April 2007 - The Biking Life


April 2007 - The Biking Life
In This issue: The big man writes from daytona, a thursday
night at bikers corner, and most of your regular favorites
The Staff
Jim Furey - Publisher
Jennifer Furey - Managing Editor
Kim Kirgan – Writer/Sales Rep
Joy Furey - Exec. Asst.
Brian Dillender - Photojournalist
David Camden - Photojournalist
Dave Monachella
Jim Harvey
Bob ‘Old Skool’ Bradford - Writer / Sales
Bryan ‘Griz’ Womack - Writer / Sales
William ‘Killer’ Miller
Cher Petrovic - Photographer
John Skala - Photojournalist
The Biking Life
PO Box 448
Troy, IL 62294
Office (618) 531-0432
Cover: Ruff Ryders Motorcycle Club and a shot
from Daytona Beach.
The Biking Life magazine is published monthly by Bi-State
Biking LLC. All rights reserved. The publisher assumes no
liability and can not beheld liable for errors beyond the space
occupied by the error, slander of any group or individual, failure
to produce any issue as scheduled for reasons beyond our
control, any and all lawsuits for liable, plagiarism, copyright
infringement and unauthorized use of a person’s name or
photograph. Opinions and claims made by advertisers and
authors are theirs, and do not represent the policy of The Biking
Life magazine. If you are still reading this get a life.
Letter from the Publisher
By James Furey
Welcome to our April issue. I will apologize right now. All of my
editors are unavailable to me this month, my sister Jennifer is
preparing to move and my wife Joy is in the hospital as I write this.
She apparently has some heart issue that they are trying to get a
handle on. Oh good news Joy has been released, apparently
according to some imbecile doctor at the hospital, her problem was
a pulled muscle. This is the same place that earlier told her she
passed out from a bladder infection. I’m no doctor; however, I like
to play doctor whenever possible. This diagnosis left me
incredulous, so I asked him do people really pass out from a bladder
infection? To which he replied they could—yeah and monkeys could
fly out of my ass, but chances are they won’t.
Enough about that, I may rail against medical professionals at some
later time. Because, though it doesn’t have any thing to do with
riding, we all see them at some point in time. On a happier note I
would like to thank John Skala for his two fine articles we printed
last month. One was on the Antique Motorcycle Show and the other
was on the Missouri state ABATE meeting. You will be reading
more and more from John in the coming months. He is a welcome
addition who can write as well as take excellent pictures.
We also have some other new additions to our staff, one is Bob
“Old Skool Bob” Bradford. Bob will be doing some writing as well
as sales for us. He is off to a great start and we appreciate his efforts.
Another is Patrick ‘Trick” Lowth. Trick is a multi-talented young
man who is doing sales and representing us in other ways in the
Westplex area. Trick is the founder of the “Fat Boys Ride with Pride”
and has a long history in the motorcycle arena. Dave Monachella is
another new member of our staff although he has long been doing
things in the background for this publication.
The riding season is well upon us now; you can tell that from the
way the ride calendar is filling up. There are just a ton of events
already and this is basically the first month of the riding season.
The month opens with the first bike show of the year at TJ’s Bar
and Grill in Pevely, MO, and culminates with the Gypsy Rendezvous
the last weekend of the month which encompasses the Harley Drags
and The Biking Life magazine’s Bike Show on the 29th. Gypsy
Rendezvous events take place at three local Harley dealers: Dale’s
in Mt. Vernon, IL, Surdyke’s in Festus, MO, and Gateway to the
West on Lemay Ferry Rd. I urge you to check out the flyers for
more details on these events.
There are a lot of other fun things going on this month including
the Moonshine Burger Run on the 14th and a Memorial Run for
Kyle Price on April 28th. Kyle was the young man slain in Iraq
about a year ago. He was immortalized in a bike customized by
Dale’s Harley Davidson and now a not-for-profit organization has
been set up to establish a scholarship and benefit other good causes
in this heroes name. Lastly, the 15th of the month is the Thunder
Alley Swap Meet at the Belle-Clair Fairgrounds in Belleville, IL.
We hope to see you at some of these events and we invite you to
check out our website. Some enhancements have been made and
we have added a blog. Now you can talk to me anytime you want
throughout the month. As always—have fun, be good and ride safe.
Motorcycles, Scooters & ATVs
5 pm
9 am
B I K E S r Shootout,
Horse les
Artist, n Hand, Ra
y Reps
Home of
kitchen table he sketched a rough draft of what he
envisioned in the build. And a remarkable thirty five
days later 35 days later, The Bone Saw was finished.
Why was this remarkable? Because the talented build
team worked on the trike in their spare time, because
there were five other bikes they were building for
customers at the same time. All fabrication was done
in house including the frame, rear end, tank, front
fender, and saddle. DNA Specialties supplied the
springer front end and it is powered by a Harley
Davidson 80" engine strapped to a 5 speed transmission
with a jockey shift. The trike has a 3" BDL. Open
Primary. The oil flows through the normal cables and
lines but also utilizes part of the frame for a little extra
cooling. While these folks are very talented some of
the work was farmed out to experts in their fields, the
custom water jetting was done by Amelex from
I got the chance to sit down and talk to the guys at Springfield, MO, the powder coat, prep and paint was
Scorpion Choppers at the recent bike show at the courtesy of C.M.C., all engraving was done by Ray
Family Arena in Saint Charles, MO. When it comes to Caliendo of Clever Concepts. DN Graphix, Sparta,
shear brilliance and extreme engineering, these fellows MO. really worked on a tight schedule to get this
are at the top of the game. The builder of this radical project done by the rush 34 day deadline, but boy did
v-Twin trike dubbed The Bone Saw for its mind ripping they deliver! There is so much richness and detail in
appearance saw blade brake rotors and running boards, their work, to see it you would have thought it took
is the owner of Scorpion Choppers, Russell Moore. months to prepare and shoot, but DN Graphix believes
They had done a few trikes in the past while building in quality and service and we would be remiss if we
their custom choppers and just wanted to build a V- didn’t mention James Meyer pinstriping for the
Twin trike that would really push the limits while also finishing touches he provided.
catching people’s eyes. But the main goal was that
the trike be reliable and affordable.
The Bone Saw
The concept for the bike was developed out of Russell’s
wild and fertile imagination. One night at a friend’s
The trike sits on a 140 front tire with two 295 50r 16’s
in the rear. It sits an unbelievable 18" from saddle to
road and is 8 ½ feet in length. Obviously stopping was
a big issue in design, the unique solution they came
up with was to have GMA brakes run off one foot
peddle. You ask how? Well let me tell you they use a
two master cylinder system. When pressure is applied
to the peddle, the rear cylinder is engaged, then when
more pressure is applied the front is engaged with the
rear giving you about a 70/30 breaking ratio allowing
you to stop on a dime. Russell and the crew at Scorpion
Choppers have a great product, no doubt because they
love what they do. They should, they do it well.
