (default)
Yes = Use the simple PlayVoiceMessage method
Administrator's Guide
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Slow Key
The key used to slow down playback when listening to
a message. The default value is the 4 key. This
parameter is used only if the SimplePlay parameter is
set to No.
System Distribution
Whether subscribers can use system-wide distribution
No = Not allowed
Yes = Allowed (default)
System Distribution
The profile ID used to contain all system-wide
distribution lists; that is, those available to all
subscribers. The default is 444444.
Telephony Portal Extension
This is the telephone number that telephony portal
users would dial when they wish to check their
Text-To-Speech Engine
This controls the text-to-speech engine used. Valid
values are: 'none', 'AcuVoice' or 'DT TTS'.
Unified Messaging Jumpout What is to happen when MCMainControl is greater than
zero (that is, MCSelectedProfile has been set to the
required profile ID to be signed on to Unified
Messaging), and a caller has interrupted a greeting with
a signon request:
No = Unified
wants to sign
Yes = Unified
wants to sign
the parameter
Messaging assumes that the caller
on to the called number (default)
Messaging assumes that the caller
on to the profile ID defined by
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Table 14. Global Variables Management field descriptions (continued)
Unified Messaging Main
Whether Unified Messaging is to prompt for a
subscriber profile ID, PIN, or both:
Prompt for both profile ID and PIN, regardless
of whether the profile ID is valid, and suppress
the beep usually sounded when a subscriber
enters a valid ID with new messages.
Prompt for both profile ID and PIN, regardless
of whether the profile ID is valid.
Prompt for both profile ID and PIN, if the
profile ID entered is valid.
Prompt for PIN but not profile ID. Use the
profile ID supplied in the parameter
Do not prompt for profile ID or PIN. Go
directly to the Unified Messaging main menu.
Use the profile ID supplied in the parameter
Unique Distribution Lists
Whether distribution list IDs can be assumed to be
unique or whether a distribution list ID might
potentially conflict with a profile ID or an external
destination ID. In the latter case, when sending a
message, Unified Messaging asks the subscriber if the
destination is a distribution list or a single destination.
It is possible to create a distribution list with the same
name as a profile (or vice versa with an existing
distribution list). If you do, you can never use the
distribution list, because any messages destined for it
always go to the identically-numbered profile instead.
(This can happen only on systems with telephone
numbers of four digits or fewer; 9999 is the highest
distribution list number possible.)
Voice Mail Extension
The telephone number of Unified Messaging itself. If
CalledNumber is the same as VmailExtension, Unified
Messaging assumes that the calling party wants to sign
on to Unified Messaging (rather than hear a greeting
and leave a message). If you are using IMC_STARTUP,
you must set VmailExtension to the DID telephone
number you have allocated for Unified Messaging.
Administrator's Guide
Remote System Administration (RSA) utility
This section describes how to use the RSA to administer remote nodes and set
up external messaging.
The topics covered in this section are:
v “Starting the RSA utility”
v “Setting up external messaging” on page 206
v “Remote nodes” on page 209
v “Modifying a remote node” on page 211
v “Defining subscribers allowed to use restricted nodes” on page 212
Starting the RSA utility
The Unified Messaging Interface Tool also provides a Remote System
Administration utility. You can use this to define:
v Parameters used by your Unified Messaging system for external messaging
v External AMIS-A, VPIM, and DTM-D nodes
v A subscriber’s authority to use external nodes
From the Interface Tool main menu, select Remote System Administration.
This will produce the Remote System Administration utility screen shown in
Figure 39
Figure 39. The RSA utility initial screen
Move the cursor to one of the following items available from the menu:
AMIS Setup
To work with the parameters relating to your own Unified Messaging
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Remote Nodes
To create, modify, delete or list remote nodes
Subscriber Authorization
To define subscribers permitted to use restricted remote nodes
Setting up external messaging
From the RSA main menu select AMIS Setup and press Enter. This will
produce the AMIS Setup screen as shown below:
Figure 40. The RSA utility AMIS Setup screen
Figure 41. The RSA utility AMIS Setup screen (continued)
Descriptions of the fields in the AMIS Setup screen and the AMIS Setup
continuation screen are as follows:
Administrator's Guide
Table 15. Fields in the RSA utility AMIS Setup screen
Local node code
The identification code of the local node for use by other
remote systems. When remote nodes send messages to the
local node, they use this as a prefix to numbers.
Mailbox for AMIS_O
The application profile ID of the sending application. We
recommend that you use the default value of 999997. If
you want to change it, make a copy of the supplied 999997
profile using Save As in the WebSphere Voice Response
windows to create an application profile ID matching your
chosen number.
Mailbox for AMIS_D
The application profile ID used as the sending profile ID
by the receiving application. We recommend that you use
the default value of 999998. If you want to change it, make
a copy of the supplied 999998 profile using Save As in the
WebSphere Voice Response windows to create an
application profile ID matching your chosen number.
External ID
The external profile ID (default 999999). See “External
caller application profile” on page 26
Broadcast ID
The broadcast application profile ID (default 777777). See
“Broadcast application and administrator profiles” on page
E-mail ID
The VPIM and e-mail application profile ID (default
555555). See “VPIM and e-mail application profiles” on
page 29.
Note: You can specify only one application profile here. If
you use the RSA utility to configure VPIM destinations,
IMC_Sendmail can use only one application profile ID.
Size of internal number
The number of digits used to access mailboxes on your
private network. This length includes the internal location
index. For example, if your internal location index is two
digits, and your mailbox IDs are four digits, the size of
internal numbers is six digits.
Number of AMIS output The number of output lines that can be concurrently used
by the sending application for connecting to other voice
messaging systems.
Internal location index
The part of a telephone number on a private network that
identifies the location. For example, if you have a six-digit
telephone number, the first two digits might be the
location index. All internal location index numbers must
be the same length.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Table 15. Fields in the RSA utility AMIS Setup screen (continued)
Included in extension
Whether the Internal Location Index is part of the mailbox
ID in the receiving system. For example, if the location
index is 39 and the receiving profile ID is 392811, specify
yes; if the location index is 39 and the receiving profile ID
is 2811, specify no.
External location index
The length of the remote node codes. This must be longer
than the internal location index length.
International dialing
The international dialing code. The number that must be
dialed for a particular country. For example, to dial the UK
from another country a prefix of 0044 is used.
External line code
Unified Messaging dials this number for an external line;
leave this field blank if a number is not needed.
Pause required
After dialing the External Line Code, if you need to wait
for a new dialing tone before dialing the rest of the
number, enter yes in this field; if not, no
National area code prefix In some countries a prefix is needed when you dial a
national area code. For example, in the UK a prefix of 0 is
Note: The next three numbers (codes) make up the phone number that will receive
’Internal’ AMIS-A Messages on this system. For more information on these codes, see
“Setting up external messaging” on page 206.
Internal country code
Set this to 0 (zero) for a private numbering plan. This is
the default and would not normally require changing. Do
not set to blank as an entry in this field is mandatory.
Internal area code
Leave this blank for a private numbering plan. This is the
default and would not normally require changing.
Internal number
Enter the number which another AMIS-A system in your
private telephone network would dial to send messages to
this system. This may be the same number as the
application profile which you set to invoke the
IMC_AMIS_D state table in the section titled
"Implementing Analog External Messaging". However, if
the number which another system would dial is not
identical with the application profile, always enter the
number which should be dialed rather than the application
profile itself.
Note: The next three numbers (codes) make up the phone number that will receive
’External’ AMIS-A Messages on this system. For more information on these codes, see
“Setting up external messaging” on page 206.
Administrator's Guide
Table 15. Fields in the RSA utility AMIS Setup screen (continued)
External country code
Enter the code for the country in which the Unified
Messaging system is based in. You must always enter the
country code even if you do not intend to send AMIS-A
messages to systems in other countries. For example, for
U.K. enter 44, for U.S. enter 1.
External area code
Enter the code for the area in which the Unified Messaging
system is based. You must always enter the Area code,
even if you do not intend to send AMIS-A messages to
systems in other areas.
External number
Enter the number (minus country code and area code)
which an external AMIS-A system would need to dial to
send messages to this system. This may be the same
number as the application profile which you set to invoke
the IMC_AMIS_D state table in the section titled
"Implementing Analog External Messaging". However, if
the number of the application profile which another
system would dial is not identical with the application
profile, always enter the number which should be dialed
rather than the application profile itself.
Complete the fields you require as shown in Figure 40 on page 206 and
Figure 41 on page 206.
Remote nodes
1. From the RSA main screen move the cursor to select Remote Nodes and
press Enter.
2. This will present the options available to you displayed from the Remote
Nodes menu as shown in Figure 42 on page 210.
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
Figure 42. The RSA utility Remote Nodes screen
3. Before you select Create a new remote node, see if there is an existing
definition that you want to use as a template for a new one. If not, move
your cursor to Create a new remote node in the displayed list and press
Enter to produce the screen shown in Figure 43
Figure 43. The RSA utility Create a new remote node window
4. Set the fields you want, then make a selection from the menu detailed at
the bottom of the screen to set the remote node.
The descriptions of the fields that are in the Create a new remote node screen
Table 16. Fields in the Create a new remote node screen
Node number
The number for this node.
Administrator's Guide
Table 16. Fields in the Create a new remote node screen (continued)
Country code
The country code of the receiving node.
Area code
The area code of the receiving node.
Phone number
The phone number of the receiving node.
The descriptive name of the receiving node. This field is
Authorization required
If you want to restrict access to this node, enter Y; if not,
enter N.
Note: If you restrict access, you need to create user
definitions for subscribers who are permitted to send
messages to this node, as explained in “Defining
subscribers allowed to use restricted nodes” on page 212.
The method of transmitting messages to the remote
The voice format for the message (only needed for VPIM):
V = Voice (default) or 32KADPCM (VPIM default)
W = .wav
A = .au
D = DT compressed
TCP/IP Address
The TCP/IP address of the remote VPIM or DTM-D node
Node supports Unified
MessagingAMIS V6
If this node is a compatible DirectTalkMail system
supporting extended AMIS analog protocol, enter Y; if not,
enter N.
Modifying a remote node
Note: You do not need to define your own Unified Messaging system, unless
you want to test external messaging without another voice mail system.
To change the details for an existing remote node select Modify Remote Node
from the Remote Nodes menu and press Enter. In the next screen, either type
the number of the remote node that you wish to modify, or select a node from
the pop-up list, and press Enter. Change the fields as required.
Select Delete Remote Node menu to delete an existing remote node and press
Enter. In the next screen, either type the number of the remote node that you
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
wish to delete, or select a node from the pop-up list and press Enter. The
details of the node that you wish to delete will be displayed. Press Enter to
delete the node.
Select List All Nodes from the Remote Nodes menu to retrieve a list of all
currently defined remote nodes. The remote node number and name will be
Defining subscribers allowed to use restricted nodes
If you define a node with the Authorization Required field set to yes, then
you must define the subscribers that are allowed to use the remote node.
There are four levels of authority you can assign to a subscriber:
Internal Use Authority
External Use Authority
External Use National Authority
External Use International Authority
From the RSA main screen move the cursor to select Subscriber
Authorization and press Enter. This will display the screen shown in
Figure 44.
Figure 44. The RSA utility Subscriber Authorization screen
Select Create Subscriber from the Subscriber Authorization menu to define
the authorization for a subscriber.
This will display the screen shown in Figure 45 on page 213.
Administrator's Guide
Figure 45. The RSA utility Create Subscriber screen
The descriptions of the fields that are in the Create Subscriber screen are:
Table 17. Fields in the Create Subscriber screen
Subscriber Id
The subscriber profile number to which this definition
Internal Use Authority
The subscriber can send messages to destinations
within the internal (private) network that have been
defined with the authorization flag set.
External Use Authority
The subscriber can send messages to destinations
outside the internal network.
External Use National
If External Use Authority has been given, this setting
confirms authority to use messaging within the
national boundaries.
External Use International
If External Use Authority has been given, this setting
confirms authority to use messaging outside the
national boundaries.
From the Subscriber Authorization menu click Modify Subscriber
Authorization to change the details for an existing subscriber and press Enter.
In the next screen, either type the subscriber ID that you wish to modify or
select a subscriber ID from the pop-up list and press Enter.
Change the fields as required.
From the Subscriber Authorization menu click Delete Subscriber
Authorization to delete the authorization for an existing subscriber ID and
press Enter. In the next screen, either type the subscriber ID whose
Chapter 5. Unified Messaging Interface Tool
authorization you wish to delete or select a subscriber ID from the pop-up list
and press Enter. The authorization details of the subscriber that you wish to
remove will be displayed. Press Enter to delete the subscriber authorization
From the Subscriber Authorization menu click List all Subscriber
Authorizations to retrieve all defined authorizations for subscribers
Administrator's Guide
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
The Unified Messaging XML Provisioning capability is provided by the
IMC_XMLProvisioning custom server, which facilitates a WebSphere MQ
interface to the Unified Messaging subscriber administration functions. The
interface enables Unified Messaging administration actions, carried out by the
IMC_Admin command line administration functions, to be invoked from
remote sites, such as call centers or Web servers, using XML messages.
To make use of Unified Messaging XML provisioning, you will need to write
an application capable of generating XML provisioning request messages,
which are compliant with the XML provisioning schema, and able to transfer
those message over a WebSphere MQ interface to Unified Messaging.
Provisioning request messages comprise a message header followed by a
message body. The message body defines the action to be carried out in terms
of XML elements and attributes. The action can be one of the following:
v Add a new subscriber to Unified Messaging (“Add Subscriber” on page
v Delete a subscriber from Unified Messaging (“Delete Subscriber” on page
v Change subscriber information on Unified Messaging (“Change Subscriber”
on page 225)
v Get subscriber (“Get Subscriber” on page 234)
v Add Unified Messaging partition (“Add Unified Messaging Partition” on
page 237)
v Get partition (“Get Unified Messaging Partition” on page 238)
v Create a distribution list (“Create a distribution list” on page 241)
In addition, a mixed message can be sent which allows multiple actions to be
executed in a single statement. Mixed message support is described in “Mixed
message support” on page 243.
The XML provisioning facility is implemented using XML in order to provide
an open, standards based API that facilitates integration with other systems.
The transport mechanism supported for the XML provisioning messages is
WebSphere MQ.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Figure 46 shows a configuration in which the provisioning system is a
WebSphere MQ client and Unified Messaging hosts the request and response
queues for the provisioning messages.
WebSphere Voice Response
Unified Messaging
MQ Client
Figure 46. Provisioning system configured as MQ client
Requests received by Unified Messaging from external provisioning systems
will be processed concurrently based on system capacity. Request and
response messages are persistent across system failures, so that, when a failed
Unified Messaging system recovers, it will continue processing provisioning
requests in the queue and clients will have access to response messages that
are still in the queue.
MQ Server
WebSphere Voice Response
Unified Messaging
Figure 47. Provisioning system configured as MQ server
Your provisioning system may be configured as a WebSphere MQ server and
can host response queues, as shown in Figure 47. In this case server-to-server
channels and transmission queues must be configured. Whether the physical
queues are local to Unified Messaging or remote is transparent to the
provisioning application.
Administrator's Guide
Configuring XML Provisioning
The IMC_XMLProvisioning custom server requires WebSphere MQ Server
version 5.3 with latest fixpacks to be installed on the WebSphere Voice
Response DB2 server. It must also be installed on the WebSphere Voice
Response NFS server if the system is running in an HACMP environment.
You will need to create a queue manager and then two local queues
configured such that one is the receive queue and the other is the response
queue. These queues must then be identified in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini
file in order for IMC_XMLProvisioning to use them.
In order for the XML Provisioning custom server to function, all machines
which will run the custom server must have the IBM XML Parser for C++
v5.4.0 for AIX 5.1 installed. This is available as a free download from IBM
alphaWorks at www.alphaWorks.ibm.com/tech/xml4c. The file that should be
downloaded is named xml4c5_4_0-aix_510-xlc_50.tar.gz. The downloaded
.tar file should be unpacked such that the libraries are stored in
/usr/opt/xml4c/lib and the include files are in /usr/opt/xml4c/include.
Incoming XML messages can be validated by the parser against the XML
schema (XSD file) by setting the location of the XSD file in the [XMLGeneral]
section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file. In addition to specifying the XSD
filename, you should also ensure that the XML sent to the XML provisioning
custom server is namespace qualified, using the xmlns attribute, in order that
it passes validation, as follows:
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
The default namespace is http://www.ibm.com but this value can be changed
using the XSDtargetNamespace parameter in the [XMLGeneral] section of the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file.
Details relating to configuration of the IMC_XMLProvisioning custom server
using IMC_MessageCenter.ini and starting the IMC_XMLProvisioning custom
server are provided in “IMC_XMLProvisioning” on page 557.
In the case that the architecture in Figure 46 on page 216 is to be used you
should install WebSphere MQ Client version 5.3 with the latest fixpacks on
your provisioning system. You will then need to register the request and
response queues on the Unified Messaging system as remote queues, so that
your application can send and receive XML messages from and to them. This
can be achieved using the WebSphere MQ API.
In the case that the architecture in Figure 47 on page 216 is to be used, you
should install WebSphere MQ Server version 5.3 with the latest fixpacks on
your provisioning system. You should create a queue manager and then two
local queues configured such that one is the request queue and the other is
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
the response queue for your application. The WebSphere MQ API can then be
used by your application to place message in and retrieve messages from
these queues. The two queues on the Unified Messaging system should be
registered as remote queues. You should then use the queue managers on the
provisioning machine and the Unified Messaging machine to open two
channels between the respective request and response queues.
For more information on how to achieve this, see the WebSphere MQ version
5.3 documentation.
Message Interface
The following sections describe the XML Provisioning messages. For each
message an example of a request and response message is provided and the
error messages associated with the message type are listed.
In additon to the message-specific error codes, the general errors listed in
Table 18 may be produced:
Table 18. Generic error codes and messages
Error Code
WebSphere Voice Response error
Unified Messaging error
Database error
WebSphere MQ error
Operating system error
Invalid XML format
Bad security context
Invalid sender name
Invalid message type
Add Subscriber
A new subscriber can be created in Unified Messaging by sending an XML
message containing the subscriber data. Unified Messaging will create one or
more voice mailboxes for a subscriber as specified in the message and
respond with a success or error message. For errors, the <AddSubscriber>
fragment from the request that generated the error is sent back in the
response message. A single message may add one or more subscribers and
each subscriber is considered a separate transaction, that is, if adding some
subscribers from a list fails, only the ones that failed are marked with errors
in the response message.
Administrator's Guide
Further, optional subscriber and mailbox attributes can be set using the
<Attribute> element which takes name/value pairs of the attributes. The
names for these attributes correspond to the field names specified for the
changeuser command in “Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on
page 113. This provides a generic message structure that can be enhanced
without adding new elements.
Multiple telephone numbers for the same subscriber (subscriber name will be
the same) may be provisioned with a single message; each one corresponds to
a single <AddSubscriber> element.
This message also allows the specification of which partition the subscriber
should be added to. This parameter is optional and if it is not specified the
subscriber will be added to the default partition. If the partition specified is
not valid then an error message will be returned to this effect.
The AddSubscriber message supports 3 types of mailboxes. These are:
A private mailbox is a single mailbox associated with only one
telephone number. This is specified by sending a value of NORMAL
or PRIVATE as the mailbox type, that is: <Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">.
Multiple or sub mailboxes allow up to 10 different mailboxes to be
associated with one telephone number. This type is specified by
sending a value of MULTIPLE as the mailbox type, that is: <Mailboxes
Note: If UniquePwds is set to Yes in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file
and a non-unique PIN is supplied in the Add Subscriber message, the
message will receive an error response.
A shared mailbox is a single or multiple mailbox associated with more
than one telephone number. One of the telephone numbers is
considered the primary telephone number and owns the mailbox. The
other telephone numbers link to the same physical mailbox and are
considered aliases for the primary telephone number. This is specified
by sending a value of SHARED as the mailbox type, that is:
<Mailboxes type="SHARED"> and the shared numbers as attributes,
either within the <Attributes> element or within the <Mailboxes>
element of the AddSubscriber request.
To add a mailbox that is both MULTIPLE and SHARED, specify a
mailbox type of MULTIPLE and the shared numbers as attributes
within the <Attributes> element of the AddSubscriber request.
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Example Add Subscriber request message to Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">AddSubscriber</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551215" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
<Attribute name="department" value="SmallCompany"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545551212" accountId="6666666666"/>
<Mailboxes type="SHARED">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545551313"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545551414"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567893" accountId="77777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="SHARED">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="John" lastName="Doe" pin="1234">
Administrator's Guide
<Attribute name="department" value="SmallCompany"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="8"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="John" lastName="Doe" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2" firstName="Jane" lastName="Doe" pin="5678"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="1234567892"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="1234567891"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="John" lastName="Doe" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2" firstName="Jane" lastName="Doe" pin="5678"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9876543210"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="NORMAL">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Example Add Subscriber response message from Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">AddSubscriberResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="77777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545551212" accountId="6666666666"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567893" accountId="77777777777"/>
<ErrorCode> AS002</ErrorCode>
<ErrorMessage>Subscriber already exists in partition Department_x</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="NORMAL">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
<ErrorCode> AS002</ErrorCode>
<ErrorMessage>Subscriber already exists in partition Department_x</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<ErrorCode> AS002</ErrorCode>
<ErrorMessage>Subscriber already exists in partition Department_x</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551215" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" pin="1234"/>
<Attribute name="department" value="SmallCompany"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
Administrator's Guide
Error codes and messages
Table 19. Error codes and messages for AddSubscriber
Error Code
Invalid telephone number
Subscriber already exists in partition(s) partition name
Invalid time zone
Invalid mailbox type
Invalid mailbox ID
Invalid mailbox PIN
Invalid state table name
Invalid state table entry name
Invalid subscriber class
Invalid subscriber type
Invalid language
Failed to add subscriber due to internal Unified Messaging error
Shared telephone number already exists in partition(s) partition
The maximum number of telephone numbers that can be shared
has been exceeded.
Only one mailbox supported for SHARED type
Invalid Partition Name
Invalid Attribute Name
Invalid Attribute Value
Invalid Attribute; unable to set required subscriber attributes;
failed to add user
Delete Subscriber
An existing subscriber can be deleted from Unified Messaging by sending it
an XML message containing the subscriber data. Unified Messaging will
delete all the mailboxes for that subscriber, and all associated data about that
subscriber, and respond with a success or error message. A single message
may contain one or more subscribers and each subscriber is considered a
separate transaction. That is, if deleting some subscribers from a list fails, only
the ones that failed will be marked with errors in the response message.
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
For the shared mailbox type, the primary telephone number must be sent in
this message. For all mailbox types, this message will delete all mailboxes
associated with the specified telephone number and deletes any links to
shared numbers.
Example Delete Subscriber request message from Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">DeleteSubscriber</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="77777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
Example Delete Subscriber response message from Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">DeleteSubscriberResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="77777777777"/>
<ErrorMessage>Subscriber does not exist</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
Administrator's Guide
Error codes and messages
Table 20. Error codes and messages for DeleteSubscriber
Error Code
Invalid telephone number
Subscriber does not exist
Failed to delete subscriber due to Internal Unified Messaging
Telephone number specified is not the primary number
Change Subscriber
Existing subscriber information can be changed in Unified Messaging by
sending it an XML message containing the subscriber changes. Unified
Messaging changes the subscriber's information and responds with a success
or error message. A single message may contain one or more subscribers and
each subscriber is considered a separate transaction. That is, if changing some
subscribers from a list fails, only the ones that failed will be marked with
errors in the response message.
The ChangeSubscriber message supports all mailbox types. The type of
change is specified by the setting the value of the action attribute in the
<Mailboxes action="...">. For all actions the primary telephone number for
the mailbox will be specified using the <Subscriber telephoneNumber="..."
accountId="..."/> tag. The following actions are supported:
Add sub mailboxes to a mailbox type MULTIPLE. If the specified
mailbox is of type PRIVATE, it is first converted to a MULTIPLE and
then the additional mailboxes are created. If the specified mailbox is
of type SHARED, the mailbox is converted to type MULTIPLE and
then the additional mailboxes are created. When adding a
sub-mailbox, the system-wide default timezone will be used unless a
timezone is specified using the <attribute> tag.
Note: If UniquePwds is set to Yes in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file
and a non-unique PIN is supplied in the Add Subscriber message, the
message will receive an error response.
Delete mailboxes from a telephone number of type MULTIPLE. This
action only applies to multiple mailboxes. Mailbox ids will not be
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
resequenced by Unified Messaging. For example, if a subscriber has 4
mailboxes (1, 2, 3, 4) and a request is sent to delete number 2, only 2
will be deleted and the subscriber will have mailboxes 1, 3 and 4 still
Reset PIN on the specified mailbox. This action is applicable to all
types of mailboxes. The user is required to change the PIN on the first
login after the reset action.
Change PIN on the specified mailbox. This action is applicable to all
types of mailboxes. An existing user is not required to change the PIN
on the first login after the change action. However, a new user that
has just been added to the system, is still required to change their
password after logging on for the first time.
Change the attributes of the subscriber. This action is applicable to all
types of mailbox. Attribute names that can be altered correspond to
the field names specified for the changeuser in “Changing details of a
subscriber (changeuser)” on page 113.
Add shared numbers to the specified mailbox. If the mailbox is not
SHARED, it is first converted to a SHARED mailbox and then the
specified numbers are associated with it.
To convert a MULTIPLE mailbox into a SHARED mailbox (a PRIVATE
mailbox with aliases, as opposed to a MULTIPLE mailbox with
aliases), first perform a MAKEPRIVATE action, then perform an
Delete a shared number from the specified mailbox.
Delete the primary telephone number associated with a SHARED
mailbox and make the specified shared number the primary number.
Convert a SHARED or MULTIPLE mailbox to a PRIVATE type. In the
case of a MULTIPLE mailbox, all the sub-mailboxes are deleted
immediately. For a SHARED mailbox, the shared numbers, other than
the primary one, are deleted immediately.
With a SHARED MULTIPLE mailbox, all the sub-mailboxes are
deleted immediately, then all its alias numbers.
Convert PRIVATE and/or MULTIPLE mailboxes to a single SHARED
Administrator's Guide
mailbox and link the specified telephone numbers. The messages in
the linked mailboxes are deleted immediately.
Each shared number specified is checked and depending on the
profile, the following actions are performed:
No profile
The shared number is made an alias for the primary number.
The mailbox is deleted and its number is made an alias for
the primary number.
The mailbox and all aliases are deleted and its number is
made an alias for the primary number.
The mailbox and all submailboxes are deleted and its number
is made an alias for the primary number. The submailbox
numbers and any alias numbers of the multiple mailbox are
also deleted.
This action only applies to MULTIPLE mailboxes. If it is also
SHARED, the mailbox is made PRIVATE and the submailboxes are
deleted. Any aliases are preserved, so in effect the mailbox becomes a
simple SHARED mailbox.
the same effect as a MAKEPRIVATE action—the mailbox becomes
PRIVATE and the submailboxes are deleted.
This action only applies to SHARED mailboxes. If it is also
MULTIPLE, all aliases are deleted, including those of submailboxes.
If the SHARED mailbox is not MULTIPLE, MAKENONSHARED has
the same effect as a MAKEPRIVATE action–the mailbox becomes a
simple PRIVATE mailbox.
For multiple mailboxes, the language of a submailbox can be changed using
the CHANGEATTRIBUTE action. However, to change the language of the
telephone number of a multiple mailbox, a <NewLanguage> element must be
used. Similarly, a subscriber's telephone number can be changed by inserting a
<NewTelephoneNumber> element, as follows:
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Example Change Subscriber request message to Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">ChangeSubscriber</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes action="ADDSUB">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="John" lastName="Doe" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2" firstName="Jane" lastName="Doe" pin="5678"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELSUB">
<Mailbox id="3"/>
<Mailbox id="4"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551212" accountId="9999999999"/>
<Mailboxes action="RESETPIN">
<Mailbox id="3" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="4" pin="5678"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552121" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="CHANGEPIN">
<Mailbox id="3" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="4" pin="5678"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELSUB">
Administrator's Guide
<Mailbox id="3"/>
<Mailbox id="4"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552122" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="ADDSHARED">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075553131"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075554141"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552123" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELSHARED">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075553131"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075554141"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552124" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELPRIMARY">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075553131"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552125" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="MAKEPRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552126" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="MAKESHARED">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075553131"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075554141"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551234" accountId="4444444444"/>
<Mailboxes action="CHANGEATTRIBUTE">
<Mailbox id="3">
<Attribute name="preferred_name" value="Dough, John"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value= "8"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class " value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="department" value= "SmallCompany"/>
<Mailbox id="4">
<Attribute name="preferred_name" value="Dough, Jane"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="7"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class " value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="0"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="department" value= "SmallCompany"/>
Example Change Subscriber response message from Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">ChangeSubscriberResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551212" accountId="9999999999"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552121" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552122" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552123" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552125" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552126" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551234" accountId="4444444444"/>
<ErrorMessage>Mailbox does not exist</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELSUB">
<Mailbox id="3"/>
<Mailbox id="4"/>
Administrator's Guide
<ErrorMessage>Invalid mailbox ID</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075552124" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes action="DELPRIMARY">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="4075553131"/>
Error codes and messages
v ChangeSubscriber
Table 21. Error codes and messages for ChangeSubscriber
Error Code
Invalid telephone number
Subscriber does not exist
Invalid action
Shared telephone number already exists in partition(s) partition
Only one mailbox supported for SHARED type
The maximum number of telephone numbers that can be shared
has been exceeded
Invalid shared telephone number
Shared telephone number does not exist
Invalid action for mailbox type PRIVATE or SHARED
Invalid action for mailbox type PRIVATE or MULTIPLE
Shared telephone number not associated with specified primary
Invalid attribute name
Invalid attribute value
Telephone number specified is not the primary number for that
v NewTelephoneNumber
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Table 22. Error codes and messages for ChangeTelephoneNumber
Error Code
Invalid new telephone number
New telephone number already exists in partition(s) partition
Failed to change telephone number due to internal Unified
Messaging error
v NewLanguage
Table 23. Error codes and messages for NewLanguage
Error Code
Invalid new language
Failed to change language due to internal Unified Messaging
v Reset and Change PIN
Table 24. Error codes and messages for Reset and Change PIN
Error Code
Invalid mailbox ID
PIN does not meet site guidelines
Failed to change PIN due to internal Unified Messaging error
v AddMailbox
Table 25. Error codes and messages for AddMailbox
Error Code
Invalid mailbox ID
Mailbox already in use
PIN does not meet site guidelines
Failed to add mailbox due to internal Unified Messaging error
v DeleteMailbox
Table 26. Error codes and messages for DeleteMailbox
Error Code
Invalid mailbox ID
Mailbox does not exist
Failed to delete mailbox due to internal Unified Messaging error
Administrator's Guide
v ChangeAttribute
Table 27. Error codes and messages for ChangeAttribute
Error Code
Invalid mailbox ID
Mailbox does not exist
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
v AddSharedNumber
Table 28. Error codes and messages for AddSharedNumber
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v MakeShared
Table 29. Error codes and messages for MakeShared
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v DeleteShared
Table 30. Error codes and messages for DeleteShared
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v DeletePrimary
Table 31. Error codes and messages for DeletePrimary
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v MakePrivate
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Table 32. Error codes and messages for MakePrivate
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v MakeNonMultiple
Table 33. Error codes and messages for MakeNonMultiple
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
v MakeNonShared
Table 34. Error codes and messages for MakeNonShared
Error Code
Failed to change attribute due to internal Unified Messaging
Invalid mailbox ID
MULTIPLE mailbox has no submailboxes, unable to determine
Get Subscriber
The GetSubscriber message is used to retrieve information about a subscriber
from Unified Messaging. All the information about the subscriber is returned
in the response message. For a subscriber with multiple mailboxes,
information about all mailboxes is returned. The attribute names returned
correspond to the field names specified for the changeuser command in
“Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on page 113.
Example Get Subscriber request message from Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">GetSubscriber</MessageType>
Administrator's Guide
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212"
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890"
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545551212"
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545212551"
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1255195452"
Example Get Subscriber response message to Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">GetSubscriberResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1>
<Attribute name="user_name" value="John Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2">
<Attribute name="user_name" value="Jane Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="5678"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545551212" accountId="6666666666"/>
<Mailboxes type="SHARED">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="user_name" value="Bob Smith"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="1234"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545551313"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545551414"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545212551" accountId="5555555555"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1>
<Attribute name="user_name" value="John Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="0234"/>
<Mailbox id="2">
<Attribute name="user_name" value="Jane Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="5670"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545212552"/>
<Attribute name="sharedTelNumber" value="9545212553"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="9545551212" accountId="6666666666"/>
<Mailboxes type="PRIVATE">
<Mailbox id="1">
<Attribute name="user_name" value="Bob Smith"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="2340"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="CST6CDT"/>
<ErrorCode> GS002</ErrorCode>
<ErrorMessage>Subscriber does not exist</ErrorMessage>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
Administrator's Guide
Error codes and messages
Table 35. Error codes and messages for GetSubscriber
Error Code
Invalid telephone number
Subscriber does not exist
Failed to get subscriber information due to internal Unified
Messaging error
Telephone number specified is not the primary telephone
number, it is an Alias
Telephone number specified is a sub-mailbox
Add Unified Messaging Partition
This message allows a new partition to be created within Unified Messaging.
A single message may contain one or more partitions to be added and each is
considered a separate transaction.
Example Add Unified Messaging Partition request message
from Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">AddPartition</MessageType>
<Attribute name="partition" value="Sales"/>
<Attribute name="description" value="Sales Description"/>
<Attribute name="department" value="Sales"/>
<Attribute name="description" value="Sales Description"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Note: To set the partition to which a subscriber belongs, specify the partition
attribute. The alternative syntax is to use the attribute department instead of
partition, but this is deprecated and you should migrate to the new message
format when possible.
Example Add Unified Messaging Partition response message
to Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">AddPartitionResponse</MessageType>
<Partition name="Sales" description="Sales Description"/>
<ErrorMessage>Partition already exists</ErrorMessage>
<Attribute name="department" value="Sales"/>
<Attribute name="description" value="Sales Description"/>
Error codes and messages
Table 36. Error codes and messages for AddPartition
Error Code
Invalid partition string
Partition already exists
Failed to add partition due to internal Unified Messaging error
Get Unified Messaging Partition
This message allows a list of subscribers using a Unified Messaging partition
to be retrieved. A single message can retrieve information on one partition
only and each such message is considered a separate transaction. To retrieve
information as to which subscribers are members of which partitions, the
XML Provisioning interface performs a database lookup at a specific time of
day configured by the DBLookupTime parameter in the XMLGeneral section
Administrator's Guide
of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file. The subscriber information is stored in flat
files in the $CUR_DIR/ca/partition directory. The format of these file names is
Partition Name. Partition ID.db. Each line has the format:
ANI:List of aliases:Telephone number of submailboxes
The file partition.info, located in the same directory, lists partition names
and corresponding ID numbers and is used by Unified Messaging to catalog
partitions. Each line has the format
Partition Name:Partition ID
Maintain a backup version of this file as you will need to edit it manually
when a partition is deleted. Delete the line that refers to the deleted partition.
Do not edit this file in any other way.
Note: If you install XML Provisioning on a system that already has Unified
Messaging partitions defined, you must add details of the existing partitions
to the partition.info file manually.
In the following example there are two requests: the first is to retrieve all
subscribers in the same partition as 8005551212, and the second is to retrieve
all subscribers in the PartitionName partition. In the response message the
first entry in the GetPartitionResponse is the partition name and id number of
the partition information that is being returned. The second entry in the
response is the DateTimeStamp of when the data was retrieved from the
database (the date and time when XML Provisioning last successfully
completed a database lookup at the configured DBLookupTime). Requests and
responses can be paired using MQ header information or the MessageId,
which is sent in the <MessageHeader>.
Example Get Unified Messaging Partition request message
from Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MCI"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">GetPartition</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Partition name="PartitionName"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Example Get Unified Messaging Partition response message
to Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">GetPartitionResponse</MessageType>
<Partition name="PartitionName" id="0006"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" aliases="8002221313;8005557777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8001111212"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8002221211"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8004441212"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551111" mailboxes="3"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551211"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551215"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005552222"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005557348"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005559826"/>
<Partition name="PartitionName" id="0006"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" aliases="8002221313;8005557777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8001111212"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8002221211"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8004441212"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551111" mailboxes="3"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551211"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551213"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551215"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005552222"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005557348"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005559826"/>
Error codes and messages
Table 37. Error codes and messages for GetPartition
Error Code
Invalid telephone number
Subscriber does not exist
Failed to get subscriber information due to internal Unified
Messaging error
Administrator's Guide
Table 37. Error codes and messages for GetPartition (continued)
Error Code
Message Length exceeded due to number of subscribers in the
Create a distribution list
This message creates a distribution list. You must specify within this
command, the telephone number and mailbox ID for the user who is to own
the list. You also need to specify a unique ID for the list. The <Members>
element within the <CreateDistributionList> element, contains following
entries for each member:
v Telephone number
v Mailbox ID
v Node name
If the member is not MULTIPLE, the mailbox ID must be 1. For members and
owners, the telephone number specified must be the primary number, not an
alias or submailbox.
To submit a CreateDistributionList request as part of a MixedMessage, the
CreateDistributionList elements should appear within a
CreateDistributionListList element. Multiple lists can be created by including
more than one CreateDistributionList element within the SubscriberList or
CreateDistributionListList element.
In the following example distribution list 5 is being created for PRIVATE
mailbox 4445556666, containing two members: PRIVATE mailbox 2345556789
on vmsvr1, and mailbox 2 of MULTIPLE mailbox 7665554433 on vmsvr2.
Requests and responses can be paired using MQ header information or the
MessageId, which is sent in the <MessageHeader>.
Example CreateDistributionList request message from
Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MCI"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">CreateDistributionList</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4445556666" accountId="7777777777"/>
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
<Mailbox id="1"/>
<List id="5"/>
<Member telephoneNumber="2345556789" mailboxId="1" node="vmsvr1"/>
<Member telephoneNumber="7665554433" mailboxId="2" node="vmsvr2"/>
The response to a successful CreateDistributionList request is shown in the
following example:
Example CreateDistributionList response message to Unified
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">CreateDistributionListResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4445556666" accountId="7777777777"/>
Error codes and messages
Table 38. Error codes and messages for CreateDistributionList
Error Code
Invalid telephone number for list owner
Number specified for list owner is an ALIAS
Number specified for list owner is a SUBMAILBOX
Mailbox for list owner does not exist
Mailbox ID for list owner must be 1 for PRIVATE or SHARED
List owner is of a type that cannot have distribution lists
Invalid list ID
Invalid telephone number for member
Number specified for member is an ALIAS
Administrator's Guide
Table 38. Error codes and messages for CreateDistributionList (continued)
Error Code
Number specified for member is a SUBMAILBOX
Mailbox for member does not exist
Mailbox ID for member must be 1 for PRIVATE or SHARED
Failed to contact remote node to check details of member
In some circumstances, error DL008 or DL011 is returned
Failed to create input file for new distribution list
Failed to append line to input file for new distribution list
Failed to move input file for new distribution list into IMC_Dlist
input directory
An unexpected error has occurred
Mixed message support
This message allows multiple actions to be executed in a single statement.
This type of message can contain any of the other supported messages
assuming the appropriate syntax is followed.
Example mixed message request to Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<ProvisioningRequest xmlns="http://www.ibm.com">
<Security userId="999999" password="nnn"/>
<Sender name="YourCompany"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">MixedMessage</MessageType>
<Attribute name="department" value="Sales"/>
<Attribute name="description" value="Sales Description"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="8005551212" accountId="8888888888"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551212" accountId="9999999999"/>
<Mailboxes action="RESETPIN">
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
<Mailbox id="3" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="4" pin="5678"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1" firstName="John" lastName="Doe" pin="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2" firstName="Jane" lastName="Doe" pin="5678"/>
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
Example mixed message response to Unified Messaging
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Security userId="id" password="pw"/>
<Sender name="MC"/>
<TimeStamp> 2002-08-12T12:00:00</TimeStamp>
<MessageType version="1.0">MixedMessageResponse</MessageType>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Mailboxes type="MULTIPLE">
<Mailbox id="1>
<Attribute name="user_name" value="John Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="1234"/>
<Mailbox id="2">
<Attribute name="user_name" value="Jane Doe"/>
<Attribute name="password" value="5678"/>
Administrator's Guide
<Attribute name="timezone" value="EST5EDT"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_name" value="IMC_STARTUP"/>
<Attribute name="state_table_label" value="Start"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_class" value="IMC_Basic"/>
<Attribute name="subscriber_type" value="3"/>
<Attribute name="language" value="1"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="4075551212" accountId="9999999999"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567890" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
<ErrorMessage>Partition already exists</ErrorMessage>
<Attribute name="department" value="Sales"/>
<Attribute name="description" value="Sales Description"/>
Error codes and messages
Table 39. Error codes and messages for MixedMessage
Error Code
Invalid subsection name
XML Element Dictionary
This section provides a list of elements and their attributes. The context in
which each element can be used and the range of possible values for each
attribute can be determined from the XML schema.
Examples of the use of these elements in XML provisioning messages are
provided in “Message Interface” on page 218.
The XML schema can be found at:
Contains data for adding a partition
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Contains data for adding a subscriber.
Used within a mixed message type to contain <AddSubscriber>
Defines subscriber and mailbox fields. Attributes:
attribute name
attribute value
For example, to enable Confirmation of Message Deletion for an
existing subscriber, specify a value between 0 and 999 for the
listen_and_del_days attribute:
<Subscriber telephoneNumber="1234567891" accountId="7777777777"/>
<Attribute name="listen_and_del_days" value="10"/>
In this case new or saved messages are automatically expired after 10
days, after which the subscriber will be asked to listen and delete
expired messages. The mailbox value maxmsgln is used to store the
value of the listen_and_del_days parameter setting in the database.
You can also use the listen_and_del_days attribute with the
<AddSubscriber> element.
Contains one or more <Attribute> elements.
Contains a <Mailboxes> element, the action attribute of which
identifies the change to be made, or <NewTelephoneNumber> and/or
<NewLanguage> elements.
Used within a mixed message type to contain <ChangeSubscriber>
Contains data for adding a distribution list
Used within a mixed message type to contain
<CreateDistributionList> elements.
Administrator's Guide
Contains the <Subscriber> element which specifies the subscriber to
be deleted.
Used within a mixed message type to contain <DeleteSubscriber>
A character string containing an error code.
Textual description of the error.
The XML fragment in the request that resulted in an error.
Errors Contains a list of error records.
Contains data for retrieving partition information.
Contains data for retrieving subscriber information.
Used within a mixed message type to contain <GetSubscriber>
Contains subscriber information retrieved from Unified Messaging.
Distribution list information. Attributes:
ID number for this distribution list (0 - 9999)
Mailbox information. Attributes:
number for this mailbox (0 - 9)
mailbox owner's first name
mailbox owner's last name
pin code (password) for mailbox
List of mailboxes being added, deleted or modified. Attributes:
where NORMAL and PRIVATE are the same type.
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
action action being performed on mailboxes (ADDSUB, DELSUB,
Contains information on a member of a distribution list (which can
itself be a distribution list). Attributes:
telephone number of the distribution list member
ID number of the distribution list member’s mailbox, which
must be 1 if the mailbox is not a multiple mailbox.
node on which the distribution list member’s mailbox is
Contains one or more <Member> elements
Body of the request and response message containing request or
response data.
Header for the request and response messages.
Message identifier assigned by the sender. The response message will
reflect the MessageId from the corresponding request message.
Specifies the type of the message. Attributes:
version number of the message type (to support multiple
versions of the same message type in the future). If not
specified, the current version will be assumed.
Used within the <ChangeSubscriber> element to change the language
of a telephone number.
Used within the <ChangeSubscriber> element to change the telephone
number for a subscriber.
This element is contained within the <GetPartition> element of a
Administrator's Guide
request message and within the <Successes> element of a response
message. Its attributes indicate the partition that is to be retrieved or
was successfully added. Attributes:
name of the partition
description (from the request message) of the partition that
was added.
Root element of the request message.
Root element of the response message.
Tag to authenticate the sender. Attributes:
login name that has privileges to send provisioning messages.
password of userId (sent in the clear).
Tag to identify the sender of the message. Attributes:
a name to identify the sender
Identifies a subscriber. Attributes:
subscriber's telephone number for which mailbox is being
added, deleted or changed.
subscriber's account identifier.
List of subscriber actions to perform. Must contain one or more
elements of the type specified in the MessageType element.
Contains a list of subscriber requests that were successfully processed.
Date and time when message was generated. Its value will be in the
ISO time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss).
Chapter 6. Implementing XML Provisioning
Administrator's Guide
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging menus
Unified Messaging provides very flexible menus. On any menu, any function
can be assigned to any key. Moreover, any major function can be assigned to
any menu. When you install Unified Messaging you can customize the menus
to suit your organization. For example, if distribution lists are very important
to your subscribers, you can make handling distribution lists option 1 on the
main menu.
The default menus shipped with Unified Messaging are consistent with the
international standard for the user interface to voice messaging systems,
ISO/IEC 13714.
In this chapter, we list the menus for Standard subscribers. For other
subscriber types, see the IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response:
Subscriber’s Guide (Types 0,1,2,3,4 and 9) and IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response: Subscriber’s Guide (Types 5,6,7 and 8), for the
subscriber type in which you are interested.
Standard subscriber menus
We show the structure of the following menus:
“Standard functions” on page 252
“Control (ISO)” on page 252
“Playback” on page 252
“Record” on page 253
“Change number” on page 253
“Main (*7)” on page 253
“Receive (header) (*1)” on page 253
“Receive (during message playback)” on page 254
“Receive (after a message)” on page 254
“Send (*2)” on page 255
“Send to another” on page 255
“Greeting options (*3)” on page 255
“Personal options (*4)” on page 256
“More personal options (*49)” on page 256
v “Select message preferences (*491)” on page 256
v “Audio name (*492)” on page 256
v “Distribution lists (*41)” on page 257
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
“Work with list (*414)” on page 257
“E-mail options (*42)” on page 257
“Change PIN (*43)” on page 257
“Notification schedules (*44)” on page 257
“Work with notification schedules (*441)” on page 258
“Create or update schedule (*4412)” on page 258
“Work with notice board (*45)” on page 259
“Call handling 1 (*5)” on page 259
“Call handling 2 (*59)” on page 260
Standard functions
Control menu
Enter or next
Control (ISO)
Contextual help
Receive messages
Send messages
Greeting options
Personal options
Call handling
Pause menu
Go to Main menu
Change language
Go back one level (cancel)
Exit Control menu (previous context)
This applies to the playback of greetings, audio names, and outgoing mail.
Administrator's Guide
Fast forward
Change number
This menu is presented when setting or changing a number, such as the
default fax number.
Main (*7)
Receive messages (played only if there are new messages)
Send messages
Greeting options
Personal options
Call handling
Return to signon
Receive (header) (*1)
Play message
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging menus
Call sender
Replay header
Next header
Receive (during message playback)
Listen again
Delete message
Skip back
Skip forward
Receive (after a message)
Play message
Call sender
Replay header
Send to fax machine (only active when message is a fax)
Next header
Administrator's Guide
Send (*2)
v Enter number or # for dial-by-name
v Record message
Play message
Re-record message
Send to another
Send another
Greeting options (*3)
Listen to header
Delete header
Record header
Select greeting
Work with greetings
Hear header and selected greeting
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging menus
Personal options (*4)
Distribution list options
e-mail options
Change PIN
Notification schedule options
Notice board options
More options
More personal options (*49)
Select message preferences
Record audio name
Select language
Select prompt level
Select message preferences (*491)
Play headers
New message delete
Autosave message
Send message header
Bilingual greeting
Clock preferences
Audio name (*492)
Administrator's Guide
Distribution lists (*41)
Review lists
Create list
Delete list
Work with list
Work with list (*414)
Review list
Add member
Delete member
E-mail options (*42)
Select message delivery preference
Select message delivery type
Change PIN (*43)
Just press *43.
Notification schedules (*44)
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Schedule 4
Set notifications on or off
Temporary schedule
Review active schedules
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging menus
Work with notification schedules (*441)
Listen to schedule
Create or update schedule
Delete schedule
Activate or deactivate schedule
Create or update schedule (*4412)
Enter pager type or 0
Enter pager reference number
Enter backup number
Enter pager type or 0
Enter pager reference number
Enter start time
Enter stop time
Message priority
Enter main number
All calls
Urgent messages
Enter days
Administrator's Guide
Whole week
Work with notice board (*45)
Create or update
Call handling 1 (*5)
Set ReachMe number
Temporary ReachMe
Set colleague number
Temporary colleague
Transfer call
Work with outgoing mail
Listen again
Delete outgoing message
Listen to header information
Next outgoing message
Set call forwarding number
Call forwarding
Temporary call forwarding
Set additional numbers
Appendix A. The Unified Messaging menus
Call handling 2 (*59)
Set default fax number
Set temporary fax number
Set default pager number
Set temporary pager number
Set default pager reference number
Set temporary pager reference number
Set attendant number
Administrator's Guide
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
This appendix describes the voice segments in Unified Messaging. They are
listed numerically, giving the number of the segment and the wording in the
There are two directories:
v “IMC voice directory (voice segment details)” starting on this page
v “IMC_SYSTEM voice directory (voice segment details)” on page 376.
Instructions to the person recording the prompt are shown italicized in square
brackets, for example:
Please try an alternative number or press * for more options. [pause for ten
seconds before going on-hook]
IMC voice directory (voice segment details)
This voice directory contains voice segments used by Unified Messaging. This
directory is supplied with the same voice as the IMC_SYSTEM voice directory,
so you can use the same voice for all Unified Messaging prompts.
1 Sample Recorded Pager Message 1
Call me at the following number...
2 Sample Recorded Pager Message 2
Call your voicemail for an urgent message
3 Sample Recorded Pager Message 3
I will be late for the meeting the following number of minutes...
4 Sample Recorded Pager Message 4
Call home.
5 Sample Recorded Pager Message 5
Call home immediately!
1000 Enter number being called
Please enter the extension number of the person you are calling,
followed by #.
1001 Enter own number
Please enter your own number, followed by #.
1002 Invalid telephone number
You entered an invalid telephone number. Please try again.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
1004 Enter 10-digit number
Please enter the 10-digit telephone number of the person you are
calling, followed by #. [1 second pause] To dial by name, begin with #.
1005 Invalid 10-digit number
You entered an invalid 10-digit telephone number. Please try again.
1006 10 digit telephone number
10 digit telephone number
1101 Enter number
Please enter your number, followed by #.
1102 Number not on system
You entered a number which is not on this system.
2000 Bank - main menu
If you have a problem or complaint, press 1. To leave special
instructions, press 2. To leave a personal message for your bank
manager, press 3. To notify us of a change of address, press 4. To
return to the start, press 7.
2001 Bank - enter A/C
Please enter your account number, followed by #.
2002 Bank - welcome
Welcome to the Bostick Bank message service.
5291 No mailbox
...has no answering service. Please try an alternative number. To
transfer to the attendant, press 0. For more options, press * .
6101 Enter ID
Please enter your telephone number, followed by #.
6102 Invalid ID
You entered a telephone number which is not on this system.
6103 Please try again
Please try again.
6104 Enter PIN
Please enter your PIN, followed by #.
6105 Invalid PIN
You entered an invalid PIN.
6106 You have no messages
You have no messages.
6107 You have messages
You have new messages.
Administrator's Guide
6108 Call forwarding number has been deleted
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. For
personal options, press 4. For call-handling and outgoing mail, press
5. To exit, press 7.
6109 Call handling options menu
To work with your ReachMe number, press 1. To work with your
colleague number, press 2. To transfer to another number, press 3. To
work with your outgoing mail, press 4. To work with your
call-forward number, press 5. For further options, press 9. To return to
the start, press 7.
6110 Multiple greetings
To return, press 7. Select a personal greeting number 1 to 5 [pause] Or
for announcement-only greeting, press 6. For system greeting, press 8.
For system announcement-only greeting, press 9.
6111 Is an e-mail
... is an e-mail
6112 New messages
New messages...
6113 Saved messages
Saved messages...
6114 New message number
New message number...
6115 Saved message number
Saved message number...
6116 Undeliverable message number
Undeliverable message number...
6117 No more messages
You have no more messages.
6118 Is a fax
... is a fax
6119 Expert listen menu
Next #. Listen 1. Save 2. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6.
Date and time 8
6120 Expert listen fax menu
Next #. Listen 1. Delete 3. Forward 5. Date and time 8.
6121 Listen menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message, press 3. To
reply to the message, press 4. To forward this message to another
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
recipient, press 5. To call the person who sent this message, press 6.
To hear when the message was sent, press 8.
6122 Listen menu 2
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this message to
another recipient, press 5. To call the person who sent this message,
press 6. To hear when the message was sent, press 8.
6123 Send another menu
To send this message to another recipient, press 2. To return, press 7.
6124 List fax menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the fax header,
press 1. To delete the fax, press 3. To forward this fax to a fax
machine, press 5. To hear when this fax was sent, press 8.
6125 Cannot delete message
This message cannot be deleted.
6126 Message deleted
The message has been deleted.
6127 Record greeting after tone
Please record the greeting after the tone. Press # to finish.
6128 Greeting saved
The greeting has been changed.
6129 List fax menu 2
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the fax header,
press 1. To forward this fax to a fax machine, press 5. To hear when
this fax was sent, press 8.
6130 Record greeting menu
To listen to the greeting, press 1. To delete the greeting, press 3. To
record the greeting, press 4. To hear your currently active greeting,
press 9. To return, press 7.
6131 Enter new PIN
Please enter your new PIN, followed by #.
6132 Re-enter new PIN to verify
Please enter the new PIN again, followed by #, for verification.
6133 Not the same
Your two entries were not the same.
6134 Problems
Sorry, we are unable to continue with this function at present. If the
problem persists please advise your system administrator.
Administrator's Guide
6135 System greeting
The party you have called...
6136 Time-out
You have delayed too long with your input. You are being returned to
the start. If you wish you may hang up at any time.
6137 Fax deleted
The fax has been deleted.
6138 Confirm PIN change
Your PIN has been changed.
6139 Record left message at tone
Please record your message after the tone. Press # to finish.
6140 Personal options menu 2
To select your voice message preferences, press 1. To record your
audio name, press 2. To select language, press 3. To switch between
standard and expert prompts, press 4. To return, press 7.
6141 Can't delete
You cannot delete this message until you have listened to it.
6142 Enter number for delivery
Please enter the number to which the message will be sent, followed
by #. To dial by name, press #.
6143 Confirm message sent
Your message has been sent.
6144 Send options menu
To listen to the message before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2. To record the message again, press 4. To change the
addressee, press 5. To add a comment to the message, press 6. To
change the delivery options, press 8. To cancel this message, press 7.
6145 Confirm normal priority
Message priority has been set to normal.
6146 Confirm urgent
Message priority has been set to urgent.
6147 Confirm emergency
Message priority has been set to emergency.
6148 Confirm message canceled
Message canceled.
6149 Record message after the tone
Please record your message after the tone. Press # to finish.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6150 Send fax options menu
To listen to the fax header before sending, press 1. To send the fax
now, press 2. To change the fax machine number, press 5. To cancel
sending this fax, press 7.
6151 Sending fax canceled
Fax has not been sent.
6152 List e-mail menu 2
To listen to the e-mail, press 1. To move to the next message, press #.
To forward this e-mail to a fax machine, press 5. To hear when the
e-mail was sent, press 8.
6153 Received on
Received on...
6154 Default fax number
Please enter the fax machine number, followed by a #.
6155 Send e-mail options menu
To listen to the e-mail before sending, press 1. To send the e-mail now,
press 2. To change the fax machine number, press 5. To stop this
e-mail being sent, press 7.
6156 No mailbox
There is no mailbox for the person you called. Please call the general
number for this location.
6157 Greeting selection menu
You can press 7 to return. Choose the number from 1 to 5 of the
greeting to work with. Or choose the greeting as follows...
Announcement only greeting, press 6. ...Busy greeting, press 8. To
hear your currently active greeting, press 9.
6158 Sending e-mail canceled
Your e-mail has not been sent.
6159 Check e-mail send addressee
Your e-mail will be sent to...
6160 Message priority
Message priority. For normal priority, press 1. For urgent priority,
press 2. For emergency priority, press 3.
6161 Message privacy
Message privacy. For normal privacy, press 1. To make the message
unforwardable, press 2.
6162 No audio name
There is no audio name for this extension.
Administrator's Guide
6163 Record audio name after tone
Please record your audio name after the tone. Press # to finish.
6164 Confirm audio name saved
Your audio name has been changed.
6165 Audio name menu
To hear your audio name, press 1. To delete your audio name, press 3.
To record your audio name, press 4. To return to the start, press 7.
6166 Transfer not permitted
Call transfer is not permitted at your location.
6167 Confirm audio name deleted
Your audio name has been deleted.
6168 Confirm greeting deleted
The greeting has been deleted.
6169 No greeting
No greeting exists. You must record a greeting before you can listen to
6170 From
6171 From external caller
From an external caller.
6172 From caller
...from caller...
6173 Check send addressee
Your message will be sent to...
6174 Check fax send addressee
Your fax will be sent to...
6175 Extension
6176 Can't reply to external caller
You cannot reply to an external caller.
6177 Record reply after tone
Please record your reply after the tone. Press # to finish.
6178 Reply options menu
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4. To change the
attributes of the reply, press 8. To return, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6179 Colleague menu
To check your colleague number, press 1. To set colleague number,
press 2. To cancel colleague number, press 3. To return to the start,
press 7.
6180 Colleague options menu
To confirm your colleague number, press 2; otherwise press 7 to
6181 Enter colleague number
Please enter your colleague number, followed by #.
6182 Confirm reply sent
Your reply has been sent to...
6183 Reply canceled
Reply canceled.
6184 Call sender not permitted
Call transfer is not permitted at your location.
6185 List e-mail menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the e-mail, press 1.
To delete the e-mail, press 3. To forward this e-mail to a fax machine,
press 5. To hear when this e-mail was sent, press 8.
6186 Confirm current greeting
The greeting you have currently selected is...
6187 Confirm e-mail sent
Your e-mail has been sent.
6188 Enter fax number
Please enter the number of the fax machine the e-mail will be sent to,
followed by #.
6189 E-mail deleted
The e-mail has been deleted.
6190 Fax number selection
To work with your normal fax number, press 1. To work with your
temporary fax number, press 2. To return, press 7.
...is already a member of the distribution list.
6192 Can't forward message
This is a private message. It cannot be forwarded.
6193 Colleague not allowed
The colleague number you requested is not valid at your location.
6194 Colleague will be set to
Colleague number will be set to...
Administrator's Guide
6195 Confirm colleague set
Colleague number has been set.
6196 Confirm fax number
Fax machine number will be set to...
6197 Confirm temporary fax number
Temporary fax machine number has been set to...
6198 Fax number confirmation
Fax machine number is set to...
6199 Record comment at tone
Please record your comment after the tone. Press # to finish.
6200 Confirm comment added
Your comment has been added to the message.
6201 Recipient already has message
The recipient already has this message. A second copy has not been
6202 Mailbox in use
Your mailbox is already in use. Please call back later.
6203 Nothing was recorded
Nothing was recorded. Returning to the start.
