Benefit Gala - Ronald McDonald House Long Island
Benefit Gala - Ronald McDonald House Long Island
2015 Benefit Gala Thursday, October 8, 2015. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. VIP Access at 5 p.m. at the Ronald McDonald House of Long Island 267-07 76th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 HONORARY GUESTS Nate Berkus, NBC’s American Dream Builders Candice Olson, HGTV’s Divine Design ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT With Great Appreciation To Our Participating Designers Lisa Simek and Catherine Schweber, Accents Et Details Alena Capra, Alena Capra Designs Amal Kapen, Amal Kapen Interiors Keith Baltimore, Baltimore Design Group Susana Simonpietri, Chango & Co. Dee Ann Federico, Dee Ann Design, LLC Tina M. Yaraghi, The Enchanted Home Allison Mager, English Country Antiques Gail M. Davis, Gail Davis Designs Greg Lanza, Greg Lanza Design Jennifer Flanders, Jennifer Flanders Inc. Kim Hendrickson-Radovich, Kim E. Courtney Interiors & Design Margreet Cevasco, Margreet Cevasco Design Rajni Alex, Rajni Alex Design Denise Rinfret, The Rinfret Group, LLC Rosanne Lombardo, Rosanne Lombardo Designs Inc. Michelle Mancuso, Samantha Drew Interiors Vasi Ypsilantis, Vasi Ypsilantis Design Associates Wesley Moon, Wesley Moon Inc Steve Gallotti, Willis Paint & Design Center You’re Invited! The Ronald McDonald House of Long Island, Kravet Inc., Margreet Cevasco Design and domino Magazine cordially invite you to A TASTE OF PROJECT DESIGN 2015! JOIN US ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2015 7 P.M. - 10 P.M. VIP ACCESS AT 5 P.M. An evening of exclusive tours of the House, fine dining, cocktails, entertainment and a once in a lifetime shopping experience featuring exclusive, designer curated collections at unprecedented prices*! Be amongst the first to shop vignettes designed by America’s leading interior designers. *All items are at least 50% off retail value and tax-free! 267-07 76th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 Valet parking will be available Thank You to Our Honorary Guests NATE BERKUS TV PERSONALITY & EXECUTIVE PRODUCER OF NBC’S AMERICAN DREAM BUILDERS CANDICE OLSON STAR OF HGTV’S DIVINE DESIGN Ronald McDonald House of Long Island Board of Directors OFFICERS Katie Hunt-Rotolo, Chairman Michael Fallarino, Vice-Chairman George Bingold, Treasurer Theresa Brucculeri, Secretary BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Patrick Alesia Mr. Eric Blumencranz Mr. Jeffrey Carstens Ms. Suzanne Costa Mr. Michael Daggett Mr. Anthony Esernio Mr. Brian Gill Mr. Paul Hendel Ms. Bridgette Hernandez Mrs. Lisa Kravet Mr. Anthony J. LoPresti Mr. Kevin McGeachy Dr. Margaret McGovern Ms. Ellen M. Miller Ms. Marcie Rosenberg Mr. Richard Satin Dr. Charles Schleien Mr. Andrew M. Schneider Mr. Terry Strassberg Mr. Paul Trause FOUNDER Lyn Jurick PRESIDENT Matthew Campo PROJECT DESIGN 2015 COMMITTEE Margreet Cevasco, Design Chair Suzanne Costa, Honorary Design Chair Jennifer Nicholson, Project Manager Beth Brenner Ann Feldstein Beth Greene Karen Lerman Bonni Silber Jennifer Weil Vasi Ypsilantis M A R G R E E T C E VA S C O D E S I G N Benefit Gala Thursday, October 8, 2015. 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. VIP Access at 5 p.m. An evening of exclusive tours of the House, fine dining, cocktails, entertainment and a once in a lifetime shopping experience featuring exclusive, designer curated collections at unprecedented prices*! Be amongst the first to shop vignettes designed by America’s leading interior designers. *All items are at least 50% off retail value and tax-free! Register online at Please RSVP by October 2, 2015 GALA TICKET: Exclusive tours of the House, once in a lifetime shopping experience, light entertainment, passed hors d’oeuvres and cocktails Number of Gala Tickets: at $300 each: $ (Please Note: Tickets are $350 at the door.) VIP GALA TICKET: All of the above plus advanced admission (5 p.m.), early access to shopping experience, fine dining with seating, private access to outdoor beer garden, VIP butler service and exclusive gift tote Number of VIP Tickets: at $450 each: $ VIP TABLE: All of the above plus reserved seating for 10 Number of VIP Tables: at $6,000 each: $ Sponsorship Selection: $ Journal Selection: $ I am unable to attend. Please accept my donation of $ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ Check Enclosed Credit Card: Name as it appears on card: Card Number: Expiration Date: Security Code: Signature (required): Address: City:State:Zip: Phone: ( ) Email: PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO: RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE OF LONG ISLAND To RSVP, please mail your response form to Ronald McDonald House of Long Island / 267-07 76th Avenue / New Hyde Park, NY 11040 or contact Elaine Courtney, Special Events Assistant at (516) 775-5683 x129, List of Attendees Save the Dates! Open House FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 / Friday Hours: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 / Saturday Hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Admission: $10.00 Adults / Children 12 and under free 267-07 76th Avenue / New Hyde Park, NY 11040 / (516) 775-5683 / Gala Sponsorship Opportunities $25,000 GALA SPONSORSHIP ame will be displayed on a special N Project Design commemorative wall, located inside the House l 20 VIP tickets to the Gala (Two Reserved Tables) l 20 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Full page color ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l Social media exposure l Contribution to gift bag l $10,000 GALA SPONSORSHIP l 8 VIP tickets to the Gala l 8 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Full page black and white ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l Social media exposure l Contribution to gift bag $5,000 GALA SPONSORSHIP VIP tickets to the Gala 4 l 4 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Half page black and white ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l Social media exposure $2,500 GALA SPONSORSHIP VIP tickets to the Gala 2 l 2 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Quarter page black and white ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l INDIVIDUAL AND TABLE RESERVATIONS $300 INDIVIDUAL TICKET One ticket to event. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. $350 INDIVIDUAL TICKET One ticket to event at the door. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. $450 INDIVIDUAL VIP TICKET One ticket to event. Includes early access: 5 p.m. $6,000 VIP TABLE RESERVATION One reserved VIP table for 10. Limited availability! l Adopt a Family & Sponsor a Room Opportunities 50,000 PLATINUM ROOM SPONSOR $ Adopt a Family & Sponsor a Room for 5 years Name will be placed on a plaque outside the room for 5 years AND in perpetuity on special Project Design commemorative wall, located inside the House l 10 VIP tickets to the Gala (Reserved Table) l 10 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Individual Step & Repeat with your logo l Inclusion on all media presentations l Full page color ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l Social media exposure l Contribution to gift bag l 10,000 ROOM SPONSOR $ Adopt a Family & Sponsor a Room for 1 year Name will be placed on a plaque outside the room for 1 year AND in perpetuity on special Project Design commemorative wall, located inside the House l 4 VIP tickets to the Gala l 4 VIP tickets to Open House Sale l Full Page black and white ad in Gala Journal* l Signage at event l Social media exposure l Name/Company: (Please print Name/Company as you wish to be listed for recognition purposes.) If you have any questions or would like further information concerning our GALA SPONSORSHIP and/or ADOPT A FAMILY & SPONSOR A ROOM OPPORTUNITIES, please contact Jennifer Nicholson, Director of Strategic Initiatives at, (516) 775-5683 x158. *PLEASE NOTE: All Journal ads must be submitted by September 18, 2015. Journal Opportunities Trim Size: 8.5” x 11” / Bleed Size: 8.75” x 11.25” / Live Area: 8.25” x 10.75” $2,500 Full Page / Color (8.25” x 10.75”) $250 Business Card (2” x 3.5”) $1,500 Full Page / B&W (8.25” x 10.75”) $100 Donor Listing Please print your name as you would like it to appear on the Donor Listing page: $1,000 Half Page / B&W (8.25” x 5.25”) $500 Quarter Page / B&W (4” x 5.25”) Please submit your high resolution electronic ad to: Acceptable file formats: JPEG, PDF, EPS PLEASE NOTE: DEADLINE FOR JOURNAL MATERIALS IS SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 Materials received after this date will be subject to printer’s deadline or placed as an insert. If you have any questions or would like further information concerning preparing materials for THE JOURNAL, please contact Deepika Thadhani, Public Relations & Marketing Manager at, (516) 775-5683 x138