Eliza Broadus - Little Bethel Baptist Association


Eliza Broadus - Little Bethel Baptist Association
Associational Pastors,
Paid Staff and Spouses
Debbie Rhye, Nebo ............................................................................. 1
Sam Beeny, Sr., Manitou .................................................................... 3
Debra Daugherty, Liberty ..................................................................... 6
Dean Herron, LBBA.............................................................................. 9
Dennis Mayfield, Dalton ..................................................................... 13
Becky Harrison, Providence, Second................................................. 22
Anthony Dyer, Pleasant Valley ........................................................... 22
Karen Roberts, Olive Branch............................................................. .23
Tara Kolodey, Pleasant Grove ........................................................... 23
Guy Gibbons, Mortons Gap, Second ................................................. 25
Peggy Tippett, Hanson ....................................................................... 25
Kelly Tippett, Hanson ......................................................................... 30
Christi Brooks, Suthards..................................................................... 30
Dan Hutchens, Hanson ........................................................................ 1
Len Young, Park Avenue ..................................................................... 1
Thurmon Harris, Lafayette.................................................................... 2
Doug Mings, LBBA ............................................................................. 23
Chris & Lori Pendley, Silent Run .......................................................... 2
Andrew & April Sexton, Slaughters ...................................................... 4
George & Christi Brooks, Suthards ...................................................... 7
Josh & Kahra Bumpus, Providence, First .......................................... 12
Tom & Gail McKim, Prospect ............................................................. 19
Thomas & Brenda Townsend, Corinth ............................................... 12
Linda & Guy Gibbons, Mortons Gap, Second .................................... 22
Kevin & Jacquelynn Patterson, FBC Dawson Springs....................... 30
Report mistakes or additions to this list by clicking here.
Eliza Broadus
Offering for
State Missions
Saturday, September 20, 2014, 8:00 AM
September 2014
Little Bethel Baptist Association
Director of Missions. Rev. Bill Egbert
Mrs. Alisa Beeny, Administrative Ministry Assistant
Mrs. Fran Morrison, Baptist Counseling Center Assistant
1. Labor Day, office closed
2. Executive Board Meeting, Nortonville BC, fellowship meal
6p; Devotional 6:45p; business 7p
4. Evangelism Committee Mtg. LBBA bldg., 12n
4. Missions Development Council Mtg, LBBA bldg., 5p
7-14 Season of Prayer and Study for State Missions, &
Eliza Broadus Offering
9. EQUIP leadership trng., FBC, Madisonville, 6-9p
8-12 Alisa on vacation
20. Wayne Nelson Memorial Golf Tournament, Providence
Golf and Country Club, 8a,
18 Properties Committee Mtg., LBBA bldg., 6p
21. DOM speaking at Providence Second, AM service
28. DOM speaking at New Harmony BC, Bremen, AM service
The prize fee of $10.00
plus your golf course
fee must be turned into
the Little Bethel office
by Thursday,
September 18, along
with your list of players
Sign-up deadline is
Sept. 18, 2014 4p
The cost at the golf
course will be
per player.
This includes green
fee, cart, & lunch.
For more
information call
Mike K. Duncan at
270 871-2762
Ages 50 years and younger - play from black tees
50-65 years old - play white tees
65 and older and women - play red tees
Sign up roster and this flyer attached to this email or included in the
church mailed packet. Check with your church office.
Coming in October
178th Annual Meeting of
Little Bethel Baptist Association
First Session—First Baptist Madisonville 6.45p
Second Session—First Baptist Earlington 6:15p
This Newsletter is published by:
Little Bethel Baptist Association
Click here for
Providence Golf & Country Club
2300 Westerfield Drive, Providence, KY 42450-2263
270 667-5027
445 Thompson Avenue, Madisonville, KY 42431
PH: (270) 821-6400 FAX (270) 825-8440
email: Director egbert.bill@gmail.com / Secretary a.beeny@att.net
website: LittleBethelAssn.org
Sep 9, 2014
6:00 pm- 9:00 pm
First Baptist Church
Madisonville, KY
For more information click
website below:
The Blessed Uneasiness
When one enters the United States or any country
he must pass through the immigration line. The line
divides into two lines: one for citizens and one for visitors. For several weeks I have been feeling off my
game. I can best describe it by the feeling one gets
when he suddenly realizes the line in front of him is for
citizens and he is a visitor. You are standing in the
wrong immigration line with a foreign passport. The uneasiness is good. You can now move to the proper line
without causing the immigration workers any problems.