6204 Left message options menu
To hear the message again, press 1. To save the message you have just
recorded, press 2. To cancel the message and start again, press 3. To
record the message again, press 4. To transfer to a colleague, press 5.
To transfer to another number, press 6. To change the delivery options,
press 8. To transfer to the attendant, press 0. To change language,
press 4. To sign on to Unified Messaging, press 7. To disconnect, press
6205 Confirm colleague canceled
Your colleague number has been canceled.
6206 No colleague
No colleague number exists
6207 Colleague number confirmation
Your colleague number is...
6208 Colleague number invalid
You cannot be connected to a colleague number for this extension.
6209 Transferring to attendant
Please hold, you are being transferred to the attendant.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6210 Another left message menu
You may hang up now if you wish. To record another message for the
person you called, press 4. To transfer to a colleague, press 5. To
transfer to another number, press 6. To transfer to the attendant, press
0. To sign on to Unified Messaging, press 7. To disconnect, press 9.
6211 Colleague not set
There is no colleague number for this extension. You may leave a
message if you wish.
6212 Too many PINs
You have exceeded the maximum number of PIN attempts. You will
now be disconnected.
6213 Colleague busy
Sorry, the colleague's line is busy. Please call back later, or you may
leave a message if you wish.
6214 Colleague no reply
Sorry, there is no answer from the colleague number. Please call back
later, or you may leave a message if you wish.
6215 Confirm disconnect subscriber
You will now be disconnected.
6216 Confirm disconnect caller
You will now be disconnected. Any messages you have left will be
6217 Not available
...is not available. You may leave a message after the tone.
6218 Temporary fax number
Temporary fax machine number is set to ...
6219 Invalid PIN entry
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be two to eight digits in length.
6220 Invalid send recipient
Your entry is not a valid destination.
6221 Back to original message
You may now continue to work with the original message.
6222 Message queue full
The message queue is full for the person you have called.
6223 Transfer to backup
Please hold while you are transferred to someone who can help you.
6224 This is your organization
Hello. This is the Unified Messaging answering service.
Administrator's Guide
6225 Fax options menu
To confirm the fax machine number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6226 Caller mailbox full
Your message queue is full. Please deal with your messages as a
matter of urgency.
6227 Send-to mailbox full
The message queue for this extension is full. You cannot send a
message at this time.
6228 Reply-to mailbox full
The sender's message queue is full. You cannot reply at this time.
6229 No fax number
No fax number exists.
6230 Attendant busy
Sorry, the attendant line is busy. Please call back later, or you may
leave a message if you wish.
6231 Attendant no reply
Sorry, there is no reply from the attendant line. Please call back later,
or you may leave a message if you wish.
6232 Confirm message saved
Your message has been saved.
6233 Delayed too long hang up
You have delayed too long with your input. Thank you for calling.
6234 Confirm distribution list (when audio name present)
Your message will be sent to distribution list...
6235 Enter transfer number
Please enter the number you wish to transfer to, followed by #. [1
second pause] To dial by name begin with #.
6236 Please hold while transferred
Please hold while your call is transferred.
6237 Enter fax number
Please enter the number of the fax machine to which the fax will be
sent, followed by #.
6238 Confirm fax sent
Your fax has been sent.
6239 User extension busy
The number you called is busy.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6240 User extension no reply
There is no reply from the number you called.
6241 User extension invalid
The number you requested is invalid.
6242 User transfer choice
To try again, press 2. To return to the start, press 7.
6243 Acknowledgment of receipt
Acknowledgement of receipt: for no acknowledgment press 1, for an
acknowledgment press 2.
6244 Personal options menu
To work with your distribution lists press 1. Or press 2 for your
e-mail preferences, 3 to change your PIN, 4 for notification schedules,
5 for notice board or 9 to work with personal options menu 2. To
return, press 7.
6245 Unified Messaging main menu
To receive your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. For personal options, press 4. For
call-handling and outgoing mail, press 5. To exit, press 7.
6246 Enter forwarding number
Please enter the forwarding number, followed by #.
6247 Calls forwarded to
Your calls will be forwarded to...
6248 Confirm forward or not
To confirm forwarding, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6249 Confirm forwarding set
Call forwarding has been set.
6250 Confirm forwarding canceled
Call forwarding has been canceled.
6251 Call-forwarding menu
To check your call forwarding number, press 1. To set your
call-forwarding number now, press 2. To cancel call forwarding, press
3. To return to the start, press 7.
6252 Colleague transfer not permitted
Colleague numbers are not available at this location.
6253 Caller jumpout not permitted
Transfer to another number is not permitted at this location.
6254 Calls not forwarded
Your calls are not being forwarded.
Administrator's Guide
6255 Calls are forwarded to
Your calls are being forwarded to...
6256 Please hold while connected
Please hold for a few moments while we connect you.
6257 Call forwarding disallowed
Call forwarding to this number is not allowed at your location.
6258 Sender not known
The sender's number is not known. We cannot transfer you.
6259 Confirm exit
To exit to the signon procedure, press 1. To disconnect, press 9. To
return, press 7.
6260 Message to distribution
Your message will be sent to distribution list...
6261 Entering number
You are entering the number or name of the person you wish to
6262 List menu
To review your distribution lists, press 1. To create a new list, press 2.
To delete a list, press 3. To work with one of your lists, press 4. To
return to the start, press 7.
6263 List summary
Total number of lists...
6264 They are
They are...
6265 List
6266 List member menu
To review the members, press 1. To add a member to the list, press 2.
To delete a member, press 3. To return to the start, press 7.
6267 List number too big
A new list cannot be created. The maximum number of lists you may
have is...
6268 Confirm list created
You have successfully created list number...
6269 Enter list ID
Please enter the ID of the list you wish to create, followed by #.
6270 Enter list ID to work with
Please enter the ID of the list you wish to work with, followed by #.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6271 Enter add member
Please enter the destination number of the member to add, followed
by #.
6272 Confirm member deleted
Member deleted.
6273 Invalid transfer number
Your entry is not a valid number.
6274 Total members
Total members...
6275 Pressed * during transfer number entry
You are entering the number or name of the person you wish to
contact and have just pressed *, the control key.
6276 Confirm member added
Member added.
6277 Enter member for deletion
Please enter the number of the member to be deleted, followed by #.
6278 No distribution lists
You have no distribution lists.
6279 Distribution list already exists
...already exists. A new list has not been created.
6280 Enter add first member
Please enter the destination number of the first member of the list,
followed by #.
6281 With member
...with member...
6282 Member invalid
The list member you entered is not on the local file. Your message
might not be transmitted successfully.
6283 List invalid
The list ID you entered is not valid. Please try again.
6284 List no members
This list has no members.
6285 End of list
End of list...
6286 Confirm list deleted
The list has been deleted.
Administrator's Guide
6287 Enter list for deletion
Please enter the ID of the list to be deleted, followed by #. To return,
press # by itself.
6288 List full
The list is full. You cannot add any more members. The maximum
size of a distribution list is...
6289 Last member deleted
All members have been deleted. The list is now deleted.
6290 Transfer control function
For help, press 0. To continue what you were doing, press #. To cancel
and start again, press *. For the Unified Messaging main menu, press
7. To change language, press 8. To disconnect, press 9.
6291 Default announcement-only greeting
...has no answering service. Please try an alternative number, or if you
wish you may press 0 to transfer to the attendant, or press * for more
options. [pause for 10 seconds before going on-hook]
6292 Future delivery
Delivery date. For immediate delivery, press 1. For future delivery,
press 2.
6293 Enter delivery month
Please enter the month of delivery, followed by #.
6294 Enter delivery day
Please enter the day of the month of delivery, followed by #.
6295 Enter delivery hour
Please enter the hour of delivery, followed by #.
6296 Invalid delivery date
The date you specified is not valid. Please try again, or to cancel,
press 7.
6297 Invalid delivery time
The delivery time you specified is not valid. The hour of delivery
should be a number in the range 0 to 23. Please try again.
6298 Confirm delivery date
Your message will be delivered on...
6299 Confirm not private
Message privacy set to normal.
6300 Confirm private
Forwarding of this message by the recipient will not be allowed.
6301 Confirm no acknowledgment
No acknowledgment will be requested.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6302 Confirm acknowledgment
Acknowledgment will be requested.
6303 Emergency message
Emergency message number...
6304 Urgent message
Urgent message number...
6305 Message is acknowledgment
...is an acknowledgment of your message which was sent on...
6306 Personal options menu 2
Message preferences 1. Audio name 2. Language 3. Prompts 4. Return
6307 Enter language code
Please enter the code for the language you require. For US English,
press 1. For French, press 2. For German, press 3. For Spanish, press 4.
For UK English, press 5. To keep the existing language, press 7.
6308 Language not available
The language you selected is not available.
6309 Language invalid
The language code you entered is not valid. Please try again or, to
return, press #.
6310 Language set
The language has been set.
6311 Outgoing messages
Outgoing messages.
6312 Outgoing message number
Outgoing message number...
6313 Is addressed to
...is addressed to...
6314 On
6315 Outgoing listen menu
To move to the next outgoing message, press #. To listen to the
message again, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To listen to the
header, press 8. To return, press 7.
6316 End of new messages
End of new messages.
6317 End of saved messages
End of saved messages.
Administrator's Guide
6318 No outgoing message
You have no outgoing messages.
6319 No new messages
You have no new messages.
6320 No saved messages
You have no saved messages.
6321 No more outgoing
You have no more outgoing messages.
6322 End of outgoing
End of outgoing messages.
6323 Confirm standard prompts
Standard prompts have been set.
6324 Confirm expert prompts
Expert prompts have been set.
6325 Expert personal options
Distribution lists 1. E-mail 2. PIN 3. Schedules 4. Notice board 5.
Return 7. More options 9.
6326 Expert main menu
Receive 1. Send 2. Greeting 3. Personal 4. Call-handling 5. Exit 7.
6327 Expert main menu no messages
Send 2. Greetings 3. Personal 4. Call-handling 5. Exit 7.
6328 Expert send menu
Listen 1. Send 2. Re-record 4. Addressee 5. Comment 6. Attributes 8.
Cancel 7.
6329 Expert fax send menu
Listen 1. Send 2. Addressee 5. Cancel 7.
6330 Expert reply menu
Listen 1. Send 2. Re-record 4. Delivery options 8. Cancel 3.
6331 Expert call-handling menu
ReachMe 1. Colleague 2. Transfer 3. Outmail 4. Call forwarding 5.
Further options 9. Return 7.
6332 Transfer attendant not permitted
Transfer to the attendant is not possible at this location.
6333 Distribution takes time
Your message is being sent to a distribution list. This may take a little
time. Please hold, or you can hang up if you wish.
6334 User transfer choice
To try again, press 9. To return to the start, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6335 Received today at
Received today at...
6336 No new messages notification
You have no new messages.
6337 Cannot reply to message
You cannot reply to this message.
6338 Message undeliverable
...has not been sent.
6339 Could not connect to AMIS receiver
It was rejected because we could not connect to the receiving system.
6340 AMIS message too large
It was rejected because the message was too long for the receiving
6341 No AMIS destination mailbox
It was rejected because the destination mailbox does not exist.
6342 AMIS destination box not receiving
It was rejected because the destination mailbox is not accepting
6343 AMIS destination box full
It was rejected because the destination mailbox is full.
6344 AMIS technical problems
It was rejected because of technical problems in the network.
6345 Annotate menu
To add to the beginning, press 1. To add to the end, press 3.
6346 Matches found
The number of matches found was...
6347 For
6348 Too many matches
This is too many. Please continue to enter more of the name or press #
to start again.
6349 Press 1
...press 1.
6350 Press 2
...press 2.
6351 Press 3
...press 3.
Administrator's Guide
6352 Press 4
...press 4.
6353 Press 5
...press 5.
6354 Press 6
...press 6.
6355 Press 7
...press 7.
6356 Press 8
...press 8.
6357 Press 9
...press 9.
6358 Pressed * during destination entry
You are entering a destination for your message and have just pressed
*, the control key.
6359 Entering destination
You are entering a destination for the message you are about to send.
6360 Function not available
Sorry, this function is not available at this time.
6361 Distribution or destination menu
To send to a distribution list, press 1; otherwise, press 2.
6362 Enter distribution list ID
Please enter the ID of the distribution list, followed by #.
6363 Invalid distribution list
The distribution list you specified is not valid.
6364 Extra help
If you need help, press *0.
6365 Saved message summary 0
...no saved messages.
6366 Failed logon
There have been too many failed attempts to access your mailbox. It is
now locked. Please contact your system administrator.
6367 Failed logon 1
There have been...
6368 Failed logon 2
...failed attempts to access your mailbox. Please contact your system
administrator if you are concerned that this number is excessive.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6369 PIN information
Your system manager has assigned you a temporary PIN. In addition
to having a mailbox number, you will have a PIN. Your PIN is an
important part of using the system; it allows you, and only you, to
open your mailbox to get messages or to use other services of the
6370 Enter temporary PIN
Please enter your temporary PIN now, followed by #.
6371 Change PIN
Thank you. You should now change the temporary PIN to a new
number that only you will know. Since this will be your secret PIN, it
will prevent others from opening your mailbox and hearing your
messages. You will be able to change your PIN as often as you want
but, if you lose or forget your PIN, it cannot be retrieved by anyone.
For this reason, make this PIN a number that is easy for you to
remember and hard for others to guess.
6372 Enter PIN
Think of a PIN number now. Please enter the new PIN, then press #.
6373 Record audio name
At the tone, please say your first and last name then, press #.
6374 Your audio name
Your audio name sounds like this...
6375 Re-record audio name
If you would like to rerecord your name please, press 4. If you are
satisfied with the recording then press #.
6376 Greeting information
Thank you... you may now record a personal greeting or choose a
system greeting.
6377 Record personal greeting
At the tone, please record your personal greeting. Press # when you
have finished.
6378 Re-record personal greeting
If you would like to rerecord your personal greeting, press 4. If you
are satisfied, press #
6379 Unified Messaging advice
Thank you. Here are some words of advice for Unified Messaging
6380 Advice
Here are some final words of advice before transferring you to the
Administrator's Guide
6381 Nothing recorded
Nothing was heard.
6382 The personal greeting recorded
The personal greeting you recorded was...
6383 System or personal greeting
Press 1 to choose the system greeting, or press 2 to record a personal
6384 Personal greeting information
Here is some good advice about the type of things you should
consider in your personal greeting.
6385 System greeting chosen
You have chosen the default system greeting.
6386 The system greeting is
The system greeting would sound like this...
6387 Audio name information
Thank you. Now you need to record your audio name.
6388 New message summary 0
You have no new messages and...
6389 You have
You have...
6390 New messages
... new messages.
6391 New messages and
... new messages and...
6392 Optional prompt of the day for subscribers
[This is an optional prompt, recorded by the system administrator, which
might be present or absent. If it is present, the contents of the prompt are
played to all subscribers as they log on.]
6393 Saved messages
... saved messages.
6394 Disconnect with thanks
You will now be disconnected. Thank you for calling. Good-bye.
6395 Record distribution list name
Please record a name for the distribution list, followed by #.
6396 Technical problems
We are experiencing technical problems, please call back later.
6397 Confirm message saved
The message has been saved.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6398 New message
New message...
6399 Saved message
Saved message...
6400 Automatically deleted
...and will be automatically deleted in...
6401 Notifications and schedules menu
To toggle notification on or off, press 5. To work with schedules, press
4. To create a schedule, press 2. For schedule status, press 1.
6402 Notification on
Notification on.
6403 Notification off
Notification off.
6404 Enter schedule number
Please enter a schedule number from 1 to 4 or press 6 for a temporary
schedule. To toggle notifications on or off, press 5. Press 7 to return.
6405 Work with schedule
To listen to the schedule, press 1. To update the schedule, press 2. To
deactivate the schedule, press 3. To activate the schedule, press 4. To
return to schedule main menu, press 7.
6406 Listen to schedule
Listen to schedule.
6407 Notify phone number
The phone number that you wish to be notified at is...
6408 Backup phone number
The backup phone number you wish to be notified at is...
6409 Schedule start time
The time you want this schedule to start is...
6410 Schedule stop time
The time you want this schedule to stop is...
6411 Notified all messages
You have requested to be notified of all messages.
6412 Notified urgent messages
You have requested to be notified of urgent messages.
6413 Notified emergency messages only
You have requested to be notified of emergency messages only.
6414 Days assigned
The days you have assigned to this schedule are...
Administrator's Guide
6415 Create schedule
Create schedule.
6416 Enter notification phone number
Please enter the phone number to be notified at, followed by #.
6417 Enter backup phone number
Please enter the backup phone number to be notified at, followed by
#, or press # on its own to have no backup number.
6418 Enter start time
Please enter the start time for this schedule, followed by #.
6419 Enter stop time
Please enter the stop time for this schedule, followed by #.
6420 Enter notification level
Please enter notification level. For all messages, press 1. For urgent
messages, press 2. For emergency messages, press 3.
6421 Enter days
Please enter the days you wish to assign to this schedule. You may
press # to finish. For the whole week, press 8. For Monday, press 1.
For Tuesday, press 2. For Wednesday, press 3. For Thursday, press 4.
For Friday, press 5. For Saturday, press 6. For Sunday, press 7.
6422 Schedule complete
Schedule complete. This schedule is currently inactive.
6423 Update schedule
Update schedule. To update the main number, press 1. To update
backup phone number, press 2. To update the start time, press 3. To
update the stop time, press 4. To update the notification level, press 5.
To update the days assigned to this schedule, press 6. To return to
schedule menu, press 7.
6424 Update confirmation
To update, press 1. To return without updating, press 2.
6425 Deactivate schedule
Deactivate schedule.
6426 Delete schedule confirmation
Are you sure you wish to delete this schedule? To return without
deleting, press 2. To delete the schedule, press 3.
6427 Schedule deactivated
Schedule deactivated.
6428 Incorrect schedule number
You entered an incorrect schedule number. Please try again.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6429 Incorrect time
You entered an incorrect time. Please try again.
6430 Incorrect number
You entered an incorrect number. Please try again.
6431 Invalid key
You pressed an invalid key. Please try again.
6432 Outcall new messages
There are new messages for...
6433 Outcall notify prompt
To sign on to Unified Messaging, press 1. If you wish to be called
back in ten minutes, press 2. If you do not want to be notified at this
time, press 3.
6434 Temporary schedule menu
To create temporary schedule, press 2. To delete temporary schedule,
press 3.
6435 AM or PM
For a.m., press 1. For p.m., press 2.
6436 Work with schedule
To create the schedule, press 2. To return to schedule main menu,
press 7.
6438 Schedules...
6439 No schedules active
No schedules active.
6440 Noon or midnight
For noon, press 1. For midnight, press 2.
6442 Too many days
You entered too many days.
6443 ...is active
...is active.
6445 Standard greeting
You have currently selected greeting number...
6446 Pre-greeting ‘emergency' announcement
[Record the pre-greeting announcement here.]
6447 Post-greeting announcement
[Record the post-greeting announcement here.]
6448 Announcement only
...announcement only.
Administrator's Guide
6449 System greeting
...the default system greeting.
6450 System announcement-only greeting
...the default system announcement-only greeting.
6451 ReachMe not permitted
ReachMe numbers are not available at this location.
6452 ReachMe busy
Sorry, the ReachMe number is busy. Please call back later, or if you
prefer, you can leave a message.
6453 ReachMe no reply
Sorry, there is no answer from the ReachMe number. Please call back
later, or if you prefer, you can leave a message.
6454 ReachMe no reply
You cannot be connected to a ReachMe number for this extension. If
you prefer, you can leave a message.
6456 Distribution list add member failed
Sorry, the update failed. Please try a different member number.
6457 Send in German (used only with segments 6260 and 6234)
Send [in German, to complete the German equivalents of segments 6260 and
6458 Schedule already exists
The schedule already exists, putting you into update schedule instead
of create schedule.
6459 Greeting does not exist
The greeting you have selected does not exist. You must now record
that greeting or select a different greeting that does exist.
6461 Bad schedule
... is invalid and needs to be re-created. Please try again.
6462 List name restrictions
Sorry the list name must be not more than 4 digits, and must not
begin with zero.
6463 Enter letters on keys
Enter letters of the last name using key 1 for Q and Z.
6464 PageMe not permitted
PageMe numbers are not available at this location.
6465 PageMe busy
Sorry, the PageMe number is busy. Please call back later, or if you
prefer, you can leave a message.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6466 PageMe no reply
Sorry, there is no answer from the PageMe number. Please call back
later, or if you prefer, you can leave a message.
6467 PageMe number invalid
You cannot be connected to a PageMe number for this extension.
6469 ReachMe not permitted
The ReachMe number you requested is not valid at your location.
6470 At (used in describing an external location)
6472 Message headers enabled
Message headers will be played in future.
6473 Message headers disabled
Message headers will not be played in future.
6474 Mailbox announce only
The recipient you specified is not currently receiving messages.
6476 Schedule activated
Schedule activated.
6477 Temporary override
Schedule 0, the temporary schedule, overrides all other schedules
while active.
6478 Schedule does not exist
This schedule does not exist.
6480 Enter pager reference number
Please enter your pager reference number.
6481 Input help
You are entering data. If you wish to cancel, press #.
6482 Pager reference numbers
[This is a user prompt for pagers.]
6483 Pager type
This is a pager. The pager type is...
6484 Pager reference number
The pager reference number is...
6485 Access mailbox in use
If you know that no-one else is using your mailbox, and want to
proceed, please press 9 now.
6486 Schedule does not exist
The schedule does not exist. You must create the schedule before you
can work with it.
Administrator's Guide
6487 Schedule input is invalid
Sorry, your input is not valid. The schedule update is being
abandoned, and you are being returned to the schedule main menu
6488 Call handling options menu 2
To work with your normal fax number press 1, or press 2 for your
temporary fax number, 3 for your normal pager number, 4 for your
temporary pager number, 5 for your normal pager reference, 6 for
your temporary pager reference, 8 for your attendant number. Or
press 7 to return.
6489 Call-forwarding menu
To work with your normal call-forwarding number press 1, or press 2
for your temporary number. To return, press 7.
6490 Colleague menu
To work with your normal colleague number, press 1, or press 2 for
your temporary number. To return, press 7.
6491 ReachMe menu
To work with your normal ReachMe number, press 1. For your
temporary number, press 2. To return, press 7.
6492 Message preferences menu
To set your play headers preference press 1, or press 2 for new
message delete preference, 3 for autosave message preference, 4 for
send message header preference, 5 for bilingual greeting preference, 6
for clock preference. To return, press 7.
6493 Default ReachMe number menu
To listen to your ReachMe number, press 1. To set your ReachMe
number, press 2. To delete your ReachMe number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
6494 Temporary ReachMe number menu
To listen to your temporary ReachMe number, press 1. To set your
temporary ReachMe number, press 2. To delete your temporary
ReachMe number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6495 Default colleague number menu
To listen to your colleague number, press 1. To set your colleague
number, press 2. To delete your colleague number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
6496 Temporary colleague number menu
To listen to your temporary colleague number, press 1. To set your
temporary colleague number, press 2. To delete your temporary
colleague number, press 3. To return, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6497 Default call-forwarding number Menu
To listen to your call-forwarding number, press 1. To set your
call-forwarding number, press 2. To delete your call-forwarding
number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6498 Temporary call-forwarding number menu
To listen to your temporary call-forwarding number, press 1. To set
your temporary call-forwarding number, press 2. To delete your
temporary call-forwarding number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6499 Default fax number menu
To listen to your fax number, press 1. To set your fax number, press 2.
To delete your fax number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6500 Temporary fax number menu
To listen to your temporary fax number, press 1. To set your
temporary fax number, press 2. To delete your temporary fax number,
press 3. To return, press 7.
6501 Default pager number menu
To listen to your pager number, press 1. To set your pager number,
press 2. To delete your pager number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6502 Temporary pager number menu
To listen to your temporary pager number, press 1. To set your
temporary pager number, press 2. To delete your temporary pager
number, press 3. To return, press 7.
6503 Default pager reference menu
To listen to your pager reference, press 1. To set your pager reference,
press 2. To delete your pager reference, press 3. To return, press 7.
6504 Temporary pager reference menu
To listen to your temporary pager reference, press 1. To set your
temporary pager reference, press 2. To delete your temporary pager
reference, press 3. To return, press 7.
6505 Attendant number menu
To listen to your attendant number, press 1. To set your attendant
number, press 2. To delete your attendant number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
6506 Enter ReachMe number
Please enter your ReachMe number, followed by #.
6507 Enter temporary ReachMe number
Please enter your temporary ReachMe number, followed by #.
6508 Enter colleague number
Please enter your colleague number followed by #.
Administrator's Guide
6509 Enter temporary colleague number
Please enter your temporary colleague number, followed by #.
6510 Enter call-forwarding number
Please enter your call–forwarding number, followed by the # key.
6511 Enter temporary call-forwarding number
Please enter your temporary call-forwarding number, followed by #.
6512 Enter fax number
Please enter your fax number, followed by #.
6513 Enter temporary fax number
Please enter your temporary fax number, followed by #.
6514 Enter pager number
Please enter your pager number, followed by #.
6515 Enter temporary pager number
Please enter your temporary pager number, followed by #.
6516 Enter pager reference
Please enter your pager reference, followed by #.
6517 Enter temporary pager reference
Please enter your temporary pager reference, followed by #.
6518 Key pressed during header
You have pressed a key during the header. For help, press *0 .
6519 External location
External location.
6520 Help schedule
Help schedule.
6521 * pressed
You have just pressed *, the control key.
6524 Record greeting header
Please record your greeting header. Press # to finish.
6525 Outcall called back
You will now be disconnected and called back in ten minutes.
6526 Outcall disconnect
You will now be disconnected. You will not be notified of this
message, but will be notified of any new messages.
6527 Stop must be later
Sorry, the start and stop times are not compatible. The stop time must
always be later than the start time. Please try again.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6528 Start must be earlier
Sorry, the start and stop times are not compatible. The start time must
always be earlier than the stop time. Please try again.
6529 Enter start time as 4 digits
Please enter the start time for this schedule as four digits.
6530 Enter stop time as 4 digits
Please enter the stop time for this schedule as four digits.
6531 New message warning 1
You have 1 new message.
6532 New message warning 2
You have 2 new messages.
6533 New message warning 3
You have 3 new messages.
6534 New message warning 4
You have 4 new messages.
6535 New message warning 5
You have 5 new messages.
6536 New message warning 6
You have 6 new messages.
6537 New message warning 7
You have 7 new messages.
6538 New message warning 8
You have 8 new messages.
6539 New message warning 9
You have 9 new messages.
6540 New message warning 10
You have 10 new messages.
6541 New message warning 11
You have 11 new messages.
6542 New message warning 12
You have 12 new messages.
6543 New message warning 13
You have 13 new messages.
6544 New message warning 14
You have 14 new messages.
6545 New message warning 15
You have 15 new messages.
Administrator's Guide
6546 New message warning 16
You have 16 new messages.
6547 New message warning 17
You have 17 new messages.
6548 New message warning 18
You have 18 new messages.
6549 New message warning 19
You have 19 new messages.
6550 New message warning 20
You have 20 new messages.
6551 Saved message summary 1
... 1 saved message.
6552 Saved message summary 2
... 2 saved messages.
6553 Saved message summary 3
... 3 saved messages.
6554 Saved message summary 4
... 4 saved messages.
6555 Saved message summary 5
... 5 saved messages.
6556 Saved message summary 6
... 6 saved messages.
6557 Saved message summary 7
... 7 saved messages.
6558 Saved message summary 8
... 8 saved messages.
6559 Saved message summary 9
... 9 saved messages.
6560 Saved message summary 10
... 10 saved messages.
6561 Saved message summary 11
... 11 saved messages.
6562 Saved message summary 12
... 12 saved messages.
6563 Saved message summary 13
... 13 saved messages.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6564 Saved message summary 14
... 14 saved messages.
6565 Saved message summary 15
... 15 saved messages.
6566 Saved message summary 16
... 16 saved messages.
6567 Saved message summary 17
... 17 saved messages.
6568 Saved message summary 18
... 18 saved messages.
6569 Saved message summary 19
... 19 saved messages.
6570 Saved message summary 20
... 20 saved messages.
6571 New message summary 1
You have 1 new message and...
6572 New message summary 2
You have 2 new messages and...
6573 New message summary 3
You have 3 new messages and...
6574 New message summary 4
You have 4 new messages and...
6575 New message summary 5
You have 5 new messages and...
6576 New message summary 6
You have 6 new messages and...
6577 New message summary 7
You have 7 new messages and...
6578 New message summary 8
You have 8 new messages and...
6579 New message summary 9
You have 9 new messages and...
6580 New message summary 10
You have 10 new messages and...
6581 New message summary 11
You have 11 new messages and...
Administrator's Guide
6582 New message summary 12
You have 12 new messages and...
6583 New message summary 13
You have 13 new messages and...
6584 New message summary 14
You have 14 new messages and...
6585 New message summary 15
You have 15 new messages and...
6586 New message summary 16
You have 16 new messages and...
6587 New message summary 17
You have 17 new messages and...
6588 New message summary 18
You have 18 new messages and...
6589 New message summary 19
You have 19 new messages and...
6590 New message summary 20
You have 20 new messages and...
6591 Remote default system greeting - first part
If you would like to leave a message for the person you have called...
6592 Remote default system greeting - second part
Please speak after the tone.
6593 New PIN failed location checks
The PIN you entered does not meet location standards. Please try
again with a different PIN.
6594 PIN expired
Your PIN has expired. You must change it now.
6595 Announcement-only 2
...announcement-only 2.
6596 Confirm greetings successfully made bilingual
Your bilingual greetings have been successfully set up.
6597 Bilingual greetings failed
I'm sorry, we are unable to set your bilingual greetings. Please check
you have recorded all the necessary greetings and try again.
6598 And
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6600 Enter attendant number
Please enter your attendant number, followed by #.
6601 ReachMe number is
Your ReachMe number is set to...
6602 Temporary ReachMe number is
Your temporary ReachMe number is set to...
6603 Colleague number is
Your colleague number is set to...
6604 Temporary colleague number is
Your temporary colleague number is set to...
6605 Call-forwarding number is
Your call-forwarding number is set to...
6606 Temporary call-forwarding number is
Your temporary call-forwarding number is set to...
6607 Fax number is
Your fax number is set to...
6608 Temporary fax number is
Your temporary fax number is set to...
6609 Pager number is
Your pager number is set to...
6610 Temporary pager number is
Your temporary pager number is set to...
6611 Pager reference is
Your pager reference is set to...
6612 Temporary pager reference is
Your temporary pager reference is set to...
6613 Attendant number is
Your attendant number is set to...
6614 ReachMe number deleted
Your ReachMe number has been deleted.
6615 Temporary ReachMe number deleted
Your temporary ReachMe number has been deleted.
6616 Colleague number cancelled
Your colleague number has been cancelled.
6617 Temporary colleague number deleted
Your temporary colleague number has been deleted.
Administrator's Guide
6618 Call forwarding number has been deleted
Your call-forwarding number has been deleted.
6619 Temporary call-forwarding number deleted
Your temporary call-forwarding number has been deleted.
6620 Fax number deleted
Your fax number has been deleted.
6621 Temporary fax number deleted
Your temporary fax number has been deleted.
6622 Pager number deleted
Your pager number has been deleted.
6623 Temporary pager number deleted
Your temporary pager number has been deleted.
6624 Pager reference deleted
Your pager reference has been deleted.
6625 Temporary pager reference deleted
Your temporary pager reference has been deleted.
6626 Attendant number deleted
Your attendant number has been deleted.
6627 ReachMe number not set
Your ReachMe number has not been set.
6628 Temporary ReachMe number not set
Your temporary ReachMe number has not been set.
6629 Colleague number not set
Your colleague number has not been set.
6630 Temporary colleague number not set
Your temporary colleague number has not been set.
6631 Call forwarding number has not been set
Your call-forwarding number has not been set.
6632 Temporary call-forwarding number not set
Your temporary call-forwarding number has not been set.
6633 Fax number not set
Your fax number has not been set.
6634 Temporary fax number not set
Your temporary fax number has not been set.
6635 Pager number not set
Your pager number has not been set.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6636 Temporary pager number not set
Your temporary pager number has not been set.
6637 Pager reference not set
Your pager reference has not been set.
6638 Temporary pager reference not set
Your temporary pager reference has not been set.
6639 Attendant number not set
Your attendant number has not been set.
6640 Play headers on
You have chosen to play message headers before each message.
6641 Play headers off
You have chosen not to play message headers before each message.
6642 Play headers off menu
To choose not to play message headers before each message, press 2.
Press 7 to cancel.
6643 New message delete on
You can delete new messages without listening to the whole message.
6644 New message delete off
You cannot delete new messages without listening to the whole
6645 New message delete off menu
To disable new message deletion, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6646 Autosave message on
New messages will be automatically saved.
6647 Autosave message off
New messages will not be automatically saved.
6648 Autosave message off menu
To choose not to save new messages automatically, press 2. Press 7 to
6649 Send message header before
You have chosen to specify the message address before recording the
6650 Send message header after
You have chosen to specify the message address after recording the
6651 Send message header menu
To specify the message address after recording the message, press 2.
Press 7 to cancel.
Administrator's Guide
6652 Bilingual greetings on
Bilingual greetings on.
6653 Bilingual greetings off
Bilingual greetings off.
6654 Bilingual greetings off menu
To disable bilingual greetings, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6655 Clock preference 12
You have chosen to use the 12-hour clock.
6656 Clock preference 24
You have chosen to use the 24-hour clock.
6657 Clock preference 24 menu
To use the 24-hour clock, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6658 E-mail menu
To set your message destination preferences, press 1. To set your
message destination type, press 2. To return, press 7.
6659 Message destination preference menu
To select a message destination of local, press 1. Press 2 for remote, 3
for local and remote. To return, press 7.
6660 Sync type menu
To select a type of All, press 1. Press 2 for Nolink, 3 for Voicemail to
E-mail. To return, press 7.
6661 Message destination type menu
To select a type of .wav, press 1. Press 2 for .au. To return, press 7.
6662 Sync user off menu
To disable synchronization, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6663 Sync user on
Synchronization has been enabled.
6664 Sync user off
Synchronization has been disabled.
6665 ReachMe options menu
To confirm your ReachMe number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6666 Confirm ReachMe set
ReachMe number has been set.
6667 Confirm temporary ReachMe set
Temporary ReachMe number has been set.
6668 ReachMe will be set to
ReachMe number will be set to...
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6669 Temporary ReachMe will be set to
Temporary ReachMe number will be set to...
6670 Play headers on menu
To play message headers before each message, press 2. Press 7 to
6671 New message delete on menu
To enable new message deletion, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6672 Autosave message off menu
To save new messages automatically, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6673 Send message before header menu
To specify the message address before recording the message, press 2.
Press 7 to cancel.
6674 Bilingual greetings on menu
To enable bilingual greetings, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6675 Clock preference 12 menu
To use the 12-hour clock, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6676 Sync user on menu
To enable synchronization, press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
6677 Sync type All
Synchronization type has been set to All.
6678 Sync type Nolink
Synchronization type has been set to Nolink.
6679 Sync type Voice to E-mail
Synchronization type has been set to Voice to E-mail.
6680 Message destination preference local
Message destination preference has been set to local.
6681 Message destination preference remote
Message destination preference has been set to remote.
6682 Message destination preference local and remote
Message destination preference has been set to both local and remote.
6683 Message destination type .wav
Message destination type has been set to .wav.
6684 Message destination type .au
Message destination type has been set to .au.
6685 Message destination type 32KADPCM
Message destination type has been set to 32KADPCM.
Administrator's Guide
6686 Message destination type DT/6
Message destination type has been set to DT/6 elements.
6687 Message destination type DT/6 GSM
Message destination type has been set to DT/6 GSM.
6688 Fax number not allowed
The fax number you requested is not valid at your location.
6689 Confirm fax number set
Fax number has been set.
6690 Confirm temporary fax number set
Temporary fax number has been set.
6691 Pager number options menu
To confirm the pager number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6692 Pager reference options menu
To confirm the pager reference, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6693 Attendant options menu
To confirm the attendant number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
6694 Pager number not allowed
The pager number you requested is not valid at your location.
6695 Confirm pager number set
Pager number has been set.
6696 Confirm temporary pager number set
Temporary pager number has been set.
6697 Confirm pager reference set
Pager reference has been set.
6698 Confirm temporary pager reference set
Temporary pager reference has been set.
6699 Pager will be set to
Pager number will be set to...
6700 Temporary pager will be set to
Temporary pager number will be set to...
6701 Pager reference will be set to
Pager reference will be set to...
6702 Temporary pager reference will be set to
Temporary pager reference will be set to...
6703 Attendant number will be set to
attendant number will be set to...
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6704 Temporary colleague number will be set to
Temporary colleague number will be set to...
6705 Confirm temporary colleague set
Temporary colleague number has been set.
6706 Call-forwarding number will be set to
Call-forwarding number will be set to...
6707 Temporary call-forwarding number will be set to
Temporary call-forwarding number will be set to...
6708 Synchronization not available
E-mail and voice mail synchronization is not available at this location.
6709 Entering pager number
You are entering your default pager number.
6710 Entering temporary pager number
You are entering your temporary pager number.
6711 Entering pager reference
You are entering your default pager reference number.
6712 Entering temporary pager reference
You are entering your temporary pager reference number.
6713 Entering colleague number
You are entering your default colleague number.
6714 Entering temporary colleague number
You are entering your temporary colleague number.
6715 Entering ReachMe number
You are entering your default ReachMe number.
6716 Entering temporary ReachMe number
You are entering your temporary ReachMe number.
6717 Entering fax number
You are entering your default fax number.
6718 Entering temporary fax number
You are entering your temporary fax number.
6719 Entering attendant number
You are entering your default attendant number.
6720 Entering call-forwarding number
You are entering your default call-forwarding number.
6721 Entering temporary call-forwarding number
You are entering your temporary call-forwarding number.
Administrator's Guide
6722 Error sending fax
There was an error processing this fax. It has not been sent. Please
wait and try again later.
6723 New greeting header menu
To listen to the greeting header, press 1, or press 3 to delete the
greeting header, 4 to record the greeting header, 5 to select a greeting,
6 to work with your greetings, or 9 to hear your currently active
greeting. To return, press 7.
6724 New notice board menu
To create a notice board, press 2. To return, press 7.
6725 Notice board menu
To listen to the notice board, press 1. To update, press 2. To delete,
press 3. To return, press 7.
6726 Record notice board
Please record the notice board after the tone. Press # to finish.
6727 Notice board saved
The notice has been saved.
6728 No notice board
The notice board is empty.
6729 Confirm notice board deleted
The notice board has been deleted.
6730 Expert listen menu 2
Next #. Listen 1. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6. Date and time 8.
6731 Confirm attendant number set
attendant number has been set.
6732 Attendant not allowed
The attendant number you requested is not allowed at your location.
6733 Cannot connect to fax
There was an error trying to connect you to the fax number. Please try
again later. You are being disconnected.
6734 No fax number
There is no fax support for this number. Please try a different number.
You are being disconnected.
6735 ReachMe not set
There is no ReachMe number for this extension. You may leave a
message if you wish.
6736 PageMe not set
There is no PageMe number for this extension. You may leave a
message if you wish.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6737 Fax option
To send this message to a fax machine, press 9.
6738 Expert fax option
Fax 9.
6739 Fax attachment
This message is a fax.
6740 No fax support
There is no fax support at this location.
6741 Expert listen fax menu
Next #. Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6. Date and
time 8. Fax 9.
6742 Expert listen fax menu
Next #. Listen 1. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6. Date and time 8.
Fax 9.
Note: This menu applies when the subscriber interrupts a new message.
6743 Listen fax menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To
forward this message to another number, press 5. To call the person
who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message was sent,
press 8. To send this message to a fax machine, press 9.
6744 Listen fax menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this message to
another number, press 5. To call the person who sent this message,
press 6. To hear when the message was sent, press 8. To send this
message to a fax machine, press 9.
Note: This menu applies when the subscriber interrupts a new message.
6745 Enter fax number
Please enter the fax machine number followed by #, or for immediate
delivery press *.
6746 No fax support for message forwarding destination
There is no fax support for this number.
6747 Expert e-mail menu
Destination preferences 1. Destination type 2. Return 7.
6748 Expert message destination preference menu
Local 1. Remote 2. Local and remote 3. Return 7.
Administrator's Guide
6749 Expert message destination type menu
.wav 1. .au 2. Return 7.
6751 Inactive schedule - activation instructions
To listen to schedule, press 1. To update schedule, press 2. To activate
the schedule, press 4. To return to schedule main menu, press 7.
6752 Active schedule - deactivation instructions
To listen to schedule, press 1. To update schedule, press 2. To
deactivate the schedule, press 3. To return to schedule main menu,
press 7.
6761 No tones detected
No tones have been detected from your telephone keypad.
6762 Reporting restriction to touch-tone phones
This system recognizes input from touch-tone phones only.
6763 Touch-tone phone confirmation request
Please press # now to confirm that you have a touch-tone phone.
6764 Touch-tone phone confirmation phrase
...you have a touch-tone phone.
6765 Reporting a non-tone phone
You do not appear to have a touch-tone phone.
6766 Advise to use touch-tone phone
Please call again from a touch-tone phone to access Unified
6767 Advise to use touch-tone phone or wait for attendant
Please hang up and call again from a touch-tone phone to access
Unified Messaging, or wait for a few seconds and you will be
transferred to the attendant.
6768 Message expired
This message has expired.
6769 Enter full mailbox number (used when Extension Dialing has not
found a match)
Please enter the full mailbox number.
6800 Please press 1
To leave a message for...
6801 Please press 1
Please press 1
6802 Please press 2
Please press 2
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6803 Please press 3
Please press 3
6804 Please press 4
Please press 4
6805 Please press 5
Please press 5
6806 Please press 6
Please press 6
6807 Please press 7
Please press 7
6808 Please press 8
Please press 8
6809 Please press 9
Please press 9
6810 Please press 0
Please press 0
6811 Logged into sub-mailbox
You have entered the mailbox of...
6812 Default caller sub-mailbox
You may leave a message in the mailbox of...
6813 Sub-mailbox
6814 Caller sub-mailbox control menu
You also have the following control functions available via the star
key: to sign onto Unified Messaging, press * 7. To select language,
press * 8. To disconnect, press * 9.
6815 Subscriber sub-mailbox logon selection
To sign onto...
6816 First-time user prompt for sub-mailboxes
Your System Manager has assigned you a temporary PIN. In addition
to having a mailbox number, you will have a PIN. Your PIN is an
important part of using the system, it allows you, and only you, to
open your mailbox to get messages or to use other services of the
system. You should now change the temporary PIN to a new number
that only you will know. Since this will be your secret PIN it will
prevent others from opening your mailbox and hearing your
messages. You will be able to change your PIN as often as you want,
Administrator's Guide
but if you lose or forget your PIN it cannot be retrieved by anyone.
For this reason make this PIN a number that is easy to remember and
hard for others to guess.
6817 First time logon timezone selection
Thank you. You must now select your mailbox timezone.
6818 Subscriber menu timezone selection option
...to change your mailbox timezone, press 4.
6819 Time Zone choices
To select Atlantic Time, press 1. To select Eastern Time, press 2. To
select Central Time, press 3. To select Mountain Time, press 4. To
select Pacific Time, press 5. To select Alaskan Time, press 6. To hear
the times in each timezone, press 8. Or to return, press 7.
6820 Current Time Zone
Your mailbox timezone is...
6821 Atlantic Time
...Atlantic Time
6822 Eastern Time
...Eastern Time
6823 Central Time
...Central Time
6824 Mountain Time
...Mountain Time
6825 Pacific Time
...Pacific Time
6826 Alaskan Time
...Alaskan Time
6827 Time in Selected Time Zone
The time in your selected timezone is approximately...
6828 Time Zone Selection Help
To help you select which timezone you are in the times in these
timezones will now be played.
6829 Time in Time Zone
The time in...
6830 Is
6831 Call-back number entry
Enter a number where you can be reached and press the # key.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6832 Call-back number entry with text paging option
Enter a number where you can be reached and press the # key, or to
construct a text paging message press the # key on its own.
6833 Pager message read back to caller
Your pager message is...
6834 Pager message send failure
Sorry, we were unable to send the pager message.
6835 Pager message send success
Your pager message has been sent.
6836 Paging Confirm menu description
Confirm Paging message menu.
6837 Paging Confirm menu
To confirm your paging message, press 2 or to cancel, press 7.
6838 Recorded or free-form menu
For a list of pre-set messages, press 1. To create your own message,
press 2.
6839 Recorded selection list header
Please select one of the following pager messages to be sent.
6840 Confirm or return
... if correct, press 2. If not, press 7.
6841 Add number or text menu
To add a number to your page, press 1. To add text to your page,
press 2. If you are finished and would like to send your page, press
6842 Any number entry
Enter a number and press #
6843 Number entry verification
You entered ...
6844 Text entry
You may now enter your text message. If you make a mistake press *
6845 Text entry initial instructions
Press the key for the letter you need. For a space, press 1. If you have
finished, press #.
6846 Text entry further instructions
To erase the last character entered, press 1. To switch between text
and numbers, press 2. To spell out the characters already entered,
press 3. To erase all characters entered, press 0
Administrator's Guide
6847 Q or Z
For Q, press 1. For Z, press 2
6848 A, B or C
For A, press 1. For B, press 2, For C, press 3.
6849 D, E or F
For D, press 1. For E, press 2. For F, press 3.
6850 G, H or I
For G, press 1. For H, press 2. For I, press 3.
6851 J, K or L
For J, press 1. For K, press 2. For L, press 3.
6852 M, N or O
For M, press 1. For N, press 2. For O, press 3.
6853 P, Q, R or S
For P, press 1. For Q, press 2. For R, press 3. For S, press 4.
6854 T, U or V
For T, press 1. For U, press 2. For V, press 3.
6855 W, X, Y or Z
For W, press 1. For X, press 2. For Y, press 3. For Z, press 4.
6856 P, R or S
For P, press 1. For R, press 2. For S, press 3.
6857 W, X or Y
For W, press 1. For X, press 2. For Y, press 3.
6858 Text entry verification
The text you entered has been erased.
6859 No text entered
No text was entered.
6860 Select Q and Z buttons
If your telephone has the letters Q and Z on buttons 7 and 9, press 1.
If it has the letters Q and Z on button 0, press 2. If it does not have
letters Q and Z, press 2.
6861 Backspace
6862 Space
6863 Evaluate stop key help - during deleted message
To hear the message again, press 1. To undelete the message, press 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6864 Text entry instructions for return
To cancel and return press *.
6865 Text entry instructions for backspace
For backspace press * .
6866 Help for changing PIN
Enter your new PIN followed by #. To return to the main menu, press
* *.
6888 Voice Format Menu
To select a type of .wav, press 1. For .au, press 2. For DT/6, press 3.
For DT/6 GSM, press 4. For 32KADPCM, press 5. To return, press 7.
6900 Enter the 10-digit number
Please enter the 10-digit telephone number for the party you are
trying to reach.
6901 Main menu for Home subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To access greetings, press 2. To
change your account options, press 3.
6902 Main menu for Home subscriber when no messages exist
To select or record greetings, press 2. To change your account options,
press 3.
6903 Control menu for Home subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To select or record greetings, press
2. To change your account options, press 3. To hear the number of
new and saved messages in your mailbox, press 4. To disconnect,
press 5.
6904 Control menu timeout help for Home subscriber
For help, press 0.
6905 Main menu help for Home subscriber
You have the following options: To retrieve your messages, press 1. To
select or record greetings, press 2. To change your account options,
press 3. To hear the number of new and saved messages in your
mailbox, press 4. To disconnect, press 5.
6906 Main menu help for Home subscriber when no messages exist
You have the following options: To select or record greetings, press 2.
To change your account options, press 3. To check for messages while
on this call, press 4. To disconnect, press 5.
6907 Main menu timeout help for Home subscriber
For help, press 0. To return to the main menu, press *.
6908 Instructions for return from menu 6910 No messages
To return to the main menu, press *.
Administrator's Guide
6909 Day
6910 No messages
You have no new or saved messages. To access your deleted
messages, press 9.
6911 Listen options Menu Help
To move to the next message, press #, To listen to the message from
the beginning, press 1, To save the message, press 2, To delete the
message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this
message to another mailbox, press 5. To hear the last nine seconds of
the message again, press 7. To hear when the message was sent, press
8. To access your deleted messages, press 9.
6912 Post-recording reply menu for Home subscriber
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4.
6913 Send Message Options Menu for Home subscriber
To listen to the message before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2. To cancel sending the message, press 3. To add a
comment to the beginning of the message, press 4. To change the
addressee, press 5. To add a comment to the end of the message, press
6914 DaysB4Delete: message will be deleted in...
This message will be automatically deleted in
6915 DaysB4Delete: days 6916 DaysB4Delete: deleted tomorrow 6917
DaysB4Delete: deleted today 6918 DaysB4Delete: save for additional time
6920 System default greeting selected
6916 DaysB4Delete: deleted tomorrow
This message will be automatically deleted tomorrow.
6917 DaysB4Delete: deleted today
This message will be automatically deleted today.
6918 DaysB4Delete: save for additional time
You may save the message for an additional 14 days.
6919 Extend life of message
You may save this message for an additional...
6920 System default greeting selected
Your current greeting is the system default greeting.
6921 Personal greeting selected
Your current greeting is your personal greeting.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6922 Alternate greeting selected
Your current greeting is your alternate greeting.
6923 Announcement-only greeting
Your current greeting is your not accepting messages greeting.
6925 Greeting options menu
To select your personal greeting, press 1. To select your alternate
greeting, press 2. If you are not accepting messages, press 3. To select
the system greeting, press 4. To change your recorded name, press 5.
To change your busy greeting, press 6. To return, press 7.
6926 Confirm activation of personal greeting
Your personal greeting is now active.
6927 Confirm activation of alternate greeting
Your alternate greeting is now active.
6928 Confirm activation of announcement-only greeting
Your not accepting messages greeting is now active.
6929 Callers hear
Your callers will now hear:
6930 Greeting menu
To play this greeting, press 1. To rerecord this greeting, press 2. To
return, press 7.
6931 Audio name Menu
To play your recorded name, press 1. To rerecord your recorded name,
press 2 . To delete your recorded name, press 3. To return, press 7.
6932 Busy greeting menu
To play your busy greeting, press 1. To rerecord your busy greeting,
press 2. To delete your busy greeting, press 3. To return, press 7.
6933 No busy greeting
There is no busy greeting for this mailbox.
6940 Account options menu
To change your PIN, press 1. To change your Find Me Follow Me
options, press 2.
6941 Account options menu. Message Headers turn on
Message headers are off. To turn on message headers, press 3.
6942 Account options menu. Message Headers turn on off
Message headers are on. To turn off message headers, press 3.
6943 Account options menu. Pin Security turn on
PIN security is off. To turn PIN security on, press 4.
Administrator's Guide
6944 Account options menu. Pin Security turn off
PIN security is on. To turn PIN security off, press 4.
6945 Account options menu. Answer on
Unified Messaging will not answer your calls. To allow Unified
Messaging to answer your calls, press 5.
6946 Account options menu. Answer off
Unified Messaging will answer your calls. To stop Unified Messaging
answering your calls, press 5.
6947 Account options menu if referral is disabled for partition or
To change your PIN, press 1.
6949 Return from account options menu
To return to the main menu, press *.
6950 Account options menu. Distribution Lists
To work with your distribution lists, press 5.
6951 Message Headers turned on
Message headers on.
6952 Message Headers turned off
Message headers off.
6953 PIN security turned on
PIN security on.
6954 PIN security turned off
PIN security off.
6955 Answer on
Unified Messaging answer on.
6956 Answer off
Unified Messaging answer off.
6960 Find Me menu
To change your 1st Find Me number, press 1. To change your 2nd
Find Me number, press 2. To change your 3rd Find Me number, press
6961 Find Me menu. Turn on find me
Find Me is off. To turn Find Me on, press 4.
6962 Find Me menu. Turn off find me
Find Me is on. To turn Find Me off, press 4.
6963 Return from find me menu
To return, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6964 Find Me Number menu
To play your Find Me Number, press 1. To update your Find Me
Number, press 2. To delete your Find Me Number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
6965 Find Me turned on
Find Me is now on.
6966 Find Me turned off
Find Me is now off.
6967 Call acceptance
There is a call for
6968 Call acceptance. call received from
6969 Call acceptance menu
To accept the call, press 1. To decline the call, press 2. If the call is not
for you please hang up.
6970 Tell User Find Me is on
Find-Me is active.
6971 Deleted message menu
To undelete the message, press 2. To move to the next message, press
#. To listen to the message from the start, press 1. To listen to the last
nine seconds of the message, press 7. To hear when the message was
sent, press 8. To return to your new and saved messages, press 9.
6972 Request caller to record name
Please record your name after the tone so that you may be announced
6973 Instruct caller how to end recording
Press # to finish.
6974 Please Hold
Please hold while we try to reach your party. This may take a few
seconds. If you would like to cancel and leave a voicemail message,
please press # at any time. Thank you.
6975 Please hold or leave a message
Please hold while we try to reach your party. This may take a few
seconds. If you would like to cancel and leave a voicemail message,
please press # at any time. Thank you.
6976 Please continue to hold or leave a message
Please hold while we try to reach your party. This may take a few
seconds. If you would like to cancel and leave a voicemail message,
please press # at any time. Thank you.
Administrator's Guide
6977 Find Me. Continue to hold
Please continue to hold while we continue to try to locate the person
you have called.
6980 Only mailbox number will play
Only your mailbox number will play when others receive messages
from you. To record your audioname later, use the greetings menu,
which you can reach by pressing 2 from the main menu.
6981 First Time. Record audio name.
Thank you. Now you may record your name.
6982 First Time. Skip recording audio name menu.
To skip recording your name, press 1. To record your name, press 2.
6983 First Time. Audio name not recorded.
You have chosen not to record your name. To record your name at a
later date please access your greetings by pressing 2 from the main
6984 Not accepting messages
is not accepting messages at this time.
6985 Send Message Options Menu
To listen to the message before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2.
6986 Distribution Lists Menu
To add a member to the list, press 2. To delete a member, press 3. To
review the members, press 1. To rerecord you distribution list name,
press 4. To return to the start, press 7.
6987 Confirm distribution list name
Your Distribution list name is now...
6988 Control Menu for Small Business and Enterprise Subscribers.
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
select or record greetings, press 3. To change your account options,
press 4. For recap, press 5. To disconnect, press 6.
6989 Member not in distribution list
...is not a member of the distribution list.
6990 Post-save caller menu
You may hang up if you wish. To record another message for the
person you called, press 4. For further contact options, press 0.
6991 Caller dynamic menu page me option
To page the person you are calling, press 1.
6992 Caller dynamic menu reach me option
To try and reach the person you are calling, press 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
6993 Return from caller dynamic menu
To return to the greeting, press 3.
6994 Log on
To log on, press *.
6995 Trying to reach colleague of person you are calling
To try and reach the colleague of the person you are calling, press 7.
6996 Return
To return, press #.
6997 Main menu for Small Business and Enterprise subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. To change your account options,
press 4.
6998 Main menu for Small Business and Enterprise subscriber when no
messages exist
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. To
change your account options, press 4.
6999 Greetings menu for Small Business and Enterprise subscriber
To select your In the office and available greeting, press 1. To select
your in the office and not available greeting, press 2. To select your
not accepting messages greeting, press 3. To select the System
greeting, press 4. To change your recorded name, press 5. To select
your busy greeting, press 6. To return, press 7.
7000 Post-save caller menu if referral is disabled for partition or
You may hang up if you wish. To record another message for the
person you called, press 4.
7108 Main menu header
Main menu.
7109 Call handling help header
Call-handling menu.
7110 Select greetings help header
Select greetings menu.
7111 Select fax menu
Select fax menu.
7121 Receive message help header
Receive message menu.
7122 Send to another menu.
Send to another menu.
Administrator's Guide
7123 Send to another help header
Send to another menu.
7130 Greetings help header
Record greetings menu.
7140 Personal options help 2 header
Personal options menu 2.
7144 Send options help header
Send a message menu.
7145 Send fax options help header
Send a fax menu.
7146 Send e-mail options help header
Send an e-mail menu.
7157 Work with greetings help header
Work with greetings menu.
7158 Fax numbers menu
Work with fax numbers menu.
7160 Message attributes help header
Message attributes menu.
7165 Audio name help header
Audio name menu.
7178 Send reply help header
Send reply menu.
7179 Colleague number help menu
Colleague number help menu.
7180 Confirm colleague help header
Confirm colleague number menu.
7181 Confirm fax number menu
Confirm fax number menu.
7225 Fax options help header
Fax options help menu.
7242 Call transfer help header
Call transfer menu.
7244 Personal options help header
Personal options menu.
7245 Main menu help header
Main menu.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
7246 Personal options menu 2
Personal options menu 2.
7248 Confirmation of call referral help header
Confirmation of call referral menu.
7251 Call referral menu
Call referral menu.
7259 Confirmation of exit help header
Confirmation of exit menu.
7262 Distribution list help header
Distribution list menu.
7266 Work on distribution list help header
Work on distribution list menu.
7315 Outgoing messages help header
Outgoing messages menu.
7345 Message comment help header
Message comment menu.
7361 Distribution list or destination help header
Distribution list or destination menu.
7401 Schedule main menu
Schedule main menu.
7404 Schedule number menu
Enter schedule number menu
7405 Schedule menu header
Schedule menu.
7420 Notification level menu header
Notification level menu.
7423 Update schedule menu header
Update schedule menu.
7424 Update
7426 Delete schedule menu
Delete schedule menu.
7434 Temporary schedule menu
Temporary schedule menu.
7435 AM or PM menu
a.m. or p.m. menu.
Administrator's Guide
7440 Noon or midnight menu header
Noon or midnight menu.
7485 Mailbox in use menu header
Mailbox in use menu.
7488 Call-handling options menu 2 header
Call-handling options menu 2.
7489 Call-forwarding menu header
Call-forwarding menu.
7490 Colleague menu header
Colleague menu.
7491 ReachMe menu header
ReachMe menu.
7492 Message preferences menu header
Message preferences menu.
7493 Default ReachMe menu header
Default ReachMe menu.
7494 Temporary ReachMe menu header
Temporary ReachMe menu.
7495 Default colleague menu header
Default colleague menu.
7496 Temporary colleague menu header
Temporary colleague menu.
7497 Default call-forwarding menu header
Default call-forwarding menu.
7498 Temporary call-forwarding menu header
Temporary call-forwarding menu.
7499 Default fax menu header
Default fax menu.
7500 Temporary fax menu header
Temporary fax menu.
7501 Default pager menu header
Default pager menu.
7502 Temporary pager menu header
Temporary pager menu.
7503 Default pager reference menu header
Default pager reference menu.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
7504 Temporary pager reference menu header
Temporary pager reference menu.
7505 Attendant number menu header
Attendant number menu.
7642 Play headers off menu header
Play headers off menu.
7645 New message delete menu header
New message delete menu.
7648 Autosave message off menu header
Autosave message off menu.
7651 Send message header menu header
Send message header menu.
7654 Bilingual greetings off menu header
Bilingual greetings off menu.
7657 Clock preference 24 menu header
Clock preference 24 menu.
