Spring Trials Booklet - Eason Horticultural Resources
Spring Trials Booklet - Eason Horticultural Resources
indicates an EHR top pick HGTV & You The HGTV Plants program has been around for a couple of years now, but required a large commitment from retailers and was only available from a very limited number of growers. HGTV has announced that starting in 2017 retailers can grow their own HGTV plants from liners bought from EuroAmerican. It is still recommended that a retailer get enough to make a showy display, but they are not required to buy any minimum quantity. Wholesale growers that want to offer the program are welcome to buy in now too. Adenophora ‘Gaudi Violet’ Bred in Poland, this adenophora requires no vernalization to flower its first year. Its masses of blue bell flowers will hang down from 18" spikes with green foliage. They will bloom from June to fall and are heat and humidity tolerant. Hardy zones 4-9. PlantHaven Hardy Perennial Angelonia ‘Angelface Perfectly Pink’ An extra large deep pink flowering addition to the Angelface collection. Semi-upright, with good branching, heat, humidity and drought tolerance. Continuous blooms with fragrant foliage that is deer resistant. Will make a great 'Thriller' in a combo pot. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative Argyranthemum ‘White Butterfly’ Here is a perfect match for Argyranthemum 'Butterfly' with white flowers! It has the same heat tolerance, habit and flowering as 'Butterfly'. Growing 18-36" tall, this is a great addition for any combo or mono pot production. Medium vigorous grower. Full sun. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative Angelonia ‘Angelface Super’ series A new series of landscape sized angelonias, the 'Angelface Supers' are big and bold, growing up to 40" tall. They are heat loving and drought tolerant, with continuous blooming throughout the summer. 3 colors being introduced, ‘Blue’, ‘Pink’ and ‘White’. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative 2 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report ‘Jumbo Deep Lavender’ ‘Jumbo Pink Eye’ Bacopa ‘Calypso Jumbo Pink Eye’ & ‘Deep Lavender’ Both 'Calypso Pink Eye' and 'Calypso Deep Lavender' are trailing plants, featuring dime-size flowers, that are five lobed. ‘Pink Eye' has a pink flower with a light red eye, and 'Calypso Deep Lavender’ has lilac blooms with yellow eye. Calypso Jumbos are low maintenance, with controlled and good branching habit, heat tolerant and very versatile. Use as a monoculture plant, as a 'spiller' in combination planters, or as a low border plant in the landscape. Syngenta Annual - Vegetative ‘Pesto Bambino Purple’ ‘Pesto Black Pa na’ Bacopa ‘Scopia Great Violet Glow’ This newest introduction to Danziger's largest flowered series of bacopas features the hottest, most intense color the series has seen. Flowers are a deep rose around the edges, fading slightly towards the centers, with near white throats. All summer blooming, with a semi-trailing habit. Perfect for mixed combos or in hanging baskets. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Basil (Ocimum) ‘Pesto Bambino Purple’ & ‘Pesto Black Patina’ 2 new additions from Hort Couture to their Culinary Couture line, both are ideal for Italian cooking. ‘Bambino Purple’ is a showy , colorful basil with green leaves and a deep purple overlay. ‘Black Patina’ features dark foliage and rose blooms. They’ll look great on their own or combined with flowering material. Hort Couture Annual - Seed Begonia boliviensis ‘Santa Barbara’ 'Santa Barbara' is a great addition to the Sun Cities Collection, which includes 'Santa Cruz' and 'San Francisco'. Its showy white flowers will compliment any basket or combo. It is easy to grow and has the same heat tolerance and extraordinary garden performance as the other 2 in the collection. Benary Annual - Seed Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 3 Begonia ‘Cocoa Enchanted’ series ‘Enchanted Evening’ Beautiful new series of boliviensis crosses with chocolate foliage. These are great in containers as they are nonaggressive and make a central, vertical statement. COCOA™ ’Enchanted Evening’ has large single salmon pink blooms. 'Enchanted Moonlight’ has very large, pure white flowers, and 'Enchanted Sunrise' has orange blossoms that contrast beautifully with the dark foliage. Terra Nova Annual - Vegetative ‘Enchanted Moonlight’ Begonia ‘Nonstop Mocha White Improved’ A great plant just got better! Improved darker foliage with excellent character and brighter white flowers. Large double flowers with excellent outdoor performance. Full, rounded plant habit. Great branching for Benary more flowers. Annual - Seed Begonia ‘Revelation Maroon’ A unique new fancy leaf begonia with bright glossy leaves of rose red with dark olive green veins. This novelty flower form has a trailing habit with leaves that overlap each other and cascade downwards to form a great hanging basket. Terra Nova Annual - Vegetative Begonia ‘Angel Blush’ A shrub type begonia with pewter-silver palmate leaves resembling those of a Japanese maple. Overlaid with coral black veins and a warm, rich violet blush. A mounding, upright plant habit, flowers in late summer with small, single, pink flowers. Terra Nova Tender Perennial 4 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Begonia ‘Funky Pink’ Benary is introducing a breakthrough novelty type begonia with a fun name designed to appeal to the younger generation of home gardener (25 - 40 years). 'Funky Pink' has some boliviensis blood so it will take some heat and sun. Compact, semi-trailing plant habit with large double pink flowers, easy to ship and lightens up shady areas. Use as a stand alone hanging basket, mixed container or in the landscape. Benary Annual - Seed Begonia ‘Mistral Pink’ & ‘Mistral Yellow’ 2 great color additions to the 'Mistral' series. These boliviensis types are heat and shade tolerant and bloom from spring throughout the summer. Their semi-trailing habits are great for hanging baskets, mixed containers, or as part of a shade garden. Begonia ‘Unbelievable Tweety Pie’ A great complement to the others in the Unbelievable series of begonias from Dummen, 'Tweety Pie' combines great multi-color foliage with soft yellow blooms. Its trailing habit is ideal for hanging baskets or as a component in large mixed containers. Selecta Annual - Vegetative Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Begonia ‘Unstoppable Upright Salmon’ Dummen continues to expand the 'Unstoppable' collection by adding this beautiful salmon pink color. The soft salmon pink flowers are face up on top of its dark bronze foliage and has a long shelf life at retail. 