JULY – SEPTEMBER 2012 VOLUME 34 · NUMBER 4 WHAT TO DO WITH BATTERED ARMOR P. 6 WHEN YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH BEGINS TO CRACK AS CHRISTIANS WE ARE PROVIDED A SPECIAL GOD GEAR, A SPIRITUAL ARMOR OFTEN IDENTIFIED AS THE ARMOR OF GOD. P.3 AN IMPORTANT MEMO FROM THE DESK OF PERRY STONE P. 16 REVIVING THE INFLUENCE OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH P. 10 JULY– SEPTEMBER 2012 VOLUME 34 · NUMBER 4 PRESIDENT & EDITOR Perry Stone, Jr. SECRETARY/TREASURER Pamela J. Stone DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Charlie Ellis BOARD OF DIRECTORS Frank Booke Ralph Carroll Grant Dunnam, Sr. Wayne Penn Frankie Powell Richard Towe GRAPHIC DESIGN Michael Dutton COPY EDITING Melanie Stone PROOFREADING Fergus Murphy PHOTOGRAPHY Gianluca Moscarella PRINTING Modern Way Printing Ooltewah, TN www.modernwayco.com OFFICE Voice of Evangelism P.O. Box 3595 Cleveland, TN 37320 Phone (423) 478-3456 Fax (423) 478-1392 www.perrystone.org voe@voe.org INCLUDES 6 PROGRAMS AS AIRED ON MANNA-FEST: How Addictions Affect the Brain: Part 1 with special guest Sharon Maloney How Addictions Affect the Brain: Part 2 with special guest Sharon Maloney BUSINESS HOURS The Invisible Side of an Addiction Monday-Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST with live studio audience A Little Toddy for the Body: Part 1 The Voice of Evangelism is directed by Perry Stone, Jr. The Voice of Evangelism magazine is published six times a year to enlighten the body of Christ. with live studio audience A Little Toddy for the Body: Part 2 with live studio audience Principles for Freedom from Bondages ITEM: DV142 PRICE: $15 Overcoming Addictions Series DVD Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. EDITORIAL WHEN YOUR SHIELD OF FAITH BEGINS TO CRACK One particular day brought forth an unexpected and shocking event that no parent ever wants to experience. The family was a strong Christian family, and they were members of a local church where one of my ministry board members, Gary Sears, pastors. This family’s young son was on his way to church where he worked in the As Christians we are provided a special God gear, a spiritual armor often identified as the armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18). eyes that dashed you from the height of believing to the abyss of despair, like an avalanche overtaking a skier on a snow covered mountain? Suddenly you get buried under the burden of doubt and the weight of worrying about what will happen, or whether it is God’s will. As Christians we are provided a special God gear, a spiritual armor often identified as the armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18). This armor equips the believer to enter a full range of spiritual warfare and engage the adversary using offensive weapons to attack and defensive weapons children’s ministry, and was approaching the time of his high school graduation. mother drop in the countenance of her to defend oneself from burning arrows. While driving, he suddenly hit a wet face. Pastor Sears said to the mother, The success of the weaponry depends on spot, the car spun out of control and hit “I know what has been said to you put a the believer’s knowledge of the weapons a tree. The impact of the accident sent crack in your armor. I will stand over you and insight into the many warfare the young man to the hospital with life and stand in the gap of that crack in that strategies of the adversary and how to threatening injuries. The reports looked armor, until you have the strength to get defend yourself using the gear God has bleak and hopeless. The doctor told the your faith back!” The pastor then began provided. What many believers are not mother that her son would be brain dead. to pray the same prayers and confess the aware of is that, despite the strength and Despite what she saw and heard, this same truth that the mother was believing durability of God’s warfare gear, there mother of faith began writing healing and confessing. Eventually, the mother are breaks, cracks and weaknesses that Scriptures and posting them in his room regained her strength to believe and can occasionally come and we must know on the marker board. She prayed, quoted sealed the crack of doubt in her shield how to respond and stand with battered Scriptures and began decreeing that her of faith. Today, the same young man has armor. son would not be brain dead and would graduated from high school, earned a return to a normal life. college degree, and is working a job! He uncertain times, and Christians must only has a slight limp and a few minor understand the full array of spiritual evidences of the previous accident. weapons to stand firm, endure and come After some time, one of her friends who worked in the medical field came to her and said, “I know you are believing How many times during your life have We are living in stressful and out of battles with victory. and trusting for him to be healed and you climbed and stood tall on the hill of Please note in this issue normal, but the reality is your son will faith and believed for a good report for I am re-offering the book never be the same and if he comes a nearly impossible or life threatening Putting on Your God Gear, through it, he will be probably be a situation. Then you heard a negative as I believe this teaching vegetable.” Pastor Gary heard these report opposing your faith or saw a is needed now more than words and saw the faith level in the faith crushing circumstance with your at any previous time. JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 3 PA M ’S C O R NE R WE ARE SO PROUD OF OUR SON JONATHAN! ARTICLE BY PAM STONE Our family sat At times like these, a mother’s mind if we hugged him too tight. The doctor together and travels back in time to when she was required him to stay two additional days watched my laying in the hospital bed with labor pains at the hospital for yellow jaundice. After 22-year-old son, shooting through her body, preparing to two days in the hospital, we brought our only son, give birth to a living, breathing infant that our gift from heaven home with a tiny graduate from ITT she will call her son or daughter. blue cap covering his hairless little Tech. It had been a I clearly remember the day Jonathan head and his tiny body tucked in a red long road, from a was born. It was the coldest day of the Christmas stocking. Perry said, “What short term at Lee University, a season at year in the history of Cleveland, with a do they expect me to do, hang him on the Cleveland State and several years at ITT wind chill about 10 below zero. I was in fireplace mantel?” Tech. When his name was called, there labor from about 1:00 to 6:00 am, when was my “little baby” wearing a black finally the little 5 lb 4 oz gift from God of an average child. Almost immediately, gown and cap, walking to the platform to entered the world. He was so tiny we, as Perry and I hit the road to minister in receive the reward for his years of study. new parents, felt we would break him churches, and he was like a tiny china 4 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM Jonathan did not have the normal life doll, slumped in a car seat. He outgrew the seat and eventually sat in the back of a van and watched videos or at times played a game on drives as long as 12 hours one way! We set up camp in hotels for three to five weeks at a time, where Jonathan became accustomed to four walls and living in confined quarters. VICTORIOUS LIVING WEARING THE ARMOR OF GOD We ate