“Under Par Down Under” - Heritage Golf Collection On Hilton Head
“Under Par Down Under” - Heritage Golf Collection On Hilton Head
The PUTTER Mo nthly P ublic atio n fo r the Mem be rs o f the Po rt Ro yal Go lf & Ra cquet C lub President’sMessage Well, the kids are back in school, most of the tourists have left the island, and your Club is a “virtual bee hive of activity” this month!Besuretocheckoutthecalendarat theendofthePuttersoyouwon’tmissout on a favorite event or activity. PLEASE NOTE, THERE IS NO END OF THE MONTH DINNER IN SEPTEMBER DUE TO THE ALREADY“CRAMPED”SCHEDULE. THE major event in September is the Heritage Invitational (September 22-24) with three days of socializing and golf by our members and their guests. If you haven’t entered a team, pleasedoso!And,ifyouaren’tagolfer,thinkaboutjoiningus for the Thursday and Saturday night socials! If you have any questions,talkwiththeProShoporcallJudyorJohnRobinson, theeventchaircouple. SeptemberwillalsomarkthereopeningoftheRobber’sRow Golf Course with all new and enlarged greens. The Board appreciates the cooperation and patience that you, the membership, demonstrated in sharing the two remaining courses during the project. Of course, a big THANK YOU to Heritage Golf Groupformakingthismajorinvestmentinour GolfClub! Are you ready to go walkabout? Se pte m ber 201 6 You may recall that I mentioned a “members’ participation” projectbeingtakenonbytheBoard.Thismonth,atelephone survey is being conducted by your Board members with selected members and your cooperation and input will be appreciatedifyouareincludedinthesurvey. September is also the time of the year when we begin the 2016 Board nomination and election process. Jim Anderson, NancyCollins,AmyRayandBradSimpsonareservingasthis year’sBoardNominatingCommittee.Ifyouareinterestedin serving on the Board or have a candidate recommendation, please contact one of these individuals. The Committee will complete its assignment in the next 30 days. A slate of candidates will be announced in the October Putter. The membershipmaynominatepersonsforelectiontotheBoard by having a least five (5) members in good standing sign a petitiontoaddthatperson’snametotheslate.Thepetition mustbeinthehandsoftheNominatingCommitteeintimeto meet the deadline for publishing the Slate of Candidates (September 15). The election will take place at the Annual MeetingonNovember7attheBeachHouse. GaryTauscher,President Do you have your team together? Wednesday, October 5 Libations at 6:00 - Dinner at 6:30 MENU petite spinach salad with julienne radish, roasted mushrooms with a bleu cheese and poppy seed vinaigrette chicken breast stuffed with roasted squash, apples & pecans with a pancetta cream over wild rice 2016 Heritage Invitational “Under Par Down Under” September 22 – 24 Still time to register. See form on page 10. apple crumble pie Only $25 per person all inclusive (that means game fee as well!) Sign up your team of 6-8 people, or as an individual on the bulletin board by Saturday, October 1 Any questions?? Call Chris Hall at 843-715-9129 ~ From the Club ~ TurningBacktheClock EOMPartytakesusbacktothe70s The clubhouse was a rockin’ on Sunday, July 31 as DJ Pete Rice (left)dug into his archives to come up with a rousing selection of favorites from the 1970s and 80s. Once again it seems that, if we offer great entertainment, our members and their guests willturnoutindrovesforan EndoftheMonthParty. Credit for the evening goes to Jacques and Mary Wood, Mike and Karen Sileck, and Art and Connie Tonkinson, the hosts of the month (pictured above right). They took a simple idea (vintagedancemusic)andturneditintoawell-coordinatedand