'Upright Salmon' has the same heat tolerance and good branching as 'Upright Fire' and 'Upright White'. Not the best choice for hanging baskets because of the size and habit, growing 28-30” tall. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Begonia ‘Megawatt’ series ‘Pink Bronze Leaf’ ‘Rose Green Leaf’ The 'Megawatt' begonias are big and bold, similar in size to the 'Whopper' series, and aimed at the landscape market. 4 colors so far; 'Rose Bronze Leaf', 'Pink Bronze Leaf', 'Rose Green Leaf', and 'Red Green Leaf'. Nonstop blooming, but to our team's eyes they didn't have quite the flower power as the 'Whopper' and 'Big' series. ‘Red Green Leaf’ PanAm Annual - Seed Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 5 Bidens ‘Blazing Glory’ indicates an EHR top pick Dummen Orange Containers Dummen/Orange showed off their newest version of branded container this year. The bright white pots with the showy orange graphics and the catchphrase of ‘Dummen for You’ made an excellent impression on us and made the plants they were displaying look even better. The pots will be available from Summit Plastics, and if you use a different pot manufacturer, Dummen will provide the graphics to them. The first introduction in a new series of more controlled, slower growing bidens from Danziger. Single to semi-double flowers that are sun and heat lovers, but can also handle cold temperatures. Performs well in mixed containers, pots, hanging baskets and flowerbeds. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Calendula ‘Power Daisy’ Drought tolerant in the landscape, disease resistant, and dense color that fills a basket, container or landscape. Breakthrough breeding that allows you to use calendula plants where you never grew them before. A season opener in cool weather but also extends into early summer and is an excellent plant to use as a fall crop. Perfect for hanging baskets, 4” and larger containers. Kientzler Annual - Vegetative Calibrachoa ‘Aloha Kona Golden Girl’ 'Golden Girl' offers a nearly perfect color of gold to go with the outstanding habit expected of the Aloha Kona series. Dummen tells us that this will be used in a number of new Confetti combos for the future. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Calibrachoa ‘Chameleon Sunshine Berry’ This variety of coral, rose and yellow tones is the top seller of the series. The spoked wheel pattern changes color throughout the season as they react to light levels, day length and other seasonal factors. This semitrailing plant is good for baskets or window boxes. It has a mounding habit with medium vigor. Our favorite in this neat new series of calibrachoas bred by Westhoff and offered by Dummen. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative 6 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Calibrachoa ‘Calitastic’ series ‘Calitas c Fuchsia’ ‘Calitas c Mango’ This new series of calibrachoas are going to set new ‘Calitas c expectations for the grower - very early to flower, and Strawberry Punch’ all flowering with 11 hours day length. All have upright, mounding habits with medium vigor and large flower size. They will bloom from early spring and continue throughout the season making for great 4.5" or hanging basket production. This series will make a great retail item on the bench. 10 colors in the series. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative ‘Colibri Cherry Lace’ ‘Crave Persimmon’ ‘Crave Red Star’ Calibrachoa ‘Crave Persimmon’ & ‘Crave Red Star’ The Crave collection from PanAm are seed grown calibrachoas with more novelty colors than the Kabloom series. 2 new varieties this year, 'Persimmon' with orange shades of bloom and 'Red Star' with rose red flowers and a white picotee edge. The Craves are also more vigorous than the Kablooms. PanAm Annual - Seed Calibrachoa ‘Superbells Coralina’ ‘Colibri Purple Lace’ New coral-pink color for the Superbells series. Noted for being covered with hundreds of flowers from spring until first frost. A cascading mounding plant habit that is excellent for hanging baskets, as a 'Spiller' in combination planters. Requires little or no deadheading and loves the full sun. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative Calibrachoa ‘Colibri’ series This new series of compact calibrachoas are bred to be grown in smaller pots such as quarts, and 6" containers. They are very early and need very little to no PGR manipulation. 'Colibri' produce an abundance of large flowers over a long flowering period and will flower in short days (10 hours). Five colors 'Cherry Lace', 'Pink Lace', 'Purple Lace', 'Fuchsia', and 'Orange'. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 7 Calibrachoa ‘Superbells Hollywood Star’ & ‘Morning Star’ 2 new additions to the Superbells line with the PW patented star pattern in the flower, 'Hollywood Star', with lavender-pink blooms and 'Morning Star' with pale pink blossoms and a dark pink edge to the yellow star centers. ‘Hollywood Star’ ‘Morning Star’ Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative ‘Starshine Apricot’ ‘Starshine Violet’ ‘Atomic Violet’ ‘Atomic Light Pink’ Calibrachoa ‘Starshine’ series Grower-friendly novelty series has a stable star pattern and strong greenhouse and garden performance. As days get longer, the star gets larger. Violet was showing the most prominent star pattern in the display. Available in 5 colors: apricot, blue, cherry, pink, and violet. Selecta Annual - Vegetative Celosia ‘Kelos Atomic’ series New series of compact, heat tolerant, strong growing plants that do not need short days to flower. Five colors available, light pink, neon pink, salmon, purple pink, and violet. Very versatile plants and gardeners will love that they can be indoor and Beekenkamp outdoor plants. Annual - Vegetative Coleus ‘Main Street Michigan Ave.’ This new 'Main Street' addition shows the same great performance and heat tolerance as the rest of the series. Leaves are burgundy/red ruffled with lime green margins. Foliage is resistant to fading in high light. Great for landscape or adding texture to any Dummen/Orange mixed combo. Annual - Vegetative 8 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report ‘Yellow + Red Vein’ ‘Orange + Red Eye 2017’ Calibrachoa ‘MiniFamous Neo’ series Here are 3 new additions to the 'Minifamous Neo' family that deliver the same uniform habit, flower power, and summer long performance as the rest of the colors. 