out in restaurants so much, he didn’t know I could cook until one day at home I fixed a meal and he was stunned. From that point, he wanted to know when we could go home to eat at our house. I homeschooled him until age eleven, when he suggested to be placed in a private Christian school in our area. I have watched him grow and mature from a tiny blue eyed infant to a six foot tall handsome young man of high intelligence and amazing gifts such as writing. His father told me, “Honey, it took me 25 years to learn to write as well as Jonathan has learned in just a few years. He has a gift.” He also loves music and has a collection of many instruments. Late at night we can hear the sounds of a guitar or keyboard filtering through the air vents. One of the biggest challenges for most children of noted ministers is the struggle to discover who they are without always being called the son or daughter of so-and-so, and hearing people speak of their parents. Many ministers’ children experience a season of resistance, the root being an effort to separate themselves from mom and dad to make it on their own without their parent’s assistance. Some of this is a part of growing up but can also become a spiritual stronghold in many preachers’ kids we have met over the years. Jonathan is greatly loved and we know many partners who have seen him grow up are praying for him to follow the Lord and discover the long term will of God for his life. I thank you for praying for Perry and me and the kids. PAUL WAS CONSIDERED A THREAT to the Roman government. He was arrested, locked in prison, and chained between two Roman guards. As he observed the Roman guards’ outfits, he was inspired to draw an analogy between the Roman soldier’s protective armor and the believer’s protective Armor of God. After hundreds of hours of Biblical and historical research, Perry Stone has compiled a detailed commentary on how to live in victory by wearing the Armor of God. This book has insights and powerful revelations to help you win personal, practical, and spiritual battles by putting on your “God Gear!” The conclusion of each chapter contains a series of questions for research, and to help increase your spiritual IQ. ITEM: BK-GEAR PRICE: $15 Putting on YOur God Gear (paperback, 187 pages) Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. 6 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM F E AT U R E M E S S A G E WHAT TO DO WITH BATTERED ARMOR ARTICLE BY PERRY STONE oman soldiers were covered from head to toe with protective gear when engaged in face to face conflict. Once a Roman soldier engaged in face to face combat with arrows flying and swords slashing, the leather straps, metal strips, and other parts of his armor could become dented and battered. At times the armor needed to be repaired. We have been given a shield of faith, however in the four gospels there are four levels of faith: no faith (Mark 4:40), little faith (Matt. 8:26), great faith (Matt. 8:10), and so great faith (Luke 7:9). In Acts, the writer Luke spoke of men like Stephen who were “full of faith” (Acts 6:5, 8). The faith covering over our heart is a shield of faith. However, it is obvious that not everyone’s faith level is the same as other believers. Four believers can stand in front of the elders of a church for prayer (James 5:14) with the same request. As prayer is offered, the four individuals may have a different view of the prayer, from one of “I don’t know if this will work,” to “Thank you Lord for hearing me,” or “I can’t wait to get the next report from the doctor because I know God is going to work!” Some shields are thin and flimsy and others are thick and strong, but engaging in a combination of conflicts at the same time can wear down the shield. At times, I have seen people who were so battered from an extended battle that they were in surrender and give up mode. What should we do with battered armor? A unique passage from Isaiah holds a special verse with a practical application to this question. R The prophet Isaiah wrote that the nations in darkness would see a great light and those living in the shadow of death would come out of (spiritual) darkness (Isa. 9:2). He spoke of the rod of the oppressor being broken along with the yoke of burdens (Isa. 9:4). He then speaks of the warrior’s battle when he writes in Isaiah 9:5: “For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire.” The Amplified version interprets the verse this way: “For every [tramping] warrior’s war boots and all his armor in the battle tumult and every garment rolled in blood shall be burned as fuel for the fire.” The idea of “confused noise” would refer to the heat of battle, when the shouting, crying, screaming and sound of horses hooves and clashing metal suddenly fills the air like the noise of a rocket blasting from its base. A warrior must never concentrate on the battle sounds but upon the battle strategy, not upon the shouts of his enemy but the spoken instructions of the Lord. When you are engaged in a serious emotional, spiritual or physical conflict, there will be many voices giving advice and warning, relating personal stories and telling you their secrets to winning your battle. Often three people will give you six strategies and suddenly there is confusion in your head. In Isaiah 9:5, there is an important practical spiritual application. What should Christians do when their minds and hearts have been battered by so many conflicts that their armor looks like a target at the shooting range? In the text the armor is JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 7 used for fuel in the fire. Battles are often viewed as a struggle between two forces where one loses, one wins, and when it’s over the victor celebrates and moves on. However, our battles and the beating we endure should become the fuel that ignites a burning desire to win the war and move on to the next level of victory. Years ago Satan made an attempt to take the life of someone I love very dear. While watching this person laying on a bed in the emergency room, I knew this was one of the strongest missiles ever sent my direction, and it took a large shield of faith to cover my spiritual man to defend me from the lying arrows being thrust at my mind. I had to rebuke the spirit of death, the spirit of destruction, and numerous other entities that were attempting to cling to the mind and soul of by beloved friend. I could hear all types of voices trying to plant a negative thought in my spirit. At that moment, I was in a trial of fire (I Pet. 1:7) and my armor was being tested in the heat of a sudden and unexpected hit from the adversary. However, another fire rose up in me and the zeal of the Lord began to stir inside like a tornado forming out of my inner man. I spoke out loud to the unseen, yet very real, spiritual enemy behind this assault. I said, “You think you have intimidated us, but I am going to retaliate against what you have done, and you will regret this as long as I live.” At the time I knew my intent, but not my mission, to fulfill this prediction. However, from that night of trial walking through the valley of the shadow of death, a vision came out of the fire to raise up a youth ministry and minister to hurting teens and young singles, bringing deliverance to them through the power of the Holy Spirit. The dents of the past in your armor become the fuel for your destiny tomorrow. Instead of moaning and groaning about how bad it is, let the war become fuel to burn a new vision and new direction for your life and ministry. We must learn how to take our most serious trial or strongest temptation and what was intended for our permanent defeat, and make it the fuel of motivation for ministry. Years ago a precious couple saw one of their young children, a beautiful girl under ten years old, die from a disease. They stood in the gap for her healing, but for reasons known only to God, the healing never manifested. These were not just emotional cracks in their hearts, but they felt as though their hearts had ripped out of their bodies and they were like walking zombies with no emotions except grief. Someone shared a word with them, that just as they were now parents without children, there were many children in the world without parents. They should not focus on their great loss, but find an orphanage and begin to raise up their own spiritual children either in America or in a foreign nation. Just as they missed their child, there were many children who missed having a mom and dad. After researching, they discovered that if they ministered to someone else’s need, God would in return minister healing to their own wounds. The death of their child became the fuel to minister to children with no parents. God wrought a great healing! What about parents who experience the pain of watching a teenage or young adult child die of a drug overdose? Nothing is more heart wrenching than to see a child die prematurely, knowing God had more for them but addiction took its toll on their bodies. While you can never bring back that love of your life, there are other parents whose children are on the edge of destruction. You may be the one lifeline who rescues them from drowning INHERITING YOUR ANCESTOR’S DEMONS Many believers have been inundated with teaching on generational curses. For a redeemed Christian who is redeemed from the curse, it is more likely that the odd warfare may be the direct result of a demonic entity that was connected to a member of your family from past days and even previous generations. On this audio CD, you will discover how to discern, expose and defeat these spirits that have tormented your ancestors, attempting to get into your life. ITEM: CD128 PRICE: $7 Inheriting Your Ancestors Demons Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. in a pool of despair and addiction, by supporting or working with a rehab center, becoming a counselor, or taking time to spend with kids who just need someone to talk to. There is a well-respected television program called “America’s Most Wanted,” which helps track down the worst criminals on the FBI’s most wanted list. This program has exposed criminals on the run and assisted in bringing them to justice. The founder of this program, John Walsh, lost his son Adam in July 1981, when the boy was abducted from a Florida mall and found murdered two weeks later. Out of their pain he and his wife started the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in 1984. He focused his anger toward being a voice and leader to capture child abductors, who are some of the worst criminals in America! For Christians, our attacks today become our testimonies tomorrow. Let the dents become a sign of your determination! RECOVERING FROM A FATAL FALL The Roman armor was created by melting metals and forming them into molds, and it takes an intensive heat to melt iron ore. From time to time, the fiery trials of our faith become so hot that we feel like we are burning in a furnace heated seven times hotter (Dan. 3:19). If the heat begins to melt the metal and you are overwhelmed with disaster and defeat, then take the molten metal and form a new shield and set of weapons of war to wear. When Samson broke his Nazarite vow by telling Delilah the real secret of his strength, God’s “champion” was reduce to a chump and the man who once took the jawbone of a donkey and slew a thousand Philistines was now blind, bound, and in the prison house (Judges John Walsh speaks during The National Center For Missing And Exploited Children, the Fraternal Order of the Police and the Justice Departments’s 16th Annual Congressional Breakfast at The Liaison Capitol Hill Hotel on May 18, 2011 in Washington, DC. 16). He not only permitted cracks in his armor, he simply didn’t have his armor on when he was sleeping in the lap of this charming manipulator named Delilah. She played with his mind (no helmet on his head); she manipulated his emotions and his heart (no breastplate) and he kept returning to her house for secret rendezvous (where were the shoes he should have been wearing ? Eph. 6:15). That was a fatal fall for a mighty man. Samson broke his covenant and the Spirit of the Lord departed from him (Judg. 16:20). For months he was forced to become a human ox bound to a grinding stone, grinding grain for the Philistines who enjoyed mocking this former Israeli strong man. However, the enemy ceased to pay attention to one important fact. When a man’s hair is cut, it will grow back in time, just as lost faith can be found and restored. As Samson’s hair began to grow, Delilah forgot to keep her scissors close by (Judg. 16:22). The enemy thought that since the Holy Spirit had departed, the Lord was finished with this human failure and left him permanently. Samson’s hair was a reminder of his Nazarite vow (Num. 6:2-21). On one particular day, Samson cried out to the Lord two simple words: Remember me! The full prayer is in Judges 16:28, which says, “Then Samson called to the Lord, saying, ‘O Lord God, remember me, I pray! Strengthen me, I pray, just this once, O God, that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes.” Sampson’s fatal fall was not fatal in the end, as he slew more in his death than in his life. Samson is the story of a man of God who forgot to protect himself from his own weakness — a desire for strange women. He could be the businessman who leaves his wife for another woman, or the minister who is bored with ministry and is seeking a thrill from the opposite sex. Some battles are minor skirmishes leaving bruises, and others are life and death strangleholds leaving permanent scars. It is one thing to have a crack in your faith or mind, but another to leave your armor in the tent and walk out spiritually unprotected without a covering, thinking you are a superman or superwoman, invincible from failure. Samson’s comeback was so impressive that he slew more enemies in the latter moments of his life than his entire life combined! This return from a fatal fall was so significant in Israel’s history that Sampson is called a man with faith who pleased God (Heb. 11:32). Do not just throw away dented armor — use the wounds and cuts from conflict as fuel for the fire to recharge your spirit. Take the wood intended to cage you in, rip the stronghold, and burn the wood on the fire of your zeal as fuel to motivate you!ഩ JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 9 P R O P HEC Y U P D AT E ARTICLE BY PERRY STONE P erhaps you are too young to remember the days when U.S. Presidents would call Reverend Billy Graham, the most noted American evangelist in modern history, to the White House for counsel or prayer. Of course a few politicians running for office have been known to manipulate their connection to him to their advantage by hoping Graham’s popularity with Christian voters would turn votes in their direction. 10 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM However there were more private meetings than public ones from the early 1950’s onward, until Billy was unable to travel and attend special events. During recent years, there have been few invitations to America’s Christian leaders to come to the White House or any other major branch of leadership, since conservative Christians and Tea Party members are continually ostracized by the liberal media as backwoods, uneducated people resistant to the “progressive” culture and opponents to change. The church has allowed the media to use its bully pulpit on a daily basis to pound viewers with the idea that if you believe in the danger of Islamic terrorists, you are “Islamaphobic,” and if you believe marriage is between a man and a woman, you are automatically a hate mongering “homophobe.” If you believe in America’s capitalist economic system of freedom to work hard and earn your own money to keep and invest what you can for your future, you are considered an insensitive, greedy human being, since your wealth should be seized by the government and handed out to anyone who wants it. I seldom, if ever, hear any response to these ridiculous criticisms in the media, as the talking heads on TV are like robots programmed by the same source and repeating the same ideas of hate against Christians. I could respond to any of the above liberal criticisms leveled against conservative Christians, but the bottom line is that the church in America has lost its voice. The moral failures and bad decisions of some noted televangelists and certain mega-church pastors have given opportunity for the “enemies of God to blaspheme” (II Sam. 12:14). America’s liberal universities have brainwashed students into accepting the perverted as the norm and America as the evil nation that uses its power to destroy others. These liberals worship the creature (“mother earth”) more than the creator and some have crossed the line of no return by being turned over to reprobate mind (Romans 1). As Paul wrote, “Professing themselves to be wise they become fools” (Rom. 1:22). They believe you are your own god and your destiny is to correct the simple faith of those superstitious Christians. After sitting under these self-made gods of JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 11 A Chick-Fil-A employee hands out water at the PETA and the LGBT community’s ‘ChickFil-A Is Anti-Gay!’ protest at Chick-fil-A on August 1, 2012 in Hollywood, California. academia, students now injected with pride and arrogance can be unleashed on society to rationally “enlighten” the common people at the urging of professors who consider themselves legends in their own mind. The outspoken critics of conservative faith have been masters of intimidation, causing the average Christian to enter a closet of silence to avoid being confrontational. We have been living in a dark closet far too long, and I am not speaking of the prayer closet alluded to in Matthew 6:6. We simply take the hits and hide. In order to live peaceably among all men (Rom. 12:8), and not allow our good to be badly spoken of (Rom. 14:16), many Christians have 12 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM moved from an aggressive, evangelistic nation within the nation (the church is a nation, see I Peter 2:9), to accepting a Christianity of comfort and ease. We sit in air conditioned churches on padded pews with stained glass windows, safe behind the four walls of our local congregations. We smile as we enjoy a two hour performance called a church service on Sunday morning and return home afterward feeling good about ourselves that we were obedient to the Scripture, not forsaking ourselves in the local assembly (Heb. 10:25). Then at the water cooler on Monday morning, when confronted about the social and spiritual direction of the nation, we remain silent to remain popular, smiling instead of speaking up, later wondering why the nation’s convictions and foundation of faith is being shattered. At one time, national leaders sought noted ministers for advice, prayer and counsel. Since the late 1980s with the shake-up of major televangelists and some mega-church pastors, and years of national media exposing the sins of certain Catholic priests, the mighty voice of the church has become a dull echo. Just as in the days of Elijah when the true prophets were hiding in caves, fearful of threats being made by Jezabel, millions of Americans haven’t bowed to Baal, but refuse to challenge the false gods of unrighteousness and stir up the fire of God. Years ago a noted medical doctor shared a true story with me, about how key government agencies have for years monitored individuals or groups considered possible threats to the government. In the 1970s the Justice Department had several ministers on a special watch list because they were afraid their influence could determine public policy. Three of them were Rex Humbard, Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart. All three were very influential, since Rex had one of the largest churches in America in Ohio, Roberts had the highest rated telecast, and Swaggart was building a large audience through radio. Millions of people could be influenced by these voices and this was considered threatening to some in the establishment. Move forward to the present. Recently, there was a watch list with 150 names on it of individuals and various groups being monitored and considered possible threats to national security. Based upon the past, one would expect that a few major ministries or outspoken ministers would be on that list, but there are none. The reason given was that the Christian church in America poses no threat at all, since when a large church reaches about 2,000 members it usually splits, and with these divisions and lack of unity small numbers of believers have little influence or impact. The second reason given is there are no major ministers in America If you don’t prepare for the war, then you are planning for a defeat! (like Martin Luther King, Jr.) who can unite a massive number of people under their influence in huge marches or stadiums. In reality, the American church is considered a non-threatening force. This is good in the sense that most church members tend to mind their own personal business and live in peace in their community and have no interest in violent uprisings. However, this also reveals the weakness in the church’s ability to speak as one voice and one people. While we all teach we are headed to one heaven to see the same God and live in the same city, the church in America is divided by doctrine, ethnic groups, color, economics, and soul ties to political spirits. Millions of Christians Adversity can be self-invited and uninvited, but is never invited! Believers must learn that adversity gives opportunity for process and growth, if we understand its purpose. On this two CD audio set, Perry selected two messages that will give you instruction and strength during times of trouble: t #VJMEJOH.FNPSJBMTGPSUIF%BZPG"EWFSTJUZ t 1VCMJD7JDUPSJFT1SJWBUF%FNPOT You can build a memorial in heaven (Acts 10:1-4), as you will discover. The second message will reveal how to defeat the private battles you are encountering. ITEM: 2CD371 PRICE: $12 CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Dealing with Days of Adversity (2CD Album) Plus shipping & handling Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. know enough about history and the Biblical covenants that teach shedding the blood of the unborn is sinful and brings judgment on the land, or that the spirit of Sodom is an abomination that will destroy cities (Gen. 19). Yet, these same knowledgeable believers vote for politicians who pass legislation that supports such terrible iniquities that have destroyed previous empires. Imagine this amazing sight for a moment: The body of Christ in America, all Christians who know the Scripture and the fact that shedding innocent socially acceptable and vote for the most liberal candidate in elections. I certainly would never expect the majority of the 247 million alleged Christians to back such a manifesto. Here is another startling idea. From other stats it appears that up to 50% of those who claim Christianity are actually registered to vote. If these unregistered, silent believers would come out of hiding and vote, their combined votes would raise up leaders who acknowledge America’s foundation is based upon the Bible and Christianity, and those values “In the 1970s several ministers were on a Justice Department watch list because they were afraid their influence could determine public policy. A more recent watch list had 150 names of individuals and groups being monitored and considered possible threats to national security. Based on the past, we would expect that a few major outspoken ministries would be on that list, but there are none. The reason given was that the Christian church in America poses no threat at all…” blood and same sex relations will bring a curse upon a nation, suddenly join together in a spiritual manifesto. They declare to all present and future leaders that the tens of millions of Christian citizens will refuse to support anyone who accepts or promotes legalized abortion of the unborn or any other abomination, and will never support them under any condition. According to the Pew Forum on Religion, there are an estimated 247 million people who profess the Christian faith in America, out of a population of 311,595,917 (U.S. Census Bureau). Other stats suggest that 76.5% of the American population claims the Christian faith. Among these, there is no specific data to indicate how many are classified as socially liberal, moderate or conservative, since liberals tend to accept abortion and sexual perversions as 14 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM are never to be compromised. It is time to come out of the dark! For example, recently the CEO of Chick– fil-A, Dan Cathy, a strong Christian and a tither to the work of God, came out in support of marriage being between a man and a woman in an interview on a Christian station. The national media painted this godly man as a horrible human and suggested because Cathy supported marriage between a man and women, his business should be boycotted. Liberal mayors from several large cities said they would stop any Chick-fil-A restaurants from being built and even shut them down. The church finally came out of the closet, and on August 1, the company had the single largest day of sales in history of any restaurant. In my hometown of Cleveland, the crowd was so big that the parking lots were jammed and people were standing outside for 2 ½ hours to get in! This was the invisible army coming out of the closet making its presence and influence known. The same occurred recently in Chicago, when mayor Rham Emmanuel made a negative statement against ChickFil-A that “Chick-Fil-A’s values are not Chicago’s values.” Later, two of the most influential ministers, one Baptist and the other Cardinal Francis George, stood up against Rham’s comments and informed him that they would stand on the side of righteousness and the Bible. When the US President threw his support behind gay marriage, there was a group of African–American ministers who decided to unite and tell the nation’s leaders that they do not support his view, and unless he changed his view, he would not see their support. This is the raising up of voices of truth and righteousness that understand the dangers when an arrogant and Biblically ignorant nation tries to replace the 4,000-year statutes of the creator with their own Ivy League theories of how liberal values can better enlighten the nation and erase valuable traditions. Liberals have the TV networks, most newspapers, and most college professors supporting their ungodly, illogical, and spiritually dangerous views. However, we have a prayer closet in which we have the weapon of intercession to take dominion over principalities and powers. However, when we come out of that closet our influence must be felt on earth by our voice, actions and involvement in influencing the nation’s direction. I suggest every person reading this, if you have not registered to vote, go register and vote your spiritual conscience, as we need God’s favor more than man’s ideas. Soon you will have two choices so chose one and know you did your duty for yourself and your nation.ഩ THE SECRETS AND STRATEGIES SATAN HOPES YOU NEVER DISCOVER LIMITED 10,000 COPIES PERSONALLY SIGNED EDITION YOU CAN DETERMINE THE OUTCOME OF YOUR BATTLES when you know in advance the battle strategies of your enemy! In his landmark new 256page book, Exposing Satan’s Playbook, Perry gives you a detailed teaching on knowing and dealing with your enemy. Perry explains the ages past and reveals the often unknown past of Satan, the archenemy of mankind. Perry answers questions such as: t Why am I still tempted even after I have received Christ? t Can Satan know my thoughts and can a believer be possessed by an evil spirit? t Does Satan have power to kill me prematurely and does he know God’s plan for my life? t Discover why Satan is powerless to place any curse on a true Christian t Learn how the brain connects with the power of pornography and attracts seducing spirits t Discover how to break various habits that cause hindrances t Perry exposes the three biggest bluffs the enemy uses t Learn the difference between a testing and a temptation t Discover Satan’s single greatest weapon against a believer and a sinner t Perry exposes the truth behind the so-called haunted houses you see on television t Includes a powerful expose on exposing the perception deception Did you know you can use prophetic words as a weapon to defeat the adversary? In this book, you will enter into the mind of your adversary, understand who he really is, and discover secrets he hopes you never find out and answers to questions he hoped you would never ask. Please note: This special limited SIGNED EDITION is available at the end of September, so your order will be filled beginning the end of the month. ITEM: BK-PLAYSG PRICE: $ 20 Exposing Satan’s Playbook (signed paperback) Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. In 1 BC, a prophetic document was written that was hidden behind a synagogue in Cairo, Egypt. Thirty fragments were discovered in 1896. Over 50 years later at the Dead Sea, a second copy was found, dubbed the "Zadok Fragment," and later called the Damascus document. Today, Damascus Syria is in the midst of its biggest civil war and scholars are predicting the coming destruction of Damascus based upon Isaiah 17:1. Perry gives you strange prophetic details from this document and explains why Damascus is often overlooked, but a major key to the Antichrist's arrival and the use of weapons of mass destruction. Watch Damascus! ITEM: CD130 PRICE: $7 The Damascus Document (CD Single) Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. A MEMO FROM THE DESK OF PERRY STONE I am using this magazine to share with you information that I would normally place in a personal letter to partners or those who follow our ministry. However being a good steward of God’s finances, instead of sending 40,000 letters to share some important insight, these pages in the VOE serve well to bring this insight to you. omeone recently wrote a S orders which is hundreds of thousands material) by asking my staff to work for paragraph on our ministry’s of dollars. Due to FCC regulations, we free without pay! They should simply Facebook page, vehemently are not allowed to advertise separate come to work without any pay or benefits criticizing me for selling my shipping on our TV offers, so we are and just trust God for their gas, food, books, CDs and DVDs, and they claimed basically giving people free postage for mortgage, and other needs. If they are if I was a “true man of God” I would give the TV orders right now. really spiritual they can work without pay, everything I have ever produced away Another challenge is the $9 million in since I’m sure the critics work their 40 to people for free and never charge television air-time to reach 180 nations hour workweek without pay as well! I also anything. My first question was if this and millions of lost souls. Without the need to inform my staff we must cut off person ever goes to a Christian bookstore income from product sales, we have all of their insurance, and other benefits and instead of purchasing a book, they a real problem with how to pay the to save money, since no income is coming ask the cashier to give them away for contracts for air time. Maybe the 70 in now. Or to quote the critics, “Jesus free? Free would be nice, but let’s see stations airing Manna-fest would have didn’t have insurance, so why should what I would need to do to make this compassion on my lack of funds and air we?” happen, and whether or not we already Manna-fest on their networks free and do a lot free things at VOE? charge other programmers more to make airlines to demand a “special blessing” up for my inability to cover my expense, by flying me and my conference team free kind of like redistribution of wealth! of charge to crusades, since we have no First being a good steward, the VOE would need to count the cost to see what The next step is checking with the I would also need our 24 workers income coming in to travel for the gospel, free (see Luke 14:28). The VOE prints at VOE and OCI to understand the new and also request an exemption from gas 25,000 new books at a time which costs entitlement program for thousands of stations to give us free tanks of gas! Let’s tens of thousands of dollars in printing Christians who pay for everything else not forget a $35,000 printing bill for the bills, and we pay the postage for all TV they want (except Christian resource VOE magazine—we could ask the printer it would cost to give everything away at 16 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM to donate the paper, ink and print free for materials to prisoners FREE each year at Let’s take the hundreds of prisoners, the God’s glory. no cost. And we do this without sending hundreds of thousands saved overseas in letters begging for money. missions campaigns and the poor helped If I could get it all free, then we could give it all away free. Need I ramble on? Anyone with a television can watch with the Samaritan Fund, and ask them On a more serious note, let me Manna-fest for free, although VOE pays if it is worth it to spend the money to share the operational expenses of the five talented full-time people to record reach them. I feel the same way that Oral ministry and other costs that you may be and edit the programs. It took six months Roberts did when he was once asked by unfamiliar with. The toll-free number for just to edit the Apocalypse Code DVD set a journalist if the miracles occurring in Manna-fest is paid for by the VOE ministry and someone was paid to edit the project! his tent crusades were real. He replied, With all the efforts we make to get “Don’t ask me, ask the people who are and totals hundreds of thousands of dollars each year (up to $3.00 per call). God’s Word into homes, some outspoken receiving them!” Hopefully, you can see from this memo Our postage expenses are several critics still make negative comments hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. when I receive an offering or offer a that my heart is set to reach multitudes The VOE magazine is sent an average of resource with a cost! If I was taking with the messages the Holy Spirit gives six times a year and after the first year your gifts for my personal gain, I could us. We also hope you understand the is sent FREE without the renewal fees understand negative comments, but need for offerings and resource offers, that most magazines charge each year. when all offerings and sales are placed to have the finances to operate a global We never hear from 70% of those who back in the ministry, which they are, then ministry and reach multitudes with the receive the magazine, so that’s about I hope you appreciate how we operate the technology available. From the beginning 20,000 people getting a free magazine who never give an offering. The VOE and OCI websites which are hosted and paid for by the ministry also contain material that you can view and read for free. We also incur banking costs. For every credit/debit card transaction when people order or buy products, the bank charges the VOE around 1.5 to 2.5% for each bank card transaction. This costs about tens of thousands of dollars each year. Then there is the TN sales tax. For every “From the beginning of the ministry in 1977, all offerings (unless one is designated otherwise) go back into VOE and all sales from the resources go 100% back into the ministry.” purchase made in Tennessee, including at conferences and through mail orders, ministry and are thankful for God helping of the ministry in 1977, all offerings the VOE must pay sales tax. We actually us to maintain a global outreach. (unless one is designated otherwise) do not charge a 10% sales tax to anyone In this list, I have not included travel go back into VOE and all sales from the at the meeting, but we simply eat the costs, conference costs, utility and phone resources go 100% back into the ministry. cost and pay the state of Tennessee! We bills, insurance and medical monthly Without the resource sales, over 70% now are paying sales tax in many states expenses needed to keep the doors open of our income to reach millions in 180 for the sale of resource materials (a real and messages spread throughout the nations would be cut and we would shut paper work distraction) but we have not world. Is spending millions of dollars down all overseas ministry, which means charged anyone or increased costs in to reach 180 nations and minister every no nations outside of America would years! day of the year in some form worth be reached. How can I justify reaching the efforts? I suggest instead of me Americans, who have heard the gospel and video feed from the Extreme on answering this, let someone answer who for years, and not reach people who Tuesday nights is live and we pay for that was a sinner and was saved though this have never heard it once? Thus we will so people can enjoy the services. We ministry, or one of the 70,000 baptized continue to offer resources and use the also have sent thousands of books and in the Holy Spirit through this ministry. income to reach others. Our programs on YouTube are free, JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 17 Inside the Ministry Retailers have chosen the winners in the 12th annual Retailers Choice Awards, sponsored by Christian Retailing magazine. They selected their best of the year from among the 300-plus products nominated in 41 categories. Perry Stone’s book Purging Your House, Pruning Your Family Tree won the award in the Charismatic category. Introduced in 2001, the Retailers Choice Awards have been increasingly acknowledged as an important way of recognizing some of the most significant new lifechanging products in the Christian retail industry. Products nominated were judged on the impact they had on staff and customers, including their ability to speak to hearts and evoke emotion, open minds to new ways of thinking and encourage and affirm Christlike living. See www.retailerschoiceawards.com for more information. EXPOSING SATAN’S PLAYBOOK I have personally written over 60 books, some of which have been out of print for many years. I have also ministered on many spiritual warfare applications since the earliest days of my ministry. However, this new book has more new insight on the subject than any book or series of messages I have ever preached! When I read the final manuscript, I kept thinking that the Holy Spirit wrote this through me because I never could have put forth the revelation without his insight and anointing. This will be the most helpful book on the conflicts we are engaged in, how to deal with them, and what to do that you have read in some time. Please order it through the ministry since your order helps continue our outreaches! To order your copy of Exposing Satan’s Playbook see the ad on page 15. PERRY IS SIGNING THE FIRST 10,000 COPIES! 18 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM A TRIBUTE TO AUNT JANET My mom’s sister, Janet Williams, was one of my earliest ministry partners, supporting me since I was 18. She kept every VOE magazine, from the earliest eightpage articles copied on a copy machine, along with every book I wrote. Years ago she moved to Cleveland and worked faithfully at the VOE offices. Janet served as a loyal and dedicated employee for twelve years and did her job well and filled the atmosphere with a contagious laughter that echoed from where she was and bounced off the walls into other offices, bringing a smile on the faces of others at their desks. On Janet’s last day before she retired, we were all a little sad because it felt to everyone that a family member was departing. However, one of the most moving moments was when she read a poem she had personally written. We want to share with you the words she wrote expressing her feelings about the ministry: Janet, thank you for many years of faithful and loyal service to the VOE. You have worked for a crown and may God reward you greatly for your efforts! And when he preached his first sermon in my Dad’s church. It wasn’t the drums that he went there to play God had another plan for him, and it started that day. Our family would travel for miles to hear him preach, From small churches to those that seemed beyond his reach. The years brought revivals, camp meetings and more And I patiently waited for my time to be born. So at age sixty-two to the Social Security office I went, I could have waited for more money to be spent. But why should I wait another three years, When God’s guiding your path, there’s nothing to fear. Since Dad had left us and gone to his Heavenly home, My mother was living with us and couldn’t be left alone. So when I asked her if we moved what she would do, As my faithful friend she said, “I’m right here with you.” So, now was the time to pursue this God-given desire And with a job for Willy and an apartment acquired, We made the move to Cleveland with not a second thought The fifteen year dream was fulfilled that I’d sought. Mom and I wasted no time as we came straight to VOE Faithful volunteers each day we determined we would be, Until the day she was taken to meet Jesus and my dad Leaving all her friends and family so very very sad. A Poem by Janet Williams The day I got the call when I was feeling so alone Asking if I’d like to work and answer telephones, I thought it wouldn’t matter if I worked or volunteered It was all the same because I’d always be right here. For 13 years my life has seemed like a wonderful dream That all started with news that was devastating, it seemed, When my boss said, “Your job here is done, we’re moving away” But I would receive the desire of my heart that day. Those days turned into years until finally there were nine It was a happy ride with these new friends of mine. We laughed, we cried, shared the good times and bad I’ll forever cherish all those times that we had. Standing in Perry’s two-room office in Cleveland in ‘85 I looked at the cassettes on the wall and started to sigh. Monty Franklin wouldn’t be able to keep up with it I knew, And God said to my Spirit “One day you’ll be here, too.” So today I wouldn’t even think of telling you goodbye While at 75, this season of Winter sits right by my side, I’ll only say so long to all my VOE family As the very first retiree —here at VOE. Being his aunt, I knew Perry from the time of his birth Written June 17, 2012 for my retirement from VOE. MY DREAM FULFILLED SO GRATEFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Word cannot express how much Pam and I appreciate your support this season. Always remember that your gifts, weather they seem large or small in your eyes, are always observed by the Lord and are very much needed and appreciated. We have the OCI building, the Study Bible project, the future camp and mentoring school in addition to the basic every day expenses to reach the world. We had an unexpected donation from an anonymous source that was a great help through the summer. To whoever this was, your assistance will never be forgotten in such a monumental time. JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM 19 Inside the Ministry MANY OF OUR MOST RECENT BOOKS ARE BEING REPRINTED IN NUMEROUS LANGUAGES TO REACH THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD! THE OCTOBER SURPRISE I always hear people in positions to obtain “inside information” talking about an October surprise. There is more discussion now than ever before of something happening during the month of October, yet the surprise is unknown or only speculation. Some expect Israel to make a move against Iran at this time, while others suggest it will be after the first of the year. I do know the Holy Spirit is giving me perhaps the most stirring and eye opening revelation I have had this year, and I plan to preach it at the Hixson Conference October 9-13. I am asking you to please plan to attend as many services as possible and if you can only make it on the weekend, please do. Some of what I share might be omitted from being taped toward the conclusion of the message, but I believe it needs to be revealed to the church! Details for the meeting and hotel information is on the website under “Conferences,” or you can call (423) 478-3456. You will hear Tommy Bates, Jentezen Franklin, Randy Caldwell and Sharon Maloney, as well as the main praise team for OCI, along with a mass choir from Cartersville, GA. Make plans now! TIME CAPSULES We still have over 50 of the time capsules available to anyone who wants to participate in supporting the OCI project. For more information, please call our office and ask for Tammy James. For more information you can also visit the website and view the Stone Report on the left side of the page (click and view the message), and I will give you more detailed information. Thank you for your support, and please continue to stand with us in this great endeavor. MENTORING HAS BEGUN In September we began our new mentoring cycle for those who desire to be in leadership and ministry. We have about 35 – 40 people, mostly under the age of 30, who participate on Thursday nights in 28 sessions for mentoring. This is part of our new outreach which is to impart knowledge and wisdom to the sons and daughters. We also deal with Christian apologetics, which is a defense of the Gospel in an effort to train these youth to defend the Christian faith. Mentoring is not a new concept, but it is a great blessing to those who may not have the money or time to be taught on a more academic level, but can still enjoy insight and learn valuable truth that can be used on a practical level. We 20 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM have a special mentoring room in the new facility. The 2012 Huntington, WV Conference on CD and DVD Throughout the year, the Holy Spirit births new messages to preach in our conferences. Huntington, however, is always the one meeting, where there is a double release of prophetic insight poured upon my spirit from the Lord, enabling me to see into the spirit realm and discern the times (1 Chron. 12:32). I say this humbly and in fear of the Lord, as all revelation comes from the Holy Spirit and out of the Bible. It may be linked to the seasons of Teshuvah that normally begin in August, in which the gates of heaven open to receive repentance and prayer in the highest level, leading into the Day of Atonement. Many of my friends, partners for over 25 years, attended the Huntington Conference and agreed the messages were eye-opening and life changing and commented that the word of the Lord was stronger that in the past. I want you to hear what was said and why Christians must heed these messages, or the nations is on a dangerous abyss. The titles are: * The Damascus Document The Jewels in the Devil’s Pawn Shop The coming battle between the sons of light and darkness Restoring your personal treasures from the hands of the thief Believers Afraid of Spiritual Warfare? Who Let the Hogs Out? The battles we run from or ignore because of fear Why are pigs eating on your mountain? Sodom at the Door to the House of God Isaiah’s Woes on Modern America A prophetic warning to our generation The new harbingers for the American republic How to Try a Spirit Blood Moon over the Land of Ishmael Exposing and expelling the strongman from the house The shake up of the Islamic nations and what it means to us It’s Time to Get Up Off Your Ashes! Is It 1933 All Over Again? Moving on after burning out Is America repeating the patterns of 1933? * Note: The Damascus Document is available to purchase separately as a single on page 15. Item: 12HG-DVD 12HG-CD 2012 Huntington, WV (10 DVD Set) 2012 Huntington, WV (10 CD Set) Price: $ 95 Price: $ 60 Plus shipping & handling Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. G L O B A L M IN I S T R Y R E P O R T MANNA-FEST TV IMPACTING RUSSIA AND ISRAEL I am so happy to report a tremendous response from Manna Fest programs with Perry Stone. So many responses, feedback and testimonies from viewers being blessed all over the world. An especially large number of the testimonies are from Israel-based programs, both from Israeli viewers and those in Russian speaking territories. We continue to receive up to 30,000 responses daily keeping our call centers very busy. I have had them find some testimonies related to Manna Fest and forward them to me for translation … Many of our programmers pray for the list and needs that are listed … Please let me know if there is anything I can be of assistance in and I look forward to continually sending more and more wonderful testimonies of that which God is doing through your programs in the Russian speaking world. Please pass along Igor Nikitin’s many thanks to Pastor Perry for his heart to reach Russians all over the world. Your message on the convent with Israel has changed my mind Many blessings, on how I think about Israel. Before, I hated Jewish people Andre Bidnyuk because my parents brought me up like that and the culture. I TBN Russia learned many things I did not know and received Jesus into my heart. He was Jewish as well. Thank you Perry. I was watching your program about breaking the curse of the — Vladimir in Ukraine firstborn. My oldest son was always causing problems and he used drugs for a long time. I watched the program and prayed The message pastor Perry Stone preached on the Book together at the end with Pastor Perry and applied the principles of Revelations has cleared up so many things that I never I learned. The following week my son came to me and asked me understood. Thank you. — Igor in Russia forgiveness for all the trouble he has been for over 20 years. He now has a beautiful fiancé and has been free from drugs and I really enjoyed the programs where Pastor Perry is in Israel violence for over two months. Thank you TBN and Pastor Perry. explaining the Bible and the country I live in in a new and You have blessed my life! powerful way. 22 JULY–AUGUST 2012 | VOICE OF EVANGELISM — Tamara in Russia — Tatiana in Israel THE MOST IMPORTANT FINANCIAL BOOK THAT EVERY CHRISTIAN SHOULD READ How concerned are you about your financial future? America is leaving an unsustainable debt for future generations to repay. Government debts, high taxes, economic recession, and instability in the housing and job markets are causing anxiety about our financial security. However, your fears will be overtaken by faith and confidence as you read Perry’s landmark book, Financial Security in the Last Days. Perry gives you practical and prophetic insights concerning economic cycles of prophetic empires, the future significance of gold and silver, and how God has provided you total provision through the atonement. Learn how God can use your enemies and transfer their wealth into your hands. Perry explains a dynamic “Noah and Lot code,” revealing how prosperity and business success will be a sign of the sudden and unexpected return of Christ! This book will increase your faith and reveal simple, practical steps to breaking the spirit of poverty and lack in your life. A believer’s future is never bleak, but bright, and spiritual and practical knowledge is the fire that will melt the fear of financial provision in the last days. One man who had read 200 books about finances stated this was one of the best faith building books he had ever read! Order you copy now! ITEM: BK-FS PRICE: $15 Financial Security in the Last Days (paperback book) Plus shipping & handling CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order. VOICE OF EVANGELISM OUTREACH MINISTRIES P.O. BOX CLEVELAND, TN CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED NONPROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHATTANOOGA, TN PERMIT NO. 1114 I HAVE CHOSEN TWO significant, in-depth messages that I believe will enlighten your understanding an explain the mystery of the catching away (including from the Hebraic perspective) and the mystery of what will occur the seven years believers are in heaven during the tribulation! The two CDS are: t"UUFOUJPOBMM3BQUVSFEPVCUFSTBOEmHIUFST t8IBUXJMMPDDVSUIFTFWFOZFBSTZPVBSFJOIFBWFO I personally selected these CDS to present to you two major prophetic teachings, explaining content that is seldom taught or understand by the average Christian! ITEM: 2CD372 PRICE: $12 CREDIT CARD ORDERS CALL 423.478.3456 The Secret Rapture (2CD Album) Plus shipping & handling Please see the envelope’s shipping chart to calculate the shipping for your order.