hugely enjoyable event. Right from the start, with a quiz to determinethemostpopularsongoftheera,throughthetable centers reminiscent of a disco ball, to the music that kept everyonedancinglateintotheevening,everythingwasspoton. Committee (left to right) Art&ConnieTonkinson,Karen&MikeSileck,Jacques&MaryWood SEPTEMBERSPECIAL FreePorchWineatTwilight Twilight at the Club Friday, September 9 Golf – 4 PM Shotgun A nine-hole mixed foursome “step-aside” scramble Couples and Singles welcome $2 entry fee charged to your account Ofcourse,anEOMPartywouldnotbecompletewithoutagood meal. And Chef Eric made sure we were not disappointed, servingupachoiceofChickenProvencal accompanied by a unique wild mushroom risotto or Bronzed Salmon oversmokedbaconcheddargrits. Dinner – 6:30 PM All Members (Golf, Tennis and Social) are invited to the Twilight Cookout on the Porch HamburgerorChickenSandwich withallthefixin’sandsidesalads Dessert,teaandcoffee Door prizes were awarded to the winnersofthepopularsongcontest.Ben Smith donated a golf lesson, and Le Spa in Sea Pines donated a spa treatment, whichwaswonbyScottKreissl!! PlusFREEbeercomplimentsoftheBoard $10.95perpersoninclusive Sign Up Now Please sign up for Golf, Dinner or both onthesheetontheoutdoorbulletinboard Deadline:6:00PMonTuesday,September6. AugustTwilightWinners GaryTauscher,DonBlank, PeterMooreandGailMcGavack(34) 1stplace: 2ndplace:JimFisher,RonSadler PollyJacksonandGerdaCarney(40MOC) DancingprizeswerealsoawardedtoDougStevens(Bestmale), Donna Barger (Best female) and John & Eileen Lawson (Best Couple) Page 2 TheTwilightTeam Gary&TriciaHigginsandDon&TammieBlank ~ From the Club ~ DuelingPianos Anighttoremember On Sunday, August 14 a disappointingly small group of membersandguestsenjoyedafantasticeveningoffinedining andtoprateentertainment.Onlyabout30peoplesignedupfor the“DuelingPianos”eventonSunday;andresponsewassolow fortheMondayeveningperformancethatitwascancelled.This poorresponsewasverydiscouragingasHeritagehadgoneout onthelinetosponsorthishighend,twoeveningevent.Andthe value was particularly good. The cost of $70 per person for members included a three course meal featuring a generous portionofverytenderprimeriborsearedgrouper,PLUSatwo hour show featuringnationallyknownmusicians;ashowthat wouldhavecostatleast$50aheadattheArtsCenter. The Pianists However, for those who did turn out, the evening was great. Chef Eric delivered adelicious white tablecloth meal and “The Dueling Pianos” kept the audience singing along with their broad range of music. As the evening progressed, the audience rose to their feet to applaud...andtodance. Millie Timmerman and Steve Large Tony T. and Wildman Joe are certainly talented; both as keyboard artists and singers who, if you closed your eyes, you could imagine were the originalrecordingartists. Shari and Ron Tucker enjoy dessert TheBoardofGovernors Presentsa Members' Cocktail Party Tuesday,October11 5:00–6:30PM Costonly$5perperson IncludesTwoDrinksandHeavyHorsD’oeuvres Mike Matter joins the "Girls" for a dance. Wehopethelowsupportlevelforthiseventwillnotresultin Heritage abandoning their efforts to bring top level events to the club. Hopefully, next time we can help them get the word outtomembersandthePortRoyalcommunitythatwehavea greatdining/entertainmentvenuerightherebehindthegates. Page 3 RESERVATIONSREQUIRED CallTedbyThursday,October6at843-681-1700or tsullivan@heritagegolfgroup.com ~ From the Games Room ~ ~ From the Club ~ WelcomeNewMembers FirstWednesday MahJongg Thismonthwewelcometwonewcouplesasmembersofour club: JimandKerryBrink(residentsingletennis and social) and Joseph and Eileen Tarantino (non-resident single golf andsocial).HerearethedetailsforyourGreenBook. BRINK Jim Kerry 57StoneyCreekRoad301-526-4321(H) Brink.jim@gmail.com Brink.kerry@gmail.com TARANTINO Joseph Eileen 15SaltSprayLane 917-327-9279(M) Joseph.Tarantino@protiviti.com Etaramtomp58@gmail.com First Wednesday Mah Jongg will take place on Wednesday, September 7 at 12 Noon in the Members Dining Room.Allclubmemberswhoknowhowtoplayarewelcome tojoinus.Pleasephonemeat843-689-3933oremailmeat fisheronhhi@gmail.comtoreserveyourspot. NancyFisher Givethemourusualfriendlywelcomewhenyouseethemat theClub ChangeofAddress ARDEN 19SaltSprayLane Howard&Judy PhoneNumberCorrection JANKOWSKI Suzanne 843-681-3693(H) TheMembers’Portal AccessingtheMembers’area oftheClubwebsite Here are instructions for logging into the Members’ Portal on the Club website and changingyourpassword: Go to the website using this link CLICK HERE or enter portroyal.totalegolf.com in your browser. Enter your member numberasyourusername. Remember allmember numbers end with "-0". For example, you would type your membernumberinas“23456-0”. When you first sign in, the default password is 12345678. Click the login button to enter the website. Thenclick"ChangePassword"andenteryournewpassword. Once in the website, you can view the Greenbook, your statementsandbookteetimes. Ifyouencounteranyproblemsloggingin,contactmeorBen Smithforhelp. FirstFriday Bridge First Friday Luncheon/Bridge will be held this month on September 2 with lunch served promptlyat11:30. Toreserveatableoffourpleasecallmeat843-681-4720or send an e-mail to hellerhltnhd@hargray.com no later than August29. Ifyouwouldliketoplaybutarenotinafoursome,pleasecall me.Weareofteninneedofsubstitutes.Orperhapsyouand your friends can put together a table of four. Let me know andwecansetyouup. JoanHeller EveningDuplicateBridge Our next game is on September 15 at 7 PM at the beach house. All residents are welcome to join us for coffee, refreshmentsandanenjoyableeveningofduplicatebridge.If you have any questions or need a partner please call me at 843-785-3690 or email me at Davkarhildy@aol.com. The deadlinetosignupisSeptember20atnoonandthesheetis onthebulletinboardattheclubhouse. JohnGibbs,CommunicationsChair KarenSmith Page 4 ~ From the Links ~ Men’sGolf GolfChairman Judy Juggles the Rules. Mary and I found hergolfballlyingonopengroundbutunder a large, leafy shrub. Having just watched a Pro at the John Deere Classic take careful practice swings in a similar situation, we wonderedwhatheroptionsare. September. Summer extended. Still sunny days. Some cooler temperatures. It must be perfect golf weather in the Low Country,forthegolfcalendariscrowded.There’sexcitement intheairasRobber’sRowopensto memberplay thismonth, andwearechallengedbythenewgreens-theyarelarge!And we’llalsobeenjoyingotherenhancementsonthecourse! SeptemberalsomarksourspecialonceayearMember/Guest- the Heritage Invitational, this year themed “Under Par Down Under.” Heather, Chris, John and I look forward to watching our plans unfold for an Australian Walkabout. The staff at Heritage -Ben,Anne,Madeline, and Chef Eric - has helped us create fun and challenging events for you and your guests to enjoy. Mate, we’ll still try to work in a few more teams! You don’twanttomiss“Aussie”golf! September has scheduled two other once a year golf outings: the Men’s Ryder Cup and the 18 Hole Ladies Sadie Hawkins Day.Sign-upsheetsareavailableintheGolfShop. SeptemberEvents Tuesday,September6:Men’sRyderCupSteakDinner Wednesday,September7:RyderCupMatchatPortRoyal Saturday,September10:RyderCupMatchatPalmettoHall Friday,September9:TwilightGolfandTwilightDinner