'Orange + Red Eye 2017' is a soft orange bloom with a deep red eye. 'White + Yellow Eye' is a clear white flower with a soft yellow eye. 'Yellow + Red Vein' is mix of yellow and light red flower with strong red veins radiating from the eye. The semi-trailing habits make them great for combos, hanging baskets, or mono pots. Selecta Annual - Vegetative ‘Sea Monkey Apricot’ 0 0 ‘Sea Monkey Purple’ Coleus ‘Under the Sea - Sea Urchin’ series Coleus ‘Under the Sea Sea Monkey’ series Hort Couture's 'Under The Sea' series of vegetatively propagated coleus have changed the landscape for coleus, and this new subseries, 'Sea Monkey' adds to the interest. They are very dwarf varieties with unique and unusual leaf forms, all centered yellow or lime green and edged in red. 'Apricot', 'Purple, and 'Rust' are 3 new intros. Three color collection of true dwarf coleus, ‘Copper’, ‘Neon’, and ‘Red’. Perfect for small container gardens and terrariums. Unique mop head shape plant habit, gives great texture with eye catching color combinations. Hort Couture Annual - Vegetative What a neat idea for a confetti liner! 3 coleus in 1 combination! This trio consists of Main Street 'Granville Street', 'Wall Street', and 'Riverwalk' creating great color contrasts of light green, bronze, and deep burgundy/ green coleus. Performs well in full sun and shade, resisting fading in high light. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Coleus ‘Macaw’, ‘Mystic Light’ & ‘Quetzal’ ‘Macaw’ ‘Quetzal’ ‘Mys c Light’ Hort Couture Annual - Vegetative Confetti Garden Coleus Fiori Square Terra Nova is upping the ante for unusual coleus with these 3 new additions to their dwarf collection. 'Macaw' has deeply cut cream yellow foliage edged in red. 'Mystic Light' has nearly white leaves with splotched green edges and an intense rose in the centers of the newest leaves. And 'Quetzal' features deeply cut foliage with red surrounding lime green. Terra Nova Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 9 Coreopsis ‘Sun Swirl’ A beautiful new coreopsis cross with large, double, golden daisies in late spring/early summer. Flowers are held well above the foliage, making a stunning display of color that dances above the plants. Hardy perennial in zones 4-9. Dummen/Bartels Perennial Confetti Garden Purple Halo Coreopsis Satin & Lace™ ‘Peach Sparkle’ Confettis were the first multiliners on the market. Each cell contains either a two or three component liner. There are several new Confettis being introduced for 2017. This one was a stand out for us among the others. The purple petunia with the white halo makes this multiliner a perfect tribute for Prince. Striking new selection featuring cream colored blooms with dark maroon centers, from the coreopsis expert, Darrell Probst. Upright, durable plant is highly resistant to powdery mildew. Dummen/Bartels Perennial Craspedia ‘Golf Beauty’ The gold ball-shaped blooms on this unusual plant tower above the plants and are reminiscent of small golf balls. Performs well in high temps. Blooms all summer. The blooms get more dense as it flowers. Grows 12"-14" tall. Cut flower breeding. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Coreopsis ‘UpTick’ series This new series from Darwin Perennials will be known for their large flowers, compact, mounded habit and longer bloom time, making them even more attractive at retail. Blooms from late spring to late summer. Heat tolerant and day neutral. 12-14" tall. 4 colors in the series - 'Yellow & Red' - yellow flower with deep red center ring; 'Cream & Red'- white flower with deep red center ring; 'Gold & Bronze' - yellow flower with bronze center ring; 'Cream' - cream flower with a hint of yellow in the middle. Hardy Zone 5 Darwin Perennial 10 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report ‘UpTick Gold & Bronze’ ‘UpTick Cream’ ‘UpTick Yellow & Red’ Dahlia ‘Painter’ series ‘Berry Impressions’ ‘Sunfire’ Cyperus ‘Prince Tut’ Plenty of interest at the CAST trials for this new papyrus selection from Proven Winners. An intermediate size plant that fits between 'King Tut' and 'Baby Tut'. 'Prince Tut' features shiny green feathery flower heads up to 1 inch across. A tough plant that like full sun, heat, and tolerates a good deal of water. Use as a monoculture plant, or a 'thriller' in combo pots and can be used as a bog plant in water gardens. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative This new collection of dahlias are sure to be a showstopper! Bred by Georges Delbard's team in France, they are known for their large 4" double blooms in bold, vibrant colors. Strong compact habit will get 24" x 24" in maturity. 4 colors to choose from - 'Berry Impressions' is a vibrant burgundy with splashes of white on petals; 'Pink Kisses' is hot purple pink blooms highlighted by white; 'Romantic France' is bright red; 'Sunfire' is beautiful yellow with red striping throughout each petal. Great for containers or landscape. PlantHaven Annual - Vegetative Dahlia ‘Grandahlia Rose’ The Grandahlia series from Syngenta features varieties that develop excellent rounded forms with vibrant flowers held above the plant canopy, and continue developing buds throughout the plants lifespan. 'Rose' is the newest color to the series with fully double, pompom like blooms of lavenderrose petals that darken to a true rose at the center. Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Dahlia ‘Starsister Yellow Stripes’ This new Starsister variety caught our eyes from a distance. The double bright yellow flowers are striking with the white tips. This is a great addition to this compact series. The contrasting dark green leaves makes the color pop. It will make a dynamic stand alone plant, or make a showy companion in a mixed container. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 11 Dianthus ‘Pink Kisses’ indicates an EHR top pick This is a delightful, fragrant, compact carnation with small layered pink and white petals that will bloom all summer long. Its upright, compact habit will reach 12-16" height, and make a great pint or quart pot. Great for retail! Cold hardy to zone 5. Best Selling Dianthus In the World? One of the most surprising things that we learned this year at CAST is that Dianthus ‘Pink Kisses’ is the #1 selling dianthus in the world! It was displayed by Selecta in adorable farmers baskets with handles, which is one of the ways that they are frequently sold in Europe. The flowers are small, fragrant and perfect. If you are looking for something that will create instant interest in a store, we’ve found it for you! Selecta Perennial Dianthus ‘Dianthalot’ series ‘Dark Red + Star’ ‘Pink + Star’ ‘Kahori Pink’ ‘Kahori Scarlet’ Low growing, two color series, 'Pink + Star', and 'Dark Red + Star'. Flowers bloom close to foliage creating a carpet of color in the garden. No cooling required and it will bloom through three seasons, spring, summer, and autumn. Claims to be the best summer performing dianthus of any other perennial dianthus. Hardy Selecta in zones 5-10. Perennial Dianthus ‘Kahori Pink’ & ‘Kahori Scarlet’ Dianthus ‘Kahori’ has quickly become the standard for long blooming perennial dianthus, with blossoms continuing to show through most of the summer and a strong rebloom in the fall. Now new from the same breeder are ’Kahori Scarlet’ and ’Kahori Pink’, all with the same great attributes. They are day -length neutral and require no HilverdaKooij vernalizing for 1st year flowering. Perennial Gerbera ‘Revolution Bicolor’ series ‘Bicolor Red Lemon’ ‘Bicolor Rose White’ Bicolors are HOT! The most uniform gerbera series - grow, pick, pack, and ship to hit your schedule. Better second flush of flowers assures longer bloom time for the consumer. Colors available: ‘Bicolor Red Lemon’, ‘Bicolor Red White’, and ‘Bicolor Rose White’. Big holiday selling opportunities. ‘Bicolor Yellow Orange’ 12 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report PanAm Annual - Seed Gomphrena ‘Ping Pong’ series Delivers an explosion of color in containers or in mass landscape plantings. Easy to produce, drought tolerant, low maintenance. 'Ping Pong' can add height and dimension in planters and landscapes. 3 colors introduced this year, lavender, purple and white. Sakata Annual - Seed Heliopsis ‘Sole d’Oro’ A new selection of the native American false sunflower with huge golden daisies in mid to late summer. Upright, bold habit, growing 3-3 1/2' tall. Won't get powdery mildew, so an excellent choice for summer or fall color crop, and as a hardy garden perennial. Cold hardy to zone 4. Kientzler Perennial Heliotrope ‘Nautilus’ Blue This heliotrope has beautiful deep blue flowers that have a very nice vanilla fragrance. Its compact habit has improved vigor, early flowering and cold tolerant. This is more of a reintroduction, it has been in the trade for some time but hasn’t been seen in years. As a vegetative form it will be more consistent in habit and flower color than seed grown forms. Volmary Annual - Vegetative Heucherella Fun & Games™ ’Red Rover’ Mounding, semi-trailing groundcover with large, deeply lobed finger-like leaves that are coppery-red with burgundy centers. Color mellows to an olive green later in the season. Flowers are an attractive creamy white in spring on burgundy-rose stems. Will perform beautifully in partial shade to full shade. Hardy zones 4-9. Proven Winners Perennial Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 13 Heuchera ‘Marvelous Marble Silver’ Foliage perennial with changing leaf color. Early spring leaves are purple, changing to green with dark veins as temperatures increase. Good seed vigor and germination allows for more uniform plants. Full to partial sun for zones 3-9. Grows 8-12” tall, with up to 18” spread. No vernalization required. Syngenta Perennial Heuchera Primo™ ‘Black Pearl’ A villosa hybrid that exhibits large 4 - 4 1/2”, shiny, jet black leaves with scalloped, ruffled edges and rosy pink undersides. Primo™ ‘Black Pearl' is bred for high heat and humidity tolerance on a big bold dense plant habit. Maintains a constant dark color all season long. Excellent in containers or in the landscape. Hardy to Proven Winners zone 4-9. Perennial Iberis ‘Snowsurfer Forte’ This new vegetative iberis has more vigor and more compactness than 'Snowsurfer' and loaded with bright white flowers that will continuously bloom. Plants mature up to 4 times the size of other iberis. Will bloom 2 weeks later than 'Snowsurfer'. Hardy zones 5-9. Syngenta Perennial Impatiens SunPatiens™ ‘Compact’ series ‘Tropical Rose’ ‘Fire Red’ ‘Orchid’ 14 Three new varieties in the ever popular SunPatiens™ compact series. Known for continuous blooming spring through fall in full sun to part shade. 'Tropical Rose' with variegated leaves was a very popular pick among the EHR CAST participants. Other new varieties are 'Fire Sakata Red' and 'Orchid'. Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Impatiens SunPatiens™ ’Spreading Pink Kiss’ This newest addition to the largest growing group of SunPatiens™ features a gorgeous soft pink bloom with a distinct rose eye. Foliage is a deep, dark green and a perfect backdrop to show off the blossoms. The spreading forms of SunPatiens™ are big and bold, making a magnificent display in the garden. Sakata Annual - Vegetative Ipomoea ‘Kelly Ray’ This sweet potato vine's heart shaped foliage starts out lime green, then matures to a marbled purplish-black with vibrant lime green color. No two leaves are alike making this a kaleidoscope of swirling color. Fast growing selection, ideal for larger mixed containers or planted in the garden. Ipomoea ‘Sweet Caroline Bewitched Jet Black’ Rich, dark purple foliage with new growth emerging a deep red makes this new intro a must have for combos. The 'Sweet Caroline Bewitched' series are more upright and compact growers, and are the best choice for smaller pot production as well as being more behaved in combos. PSI Annual - Vegetative Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative Lavandula dentata ‘Calm Breeze’ A new French lavender type, extremely fragrant, with heavily textured foliage for containers. French lavenders are grown for their foliage rather than flowers, and this is an improved variety over other forms. Makes a wonderfully fragrant 'thriller' for combination planters or use in an herb program. PanAm Annual - Seed Impatiens ‘SunStanding’ series ‘Orange Aurora’ New Guinea impatiens hybrids from Dümmen Orange that have been carefully selected for compact uniformity without PGR requirements. Bred for full sun tolerance, 'SunStanding' New Guinea Impatiens add a burst of liveliness with a tropical feel. The ‘Aurora’ varieties have highlights in the blossom colors. They are an outstanding landscape performer, and also suitable for pots and packs. 