Check them out their shop is located check at 1137 W.
Kathryn, Nixa, MO. 65714. Can’t make it there then
call them 417-725-7611 or visit their web site
www.scorpionchoppers.net. I assure you these are great
people with great products!
Charity Starts At Home
Based on an article by Steve “Wildman” Howard
The Biker Fund….”Bikers Helping Bikers”…. By Biker
For Bikers
The Hartbauer/McBride Memorial Foundation, Incorporated,
will be presenting their Annual “Bikers Helping Bikers”
Benefit Dance on Saturday, June 16 at the Goff-Moll
American Legion Post AND their Poker Run on Sunday,
August 26th which will end at Crehan’s Irish Pub. These
two events are where the Foundation gets the majority of its
funding for the year. The personal intervention and attendance
at these events by members of clubs, organizations,
associations and chapters, helps to make it possible for the
Hartbauer/McBride Foundation to furnish financial assistance
for the coming year. Your help will be greatly appreciated by
the volunteers of the Hartbauer/McBride Foundation and the
bikers and/or their families who need assistance.
For the dance, the gates will open at 6:00 PM with music
starting at 7:00 PM and continuing until midnight. The
location of the Goff-Moll American Legion Post 101 is 2721
Collier Avenue in Brentwood, MO. If needed, please call (314)
961-3262 for directions. The bands playing for the benefit
are Ben Wah Bob and Red Ass Jones and the Gold Bondsmen.
There will be attendance prizes, raffles, silent/audible auctions
and a TRUE 50/50, the very same things you get with the
large organizations and all this for $12 per person; however,
unlike with some of the other charities, the monies raised
stay here, in your backyard, at home and help your sisters
and brothers.
DIRECTLY and ONLY affects bikers and their families…
The Biker Fund… “Bikers Helping Bikers”… By Bikers For
Bikers. If Biker Jim has to take a leave of absence from work
because of illness or injuries to assist his wife, children and/
or himself and has stretched their financial funds and
insurance to the breaking point… how can they handle the
crisis with a temporary loss of steady income? Through the
generous tax deductible donations the biking community
makes to the Hartbauer/McBride Foundation, that’s how. The
tax status of the Foundation can even allow you to continue
to support this worthy cause through your estate. For
information on how to set this up, contact your financial
The Hartbauer/McBride Memorial Foundation members are
all unpaid volunteers—so more of your contribution is used
to help bikers and/or their immediate families who have
suffered a monetary crisis within a 100 mile radius of the
Gateway Arch. The board members from The Foundation take
pride in the fact that they have always supplied a helping
hand…when proof has been provided…for any motorcycle
oriented enthusiast and/or a family member of same,
irregardless of colors worn, brand of motorcycle, origin, sex,
ethnic background, et cetera. However, the Foundation is not
an alternative to taking responsibility for your own actions
or paying your own bills when you can.
For any questions regarding “Bikers Helping Bikers” through
Hartbauer/McBride Memorial Foundation and/or its Board
Members, please feel free to contact Steve “Wildman”
Howard at (636) 675-3123. I will be more than pleased to
present myself for any open-air-discussion over a cup of
coffee. Thank-you for your support.
Bikers hearts are enormous and their wallets and/or purses
have always been generous. Biker and biker organizations
have helped to support the
numerous charities that have sprung
up over the past few years. There
are many personal reasons why
bikers may support a particular
charity and sometimes… for no
other reason than to “run with the
pack”. Bikers have all been affected,
directly or indirectly, by the issues
these various organizations support,
though sometimes bikers do not
have the luxury of donating time,
but do have the option of donating
money… or vice versa.
Incorporated, is a different kind
of charity…it is a charity that
by The Big Guy
Builders Association show on Thursday. Donnie Smith,
Aaron Greene, Dave Perewitz, Billy Lane, Kim Suter, Cyril
Huze were all there for the Hall of Fame induction
ceremonies Thursday evening.
Outside the track, one could walk for days in the rows of
aftermarket vendors, custom motorcycle manufacturers,
OEM demo rides, food vendors—you name it, it was there
to be seen and/or bought. One booth even had a Chevy
small-block powered barstool! Vendors and displays were
also located at many other places like Beach Street, Main
Street, US1, DeLand ,Orlando and out at the new
Destination Daytona (Destination WallyWorld, as the locals
refer to it) where we ran into Michelle Smith and the crew
from American Thunder TV.
Bike Week 2007 started off like a lot of previous bike weeks.
RAIN! And lots of it. Tornadoes ripped through Georgia
and Alabama on the first Thursday on the way down, killing
11 statewide in Georgia, including eight at a high school.
The weekend brought more showers, but the sun came out
on Sunday and made itself at home for the rest of the week
with temps in the 70’s. Thank the Big Guy for this one!
Staying inside the track at Daytona International Speedway
was a fabulous experience. The RV pads are positioned all
along Lake Lloyd, which runs the length of the back
straightaway, making for some incredible views of the
racing that took place all week long, from AMRA sport
bike racing to vintage motorcycle racing, to the SuperCross
on Friday night, finishing with the Honda 200 Superbike
race on Saturday. Our passes also allowed us entry to
Daytona USA (an experience in itself), the Nextel FanZone,
and even Winner’s Circle!
Inside the track the International Builders Row was set up
with several master bike builders from around the world
displaying their latest, with the International Master Bike
Bike shows included Wednesday’s Harley-Davidson show
outside at the Ocean Center with the HD new bikes and
products show going on inside. Friday featured a great show
at the boardwalk along the beach near the pier at Main
Street. I thought this was the best venue ever to host a bike
show until Saturday’s Rat’s Hole show at the Daytona
Lagoon, normally a water park that is transformed into a
two-level outdoor bike show for the day. They even drained
the swimming pool and put the trike class inside it!
Riding and exploring the area found us cruising “The Loop”
north where the trees have grown together over the road,
creating a canopy-tunnel if you will, all the while hoping
to catch a glimpse of a ‘gator or croc’ in the swampy
wetlands that run right up to the road. After the Loop, we
headed south along the beach to the lighthouse at Ponce
Inlet for more photo ops. Riding downtown near Main Street
SUCKED! Sitting in traffic FOREVER to go ANYWHERE
is not my idea of a nice cruise. While the police presence
seemed less than previous years, we still saw more than
your fair share of tickets written for just about everything.
And for a moment, while I’m in the bitching mode, get this
continued on page 14
– a hotel on Speedway Blvd was getting $199 on Tuesday
for a regularly $79 room, with the price going to $299 on
Wednesday, and ending at $399 a night for Thursday
through Saturday! Racing at the track tickets were $10 on
Monday, $20 on Tuesday, $25 on Wednesday, $35 on
Thursday & Friday, and $45 on Saturday! OK, I’m done.