Tuesday,September13:18HolersSadieHawkinsDay Sunday,September18:EndofMonthGolf(NoEOMDinner) September22–24:HeritageInvitational Tuesday,September27:18HolersPotLuckDinner Thursday,September29:NineHolersChampionship Friday,September30:NOCGolfTournament* *PortRoyalMembersareinvitedtoplayinthischarityevent. Septemberishere whichmeansthefirst daysoffallarenearand,hopefully,cooler temperatures as well. More importantly, itwillalsobringourreturntotheeagerly anticipated newly refurbished Robber’s Row greens and a reprieve from two months of Planter’s Row;althoughIdohavetocommendCharlieandhisstaffas Planter’s Row has been in great shape. At least it has that goingforit,whichisnice. Prominent on the Men’s Golf schedule this month is the HeritageCup,ourannualRyderCupstylecompetitionwith PalmettoHall.ThefirstmatchwillbeheldatPortRoyalon September 7, with the second round at Palmetto Hall on September 10. We hope to field a large team this year; so signupintheProShopsoonasweneedallthehelpwecan get in retaining the cup. This is open to all men golf members. Prior to the first day’s play, there will be a cookout at the beach house on September 6 for all those interested in attending. Additional information regarding thecookoutwillbecomingtoallviaemail. In addition to the Heritage Cup we will have the last Wednesday Champions Cup event on September 28; so don’tmissoutandbesuretosignupearlyastherearejusta few more opportunities to earn points. John Gibbs retains his lead in the championship race with Larry Jackson, Jim Stauffer and Don Muehlberger rounding out the top four spots.Also,don’tforgettheHeritageInvitationalwillbeheld September22to24. AswearefinallyabletoviewPlanter’sRowinourrearview mirror and head to Robber’s Row, always remember to do therightthingwhileonthecourse.Fillyourdivots,rakethe bunkers,repairyourballmarksonthegreenplusonemore, keep the carts where they belong and, above all else, have funoutthere. EdHarbauer,Men’sGolfChairman EnjoythesedaysofSeptemberandthegreatgameofgolf. JudyRobinson,GolfChairman While Rule 13-2 tells us that we must not improve the area of our intended stance or swing by moving, bending, or breaking anythinggrowing,butthatnopenaltyoccursifwedosobyfairly takingastance.Examplesofactionwouldincludebackingintoa branchorbendingabranchinordertogetunderatreetoplay theball.Actionswhichdonotconstitute“fairly”takingastance aredeliberatelybendingorbreakingabranchtoremoveitfrom the backswing, or standing or banding or hooking a branch to preventitsinterference.Sointakingastance,theplayershould selectthe leastintrusiveactionandtheminimum improvement ofpositionorlieoftheball. Champions Cup Standings Page 5 J.Gibbs 83pts J.Wormley 46pts L.Jackson 71pts G.Tausher43pts J.Stauffer 68pts R.Tranquilli 43pts D.Muehlberger60pts J.Garnett 43pts J.Carney55pts E.Harbauer 35pts M.Hall52pts B.Fratarcangelo34pts J.Patrick 52pts J.Robinson 32pts C.Nelson48pts L.Bailey30pts J.Schrader 47pts B.Dora29pts N.Costalas 47pts W.Warren 29pts StandingsasofAugust13 ~ From the Links ~ GuardingtheGreen Ladies18Hole GolfAssociation Having recently read an article in Links MagazinewrittenbyForrestRichardsonin which he interviewed bunkers, I have decidedtoput aLady 18'sspinona conversation withwater hazardshereatPortRoyal. Lady18's - Whyis itevennecessaryto placewaterhazardson anyofourgolfcourses? Water Hazard - We are placed strategically - like on #4 of Barony, sowhen you tee off,all yousee is me, andIcan play mindgameswithyouaboutbeingabletocarryme. EdWeinlein’sgrandsonphotographedthismagnificent hawkontheflagstickofPlanter’sRow#6,andlater,winging