14 color options available. POP material available. This new series Dummen/Orange is Dümmen’s answer to Sakata’s Annual - Vegetative Sunpatiens. ‘Light Lavender’ ‘Purple’ Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 15 Lantana ‘Havana’ series ‘Sunrise’ ‘Sunshine’ ‘Sunset’ Lobelia ‘Hot Snow Flurries’ combo We were surprised to learn that 7% of all of Westhoff's plants sold worldwide are Lobelia 'Hot Waterblue'. This new combo features the 'Hot Waterblue' mixed with 'Hot White'. The sample we were shown was dynamic, and will be an eye-catcher for consumers. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative 16 Dummen introduces a brand new series of lantanas that feature controlled, tightly mounding, upright habits and excellent colors. Heat loving, and ideally suited for container production and garden performance. 'Gold' is the only single color variety. 'Full Moon' is white with yellow throats, 'Sunshine' is a yellow and white bicolor, 'Sunset' is a blend of pink, orange and yellow, and 'Sunrise' is a yellow, white and pink Dummen/Orange tricolor. Annual - Vegetative Lobularia ‘Stream Deep Lavender’ Lobularia ‘Sweetness Dark Purple’ What a great color addition to the Stream series. Same habit and flower power as the other Streams but with a bi-color of deep purple and white. Trialed in a number of locations throughout the US last year, and winner of awards at several! Great for combos and hanging baskets. An all summer bloomer that will be covered with dark purple flower clusters. Does well in dry planting sites and is perfect for brightening and softening rock garden plantings. All 4 colors in the Sweetness series offer good branching and compact habits. It will fit perfectly in a mix or as a stand alone plant. Trailing habit, up to 24″. Height can reach 4-8″. Attracts butterflies. Heat and humidity tolerant. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Cohen Annual - Vegetative Mandevilla Sun Parasol™ ‘Apricot’ Excellent branching, vigorous growing climber with bold foliage and beautiful apricot flowers. Will require less pinching and will finish fast. This selection should be ideal for growing in 10” or larger containers on a trellis. Very large flowered form, similar in size to the Giant series from Suntory. Marigold ‘Fireball’ 'Fireball' is the 1st intro from groundbreaking new genetics from PanAm. Part of the 'New World Marigolds' that puts multi-color blooms on the same plant. Flowers will be in shades of orange to yellow, and are ideally suited for being offered as a premium plant at the garden center. Well suited for 4” or 6” production. Suntory Annual - Vegetative Marigold ‘Strawberry Blonde’ Pan Am introduces a never seen before marigold that puts multicolor blooms on the same plant. Its multicolor blooms go from dark (almost bronze) to medium (almost coral) then to light (almost light yellow). In early spring flowers age and change colors slowly with maximum contrast. In warmer conditions, the colors change faster with less contrast. Good for quart production, and a nice choice for larger mono-culture containers. PanAm Annual - Seed PanAm Annual - Seed Pelargonium ‘Calliope Medium’ series ‘Medium Pink Flame’ ‘Medium Dark Red’ Syngenta has created a new category for Calliope geraniums known as 'medium'. The Calliope Medium have medium vigor and controlled habit. These are ideal for quart or hanging basket production. 3 new colors - ‘Dark Red’, ‘Pink Flame’, and ‘Scarlet’, for a total of 6 colors in the series. Look for even more colors in 2018. ‘Medium Scarlet’ Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 17 Pelargonium ‘Savannah Cerise Sizzle’ indicates an EHR top pick Pelargonium Calliope Changes Calliope Dark Red Geranium is the best selling geranium in the world, and by a lot! They are so successful that Syngenta has decided to make 2 groups of Calliopes - the originals are now referred to as Calliope Large, and there is now a 2nd group called Calliope Medium, with the same great attributes on a more compact plant. They are introducing a more compact Dark Red that will be included in the Mediums, so there will be selections of the best-selling Dark Red in both groups. Cherry bi-color, bold balls of lightly scented flowers. Dark green leaves with brown zoning throughout the season. Excellent color contrast between flower color and dark green foliage, ideal for 6" and larger patio pots. The stunning blooms will be excellent Dummen/Orange complements in mixed Annual - Vegetative containers. Pelargonium ‘Caliente Coral Salmon’ Newest addition to the award winning 'Caliente’ series. This single coral flowers on this interspecific hybrid geranium will give constant summer color with strong drought tolerance. Extremely edema resistant. Excellent for hanging baskets, landscapes or in combos. Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Pelargonium ‘Pinki Pinks’ Outstanding evergreen tender perennial with long flowering season. Its masses of pink flowers bloom from early spring to late autumn. This variety is drought resistant, attracts butterflies and is low maintenance. Ideal for hanging baskets, trails over the side of containers, small groundcover, rock gardens, Jaldety window and patio boxes. Tender Perennial Pelargonium ‘Calliope Large’ series Syngenta has created 2 sub-series within the incredibly popular ‘Calliope’ geranium line, ‘Calliope Large’ and ‘Calliope Medium’. The 3 original ‘Calliope’ varieties, ‘Dark Red’, ‘Burgundy’ and ‘Scarlet Fire’, will now be part of the ‘Large’ sub-series. 2 new additions are being added to the ‘Large’ group, ‘Pink’ and ‘Light Pink’. ‘Large Light Pink’ ‘Large Pink’ 18 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Pentas ‘BeeBright’ series ‘BeeBright Lips ck’ ‘BeeBright White’ One of several new series of seed grown pentas being introduced by Syngenta this year, the 'BeeBright' series features compact plants with a tight, well-branched habit. All varieties have large blooms that are presented on top of the plants and flower within 5 days of each other. 4 colors so far, ‘Lipstick’, ‘White’, ‘Pink’ and ‘Red’. Syngenta Annual - Seed ‘BeeBright Pink’ Pentas ‘HoneyCluster’ series This new intermediate pentas is pollinator-friendly and provides continuous flowering with great heat tolerance. More vigorous than other intermediate pentas, and 'HoneyCluster' will flower up to 1 week earlier. 