7658 E-mail menu header
E-mail menu.
7659 Message destination preference menu header
Message destination preference menu.
7660 Sync type menu header
Sync type menu.
7661 Message destination type menu header
Message destination type menu.
7662 Sync user off menu header
Sync user off menu.
7665 ReachMe options menu header
ReachMe options menu.
7670 Play headers on menu header
Play headers on menu.
7671 New delete menu header
New message delete menu.
7672 Autosave message menu
Autosave message menu
7673 Send message before menu header
Send message before menu.
Administrator's Guide
7674 Bilingual greetings on menu header
Bilingual greetings on menu.
7675 Clock preference 12 menu header
Clock preference 12 menu.
7676 Sync user on menu header
Sync user on menu.
7691 Pager number options menu header
Pager number options menu.
7692 Pager reference options menu header
Pager reference options menu.
7693 Attendant number options menu header
Attendant number options menu.
7723 New greeting header menu header
New greeting header menu.
7724 New notice board menu header
New notice board menu.
7725 Notice board menu header
Notice board menu.
7887 Expert menu
Next, #. Replay body, 1. Save, 2. Delete, 3. Reply, 4. Forward, 5. Add
to personal directory, 6. Hear header again, 8.
7911 Receive Messages menu header
Receive Messages menu.
7912 Send Reply menu header
Send Reply menu.
7913 Forward message menu header
Forward message menu.
7925 Select Greetings menu header
Select Greetings menu.
7930 Record greeting menu header
Record greeting menu.
7931 Audio name menu header
Recorded name menu.
7940 Account options menu header
Account options menu.
7960 Find Me Follow Me menu header
Find Me Follow Me menu.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
7964 Find Me Number menu header
Find Me Number menu.
7971 Deleted messages menu header
Deleted messages menu.
7996 Listening to a message menu header
Listening to a message.
7997 Listening to an outmail menu
Listening to an outmail message.
7999 Stop key pressed
Stop key pressed.
8000 Left message options menu - standard
To hear the message again, press 1. To save the message you have just
recorded, press 2. To cancel the message and start again, press 3. To
record the message again, press 4. To transfer to a colleague, press 5.
To transfer to another number, press 6. To change the attributes of
your message, press 8. To transfer to the attendant, press 0.
8001 Left message options menu - help
You have just finished recording a message and may now take any
one of the following actions...
8002 Call answering control menu
You also have the following control functions available via the * key:
To sign on to Unified Messaging, press * 7. To select language, press *
8. To disconnect, press * 9. To cancel and return, press * *. To carry on
from where you left off, press * #. For help, press * 0.
8003 Post left message save options menu - standard
You may hang up now if you wish. To record another message for the
person you called, press 4. To transfer to a colleague, press 5. To
transfer to another number, press 6. To transfer to the attendant, press
8004 Post left message save options menu - help
You have just saved your message in the mailbox of the person you
called. You may now take one of the following actions...
8005 Greeting interruption help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
return to the greeting, press 1. To begin recording immediately, press
#. To transfer to a colleague, press 5. To transfer to another number,
press 6. To transfer to the attendant, press 0.
8006 Record interruption help
You have just stopped recording by pressing *, the control key. To
Administrator's Guide
continue, press #. To transfer to a colleague, press 5. To transfer to
another number, press 6. To transfer to the attendant, press 0.
8007 Invalid transfer number - help
You have just pressed *, the control key. Prior to this you attempted to
transfer to an invalid number.
8008 Stopped transfer number entry - help
You have just interrupted your data entry by pressing *, the control
key. You can now enter your data again.
8009 Interrupted announcement-only greeting - help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
return to the greeting, press 1. To transfer to a colleague, press 5. To
transfer to another number, press 6. To transfer to the attendant, press
8010 Control function
For help, press 0. To carry on with what you were doing, press #. To
cancel what you were doing, press *. To return to the starting menu,
press 7. To change language, press 8. To disconnect, press 9.
8011 Control function - before * is pressed
For help, press *0. To carry on with what you were doing, press *#. To
cancel what you were doing, press **. To change language, press *8.
To disconnect, press *9. To return to the starting menu, press *7.
8012 Call-answering control function
For help, press 0. To carry on with what you were doing, press #. To
cancel and start again, press *. To sign on to Unified Messaging, press
7. To change language, press 8. To disconnect, press 9.
8013 Remote greeting interruption help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
return to the greeting, press 1. To begin recording immediately, press
#. To transfer to another number, press 6. To transfer to the attendant,
press 0.
8014 Pause during playback
[pause] To continue, press # .
8108 Unified Messaging main menu - no messages - extended
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. For
personal options, press 4. For call-handling and outgoing mail, press
8109 Call-handling options menu - extended
To work with your ReachMe number, press 1. To work with your
colleague number, press 2. To transfer to another number, press 3. To
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
work with your outgoing mail, press 4. To work with your
call-forward number, press 5. For further options, press 9. To return to
the start, press 7.
8110 Multiple greetings - extended
Select a personal greeting number 1 to 5. [Pause.] Or for
announcement-only greeting, press 6. For system greeting, press 8. For
system announcement-only greeting, press 9. To return, press 7.
8111 Fax number menu
To work with your normal fax number, press 1. To work with your
temporary fax number, press 2. To return, press 7.
8121 Listen menu - extended
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To
forward this message to another number, press 5. To call the person
who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message was sent,
press 8.
8123 Send another menu - extended
To send this message to another recipient, press 2. To return, press 7
8124 List fax menu - extended
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the fax header,
press 1. To delete the fax, press 3. To forward this fax to a fax
machine, press 5. To hear when this fax was sent, press 8.
8130 Record greeting menu - extended
To listen to the greeting, press 1. To delete the greeting, press 3. To
record the greeting, press 4. To hear your currently active greeting,
press 9. To return, press 7.
8140 Personal options menu 2 - extended
To select your voice message preferences, press 1. To record your
audio name, press 2. To select language, press 3. To switch between
standard and expert prompts, press 4. To return, press 7.
8144 Send options menu - extended
To listen to the message before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2. To record the message again, press 4. To change the
addressee, press 5. To add a comment to the message, press 6. To
change the message attributes, press 8. To cancel this message, press 7.
8145 Send fax options menu - extended
To listen to the fax header before sending, press 1. To send the fax
now, press 2. To change the fax machine number, press 5. To cancel
sending this fax, press 7.
Administrator's Guide
8155 Send e-mail options menu - extended
To listen to the e-mail before sending, press 1. To send the e-mail now,
press 2. To send the e-mail to a different person, press 5. To cancel
sending this e-mail, press 7.
8157 Greeting selection menu - extended
[Quarter-second pause.] Choose the number from 1 to 5 of the greeting
to work with. Or choose the greeting as follows: announcement-only
greeting press 6; busy greeting press 8. To hear your currently active
greeting press 9. To return, press 7.
8158 Select greeting menu
To hear the fax number, press 1. To change the fax number, press 2. To
return, press 7.
8160 Message priority - extended
Message priority. For normal priority, press 1. For urgent priority,
press 2. For emergency priority, press 3.
8161 Message privacy - extended
Message privacy. For normal privacy, press 1. To make the message
unforwardable, press 2.
8165 Audio name menu - extended
To hear your audio name, press 1. To delete your audio name, press 3.
To record your audio name, press 4. To return to the start, press 7.
8178 Reply options menu - extended
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4. To change the
attributes of the reply, press 8. To return, press 7.
8179 Colleague number menu
To set colleague number, press 2. To cancel colleague number, press 3.
To check your colleague number, press 1. To return to the start, press
8180 Colleague options menu - extended
To confirm your colleague number, press 2; otherwise, press 7 to
8181 Confirm fax number
To confirm the fax machine number, press 2; otherwise, press 7 to
8185 List e-mail menu - extended
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the e-mail, press 1.
To delete the e-mail, press 3. To forward this e-mail to a fax machine,
press 5. To hear when this e-mail was sent, press 8.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
8225 Fax options menu - extended
To confirm the fax machine number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8242 User transfer choice - extended
To try again, press 2. To return to the start, press 7
8243 Acknowledgment of receipt - extended
Acknowledgment of receipt: for no acknowledgment press 1, for an
acknowledgment press 2.
8244 Personal options menu - extended
To work with your distribution lists press 1. For your e-mail
preferences, press 2. To change your PIN, press 3. For notification
schedules, press 4. For notice board, press 5. To work with your
personal options menu 2, press 9. To return press 7.
8245 Main menu - extended
To receive your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. For personal options, press 4. For
call-handling and outgoing mail, press 5. To exit, press 7.
8246 Fax number option
To work with your fax numbers, press 1.
8248 Confirm forward or not - extended
To confirm forwarding, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8251 Call-forwarding menu
To check your call forwarding number press 1. To set your
call-forwarding number now, press 2. To cancel call forwarding, press
3. To return to the start, press 7.
8259 Confirm exit - extended
To exit to the signon procedure, press 1. To disconnect, press 9. To
return, press 7.
8262 List menu - extended
To review your distribution lists, press 1. To create a new list, press 2.
To delete a list, press 3. To work with one of your lists, press 4. To
return to the start, press 7.
8266 List member menu - extended
To review the members, press 1. To add a member to the list, press 2.
To delete a member, press 3. To return to the start, press 7.
8292 Future delivery - extended
Delivery date. For immediate delivery, press 1. For future delivery,
press 2.
Administrator's Guide
8315 Outgoing listen menu - extended
To move to the next outgoing message, press #. To listen to the
message again, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To listen to the
header, press 8. To return, press 7.
8345 Annotate menu - extended
To add to the beginning, press 1. To add to the end, press 3.
8361 Distribution or destination menu - extended
To send to a distribution list, press 1; otherwise, press 2.
8401 Notifications and schedules menu
To toggle notification on or off, press 5. To work with schedules, press
4. To create a schedule, press 2. For schedule status, press 1.
8404 Enter schedule number extended help
Please enter a schedule number from 1 to 4, or press 6 for a
temporary schedule. To toggle notifications on or off, press 5. Press 7
to return.
8405 Work with schedule - extended
To listen to the schedule, press 1. To update the schedule, press 2. To
deactivate the schedule, press 3. To activate the schedule, press 4. To
return to schedule main menu, press 7.
8420 Enter notification level - extended
Please enter notification level. For all messages, press 1. For urgent
messages, press 2. For emergency messages, press 3.
8423 Update schedule - extended
Update schedule. To update the main number, press 1. To update
backup phone number, press 2. To update the start time, press 3. To
update the stop time, press 4. To update the notification level, press 5.
To update the days assigned to this schedule, press 6. To return to
schedule menu, press 7.
8424 Update confirmation - extended
To update, press 1. To return without updating, press 2.
8426 Confirm schedule deletion
Are you sure you wish to delete this schedule? To return without
deleting, press 2. To delete the schedule, press 3.
8434 Temporary schedule menu
To create a temporary schedule, press 2. To delete the temporary
schedule, press 3.
8435 AM or PM - extended
For a.m. press 1. For p.m. press 2.
8440 Noon or midnight - extended
For noon, press 1. For midnight, press 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
8488 Call-handling options menu 2 - extended
To work with your normal fax number press 1. For your temporary
fax number, press 2. For your normal pager number, press 3. For your
temporary pager number, press 4. For your normal pager reference,
press 5. For your temporary pager reference, press 6. For your
attendant number, press 8. To return, press 7.
8489 Call-forwarding menu - extended
To work with your normal call-forwarding number press 1, or press 2
for your temporary number. To return press 7.
8490 Colleague menu - extended
To work with your normal colleague number press 1, or press 2 for
your temporary number. To return press 7.
8491 ReachMe menu - extended
To work with your normal ReachMe number, press 1, or press 2 for
your temporary number. To return press 7.
8492 Message preferences menu - extended
To set your play headers preference press 1, or press 2 for new
message delete preference, 3 for autosave message preference, 4 for
send message header preference, 5 for bilingual greeting preference, 6
for clock preference. To return press 7.
8493 Default ReachMe number menu - extended
To listen to your ReachMe number, press 1. To set your ReachMe
number, press 2. To delete your ReachMe number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
8494 Temporary ReachMe number menu - extended
To listen to your temporary ReachMe number, press 1. To set your
temporary ReachMe number, press 2. To delete your temporary
ReachMe number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8495 Default colleague number menu - extended
To listen to your colleague number, press 1. To set your colleague
number, press 2. To delete your colleague number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
8496 Temporary colleague number menu - extended
To listen to your temporary colleague number, press 1. To set your
temporary colleague number, press 2. To delete your temporary
colleague number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8497 Default call-forwarding number menu - extended
To listen to your call-forwarding number, press 1. To set your
call-forwarding number, press 2. To delete your call-forwarding
number, press 3. To return, press 7.
Administrator's Guide
8498 Temporary call-forwarding number menu - extended
To listen to your temporary call-forwarding number, press 1. To set
your temporary call-forwarding number, press 2. To delete your
temporary call-forwarding number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8499 Default fax number menu - extended
To listen to your fax number, press 1. To set your fax number, press 2.
To delete your fax number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8500 Temporary fax number menu - extended
To listen to your temporary fax number, press 1. To set your
temporary fax number, press 2. To delete your temporary fax number,
press 3. To return, press 7.
8501 Default pager number menu - extended
To listen to your pager number, press 1. To set your pager number,
press 2. To delete your pager number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8502 Temporary pager number menu - extended
To listen to your temporary pager number, press 1. To set your
temporary pager number, press 2. To delete your temporary pager
number, press 3. To return, press 7.
8503 Default pager reference menu - extended
To listen to your pager reference, press 1. To set your pager reference,
press 2. To delete your pager reference, press 3. To return, press 7.
8504 Temporary pager reference menu - extended
To listen to your temporary pager reference, press 1. To set your
temporary pager reference, press 2. To delete your temporary pager
reference, press 3. To return, press 7.
8505 Attendant number menu - extended
To listen to your attendant number, press 1. To set your attendant
number, press 2. To delete your attendant number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
8642 Play headers off menu - extended
To choose not to play message headers before each message press 2.
Press 7 to cancel.
8645 New message delete off menu - extended
To disable new message deletion press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
8648 Autosave message off menu - extended
To choose not to save new messages automatically press 2. Press 7 to
8651 Send message header menu - extended
To specify the message address after recording the message press 2.
Press 7 to cancel.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
8654 Bilingual greetings off menu - extended
To disable bilingual greetings press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
8657 Clock preference 24 menu - extended
To use the 24-hour clock press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
8658 E-mail menu - extended
To set your message destination preferences press 1. To set your
message destination type press 2. To return press 7.
8659 Message destination preference menu - extended
To select a message destination of local, press 1. Press 2 for remote, 3
for local and remote. To return, press 7.
8660 Sync type menu - extended
To select a type of all press 1. Press 2 for nolink, 3 for voice mail to
e-mail. To return press 7.
8661 Message destination type menu - extended
To select a type of .wav press 1. Press 2 for .au. To return press 7.
8662 Sync user off menu - extended
To disable synchronization press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
8663 e-mail address unavailable
You do not currently have an e-mail address
8665 ReachMe options menu - extended
To confirm your ReachMe Number, press 2; otherwise, press 7 to
8670 Play headers on menu - extended
To play message headers before each message press 2. Press 7 to
8671 New message delete on menu - extended
To enable new message deletion press 2. Press 7 to cancel.
8672 Confirm automatic saving of new messages
To save new messages automatically, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8673 Send message before menu - extended
To specify the message address before recording the message press 2.
To cancel, press 7 .
8674 Bilingual greetings on menu - extended
To enable bilingual greetings press 2. To cancel, press 7
8675 Clock preference 12 menu
To use the 12-hour clock press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8676 Sync user on menu - extended
To enable synchronization press 2. To cancel, press 7.
Administrator's Guide
8691 Pager number options menu - extended
To confirm the pager number, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8692 Pager reference options menu - extended
To confirm the pager reference, press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8693 Attendant options menu
To confirm the attendant number press 2. To cancel, press 7.
8723 New greeting header menu
To listen to the greeting header press 1. To delete the greeting header,
press 3. To record the greeting header, press 4. To select a greeting,
press 5. To work with your greetings, press 6. To hear your currently
active greeting, press 9. To return, press 7.
8724 New notice board menu
To create a notice board, press 2. To return, press 7.
8725 Notice board menu
To listen to the notice board, press 1. To update, press 2. To delete,
press 3. To return, press 7.
8911 Receive Messages menu help
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message from
the beginning, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the
message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward this
message to another mailbox, press 5. To hear the end of the message
again, press 7. To hear when the message was sent, press 8. To access
your deleted messages, press 9.
8912 Send Reply menu help
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4.
8913 Forward message menu help
To listen to the message before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2. To cancel sending the message, press 3. To add a
comment to the beginning of the message, press 4. To change the
addressee, press 5. To add a comment to the end of the message, press
8925 Select Greetings menu help
To select your personal greeting, press 1. To select your alternate
greeting, press 2. If you are not accepting messages, press 3. To select
the system greeting, press 4. To change your recorded name, press 5.
To change your busy greeting, press 6. To return, press 7.
8930 Record greeting menu help
To play this greeting, press 1. To rerecord this greeting, press 2. To
return, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
8931 Audio name menu help
To play your recorded name, press 1. To rerecord your recorded name,
press 2. To delete your recorded name, press 3. To return, press 7.
8940 Account options menu help
To change your PIN, press 1. To change your Find Me Follow Me
options, press 2. To toggle message headers on and off, press 3, To
toggle PIN security on and off, press 4.
8941 Account options menu help if referral is disabled for partition or
To change your PIN, press 1. To toggle message headers on and off,
press 3, To toggle PIN security on and off, press 4.
8960 Find Me Follow Me menu help
To change your 1st Find Me number, press 1. To change your 2nd
Find Me number, press 2. To change your 3rd Find Me number, press
3. To toggle Find Me on and off, press 4. To return, press 7.
8964 Find Me Number menu help
To play your Find Me Number, press 1. To update your Find Me
Number, press 2. To delete your Find Me Number, press 3. To return,
press 7.
8971 Deleted messages menu help
To undelete the message, press 2. To move to the next message, press
#. To listen to the message from the start, press 1. To listen to the
message from near the end, press 7. To hear when the message was
sent, press 8. To return to your new and saved messages, press 9.
8996 Keys during main listen menu - extended
To hear message again, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3.
8997 Keys during outmail listen menu - extended
To hear message again, press 1. To delete the message, press 3.
8998 Beep error
[A dissuasion tone played when someone makes a bad choice; followed by a
1-second pause.]
9000 Automated call - extended
Automated call. Please disconnect. [Note: This segment must be shorter
than 4 seconds.]
9001 Computer controlled number
You have called a computer controlled number. Please hang up.
9010 Brief silence
[short pause – 500 ms silence.]
Administrator's Guide
9020 Invalid key tone
[suasion tone]
9400 Main expired message menu
You have messages that have expired. To listen to these messages
before they are deleted permanently, Press 1. Otherwise press 2.
9401 Timeout waiting for input or incorrect input
You have messages that have expired and must be deleted. You may
choose to listen to these messages one last time before they are
deleted, or to simply delete them without listening. To listen to these
messages before they are deleted permanently, Press 1. Otherwise
press 2.
9402 Key pressed during header
You have pressed an incorrect key during the header.
9403 Listen options menu for expired messages
To listen to the message press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To
hear when the message was sent press 8.
9404 Expert listen options menu for expired messages
Listen 1. Delete 3. Date and time 8.
9405 Deletion of message not yet listened to is prohibited
You can't delete a new message until listened to. To listen to these
messages, Press 1.
9406 All expired messages deleted
All expired messages have been deleted.
9407 Error processing expired messages
Unable to complete the check for expired messages.
9500 Main menu - no local messages
To receive your remote e-mail messages, press 1. To send a message,
press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. For personal options,
press 4. For call-handling and outgoing mail, press 5. To exit, press 7.
9501 Local and remote messages menu
For local messages, press 1. For remote e-mail messages, press 2. To
return, press 7.
9502 Directory filter menu
For all your messages, press 1. For messages from a particular person,
press 2. To return, press 7.
9503 Main menu - Residential subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To work with your greeting, press
3. To change your PIN, press 4. To exit, press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9504 Main menu - no local messages - Residential subscriber
To work with your greeting, press 3. To change your PIN, press 4. To
exit, press 7.
9505 Main menu - Remote e-mail only subscriber
To retrieve your e-mail messages, press 1. To change your PIN, press
4. To work with your deleted e-mail messages, press 5.
9506 Listen options menu - Residential subscriber
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message, press 3. To
return, press 7.
9507 Greeting menu - Residential subscriber
To listen to the greeting, press 1. To record the greeting, press 2. To
delete the greeting, press 3. To return, press 7.
9508 Default Remote e-mail only subscriber greeting
This subscriber cannot accept voice messages.
9509 Greeting announcement
Your current greeting is...
9510 No greeting announcement
You do not currently have a greeting recorded.
9511 Get control menu option - no prompt - Residential subscriber
To start recording immediately, press #. To cancel and start again,
press *. To sign on to Unified Messaging, press 7. To disconnect, press
9512 Get control menu option - Residential subscriber
To cancel and start again, press *. To sign on to Unified Messaging,
press 7. To disconnect, press 9.
9513 Main post-record options menu
To hear the message again, press 1. To save the message you have just
recorded, press 2. To cancel the message and start again, press 3. To
record the message again, press 4. To mark the message as urgent,
press 5. To mark the message as private, press 6. For other contact
options, press #.
9514 Extended contact options menu
For immediate assistance, press 0. To dial another number, press 1. To
reach the person's colleague, press 2. To try and reach the person you
are calling, press 3. To page the person you are calling, press 4.
9515 Expert main menu - no local messages
Receive e-mail 1. Send 2. Greetings 3. Personal 4. Call-handling 5. Exit
Administrator's Guide
9516 Receive messages options menu
To receive your voice messages, press 1. To receive your remote e-mail
messages, press 2.
9517 Expert receive messages options menu
Voice 1. E-mail 2.
9518 Receive local messages options menu header
Receive voice messages menu.
9519 Receive remote messages options menu header
Receive e-mail messages menu.
9520 Server problem e-mail account
You currently do not have any e-mail server information configured.
Please go to the Unified Messaging web site and add your e-mail
server name, logon name and PIN. Contact your system administrator
if you continue to have a problem.
9521 Logon problem e-mail account
We are sorry, but we could not log on to your e-mail server using the
logon name and PIN that we have registered for you. Please go to the
Unified Messaging web site and reenter this information. Contact your
system administrator if you continue to have problem.
9522 Expert directory filter menu
All in address book 1. Particular person 2. All e-mail 3. Exit 7.
9523 Directory filter menu
To listen to e-mail messages from members of your personal address
book, press 1. To listen to e-mail messages from a person or group
name, press 2. To listen to all your e-mail messages, press 3. To exit,
press 7.
9524 Directory filter menu header
Directory filter menu.
9525 Senders list announcement
For messages from...
9526 Press zero
... Press zero.
9527 No directory selection
To return without selecting a personal directory entry, press #.
9528 Invalid directory entry
I am sorry, but this is not a valid directory entry.
9529 Directory empty
Your personal directory is empty.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9530 E-mail options help menu header
E-mail options help menu.
9531 E-mail options help menu - while header is being played
To move to the next message, press #. To play the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To add the sender to your personal directory, press 6. To hear
the message header again, press 8.
9532 Expert e-mail options help menu - while header is being played
Next, #. Listen body, 1. Save, 2. Delete, 3. Reply, 4. Forward, 5. Add
sender, 6. Hear header again, 8.
9533 Sender announcement
... from...
9534 Subject announcement
9535 Date sent announcement
Received on...
9536 Unknown e-mail attachment format
There are attachments in the message that are neither text nor voice.
Please use your e-mail client to retrieve these attachments.
9537 End e-mail options menu
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To add the sender to your personal directory, press 6. To hear
the message header again, press 8. To replay the last two phrases,
press 9.
9538 Expert end e-mail options menu
Next #. Replay body 1. Save 2. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Save
sender e-mail 6. Hear header again 8. Replay last two phrases 9.
9539 E-mail options menu header
E-mail options menu.
9540 E-mail options help menu - while body is being played
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To add the sender to your personal directory, press 6. To go
back to the start of the previous phrase, press 7. To hear the message
header again, press 8. To skip to the start of the next phrase, press 9.
Administrator's Guide
9541 Confirm remote message marked as read
The message has been marked as read.
9542 Cannot mark remote message as read
The message could not be marked as read. Contact your system
administrator if the problem persists.
9543 No more new remote messages
You have no more new messages.
9544 Cannot delete remote message
The message could not be marked for deletion.
9545 Confirm deleted remote message
The message has been marked for deletion and will be purged when
you hang up.
9546 Reply remote messages menu options
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4. To return, press 7.
9547 Expert reply remote messages menu options
Hear reply 1. Send 2. Cancel 3. Record again 4. Return 7.
9548 Reply to e-mail menu
Reply e-mail options menu.
9549 Confirm reply sent
Your reply has been sent.
9550 Cannot send reply
An error occurred while sending the reply. If the problem persists,
please contact your system administrator.
9551 Senders list announcement
To forward the message to...
9552 Cannot forward message
The message was not forwarded.
9553 Forward remote messages options menu
To listen to the comment before sending, press 1. To send the message
now, press 2. To change the addressee, press 5. To add a comment to
the message, press 6. To cancel, press 7.
9554 Expert forward remote messages options menu
Listen comment 1. Send 2. Change addressee 5. Add comment 6.
Cancel 7.
9555 Forward remote messages options menu header
Forward e-mail options menu.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9556 Cannot record comment
No comment was recorded.
9557 Confirm forward sent
The message was forwarded successfully.
9558 Cannot forward messages
The message could not be forwarded. If the problem persists, please
contact your system administrator.
9559 Cannot read last two phrases
The last two phrases of the message could not be read. If the problem
persists, please contact your system administrator.
9560 Empty text part
This e-mail contains an empty text part.
9561 Expert e-mail options help menu - while header is being played
To move to the next message, press #. To play the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To add the sender
to your personal directory, press 6. To hear the message header again,
press 8.
9562 Expert e-mail options help menu - while body is being played
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To add the sender
to your personal directory, press 6. To go back to the start of the
previous phrase, press 7. To hear the message header again, press 8.
To skip to the start of the next phrase, press 9.
9563 End e-mail options menu - saved messages
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To add the sender
to your personal directory, press 6. To hear the message header again,
press 8. To replay the last two phrases, press 9.
9564 Expert end e-mail options menu - saved messages
Next #. Replay body 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Save sender
e-mail 6. Hear header again 8. Replay last two phrases 9.
9565 No subject
There is no subject.
9566 Urgent message number announcement
New urgent message number...
Administrator's Guide
9567 Remote e-mail only subscriber - main menu
To receive your remote e-mail messages, press 1. To change your PIN,
press 4. To work with your deleted messages, press 5. To exit, press 7.
9568 Expert Remote e-mail only subscriber - main menu
Receive e-mail 1. Change PIN 4. Delete messages 5. Exit 7.
9569 Current greeting announcement
You have said that...
9570 Option available and working at the office
...you are available and working at the office.
9571 Option available and working away from the office
...you are available, but working away from the office.
9572 Option unavailable but accepting messages
...you are unavailable but accepting messages
9573 Option left for the day
...you have left for the day.
9574 Option unavailable and not accepting messages
...you are unavailable and not accepting messages.
9575 No greeting
There is no valid greeting selected...
9576 Greeting options menu - expert prompt
If you are available and working at the office, press 1. If you are
available and working away from the office, press 2. If you are
unavailable, press 3. If you have left for the day, press 4. If you wish
to update the greeting which plays when you are speaking on the
phone, press 5. To update your greeting header, press 6.
9577 Greeting main menu - normal prompt
If you are available and working at the office, press 1. If you are
available and working away from the office, press 2. If you are
unavailable, press 3. If you have left for the day, press 4. If you wish
to update the greeting which plays when you are speaking on the
phone, press 5.
9578 Greeting options menu header
Greeting Options Menu.
9579 Unavailable options menu
You have said you were not available. If you are accepting messages,
press 1. If you are not accepting messages, press 2. To return, press 7.
9580 Unavailable options menu header
Unavailable Options Menu.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9581 Greeting selected does not exist
The greeting you have selected does not exist. You must now record
that greeting or select a different greeting that does exist.
9582 Greeting selected announcement
The greeting that will play when...
9583 Greeting available and working at the office
...you are available and working at the office...
9584 Greeting available and working away from the office
...you are available, but working away from the office...
9585 Greeting left for the day
...you have left for the day...
9586 Busy greeting
...you are on the phone...
9587 Greeting header
...your greeting header...
9588 is
9589 No greeting selected
No greeting selected.
9590 Current greeting - unavailable but accepting messages
...you are unavailable but accepting messages...
9591 Current greeting - unavailable and not accepting messages
...you are unavailable and not accepting messages...
9592 Update greeting menu
To keep this greeting, press 1. To rerecord this greeting, press 2. To
delete the greeting, press 3.
9593 Update greeting menu header
Update Greeting Menu.
9594 Record greeting requested
Please record your greeting after the tone. Press # to finish.
9595 Confirm greeting changed
The greeting has been changed.
9596 Confirm greeting deletion
The greeting has been deleted.
9597 Nothing recorded
Nothing was recorded.
Administrator's Guide
9598 Caller options available announcement
The options that you currently have active are...
9599 Leave a message option
Callers can leave you a message.
9600 Pager option
Callers can page you.
9601 Reach-Me option
Callers can use ReachMe.
9602 Backup option
Callers can transfer to your colleague.
9603 Transfer option
Callers can transfer to the call center or to any other extension.
9604 Caller options available menu
To change further greeting, press 3. To change call-handling options,
press 5. To return to the main menu, press 7.
9605 Caller options available menu header
Caller options available menu.
9606 Update greeting menu - no current greeting
To keep this greeting, press 1. To rerecord this greeting, press 2.
9607 Call-handling options menu
To set your ReachMe number, press 1. To set your colleague number,
press 2. To transfer to another number, press 3. To work with your
outgoing mail, press 4. To set your automatic call-forwarding number,
press 5. To work with your deleted messages, press 8. For further
options, press 9.
9608 Expert call-handling options menu
ReachMe 1. Colleague 2. Transfer 3. Outgoing mail 4. Automatic call
forwarding 5. Deleted messages 8. More options 9.
9609 Confirm message undeletion
The message has been undeleted.
9610 No deleted messages
You have no deleted messages.
9611 Deleted messages option menu
For deleted voice messages, press 1. For deleted remote e-mail
messages, press 2.
9612 Expert deleted messages option menu
Voice messages, 1. Remote e-mail messages, 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9613 One deleted message
You have one deleted message.
9614 Two deleted messages
You have two deleted messages.
9615 Three deleted messages
You have three deleted messages.
9616 Four deleted messages
You have four deleted messages.
9617 Five deleted messages
You have five deleted messages.
9618 Six deleted messages
You have six deleted messages.
9619 Seven deleted messages
You have seven deleted messages.
9620 Eight deleted messages
You have eight deleted messages.
9621 Nine deleted messages
You have nine deleted messages.
9622 10 deleted messages
You have 10 deleted messages.
9623 11 deleted messages
You have 11 deleted messages.
9624 12 deleted messages
You have 12 deleted messages.
9625 13 deleted messages
You have 13 deleted messages.
9626 14 deleted messages
You have 14 deleted messages.
9627 15 deleted messages
You have 15 deleted messages.
9628 16 deleted messages
You have 16 deleted messages.
9629 17 deleted messages
You have 17 deleted messages.
9630 18 deleted messages
You have 18 deleted messages.
Administrator's Guide
9631 19 deleted messages
You have 19 deleted messages.
9632 20 deleted messages
You have 20 deleted messages.
9633 Number of deleted messages
...deleted messages.
9634 No more deleted messages
You have no more deleted messages.
9635 Evaluate stop key header - during deleted message
Listening to a deleted message.
9636 Deleted voice messages interrupted menu
To hear the message again, press 1. To undelete the message, press 4.
9637 Deleted voice messages option menu
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To undelete the message, press 4. To hear when the message was
sent, press 8.
9638 Expert deleted voice messages option menu
Next, #. Listen, 1. Undelete, 4. Date and time, 8.
9639 Deleted voice messages menu header
Deleted voice messages menu.
9640 Listen options help menu - deleted voice messages
To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the message, press
1. To undelete the message, press 4. To hear when the message was
sent, press 8.
9641 Deleted message number announcement
Deleted message number...
9642 Deleted messages option menu
For deleted voice messages, press 1. For deleted remote e-mail
messages, press 2.
9643 Expert deleted messages option menu
Voice 1. E-mail 2.
9644 Record current greeting option
To record this greeting, press 2.
9645 Record greeting - first time logon
Thank you...you can now record your available and working at the
office greeting or use a system greeting.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9646 Record greeting options menu - first time logon
To choose the system greeting, press 1. To record your "available and
working at the office" greeting, press 2.
9647 Good advice about recording greeting
Here is some good advice about the type of things you should
consider in your "available and working at the office" greeting.
9648 Record available and working at the office greeting
At the tone, please record your "available and working at the office"
greeting. Press # when you have finished.
9649 Confirm available and working at the office greeting recorded
The "available and working at the office" greeting you recorded was...
9650 Record current greeting option menu
If you would like to rerecord your greeting, press 4. If you are
satisfied, press # .
9651 Immediate assistance option
For immediate assistance, press 0.
9652 Transfer option
To dial another number, press 1.
9653 Backup option
To reach the person's colleague, press 2.
9654 Reach-Me option
To try and reach the person you are calling, press 3.
9655 Pager option
To page the person you are calling, press 4.
9656 Expert listen options menu
Next #. Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6. Date and
Time 8. Listen to last nine seconds 9
9657 Listen options menu
To listen to the message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To
forward this message to another number, press 5. To call the person
who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message was sent,
press 8. To listen to the last nine seconds of the message, press 9. To
move to the next message, press #.
9658 Listen options menu 2
To listen to the message, press 1. To reply to the message, press 4. To
forward this message to another number, press 5. To call the person
who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message was sent,
press 8. To listen to the last nine seconds of the message, press 9. To
move to the next message, press #.
Administrator's Guide
9659 Personal options menu
To work with your distribution lists, press 1. For your e-mail
preferences, press 2. To change your PIN, press 3. For notification
schedules, press 4. For the notice board, press 5. To record your audio
name, press 6. To switch between standard and expert prompts, press
8. To work with other options, press 9. To return, press 7.
9660 Personal options menu 2
To select your voice message preferences, press 1. To select language,
press 3. To return, press 7.
9661 Expert personal options menu
Distribution lists 1. E-mail 2. PIN 3. Schedules 4. Notice board 5.
Audio name 6. Return 7. Prompts 8. More options 9.
9662 Expert personal options menu 2
Message preferences 1. Language 3. Return 7.
9663 Contact options menu header
Contact Options Menu.
9664 Call handling options menu 2
To work with your fax number, press 1. To work with your pager
number, press 3. To work with your pager reference number, press 5.
To work with the attendant number, press 8. To return, press 7.
9665 No answering service greeting
...has no answering service. Please try an alternative number, or if you
wish you may press 0 for more options.
9666 End e-mail options menu - without options [2] and [9]
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To add the sender
to your personal directory, press 6. To hear the message header again,
press 8.
9667 Expert end e-mail options menu - without options [2] and [9]
Next #. Replay body 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Save sender
e-mail 6. Hear header again 8
9668 End e-mail options menu - without option [9]
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To add the sender to your personal directory, press 6. To hear
the message header again, press 8.
9669 Expert end e-mail options menu - without option [9]
Next #. Replay body 1. Save 2. Delete 3. Reply 4. Forward 5. Save
sender e-mail 6. Hear header again 8.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9670 Deleted new messages
...deleted new messages and...
9671 One deleted new message
You have one deleted new message and...
9672 No deleted new messages
You have no deleted new messages...
9673 Deleted saved messages
Deleted saved messages...
9674 One deleted saved message
One deleted saved message...
9675 No deleted saved messages
No deleted saved messages...
9676 Deleted e-mail options menu - while message is playing
To play the body of the message, press 1. To undelete the message,
press 4. To hear the message header again, press 8. To move to the
next message, press #.
9677 Expert deleted e-mail options menu - while message is playing
Replay body 1. Undelete 4. Hear header again 8. Next #.
9678 No more deleted messages
You have no more deleted new messages...
9679 Deleted e-mail options menu
To listen to the message again, press 1. To undelete the message, press
4. To hear the message header again, press 8. To move to the next
message, press #.
9680 Expert deleted e-mail options menu
Listen 1. Undelete 4. Hear header again 8. Next #.
9681 Deleted e-mail options menu header
Deleted E-mail Options Menu.
9682 Cannot undelete message
The message could not be undeleted.
9683 Confirm new message deletion
Deleted new message number...
9684 Confirm saved message deletion
Deleted saved message number...
9685 Accessing e-mail account
Please wait while we access your e-mail account.
9686 Message preferences options menu
To set your play header preferences, press 1. Or press 2 for new
Administrator's Guide
messages delete preferences, 3 for auto-save messages preferences, 4
for send message header preferences, 6 for clock preference. To return,
press 7.
9687 Deleted messages menu header
Deleted Messages Menu.
9688 Greeting interruption help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
return to the greeting, press 1. To begin recording immediately, press
#. For additional options, press 0.
9689 Interrupted announcement-only greeting - help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
return to the greeting, press 1. For additional options, press 0.
9690 Record interruption help
You have just interrupted a greeting by pressing *, the control key. To
continue, press #. For additional options, press 0.
9691 Unified Messaging main menu
To receive your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. For personal options, press 4. For
call-handling and outgoing mail, press 5. To exit, press 7.
9692 Expert Unified Messaging main menu
Receive 1. Send 2. Greetings 3. Personal 4. Call-handling 5. Exit 7
9693 Unified Messaging main menu - no messages
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. For
personal options, press 4. For call-handling and outgoing mail, press
5. To exit, press 7.
9694 Expert Unified Messaging main menu - no messages
Send 2. Greetings 3. Personal 4. Call-handling 5. Exit 7
9695 Call-handling options menu 2 - extended
To work with your fax number, press 1. To work with your pager
number, press 3. To work with your pager reference number, press 5.
To work with the attendant number, press 8. To return, press 7.
9696 Expert listen options menu for private messages (standard subscribers)
Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Next #.
9697 Listen options menu for private messages (standard subscribers)
To listen to the message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To call
the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message
was sent, press 8. To move to the next message, press #.
9698 Listen options menu 2 for private messages (standard subscribers)
To listen to the message, press 1. To reply to the message, press 4. To
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
call the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the
message was sent, press 8. To move to the next message, press #.
9699 New private message number
New private message number.
9700 Expert listen options menu for private messages (business subscribers)
Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Last nine
seconds 9. Next #.
9701 Listen options menu for private messages (business subscribers)
To listen to the message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To call
the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message
was sent, press 8. To listen to the last nine seconds of the message,
press 9. To move to the next message, press #.
9702 Listen options menu 2 for private messages (business subscribers)
To listen to the message, press 1. To reply to the message, press 4. To
call the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the
message was sent, press 8. To listen to the last 9 seconds of the
message, press 9. To move to the next message, press #.
9703 Unsuccessful transfer
The transfer was unsuccessful.
9704 Notice board option
To listen to the notice board, press 5.
9705 New urgent private message
New urgent private message number...
9706 New emergency private message
New emergency private message number...
9707 Expert listen options menu 2
Listen 1. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Last nine
seconds 9. Next #.
9708 Expert listen options menu 2 for private messages (business
Listen 1. Reply 4. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Last 9 seconds 9.
Next #.
9709 Message deleted
The message will be deleted when you hang up.
9710 Listen options menu
To save the message, press 2. To delete the message, press 3. To hear
the message header again, press 8. To move to the next message, press
Administrator's Guide
9711 Expert listen options menu
Next, #. Save, 2. Delete, 3. Header, 8.
9712 Confidential e-mail
This message is confidential. Please use your e-mail client to retrieve
the message.
9713 You have one message
You have one message.
9714 Number of messages
9715 Number of invalid messages
...invalid messages.
9716 Prompt for Reachme PIN
Please enter your Reachme PIN in order to receive the call.
9717 One invalid message
You have one invalid message.
9718 Message deleted
Message number...
9719 Urgent message number
Urgent message number...
9720 InvalidDistDest
Invalid destination found...
9721 Enter Find Me
Please enter the Find Me number, followed by #.
9722 Find Me number not valid
Your Find Me number is not valid. Find Me numbers must be 10
digits and may not include premium rate numbers.
9723 Find Me number changed
Your Find Me number has been changed.
9724 Find Me number deleted
Your Find Me number has been deleted.
9725 Find Me number set
No Find Me number has been set.
9726 Find me is
Your Find Me Number is...
9727 PIN not valid
Your PIN does not meet security guidelines. Your PIN must be a
minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 digits and may not be the same
as your default PIN.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9728 Mailbox is full
Unified Messaging is full. You will not be able to receive any new
messages until you have deleted some messages. Please press 1 to
access your messages.
9729 Enter Find Me number
Please enter the Find Me number, followed by #.
9730 Confirm Find Me number is changed
Your Find Me number has been changed.
9731 Confirm Find Me number is deleted
Your Find Me number has been deleted.
9732 No Find Me set
No Find Me number has been set.
9733 Find me is
Your Find Me Number is...
9734 Please hold
Please hold while we try to reach your party. This may take a few
seconds, if you would like to cancel and leave a voicemail message,
please press # at anytime. Thank You.
9735 Find Me number not valid
Your Find Me number is not valid. Find Me numbers must be 10
digits and may not include premium rate numbers.
9736 Not accepting messages
Is not accepting messages at this time. You will now be disconnected.
Good bye.
9737 End of new messages
End of new messages. To return to the main menu press* .
9738 End of saved messages
End of saved messages. To return to the main menu press *.
9739 First Time. Confirm audio name.
If you are satisfied with the recording then press 1. If you would like
to rerecord your name, press 2.
9740 First Time. Confirm greeting.
If you are satisfied with the recording, press 1. If you would like to
rerecord your greeting, press 2.
9741 Invalid Find Me number
Your Find Me number is not valid. Find Me numbers must be 10
digits and may not include premium rate numbers.
9742 Enter Find me number
Please enter the Find Me number, followed by # .
Administrator's Guide
9743PIN not valid
Your PIN does not meet security guidelines. Your PIN must be a
minimum of 4 and a maximum of 8 digits and may not be the same
as your default PIN.
9744 PIN reset
Your PIN was reset to a temporary or default PIN. You must change it
9745 Find Me is
Your Find Me number is...
9746 Find Me number is deleted
Your Find Me number has been deleted.
9747 No Find Me set
No Find Me number has been set.
9749 Find Me number is changed
Your Find Me number has been changed.
9750 Entering third Find Me number
You are entering your third Find Me number.
9751 Entering second Find Me number
You are entering you second Find Me number.
9752 Entering first Find Me number
You are entering your first Find Me number.
9753 Second Find Me number menu
Second Find Me number menu.
9754 Third Find Me number menu
Third Find Me number menu.
9755 First Find Me number menu
First Find Me number menu.
9756 Invalid key
This is an invalid key.
9757 Message undeleted
The message has been undeleted
9758 No answering service
...has no answering service. Please try an alternative number.
9759 Message deleted
This message has been deleted. You can un-delete this message before
you hang up by accessing your deleted messages.
9760 Reach colleague of person being called
To try to reach the colleague of the person you are calling, press 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9761 Return to the greeting
To return to the greeting, press 7.
9762 Page the person you are calling
To page the person you are calling, press 4.
9763 Reach the person you are calling
To try and reach the person you are calling, press 3.
9764 Your in the office and available greeting is now active.
Your in the office and available greeting is now active.
9765 Your in the office but not available greeting is now active.
Your in the office but not available greeting is now active.
9766 The message queue for mailbox
The message queue for mailbox...
9767 is full
...is full.
9768 Mailbox
9769 not accepting messages
...is not accepting messages at this time.
9770 Message not sent
Your message has not been sent to this recipient.
9771 Enter recipient number
Please enter the telephone number to which the message will be sent
followed by # .
9772 Enter transfer number
Please enter the number you wish to transfer to followed by # .
9773 Enter number of distribution list member to add
Please enter the destination number of the member to add, followed
by #. To dial by name, press #.
9774 Enter number of distribution list member to delete
Please enter the number of the member to be deleted, followed by # .
To dial by name press # .
9775 Cancel message
To cancel this message, press 7.
9776 Send reply menu help
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To cancel the
reply, press 3. To record the reply again, press 4. To toggle the privacy
of this message between normal and private, press 8. To toggle the
priority of this message between normal and urgent, press 9.
Administrator's Guide
9777 Save message menu help
To save the message you have just recorded, press 2. To hear the
message again, press 1. To record the message again, press 4
9778 Send reply menu help
To hear the reply, press 1. To send the reply, press 2. To record the
reply again, press 3. To cancel the reply, press 7
9779 Record message
To record the message again, press 3.
9780 Change message
To add a comment to the beginning of the message, press 4. To
change the addressee, press 5. To add a comment to the end of the
message, press 6.
9781 menu
To cancel the message and start again, press 3. For other contact
options, press 0.
9782 Prevent forwarding message
To prevent the message from being forwarded, press 8.
9783 Allow forwarding message
To allow the message to be forwarded, press 8.
9784 Set message priority to urgent
To set the message priority to Urgent, press 9.
9785 Set message priority to normal
To Set the message priority to Normal, press 9.
9786 Mark message as urgent
To mark the message as urgent, press 5.
9787 Mark message as normal
To mark the message as normal, press 5.
9788 Prevent forwarding message
To prevent the message from being forwarded, press 6.
9789 Allow forwarding message
To allow the message to be forwarded, press 6.
9790 Allow recipient to forward message
Forwarding of this message by the recipient will be allowed.
9791 Start again
Press # to start again
9792 Enter more of name or start again
Please continue to enter more of the name or press # to start again
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9793 Record name later
You have chosen not to record your name. To record your name at a
later date please access your greetings by pressing 3 from the main
9794 Record personal greeting later
You have chosen the system default greeting, to record a personal
greeting later please access your greetings by pressing 3 from the
main menu.
9795 Accept default office greeting but rerecord later
You have chosen the system default greeting, to record your available
and working at the office greeting later please access your greetings
by pressing 3 from the main menu.
9796 Accept default office greeting but rerecord later
You have chosen to use the system default greeting, to record your
available and working at the office greeting later please access your
greetings by pressing 3 from the main menu.
9797 Notification of message expiry time
This message will expire in...
...more days.
9799 Menu options
You have the following options: To retrieve your messages, press 1. To
send a message, press 2. To select or record greetings, press 3. To
change your account options, press 4. To check for messages while on
this call, press 5. To disconnect, press 6.
9800 PIN was reused recently
This PIN was used recently, please choose a different PIN.
9801 Expert listen options menu
Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Next #.
9802 Listen options menu
To listen to the message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To call
the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message
was sent, press 8. To move to the next message, press #.
9803 Listen options menu
To listen to the message, press 1. To reply to the message, press 4. To
call the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the
message was sent, press 8. To move to the next message, press #.
9804 Private new message number
Private new message number...
Administrator's Guide
9805 Expert listen options menu
Listen 1. Delete 3. Reply 4. Call sender 6. Date and time 8. Last 9
seconds 9. Next #.
9806 Listen options menu
To listen to the message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To
delete the message, press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To call
the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the message
was sent, press 8. To listen to the last 9 seconds of the message, press
9. To move to the next message, press #.
9807 Listen options menu
To listen to the message, press 1. To reply to the message, press 4. To
call the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the
message was sent, press 8. To listen to the last 9 seconds of the
message, press 9. To move to the next message, press #.
9808 Search menu
To enter the telephone number of the recipient, press 1. To enter the
name of the recipient, press 2. To return, press 7.
9809 Obtain search criteria by telephone number
Key in the phone number followed by the # key.
9810 Dial-by-name instructions
Enter letters of the name using key 1 for Q & Z. To finish, press #. For
help entering letters, press *0.
9811 Search return too many results
More than 10 matches were found. Please continue to enter additional
letters of the name or to start again, press #.
9812 Search unsuccessful
Sorry, the recipient could not be located.
9813 Wait while searching message
Searching...Please wait.
9814 Pause
Short Pause (500 msec).
9815 Leave a message option for Telephony Portal subscribers
If you would like to leave a message for the person you have called...
9816 Record a message option for Telephony Portal subscribers
Please speak after the tone.
9817 Exit menu option for Telephony Portal subscribers
To exit...
9818 Disconnect message for Telephony Portal subscribers
You will now be disconnected.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9819 Welcome message for Telephony Portal subscribers
Welcome to Unified Messaging.
9820 To search another location
To search the next directory...
9821 Next five search results
For the next five choices...
9822 Send message confirmation
To send this message to...
9823 Send message confirmation of e-mail address
...e-mail address...
9824 Send message confirmation of voicemail address
...voice mail address...
9825 Update personal directory confirmation
You have chosen to add...
9826 Update personal directory confirmation
...to your personal directory.
9827 Update personal directory menu
To add this person to your personal directory, press 1. To cancel, press
9829 Personal directory update unsuccessful
Sorry. An entry for...
9830 Personal directory update unsuccessful
...already exists in your personal directory.
9831 Personal directory update confirmation
The entry has been successfully added to your personal directory. You
may validate and edit the entry via the World Wide Web interface.
9832 Search failed
The number you entered has not been recognized, please try again.
9833 Search retry
The number was found but does not have an e-mail or voice mail
address, please try again.
9834 Reply menu
To reply to the message, press 1. To call the person who sent the
message, press 2.
9835 Searching personal directory
Please wait while we obtain the mail addresses from your personal
Administrator's Guide
9836 Message sent confirmation
Your message has been sent to...
9837 Cannot forward e-mail to voicemail destination
This e-mail message cannot be forwarded to a voicemail destination.
9838 No e-mail address when searching
The number has been found but does not have an e-mail address.
9839 Entering digitname help
Entering digitname.
9840 No text-to-speech engine configured
Text-to-speech is not configured. Please contact your system
9841 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 2 to 8 digits in length.
9842 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 3 to 8 digits in length
9843 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 4 to 8 digits in length
9844 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 5 to 8 digits in length
9845 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 6 to 8 digits in length.
9846 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 7 to 8 digits in length.
9847 PIN entry invalid
Your entry is not valid. PINs must be 8 digits in length
9848 Subscriber cannot accept messages
This subscriber cannot accept voice messages.
9849 To record this greeting
To record this greeting...
9850 The default system greeting
The default system greeting...
9851 Fax message menu
To send this message to a fax machine, press 9. To delete the message,
press 3. To move to the next message, press #. To listen to the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward this message to another number, press 5.
To call the person who sent this message, press 6. To hear when the
message was sent, press 8.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9852 Expert fax message menu
Fax 9. Delete 3. Next #. Listen 1. Save 2. Reply 4. Forward 5. Call
sender 6. Date and time 8.
9854 Number of POP3 messages that are too large to be retrieved
...messages which are larger than the maximum message size allowed
on this system
9855 One POP3 message that is too large to be retrieved
You have one message which is larger than the maximum message
size allowed on this system
9856 Telephony Portal. End Message Menu
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To hear the message header again, press 8. To replay the last
two phrases, press 9.
9857 Telephony Portal. End Message Menu
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To hear the
message header again, press 8.
9858 Telephony Portal. End Message Menu
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To save the message, press 2. To delete the message,
press 3. To reply to the message, press 4. To forward the message,
press 5. To hear the message header again, press 8.
9859 Telephony Portal. End Message Menu
To move to the next message, press #. To replay the body of the
message, press 1. To delete the message, press 3. To reply to the
message, press 4. To forward the message, press 5. To hear the
message header again, press 8. To replay the last two phrases, press 9.
9860 In the office but not available greeting
Your in the office but not available greeting.
9861 Subscriber cannot be contacted
The subscriber cannot be contacted at present.
9862 Call Handling Menu for Corporate and Enterprise Subscriber
To work with your Call-Forward number press 1, To work with your
Reach-Me number press 2, To work with your Colleague number
press 3, To work with your Attendant number press 4, To return press
9863 Account Options Menu for Enterprise Subscriber
To change your PIN, press 1. To change your contact options, press 2.
Administrator's Guide
9864 Control Menu
Control Menu.
9865 End of new messages
End of new messages. To return to the main menu press **.
9866 End of saved messages
End of saved messages. To return to the main menu press **.
9867 Saved message will delete in 14 days
The message has been saved and will be automatically deleted in 14
9868 Undeleted message will expire in 14 days
The message has been undeleted and will be saved for 14 days.
9869 Shared mailbox help
Help for reply to shared mailbox. You may now choose a submailbox
to send your reply to.
9871 Cancel message
To cancel the message and start again, press 3.
9872 Transfer to attendant
To transfer to the attendant, press 0.
9873 Hang Up or record another
You may hang up if you wish. To record another message for the
person you called, press 4.
9881 Main menu for Corporate subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. To change your account options,
press 4. To check for messages while on this call, press 5. To exit,
press 7.
9882 Main menu for Corporate subscriber when no messages exist
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. To
change your account options, press 4. To check for messages while on
this call, press 5. To exit, press 7.
9883 Too many invalid keys
You have pressed too many invalid keys - you will now be
disconnected, good-bye.
9884 Main menu help for Corporate subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
work with your greetings, press 3. To change your account options,
press 4. To check for messages while on this call, press 5. To exit,
press 7.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9885 Main menu help for Corporate subscriber when no messages exist
To send a message, press 2. To work with your greetings, press 3. To
change your account options, press 4. To check for messages while on
this call, press 5. To exit, press 7.
9886 Confirm Exit To Sign-On or Disconnect
To exit to the signon procedure, press 1. To disconnect, press 6. To
return, press 7.
9887 Exit to sign on Help
To exit to the signon procedure, press 1. To disconnect, press 6. To
return, press 7.
9888 Timeout Help
For help, press 0. For other options press *.
9889 Control menu for Corporate subscriber
To retrieve your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To
select or record greetings, press 3. To change your account options,
press 4. To check for messages while on this call, press 5. To
disconnect, press 6. To cancel what you were doing, press 7. To pause,
press 8. To access your deleted messages, press 9. For help, press 0. To
return to the main menu, press *. To carry on with what you were
doing, press #.
9891 Greetings menu for Corporate subscriber
To select your personal greeting, press 1. To select your alternate
greeting, press 2. If you are not accepting messages, press 3. To select
the system greeting, press 4. To change your recorded name, press 5.
To change your out of hours greeting, press 8. To return, press 7.
9892 Greetings menu help for Corporate subscriber
To select your personal greeting, press 1, To select your alternate
greeting, press 2. If you are not accepting messages, press 3. To select
the system greeting, press 4. To change your recorded name, press 5.
To change your out of hours greeting, press 8. To return, press 7.
9893 Out of hours greeting menu
To play your out of hours greeting, press 1. To rerecord your out of
hours greeting, press 2. To delete your custom out of hours greeting
and use the system out of hours greeting, press 3.
9894 Disable out of hours greeting
To disable your out of hours greeting, press 4.
9895 Enable out of hours greeting
To enable your out of hours greeting, press 4.
9896 Set out of office hours
To check or set your office hours press 8, to return, press 7.
Administrator's Guide
9897 Out of Hours Greeting Menu
Out of Hours Greeting Menu.
9898 Out of hours greeting menu
To play your out of hours greeting, press 1. To rerecord your out of
hours greeting, press 2. To delete your custom out of hours greeting
and use the system out of hours greeting, press 3. To enable or disable
your out of hours greeting, press 4. To check or set your office hours,
press 8. To return to the greetings menu, press 7. For other options,
press *.
9899 No out of hours greeting recorded
There is no custom out of hours greeting for this mailbox.
9900 Cannot enable out of hours greeting
You cannot enable the out of hours greeting for this mailbox as no out
of hours greeting has been recorded.
9901 Out of hours greeting enabled
Out of hours greeting enabled.
9902 Out of hours greeting disabled
Out of hours greeting disabled.
9903 Enter opening time
Please enter your business opening time followed by #.
9904 Enter closing time
Please enter your business closing time followed by #.
9905 Invalid opening and closing times
Sorry, the opening and closing times are not acceptable. The closing
time must always be later than the opening time. Please try again.
9906 Out of Hours greeting will be played
Your out of hours greeting will be played between the hours of...
9907 and
9908 Business hours menu
To listen to your business hours again, press 1. To set your business
hours, press 2. To reset your business hours to your company defaults,
press 3. To return, press 7.
9909 Opening time set
The opening time you have set is...
9910 Closing time set
The closing time you have set is...
9911 Out of hours greeting enabled
The out of hours greeting is enabled.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9912 Out of hours greeting disabled
The out of hours greeting is currently disabled. .
9913 Time using 12 hour clock
Enter a time in hours and minutes in twelve hour clock format.
9914 Time using 24 hour clock
Enter a time in hours and minutes in twenty four hour clock format.
9915 Up to four digit time
The time entered can be up to four digits.
9916 Four digit time
The time entered must be four digits.
9917 Incompatible closing time
Sorry, the closing time is not compatible with the opening time. The
closing time must always be later than the opening time
9918 Incompatible opening time
Sorry, the opening time is not compatible with the closing time. The
opening time must always be earlier than the closing time.
9919 Opening time up to four digits
Please enter an opening time up to four digits.
9920 Closing time up to four digits
Please enter a closing time up to four digits.
9921 Enter four-digit opening time
Please enter the opening time as four digits.
9922 Enter four-digit closing time
Please enter the closing time as four digits.
9923 Enter opening time
You are entering an opening time for your business. This must be
earlier than the closing time and should be up to four digits in twelve
hour clock format.
9924 Enter closing time
You are entering a closing time for your business. This must be later
than the opening time and should be up to four digits in twelve hour
clock format.
9925 Enter opening time
You are entering an opening time for your business. This must be
earlier than the closing time and should be a four digit number in
twenty four hour clock format.
Administrator's Guide
9926 Enter closing time
You are entering a closing time for your business. This must be later
than the opening time and should be a four digit number in twenty
four hour clock format.
9927 Select a.m. for morning or p.m. for afternoon
Select a.m. for morning or p.m. for afternoon.
9928 Select noon for midday or midnight for the middle of the night
Select noon for midday or midnight for the middle of the night.
9929 Short Account Options Menu for Corporate Subscriber
To change your PIN, press 1. To change your attendant number, press
9930 Long Account Options Menu for Corporate Subscriber
To change your PIN, press 1. To change your attendant number, press
2. To toggle message headers on or off, press 3. To work with your
distribution lists, press 5. To return, press 7. For other options, press *.
9931 Out of hours greeting not recorded
You have not recorded a custom out of hours greeting, the system out
of hours greeting sounds like:
9932 Unavailable
Is not available.
9933 Office closed
This office is closed on business days from...
9934 Office open again on
The office will be open again on the next business day at...
9935 Leave a message
If you wish to leave a message for the party you have called, you may
record it after the tone.
9936 Use out of hours greeting
The system out of hours greeting will now be used.
9937 Check business hours menu
Check or Set Business Hours Menu
9938 Business hours menu
To listen to your business hours, press 1. To set your business hours,
press 2. To reset your business hours to default, press 3. To return,
press 7.
9939 Business hours reset
Your business hours have been reset.
9940 To transfer to the operator press 0
To transfer to the operator press 0.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
9941 Please hold while we transfer you to the operator
Please hold while we transfer you to the operator.