All in all, I have to rate this year’s Bike Week as pretty
good, given the fantastic weather and a little less
intervention from Big Brother (our last trip to Daytona
netted three tickets in a quarter mile on the first day). Early
week rain and late-week sunburns aren’t too bad when you
remember it snowed in St. Louis recently. Remember, “Read
It Like You Stole It”, and RIDE IT, too.
by Killer Miller
Once again the modern day motorcross gladiators took to
the floor of the ED Jones dome to do battle in the Amped
Mobile FIM AMA Supercross Grand Prix. It was a very
special night as it was the last time that the GOAT, Ricky
Carmichael, would race a supercross event in the city of
St. Louis. After all the championships and race wins (two
perfect seasons without a loss), the Greatest Of All Time is
hanging it up to go car racing, and we here at The Biking
Life wish him all the best.
After wandering the pits watching the girls, the action as
crew members got things ready, the tire guys doing their
thing, the big stars like Reed, Ricky and James signing
autographs for fans that show their allegiance in many ways
(like the girl in the Ricky Carmichael shirt), the time comes
when you need to push out and go to work.
After the big introductions, the SXLites started the program.
Heat one saw last week’s winner Dungey on his factory
Makita Suzuki take the win over Tomny. Sites on the
Kawasaki was third with Mike Allesi rounding out the top
4. Heat 2 saw Lane on a Kawasaki Kx250f take the
checkered flag first. The last chance qualifer had Clark and
Lewis round out the field of 20.
Now came the time for the big guns to take over the track.
With Carmichael only racing a limited season and Reed
coming off a win in Seattle due to a miscue by Stewart,
everyone wondered if this would be the race where Chad
Reed would break through again like he did last year, if
Stewart would show his dominance once
more or if GOAT would leave his fans happy with a win.
Ricky showed his style and speed with the Makita Suzuki
450 in the first heat with a win over Chad Reed’s Yamaha,
while Windham Bryne and Preston made up the rest of the
top five .The second heat saw Stewart’s KX450f, sponsored
by Monster Energy Drinks, just run off and hide from Ivan
Tedsco and the rest of the field as he has done most of the
season. Ferry, Ramsey and Sorbey made up the top five
there. The main heat was set and the board girls positioned.
It was time for the cream to rise to the top.
This was one of the better races of the evening, with a three
bike duel between Ben Townely, Dungey and Doug Flange
(hope that’s right) beating bars for the entire race. A last
lap gonzo move by Flange saw him misjudge a set of
doubles and take out the second place Dungey, who had
fallen earlier in the sand, giving the win to his Kawasaki
teammate, Ben Townley.
The main event—all parties were set and the gate dropped.
Once again, Reed got a tremendous holeshot with James
right behind him. Ricky, however, was buried in 7th on the
#4 Suzuki, but wait! Reed and Stewart took each other out
giving the lead to the more or less privateer rider Eric Sorbey
on his Kaw. He rode as hard as he could as both Reed and
Stewart tried to relight their mounts with GOAT flashing
by. Starting dead last, Stewart knew what he had to do,
beat Reed. Reed had the same thought and Ricky could
sense a win. Ricky passed Sorbey on the fifth lap and was
never headed, while Stewart rode one of the best races to
finally get back by Reed. Then, realizing he would still
leave Gateway with the points lead, he sat back and watched
his friend and the GOAT take a fan favorite win, making
his fourth big bike win (the most in St. Louis) and fifth
overall at the Dome. Afterward some words were exchanged
between Reed and Stewart, but neither rider would
comment, so only they know what was said. Once again,
Victory Lane, Fabick , Amped Mobile and everyone else
involved put on a great show. You can see this race annually;
it marks the end of winter and the start of racing, but next
year it will be minus Ricky Carmichael. Thanks again for
all the great races. Killer and Kevin getting ready to go
race ourselves.
A lot of people are doing taxes right now and taking inventory
of what they have and don’t have. Have you counted your
blessings lately? Your blessings may include possessions
like your bike, but how about family, friends, life, and
freedom. Last month we reminded you of the FORR Bike
Blessing coming up in April. But this month I want to make
sure you realize it’s possible for God’s blessings to be an
everyday event in your lives — not a once-a-year event.
In preparing for bike blessings, I’ve learned each blessing
has two responsible parties: the giver and the receiver. The
important point about a blessing is that it isn’t just a
pleasantry like “Have a nice day.” It is to be taken as coming
from God himself. We have examples of God giving
blessings through his followers and believe that He still wants
to bless us in these modern times. By giving His blessing,
God is saying that he actively wants to help us and guide us.
But He can only do so while we let Him. God has given all
of us a free will. We can accept God’s help and guidance or
we can go our own way. When we open our hearts and
minds to Him and let God come in, we can truly be blessed.
A blessing is also intended to call upon God’s protection
and guidance for the future. We usually see this as the focus
of our prayer during a bike blessing.
I hear the same comment during each of our yearly bike
blessings: “Last year I came to this Bike Blessing and I had
a great year, so I want God to bless me this year.” Bikers
may not readily admit it, but they want God’s protection
and guidance for them and their families.
Our greatest blessing is the relationship we have with God
and His Son, Jesus Christ. We’re coming into the Easter
season when we’re reminded of who He is and what
happened to Him, and what He did for us. Take a few
minutes to thank Him for the blessings you have.
If you ever – ever – ever need prayer and want someone to
pray with you, please don’t wait until we have a bike
blessing. Contact any Christian biker in your area or call
me and we’ll pray together over the phone. You can call
me at (314) 434-2282 or e-mail me at h2osjk@prodigy.net.
The Missouri CMA State Coordinator is Clark Doughty,
(816) 697-3077, clarkron38@yahoo.com. If you’re from
the Illinois area, the Illinois State Coordinator is Don (Vicky)
Brown, (217) 629-8938, vdBrown77@aol.com. Our
Missouri CMA website address is: http://cmascr4.org/MO/
Jim Waters
President – Good News Riders
Christian Motorcyclists Association
Let me tell you this place rocks every Thursday night. I
have made it a stop for the magazine for a while now and
always tried to make the drop on a Thursday night but
usually had to scoot on to some other drops. I got called on
this too and I was asked to hang out so a couple of weeks
ago I did. The place is owned by a good guy who everyone
knows as Lonesome Child. He is a member of the Sundance
Riders MC and he runs a very cool bar.
Kicking it at “The Corner”
by Jim Furey
There are many things I’ve intended to do since I founded
this publication, one was to make it as inclusive as possible.
The Biking Life is intended to be the magazine for anyone
who has an interest in motorcycling, regardless of who you
are or what you ride. Regardless of good intentions, I
haven’t always moved on these things as fast as I could
have. Luckily though I have friends and acquaintances like
Tyrone of the Night Crawlers MC. Tyrone has been on me
for a few months reminding me whenever he saw me that
white folk aren’t the only ones who enjoy riding. I knew
he was right, but other than an occasional stop by the Sin
City Disciples Club House when I could see they had an
event going on I wasn’t sure where to go to find out more.