4 new colors - red, white, deep rose, and pink. Syngenta Annual - Seed Petunia ‘Amore Queen of Hearts’ Petunia ‘Cascadias Rim Fantasy’ ‘Amore’ is a new series of petunias from Danziger. Semi-trailing growth habit with large colorful flowers featuring dark pink hearts with contrasting yellow stripes. They are very striking and eye catching. Blooms early spring until late autumn. Bred for stability, uniformity and high color. Performs well in pots, baskets, and mixed containers. The entire series got rave reviews, most especially the ‘Queen of Hearts’. Another beautiful introduction to the Cascadias series of petunias from Danziger, ‘Rim Fantasy' features large, bright violet flowers with a sharp white edge. Like the rest of the series, this will have a mounding, semi-trailing habit. Well suited for hanging baskets, pots, and in combos. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Danziger Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 19 Petunia ‘Big Deal’ series New series of landscape petunias bred to compete with the 'Supertunia Vista Series'. Flowers early, grows taller , spreads wider, and are more vigorous than other petunia series in the Westhoff collection. Five colors: 'Flamenco Dancer', 'Freaky Fuchsia', 'Salmon Shimmer', 'Pinkadilly Circus', and 'Roaring Raspberry'. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative ‘Freaky Fuchsia’ ‘Salmon Shimmer’ ‘Roaring Raspberry’ ‘Pinkadilly Circus’ Petunia ‘Fortunia Electric Blue’ THE 10 FT PLANT! This plant draws your attention from 10’ away. Its dark electric blue throat threads out to the white petals, and is very striking. ‘Fortunias’ are Dummens compact growing, early blooming series. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Hell’s Flamin’ Rose’ A bright salmon pink color, combined with a vigorous horizontal branching plant habit that will fill a hanging basket quickly. Now there are 3 varieties in Westhoff’s line of ‘Hell’s’ petunias, all with similar habits and timing. This is one Hell of a petunia to Westhoff add to your Annual - Vegetative program! Petunia ‘Hell’s Fury’ combo The brightest petunia mix ever! This is a combo using Petunia 'Hell's Glow' and 'Hell's Fruit Punch', 2 of the newer colors in Westhoff's popular 'Hells' series of petunias. Startling bright, your customers will see this from across the greenhouse. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative 20 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report ‘Citrus Twist’ ‘Moonstruck’ Petunia ‘Crazytunia Citrus Twist’ & ‘Crazytunia Moonstruck’ Crazytunias are getting crazier with these 2 new additions that will stop customers in their tracks! 'Moonstruck' is an EHR favorite showing blooms of maroon edging with bright yellow throats. Its upright, mounding habit is good for 46" pots as well as hanging baskets. 'Citrus Twist' is a nice yellow with orange striping, also good for 4-6" pots and hanging baskets. Colors change depending on conditions. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative ‘Piccolo Strawberry’ ‘Picollo Pink’ Petunia ‘Happy Classic Marble Yellow’ & ’Yellow Orange Stripes’ The newest, and possibly the most beautiful, of the ‘Happy Classic’ series of petunias from Cohen in Israel. They feature a classic growth habit with natural basal branching for production in hanging baskets and containers. ‘Marble Yellow’ has flowers that glow in a beautiful shade of yellow, accented by an orange spotted throat. And although the pattern on ‘Orange Yellow Stripes’ is not consistent, it still makes a stunning basket. Petunia ‘Peppy Piccolo Strawberry’ & ‘Peppy Piccolo Pink’ ‘Peppy Piccolo’ is Dummen’s line of compact petunias with star patterns in the blooms. These 2 new additions to the line are bright and vibrant. The habits are semi-upright, and will work well in containers and hanging baskets, and we’ve been told that there will be several new Confetti mixes using them. Cohen Annual - Vegetative Dummen /Orange Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Sanguna Patio Blue Morn’ & ‘Patio Blue Vein’ 'Sanguna' petunias are Syngenta's top of the line for vegetative petunias, and the ‘Patio’ series are more compact forms. These 2 new intros have traffic stopping power with their appearance. 'Blue Morn' is a purple-blue with a near star shaped white center, and 'Blue Vein' is the softest of lavenders with intense purple veins. Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Success! Coral’, ‘Pink Chiffon’ & ‘Pink Vein’ ‘Success! Coral’ 'Success!' petunias are proving to be just that…a success! Earlier to flower than its competition with a mounded habit and most uniform flowering. 3 new colors added: ‘Coral’, ‘Pink Chiffon’ (soft pink with white throat), and ‘Pink Vein’ (dark pink with darker pink veins). ‘Success! Pink Vein’ ‘Success! Pink Chiffon’ Benary Annual - Seed Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 21 Petunia ‘Supertunia Really Red’ indicates an EHR top pick PW Containers Proven Winners containers are being used more frequently and are changing the dynamics at retail. This year the folks at Proven Winners showed off some new containers aimed at specialty crops, such as ornamental grasses and the fall season. 8” x 5” Fall Color Pan Ornamental Grass Container - 2 Sizes Exhibits far greater vigor, excellent garden performance, improved red flower color, and thicker petal substance over 'Supertunia Red'. Matches up well in vigor with 'Supertunia Limoncello'. Tremendous heat and humidity tolerance. Use as a hanging basket, combination baskets with other medium vigor varieties. Proven Winners Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Supertunia Vista Fuchsia Improved’ ‘Supertunia Vista Fuchsia’ was one of the original landscape forms from Proven Winners, but it didn't perform nearly as well as ‘Bubblegum’ or ‘Silverberry’. This improved form, being introduced this year, has the same great attributes of the series, and giving the deep fuchsia colored blossoms. PW is so confident of its performance that they are recommending the 3 Proven Winners together in large combos. Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Whispers Orange’ With the same habit, early flowering and cold tolerance of the 'Whispers', orange is a great addition. The color is an almost shocking orange with white throat. Will work well in mixed containers, landscape or even by itself. Syngenta Annual - Vegetative Petunia x Calibrachoa (Petchoa) ‘Suntunia’ series 22 ‘Electric Apricot’ ‘Neon Rose’ ‘Purple Sky’ ‘Vanilla’ New for 2017. ‘Suntunia’s are a cross between petunias and calibrachoas. Bred to be vigorous with all varieties having matching timing and habit. More heat and sun tolerant than traditional petunias, but more adaptable than calibrachoas. Eight colors in the series so far. Great for baskets and landscape use. Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Phlox ‘Gisele’ series ‘Gisele Hot Pink’ ‘Gisele White’ ‘Gisele Light Violet’ New five color series that feature large flower clusters with tons of color, summer to fall. Colors are hot pink, light pink, light violet, pink, and white. Unbeatable in summer, well suited for semi shade to full sun areas. 'Gisele' is broad, with a well branched plant habit, ideal for containers and in the landscape. Selecta Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Surfinia Heartbeat’ It's a novelty petunia! 'Surfinia Heartbeat' is a soft white flower with pink heart shaped pattern around the edges. It is compact (8-12" height), mounding and trailing that will make it charming in containers or hanging baskets. Suntory Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Surprise Lemon Frost’ This eye-catching variety is a pretty greenish yellow with pink frost on the petal tips. The color combination is truly striking and caught our attention. Yellow petunias are usually difficult to get started, but we have been assured that these will grow just fine. Will make an excellent hanging basket or well suited as a landscape bedding plant. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Petunia ‘Sweetunia Miss Marvel’ Presents deep burgundy-black blooms with a white border, and a stable flower pattern. Matches well with Petunia 'Johnny Flame' and Petunia 'Suzy Storm' to create wonderful combination containers and baskets. Photos don’t do this one justice, you’ll do a double take when you see the blooms in person. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 23 Portulaca ‘ColorBlast’ series The 'ColorBlast' series of vegetatively propagated portulacas add an entirely new range of colors and forms for this drought-tolerant, all summer blooming annual. 6 single flowered forms available, with vibrant colors and several bi-colors. 2 striking mixes of singles offered. Also 4 double flowered forms available with almost pom-pom like flowers. Will make excellent 4” and 6” pots, and ideal for hanging basket production. Westhoff Annual - Vegetative ‘Lemon Twist’ ‘Watermelon Punch’ ‘Grenadine’ ‘Double Yellow’ Salvia ‘Magic Wand’ ‘Magic Wand’ is a new hybrid cross with a wild salvia. It has long spikes of dark blue flowers on a full, dense plant that blooms from spring through autumn. This plant looks great in the garden. It stands 3 - 4’ tall. Give it plenty of room to grow. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Salvia Vibe™ ’Ignition Purple’ Salvia ‘Saucy’ series These are big salvias that grow 2 to 3' tall and wide, and are sterile and self cleaning, 3 colors in the series, Red, Coral, and Purple all with lush green foliage and flower spikes from April to November. Use as an accent , container or mass planting. Attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Kientzler Annual - Vegetative This new salvia is a small leaf variety bred for its vibrant deep purple flowers. Its compact, well branched habit is heat and drought tolerant. Showstopping color and habit! It is a fast grower from cutting. First of a new series, with more colors to come. Salvia ‘Summer Jewel Lavender’ 'Summer Jewel Lavender' is the latest AAS winner in this impressive series of salvias! All 4 members of this series have won the award. The color is a smoky lavender, and the height and bloom time is consistent with the other colors. It's a hummingbird and other pollinator magnet. Takii Annual - Seed 24 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report PlantHaven Tender Perennial Scaevola ‘Purple Haze’ A vigorous, strong stemmed scaevola packed with large purple flowers at the top of the plant that continue along the stems. More upright plant habit than other Scaevola aemula types. Very suitable for rockeries, borders, combination planters and hanging baskets. Scaevola ‘Surdiva’ series 3 new colors for the popular line of fairly compact growing scaevolas from Suntory, that are known for their drought tolerance and continuous summer bloom. 'Blue Violet' is nearly purple. 'Light Blue' contrasts well with the rich green foliage. The gem of the series is the 'Fashion Pink', with rich pink blooms all summer. Great for combos. Danziger Annual - Vegetative Suntory Annual - Vegetative Strawberry ‘Delizz’ AAS National Winner 2016 First Strawberry winner ever! The variety has conical, midsized, well-shaped fruit produced on strong stems, keeping the fruit upright-facing to start, which helps with sales at retail. The berries are very sweet and the plants are compact. Fruit set is uniform with very little pollination required. Will make an interesting and valuable hanging basket. ABZ Perennial - Seed TrixiLiners ‘’Prime Time’ ‘Salt Water Taffy’ ‘Night Watch’ TrixiLiners are multiliners that include 3 plants per cell used to create combination pots. There are 11 new varieties for 2017 and 10 improved varieties. Three stood out to our team this year at CAST. Trixi ‘Night Watch’, Trixi ‘Prime Time’, and Trixi ‘Salt Water Taffy’. Many combinations available to satisfy your customer's desire. Selecta Annual - Vegetative Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 25 Thunbergia ‘Sunny Susy Brownie’ A new color thunbergia addition with chocolate brown-red blooms. The same habit, early flowering, and fast grower as Jaldety's other thunbergias. Great for hanging baskets or large containers with trellises as a focal point. Jaldety Annual - Vegetative Zinnia ‘Zany Rose Picotee’ & ‘Zany Scarlet’ Verbena ‘BeBop Lavender’ & ‘BeBop Pink’ What is this? An interspecific, vegetatively propagated zinnia series! Very vigorous, with a spreading habit. Excellent all summer performer. Resistant to powdery mildew. 1 liner in 6 inch pot, finish in 5 weeks planted mid March. Australian bred series that performs well in heat, and are very dry tolerant once established. Excellent mildew resistance. Extraordinary bi-colored flowers with little white eyes. Selecta Annual - Vegetative Verbena ‘Empress Flair Cherry Charme’ Empress varieties are Dummen Orange's best genetics for verbenas, and the ‘Flair' series are compact forms of them. 