9942 Sorry, the operator line was busy
Sorry, the operator line was busy.
9943 Sorry, there was no reply from the operator line
Sorry, there was no reply from the operator line.
9944 Welcome prompt
Your system manager has assigned you a temporary PIN. In addition
to having a mailbox number, you will have a PIN. Your PIN is an
important part of using the system; it allows you, and only you, to
open your mailbox to get messages or to use other services of the
Your message will be sent to partition...
You are not authorized to send a message to distribution list...
You are not authorized to send a message to partition...
To cancel what you were doing, press 7.
To pause, press 8. To access your deleted messages, press 9. For help,
press 0. To go to the main menu, press *. To carry on with what you
were doing, press #.
Receive 1, Greetings 2, Options 3
Greetings 2, Options 3
Next #, Replay body 1, Save 2, Delete 3, Reply 4, Forward 5, Last nine
seconds 7, Hear header again 8, Access deleted messages 9.
Hear reply 1, Send reply 2, Cancel reply 3, Record reply again 4
Listen 1, Send 2, Cancel sending 3, Add comment to beginning 4,
Change addressee 5, Add comment to end 6
Change PIN 1, Change Find Me Follow Me 2
Change PIN 1
Change 1st Find Me 1, Change 2nd Find Me 2, Change 3rd Find Me 3
Find Me off 4
Find Me on 4
Listen 1, Send 2
Receive 1, Send 2, Greetings 3, Options 4
Send 2, Greetings 3, Options 4
Preferences 1, Return 7
Administrator's Guide
Listen 1, Reply 4, Forward 5, Call Person 6, Hear header again 8, Last
nine seconds 9, Next #
Cancel 7
Record again 3
Prevent forwarding 8
Allow forwarding 8
Set urgent 9
Set normal 9
To switch between detailed and short prompts, press 6
Find Me Follow Me screening has been disabled. Callers will not be
asked to record their name.
Find Me Follow Me screening has been enabled. Callers will be asked
to record their name.
Screening on. Press 5 to turn off
Find-Me Follow-Me screening is on. To turn it off press 5.
Screening off. Press 5 to turn on
Find-Me Follow-Me screening is off. To turn it on press 5.
10001 Main menu for the menu routing application
To work with your transfer options, press 2. To work with your
greeting, press 3. To change your PIN, press 4. To exit, press 7.
10002 To call
To call...
10003 Menu routing number unavailable
The number you have selected is not available at present. Please try
again later.
10004 now
10005 The following transfer options are active
The following transfer options are active...
10006 No transfer options are active
No transfer options are active.
10007 Menu for a transfer number
To listen to the transfer option, press 1. To change the transfer option,
press 2. To delete the transfer option, press 3. To go to the previous
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
transfer option, press 4. To go to any transfer option, press 5. To go
the next transfer option, press 6. To return to the previous option,
press 7.
10008 Enter transfer number
Please enter the phone number for this transfer option followed by
the # key or press * to cancel.
10009 This option transfers to
This option transfers to...
10010 Key in the transfer option
Please key in the transfer option you would like to work with or press
* to return.
10011 The transfer option has been deleted
The transfer option has been deleted.
10012 No number has been set for this transfer option
No number has been set for this transfer option.
10013 Invalid transfer number
I am sorry, the phone number you entered is not valid.
10014 Transfer option number
Transfer option number...
10015 No transfer numbers have been set
Sorry no transfer numbers have been set.
10016 Menu for a transfer number
To listen to the transfer option, press 1. To change the transfer option,
press 2. To delete the transfer option, press 3. To go to the previous
transfer option, press 4. To go to any transfer option, press 5. To go to
the next transfer option, press 6. To set the transfer type, press 8. To
return to the previous option, press 7.
10017 Menu for a transfer number
If you wish this option to transfer to the subscriber's telephone, press
1. If you wish this option to transfer directly to the destination
mailbox, press 2. To return press 7.
10021 Main menu help for menu routing
To work with the transfer options, press 2. To work with the greeting,
press 3. To change your PIN, press 4. To exit, press 7.
10022 Caller will hear the recorded greeting
The caller currently hears the recorded greeting.
10023 Caller will hear the system greeting
The caller currently hears the system greeting.
Administrator's Guide
10024 Caller will hear the recorded greeting followed by the system
The caller currently hears the recorded greeting followed by the
system greeting.
10025 Change to recorded greeting
To change the caller greeting to the recorded greeting, press 1.
10026 Change to system greeting
To change the caller greeting to the system greeting, press 2.
10027 Change to recorded greeting followed by the system greeting
To change the caller greeting to the recorded greeting followed by the
system greeting, press 3.
10028 Listen to the system greeting
To listen to the system greeting, press 4.
10029 Listen to the recorded greeting
To listen to the recorded greeting, press 5.
10030 Record the greeting
To record the greeting, press 6.
10031 Delete the recorded greeting
To delete the recorded greeting, press 9.
10033 First record the greeting
Sorry, to change to this greeting you must first record the greeting.
10040 Survey Not Yet Configured
We apologise but this survey is still under construction
10041 Survey Default Failure Prompt
Sorry, a maximum amount of invalid input has been received, thank
you for calling, goodbye.
10042 Survey Default Completion Prompt
Thank you for answering this survey, the results have been sent, you
will now be disconnected
10043 Survey Nothing Recorded Prompt
Nothing was recorded, returning to the start
10044 Survey Confirmation Prompt
Please confirm that you stated the following
10045 Survey Confirmation: Nothing entered or recorded
10046 Survey Confirmation: Yes
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
10047 Survey Confirmation: No
10048 Survey Confirmation Menu
Press 1 to confirm or 2 to answer this question again
10050 Survey Voice Recording Type
Voice Recording Type
10051 Survey Yes/No Type
10052 Survey Fixed Number of Digits Type
Fixed Number of Digits
10053 Survey Variable Number of Digits Type
Variable Number of Digits
10054 You have...
You have...
10055 Questions Configured
...questions configured.
10056 Survey Mailbox Main Menu
Please enter the number of the question you wish to work with,
followed by # or press # to work with the end of survey prompts and
other options.
10057 Question
10058 Survey Mailbox Question Menu
Press 1 to play the question, 2 to record the question, 3 to delete the
question or 4 to change the question type. To return to the main menu
press 7.
10059 No Question Recorded
There was no question recorded
10060 Record Question Prompt
Please record your question after the tone. Press # finish
10061 Question Deleted Prompt
The question has been deleted
10062 Survey Mailbox Question Type Menu
Press 0 to choose a voice recording, 1 to choose a yes/no response, 2
to choose a fixed length of digits or 3 to choose a variable length of
10063 Survey Mailbox Confirmation Menu Item (confirmation off)
Confirmation off. To turn confirmation on press 4
Administrator's Guide
10064 Survey Mailbox Confirmation Menu Item (confirmation on)
Confirmation on. To turn confirmation off press 4.
10065 Survey Mailbox Return Menu Item
To return press 7.
10066 Record Type Explanation
The question will record the caller's voice until the caller presses #
10067 Yes/No Type Explanation
The caller will be expected to press 1 for yes or 0 or 2 for no
10068 Fixed Digits Type Explanation
The caller will be expected to enter a fixed number of digits and will
not be required to press a key to terminate their input
10069 Enter Fixed Digits
Please enter the number of digits they must enter from followed by
the # key
10070 Fixed Digits Confirmation
The caller will be expected to enter exactly
10071 Survey Mailbox Invalid Entry
Your entry was invalid
10072 Variable Digits Type Explanation
The caller will be expected to enter a variable number of digits up to
a maximum and must press # to terminate their input
10073 Enter Variable Digits
Please enter the maximum number of digits they can enter followed
by the # key.
10074 Variable Digits Confirmation
The caller can enter up to
10075 Confirmation On Explanation/Confirmation
Confirmation on. The caller will be played back their answer and
asked to confirm that it is correct by pressing 1 or press 2 to answer
the question again
10076 Confirmation Off Explanation/Confirmation
Confirmation off. The caller will not be asked to confirm their answer
was correct.
10077 Survey Mailbox Other Options Menu
Press 1 to review or change the completed survey prompt, 2 to change
the survey failure prompt, 3 to set the number of repeats before the
survey is considered a failure, 4 to set the number of questions after
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
which the results will be mailed, 5 to change your password, 6 to set
your e-mail address, 8 to check your configuration or press 7 to return
to the main menu.
10078 Completed Survey Prompt Menu
Press 1 to play the completed survey prompt, 2 to record the
completed survey prompt, or 3 to delete the completed survey
prompt. To return press 7.
10079 No Prompt Recorded
There was no prompt recorded
10080 Record Prompt
Please record your prompt after the tone. Press # finish
10081 Prompt Deleted
The prompt has been deleted
10082 Survey Failure Prompt Menu
Press 1 to play the survey failure prompt, 2 to record the survey
failure prompt, or 3 to delete the survey failure prompt. To return
press 7.
10083 Enter Max Repeats
Please enter the number of repeats of any question before the survey
would be considered a failure followed by #, or enter # to use the
default value of...
10084 Max Repeats Confirmation
After the question is repeated...
10085 Max Repeats Confirmation continued
...times and not answered with a valid response the survey will be
considered to have failed and the survey failure prompt will play.
10086 Enter Minimum Answers
Please enter the number of questions which must be answered before
the survey will be sent to the configured e-mail address or enter # if
you want all question answered to have only completed surveys sent
to the configured e-mail address
10087 Minimum Answers Confirmation
Surveys with at least...
10088 Minimum Answers Confirmation continued
...questions answered will be sent to the configured e-mail address.
10089 No Minimum Answers
Only completed surveys will be sent to the configured e-mail address.
10090 Enter E-mail Address
You may now enter your e-mail address.
Administrator's Guide
10091 Text Entry Instructions
Press the key for the letter you need. For special characters press 1. If
you have finished, press #. If you make a mistake press *.
10092 E-mail Address Confirmation
The e-mail address you entered was...
10093 E-mail Address Menu
If this is correct and you wish to save this address, press 2. To delete
this address and enter another press 3. To continue entering the
address from the end press 4. To replay the address press 1. To return
to the other options menu without saving the address, press 7.
10094 Play Details Return Prompt
To return when you have heard sufficient details please press 7
10095 No E-mail Address
You have not set an e-mail address
10096 No Completed Survey Prompt
You have not recorded a completed survey prompt
10097 No Survey Failure Prompt
You have not recorded a survey failure prompt
10098 Default Max Repeats Setting
You have chosen to have questions repeated the default number of
10099 ...times.
10100 Max Repeats Setting
You have configured
10101 Max Repeats Setting continued
repeats of a question before the survey is considered a failure.
10102 Default Minimum Answers
You have chosen to only have completed surveys mailed to you
10103 Minimum Answers Setting
You have chosen to have surveys with at least
10104 Minimum Answers Setting continued
questions answered mailed to you.
10105 E-mail Address Setting
The e-mail address you have configured is
10106 Completed Survey Prompt Setting
Your completed survey prompt is
10107 Survey Failure Prompt Setting
Your survey failure prompt is
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
10108 Summary of Questions
You have
10109 Summary of Questions continued
questions, they are:
10110 Play Details Voice Recording Type
voice recording
10111 Play Details Yes/No Type
10112 Play Details Fixed Length Type
fixed length of
10113 Play Details Variable Length Type
variable length, maximum
10114 Digits
10115 Play Details No Confirmation
no confirmation
10116 Play Details Confirmation
10117 Cannot have more than maximum
You cannot have more than...
10118 ...questions configured
...questions configured
10119 For next question press 9
For the next question press 9.
10120 Should configure previous question
You do not have a question configured before this question. You
should configure question...
10121 ...first
10122 at sign
10123 period (in e-mail address)
10124 underscore
10125 dot com (in e-mail address)
dot com
Administrator's Guide
10126 For zero
For the digit 0 press 0.
10127 Q, Z or zero
For Q, press 1. For Z, press 2. For the digit 0 press 0.
10128 A, B, C or 2
For A, press 1. For B, press 2, For C, press 3. For the digit 2 press 0.
10129 D, E, F or 3
For D, press 1. For E, press 2. For F, press 3. For the digit 3 press 0.
10130 G, H, I or 4
For G, press 1. For H, press 2. For I, press 3. For the digit 4 press 0.
10131 J, K, L or 5
For J, press 1. For K, press 2. For L, press 3. For the digit 5 press 0.
10132 M, N, O or 6
For M, press 1. For N, press 2. For O, press 3. For the digit 6 press 0.
10133 P, Q, R or 7
For P, press 1. For Q, press 2. For R, press 3. For S, press 4. For the
digit 7 press 0.
10134 T, U, V or 8
For T, press 1. For U, press 2. For V, press 3. For the digit 8 press 0.
10135 W, X, Y or 9
For W, press 1. For X, press 2. For Y, press 3. For Z, press 4. For the
digit 9 press 0.
10136 P, R, S or 7
For P, press 1. For R, press 2. For S, press 3. For the digit 7 press 0.
10137 W, X, Y or 9
For W, press 1. For X, press 2. For Y, press 3. For the digit 9 press 0.
10138 at sign, period, underscore, dot com or 1
For @ press 1. For dot press 2. For underscore press 3. For dot com
press 4. For the digit 1 press 0.
10139 No address
No address was entered.
10140 No at sign in address
The address did not contain an @ sign. For special characters such as
the @ sign press 1 during address entry.
10141 Select Q and Z buttons
If your telephone has the letters Q and Z on buttons 7 and 9, press 1.
If it has the letters Q and Z on button 0, press 2. If it does not have
letters Q and Z, press 2.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
10142 Survey Mailbox change e-mail audio format
To change the format audio is delivered in press 5.
10143 Digit
10144 Comma
10145 Enter Minimum Answers with default
Please enter the number of questions which must be answered before
the survey will be sent to the configured e-mail address followed by
#, or enter # to use the default value of...
10146 Default Minimum Answers with minimum
You have chosen to have surveys with at least the default value of
To work with the main welcome greeting, press 9.
To enable or disable the system greeting from playing after your
recorded welcome greeting, press 3.
To enable the playing of the system prompt after the recorded
greeting, press 1, to disable the playing, press 2, to return press 7.
The greeting you have selected does not exist. You must now record
that greeting.
To play this greeting, press 1. To rerecord this greeting, press 2. To
delete this greeting, press 3. To enable or disable the system greeting
from playing after your recorded welcome greeting, press 4. To return,
press 7.
To work with the scheduled transfer options, press 2, to change your
PIN, press 4.
To work with the business hours schedule, press 1, to work with the
out of hours schedule, press 2, to work with the emergency schedule,
press 3, to work with holiday schedules, press 4.
holiday schedules. Enter the number of the schedule you wish to
To set the business hours, press 1.
To set the holiday dates and times, press 1.
To set the transfer options for this schedule, press 2, To work with the
greeting for this schedule, press 3. To work with the configuration
settings for this schedule, press 4.
To configure the application behaviour when a caller fails to enter
valid data after all repeats have been completed, press 1, To configure
the backup number capability, press 2,
Administrator's Guide
To configure the number of times the menu is repeated, press 1, To
configure the action upon completion of all repeats of the menu, press
The application is currently configured to repeat the menu
Enter the number of times to repeat the menu.
The number of repeats must be between 1 and 5.
The application is currently configured to
terminate the call when the user makes no valid entries.
transfer to the operator when the user makes no valid entries.
To set the application to terminate the call when the user makes no
valid entries, press 1.
To configure the application to transfer the call to the operator when
the user makes no valid entries, press 2.
To listen to the business hours, press 1.
To modify the business hours or days, press 2.
The business hours are between
The business days are incorrectly configured. Please configure them
Enter the business hours start time.
Enter the business hours end time.
Use the keypad to enter the hours and minutes using the 24 hour
clock format.
The time of day can be entered using the twenty four hour clock
format. Times must be entered by keying both hours and minutes. For
example five thirty pm is 1 7 3 0. Valid times are between 0 0 0 0 and
23 59.
To configure the business hours, press 1, to configure the business
days, press 2.
There are currently no business days configured.
Business hours are currently configured for
To activate
as a business day
To deactivate
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
To listen to the currently configured holiday dates and times, press 1.
To configure the holiday dates and times, press 2.
The start time is
The start date is
The end time is
The end date is
Enter the start date for the holiday as day day month month year year
year year.
Use the keypad to enter the date as day day month month year year
year year using zeros as required
Enter the end date for the holiday as day day month month year year
year year.
Enter the start time for the holiday.
To configure the backup number, press 1. To configure the time for
which the primary number will be attempted before trying the backup
number, press 2.
The backup number is currently set to
To set the backup number, press 1
Please enter the new backup number
To disable this option from transferring to the backup number if the
transfer fails, press 9.
The application will ring the primary number for
seconds before trying the backup number
To change the length of time before trying the backup number, press 1
Please enter the new length of time in seconds.
The time must be between 5 and 60 seconds
To listen to the transfer option, press 1. To change the transfer option,
press 2. To delete the transfer option, press 3. To go to the previous
transfer option, press 4. To go to any transfer option, press 5. To go to
the next transfer option, press 6.
To set the transfer type, press 8.
To enable this option to transfer to the backup number if the transfer
fails, press 9.
To move to the destination menu routing mailbox, press 0.
Administrator's Guide
To return to the previous option, press 7.
This schedule, press 3
To set the recorded greeting as interruptible, press 4.
To set the recorded greeting as non-interruptible, press 4.
A backup number is not currently configured.
The schedule cannot be activated at this time because it is not valid.
Fully configure the schedule and you can then activate it.
There was no answer from the requested option number. Please hold
while we try the backup number.
The configured phone number for this option is invalid. Please hang
up and try again later.
The telephone number is currently busy. Please hang up and try again
The telephone network is currently busy. Please hang up and try
again later.
There was no reply from the backup number. Please hang up and try
again later.
Enter the end time for the holiday.
16101 Selecting speech recognition
If you want to speak the keys to Unified Messaging instead of
entering them on your keypad, please say “yes” now.
16102 Speech recognition: requesting telephone number
Please enter your telephone number by speaking it as single digits
with short pauses between the digits. Complete your entry by saying
16103 Speech recognition: requesting PIN
Please enter your PIN by speaking it as single digits with short pauses
between the digits. Complete your entry by saying “stop”.
16104 Speech recognition: usage instructions
You can now use Unified Messaging by speaking single digits when it
asks you to press keys. If Unified Messaging asks you to enter a
number consisting of several digits followed by #, speak the digits
with short pauses between the digits and complete your entry by
saying “stop”.
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
16105 Speech recognition: no voice detected
No voice was detected.
16106 Speech recognition: repeat input
Please repeat your input.
16107 Speech recognition: input not recognized
Your input was not recognized.
16108 Speaker verification: user name request
Please speak your user name now.
16109 Speaker verification: user name not recognized
Your user name was not recognized.
16110 Speaker verification: pass phrase request
Please speak your pass phrase now.
16111 Speaker verification: pass phrase not recognized
Your pass phrase was not recognized.
25031 Air Touch Pager
Air Touch Pager
25032 Arch Pager
Arch Pager
25033 Metrocol Pager
Metrocol Pager
25034 Skytel Pager
Skytel Pager
IMC_SYSTEM voice directory (voice segment details)
This voice directory contains voice segments used by Unified Messaging. As
supplied, this directory is recorded using the same voice as the IMC voice
directory, so you can use the same voice for all Unified Messaging prompts.
The WebSphere Voice Response system voice directory holds similar voice
segments recorded in a different voice. You may want to use this voice
directory in applications not related to Unified Messaging.
Administrator's Guide
Twenty one
Twenty two
Twenty three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty six
Twenty seven
Twenty eight
Twenty nine
Thirty one
Thirty two
Thirty three
Thirty four
Thirty five
Thirty six
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
Thirty seven
Thirty eight
Thirty nine
Forty one
Forty two
Forty three
Forty four
Forty five
Forty six
Forty seven
Forty eight
Forty nine
Fifty one
Fifty two
Fifty three
Fifty four
Fifty five
Fifty six
Fifty seven
Fifty eight
Fifty nine
Administrator's Guide
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
Administrator's Guide
[short pause.]
[medium pause.]
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please hang up, and call
back later.
[Ringback tone]
[Busyback tone]
[Fast busyback tone]
Your input is too long. Please try again.
Enter a segment ID followed by the # key.
You have entered an invalid segment ID.
Enter a voice function 1 to record, 3 to listen, 6 to delete, or # to go
back to the beginning.
Record voice at the tone. To stop, press # .
Playing recorded voice.
The requested voice was not found.
No voice was recorded. The original segment has not been changed.
Administrator's Guide
Deleting voice.
Please enter the voice directory ID followed by #.
Voice directory...
...does not exist
The voice segment has been deleted.
Segment number.
To record, press 1. To listen, press 3. To move to the next segment,
press 9. To move to any segment, press 8. To move to the previous
segment, press 7. To delete the segment, press 4. To change voice
directory, press 6. To change the language, press 5.
Welcome to WebSphere Voice Response for AIX.
[Test Tone for DTMF key 0]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 1]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 2]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 3]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 4]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 5]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 6]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 7]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 8]
[Test Tone for DTMF key 9]
[Test Tone for DTMF key A]
[Test Tone for DTMF key B]
[Test Tone for DTMF key C]
[Test Tone for DTMF key D]
[Test Tone for DTMF key *]
[Test Tone for DTMF key #]
Appendix B. Unified Messaging voice segments
Administrator's Guide
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
This appendix describes the Unified Messaging state tables.
Table 40 lists the state tables that you can customize. Unified Messaging also
uses other state tables that you cannot change; these are listed under “Internal
Unified Messaging state tables” on page 394.
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Switches logging of AMIS function
on and off. The default is off.
Controls sending messages to
external voice-messaging systems.
An example state table, showing
how to invoke Unified Messaging in
a transaction-messaging
Makes a subscriber's greetings
Checks that a distribution list
number is valid when a subscriber is
setting it.
Checks the colleague number when
a subscriber is setting it.
Checks that the fax number keyed
by a subscriber is valid.
Checks that the menu routing
number keyed by an administrator is
Checks that the attendant number
keyed by a subscriber is valid.
Checks that the pager number keyed 400
by a subscriber is valid.
Checks that a subscriber's PIN is not 400
the same as the previous PIN and
meets other location standards.
Checks that the ReachMe number
keyed by a subscriber is valid.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Checks the number when a
subscriber sets a call-forwarding
Checks the number when a
subscriber is setting an outdialing
number for notification.
Checks if the called number has
been converted to another number.
Checks the menu options available
to the caller.
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Shared
Number is answered by Unified
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Standard
subscriber is answered by Unified
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Business local and remote subscriber is
answered by Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Business local subscriber is answered by
Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a
Residential subscriber is answered
by Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Remote
e-mail only subscriber is answered
by Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Corporate
subscriber is answered by Unified
Administrator's Guide
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Home
subscriber is answered by Unified
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Small
Business subscriber is answered by
Unified Messaging
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a Enterprise
subscriber is answered by Unified
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a telephony
portal user is answered by Unified
Handles the menus available to
callers when their call to a
menu-routing application is
answered by Unified Messaging.
Handles the control menu functions 406
available when the caller or Standard
subscriber presses *, the ISO control
Handles the control menu functions 407
available when the caller or Business
- local and remote subscriber presses
*, the ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions 407
available when the caller or Business
- local subscriber presses *, the ISO
control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or
Residential subscriber presses *, the
ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or Remote
e-mail only subscriber presses *, the
ISO control key.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or
Corporate subscriber presses *, the
ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or Home
subscriber presses *, the ISO control
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or Small
Business subscriber presses *, the
ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when the caller or
Enterprise subscriber presses *, the
ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when a telephony portal
user presses *, the ISO control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when a menu-routing
administrator presses *, the ISO
control key.
Handles the control menu functions
available when a survey mailbox
user presses *.
Each of these state tables provides
an exit from Unified Messaging to
allow local functions to be integrated
with Unified Messaging.
Writes fax information to a log file
after a fax has been sent from a fax
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Standard subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Business - local and remote
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Business - local
Administrator's Guide
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Residential subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Remote e-mail only
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Corporate subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Home subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Small Business subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
first-time Enterprise subscribers.
Handles the special dialog for
administrators using the
menu-routing application for the
first time.
Handles the special dialog for
survey mailbox users logging on to
the survey mailbox for the first time.
Handles the entry of free-form text
or selection of recorded pager
messages for the Page-Me option.
Collects strings of data input from
the telephone key pad.
Handles the dialog that enables a
subscriber to change languages
during a Unified Messaging session
and to reset the language
permanently in the subscriber's
application profile.
Handles the dialog that enables a
caller to change languages
dynamically during a Unified
Messaging session. It does not reset
the language in the application
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Plays each of the signon prompts
and passes control back to
IMC_MAIN to perform the complex
signon logic.
Makes an outgoing call to deliver a
voice message when a subscriber
accessing Unified Messaging from
the Web requests the message to be
delivered to a telephone handset.
Used by IMC_CALLER to determine 418
the correct destination profile ID and
mailbox for a message which has
just been left.
Handles notification to subscribers
when they have a new message.
Handles notifications of vpim
messages to subscribers.
Makes an outgoing call to notify
subscriber of new messages.
Handles the menu presented to the
subscriber on receipt of an outcall.
The startup state table (see
IMC_STARTUP) used when a
subscriber who has received a
notification outcall chooses to sign
on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the sending of a pager
message for the Page-Me option.
Allows alternative/enhanced DTMF
key processing during message
Records and reviews voice segments. 426
Checks if the profile which is being
sent a message exists on a remote
Confirms message delivery to a
remote destination.
Plays the appropriate greeting for a 428
remote subscriber who has no profile
on this system.
Administrator's Guide
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Plays the remote audio name for a
message received from a remote
Handles the menus available to
Standard subscribers when they are
signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
Business - local and remote
subscribers when they are signed on
to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
Business - local subscribers when
they are signed on to Unified
Handles the menus available to
Residential subscribers when they
are signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
Remote e-mail only subscribers
when they are signed on to Unified
Handles the menus available to
Corporate subscribers when they are
signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
Home subscribers when they are
signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
Small Business subscribers when
they are signed on to Unified
Handles the menus available to
Enterprise subscribers when they are
signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles the menus available to
telephony portal users when they are
signed on to Unified Messaging.
Handles menus for administrators
when they are changing menu
routing numbers.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Handles menus for survey mailbox
users when they are configuring a
survey mailbox.
Handles call-handling menus for
Standard subscribers.
Handles e-mail menus for Standard
Handles message-preference menus
for Standard subscribers.
Handles notice board menus for
Standard subscribers.
Handles notification schedule menus 433
for Standard subscribers.
Handles call-handling menus for
Business - local and remote, Business
- local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Handles e-mail menus for Business - 435
local and remote, Business - local,
Residential, and Remote e-mail only
Handles message-preference menus
for Business - local and remote,
Business - local, Residential, and
Remote e-mail only subscribers.
Handles notice board menus for
Business - local and remote, Business
- local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Handles notification schedule menus 436
for Business - local and remote,
Business - local, Residential, and
Remote e-mail only subscribers.
Handles the general menus available 437
when any subscriber type attempts
to send a message to a shared
number from a menu or enters a
shared number in a distribution list.
Administrator's Guide
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Implements auto-attendants,
including an ability to invoke
Unified Messaging should the call
need to route to a mailbox. Called by
IMC_START_MR) if the number
routed to is of subscriber type 11.
Implements the standard
menu-routing application, including
an ability to invoke Unified
Messaging should the call need to
route to a mailbox. Called by
if the number routed to is of
subscriber type 10.
Implements enhanced menu-routing
applications with schedules. Called
IMC_START_AA) if the number
routed to is of subscriber type 10
and menu routing scheduling is
configured and set up for the
number routed to.
The startup state table for Unified
Messaging quick message.
Implements survey mailbox logic for 439
callers. This is called by
IMC_START_MR if the number
routed to is of subscriber type 12.
Invokes Unified Messaging or other
applications (for example,
according to the subscriber type.
Includes code for working in DID,
ISDN and SIP environments.
Handles reporting of statistics from
Unified Messaging.
Handles the prompts for the logon
process for the telephony portal.
Extracts telephony portal settings.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 40. Unified Messaging state tables (continued)
Unified Messaging
state table name
ASCII source state table Description
Plays a greeting to a caller for a
telephony portal subscriber.
Creates the trombone between a
caller and a third party in a single
Performs the outbound call part of
the trombone operation.
Invokes IMC_XFER_DO and
provides feedback to the subscriber
or caller in the form of prompts if
the call transfer was not successful.
Transfers calls from Unified
Messaging to another number.
Transforms a number entered in
state tables IMC_GET_DEST or
Internal Unified Messaging state tables
The following state tables are used by Unified Messaging. The ASCII source
for these state tables is not supplied, so you cannot change them.
Administrator's Guide
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Use this state table to control the amount of information logged by the AMIS
state tables. The default is to log only errors; this is the minimum. Normally
you would change this setting only to help with problem determination.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_AMIS_LOGS:
The name of the calling state table.
The return code. Set this to 1 for logging of error conditions only. Set
this to 2 to log progress in addition to errors.
Use this state table to validate AMIS-A, DTM-D and VPIM addresses.
IMC_AMIS_VN calls the IMC_RemoteSystems or IMC_LDAP_Client custom
servers to validate a number entered by a subscriber sending a message that
does not match any profile on the local system.
If you have not implemented any external messaging at your location, this
state table is still called, but you can exit the state table with the value 2,
indicating invalid destination, each time. The following parameters are passed
This parameter determines the method of sending an external
message. For AMIS-A, the value is set to 1. For DTM-D transfer, the
value is set to 2. The IMC_RemoteSystems custom server returns the
value to IMC_AMIS_VN. Do not change this value.
The number entered by the message sender. If the destination was a
VPIM destination and the context is one in which a message is about
to be sent (as opposed to a distribution list being composed, for
example), the destination can be changed to the VPIM address (this is
done when an LDAP server has looked up the address). Do not
change this value otherwise. (For example, for AMIS addresses, leave
it unchanged.)
Administrator's Guide
The profile ID of the subscriber sending a message. IMC_AMIS_VN
performs the ExitStateTable action with one of the following results:
Proceed; destination is a valid AMIS-A or DTM-D destination.
Proceed; destination is a valid VPIM destination.
Destination number is invalid.
Destination mailbox is full (returned for DTM-D only).
Do not proceed; user is not authorized to use external messaging.
Do not proceed; user is not authorized to use AMIS for external
Destination mailbox is not accepting messages (returned for
DTM-D only).
Do not proceed: user is not authorized to use AMIS for external
transfer to this country.
Problems have been encountered, such as the
IMC_RemoteSystems custom server not being able to process the
This example state table shows you how to invoke Unified Messaging in a
transaction-messaging environment.
Unlike IMC_STARTUP and IMC_START_AA, which are working applications,
IMC_BANK merely demonstrates the principle of transaction-messaging.
To run IMC_BANK as a demonstration, record appropriate greetings in the
voice mailboxes that it uses, numbers 221, 222, and 223.
No parameters are passed to IMC_BANK.
Use this state table to make a subscriber’s greetings bilingual. IMC_BI_LING
is an example and you can change it.
When Unified Messaging plays a subscriber’s bilingual greeting, it adds 30 to
the greeting ID. This is for personal greetings and announcement-only
greetings only; greeting headers and busy greetings are unaffected.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
In the following example, personal greetings 1 and 3 are in one language and
personal greetings 2 and 4 are in a second language. The subscriber should
have recorded these greetings already. For personal greetings, IMC_BI_LING
v Greetings 1 and 2 and saves the resulting greeting as 31.
v Greetings 2 and 1 and saves the resulting greeting as 32.
v Greetings 3 and 4 and saves the resulting greeting as 33.
v Greetings 4 and 3 and saves the resulting greeting as 34.
For announcement-only greetings, IMC_BI_LING concatenates:
v Greetings 7 and 11 and saves the resulting greeting as 37.
v Greetings 11 and 2 and saves the resulting greeting as 41.
When the bilingual parameter in the Global Variable Modification sections of
the Unified Messaging Interface Tool is set to YES, Unified Messaging uses
greetings 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, and 41 in place of the usual greetings.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_BI_LING:
The profile ID of the subscriber using bilingual greetings.
The mailbox ID for the bilingual greetings. For Unified Messaging this
is 1.
The return code set by IMC_BI_LING.
Always ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_BI_LING.
This state table checks that the number keyed by a subscriber for a new
distribution list ID is in the range that you allow. For example, you might
want to make sure that numbers used for telephone numbers are not used for
distribution list IDs.
Note: Distribution list IDs must be in the range 1 to 9999.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_DLIST:
The application profile ID of the subscriber creating the distribution
The number given by the subscriber for the new distribution list ID.
Administrator's Guide
ExitStateTable (0) if the distribution list ID is allowed, and exit with any other
value to disallow the distribution list ID.
This state table checks that the colleague number keyed by a subscriber is
valid. For example, certain classes of subscriber might be allowed to use only
a local number for their colleague number.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_DPTY:
The application profile ID of the subscriber setting the colleague
The number that is being set as the colleague number.
See also the UniqueDlists parameter passed to IMC_MAIN.
ExitStateTable (0) if the colleague number is valid. Exit with any other value
to disallow the colleague number, and it will not be set.
This state table checks that the fax number keyed by a subscriber is valid.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_FAX:
The application profile ID of the subscriber setting the fax number.
The number that is being set as the fax number.
ExitStateTable (0) if the fax number is valid. Exit with any other value to
disallow the fax number, and it will not be set.
This state table checks that the number keyed by an administrator for a new
menu-routing destination is in the range that you allow. For example, make
sure that only valid profiles within the same partition of a certain length are
used for menu-routing destinations.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_MR:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The number entered by the administrator for the new menu-routing
The application profile ID of the menu-routing application.
ExitStateTable (0) if the menu-routing destination is allowed, and exit with
any other value to disallow the menu routing destination.
This state table checks that the attendant number keyed by a subscriber is
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_OPER:
The application profile ID of the subscriber setting the attendant
The number that is being set as the attendant number.
ExitStateTable (0) if the attendant number is valid. Exit with any other value
to disallow the attendant number, and it will not be set.
This state table checks that the pager number keyed by a subscriber is valid.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_PAGEME:
The application profile ID of the subscriber setting the pager number.
The number that is being set as the pager number.
ExitStateTable (0) if the pager number is valid. Exit with any other value to
disallow the pager number, and it will not be set.
This state table checks that the PIN requested by a subscriber meets your
location standards.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_PASWD:
Administrator's Guide
The subscriber’s current PIN.
The subscriber’s new PIN.
You can change IMC_CHK_PASWD to add checking that might be needed for
PIN standards at your location.
If the PIN meets your installation standards, IMC_CHK_PASWD returns 0. If
the PIN fails to meet your installation standards, IMC_CHK_PASWD returns
If IMC_CHK_PASWD ExitStateTable returns 0, the following prompt is played
to the subscriber:
“The PIN you entered does not meet location standards. Please try again
with a different PIN.”
You can change this prompt; it is voice segment 6593.
This state table checks that the ReachMe number keyed by a subscriber is
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_REACHME:
The application profile ID of the subscriber setting the ReachMe
The number that is being set as the ReachMe number.
ExitStateTable (0) if the ReachMe number is valid. Exit with any other value
to disallow the ReachMe number, and it will not be set.
This state table checks that the number keyed by a subscriber for a
call-forwarding number (also known as a referral number) is allowed. For
example, you might not allow call-forwarding to be set by some classes of
subscriber, while for others you might allow call-forwarding to local numbers,
but not long-distance numbers.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_RFRL:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The application profile ID of the subscriber who is requesting
The number to which call-forwarding has been requested.
ExitStateTable (0) if the call-forwarding number is valid. If you exit with any
other value, call-forwarding will not be set.
This state table checks that the number keyed by a subscriber when setting
the phone number on which they want to be notified of new messages is
allowed. For example, for some subscriber classes you might allow the
notification number to be a local number but not a long-distance number.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_SCHED:
The application profile ID of the subscriber requesting a notification
The number requested as the notification number.
ExitStateTable (0) if the notification number passes your checks. If you return
any other value, the notification number will not be allowed.
This state table checks if the called number can be converted to another
number. It is called by IMC_STARTUP when no profile can be found for the
called number. This could happen if a range of telephone numbers were being
migrated to another range of telephone numbers.
If no profile can be found for a number trying to log on, IMC_LOGON could
be customized to call IMC_CHK_SPLITS to perform a similar conversion.
A sample utility, load_splits, which can be found in $CUR_DIR/ca/
IMC_Admin_dir/utils, can be used to create this state table out of files of data
in a particular format. This code could be adapted for files of other formats or
you could code IMC_CHK_SPLITS yourself. See “load_splits utility” on page
175 for further information.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CHK_SPLITS:
Administrator's Guide
The number to check.
The profile id of the subscriber.
Caller The profile id of the caller.
ExitStateTable (0) if the number is found.
This state table is called by the IMC_CALLER state table to retrieve the menu
options available to the caller, based on the subscriber type called, and the
options set by the subscriber.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CLR_DYNMENU:
The ID of the specific menu to be played. This is used by
IMC_CLR_DYNMENU to branch to the correct state table label.
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
options available to the caller.
ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CLR_DYNMENU. Be careful to set only menu_rc
to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/clr_dynmenu. You should not
normally need to change or replace IMC_CLR_DYNMENU.
This state table handles the menus available to callers when their call to a
Shared Number is answered by Unified Messaging. IMC_CLR_SHARED plays
all the necessary menu prompts, collects the key entered by the caller in
response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that keystroke back to the
main Unified Messaging application.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CLR_SHARED:
The ID of the specific menu to be played. This is used by
IMC_CLR_SHARED to branch to the correct state table label. In the
supplied version of IMC_CLR_SHARED this can only be
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CLR_SHARED with SV25 set to the
selected sub-mailbox if one was selected. Be careful to set menu_rc to a valid
return code only for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/clr_shared. You should not
normally need to change or replace IMC_CLR_SHARED.
This state table handles the menus available to callers when their call to a
Standard subscriber is answered by Unified Messaging. IMC_CLR_SMEN
plays all the necessary menu prompts, collects the key entered by the caller in
response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that keystroke back to the
main Unified Messaging application.
Note: Use IMC_CLR_SMEN for Standard subscribers. For the other types of
subscriber, use one of IMC_CLR_SMEN_01 through IMC_CLR_SMEN_08, as
described in “IMC_CLR_SMEN_01 to IMC_CLR_SMEN_08” on page 405.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_CLR_SMEN:
The ID of the specific menu to be played. This is used by
IMC_CLR_SMEN to branch to the correct state table label.
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CLR_SMEN. Be careful only to set menu_rc to a
valid return code for the particular menu requested. .
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
You should not normally need to change or replace IMC_CLR_SMEN.
However if, for example, you wanted to change the options on the
post-recording menu so that 5 was transfer to attendant and 0 was transfer to
colleague (the opposite of how IMC_CLR_SMEN is supplied), you would need
to do only two things:
Administrator's Guide
1. Rerecord the voice segment used by LeftOptMenu (segment number 8000)
so that the caller is prompted to press 5 for the attendant and 0 for
2. Change the GetKey statement so that IMC_CLR_SMEN returns Attendant
on pressing 5 and colleague on pressing 0.
The default key assignments in IMC_CLR_SMEN are consistent with the
International Standard ISO/IEC 13714.
These state tables serve the same function as IMC_CLR_SMEN, but are used
for subscribers other than Standard. The number represents the subscriber
type as follows:
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
The following parameters are passed to these state tables:
The ID of the specific menu to be played. This is used by
IMC_CLR_SMEN_01 to IMC_CLR_SMEN_08 to branch to the correct
state table label.
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CLR_SMEN_01 to IMC_CLR_SMEN_08. Be careful
to set menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CLR_SMEN, but is used for
telephony portal.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CLR_SMEN_09. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CLR_SMEN, but is used for
a menu-routing application.
The following parameter is passed to this state table:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CLR_SMEN_10. Be careful to set
menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table handles the Unified Messaging control menu for Standard
subscribers, which is always available when they press *.
Note: Use IMC_CTRL_MENU for Standard subscribers. For the other types of
subscriber, use one of IMC_CTL_MENU_01 to IMC_CTL_MENU_04, as
described in “IMC_CTL_MENU_01 to IMC_CTL_MENU_08” on page 407.
The following parameter is passed to IMC_CTRL_MENU:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CTRL_MENU. Be careful to set
menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
Administrator's Guide
These state tables serve the same function as IMC_CTRL_MENU, but are used
for subscribers other than Standard. The number represents the subscriber
type as follows:
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
The following parameter is passed to these state tables:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CTL_MENU_01 to
IMC_CTL_MENU_08. Be careful to set menu_rc to a valid return code for the
particular menu requested. For a list of valid return codes, see the state table
source code in directory /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CTRL_MENU, but is used
for telephony portal.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_CTL_MENU_09. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CTRL_MENU, but is used
for the menu-routing application.
The following parameter is passed to this state table:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CTL_MENU_10. Be careful to set
ctrl_menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CTRL_MENU, but is used
for the auto-attendant application.
The following parameter is passed to this state table:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines the
choice made by the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CTL_MENU_11. Be careful to set
ctrl_menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_CTRL_MENU, but can be
used for survey mailboxes.
The following parameter is passed to this state table:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging defines the choice made by
the caller.
Always use ExitStateTable(0) from IMC_CTL_MENU_12. Be careful to set
ctrl_menu_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, refer to the state table source code in directory:
Administrator's Guide
These state tables provide up to ten exits that let you integrate local functions
with Unified Messaging. One or more of the exits can be invoked from any
Unified Messaging menu.
To enable an exit:
1. Rerecord the voice segments for the menu to which you want to add the
exit, adding the prompt for the exit choice (for example “For additional
functions, press 9”).
2. Update the exit state table to include the functions you want to add. The
source code for an example exit is found in directory /usr/lpp/dirTalk/
3. When the subscriber selects an exit, return the appropriate return code
from IMC_SBR_MENU or one of the state tables IMC_SBR_MENU_01 to
No parameters are passed to the exit state tables.
You can leave an exit state table, returning any of the Unified Messaging
atomic menu return codes. For a list of these, see the source for the
IMC_SBR_MENU state table in the file /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/
Note: When you return to Unified Messaging, all the major WebSphere Voice
Response system variables must be exactly as you found them. In particular,
you must not change SV20, the caller profile ID or SV25, the receiving profile
This state table may be called from the BFAX_CALL_BACK state table
provided by WebSphere Voice Response to log fax information.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_FAX_LOG:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The file name of the fax.
The WebSphere Voice Response profile ID.
The date the fax was sent (yyyy/mm/dd).
The (local) time the fax was sent (hh:mm:ss).
The duration of the fax operation in seconds.
Number of retries required to send the fax.
The telephone number to which the fax was sent.
This is the state of the fax handler.
Fax sent successfully
Transmission failure
Code which reflects the outcome of sending or attempting to send the
BFAX_CALL_BACK failed to invoke the BFAX_SEND_FAX
state table
Fax sent successfully
Fax send operation failed
For more information for the BFAX_CALL_BACK state table, see Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: Fax using Brooktrout .
This state table can be invoked when a Standard subscriber signs on to
Unified Messaging for the first time. It is called if FirstTimeUsage is set to YES
in the Global Variation Modification section in the Unified Messaging
Interface Tool.
Administrator's Guide
Note: Use IMC_FIRSTTIME for Standard subscribers. For the other types of
subscriber, use one of IMC_FIRSTIME_01 to IMC_FIRSTIME_08, or
IMC_FIRSTIME_10 as described in “IMC_FIRSTIME_01 to IMC_FIRSTIME_08
The following parameter is passed to IMC_FIRSTTIME:
The return code for IMC_FIRSTTIME. Set this to 0 if IMC_FIRSTTIME
completes successfully. Set it to YES if the subscriber did not complete
IMC_FIRSTTIME and must go through it again on the next sign on.
These state tables serve the same function as IMC_FIRSTTIME, but are used
for subscribers (and the menu-routing application) other than Standard. The
number represents the subscriber type (apart from IMC_FIRSTIME_10, which
is used by the menu-routing application, IMC_FIRSTIME_11 which used by
the auto-attendant application, and IMC_FIRSTIME_12, which is used by the
survey mailbox application) as follows:
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
Menu-routing application
Auto-attendant application
Survey mailbox application
The following parameter is passed to these state tables:
The return code for IMC_FIRSTTIME. Set this to 0 if IMC_FIRSTTIME
completes successfully. Set it to 1 if the subscriber (or the
administrator of the menu-routing application) did not complete
IMC_FIRSTTIME and must go through it again on the next sign on.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
This state table handles the entry of free-form text or selection of recorded
pager messages for the Page-Me option. These are available to callers when
the subscriber has set up a Page-Me number not to a paging bureau, but
instead to a pager which can be sent messages by an internet paging server.
The state table interacts with the caller and with the IMC_Pager custom server
to collect text and numbers or select from a list of recorded pager messages.
You should not normally need to change or replace IMC_GETPAGERTXT.
If the list of recorded pager messages needs to be altered, simply rerecord any
of the voice segments from 1-9 in the IMC directory and change the text of
the voice segment to match the new recorded pager message which you have
recorded. Any changes will be immediately picked up by IMC_Pager and
This state table collects data keyed in on the telephone key pad. This data, put
into GetDataBuffer, is normally terminated by #, *, or timeout.
Each calling state table is uniquely identified by a parameter. By examining
this parameter you can take specific actions appropriate to that state table call.
Do not change the logic of this state table.
If you need to tune some of the calling state tables, change the timeout values
on the GetKey functions. These changes should normally be made only by
IBM Support personnel or IBM business partners who are experts on Unified
Messaging. The following table is provided for their use:
Calling state table
Identifiers passed to IMC_GETSTRG
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
18, 19
20, 21, 22
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 50
28, 29, 30
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39
41, 42
Administrator's Guide
This state table handles the functions that allow subscribers to change the
language of their application profile. IMC_LANG plays a menu of the
languages supported by your implementation of Unified Messaging, and
allows the user to select one. The IMC_LANG state table supplied with
Unified Messaging is only an example, and must be updated when installed
at your location.
The following parameter is passed to IMC_LANG:
The return code passed back to Unified Messaging that defines what
the system does next.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_LANG. You must be careful only to
set lang_rc to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list
of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
To implement dynamically-selectable languages do the following:
v Implement all the languages you require on WebSphere Voice Response.
v Make sure that you have a copy of Unified Messaging in each of your
v Rerecord the voice segment prompted by EnterLang so that the caller or
subscriber is prompted to enter the appropriate selection for each of the
supported languages.
If you do not intend to support dynamically-selected languages, disable this
function by removing the prompts and GetKey actions for it from the menu
state tables. Alternatively, you can change the prompts and logic in
IMC_LANG to inform the user that no additional languages are currently
available on the system.
This state table is similar to IMC_LANG, but it handles the dialog that
enables a caller to change languages dynamically during a call to Unified
Messaging. The change lasts only for the duration of the call; it does not reset
the language in the application profile.
This state table is invoked as part of Unified Messaging signon. It first plays
each of the sign on prompts (for example, voice segment 6101, “Please enter
your telephone number, followed by #”). After playing the prompts, it passes
control back to IMC_MAIN to perform the complex signon logic.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
You can edit IMC_LOGON to provide a rich set of alternatives to the standard
methods of logging on, including:
v Alternative ways of dealing with situations where Unified Messaging
receives no tone input. We provide code to explain to pulse-dial phone
users that they should find a touch-tone phone or wait to be transferred to
an attendant.
The default in IMC_LOGON is not to transfer to an attendant but simply to
hang up after an explanation. You can enable the ability to transfer by
changing a single line of code in IMC_LOGON.
v Internationalization of logon prompts. Unified Messaging can provide a
choice of languages for logon, or choose a default language based on the
area or region code of the calling number.
v Logging on using speech recognition of digits. For this you need the IBM
ARTIC960RxF Digital Trunk Resource Adapter (DTRA), feature code 6311,
and WebSphere Voice Response Digit Speech Recognition software. We
provide a set of sample voice segments (16101 to 16107) to help you
customize Unified Messaging for this function.
v Logging on using speaker verification software. We provide a set of sample
voice segments (16108 to 16111) to help you customize Unified Messaging
for this function.
v Confirming the user ID entered (or assumed if the logon process bypasses
entering an ID) by playing back the audio name of the user and requesting
v Greeting callers in a personalized way when they call or enter their ID.
v Transferring subscribers to a helpdesk when they experience problems
logging on (for example, when they enter an invalid PIN too many times).
v Reporting the number of messages a subscriber has received instead of
playing a beep to indicate that there are new messages.
Note: Apart from the sample code to deal with pulse-dial phone users, we
provide no code for any of these suggestions for ways in which you can
customize IMC_LOGON. There is, however, some guidance on customization
in the shipped ASCII source for the state table. If you want help with
customizing IMC_LOGON, contact your IBM representative or business
The following parameters are passed to IMC_LOGON from the startup state
See MCMainControl parameter. IMC_LOGON can change this
parameter at the EnterID entry point to define the user ID to sign on
Administrator's Guide
IMC_MAIN passes this parameter to IMC_LOGON to specify whether
this is the first time that the TimeoutID entry point has been called.
IMC_MAIN calls IMC_LOGON at various state table entry points, each of
which plays a different prompts, as follows:
The prompt for users to enter their ID numbers. This is not called if
MCMainControl is greater than 0.
The prompts played when the user provides an invalid ID number.
This is not called if MCMainControl is greater than 0.
Allows the ID entered, or automatically assigned, to be confirmed
before the PIN is entered. The default code for IMC_LOGON simply
returns at this point without playing a prompt.
(IDs can be automatically assigned when users, for example, press just
# when calling from their own number.)
The prompts played when Unified Messaging detects no tones.
The sound (beep) played when the mailbox has new messages. This is
not called if there are no new messages or MCMainControl is -2.
The prompt for users to enter their PIN. This is not called if
MCMainControl is 2.
The prompts played when the user provides an invalid PIN (or if the
ID provided is invalid and MCMainControl is less than 0).
The prompts played when the user provides no PIN.
The prompts played if the user enters an invalid PIN the number of
times defined in MaxPWAttempts.
MaxPWAttempts, passed from IMC_MAIN, defines the maximum
number of invalid PINs that can be entered before Unified Messaging
disconnects the caller. A typical setting of this parameter would be 3.
The prompts played when Unified Messaging locks the user’s mailbox
because GlobalPWLimit has been exceeded.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
GlobalPWLimit, passed from IMC_MAIN, defines the maximum
cumulative number of invalid PINs across all profiles that can be
entered before Unified Messaging stops access to all mailboxes. This
limit could be triggered by, for example, a hacker systematically trying
to sign on to a large number of mailboxes.
To disable global PIN limit checking, set this parameter to 0. A typical
setting of this parameter is 100.
If GlobalPWlimit is exceeded, all subscribers are locked out of the
system. If you set this parameter to a value other than 0, you will
have to reset it regularly to prevent subscribers eventually being
locked out of the system. To reset the global PIN failure count, see
“Unlocking the system (changeuser)” on page 137.
The prompts played when Unified Messaging locks the user’s mailbox
because ProfilePWLimit has been exceeded.
ProfilePWLimit, passed from IMC_MAIN, defines the cumulative
maximum number of invalid PINs that can be entered over a series of
signon attempts before Unified Messaging disables the mailbox. The
administrator can re-enable mailbox access. A typical value for this
parameter is 7. To disable cumulative PIN limit checking by profile
ID, set this parameter to 0.
IMC_LOGON can return using the following labels, which exit the state table
with ExitStateTable set to the numbers shown in brackets. For example,
Completed (0) exits the state table with ExitStateTable(0).
Completed (0)
The default behavior: the prompt has played and processing continues
OK (1)
IMC_LOGON’s validation found the user ID or PIN to be valid.
NOT_OK (2)
IMC_LOGON’s validation found the user ID or PIN to be invalid.
IMC_LOGON tried to validate the user ID or PIN provided, but after
a number of attempts (time-outs) failed to do so. This is therefore the
final timeout; Unified Messaging gives up, plays a prompt, and hangs
Close (7)
This indicates a hangup. Either the caller hung up while a prompt
was playing or Unified Messaging itself wants to hang up, for
example, when a transfer has completed.
Administrator's Guide
Problems (9)
Unified Messaging encountered serious problems while executing
IMC_LOGON. Unified Messaging should log an error, tell the caller
that an error has occurred, and hang up.
Comments in the ASCII source for the state table indicate which of these
labels are valid for each state table entry point. Any invalid return codes are
treated in the same way as Problems (9).
This state table makes an outgoing call to deliver a voice message when a
subscriber accesses Unified Messaging from the Web and asks for the message
to be delivered to a telephone handset. It is invoked by the Unified Messaging
Internet custom server, IMC_MsgServer.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_MSG_CALL:
The profile ID containing the requested message.
The number of the mailbox in the profile ID containing the message
(this is always set to 1).
The key of a message to be retrieved. This is the information found in
the msg_key field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID structure (described
in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers) or SV221
(described in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development
using State Tables).
The time when the message to be retrieved was created. This is the
information found in the msg_create_time field in the
VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID structure (described in Websphere Voice
Response for AIX: Custom Servers) or SV222 (described in Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables).
The length (in ms) of the voice message. This is the information found
in SV215 (described in The length (in ms) of the voice message. This is
the information found in SV215 (described in Websphere Voice Response
for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.)
The number to which the outgoing call should be made.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
You might want to add additional checking to this state table, for example to
stop messages being delivered to international numbers. If a call is not to be
made, ExitStateTable (0) without making the call.
This state table is used by IMC_CALLER to determine the correct destination
profile ID and mailbox for the message which has been left. This is necessary
because the recipient of the message might not have a local profile on the
Unified Messaging system. The recipient might be on a remote voice mail
system or even be an Internet e-mail in-basket.
If you are using remote destinations, IMC_MSG_EXIT calls the
IMC_GetEmsgBox custom server to discover the outgoing e-mail mailbox to
use for this message.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_MSG_EXIT:
A flag defining the location of the receiver profile (0 = local, 1 =
Reserved for use by Unified Messaging.
IMC_MSG_EXIT returns the following parameters:
The local profile to which the message should be sent.
IMC_MSG_EXIT updates this parameter.
The local mailbox to which the message should be sent.
IMC_MSG_EXIT updates this parameter.
The outgoing e-mail profile to which the message should be sent.
IMC_MSG_EXIT updates this parameter.
The outgoing e-mail mailbox to which the message should be sent.
IMC_MSG_EXIT updates this parameter.
IMC_MSG_EXIT updates the following return codes:
Send to local only
Send to remote only
Send to both
Administrator's Guide
Always ExitStateTable(0).
This state table handles notification to subscribers when they have a new
message. It is a sample state table, and you might want to update it to work
in your local environment.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_NOTIFY:
Whether acknowledgment of receipt has been requested:
Acknowledgment not requested
Acknowledgment requested
The actual sender of the message. This is not necessarily the same as
the SenderProfile ID. For example, if the message is from an external
source, the SenderProfile ID will be the AMIS receiver profile ID, but
the actual sender will be the ID by which the remote sending mailbox
is known.
The date of future delivery in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If
the message is for immediate delivery, DeliveryDate is set to
Whether the message was sent using a distribution list:
Not sent using distribution list
Sent using distribution list
The external caller profile ID.
The type of message being notified:
External message received using AMIS analog transfer from
another system
Broadcast message
External message received using digital transfer from another
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
End of subscriber call; this is not a new message, but signals
that the subscriber has just completed a call to Unified
Left in response to your greeting
Reply to your message
Sent from within a Unified Messaging session by a subscriber
Message withdrawn by sender
The destination to which the message is sent.
The privacy level of the message:
Normal privacy
Message cannot be forwarded
The priority level of the message:
Emergency priority
Urgent priority
Normal priority
The profile ID from which the message was sent.
IMC_NOTIFY is supplied with Unified Messaging as a sample state table; it
uses the IMC_Notify custom server (see “IMC_Notify” on page 514) to
generate a sendmail note containing the notification information.
This state table is called by the IMC_Getmail custom server to ensure that an
e-mail notification is sent to the subscriber when a VPIM message is sent to
the subscriber's mailbox.
IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM is supplied with Unified Messaging as a sample state
table; it uses the IMC_Notify custom server (see “IMC_NOTIFY” on page 419)
to generate a sendmail note containing the notification information.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM :
The type of message being notified:
Administrator's Guide
External message received using AMIS analog transfer from
another system.
Broadcast message.
External message received using digital transfer from another
End of subscriber call; this is not a new message, but signals
that the subscriber has just completed a call to Unified
Left in response to your greeting.
Reply to your message.
Sent from within a Unified Messaging session by a subscriber.
Message withdrawn by sender.
The external caller profile ID.
Whether the message was sent using a distribution list:
Not sent using distribution list
Sent using distribution list
The priority level of the message:
Emergency priority
Urgent priority
Normal priority
The privacy level of the message:
Normal privacy
Message cannot be forwarded
Whether acknowledgment of receipt has been requested:
Acknowledgment not requested
Acknowledgment requested
The date of future delivery in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. If
the message is for immediate delivery, DeliveryDate is set to
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The destination to which the message is sent.
The profile ID from which the message was sent.
The actual sender of the message. This is not necessarily the same as
the SenderProfile ID. For example, if the message is from an external
source, the SenderProfile ID will be the AMIS receiver profile ID, but
the actual sender will be the ID by which the remote sending mailbox
is known.
The key of a message to be retrieved. This is the information found in
the msg_key field in the VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID structure (described
in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Custom Servers) or SV221
(described in Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development
using State Tables).
The time when the message to be retrieved was created. This is the
information found in the msg_create_time field in the
VOICE_MSG_DATA_ID structure (described in Websphere Voice
Response for AIX: Custom Servers) or SV222 (described in Websphere
Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables).
This state table makes an outgoing call to notify a subscriber of new
messages. You might want to customize it to work in your local environment.
For example, you might use tone pagers which expect DTMF tones to be sent
to inform the subscriber of the calling number from which the message came
or the time of receipt of the message. The necessary dial actions can be added
to this state table.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_OCALL_MAKE:
The number of unsuccessful or deferred attempts which have been
made since the system started to notify the subscriber of this new
The telephone number or pager VRU number on which to notify the
subscriber if there is no reply from the Main_Phone_Number. This
will be set to “PAGER” if no outcalling is required to notify a pager.
Administrator's Guide
The profile ID of the subscriber being notified.
The mailbox number associated with the CallerProfile. (For Unified
Messaging this is always mailbox 1.)
The telephone number or pager VRU on which to notify the
subscriber by making an outcall. This will be set to “PAGER” if no
outcalling is required to notify a pager.
The return code for this state table:
Invalid number
Phone busy
Network busy
No reply
Outbound line problem
No lines
Active channel
Unexpected tone
Pager success (Pager message was queued or sent
Problems encountered
A code which identifies the type of pager. If the number is not a pager
number, Pager_Type is set to 0. For other types of pager see
“IMC_Pager” on page 521.
The pager number, if the Pager_Type indicates a pager.
A code which identifies the type of pager for the
Backup_Phone_Number. If the number is not a pager number,
Pager_Type is set to 0. For other types of pager see “IMC_Pager” on
page 521.
The pager number, if the Pager2_Type indicates a pager.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
This state table handles the menu presented to a subscriber who successfully
receives a notification outcall.