itswaydownthefairway. Lady18's-Whyaretheretwoofyouon#5ofPlantersRow? WaterHazard-Well,Iliketothinkthatmyfraternaltwinhasa placeclosetome-or-thatyoucanenjoydoublethetroubleor doublethefun-youchoose. Lady18's-Whyareyouallalongtheleftsideof#4ofRobbers Rowwhenyouhaveacousinofyours,damnsandtrap,rightnext toyou? End of the Month Mixed Golf Sunday, September 18 WaterHazard-Youknow,thisisHiltonHead,andpeoplecome toenjoythebeachandthewater.Didn'twanttodisappoint! SpotlightPlayersoftheMonth July26:TriciaHiggins,TammieBlank,BetsyPapale NancySimpson,JudyRobinson,ShirleyPoates LeanneHeslop,CherylMoore&HeatherGarmston Two Ladies – Two Men – 90% Handicap Team Score The team score on each hole will be the best net of the men plus the best net of the ladies August2:MaryZych,JudyRobinson,TriciaHiggins JolantaTaylor,LindaMuehlberger&LeanneHeslop Prizes August9:CherylMoore,BeckyGuin,TriciaHiggins BetsyPapale,PollyJackson&LindaMuehlberger Winners of the Front Nine Winners of the Back Nine Overall lowest team score Nearest the Pin Ladies & Nearest the Pin Men August16:NancySimpson,BeckyGuin,BetsyPapale, HeatherGarmston,TammieBlank&SophieBurger Monthly“Minders” Make your own foursome. Make your own tee time. Sign up in the book in the Pro Shop. September 13 - Sadie Hawkins - partnerandsignupforthisfunevent. Don't forget to get a Sign-up deadline is 5 PM on Friday, September 16 September22-ThenewMid-CapseasonkicksoffatPalmetto Hall. The first eight players, with a handicap index between 20.1 and 38, who sign up in the ladies locker room, will representPortRoyal.The$60feecoversgolfandtheluncheon. ContactDinnyCuthbertsonifyouneedadditionalinformation. GOTEAM‼ Sadie Hawkins Day Tuesday,September13 September 27 - Pot Luck - 6pm at the Beach House - golf themed-signupinthebrownbookintheProShop. Recruityourman! Playwell! SeeyouontheLinks CarolDuffin,President Raindate: Tuesday,September20 Page 6 ~ From the Links ~ IslandInterclub LadiesNineHole GolfAssociation The 2017 wraparound Interclub season starts on October 31, 2016. We had a great 2016 season and are anxiously lookingforwardtothenewseason. Haveyouhadagoodbreakfastlately?Port Royal Golf Club is offering us a great breakfasteverymorning!Fromthosewho haveparticipatedinbreakfastsomemornings,theyALLsay itisreally,reallygood.PleaseenjoythisgoodieandgivePort RoyalClubagreatthankyou!Itisawonderfulbonus. Our golf play, however, is suffering from the heat. We have beenaveragingaboutnineplayerseachThursday.Thanksto allwhocomeoutandbattletheheat.Keepdrinkinglotsand lotsofwater. Our winners who are truly hot in more ways than one are Sue Hueyby a match of cards with JoanStreet second. This was a duel of low putts on August 4. This was followed by IndividualstrokeplayonAugust11andwaswonbyTeresa Carrollfirst,withJoanWhitakerclosebehindinsecondplace. Congratulationstoall! Our Tee Time Dinner on August 16 was provided by Joan Whitaker with a great ham enjoyed by all. Thank you, Joan. As usual therest of our pot luck dinner was also extremely tasty. SueJankowski coordinated this eventand made sure thatweallleftwithawonderfullyfulltummy!Unfortunately, itwasmuchtoohotintheafternoontoplaygolfformanyof us; so finally Jane McGahee enjoyed a lovely, free relaxing afternoon! This year we have three new teams in the league and are looking forward to playing new courses. If you played last year, you are AUTOMATICALLY retained on this year's roster Wedohaveseveralnewgolfmemberswhowouldbeagreat additiontoourteam.Let’shopetheyjoin. OurseasonrunsfromHalloweentomid-March2017.There is no play during the Holiday season in December and limitedplayinJanuary. The only requirement is to be a golf member. Part time residents and semi-retired workers are eligible when availableandencouragedtojoin. Wegettoplayonsomeverynicecoursesforbasicallyacart fee.Maximumallowablehandicapis20 Anymemberwhohasanyquestionsorwhohasnotplayed beforepleasecallmeat843-681-4720. 2016HeritageCup PortRoyalversusPalmettoHall The task of August Monthly Director was deftly handled by Marcia Schwyn, and Fermina Evans will follow as our Director in September. Hopefully by this time the weather willbecomemorewomenfriendlyinSeptemberandmoreof uswillplay. Wednesday,September7 atPortRoyal & Saturday,September10 atPalmettoHall ThePortRoyalRacquetClubsalewasheldonAugust30;soI hopeeveryonehadachancetopickupsomegreatbargains. Finally, our Quarterly Luncheon meeting will be held at the Clubhouse on September 1. This will follow a Captain's Choice Shotgun Start early in the morning. Don't forget to sign upfortheLowNetTournamentonSeptember 29.And please book your reservations for our October get-a-way at theSeaPalmsResortinSt.Simons,Georgia. JoanPruett,President Preevent“TeambuildingCookout” attheBeachHouse Tuesday,September6 Opentoallmengolfmembers SignupinthebookintheProShopearly!!! Tuesday thru Friday 4 – 6:30 PM Pot O’Gold on Thursdays On the Porch Page 7 ~ From the Links ~ MixedGolf Tip of the Month TheSeptemberEndofMonthMixedGolf Event will be held on September 18 because of the Heritage Invitational scheduled for the last weekend in September.Thetournamentwillbeheld on the newly renovated Robber's Row course. It will be a TwoBallNassau.Theformatwillbebestballofthemenplus best ball of the ladies on each hole (90% handicap). Prizes willbeawardedtothewinnersonthefrontnine,thewinners onthebacknine,andtheoverallwinners.Therewillalsobe nearesttothepinprizesawardedseparatelyforthemenand thewomen.I'msurethateveryonewillbelookingforwardto fallgolfweather. Asusual,members canenter the event by signingupin the tournament book in the Pro Shop. You should make your foursome's tee time on line or personally through the Pro Shop. Alignment is Key The keys to any consistent golf swing are grip, aim, and setup. These three things happen before a swing is even made, and have the greatest impact on consistent results. In talking about aim, or alignment as it is often called, the main goal is for the line of our toes to be parallel to the line we want the ball to travel. Having the proper alignment assists in allowing the club to pass through ball correctly, minimizing side spin that can cause a hook or slice. It may not be the full cure, but if you are struggling with the direction the ball is traveling, or the curve of the ball, try this simple drill to practice alignment. Take two clubs and place them parallel on the ground. For a right handed golfer, the left club will be the line you put your toes on, and the right club will be an inch outside of the ball you are hitting, aimed at your target. (See below.) TurnyourscorecardintotheProShopatthecompletionof yourround. Parallel Alignment Wewouldalsoliketoencouragemorecouplestoparticipate inthisevent.Agoodtimeisguaranteed. • • • You pick your foursome and the tee time. We provide the scorecards. What could be easier and more enjoyable? ToeLine Polly&LarryJackson,MixedGolfCo-chairs Clubface Aric Zuberbier,Assistant Golf Professional HiltonHeadOpenChampion Drop by the Pro Shop and say “congrats” to the new Hilton HeadOpenChampion,SethSweet. Seth won the 2016 Hilton Head Open held at Moss Creek on Sunday, August 21, 2016 with a one shot, come from behind victory over Matt O’Quinn and DavidRogers. This was Seth’s final tournament as an amateur. He turns professional at the end of October, when he finishes hisinternshiphereatPort