'Cherry Charme' is the newest addition to the series, with bright cherry-red flowers centered by a white eye. Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Dummen/Orange Annual - Vegetative Veronica Magic Show™ ‘Pink Potion’ Baby pink flowers cover the top half of plant. Deep green foliage forms a rounded, low habit that is packed full of flowers. Requires vernalization to bloom. A better performing pink flowering veronica that replaces 'Sweet Lullaby' in the Proven Winner lineup. Hardy zones 4-8. Proven Winners Perennial 26 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Breeder Plant Name Breeder Page Plant Name Page ABZ Strawberry 'Delizz' 25 HilverdaKooij Dianthus 'Kahori Pink' & 'Scarlet' 12 Beekenkamp Celosia 'Kelos Atomic' Series 8 Hort Couture Basil 'Pesto Bambino Purple' 3 Benary Begonia bol. 'Santa Barbara' 3 Hort Couture Basil 'Pesto Black Patina' 3 Benary Begonia 'Funky Pink' 4 Hort Couture Coleus 'Under the Sea- Sea Urchin' series 9 Benary Begonia 'Nonstop Mocha White Improved' 4 Hort Couture Coleus 'Under the Sea-Sea Monkey' series 9 Benary Petunia 'Success! Coral', 'Pink Chiffon' & 'Pink Vein' 21 Jaldety Pelargonium 'Pinki Pinks' 18 Cohen Lobularia 'Sweetness Dark Purple' 16 Jaldety Thunbergia 'Sunny Susy Brownie' 26 Cohen Petunia 'Happy Classic Marble Yellow' 21 Kientzler Calendula 'Power Daisy' 6 Cohen Petunia 'Happy Classic Yellow Orange Stripes' 21 Kientzler Heliopsis 'Sole d' Oro' 13 Danziger Bacopa 'Scopia Great Violet Glow' 3 Kientzler Salvia 'Saucy' series 24 Danziger Bidens 'Blazing Glory' 6 PanAm Begonia 'Megawatt' series 5 Danziger Calibrachoa 'Colibri' series 7 PanAm Calibrachoa 'Crave Persimmon' & 'Red Star' 7 Danziger Craspedia 'Golf Beauty' 10 PanAm Gerbera 'Revolution Bicolor' series 12 Danziger Lobularia 'Stream Deep Lavender' 16 PanAm Lavandula dentata 'Calm Breeze' 15 Danziger Petunia 'Amore Queen of Hearts' 19 PanAm Marigold 'Fireball' 17 Danziger Petunia 'Cascadias Rim Fantasy' 19 PanAm Marigold 'Strawberry Blonde' 17 Danziger Salvia 'Magic Wand' 24 PlantHaven Adenophora 'Gaudi Violet' 2 Danziger Scaevola 'Purple Haze' 25 PlantHaven Dahlia 'Painter' series 11 Darwin Coreopsis 'UpTick' series 10 PlantHaven Salvia 'Vibe Ignition Purple' 24 Dummen/Bartels Coreopsis 'Satin & Lace Peach Sparkle' 10 Proven Winners Angelonia 'Angelface Perfectly Pink' 2 Dummen/Bartels Coreopsis 'Sun Swirl' 10 Proven Winners Angelonia 'Angelface Super' series 2 Dummen/Orange Begonia 'Unbelievable Tweety Pie' 5 Proven Winners Argyranthemum 'White Butterfly' 2 Dummen/Orange Begonia 'Unstoppable Upright Salmon' 5 Proven Winners Calibrachoa 'Superbells Coralina' 7 Dummen/Orange Calibrachoa 'Aloha Kona Golden Girl' 6 Proven Winners Dummen/Orange Calibrachoa 'Chameleon Sunshine Berry' 6 Proven Winners Cyperus 'Prince Tut' 11 Dummen/Orange Coleus 'Main Street Michigan Ave.’ 8 Proven Winners Heuchera 'Primo Black Pearl' 14 Dummen/Orange Confetti Coleus Fiori Square 9 Proven Winners Heucherella 'Red Rover' 13 Dummen/Orange Confetti Purple Halo 10 Proven Winners Ipomoea 'Sweet Caroline Bewitched Jet Black' 15 Dummen/Orange Dahlia 'Starsister Yellow Stripes' 11 Proven Winners Petunia 'Supertunia Really Red' 22 Proven Winners Petunia 'Supertunia Vista Fuchsia improved' 22 Proven Winners Veronica Magic Show ‘Pink Potion' 26 PSI Ipomoea 'Kelly Ray' 15 Sakata Gomphrena 'Ping Pong' series 13 Sakata Sunpatiens 'Comp. Fire Red', 'Orchid', & Tropical Rose' 14 Sakata Sunpatiens 'Spreading Pink Kiss' 14 Selecta Begonia 'Mistral Pink' & 'Yellow' 5 Selecta Calibrachoa 'MiniFamous Neo Orange + Red Eye' 2017', 'White + Yellow Eye', & 'Yellow + Red Vein' 8 Calibrachoa 'Superbells Hollywood Star' & 'Morning Star' 8 Dummen/Orange Impatiens 'SunStanding' Series 15 Dummen/Orange Lantana 'Havana' Series 16 Dummen/Orange Pelargonium 'Savannah Cerise Sizzle' 18 Dummen/Orange Petunia 'Fortunia Electric Blue' 20 Dummen/Orange Petunia 'Peppy Piccolo Strawberry' & 'Pink' 21 Dummen/Orange Petunia 'Suntunia' series 22 Dummen/Orange Petunia 'Surprise Lemon Frost' 23 Dummen/Orange Petunia 'Sweetunia Miss Marvel' 23 Dummen/Orange Verbena 'Empress Flair Cherry Charme' 26 Selecta Calibrachoa 'Starshine' series 8 Dummen/Orange Zinnia 'Zany Rose Picotee' & 'Scarlet' 26 Selecta Dianthus 'Dianthalot' series 12 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report 27 Breeder Plant Name Page Breeder Plant Name Page Selecta Dianthus 'Pink Kisses' 12 Syngenta Pentas 'HoneyCluster' series 19 Selecta Phlox 'Gisele' series 23 Syngenta Petunia 'Sanguna Patio Blue Morn' & 'Blue Vein' 21 Selecta Trixi Night Watch, Prime Time, & Salt Water Taffy 25 Syngenta Petunia 'Whispers Orange' 22 Selecta Verbena 'BeBop Lavender' & 'Pink' 26 Takii Salvia 'Summer Jewel Lavender' 24 Suntory Mandevilla 'Sun Parasol Apricot' 17 Terra Nova Begonia 'Angel Blush' 4 Suntory Petunia 'Surfinia Heartbeat' 23 Terra Nova Begonia 'Cocoa Enchanted' series 4 Suntory Scaevola 'Surdiva Fashion Pink', 'Blue Violet' & 'Light Blue' 25 Terra Nova Begonia 'Revelation Maroon' 4 Terra Nova Coleus 'Macaw', 'Mystic Light', & 'Quetzal' 9 Syngenta Bacopa 'Calypso Jumbo Pink Eye' & 'Deep Lavender' 3 Volmary Heliotrope 'Nautilus Blue' 13 Syngenta Dahlia 'Grandahlia Rose' 11 Westhoff Calibrachoa 'Calitastic' series 7 Syngenta Heuchera 'Marvelous Marble Silver' 14 Westhoff Lobelia 'Hot Snow Flurries' Combo 16 Syngenta Iberis 'Snowsurfer Forte' 14 Westhoff Petunia 'Big Deal' series 20 Syngenta Pelargonium 'Caliente Coral Salmon' 18 Westhoff Petunia 'Crazytunia Citrus Twist' & 'Moonstruck' 20 Pelargonium 'Calliope Large Salmon', 'Light Pink', & 'Pink' Westhoff Petunia 'Hell's Flamin Rose' 20 Syngenta 18 Westhoff Petunia 'Hell's Fury' Combo 20 Syngenta Pelargonium 'Calliope Medium Dark Red', 'Pink Flame', & 'Scarlet' 17 Westhoff Portulaca 'ColorBlast' Series 24 Syngenta Pentas 'BeeBright' series 19 EHR’s #1 Pick From This Year’s Trials Petunia ‘Amore Queen of Hearts’ from Danziger EHR’s #2 Pick From This Year’s Trials Dahlia ’Starsister Yellow Stripe’ from Dummen/Orange Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc. 939 Helen Ruth Dr. Ft. Wright, KY 41017 800.214.2221 FAX-859.578.2266 info@ehrnet.com 28 Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report Eason Horticultural Resources, Inc · 2016 Spring Trials Report