Typically the options presented to the subscriber are:
v Sign on to Unified Messaging, press 1
v Call back in 10 minutes, press 2
v Terminate this call and notify me if another message is received, press 3
The following parameters are passed to IMC_OCALL_MENU:
OutdialKey is the only valid entry point.
The return code from this state table:
Sign on to Unified Messaging
Delay - call back later
Abandon this notification
Return to the start
Subscriber hung up
Use this startup state table during outcall notification when the subscriber
chooses to sign on to Unified Messaging. The functions, parameters, and
return codes are the same as for IMC_STARTUP. Variable settings in
IMC_OCALL_START should be the same as those in IMC_STARTUP.
See “IMC_STARTUP” on page 440.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_OCALL_START:
The return code from IMC_MAIN after it has been invoked by
IMC_OCALL_START and completed execution.
The profile ID for the subscriber to whom the outcall is to be made.
Administrator's Guide
The IMC_PLAY_MSG state table is a locked state table that controls the
interpretation of DTMF keys during the playback of messages to the
The operation of the keys is defined with the following default settings in the
global defaults file:
ForwardKey = 9
BackKey = 7
PauseKey = 8
FastKey = 6
SlowKey = 4
LoudKey = 2
QuietKey = 5
FwdTime = 4000
BackTime = 4000
The operation of the other keys not covered above is defined in the relevant
subscriber menu state table, IMC_SB_MENU_* at the EvalGetKey label. These
are unlocked state tables. The overall default behavior is defined in the
relevant subscriber guide in the "Receiving messages" section.
Unified Messaging provides the capability to invoke the available actions
using any key sequence the customer wishes, within current state table
capabilities. Although it is currently possible to change the key assignment for
a particular action, it is not possible to, for instance, assign multiple keys to
invoke an action.
The IMC_PLAY_MSG locked state table has been changed to invoke the new
unlocked IMC_PROCESS_KEY state table prior to performing its normal
getkey state table action, passing the IMC_PROCESS_KEY state table the
variable into which the DTMF key received would have been saved as an
input parameter. If, as in the shipped version of IMC_PROCESS_KEY state
table, the state table returns with an edge of 1, the getkey processing as
defined today continues.
However if the IMC_PROCESS_KEY state table returns with an edge of 0, it is
assumed by the IMC_PLAY_MSG state table that getkey processing has been
performed, and the variable passed as input parameter has been set to a
DTMF key value (which is subsequently used by IMC_PLAY_MSG state table,
bypassing its current getkey action). The shipped IMC_PROCESS_KEY
contains an example of the minimum action it must perform to return with an
edge of 0. This is currently disabled by an immediate exit with edge of 1.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The following sample state table code shows how IMC_PROCESS_KEY can be
modified to detect the input of 6, 6 and use it to rewind to the start of the
GetKey(GetKeyBuffer, 0, 1);
# Get the value of the DTMF key that interrupted.
if (GetKeyBuffer = 6) then
GetKey(Buffer, 1, 1)
edge EDGE_TIMEOUT: Exit0
edge EDGE_HUP: Exit0;
goto Exit0;
if (Buffer = 6) then
AssignData(GetKeyBuffer, ASSIGN, "1");
This state table handles the sending of a pager message for the Page-Me
option, available to callers when the subscriber has set up a Page-Me number
to transfer the caller not to a paging bureau, but instead to a pager which can
be sent messages by an internet paging server. If the destination pager is
numeric, then the caller will only be given the option to leave a numeric
message. If the destination pager is alphanumeric, the caller will be given
options to leave a numeric message, to select from a recorded pager message,
or to enter free-form text. In the last two cases IMC_PAGE_SBR invokes the
IMC_GETPAGERTXT state table. You should not normally need to change or
Use this state table to record and review voice segments. You can record new
prompts and replace the prompts supplied with Unified Messaging.
1. Create a DID application profile associated with IMC_RECORDCOMP2.
2. Dial the DID number. You will be asked for:
v The voice directory and ID of the voice segment you want to work with
Administrator's Guide
Choose from the following menu options:
v Press 1 to record the voice segment
v Press 3 to listen
v Press 4 to delete
change language
change voice directory
move to the previous voice segment
move to any voice segment
move to the next voice segment
This state table is called by IMC_MessageCenterAPI to validate subscribers on
remote systems. This occurs when a subscriber is being added to a
distribution list but that subscriber exists on a remote system. It calls the
IMC_RemoteSystems custom server to validate an external destination
specified by a subscriber.
The following parameters are passed to IMC_REM_CHECK:
The profile ID of the subscriber that is attempting to add the remote
subscriber to a distribution list.
The profile ID of the subscriber that resides on the remote system.
This state table exits with the following return codes :
Found remote profile
Found remote profile, but it contains sub-mailboxes
Did not find the remote profile
When a message is addressed to a remote destination, this state table gives
confirmation to the subscriber.
IMC_REMCONF plays the following prompt (voice segment number 6173),
where destination is the numeric destination specified by the subscriber or the
remote audio name, if available:
Your message will be sent to destination
The following parameters are passed to IMC_REMCONF:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
The numeric string specified by the subscriber as the remote
The return code from IMC_REMCONF.
This state table plays the appropriate greeting for a remote subscriber who
has no profile on this system. It is only called if the Remote Destination
parameter in the Global Variation Modification section in the Unified
Messaging Interface Tool is set to YES.
As supplied, this state table simply plays a default greeting which mentions
the number which has been called. If you have access to the audio name or
voice mail greeting of the remote subscriber, you can update this state table to
provide a more personal greeting.
The following parameter is passed to IMC_REMGRT:
The return code from IMC_REMGRT.
This state table plays the remote audio name and other message information
(date and time sent, urgency, and so on) for a message received from a remote
The following parameters are passed to IMC_REMMSGI:
The type of message (new, saved, or outgoing).
The true sending profile.
The sending mailbox number.
The profile with which the message is associated. For external
messages, this is the external caller profile; for fax messages, this is
the fax profile.
The return code from IMC_REMMSGI.
Administrator's Guide
This state table handles the general menus available to Standard subscribers
who have signed on to Unified Messaging. IMC_SBR_MENU plays all the
necessary menu prompts, collects the key entered by the subscriber in
response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that keystroke back to
Unified Messaging.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU for general menus for Standard subscribers. For
the other types of subscriber, use one of IMC_SBR_MENU_01 to
IMC_SBR_MENU_08, as described in “IMC_SBR_MENU_01 to
IMC_SBR_MENU_08” on page 430.
There are also menu-specific state tables. For Standard subscribers these are:
“IMC_SBR_MENU_CH” on page 431 for call-handling menus
“IMC_SBR_MENU_EM” on page 432 for e-mail menus
“IMC_SBR_MENU_MP” on page 432 for message menus
“IMC_SBR_MENU_NB” on page 433 for notice board menus
“IMC_SBR_MENU_NS” on page 433 for notification schedule menus
For the other types of subscriber, they are:
v “IMC_SBR_MNU_SCH” on page 434 for call-handling menus
v “IMC_SBR_MNU_SEM” on page 435 for e-mail menus
v “IMC_SBR_MNU_SMP” on page 435 for message menus
v “IMC_SBR_MNU_SNB” on page 435 for notice board menus
v “IMC_SBR_MNU_SNS” on page 436 for notification schedule menus
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU. Be careful to set SV74
to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
You should not normally need to change or replace IMC_SBR_MENU.
However, if, for example, you wanted to change the options on the main
menu so that 4 was call-handling and 5 was personal options (the opposite to
how IMC_SBR_MENU is supplied), you would need to:
1. Re-record the voice segments which are used for the main menu so that
the subscriber is prompted to press 4 for call-handling and 5 for personal
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
2. Change the GetKey statement so that IMC_SBR_MENU returns
CallHandle on pressing 4 and Other on pressing 5.
The default key usage in the menus in IMC_SBR_MENU is consistent with the
International Standard ISO/IEC 13174.
Every menu in IMC_SBR_MENU has a help prompt associated with it. As
supplied, the help prompt is the same as the normal prompt. However, you
can tailor the system so that the help prompt is more extensive than the
normal prompt. For example, on the listen menu, after listening to a message
you might mention only three options on the normal prompt (delete, listen,
and next). But if subscribers pressed 0, they would hear the help prompt
which had all the options. This lets you make Unified Messaging appear to be
a very simple system to most subscribers, but retain all its powerful functions
for those subscribers who need them.
These state tables serve the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU, but are used
for subscribers other than Standard. The number represents the subscriber
type as follows:
Business - local and remote
Business - local
Remote e-mail only
Small Business
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_01 to
IMC_SBR_MENU_08. Be careful to set SV74 to a valid return code for the
particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU, but is used for
telephony portal.
Administrator's Guide
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_09. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU, but is used for
the menu routing application used by administrators.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_10. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU, but is used for
the survey mailbox application used by administrators.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_12. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code
This state table is similar to IMC_SBR_MENU, but is specifically for dealing
with the call handling menus. IMC_SBR_MENU_CH plays all the necessary
menu prompts for call-handling menus, collects the key entered by the
Standard subscriber in response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that
keystroke back to the IMC_NUM_MGR state table.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU_CH for Standard subscribers. For the other types
of subscriber, use IMC_SBR_MNU_SCH, as described in
“IMC_SBR_MNU_SCH” on page 434.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_CH. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu_ch. Note that there are
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table is similar to IMC_SBR_MENU, but is specifically for dealing
with the e-mail preference menus. IMC_SBR_MENU_EM plays all the
necessary menu prompts for e-mail preference menus, collects the key entered
by the Standard subscriber in response to a prompt, and passes the meaning
of that keystroke back to the IMC_EMAIL_PREFS state table.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU_EM for Standard subscribers. For the other types
of subscriber, use IMC_SBR_MNU_SEM, as described in
“IMC_SBR_MNU_SEM” on page 435.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_EM. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu_em. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table is similar to IMC_SBR_MENU, but is specifically for dealing
with the message preference menus. IMC_SBR_MENU_MP plays all the
necessary menu prompts for message preference menus, collects the key
entered by the Standard subscriber in response to a prompt, and passes the
meaning of that keystroke back to the IMC_MSG_PREFS state table.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU_MP for Standard subscribers. For the other types
of subscriber, use IMC_SBR_MNU_SMP, as described in
“IMC_SBR_MNU_SMP” on page 435.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_MP. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested.
For a list of valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu_mp. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
Administrator's Guide
This state table is similar to IMC_SBR_MENU, but is specifically for dealing
with the notice board menus. IMC_SBR_MENU_NB plays all the necessary
menu prompts for notice board menus, collects the key entered by the
Standard subscriber in response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that
keystroke back to the IMC_NOTIC_BOARD state table.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU_NB for Standard subscribers. For the other types
of subscriber, use IMC_SBR_MNU_SNB, as described in
“IMC_SBR_MNU_SNB” on page 435.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_NB. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu_nb. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table is similar to IMC_SBR_MENU, but is specifically for dealing
with the notification schedules menus. IMC_SBR_MENU_NS plays all the
necessary menu prompts for notification schedules menus, collects the key
entered by the Standard subscriber in response to a prompt, and passes the
meaning of that keystroke back to the IMC_SCHEDULE state table.
Customizable prompts for pagers or ‘outcalling’ are supported and the format
of pager numbers can also be checked. IMC_SBR_MENU_NS has the
following entry points (placed in the EntryPoint variable SV73):
v SelectMainType
v SelectBackupType
These entry points are called just before the selection of a device type (main
or backup device, phone or pager) for notification provided to the user. By
default, when IMC_SBR_MENU_NS returns from these entry points it returns
an empty string in the menu_rc (SV74) field to indicate that the default
behavior should be used of providing a menu to allow selection of normal
telephone or one of the pager types in the pager_types file. An administrator
can change IMC_SBR_MENU_NS to return a number from 0 (zero) to 99 to
use as the pager type if they want to bypass the normal menu.
For example:
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
v For a system that only uses telephone ‘outcalling’ and has no pagers to
select from, IMC_SBR_MENU_NS can return with SV74=0 (zero) from these
entry points to select immediately telephone ‘outcalling’ and not play a
menu to choose a type of device.
v For a system that only uses SMS devices and does not permit telephone
‘outcalling’, IMC_SBR_MENU_NS can return with SV74=1 (one) from these
entry points to select immediately an SMS device defined in the
pager_types file.
v For a system that requires a custom menu to allow selection from several
types of device, the custom menu can play in IMC_SBR_MENU_NS and
return the type defined in the pager_types file to IMC_SCHEDULE in SV74.
If a number above 99 is returned in SV74 to IMC_SCHEDULE, this will be
processed as an Atomic_menu item (see IMC_SBR_MENU for details of menu
codes over 99) in case the administrator wishes also to implement a back
key or control menu at this point.
IMC_SCHEDULE calls state table IMC_CHK_PFMT to check pager numbers
have a suitable format. This state table is passed the pager number, the user
ID (SV20), and the format from the pager_types file. By default it simply
returns OK (ExitStateTable(0)) but it is a simple matter to add a check for a
certain prefix or length based on the format supplied by the pager_types file.
For example, to check the length add the LOCAL variables NUMBER,
TestLen, and NUMBER Len and add the following code to IMC_CHK_PFMT:
Note: Use IMC_SBR_MENU_NS for Standard subscribers. For the other types
of subscriber, use IMC_SBR_MNU_SNS, as described in
“IMC_SBR_MNU_SNS” on page 436.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MENU_NS. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_menu_ns. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU_CH, but is used
for Business - local and remote, Business - local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Administrator's Guide
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MNU_SCH. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_mnu_sch. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU_EM, but is used
for Business - local and remote, Business - local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MNU_SEM. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_mnu_sem. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU_MP, but is used
for Business - local and remote, Business - local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MNU_SMP. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_mnu_smp. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU_NB, but is used
for Business - local and remote, Business - local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MNU_SNB. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_mnu_snb. Note that there are
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table serves the same function as IMC_SBR_MENU_NS, but is used
for Business - local and remote, Business - local, Residential, and Remote
e-mail only subscribers.
Customizable prompts for pagers or ‘outcalling’ are supported and the format
of pager numbers can also be checked. IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS has the
following entry points (placed in the EntryPoint variable SV73):
v SelectMainType
v SelectBackupType
These entry points are called just before the selection of a device type (main
or backup device, phone or pager) for notification provided to the user. By
default, when IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS returns from these entry points it
returns an empty string in the menu_rc (SV74) field to indicate that the default
behavior should be used of providing a menu to allow selection of normal
telephone or one of the pager types in the pager_types file. An administrator
can change IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS to return a number from 0 (zero) to 99 to
use as the pager type if they want to bypass the normal menu.
For example:
v For a system that only uses telephone ‘outcalling’ and has no pagers to
select from, IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS can return with SV74=0 (zero) from
these entry points to select immediately telephone ‘outcalling’ and not play
a menu to choose a type of device.
v For a system that only uses SMS devices and does not permit telephone
‘outcalling’, IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS can return with SV74=1 (one) from
these entry points to select immediately an SMS device defined in the
pager_types file.
v For a system that requires a custom menu to allow selection from several
types of device, the custom menu can play in IMC_SBR_MENU_SNS and
return the type defined in the pager_types file to IMC_SCHEDULE in SV74.
If a number above 99 is returned in SV74 to IMC_SCHEDULE, this will be
processed as an Atomic_menu item (see IMC_SBR_MENU for details of menu
codes over 99) in case the administrator wishes also to implement a back
key or control menu at this point.
IMC_SCHEDULE calls state table IMC_CHK_PFMT to check pager numbers
have a suitable format. This state table is passed the pager number, the user
ID (SV20), and the format from the pager_types file. By default it simply
Administrator's Guide
returns OK (ExitStateTable(0)) but it is a simple matter to add a check for a
certain prefix or length based on the format supplied by the pager_types file.
For example, to check the length add the LOCAL variables NUMBER,
TestLen, and NUMBER Len and add the following code to IMC_CHK_PFMT:
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_MNU_SNS. Be careful to set
SV74 to a valid return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of
valid return codes, see the state table source code in directory
/usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/MessageCenter/st_src/sbr_mnu_sns. Note that there are
certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any menu.
This enables any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be located on
any menu.
This state table handles the general menus available when any subscriber type
attempts to send a message to a shared number from a menu or enters a
shared number in a distribution list. IMC_SBR_SHARED plays all the
necessary menu prompts, collects the key entered by the subscriber in
response to a prompt, and passes the meaning of that keystroke back to
Unified Messaging. IMC_SBR_SHARED uses SV73 to determine which menu
should be played and branch to the correct state table label. In the supplied
version of IMC_SBR_SHARED this can only be SelectSubBox.
IMC_SBR_SHARED uses SV74 to return a return code back to Unified
Messaging to identify the choice made by the subscriber.
Note: Use IMC_SBR_SHARED for all subscriber types.
Always use ExitStateTable (0) from IMC_SBR_SHARED with SV25 set to the
selected sub-mailbox, if one was selected. Be careful to set SV74 to a valid
return code for the particular menu requested. For a list of valid return codes,
see the state table source code in directory /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/
There are certain standard or atomic return codes which can be used from any
menu. This allows any of the main functions of Unified Messaging to be
located on any menu. These atomic return codes can be found in the state
table source code for the subscriber menus in directory /usr/lpp/dirTalk/sw/
You should not normally need to change or replace IMC_SBR_SHARED.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Unified Messaging is an invoked application, that is, it must be called by
another application. This means that you can imbed Unified Messaging in
other voice applications running under WebSphere Voice Response. To make
Unified Messaging operational, you must create an application to invoke it.
Two sample invoking state tables, IMC_STARTUP and IMC_START_AA, are
supplied with Unified Messaging. IMC_STARTUP is an example of a DID
voice-messaging application; IMC_START_AA is an example of an
auto-attendant application. If you plan to use Unified Messaging in either of
these ways, you can change the sample application to work in your
IMC_STARTUP and IMC_START_AA call Unified Messaging using the
InvokeStateTable action to invoke IMC_MAIN. See “IMC_LOGON” on page
For information on modifying IMC_START_AA when you install Unified
Messaging, see “11. Modifying the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file” on page 7.
No parameters are passed to this state table.
IMC_START_MR implements a standard menu-routing application.
When it is called, callers are played a greeting which allows them to choose a
destination to transfer to by pressing a single key on the telephone keypad.
When they choose a destination to transfer to, the menu routing application
attempts to perform a transfer by calling the number for the destination
chosen. If the number called answers, then the menu routing application
connects the call between the caller and the number called. If the number
called does not answer after a timeout then the menu routing application
sends the caller to the voice mailbox for that number.
For Auto-attendant destination numbers, when a menu routing mailbox is
used to select a subscriber, the voice segment 9734 “Please Hold” is
suppressed by default.
IMC_START_MREN implements an enhanced menu-routing application with
scheduling facilities allowing different menu-routing behavior to be scheduled
on different days of the week and at different times of the day, or in an
Administrator's Guide
See “Implementing menu-routing schedules” on page 75, “Menu routing
schedules” on page 129, “Menu-routing schedules” on page 159, and “Adding
menu-routing scheduling facilities” on page 162 for more information.
When it is called, callers are played a greeting that allows them to choose a
destination to transfer to by pressing a single key on the telephone keypad. A
different greeting can be specified for each schedule. When they choose a
destination to transfer to, the menu routing application attempts to perform a
transfer by calling the number for the destination chosen. If the number called
answers, the menu routing application connects the call between the caller
and the number called. If the number called does not answer after a timeout
then the menu routing application sends the caller to the voice mailbox for
that number, or to a backup number.
For local mailbox destination numbers, when an enhanced menu routing
mailbox is used to select a subscriber, a menu-routing application or an
auto-attendant, the voice segment 9734 “Please Hold” is suppressed by
This is the startup state table for the Unified Messaging quick message
facility. This allows callers to send a message directly to a Unified Messaging
voice mailbox, without signing on as a Unified Messaging subscriber.
Typically, a caller dials directly to a number associated with a profile linked to
this state table.
The caller is prompted for the destination voice mailbox number and allowed
to leave a message. The function is similar to that provided for subscribers in
the Send a Message dialog (option 2 on the Unified Messaging main menu).
One advantage of the quick message facility is that it allows the caller to
specify the destination either as a WebSphere Voice Response profile ID or as
the digit name associated with that profile. This can be used to enter the
recipient’s name rather than their voice mailbox number.
No parameters are passed to IMC_START_QMG.
IMC_START_SUR implements the survey mailbox application. See
"Understanding Survey Mailbox applications" on page 1 for further details.
The IMC_STATS flag for survey mailbox applications is SU which means that
the survey mailbox application was invoked.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
This state table starts Unified Messaging. It is an example of a DID
voice-messaging application. IMC_STARTUP calls Unified Messaging using
the InvokeStateTable action to invoke IMC_MAIN.
For information on modifying IMC_STARTUP when you install Unified
Messaging, see “11. Modifying the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file” on page 7.
To allow additional Unified Messaging platform access numbers, perhaps for
‘wholesale' customers, you can configure additional platform access profiles
that use one of the following entry labels in the sample IMC_STARTUP state
Always prompts for a mailbox number and PIN.
Uses the calling number as the mailbox number, prompting for PIN
only if it is a valid mailbox number. If the calling number is not a
valid mailbox number, prompts for the mailbox number and PIN.
Uses the calling number as the mailbox number, and prompts for
neither mailbox number nor PIN if it is a valid mailbox number,
unless the subscriber has enabled PIN Security, in which case it
prompts for PIN only. If the calling number is not a valid mailbox
number, prompts for the mailbox number and PIN.
Use the Start entry label for all subscriber profiles.
Additional functions in IMC_STARTUP
IMC_STARTUP answers the incoming call, and provides the opportunity for
additional processing to be added before Unified Messaging becomes
For example, if you want calls to certain numbers to be passed to an
application other than Unified Messaging, you can check the called number in
IMC_STARTUP, and invoke the preferred application if the call is not for
Unified Messaging.
Another common example is where calls have been extended from the
attendant. Unfortunately, your switch can pass the attendant's number to
WebSphere Voice Response as the calling number. This means that messages
left by callers who have been connected by the attendant appear in the
Unified Messaging headers as having been left by the attendant, and not the
original caller.
Administrator's Guide
You can correct this by checking the calling number in IMC_STARTUP. If it is
the attendant's number, you can reset it to the external/unknown caller profile
(usually 999999) before passing it to Unified Messaging.
This state table reports statistics from Unified Messaging. IMC_STATS collects
detailed information about each action and saves it in a system variable, SV81.
IMC_STATS takes the information from SV81 and writes a record to the
IMC_Stats.log file at the end of the call.
Each record is in the format:
v Each reported event is delimited by a colon (:)
SD is the start date flag followed by the system date when the call started
ST is the start time flag followed by the system time when the call started
CI is the calling ID flag followed by the calling ID
CN is the called number flag followed by the called number
SW is the start day of week flag followed by the day of the week that the
call started
v XX is a statistics flag (see Table 41 on page 442)
v YY is a statistics flag
v ZZ is a statistics flag with some associated data
When there is too much data for SV81, an overflow occurs. The current value
of SV81 is written to the log, and SV81 is cleared and used again for the
remaining statistical information.
IMC_STATS can also call the IMC_Stats custom server to create statistics
reports and summaries. For more information see “IMC_Stats” on page 553.
You can tailor IMC_STATS and IMC_Stats. For example, if you charge for
voice mailbox usage or call-transfer on your Unified Messaging system, you
can develop an interface to your billing system.
Note: In Unified Messaging a subscriber can exit to the signon procedure,
then either the same subscriber or a different one can sign on. This process
can be repeated indefinitely during the same telephone call.
IMC_Stats produces a separate statistical record for each session. Table 41 on
page 442 lists and describes all the statistics flags.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions
Subscriber set auto_save_msg to value specified.
The menu routing application was invoked.
Subscriber deleted an audio name.
Subscriber's announcement-only greeting played to caller.
Subscriber appended comment to message.
Default announcement-only system greeting played to caller.
Subscriber set bilingual_grt to value specified.
Call forwarded to Unified Messaging because subscriber's line was busy.
Subscriber's busy greeting played to caller.
Subscriber changed audio name.
Subscriber set clock_pref to value specified.
Call successfully transferred by caller to another number.
Call transfer by caller to another number failed.
Subscriber changed greeting.
Calling number is number specified. If unknown, set to external caller ID.
Number originally called is number specified.
Subscriber changed PIN.
Subscriber tried to call sender of message.
Last transfer number requested by caller is number specified.
Attempt to set colleague number failed.
Subscriber specified destination of message by dialing by name.
Call successfully transferred by caller to colleague number.
Call transfer by caller to colleague number failed.
Subscriber deleted greeting specified.
Caller disconnected on request.
Caller requested transfer to colleague number specified.
Subscriber disconnected on request.
Subscriber selected to work with deleted voice messages.
Subscriber requested to set colleague number.
Subscriber told synchronization not allowed.
Subscriber set synch user to value specified.
An external call; the default if source of call not known.
Subscriber set synch type to value specified.
Administrator's Guide
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
Subscriber set message destination preference specified.
Failure occurred sending e-mail to fax machine.
Subscriber set message destination type specified.
Subscriber requested exit to signon.
Message sent as e-mail.
Date when call ended was date specified.
Subscriber selected to receive remote e-mail messages.
e-mail successfully sent to fax machine specified.
Call ended at time specified.
Day of week on which call ended was day specified.
Subscriber entered fax number specified.
Subscriber failed to set fax number.
Fax successfully received.
Subscriber successfully set fax number.
Subscriber deleted fax number.
Failure occurred receiving fax.
Subscriber entered temporary fax number specified.
Subscriber failed to set temporary fax number.
Subscriber successfully set temporary fax number.
Subscriber deleted temporary fax number.
Failure occurred sending fax to fax machine.
Fax successfully sent or received.
Subscriber went through first time signon procedure.
Announcement-only greeting selected.
Alternate announcement-only greeting selected.
Greeting header played to caller.
System announcement-only greeting selected.
Unified Messaging decided that greeting should be played to caller.
Default remote greeting played to caller.
System greeting selected.
Personal greeting (specified) selected.
An IMAP4 client connected to Unified Messaging.
The subscriber created an IMAP4 folder.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
The subscriber deleted an IMAP4 folder.
Internal call.
The subscriber accessed messages.
The subscriber marked a message for deletion.
The subscriber purged all messages marked for deletion.
The subscriber moved a message from one IMAP4 folder to another.
The subscriber marked a new message as read.
The IMAP4 client has disconnected.
Subscriber entered invalid PIN while signing on.
Caller tried to jump out to PageMe number.
Caller tried to jump out to colleague number.
Sign on to Unified Messaging.
Caller tried to jump out to attendant number.
Caller tried to jump out to ReachMe number.
Caller tried to jump out by transferring to another number.
Subscriber or caller changed language (to language specified).
Subscriber deleted distribution list ID specified.
Subscriber successfully signed on to Unified Messaging.
Subscriber created distribution list ID specified.
Subscriber logged on without supplying profile ID.
Subscriber tried to log on.
Subscriber logged on without supplying PIN.
Subscriber listened to message.
Caller chose to record another message for same subscriber in same call.
Subscriber created distribution list member specified.
Subscriber deleted message.
Caller rerecorded message.
Caller could not leave message because subscriber's voice mailbox was
Message left by caller. This is a subset of MO.
Caller listened to message just recorded in subscriber's voice mailbox.
Subscriber could not sign on because voice mailbox already in use.
Message sent to external voice mail system.
Mailbox locked.
Administrator's Guide
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
Subscriber deleted distribution list member specified.
Message sent by subscriber to number specified.
Caller recorded message.
Subscriber sent reply to message.
Subscriber sent message to distribution list ID specified.
Subscriber pressed 1 to receive messages.
Subscriber signed on to Unified Messaging; was warned of full voice
Caller abandoned message without saving. This is a subset of MO.
Caller left message and terminated by hang up. This is a subset of MG.
Message forwarded to subscriber.
Subscriber set delete_new_msgs to value specified.
Subscriber saved new notice board.
Subscriber deleted notice board.
Notice board played to caller.
Call forwarded to Unified Messaging because there was no reply from
subscriber's extension, or calls are permanently forwarded to Unified
Messaging. This is also the default if the reason for forwarding to Unified
Messaging is not known.
Subscriber entered attendant number specified.
Subscriber failed to set attendant number.
Call successfully transferred by caller to attendant number.
Subscriber deleted outgoing message.
Subscriber successfully set attendant number.
Call transfer by caller to attendant number failed.
Subscriber deleted attendant number.
Subscriber listened to outgoing message.
Subscriber checked outgoing mail.
Caller requested transfer to attendant number specified.
Subscriber entered pager number specified.
Subscriber set play_headers to value specified.
Subscriber failed to set pager number.
Caller disconnected because maximum number of PIN attempts exceeded
(number specified).
Unified Messaging encountered technical problem and terminated call.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
Caller not transferred to nominated pager number.
Subscriber deleted pager number.
Subscriber entered temporary pager number specified.
Subscriber failed to set temporary pager number.
Subscriber successfully set temporary pager number.
Subscriber deleted temporary pager number.
Subscriber entered pager reference number specified.
Subscriber deleted pager reference number.
Caller successfully transferred to pager number specified.
Subscriber entered temporary pager number specified.
Subscriber successfully set pager number.
Subscriber deleted temporary pager reference number.
Subscriber added comment to beginning of message.
Caller successfully transferred to pager number.
Subscriber's personal greeting (specified) played to caller.
Subscriber deleted call-forwarding number.
Call transfer to referral number by caller succeeded.
Call transfer to referral number by caller failed.
Caller was played default remote greeting.
Subscriber failed to set ReachMe number.
Caller not transferred to ReachMe number.
Subscriber successfully set ReachMe number.
Subscriber deleted ReachMe number.
Subscriber entered temporary ReachMe number specified.
Caller transferred to ReachMe number specified.
Caller transferred to referral number specified.
Subscriber entered ReachMe number specified.
Attempt to set call-forwarding (referral) number failed.
Subscriber failed to set temporary ReachMe number.
Subscriber successfully set call-forwarding number.
Unified Messaging tried to connect caller to subscriber's call-forwarding
Subscriber requested to set referral number specified.
Subscriber successfully set temporary ReachMe number.
Administrator's Guide
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
Subscriber deleted temporary ReachMe number.
Subscriber set send_msg_address to value specified.
Call successfully transferred by subscriber to another number.
Date when call started.
Subscriber failed to transfer to another number.
Default standard system greeting played to caller.
Subscriber handled or accessed notification schedules.
Message followed by hang up shorter than minimum message time for
this installation; not saved.
Last attempted transfer number requested by subscriber.
Start time of call was time specified.
The survey mailbox application was invoked.
Day of week on which call took place was day specified.
Call successfully transferred by subscriber to sender of message.
Subscriber toggled to expert prompts.
Subscriber failed to transfer to sender of message.
Last number to which subscriber requested transfer to sender of message.
Unified Messaging terminated call because caller or subscriber did not
Subscriber toggled to standard prompts.
User exit invoked from Unified Messaging main menu.
Application profile ID of subscriber signed on to Unified Messaging (if
signon takes place during call) was ID specified.
VPIM message arrived for a subscriber
The subscriber logged into Unified Messaging via the WWW interface
The subscriber went to their mail on WWW.
The subscriber went to their preferences on WWW
The subscriber went to their personal directory on WWW
The subscriber added an entry to their personal directory.
The subscriber deleted an entry from their personal directory
The subscriber modified an entry in their personal directory.
The subscriber marked a message as saved on WWW.
The subscriber deleted a message via the WWW.
The subscriber listened to a message via the WWW.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Table 41. IMC_STATS flags and descriptions (continued)
The subscriber read an e-mail on a remote server via the WWW.
The subscriber deleted a remote e-mail via the WWW.
The subscriber marked a new message as read via the WWW.
The subscriber modified one of their preferences.
Subscriber chose Work with greetings.
Subscriber tried to transfer call to another number.
This state table plays the prompts that an end user would hear when using
Unified Messaging as a telephony portal.
This state table extracts telephony portal settings from the SV79 system
variable. The following settings are extracted:
This state table plays a greeting to a caller for a telephony portal subscriber.
This state table encapsulates the code needed to create the trombone between
a caller and a third party in a single call. It is called by the user's application,
along with a number of parameters using the InvokeStateTable action. The
code is encapsulated in this way to allow it to be used in a similar way to
other telephony actions without the user having to be concerned about the
details of performing the trombone.
If the trombone is set up successfully, this state table will not return until
either one of the parties hangs up, or the caller terminates the trombone by
Administrator's Guide
dialing a specified number using DTMF keys. If the trombone operation fails,
the state table exits immediately with a status code (and return edge)
indicating what the problem is.
This state table performs the outbound call part of the trombone operation
and should never be called by the user (IBM_Trombone_Custom_Server calls
it). The state table's job is to perform a MakeCall and return the status of the
attempt to IBM_Trombone_Custom_Server. If the MakeCall is successful, the
state table uses a WaitEvent action to wait until one of the parties hangs up
before exiting.
A third party hangup is indicated by an EDGE_HUP returned from the
WaitEvent; a caller hangup is indicated by an EDGE_EVENT_HOST from the
This state table provides feedback to the subscriber or caller in the form of
prompts both before and after a transfer. For example if a call transfer is not
successful, or is not permitted, IMC_XFER can explain this to the caller.
See also “IMC_XFER_DO.”
This state table is used by Unified Messaging to transfer calls. You might need
to edit IMC_XFER_DO to enable call transfer to work properly with the
particular switch to which WebSphere Voice Response is connected.
Enabling call transfer
If you decide to change the way that call transfer is implemented, you must
understand fully how the both the switch and WebSphere Voice Response
expect transfer to happen; see Chapter 8. State table actions - TransferCall in
Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
The version of IMC_XFER_DO supplied with Unified Messaging uses a
simple TransferCall state table action for call transfer. This might work with
your telephone switch, but if your switch requires a different procedure to
effect call transfer from WebSphere Voice Response, you will need to change
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
Using tromboning
Tromboning means connecting the voice channel of an inbound call with the
voice channel of an outbound call. You can use this either as a substitute for
switch transfer, or to add the ability for subscribers to continue at the menu
point from where they transferred, as if they had never left Unified
To use tromboning instead of the TransferCall action, add XferType=1 to the
Global Variables section of $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini as
[Global Variables]
See Appendix G, “Configuration file settings,” on page 589 for more
If your switch supports transfer, but you still want to enable subscribers to
return to the Unified Messaging menus after a transfer occasionally, you
might want to add a GOTO Trombone for the CALLSENDER and USERXFER
XferReasons (see “The IMC_XFER_DO parameters” on page 451).
Note: Transferring using a switch lets you play various prompts to the called
party before connection (in Unified Messaging this is handled in
IMC_XFER_DO). Using tromboning, you must enable this playing of prompts
in code in the IBMTromboneOut state table.
You also need to follow the WebSphere Voice Response instructions to get
tromboning working.
The trombone application is IBM_Trombone.imp, and you’ll find it in the
WebSphere Voice Response $VAE/sw/samples directory. You install it by
importing it like any other WebSphere Voice Response application. Once
you’ve done so, either restart WebSphere Voice Response or start the
IBM_Trombone_Custom_server from the Custom Server Manager window.
If you want to know more about the trombone application, look in the
WebSphere Voice Response $CUR_DIR/ca/IBM_Trombone_Custom_Server_dir
directory for the PDF file IBM_Trombone.pdf.
Other changes to call transfer
IMC_XFER_DO is also the place to put any additional edits you might want
to apply to transfer-call actions. For example, you might have subscribers
whose class of service does not allow them to transfer calls to the public
Administrator's Guide
network. In this case you might put in an edit for this class of service that
checks to see if the requested call transfer is to a public network number. If it
is, you would skip directly to return invalid from IMC_XFER_DO, bypassing
the TransferCall action.
There are many additional possibilities for edits to control call transfer from
Unified Messaging. For example, the maximum length of a number to which
jump out is requested could be set to four.
The IMC_XFER_DO parameters
Use the following parameters, passed to IMC_XFER_DO, to specify your edit
The number to which call transfer is being requested.
The reason for requesting the call transfer. There are nine possible
reasons for a call transfer to be requested from Unified Messaging:
The subscriber has asked to be connected to the sender of a
A caller has asked to jump out of the greeting or message
dialog and transfer to the called party’s nominated colleague.
An incoming fax call has been received by Unified Messaging
and needs to be transferred to a fax machine.
A caller has asked to jump out of the greeting or message
dialog and transfer to XferNumber. The caller might have left
a message before requesting jump out.
A caller has requested to jump out of the greeting or message
dialog and transfer to the attendant.
A caller has requested to jump out of the greeting or message
dialog and transfer to the subscriber’s ReachMe number.
The subscriber has requested Unified Messaging to transfer
the caller to this number in preference to playing the greeting.
However, the greeting is to be played if the call is not
successfully transferred.
Appendix C. The Unified Messaging state tables
A caller has requested to jump out of the greeting/message
dialog and transfer to the subscriber’s pager number.
The subscriber has requested a transfer out of Message Center
to another number.
You can also use the WebSphere Voice Response system variables:
For all the XferReasons except CALLSENDER and USERXFER, this
contains the number of the caller (if the caller has a mailbox on the
system), or the external caller profile (999999 by default). For
CALLSENDER and USERXFER, this contains the number of the
subscriber mailbox.
SV427 - SV429
The caller class of service available when SV20 and SV32 have been
set (see Appendix E, “WebSphere Voice Response system variables
used by Unified Messaging,” on page 563).
For all the XferReasons except CALLSENDER and USERXFER, this
contains the number of the subscriber mailbox being called.
SV497 - SV499
The receiver class of service available when SV25 and SV33 have been
set (see Appendix E, “WebSphere Voice Response system variables
used by Unified Messaging,” on page 563).
This state table transforms a number entered in IMC_GET_DEST (for
specifying the destination of a message) or IMC_GET_NUM (for specifying a
number to transfer to for an auto attendant) before it is checked to see if it
matches a profile on the system. Unless customized, the IMC_XFORM_NUM
state table by default checks the MailboxDigits and ExtensionDialing settings
in (system-wide, subscriber type or partition) GlobalVariables INI file settings
and then attempts to use the IMC_ByNumber custom server to expand a
specified extension number to the full subscriber number.
Administrator's Guide
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
This appendix gives an overview of the Unified Messaging custom servers.
The custom servers are used to provide additional functions in Unified
Messaging that cannot be provided by state tables.
Table 42 lists all the custom servers, with links to the sections where they are
described in detail. The descriptions and settings begin at “Custom server
descriptions and settings” on page 456 following a brief introduction.
Table 42. Unified Messaging custom servers
Unified Messaging custom Description
server name
Allows state tables to use the AcuVoice
Speech Synthesizer for text-to-speech.
Provides command-line administration
functions for day-to-day management of
Unified Messaging.
Handles fax and text attachments.
Determines which numbers can be dialed 463
and which are forbidden.
Broadcasts messages to large numbers of
Supports the dial-by-name function in
Unified Messaging.
Supports extension dialing in Unified
Monitors the list of custom servers which 472
should be running on the system, and
restarts them if necessary.
Allows the name of a caller recorded on 473
one channel to be cached in memory and
played out on another channel
Changes the language in an application
Enables command-line control of
WebSphere Voice Response custom
Deletes messages automatically after a
specified number of days.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Table 42. Unified Messaging custom servers (continued)
Unified Messaging custom Description
server name
Enables undeleting of messages by
replacing the state table
DeleteVoiceMessage action.
Handles personal directories used by
subscribers while checking e-mail on
IMAP4 or POP3 servers. Used by the
Web interface for personal directory
Creates a distribution list from a
standard text file.
Records and plays distribution list
Records and plays distribution list
Selects an outgoing mailbox when
sending messages to external
Converts incoming e-mail containing
voice and fax attachments into voice
Returns application profiles sequentially
for use by housekeeping routines.
Looks up and calculates the expiry date
of a subscriber's PIN.
Retrieve IMC_MessageCenter.ini
configuration settings for use in state
Allows caller options to be customized,
depending on the greeting a subscriber
has selected.
IMAP4 interface for connecting to
IMAP4-compliant e-mail servers.
IMAP4 interface to allow
IMAP4-compliant e-mail clients to access
Unified Messaging voice messages.
Monitors the DB2 table that holds IOBI
events and sends such events to the IOBI
Administrator's Guide
Table 42. Unified Messaging custom servers (continued)
Unified Messaging custom Description
server name
LDAP interface for accessing LDAPcompliant directory servers
Logs the maximum number of incoming
lines used simultaneously within each 5
minute period.
Logs an error in the WebSphere Voice
Response error log if Unified Messaging
has a technical problem and cannot
complete a caller or subscriber function.
Schedules and manages the multiple
AMIS output lines of the AMIS-Analog
external messaging function.
Unified Messaging interface for Java
beans API and Web functionality
Moves one or more subscribers to a new
extension or system.
Provides the required data to the
telephony interface for enhanced
Processes Web browser requests, passing 511
them to IMC_MsgServer.
Note: IMC_MsgClient is not a true
custom server; it runs on the Web server.
Lets subscribers access their Unified
Messaging mailboxes and messages over
the internet.
Receives notifications from the
IMC_NOTIFY state table and sends
e-mail notifications for new messages.
Provides fax detection during recording
for small (fewer than 1000 subscribers)
voice messaging databases.
Logs the maximum number of
simultaneous outgoing calls made by
Unified Messaging within each 5 minute
Lets you use your own alphanumeric
pagers. (A user exit from the
IMC_OCALL_MAKE state table.)
Enforce PIN reuse rules
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Table 42. Unified Messaging custom servers (continued)
Unified Messaging custom Description
server name
Breaks text into multiple phrases for
playback using IBM ViaVoice®
Enables speed and volume control when
playing voice messages by replacing the
state table PlayVoiceMessage action.
POP3 interface for connecting to
POP3–compliante-mail servers
Plays audio names from remote systems.
Manages databases for remote systems.
Returns incoming e-mail messages
rejected by the IMC_Getmail custom
Runs a state table from the command
line (for use by system administrators).
Handles notification of new messages by
outcalling to a pager or handset.
Creates and sends e-mail notes
containing voice and fax attachments.
Acts as a central point from which SMDI 548
message-waiting indications can be sent
to multiple SMDI servers.
Acts as a central point from which SNPP 551
(Simple Network Paging Protocol) pager
notifications can be sent.
Concatenates two greetings and saves
them as a single greeting.
Gathers statistics from the command line. 553
Provides a WebSphere MQ interface to
the Unified Messaging subscriber
administration functions.
Custom server descriptions and settings
The custom servers described in this appendix are listed alphabetically.
Administrator's Guide
The custom servers are imported with Unified Messaging, unless they have
been deleted from the import list. After importing, the custom servers should
have INSTALLED or AUTOEXEC IPL status in the Custom Server manager
window in WebSphere Voice Response. If any of the custom servers are not
installed, you can build and install them using the WebSphere Voice Response
Custom Server windows.
If you change any main() arguments in Unified Messaging custom server
properties, you must save the changes, then stop and restart the custom
server to pick up the new values.
The custom server control file settings can be set on a system-wide basis only,
and are maintained in the system-wide .ini file only (IMC_MessageCenter.ini).
Most of the settings in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file already have suitable
defaults and should be entered in the system-wide .ini file only if a different
behavior from the default behavior of the custom server is required.
Many custom servers use settings in other sections such as [GlobalVariables],
[Auditing], and [Passwords]. These are also detailed in this appendix. Like
the custom server settings, values in these other sections can be set on a
system-wide basis only. Many of the lines listed in the control files are the
default settings (shown in italics) which you do not need to enter in your .ini
file. Lines listed which do not show the default settings are suggested settings
for a high performance system (the default is usually lower than these
suggested settings). If you do not use a particular custom server and it is not
running on your system, there is no need to put entries for it in your .ini file.
Almost all custom servers have RunOnServer and RunOnClient settings
available to them. These settings can be used to prevent a custom server from
starting up on an SSI server or an SSI client. Although you can attempt to
start the custom server, or it may be started automatically by an AUTOEXEC
IPL status, it will shut down immediately if it discovers RunOnServer is no
and it is on an SSI Server or if it discovers RunOnClient is no and it is on an
SSI Client. Additionally, IMC_CA_Monitor will not attempt to start a custom
server on an SSI Server, if it finds it has a RunOnServer no setting, or on an
SSI Client if it finds it has a RunOnClient no setting. If the custom server does
not have RunOnServer and RunOnClient settings specified, it should be run
on both the SSI client and SSI server.
This custom server uses the AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer product. It provides
functions to state tables for performing text-to-speech. Before you can use this
custom server, you must install AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001 for AIX.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using the AcuVoice Speech
Synthesizer. If you are using one of the other text-to-speech engines, set the
IPL status to INSTALLED.
Control files
IMC_AcuVoice_TTS uses /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/AcuVoice_TTS.ini to
obtain the location of the AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer software installation. A
typical file looks like this:
Soundbank = /home/dtuser/AcuVoice/sndbank
DictFiles = /home/dtuser/AcuVoice/dictfls
Temp = /tmp
The file consists of one section called Directories. Within this section there are
three required fields. These are:
The location of the AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer sound bank files.
The location of the AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer dictionary files.
The location of a directory that AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer can use
for storing temporary files. This is typically /tmp.
IMC_Admin provides command line administration functions for day-to-day
management of Unified Messaging. Use these functions, or the Unified
Messaging Interface Tool (described in Chapter 5, “Unified Messaging
Interface Tool,” on page 177), in preference to the WebSphere Voice Response
Application Profiles window interface.
IMC_Admin supports the following commands:
Administrator's Guide
Adds an application profile for a mailbox.
Adds a list of subscribers.
Adds an application profile allowing up to 10 sub-mailboxes sharing
the main profile number.
Adds a new subscriber.
Changes any field in the subscriber’s profile. This command allows
you to update any field in the Unified Messaging application profile.
You can also use it in an AIX script.
Deletes an alias from a mailbox.
dellist Deletes a list of subscribers.
Deletes a subscriber.
Searches for one or more subscribers.
Configures notification for future delivery.
Lists all subscribers.
Changes a normal application profile number used for voice
messaging into an alias number.
Changes a normal application profile number used for voice
messaging into a shared number allowing up to 10 sub-mailboxes
sharing the main profile number.
Moves all details of a mailbox from one number to another number
on the same system.
Configures the WebSphere Voice Response database triggers to send
message waiting indicator signals.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Lists all the fields in a subscriber’s profile.
Changes a normal mailbox number with an alias, back to a normal
application profile on the alias number.
Changes a shared profile allowing up to 10 sub-mailboxes into a
normal application profile used for voice messaging.
Backs up all the voice message and mailbox data on a system.
Renumbers all the message IDs on separate WebSphere Voice
Response systems which are to be merged together.
Renumbers all the voice message and mailbox data saved with the
vm_backup utility.
These commands are included in the directory $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/
utils. As part of the installation process, you should move these commands
to a directory accessible only by authorized administration users. This enables
you to control which commands are made available to any particular ID. For
example, you might authorize a help desk only to display a subscriber’s
profile, and change or reset the PIN.
For more information on how you use the commands, see Chapter 4,
“Subscriber administration,” on page 105.
Command line parameters
-e external profile number
It is sometimes necessary to delete profiles with outgoing messages to
other profiles. The messages are re-sent from the external profile
number, and do not have to be deleted entirely, preserving the
integrity of references in the database. The default is 999999, and you
should have no reason to change it.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Admin gets startup information from /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/
IMCdefaults.file. This file is shared by other Unified Messaging custom
Administrator's Guide
servers with their own default entries. The entries in this file specify global
defaults used unless specifically overridden by an individual command. They
need to be customized to your installation. The base entries for IMC_Admin
are listed below:
The profile active greeting for a subscriber. This field is not the same
as the mailbox_active_grt (see Table 9 on page 114) that specifies the
active greeting to be played to callers. Unified Messaging usually
ignores this field.
The entry point into the first state table.
The active language number; for example, 1 for US English.
The number of voice mailboxes activated for the subscriber. Leave this
as the default of 1.
The default PIN assigned when a subscriber is created.
The name of the state table to be entered first when a profile is called.
The subscriber class associated with the subscriber’s definition.
The IMC_Admin entries might look like this:
/* Admin Server defaults....*/
State_Table = IMC_STARTUP;
Entry_Point = Start;
Subscriber_Class = IMC_Basic;
Mailboxes = 1;
Active_Greeting = 1;
Language = 1;
Password = 00000000;
Each variable and its value must be separated by an equals sign (=) with one
space on either side. Each entry must end with a semicolon.
The results of the add, delete, and list IMC_Admin commands are recorded in
the file $OAM_LOG_PATH/IMC_Admin.log. For lists, only the last entry and any
errors are recorded. The file is checked for size, and a warning issued to the
WebSphere Voice Response status window when the journal file is more than
approximately 1MB.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
In addition, IMC_Admin uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its
configuration settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in
TCP_Port= 25111
NumProcesses = 10
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = no
The TCP/IP port on which IMC_Admin receives requests from the
command line utilities. Changing this number and restarting
IMC_Admin will cause IMC_Admin and its utilities to use a different
port number should this port number already be in use for other
Determines the number of IMC_Admin processes available for
processing administration requests. The default is 1. Increasing this
value will increase the amount of resource used by IMC_Admin
(especially database connections) but will also increase performance
and throughput for administration requests.
IMC_Attachment lets state tables handle attachments to voice messages; for
example fax and text (e-mail) attachments.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Attachment uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
Administrator's Guide
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
This custom server determines which numbers can be dialed and which are
forbidden. It is not used by default. To use IMC_Barring, the following state
tables should be customized:
The text file $CUR_DIR/ca/config/barring.rules contains the rules for barring
or allowing numbers, with a set of rules for each class of service.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-t logging level
The amount of information logged, if any:
No logging at all
Errors within the custom server
Errors within the custom server, but also denied requests
Errors within the custom server, denied requests, extra
commentary, and all requests (default)
Errors within the custom server, denied requests, extra
commentary, all requests, and debugging information
-f rules file
Use this to override the default path and filename for the rules file
which is normally $CUR_DIR/ca/config/barring.rules.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Control files
The barring.rules file contains a list of rules for each class of service (COS)
against which the number to be checked is matched in turn. Classes of service
for a particular profile can be set with changeuser. For example, referral_cos
applies to referral (automatic call forward) and reachme numbers; deputy_cos
applies to colleague numbers, and so on. See Table 9 on page 114 for other
class-of-service parameters.
The rules are checked in order. If no rule matches, then the number is not
An x matches any single character and a ? matches zero or more of any
characters. The ? has been used rather than * because it may be possible to
receive a * as part of a telephone number. A ! at the start of the pattern makes
the rule "not this pattern”.
Example rules file:
# Call barring
# cos <COS number> <instruction> <pattern> <profile> <request type>
# allow all profiles to transfer to numbers starting 07
cos 1 allow 07? ? ?
# do not allow 254594 to make deputy transfers to 255756
cos 1 deny 255756 254594 deputy
# allow 6-digit numbers
cos 1 allow xxxxxx ? ?
# deny everything else for COS 1
cos 1 deny ? ? ?
# deny 6-digit profiles starting with 25 from transferring to
# international numbers
cos 2 deny 00? 25xxxx ?
# deny French numbers for all profiles
cos 2 deny 0033? ? ?
# allow everything else for COS 2
cos 2 allow ? ? ?
IMC_Broadcast broadcasts messages to large numbers of subscribers.
An authorized subscriber sends a message to the broadcast ID in the normal
way. IMC_Broadcast sends the message to a list of subscribers. You can also
send broadcast messages by partition (see “Adding partitions” on page 180).
Messages sent to the broadcast ID by unauthorized senders are not broadcast,
they are deleted.
Administrator's Guide
Information on any failures in sending or receiving broadcast messages is
logged in file IMC_Broadcast_failures.log
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-a AdminID
The administrator's profile ID from which the message is sent
(mandatory). The default is profile ID 666666. Messages sent to the
broadcast ID by subscribers other than this ID and partition
administrator broadcast IDs (of the form 666xxx) are deleted. The
AdminID is not used for broadcast messages from mailbox IDs of the
form 8888xxxx to subscribers belonging to a particular partition or
from mailbox IDs of the form 9999xxxx to subscribers belonging to a
particular distribution list.
-b BroadcastID
The profile ID to which the administrator sends messages to be
broadcast (mandatory). The default is profile ID 777777. The
BroadcastID is not used for broadcast messages from mailbox IDs of
the form 8888xxxx to subscribers belonging to a particular partition or
from mailbox IDs of the form 9999xxxx to subscribers belonging to a
particular distribution list.
-e ExcludeFile
The file containing the profile IDs to be excluded from a system-wide
broadcast sent using profile IDs 666666 or of the form 666xxx to
profile ID 777777. The default is
-f ForceSend
Forces the sending of a message sent using profile IDs 666666 or of
the form 666xxx to profile ID 777777, even if the mailbox is
announce-only or full.
-i IncludeFile
The file containing the profile IDs to be included in a system-wide
broadcast sent using profile IDs 666666 or of the form 666xxx to
profile ID 777777. If no include file is specified, the broadcast is sent
to all subscribers other than those in the exclude file.
-n Notify
Notifications are sent to the recipients of the broadcast messages sent
using profile IDs 666666 or of the form 666xxx to profile ID 777777.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
-s SleepTime
The interval, in seconds, between IMC_Broadcast checking to see if it
needs to do anything. The default is 5 seconds.
-x ExtProfileID
The external caller profile ID. The default is 999999.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Broadcast uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
AdminID = 666666
AuthUsersFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/AuthUsersFile
BroadcastAuthEmail = admin@company.com
BroadcastID = 777777
Debug = 0
DistListAuthThreshold = 100
ExcludeFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/no_broadcast.file
IncludeFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/broadcast.file
ForceSend = no
LocalExcludeFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/no_broadcast.file
Notify = no
NumBroadcastServers = 2
RemoteExcludeFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/no_broadcast.file
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
SpoolDir = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/spool
StaggerDelay = 20
StaggerNumberMailboxes = 95
StaggerThreshold = 100
The administrator's profile ID from which the message is sent. The
default is profile ID 666666. Messages sent to the broadcast ID by
subscribers other than this ID and partition administrator broadcast
IDs (of the form 666xxx) are deleted. AdminID can be used in place of
the -a command line parameter.
A string value containing the path and filename of the file that
contains a list of mailboxes that are authorized to send broadcast
messages to distribution lists. The format of the data in the file is:
<Type><ID>: <profile1> <profile2> ... <profileN> where: <Type> is
either D for a Distribution list or P for a Partition, <ID> is the ID
Administrator's Guide
number of the Distribution List or Partition, and <profileX> is the
profile number of the subscriber that is authorized to send. For
D9999:1007 1005 2000 2002
P1111:1007 1005
D1111:1007 1005
For broadcast messages to subscribers belonging to a particular
distribution list or belonging to a particular distribution list, a string
value containing the email address that notifications of broadcasts to
be authorized will be sent to. The name of the template file to be used
for these notifications is DISTAUTH and it must be located in the
$CA/template directory.
The profile ID to which the administrator sends messages to be
broadcast. The default is profile ID 777777. BroadcastID can be used in
place of the -b command line parameter.
An integer value (0 or 5) specifying the amount of Debug output that
is produced. The output will be written to $OAM_LOG_PATH/
For broadcast messages to subscribers belonging to a particular
distribution list or belonging to a particular distribution list, an integer
value indicating the number of mailboxes above which authorization
is required. A notification is sent to the email address specified in the
BroadcastAuthEmail parameter in the ini file. Below this level no
authorization is required. To protect system integrity, the
recommended value for this parameter is 100.
The file containing the profile IDs to be excluded from a system-wide
broadcast. The default is
ExcludeFile can be used in place of the -e command line parameter.
The file containing the profile IDs to be included in a system-wide
broadcast. If no include file is specified, the broadcast is sent to all
subscribers other than those in the exclude file. IncludeFile can be
used in place of the -i command line parameter.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Forces the sending of a message, even if the mailbox is announce-only
or full. ForceSend can be used in place of the -f command line
A string value containing the path and filename of the master
exclusions file that contains a list of mailboxes that any broadcast
message should not be sent to. The default is
In the file, the numbers of the excluded mail boxes are each listed on
a separate line.
Notify Notifications are sent to the recipients of the broadcast messages.
Notify can be used in place of the -n command line parameter.
An integer value specifying the number of broadcast servers to start.
The number of these servers started will determine how many
broadcasts can be sent at the same time. To protect system integrity,
the recommended value for this parameter is 2.
A string value containing the path and filename of the master
exclusions file that contains a list of mailboxes that any broadcast
message should not be sent to on remote systems. The default is
In the file, the numbers of the excluded mail boxes are each listed on
a separate line.
A string value containing the directory into which temporary spool
files will be written to prior to being processed.
For broadcast messages from mailbox IDs beginning 8888 to
subscribers belonging to a particular partition or from mailbox IDs
beginning 9999 to subscribers belonging to a particular distribution
list, an integer value indicating the number of seconds delay between
sending the message to StaggerNumberMailboxes of mailboxes. To
protect system integrity, the recommended value for this parameter is
20. This parameter does not affect broadcast messages sent using the
standard 666666profile ID and profile IDs of the form 666xxx.
For broadcast messages from mailbox IDs beginning 8888 to
subscribers belonging to a particular partition or from mailbox IDs
Administrator's Guide
beginning 9999 to subscribers belonging to a particular distribution
list, an integer value indicating the number of mailboxes to which the
message is sent when the StaggerThreshold is exceeded. To protect
system integrity, the recommended value for this parameter is 95. This
parameter does not affect broadcast messages sent using the standard
666666 profile ID and profile IDs of the form 666xxx.
For broadcast messages from mailbox IDs beginning 8888 to
subscribers belonging to a particular partition or from mailbox IDs
beginning 9999 to subscribers belonging to a particular distribution
list, an integer value indicating the number of mailboxes above which
the sending of broadcast messages is staggered. Below this level, an
attempt is made to send all messages simultaneously. To protect
system integrity, the recommended value for this parameter is 100.
This parameter does not affect broadcast messages sent using the
standard 666666 profile ID and profile IDs of the form 666xxx.
IMC_ByName supports the Unified Messaging dial-by-name function.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_ByName uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
NumProceses = 3
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
The number of IMC_ByName processes to handle Dial-By-Name
requests. Increasing this value will increase the amount of resource
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
used by IMC_ByName (especially database connections), but will also
increase performance and throughput for systems with a large
number of Dial-By-Name requests.
IMC_ByNumber supports the Unified Messaging extension dialing function.
In $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_ByNumber_dir/utils you will find the commands
add_reverse_id_index and delete_reverse_id_index. These commands
configure or remove a field and index that contains the user ID in reverse.
Adding this field and index improves the performance of the IMC_ByNumber
custom server when using the ReverseID setting (see “Control files”). The
index should only be added or removed during a maintenance window in
which you are not taking calls, due to the need to update the field for all
existing user ids, which has a significant impact on the database when the
add_reverse_id_index and delete_reverse_id_index commands are being run.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_ByNumber uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
MailboxDigits = 10
ExtensionDialing = 3-7
NumProcesses = 3
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
ReverseID = no
MaxResults = 1
MaxExceededError = no
TrySenderMatch = no
GetNumFirst = no
The number of digits expected to be in the full subscriber number. For
Administrator's Guide
example, if ten digit U.S. numbers are used as the subscriber numbers,
leave this as the default, 10. This can also be set under the
GlobalVariables of subscriber type or partition INI files to affect
settings just for particular subscriber types or partitions.
