June 2016 Newsletter - Crossroads Christian Church
June 2016 Newsletter - Crossroads Christian Church
JUNE 2016 Connecting People to Jesus and Loving Our Community CONTACT US Phone: (660) 385-4813 Fax: (660) 385-1719 Email: crossroads@cvalley.net Facebook: Crossroads Christian Church Twitter: @MaconCrossroads www.maconcrossroads.com MINISTERS Matt Stieger, Lead Minister (417) 629-7996 matthew.stieger@gmail.com Justin J. Miller, Associate Minister of Students (636) 373-0570 jstnjmsmllr@gmail.com Clint Bowles, Children’s Minister (918) 515-1100 clintbowles86@gmail.com Drew Staudenmaier, Part-Time Worship Minister (913) 522-4456 ams672@cccb.edu Tim Worstell, Part-Time Senior Adults Minister (660) 621-1975 mrtim.tlw@gmail.com STAFF John Mark Hatfield, Janitor Jennifer Scantlin, Administrative Assistant ELDERS Mark Hatfield (660) 376-3656 mark.hatfield@mchsi.com Vernon Janes (660) 385-5823 vljanes@msn.com Jeff Roberts (660) 395-5873 roberts6@cvalley.net Kyle Cullifer (660) 651-7050 KCsChiefs@gmail.com MINISTRY TEAM LEADERS Jerry Carter, Transportation Joe Breuklander, College Ministry Kyle Cullifer, Men’s Ministry *Darin Eleazarraraz, Finance Jamie Elrod, Crossroads Agape Cafe *Troy Fry, Welcome & Card Mark Hatfield, Christian Education Jim Knowles & Jim Scott, Fellowship *John Morris, First Impressions *Dean Sandner, Building & Grounds Steve Wilhoit, Safety and Security *Jim Schaefer, Missions *Brent Doolin, Small Groups Aaron Baker, Communication Jeff Roberts, Building Expansion *denotes those publicly affirmed as deacons We spend so many hours in life trying to figure out what is right and wrong. We feel the weight and pressure always trying to do what’s right so we feel better in the eyes of Jesus. However what if it’s not about how good or bad we are, What if it is bigger than that? Too often Jesus’ idea of living and our idea are in sharp contrast. So what does Jesus’ way of living look like? What if we were willing to flip our lives, priorities, schedules upside down? Would it look more like Jesus then? Join us over the next several weeks as we study through Jesus defining words on the people of his kingdom. RISE UP CAMPAIGN TOTAL Over the past month families and individuals made 3 –5 year commitments or gave one time gifts toward reducing the debt on our new building that totaled... $339,000 Well Done Church! SUN MON TUE WED 1 THU 2 8am Crossroads Agape Cafe Delivery Team 11am Crossroads Agape Cafe (American Legion) Logan Butner Ada Farmer Macie Miller 7 6 SAT 4 6:30pm Worship Team Practice Names in bold signify birthdays! 5 FRI 3 8 Darin Biegel Christian Meeker Benjamin Morris Rhonda Shoush Justin Miller Jancyn Moyer 9 10 11 11am Seniors Bible 6:30pm Small Group 6:30pm Worship Team Study a Practice 6:30pm –7:30pm Elders Meeting 8am Crossroads Agape Cafe Delivery Team Women’s Ministry Craft Event with Area Nursing Home Residents a 6:30pm - 8:30pm Women’s Ministry Meeting HIGH SCHOOL CAMP Daniel Barron Jennifer Butner Carson Mayse 12 DeAnn Bailey Andrea Hogsett 13 Kalissa Sullivan 14 Haley Beall Marguerite Bowen Teresa Grimshaw Tyler Smoot 15 Lily Downey 16 17 18 11am Seniors Bible 6:30pm Small Group 6:30pm Worship Team Study Practice 8am Crossroads Agape Cafe Delivery Team 6:30pm Agape Cafe Ministry Team Meeting 10am Card Ministry 11am Crossroads Agape Cafe (American Legion) 5th & 6th GRADE CAMP 19 20 FATHERS’ DAY Sherry Coram Jane Elliott Jared Hla Kallie Harlow Matthew Peter Lindsey Kohn Paisley Martie 21 6pm Elders & Team Leaders Meeting 2nd GRADE OVERNIGHT CAMP (Alpha) 22 Candice Barron Virginia Pinkerman 23 11am Seniors Bible 6:30pm Small Group 6:30pm Worship Team Study Practice 26 Pam Boling Jim McClintock 27 Gabe Thrasher 28 Steve Coram Angie Cullifer Sofia Eleazarraraz Jamie Elrod Mickey Martie 29 30 6:30 -7:30 Christian Education Meeting 3rd & 4th GRADE CAMP (Alpha) Dwight Wilhoit Sue Williams Aimee Still 8am Crossroads Agape Cafe Delivery Team Gavin Ballance Markeena Farmer Andrew Helton 11am Seniors Bible 