RoyalGolfClub.Ashegoes ontowinontheTours,we willbecheeringforhimas oneofours!! Page 8 Men’sClubChampionship IndividualStrokePlay ChampionshipFlight (Scratch) Wednesday,October5 Friday,October7 Saturday,October8 OtherFlights (BlackTee/WhiteTee Handicapped) Friday,October7 Saturday,October8 SignupinthebookintheProShop Seepage76oftheGreenBookfortournamentrules. ~ From the Courts ~ Tennis RacquetsUp! AcommentontheOlympicGames:Iloveit when national pride and power are expressedthroughtennisracquetsandgolf clubsratherthansticksandstones. ChristmasinAugustSale ComeandcelebratetennisonTuesday,August30,from4:00 to6:00attheChristmasinAugustSale.Wineandcheesewill be provided along with great bargains in the Port Royal TennisProShop.Enjoythecompanyoffellowmembersand get a jump on the Christmas season. This is a great opportunity to treat yourselves and socialize with other membersoffthecourt! How can we correct this problem? George says that “the racquet should be propelled forward by turning one’s shoulder and letting the arm guide the racquet through impact with the ball. The wrist should remain stable. On impact the racquet should be horizontal and facing the net. By doing this, the player will become more consistent in directingthe ballintothedesiredlocationontheopponent’s sideofthecourt.”Then,don’tforgettofollowthrough. Don’t forget that classes are alsoavailable: Fast-ActionDrills: Mondaythrough Sunday9 to 10am CelebrateHeritageInvitationalWeek TennisRound-RobinandCookout As part of the Heritage Invitational, the Port Royal Racquet Club is sponsoring a Members/Staff Round-Robin TournamentfollowedbyaCookouton Saturday,September 17. We will play tennis from 3:00 to 5:00 and then eat! It should be great fun to play with our pros and get better acquainted with the people who work in and around our clubhouse.Thiseventisfreetoalltennismembers!! More Opportunities to Join the Heritage Invitational Celebration:Two excellent dinners complete with open bars: JointhefestivitiesonThursday,September22.Bothgolfand tennismembersareinvitedtothePortRoyalBeachHouseat 7:00 for an Australian themed dinner featuring beer, wines andspirits,smokedsalmon pate,bacon-wrappedshrimp on thebarbie,lamblollipops,roasthamandmore. Teaching Pro George Haley LookforthedatesandtimesoftheMembersOnlyclinicsin theclubhouse. JanSchuppert,PRRCVicePresident Round-Robin and Cookout Saturday, September 17 3 – 5 PM Play Tennis with the Pro Staff! Then Eat!!! Thursday’s event will be followed by another more formal dinner and dance experience on Saturday, 24, at the Port RoyalClubhouse:6:00forcocktailsand7:00fordinner.This one will again have an open bar and dinner will feature smoked trout,choiceof rackoflamb or grilled salmonwith jumboshrimpandwildmushrooms,kiwisalad,anddessert. Livemusicfordancingwillalsobeprovided. Free to All Tennis Members Heritage Invitational “Under Par Down Under” Thursday 9/22 to Saturday 9/24 The cost for both gourmet evenings is just $100.00 per person (for those who are not participating in the golf tournament).Comeandjointhefun! Tournament is open to tennis and social members with a golf handicap. Find a guest and register today. Tennis101 As it is September and school has once again begun, it is a good time to hone our skills in tennis too. Our resident teaching pro, George Haley, has identified one problem of recreationaltennisplayersaslackingconsistencytokeepthe ballinplay. StrokeoftheDayDrills: 10:00to11:00am Monday-Volley, Tuesday-Forehand, Wednesday-Backhand, Thursday-Serve, Friday-Overhead (See details and sign-up form on next page) Page 9 ~ From the Club ~ 2016HeritageInvitational UNDER PAR DOWN UNDER