The number or range of digits that will be treated as an extension
number for a search. This will be extended up to the full subscriber
number for the search. For example, if you want to use extension
numbers of four digits, use the value 4 here. If you want to allow a
range of digits, specify the range using the - (minus) character
without any spaces between the lower and upper allowable range, for
example, 3-5. This can also be set under the GlobalVariables section of
subscriber type or partition INI files to affect settings just for
particular subscriber types or partitions, respectively.
The number of IMC_ByNumber processes to handle extension-dialing
requests. Increasing this value will increase the amount of resource
used by IMC_ByNumber (especially database connections), but will
also increase performance and throughput for systems with a large
number of extension-dialing requests.
This setting uses a different database field that contains the user id in
reverse to improve performance. To use this setting you must have
configured the database to support this field by running the
add_reverse_id_index script (see “Commands” on page 470).
The maximum number of results IMC_ByNumber will return. This
number cannot exceed 10. Note that as shipped, IMC_XFORM_NUM
which is used by IMC_GET_DEST and IMC_GET_NUM to enable
extension dialing is only interested in a single match, so this is set to
1. If it were set to a higher value IMC_XFORM_NUM could be
customized to allow a caller or user to select from a list of possible
Tells IMC_ByNumber to return an error instead of zero results if
MaxResults is exceeded. Note that as shipped this does not affect the
behavior of IMC_XFORM_NUM.
Allows IMC_ByNumber to attempt to find a match for the extension
based on the sender's number (in the case of IMC_GET_DEST being
used to address a message) or the called number (in the case of
IMC_GET_NUM being used in an auto-attendant). If such a match is
found it is returned immediately. Note that this can provide a
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
different result if turned on because there may in fact be multiple
results, which would otherwise be returned or produce an error (see
"MaxResults" and "MaxExceededError").
Tells IMC_ByNumber to obtain a count of the number of results
before obtaining the results. This obtains more precise information for
IMC_ByNumber to operate with but gives somewhat worse
performance as this request is strictly unnecessary in cases where only
a very limited number of results is required (for example, where
MaxResults = 1) .
IMC_CA_Monitor monitors the list of custom servers that should be running
on the system and restarts them if necessary. When the custom server first
starts, it sleeps for an initial period before trying any restarts. This ensures
that it does not interfere with the normal startup processes when WebSphere
Voice Response first comes up. It then restarts any custom servers that should
be running but that are not. It then sleeps for a set period before regularly
checking the custom servers and restarting any that are not running.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
Initial sleep time (in seconds) on startup. The default is 1000 seconds.
Regular sleep time (in seconds) before checking custom servers. The
default is 600 seconds.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_CA_Monitor uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
MonitorFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/monitor.file
ServerFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/server_monitor.file
ClientFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/client_monitor.file
Administrator's Guide
InitSleepTime = 1000
RegularSleepTime = 600
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
The name of the control file to use. The default is
$CUR_DIR/ca/config/monitor.file. MonitorFile can be used in place
of the -f command line parameter.
The name of the control file to use on an SSI Server.
The name of the control file to use on an SSI Client.
Initial sleep time (in seconds) on startup. The default is 1000.
InitSleepTime can be used in place of the -i command line parameter.
Regular sleep time (in seconds) before checking custom servers. The
default is 600. RegularSleepTime can be used in place of the -r
command line parameter.
IMC_CallerName allows the name of a caller recorded on one channel to be
cached in memory and played out on another channel when a call is being
transferred by IBM_Trombone_Custom_Server. If only a single channel was
involved (for example, in a state table using TransferCall) then this could be
achieved using RecordVoiceSegment() and
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Control files
IMC_CallerName uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RecordTime = 4
NumAttempts = 2
SilenceThreshold = -38
PlaybackThreshold = -38
SilenceBehaviour = transfer (or voicemail or hangup or retry)
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Maximum record time for recording the caller's name. The default is
Maximum number of attempts for recording a caller's name should
the SilenceThreshold not be exceeded. The default is 2.
Threshold in decibels to determine whether a name was recorded or
only silence was heard.
Threshold in decibels to determine if the recording should be played
back. Defaults to the SilenceThreshold if not specified.
Behavior of Unified Messaging should the SilenceThreshold not be
reached and NumAttempts has been exceeded. Default is transfer.
Otherwise Unified Messaging may send the caller to voice mail
(voicemail) or hang up (hangup).
IMC_Change_Lang changes the language in an application profile. It is called
by the IMC_LANG state table when a subscriber requests a valid language
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
Administrator's Guide
IPL status
If you want to be able to change languages, set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
(See also the state table “IMC_Change_Lang” on page 474.)
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_CS_Control provides command line utilities for working with custom
servers instead of using the WebSphere Voice Response GUI.
The startup of a custom server may be requested by IMC_CS_Control, but the
custom server may not start if it has a RunOnServer or RunOnClient setting
which prevents it from starting, for example:
RunOnClient = no
In the system-wide .ini File (IMC_MessageCenter.ini) would prevent
IMC_DeleteMsg from starting on SSI clients.
IMC_CS_Control supports the following commands:
Deinstall a custom server.
Delete a custom server. The custom server must first have been
deinstalled using either the csdeinstall command or the WebSphere
Voice Response GUI.
Get detailed information on a custom server. The typical output looks
like this:
Run Status:
IPL Status:
Last Subroutine:
Seconds Since Last Used:
Max Pool Buffers:
Num Pool Buffers:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Num Channel Processes Linked In:
Gets the same information as csgetinfo for the custom server on all
SSI clients of an SSI cluster.
Install a custom server.
Toggle the IPL status of a custom server. If the status is INSTALLED,
change it to AUTOEXEC. If the status is AUTOEXEC, change it to
csstart Starts a custom server.
Starts a custom server on all SSI clients of an SSI cluster.
csstop Stops a custom server.
Stops a custom server on all SSI clients of an SSI cluster.
The startup of a custom server can be requested by IMC_CS_Control, but the
custom server may not start if it has a RunOnServer or RunOnClient setting
which prevents it from starting. For example:
RunOnClient = no
In the system-wide .ini file (IMC_MessageCenter.ini) would prevent
IMC_DeleteMsg from starting on SSI clients.
Command line parameters
All these commands take one argument which is the name of the custom
server. For example:
csgetinfo IMC_IMAP4_Client
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
Administrator's Guide
Use IMC_DeleteMsg to delete new and saved messages from mailboxes
automatically after a specified period of time, or immediately. As a precaution
against unintentional data loss, IMC_DeleteMsg it is provided as INSTALLED,
so it will not execute automatically unless you change its IPL status.
If you decide to delete messages automatically at specified intervals, to
simplify the workload of the administrator, make sure that the subscribers are
aware of what happens:
v New messages to be deleted are deleted according to the number of days
after which they were originally recorded. You can set the number of days,
by subscriber, using the days_del_new_msgs field (see Table 9 on page 114).
v Saved messages to be deleted are deleted according to the number of days
after which they were originally listened to or saved. You can set the
number of days, by subscriber, using the days_del_saved_msgs field (see
Table 9 on page 114).
If you set either field to 0 (zero) messages will never be deleted unless the
field is overridden with parameters passed to IMC_DeleteMsg.
IMC_DeleteMsg checks all records in the voice messaging database. This can
affect the response times for other database accesses at the same time,
especially for very large voice messaging databases. We therefore recommend
that you run IMC_DeleteMsg only when few or no calls are being processed,
to minimize the impact on subscribers and callers.
Single system image considerations
We advise against running IMC_DeleteMsg on multiple systems in an
SSI cluster at the same time. They might duplicate each others’ tasks,
causing errors to be logged if they delete messages which others
intended to delete. Run IMC_DeleteMsg on a single system according
to an AIX cron task. (You could also, if required, set different systems
to run IMC_DeleteMsg on different days.)
You can use IMC_DeleteMsg itself as a command, invoking it periodically
using the AIX cron daemon. To do this, you must precede the command in
dtuser’s cron table with ./usr/lpp/dirTalk/tools/vae.setenv;. This ensures
that the custom server has the correct environment in which to run.
Alternatively, you can set it to run at intervals according to parameters (main
args) passed to it from the custom server properties windows.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
To find out how to configure the subscriber fields days_del_new_msgs and
days_del_saved_msgs, see “Changing details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on
page 113.
Command line parameters
-l logging level
The amount of information logged, if any:
Log the subscriber number, the type of message (new or
saved), and the message ID deleted. This is the default.
Log the information in level 1. Also log the sender of the
message, the date and time at which the message was saved
or recorded, and the date and time at which IMC_DeleteMsg
is running.
Disable logging.
-f logging path and file name
Use this to override the default path and filename for logging, which
is $CUR_DIR/oamlog/IMC_DeleteMsg.log.
-n number of days
Use this to override any days_del_new_msgs fields set to 0. This lets
you override on a subscriber-by-subscriber basis.
-N number of days
Use this to override all days_del_new_msgs fields. Using this
parameter slightly reduces the impact on database performance.
-s number of days
Use this to override any days_del_saved_msgs fields set to 0. This lets
you override on a subscriber-by-subscriber basis.
-S number of days
Use this to override all days_del_saved_msgs fields. Using this
parameter slightly reduces the impact on database performance.
When deleting new messages, treat saved messages in the same way:
if a saved message meets the new message deletion criteria, but
doesn’t meet the saved message deletion criteria, delete it anyway.
Treat messages that have been listened to in the same way as saved
messages: if a new message has been listened to but not saved, delete
it if it hits the saved message deletion criteria.
-u microseconds between deletes
To reduce the problem of IMC_DeleteMsg consuming database
resource, specify a time in microseconds (1 second = 1,000,000
microseconds) to wait between deleting messages.
Administrator's Guide
Note: There will still be an initial impact on the database while
IMC_DeleteMsg identifies the messages to be deleted.
-T time
If you omit this parameter, IMC_DeleteMsg runs immediately,
deleting all messages meeting the criteria defined in the parameters
when IMC_DeleteMsg started.
When you use the -T parameter, specifying a 24-hour clock time in the
format HH:MM, IMC_DeleteMsg runs every time the clock reaches
the time specified, until you shut IMC_DeleteMsg down. For example,
-T 15:00 runs IMC_DeleteMsg at 3 o’clock every afternoon; -T 03:00
runs IMC_DeleteMsg at 3 o’clock every morning.
-D day of week
Use -D with the -T parameter to restrict the database check to a
particular time on a particular day. The day of week variable is a
number from 1 to 7, where 1 is Sunday and 7 is Saturday.
So if you want to run IMC_DeleteMsg every Sunday morning at 3
o’clock, use -T 03:00 -D 1.
If you need more flexibility for your schedules than you can get with
-T and -D, use the AIX cron task to start IMC_DeleteMsg
Treat saved messages with no listened to or saved date as if their sent
date was one of these. (This is mainly to tidy up messages saved
previously on earlier versions of Unified Messaging, when it was
called DirectTalkMail.)
IPL status
If you use IMC_DeleteMsg with the -T parameter, set the status to
AUTOEXEC. Otherwise, leave it set to INSTALLED; you can still run
IMC_DeleteMsg at scheduled intervals using the AIX cron task.
Control files
IMC_DeleteMsg uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
OldMethod = no
DelSavedLikeNew = no
ListenSameAsSaved = no
ZeroSaveTimeUseSendTime = yes
RollingDelete = yes
LogLevel = 1
LogFileName = /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/oamlog/IMC_DeleteMsg.log
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
OverrideNumNew = 14
OverrideNumSaved = 14
AlwaysOverrideNew = no
AlwaysOverrideSaved = no
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = no
Specifies the criteria used to determine the messages to be deleted:
IMC_DeleteMsg simply deletes messages at the expiry time
found in the database, which is related to the date and time
when the subscriber sends, saves, or listens to the message.
This approach is more efficient because it involves running
only one simple query on the expiry date and time of
messages. Any messages found with no expiry time are
migrated to have a valid expiry time. Consequently,
performance may suffer when IMC_DeleteMsg starts up the
first time in a system that has not been specifying an expiry
IMC_DeleteMsg deletes messages based on the results of
complex queries on the dates and times that messages were
sent and listened to. This approach may be more efficient if
the expiry time of most messages has not been specified (for
example, just after migrating from a previous version or
earlier PTF of Unified Messaging). Use this setting only if
RollingDelete is set to yes (see RollingDelete).
When deleting new messages, treat saved messages in the same way:
if a saved message meets the new-message deletion criteria, but does
not meet the saved-message deletion criteria, delete it anyway. Use
this setting only if RollingDelete is set to no (see RollingDelete below)
or OldMethod is set to yes (see OldMethod). DelSavedLikeNew can be
used in place of the –x parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on
page 477.
Treat messages that have been listened to in the same way as saved
messages: if a new message has been listened to but not saved, delete
it if it meets the saved-message deletion criteria. Use this setting only
if RollingDelete is set to no (see RollingDelete below) or OldMethod is
set to yes (see OldMethod ). ListenSameAsSaved can be used in place
of the –y parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on page 477.
Treat saved messages with no listened to or saved date as if their sent
date was one of these. This is mainly to tidy up messages saved on
earlier versions of the Web interface. Use this setting only if
Administrator's Guide
RollingDelete is set to no (see RollingDelete below) or OldMethod is
set to yes (see OldMethod ). ZeroSaveTimeUseSendTime can be used
in place of the –z parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on page
Deletes messages at exactly the time they are due to expire (for
example, exactly 14 days, to the minute, from the time they were last
saved). This prevents system performance suffering at a particular
time of day (such as midnight) at which expired messages are cleaned
up. This is most efficient when OldMethod is set to no as only a single
query need run (see OldMethod ). If OldMethod is yes and
RollingDelete is yes, IMC_DeleteMsg must be given the
AlwaysOverrideNew and AlwaysOverrideSaved parameters as yes.
Set RollingDelete to yes for optimal performance.
The amount of information logged, if any:
Log the subscriber number, the type of message (new or
saved), and the message ID deleted. This is the default.
Log the information in level 1. Also log the sender of the
message, the date and time at which the message was saved
or recorded, and the date and time at which IMC_DeleteMsg
is running.
Disable logging.
LogLevel can be used in place of the –l parameter shown for
“IMC_DeleteMsg” on page 477.
Use this to override the default path and filename for logging, which
is $CUR_DIR/oamlog/IMC_DeleteMsg.log. LogFileName can be used
in place of the –f parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on page 477.
Use this as a default number of days before new messages are
deleted. If the Number of days before new messages are deleted in
the subscriber class and days_del_new_msgs field in the mailbox are
set to 0 (equivalent to the –n flag), or if AlwaysOverrideNew is set, all
mailboxes will use this value, whatever is found in their subscriber
class or days_del_new_msgs field (same as –N flag). If RollingDelete
is set to no and AlwaysOverrideNew is set to no, the setting in
subscriber class is ignored. OverrideNumNew can be used in place of
the –n or –N parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on page 477.
Use this as a default number of days before saved messages are
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
deleted. If the Number of days before saved messages are deleted in
the subscriber class and days_del_saved_msgs field in the mailbox are
set to 0 (equivalent to the –s flag), or if AlwaysOverrideSaved is set,
all mailboxes will use this value, whatever is found in their subscriber
class or days_del_saved_msgs field (same as –S flag). If RollingDelete
is set to no and AlwaysOverrideSaved is set to no, the setting in
subscriber class is ignored. OverrideNumSaved can be used in place
of the –s or –S parameter shown for “IMC_DeleteMsg” on page 477.
Changes the meaning of OverrideNumNew to mean all mailboxes
will use this value, whatever the settings in the subscriber class or
mailbox tables. If RollingDelete is set to yes and OldMode is set to yes,
this must also be yes. See OverrideNumNew.
Changes the meaning of OverrideNumSaved to mean all mailboxes
will use this value, whatever the settings in the subscriber class or
mailbox tables. If RollingDelete is set to yes and OldMode is set to yes,
this must also be yes. See OverrideNumSaved.
Using IMC_DeleteMsg
IMC_DeleteMsg can be used in two different ways:
v OldMethod = no and RollingDelete = yes. With this combination of
parameters, IMC_DeleteMsg usually runs in the most efficient way.
Messages are deleted at the exact date and time of their individual expiry
times as stored in the database. No other parameters are necessary.
v OldMethod = yes and RollingDelete = yes. With this combination of
parameters, IMC_DeleteMsg runs more complex quereies to determine
which messages to delete, which is less efficient, but may be necessary if
most messages do not have an expiry time stored in the database. The
AlwaysOverrideNew and AlwaysOverrideSaved parameters must also be
set as yes.
OldMethod = no and RollingDelete = no is not a valid combination of
IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage lets state tables delete voice messages; after
deletion, they can later be undeleted. It also allows the state tables to purge
messages that have been deleted; once a message is purged, it cannot be
In order to provide for the message undeletion feature, Unified Messaging
uses mailbox 10 to temporarily store the voice message when it is deleted.
Administrator's Guide
When a subscriber chooses to delete a voice message, it is moved to mailbox
10. If they choose to undelete the message, then it is moved back to mailbox
1. Once the subscriber ends the current session, all messages remaining in
mailbox 10 are purged.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-n number of processes to spawn
The number of extra custom server processes to spawn on startup.
The default is 10; adjust it to suit the number of voice channels on
your system, and how busy that system is.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its
configuration settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in
NumProcesses = 11
LoggingLevel = 1
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
The number of IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage processes to handle requests.
Increasing this value increases the amount of resource used by
IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage (especially database connections) as well as
increasing performance and throughput for systems with a large
number of delete or undelete requests. The default is 11.
NumProcesses can be used in place of the –n parameter shown for
“IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage” on page 482.
The normal logging level is 1. It can be changed up to a maximum of
5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of logging
information and is typically used only for debugging purposes.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Use IMC_Directory to maintain the personal directory for each Business - local
& remote and Remote e-mail only subscriber.
Each Business - local & remote and Remote e-mail only subscriber can use the
Web interface to maintain a personal directory with an unlimited number of
entries. They use their personal directory to filter e-mail messages retrieved
from remote IMAP4 or POP3-compliant e-mail servers.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Directory uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
IMC_Dlist creates a distribution list from a standard text file. After processing,
the input file is copied to an archive directory.
IMC_Dlist allows you to create and maintain distribution lists automatically,
based on data held outside Unified Messaging. For example, if your telephone
directory lists the department of each subscriber, you can generate a
distribution list for each department.
The name of the input file must be numeric and in the format
profile_id.dlist_id, where profile_id is the ID for which the list is to be
created and dlist_id is the ID of the distribution list to be created. For
example, from a file name of 6926.49, the distribution list ID 49 would be
created for profile ID 6926.
Administrator's Guide
The input file must contain definitions of the destinations, which must be
numeric. Each definition is an individual destination to be added to the
distribution list dlist_id.
There must be only one destination per line in the file. For example, a
distribution list with four destinations looks like this:
However, a destination can be the ID of another distribution list.
Note: There is an overall system limit of 90 members on the number of
entries you can have in a distribution list, but the actual limit depends on the
subscriber class and can be configured using the GUI. You can also nest
distribution lists to create a list of distribution lists, so the effective overall
system limit is 8011 members.
The nesting of distribution lists is undertaken by the Unified Messaging
application processes, system administrators should not undertake this nesting
themselves. To create a list of greater than 90 members the user simply adds
the additional member in the same way as for all previous members. The
application will create the necessary nesting of distribution lists automatically.
Single system image considerations
Run IMC_Dlist only on a single system at a time, to prevent
duplication of tasks. Invoke it periodically from an AIX cron task.
IMC_Dlist is ideally suited to be run only on a single system image
server machine.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-a archive directory name
The name of the directory to which the archived input files are
written. The default is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/
-i input directory name
The name of the directory containing the input files. The default is
Check that there is nothing other than input files in this directory.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Overwrite existing distribution lists.
Help for command line options.
-r reject directory name
The name of the directory to which the rejected input files are written.
The default is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/IMC_Dlist_dir/
-s time The interval, in minutes, between polls of the input directory for new
files. If you omit this parameter, IMC_Dlist shuts down after
processing all files found in the input directory. You can invoke
IMC_Dlist periodically from AIX cron tasks.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using this function; otherwise set
Control files
IMC_Dlist uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration settings.
The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with parameter
descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
Overwrite existing distribution lists. Force can be used in place of the
-f command line parameter.
The name of the directory containing the input files. The default is
/var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/dlist_in/. Check that there is nothing
other than input files in this directory. InputPath can be used in place
of the -i command line parameter.
The name of the directory to which the archived input files are
written. The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/dlist_archive/.
ArchivePath can be used in place of the -a command line parameter.
The name of the directory to which the rejected input files are written.
The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/dlist_reject/. RejectPath
can be used in place of the -r command line parameter.
Administrator's Guide
The interval, in minutes, between polls of the input directory for new
files. If you omit this setting, IMC_Dlist shuts down after processing
all files found in the input directory. You can invoke IMC_Dlist
periodically from AIX cron tasks. SleepTime can be used in place of
the -s command line parameter.
The number of IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage processes to handle requests.
Increasing this value increases the amount of resource used by
IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage (especially database connections) as well as
increasing performance and throughput for systems with a large
number of delete or undelete requests. The default is 11.
NumProcesses can be used in place of the –n parameter shown for
“IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage” on page 482.
The normal logging level is 1. It can be changed up to a maximum of
5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of logging
information and is typically used only for debugging purposes.
IMC_DlistNames associates recorded names with distribution lists.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_DListNames uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
IMC_DlistReview retrieves a list of user-created distribution lists for a given
profile ID and can also count the number of distribution lists that a user has
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC. Configure IMC_DlistReview to run only on
telephony machines.
Control files
IMC_DListReview uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
LoggingLevel = 1
The default setting is 1, which is the recommended setting for
production systems.
Log fatal errors only (for example, Insufficient memory)
Log fatal and non-fatal errors (for example, DB2 lookup
Log errors and warnings (for example, Failed to commit DB2
Log errors, warnings and information messages (for example,
Reviewing distribution lists for profile 4445556666)
Log errors, warnings, information messages, and tracing (for
example, Added list 5)
Administrator's Guide
IMC_GetEmsgBox selects a mailbox randomly, to spread the load, from the
outgoing mailboxes defined for messages being sent to external destinations
using SMTP/MIME e-mail. This allows multiple outgoing messages to be
processed in parallel.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-c filename
The name of the control file containing the profile IDs to be used for
outgoing messages. The default is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/
-e profile_id
The outgoing profile ID to be used when the control file is missing.
The default value is 555555 and you should not change this.
Help for command line options.
The number of copies of IMC_GetEmsgBox spawned to handle
multiple simultaneous requests. The default is 10.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using external messaging;
otherwise set it to INSTALLED.
Control files
IMC_GetEmsgBox uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnClient =yes
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
The name of the control file containing the profile IDs to be used for
outgoing messages. ControlFile can be used in place of the -c
command line parameter.
The outgoing profile ID to be used when the control file is missing.
The default value is 555555. EmailID can be used in place of the -e
command line parameter.
The mailbox of the outgoing profile id being used. The default is
mailbox 1.
The number of extra custom server processes to spawn on startup.
The default is 10; you may want to increase this if there is likely to be
a very high usage of the services of IMC_GetEmsgBox.
The number of custom server processes to spawn on startup. The
default is 11.
The default control file ($CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Sendmail_dir/control.file)
contains the profile IDs to be used to temporarily hold messages bound for
external destinations. Each profile ID has ten active mailboxes. The default
control file contains one outgoing profile ID, 555555. Do not remove this
profile ID from the file. If you need more outgoing mailboxes, add more
profile IDs to this file, one profile per line. For example:
Using this control file, Unified Messaging will use up to 30 outgoing
mailboxes simultaneously.
IMC_Getmail processes incoming SMTP/MIME e-mail, which might contain
voice or fax attachments in addition to the e-mail text. This mail is converted
into voice messages and put into a subscriber’s mailbox.
Single system image considerations
On a single system image cluster, we advise against using the single
system image server as the receiver of SMTP/MIME mail items if the
server has no telephony. This is because the reception of a mail item
Administrator's Guide
on a system triggers the notification systems on that system. If the
server has no telephony, it cannot make outcalling notifications to the
subscriber’s notification schedules.
For details of how to configure the single system image server to
forward all mail to its clients, see “Implementing VPIM or
SMTP/MIME external messaging” on page 38.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
Allow forwarding of incoming e-mail to an external e-mail address.
Help for command line options.
Suppress notification of new messages. The default is not to suppress
-i input directory name
The name of the directory where incoming e-mail files are to be
saved. The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_in.
-a archive directory name
The name of the directory where processed input files are archived.
The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_archived.
-r reject directory name
The name of the directory where input files that could not be
successfully processed are saved. These files are returned to the
sender, then moved to the archive directory. The default is
-m max receives
The maximum number of recipients of an incoming note. The default
is 1000.
-e external id
The external caller profile ID from which incoming messages from
unknown external callers appear to be sent. The default is 999999.
-j rejection id
The profile ID from which rejected mail is returned to the sender. The
default is 999999.
-l loopback id
The profile ID from which mail being looped back to the sending
system is sent. The default is 555555.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
-g fax profile
Lets you specify something other than 333333 as the fax profile.
-P pitch
A value from 1 to 9 that alters the pitch of text-to-speech. The default
is 5.
-S speed
A value from 1 to 9 that alters the speed of text-to-speech. The default
is 5.
-V volume
A value from 1 to 9 that alters the volume of text-to-speech. The
default is 5.
-w time
The interval, in seconds, between polls of mail_in directory for new
files. The default is 30 seconds.
Suppress archiving of incoming mail.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using external messaging;
otherwise set it to INSTALLED.
Control files
IMC_Getmail uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
MailInPath = /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_in
ArchivePath = /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_archived
RejectPath = /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_rejected
SleepTime = 30
MaxReceivers = 1000
Notify = yes
Archive = yes
Forward = no
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = no
The name of the directory where incoming e-mail files are to be
saved. The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_in.
MailInPath can be used in place of the –i parameter shown for
“IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
The name of the directory where processed input files are archived.
Administrator's Guide
The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_archived.
ArchivePath can be used in place of the –a parameter shown for
“IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
The name of the directory where input files that could not be
successfully processed are saved. These files are returned to the
sender, then moved to the archive directory. The default is
/var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_rejected. RejectPath can be used in
place of the –r parameter shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
The interval, in seconds, between polls of mail_in directory for new
files. The default is 30. SleepTime can be used in place of the –w
parameter shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
The maximum number of recipients of an incoming note. The default
is 1000. MaxReceivers can be used in place of the –m parameter
shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
Notify Notification of new messages. The default is to notify. Notify can be
used in place of the –s parameter shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page
Archive incoming mail. The default is to archive. Archive can be used
in place of the –x parameter shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
Allow forwarding of incoming e-mail to an external e-mail address.
The default is to not allow this. Forward can be used in place of the –f
parameter shown for “IMC_Getmail” on page 490.
Use IMC_GetProf with special housekeeping routines. It is called by a state
table SendData action, returning the next application profile in the system on
each ReceiveData action until the No More Data result is returned. For
example, you might want to refresh all the message waiting lights, or check
which subscribers have not recorded audio names.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_GetPwd looks up and calculates the expiry date of a subscriber’s PIN.
This is a binary custom server that can be called only from within Unified
Messaging binary state tables. It will have an agreed private key with Unified
Messaging. The subscriber must have already signed on to Unified Messaging
with a valid PIN before this custom server can be invoked.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
Help for command line options.
The number of copies of IMC_GetPwd spawned to handle multiple
simultaneous requests. The default is 5.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_GetPwd uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnClient =yes
The number of extra custom server processes to spawn on startup.
The default is 5; you may want to increase this if there is likely to be
a very high usage of the services of IMC_Getpwd.
Administrator's Guide
NumProcesses The number of custom server processes to spawn on
startup. The default is 6.
State tables use this custom server to retrieve settings from the Unified
Messaging configuration file, $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_GlobalVariables uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
CacheTime = 3
NumProcesses = 1
LoggingLevel = 1
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
The time, in seconds, to keep the .ini files in memory without
checking if the files have been updated. The default is 3. At the
moment that the file is checked for updates the file is reloaded only if
the modify time has changed on it, so that the file continues to be
cached even when CacheTime has expired. However, increasing
CacheTime decreases the number of accesses to disk that
IMC_GlobalVariables makes to check if the file has been updated, and
has been shown to improve performance. Setting CacheTime to 0
means that every time it receives any request IMC_GlobalVariables
checks if the file has been updated.
The number of custom server processes to spawn on startup. The
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
default is 1, which should be sufficient on most systems as the .ini
files are cached, and response times from this custom server are very
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
For Business - local and Business - local & remote subscribers, state tables use
IMC_Greetings to determine which caller options are available for the
particular greeting that a subscriber has selected.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Greetings uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
GreetingsPathname = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/ini
GreetingsFilename = Greetings.ini
LoggingLevel = 1
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
The name of the directory where greetings files for the dynamic caller
menu can be found. The default is /home/dirTalk/current-dir/ca/ini
The name of the system-wide file used for the dynamic caller menu.
The default is Greetings.ini. For different subscriber-types a
subscriber-type file (such as Greetings_08.ini) may also be created
which differs from the system-wide file. In this case the filename
Administrator's Guide
cannot be changed as it is always composed of Greetings_ followed
by two digits for the subscriber type and .ini
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
IMC_Greetings gets greeting configuration information for the dynamic caller
menu from the file specified by GreetingsFilename. Some typical entries in
this file might be as follows:
# Available and working at the office
pager = yes
reachme = no
deputy = yes
transfer = yes
# Available, but working away from the office
pager = yes
reachme = yes
deputy = yes
transfer = yes
The file consists of sections for each greeting. The section header is the
greeting ID. Under each section, there are four fields that can be set to either
yes or no. The field names available are:
Whether the caller is allowed to page the subscriber.
Whether the caller is allowed to use ReachMe to try to reach the
Whether the caller is allowed to transfer to the subscriber's backup or
Whether the caller is allowed to transfer to another number.
If a field is set to yes, and a subscriber has that particular greeting selected,
callers have the corresponding option available when they press 0 while
playing the greeting. If a field is set to no, that option is not available.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
In the example above, for greeting ID 1, callers can page the subscriber,
transfer to a backup, and transfer to another number, but they cannot use
ReachMe. For greeting ID 2, all options are available to callers.
State tables use IMC_IMAP4_Client to access e-mail messages that reside on
remote IMAP4-compliant e-mail servers. This applies to Business - local &
remote and Remote e-mail only subscribers only.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-l logging level
Controls the output logging level of IMC_IMAP4_Client. This can be a
number from 1 to 5, with 1 being minimal logging and 5 being the
most extensive. If you omit this argument, IMC_IMAP4_Client
defaults to level 1 logging. You can find the log file
IMC_IMAP4_Client.log in $CUR_DIR/oamlog.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_IMAP4_Client uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
LoggingLevel = 1
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Controls the output logging level of IMC_IMAP4_Client. This can be a
number from 1 to 5, with 1 being minimal logging and 5 being the
most extensive. If you omit this setting, IMC_IMAP4_Client defaults
to level 1 logging. You can find the log file IMC_IMAP4_Client.log in
$CUR_DIR/oamlog. LoggingLevel can be used in place of the –l flag
shown for “IMC_IMAP4_Client.”
Administrator's Guide
Use IMC_IMAP4_Server to allow IMAP4-compliant e-mail clients to connect
to Unified Messaging using the IMAP4 protocol. Such clients have full access
to voice and fax messages that reside within Unified Messaging.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-w web_server_name
The fully-qualified domain name of the Web server being used. If you
are using the same IBM System p, or BladeCenter computer both for
Unified Messaging and as your Web server, or you are using no Web
server, omit this parameter, or set it to -w hostname, where hostname is
the name of the IBM System p, or BladeCenter computer. By default,
Unified Messaging is supplied with this parameter omitted.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to INSTALLED.
Control files
IMC_IMAP4_Server uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnClient = yes
RunOnClient = no
HeaderType = 0
Use message headers in the standard Unified Messaging
format. This is the default.
Use message headers in the format extension
number@hostname. (The extension number and the hostname
must be available on the system.)
IMC_IOBI_EventSvr monitors the DB2 table that holds IOBI events and sends
such events to the IOBI system for processing.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
To provide a persistent event stream, a DB2 table is used to create a
non-blocking event queue for IOBI events. Each time an IOBI event occurs, a
new row is added to the table. When an event has been processed by the IOBI
system, the corresponding row is deleted from the table.
The IMC_IOBI_EventSvr custom server supports up to three simultaneous
connections to the back-end IOBI system.
To use the IOBI event notification stream, prior to starting the custom server
for the first time, the administrator must execute the following scripts:
To stop using the event notification stream, these same scripts should be
executed in reverse order to that listed above and with a parameter of -d to
roll back the modifications made to the database and return it to its previous
createEventNotificationTriggers.sh -d
createEventProcedure.sh -d
For a subscriber to be configured as an IOBI subscriber, the second character
of the noticeboard_password field must be set to 1. This can be modified
using either the changeuser command line tool or XML Provisioning
interfaces. The first character of the field is used internally so should be
checked and reset to the current value or set to 0 if the value is currently not
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
If you wish the system to send IOBI notification events, set the IPL status to
AUTOEXEC. The IMC_IOBI_EventSvr custom server will only execute on SSI
servers or standalone machines. It will not execute on an SSI client machine.
Control files
IMC_IOBI_EventSvr uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
Administrator's Guide
[XXX_IOBI_EventSvr ]
ListenTCPPort = 27655
LoggingLevel = 1
LoginUser = administrator
LoginPassword = password
DBTuneTime = 0300
Indicates the port number on which the custom server will listen for
IOBI server connection requests.
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 produces a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
The user name which will be sent in the IOBI server connection
The password which will be sent in the IOBI server connection
Defines the time at which the database table for the event store is
tuned. The default value for this parameter is 0200, which equates to
2am local system time. At the configured time the custom server will
execute the DB2 REORG and DB2 RUNSTATS commands to ensure
that system performance is maintained. At this time connection to the
database will be lost and events will not be sent to the IOBI event
server for a small period. The duration of this delay will depend on
the number of events processed within that day, but should never
exceed 10 seconds.
State tables use this custom server for accessing LDAP (Lightweight Directory
Access Protocol) servers. This is used by the telephony portal feature, for
sending and filtering e-mail messages, and for looking up AMIS-A and VPIM
IMC_LDAP_Client supports the following commands:
This command takes the full name of a person and returns the dn
(distinguished name) for all possible matches.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Displays the telephony portal settings for a subscriber based on the
distinguished name.
This command is used for setting the PINs for LDAP servers in .ini
files. It will encrypt the PIN and save it in the .ini file.
Changes fields in the system-wide LDAP server for telephony portal
subscribers. The subscriber’s login information and e-mail server
information can be changed.
These commands are included in the directory $CUR_DIR/ca/
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
State tables using IMC_LDAP_Client use INI files such as the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file for its configuration settings. Settings can also be
set for a particular subscriber type (for example, subscriber type 7 INI file
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter_07.ini) or for a particular partition
(for example, IBMUsers partition INI file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter_IBMUsers.ini). The relevant sections of INI files that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, are as follows (default settings are shown
in italics):
TelephonyPortalExt = 1111
This is the extension that telephony portal subscribers would dial in
order to retrieve their messages. This is equivalent to the
VMailExtension that is used by regular Unified Messaging
SystemDefaultServer = ldapserver.ibm.com
InteroperabilityServer = ldapserver.ibm.com
Administrator's Guide
This is the fully qualified domain name of the system-wide LDAP
server. If LDAP is not being used at your location, this field should be
This is the fully qualified domain name of the LDAP server to be used
for AMIS-A and VPIM destination lookups. If LDAP is not being used
on your system for AMIS-A and VPIM destination lookups, this field
should be absent.
This is the range of digits that will result in a search being performed
for AMIS-A and VPIM destinations using the InteroperabilityServer.
This may be a single number or a range. If you enter a range ensure
you use the - (minus/hyphen) character between the lower number of
the range and the higher number of the range and do not include
spaces between the numbers and the - (minus/hyphen) character.
Active = no
Active This field is used to enable or disable the telephony portal feature.
Valid values are no or yes.
In addition to the settings in the Unified Messaging configuration file, an .ini
file must exist for each LDAP server that can be accessed, including the
system-wide LDAP server. The .ini files are kept in the directory
$CUR_DIR/ca/ini. They are named based on the fully qualified domain name
of the LDAP server with .ini appended. For example, if the LDAP server
name is ldapserver.ibm.com, the .ini file name would be
ldapserver.ibm.com.ini. This file contains configuration information specific to
the LDAP server. Here is the sample .ini file that is provided with Unified
Base =
UseSSL = no
NameField = cn
DistinguishedNameField = dn
DigitNameField = digitname
EmployeeNumberField = employeenumber
DepartmentField = department
PhoneNumberField = telephonenumber
TielineField = tieline
FAXNumberField = facsimileTelephoneNumber
TransferNumberField = callforwardingnumber
EmailAddressField = email
LoginField = loginid
PinField = password
EmailServerTypeField = emailservertypefield
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
EmailServerField = emailservername
EmailAccountIdField = emailaccountid
EmailPasswordField = emailaccountpassword
EmailAddressField = mail
AMISAddressField = amis_address
VPIMAddressField = vpim_address
IMC_LineCounter logs the maximum number of incoming lines used
simultaneously within each 5 minute period. Full source code is provided,
along with further example functions. They allow logging the absolute
maximum number of lines used since the custom server started and the actual
number of lines in use at a particular moment. There is also a state table
function to allow state tables access to the information of how many inbound
lines are currently in use.
The log file that IMC_LineCounter can be found in $OAM_LOG_PATH/
Each time a call is answered, the state table which answers the call passes an
OpenHostServerLink to IMC_LineCounter. The state table does not need to
pass a SendData or ReceiveData function, and, if it omits to
CloseHostServerLink when there is a TerminateCall, this is remedied by
CloseEverything after the state table has finished its processing.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
Full source code is provided for customization of this custom server. For
example, the main function calls the report_max function every 5 minutes.
You can vary the frequency of the logging or change the code to call the
Administrator's Guide
log_number function instead. This function shows the number of current lines
in use and the absolute maximum since the custom server was started.
IMC_LogError logs an alarm in the WebSphere Voice Response error log if
Unified Messaging has a technical problem and cannot complete a caller or
subscriber function.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_MAO schedules and manages the multiple AMIS output lines of the
AMIS-Analog external messaging function provided with Unified Messaging.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
If you are using external messaging functions, set the IPL status to
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
This custom server is used by the Java Beans API. The Java Beans API is in
turn used by the Web interface. This custom server provides the backend
functionality required for the Web interface.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_MessageCenterAPI uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its
configuration settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in
LoggingLevel = 1
TCP_port = 25121
MaxConnections = 100
NumBackends = 20
NumListeners = 20
SysAdminProfile = 999999
MaxGreetingLength = 45
MaxAudionameLength = 15
SMTP_Server = [SMTP server]
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = no
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
This is the TCP/IP port that the custom server will listen on for
requests from the Java Beans. If this port number is changed, then the
Java Beans would have to modified to also use the new port number.
Administrator's Guide
The maximum number of connections that each listening process
(determined by NumListeners) can handle. The maximum is 1000,
which is also the default. On a system where there are concerns about
IMC_MessageCenterAPI affecting performance, reduce from the
maximum in order to lessen the possibility of a large amount of Web
traffic overloading the database.
The maximum number of processes that will process database
requests on behalf of the processes which are listening for and
handling connections from the Java Beans API. The default is the
same as the value of NumListeners. Increasing the NumBackends
increases the amount of database resource that
IMC_MessageCenterAPI consumes, but also increases the speed and
throughput of IMC_MessageCenterAPI as more requests can be dealt
with simultaneously.
The maximum number of processes that will listen for connections
from the Java Beans API used by the Web interface. Each listener is
capable of handling up to MaxConnections. Therefore, the maximum
number of simultaneous users of the Web interface is determined by
NumListeners * MaxConnections. The default for NumListeners is 10
and the maximum is 100. Having a NumListeners which is above the
default will increase the throughput capabilities of
IMC_MessageCenterAPI, as it is less likely that a process will be
sending or receiving a response to another request at the moment a
new request comes in.
A profile which can administer other profiles through
IMC_MessageCenterAPI, using the Java Beans API.
The maximum length of greetings that can be uploaded using
IMC_MessageCenterAPI, if no other setting for the maximum length
of greetings can be found in the subscriber class for a subscriber.
The maximum length of audionames that can be uploaded using
IMC_MessageCenterAPI, if no other setting for the maximum length
of audionames can be found in the subscriber class for a subscriber.
The SMTP mail server for the Web interface. See “Implementing
SMTP mail server support” on page 53.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
This custom server also uses the control file JavaTimeZones.txt contains a list
of which AIX time zone definitions map to which Java Time Zone definitions.
If you use multiple time zones on your system you should check that this file
has the correct mappings for the time zones you use so that the JSP web and
WAP interface are supplied with the correct Java timezones for the AIX time
zones you use. See the AIX documentation for details on specifying custom
time zones with custom daylight savings time where none of the existing AIX
time zones seem to match your requirements. See Java documentation for
details of Java time zones. The list of Java time zones should be
comprehensive enough to cover any requirements.
Each entry in the control file is in the form Region/
City=AIXSTxAIXDT[,daylight savings information] where the Region/City on
the left hand side of the equals sign is the Java Time Zone and the
AIXSTxAIXDT[,daylight savings information] on the right hand side of the
equals sign is the AIX time zone in AIX TZ environment variable format.
All entries in the file should be in ascending order of GMT offset, for
Honolulu is GMT -10 hours, New_York is GMT -5 hours, Paris is GMT +1
hour, Bangkok is GMT +7 hours, and Adelaide is GMT +9:30 hours. The other
locations are GMT +8 hours.
This file does not contain all Java Time Zones and the information in it is not
guaranteed to be correct for the current year for the timezones you wish to
support on your system. There is no absolute reference on time zones or
daylight savings times as their definition is in many cases a matter of local
For some subscriber types, the subscriber can select their timezone from an
option list using the Web interface. The option list is based on the contents of
the JavaTimeZones file. To allow a subscriber type to display only a limited
number of timezone options in the list, a subscriber-type JavaTimeZones file
can be created. The file format is JavaTimeZones_xx.txt. For example, the
filename for subscriber type 5 would be JavaTimeZones_05.txt. A subscriber
type 5 using the Web interface would be given timezone options only from
this JavaTimeZones_05.txt file. If no subscriber-type control file exists, the
system-wide control file is used.
Administrator's Guide
IMC_MoveProfile moves one or more subscribers to a new extension or
system. You can start it from the WebSphere Voice Response Welcome
Window, by clicking Operations → Custom Server Manager.
IMC_MoveProfile supports the following command:
This line command moves one or more subscribers to a new extension
or system. It can move the greeting header and greetings, the audio
name, and all new, saved, and outgoing messages. See “Moving an
application profile to a new system (moveprofile)” on page 152.
Note: If you want to move all the profiles in a system onto another
system, we recommend that you use the commands vm_backup (see
“Voice message and mailbox backup utility” on page 169) and
vm_restore (see “Voice message and mailbox restore utility” on page
This command is provided in the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MoveProfile_dir/
utils directory.
Command line parameters
The help panel.
-p server port
The default is 25113. This must match the server port used with the
moveprofile command (see “Moving an application profile to a new
system (moveprofile)” on page 152).
Enable tracing.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to INSTALLED. You will need to start this custom server
when you use the moveprofile command.
Control files
IMC_MoveProfile uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
IMC_MR_Retrieve provides the required data to the telephony interface for
enhanced menu-routing. You can start it from the WebSphere Voice Response
Welcome Window, by clicking Operations → Custom Server Manager.
Command line parameters
IPL status
Set the IPL status to INSTALLED unless you wish to use schedule-enabled
menu routing functionality, in which case set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_MR_Retrieve uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses is as
follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
LoggingLevel = 1
MinNumProcesses = 10
MaxNumProcesses = 15
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
The minimum number of child processes that can be spawned by the
IMC_MR_Retrieve parent custom server. The default value is 10,
which is likely to be optimal for most circumstances.
The maximum number of child processes that can be spawned by the
IMC_MR_Retrieve parent custom server. The default value is 15,
which is likely to be optimal for most circumstances. Warning
messages are logged if the number of child processes is insufficient for
the number of calls being handled. If warning messages are logged,
Administrator's Guide
add the largest value of reqcount logged to the value of
MaxNumProcesses currently configured.
Unified Messaging Version 4.2 provides a new web interface. IMC_MsgClient,
described below, is needed to support the old web interface which is still
provided in release 6.4.
IMC_MsgClient is the client process to IMC_MsgServer. It is not a custom
server and it does not run on WebSphere Voice Response. It runs on the Web
server system from which the subscriber is accessing Unified Messaging.
IMC_MsgClient runs only on an AIX Web server. IMC_MsgClient receives
requests from the subscriber’s local Web browser and converts them into
requests to IMC_MsgServer over TCP/IP. When the information is received
from IMC_MsgServer, IMC_MsgClient converts it into HTML format and
passes it to the Web browser.
Before using IMC_MsgClient, copy it to the Web server machine. This
executable is in the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_MsgServer_dir/IMC_MsgClient_dir
Submit a Web form containing the subscriber’s profile ID and PIN to initiate
IMC_MsgClient. The source for such a form is $CUR_DIR/ca/
IMC_MsgServer_dir/html_dir/index.html. See “Setting up Web access to
Unified Messaging” on page 43 and “Web access to Unified Messaging” on
page 86 for information on getting your Unified Messaging system ready for
using the Web.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
IMC_MsgClient has several command line arguments passed to it, generated
by IMC_MsgClient itself when constructing hyperlinks on the Web pages it
writes. However, these are for internal use only, and should never be invoked
-d destination
The Internet address of the machine on which IMC_MsgServer is
This is a request for information on all the mailbox details, not for an
individual message.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
-l file name
The file in which IMC_MsgClient logs access requests. The default is
IMC_MsgClient.log in the directory from which IMC_MsgClient is
-p port number
The port number over which IMC_MsgClient communicates with
IMC_MsgServer. The default is 26637.
This port number must match the port number set in IMC_MsgServer
(see “IMC_MsgServer” on page 513).
Control files
IMC_MsgServer uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnClient =yes
Number of days before a newly-changed PIN expires. The default is
30 days. PwdExpiryDays can be used in place of the -e command line
The maximum number of invalid PIN entries that can be entered
before Unified Messaging disables the mailbox. ProfilePWLimit can be
used in place of the -m command line parameter.
The port number over which IMC_MsgServer communicates with
IMC_MsgServer. The default is 26637. TCP_Port can be used in place
of the -p command line parameter.
The number of extra custom server processes to spawn on startup.
The default is 0.
Administrator's Guide
Unified Messaging Version 4.2 provides a new web interface. IMC_MsgServer,
described below, is needed to support the old web interface which is still
provided in release 6.4.
IMC_MsgServer provides subscribers access to their Unified Messaging
mailboxes and messages over the Internet. Using any standard Web browser
software they can list their voice messages and play them on their PC or
Single system image considerations
If you are using a single system image server without telephony
connections, we advise against configuring the Web pages to use the
server as the system from which to retrieve messages. This is because
the server cannot initiate calls (if users select to send messages To
your telephone... instead of having them downloaded to their
browser as WAV or AU files).
If you remove this option from the Web page, as described in “Web access to
Unified Messaging” on page 86, you can run IMC_MsgServer on a server
without telephony.
For details on how to configure the Web pages to access the IMC_MsgServer
processes on clients instead of the server, see “Setting up Web access to
Unified Messaging” on page 43.
There are no commands associated with IMC_MsgServer, but there is a client
process. See “IMC_MsgClient” on page 511.
Command line parameters
IMC_MsgClient has several command line arguments passed to it, generated
by IMC_MsgClient itself when constructing hyperlinks on the Web pages it
writes. However, these are for internal use only, and should never be invoked
-e days Number of days before a newly-changed PIN expires. The default is
30 days.
Help with command line options.
-m profilepwlimit
The maximum number of invalid PIN entries that can be entered
before Unified Messaging disables the mailbox.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
-p port number
The port number over which IMC_MsgServer communicates with
IMC_MsgServer. The default is 26637.
This port number must match the port number set in IMC_MsgClient
(see “IMC_MsgClient” on page 511).
IPL status
If you are using Internet access to Unified Messaging, set the IPL status to
AUTOEXEC, and add it to monitor.file (see “IMC_CA_Monitor” on page 472).
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_Notify receives notification of new messages from the IMC_NOTIFY
state table. If the subscriber has an e-mail address configured, the IMC_Notify
custom server sends an e-mail notification when a new message arrives.
The format of the e-mail notification can be changed by editing the
appropriate template file. The template files that are used are selected
dependent on the subscriber for whom the notification is to be sent. The
custom server will search for files in the following order:
template.partition name.language id
template.partition name
template.partial partition name.language id
template.partial partition name
template.language id
v template is the name of the template type (for example EMAIL).
v partition name is the name of the partition to which the subscriber belongs.
v language id is a language code number in use (for example, 1 for U.S.
English or 17 for U.K. English).
v partial partition name is the first N characters of the partition to which the
subscriber belongs and N is configured in the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file
settings for this custom server.
This allows a single template to be used for multiple partitions on a platform.
For example, if there are two partitions, one called CompanyX and one called
CompanyY, a template file called EMAIL.CompanyY would be used by both
Administrator's Guide
partitions if the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file is configured with
PartialMatching = Yes and PartialMatchingLength = 7 (the length of the
word “Company”).
IMC_Notify is responsible for sending e-mails without attachments. If an
e-mail has any attachments (for example, a voice message in a .wav file or a
fax in a .tiff file), IMC_Sendmail sends the e-mail.
Note: There is a dependency between IMC_Notify and IMC_Scheduler. When
a new message arrives, IMC_NOTIFY (or IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM) checks to see
if there are any notification schedules for the user. If there are, the
IMC_NOTIFY (or IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM) state table sends a request to
IMC_Notify for IMC_Notify to inform IMC_Scheduler that it should start its
scheduled outdialing/paging routines for this message.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
The notification template file is in the /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/
template directory. It ends with a dot (period) and a number corresponding to
the language to which it applies, because different languages may require
different control files. Therefore, the supplied control file ends in .1 for
WebSphere Voice Response U.S. English language. Simply copy this sample
control files to names appropriate for any additional languages you wish to
support. For example, use the following command to create duplicate control
files for WebSphere Voice Response U.K. English language (language code 17):
The template file can be edited to change the e-mail text sent. The formatting
tags allowed are listed in Table 43 on page 516. It can be modified while the
IMC_Notify custom server is running, without requiring IMC_Notify to be
restarted to pick up any changes in the control files.
IMC_Notify also supports the use custom locales for different languages.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
To use a custom locale, simply add an entry like <locale:de_DE> to the
template file used by the custom server. For example, in file EMAIL.17 you
could add <locale:sv_SE> at the start of the file:
<locale:sv_SE>From: <sender e-mail>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: UM Voice Message...
Note: Do not add this with a new line after it at the beginning of the file as
the new line will affect the e-mail headers. For example, the following would
produce an e-mail where the first line is a new line, which is an invalid
format for an e-mail:
From: <sender e-mail>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: UM Voice Message ...
The locale tag can in fact be placed anywhere in the e-mail template and has
the same effect on the entire e-mail, so it could be placed at the end of the
e-mail if this is less likely to cause confusion or problems with creating an
invalid format for an e-mail.
Message Format:
The Message Format files contain the text you wish to be sent for message
notifications plus a number of tags which will be replaced by information
about the message the subscriber is being notified of.
The available tags are:
Table 43. IMC_Notify message format control file tags
<caller number>
caller number if available; otherwise
<caller name>
caller name if caller is a subscriber;
otherwise caller number, or “an Unknown
Caller” if name is unavailable
<receiver e-mail>
receiver e-mail address
<receiver number>
receiver (subscriber) number
<receiver name>
receiver (subscriber) name
<sender e-mail>
sender e-mail address
<message number>
message number (index in number of
new or saved messages)
message type (Voice or Fax)
Administrator's Guide
Table 43. IMC_Notify message format control file tags (continued)
status (new or saved. Typically this will
always be “new” unless you have
customized the code to produce a list of
all messages in the mailbox instead of just
the latest new message)
privacy (blank or private)
priority (blank or urgent)
acknowledgement (blank or
new messages now in mailbox
saved messages now in mailbox
duration of message in seconds
year message was sent in format YYYY
year message was sent in format YY
month message was sent in format MM
day of month message was sent in format
hour message was sent in 24-hour format
hour message was sent in 12-hour format
minute message was sent in format mm
second message was sent in format ss
whether it was a.m. or p.m. when
message was sent; for use with <HH>
abbreviated (3-letter) name of month
message was sent
abbreviated (3-letter) name of day of
full name of month message was sent
full name of day of week message was
time zone or daylight savings applicable
to the time the message was sent (for
example, EDT will show if the timezone
for the subscriber is EST5EDT and
daylight savings applies)
Here is an example of a typical alphanumeric file:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
You Have Voice Mail From
<caller number>.<DD><Mon><YYYY><HH>:<mm><am><TZ>N:<new>S:<saved>.
For numeric notification messages, the data sent to the subscriber's pager
should start with the number to call to retrieve the messages, and any
subsequent data should be separated, using the * character for example:
IMC_Notify also supports the use of custom strings within message format
control file tags.
Table 44. Message format control file tags with example custom strings
<caller number/number unknown>
A custom string for an unknown number
(which otherwise shows as ?)
<caller name/a caller whose name is
not known>
A custom string for an unknown caller.
<sender e-mail/unknown address>
A custom string for an unknown sender
e-mail address
A custom string for the message type
(voice or fax)
A custom string for the status (new or
<privacy:normal /private>
A custom string for the message privacy.
To display nothing for normal privacy,
use: <privacy:private>
<priority:normal /urgent /emergency>
A custom string for the priority. To
display nothing for normal priority and
have no emergency priority, use:
<priority:urgent >.
A custom string for the
acknowledgement. To display nothing for
no acknowledgement, use (for example):
<acknowledgement:This message is an
The name for any files (and so device types) should be in capitals and should
contain only numeric information if it starts with an N. The filename should
end with a number which indicates the maximum length of the data and then
a period (.) followed by a number corresponding to the language of the file,
according to the WebSphere Voice Response enumeration of languages (for
example, U.S. English = 1, U.K. English = 17). The sample files provided for
U.S. English are:
Administrator's Guide
In addition, IMC_Notify uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its
configuration settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in
CacheTime = 3
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
PartialMatching = No
PartialMatchingLength = 5
The time, in seconds, to keep the e-mail message template files in
memory without checking if the files have been updated. The default
is 3. For a more detailed discussion see CacheTime.
Set a value of Yes to specify partial partition name matching for
notification template files. You can use this parameter to optimize
customization of notifications when different customer organizations,
each using a different Unified Messaging partition, have their own
notification template and pager types. The default value is No.
An integer in the range 2 – 15. The default value is 5. (Partition names
have a maximum size of 16 characters.) The first N characters of the
partition to be matched. If multiple files match the partial name, files
are selected in alphabetical order. Use this parameter to determine the
search pattern Unified Messaging should use when loading
notification templates and pager_type files.
This allows a single template to be used for multiple partitions on a
platform. For example, if there are two partitions, one called
CompanyX and one called CompanyY, a template file called
EMAIL.CompanyY would be used by both partitions if the
IMC_MessageCenter.ini file is configured with PartialMatching = Yes
and PartialMatchingLength = 7 (the length of the word “Company”).
IMC_OneCall activates fax detection while recording voice messages for small
(fewer than 1000 subscribers) voice messaging databases with the Brooktrout
fax solution. Because of the way that it passes control back to state tables, we
strongly recommend that you don’t use it for larger voice messaging
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
For small voice messaging databases, it lets callers leave a voice message and
immediately start sending a fax on the same call. Unified Messaging attaches
the caller’s message along with an identifier (This message is a fax).
Note: This feature does not currently work with any fax server other than the
Brooktrout fax solution.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
Set IMC_OneCall to disabled; Unified Messaging does not use it. This
is the default setting, so you need to reset it if you want to use
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC. If you set it to INSTALLED, or stop it,
Unified Messaging might log errors in the WebSphere Voice Response error
log indicating that it cannot find IMC_OneCall.
Control files
IMC_Onecall uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
Enabled = no
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Enables or disables IMC_OneCall so that Unified Messaging does not
use it to detect fax tones during the recording of voice messages (to
do so under the current release can greatly reduce performance). The
default is no and this should never be set to yes on production
systems that are likely to be reasonably or highly loaded. Enabled
replaces the –d flag shown for “IMC_OneCall” on page 519.
IMC_OutboundCounter logs the maximum number of simultaneous outgoing
calls made by Unified Messaging within each 5 minute period. It contains the
same code as IMC_LineCounter and essentially performs the same functions
in the same way. Full source code is provided along with further example
functions. They allow logging the absolute maximum number of lines used
Administrator's Guide
since the custom server started and the actual number of lines in use at a
particular moment. There is also a state table function to allow state tables
access to the information of how many outbound lines are currently in use.
The log file that IMC_OutboundCounter produces can be found in
Each time an outbound call is made the state table which sets up the call
passes an OpenHostServerLink to IMC_OutboundCounter. The state table
does not need to pass a SendData or ReceiveData function, and, if it omits
CloseHostServerLink when there is a TerminateCall this is remedied by any
CloseEverything after the state table has finished its processing.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
Full source code is provided for customization of this custom server. For
example, the main function calls the report_max function every 5 minutes.
You can vary the frequency of the logging or change the code to call the
log_number function instead This shows the number of current lines in use
and the absolute maximum since the custom server was started.
IMC_Pager provides interfaces for state tables to query details of a paging
service configuration file for different pager types which may be set in the
database; to obtain or format text messages for sending as notifications or as a
Page-Me message; to check whether a message has already been notified
successfully; and to send pager messages using scripts which use the
command line paging utilities provided by the AIX sendmail command or
using paging utilities you provide. The state tables IMC_OCALL_MAKE and
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
IMC_PAGE_SBR use these interfaces to implement paging for pager
notifications and Page-Me messages respectively, and may be customized if
they do not meet your requirements. However, you should not need to
customize the basic paging functions available in Unified Messaging. You
should normally need to customize only the control files to change the pager
services you wish to provide or alter the formats of notifications sent.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-N number of IMC_Pager processes available
The number of processes that IMC_Pager will start, to handle requests
from state tables. You may want to increase this if the methods you
use to perform paging are particularly slow, and may delay several
simultaneous paging requests from being processed. In general,
though, the default value of 2 should ensure that there are no delays.
The scripts and paging utilities provided can queue messages and
return control to IMC_Pager immediately, without IMC_Pager having
to wait for a confirmation that the pager message was actually sent to
the paging service or received by the destination pager.