Then I learned about Bikers Corner located at 1924 North
Vandeventer in Saint Louis.
This recent Thursday the weather wasn’t the warmest in
the world but there were still a lot of bikes parked near the
bar. These rides encompassed all types of Suzukis, Hondas,
Kawasakis and of course Harleys as well. That was cool to
see! I go to a lot of places and don’t see this kind of mix of
rides. I was also truly impressed by the number of clubs
that were represented, and that they all got along well with
each other.
Everyone in attendance made me feel welcome and right
at home. But why shouldn’t I? I was with a group of people
who share my passion for riding, and I finally got a chance
to meet a lot of people that I had seen in passing at the Rat
Run or at other local events. I met members from some of
the female riding clubs, one of which was the aptly named
St. Louis Hotties. I was lucky enough to meet Reggie and
several other members of the Ruff Ryders. These guys had
some awesomely different vests. They also have their Spring
Explosion Car and Bike Show coming up on April 8th a
t the Omega Center 3900 Goodfellow in Saint Louis. This
event sounds like one hell of a party and will be hosted by
Buffy the Body.
In addition to a bunch of folks kicking tires and talking
bikes and rides, there was also a DJ and a number of citizens
enjoying what he was playing either by just listening or
getting out on the dance floor. The bar serves up some good
food, the drinks were cold and the bar staff friendly. I had a
great time and plan on making this a more regular stop as
the weather improves. I encourage anyone who is in the
area to stop on in on a Thursday evening or anytime and
check out what this fine establishment has to offer.
Biker Friendly Establishments
“Show-Me”s all Locations
Alton/Grafton/Wood River
Cellar Room Tavern 2704 E Broadway Alton(618) 4659874
Danny’s Lounge, 118 W. 4th St., Alton (618) 462-6787
Fast Eddie’s Bon-Air, 1530 E. 4th St., Alton (618) 4625532
Kopp’s Korner 838 E 7th St Alton (618) 465-9833
The Loading Dock, 400 Front St, Grafton (618) 786-3494
Porky’s 1543 E Edwardsville Rd Wood River(618) 2549380
Woodstock Lounge, 638 Broadway, Alton
Wild Goose Saloon 1505 W Main St Grafton(618) 7868888
Crehan’s Irish Pub, 5500 North Belt West 618) 2346500
Dutch Hollow Barn, 533 Dutch Hollow Rd. (618) 2355868
Mitch and Nancy’s League Lounge, 1501 W Main St (618)
Robin’s Nest, 1614 Mascoutah Ave. (618) 234-7432
Sheridan’s Frozen Custard, 5326 N Illinois St
The Antique House, 3701 W. Main St. (618) 235-3434
TR’S Place 4901 Concordia Rd., (618) 277-7135
Brandy Inn: 103 Water St. (618) 337-1101
Chopper Chairs (618) 531 - 3222
Danny’s Pool Room: 119 E Main Street in Carmi (618)
Dog House Bar and Grill, 601 N Main St (618) 344 -9781
Caddyshack Saloon, 2865 N. 89th St, (618) 397-4704
American Pride Collision 427 East Main St, C’Ville
(618) 345-7872
Ardie & Tiny’s 100 Joe St. C’Ville (618) 345-4933
Good Times, 834 S Morrison, C’Ville
Our Place, 704 Henry St, Edwardsville (6187) 655-1255
Don’s Place, 207 W Morgan St, (217) 243-2112
Maryville/Glen Carbon
Judy Inn, 3730 S Hwy 157 (618) 288 - 9182
Sharky’s Sports Bar, 2537 Vandalia, (618) 344-0826
Granite City/Pontoon Beach/Mitchell
Diamond’s Bar and Billiards 4020 Pontoon Rd, Poktoon
Beach (618) 797-7110
Kopp’s Korner Too 1369 Edwardsville Rd Granite City
(618) 798-9152
Luna Café 201 E Chain of Rocks Rd Mitchell (618)
Smokey Joe’s, 3998 Lake St, (618) 931-2279
The Village Inn, 4015 Pontoon Rd., Pontoon Beach
(618) 931-4497
Mt. Vernon
The Crossing: 300 S 9th - 1 block off the
New Baden
Outside Inn, 423 W. Hanover (Hwy 161), (618) 588-4672
New Memphis
Sit-N-Bull 31 S Mill Street (618) 588 - 3003
Old Shawneetown
Hogdaddys Saloon Main St in Old Shawneetown
(618) 922-1389
Quincy, IL/Hannibal, MO area
Booters 112 W Main St, Mt Sterling, IL (217) 773-2381
Hard Times II 305 S Ohio, Camp Point, IL (217) 5937733
Kelly’s (A fun Place to Eat and Drink), 2902 Broadway
(217) 222-5579
Long Branch Saloon, New Canton, IL (217) 426-2022
Sawyer’s Creek Riverview Cafe and Saloon 11011 Hwy
79 South Hannibal (573) 221 - 8221
Sparky’s, 221 N 5th St, (217) 224-7527
Sportsman’s Club 111 N Capitol Ave., Mt Sterling, IL (217)
The Other Place, 105 S Main St, Hannibal, MO (573)
The Back Porch, 715 Oak, Quincy, IL (217) 223-8800
Southwestern Illinois
Bobeck’s Sports Bar & Grill, 1324 Jamie Ln Waterloo
(618) 939-8300 fax(618) 939-2901
Copperhead Tavern 24266 Hwy 96 New Canton
Crawdaddy’s, 121 W Main St, Mt Olive (217) 999-2090
Falling Springs Club, 2200 LePere Ln. Dupo (618)
Fountain Inn, 1912 Fountain Rd. Valmeyer (618) 9352266
Freeda’s Bar, 2071 Main St Renault,
Gallagher’s Get-A-Way, 102 S. Richland, Freeburg
(618) 539-5208
Good Tymes Bar and Grill, 200 N. Main St. Dupo (618)
Jody’s, 1301 9th St, Highland (618) 651 - 9301
Just Sue’s Tavern, Evansville (618) 853-4425
Karban’s Knotty Pine, 4569 Buss Branch Rd., Waterloo
(618) 473-9954