C OM E D O A N AU STR AL IA N WA L K AB OU T! Thursday,September22throughSaturday,September24 “G’DAY,MATE!DOYOUKNOWASOUPERFROMASPEEDO,ACHOKEFROMACOCKIE, ORABOOMERANGFROMVEGEMITE?JUSTHOWAUSSIEISYOU?” InvitationalGalaTransportsYoutoAustralia YourInvitationalGalawilltakeyouandyourguestsacrossthePacificforafun-filledweekend ofAustralianfood,drink,entertainment,golfandthegreatestcamaraderieontheisland. Thursday,September22:Morning:7:30–2:00:RegistrationandgiftpresentationattheClubhouse. OptionalPracticeRoundonBaronyorRobber’sRow. Evening:6:00OpeningreceptionatCrocodileDundee’sfamous “WalkaboutCreekBar”(aka.TheBeachHouse). Fun,food,libationsandentertainment;allwithanAussieflair. TheBondiBeachCasinowillbeopenforadventurousoptimists. Friday,September23:Morning:9:00ShotgunFirstRoundofTournamentcompetition. LunchonthePORCHfollowingcompletionofyourround. Saturday,September24:Morning:9:00ShotgunSecondRoundofTournamentcompetition. TuckerBags(Lunch)providedonthecourseduringyourround. Evening:6:00CocktailReceptionandGrandAwardsDinner/Dance. Signupnowontheformbelow 2016HeritageInvitationalEntryForm“UNDERPARDOWNUNDER” EntryFee:$195perperson. Feedoesnotincludecartfeechargedtomember’saccountaftertheevent. ($25/dayforgolfmembersnotonthecartplanandtheirguests;$50/dayforsocialandtennismembersandtheirguests.) Team#1 Member:_______________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ Guest:_______________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ WewillparticipateinThursday’sPracticeRound PreferredTeeTime_______________________________ SpecialPairingRequest:___________________________ Non-playingmembersandspousesofguests E-Mail:________________________________________________ Fee:$100perperson Club:________________________________________________ Team#2 Member:_______________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________ Name:___________________________________________ (IncludesThursdayandSaturdaySocialFunctionsOnly) Address:_______________________________________________ Guest:________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ E-Mail:_________________________________________________ Club:_________________________________________________ Entryformandcheck(payabletoHeritageGolfGroup)or chargedtoclubaccountcanbedeliveredtothePortRoyal GolfShopormailedto: PortRoyalGolfClub,Attn:BenSmith P.O.Box7229,HiltonHeadIsland,SC29938. ClosingdateforentryisSeptember25,2015. Page 10 September 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 9 Holer Golf & Quarterly Lunch Meeting 4 5 6 18 Holer Golf Men’s Ryder Cup Dinner at the Beach House Sign up Deadline for Twilight 11 12 7 Men’s Heritage Ryder Cup Match at Port Royal 9 4:00 Twilight Golf 6:30 Twilight Dinner 14 Men’s Day (Guest Day) 15 9 Holer Golf 18 19 20 18 Holer Golf Sadie Hawkins Rain Day 21 Men’s Day 26 27 18 Holer Golf 6:00 18 Holer Pot Luck Dinner at the Beach House 22 9 Holer Golf Heritage Invitational Practice Round 9 Holer Tee Time & Dinner at the Beach House 25 10 Men’s Heritage Ryder Cup Match at Palmetto Hall 16 Sign up Deadline for End of the Month Golf 3:00 PRPC Board End of the Month Golf 3 Men’s Blitz 12:00 First Wednesday Mah Jongg 13 18 Holer Golf Sadie Hawkins Day 2 11:15 First Friday Bridge 8 9 Holer Golf Sat 17 Men’s Blitz 3:00 Tennis Member-Staff Round Robin followed by Dinner at the Beach House 23 Heritage Invitational Round 1 24 Heritage Invitational Round 2 Midcaps at Palmetto Hall 28 Champions Cup 29 30 9 Holer Golf (Club Championship Day 1) NOC Charity Golf Tournament on Members’ Course October 1 Men’s Blitz Members’Course:Robber’sRow StartTimeforMen&Ladies18Holers:8:30AMLadies9Holers:9:00AM