Paging Scripts
Each of the protocols other than VRU1, VRU2, BUREAU1 and BUREAU2
(which result in special outcalling processing to the VRU or paging bureau)
has a TEMPLATE script file which will be used if the IP (internet) address of
paging or mail server field contains one or more dots (periods) to indicate
that it is indeed an IP (internet) address; for example, the following
TEMPLATE script files are provided:
In each case, three parameters will be always passed to these TEMPLATE
script files when a paging notification is sent. These parameters will always
v the pager number (or in the case of SMTP2, the pager service number
followed by the pager number)
v the pager message (surrounded by double quotation marks)
v the IP (internet) address of the paging server (as specified in the pager
types file)
Administrator's Guide
If the IP (internet) address of the paging server as specified in the pager
types file also contains a : (colon) followed by a number then this, which is
assumed to be a special non-standard port number of the paging server, will
be supplied as a fourth parameter.
The TEMPLATE script file invokes one of the supplied command line paging
utilities (see “Command Line Paging Utilities”) using these parameters.
If you need to have special processing for a particular protocol or paging
service provider which cannot be accommodated by a TEMPLATE file, then
simply use some text without dots (periods) in place of the IP (internet)
address of the paging server field in the pager types file, and a script with a
name starting with the protocol, followed by a dot (period). The text you have
entered in the IP (internet) address of the paging server field will then be
invoked instead of the standard template file. For example, SNPP.ARCH will be
invoked instead of the TEMPLATE file and will be passed only the following
two parameters: the pager number (or in the case of SMTP2, the pager service
number followed by the pager number); the pager message (surrounded by
double quotation marks). Usually, the supplied TEMPLATE files will suffice
for sending pager messages to standard paging providers.
Command Line Paging Utilities
The following command line paging utilities have been provided to interact
with the standard internet paging protocols known at the time of release:
v sendsnpp
-n pager number
The pager number to which a message will be sent.
-m pager message
The pager message which will be sent, surrounded by double
quotation marks.
IP (internet) address of paging server.
IP (internet) port of paging server if it does not use the standard
port 444 for SNPP.
login ID if required by paging server (typically this is not required).
PIN if required by paging server (typically this is not required).
hostname on which IMC_SNPP_Gateway is running.
If –g (or –G) is specified, then sendsnpp will send the message to
the IMC_SNPP_Gateway custom server running on the host
specified and tell it to send it to the paging server. One advantage
of this is that sendsnpp can return immediately after the paging
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
message is queued instead of waiting for the paging server to
confirm that the paging message has been sent. Another advantage
is that a single host (such as the SSI server in a WebSphere Voice
Response SSI cluster) can send all of the paging traffic and keep the
use of IP ports down to a minimum instead of allowing any system
with a sendsnpp utility on it to send its own paging traffic.
IMC_SNPP_Gateway will also keep up connections to paging
servers as long as the paging servers do not drop the connections
themselves and there are pager messages to be sent. This normally
means that a pager message will be sent faster because there is no
need to wait for the pager server to accept a new connection. If
sendsnpp cannot contact the IMC_SNPP_Gateway on the host
specified, it will attempt to send the pager message itself in the
normal way – direct to the paging server.
If –q is specified, then sendsnpp will place the pager message in a
queue to be sent later if it fails to send the message immediately.
This is the same queue as IMC_SNPP_Gateway would use. It
means that if IMC_SNPP_Gateway is running on the same host as
sendsnpp it will pick up these queued messages and attempt to
send them.
If –Q is specified, sendsnpp will immediately place the pager
message in a queue to be sent later; it will not attempt to send the
message itself. This is the same queue as IMC_SNPP_Gateway
would use, so if IMC_SNPP_Gateway is running on the same host
as sendsnpp it will pick up these queued messages and attempt to
send them.
If –d is specified, sendsnpp will ignore all other parameters passed
to it and attempt to dequeue a pager message from the queue in
which pager messages are placed for sending later, and will attempt
to send the message. You could specify this, for example, if
IMC_SNPP_Gateway is not running on the same host as sendsnpp
and you want to dequeue and send messages from the queue
periodically in an AIX cron task.
v sendwctp
-s sender id
The ID of the entity attempting to send the message. This is usually
an e-mail address such as the e-mail address of the system
administrator or helpdesk, or a dummy address such as
-r receiver id
The ID of the entity to which the message is being sent. This is
Administrator's Guide
usually simply the pager number to which messages will be sent,
but some paging providers require it to be in the form of an e-mail
address instead.
IP (internet) address of paging server
IP (internet) port number of paging server if does not use the
standard port 80 for HTTP (HTTPS is not supported)
The relative URL on the paging server for WCTP submissions if not
the standard WCTP URL /wctp
The AIX sendmail command is also used in the SMTP.TEMPLATE and
SMTP2.TEMPLATE script files to send standard (RFC822 SMTP) internet
e-mail to paging providers who support an e-mail gateway.
In addition, a sendhttp utility, with the following syntax, can be supplied if
no other means of sending pager messages over the internet is possible
other than emulating a web browser submitting an HTTP POST operation
to a web page:
v sendhttp
IP (internet) address of web server
IP (internet) port number of web server if does not use the standard
port 80 for HTTP (HTTPS is not supported)
relative URL on the web server of the form which can be filled in to
send a pager message
data to POST to the web server in the form of MIME-type
application /x-www-form-urlencoded data which contains fields such
as the pager number and pager message to be sent
You should use this sendhttp utility only as a last resort because you have
to work out exactly what data should be submitted to a web page to send a
pager message. If sending data via HTTP is being considered, you can use
other freely available and more powerful HTTP utilities that can be found
on the internet.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
The control files are in the IMC_Pager custom server directory
/home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config and /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/
template. They end with a dot (period) and a number corresponding to the
language to which they apply, because different languages may require
different control files. Therefore, the supplied control files end in .1 for
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
WebSphere Voice Response U.S. English language. Simply copy these sample
control files to names appropriate for any additional languages you wish to
support. For example, use the following commands to create duplicate control
files for WebSphere Voice Response U.K. English language (language code 17):
pager_types.1 pager_types.17
ALPHA80.1 ALPHA80.17
SMS160.1 SMS160.17
These control files can be altered while the IMC_Pager custom server is
running without requiring IMC_Pager to be restarted to pick up any changes
in the control files.
IMC_Pager also supports the use custom locales for different languages.
To use a custom locale, simply add an entry like <locale:de_GB> to the
template file used by the custom server. For example, in file ALPHA80.17 you
could add <locale:en_GB> at the start of the file:
<locale:en_GB>You Have <type> Mail From <caller number>. <Day> <DD> <Mon> <YYYY> <HH>:<mm> <am/pm> <TZ> N:<new> S:<saved>
The locale tag can in fact be placed anywhere in the message template and
has the same effect on the entire message. Pager messages are usually all on
one line.
Pager Types:
The pager_types control file (for example, pager_types.1) defines the pager
types available for subscribers to set in the phone interface and web interface;
it has the following format, which is also described at the top of the included
pager_types.1 file:
File fields are separated by the | (pipe) character
Lines starting with # are comments or are commented-out entries
The fields, in order, are as follows:
Key selection 0-9 in the phone interface or selection number 0-999 in
the list in the Web interface. These are in the order the selections are
presented, not in numeric order
text for pageme in web interface
Or OMIT if it should not appear in the menus for pageme in the Web
text for schedules in web interface
Or OMIT if it should not appear in the menus for schedules in the
Web interface
Administrator's Guide
voice segment for pageme in the phone interface
Or 0 (zero) if it should not be available as a selection in the phone
interface for pageme. It will, in any case, not be available as a
selection if the ID is outside the range 0-9, but if the subscriber wishes
to verify what has been already selected in the web interface a
segment can be provided for listening to the pager type
voice segment for schedules in the phone
Or 0 (zero) if it should not be available as a selection in the phone
interface for schedules. It will, in any case, not be available as a
selection if the ID is outside the range 0-9, but if the subscriber wishes
to verify what has been already selected in the web interface a
segment can be provided for listening to the pager type
The suggested protocols are SNPP, SMTP, SMTP2, WCTP, HTTP,
Scripts” on page 522 for details of SNPP, SMTP, SMTP2, WCTP and
HTTP. VRU1, VRU2, BUREAU1 and BUREAU2 do not have scripts
but result in special outcalling to the numbers provided. Any of these
protocols ending in the digit 2, including SMTP2, will allow two
numbers to be entered; the first for the VRU or bureau to call (or in
the case of SMTP2, a service number) and the second the actual pager
number, sometimes referred to in this context as the pager reference
IP (internet) address of paging or mail server
Optionally followed by : (colon) and port number, or custom script
name. The presence of dots (periods) in this field identifies it as an IP
address; the absence of dots (periods) identifies it as a custom script
device type
The suggested types are ALPHA80, NUMERIC80, SMS160, or other
types that you provide formats for. For more information see message
format control files. If the type begins with the letter N it denotes a
numeric-only type, and the number the device type field ends with is
the maximum number of digits or characters that the message can be.
likely formats of numbers
For example, for any format or ########## for any 10 digits. The
contents of this field are not enforced or used in any way in the code
provided, but if you wish you can add code to verify that the user's
entry matches the format specified here.
The following is a sample entry for a Sky Paging Alphanumeric Pager which
should appear as option 5 in the phone interface; playing voice segment
25030; be available in the list in the web interface for Page-Me; but not show
at all in the phone or web interface for Notification Schedules:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
5|Sky Paging Alpha Pager|OMIT|25030|0|SNPP|snpp.skypaging.com|ALPHA80|##########|
This sample entry uses the SNPP protocol (Simple Network Paging Protocol)
to send messages to the server, which has the IP address snpp.skypaging.com.
None of these fields should be left completely blank with no entry because
IMC_Pager will consider this an incorrect entry in the list of pager types. If
you want an entry which is blank to appear in the list in the web interface
(for example, as a default entry for ID 0 which is blank) then type &nbsp;
(HTML for non-blank space) in the text field rather than leaving it blank.
Message Format:
The Message Format control files match the device types specified in the
Pager Types files (see pager types control file). They have file names such as
NUMERIC80.1 (for a numeric paging device with a maximum of 80 characters
for U.S. English), ALPHA80.1 (for an alphanumeric paging device with a
maximum of 80 characters for U.S. English), and SMS160.1 (for an SMS phone
with a maximum of 160 characters for U.S. English). The Message Format files
contain the text you wish to be sent for message notifications plus a number
of tags which will be replaced by information about the message the
subscriber is being notified of.
The available tags are:
Table 45. Message format control file tags
<pager number>
pager number
<pager reference>
pager reference number (usually not
<caller number>
caller number if available; otherwise
<caller name>
caller name if caller is a subscriber;
otherwise caller number, or “an Unknown
Caller” if name is unavailable
<receiver number>
receiver (subscriber) number
<receiver name>
receiver (subscriber) name
<message number>
message number (index in number of
new or saved messages)
message type (Voice or Fax)
Administrator's Guide
Table 45. Message format control file tags (continued)
status (new or saved. Typically this will
always be “new” unless you have
customized the code to produce a list of
all messages in the mailbox instead of just
the latest new message)
privacy (blank or private)
priority (blank or urgent)
acknowledgement (blank or
new messages now in mailbox
saved messages now in mailbox
duration of message in seconds
year message was sent in format YYYY
year message was sent in format YY
month message was sent in format MM
day of month message was sent in format
hour message was sent in 24-hour format
hour message was sent in 12-hour format
minute message was sent in format mm
second message was sent in format ss
whether it was a.m. or p.m. when
message was sent; for use with <HH>
abbreviated (3-letter) name of month
message was sent
abbreviated (3-letter) name of day of
full name of month message was sent
full name of day of week message was
time zone or daylight savings applicable
to the time the message was sent (for
example, EDT will show if the timezone
for the subscriber is EST5EDT and
daylight savings applies)
Here is an example of a typical alphanumeric file:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
You Have Voice Mail From
<caller number>.<DD><Mon><YYYY><HH>:<mm><am><TZ>N:<new>S:<saved>.
For numeric notification messages, the data sent to the subscriber's pager
should start with the number to call to retrieve the messages, and any
subsequent data should be separated, using the * character for example:
IMC_Pager also supports the use of custom strings within message format
control file tags.
Table 46. Message format control file tags with example custom strings
<caller number/number unknown>
A custom string for an unknown number
(which otherwise shows as ?)
<caller name/a caller whose name is
not known>
A custom string for an unknown caller.
<sender e-mail/unknown address>
A custom string for an unknown sender
e-mail address
A custom string for the message type
(voice or fax)
A custom string for the status (new or
<privacy:normal /private>
A custom string for the message privacy.
To display nothing for normal privacy,
use: <privacy:private>
<priority:normal /urgent /emergency>
A custom string for the priority. To
display nothing for normal priority and
have no emergency priority, use:
<priority:urgent >.
A custom string for the
acknowledgement. To display nothing for
no acknowledgement, use (for example):
<acknowledgement:This message is an
The name for any files (and so device types) should be in capitals and should
contain only numeric information if it starts with an N. The filename should
end with a number which indicates the maximum length of the data and then
a period (.) followed by a number corresponding to the language of the file,
according to the WebSphere Voice Response enumeration of languages (for
example, U.S. English = 1, U.K. English = 17). The sample files provided for
U.S. English are:
Administrator's Guide
In addition, IMC_Pager uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its
configuration settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it
uses, with parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in
CacheTime = 3
NumProcesses = 2
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
PartialMatching = No
PartialMatchingLength = 5
The time, in seconds, to keep the pager message template files in
memory without checking if the files have been updated. The default
is 3. For a more detailed discussion see CacheTime.
The number of custom server processes to spawn on startup. The
default is 2; you can adjust it if the system is likely to perform a large
amount of paging or if the paging commands it uses are likely to take
a long time to return.
Set a value of Yes to specify partial partition name matching for
notification template files. You can use this parameter to optimize
customization of notifications when different customer organizations,
each using a different Unified Messaging partition, have their own
notification template and pager types. The default value is No.
An integer in the range 2 – 15. The default value is 5. (Partition names
have a maximum size of 16 characters.) The first N characters of the
partition to be matched., If multiple files match the partial name, files
are selected alphabetical order. Use this parameter to determine the
search pattern Unified Messaging should use when loading
notification templates and pager_type files.
This custom server is used by state tables to enforce PIN reuse rules. It will
prevent subscribers from reusing PINs that have been used within a
predetermine number of days.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Password uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
NumChildren = 1
NumProcesses = 2
LoggingLevel = 1
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
MinTimeReuse = 180
MinLength = 4
MaxLength = 8
The number of extra custom server processes to spawn on startup.
The default is 1; you can increase this if there is likely to be a very
high usage of the services of IMC_Password for checking the current
PIN against previous PINs.
The number of custom server processes to spawn on startup. The
default is 2.
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a
maximum of 5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of
logging information and is typically used only for debugging
The minimum number of days that must pass before a PIN can be
reused. If this is set to zero, then PINs can be reused by subscribers as
frequently as they like.
Administrator's Guide
The minimum length of the password that can be set. If this is set to
zero, no password is required.
The maximum length of the password that can be set. If this is set to
zero, no password is required.
IMC_PhraseSlicer takes a piece of text and breaks it into multiple phrases. The
IBM ViaVoice text-to-speech engine uses it to allow subscribers to skip
backward and forward through an e-mail message that is being played back
to them using text-to-speech.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using the IBM ViaVoice
text-to-speech engine. Set it to INSTALLED if you are using any of the other
text-to-speech engines.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_PlayMsg plays voice messages when a subscriber listens to a message.
The use of IMC_PlayMsg is optional. If the variable SimplePlay is set to YES in
the Global Variable Modification section within the Unified Messaging
Interface Tool, IMC_PlayMsg is not used.
IMC_PlayMsg lets you speed up or slow down the speed of playback, and
increase or decrease the volume.
There are no commands.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Command line parameters
-N maximum number of channels
Number of channels in simultaneous use for IMC_PlayMsg. For
example, if your system has 60 ports of Unified Messaging, specify -N
60. If you omit this parameter, Unified Messaging uses the actual
number of channels configured on your system.
IPL status
If you are using this custom server, set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_PlayMsg uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
DBLevel = -15
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
The default dB (decibel) level at which to play all messages. For best
results use V -15. If you omit this parameter, Unified Messaging
makes an automatic adjustment, based on the maximum dB level in
the recording. DBLevel can be used in place of the –V parameter
shown for “IMC_PlayMsg” on page 533.
Note: The –N parameter for “IMC_PlayMsg” on page 533 should no
longer be set. If it remains unset then Unified Messaging uses the
actual number of channels configured on your system. If it is set, then
there is a risk that there may not be an IMC_PlayMsg process to
handle requests from a particular channel as IMC_PlayMsg processes
are not dynamically allocated.
State tables use IMC_POP3_Client to access e-mail messages that reside on
remote POP3-compliant e-mail servers. This applies only to Business - local &
remote and Remote e-mail only subscribers.
There are no commands.
Administrator's Guide
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
Unified Messaging can be configured to prevent subscribers from retrieving
e-mail messages that are larger than a certain size. This is primarily for
managing network bandwidth. This setting is in the file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini. Here is the relevant section from this file with the
default setting:
[POP3 Email]
# This is in bytes
MaxMessageSize = 4096
If MaxMessageSize is set to zero, then no restrictions will be placed on
message size.
IMC_RemoteNames lets you play audio names from remote systems. For
more information, see “Setting up remote audio names and location names”
on page 42.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_RemoteNames uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Realtime = no
RunOnServer = no
RunOnClient = yes
Determines whether inter-node messaging attempts to play
audionames from another system to confirm the destination of a
message. Setting this to yes may impact on the performance of
inter-node messaging.
IMC_RemoteSystems manages the remote systems databases for Unified
Messaging. If there is more than one remote system for a message, then
IMC_RemoteSystems will query each possible remote system and ascertain the
v If the possible destination system has the mailbox on it. If the mailbox is
not on the destination system the next possible destination will be queried.
v If the mailbox is not accepting messages. In that case, Unified Messaging
will tell the subscriber that the message cannot be sent for this reason.
v If the mailbox is full: that is, if the number of messages in the mailbox is
equal to (or greater than) the maximum allowed in the mailbox's subscriber
class. In that case, Unified Messaging will tell the subscriber that the
message cannot be sent for this reason.
In order for IMC_RemoteSystems to check each remote system, each remote
system must have entries in its remote_nodes database table. For instructions
on how to set up remote nodes using the Remote System Administration
(RSA) utility see “Remote nodes” on page 209.
Note: Restart the IMC_RemoteSystems custom server after making any
changes to the internode configuration.
You use the RSA command with this custom server; see “Remote System
Administration (RSA) utility” on page 205.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Administrator's Guide
Control files
IMC_RemoteSystems uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
TCP_Port = 26613
TCP_Presence_Port = 26626
NumProcesses = 6
NumReceivers = 5
RunOnServer = yes
RunOnClient = yes
The TCP/IP port used for DTM-D requests (inter-node messaging).
A port used by inter-node messaging which maintains permanent
connections with other IMC_RemoteSystems custom servers on other
systems to confirm their readiness to receive requests.
The number of IMC_RemoteSystems processes which will handle
requests from state tables or other custom servers (for example, to
send an inter-node message). This defaults to 5 if it is not specified.
Note: NumProcesses can be set instead of NumChildren to be
consistent with other custom server parameters. The NumChildren
parameter will be derived from this by subtracting one from it.
The number of DTM-D (inter-node messaging) server processes which
will be created on a standalone system or SSI server to handle
requests from other systems. These processes will not be created on
SSI clients. This defaults to NumChildren if it is not specified.
IMC_Returnmail returns incoming e-mail messages rejected by the
IMC_Getmail custom server.
IMC_Getmail places the rejected incoming e-mail files in the mail_rejected
directory. IMC_Returnmail monitors this directory and returns any mail files
from there to the sender. The files are then moved to the mail_archived
There are no commands.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Command line parameters
Help for command line options.
-a archive directory name
The name of the directory where returned mail is archived. The
default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_archived.
-r reject directory name
The name of the directory IMC_Returnmail looks in for rejected files.
The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_rejected.
-e external id
The external caller profile ID from which incoming messages from
unknown external callers appear to be sent. The default is 999999.
-s time The interval, in seconds, between polls of the mail_rejected directory
for new files. The default is 30 seconds.
Suppress archiving of rejected mail.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using external messaging;
otherwise set it to INSTALLED.
Control files
IMC_Returnmail uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
RunOnClient =yes
The external caller profile ID from which incoming messages from
unknown external callers appear to be sent. The default is 999999.
ExtCallID can be used in place of the -e command line parameter.
The name of the directory where returned mail is archived. The
default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_archived. ArchivePath
can be used in place of the -a command line parameter.
Administrator's Guide
The interval, in seconds, between polls of the mail_rejected directory
for new files. The default is 30 seconds. SleepTime can be used in
place of the -s command line parameter.
Suppress archiving of rejected mail. Archive can be used in place of
the -x command line parameter.
The name of the directory IMC_Returnmail looks in for rejected files.
The default is /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/mail_rejected. RejectPath
can be used in place of the -r command line parameter.
IMC_RunST lets the system administrator run a state table from a command
line. For example, you might use this to refresh all the message waiting lights
on user telephones if there has been a switch failure.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-e entry point
The entry point of the state table to use. If you omit this parameter, it
defaults to Start.
-s state table
The name of the state table to be executed.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to INSTALLED.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
IMC_Scheduler handles notification of new messages by outcalling to a pager
or handset, keeping an up-to-date list of all the outcalls to be scheduled, and
performing them at the appointed time.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
IMC_Scheduler has a dependency on the IMC_Notify custom server (see
“IMC_Notify” on page 514) for managing outdialing notifications.
IMC_Scheduler stops and restarts IMC_Notify to make sure they are sharing
the same message queue.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-b busy call-back delay
Call-back delay (in minutes) if the notification number is busy. The
default is 10 minutes.
-d delay request call-back delay
Call-back delay (in minutes) if the user asks for a delay. The default is
10 minutes.
-l maximum lines
Maximum number of lines (channels) to be used for outdialing. The
default is 10.
-n no reply call-back delay
Call-back delay (in minutes) if there is no reply from the notification
number. The default is 10 minutes.
Don’t start notification immediately; wait until the next events are
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
IMC_Scheduler uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
BusyWait = 10
NoReplyWait = 10
DelayWait = 10
MaxChannels = 10
QuietStartup = yes
QuickStartup = yes
The call-back delay (in minutes) if an outcall notification number is
Administrator's Guide
busy. The default is 10. BusyWait can be used in place of the –b
parameter shown for “IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
The call-back delay (in minutes) if there is no reply from an outcall
notification number. The default is 10. NoReplyWait can be used in
place of the –n parameter shown for “IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
The call-back delay (in minutes) if the user reached in an outcall
notification, asks for a delay. The default is 10. DelayWait can be used
in place of the –d parameter shown for “IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
Maximum number of channel processes which are used
simultaneously for notification. For systems with outcall notification
this will determine the maximum number of lines (channels) to be
used for outdialing. The default is 10. MaxChannels can be used in
place of the –l parameter shown for “IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
Do not start notification immediately; wait until the next events are
due. May stop IMC_Scheduler from causing a sudden call load on the
system when it starts up. QuietStartup can be used in place of the –q
parameter shown for “IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
Prevents IMC_Scheduler from creating a list of notifications which are
due when it starts up. To do so might affect database performance
whenever IMC_Scheduler is started. IMC_Scheduler will simply wait
for IMC_Notify to tell it when notifications are needed for new
messages. QuickStartup can be used in place of a –Q parameter for
“IMC_Scheduler” on page 539.
IMC_Sendmail creates and sends SMTP/MIME e-mail notes with voice and
fax attachments when:
v Callers leave messages for subscribers who have chosen to forward their
messages to e-mail systems. (IMC_Notify only sends e-mails without
v Subscribers send messages to remote systems that support the VPIM
v Callers leave messages for subscribers who have no mailbox on Unified
Messaging (see Telephony Portal and the RemoteDest INI file setting).
v A fax message is being sent to a fax server for delivery.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
For VPIM messages, IMC_Sendmail monitors the outgoing voice mailboxes
defined in its control file. When it finds a new voice or fax message,
IMC_Sendmail creates an SMTP/MIME e-mail or VPIM mail item:
1. Converting the voice or fax message to an audio or TIFF attachment.
2. Attaching these attachments to the note.
3. Sending the e-mail note to all specified destinations of the message.
At startup, IMC_Sendmail spawns one copy of itself for each mailbox to be
For callers leaving messages for subscribers who have chosen to forward their
messages to e-mail systems, IMC_Sendmail is informed of the message
directly by IMC_NOTIFY (or IMC_NOTIFY_VPIM) and follows a similar
sequence, but uses the EMAILATT.language code or REMEMAILATT.language
code template files to determine the contents of the e-mail (instead of
following the VPIM standard).
The template file can be edited to change the e-mail text sent. The formatting
tags allowed are listed in Table 47 on page 544.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
-c control file
The name of the control file containing the profile IDs to be used for
outgoing messages. The default is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/
-e e-mail id
The default outgoing profile ID (555555) used when there is no control
-g fax profile
Lets you use something other than 333333 as the fax profile.
-l time The interval, in seconds, between polls of mailboxes for outgoing
mail. The default is 60 seconds.
Suppress logging of outgoing mail.
-o hostname
The override host name for the sender's e-mail address. The default is
the host name of the Unified Messaging machine.
Administrator's Guide
-p logfile
The name of the log file. The default is $CUR_DIR/ca/
Disables the sending of audio names as Originator-Spoken-Name. You
might find this useful if you are already using an alternative method
of transmitting audio names to other Unified Messaging systems. For
example, you might be using NFS mounting (see “Setting up remote
audio names and location names” on page 42).
-v voice type
The default voice type to use for send files. Types are:
wav - this is the default
-x external id
The external caller profile ID from which incoming messages from
unknown external callers appear to be sent. The default is 999999.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using VPIM, e-mail messages with
attachments, Telephony Portal, or a fax server, otherwise set it to INSTALLED.
Control files
The template file is in the /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/template directory.
It ends with a dot (period) and a number corresponding to the language to
which it applies, because different languages may require different control
files. Therefore, the supplied control file ends in .1 for WebSphere Voice
Response U.S. English language. Simply copy this sample control files to
names appropriate for any additional languages you wish to support. For
example, use the following command to create duplicate control files for
WebSphere Voice Response U.K. English language (language code 17):
These control files can be altered while the IMC_Sendmail custom server is
running without requiring IMC_Sendmail to be restarted to pick up any
changes in the control files.
IMC_Sendmail also supports the use custom locales for different languages.
To use a custom locale, simply add an entry like <locale:de_DE> to the
template file used by the custom server. For example, in file EMAILATT.17 you
could add <locale:sv_SE> at the start of the file:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
<locale:sv_SE>From: <sender e-mail>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: UM Voice Message...
Note: Do not add this with a new line after it at the beginning of the file as
the new line will affect the e-mail headers. For example, the following would
produce an e-mail where the first line is a new line, which is an invalid
format for an e-mail:
From: <sender e-mail>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: UM Voice Message ...
The locale tag can in fact be placed anywhere in the e-mail template and has
the same effect on the entire e-mail, so it could be placed at the end of the
e-mail if this is less likely to cause confusion or problems with creating an
invalid format for an e-mail.
The text --MessageBoundary must appear between the message header and
message body:
From: Message Center <no-reply@company.com>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: <priority> New <type>mail Message from <caller name>
...message body...
Note: Sending an e-mail with one or more attachments that omits the text
--MessageBoundary (as in the following example) will result in a malfunction:
From: Message Center <no-reply@company.com>
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: <priority> New <type>mail Message from <caller name>
...message body...
Message Format:
The Message Format files contain the text you wish to be sent for message
notifications plus a number of tags which will be replaced by information
about the message the subscriber is being notified of.
The available tags are:
Table 47. IMC_SendMail message format control file tags
<caller number>
caller number if available; otherwise
Administrator's Guide
Table 47. IMC_SendMail message format control file tags (continued)
<caller name>
caller name if caller is a subscriber;
otherwise caller number, or “an Unknown
Caller” if name is unavailable
<receiver e-mail>
receiver e-mail address
<receiver number>
receiver (subscriber) number
<receiver name>
receiver (subscriber) name
<sender e-mail>
sender e-mail address
<message number>
message number (index in number of
new or saved messages)
message type (Voice or Fax)
status (new or saved. Typically this will
always be “new” unless you have
customized the code to produce a list of
all messages in the mailbox instead of just
the latest new message)
privacy (blank or private)
priority (blank or urgent)
acknowledgement (blank or
new messages now in mailbox
saved messages now in mailbox
duration of message in seconds
year message was sent in format YYYY
year message was sent in format YY
month message was sent in format MM
day of month message was sent in format
hour message was sent in 24-hour format
hour message was sent in 12-hour format
minute message was sent in format mm
second message was sent in format ss
whether it was a.m. or p.m. when
message was sent; for use with <HH>
abbreviated (3-letter) name of month
message was sent
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Table 47. IMC_SendMail message format control file tags (continued)
abbreviated (3-letter) name of day of
full name of month message was sent
full name of day of week message was
time zone or daylight savings applicable
to the time the message was sent (for
example, EDT will show if the timezone
for the subscriber is EST5EDT and
daylight savings applies)
Here is an example of a typical alphanumeric file:
You Have Voice Mail From
<caller number>.<DD><Mon><YYYY><HH>:<mm><am><TZ>N:<new>S:<saved>.
For numeric notification messages, the data sent to the subscriber's pager
should start with the number to call to retrieve the messages, and any
subsequent data should be separated, using the * character for example:
IMC_SendMail also supports the use of custom strings within message format
control file tags.
Table 48. Message format control file tags with example custom strings
<caller number/number unknown>
A custom string for an unknown number
(which otherwise shows as ?)
<caller name/a caller whose name is
not known>
A custom string for an unknown caller.
<sender e-mail/unknown address>
A custom string for an unknown sender
e-mail address
A custom string for the message type
(voice or fax)
A custom string for the status (new or
<privacy:normal /private>
A custom string for the message privacy.
To display nothing for normal privacy,
use: <privacy:private>
Administrator's Guide
Table 48. Message format control file tags with example custom strings (continued)
<priority:normal /urgent /emergency>
A custom string for the priority. To
display nothing for normal priority and
have no emergency priority, use:
<priority:urgent >.
A custom string for the
acknowledgement. To display nothing for
no acknowledgement, use (for example):
<acknowledgement:This message is an
The name for any files (and so device types) should be in capitals and should
contain only numeric information if it starts with an N. The filename should
end with a number which indicates the maximum length of the data and then
a period (.) followed by a number corresponding to the language of the file,
according to the WebSphere Voice Response enumeration of languages (for
example, U.S. English = 1, U.K. English = 17). The sample files provided for
U.S. English are:
IMC_Sendmail uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
CacheTime = 3
SendAudioName = yes
Maximise = yes
ControlFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/control.file
LogFile = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/oamlog/sendmail.log
Hostname = [SSI server hostname]
The time, in seconds, to keep the e-mail with audio attachment
template files in memory without checking if the files have been
updated. The default is 3. For more details see CacheTime.
Disables the sending of audio names as Originator-Spoken-Name in
VPIM messages. You might find this useful if you are already using
another method of transmitting audio names to other Unified
Messaging systems. For example, you might be using NFS mounting.
(see “Setting up remote audio names and location names” on page
42). SendAudioName can be used in place of the –r parameter shown
for “IMC_Sendmail” on page 541.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Instructs IMC_Sendmail to always maximize (boost frequencies in the
range 1.5 kHz to 4 kHz, and decrease the volume of frequencies in the
range 500 Hz to 1.5 kHz) audio it processes.
The name of the control file containing the profile IDs to be used for
VPIM messages. The default is /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/
config/control.file. ControlFile can be used in place of the –c
parameter shown for “IMC_Sendmail” on page 541. The control file
contains the profile ID to be used to temporarily hold messages
bound for external destinations. The default control file contains one
outgoing profile ID, 555555. Do not remove this profile ID from the
file. If you need more outgoing mailboxes, add more profile IDs to
this file, one profile per line. For example:
Using this control file, Unified Messaging will use up to 30 outgoing
mailboxes simultaneously.
The name of the log file. The default is $CUR_DIR/ca/
IMC_Sendmail_dir/sendmail.log. LogFile can be used in place of the
–p parameter shown for “IMC_Sendmail” on page 541.
The override host name for a VPIM message's sender e-mail address.
The default is the hostname of the machine IMC_Sendmail is running
on. If you have an SSI cluster you should set it to the SSI server's
hostname. HostName can be used in place of the –o parameter shown
for “IMC_Sendmail” on page 541.
IMC_SMDI_Client is a central point from which Simple Message Desk
Interface (SMDI) message-waiting indications can be sent to multiple Local
Number Portability (LNP) servers, and thence to SMDI servers running the
smdi_server and smdi_tty processes found packaged with this custom server.
There are no commands.
Administrator's Guide
Command line parameters
-p port to use instead of default port 14000
You can specify an alternative port instead of the default port 14000.
Specify the port number in the range 1024 to 65535 inclusive.
IPL status
If you have LNP/SMDI servers, set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC and remove
the entry for MWISERVER from the WebSphere Voice Response for AIX
tasklist.data file (found in /home/dirTalk/sys_dir) to prevent MWISERVER
from conflicting with the operation of this custom server. Otherwise set the
IPL status to INSTALLED.
Control files
There is one control file, lnp_servers.
The lnp_servers control file defines the addresses and ports of the LNP
servers that this custom server is expected to connect to. Changes to this file
cause immediate changes to the manner in which IMC_SMDI_Client operates
so care should be taken in updating this file. The lnp_servers control file
takes the following format, which is also described at the top of the included
lnp_servers file:
File fields are separated by white space, except the optional port number
which is separated from the address with a ':' character. Lines starting with
'#' are comments or commented-out entries.
The fields, in order, are as follows:
Indicates the start number of the range handled by this LNP server.
All MWI requests that sit between the Start and Endrange given will
be sent to the LNP server specified in the Address and Port fields.
Gives the end number of the range handled by this LNP server.
The IP address or fully qualified hostname of the LNP server to
handle this range of numbers.
The port number to connect to on the LNP server. This can be in the
range 1024 to 65535 inclusive. If the port number is omitted then the
default of 14000 is assumed.
Note: The number given in an MWI request is checked against each range in
this control file in the order given in the file. If an MWI request matches none
of the ranges in this control file then it will be discarded. It is possible to
specify a default server to handle these requests by adding a line where the
Start and End fields have been replaced with the word default. This special
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
rule will be used only when all other rules in the control file have been tried.
It is also possible to simulate this with a line at the end of the control file
where Start and End are set to 0 and 9 respectively.
Configuration settings
The IMC_SMDI_Client custom server uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for
its configuration settings.
The section of the .ini file that is used by this custom server is as follows
(default settings shown in italics):
TCP_Port = 14000
ServersFilename = /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/config/lnp_servers
AlwaysUseDB2 = yes
You can specify an alternative port to the default TCP/IP port 14000
to communicate with LNP servers. This option can be over-ridden by
the –p command line parameter.
The full path and filename of the lnp_servers file. The default is
When set to yes, IMC_SMDI_Client will only use the setmwiq DB2
table to receive MWI requests. This option should not be changed
from the default value of yes at present.
Changes the amount and type of logging produced. 0 is the lowest
level and 3 the highest. Level 3 produces a large quantity of output
and it is strongly recommended to keep the LoggingLevel set to 0
during normal operation.
Log File
The IMC_SMDI_Client custom server logs its messages to the file
$OAM_LOG_PATH/IMC_SMDI_Client.log on each machine it is running on
in a node. The format of this file is as follows:
dd/MM/YY HH:mm:ss Message
A typical log line might look like this:
01/10/03 07:52:44 not in list of SMDI servers - closing connection
Administrator's Guide
IMC_SNPP_Gateway is a central point from which SNPP (Simple Network
Paging Protocol) pager notifications can be sent if you wish, or if it is required
by the paging provider. It is used in combination with the sendsnpp
command. See “IMC_Pager” on page 521 for more details of the sendsnpp
See sendsnpp at “IMC_Pager” on page 521
Command line parameters
-P period in minutes for logging warnings of paging failures
The time-span in which failures are counted. If the threshold of
failures is not exceeded within this time period then no warning
(yellow alarm) is logged to the WebSphere Voice Response error log.
This parameter relates to an attempt to send a message to a pager
over SNPP when the server has already been contacted and responds
with errors at attempts to send paging messages. It is intended to
reduce the logging of trivial failures to send paging messages. If,
instead, the server cannot be contacted at all or appears to function
incorrectly then an error (red alarm) is logged in the WebSphere Voice
Response error log. The default value is 60 minutes.
-T threshold of failures for logging warnings of paging failures
The number of failures that must occur in the specified time-span
before a warning (yellow alarm) is logged to the WebSphere Voice
Response error log. This parameter relates to an attempt to send a
message to a pager over SNPP when the server has already been
contacted and responds with errors at attempts to send paging
messages. It is intended to reduce the logging of trivial failures to
send paging messages. If, instead, the server cannot be contacted at all
or appears to function incorrectly then an error (red alarm) is logged
in the WebSphere Voice Response error log. The default value is 100
messages. To log every failure, set the value to 0.
IPL status
If you are using this custom server, set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
There are no control files for this custom server. See “IMC_Pager” on page 521
for details of its control files.
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Use IMC_Splicer to concatenate two greetings and save them as a single
greeting. A spliced greeting will usually be used as a bilingual greeting. For
example, the first part of the greeting might be in French, and the second part
will say the same thing, but in, say, English.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
State table functions
This function is called by a state table, such as IMC_BI_LING. It is
passed the following parameters:
The profile ID for which the greetings are to be spliced.
The mailbox for which the greetings are to be spliced
Note: Unified Messaging uses only one mailbox_id: 1.
The greeting ID (in the range 1 to 99) of the first greeting to
be spliced.
The greeting ID of the greeting to be spliced after the first
The greeting ID of the new concatenated greeting to be saved.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC.
Control files
For more information see RunOnServer and RunOnClient .
Administrator's Guide
IMC_Stats provides statistics information. If IMC_Stats is enabled, it creates a
daily file of statistical information about actions performed in each call to
Unified Messaging. IMC_Stats can be called by the IMC_STATS state table
(see “IMC_STATS” on page 441).
Single system image considerations
IMC_Stats, and the log files it processes, record statistics only for calls
coming into a particular single system image client system (or server
system if the server also has telephony). The server does not retain
statistics of the activities of all the clients; if you need this
information, you have to combine the statistics files from each of the
systems in the single system image cluster.
IMC_Stats supports the following command:
Formats the Unified Messaging statistics file. For more information see
“Handling Unified Messaging statistics (FormatStats)” on page 155.
This command is included in the $CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Stats_dir/utils
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you use the statistics functions.
Control files
IMC_Stats can get information from /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter/
IMCdefaults.file. This file is shared by other Unified Messaging custom
servers which have their own default entries. The entries in this file can
specify global defaults for IMC_Stats. You might need to customize them for
your installation.
The IMC_Stats entries might look like this:
/* Stats Server defaults...*/
Stats_Mail_Password = stats;
Stats_Mail_Termchar = #;
Stats_Location = location;
Stats_ID = stats@vmnode.location.somewhere.com;
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Each variable and its value must be separated by an equals sign (=) with one
space on either side. Each entry must end with a semicolon.
The destination ID of the stats reports. It can be any valid Internet
The location of the reporting Unified Messaging.
Used by the receiving ID to validate the authenticity of the messages.
Used to identify the end of the stats message data.
The source code for IMC_Stats is included with Unified Messaging, so that
you can customize it.
Before making any changes, take backup copies of the original. The main file
is called record_stats.c, and contains sample code to extract information
from IMCdefault.file which can be used to mail reports to a nominated user.
You can change record_stats.c to meet your location requirements.
IMC_SurveyMail creates and sends SMTP/MIME e-mail notifications for
completed surveys (or surveys with a minimum number of questions
answered) with audio attachments. It is similar to IMC_Notify and
IMC_Sendmail but relates only to Survey Mailboxes (subscriber type 12).
IMC_SurveyMail is informed of the need to send an e-mail message by
IMC_START_SUR and uses the SURVEYATT template file (which can use
language codes and/or partitions in the same way as IMC_Notify and
This template file can be edited to change the e-mail text sent. The formatting
tags allowed are listed in Table 43 on page 516.
There are no commands.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
Administrator's Guide
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC if you are using Survey Mailboxes,
otherwise set it to INSTALLED.
In an SSI environment where only SSI clients have telephony this needs to run
on the SSI clients and does not need to run on the SSI server.
Control files
The SURVEYATT template file can be found in the /home/dirTalk/
current_dir/ca/template directory. If it is absent, copy it from
/home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/IMC_SurveyMail_dir into
You can add additional language-specific files which end with a dot (period)
and a number corresponding to the language to which it applies.
For example, use the following command to create duplicate control files for
WebSphere Voice Response U.K. English language (language code 17):
These control files can be altered while the IMC_SurveyMail custom server is
running without requiring IMC_SurveyMail to be restarted to pick up any
changes in the control files.
The text --MessageBoundary must appear between the message header and
message body:
From: non-mail-user@yourcompany.com
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: <new> Survey Answers from <caller name> (<caller number>) for <receiver name> (<receiver number>)
<Day> <DD> <Mon> <YYYY> <HH>:<mm> <am/pm> <TZ>
This is a system generated message. Please do not reply.
...message body...
Note: Sending an e-mail with one or more attachments that omits the text
--MessageBoundary (as in the following example) will result in a malfunction:
From: non-mail-user@yourcompany.com
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: <new> Survey Answers from <caller name> (<caller number>) for <receiver name> (<receiver number>)
...message body...
A number of tags in the message can be replaced by information about the
survey the subscriber is being notified of.
The available tags are shown in the following table:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Table 49. SurveyMail message format control file tags
<caller number>
Caller number if available; otherwise
<caller name>
Caller name if caller is a subscriber;
otherwise caller number, or "an Unknown
Caller" if name is unavailable
<receiver e-mail>
Receiver e-mail address
<receiver number>
Receiver (subscriber) number
<receiver name>
Receiver (subscriber) name
<sender e-mail>
Sender e-mail address if the sender is a
subscriber on the same system
Number of answers in the survey results
Total duration of all audio attachments in
the survey results
Year survey results were sent in format
Year survey results were sent in format
Month survey results were sent in format
Day of month survey results were sent in
format DD
Hour survey results were sent in 24-hour
Hour survey results were sent in 12-hour
Minute survey results were sent in format
Second survey results were sent in format
Whether it was a.m. or p.m. when survey
results were sent; for use with <HH>
Abbreviated (3-letter) name of month
survey results were sent
Abbreviated (3-letter) name of day of
Full name of month survey results were
Administrator's Guide
Table 49. SurveyMail message format control file tags (continued)
Full name of day of week survey results
were sent
Time zone or daylight savings applicable
to the time the survey results were sent
(for example, EDT will show if the
timezone for the subscriber is EST5EDT
and daylight savings applies)
IMC_SurveyMail uses the file IMC_MessageCenter.ini for its configuration
settings. The section of the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file that it uses, with
parameter descriptions, is as follows (default settings are shown in italics):
CacheTime = 3
LoggingLevel= 1
The time, in seconds, to keep the template files in memory without checking
if the files have been updated. The default is 3. For more details see
The normal logging level is 1. This value can be changed up to a maximum of
5. A logging level of 5 would produce a large amount of logging information
and is typically used only for debugging purposes.
IMC_XMLProvisioning provides an XML over WebSphere MQ interface to the
Unified Messaging subscriber administration functions. The interface is best
suited to providing access to the administrative functions from remote sites
such as call centers or Web servers. The interface is a means of describing
administrative actions which are undertaken using IMC_Admin command
line administration functions and the XML language.
IMC_XMLProvisioning supports the following commands:
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Adds a new subscriber.
Deletes a subscriber.
Lists all the fields in a subscriber's profile.
Adds a partition to the Unified Messaging system. Partition names
must consist only of alphanumeric characters and the underscore
Retrieves information on the subscribers using a partition in the
Unified Messaging system.
Allows any number of the above commands to be grouped in a single
XML message.
Changes any field in the subscriber's profile. This command allows
you to update any field in the Unified Messaging application profile.
The XML commands are described in Chapter 6, “Implementing XML
Provisioning,” on page 215.
Command line parameters
There are no command line parameters.
IPL status
Set the IPL status to AUTOEXEC and use DTcs to ensure that the custom
server is started only on either the SSI server or on the standalone server
dependent on the system configuration. This custom server should not be run
on an SSI Client.
Control files
IMC_Admin gets startup information from /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/
current_dir/ca/ini/IMC_MessageCenter.ini. This file is shared by other
Unified Messaging custom servers with their own default entries. The entries
in this file specify global defaults used, unless they are specifically overridden
by an individual command. They need to be customized to your installation.
The base entries for IMC_XMLProvisioning are:
Administrator's Guide
This heading is the start of the general configuration section for
The time of day when details of the subscribers using Unified
Messaging partitions are to be retrieved from the database and stored
as flat files for future reference. The time is specified as a four-digit
number. For example, to retrieve the information at 2:15am, specify a
value of 0215. The default time is 2am.
Restricts the scope of XML Provisioning messages DeleteSubscriber,
AddSubscriber, and ChangeSubscriber to the specific partition or
partitions in which a subscriber’s mailbox or mailboxes are located.
The value can be set to Yes or No. The default value is No.
NumGroups = 1
This is the number of groups of processes that are configured below
to monitor the configured MQ queues. There must be at least one
group per configured MQ queue that the user wishes to read
messages from. There is no limit to the number of groups of processes
that can be configured, but for practical purposes, the total number of
XML message requests to be processed in one hour should not exceed
Name = CompanyName
The Sender name to be set in the header of all response messages that
are sent.
LoggingLevel = 0
The logging level that the main parent process uses (range 0 - 5; 0
warnings; 5 debug). The recommended level in a production system is
SysAdminProfile = 999999
The user ID that all received messages have set in their message
SysAdminPassword = nnn
The PIN that all received messages have set in their message headers.
The namespace to be used for XML Provisioning by the
IMC_XMLProvisioning custom server. The default is
XSDfilename =
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
The fully qualified name of an XSD file to be used to validate all
incoming XML messages (optional; comment out line if not required).
DefaultsPath = /var/dirTalk/MessageCenter
The path where all Unified Messaging defaults files are located.
UtilsPath = /usr/lpp/dirTalk/db/current_dir/ca/IMC_Admin_dir/utils/
The path where all IMC_Admin utilities are located.
MaxMessageSize = 10240
The maximum message size that is read from an MQ queue. There is
no upper or lower limit to the maximum message size that can be
configured, but for practical purposes, the number should be
optimized such that the maximum message size multiplied by the
number of XML groups does not result in excessive memory usage.
This heading is the start of the configuration section for each group,
where N ranges from 0 - 9.
NumProcs = 1
The number of processes run in this group to monitor the configured
MQ queue.
RequestSender = CompanyName
The Sender name to be set in the header of all received messages.
RequestQMgr = MCQAM001
The name of the MQ queue manager to which this group of processes
connects in order to receive incoming messages.
The name of the MQ queue from which this group of processes reads
ReplyQMgr = MCQAM001
The name of the queue manager to which this group of processes
connects in order to send reply messages.
The name of the MQ queue on which this group of processes sends
ReplyUserId = 99999
The user ID that all sent response messages have set in their message
ReplyPassword = 99999
The PIN that all sent response messages have set in their message
Administrator's Guide
ReplyExpiration = 0
A configuration parameter used for MQ to determine whether the sent
response messages should expire.
ReplyPriority = 0
A configuration parameter used for MQ to determine the priority with
which response messages should be sent.
LoggingLevel = 0
The logging level that this group of processes uses (range 0 - 5; 0
warnings; 5 debug). The recommended level in a production system is
The results of the commands executed by the interface are logged in the file
$OAM_LOG_PATH/IMC_XMLProvisioning.log. The level of detail of the
information that is logged depends on the LoggingLevel set for the various
Appendix D. The Unified Messaging custom servers
Administrator's Guide
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables
used by Unified Messaging
Unified Messaging state tables use WebSphere Voice Response system
variables and those it uses are listed here.
For example, the IMC_STATS state table (see “IMC_STATS” on page 441) uses
the global variable SV81 for statistics gathering.
All the Unified Messaging state tables that can detect an error condition use
SV51, SV52, and SV53 to save the state table name, and the state and result of
the action that caused the error. This information is passed to IMC_LogError
for logging.
Table 50 lists the system variables associated with user data fields. These
system variables can be updated by state tables. Some of these user data fields
can also be updated by a subscriber using the telephone, or an administrator
using Unified Messaging line commands, such as changeuser (see “Changing
details of a subscriber (changeuser)” on page 113).
For more information on the field names listed in the table, look in Table 9 on
page 114. For information on all WebSphere Voice Response system variables,
see Websphere Voice Response for AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
Trigger variables are used to retrieve and update this data, setting SV20 to the
caller number and SV32 to the mailbox ID to retrieve caller information, and
SV25 to the receiver number and SV33 to the mailbox ID to retrieve receiver
information. To update caller information with any changes, assign any value
to SV380. To save any changes to receiver information, use SV450.
Unified Messaging also uses many system variables at runtime. Most of these
system variables are set based on settings in the file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini while some are set based on the particular call type.
These system variables are typically set by IMC_STARTUP for each call into
Unified Messaging. For a list of these runtime system variables and a
description of what they are used for look in Table 52 on page 569:
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Subscriber Number
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables (continued)
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
New Messages
Saved Messages
Messages sent to other
1 (mailbox) or 10 (deleted
1 (for notification
1 (call forward schedules)
10 (follow-me schedules)
Active (exists)/Not Active
Subscriber Type
Message Retrieval Order
Prompt Level
PIN Security off/on
Greeting ID
Call Forward
number/Find-me number 1
Find-Me on/off
List ID
Member number
1 (for voice mailbox)
Number of lists left
Number of recipients left
Maximum number of
Maximum number of
distribution lists
Maximum number of
distribution list members
Administrator's Guide
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables (continued)
Number of Distribution Lists
Number of mailboxes (2:
mailbox 1 and mailbox 10)
Subscriber Class
Message length (ms)
Message ID
Date/Time recorded
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Maximum record time (for
When Confirmation of
Message Deletion is enabled,
the number of days after
which new or saved
messages are automatically
expired, after which
subscribers will be asked to
listen and delete expired
Mailbox set attributes for
SV381–SV436 or
VA2 greeting start/stop date
VA2 greeting caller options
Last log on date
Last greeting change date
PIN change date (for expiry)
VA2 greeting say date off/on
E-mail address
E-mail with attachment
E-mail with attachment
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables (continued)
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
E-mail with attachment voice
type (0 = WAV, 1 = AU)
Synchronize with Lotus
Notes on or off
Synchronize with Lotus
Notes options
E-mail account details for
playing e-mail via TTS
Copy of Name for
notification (can be changed
to differ from Name)
Subscriber's corporate LDAP
Find Me Follow Me
Screening (subscriber types 6
and 7), menu-routing
(subscriber type 10)
Colleague number/Find-me
number 3
Temporary colleague number
(subscriber type 0 only)
Reach-Me number/Find-Me
number 2
Reach-Me PIN/Temporary
Reach-Me number
(subscriber type 0 only)
Fax number (for transfer to if
no fax server - otherwise
default fax delivery number)
Temporary fax number
(subscriber type 0 only)
Fax server (TR114 for
Page-me number
Page-me type
Page-me service number
Administrator's Guide
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables (continued)
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Temporary Page-me
reference number
Temporary Page-me
reference number
Attendant Number
Time zone
Bilingual greeting off/on
First-time user on/off
Play (long) message header
information off/on
Delete new messages even if
haven't listened to them
Automatically save new
messages after listening
Send message - Record first
or address first
Whether to use 12 or 24 hour
clock when allowing user to
set future delivery, set
schedules up and some other
Number of times failed
logins have occurred
Reserved for Web calling
class of service (COS)
Reserved for user transfer
class of service (COS)
Reserved for referral or
reachme class of service
Reserved for colleague class
of service (COS)
Reserved for notification
class of service (COS)
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Table 50. Mapping user data to system variables (continued)
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Days before automatic
deletion of saved messages
Days before automatic
deletion of new messages
Notification schedules off/on
Original/Real sender profile
Original/Real sender
Sender name
Sender (VPIM) Address
Actual destination number
Actual destination mailbox
Receiver name
Receiver (VPIM) address
For notification schedules, set SV301 to the schedule number to retrieve the
appropriate notification schedule for the caller (use SV341 for receiver), and
any value to SV300 to update the caller’s schedule (use SV340 for receiver).
For more information on the field names listed in the table below, look in
Table 11 on page 124.
Table 51. Mapping user data to system variables (notification schedules)
Schedule ID 0
(override/temporary 1–4)
Schedule Active (exists)
Main telephone number
Main number/Pager type
Main pager number
Backup telephone number
Administrator's Guide
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Notification schedule set
Table 51. Mapping user data to system variables (notification schedules) (continued)
Unified Messaging
subscriber administration
Backup number/Pager type
Back up pager number
Schedule start time
Schedule notify level
Schedule end time
Schedule days of week
Unified Messaging also uses many system variables at runtime. Most of these
system variables are set based on settings in the file $CUR_DIR/ca/ini/
IMC_MessageCenter.ini while some are set based on the particular call type.
These system variables are typically set by IMC_STARTUP for each call into
Unified Messaging. For a list of these runtime system variables and a
description of what they are used for look in Table 52 below:
Table 52. Runtime system variables
System Variable
Configuration Setting
The state table a problem
occurred in.
The details of the state a
problem occurred at.
Temporary storage area
for details of the state a
problem occurred at.
The number of the calling
The number that was
Whether the call was an
internal (I) or external (E)
Whether the call was
received by Unified
Messaging due to a busy
(B) or a ring-no-answer
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
The profile to use for
external callers. (Default 999999)
The quick message
profile. (Default - 888888)
The AMIS receiver profile.
(Default - 999998)
The AMIS sender profile.
(Default - 999997)
The system distribution
lists profile. (Default 444444)
The FAX profile. (Default
- 333333)
The VPIM profile.
(Default - 555555)
The number to which
callers will be transferred
when they choose to
transfer to the attendant.
The key used by
IMC_PlayMsg while a
message is being played.
The key to press when
dialing by name. (Default
- #)
The state table containing
the subscriber menus.
The state table containing
the caller menus.
The three letter prefix
used by this version of
Unified Messaging. (IMC)
A three letter prefix used
for state tables customized
by a customer.
Administrator's Guide
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
The state table that is
invoked by IMC_MAIN
when a SV74 is set to 200
in the subscriber state
The entry point for the
subscriber menu state
The return code from the
subscriber menu state
The profile of the current
Reserved for future use
(as message destination).
Reserved for future use
(as message destination).
Telephony portal
subscriber settings (server,
user id, PIN and other
Original ISDN Call Tags
(SV542) when STARTUP
started (before
AnswerCall, as long as
Incoming_Call has been
modified to not to answer
the call).
The string appended and
logged in STATS.
IP Address of real-time
DTM-D remote machine
to send message to.
Inter or intra partition
The TTS engine being
Enable or disable message
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
Whether the current
destination is a remote
destination or not.
A flag indicating whether
or not the caller dialed a
vmail extension.
Maximum number of
invalid PIN attempts
allowed before a mailbox
is locked.
The maximum cumulative
number of invalid PINs
across all profiles that can
be entered before Unified
Messaging stops access to
all mailboxes.
The maximum cumulative
number of invalid PINs
that can be entered over a
series of signon attempts
before Unified Messaging
disables the mailbox.
Minimum number of
milliseconds that a
message a caller leaves
has to be, otherwise the
message is discarded.
Enable or disable the
ability to call the sender
of a message.
Enable or disable the
ability for callers to reach
a colleague.
Enable or disable the
ability for a caller to
transfer to another
Enable or disable the
ability for a caller to
transfer to the attendant.
Enable or disable the
referral facility.
Administrator's Guide
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
Enable or disable the call
transfer facility.
Enable or disable the
ability for a caller to use
the ReachMe facility.
Enable or disable the
ability for callers to send
Enable or disable the
ability to receive faxes.
Enable or disable the
CMC synchronization
facility (unused)
Control of entry of userid
(profile) and PIN.
Control of use of called
number or
supplied in STARTUP as
the profile to log onto
(without userid or PIN if
MCMainControl is set).
Enable or disable the first
time usage tutorial.
Enable or disable simple
playing of voice messages
SimplePlay = No means
IMC_PlayMsg will be
SimplePlay = Yes means
PlayVoiceMessage will
be used
Number of milliseconds
to jump forward when a
subscriber presses the key
to skip forward in a
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
Number of milliseconds
to jump backwards when
a subscriber presses the
key to jump backwards in
a message.
Whether to explicitly
prompt for distribution
lists ids in
whether it is assumed that
a distribution list id
cannot be the same as a
profile number.
Whether or not access to
system distribution lists is
The number of days
before a PIN expires.
Whether bilingual
greetings should be used
or not.
Whether the mailbox is
logged onto or not.
Used to indicate updates
have occurred and a fresh
version of the profile
should be retrieved from
the database the next time
the TUI needs to reflect
the current state of the
Enable or disable the
sending of messages in a
manner that allows the
sender to look at their
outgoing messages and
delete them. If disabled,
there are performance
Administrator's Guide
Table 52. Runtime system variables (continued)
System Variable
Configuration Setting
Used to indicate a
mailbox is shared when
passing data from
If set to 1 then this was an
attempt to logon via a
jumpout from
Whether a distribution list
id is allowed to be
entered when entering a
destination for Sending a
message or adding to
distribution list.
0 = called by
entering the number of
a member; entry of
Distribution List ids is
therefore not allowed
1 = called by
entry of Distribution
List id is allowed
2 = called by
entering the number of
a member to be
Whether to use
IMC_PhraseSlicer to chop
up TTS into phrases or
initially pass everything
Appendix E. WebSphere Voice Response system variables used by Unified Messaging
Administrator's Guide
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for
DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
This appendix is for existing IBM Message Center or DirectTalkMail users and
looks at the enhancements we’ve made in four upgrades:
v The most recent, upgrading IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice
Response Version 3.1 to IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice
Response Version 4.2
v The previous upgrade, from IBM Message Center for DirectTalk Version 6
Release 3 to Version 6 Release 4 and then renamed to IBM Unified
Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response Version 3.1
v The move from IBM DirectTalkMail for AIX Version 2 to IBM Message
Center for DirectTalk Version 6 Release 3
v The move from the IBM DirectTalkMail feature of DirectTalk Version 2.1 to
IBM DirectTalk for AIX Version 2
We then look at the migration paths available to you before describing in
detail the utilities we’ve provided to help you.
Enhancements in IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response
Version 4.2
The enhancements in the upgrade from Version 3.1 are summarized here.
Enhancements in the upgrade from Version 3.1 include:
v WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 support. UM Version 4.2 now
works in conjunction with WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 and takes
advantage of the WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2 enhancements.
v Support for VoIP using SIP. Unified Messaging can function within a Voice
over Internet Protocol (VoIP) network using Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
Using the SIP function in WebSphere Voice Response Version 4.2, a
combination of Unified Messaging and WebSphere Voice Response can
attach natively to an IP network. This means that callers and subscribers
can interact with Unified Messaging using 'hard' or 'soft' IP telephones. Call
transfer is possible using tromboning. See “Implementing VoIP using SIP”
on page 31 for details.
v SMDI. The operation of the Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) custom
server has been modified to simplify the inclusion of third-party SMDI
add-ins, such as Local Number Portability (LNP). IMC_SMDI_Gateway is
replaced by IMC_SMDI_Client.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
v Voice Interface supports VXML2. All Voice XML components in the Voice
Interface have been updated to Voice XML 2.0. Voice XML 1.0 is no longer
v Text-to-Speech support. Lernout & Hauspie BeST Speech and IBM ViaVoice
Outloud TTS text-to-speech engines are no longer supported. Only Fonix
AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001 and WebSphere Voice Server Version
4.2 are supported.