Kountry Korners, 5866 Floraville Rd. Milstadt (618) 4761346
L & D Patio, Bar & Grill Hwy 3 McClure 618-661-9106
Lisa’s Bar and Grill, Prairie DuRocher (618) 284-3374
“Papa” Wheelie’s, Old Rte 50, Trenton (618) “ A full
throttle sports bar”
Rick’s Corner, 201 S Union St Staunton (618) 635-3088
S & J Main Street, 608 N. Main St. Columbia (618)
Smitty’s at the Marina, New Athens
Sporto’s Pub & Grill, 211 S. Main Street, Red Bud (618)
The Dawg Haus 102 S. Main St. New Douglas 217456-7072
Sports Page Inn, 2635 Old State Rte 3, East Carondolet
(618) 286-5628
Thirsty’s, 415 Vine St, Eldred
Willie’s Corner, 128 W. Market, Red Bud
Knuckleheads, 2000 Peoria Rd., 62702 (217) 789-1488
Pony Keg Leathers: 2026 S 11th St (217) 544-3774
The Cove 1616 N Dirksen Pkwy (217) 753-1760
21 Rock, #1 Meramec Heights (636) 282-7228 live
music every weekend
Your Payday Advance Co., 7125 Metropolitan Blvd, Ste
106 (636) 467-5447
John & Judy’s Charlack Pub: 8334 Lackland Rd., Rock
Bands Fri and Sat Nights (314) 423-8119
Terry and Kathy’s - Defiance, MO on Hwy. 94 about 9
miles south of Hwy 40
That One Place: 1005 Majestic Dr in Fenton, MO (636)
Little Joe’s Bar and Grill, 1317 Hwy OO (573) 783-5452
Gray Summit
Roadhouse 100, 2763 Highway 100 (636) 451-2007
Jack’s Iron Horse Bar and Grill: 12950 St Charles
Rock Rd (314) 209-1280
Lake of the Ozarks Area
Backwater Jacks Lakeside Bar & Grill Lake Rd. to Beach
Dr (573) 348-6639
Cheeks Bar & Grill at the Square, Camdenton, MO (573)
Gasoline Alley 324 W Main St, Warsaw, MO (660) 4384170
IM Tirebiters Bar & Grill, across from Shoney’s in Osage
Beach(573) 348-1177
Risky’s Sports Bar, Hwy 54 West of Square
Camdenton (573) 346-9740
Rock Island Line, “The Dam Bar” Bagnell Dam Strip Lake
Ozark (573) 365-8911
Salty Dog Lakeside Bar & Grill, Lake Rd 54-37 (Jeffries
Rd) (573) 348-9797
The Fish Tank on Hwy W
Redneck Yacht Club, Hwy 54 West of Osage Beach (573)
Town and Country Motel, 5451 Hwy 54, Osage Beach
(800) 251 - 5677
Eagles Nest Bistro, Hwy 79 (573) 754-9888
Lighthouse Inn and Restaurant – just across the river
from Lousiana, MO (217) 437-2500
Steamboat Restaurant and Lounge on scenic Hwy
79 (573) 242 - 3225
TJ’s Bar & Grill: HWY Z & 61-67 (636) 475-3648.
St Charles/St Peters/O’Fallon/Wentzville
Porky’s Restaurant and Bar, 1203 5th St, St Charles, (636)
Crazy Horse Saloon, 405 Bus Hwy 61, Wentzville,
MO 636-327-9614
St. Louis
Double D’s Hangout, 9853 S. Broadway, 314-615-9100
Frank’s First Alarm 7800 Virginia (314) 638-9272
House of Rock, Ronnie’s Plaza.
Iron Horse Saloon, 7928 S. Broadway, Saint Louis, MO
(314) 631Scott and Beverly’s Some Other Place Other Place
1500 Lemay Ferry Rd. (314)892-6969
Shady Jack’s Saloon and Deli, 1432 N Broadway (314)
241-Hogg fax (314) 241-TITS
Southeast Missouri
BoonDock Bar & Grill,-22712 US Highway 61 Morley
Bootheel Saloon -Highway 142 Poplar Bluff
Branding Iron BBQ,763 Maple Valley Dr,
Farmington (573)756-1100
Branding Iron BBQ,1903 E Jackson Blvd, Jackson,
MO (573)243-0007
Bullwinkle’s Pub, Hwy T off Hwy 60 E Poplar Bluff (573)
County Ice House,H Highway, Benton (573) 545-9988
Danny’s Place, 1102 Linn Street, Sikeston (573)-4719984
Farmer’s Bar & Grill, Highway 62, Risco (573) 396-5572
Jim & Jerry’s Restaurant, Pub & Billiards 336 Vine St.
Poplar Bluff (573) 686-2006
LeeBo’s Road House & Bait Shop - Highway 84 East,
Caruthersville (573)359-4493
Mona’s Clymax II - 215 Ward Ave., Caruthersville
Pockets, 1444 Independence Cape Girardeau (573)
Scotty’s Sports Bar & Grill - 4802 West Village (PP Hwy.)
Poplar Bluff (573) 686-9300
Stevie P’s, 207 Second St. Qulin
Wheels Sports Bar & Grill, Highway 25 and Highway
62,Malden (573) 276-5512
Wild River Pub & Grill, 3765 Hwy W, Farmington
Joe and Linda’s Tater Patch, off I-44 Exit 186 (573)
Midnite Rose, 18942 State Hwy 13, Branson West
100 MPH Club Benefit for Tim Foor
by Cabbie
February 24th The 100 MPH Club held a BB-shooting
match and Chili party for Tim Foor of Belleville, IL. Tim has
been battling cancer and he and his family really needed the
help because of the financial drain this has been. The event
started at noon and if you recall so did the rain. The club had
put up a tent to provide some shelter during the match but
the high winds that were part of the system brought down the
tent and forced everyone inside into the clubhouse. These
guys have a nice clubhouse too, but only because of all the
time they have spent making it what it is today. It never fails
though, though bikers always find a way to have fun no matter
what the weather is.
The band, Floodline, started at 6:00 PM and played
until 4 or so. These guys donated their talents to support the
cause and we thank them. Despite the weather we had a great
turnout and everyone had a blast. The community showed up
once again to support a worthy cause, eat a lot of chili and
helped us raise a lot of much needed cash for this family. The
100 MPH Club thanks to all who came out and brought their
wallets or purses.