So why am I having this feeling now? Well, folks, it
is called reverse culture shock. Yes, I am now six
months into my time back in the states and I have an
uneasiness. The North American lifestyle had not been
mine for so long that my sense of belonging is having
to catch up. That’s right, I feel like I am in the wrong
line a lot of the time.
I just realized though that I do not want it to go
away completely. I want this blessed uneasiness to
continue. It reminds me that I am not a permanent citizen of this world. My heavenly home is awaiting me
and I do not want to fit in here. I want to stay uneasy;
because the world needs to see my eyes looking
homeward. Yes, I cherish my hope that is in heaven far
more than I love living in the world.
We encourage your leaders and teachers to come learn
creative ideas that will help our churches “make disciples that make disciples.”
Manitou BC:
The church will be having their annual homecoming Sept. 21,
11a, potluck at 12:30p special music by Brumfield Family
Tradition from Hopkinsville. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Pleasant View BC:
The church will be in revival Sept. 21-24, 7p nightly. Rev.
Curtis McGhee will be the guest speaker. Everyone is
welcome to attend.
Madisonville First BC:
Their Young at Heart senior group meets every second Tuesday at 11:15a; lunch is $6.00 catered from Country Cupboard
Restaurant. For first time attendee’s the lunch is free. This
group provides programs and trips and is open to all seniors.
Richland BC:
The church will be celebrating their annual Homecoming on
September 14th. Special music will be provided by Still Water
from Hopkinsville, at 10a and The Liberty Boys from Benton,
at 2p. Worship service begins at 11a with a potluck immediately following.
Nortonville BC:
Sept. 13th –Beth Moore Simulcast at NBC. Tickets are
$10. Time 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch provided.
Sept. 28-Homecoming- 9:45 “Driven” will sing. Worship at 11
with Bro. Bobby Sellers bringing the homecoming message. Dinner after morning service.
Silent Run BC:
The church is hosting an Associational Men's Clay Shoot at
the church on October 4th. The church will mail all the pastors further information. Also, the church has a few months
worth of LifeWay bulletins to give away. If your church is interested call the church at 270-249-8111.
Charleston First BC:
The church has called Patrick Yates as their pastor. He will
begin in Mid-September.
Madisonville Second BC:
The church has called Jonathan Lail as pastor. He will begin
September 21st.
Friday, November 14th @ 6 p.m.
At Olive Branch Baptist Church
Speaker: Rick Howerton -Small Group and Discipleship Specialist at LifeWay.
Worship: Tim Bertram
Christian Artist and speaker
and founder of God’s Graffiti.
MEAL AT 6 p.m.
Contact Bro. Lee Davis at 270-322-8251 or
(502)316-0045 if you plan to attend.
Lee A. Davis, Associate Pastor
Olive Branch Baptist Church
2015 Calendars, Calendars, Calendars
 Calendar dates for the 2015 planning calendar are being taken.
If your church has a special day you want included this year
please call and let us know as soon as possible. This might be
your special church anniversary or homecoming, etc.
 Also ALL committee or organizational dates for 2015 need to be
submitted for the calendar- WMU, Evangelism, Missions Development,
Men’s Ministry, etc.
 We are also looking for host churches for the executive board
meetings for 2015. If you church will be gracious and host
a meeting please call soon to get the month you can do this.
Here are the dates: Jan. 5; Feb. 2; Mar. 2; May 4; June 8;
Aug. 3; Sept, 8 (Tues) and Dec. 7th. We do not have board
meetings in Apr, July, Oct. or Dec.
 We will be printing 2015 calendars by orders only. We will
print as many as a church needs but we need to know how
many a church wants in advance.