Campus dEs méTiErs ET dEs qualifiCaTioNs dE l
Campus dEs méTiErs ET dEs qualifiCaTioNs dE l
Nord-Cotentin: a region dedicated to energy Ever since the shipbuilding and naval dockyard was founded, Nord-Cotentin has always been an industrial area, and one that was considerably boosted by the arrival of nuclear power industry leaders during the 1970s. Now boasting a rich pool of new business talent specialising in industrial energy production, the area is pursuing a strategy to expand its energy mix to include renewable marine energies. Cherbourg will provide the location for a production base for manufacturing and assembling off-shore wind turbines from 2015 onwards, while the Cotentin coast is home to the first tidal power plants in France, with the Raz de Barfleur (1 GW) and Raz Blanchard (3 GW) currents. Become a Campus partner! Editorial The official approval of the Campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies (Campus for professions and qualifications in the energy industry) aims to bring various research and training entities together with local businesses, as well as community groups and associations. By forging strong links with training establishments and research centres, the Campus is in a position to offer numerous opportunities in terms of experimentation, on both an educational and a vocational level. Christophe Prochasson Your participation will boost the Campus’ appeal in both the local and national arena. As a result of this enhanced appeal, NordCotentin will be able to attract the young workforce that is so vital to the region’s growth. The official approval of the Campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies is an asset for the development of Lower Normandy and Cotentin, a region dedicated to energy. • More information campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies As such, the area has significant expertise and potential and is perfectly placed to accommodate the Campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies. © RÉGION BASSE-NORMANDIE Christophe Prochasson Caen Local Education Authority Officer Laurent Beauvais Contact: Thomas Clouet / +33 2 31 06 98 92 Pierre Sineux Document réalisé par la Région Basse-Normandie avec la collaboration de l’Onisep de BasseNormandie. Mise en pages : Nathalie Michel (Onisep). Crédit photo : © Alain Potignon/Onisep sauf mention. Imprimé par : Imprimerie Anquetil (Condé-sur-Noireau, 14). Avril 2014. It ensures the availability of training solutions, ranging from basic level skills right up to engineering degrees, by harnessing the expertise of educational teams and cutting edge technological facilities. Laurent Beauvais Président of the Basse-Normandie Region Pierre Sineux President of Caen Basse-Normandie University List of members Cooperation © UIMM In 2014, the nuclear and marine renewable energy (MRE) subsidiaries in Nord-Cotentin delivered: • continuing training to 320 people, • apprentice training to 560 people, • initial training to 1,200 people. de si • Lycée professionnel Alexis de Tocqueville The Campus also forecasts future skill requirements involved in nuclear decommissioning and deconstruction, and specific characteristics of projects in MRE environments. • Lycée professionnel Edmond Doucet …In a wide range of sectors • Lycée professionnel Ingénieur Cachin The Campus offers 34 initial training courses, 24 apprenticeship courses and 29 continuing training courses, spread across: • Lycée professionnel maritime 1 DESIGN 2 Manufacture of components • Lycée professionnel Sauxmarais et aquacole Daniel Rigolet Basse-Normandie 6 Process management dismantling 5 MAINTENANCE 4 Transportation and grid connection Université de Caen Basse-Normandie • UFR des Sciences, Université de Caen NG © J. PALLÉ/Onisep PRIVATE partners • ALSTOM • DNCS • EDF • ERDF Local and community partners • CFA public de l’éducation nationale de la Manche • Pôle formation des industries technologiques - Basse-Normandie - CFA de l’industrie Calvados et Manche • Greta de la Manche • AFPA • AFPI A forum for sharing • The National Institute of Science and Nuclear Techniques in Cherbourg (INSTN) • Institut national des sciences et techniques • CFA public de l’enseignement supérieur Objectives: • tailor training more closely to the region’s industrial fabric, • enable learners to make products and devise processes for local businesses, • encourage partners to cooperate on professional issues. • The Applied Science University Laboratory (LUSAC) in Cherbourg, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie Basse-Normandie nucléaires (INSTN) A forum for exchanging practices and expertise between initial and continuing training providers, businesses and research bodies in order to deal more effectively with the economic issues facing the area. Members related to research • IUT de Cherbourg, Université de Caen • École d’ingénieur ESIX Normandie, 3 Cooperation in the service of education NT LI gn The Campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies is in a position to fulfil the immediate needs of businesses and industry leaders in terms of labour, covering profiles at all levels and across all three training channels: initial, continuing and apprenticeship. DISMA A solution for your skill requirements… MA OF NUFA COMPOC TUR NE E NT S PRO CE SS MA NAG EM EN TRA T AN N D SPOR GRID TA CO TIO NN N EC MAI TIO NT N EN AN CE Human ressources • Nucléopolis • Technopole Cherbourg Normandie • Ports Normands Associés • ADPESRANC • UIMM Basse-Normandie • Ouest Normandie Énergies Marines (ONEM) The Campus des métiers et des qualifications de l’industrie des énergies also constitutes a mechanism for sharing resources (technical facilities, digital tools and housing, etc.), specific types of experience (research, training, etc.) and skills unique to training establishments, businesses and laboratories. The aim is to facilitate the emergence of innovative new local projects and to inject fresh momentum into the experimentation process.