Integrated Mixed-Signal Solutions PRODUCT DATA SHEET STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Second Generation Audio Decoder Version 2.0 April 2002 Host Processor˜ (Optional) 90 94 FM Tuner 98 102 106 Battery LED/LCD Screen SDRAM USB Microphone Voice Record Flash Memory Headphones Buttons/Switches CD Pickup Hard Drive OFFICIAL PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION 4/17/02 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 Copyright © 2002 SigmaTel, Inc. All rights reserved. All contents of this document are protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced without the express written consent of SigmaTel, Inc. SigmaTel, the SigmaTel logo, and combinations thereof are registered trademarks and D-Major and C-Major are trademarks of SigmaTel, Inc. Other product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. The contents of this document are provided in connection with SigmaTel, Inc. products. SigmaTel, Inc. has made best efforts to ensure that the information contained herein is accurate and reliable. However, SigmaTel, Inc. makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this publication and is providing this publication "AS IS". SigmaTel, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice, and to discontinue or make changes to its products at any time without notice. SigmaTel, Inc. does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential, or incidential damages. OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. List of Figures ....................................................................................................................................8 1.2. List of Tables ......................................................................................................................................8 2. PRODUCT OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................... 13 2.1. Features ...........................................................................................................................................13 2.2. Description .......................................................................................................................................13 2.3. Additional Documentation ................................................................................................................14 2.4. STMP3410 Block Diagram ...............................................................................................................14 3. CHARACTERISTICS/SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 15 3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings .............................................................................................................15 3.2. Recommended Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................15 4. MEMORY MAP ................................................................................................................................ 16 4.1. PXRAM Configuration Register .......................................................................................................16 4.2. PYRAM Configuration Register .......................................................................................................16 4.3. On-Chip Memory Configuration Register .........................................................................................19 5. DSP CORE ....................................................................................................................................... 20 5.1. Revision Register .............................................................................................................................20 5.2. Reset Control Register .....................................................................................................................21 5.3. DCLK Count Lower Register ............................................................................................................22 5.4. DCLK Count Upper Register ............................................................................................................22 5.5. Cycle Steal Count Register ..............................................................................................................22 5.6. Operating Mode Register .................................................................................................................23 5.7. Clock Control Register .....................................................................................................................24 5.8. Misc/Spare Register .........................................................................................................................26 5.9. Scratch Register ..............................................................................................................................26 5.10. Interrupt Priority Register ...............................................................................................................27 5.11. Interrupt Collector ..........................................................................................................................28 5.11.1. Interrupt Sources ..............................................................................................................29 5.11.2. Interrupt Vectors ...............................................................................................................30 5.11.3. Interrupt Collector Registers ............................................................................................30 ICOLL Enable 0 Registers ..............................................................................30 ICOLL Enable 1 Registers ..............................................................................31 ICOLL Status 0 Registers ...............................................................................31 ICOLL Status 1 Registers ...............................................................................31 ICOLL Priority 0 Registers ..............................................................................31 ICOLL Priority 1 Registers ..............................................................................32 ICOLL Priority 2 Registers ..............................................................................32 ICOLL Priority 3 Registers ..............................................................................32 ICOLL Priority 4 Registers ..............................................................................33 ICOLL Steering 0 Registers ..........................................................................33 ICOLL Steering 1 Registers ..........................................................................34 ICOLL Steering 2 Registers ..........................................................................34 5.11.4. Interrupt Collector Debug Registers .................................................................................35 ICOLL Debug Force 0 Registers ....................................................................35 ICOLL Debug Force 1 Registers ....................................................................35 ICOLL Force Enable 0 Registers ....................................................................35 ICOLL Force Enable 1 Registers ....................................................................35 ICOLL Observation Registers (HW_ICLOBSV0R/1R) ....................................36 Interrupt Collector Observe 0 Register ..........................................36 Interrupt Collector Observe 1 Register ..........................................36 5.12. General Debug Register ................................................................................................................36 6. USB INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................ 37 6.1. USB Interface Registers ..................................................................................................................37 6.1.1. USB Endpoint 0 Address Pointer Registers .......................................................................37 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Additional product and company information can be obtained by going to the SigmaTel website at: 2 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6.1.2. USB Utility Register ............................................................................................................37 6.1.3. USB Endpoint Control Status Register ..............................................................................38 6.1.4. USB Configuration Base Address Pointer Register ...........................................................38 6.1.5. USB Control Status Register ..............................................................................................39 6.1.6. USB End Point Data Transfer Types .................................................................................40 USB EP0 ...........................................................................................................40 USB Control Transfer Type ..............................................................................40 USB Bulk Transfer Type ...................................................................................40 USB Isochronous Transfer Type ......................................................................40 USB Interrupt Transfer Type .............................................................................41 6.1.7. USB Configuration Tables ..................................................................................................41 USBDescriptorTable .........................................................................................41 USBPowerOnTable ..........................................................................................42 Pre-Defined Descriptor Values .........................................................................43 6.2. USB Port Setup Sequences .............................................................................................................44 USB Intitialization ..............................................................................................44 USB Shutdown .................................................................................................44 EP7 Interrupt Service ........................................................................................44 6.3. Multiple Configurations ....................................................................................................................44 7. PARALLEL EXTERNAL MEMORY CONTROLLER (EMC) ........................................................... 45 7.1. EMC Overview .................................................................................................................................45 7.1.1. EMC External Pins .............................................................................................................46 7.2. General Use of the External Memory Interface ................................................................................46 7.2.1. Common Flash Registers ...................................................................................................47 Flash Control Register ......................................................................................47 Flash Control 2 Register ...................................................................................48 Flash Start Address Low Register ....................................................................48 Flash Start Address High Register ...................................................................48 7.3. External Memory Interface with SmartMedia/NAND Flash Devices ................................................48 7.3.1. SmartMedia/NAND Pins .....................................................................................................49 7.3.2. SmartMedia Registers ........................................................................................................50 SmartMedia Control Register ...........................................................................50 SmartMedia Timer 1 Register ...........................................................................51 SmartMedia Timer 2 Register ...........................................................................51 7.4. External Memory Interface in CompactFlash Mode .........................................................................51 7.4.1. CompactFlash Modes ........................................................................................................51 7.4.2. CompactFlash Registers ....................................................................................................52 CompactFlash Control Register ........................................................................52 CompactFlash Timer1 Register ........................................................................53 CompactFlash Timer2 Register ........................................................................53 7.4.3. Using the CompactFlash Modes ........................................................................................53 8. I2C INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................... 54 8.1. I2C-Specific Implementation ...........................................................................................................54 8.1.1. I2C Interface External Pins .................................................................................................54 8.1.2. I2C Interface Registers .......................................................................................................54 I2C Interface Control/Status Register ...............................................................55 I2C Data Registers ............................................................................................56 I2C Clock Divider Register ................................................................................57 8.1.3. I2C Interrupt Sources .........................................................................................................57 8.2. I2C Bus Protocol ..............................................................................................................................57 8.2.1. Slave Mode Protocol ..........................................................................................................58 8.2.2. Master Mode Protocol ........................................................................................................60 Clock Gen .........................................................................................................60 Master Mode Operation ....................................................................................60 9. SPI INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................. 63 9.1. SPI Pins ...........................................................................................................................................63 9.2. SPI Registers ...................................................................................................................................63 9.2.1. SPI Control Register ..........................................................................................................63 9.2.2. SPI Data Register ..............................................................................................................64 9.3. Transferring Data over SPI ..............................................................................................................64 9.3.1. Master Mode ......................................................................................................................64 Clock Generation ..............................................................................................64 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 3 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Slave Selects in Master Mode ..........................................................................65 9.3.2. Slave Mode ........................................................................................................................65 10. ON-CHIP TIMERS .......................................................................................................................... 66 10.1. Using the Timer Modules ...............................................................................................................66 10.1.1. General Programming Guidelines ....................................................................................66 10.1.2. Software-Visible Programmable I/O (PIO) Register .........................................................66 Timer Control Register ....................................................................................66 Timer Count Register ......................................................................................67 10.1.3. Timer Modes ....................................................................................................................67 Internal Clock Decrement, No Output Clock ...................................................67 Internal Clock Decrement, Output Pulse ........................................................68 Internal Clock, Output Toggle .........................................................................68 External Pulse Width Measurement ...............................................................68 External Period Measurement ........................................................................68 External Clock Increment ................................................................................69 External Clock Decrement ..............................................................................69 10.1.4. AC Timing Considerations ...............................................................................................69 11. SDRAM INTERFACE ..................................................................................................................... 70 11.1. SDRAM Interface Registers ...........................................................................................................70 11.1.1. SDRAM Address Pointer 1 Register ................................................................................70 11.1.2. SDRAM Address Pointer 2 Register ................................................................................71 11.1.3. SDRAM System Address Pointer Register ......................................................................71 11.1.4. SDRAM Size Register ......................................................................................................71 11.1.5. SDRAM Timer 1 Register .................................................................................................71 11.1.6. SDRAM Timer 2 Register .................................................................................................72 11.1.7. System Memory Modulo Base Address Register .............................................................72 11.1.8. System Memory Modulo Register ....................................................................................72 11.1.9. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 1 Register .........................................................73 11.1.10. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 2 Register .......................................................73 11.1.11. SDRAM Memory Modulo 1 Register ..............................................................................73 11.1.12. SDRAM Memory Modulo 2 Register ..............................................................................73 11.1.13. SDRAM Transfer Count Register ..................................................................................74 11.1.14. SDRAM Mode Register .................................................................................................74 11.1.15. SDRAM Type Register ..................................................................................................74 11.1.16. SDRAM Control Status Register ....................................................................................75 12. SWIZZLE ........................................................................................................................................ 77 12.1. SWIZZLE Registers .......................................................................................................................77 12.1.1. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 1 .........................................................................77 12.1.2. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 2 .........................................................................78 12.1.3. SWIZZLE Transfer Size ...................................................................................................79 12.1.4. SWIZZLE Source Address Register .................................................................................79 12.1.5. SWIZZLE DATA1 Register ...............................................................................................79 12.1.6. SWIZZLE DATA2 Register ...............................................................................................79 12.1.7. SWIZZLE Destination Address Register ..........................................................................79 12.1.8. SWIZZLE Big Endian Register .........................................................................................80 12.1.9. SWIZZLE Bit Reversed Register ......................................................................................80 12.1.10. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Byte Register .............................................................80 12.1.11. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Byte Register ..................................................80 12.1.12. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Byte Register ..............................................................80 12.1.13. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Word Register ...........................................................81 12.1.14. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Word Register ................................................81 12.1.15. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Word Register ............................................................81 12.1.16. SWIZZLE Barrel Shift Register ......................................................................................81 12.2. SWIZZLE Data Manipulation Examples .........................................................................................82 13. REAL-TIME CLOCK/WATCHDOG RESET ................................................................................... 83 13.1. Real-Time Clock Registers ............................................................................................................83 13.1.1. RTC Upper Data Word .....................................................................................................84 13.1.2. RTC Lower Data Word .....................................................................................................84 13.2. Watchdog Reset Timer Registers ..................................................................................................84 13.2.1. Watchdog Count Register ................................................................................................84 13.2.2. Watchdog Reset Enable Register ....................................................................................84 4 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 14. CDSYNC INTERFACE ................................................................................................................... 85 14.1. CDSYNC Interface Registers .........................................................................................................85 14.1.1. CDSYNC Control Status Register ....................................................................................85 14.1.2. CDSYNC Data Register ...................................................................................................86 14.1.3. CDSYNC Word Count Register .......................................................................................86 14.1.4. CDSYNC Current Position Register .................................................................................86 14.1.5. CDSYNC Modulo Register ...............................................................................................86 14.1.6. CDSYNC Base Address Register ....................................................................................87 14.2. Reed Solomon Error Corrector Registers ......................................................................................87 14.2.1. Reed Solomon Control Status Registers .........................................................................87 14.2.2. Reed Solomon Error Offset Register ...............................................................................88 14.2.3. Reed Solomon Word Count Register ...............................................................................88 14.2.4. Reed Solomon Current Position Register ........................................................................88 14.2.5. Reed Solomon Modulo Register ......................................................................................89 14.2.6. Reed Solomon Base Address Register ............................................................................89 14.2.7. Reed Solomon Parity Base Address Register .................................................................89 14.2.8. Reed Solomon Span Register ..........................................................................................89 15. CD-DSP INTERFACE .................................................................................................................... 90 15.1. Features .........................................................................................................................................90 15.2. Hardware functionality ...................................................................................................................90 15.2.1. Functional Description ......................................................................................................90 Overview .........................................................................................................90 Memory Map ...................................................................................................92 Implementation Details ...................................................................................92 Interrupts .........................................................................................................94 Chip level I/O mapping ...................................................................................95 15.3. Software Functionality ....................................................................................................................95 15.3.1. Programming Rules, Guidelines, and Examples ..............................................................95 General Programming Notes ..........................................................................95 15.3.2. CD-DSP Interface (CDI) Registers ...................................................................................96 CD-DSP Interface Control Unit Control Status Register .................................96 CDI Control Port Timer Register .....................................................................96 CDI Time Base Register .................................................................................97 CDI Data Register ...........................................................................................97 CDI Pin Configuration Register .......................................................................97 CD-DSP Interface Serial Input Control Status Register ..................................98 Serial Input Time Base Registers ...................................................................98 Serial Input Timer Registers ...........................................................................99 Serial Input Data Registers .............................................................................99 16. I2S SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE ................................................................................................ 100 16.1. I2S External Pins ..........................................................................................................................100 16.2. I2S Receive and Transmit Registers ............................................................................................101 16.2.1. Receivers .......................................................................................................................101 Receive Status I2S Control Register .............................................................101 Receive Status I2S DataI0 Register ..............................................................102 Receive Status I2S DataI1 Register ..............................................................102 Receive Status I2S DataI2 Register ..............................................................102 Handling Different Word Lengths ..................................................................103 16.2.2. Transmitters ...................................................................................................................103 Transmit Status I2S Control Register ............................................................103 Transmit Status I2S DataO0 Register ...........................................................104 Transmit Status I2S DataO1 Register ...........................................................104 Transmit Status I2S DataO2 Register ...........................................................105 16.2.3. Timing ............................................................................................................................105 16.2.4. Setting SAI Mode ...........................................................................................................105 16.2.5. Interrupts ........................................................................................................................105 17. TRACE BUFFER .......................................................................................................................... 106 17.1. Trace Buffer Specification ............................................................................................................106 17.2. Trace Buffer Registers .................................................................................................................107 17.2.1. Trace Buffer Configuration Register ...............................................................................107 17.2.2. Trace Buffer Base Address Register ..............................................................................107 17.2.3. Trace Buffer Modulus Address Register ........................................................................108 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 5 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 17.2.4. Trace Buffer Current Address Register ..........................................................................108 17.2.5. Trace Buffer Mask Registers ..........................................................................................108 17.2.6. Trace Buffer Trigger Command Status Register ............................................................108 17.2.7. Trace Buffer Trigger Value Register ..............................................................................109 17.3. Trace Buffer State Machine .........................................................................................................110 18. GENERAL PURPOSE INPUT/OUTPUT (GPIO) MODULES ...................................................... 111 18.1. GPIO Interface .............................................................................................................................111 18.2. GPIO Registers ............................................................................................................................112 18.2.1. GPIO Enable Register ....................................................................................................112 18.2.2. GPIO Data Out Register ................................................................................................112 18.2.3. GPIO Data In Register ...................................................................................................112 18.2.4. GPIO Data Out Enable Register ....................................................................................112 18.2.5. GPIO Interrupt Pin Enable Register ...............................................................................113 18.2.6. GPIO Interrupt Enable Register .....................................................................................113 18.2.7. GPIO Interrupt Level Register ........................................................................................113 18.2.8. GPIO Interrupt Polarity Register ....................................................................................114 18.2.9. GPIO Interrupt Status Register ......................................................................................114 18.2.10. GPIO Pin Power Register ............................................................................................114 18.2.11. GPIO Pin Drive Strength Register ................................................................................115 18.2.12. GPIO Register Pin Assignments ..................................................................................115 GPIO0 (Bank 0) ..........................................................................................115 GPIO1 (Bank 1) ..........................................................................................116 GPIO2 (Bank 2) ..........................................................................................117 GPIO3 (Bank 3) ..........................................................................................117 19. DAC/ADC/MIXER/HEADPHONE/LRADC ................................................................................... 119 19.1. DAC .............................................................................................................................................119 19.1.1. DAC Registers ...............................................................................................................119 DAC Base Address Register ........................................................................119 DAC Modulo Register ...................................................................................120 DAC Current Position Register .....................................................................120 DAC Word Count Register ............................................................................120 DAC Sample Rate Register ..........................................................................121 DAC Control Status Register ........................................................................122 19.2. ADC .............................................................................................................................................122 19.2.1. ADC Registers ...............................................................................................................123 ADC Base Address Register ........................................................................123 ADC Modulo Register ...................................................................................123 ADC Current Position Register .....................................................................123 ADC Word Count Register ............................................................................124 ADC Sample Rate Register ..........................................................................124 ADC Control Status Register ........................................................................125 19.3. Mixer ............................................................................................................................................126 19.3.1. Mixer Address Registers ................................................................................................126 19.3.2. Mixer Block Diagram ......................................................................................................126 19.3.3. Mixer Programming Model .............................................................................................127 Mixer Master Volume Register .....................................................................127 Analog Mixer Volume Registers ...................................................................128 Mixer Microphone-In Volume Register ........................................128 Mixer Line-In Volume Register ....................................................129 Mixer Line-In 2 Volume Register .................................................129 Mixer DAC In Volume Register ...................................................129 Mixer Record Select Register ......................................................130 Mixer ADC Gain Register .............................................................................130 Mixer Power Down Control/Status Register .................................................131 Codec/Mixer Test Register ...........................................................................131 Reference Control Register ..........................................................................133 19.4. Headphone Driver ........................................................................................................................134 19.4.1. Headphone Control Register ..........................................................................................134 19.4.2. Headphone Driver ..........................................................................................................135 19.5. Low Resolution ADC ....................................................................................................................135 19.5.1. Low Resolution ADC Control Register ...........................................................................136 19.5.2. Low Resolution ADC Result Register ............................................................................137 6 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20. BOOT MODES ............................................................................................................................. 138 20.1. General Information on Boot Modes ............................................................................................138 20.2. Bootloader Code Format ..............................................................................................................139 20.3. Encryption ....................................................................................................................................141 20.4. Bootloader Examples ...................................................................................................................141 20.4.1. Boot Example #1 ............................................................................................................141 20.4.2. Boot Example #2 ............................................................................................................141 20.4.3. Boot Example #3 ............................................................................................................142 20.5. Boot Procedure ............................................................................................................................142 20.5.1. USB boot mode ..............................................................................................................142 USB Boot Mode Pin Power ...........................................................................145 20.5.2. NAND Flash Boot Mode .................................................................................................145 NAND Flash Boot Mode Pin Power ..............................................................145 20.5.3. I2C Slave Boot Mode ......................................................................................................146 I2C Slave Boot Mode Pin Power ...................................................................146 20.5.4. I2C Master Boot Mode ....................................................................................................146 I2C Master Boot Mode Pin Power .................................................................146 20.5.5. SPI Slave Boot Mode .....................................................................................................146 SPI Slave Boot Mode Pin Power ..................................................................146 20.5.6. TESTERLOADER Boot Mode ........................................................................................146 20.5.7. BURNIN Boot Mode .......................................................................................................146 20.5.8. System Recovery Mode .................................................................................................147 20.6. Memory Maps ..............................................................................................................................147 21. DC-DC CONVERTER .................................................................................................................. 