We didn’t do it alone though we had help from some
other great co-sponsors all from the Caseyville, Fairview
Heights and Belleville area, they helped with their kindness
and we appreciate their assistance. The club holds many
benefits at their clubhouse and the parties are always
excellent. Watch this magazine and other places for upcoming
events from the 100 MPH Club at our Caseyville, IL location,
8300 Bunkum Rd. You will be glad you did.
Upcoming Events
Weekly Events
Wednesday Weasel Wednesdays at Double Ds Hangout
9853 S Broadway St Louis this is a fun group
Thursdays STUNNA Thursdays At Paradise 1, 615
Missouri St East St Louis, IL (618) 482-5578 DJ
Thursdays Bike Night at Bikers Corner at 1924 N
Vandeventer Ave in St Louis, MO
Thursdays Hardriders call their hotline (314) 340-2000
for info
1st Bootleggers Poker Run Cellar Room, Alton, IL;
sign-up 12:00-2:00 p.m
1st TJ’s Spring Fling Bike show registration at noon at
TJs Bar and Grill Hwys 61/67 and Z in Pevely, MO with
awards at 5:30 call 636-475-3648 for more info
7th Outlanders Spring Dance Wood River Round
House, 7:00-12:00 midnight
7th Choppers and Chili Day at Shady Jacks Kelly
Roades Ministries along with “Have Bible Will Travel”
and Danny Liston(Mamas Pride) will feed your needs
from noon to 5 for more info email
7th Festus HOG Family Easter Egg Hunt at West Side
Park in Festus at 2 pm
8th Ruff Ryders MC Presents the Spring Explosion
Car and Bike Show 2 pm till the Sun goes down at the
Omega Center 3900 Goodfellow hosted by Buffy the
Body for info contact Reggie D 314-368-9057
14th April Anticipation Demo Day, come demo the
2007 models At Legacy Harley Davidson in Effingham,
14th Red Knights 1 Night Poker Run sign up at
Firehouse Bar in Alton, IL from 6 to 7:30
14th Moonshine Lunch Run starts wherever you are but
ends with one of the best burgers around in Moonshine,
IL visit moonshine-run.com for details
14th Festus HOG Dinner Run from dealership to West
Side Inn at 10:30
14th Matt Surdyke Birthday Bash all day at Gateway
to the West Harley Davidson Lemay Ferry St Louis, MO
15th FORR Local 42 Hartbauer/McBride Poker Run
email gina.dean@viasystems.com for info
15th Paderborn Rat Pack Spring Poker Run sign up
from 11 to noon at Karban’s Knotty Pine in Paderborn, IL
15th Thunder Alley Promotions Swap Meet gates open
at 10 at Belle-Clair fairgrounds in Belleville, IL
15th USO Benefit Ride sign up from 10 to noon at
Jack’s Iron Horse on St Charles Rock Rd sponsored by
The Biking Life, Jack’s Iron Horse and the Hustler Club.
15th Motorcycle and Swap Meet opens at 9 AM in Ste
Genevieve, MO contact Keith at 573-631-3922 or
DDmotoswapmeet@hotmail.com vendors are welcome
21st Ted’s Spring Open House at Teds Motorcycle
World in Alton, IL from 10 to 4 PM
21st Fourth Annual Britani Price Poker Run sign up
11 to noon at Campbell’s Harley Davidson in Marion, IL
for details call 618-983-6177
21st Second Annual Blessing of the Bikes hosted by the
Litchfield, IL Road Riders for Jesus will be held at
Niehaus Cycle Sales Old Rt 66 N call Dave at 217 3242467 for info
21st - 22nd Bullwinkles Motorcycle Rodeo, Ride in
Bike Show and Giant Two Day Swap Meet at the
Starway Fun Park, 3350 Louisville Rd, Frankfort, KY for
info call 502 223-7688
22nd Alton HOG Poker Run sign up at Ted’s Motorcycle World in Alton, IL from 11:30 to 1:30 PM
22nd Michael Coomer Scholarship Poker Run sign up
at TJs Bar and Grill Hwys 61/67 and Z in Pevely, MO
from 9 to noon
22nd FORR Local 24 Blessing of the Bikes sign up at
11 VFW on Midland Rd or Roadhouse 100 ends with the
Blessing at Falling Springs in Dupo, IL
22nd American Legion Riders Poker Run sign up
10:30 to noon at Sparta, IL American Legion rain or shine
27th - 29th 2007 Gypsy Rendezvous Weekend The
event will included a St. Louis Nitro Party, Gypsy
Rendezvous Ride, AHDRA Nitro Drag Races, bike raffle!
28th 1st Annual Knights of the Word Fun Run, BBQ
and Ride in Bike Show fun run starts and ends at
Chariots fo Fire in Moscow Mills Plaza in Moscow Mills,
MO festivities start at 10 AM
28th Dice Run starts at Dudes Saloon 2001 N 11 ST in
Springfield, IL sponsored by Steel Justice MC sign up
from noon to 1
28th 2nd Annual Kyle Price Memorial Ride starts at
Woodlawn Memorial vehicles start gathering at 8:30
before the 120 mile loop festivities go on all day visit
www.kylepricememorialride.org for info
DANCE at the 4 Aces Lounge on Broadway in East St
Louis 9 to ??? Colors Only
29th 13th Annual Forsyth Motorcycle Swap Meet at
Shadow Rock Park Forsyth, MO sponsored by FORR
Local 15 Branson Tri-Lakes for info call 417 334-0775
29th Bush Pilots Poker Run sign up at Ted’s Motorcycle
World in Alton, IL from noon to 2
29th 15th Annual Blessing of the Bikes at the Bald
Knob Cross at Palo Alto, IL stew abd chili at 12 message
at 1 sponsored by the Lords Paheece Chapter of the
One Hot Ninja
by Jim Furey
I have featured many bikes in this publication since
our start. While most have been Harleys or Customs with an
occasional metric, this month we break new ground for us
with our feature of one of the hot bikes that has been
customized by Street Bikes Plus at 8009 St. Charles Rock
Road in St Louis. I have been dropping magazines there for a
couple of years, threatening many times to highlight one of
their bikes but something always came up, you know life or
something like it happens.
Recently though, after talking to Donnell at Bikers
Corner, I made up my mind that come hell or high water, this
would be the month. So I showed up on a recent Friday and
the first person I came in contact with was Todd Parker, the
owner. Todd told me that he had already packed most of their
sharp bikes to take over to race at Gateway the following
day. That’s right if you can’t catch these guys at their shop,
you can see them at Gateway International Raceway…I was
going to say catch them but you know they do include
Performance in their name so maybe you couldn’t. I’m pretty
sure my Harley ain’t catching them. Anyway, Todd hooked
me up with Brandon Burgett who was able to help me out.
Brandon rolled out this very sharp 2006 Kawasaki
Ninja ZX-14. This is one of their customer’s bikes but they
have been wrenching on it. The custom paint was done inhouse and to add to the look, a Muzzy Full Exhaust System,
a set of custom RC Wheels, and a lot of chrome accessories
all have helped trick this bad azz ride out. I asked Brandon
how quick this machine is and he said while the speedometer
registers up to180 mph, no one knows how fast it really is.
This shop is about making your ride look good. They
have parts and accessories for all major brands, even the
Motor Company. They put bikes together for sale, do a little
consignment selling, will help you chrome out your bike so
it has just the right look and do repair work too.
Like I mentioned earlier, these guys are big
supporters of the local drag racing scene. In fact I first met
them at Gateway International three years ago. Since then
their business has steadily grown, and that only happens for
a couple of reasons. They do business right and they treat
their customers well. If this is what you look for in a shop,
you need to go check these guys out AND the prices on their
bikes make it worth the trip.
Supercross Excitement Returns to the Dome
By John Skala
The name of the dome stadium, the primary sponsors,
the riders, even the engine types have changed, but the
excitement of Supercross in St. Louis continues. Supercross
was first run in 1974, but it didn’t come to St. Louis until 1996.
In the inaugural race, Kansas City native, Jeff Emig, passed
Jeremy “Showtime” McGrath on the last turn of the last lap to
win the first St. Louis Supercross main event. Not only did
this break McGrath’s record setting string of consecutive race
wins at 13, it also was the only loss Jeremy suffered all season.