Enhancements made to Unified Messaging in V4.2 PTFs
Since Unified Messaging V4.2 first became available, the following
enhancements have been delivered in V4.2 PTFs:
Support for WebSphere Voice Response Version 6.1
Unified Messaging V4.2 also works with WebSphere Voice Response
Version 6.1, with the following restrictions:
v The Unified Messaging Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) is
not currently supported.
v State table speech recognition and TTS functionality is not currently
available for use with Unified Messaging.
Survey Mailboxes
Unified Messaging now supports survey mailboxes, allowing
subscribers or administrators to record a series of questions that
callers can answer. The answers are then mailed to the e-mail address
of the subscriber or administrator.
Web Services Voicemail API
The Web Services Voicemail API allows Unified Messaging to be
accessed from a Web services environment. A supplied WSDL file
contains all the information necessary to expose your Unified
Messaging voice messaging system as a Web service.
User-defined key processing during playing of messages
Unified Messaging now provides the capability to invoke the available
actions using any key sequence the customer wishes, within current
state table capabilities.
Enhanced load_splits utility
The load_splits utility creates the IMC_CHK_SPLITS state table which
allows other state tables (such as IMC_STARTUP, IMC_LOGON, and
so on) to check if a called number can be converted to another
number during periods when a number might have more than one
possible area code or other prefix. This could happen if a range of
telephone numbers were being migrated to another range of telephone
numbers, for example.
Administrator's Guide
Confirmation of message deletion
Unified Messaging now provides an option that enables subscribers to
listen and delete expired messages, after logging on. The number of
days after which new or saved messages are automatically expired,
can be configured for individual subscribers by the Unified Messaging
FindMe FollowMe caller screening
Unified Messaging now provides a Find-me follow-me caller
screening option that allows subscribers to route callers to their
FindMe number without callers first having to record their name.
New entry labels in IMC_START_UP state table
An unlimited number of logon numbers for the system and for every
partition can now be added by using new entry labels.
Simplified call flow for save/undelete messages
In the Telephone User Interface (TUI), a verbose prompt explaining
about undeletion and message expiry can now be played only the first
time that a message is deleted or saved. For all subsequent actions of
this type, a shortened prompt is played (subscriber types 5, 6, 7 or 8
Functionality of XML Provisioning custom server enhanced
A list of subscribers within a Unified Messaging partition can be
retrieved using XML Provisioning.
Option to switch off Find Me Follow Me feature at partition level
Unified Messaging can now be configured so that the Find Me Follow
Me options are not available for Home and Small Business subscribers
(types 6 and 7).
The limit of allowed MQ queues for XML Provisioning increased
The number of available MQ queues for XML Provisioning is no
longer limited to ten, allowing greater flexibility for testing and also
allowing wholesale customers to self-manage their accounts more
The IMC_Broadcast custom server can now handle large broadcasts
The sending of broadcast messages can now be staggered to minimize
any degradation of system performance. Distribution lists can now be
nested to make it possible to create very large user and system
distribution lists.
Shared numbers can now have aliases
This allows multiple telephone numbers that are not answered to
point to the same main mailbox number, which also can have multiple
sub-mailboxes. This means that aliases and shared numbers are no
longer mutually exclusive.
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
The Apple Safari web browser is now supported
For accessing the Unified Messaging web interface, the Apple Safari
web browser is now supported for use by Home, Small Business, and
Corporate subscribers (types 5, 6, 7 or 8).
Transfer to operator from caller dynamic menu for Small Business
subscribers is now possible
Callers to Small Business subscribers can now be transferred to an
operator by pressing 0 from the caller dynamic menu. (This feature
was already available for other subscriber types.) Subscribers can
specify the operator number from the Unified Messaging web
interface Find Me page. (Subscriber type 7)
Simplified customization of e-mail and pager notification templates
Creating a new language is no longer necessary when customizing
e-mail and pager notification templates. It is now easier to customize
these templates for wholesale customers so that each such notification
has its own look and feel.
Language preference setting now provided on web GUI for Corporate
Type 5 (Corporate) subscribers can now select a language preference
for the Telephony User Interface (TUI) from the Telephone Interface
settings web page.
Distribution lists have been extended
Distribution lists can now be nested to make it possible to create very
large user and system distribution lists. Previously the limit was 90
The maximum number of configurable notification schedules is now ten
One notification schedule can now be set for each day of the week.
The total number of number of available notification schedules is set
by the system administrator, but individual schedules are configured
by subscribers using the Unified Messaging web interface.
Subscribers can now configure menu-routing destinations
Subscribers can now configure a menu-routing mailbox menu to
transfer a caller directly to a mailbox or to a telephone extension.
Easier mailbox switching with multiple (shared) mailboxes
Home and Small Business subscribers with a multiple (shared)
mailbox no longer need to log off from the web and hang up from the
Telephony User Interface (TUI) interfaces to switch from one mailbox
to another.
Home and Small Business subscribers can now choose detailed or short
Home and Small Business subscribers can specify detailed or short
Telephone User Interface (TUI) prompts using the TUI.
Administrator's Guide
Improved XML Provisioning mailbox transaction control
Partition information can now be specified in XML Provisioning
mailbox transactions that delete mailboxes, add a subscriber, or
change the details of an existing subscriber.
Improved multiple (shared) mailbox facilities
Subscribers with a multiple (shared) mailbox can now record a main
greeting for the primary phone number.
IOBI platform now integrated with Unified Messaging platform
IOBI is a desktop application, providing event notification to end
users. The Unified Messaging platform has been enhanced to allow
IOBI event messages to be sent to an IOBI server as well as to allow
incoming IOBI IMAP4 requests.
Menu-routing schedules
Unified Messaging now supports different menu-routing application
behavior at different times of the day and on different days of the
week, or in an emergency.
Extension Dialing
Unified Messaging can now be configured so that subscribers and
callers can dial a short number (for example, 1001) to address a longer
user ID in the database (for example, 1230001001). This can be used
when specifying:
v A destination address for a message
v A transfer destination, for example, when using an auto-attendant
Interoperability improvements
Unified Messaging now allows subscribers within particular partitions
to search an LDAP server by number (only) to send a message to
another vendor's voice mail platform supporting AMIS or VPIM.
Enhancements in IBM Unified Messaging for WebSphere Voice Response
Version 3.1
The enhancements in the upgrade from IBM Message Center for DirectTalk
Version 6 Release 3 are summarized here.:
Enhancements in the upgrade from IBM Message Center for DirectTalk
Version 6 Release 3 include:
v POP3 support. Subscribers can now listen to their e-mail messages that
reside on POP3-compliant servers.
v LDAP support. Subscribers can now use an LDAP server when performing
the following functions:
– Filtering e-mail messages
– Composing and sending a voice message
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
– Replying to a voice or e-mail message
– Forwarding a voice or e-mail message.
See “Implementing LDAP server support for e-mail messaging” on page 65
for more information.
v Additional subscriber types. Four new subscriber types are supported in
this release. They are:
– Corporate (type 5)
– Home (type 6)
– Small business (type 7)
– Enterprise (type 8)
Details of each of these can be found in the IBM Unified Messaging for
WebSphere Voice Response: Subscriber’s Guide (Types 5,6,7 and 8).
v Menu routing application. A Menu-Routing application, that allows a caller
to select a destination to which they want to transfer by pressing a single
key on the telephone keypad. If the requested number answers, the
menu-routing application connects the call between the caller and the
number called. If the number called does not answer within a specified
period, the menu-routing application sends the caller to the voice mailbox
for that number. See “Understanding the menu-routing application” on
page 159 for more information.
v IMC_XMLProvisioning. Using an XML messaging protocol,
IMC_XMLProvisioning provides a WebSphere MQ interface to Unified
Messaging. This interface can provide access to the Unified Messaging
administrator functions from remote sites such as call centers or Web
servers. For detailed information about the functions that
IMC_XMLProvisioning provides, see “IMC_XMLProvisioning” on page 557.
v Shared number with multiple mailboxes. The Shared Number with
Multiple Mailboxes feature allows a single telephone number to host
multiple Unified Messaging mailboxes (up to a maximum of 10 mailboxes
for each telephone number). When a caller calls a telephone number that is
shared by more than one mailbox, they hear a menu that allows them to
select one of the mailboxes. They then hear the greeting recorded by that
mailbox owner, and can leave a message. For detailed information, see
“Adding a new shared number with multiple sub-mailboxes
(addsharednumber)” on page 144.
v Alias numbers for shared mailboxes. The Alias Numbers for Shared
Mailboxes feature can be used to provide a mailbox to a group of users
who need to jointly access a single store of messages. The feature allows a
caller to leave a message in a mailbox by dialing the real number associated
with the mailbox or any of the alias numbers that have been defined for the
mailbox. For detailed information see “Understanding the aliases feature”
on page 138 for detailed information about Alias Numbers.
Administrator's Guide
v Pager notification. The IMC_Pager custom server provides interfaces that
allow state tables to:
– query details of a paging service configuration file, for different pager
– obtain or format text messages for sending as notifications or as a
Page-Me message.
– check whether a message has already been notified successfully.
– send pager messages by using scripts that invoke either the
command-line paging utilities provided by the AIX sendmail command
or paging utilities that you have provided.
For more information see “IMC_Pager” on page 521
v Enhanced subscriber classes. Unified Messaging makes use of the
Subscriber Classes in WebSphere Voice Response, which have been
extended to allow the following values to be set:
– Days before new messages are deleted
– Days before saved messages are deleted
– Greeting Length
– Audioname length
For details about the settings available in Subscriber Classes, see
“Subscriber class settings” on page 609 and Websphere Voice Response for
AIX: Application Development using State Tables.
SMDI notification. The IMC_SMDI_Gateway custom server is a central
point from which Simple Message Desk Interface (SMDI) message-waiting
indications can be sent to multiple SMDI servers, from a WebSphere Voice
Response SSI Server, or a standalone WebSphere Voice Response
workstation. The SMDI Servers pick up requests queued to them from the
IMC_SMDI_Gateway and send them via serial ports to SMDI or SMSI links
that are connected to switches.
Text-to-Speech. Unified Messaging now supports text-to-speech using
WebSphere Voice Server.
Multiple time zones. This feature provides adjusted dates and times for
commonly-accepted international time zones for voice messages that are in
a subscriber's mailbox when it is accessed via the telephone or the Web
interface. The time zone information includes daylight savings information,
which will be applied automatically.
Inter-node messaging. Unified Messaging previously supported sending
messages from one IBM Unified Messaging system (standalone or SSI
cluster) to another, using a variety of protocols such as AMIS-A, VPIM2,
and DTM-D for simple dial-plans (such as those where specified blocks of
caller numbers are routed to different systems). The Inter-Node Messaging
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
feature will support complex dial-plans (or random dial-plans) where any
particular mailbox can be found on any remote WebSphere Voice Response
v Out-of-hours greeting. An out-of-hours greeting is now available for the
Corporate Subscriber Type. Once this has been recorded, it is played to a
caller when the current time (in the subscriber's time zone) is outside office
hours (as specified by the subscriber or as found in the defaults file). The
greeting does not play if the subscriber is not accepting messages (that is, if
the Announcement Only greeting has been selected). At weekends and
holidays, the out-of-hours greeting is played all day, where the start and
end of the day is determined according to the subscriber's time zone.
v Telephony portal. This will allow subscribers to receive and retrieve
messages via the telephone without requiring mailboxes on Unified
Messaging. For users of this type, all voice fax and e-mail messages are
located on the e-mail sever and all the details of the user's profile are
retrieved from an LDAP server.
v Brooktrout fax card support. This optional fax solution supports sending
and receiving faxes in .TIFF/F format.
v Web interface. New features in the Web interface now enable subscribers to
send, receive, reply to, or forward messages via voice, fax and e-mail.
v WAP interface. Subscribers can now view e-mail over the WAP interface
and change mailbox preferences by navigating through the WAP menu.
v National language support. Unified Messaging is not restricted in its
support of national languages. Languages can be added, either by recording
new voice segments, or importing existing .wav files. For detailed
information about both these methods, see Chapter 3, “Internationalizing
Unified Messaging,” on page 91. In addition to US English, sample
language packages are included for French, German, Italian, Japanese,
Korean, and UK English.
v Additional security measures. New security measures as follows:
– Prevention of PINs from being reused within a specific time period
– Restriction on access to confidential e-mail being read via text-to-speech
over the telephone.
v Easier installation and upgrades. All Unified Messaging configuration
settings have been moved from within source code to an external
configuration file. This makes initial installations and upgrades of software
much easier.
Administrator's Guide
Enhancements in IBM Message Center for DirectTalk Version 6 Release 3
Enhancements in the upgrade from DirectTalkMail Version 2 include:
v The addition of types of subscriber:
– Business - local & remote
– Business - local
– Residential
– Remote e-mail only
v Support for the IMAP4 Audio Client Feature. Designed to work with
text-to-speech (TTS) software, this:
– Supports IMAP4-compliant e-mail servers
– Uses any of the following text-to-speech engines to play back e-mail in
US English:
Lernout & Hauspie BeST Speech
Fonix AcuVoice Speech Synthesizer AV2001
IBM ViaVoice Outloud TTS
– Support for the IMAP4 Server Feature, for use with IMAP4 e-mail
clients, providing:
- Integration with e-mail IMAP4 clients such as Lotus Notes Version 5.0,
Netscape Version 4.0, and Microsoft Outlook 98
- Playing voice mail on an e-mail client
- Voice streaming from IMAP4 servers to e-mail clients
– A new user interface (Unified Messaging Interface Tool) for system
administrators that lets them add, change, and delete subscriber
– The ability to create partitions on a single Message Center system. This
enables customers to create different voice messaging partitions for
different areas of their business. This includes:
- Defining a new class of administrator for mailbox management within
- Isolating users and administrators in one partition from other users
and administrators
Enhancements in DirectTalkMail Version 2
The enhancements to DirectTalkMail in the upgrade from the DirectTalkMail
feature of IBM DirectTalk for AIX are summarized here.
Enhancements to DirectTalkMail in the upgrade from the DirectTalkMail
feature of IBM DirectTalk for AIX included:
v “SMTP/MIME and VPIM support” on page 586
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
“Integrating voice mail and e-mail”
“Improved fax support”
“Using tromboning instead of transfer” on page 587
“Single system image support” on page 587
v “Managing remote systems” on page 587
v “Backup and restore utilities” on page 588
v “A new General Information and Planning book” on page 588
All these enhancements formed part of IBM Message Center for DirectTalk, as
the descriptions below indicate.
SMTP/MIME and VPIM support
Message Center can exchange messages with other voice mail systems which
support Voice Protocol for Internet Mail (VPIM), the standard for digital
exchange of voice messages between different voice mail systems.
VPIM supports attaching voice and fax messages to SMTP/MIME e-mail. This
gives the individual subscriber the option to have all voice and fax messages
sent to an Internet e-mail address. Voice messages can be sent in DirectTalk
voice message format to other Message Center systems, or in compressed
GSM or 32KADPCM (used by VPIM), or .wav or .au format for playback
using PC sound cards.
Integrating voice mail and e-mail
You can integrate voice mail and e-mail on any SMTP/MIME compliant mail
systems. By configuring VPIM and SMTP/MIME appropriately, you can send
simple text-based e-mails to the Message Center system’s mailboxes, where
they are converted to text-to-speech messages using US English Ultimedia.
You can also:
v Forward these text messages to SMTP/MIME systems, where the text can
once again be read as text
v View the text, as text, on the Message Center Web pages
Improved fax support
If Message Center detects a fax tone while playing a user greeting, it can
transfer the call to a fax machine or fax server.
If the fax server supports VPIM or SMTP/MIME, Message Center can attach
faxes to voice messages in mailboxes, from where subscribers can work with
Administrator's Guide
them. If the DirectTalk system uses the Brooktrout fax solution, it can receive
faxes directly on the DirectTalk system’s channels, and attach them to
messages in subscriber mailboxes.
You can send faxes to fax machines by:
v Using SMTP/MIME to send to a fax server
v Using the Brooktrout fax solution
You can also forward the faxes as TIFF attachments to e-mail addresses, or
view them on Web pages.
Using tromboning instead of transfer
Using the DTQA and DTXA adapters with DirectTalk lets you use
tromboning: a call coming in on one DirectTalk channel can be connected
directly with an outgoing call on another DirectTalk channel. You can use this
instead of transferring using a switch, However, when the transfer completes,
and the calling party is connected to the number to which the transfer was
made, instead of the call being released from DirectTalk (as it is with a switch
transfer), the two channels with the transferred call remain in use for the
duration of the call.
The trombone feature lets you do additional functions when you transfer:
v If the party to whom you transferred hangs up, you can return to where
you left off with Message Center. This is particularly useful when a
subscriber transfers to the number from which a message was left, and
wants to return to working with their messages after the call.
v If the original caller wants to cancel the transfer and return to where they
left off with Message Center, they can do so by pressing a definable DTMF
Single system image support
Using the single system image (SSI) architecture in IBM DirectTalk for AIX
Version 2 Release 2, Message Center can support a significantly increased
number of simultaneous voice channels and mailboxes.
For information on getting the best out of your Message Center system, see
your IBM representative.
Managing remote systems
The Remote Systems Administration (RSA) utility lets you configure and
administer AMIS analog, VPIM, and SMTP/MIME, as well as the proprietary
DirectTalkMail Digital (DTM-D) protocols.
Appendix F. If you’ve used IBM Message Center for DirectTalk or DirectTalkMail before...
It’s also easier to manage audio names for subscribers on remote systems:
v For VPIM, the audio names are packed with the message, and unpacked on
v For other protocols, you can mount remote audio name directories using
NFS, or copy them from one system to another using FTP.
Backup and restore utilities
Message Center provides backup and restore utilities for mailbox and message
data. You can use them to back up your message and mailbox data without
shutting down your system. You can also use them to merge data from
multiple systems into a single system. This is useful if you want to migrate
several standalone systems into a single system image cluster.
A new General Information and Planning book
Chapter 1 of previous editions of the IBM DirectTalkMail for AIX:
Administrator’s Guide provided some background information for
DirectTalkMail users. With IBM DirectTalkMail Version 2, we turned this
chapter into a comprehensive General Information and Planning book.
Administrator's Guide
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
This appendix describes the various types of initialization files that allow you
to customize Unified Messaging.
Initialization files (.ini files)
Initialization files (.ini) are found in /home/dirTalk/current_dir/ca/ini
($CUR_DIR/ca/ini) and contain settings which modify how Unified
Messaging behaves. For example, there is a setting which determines whether
failed PIN attempts are tracked and how many failed PIN attempts will lock a
mailbox. A full list of settings can be found throughout this chapter.
Many settings found in .ini files respect a hierarchy. Use of multiple .ini files
in this hierarchy can be useful if it fits with your organizational or customer
needs. The hierarchy is:
1. Partition-level .ini file settings will override those above them
(subscriber-type and system-wide settings)
2. Subscriber-type .ini file settings will override those above them
(system-wide .ini file settings)
3. System-wide .ini file settings are used as defaults if no other values can be
There must be a system-wide .ini file. This is the IMC_MessageCenter.ini file.
It contains defaults to be used if no other values can be found, and many
settings which can be set only on a system-wide basis such as custom server
One or more additional .ini files may be present if their presence adds value
(that is, if they do not contain simply the same values as the system-wide
Partition-level .ini files
Settings in the partition-level .ini file apply only for subscribers who belong to
a specified partition and override those found in the subscriber-type and
system-wide .ini files. Thus, you can customize aspects of Unified Messaging
for each partition defined on your system. If this file is not there or a variable
is not found in it, then normally the subscriber-type .ini file will be checked,
followed by the system-wide .ini file. Hence it is not necessary to have all of
the settings in the files, nor to have the file for any particular partition if the
system-wide settings are already suitable for that partition.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
Filename format is IMC_MessageCenter_pppppppp.ini. For example, for a
partition called CompanyX the filename would be
Note: A partition could have a name which is composed of only numeric
characters but should never have a name composed of only two numeric
characters, because of the possibility of confusing a partition-level .ini file
with a subscriber-type .ini file.
Subscriber-type .ini files
Settings in the subscriber-type .ini file apply only for a specified subscriber
type and override those found in the system-wide .ini file. In this way you
can customize aspects of Unified Messaging for each subscriber type. If this
file is not there or a variable is not found in it, then the system-wide .ini file
setting will normally be used instead. Hence it is not necessary to have all of
the settings in the files, nor to have the file for any particular subscriber type
if the system-wide settings are suitable for that subscriber type.
Filename format is IMC_MessageCenter_xx.ini. For example, the filename for
subscriber type 5 would be IMC_MessageCenter_05.ini
System-wide-only settings
The following settings can be set only on a system-wide basis, so can be
maintained only in the system-wide initialization file
[GlobalVariables] section
The system-wide .ini file must contain a GlobalVariables section for general
system-wide settings. Here is an example of a GlobalVariables section and a
description of each of the variables:
ExtCallID = 999999
QuickMsgID = 888888
AMISReceiverID = 999998
AMISSenderID = 999997
FaxID = 333333
EmaiID = 555555
EnableIOBI = 0
MRCallerIDSend = No
MROpRingTime = 30
MRRingTime = 15
MRTraverseEnabled = No
NumMRHolSchedules = 1
NumSchedules = 3
Administrator's Guide
RemoteDest = No
TelephonyPortalExt = 0
GlobalPWLimit = 0
Long Distance =
The number used to signify any sender outside Unified Messaging
itself, for example, external callers. Messages from such sources are
sent from this ExtCallID.
A number used in the same manner as ExtCallID by the Quick
Message application (IMC_START_QMG) that allows a message to be
sent without a subscriber being logged on. Messages from that
application are sent from this QuickMsgID.
A number used when a message is received from another AMIS
system. Messages from other AMIS systems are sent from the
AMISReceiverID to Unified Messaging mailboxes. This profile is also
used in this way by Unified Messaging’s proprietary DTM-D protocol.
A number used when sending a message to another AMIS system.
Messages are sent to this profile (by Unified Messaging, internally)
when they are destined for another AMIS system.
FaxID A number used to indicate a fax message: messages sent from this
profile are faxes. Messages are also sent to this profile (by Unified
Messaging, internally) when they are destined to be sent to an
external fax server.
A number used to indicate a local e-mail message (this function is not
fully supported in this release and is present only for compatibility
with previous releases). Messages are also sent to this profile (by
Unified Messaging, internally) when they are destined to be sent to
VPIM destinations.
IOBI event processing is enabled for the node.
The maximum number of notification schedules that can be set by a
subscriber. The value must be an integer in the range 1-10. The default
value is 3.
Sets the caller ID as the calling number for calls transferred by an
enhanced menu-routing application. Possible values are Yes and No.
The default is No.
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
The duration in seconds by which the main transfer number must be
answered before being transferred to an operator by an enhanced
menu-routing application. The value must be an integer in the range
5-60. The default value is 30.
The duration in seconds by which the main transfer number must be
answered before being transferred to a backup number by an
enhanced menu-routing application. The value must be an integer in
the range 5-60. The default value is 15.
Allows a subscriber to log in to a menu routing mailbox that is
specified as a destination number in his or her enhanced menu
routing configuration. This option is available when using the
Telephony User Interface or Web User Interface.
The maximum number of Holiday menu-routing schedules that can
be set by a subscriber for an enhanced menu-routing application. The
value must be an integer in the range 1-8. The default value is 3.
Whether Unified Messaging will accept calls, play a system greeting,
accept messages for numbers which have no mailboxes on the system,
and send such messages to the EmailID on the assumption that there
is a remote VPIM destination for them.
Note: This function is not fully supported in this release and
changing this value in the .ini file may have no effect.
A number which, when called, will allow messages to be retrieved by
Telephony Portal users, that is, users with no mailboxes on this
A system-wide limit for invalid PIN attempts. If this is not set to 0,
then every time an invalid PIN is entered the failed_password_count
of the ExtCallID profile is incremented until this value
(GlobalPWLimit) is reached. At that point the system will prevent any
mailboxes from being logged into and the system will report that all
mailboxes are locked. If this value is set to other than 0, then the
failed_password_count for the ExtCallID profile should be reviewed
and reset on a regular basis, to prevent users being unexpectedly
locked out of the system.
Administrator's Guide
The number of the LongDistance attendant that a subscriber type 6 or
7 can reach by pressing 0 twice in the main menu.
As well as the above GlobalVariables settings, the GlobalVariables settings
shown in the subscriber-type and partition-level .ini files should also all be
included in the system-wide .ini file.
Most of the ID numbers like ExtCallID are system conventions and should not
be changed unless this is essential (for example, if you know that a user will
be given a mailbox 888888 and that this number therefore cannot be used for
the QuickMsgID). If you must change one or more of the numbers due to a
possible clash with user mailbox numbers, then insure that the current special
mailbox is moved to the new number using the moveuser command.
[SharedNumbers] section
The system-wide .ini file must contain a SharedNumbers section to determine
how PINs are handled for Shared Numbers with sub-mailboxes. For example:
Determines whether the system expects PINs for sub-mailboxes of
shared numbers to be unique to allow log on without selecting the
sub-mailbox but by entering only the unique PIN. If this is set,
Unified Messaging attempts to enforce this rule in administration
commands and when subscribers change their PINs. The default value
is Yes.
If set to No then the system will no longer attempt to enforce unique
PINs (meaning that sub-mailbox subscribers can set PINs to be the
same as other sub-mailbox subscribers under the same shared
number) and will explicitly prompt for a sub-mailbox to be selected
upon logon.
Changing this value from No to Yes does not cause Unified Messaging
to check whether sub-mailbox PINs are unique under a shared
number. If PINs are found not to be unique then the behavior is the
same as if the value was No (the subscriber will be asked to choose
which mailbox to log onto).
Determines whether the system makes an exception to the above rule
in any circumstance that the PIN security feature is found to apply
(the PIN security feature is part of subscriber types 6, 7 and 8). If this
is set to Yes, in any circumstance where PIN security can apply (such
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
as where MCMainControl=3 has been set) the system will explicitly
prompt for a sub-mailbox to be selected upon logon; then, if PIN
security is off, will allow the sub-mailbox to be entered without a
PIN being entered.
Subscriber-type and partition-level settings
The following settings should be set in the system-wide .ini file but can be
overridden by settings in the subscriber-type .ini files and partition-level .ini
[GlobalVariables] section
The system-wide .ini file must contain a GlobalVariables section for general
system-wide settings which includes the following settings. These settings are
optional in any subscriber-type or partition-level .ini files (if they are absent,
then the subscriber-type or system-wide settings will be used). Example
SystemDistID = 444444
VMailExtension = 1961160
AltVMailExt1 = 196116
AltVMailExt2 = 196115
AltVMailExt3 = 196114
OperatorNum = 0
MaxPWAttempts = 3
ProfilePWLimit = 5
PwdExpiryDays = 180
MinMessageTime = 500
ListenAndDeleteDays = 20
DisableCallSndr = Yes
DisableDeputy = No
DisableJumpout = No
DisableOperator = No
DisableReferral = No
DisableXfer = No
DisableReachMe = No
DisablePageMe = No
DisableFax = Yes
DisableSync = Yes
ExpertPrompts = 0
ExtensionDialing = 3-7
MailboxDigits = 10
MCMainControl = 1
MCJumpoutAuto = No
MultiLogon = 0
FirstTimeUsage = Yes
SimplePlay = Yes
ForwardKey = 9
BackKey = 7
PauseKey = 8
FastKey = 6
Administrator's Guide
SlowKey = 4
LoudKey = 2
QuietKey = 5
FwdTime = 4000
BackTime = 4000
ByNameKey = #
UniqueDlists = Yes
SysDistAllowed = Yes
MsgUndeletion = Yes
MenuStateTable = IMC_SBR_MENU
CMenuStateTable = IMC_CLR_SMEN
Bilingual = No
OutgoingMessages = yes
PartitionVisb = intra
RecordPrimaryGrt = 0
TTS_Engine = DT TTS
Most of these settings will not need to be changed from the settings in the
system-wide .ini file. You must ensure that the system-wide .ini file contains
all of these settings so that they are available to the state tables and custom
servers that need to access them.
A profile which can share its distribution lists with other profiles (for
example, in the same partition, of the same subscriber type, or on the
same system). Any distribution lists created on this profile can be
used if SysDistAllowed is set to yes. See SysDistAllowed.
The normal number for calling into Unified Messaging to log on.
Typically this will ask for your mailbox number and then your PIN.
An alternative number for calling into Unified Messaging to log on.
Calls to this number could be treated differently. For example, it could
be assumed that you want to log onto the number that you have
called from and Unified Messaging could ask you only for your PIN .
You would achieve this by setting MCMainControl to 1 in
IMC_STARTUP when this number is called. See MCMainControl
An alternative number for calling into Unified Messaging to log on.
Calls to this number could be treated differently. For example, Unified
Messaging could ask you for neither your mailbox number nor your
PIN if you have PIN security disabled (for example, by using the
access_mode setting in a mailbox to mean PIN security
enabled/disabled). You could achieve this by checking PIN security
and setting MCMainControl to 2 (see MCMainControl below) in
IMC_STARTUP when this number is called.
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
An alternative number for calling into Unified Messaging to log on.
Calls to this number could be treated differently, as for AltVMailExt1
and AltVmailExt2.
The attendant number which is called by default for subscribers of
subscriber type 0-4 when callers press 0 for assistance.
The maximum number of invalid PIN attempts which can be entered
at a log on prompt (for example, when calling VmailExtension) before
the system says too many invalid PINs have been entered and hangs
up on the caller. Reaching this limit does not lock a mailbox. If this is
set to 0 then the system will never hang up.
The maximum number of invalid PIN attempts which can be entered
before the mailbox which is being logged into becomes locked. If this
is set to 0 then the mailbox will never become locked.
The number of days before a PIN expires and must be changed by a
user. This results in a date being written into the mailbox field
password_change_date whenever a PIN is changed, so that, if a user
logs on when the password_change_date is the current date or earlier,
the user must change the PIN. If this is set to 0 then PINs never
The minimum time (in milliseconds) for a message left by a caller. If a
message is shorter than this time then it is automatically discarded by
the system (it assumes the caller hung up just too late to avoid
leaving a blank message).
When Confirmation of Message Deletion has been enabled, the
number of days after which new or saved messages are automatically
expired, after which subscribers will be asked to listen and delete
expired messages after logon. The value, which can be between 0 and
999, is held by system variable SV294. The default value is 0, which
disables Confirmation of Message Deletion. The INI file entry is
overridden by the changeuser command.
Disables the subscriber's ability to transfer to the sender of a message.
Disabling does not make a menu option to call the sender while
listening to messages disappear, and enabling does not make such a
Administrator's Guide
menu option appear. Whether the menu option is there or not will
depend upon the way your menus are customized.
Disables the caller's ability to transfer to a subscriber's colleague (also
sometimes called a deputy or assistant). Disabling does not make the
menu for setting the colleague number disappear, and enabling does
not make such a menu appear Whether this menu appears or not will
depend upon the way your menus are customized.
Disables the ability of callers to transfer to a number they can enter.
Disabling does not necessarily make a menu option for the caller
disappear, and enabling does not necessarily make such a menu
option appear. Whether the menu option is there or not will depend
upon the way your menus are customized.
Disables the caller's ability to transfer to an attendant. Disabling does
not make the menu for setting the attendant number disappear, and
enabling does not make such a menu appear. Whether this menu
appears or not will depend upon the way your menus are
Disables the automatic transfer of a caller to an automatic
call-forward number (also sometimes called a referral number) or
find-me/follow-me number. Disabling makes the menu for setting the
automatic call forward or find-me/follow-me numbers disappear, and
enabling makes such menus appear. Whether these menus appear or
not may also depend upon the way your menus are customized.
Disables the ability of subscribers to transfer to a number they can
enter. Disabling does not make a menu option disappear, and enabling
does not make such a menu option appear. Whether the menu option
is there or not will depend upon the way your menus are customized.
Disables the caller's ability to transfer to a reach-me number.
Disabling does not make the menu for setting the reach-me number
disappear, and enabling does not make such a menu appear. Whether
this menu appears or not will depend upon the way your menus are
Disables the caller's ability to transfer to a paging bureau or otherwise
page the subscriber. Disabling does not make the menu for setting the
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
page-me number disappear, and enabling does not make such a menu
appear. Whether this menu appears or not will depend upon the way
your menus are customized.
Disables the sending and receiving of faxes on the system:
recommended if there is no ability to send or receive faxes as no fax
integration exists. Disabling does not make the menu for setting a
default fax number disappear, and enabling does not make such a
menu appear. Whether this menu appears or not will depend upon
the way your menus are customized.
Disables the synchronization of Unified Messaging with an external
messaging server using the CMC protocol. This setting is now
obsolete and may disappear from future configurations.
Allows the subscriber to select short instead of detailed prompts. (This
feature applies only to subscribers of types 6 and 7.)
Selection of short prompts is not allowed for this Unified
Messaging partition. This is the default setting.
Selection of short prompts is allowed for this Unified
Messaging partition.
The number or range of digits which will be treated as an extension
number for a search by the IMC_ByNumber custom server. This will
be extended up to the full subscriber number specified by
MailboxDigits for an Extension Dialing search. For example, if you
want to use extension numbers of 4 digits, use the value 4 here. If you
want to allow a range of digits, specify the range using the - (minus)
character without any spaces between the lower and upper allowable
range, for example, 3-5.
The number of digits expected to be in the full subscriber number
when using Extension Dialing. For example, if 10 digit U.S. numbers
are used as the subscriber numbers, leave this as the default, 10, If
your system has 6 digit numbers, set it to 6. Note that if you do not
use Extension Dialing (because you have no ExtensionDialing setting
in any INI file) then this setting will not affect the behavior of the
system as it is only used by Extension Dialing.
Controls how Unified Messaging answers the call when a subscriber
tries to log on. The supported settings are:
Administrator's Guide
Prompt for both a mailbox number and a PIN, regardless of
whether the mailbox number entered is valid, and suppress
the beep usually sounded when a subscriber enters a valid
mailbox with new messages. (Highest Security Setting).
Prompt for both a mailbox number and PIN, regardless of
whether the mailbox number entered is valid.
Prompt for both a mailbox number and PIN, if the mailbox
number entered is valid.
Prompt for PIN but not mailbox number. Uses the mailbox
number supplied (by IMC_STARTUP to IMC_MAIN) in the
parameter MCSelectedProfile.
Do not prompt for mailbox number or PIN. Go directly to the
Unified Messaging main menu. Uses the mailbox number
supplied (by IMC_STARTUP to IMC_MAIN) in the parameter
MCSelectedProfile. (Lowest Security Setting).
PINSecurity. Do not prompt for mailbox number or PIN
because PIN security is off. Go directly to the Unified
Messaging main menu if a mailbox can be found. This uses
the number supplied (by IMC_STARTUP to IMC_MAIN) in
the parameter MCSelectedProfile. If this is a shared number
the PINSecurity rule is applied instead of the UniquePwds
Controls which profile Unified Messaging assumes the subscriber is
attempting to log onto when a caller has reached the log on prompt
by 'jumping out' (for example, pressing * to log on for subscriber
types 5-8, or *7 to log on for subscriber types 0-4) from the greeting.
The supported settings are:
Assumes the subscriber is trying to log onto the called
Uses the mailbox number supplied (by IMC_STARTUP to
IMC_MAIN) in the parameter MCSelectedProfile.
Specifies that subscribers of types 6 or 7 with a MULTIPLE mailbox
can switch from one mailbox to another without hanging up from the
telephony interface or logging off the web interface.
Mailbox switching is not allowed for this Unified Messaging
partition. This is the default setting.
Mailbox switching is allowed for this Unified Messaging
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
Controls whether the first-time-user tutorial scripts will be used. If
this is set to yes then the first-time-user scripts will be used the first
time a subscriber logs on to Unified Messaging. Otherwise, the first
time a subscriber logs on to Unified Messaging will be no different
from any other time because the main menu will be reached
Determines whether the simple (and robust and efficient) WebSphere
Voice Response PlayVoiceMessage state table action will be used (if
this setting is yes), or the more complex (and feature rich and
CPU-intensive) IMC_PlayMsg custom server will be used (if this
setting is no). If PlayVoiceMessage is used (if the setting is yes), then it
will not be possible for subscribers to change the volume or speed
that voice messages play at.
The key on the telephone keypad which will 'fast forward' a message
the number of milliseconds specified in the FwdTime setting if
SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then the Forward Key setting
in WebSphere Voice Response system parameters determines the key
used and Play Skip (Seconds) in WebSphere Voice Response system
parameters determines the number of seconds jumped forward.
The key on the telephone keypad which will rewind a message the
number of milliseconds specified in the BackTime setting if
SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then the Reverse Key setting in
WebSphere Voice Response system parameters determines the key
used and Play Skip (Seconds) in WebSphere Voice Response system
parameters determines the number of seconds jumped backwards.
The key on the telephone keypad which will pause a message if
SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then the Pause Key setting in
WebSphere Voice Response system parameters determines the key
The key on the telephone keypad which will make a message play
faster if SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then this capability is
not available.
The key on the telephone keypad which will make a message play
slower if SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then this capability is
not available.
Administrator's Guide
The key on the telephone keypad which will make a message play
louder if SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then this capability is
not available.
The key on the telephone keypad which will make a message play
quieter if SimplePlay = no. If SimplePlay = yes, then this capability is
not available.
The number of milliseconds to skip forwards when the ForwardKey is
pressed, if SimplePlay = no.
The number of milliseconds to skip backwards when the BackKey is
pressed, if SimplePlay = no.
The key (* or #) which invokes the Dial-By-Name logic, allowing a
mailbox to be addressed by entering the name using keys on the
telephone keypad. For example, SMITH can be addressed by entering
When set to yes, determines whether Unified Messaging should
assume that distribution list IDs (which range from 0 to 9999) can
never conflict with mailbox numbers, in which case it will
automatically detect when an address entered is a distribution list ID.
When set to no it should explicitly ask whether an address is a
distribution list ID.
Determines whether a subscriber can use a system distribution list,
which is any distribution list created for the SystemDistID (see
Determines whether messages can be undeleted after deletion. If this
setting is yes, then the IMC_DeleteVoiceMessage custom server is
used to delete messages in a special way which allows them to be
undeleted. If this setting is no, then the DeleteVoiceMessage state table
action is used to delete messages and, once deleted, the messages will
not be recoverable.
The state table used by Unified Messaging which contains the
subscriber menus for subscriber type 0. For other subscriber types this
is the stem state table name which has the subscriber type number
added. For example, if this is set to IMC_SBR_MENU, then subscriber
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
type 2 uses IMC_SBR_MENU_02 and subscriber type 5 uses
IMC_SBR_MENU_05. This automatic appending of the subscriber type
happens only when this string is 12 characters.
The state table used by Unified Messaging which contains the caller
menus for subscriber type 0. For other subscriber types this is the
stem state table name which has the subscriber type number added.
For example, if this is set to IMC_CLR_SMEN, then subscriber type 2
uses IMC_CLR_SMEN_02 and subscriber type 5 uses
IMC_CLR_SMEN_05. This automatic appending of the subscriber type
happens only when this string is 12 characters.
Determines whether Unified Messaging will play bilingual greetings.
Bilingual greetings are composed from two separate greetings, one in
each language, spliced together by the IMC_BI_LING state table using
the IMC_Splicer custom server. For further details see the
IMC_BI_LING state table.
Enable or disable the sending of messages in a manner that allows the
sender to look at their outgoing messages and delete them. If the
sending of messages is disabled, there are performance benefits but
OutgoingMessages must be set to yes to allow subscribers to work
with outgoing mail (telephone keypad shortcut *54).
Determines whether Unified Messaging prevents users in a partition
from sending messages to or otherwise being aware of users outside
the partition (if this setting is intra), or whether Unified Messaging
allows the users in a partition to send messages to and otherwise be
aware of any subscriber on the Unified Messaging system (if this
setting is inter).
Enables subscribers of types 6, 7, and 8 with a MULTIPLE mailbox to
record a main greeting for the primary telephone number.
Determines the Text-to-Speech engine used by Unified Messaging
state tables for playing e-mails. Supported engines are:
v AcuVoice, which uses the IMC_AcuVoiceTTS custom server if you
have purchased the AcuVoice Text-to-Speech libraries and licences
v DT TTS, which uses the Text-to-Speech engine supplied with IBM
WebSphere Voice Server if you have purchased IBM WebSphere
Voice Server.
Administrator's Guide
Determines the call transfer method used by the IMC_XFER_DO state
table. The supported settings are:
Perform a switch transfer
Perform a trombone
BusinessHours section
The .ini files can optionally contain a BusinessHours section for use by the
Out-of-Hours greeting feature, for example:
OpeningTime = 0830
ClosingTime = 1700
If this is specified, then new subscribers will have their Out-of-Hours greeting
time set to these default values upon first enabling the Out-of-Hours feature.
If these settings are not found in any .ini file then the system defaults of 0900
and 1730 will be used for OpeningTime and ClosingTime respectively.
WeekDays section
The .ini file, or files, can optionally contain a WeekDays section for use by the
Out-of-Hours greeting feature:
Sun = Closed
Mon = Open
Tue = Open
Wed = Open
Thu = Open
Fri = Open
Sat = Closed
If these are specified, then mailboxes with the Out-of-Hours greeting enabled
will play the greeting on any days specified as Closed, in addition to any
Out-of-Hours time on the days specified as Open.
Surveys section
The .ini files can optionally contain a Surveys section for use by the Survey
Mailbox application feature, for example:
MaxSurveyQuestions = 20
MaxRepeats = 5
MinAnsweredQuestions = 0
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
These settings are optional in any partition-level .ini files (if they are absent,
the system-wide settings will be used). The settings that can be configured for
Survey Mailboxes are:
Timeout in seconds after which a question would be repeated. The
value must be an integer in the range 1-99. The default value is 5.
Maximum number of questions a survey can contain. The value must
be an integer in the range 1-40. The default value is 40.
Maximum number of times a question would be repeated due to no
input (timeout) or an invalid input, after which the survey will be
considered to have “failed”. This parameter is used only if the
mailbox setting for max_repeats is set to 0. The value must be an
integer in the range 1-20. The default value is 3.
Minimum number of questions a caller must answer before the results
are mailed to the email address(es) specified for the survey mailbox.
This parameter is used only if the mailbox setting for min_questions is
set to 0. The value must be an integer in the range 1-40. The default
value is 0 which means all questions must be answered.
Special subscriber-type and partition-level settings
The following settings should be set in the system-wide .ini file but may be
overridden by settings in the subscriber-type and partition-level .ini files.
Unlike all other .ini file settings, the absence of these settings in a
partition-level .ini file or subscriber-type .ini file is also significant because it
indicates that the day is not a holiday for that partition or subscriber-type.
Holidays (for use by the Out-of-Hours greeting logic) are specified by entries
in the form YYYYMMDD = Closed, for example:
[Holidays] 20031226=Closed
Holidays section
Notification template files
The text of e-mail and pager notifications can now be edited in template files.
Sample e-mail and pager notification template files can be found in the
directories of the custom servers IMC_Pager, IMC_Notify, and IMC_Sendmail
and should be copied to the $CUR_DIR/ca/template directory and edited to
become your operational templates. For example:
Administrator's Guide
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Pager_dir/NUMERIC80.1 $CUR_DIR/ca/template
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Pager_dir/ALPHA80.1 $CUR_DIR/ca/template
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Pager_dir/SMS160.1 $CUR_DIR/ca/template
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Notify_dir/EMAIL.1 $CUR_DIR/ca/template
$CUR_DIR/ca/IMC_Sendmail_dir/EMAILATT.1 $CUR_DIR/ca/template
The Notification Template files for paging match the device types specified in
the Pager Types files (see Pager Types for “IMC_Pager” on page 521 for more
details). They have file names such as NUMERIC80.1 (for a numeric paging
device with a maximum of 80 characters for U.S. English), ALPHA80.1 (for an
alphanumeric paging device with a maximum of 80 characters for U.S.
English), and SMS160.1 (for an SMS phone with a maximum of 160 characters
for U.S. English). The numbers before the dot (period) specify the maximum
length of a message. Unified Messaging will always cut a pager message
down to this maximum to prevent a paging protocol from complaining that
the message text is too long.
The Notification Template files for e-mail notification have file names such as
EMAIL.1 (for e-mail notifications without attachments for U.S. English) and
EMAILATT.1 (for e-mail notifications with attachments for U.S. English). They
are not cut down to a configurable maximum length as this is rarely a
problem with e-mails, but Unified Messaging may truncate the e-mail text if it
is exceedingly long, for example, over 1024 characters.
These template files end with a dot (period) and a number corresponding to
the language to which they apply, as different languages may require different
template files. Most sample template files therefore end in .1 for WebSphere
Voice Response's U.S. English language. Simply copy these sample control
files to names appropriate for any additional languages you wish to support.
For example, use the following commands to create duplicate control files for
WebSphere Voice Response's U.K. English language (language code 17):
ALPHA80.1 ALPHA80.17
SMS160.1 SMS160.17
These template files can be altered (and added) while the custom servers are
running: there is no need to restart the custom servers to pick up any changes
in the template files. However, due to optimization in Unified Messaging to
reduce disk accesses by using file caching, you may notice that a change to a
file is not picked up instantly. Simply waiting a couple of seconds will allow
the new version of the file to be swapped into memory.
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
The Notification Template files contain the text you wish to be sent for
message notifications plus a number of tags which will be replaced by
information about the message the subscriber is being notified of. The
available tags are:
Table 53. Message format control file tags
<pager number>
the destination pager number ( available
only in pager notification templates)
<pager reference>
the destination pager reference number
(usually not used, available only in pager
notification templates)
<sender e-mail>
sender e-mail address if available,
otherwise e-mail address not known
(available only in e-mail notification
<caller number>
caller number if available, otherwise
########## (intended for use with
numeric pager notification templates)
<caller nanp>
caller number in North American Number
Plan format xxxx-xxx-xxx
<caller name>
caller name if caller is a subscriber;
otherwise caller number, or ‘an Unknown
Caller' if this is unavailable
<receiver e-mail>
receiver (subscriber) e-mail address
(available only in e-mail notification
<receiver number>
receiver (subscriber) number
<receiver nanp>
receiver (subscriber) number in North
American Number Plan format
<receiver name>
receiver (subscriber) name
<message number>
message number (index in number of
new or saved messages, usually 1)
message type (Voice or Fax)
status (new or saved. Usually ‘new' )
privacy (blank or private)
priority (blank or urgent)
acknowledgement (blank or
total new messages now in mailbox
Administrator's Guide
Table 53. Message format control file tags (continued)
total saved messages now in mailbox
duration of message in seconds
year message was sent in format YYYY
year message was sent in format YY
month message was sent in format MM
day of month message was sent in format
hour message was sent in 24-hour format
hour message was sent in 12-hour format
minute message was sent in format mm
second message was sent in format ss
whether it was a.m. or p.m. when
message was sent; for use with <HH>
abbreviated (3-letter) name of month
message was sent
abbreviated (3-letter) name of day of
full name of month message was sent
full name of day of week message was
time zone or daylight savings applicable
to the time the message was sent (for
example, EDT will show if the timezone
for the subscriber is EST5EDT and
daylight savings applies)
the partition (as found in the department
database field for the subscriber)
<partition name>
a name (up to 50 characters) found in the
partition (or subscriber type) .ini file in
the field [GlobalVariables]
<partition description>
a description (up to 80 characters) found
in the partition (or subscriber type) .ini
file in the field [GlobalVariables]
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
Table 53. Message format control file tags (continued)
<partition login>
a number (up to 20 characters) found in
the partition (or subscriber type) .ini file
in the field [GlobalVariables]
Here is an example of an alphanumeric pager notification file:
You Have Voice Mail From
<caller number>.<DD><Mon><YYYY><HH>:<mm><am><TZ>N:<new>S:<saved>.
For numeric notification messages, start the data sent to the subscriber's pager
with the number to call to retrieve the messages, and separate any subsequent
data using the * character, if this is allowed by the numeric paging protocol.
For example:
The name for any pager notification files (and so device types) should be in
capitals and should contain only numeric information if it starts with an N.
The filename for pager notification files should end with a number which
indicates the maximum length of the data, and then a period (.), and finally a
number corresponding to the language of the file, according to the WebSphere
Voice Response enumeration of languages (for example, U.S. English = 1, U.K.
English = 17).
Here is an example of an e-mail (EMAIL) notification template file:
From: non-mail-user@yourcompany.com
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: New <type>mail Message
You have received a <type>mail message.
You may listen to your message in any of the following ways:
* Dial <partition login> and enter your your mailbox number and PIN
* Log onto the Unified Messaging Web interface at <partition description>,
and listen to your message over your computer.
<Day> <DD> <Mon> <YYYY> <HH>:<mm> <am> <TZ>
You now have <new> New Messages and <saved> Saved Messages.
This is a system generated message. Please do not reply.
Here is an example of an e-mail with attachment (EMAILATT) notification
template file:
From: non-mail-user@yourcompany.com
To: <receiver e-mail>
Subject: New <type>mail Message
Simply open the attachment to this email, to receive the <type>mail.
Administrator's Guide
<Day> <DD> <Mon> <YYYY> <HH>:<mm> <am> <TZ>
You now have <new> New Messages and <saved> Saved Messages.
This is a system generated message. Please do not reply.
E-mail with attachment (EMAILATT) notification template files need a line
which says:
after a new line after the Subject line in the template, as shown above.
Otherwise, the text contained in the notification template may not be visible
in the e-mail.
Subscriber class settings
Subscriber classes determine various limits for Unified Messaging subscribers
such as the maximum length of a message or the maximum number of
New subscriber classes can be defined in the WebSphere Voice Response GUI
from the Configuration, Subscriber Classes... menus. By double clicking on a
subscriber class or by using Open from the File menu you may modify
existing subscriber classes. By selecting Copy from the File menu or Save
As... from the File Menu of an open subscriber class you can create new
subscriber classes based on old ones, or by selecting New in the File menu
you can create a new subscriber class from scratch.
The table below details the fields shown in the WebSphere Voice Response
GUI and how Unified Messaging uses them:
Table 54. Fields shown in the WebSphere Voice Response GUI
Maximum number of guest Not used by Unified Messaging.
Maximum number of
messages per mailbox
Maximum number of new and saved
messages (total, such as, 3 new + 27
saved = 30) a mailbox can have, after
which the mailbox is full and cannot
receive further messages
Maximum distribution lists Maximum number of distribution lists a
per mailbox
mailbox can have
Maximum distribution list
Maximum number of members that can
be added to a distribution list
Maximum record time per
message (seconds)
Maximum record time for messages in
Appendix G. Configuration file settings
Table 54. Fields shown in the WebSphere Voice Response GUI (continued)
Maximum number of
greetings per mailbox
Not used by Unified Messaging (this was 0-20
once used to mean maximum greeting
length in minutes but should no longer
be used)
Number of days before
new messages are deleted
0 here means that new messages will
never be deleted. Otherwise this is the
number of days after which a message
arrives that it will be deleted. Changing
this value will take effect only for the
next message which arrives in a mailbox.
This can be overridden by a mailbox's
setting of days_del_new_msgs.
Number of days before
0 here means that saved messages will
saved messages are deleted never be deleted. Otherwise this is the
number of days after which a message is
saved that it will be deleted. Changing
this value will take effect only the next
time a message is saved. This can be
overridden by a mailbox's setting of
Maximum length of
greeting (seconds)
Maximum record time for greetings in
Maximum length of
audioname (seconds)
Maximum record time for the audioname 0-3600*
in seconds
The system maximum record time defined in WebSphere Voice
Response's Record Voice Maximum (Seconds) in its General parameter
group of System Configuration parameters must be set at or above the
maximum value you wish to use in subscriber classes. Failure to set it
above the maximum value for use in subscriber classes may cause
Unified Messaging to be unable to record. You will have to restart
WebSphere Voice Response to make the change in System
Configuration take effect, and on an SSI cluster you will have to make
the change and restart every system with telephony on which you
wish to use these settings.
Administrator's Guide
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Administrator's Guide
these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by
IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be
registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM
trademarks is available on the Web at Copyright and trademark information
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.
Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun
Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.
Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service
marks of others.
Administrator's Guide
The following terms and abbreviations are defined as they are used in the context of Unified
Messaging. You'll find a more complete glossary of WebSphere Voice Response terms in the
WebSphere Voice Response information. If you still do not find the term or abbreviation you
are looking for, see IBM Dictionary of Computing, McGraw-Hill, 1994 or the AIX: Topic Index and
Glossary, SC23–2513.
6310 Digital Trunk Extended Adapter
See Digital Trunk Extended Adapter.
action See state table action.
In Unified Messaging, the subscriber
to whom a message will be sent.
administrator profile
Data that describes a WebSphere
Voice Response user. Information in
an administrator profile includes ID,
password, language preference, and
access privileges.
alarm Any condition that WebSphere Voice
Response considers worthy of
documenting with an error message.
Strictly speaking, the term alarm
should include only red (immediate
attention) and yellow (problem
situation) conditions, but it is also
used to refer to green (a red or
yellow message has been cleared)
and white (informational)
An alternative number for a
mailbox. Aliases allow several users
access to a single mailbox using
different numbers.
AMIS See Audio Messaging Interchange
Specification (AMIS).
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1994, 2010
See AMIS analog.
AMIS analog (AMIS-A)
The audio messaging interchange
standard that specifies the use of
DTMF tones to send control
information, and analog signals for
the message itself. It is the AMIS
standard to which Unified
Messaging conforms.
Data in the form of continuously
variable signals, such as voice or
light signals.
announcement-only greeting
In voice mail, a greeting that does
not give the caller an opportunity to
leave a voice message.
See voice application.
application connectivity link (ACL)
A service that transmits out-of-band
information between WebSphere®
Voice Response and the Siemens
Hicom 300 switch.
application profile
Data that describes initial actions to
be performed when the telephone is
answered. Information in an
application profile indicates to the
channel process what state table to
Audio Messaging Interchange
Specification (AMIS)
A set of voice messaging standards
designed to enable messages from
different voice messaging systems to
be interchanged. See also AMIS
audio name
The audible name that corresponds
to a specific application profile ID
and mailbox.
Automated attendant. A voice
application that answers incoming
calls and asks the caller which
number or other service they'd like.
In Unified Messaging, an
auto-attendant can be used to access
subscribers' mailboxes when direct
inward dialing (DID) is unavailable.
base WebSphere Voice Response system
The WebSphere Voice Response
system that provides voice
processing support for Unified
Telephone call. Often used to mean
a single runtime instance of a voice
call center
A central point of front-line
telephone contact between an
enterprise and its customers.
Contrast with contact center.
call forwarding
The process of sending incoming
calls to a telephone number other
than the called number.
Administrator's Guide
called number
The number that a caller dialled.
This typically identifies the mailbox
that is to receive a message in a
Unified Messaging system.
called party
Any person, device, or system that
receives a telephone call. Contrast
with caller.
(1) Any person, device, or system
that makes a telephone call. (2)
Often used to refer to any user of a
voice application, even when
WebSphere Voice Response has
made an outbound call and the user
is really the called number. (3) In
Unified Messaging, any person who
makes a telephone call to a
Software that provides basic
computer-telephony integration
(CTI) enablement and
comprehensive CTI functionality.
This includes access to, and
management of, inbound and
outbound telecommunications.
call transfer
A series of actions that directs a call
to another telephone number.
See channel associated signalling
central office
A telephone switching system that
resides in the telephone service
provider' network. There are
different types of central office
switches, depending upon the role
of the switch within the telephone
network. Commonly, a central office
switch connects customer lines to
other customer lines or trunks and
is the point at which local
subscriber lines terminate for
switching to other lines or trunks.
See Common Gateway Interface
One of the 24 channels carried on a
T1 trunk, or one of the 30 channels
on an E1 trunk.
channel associated signalling (CAS)
A method of communicating
telephony supervisory or line
signalling (on-hook and off-hook)
and address signalling on T1 and E1
digital links. The signalling
information for each traffic (voice)
channel is transmitted in a
signalling channel permanently
associated with the traffic channel.
channel bank
A device that converts an analog
line signal to a digital trunk signal.
channel number
The identifying number assigned to
a licensed channel on the T1 or E1
trunk that connects WebSphere
Voice Response to the switch,
channel bank, or channel service
channel process (CHP)
The AIX process that executes the
logic of the state table; each active
caller session has one active channel
clear message
A message displayed by WebSphere
Voice Response to tell the operator
that a red or yellow error message
has been cleared.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
An interface to programs that
provide services on the Web.
computer-telephony integration (CTI)
Connecting a computer to a
telephone so that they share
information and commands. Events
from the computer can trigger
events on the telephone system, and
vice versa. The CTI connection can
be on the desk top for one person or
on the switch for use by many
people. CTI can include simple
facilities such as call transfer and
screen pops, as well as more
complex services, such as intelligent
call routing, load balancing, and
coordinating multiple call centers.
concatenative text-to-speech
Text-to-speech that joins together
samples of voice recordings to
produce a more natural voice
sound. See also formant
contact center
A central point of front-line contact
between an enterprise and its
customers involving more than just
the telephone. Contact centers can
feature automated call handling,
handle both inbound and outbound
customer interactions, and conduct
transactions using the Web or
e-mail. Contrast with call center.
See computer-telephony integration
custom server
A C language or C++ language
program that provides data
manipulation and local or remote
data stream, database, or other
services beyond those provided by
the state table interface. Custom
servers provide an interface
between WebSphere Voice Response
and business applications, functions,
or other processes to give callers
example, two toll-free numbers
might both be translated to the
same real number. The DNIS
information distinguishes which of
the two numbers was dialed. DNIS
can be used by CallPath Enterprise
Client or WebSphere Voice Response
to automatically select between
several business database
applications. Often used as a
synonym for called number.
access to business information and
voice processing functions such as
speech recognition.
In the AIX operating system, a
program that runs unattended to
perform a standard service.
DBIM WebSphere Voice Response 's
internal database manager.
WebSphere Voice Response 's
database server.
See direct inward dialing (DID).
development system
A WebSphere Voice Response
system that is not used to respond
to or make live calls; it is used only
to develop and test applications.
To initiate a telephone call. In
telecommunication, this action is
performed to establish a connection
between a terminal and a
telecommunication device over a
switched line.
dial by name
To press the keys that correspond to
a subscriber's name rather than their
telephone number or extension.
dial tone
An audible signal (call progress
tone) that indicates that a device
such as a PABX or central office
switch is ready to accept address
information (DTMF or dial pulses).
dialed number identification service
A number supplied by the public
telephone network to identify the
number actually called. For
Administrator's Guide
See direct inward dialing (DID).
digital signal processing (DSP)
A set of algorithms and procedures
used to process electronic signals
after their conversion to digital
format. Due to the specific
mathematical models required to
perform this processing, specialized
processors are generally used.
Digital Trunk Ethernet Adapter
The IBM® Digital Trunk Ethernet