148 21.1. STMP3410 DC-DC Converter Implementation ............................................................................148 21.1.1. Defining Battery Configuration .......................................................................................148 DC-DC Converter Configuration ...................................................................149 Power Up Sequence .....................................................................................149 Power Down Sequence ................................................................................153 Powered Down State ....................................................................................153 Reset Sequence ...........................................................................................154 Summary of Major DC-DC Features .............................................................154 21.1.2. DC-DC Registers ...........................................................................................................155 DCDC1 Control Register A ...........................................................................155 DCDC1 Control Register B ...........................................................................156 DCDC2 Control Register A ...........................................................................156 DCDC2 Control Register B ...........................................................................157 DC-DC VddIO Control Register ....................................................................158 DC-DC VddD Control Register .....................................................................158 DC-DC VddA/Battery Brownout Enable Control Register .............................159 DC-DC Test Bit Register ...............................................................................159 21.2. System Brownout .........................................................................................................................161 22. PIN DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 162 22.1. STMP3410 Pin Placement and Definitions ..................................................................................162 22.1.1. Analog Pins ....................................................................................................................167 22.1.2. DCDC Converter Pins ....................................................................................................167 22.1.3. External Memory Interface (CompactFlash) Pins ...........................................................167 22.1.4. External Memory Interface (SmartMedia) Pins ..............................................................168 22.1.5. General Purpose Input/Output Pins ...............................................................................169 22.1.6. I2C Interface Pins ...........................................................................................................170 22.1.7. I2S Interface Pins ...........................................................................................................170 22.1.8. Power Pins .....................................................................................................................170 22.1.9. SDRAM Interface Pins ...................................................................................................171 22.1.10. SPI Interface Pins ........................................................................................................172 22.1.11. System Pins .................................................................................................................172 22.1.12. USB Interface Pins .......................................................................................................172 23. PACKAGE DRAWINGS ............................................................................................................... 173 23.1. 100-Pin TQFP ..............................................................................................................................173 23.2. 144-Pin TQFP ..............................................................................................................................174 23.3. 144-Pin fpBGA .............................................................................................................................175 24. INDEX OF REGISTERS ............................................................................................................... 176 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 7 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 1.1. List of Figures Figure 1. STMP3410 Block Diagram ..............................................................................................................14 Figure 2. STMP3410 Package Photos ...........................................................................................................14 Figure 3. Memory Organization ......................................................................................................................17 Figure 4. DSP Memory Map ...........................................................................................................................18 Figure 5. DSP Architechure ...........................................................................................................................20 Figure 6. Clock Control Register (HW_CCR) .................................................................................................24 Figure 7. Interrupt Collector Diagram .............................................................................................................28 Figure 8. I2C data and clock timing ................................................................................................................57 Figure 9. Slave Mode Flow Chart ...................................................................................................................59 Figure 10. Master Mode Flow Chart ...............................................................................................................61 Figure 11. Master Mode Flow Chart – Read and Write States .......................................................................62 Figure 12. Timing diagram of SPI signals, including the various SCLK phases .............................................65 Figure 13. CDI Serial Transfer Type Examples ..............................................................................................91 Figure 14. CDI Serial Interface Architecture ...................................................................................................92 Figure 15. Control Interface State Machine ...................................................................................................93 Figure 16. Serial Input State Machine ............................................................................................................94 Figure 17. I2S Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................100 Figure 18. Receive and Transmit Data Timing .............................................................................................105 Figure 19. Trace Buffer State Machine State Diagram ................................................................................110 Figure 20. GPIO Setup Flow Chart ..............................................................................................................111 Figure 21. Mixer Flow Diagram ....................................................................................................................126 Figure 22. Mixer Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................127 Figure 22. Mixer Block Diagram ...................................................................................................................127 Figure 23. External Microphone Bias Generation ........................................................................................128 Figure 24. Internal Microphone Bias Generation ..........................................................................................129 Figure 25. Headphone application circuit .....................................................................................................135 Figure 26. Low Resolution ADC Diagram ....................................................................................................135 Figure 27. Initial Boot Sequence ..................................................................................................................143 Figure 28. Boot Procedure ...........................................................................................................................144 Figure 29. USB Boot Mode Memory Map ....................................................................................................147 Figure 30. All Other Boot Modes Memory Map ............................................................................................147 Figure 31. DC-DC Converter Control System ..............................................................................................149 Figure 32. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 000) ...........................................................................150 Figure 33. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 001) ...........................................................................150 Figure 34. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 010) ...........................................................................151 Figure 35. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 011) ...........................................................................151 Figure 36. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 101) ...........................................................................152 Figure 37. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 111) ...........................................................................152 Figure 38. Brownout Event Detect Available Circuitry ..................................................................................161 Figure 39. STMP3410 Package Photos .......................................................................................................162 Figure 40. 100-Pin TQFP Package Drawing ................................................................................................173 Figure 41. 144-Pin TQFP Package Drawing ................................................................................................174 Figure 42. 144-Pin fpBGA Package Drawing ...............................................................................................175 1.2. List of Tables Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings ..............................................................................................................15 Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions ..............................................................................................15 Table 3. PXRAM Configuration Register Description .....................................................................................16 Table 4. PYRAM Configuration Register Description .....................................................................................16 Table 5. On-Chip Memory Configuration Register Description ......................................................................19 Table 6. Revision Register Description ..........................................................................................................20 Table 7. Reset Control Register Description ..................................................................................................21 Table 8. DCLK Count Lower Register Description .........................................................................................22 Table 9. DCLK Count Upper Register Description .........................................................................................22 Table 10. Cycle Steal Count Register Description .........................................................................................22 Table 11. Operating Mode Register Description ............................................................................................23 Table 12. Clock Control Register Description ................................................................................................24 Table 13. Misc/Spare Register Description ....................................................................................................26 Table 14. Scratch Register Description ..........................................................................................................26 Table 15. Interrupt Priority Register Description ............................................................................................27 8 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Table 16. Interrupt Sources ............................................................................................................................29 Table 17. Interrupt Vector Map ......................................................................................................................30 Table 18. ICOLL Enable 0 Register Description ............................................................................................30 Table 19. ICOLL Enable 1 Register Description ............................................................................................31 Table 20. ICOLL Status 0 Register Description .............................................................................................31 Table 21. ICOLL Status 1 Register Description .............................................................................................31 Table 22. ICOLL Priority 0 Register Description ............................................................................................31 Table 23. ICOLL Priority 1 Register Description ............................................................................................32 Table 24. ICOLL Priority 2 Register Description ............................................................................................32 Table 25. ICOLL Priority 3 Register Description ............................................................................................32 Table 26. ICOLL Priority 4 Register Description ............................................................................................33 Table 27. ICOLL Steering 0 Register Description ..........................................................................................33 Table 28. ICOLL Steering 1 Register Description ..........................................................................................34 Table 29. ICOLL Steering 2 Register Description ..........................................................................................34 Table 30. ICOLL Force Value 0 Register Description ....................................................................................35 Table 31. ICOLL Force Value 1 Register Description ....................................................................................35 Table 32. ICOLL Force Enable 0 Register Description ..................................................................................35 Table 33. ICOLL Force Enable 1 Registers Description ................................................................................35 Table 34. ICOLL Observe 0 Register Description ..........................................................................................36 Table 35. ICOLL Observe 1 Register Description ..........................................................................................36 Table 36. USB Endpoint 0 Address Pointer Registers Description ................................................................37 Table 37. USB Utility Register Description .....................................................................................................37 Table 38. USB Endpoint Control Status Register Description ........................................................................38 Table 39. USB Configuration Base Address Pointer Register Description ....................................................38 Table 40. USB Control Status Register Description .......................................................................................39 Table 41. USB End Point 0 (EP0) ..................................................................................................................40 Table 42. USB Control Transfer Type ............................................................................................................40 Table 43. USB Bulk Transfer Type ................................................................................................................40 Table 44. USB Isochronous Transfer Type ....................................................................................................40 Table 45. USB Interrupt Transfer Type ..........................................................................................................41 Table 46. USBEndPtBuf Format Description .................................................................................................42 Table 47. USBConfigBuf Format Description .................................................................................................42 Table 49. Pre-Defined Device Descriptor Description ....................................................................................43 Table 50. Pre-Defined Device Descriptor .......................................................................................................43 Table 51. USB EP0 Descriptor .......................................................................................................................43 Table 48. USBConfigBuf Format Description .................................................................................................43 Table 52. Mapping of pins to CF+/CompactFlash and SmartMedia Card/Device Pins ................................46 Table 53. Flash Control Register Description .................................................................................................47 Table 54. Flash Control 2 Register Description ..............................................................................................48 Table 55. Flash Start Address Low Register Description ...............................................................................48 Table 56. Flash Start Address High Register Description ..............................................................................48 Table 57. SmartMedia Control Register Description ......................................................................................50 Table 58. SmartMedia Timer 1 Register Description .....................................................................................51 Table 59. SmartMedia Timer 2 Register Description .....................................................................................51 Table 60. SmartMedia Timing Specifications .................................................................................................51 Table 61. CompactFlash Control Register Description ..................................................................................52 Table 62. CompactFlash Timer1 Register Description ...................................................................................53 Table 63. CompactFlash Timer2 Register Description ...................................................................................53 Table 64. I2C Registers Address Map ............................................................................................................54 Table 65. I2C Interface Control/Status RegisterDescription ...........................................................................55 Table 66. I2C Data Register Description ........................................................................................................56 Table 67. I2C Clock Divider Register Description ...........................................................................................57 Table 68. I2C Interrupt Address Map .............................................................................................................57 Table 69. Transfer when Master is writing a single byte of data to the interface as a slave ..........................58 Table 70. Transfer when Master is writing multiple bytes to the interface as a slave ....................................58 Table 71. Transfer when Master is receiving one byte of data from interface as a slave ..............................58 Table 72. Transfer when Master is receiving multiple bytes of data from interface as a slave ......................58 Table 73. Slave and Master mode address definitions ..................................................................................59 Table 74. Transfer when the interface as master is transmitting one byte of data would be .........................60 Table 75. Transfer when the interface as master is reading multiple status bytes of data from slave ...........60 Table 76. Transfer when Master is receiving one byte of data from slave internal sub-address ...................60 Table 77. Transfer when Master is receiving multiple bytes of data from slave internal sub-address ...........60 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 9 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Table 78. SPI Control Register Description ....................................................................................................63 Table 79. SPI Data Register Description ........................................................................................................64 Table 80. Timer Control Register Description ................................................................................................66 Table 81. Timer Count Register Description ..................................................................................................67 Table 82. AC Timing for DSP Interface ..........................................................................................................69 Table 83. SDRAM Address Pointer 1 Register Description ...........................................................................70 Table 84. SDRAM Address Pointer 2 Register Description ...........................................................................71 Table 85. System Address Pointer Register1 Description .............................................................................71 Table 86. SDRAM Size Register Description .................................................................................................71 Table 87. SDRAM Timer 1 Register Description ............................................................................................71 Table 88. SDRAM Timer 2 Register Description ............................................................................................72 Table 89. System Memory Modulo Base Address Register Description ........................................................72 Table 90. System Memory Modulo Register Description ...............................................................................72 Table 91. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 1 Register Description ....................................................73 Table 92. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 2 Register Description ....................................................73 Table 93. SDRAM Memory Modulo 1 Register Description ...........................................................................73 Table 94. SDRAM Memory Modulo 2 Register Description ...........................................................................73 Table 95. SDRAM Transfer Count Register Description ................................................................................74 Table 96. SDRAM Mode Register Description ...............................................................................................74 Table 97. SDRAM Mode Register Description ...............................................................................................74 Table 98. SDRAM Control Status Register Description .................................................................................75 Table 99. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 1 Description .....................................................................77 Table 100. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 2 Description ...................................................................78 Table 101. SWIZZLE Transfer Size Description ............................................................................................79 Table 102. SWIZZLE Source Address Register Description ..........................................................................79 Table 103. SWIZZLE DATA1 Register Description ........................................................................................79 Table 104. SWIZZLE DATA2 Register Description ........................................................................................79 Table 105. SWIZZLE Destination Address Register Description ...................................................................79 Table 106. SWIZZLE Big Endian Register Description ..................................................................................80 Table 107. SWIZZLE Bit Reversed Register Description ...............................................................................80 Table 108. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Byte Register Description ........................................................80 Table 109. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Byte Register Description .............................................80 Table 110. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Byte Register Description .........................................................80 Table 111. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Word Register Description ......................................................81 Table 112. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Word Register Description ...........................................81 Table 113. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Word Register Description .......................................................81 Table 114. SWIZZLE Barrel Shift Register Description ..................................................................................81 Table 115. Examples of the Data Manipulations Supported by the SWIZZLE Module ..................................82 Table 116. RTC Upper Data Word Description ..............................................................................................84 Table 117. RTC Lower Data Word Description ..............................................................................................84 Table 118. Watchdog Reset Count Register Description ...............................................................................84 Table 119. Watchdog Reset Enable Register Description .............................................................................84 Table 120. Control/Status Register Description .............................................................................................85 Table 121. CDSYNC Data Register Description ............................................................................................86 Table 122. CDSYNC Word Count Register Description .................................................................................86 Table 123. CDSYNC Current Position Register Description ..........................................................................86 Table 124. CDSYNC Modulo Register Description ........................................................................................86 Table 125. CDSYNC Base Address Register Description .............................................................................87 Table 126. Reed Solomon Control Status Registers Description ...................................................................87 Table 127. Reed Solomon Error Offset Register Description .........................................................................88 Table 128. Reed Solomon Word Count Register Description ........................................................................88 Table 129. Reed Solomon Current Position Register Description .................................................................88 Table 130. Reed Solomon Modulo Register Description ...............................................................................89 Table 131. Reed Solomon Base Address Register Description .....................................................................89 Table 132. Reed Solomon Parity Base Address Register Description ...........................................................89 Table 133. Reed Solomon Span Register Description ...................................................................................89 Table 134. CDI Control CSR Clock Polarity ...................................................................................................92 Table 135. Interrupt Conditions ......................................................................................................................94 Table 136. CDI Pin Mapping Examples .........................................................................................................95 Table 137. CD-DSP Interface Control Unit Control Status Register Description ...........................................96 Table 138. CDI Control Port Timer Register Description ...............................................................................96 Table 139. CDI Time Base Register Description ............................................................................................97 Table 140. Control Unit Data Register Description ........................................................................................97 10 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Table 141. CDI Pin Configuration Register Description .................................................................................97 Table 142. CD-DSP Interface Serial Input Control Status Register Description ............................................98 Table 143. Serial Input Time Base Register Description ................................................................................98 Table 144. Serial Input Timer Register Description ........................................................................................99 Table 145. Serial Input Data Register Description .........................................................................................99 Table 146. Receive Status I2S Control Register Description .......................................................................101 Table 147. Receive Status I2S DataI0 Register Description ........................................................................102 Table 148. Receive Status I2S DataI1 Register Description ........................................................................102 Table 149. Receive Status I2S DataI2 Register Description ........................................................................102 Table 150. Transmit Status I2S Control Register Description ......................................................................103 Table 151. Transmit Status I2S DataI0 Register Description .......................................................................104 Table 152. Transmit Status I2S DataI1 Register Description .......................................................................104 Table 153. Transmit Status I2S DataI2 Register Description .......................................................................105 Table 154. SAI interrupts and Priorities .......................................................................................................105 Table 155. Trace Buffer Configuration Register Description ........................................................................107 Table 156. Trace Buffer base address register Description .........................................................................107 Table 157. Trace Buffer modulus address register Description ...................................................................108 Table 158. Trace Buffer Current Address Register Description ...................................................................108 Table 159. Trace Buffer Mask Registers Description ...................................................................................108 Table 160. Trace Buffer Trigger Command Status Register Description .....................................................108 Table 161. Trace Buffer Trigger Value Register Description ........................................................................109 Table 162. GPIO Enable Register Description .............................................................................................112 Table 163. GPIO Data Out Register Description ..........................................................................................112 Table 164. GPIO Data In Register Description ............................................................................................112 Table 165. GPIO Data Out Enable Register Description .............................................................................112 Table 166. GPIO Interrupt Pin Enable Register Description ........................................................................113 Table 167. GPIO Interrupt Enable Register Description ..............................................................................113 Table 168. GPIO Interrupt Level Register Description .................................................................................113 Table 169. GPIO Interrupt Polarity Register Description ..............................................................................114 Table 170. GPIO Interrupt Options Table ....................................................................................................114 Table 171. GPIO Interrupt Status Register Description ...............................................................................114 Table 172. GPIO Pin Power Register Description ........................................................................................114 Table 173. GPIO Pin Drive Strength Register Description ...........................................................................115 Table 174. GPIO0 Pin Register (Bank 0) Description ..................................................................................115 Table 175. GPIO1 Pin Register (Bank 1) Description ..................................................................................116 Table 176. GPIO2 Pin Register (Bank 2) Description ..................................................................................117 Table 177. GPIO2 Pin Register (Bank 3) Description ..................................................................................117 Table 178. DAC Base Address Register Description ...................................................................................119 Table 179. DAC Modulo Register Description ..............................................................................................120 Table 180. DAC Current Position Register Description ................................................................................120 Table 181. DAC Word Count Register Description ......................................................................................120 Table 182. DAC Sample Rate Register Description .....................................................................................121 Table 183. Example values for the HW_DACSRR register ..........................................................................121 Table 184. DAC Control Status Register Description ...................................................................................122 Table 185. ADC Base Address Register Description ...................................................................................123 Table 186. ADC Modulo Register Description ..............................................................................................123 Table 187. ADC Current Position Register Description ................................................................................123 Table 188. ADC Word Count Register Description ......................................................................................124 Table 189. ADC Sample Rate Register Description .....................................................................................124 Table 191. ADC Control Status Register Description ...................................................................................125 Table 190. Example values for the HW_ADCSRR register ..........................................................................125 Table 192. Mixer Address Registers ............................................................................................................126 Table 193. Mixer Master Volume Register Description ................................................................................127 Table 194. Master Volume Register values .................................................................................................127 Table 195. Analog Mixer Volume Registers .................................................................................................128 Table 196. Mixer Microphone-In Volume Register Description ....................................................................128 Table 197. Mixer Line-In Volume Register Description ................................................................................129 Table 198. Mixer Line-in 2 Volume Register Description .............................................................................129 Table 199. DAC In Volume Register Description .........................................................................................129 Table 200. Mixer Record Select Register Description ..................................................................................130 Table 201. ADC Select Register ..................................................................................................................130 Table 202. Mixer ADC Gain Register Description ........................................................................................130 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 11 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Table 203. ADC Gain Register .....................................................................................................................130 Table 204. Mixer Power Down Control/Stat Register Description ................................................................131 Table 205. Power Down Register ................................................................................................................131 Table 206. Codec/Mixer Test Register Description ......................................................................................131 Table 207. Reference Control Register Description .....................................................................................133 Table 208. Headphone Control Register Description ...................................................................................134 Table 209. Low Resolution ADC Control Register Description ....................................................................136 Table 210. Low Resolution ADC Result Register Description ......................................................................137 Table 211. Boot Control Pins .......................................................................................................................138 Table 212. Boot Modes in Current Silicon Revision .....................................................................................138 Table 213. Command Header + Data ..........................................................................................................139 Table 214. Memory Control Bits ...................................................................................................................140 Table 215. Decode of the Three DC-DC Mode Select Pins .........................................................................148 Table 216. DCDC1 Control Register A Description ......................................................................................155 Table 217. DCDC1 Control Register B Description ......................................................................................156 Table 218. DCDC2 Control Register A Description ......................................................................................156 Table 219. DCDC2 Control Register B Description ......................................................................................157 Table 220. DC-DC VddIO Control Register Description ...............................................................................158 Table 221. DC-DC VddD Control Register Description ................................................................................158 Table 222. DC-DC VddA Control Register Description ................................................................................159 Table 223. DC-DC Test Bit Register Description .........................................................................................159 Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table ...............................................................................................162 Table 225. Analog Pins (CODEC Module) ...................................................................................................167 Table 226. DCDC Converter Pins ................................................................................................................167 Table 227. External Memory Interface - CompactFlash Pins (EMC-CF Module) .........................................167 Table 228. External Memory Interface - SmartMedia Pins (EMC-SM Module) ............................................168 Table 229. General Purpose Input/Output Pins ...........................................................................................169 Table 230. I2C Interface Pins .......................................................................................................................170 Table 231. I2S Interface Pins .......................................................................................................................170 Table 232. Power Pins .................................................................................................................................170 Table 233. SDRAM Interface Pins ...............................................................................................................171 Table 234. SPI Interface Pins ......................................................................................................................172 Table 235. System Pins ...............................................................................................................................172 Table 236. USB Interface Pins .....................................................................................................................172 Table 237. Notes on Pin Placement and Definitions ....................................................................................172 12 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 2. PRODUCT OVERVIEW 2.1. Features • Decodes MP3, WMA, AAC and is upgradeable to other digital music formats • Supports WMA digital rights management and other security schemes • NAND Flash, SmartMedia, MMC, Secure Digital, CompactFlash, SDRAM, CD and IDE Support • Flexible, efficient on-chip DC-DC converter • Designed for greater than 35 hours of operation on a single AA battery • Designed to operate from many different battery configurations, including 1xAA, 1xAAA, 2xAA, 2xAAA, LiIon • USB download interface • LED/LCD Driver • GPIO and button I/O controls • Voice record in ADPCM format • Volume control on record and playback • Full analog mixer configuration • >90 dB THD headphone driver, including anti-pop and short-circuit protection • High performance 18-bit Σ∆ technology • Line-in to Line-out SNR >95 dB • Mac and Windows download drivers • Interface to a host chip/processor (optional) • Upgradeable firmware • DSP maximum speed is 65 MHz • Energy saving dynamic power management • Bass and Treble control; configurable multiple band control • FM radio input and control support • Three analog line-level inputs: Line_In (stereo), FM_In (stereo), and Mic (mono) • Offered in 100-pin TQFP, 144-pin TQFP, and 144-pin fpBGA packages 2.2. Description SigmaTel's STMP3410 is a second generation single-chip highly-integrated digital music system solution for devices such as dedicated audio players, PDAs, and cell phones. It includes an audio decoder with a high performance DSP, ADPCM record capabilities and a USB interface for downloading music and uploading voice recordings. STMP3410 also provides an interface to a CD pickup, flash memory, LED/LCD, button and switch inputs, headphones, microphone, and FM radio input and control. The STMP3410’s programmable architecture supports the MP3, WMA, and other digital audio standards. WMA digital rights management and other security schemes are also supported. The end-user can download music and also update the software on the STMP3410 through a USB interface. For devices like PDAs and cell phones, STMP3410 can act as a slave chip to a host chip/processor. The STMP3410 has low power consumption to allow long battery life and an efficient flexible on-chip DC-DC converter that allows many different battery configurations, including 1xAA, 1xAAA, 2xAA, 2xAAA and LiIon. The DACs include a headphone driver to directly drive low impedance headphones. The ADCs include inputs for both Microphone and Analog Audio In to support voice recording and FM radio integration features. SigmaTel's proprietary Sigma-Delta (Σ∆) technology achieves a DAC SNR in excess of 95 dB. STMP3410 supports the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) and other digital content copy protection schemes. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 13 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 2.3. Additional Documentation Additional documentation and information is available from SigmaTel, including SDK, reference designs, sample BOM, etc. 2.4. STMP3410 Block Diagram 90 94 98 102 10 6 FM Radio SPI ROM/ MMC Flash I2C Peripherals SmartMedia CompactFlash NOR Flash NAND Flash Hard Drive SDRAM I2S I2S CD CD Synchronization Synchronization Memory Bus Peripheral Bus STMP3410 Boost DAC 6 SPI SPI Interface Interface DAC DAC DSP DSP I2C I2C Interface Interface Headphone Amplifier Amplifier Headphone LED/LCD Buttons/ Switches General Purpose Purpose Input/Output Input/Output General CDROM FM in Interrupt InterruptControl, Control,Timers, Timers,Bit Bit Manipulation ManipulationUnit, Unit,RTC, RTC,Trace Trace Debug Unit, Reed-Solomon Debug Unit, Reed-Solomon USB USB Line in CD CD Control Control Interface Interface Mic in Microphone USB Bus Headphones ADC ADC EMC EMC SDRAM SDRAM Interface Interface On-Chip On-Chip ROM ROM 8K 8K xx 24bits 24bits On-Chip On-Chip RAM RAM 96K 96K xx 24bits 24bits DCDC DCDC Converter Converter Low Low Resolution Resolution ADC ADC PLL PLL XTAL xtal Battery Crystal Figure 1. STMP3410 Block Diagram 14 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 3. CHARACTERISTICS/SPECIFICATIONS 3.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL Ambient operating temperature Storage temperature Analog supply voltage Digital supply voltage I/O Supply Input voltage on any pin relative to ground MIN MAX UNITS -10 -40 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.3 70 125 1.98 1.98 3.6 Vdd+0.3 °C °C V V V V Table 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings 3.2. Recommended Operating Conditions PARAMETER SYMBOL Ambient temperature Digital core supply voltage – VddD1, VddD2, VddD3 (Note 1) Specification dependent on DSP frequency Digital I/O supply voltage – VddIO1, VddIO2 Analog supply voltage – VddA1, VddA2, Vddpll, Vddh Specification dependent on maximum output power Battery startup input voltage in 1xAA or 1xAAA mode Full Scale Input Voltage: Line Inputs Mic Inputs With 20 dB boost Without 20 dB boost Full Scale Output Voltage: Headphone/Line Outputs (Vdd = 1.8 V) Headphone/Line Outputs (Vdd = 1.55 V) Signal-to-noise ratio of line input (Note 2) Crosstalk between input channels Total harmonic distortion (16Ω headphone at 1 Khz) Analog line input resistance (Note 3) Microphone input resistance Analog output resistance DAC SNR Idle Channel (Note 4) DAC dynamic range (Note 4) Line SNR (Note 4) Line SNR idle channel (Note 4) MIN TYP MAX UNITS -10 1.55 - 70 1.98 °C V 2.9 1.55 2.9 - 3.6 1.80 V V 0.9 - - V - 0.6 0.1 0.06 0.6 - Vrms Vrms 85 90 - 0.57 0.42 90 -75 24 100 93 90 90 0.05 <1 - Vrms Vrms dB dB % kΩ kΩ Ω dB dB dB dB Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions Note: 1. Recommended operating voltages for DCLK: Speed 48 MHz 55 MHz 60 MHz 65 MHz Vcore 1.55V 1.60V 1.70V 1.80V Vbrownout 1.45V 1.50V 1.60V 1.70V (<=55ºC) 2. dB is relative to 0.6 Vrms. 3. Analog line input resistance changes with volume setting. 4. Measured “A weighted” over a 20 Hz to a 20 kHz bandwidth. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 15 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 4. MEMORY MAP The STMP3410 includes 96 kwords of on-chip RAM (96k x 24 bits = 2.25 Mbits) that is used for program and data storage, and 8 kwords of on-chip ROM (8k x 24 bits = 192kbits) that is used for the code that boots the device (see Section 20 for more details on boot modes and the contents of the on-chip ROM). The on-chip ROM is mapped at the address range P:$0000-$1FFF at reset, it can also be configured to be mapped at address range P:$EFFF-$FFFF, or can be disabled to save power and to free up this address range for on-chip RAM. The on-chip RAM is organized into two banks of 48 kwords each, called PXRAM and PYRAM. PXRAM can be mapped into the DSP P memory space, starting at P:$0000, or into the DSP X memory space, starting at X:$0000. PYRAM can be mapped into the DSP P memory space, starting immediately after the end of the PXRAM memory, or into the DSP Y memory space, starting at Y:$0000. Both PXRAM and PYRAM memory can be allocated to the DSP P, X or Y memory spaces in 1k word increments, from a minimum of 0k words to all available memory. The memory configuration is controlled by the PX & PY Memory Configuration registers documented below. There are no hardware safeguards against improper programming of these registers. It is possible to allocate less than all of the on-chip RAM, unallocated memory will then be invisible to the DSP. 4.1. PXRAM Configuration Register HW_PXCFG BITS LABEL 23:14 13:8 RSRVD PXXSIZE R RW RW 0 011000 7:6 5:0 RSRVD PXPSIZE R RW 0 011000 X:$FFE8 RESET DEFINITION Reserved Number of kwords of PXRAM that is mapped in the DSP X memory space. Reserved Number of kwords of PXRAM that is mapped in the DSP P memory space. Table 3. PXRAM Configuration Register Description 4.2. PYRAM Configuration Register HW_PYCFG BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:14 13:8 RSRVD PYYSIZE R RW 0 011000 7:6 5:0 RSRVD PYPSIZE R RW 0 011000 X:$FFE9 DEFINITION Reserved Number of kwords of PYRAM that is mapped in the DSP Y memory space. Reserved Number of kwords of PYRAM that is mapped in the DSP P memory space. Table 4. PYRAM Configuration Register Description The PXRAM bank is accessible to DSP P space accesses, DSP X space accesses, and DMA accesses. The PYRAM bank is accessible to DSP P space accesses, DSP Y space accesses, and DMA accesses. PXRAM & PYRAM are made up of 6 physical blocks of 8 kwords each for a total of 48 kwords each. Since the allocation of to DSP P space, X space, & Y space is in 1 kword increments, it is possible for a single physical memory block in the PXRAM bank to be accessed by the DSP P, DSP X, and DMA bussess at the same time, similarily for the PYRAM bank. When 16 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record this happens, the memory interface control logic steals one or more clock cycles from the DSP to allow all of the accesses to complete in separate clock cycles. In case of conflict, DMA accesses take priority over DSP accesses, and DSP program accesses take priority over DSP data accesses. It is possible to elminate cycle steals because of DSP P space and DSP X or Y conflicts by allocating PXRAM & PYRAM in increments of 8 kwords, this means that each physical memory block is allocated to DSP P, X or Y space. It is not possible to eliminate cycle steal that happen because a DMA access conflicts with a DSP access to memory. In order to allow the programmer to monitor that cycle steals are happening, the contents of the Cycle Steal Count Register (HW_CYCSTLCNT) is incremented whenever a cycle is stolen for a memory access conflict. Figure 3 below shows an example of how the PXRAM and PYRAM memory banks can be allocated. In this example, PXRAM is allocated as 22 kwords P, & 26 kwords X, and PYRAM is allocated as 18 kwords P, & 30 kwords Y, for a total of 40 kwords of P, 26 kwords of X, and 30 kwords of Y. PXMEM PYMEM X:$0000 Y:$0000 X:$2000 Y:$2000 X:$4000 Y:$4000 X:$6000 X:$67FF P:$57FF Y:$6000 8 kwords instance 8 kwords instance 48 kwords total per memory bank 26 kwords X memory from PXRAM 30 kwords Y memory from PYRAM 8 kwords instance 8 kwords instance 8 kwords instance P:$4000 Y:$77FF P:$9FFF P:$9800 P:$2000 P:$7800 P:$0000 P:$5800 22 kwords P memory from PXRAM 18 kwords P memory from PYRAM 8 kwords instance Figure 3. Memory Organization When the memory is configured as shown in Figure 3, the DSP’s view of the memory map will be as shown below in Figure 4. The DSP P address space has 40kwords of RAM as shown in the range P:$0000 to P:$9FFF. If the ROM is enabled then it appears in the DSP P address space at P:$E000 to P:$FFFF. The DSP X space has 26kwords of RAM at X:$0000 to X:$67FF, likewise the DSP X space has 30kwords of RAM at Y:$0000 to Y:$77FF. The address ranges P:$A000 to P:$DFFF, X:$6800 to X:$EFFF, and Y:$7800 to Y:$FFFF are not populated with any memory. The address range P:$E000 to P:$FFFF is unpopulated if the ROM is not enabled. The address range X:$F000 to X:$FFFF is reserved for on-chip peripherals. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 17 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record In the above example memory configuration, it is possible for cycle steals to happen because of either DSP access conflicts, or because of DMA access conflicts. The areas in the memory map where DSP access conflicts can occur are shown in gray in both Figure 3 & Figure 4. If the DSP attempts to access an address in the range P:$4000 to P:$57FF at the same time as an address in the range X:$6000 to X:$67FF, a stall cycle will occur. If the DSP attempts to access an address in the range P:$9800 to P:$9FFF at the same time as an address in the range Y:$6000 to Y:$77FF, a stall cycle will also occur. DSP P space DSP X Space X:$FFFF P:$FFFF DSP Y space X:$FFFF Peripherals 8 kwords from PROM X:$F000 P:$E000 not populated not populated not populated P:$9FFF P:$9800 P:$97FF 64 kwords total 18 kwords P:$7800 from PYMEM P:$77FF Y:$77FF X:$67FF X:$6000 X:$5FFF Y:$6000 Y:$5FFF P:$5800 P:$57FF P:$4000 P:$3FFF X:$4000 X:$3FFF 26 kwords from PXMEM 22 kwords from PXMEM Y:$4000 30 kwords Y:$3FFF from PYMEM P:$2000 P:$1FFF X:$2000 X:$1FFF Y:$2000 Y:$1FFF P:$0000 X:$0000 Y:$0000 Figure 4. DSP Memory Map It is possible to reallocate on-chip RAM at any time, however doing so is dangerous and should be done carefully. In particular, the DSP P space memory that is allocated from the PYMEM memory bank will move within address space if the allocation of PXRAM memory is changed. 18 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 4.3. On-Chip Memory Configuration Register HW_RAM_ROM_CFG X:$FFED BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:22 RSRVD R Reserved. 21 PYRAM_CLK_EN RW 1 PYRAM Clock Enable. This bit enables or disables the clock to the PYRAM embedded test and repair (ETR) engine. This clock should be turned off in almost all circumstances to save power. It must be turned on for the correct operation of the PYRAM ETR engine. The reset value of this bit is 1, but the bit will be turned off by the boot code in the on-chip ROM in almost all circumstances. 0 = Disable clock for the PYRAM ETR engine 1 = Enable clock for the PYRAM ETR engine 20 PXRAM_CLK_EN RW 1 PXRAM Clock Enable. This bit enables or disables the clock to the PXRAM embedded test and repair (ETR) engine. This clock should be turned off in almost all circumstances to save power. It must be turned on for the correct operation of the PXRAM ETR engine. The reset value of this bit is 1, but the bit will be turned off by the boot code in the on-chip ROM in almost all circumstances. 0 = Disable clock for the PXRAM ETR engine 1 = Enable clock for the PXRAM ETR engine 19 ROM_IMAGE_ RW 1 PROM Clock Enable. This bit enables or disables the clock to the on-chip ENABLE ROM. This clock should be turned off to save power if the ROM is not being used. It must be turned on for the correct operation of the on-chip ROM. 0 = Disable clock for the on-chip ROM 1 = Enable clock for the on-chip ROM 18 PROMIE RW 1 PROM Image Enable. After reset, the on-chip ROM is located at the address range P:$0000..$1FFF. Once the bootloader in the ROM clears the MODEA bit in the Operating Mode Register (HW_OMR), this address range reverts to onchip RAM. This mode bit enables the contents of the ROM to be viewed at the address range P:$E000..$FFFF, irrespective of the state of the MODEA bit of the Operating Mode Register. Since this address range can also be used by onchip RAM, it is necessary to be able to disable the ROM in this address range. 0 = Disable P:$E000..$FFFF image for on-chip ROM 1 = Enable P:$E000..$FFFF image for on-chip ROM 17 RAMTEST1 RW 0 Virage RAM TEST1. This register is used to select the TEST1 mode for the on-chip RAM. This is a test mode that should not be used in normal operation. 0 = Disable TEST1 mode 1 = Enable TEST1 mode 16 RAMAWT RW 0 RAM AWT Mode. This register is used to select the asynchronous write through (AWT) mode for the on-chip RAM. This is a test mode that should not be used in normal operation. 0 = Disable AWT mode 1 = Enable AWT mode 15:12 RAMRM RW 0000 RAM Read Margin. This register is used to optimize the read performance of all of the on-chip RAM. The optimum value of this register will be determined by SigmaTel, and should not be modified. 11:8 PROMCT RW 1000 PROM clock tune. This register is used to optimize the placement of the clock to the on-chip ROM. The optimum value of this register will be determined by SigmaTel, and should not be modified. 7:4 PYRAMCT RW 1000 PYRAM Clock Tune. This register is used to optimize the placement of the clock to the PYRAM block. The optimum value of this register will be determined by SigmaTel, and should not be modified. 3:0 PXRAMCT RW 1000 PXRAM Clock Tune. This register is used to optimize the placement of the clock to the PXRAM block. The optimum value of this register will be determined by SigmaTel, and should not be modified. Table 5. On-Chip Memory Configuration Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 19 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5. DSP CORE The STMP3410 DSP core is modeled exactly after the Motorola DSP56004. It supports the identical instruction set, registers, addressing modes, etc., as the DSP56000 family of digital signal processors. Figure 5 shows the DSP architecture. For general information about the DSP56000 family, refer to the Motorola DSP56000 Digital Signal Processor Family Manual. The functionality that defines the STMP3410 DSP, is the memory map, interrupt processing, and peripherals it offers. DSP Core Debug Interface Program Address Generator To/from P space Address Generation Unit R0 R1 N0 N1 M0 M1 R2 N2 M2 R3 N3 M3 R4 R5 N4 N5 M4 M5 R6 N6 M6 R7 N7 M7 ProgramDecoder Instruction Latch DATA ALU X0 Bit Manipulation Unit Y1 Address to Y space Data to/from X space x Decoder & State Machines Registered Control Y0 X1 Address to X space + A B Interrupt Controller Data to/from Y space Interrupts Figure 5. DSP Architechure 5.1. Revision Register The Revision Register reports the Device ID and revision to the software. This register is read only. The organization of the Revision Register is shown below. HW_REVR BITS LABEL RW 23:8 RMJ R 7 RMP R 6:0 RMN R RESET X:$FA02 DEFINITION $3410 Revision Major ID. This is the device part number in binary coded decimal: STMP3410$3410 depends on DCDC DCDC mode/package type configuration 0 – DCDC is configured in one of the modes that are only supported in a 144-pin package, therefore this device must be in a 144-pin package. 1 – DCDC is configured one of the modes that are supported in both 100-pin and 144-pin packages, therefore no inference can be made about whether the current package is a 144-pin or 100-pin package. depends on silicon Revision Minor ID. Device revision number revision Rev A $00 Rev B $01, etc. Table 6. Revision Register Description 20 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.2. Reset Control Register The organization of the Reset Control Register is shown below. HW_RCR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23 SOVFL R 0 22 SUNFL R 0 21 IRQB2NMI RW 0 20 SOVFLEN RW 0 19:16 SOVFLLVL RW 1111 15 SUNFLEN RW 0 14:11 SUNFLLVL RW 0000 10 NMI R 1 9 IRQB R 1 8 IRQA R 1 7:4 SRST RW 0000 3:0 STKLVL R 0000 X:$FA01 DEFINITION Stack Overflow Status Bit This bit indicates that the current stack depth is equal to or greater than the value of the SOVFLLVL Stack Overflow Interrupt Level field. This is set or cleared independently of the SOVLLEN Stack Overflow Interrupt Enable field. In other words, once set this bit can only be cleared by fixing the stack underflow event by adding words to the stack. Stack Underflow Status Bit This bit indicates that the current stack depth is equal to or greater than the value of the SUNFLLVL Stack Under Interrupt Level field. This is set or cleared independently of the SUNFLEN Stack Underflow Interrupt Enable field. In other words, once set this bit can only be cleared by fixing the stack underflow event by adding words to the stack. Redirect battery+VddD+VddIO Brownout Interrupt to NMI 0 battery+VddD+VddIO brownout interrupt on IRQB only 1 battery+VddD+VddIO brownout interrupt on IRQB & NMI (see brownout Figure 38 for details) Stack Overflow Interrupt Enable 0 Stack overflow interrupt disabled 1 Stack overflow interrupt enabled Stack Overflow Interrupt Level Stack Underflow Interrupt enable 0 Stack underflow interrupt disabled 1 Stack underflow interrupt enabled Stack Underflow Interrupt Level NMI Interrupt An NMI interrupt will be generated by a stack over-/underflow event. If the IRQB2NMI control bit above is set, an NMI interrupt will also be generated when a brownout event is detected. This bit will be cleared by hardware when a DSP hardware stack over- or underflow is detected. A falling edge on this bit causes an NMI interrupt in the DSP. 0 Stack over-/underflow (or brownout if the IRQB2NMI bit is set) detected 1 No Stack over-/underflow (or brownout if the IRQB2NMI bit is set) detected IRQB Interrupt An IRQB interrupt will be generated when a brownout event is detected. This bit will be cleared by hardware to indicate that a brownout event has been detected. 0 Brownout detected 1 No brownout detected IRQA Interrupt An IRQA interrupt will be generated when a headphone short is detected. This bit will be cleared by hardware to indicate that a headphone short event has been detected. 0 Headphone short detected 1 No headphone short detected Writing 1101 will cause a full chip hardware reset, writing any other value will have no effect. The current position of the DSP hardware stack. Table 7. Reset Control Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 21 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Note that when the IRQB2NMI bit is set, the ISR that services the NMI will need to do a few special things. When this bit is set, if both interrupts happen at the same time, only one NMI will be received. Also, if one interrupt occurs while the other is being serviced, a new NMI interrupt will not be triggered. The NMI routine will need to check each possible NMI event and take appropriate action to clear the interrupt event, and then recheck that all NMI interrupt sources are clear before returning. If the NMI ISR returns with a NMI interrupt event still pending, that event (and all subsequent NMI interrupts) will be lost. Finally, the NMI ISR needs to be able to deal with the case where no interrupt event is pending when the ISR checks it, since the latency of the NMI interrupt is several cycles long, and the stack over-/underflow could have been cleared by the time that the NMI runs. In fact, this is guaranteed to happen in the case of the stack underflow interrupt, as the very fact of calling the NMI will push items onto the stack. We have implemented some timing measurement registers, to allow accurate code profiling and cycle counting. There are three registers as follows: 5.3. DCLK Count Lower Register HW_DCLKCNTL BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$FFEA RW RESET HW_DCLKCNTL RW 0 DEFINITION Counter incremented once per DSP clock cycle. Table 8. DCLK Count Lower Register Description 5.4. DCLK Count Upper Register HW_DCLKCNTU BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$FFEB RW RESET HW_DCLKCNTU RW 0 DEFINITION Counter incremented every time that the HW_DCLKCNTL counter overflows. Table 9. DCLK Count Upper Register Description 5.5. Cycle Steal Count Register HW_CYCSTLCNT BITS 23:0 LABEL RW RESET HW_CYCSTLCNT RW 0 X:$FFED DEFINITION Counter incremented every time a cycle is stolen from the DSP for DMA or because of an access conflict in the RAMs Table 10. Cycle Steal Count Register Description The HW_DCLKCNTL & HW_DCLKCNTU registers together form a 48 bit cycle counter that is incremented once per clock cycle. There is no hardware support for reading and writing these registers synchronously, it is possible to read the lower register before it wraps around, and then read the upper register after it has been wrapped around, and get an erroneous value. Various software techniques can be used to avoid this problem. The HW_DCLKCNTL & HW_DCLKCNTU registers are incremented every clock cycle, including cycles that the DSP doesn’t see because they are stolen for DMA accesses or because of an access conflict in the on-chip RAMs. The HW_CYCSTLCNT register counts these cycles, and if you want to calculate the number of cycles actually seen by the DSP during a period of time, you must subtract the number of stolen clock cycles by referring to this register. 22 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.6. Operating Mode Register The organization of the operating mode register is shown below. The operating mode register determines chip configuration including boot modes, and memory configuration. The HW_OMR is a core register that is accessible by special DSP instructions. It therefore has no address. HW_OMR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:8 7 RSRVD R MDLP RW 0 6 SD 5 4 RSRVD R 0 MC RW 1 3 YD RW 0 2 DE RW 1 1 MB RW 0 0 MA RW 0 RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. Low Power Mode. Writing a 0 to this bit enables some clock gating in the DSP core that reduces its power consumption. This register must be written with a 1 for proper operation of the debug functionality in the DSP. Stop Delay. This bit is exported from the core as an output. It can be used when waking up from the STOP low power standby mode. If this bit is set, then when an IRQA interrupt occurs to wake up the core from the STOP state, the clock control circuitry should wait a time period (e.g. 65536 clock cycles) before allowing the clocks back in to the DSP core. This can be used, for example, to restablize a PLL clock oscillator. If this bit has a zero value, then the clocks will be allowed back into the core immediately after the occurrence of the IRQA interrupt, thus implementing a “warm boot” from the STOP low power standby state. Reserved Operating Mode C. This bit may be used to configure different boot modes for the IC which embeds the DSP core. When the hardware reset is active, this bit samples the state of input pin. Once the boot code executes, it can check the state of this bit in order to make decisions about what type of boot mode to perform. Internal Y-Memory Disable. This bit is exported from the core as an output. It may be used by address decode circuitry external to the core to mask off certain portions of memory space. This bit has no effect in the STMP3410. Data ROM Enable. This bit is exported from the core as an output. It may be used by address decode circuitry external to the core to mask off certain portions of memory space. This bit has no effect in the STMP3410. Operating Mode B. This bit may be used to configure different boot modes for the IC which embeds the DSP core. When the hardware reset is active, this bit samples the state of the input pin. Once the boot code executes, it can check the state of this bit in order to make decisions about what type of boot mode to perform. Operating Mode A. This bit is used to choose between Boot ROM and Program Memory for instruction fetches and read accesses. When this bit is set, as it is after hardware reset, the Boot ROM space is activated and any fetches or read accesses to the P: space will refer to the on-chip ROM. When this bit is a zero, the Program Memory space is enabled instead of the Boot memory space and any fetch or read access to P: space will refer to the on-chip RAM. Write accesses to P: space always access the program RAM regardless of the state of the MA bit. It is not possible to write to the program ROM. Table 11. Operating Mode Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 23 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.7. Clock Control Register Crystal PWDN DDIV DCLK PDIV 24.576 MHz PLLEN Real Time Clock CKSRC PLL Post Divider ACKEN ADIV1 XTLEN Clock to DAC DAC Divider ADIV0 Clock to ADC ADC Divider Figure 6. Clock Control Register (HW_CCR) The Clock Control Register configures the system clock sources, including the Analog clock and PLL. It is also used to shut down system power by turning off the DCDC converter. Note that none of the bits in this register have any effect unless the CLKRST bit (bit [0]) is set. The digital clock can be set to nearly any value between 192 kHz and 77 MHz using the PLL and post divider. HW_CCR X:$FA00 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23 RSRVD R Reserved. Must write as 0. 22:20 ADIV1 RW 000 Analog clock divider for DAC. Changes the clock rate used by the DAC. This is used to scale down the frequencies used in the DAC when using audio sample rates less than the maximum. 000 xtal/4 = 6.144 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*48 kHz 001 xtal/6 = 4.096 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*32 kHz 010 xtal/8 = 3.072 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*24 kHz 011 xtal/12 = 2.048 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*16 kHz 100 xtal/8 = 3.072 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*24 kHz 101 xtal/12 = 2.048 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*16 kHz 110 xtal/16 = 1.536 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*12 kHz 111 xtal/24 = 1.024 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*8 kHz 19 LOCK R PLL lock status. 0 PLL not locked 1 PLL locked 18 ACKEN RW 0 Analog clock enable. This bit enables clocks to the analog circuitry portions of the STMP3410. This bit must be set before using the DAC or ADC. In addition to this mode bit, the ADC or DAC power down bits in the Mixer Power Down Control Status Register must not be asserted for the ADC or DAC to operate. 0 Analog clocks disabled 1 Analog clocks enabled 17 PWDN RW 0 STMP3410 power-down. 0 STMP3410 powered up 1 Power down STMP3410 Table 12. Clock Control Register Description 24 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 16:12 PDIV RW 00000 PLL frequency divider. Assuming a 24.576 MHz crystal, the PLL can be programmed in 1.2288 MHz steps, from a minimum frequency of 40.5504 MHz to a maximum frequency of 78.6432 MHz. The reset value is 00000, which yields a PLL frequency of 40.5504 MHz. When used in combination with DDIV post-divider, it is possible to reach frequencies below 40.5504 MHz with smaller granularities. PLL output freq = (33 + PDIV) * (24.576 MHz/20) 11:9 DDIV RW 000 Clock post-divider. The post divider can be programmed instantly, without switching the digital clocks over to the crystal. To achieve the minimum power mode, select the crystal as the source for the digital clocks (CKSRC=0), turn off the PLL (PLLEN=0), and set this divider to the maximum divide rate. The digital clock will then be set to 24.576 MHz/128 = 192 kHz. 000 divide by 1 011 divide by 8 110 divide by 64 001 divide by 2 100 divide by 16 111 divide by 128 010 divide by 4 101 divide by 32 8 CKSRC RW 0 Clock source. This bit may only be set from 0 to 1 if the PLL is enabled and locked. 0 Digital clock generated from crystal 1 Digital clock generated from PLL 7:5 ADIV0 RW 000 Analog clock divider for ADC. Changes the clock rate used by the ADC. This is used to scale down the frequncies used in the ADC when using audio sample rates less than the maximum. 000 xtal/4 = 6.144 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*48 kHz 001 xtal/6 = 4.096 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*32 kHz 010 xtal/8 = 3.072 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*24 kHz 011 xtal/12 = 2.048 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*16 kHz 100 xtal/8 = 3.072 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*24 kHz 101 xtal/12 = 2.048 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*16 kHz 110 xtal/16 = 1.536 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*12 kHz 111 xtal/24 = 1.024 MHz = 128*Fssc = 128*8 kHz 4 FLB RW 0 Force lock bit (Test bit). Forces the lock bit output from the PLL. 0 Do nothing 1 Force lock bit output from PLL 3 XTLEN RW 0 Crystal clock enable. The crystal clock runs digital circuitry for the ADC & DAC. This clock should be disabled when the ADC and DAC are not in use. 0 Crystal clock disabled 1 Crystal clock enabled 2 PLLEN RW 0 PLL enable 0 PLL disabled 1 PLL enabled 1 LTC RW 0 Lock timer reset. Resets the PLL lock timer. Must be written as 0, then 1 to start the PLL lock timer. 0 CKRST RW 0 Clock reset. Must be written as 1 for all writes to this register. If set to 0, the entire clock logic block stays in its reset state. Table 12. Clock Control Register Description (Continued) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 25 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.8. Misc/Spare Register The Misc/Spare Register is used for system updates (TBD as they are available). It is used to detect the analog pswitch pin and the USB port/host connection, and is used to configure the built-in resistor to initiate the USB process and to configure the I2S pins onto alternate pins. The organization of the Misc/Spare Register is shown below. HW_SPARER BITS LABEL X:$FA16 RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD 9 PSWITCH R R 0 8 USB_PLUGIN R 7:2 SPARE BITS RW 0 1 USB_SELECT RW 0 0 I2S_SELECT DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. This bit indicates the state of the analog pswitch pin. Normally, this pin will be a 1 when the power switch is pressed. 0 analog pswitch pin is 0 1 analog pswitch pin is 1 This bit detects if the USB port is plugged into a USB host. This bit is only valid when the USB port is idle, before the USB enumeration process. 0 not plugged in 1 plugged in These bits can be written or read normally but have no function in this revision of the chip. In a future revision of the chip, we might use these bits to control something. This bit is used to configure the built in resistor in the USB pins that causes the USB host to initiate the USB enumeration process. 0 Resistor disabled 1 Resistor enabled, will enable USB enumeration This bit is used to switch the I2S functions onto alternate pins. One setting allows a subset of the I2S functionality to be supported in a 100-pin package, the other setting allows the full I2S functionality but is only supported in a 144pin package. (see 16.1. “I2S External Pins” on page 100.) 0 Subset of I2S functionality for 100-pin packages 1 Full I2S functionality for 144-pin packages RW 0 Table 13. Misc/Spare Register Description 5.9. Scratch Register The Scratch Register contains bits that do not currently have a function. HW_SCRATCH BITS 23:11 9:0 LABEL RW RESET X:$FA13 DEFINITION RSRVD R 0 SCRATCH RW 1011011011 Reserved. Must be written as 0. Scratch bits. These bits are designated for bits not currenlty available. Table 14. Scratch Register Description 26 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.10. Interrupt Priority Register The DSP core in the STMP3410 has seven main interrupt lines, IVL[6:0]. This register is used to enable each line and set its priority. Some peripherals connect directly to this interrupt bus, but most interrupt sources go through the Interrupt collector, which multiplexes many interrupt sources onto 4 interrupts on these 7 interrupt lines. If an interrupt with a higher priority level occurs while the DSP core is servicing another interrupt, the higher priority interrupt will preempt the lower priority interrupt. If the new interrupt is of the same or lower priority level, then it will not preempt the interrupt that is currently being serviced. HW_IPR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:22 L6P 21:20 L5P 19:18 L4P 17:16 L3P 15:14 L2P 13:12 L1P 11:10 L0P RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 9:6 5 RSVD IRQBT RW 0 4:3 IRQBP RW 0 2 IRQAT RW 0 1:0 IRQAP RW 0 X:$FFFF DEFINITION Interrupt line 6 priority level. 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 5 priority level. SPI 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 4 priority level. I2C 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 3 priority level. 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 2 priority level. 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 1 priority level. 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Interrupt line 0 priority level. I2S 00 – Disabled 01 – Priority Level 0 (lowest priority level) Reserved. Must be written 0. IRQB Type 0 – Level 1 – Neg. Edge IRQB Priority Level 00 – Disable 01 – Enable IRQA Type 0 – Level 1 – Neg. Edge IRQA Priority Level 00 – Disable 01 – Enable 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Priority Level 1 11 – Priority Level 2 (highest priority level) 10 – Enable 11 – Enable 10 – Enable 11 – Enable Table 15. Interrupt Priority Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 27 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.11. Interrupt Collector The STMP3410 provides seven interrupt lines, IVL[6:0], for individual interrupt requests. The peripheral interrupt count exceeds the seven interrupt request lines, so the Interrupt Collector (ICOLL) muxes all sources to the seven lines. Three of the seven interrupt lines are reserved for certain peripherals, so the ICOLL steers 36 interrupt sources to four of the interrupt request lines: IVL[6,3,2,1]. Within an individual interrupt request line, the ICOLL offers an 8-level priority for each of it is interrupt sources, although preemption of a lower priority interrupt by a higher priority is not supported. If preemption is required, the interrupt source that needs to preempt must be routed to a higher priority interrupt request line. 0 0 7 INT Sources HW_ICLPRIOR0R (Priority Register) HW_ICLENABLE0R (Enable Register) 15 HW_ICLPRIOR1R (Priority Register) IVL6 IVL0 12 IVL4 IVL5 23 HW_ICLENABLE1R (Enable Register) IVL3 11 HW_ICLSTEER1R (Steering Register) 16 24 . . . 30 IVL2 HW_ICLSTEER0R (Steering Register) 8 0 . . . 23 IVL1 HW_ICLPRIOR2R (Priority Register) 30 HW_ICLPRIOR3R (Priority Register) DSP IRQA IRQB NMI 23 24 24 HW_IPR (Enable and Priority Control Register) HW_ICLSTEER2R (Steering Register) 30 Figure 7. Interrupt Collector Diagram Interrupt response time is dependent on the interrupt priority. The minimum interrupt time is as follows: • • 28 2 clock cycles for interrupt to appear at DSP. 2 clock cycles to respond and get vector to execute interrupt service routine. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.11.1. Interrupt Sources Table 16 shows all the interrupt sources. INTERRUPT SOURCE DAC Refill DAC Underflow ADC Refill ADC Overflow Flash Done CompactFlash Card IRQ SmartMedia Timeout SmartMedia Interface Invalid Programming CompactFlash No Card CompactFlash Status Change GPIO0 GPIO1 GPIO2 Timer0 Timer1 Timer2 Timer 3 GPIO3 SDRAM CDI USB Set Configuration Request USB Set Interface Request USB Host Reset USB Endpoint 0 USB Endpoint 1 USB Endpoint 2 USB Endpoint 3 USB Endpoint 4 USB Endpoint 5 USB Endpoint 6 USB Endpoint 7 CDSync Interrupt CDSync Exception RS Interrupt I2C Rx Ready I2C Rx Overflow I2C Tx Empty I2C Tx Underflow SPI Complete I2S Rx Overflow I2S Tx Underflow I2S Rx Ready I2S Tx Empty SOURCE # IVL REQUEST INTERRUPT DESCRIPTION BIT # VECTOR 0 6,3,2,1 $003C DAC request to fill DAC FIFO buffer 1 6,3,2,1 $003E DAC FIFO buffer underflow 2 6,3,2,1 $0042 ADC request to empty ADC FIFO buffer 3 6,3,2,1 $0044 ADC FIFO buffer overflow 4 6,3,2,1 $006E Flash transaction complete 5 6,3,2,1 $0070 CompactFlash card interrupt 6 6,3,2,1 $0072 SmartMedia card WAIT timeout 7 6,3,2,1 $0074 Bad programming of SmartMedia interface 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 - 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 6,3,2,1 4 4 4 4 5 0 0 0 0 $0076 $0078 $001E $0020 $0022 $0026 $0028 $002A $0048 $004A $004C $007E $0050 $0052 $0054 $0056 $0058 $005A $005C $005E $0060 $0062 $0064 $0066 $0068 $006A $0030 $0032 $0034 $0036 $000E $0016 $0012 $0014 $0010 CompactFlash card remove/absence CompactFlash card status change GPIO module 0 interrupt GPIO module 1 interrupt GPIO module 2 interrupt Timer module 0 interrupt Timer module 1 interrupt Timer module 2 interrupt Timer module 3 interrupt GPIO module 3 interrupt SDRAM interrupt CDI interface interrupt USB set configuration request USB set interface request USB host reset USB endpoint 0 USB endpoint 1 USB endpoint 2 USB endpoint 3 USB endpoint 4 USB endpoint 5 USB endpoint 6 USB endpoint 7 CD synchronizer/formatter interrupt CD synchronizer/formatter exception Reed-Solomon error corrector interrupt I2C receiver data ready I2C receiver data overflow I2C transmitter data empty I2C transmitter data underflow SPI transfer complete I2S receiver data overflow I2S transmitter data underflow I2S receiver data ready I2S transmitter data empty Table 16. Interrupt Sources 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 29 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.11.2. Interrupt Vectors Table 17 below shows the interrupt vectors used for each possible STMP3410 interrupt source. ADDRESS P:$003A P:$003C P:$003E P:$0040 P:$0042 P:$0044 P:$0046 P:$0048 P:$004A P:$004C P:$004E P:$0050 P:$0052 P:$0054 P:$0056 P:$0058 P:$005A P:$005C P:$005E P:$0060 P:$0062 P:$0064 P:$0066 P:$0068 P:$006A P:$006C P:$006E P:$0070 P:$0072 P:$0074 P:$0076 P:$0078 5.11.3. INTERRUPT SOURCE ADDRESS INTERRUPT SOURCE P:$007A DAC Empty P:$007C DAC Underflow P:$007E CDI Interrupt P:$0000 Hardware Reset ADC Full P:$0002 Stack Error ADC Overflow P:$0004 Trace P:$0006 SWI Timer 3 P:$0008 IRQA/Headphone Short Detect GPIO3 P:$000A IRQB/Battery Brownout Detect SDRAM P:$000C P:$000E SPI Complete USB Configuration Request P:$0010 I2S Tx Data Empty USB Set Interface Request P:$0012 I2S Tx Underflow USB Host Reset P:$0014 I2S Rx Data Full USB Endpoint 0 P:$0016 I2S Rx Overflow USB Endpoint 1 P:$0018 NMI USB Endpoint 2 P:$001A USB Endpoint 3 P:$001C USB Endpoint 4 P:$001E GPIO 0 USB Endpoint 5 P:$0020 GPIO 1 USB Endpoint 6 P:$0022 GPIO 2 USB Endpoint 7 P:$0024 CDSync Interrupt P:$0026 Timer 0 CDSync Exception P:$0028 Timer 1 RS Interrupt P:$002A Timer 2 P:$002C Flash Done P:$002E CompactFlash Card IRQ P:$0030 I2C Rx Data Ready SmartMedia Timeout P:$0032 I2C Rx Overflow SmartMedia Invalid Programming P:$0034 I2C Tx Data Empty CompactFlash No Card P:$0036 I2C Tx Underflow CompactFlash Status Change P:$0038 Invalid DSP instruction Table 17. Interrupt Vector Map Interrupt Collector Registers ICOLL Enable 0 Registers The enable registers provide bits to enable/disable interrupts for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. A 1 enables the relevant interrupt, a 0 disables the relevant interrupt. HW_ICLENABLE0R X:$F300 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:0 SEN23 : SEB0 RW 0 Table 18. ICOLL Enable 0 Register Description 30 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ICOLL Enable 1 Registers The enable registers provide bits to enable/disable interrupts for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. A 1 enables the relevant interrupt, a 0 disables the relevant interrupt. HW_ICLENABLE1R X:$F301 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:10 RSRVD Reserved 9:0 SEN33 : SEN24 RW 0 Table 19. ICOLL Enable 1 Register Description ICOLL Status 0 Registers The status registers reflect the interrupt state of each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. A 1 indicates an active interrupt, a 0 indicates an inactive interrupt. This register is read only. HW_ICLSTATUS0R X:$F302 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:0 SST23 : SST0 R Table 20. ICOLL Status 0 Register Description ICOLL Status 1 Registers The status registers reflect the interrupt state of each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. A 1 indicates an active interrupt, a 0 indicates an inactive interrupt. This register is read only. HW_ICLSTATUS1R X:$F303 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 9:0 SST33 : SST24 RW 0 DEFINITION Table 21. ICOLL Status 1 Register Description ICOLL Priority 0 Registers The priority registers set the priority for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. Lowest priority is 111 and highest is 000. HW_ICLPRIOR0R BITS 23:21 20:18 17:15 14:12 11:9 8:6 5:3 2:0 LABEL S7P S6P S5P S4P S3P S2P S1P S0P RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X:$F304 DEFINITION Table 22. ICOLL Priority 0 Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 31 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ICOLL Priority 1 Registers The priority registers set the priority for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. Lowest priority is 111 and highest is 000. HW_ICLPRIOR1R BITS 23:21 20:18 17:15 14:12 11:9 8:6 5:3 2:0 LABEL S15P S14P S13P S12P S11P S10P S9P S8P RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW X:$F305 RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEFINITION Table 23. ICOLL Priority 1 Register Description ICOLL Priority 2 Registers The priority registers set the priority for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. Lowest priority is 111 and highest is 000. HW_ICLPRIOR2R BITS 23:21 20:18 17:15 14:12 11:9 8:6 5:3 2:0 LABEL S23P S22P S21P S20P S19P S18P S17P S16P RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW X:$F306 RESET DEFINITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 24. ICOLL Priority 2 Register Description ICOLL Priority 3 Registers The priority registers set the priority for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. Lowest priority is 111 and highest is 000. HW_ICLPRIOR3R BITS 23:21 20:18 17:15 14:12 11:9 8:6 5:3 2:0 32 LABEL S31P S30P S29P S28P S27P S26P S25P S24P RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW X:$F307 RESET DEFINITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 25. ICOLL Priority 3 Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ICOLL Priority 4 Registers The priority registers set the priority for each source. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. Lowest priority is 111 and highest is 000. HW_ICLPRIOR4R BITS 23:6 5:3 2:0 LABEL RSRVD S33P S32P RW X:$F311 RESET DEFINITION Reserved RW RW 0 0 Table 26. ICOLL Priority 4 Register Description ICOLL Steering 0 Registers The steering registers are used to steer a given source to a given IVL as follows: SETTING 00 01 10 11 IVL 1 2 3 6 Each steering value corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 17. HW_ICLSTEER0R BITS 23:22 21:20 19:18 17:16 15:14 13:12 11:10 9:8 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 LABEL S11S S10S S9S S8S S7S S6S S5S S4S S3S S2S S1S S0S 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RESET X:$F308 DEFINITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 27. ICOLL Steering 0 Register Description 33 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ICOLL Steering 1 Registers The steering registers are used to steer a given source to a given IVL as follows: SETTING 00 01 10 11 IVL 1 2 3 6 Each steering value corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 17. HW_ICLSTEER1R BITS 23:22 21:20 19:18 17:16 15:14 13:12 11:10 9:8 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 LABEL S23S S22S S21S S20S S19S S18S S17S S16S S15S S14S S13S S12S RW X:$F309 RESET RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW DEFINITION 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 28. ICOLL Steering 1 Register Description ICOLL Steering 2 Registers The steering registers are used to steer a given source to a given IVL as follows: SETTING 00 01 10 11 IVL 1 2 3 6 Each steering value corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 17. HW_ICLSTEER2R BITS 23:20 19:18 17:16 15:14 13:12 11:10 9:8 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 LABEL RSRVD S33S S32S S31S S30S S29S S28S S27S S26S S25S S24S RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW X:$F30A RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEFINITION Reserved Table 29. ICOLL Steering 2 Register Description 34 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 5.11.4. Interrupt Collector Debug Registers ICOLL Debug Force 0 Registers The debug force value registers will force an interrupt for a given source. The enable registers enable the forcing mechanism. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. HW_ICLFORCE0R BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$F30B RW RESET DEFINITION S23FV : S0FV RW 0 Table 30. ICOLL Force Value 0 Register Description ICOLL Debug Force 1 Registers The debug force value registers will force an interrupt for a given source. The enable registers enable the forcing mechanism. Each enable corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. HW_ICLFORCE1R BITS LABEL X:$F30C RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD 9:0 S33FV : S24FV DEFINITION Reserved Table 31. ICOLL Force Value 1 Register Description ICOLL Force Enable 0 Registers To generate a forced interrupt you have to write a 1 into the relevant position in both the force and force enable registers. Writing a 1 to the force enable register will block any interrupts from the normal interrupt source for the relevant bit. Each force bit corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. HW_ICLFENABLE0R X:$F30D BITS 23:0 LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION S23FE : S0FE RW 0 Table 32. ICOLL Force Enable 0 Register Description ICOLL Force Enable 1 Registers To generate a forced interrupt you have to write a 1 into the relevant position in both the force and force enable registers. Writing a 1 to the force enable register will block any interrupts from the normal interrupt source for the relevant bit. Each force bit corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. HW_ICLFENABLE1R X:$F30E BITS LABEL 23:10 RSRVD 9:0 S33FE : S24FE RW RESET DEFINITION Reserved RW 0 Table 33. ICOLL Force Enable 1 Registers Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 35 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ICOLL Observation Registers (HW_ICLOBSV0R/1R) The observation registers make visible the state of the interrupt request vector that the icoll is sending out on IVL[6:0] and the winning (prioritized) interrupt vectors for destinations A, B, C, and D. A IVL1 B IVL2 C IVL3 D IVL6 Each observation bit corresponds to a specific interrupt source listed in Table 16. This register is read only and is primarily for debug purposes. Interrupt Collector Observe 0 Register HW_ICLOBSVZ0R BITS 23:21 20:14 13:7 6:0 LABEL RSRVD IVB IVA REQ X:$F30F RW RESET DEFINITION Reserved R R R Table 34. ICOLL Observe 0 Register Description Interrupt Collector Observe 1 Register HW_ICLOBSVZ1R BITS 23:14 13:7 6:0 LABEL RW RESET RSRVD Reserved IVD R IVC R X:$F310 DEFINITION Table 35. ICOLL Observe 1 Register Description 5.12. General Debug Register The HW_GDBR Register is also mapped into the X Peripheral I/O space. This register is used as a gateway between the DSP and the Debug port. For instance, when displaying the states of the internal registers and memory of the DSP core, the DSP moves the data to this register and the data is then shifted out the DBOUT line to the emulator. The HW_GDBR register operation is controlled automatically by the emulator and the debug circuitry within the core. An added feature of the Debug Unit is that the emulator cannot access the debug unit unless a write to the HW_GDBR Register is executed by the DSP (normally in the boot code). HW_GDBR 36 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6. USB INTERFACE The STMP3410 incorporates a Universal Serial Bus (USB) version 1.1 interface. The USB interface is used to download digital music data or program code into external memory and to upload voice recordings from memory to the PC. Program updates can also be loaded into the flash memory area using the USB interface. 6.1. USB Interface Registers The USB interface is a dynamically configurable port. It contains six physical endpoints and thirty two logical endpoints, each of which may be configured to be bulk, interrupt, or isochronous. Each endpoint location in memory is also configurable by the system when the USB is enabled. The mode for each of these endpoints is determined by the configuration data that is provided to the USB interface through the USB Configuration Base Address Register (HW_USBCBAR). The USB interface also supports Class/Vendor commands which is accessed through the control endpoint 0. The USB EP0 Address Pointer Register allows the system to define the memory address of the read/write data. The STMP3410 USB port supports a single configuration, seven interfaces, and eight endpoints (EP0-7). The Default Pipe is always attached to EP0 and is used for USB configuration and control data transfers. EP7 is reserved for special handling of the GetDescriptor message, so there are six general-use endpoints 6.1.1. USB Endpoint 0 Address Pointer Registers The Ap15-0 bits of the HW_USBEP0PTRR specify the base address in X memory of where the Endpoint 0 buffer will be located by software. The USB interface uses this address location to write or read Endpoint 0 data. Endpoint 0 can be used for Class/Vendor commands and data transfers. HW_USBEP0PTRR X:$F20B BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD 15:0 AP RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved Table 36. USB Endpoint 0 Address Pointer Registers Description 6.1.2. USB Utility Register HW_USBUTILR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:18 RSRVD 17:16 INTF R R 0 0 15:13 ALT R 0 12:11 CONFIG R 0 10:0 0 FRAME R X:$F20A DEFINITION Reserved USB Interface value – After SetInterface command by the host INTF will reflect the Interface setting , the system will receive an interrupt from the USB interface. USB Alternate Interface value – After SetInterface command by the host ALT will reflect the Alternate setting , the system will receive an interrupt from the USB interface. USB Configuration value – After SetConfiguration command by the host CFG will reflect the Configuration setting , the system will receive an interrupt from the USB interface. USB Frame Time Stamp Bits – The FRMx bits contain the frame time stamp for the current frame as defined by the USB host controller. Table 37. USB Utility Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 37 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6.1.3. USB Endpoint Control Status Register HW_USBEP7R HW_USBEP6R HW_USBEP5R HW_USBEP4R HW_USBEP3R HW_USBEP2R HW_USBEP1R HW_USBEP0R BITS LABEL X:$F209 X:$F208 X:$F207 X:$F206 X:$F205 X:$F204 X:$F203 X:$F202 RW RESET 23 ENEP RW 0 22 RW R 21 20 ENIE DONE RW 0 R 0 19 STL RW 0 0 *18 *SPEN/RSRVD 18:10 RSRVD R 0 9:0 COUNT RW 0 DEFINITION When set by the system, the ENEP bit is used to enable transactions between the USB interface and the USB host controller. At initialization the system should set all Endpoint[0-7] ENEP bits. After a successful tx/rx transaction, the system software monitors which endpoint was completed by the HW_USBCSR[20:13] for EP[7-0] then sets the appropriate USBEPx ENEP bit to allow the next transaction. After a successful transaction, RW will indicate if the transaction was a read (USB IN tranasction) or write (USB OUT transaction). When set by the system, the ENIE bit allows Epx to generate an interrupt. After a successful transaction, DONE will generate an interrupt on one of the pin USB_INTx. After the system services the interrupt, DONE should be reset to allow the next transaction. When set by the system software, the STL bit stalls the endpoint. When cleared, the STL bit clears the stall. This allows the system to tell the USB Host that endpoint is experiencing an error condition and requires intervention from the Host to correct a problem befor communication can be resumed. Short Packet Enable Reserved After a successful transaction, COUNT will indicate the number of bytes of the transaction. For OUT transfers, if the read value is less than the value specified in the configuration descriptors (typically 64 bytes for control, bulk, interrupt and 1023 for isochronous) then the transfer has ended with a short packet. For IN transfers, a special case for FP0, 1, 2 and 3 to handle sending short packets. The value programmed in this field will be the number of bytes transferred when $F209 bit 18 is enabled, else the number of transfers will default to the value specified in the configuration descriptors. * Bit 18 SPEN (Short Packet Disable) is used with HW_USBEP7R in conjuction with USBEP0R CNT (Count) bits 1, 2 and 3. Bit 18 is reserved with HW_USBEP6 through HW_USBEP0. Table 38. USB Endpoint Control Status Register Description 6.1.4. USB Configuration Base Address Pointer Register The BAR15-0 bits of the HW_USBCBAR specify the base address within X memory where the USB configuration data will be initialize by software. The USB interface uses data at this location to respond to the USB Host Controller during enumeration. HW_USBCBAR BITS LABEL RW RESET X:$F201 DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 15:0 AP RW 0 Table 39. USB Configuration Base Address Pointer Register Description 38 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6.1.5. USB Control Status Register HW_USBCSR X:$F200 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 22:21 DMASEL RW 0 Memory space to use for DMA transfers 00 X space 10 P space 01 Y space 11 Reserved 20:13 EP R 0 Successful Transfer – This signal is enabled when a successful IN (to the Host) or OUT (from the Host) transfer is completed. This will generate an interrupt and must be reset after the interrupt is serviced. These bits are copies of the EP7...EP0 bits contained in the status registers for the individual end points. 12 SUSP R 0 USB Suspend – Enabled when the USB System is in suspend mode. The USB host and device will be in suspend mode when there is 3 milliseconds of idle on the USB cable. 11 AIFC RW 0 USB Latch Interface/Alternate Value – When the Host transmits a SetInterface, this bit will be set and the corresponding Interface and Alternate value is place on the USBUTIL[17:13]. The interface value will be USBUTIL[17:16] and the alternate value will be USBUTIL[15:13]. This will generate an interrupt and must be reset after interrupt is serviced. 10 ACFG RW 0 USB Latch Configuration Value – When Host transmits a SetConfiguration, this bit will be set and the corresponding Configuration value is placed on the USBUTIL[12:11]. This will generate an interrupt and must be reset after interrupt is serviced. 9 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 8 LCFGD RW 0 USB Load Configuration Done – When the UDC receives the adequate amount of configuration data, LCFGD will inform the system that “power on” configuration is done and the UDC will not accept any more configuration data. 7 CLKOFF RW 0 USB clock off – When set, clocks to the USB module will be set to zero. 6 USBRS RW 0 USB Host Reset – When the Host transmits a USB reset over the cable, this bit will be set. An interrupt will be generated informing the system. The system has to clear this bit after the appropriate DSP action has been taken. 5 RXPWD RW 1 USB Analog Receive Power Down – The RXPWD will turn off the receive path on the USB cable by controlling the USB analog when set . 4 TXPWD RW 1 USB Analog Transmit Power Down – The TXPWD will turn off the transmit path on the USB cable by controlling the USB analog when set. 3 RSM RW 0 USB Resume Bit – When the USB interface has entered the standby state, setting the RSM bit will cause the interface to wake up and resume operation. The RSM bit is cleared by the USB interface when operation has resumed. 2 SPD RW 0 USB Speed Bit – The SPD bit determines the speed of the USB interface. When set, the USB interface is configured for 12 Mbps (high speed) operation. When clear, the USB interface is configured for 1.5 Mbps (low speed). 1 GIE RW 0 USB Global Interrupt Enable Bit – When set, the GIE bit allows all endpoint interrupts to generate interrupts to the DSP core. When cleared, no interrupts will be generated to the core, even if a given endpoint’s interrupt is enabled. 0 USBEN RW 0 USB Enable Bit – The USBEN bit enables the USB port. This bit must be set before any other USB registers are written to. Table 40. USB Control Status Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 39 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6.1.6. USB End Point Data Transfer Types The six general-use endpoints may be configured for any of the four USB transfer types (Control, Bulk, Isochronous, or Interrupt). USB EP0 End Point 0 (EP0) is used for the Default Pipe and is available for host/device control communications after the USB configuration phase has completed. It consumes 22-words in X memory and is packed in the following manner: ADDRESS Base Base+$0001 . Base+$0015 BITS 23-26 Byte 2 Byte 5 . Reserved BITS 15-8 Byte 1 Byte 4 . Reserved BITS 7-0 Byte 0 Byte 3 . Byte 63 Table 41. USB End Point 0 (EP0) USB Control Transfer Type Control transfer buffers are 64-bytes long and may be located anywhere in on-chip memory on an 8-word boundary. The buffer consumes 22-words and the bytes are packed as follows: ADDRESS Base Base+$0001 . Base+$0015 BITS 23-26 Byte 2 Byte 5 . Reserved BITS 15-8 Byte 1 Byte 4 . Reserved BITS 7-0 Byte 0 Byte 3 . Byte 63 Table 42. USB Control Transfer Type USB Bulk Transfer Type Bulk In/Out transfers use 64-byte buffers which may be located anywhere in on-chip memory on an 8-word boundary. The buffer consumes 22-words and the bytes are packed as follows: ADDRESS BITS 23-26 BITS 15-8 BITS 7-0 Base Base+$0001 . Base+$0015 Byte 2 Byte 5 . Reserved Byte 1 Byte 4 . Reserved Byte 0 Byte 3 . Byte 63 Table 43. USB Bulk Transfer Type USB Isochronous Transfer Type Isochronous In/Out transfers use 1023-byte buffers which may be located anywhere in on-chip memory on an 8-word boundary. The buffer consumes 341-words and the bytes are packed as follows: ADDRESS BITS 23-26 BITS 15-8 BITS 7-0 Base Base+$0001 . Base+$0154 Byte 2 Byte 5 . Byte 1022 Byte 1 Byte 4 . Byte 1021 Byte 0 Byte 3 . Byte 1020 Table 44. USB Isochronous Transfer Type 40 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record USB Interrupt Transfer Type Interrupt transfers use 64-byte buffers which may be located anywhere in on-chip memory on an 8-word boundary. The buffer consumes 22-words and the bytes are packed as follows: ADDRESS BITS 23-26 BITS 15-8 BITS 7-0 Base Base+$0001 . Base+$0015 Byte 2 Byte 5 . Reserved Byte 1 Byte 4 . Reserved Byte 0 Byte 3 . Byte 63 Table 45. USB Interrupt Transfer Type 6.1.7. USB Configuration Tables The STMP3410 USB requires two configuration tables to be loaded into on-chip before the port is enabled: the USBDescriptorTable and the USBPowerOnTable. The USBDescriptorTable is a standard set of USB descriptors, and the USBPowerOnTable is a collection of pointers to the USBDescriptorTable, along with other pertinent EP configuration information. USBDescriptorTable The USBDescriptorTable is only used to inform the host of configuration information – it is not used directly for USB configuration. The STMP3410 USB supports only a single configuration, so the USBDescriptorTable must have the following form: Device Descriptor . Configuration Descriptor . Interface 0 Descriptor . . EP0 Descriptor . . . . . <Interface n Descriptor> . EPx Descriptor . . . . . . . <EP Descriptor> String 1 Descriptor . . . <String y Descriptor> Where <> denotes an optional element, n denotes the Interface number, x denotes the EP number, and y indicates the string number. Standard USB device classes, such as the Audio and Mass Storage classes have requirements for additional, class-specific descriptors. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 41 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record USBPowerOnTable The USBPowerOnTable is used by the USB hardware to determine the configuration. The table has the following form USBConfigBuf0 USBStringBuf0 . . . USBStringBuf7 USBEndPtBuf0 . . . USBEndPtBu6 Before the USB end points are enabled and the USB configuration process is begun, a pointer to the USBPowerOnTable must be written to the USCBAR register. This table must be located in XRAM. The USBPowerOnTable is comprised of USBEndPtBuf, USBConfigBuf, and USBStringBuf sections. Since the STMP3410 supports 4 interfaces with 2 alternates, the max number of logical endpoints is 8. Each USBEndPtBufx represents a logical endpoint – 8 are provided to cover all interfaces/alternates. BITS 39:36 35:34 33:32 31:30 29:28 LABEL EP_NUM EP_CONFIG EP_INTERFACE EP_ALTSETTING EP_TYPE RW R RW RW RW R 27 EP_DIR R 26:17 EP_MAXPKTSIZE R 16 EP_USERBIT R 15:0 EP_BUFADRPTR R DEFINITION Physical Endpoint Number, 0000-0111 Configuration Number to which the EndPoint belongs. Always 00. Interface Number to which the Epndpoint belongs Alternate Setting to which the Endpoint belongs. Type of Endpoint: 00 Control 01 Isochronous 10 Bulk 11 Interrupt Direction of Endpoint: 0 OUT Endpoint 1 IN Endpoint This bit is ignored for Control Endpoints. Maximum packet size for this Endpoint. Hardware signaling – set to 0. XRAM address for this Endpoint buffer. Bits [2:0] must encode the Endpoint number (same as Ep_Num, bits [39:36], above). Therefore, the buffer must be allocated on an 8-word boundary. The bits are masked off for access to the endpoint buffer. Table 46. USBEndPtBuf Format Description BITS LABEL 31:16 DESCRIPTOR SIZE 15:0 42 RW DEFINITION R This is the size of the Descriptor to be returned when the Host makes a request for GetDescriptor(Configuration). This is the wTotalLength of the standard Configuration Descriptor. This is the total length of data returned for the configuration to which this register is associated. This includes the combined length of all descriptors (Configuration, Interface, Endpoint, and Class or Vendor specific) returned for this configuration. DESCRIPTOR R This is the XRAM address pointer to the Configuration Descriptor. When the host ADDRESS POINTER requests a Configuration Descriptor, the USB port will start at this address and read Descriptor Size bytes. Table 47. USBConfigBuf Format Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW 23:16 STRING LENGTH 15:0 R DEFINITION This field is the length of the String in bytes with which this USBStringBuf is associated. This is the bLength of the String Descriptor for the associated String. This is the XRAM address pointer to the String Descriptor. When the host requests the String Descriptor, the USB port will start at this address and read String Length bytes. Table 48. USBConfigBuf Format Description STRING ADDRESS R POINTER Pre-Defined Descriptor Values The STMP3410 is a programmable device but there is a certain set of descriptor values that will be common for most devices. Static values are shown in bold – these values may not be changed. BITS 17 16 15 14 12 10 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 Note: LABEL VALUE DEFINITION BNUMCONFIGURATIONS $01 Only one configuration is allowed ISERIALNUMBER $xx Depends on entire configuration. IPRODUCT $xx Depends on entire configuration IMANUFACTURER $xx Depends on entire configuration BCDDEVICE $xxxx Specific to a given product IDPRODUCT $xxxx Specific to a given product IDVENDOR $xxxx Specific to a given OEM (assigned by the USB-IF) BMAXPACKETSIZE0 $40 EP0 buffer is 64-bytes BDEVICEPROTOCOL $00 Protocol is specified in the interface descriptors BDEVICESUBCLASS $00 Subclass is specified in the interface descriptors BDEVICECLASS $00 Class is specified in the interface descriptors BCDUSB $0100 USB Specification 1.0 BDESCRIPTORTYPE $01 DEVICE descriptor BLENGTH $12 18-bytes long Values in bold have been defined. “xx” values will be defined at a later time by the software team. Table 49. Pre-Defined Device Descriptor Description BITS 8 7 6 5 4 2 1 0 Note: LABEL VALUE DEFINITION MAXPOWER $xx Depends on configuration BMATTRIBUTES $xx Depends on configuration BCONFIGURATION $xx Depends on entire configuration BCONFIGURATIONVALUE $00 Configuration 0 BNUMINTERFACES $xx Depends on the given configuration WTOTALLENGTH $xxxx Depends on entire configuration BDESCRIPTORTYPE $02 INTERFACE descriptor BLENGTH $09 9-bytes long Values in bold have been defined. “xx” values will be defined at a later time by the software team. Table 50. Pre-Defined Device Descriptor BITS 6 4 3 2 1 0 LABEL BINTERVAL WMAXPACKETSIZE BMATTRIBUTES BENDPOINTADDRESS BDESCRIPTORTYPE BLENGTH 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 VALUE $00 $40 $00 $00 $05 $07 DEFINITION Not applicable for control endpoint EP0 buffer is 64-bytes Control type EP0, control endpoint ENDPOINT descriptor 7-bytes long Table 51. USB EP0 Descriptor 43 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 6.2. USB Port Setup Sequences USB Intitialization Initialization of the USB requires that the USBDescriptorTable and the USBPowerOnTable be loaded into XRAM. For devices that boot from Flash these tables will reflect normal operation modes. For devices that boot from USB these tables will be: Copy the USBDescriptorTable to XRAM. Copy the USBPowerOnTable to XRAM. Write $000000 to the HW_USBCSR, USBEP0…USBEPx. Write #USBPowerOnTable to the HW_USBCBAR. If high speed operation, set the HW_USBCSR[SPD] bit. Set the HW_USBCSR[USBEN] bit. USB Shutdown Call USBDisableEndPoint for all enabled End Points. Clear all USBEPx[ENEP] bits. Write $000000 to the HW_USBCSR.7 EP7 Interrupt Service EP7 is reserved by the system for USB port hardware handling of GetDescriptor requests. However, interrupts will still be generated and must be serviced as follows: Set HW_USBEP7[ENEP]. Clear HW_USBEP7[DONE]. 