Supercross is run on a dirt track inside the Edward
Jones Dome. The track layout changes from year to year and
from location to location. The layout this year had the riders
making six passes back and forth across the field in each lap.
On each lap the riders go through the large mounds that sends
the bike flying high into the air, the smaller whoops that give
the suspension a good workout, a sand section and even an off
camber 180 degree turn. After a few laps the riders are spread
across the course and there are challenges for position all of
the track. Sometimes the battle is for first place, but the action
is just as fierce for third and fourth place and all the other
positions. Scanning the track, it is difficult to take in all of the
action as it is happening simultaneously all over the track.
The races are broken into two classes, Supercross and
Supercross Lites, based on engine size. The Supercross Lites
class limits engines size to 125cc 2 stroke or 250 cc 4 stroke
engines. Most of the riders in the Supercross class are now
running 4 stroke 450 cc water-cooled bikes. The factory bikes
may look like the stock bikes you can get at your local dealer,
but they are made of more exotic parts that can push the price
over $40,000 a bike. To save 5 to 8 pounds for example, the
bike are outfitted with titanium hardware and fasteners that
costs about $5,000 alone.
There are several heat races and a last chance qualifier
to set the field for the main event in each class. All together
there were eight races plus an exhibition by the 7 and 8 year
olds on identically prepped 50 cc KTM minicycles.
In the main event there were 20 riders all heading into
the first turn vying for the $1,500 hole shot award and the
lead. Chad Reed, last years winner here in St. Louis, got off to
a great start, and got the hole shot. Chad would later get tangled
with James Stewart on the opening lap and take them both
down. Within four laps, Ricky Carmichael, who got, a poor
start, was in the lead and moving away from the pack.
Stewart had trouble restarting his bike after going
down in the first lap and temporarily ended up in last place.
James fought back and began passing multiple bikes on each
lap until he caught up to Chad who was now in second place.
Another exciting pass and James Stewart was ahead of Chad
Reed and set his sights on Carmichael.
Ricky continued to run a superb race, lapping the
slower riders and stayed ahead of James for the win. With that
win, Ricky became the only person to win four main event
races in St. Louis Supercross. Ricky is retiring from Supercross
and going to race with four wheels in ARCA and NASCAR.
He is only racing in two Supercross events after St. Louis so
we may have seen his last career Supercross win.
In addition to seeing today’s Supercross stars, there is
just as much excitement in the Lites class where we have seen
Travis Pastrana, Chad Reed, James Stewart and Ricky
Carmichael coming up through the ranks before they became
the Supercross stars they are now.
If you haven’t been to a Supercross race yet, you
should consider going next year. With over 58,000 people
attending this year, the best seats go fast, so plan to get your
tickets early. AMA members get a $5 discount when you order
online, but the best deal is getting your tickets at a participating
dealer where you don’t have to pay all the service and handling
charges that erase the discount. I’ve always gotten great seats
at Donelson’s along with a free pit pass, but you have to get
there early also as they quickly go through hundreds of tickets.
We Are Not On Main Street But We
Are A Nice Ride From Anywhere
Iron Hog has great financing
plans available regardless of
history. We also offer the
Midwest’s Best prices on ‘06
Harleys, there is a two year
warranty on all new customs
and Harleys. We have bikes
available as low as $2,000, EVOs,
Pans, Shovels & Ironhead
We are still building dreams but we also feature a full line of parts and accessories
from NOS systems, bars, rolling chasis and of course we always feature Iron Hog
Custom Motorcycles, if you want to make sure you are getting the best deal you
must check us before you buy. We guarantee the rider in your house would love
something under the tree from Iron Hog Cycles.
Leathernecks Turn Up The Heat
The Illinois Chapter of Leathernecks hosted their 4th
Annual Chili Cook-off on February 24th, 2007 at the
Northenders VFW in Springfield, Illinois with Leathernecks
from the northern and central Illinois groups in attendance.
At the cook-off, there were 50/50 drawings, silent auctions,
active open bar, a DJ, and of course the tasting of the chili.
Although the weather was rainy and chilly, there was no
lack of warmth at this event! Eleven entrants vied for the
best chili with the attendees being the judges. The judging
was difficult due to the great tastes of all entries, from mild
to medium to hot and then there was hot-hot, the real heat.
In addition to the chili, there were some very tasty desserts
The open to the public event resulted in a great time had by
everyone. All proceeds went to various veteran Funds:
Families of active duty Marines, veterans who have been
disabled or burned, and many others including the 3 to 4
annual trips to the Danville VA hospital. Veterans in the
Danville VA Hospital, as in many others, are in need of
donations, including everything from toiletries to all types
of clothing, tee shirts, underwear, socks, etc. The visits to
the VA hospital in Danville are heartwarming events, as
the donations are handed out and games are played. Just
talking to many of the vets will make you realize America
is still strong and that they should never be forgotten. As is
said, You Will Get Your Reward in Heaven.
In closing, I personally would like to thank Jim Furey and
his wife, Joy, for making this trip to Springfield, as well as
the staff at The Biking Life Magazine.
As Marines will State
Semper Fidelis
(Always Faithful)
Thanks Again
Biker Biz Bits
Mike Fort pictured above in his shop Biker
Brother, 301 E Broadway in Alton, IL. Mike sells
leather riding gear and all kinds of other stuff
bikers need. Mike opened his shop last fall and
is doing well but we though we’d help introduce
him to our readers.
Ardie and Tiny’s located at 100 Joe Street in
Collinsville, IL, okay there isn’t really anything
new here but what there is that is new is a nice
horse racing season and Ardie’s is right acroos
the street from Fairmount Park and a great place
to meet before heading over for a night of watching the ponies. Say hi to Ardie while you’re
Wide Open Bike Show 2007
By Monty
The Family Arena is where the Wide Open Bike Show
was held this year. A very nice place to ride to, which we
also do every October for the March of Dimes Ride. For
a bike show though, this venue is a little small, even
though the Wide Open crew did an excellent job of using
all available space.
on. It was nice to see Canyon Run’s booth where they
had frames and all sort of chrome goodies to entice show
patrons. Doc’s Harley Davidson had a display with some
trikes and Mardi Gras t-shirts. A couple of Victory
dealers had booths and were showing off all the new
models! DJ from Big Boyz had his new convertible
bagger there—this bike is so cool. One minute you have
a full bagger, then quickly you can remove the
windshield and bags and have a fat tire pro street bike!
KC Creations had their biker build-off bike there plus
another half dozen gorgeous rides. Thunder Mountain
was well-represented too. One thing I noticed this year
was the wide variety of trikes: a V8 trike, vintage trikes,
customs and stock styles. One trike that caught a lot of
attention was called Frankenstein, very low and very
The main floor was full of vendors and bikes and the
upstairs was loaded with bikes and clubs like Abate of
Missouri which held a raffle and gave out information to
all who were interested. The Vietnam Vets had a booth
and were spreading information and selling pins and
patches. There were also some vendors on the upstairs
deck who were having raffles and selling all sorts of
Of course there were a few problems at the Show, but
they were handled correctly and quickly. A few of the
rules at the arena were dumb (in this rider’s opinion) like
you can’t take a pocket knife into the arena but you can
buy one inside and carry it around, and everything was
very expensive. But hey you’re at the arena—what do
you expect?
The main floor showcased most of the best bikes, but
there were a lot of great things to look at! Miss Sturgis
was there signing posters and taking pics with fans and
the girls of Pure Evil were running around their booth.
Of course, you can’t forget the Hooters girls who were
posing for pics on bikes with the some of the crowd.
Quite a show if I have to say so myself. In addition, there
were plenty of leather vendors and a couple of patch
vendors who were doing a big business sewing patches
All in all the show was quite enjoyable and Wide Open
made a nice donation to the March of Dimes Ride of
Missouri. This show seems to get better every year, and
it’s a good place to go to see great bikes, good looking
girls and get ideas for your next project. Hope to see you
there next year! Until then ride safe, have fun, and keep
the rubber side facing down.
Help SEMO Help the People
There is an annual event that many of you look forward to
every year, that event is known simply as SEMO. The Hosts
for this fun filled weekend rally encourage all who attend
this year to bring some canned goods. The area that the event
is held in was devastated by the Taum Sauk Reservoir disaster.
This is an area of Missouri that made its living on the tourism
the reservoir brought and now the effects of the disaster still
haunt them. The residents desperately need the goods you
donate to the Reynolds County Food Pantry and this simple
act will make you feel good for doing something for someone
A portion of the proceeds will go to the Lesterville Fire
Department to help them buy some much need equipment.
This year marks the 26th Anniversary of the SEMO Run What
Ya Brung Field Events. This is not only among the oldest
annual events staged every year, but it is also one of the most
fun. Can you believe that after 25 years it still only costs $20
for a weekend of live music, field events and much more?
The entry donation also gets you a camp site for the weekend.
There are hot showers available and everything you need to
never have to leave the grounds. This will be the second year
at the new location just outside of Lesterville, MO. The people
I spoke to last year really liked the new campgrounds and
had nothing but praise for the location. There have been
improvements made to make this year’s edition even better.
The gates open at 8 AM on May 20th and then the party begins.
The events wills tart at 3 PM on Saturday. After you get setup
and are awaiting the beginning of the events there is beer and
food on site to help you pass the time. If you want to do
something else then I suggest you jump on your scoot and
check out some of the best riding Missouri has to offer. This
area offers some of the best twisties around and is scenic too,
with many small streams crossing there region. But then you
got to get back to the site to check out the always entertaining
field events. This year the events will include the Weenie
Bite, Slow Race (our man Killer Miller is always a favorite
to win), a Donut Contest, and many others. This motorcycle
event is for Americans by Americans
There will be improved signage to the site this year and if
you think this is near the area where the dam broke it isn’t.
The roads here are in great shape. The local folks were so
happy with the way last year’s event turned out that you can
expect them to roll out the red carpet for you. This is a great
time and I urge you to come down and share some fun with
your bikers. For more information you can either call (314)
421-7246 or you can call the Black River Chamber of
Commerce at (573) 637-2500 for info about the area and the
St. Baldrick’s and Locks for Love
By Monty Monachella
When I arrived at Helen Fitzgerald’s Irish Grill and
Pub, people were everywhere! It took 20 minutes to park
across the street. Irish dancers put on an excellent show and
I, for one, really enjoyed it, although based on the crowd’s
reaction, so did everyone else. The crowd was buying t-shirts,
beads and all sorts of goodies to help raise money for great
causes, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation which supports
childhood cancer research and Locks of Love.
Groups of volunteers raised money and then got their
hair cut off. Long hair, short hair, not much hair at all, man,
woman or child, it made no difference—if you sat in the chair
it was gone! Of course that was why we all were there—
HELPING to make a difference!
Cancer is a horrible sickness especially where it
concerns children. No child should have to go through the
pain and suffering that always seem to along with this disease.
A child’s life should be happy and fun with interesting things
to do, not full of tears and pain. Thanks to the good people at
St. Baldrick’s, Helen Fitzgerald’s, Anheuser Busch, Sybergs,
Doc’s Harley Davidson, Kuna Meat Co., K Y 98, and a host
of others going the extra mile for these kids, there is hope for
their future.
Taking part in this event is a great way to help,
whether by volunteering or attending. Not only does it support
great causes, but it’s a lot of fun for everyone. Personally, I
wish to thank all of those who took their time and energy to
help out and to all the sponsors who helped without whom
this would never have happened. THANKS!! I hope to see
more of you riders at the next event. Until then, be safe and
keep the shiny side up.
Hardtail Humor
The FBI had an opening for an assassin. After all the
background checks, interviews and testing were done there
were 3 finalists. Two men and a woman, for the final test, the
FBI agents took one of the
men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.
“We must know that you will follow your instructions no
matter what the circumstances. Inside the room you will
find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!!!”
“The man said, “You can’t be serious, I could never shoot
my wife”
The agent said, “Then you’re not the right man for this job.
Take your wife and go home.”
The second man was given the same instructions. He took
the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about 5
minutes. The man came out with tears in his eyes, “I tried,
but I can’t kill my wife.”
The agent said, “You don’t have what it takes. Take your
wife and go home.”
Finally, it was the woman’s turn. She was given the same
instructions, to kill her husband. She took the gun and went
into the room. Shots were heard, one after another. They
heard screaming, crashing,
banging on the walls. After a few minutes, all was quiet.
The door opened slowly and
there stood the woman, She wiped the sweat from her brow.
“This gun is loaded with blanks” she said.
“I had to beat him to death with the chair.”
MORAL : Women are evil
Don’t mess with them !!!!!!!!
This nice-looking tattoo belongs to the lovely Reine
Knobbe. Reine and her husband, Jan, own Chariots
of Fire Customs located in Moscow Mills. Linda
Rippe, who works out of Flashbacks in Troy, Mo, laid
down the ink. The colors in her tattoo all represent the
birthstone colors of her family: red for her husband,
yellow for her, blue for her daughter and purple for
her son,. She knows that a tattoo is nothing more than
ink unless it has significant meaning, as it is then, that
it becomes art, just like the bikes they create in their
shop. So stop in and let them help turn your bike into
a work of art. And tell them The Biking Life sent ya.
Think your ink belongs here then send it to the
inkspot@thebikinglife.com. We are always on the
lookout for great tats.
The Biking Life Magazine is always
looking for customer service oriented
Currently there are openings for:
Springfield/Branson MO area
Springfield/Decatur IL area
If you live here or elsewhere email us
jobs@thebiking life.com