6:30pm Small Group 9:00am Young at Heart Study Donna Albach Alice Nelson Kyler VanDerAa Kathy Rufener Drew Staudenmaier 25 1st GRADE DAY CAMP (Alpha) MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP Elias Butner Joey Kaser Tena Sandner 24 Davie Willis Jocie Hogsett Elouise Maloney 8am Crossroads Agape Cafe Delivery Team June 2016 S UNDAY S ERVING S CHEDULE June 5 June 12 June 19 June 26 Praise Team Kyrsten Hicks Jim McClintock Carrie Thrasher Steve Wilhoit Paula Fry Staci Eleazarraraz Samantha Scantlin Melissa Cross Jeannie Worstell Kayleigh Smith 8 AM Communion Meditation Vernon Janes John Morris Aaron Baker Tim Worstell 9:30 AM Communion Meditation Matt Kauffman Steve Wilhoit Nathan Martin Matt Cross 11 AM Communion Meditation Jeff Scantlin Mark Hatfield John Mark Hatfield Kyle Cullifer 8:00 Usher Glenn Peterman 9:30 Usher Roger RIley 11:00 Usher Kyle Cullifer 8:00 First Impressions Scott Balance Sam Hartung Jeff Roberts Ben Roberts 9:30 First Impressions Sonny Noland Danny Miller Phil Milburn Garrett Hicks 11:00 First Impressions Ben Roberts Jon Kerns Roy Bane Ray Blomberg 8:00 Greeters William & Barbara Houghton Terri Laughlin 9:30 Greeters Lois Noland David & Betty McDuffee John & Marissa Kerns 11:00 Greeters Betty Butner Jeff & Brenda Roberts Roy & Andrea Hogsett Robbie & Annaka Gott Hostesses Betty McDuffee Lana McQuitty Sue Goulder Lynee Miller Jennifer Butner Shanna Baker Virginia Poor Nikki Wilson 8:00 Worship Center Greeters Don & Connie Petre Betty Clarke Larry & Eva Butner Don & Connie Petre 9:30 Worship Center Greeters Cathy & Michael Combs Russell & Linda Putnam Teresa Milburn Cathy & Michael Combs 11:00 Worship Center Greeters Trisha Jones Jessica Allspach Mary Lou Teter Trisha Jones Van Drivers Jerry Carter Jim Scott Joe Breuklander Virginia Poor Vernon & Marti Janes Sam Hartung Russell Riley Welcome Center John & Shelly Morris Jim & Annette Knowles Jim & Sharon Scott Troy & Paula Fry 8:00 Nursery Sharla Riley Sharla Riley Sharla Riley Sharla Riley 9:30 Nursery Staci & Darin Eleazarraraz Crystal Martie Amy Elliott Crystal Martie Amy Elliott Crystal Martie 11:00 Nursery Samantha Scantlin Ericka Miller Jeanie McLin Prayer Room Communion Preparation Shelly Carter Mary Lou Teter Virginia Pinkerman Phil & Teresa Milburn Roy & Donna Fancher Ashley Roberts Micala Staudenmaier Brenda Roberts Connie Petre Thank you for finding your own replacement if you are unable to serve! T H A N K Y O U June 7th at 6:30pm We will be hosting a Diaper Drive for Ray of Hope this month as well as having a craft time with the local nursing home residents. June 11th We will be crafting with the nursing home residents for about an hour in the morning JOY Just Older Youth June 21 at 1:00pm We will be going early to 1000 Hills Restaurant to do a Pontoon boat ride and then eat supper at the restaurant. Empty Nesters 13 of Us Enjoyed the Amazing story of Moses at the Sight and Sound Theatre in Branson Branson Trip Members In- April 24 May 1 May 8 May 15 8:00 AM Attendance 108 87 104 110 9:30 AM Attendance 147 139 104 159 11:00 AM Attendance 158 138 200 126 Total Worship Attendance 413 364 455 395 General Offering $5757.59 $10,228.50 $6583.01 $6439.00 May 22 93 2015 YTD Giving 157 $326,660 103 2015 YTD353 Expenses $316,061 $7287.00 Building Gifts $18,545.00 $1778.50 $1560.00 $600.00 $1678.00 Weekly General Offering Budget Need: $8,715 (Weekly budget need does not directly reflect money spent) Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 7 Macon, MO 63552 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Crossroads Christian Church 1816 N. Missouri St. Macon, MO 63552 the Student Ministry invites you to be served at a S EN IOR ADULT ( 50+)CHR ISTM AS FUN DRAIS ER BAN QUE T Friday, December 6 «AddressBlock» 5:30pm DRESS YOUR BEST! THE EVENING WILL INCLUDE A FULL MENU, BEAUTIFUL AMBIANCE, AND MORE! CEEDS BENEFIT THE ALL PRO- STUDENT MINISTRY. INDOOR BBQ & FISH FRY! FUN, FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP!