Apr-Jun 2015 - Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church


Apr-Jun 2015 - Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Dedicated to Keeping the Community Together Through God’s Word
Pastor , Terry K. Anderson
Apr - Jun 2015
Annual Youth Day Workshop and Concert
“Attitude, Energy! Attitude, Energy!” These
words resounded from the mouths of over 150
young people eager to give God their best praise.
April 9th- 12th 2015, brought “Fresh Wind and
Fresh Fire” to the youth ministry of Lilly Grove
Missionary Baptist Church. The annual youth
day workshop and concert, under the direction of
Dr. Walt Whitman Jr. and Ladonna Sims-Mines,
created an electrifying atmosphere which
enveloped worshippers of every age.
About our guest clinicians:
Studies. His mission is to use music to build a
legacy of hope and implant a humanitarian spirit
in youth that shall continue for generations to
Ladonna Sims-Mines has a true heart for music
and ministry. She graduated from Governors
State University with a degree in Music
Education and Performing Arts and has traveled
the world on music tours, teaching music
seminars, and recording sound tracks. Ladonna
also performed as opening acts, back ground
singer, and guest artist with: Patti Labelle,
Michael Bolton, BeBe & CeCe Winans, Kirk
Franklin, Mary Mary, Walt Whitman, and
Marvin Sapp, just to name a few.
Administrator and Choir Director for New Faith
Baptist Church International, Matteson, Illinois.
Youth Choir Workshop
The workshop commenced Thursday April 9th
and concluded Saturday April 11th. All
Ladonna is founder and CEO of MBrace Music
Mediators Music Consultant Co., founder and
music director for many years of gospel group
Statement of Faith, Thornwood Unity Singers
(Thornwood High School), Columbia College
Chicago Gospel Choir, and GSU (Governor State
University). She has served as Youth Leader,
Choir Director, Minister of Music, Praise Dance
Leader, and has helped build music ministries
throughout Chicagoland areas and abroad.
participants began by gathering in the sanctuary
for spirit filled devotion led by youth.
Afterwards, all pre-k through elementary age
participant followed Sis. Ladonna Sims-Mines to
the media sanctuary, while every middle and high
school participant stayed in the main sanctuary
with Dr. Whitman. Both groups launched their
rehearsal each night with vocal warm-ups and
exercises to enhance their singing ability. After
warm-ups, each choir learned a variety of songs,
each with its own unique style. The list included
songs such as: “He’s a Mighty God,” “Put a Little
Love in Your Heart,” “What if God is Unhappy,”
“Big,” “Freedom,” and “Shabach.” The most
challenging song was a South African hymn in
the Zulu language, “Siyahamba” (We are
Dr. Walt Whitman Jr. is best known for
establishing the world renowned Soul Children
of Chicago in 1981. This group is Chicago’s only
internationally acclaimed, multiple Grammy and
Stellar award winning youth gospel choir. Under
the awe-inspiring leadership of Dr. Whitman,
The Soul Children of Chicago have traveled and
commanded the stages of such countries as
Sweden, Nigeria, Amsterdam, Spain, Rome and
Jerusalem. Their honors include performing for
the Pope in Vatican City, and the personal request
of First Lady Michelle Obama to perform at the
57th Presidential Inauguration!
Dr. Whitman has proven that working with
children is his passion. He has received
proclamations from the Governors and State
officials of Illinois because of his impeccable
efforts and his Doctorate Degree from the
GMOR Theological Institute of Religious
Ladonna Sims-Mines currently serves as Music
Saturday, April 11th at 5:00 p.m., all participants
proved that hard work definitely pays off. Seats
were filled with people from all over awaiting to
hear the melodious sounds created in such a short
amount of time. They certainly were not
Continued on page 4
Annual Community Health Fair
It's that time of year
18, 2015, Lilly Grove
Church held its 22nd Annual Community
Health Fair. The event was held in the
Wendell Neal Family Life Center, MultiPurpose Room – GYM. Participants had
access to free health care screenings.
This year the Theme was “We Are God’s
Creation”. The Scripture reference GENESIS 1:27 (CEV) states: “So God created
Humans to be like Himself; He made men
& women.”
Participants included medical students from
the University of Houston, licensed physicians, along with organizations geared towards social justice and family law.
However, that's not all the health fair of-
The Grove
fered. There was also a family event. The
committee believes the health fair should be
interactive and educational, so that participants have fun and learn at the same time.
Kids were able to channel their energy outdoors as they cheered their parents on during the heart racing triathlon. They were
also provided backpacks, water bottles, and
t-shirts, for participating. The fun continued! Members of the Zumba squad performed a fun number to show everyone how
to get in rhythm to elevate their cardio.
This year we joined forces with pharmacy
students from the University of Houston;
they were sponsored by Target Stores, to
conduct glucose, cholesterol, and blood
pressure screenings. Each participant that
had all three (3) screenings, got the opportunity to enter a drawing for door prizes.
Prizes given away included: two scooters
for the youth, girls and boys backpacks with
supplies, Target Gift cards and a mini tablet.
Great prizes indeed!
Sis. Cynthia Barclay, faithful Lilly Grove
Member and owner of Quality Dialysis
sponsored activities and door prizes for the
youth of the Church and community. Additionally, she partnered with several doctors
who volunteered to make presentations
about diabetes, hypertension, Medicare, and
diabetic eye disease and cataracts.
The Lilly Grove Health Fair isn't solely for
being examined; the event also seeks to
spiritually healthier lives by making resources available.
Many thanks to all volunteers who helped
to make this an exciting and rewarding
church-wide event! Special thanks to Denise Douglas & Karen Hinton, 2015 health
fair coordinators and Geneva Caldwell,
health Health Awareness and Wellness
Ministry leader.
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Get Up and Move!
As Christians, most of us are aware that our
spiritual health should be our top priority.
However, that does not mean we should
neglect our mental, emotional, and certainly
not our physical health. A recent study
suggested that at least 83 million Americans
live a non-active lifestyle, with the biggest
group being those 65 and older. Despite the
fact that many health experts suggest that only
30 minutes of activity a day can improve our
quality of life, many people still don’t exercise.
With that in mind, the Health and Wellness
Ministry at Lilly Grove offers an awesome
fitness class to provide members and friends an
opportunity to “get up and move”!
The class was implemented in 2012 by Sis.
Samantha Townsend, who also served as the
course instructor. “Samantha presented the
idea to the Health and Wellness Committee
and it was well received”, said Sherry
Hammond, who currently serves as the course
instructor.“ The purpose of the fitness class,
which implements Zumba style fitness, as well
as general fitness techniques, is to increase
motivation and energy, as well as improve
overall health. Benefits of participating in the
fitness class include decreased blood pressure,
reduced body weight, and improvements in
symptoms related to diabetes and insomnia.
Young Adult Ministry
The Aim of YAM is to
enrich men and women
between the ages of
18-40 spiritually, educationally and socially,
nurturing Christian environment.
We are having Real Talk with the Right
Tools during our Friday Night Live
We meet for bible study, game nights,
movie nights, college campus evangelism,
and much more.
Our most recent Young Adult Ministry
Activity was the YAM Bowling Event!
Who says you can't have a relationship
with God and have fun? Many believe
attaining both is impossible, but the
Young Adult Ministry proves both are
indeed possible! The Young Adult
Ministry hosted its annual bowling event
at Lucky Strikes, where young adults age
18-40 had the opportunity to fellowship
on the foundation of the Word of God.
Ministry leader, Rev. Allen Barber,
encouraged all young adults to come out
and share their faith amongst others in an
exciting and spiritually enhancing
fellowship...what more could one ask for?
Rev. Barber exclaims that the world we
live in today is completely different
because of the advancements in
schedules, and family life. Most of the
time, young adults feel that finding the
balance between church and social life is
just too complicated. Respectively, the
Young Adult Ministry promotes social
outings because it serves as an outlet to
connect in harmony, in a social setting
beyond the church walls.
The class is offered to members and friends of
Lilly Grove on Mondays and Wednesdays
from 6 pm-7 pm, in the Family Life Center;
there is no cost.
For more information about the Lilly Grove “get up
and move” classes, contact Sherry Hammond at
For more information about YAM – Young Adult Ministry please contact, Rev.
Allen Barber at: abarber@lillygrove.org
The Grove
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Deacon Family Ministry
It is a plan through which the Deacons of Lilly Grove join the Pastor
in ministering to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of each
church member and family. Church families are divided into groups of
twenty or more families. Each group of families is then assigned to a
Deacon who will minister to them over a period of time.
Teams 3 & 11 – Deacons: J. Brown, J. Grant, A. Kelly, A. Tate,
R. Thompson
77024 77045 77083 77085 77097 77459 77469 77471
77477 77478 77489 77479 77487 77488 77515 77487
A part of each Deacon Family Ministry Meeting is spent praying about
specific needs of families and rejoicing over needs met and victories
won! The Deacon Family Ministry Plan serves as a ministering
example for the entire congregation. As Deacons minister to families
in the church, it helps and encourages other members to do the same.
Team 4 – Deacons: H. Jacob, W. McBride, M. Simmons, A.
77025 77030 77051 77054
The underlying intent of the Deacon Family Ministry is to make
ministers of the entire membership. The Deacon Family Ministry
wants all believers of Lilly Grove to become committed, devoted
followers and every member to become a minster.
Deacon Family Ministry is for YOU!
The Deacon Family Ministry (DFM) is set-up by zip codes. Below is a
list of the zip codes and the deacons that are assigned. Continue to read
the Church bulletin and The Grove Newsletter for location, date, and
time of your DFM meetings and special events. Your Deacon Family
Ministry is waiting for you…“Get Involved!”
Team 5 & 16 – Deacons: G. Doakes, D. Graves, R. Mack
77014 77015 77016 77018 77020 77022 77026 77028
77029 77032 77032 77037 77038 77039 77040 77078
77080 77084 77086 77088 77090 77091 77092 77093
77095 77100 77338 77339 77346 77356 77373 77377
77379 77380 77385 77396 77429 77532
Team 6 – Deacons: L. Clark, E. Johnson, D. Washington
* ( F - M Only)
Team 7– Deacons: B. Gilmore, L. Harris, W. Jones, R.
77012 77017 77047 77040 77062 77087
1 & 17 – Deacons: G. Caraway, P. Davis, R. Viser, E.
77062 77075 77089 77503 77505
77515 77521 77530 77532 77536
77498 77578 77581 77586 77587
Teams 2 & 14 – Deacons: J. Calloway, A. Charles, F. Wallace, G.
77001 77002 77003 77004 77005 77008 77009 77010
77013 77019 77021* 77023 77027 77056 77098
* ( A - E Only)
Youth Day Workshop
(continued from front cover)
Team 8 & 12 – Deacons: C. Henry, B. Wesley, F. Williams
* ( N - Z Only)
Team 9 & 10 – Deacons: M. Abner, C. Anderson, D. Harding, A.
Jackson, S. Scott
Team 13 & 15 – Deacons: B. Griggs, D. Hart, J. Owens, W.
77031 77035 77036 77042 77046 77052 77055 77057
77063 77070 77071 77072 77074 77077 77079 77081
disappointed. The congregation was filled
with hand clapping, foot stomping
worshippers not hesitant to give God a
“Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire” praise!!! Sunday
April 12th Annual Youth Day 7:30 & 11:00
Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
exploded with youth of every age. Ushers,
choir members, theme speakers, and a host of
others joined together to give God what he
rightfully deserves. Dr. Walt Whitman and
Sis. Ladonna Sims-Mines led the youth choir
in praise and worship. The choir stand was
filled with young people adorned in black
The Grove
and white, exhibiting energy that could not
be contained.
“But ye shall receive power, after that the
Holy Ghost is come upon you:
And ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in
Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the
Acts 1:8
Page 4
Christian Education (Adults)
Quarter At A Glance
Here We Grow Again
Please join us as we extend a warm welcome to our new members
who joined us in March thru June 2015!
David Alexander
Sharon Alexander
This quarter has three units tracing God’s work through Micheala Allen
the Holy Spirit to empower disciples for the Christian
Otis Allen
Eric Anderson
Dewitt Arterberry
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman
Alex Bates
that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the
word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV)
Alice Bates
Camille Benjamin
Jackson Bennett
Verissa Bishop
Unit I: Amos Rails Against Injustice
Natasha Bogany
Joshua Booker
Brandon Bowie
7 – Judgment on Israel and Judah (Amos 2:4-8)
14 – God is Not Fooled (Amos 5:14-15; 18-27)
Sheena Branford
21 – Rebuked for Selfishness (Amos 6:4-8; 11-14)
Stacy Branford
28 – God Will Never Forget (Amos 8:1-6; 9-10)
Latricia Brooks
Jonae Brown
Unit 2: Micah Calls For Justice Among Unjust People
Jovonte Brown
Eric Bryant
Michael Bryant
5 – No Rest for the Wicked (Micah 2:4-11)
12 – No Tolerance for Corrupt Leaders and Prophets (Micah 3:5-12)
Darrilyn Butler
19 – Justice, Love, and Humility (Micah 6:3-8)
Herman Ceasor
26 – God Shows Clemency (Micah 7:14-20)
Brittany Clay
Anglia Criswell
Joseph Daniels
Unit 3: Advocates of Justice For All
Lakaitrie Daniels
Deborah Davis
2 – Our Redeemer Comes (Isaiah 59:15b-21)
Kennedi Davis
9 – A choice to Be Just (Jeremiah 7:1-15)
Mark Davis
16 – A Call for Repentance (Ezekiel 15:1-13; 31-32)
Marlon Davis
23 – God Demands Justice (Zechariah 7: 8-14)
Matthew Davis
Thomas Davis
Calvin Dillard
Henry Dismuke
Courtney Dixon
Deborah Donald
Joyce Drake
Paige Dugar
Dereon Edwards
Travis Espree
Debra Ewing
Diana Fair
Vallaire Fields
Gwendolyn Fletcher
Tally Fletcher
Addie Foreman
Theme: God’s Prophets Demand Justice
The Grove
Natasha Freeman
Alicia Gardea
Courtney Gordon
John Gordon
Patrina Green
Mary Greene
Theresa Green-White
Dimitrese Hammonds
Cederiah Hardy
Mariah Harris
Bryston Harrison
Selma Helm
Abra Henry
Waylon Henry
Dexter Hill
Keely Hill
Patricia Hudson
Glenn Ireland
Tejon Isidore
Alex Isikuru
Adrian Jackson
Nicholes Jackson
Joseph Johnson
Leonard Jones
Toni Jones
Cloteal Kagimu
Lesley Kibble
Donna Labbe
Erick Lawson
Victoria Lawson
Merelda Lewis
Tria Lewis
Peyton Long
Jared Lucas
Shaniya Martell
Kevin Mayes
Abeon McIntire
Samuelle Mercer
Latoya Merida
Clarice Miles
Jacqueline Miller
Gentry Minor
Shaquetta Minor
Shane Mock
Tiffany Mock
Shane Mock
Tiffany Mock
Michelle Moore
Rodrell Moore
Terence Moore
Deborah Myres
Jessie Nelson
Pearl Nickelson
Myeisha Nickerson
Erikah North
Jadyn North
Savian Nugget
Ashley Paris
Amber Parker
Gail Parramore
CeCe Peaco
Cassanthia Penn
Jervale Phillips
Daniel Profit
Tammy Pugh
Randall Radcliff
Ashley Rhodes
Ranisha Richard
Olivia Roberts
Billie Rossum
Jazmyn Rushing
Shekera Sarabia
Kammy Schrock
Patricia Scott
Sandra Scott
Dale Shepherd
Jasmine Smith
Joseph Soularie
Mary Stewart
LaMyia Styles
Brett Sykes
Carrie Tate
Malcolm Tate
Timothy Tate
Cedric Taylor
Bryan Tilley
Tomonica Valyan
Kiya Viser
Joseph Warner
Kenisha Webber
Sharon Williams
Brandon Woods
Myrshia Woods
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