6.3. Multiple Configurations Since the USB descriptors are RAM-based the device may be initialized with virtually any configuration (within the limits previously described). Since the STMP3410 DSP core controls the setup process for the USB port it may disable the port at anytime, load new Descriptor and Power On buffers, then re-enable the port to force a reconfiguration. 44 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 7. PARALLEL EXTERNAL MEMORY CONTROLLER (EMC) The STMP3410 contains an external memory controller that has two major functional modes: SmartMedia/NAND and CompactFlash. The SmartMedia/NAND flash interface provides a state machine that provides all of the logic necessary to perform DMA functions between on-chip RAM and the flash. The CompactFlash interface supports all three major CompactFlash modes: Memory, I/O and IDE. These modes can be used to communicate with standard CompactFlash (CF) devices such as CF Flash and the IBM MicroDrive. The CF Memory mode can be used to communicate with standard ATA/ATAPI devices like CD-ROM and Hard drives. This documentation will detail the configuration and operation of the STMP3410’s external memory interface. It will discuss the standard use of the interface for flash applications. Additional information about other specific applications (CD-ROM, DRAM, NOR Flash, etc) will be available in future application notes. 7.1. EMC Overview The external memory controller has several major features: • DMA data transfers allow minimal CPU overhead • 32-bit SmartMedia addressing supports future devices up to 4Gbyte • Multiple device support with four SmartMedia and two CF chip selects • Configurable timing can be set to support various devices The external memory controller can be described as two fairly independent devices in one: a SmartMedia/NAND flash interface and a CompactFlash/NOR flash/IDE interface. Both interfaces share the same device pins, some registers and the DMA engine. Both interfaces uses memory mapped registers to setup and control the transactions. Data is always sent through the DMA – there are no data registers that correspond to the interface data bus. Transactions are always started with a kick bit. The interface sets up the control lines and transfers data to/from the internal RAM. Once the transaction is complete the interface signals the DSP with either a polled flag or an interrupt. The kick bit, polling bit and interrupt configurations are all contained in the registers. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 45 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 7.1.1. STMP PIN NUMBER 37:30 26 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 24 7 9 8 42 44 43 45 27 41 40 25 EMC External Pins SMARTMEDIA PIN NAME SM_D7 - SM_D0 SM_WEn SM_REn * SM_ALE SM_CLE SM_SEn SM_CE0n SM_CE2n SM_CE3n * * * * SM_CE1n * * * * * * * SM_WPn * * SM_READY CF+/COMPACTFLASH PIN NAME, MEMORY MODE CF_D7 - CF_D0 CF_WEn CF_OEn CF_A10 CF_A9 CF_A8 CF_A7 CF_A6 CF_A5 CF_A4 CF_A3 CF_A2 CF_A1 CF_A0 CF_CE0n CF_CE1n * * CF_WPn CF_REGn CF_RESETn CF_BVD1/IREQ * CF_READY CF_CDn CF_WAIT CF+/COMPACTFLASH PIN NAME, I/O MODE CF_D7 - CF_D0 CF_WEn CF_OEn CF_A10 CF_A9 CF_A8 CF_A7 CF_A6 CF_A5 CF_A4 CF_A3 CF_A2 CF_A1 CF_A0 CF_CE0n CF_CE1n CF_IOWRn CF_IORDn CF_WPn CF_REGn CF_RESETn CF_BVD1 * CF_READY CF_CDn CF_WAIT CF+/COMPACTFLASH PIN NAME, TRUE IDE MODE CF_D7 - CF_D0 CF_WEn CF_OEn * * * * * * * * CF_A2 CF_A1 CF_A0 CF_CE0n CF_CE1n CF_IOWRn CF_IORDn CF_WPn CF_REGn CF_RESETn CF_BVD1 * CF_READY CF_CDn CF_WAIT Table 52. Mapping of pins to CF+/CompactFlash and SmartMedia Card/Device Pins Note: Pins marked with (*) are not used by the module and are available for use in GPIO mode. See the GPIO module documentation for more information. I/O mode and IDE modes are not normally used in any application. Their pin names are not included in the pin list at the end of this document. 7.2. General Use of the External Memory Interface The external memory interface has some functions that are shared between both the SmartMedia and the CompactFlash modes. In particular, common registers control the functions that communicate with the DSP such as the DMA and transaction start/done functions. Each of the memory interfaces also have their own registers that set up their specific parameters. This section will focus on the common registers. 46 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 7.2.1. Common Flash Registers Flash Control Register HW_FLCR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:22 RSRVD R 0 21 SRST RW 0 20:17 RSRVD R 0 16:6 NB RW $001 5:4 MMD R 0 3 IRQP RW 0 2 1 0 TCIE RW KICK RW 0 RW 0 RW 0 X:$F000 DEFINITION Reserved bits. Must be written as 0. Flash module software reset. This bit is itself reset by a hardware reset only; a software reset does not clear the bit. Reserved bits. Must be written as 0. Number of bytes to transfer. External interface type: 00 – SmartMedia 10 – Reserved 01 – CompactFlash 11 – Reserved Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one de-asserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect. Setting this bit enables the transaction-complete interrupt. Setting this bit initiates an external memory transfer is a read; otherwise it is a write. Setting this bit initiates an external memory transfer; it automatically clears when the transfer completes. Table 53. Flash Control Register Description The Flash Control Register sets up basic operating parameters. After the transaction has been set up in all of the appropriate registers (transaction type, timing, address, etc) the software triggers the kick bit. This will initiate the transaction. The status bit will indicate when the transaction has been completed. The DSP can either poll the status bit or the register can be configured to send an interrupt on transaction completion. The Flash Start Address Low and High Registers determine the addresses of both the STMP3410’s internal XRAM, YRAM and PRAM and the external device. Multiple cycle transactions (reading/writing multiple bytes sequentially) will pack/unpack data from the DSP XRAM, YRAM and PRAM’s 24-bit words into the external device’s 8-bit interface. The LSB is packed/unpacked first. Each byte is packed with its MSB at bit 7, 13, or 23 for bytes 1, 2 or 3. The address bus’s behavior depends on the specific external device type. SmartMedia devices don’t use the address bus. They are externally selected with chip select lines (CE0-3) and internally with multi-byte accesses over the I/O lines (see more in the SmartMedia section, below). CompactFlash devices may use the Address pins in Memory or I/O mode or with a combination of control pins (CE0, CE1, CF_A0, A1, A2) in IDE Mode. In all cases the mode configuration registers determine how the target device is addressed. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 47 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Flash Control 2 Register HW_FLCR2 BITS 23:7 6 5 4 3 LABEL RSRVD CKGT NFLSH NDMA LA RW RW RW RW RW RW RESET 0 0 0 0 0 2 RA RW 0 1:0 ASEL RW 00 X:$F004 DEFINITION Reserved Turns clocks to Flash module off. Inverts data from the system to the Flash. Inverts data from the Flash to the system . Left aligns 16-bit word data from bits 23:8. The LSbyte will be zeroed. This is only associated with CompactFlash 16-bit data mode in the CFControl register bit 23. If neither Left or Right Align is set the CompactFlash 16-bit data mode will ‘pack’ the word data into the 24-bit memory. Right align 16-bit word data from bits 15:0. The MSbyte will be zeroed. This is only associated with CompactFlash 16-bit data mode int the CFControl register bit 23. If neither Left or Right Align is set the CompactFlash 16-bit data mode will ‘pack’ the word data into the 24-bit memory. Memory space to use for DMA transfers 00 X space 10 P space 01 Y space 11 Reserved Table 54. Flash Control 2 Register Description The Flash Control 2 Register sets up addtional operating parameters. Flash Start Address Low Register HW_FLSALR X:$F001 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 XA DEFINITION Lower 24 bits of external memory starting address Table 55. Flash Start Address Low Register Description Flash Start Address High Register HW_FLSAHR BITS LABEL RW 23:8 7:0 DA XA R R X:$F002 DEFINITION Starting address for DMA transfer. Upper 8 bits of external memory starting address Table 56. Flash Start Address High Register Description 7.3. External Memory Interface with SmartMedia/NAND Flash Devices The external memory interface will commonly be used with SmartMedia flash devices. SmartMedia are small removable cards that contain one or two NAND Flash devices. Alternatively, the system designer can use non-removable NAND flash chips. Both devices use the same pins. The SmartMedia electrical interface uses an 8-bit data/address bus and 8 control lines. Multiple devices share the same bus, with chip selects used for selection. 48 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 7.3.1. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 SmartMedia/NAND Pins • SM_D0 - SM_D7: 8-bit I/O interface. This bus is used to send addresses (multiple bytes required to send a complete address), data and commands to the SmartMedia device. Data, device ID and status information are received from the Flash over this bus. • SM_WEn: Write Enable. This active low output is used to indicate a write cycle to the Flash. The STMP3410’s external memory interface will write to the bus during a WE~ cycle. • SM_REn: Read Enable. This active low output indicates a read cycle to the Flash. The flash device writes to the bus during a RE~ cycle. • SM_ALE: Address Latch Enable. This active high output indicates that the data on the I/O bus is part of an address. The STMP3410 outputs one byte of a Flash memory address during this cycle. • SM_CLE: Command Latch Enable. This active high output indicates that the data on the I/O bus is a flash command. The STMP3410 outputs a SmartMedia command during this cycle. See the data sheet for your SmartMedia device for more information on the valid commands. • SM_SEn: Spare Enable Select. This active low output is used to indicate that the ECC data should be sent with a regular 512 Byte Flash Block. This command is not typically used since the ECC should always be used. It is recommended that the SE~ line be tied to ground (asserted) to ensure that the spare area is always used. • SM_CE0n – SM_CE3n: Chip Enable Lines. Active low outputs that select each SmartMedia or NAND Flash. Connect one to each of the flash devices. • SM_WPn: Write Protect. This active low output is used prevent accidental data corruption during non-write cycles. • SM_READY: Ready/ Busy~. This active low input indicates that the flash device is busy. No new transactions to any devices should occur unless this line is not asserted. The Ready/Busy~ line uses open-drain drivers and requires an external pull-up resistor. All SmartMedia/NAND Flash devices busy pins should be connected to this pin. 49 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 7.3.2. SmartMedia Registers SmartMedia Control Register HW_FLSMCR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:17 RSRVD R 16 BPIRQ R X:$F010 DEFINITION 0 1 Reserved. Must be written as 0. Bad programming interrupt pending. Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one de-asserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect. 15 TOIRQ RW 0 Timeout interrupt pending. Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one de-asserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect. 14 BPIE RW 0 Bad Programming interrupt enable. Generate BPIRQ if SmartMedia interface is kicked with bad programming. 13 TOIE RW 0 SmartMedia Timeout interrupt enable. 12:5 ICMD R 1 Initial standard SmartMedia command for transaction: $FF Card Reset $70 Card Status Register Read $60 Card Block Erase. Second command byte is always $D0. $00 Read/Program Data. Start address is in first 256 bytes of 528-byte page. $01 Read/Program Data. Start address is in second 256 bytes of 528-byte page. $50 Read/Program Data. Start address is in redundant area (last 16-bytes of page). $90 Car ID Read 4 SIZE R 1 Target SmartMedia device size: 0 <= 32 MBytes 1 > 32 MBytes 3 WP RW 0 Write Protect pin output (active-low): 0 assert -WP pin 1 de-assert -WP pin 2 SE RW 0 -SE pin control. Allows the spare (redundant) area (last 16 bytes of page) to be skipped. 0 assert -SE pin. Redundant area enabled. 1 de-assert -SE pin. Redundant area disabled. 1:0 CS R 0 External Chip Select: 00 Select Chip 0 01 Select Chip 1 10 Select Chip 2 11 Select Chip 3 Note: The SmartMedia interface’s state machine logic makes a number of checks on the legitimacy of DSP programming before transitioning the master state machine out of its IDLE state. If these checks fail, the state machine remains IDLE, the BPIRQ gets set and the transaction is considered done (Kick bit in the HW_FLSMCR register is de-asserted). Optionally, a bad-programming interrupt can be enabled by setting the BPIE bit. Table 57. SmartMedia Control Register Description The SmartMedia Control Register configures the interface and determines the type of transaction. The SmartMedia portion of the interface was designed to very closely interface to external Flash device. The interface knows how to set the appropriate control and data bits at a device command level. Operations like Reset, accesses to the Status Register and data operations are automatically processed by the interface. The user code just needs to set up some basic timing and device information and make a high level request. 50 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record SmartMedia Timer 1 Register HW_FLSMTMR1R BITS 23:22 21:17 16:11 10:5 4:0 LABEL RSRVD TRWH TWPW TRPW TRWSU RW RESET RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 X:$F011 DEFINITION Reserved Read/Write Pulse Hold in terms of dclks Write Pulse Width in terms of dclks Read Pulse Width in terms of dclks Read/Write Strobe Setup in terms of dclks Table 58. SmartMedia Timer 1 Register Description SmartMedia Timer 2 Register HW_FLSMTMR2R X:$F012 BITS LABEL RW DEFINITION 23:6 TWTO RW Delay before timing out on RDY pin in terms of dclks 5:0 TWT RW Delay before examining RDY pin in terms of (dclks x 1024) Table 59. SmartMedia Timer 2 Register Description The SmartMedia timing registers default to conservative settings on reset. TIMING PARAMETER Trwh Twpw Trpw Trwsu Twto Twait DEFAULT IN DCLK CYCLES TIME @ 48MHZ (21NS CYCLE) 2 42ns 6 125ns 6 125ns 2 42ns 488 * 1024 10.5ms 16 336ns Table 60. SmartMedia Timing Specifications SAMSUNG SPEC 40ns 80ns 80ns 30ns 4ms 200ns The firmware designer can change the timing to accommodate higher performance or newer flash devices, and should check that the timing values are acceptable if the dclk clock frequency is changed. 7.4. External Memory Interface in CompactFlash Mode Some applications will require an interface to either a CompactFlash device such as a standard CF memory card or IBM Microdrive. Other applications will interface to a standard IDE/ATAPI device like a CD-ROM or hard disk. The system designer may also want to interface to an external SDRAM, DRAM or NOR Flash for bulk data storage. All of these are possible with the CompactFlash mode of the external Memory Interface and, occasionally, some external glue logic like a CPLD. This interface mode differs significantly from the SmartMedia mode in that it doesn’t have the intelligence to closely control any device family at a high level. All of the control pins must be configured at the register level. High-level command state machines are implemented in software rather than the memory interface. This requires additional system software development. The benefit is significantly increased flexibility. The CompactFlash mode covers a large number of interfaces. 7.4.1. CompactFlash Modes The three CompactFlash (CF) modes are Memory Mode, I/O Mode and IDE Mode. All of the modes use an 8-bit or 16-bit data bus based on 144 or 100 package configuration. All CF devices have an 8-bit mode that allows byte addresability. For 100 pin 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 51 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record package non CompactFlash compliant devices such as CD-ROM and many hard drives will require external glue logic to support the required 16-bit data bus. All CF compliant devices can use any of the three CompactFlash modes. In this case the choice of which mode to use depends on the software requirements. It is recommended that all applications using the CompactFlash interface use the Memory Mode. 7.4.2. CompactFlash Registers CompactFlash Control Register HW_FLCFCR BITS 23 22 21:20 19 LABEL MODE16 DASP VS CRE RW RW R R RW 18:17 CS 16 XDDI 15:14 CFAI RW R RW RESET 0 unknown unknown EMC5600_ CARDRSTEN_OUT 00 unknown 10 13 INCS RW 0 12 ISCS RW 0 11 IFCS RW 0 10 9 INCE ISCE RW RW 0 0 8 IFCE RW 0 7 RI R unknown 6 XWT R unknown 5 CRST RW 4 XATTR RW EMC5600_ CARDRST_OUT 0 3:2 SM RW 2’b00 1 0 CDP WP RW R EMC5600_PUP unknown X:$F008 DESCRIPTION CompactFlash data bus is 16-bits DASP pin of the CompactFlash card, if connected. VS2, VS1 voltage sense inputs (if connected) Output enable for RESET/-RESET pin Active-high versions of outgoing -CE2,-CE1/-CS1,CS0 chip selects Incoming -PDIAGN/-STSCHG pin, sampled into dclk domain Multi-byte transfer card address increment/toggle 00 - next A10-A0 same as previous 01 - next A10-A0 equal to previous plus one 10 - next A10-A0 equal to previous plus two (CIS) 11 - next A10-A0 equal to previous, but A0 toggles Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one deasserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one deasserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect Reading a one indicates a pending interrupt; writing back a one deasserts the interrupt; writing zero has no effect Setting this bit enables the card absence/removal interrupt Setting this bit asserts an interrupt based on the -PDIAGN/-STSCHG pin of the CompactFlash card going low in any PC Card Mode Setting this bit passes on a card-based interrupt from the RDY/BSY/-IREQ/INTRQ pin of the CompactFlash card. The interrupt occurs if the input pin transitions (either direction) in any PC Card socket mode (Memory, I/O, True IDE) RDY/-BSY/-IREQ/INTRQ pin of the CompactFlash card, sampled into dclk domain -WAIT active-low card pin of the CompactFlash card, sampled into dclk domain 0 - wait/card is busy 1 - card/data is available Output value to RESET/-RESET pin of the CompactFlash card. Active-high in Memory or I/O Mode; Active-low in True IDE Mode. 0 - Access to Attribute Memory or I/O space 1 - Access to Common Memory Card access mode 00 - PC Card Memory Mode 01 - PC Card I/O Mode 10 - True IDE Mode 11 - reserved Card Detect pin (-CD1) pullup enable/disable Write Protect (WP) pin of CompactFlash card, sampled into dclk domain Table 61. CompactFlash Control Register Description 52 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record CompactFlash Timer1 Register HW_FLCFTMR1R RW RESET 23:19 TRWH BITS LABEL RW 0 18:12 TWPW 11:5 TRPW 4:0 TRWSU RW RW RW 0 0 0 X:$F009 DESCRIPTION Hold time for -CE, An, -REG pins of the CompactFlash card, relative to -WE, -RE, -IOWR or -IORD de-asserting, in dclk cycles -WE, -IOWR pins of the CompactFlash card pulse width, in dclk cycles -OE, -IORD pins of the CompactFlash card pulse width, in dclk cycles Read or write pin of the CompactFlash card setup time, in dclk cycles Table 62. CompactFlash Timer1 Register Description CompactFlash Timer2 Register HW_FLCFTMR2R X:$F00A BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:19 TRAQ RW 0 18:14 THW RW 1 13:4 3:0 RW RW 1 0 TWTO TWW DESCRIPTION Delay between -OE/-IORD de-assertion and STMP3410 re-acquiring the data bus, in dclk cycles Hold time between -WAIT de-asserting and read or write strobe (-OE, -WE, etc) deasserting, dclk cycles Timeout waiting for card-imposed wait (-WAIT low) period, in dclk cycles Wait-for-wait time, in dclk cycles. Time for -WAIT to assert, from -OE/ -WE/-IOWR/IORD assertion edge. Table 63. CompactFlash Timer2 Register Description 7.4.3. Using the CompactFlash Modes SigmaTel will update this datasheet and release application notes to cover specific applications of the CompactFlash mode. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 53 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 8. I2C INTERFACE The I2C is a standard 2 wire serial interface used to connect the STMP3410 with peripherals or host controllers. This interface provides a standard speed (up to 100kbps) and high speed (up to 400kbps) I2C connection to multiple devices with the STMP3410 acting in either I2C master or I2C slave mode. Typical applications for the I2C bus include: EEPROM, LED/LCD, FM Tuner, Real Time Clock, etc. The STMP3410’s I2C port supports multi-master configurations where peripheral devices can send messages without being queried. 8.1. I2C-Specific Implementation 8.1.1. • The STMP3410 can be configured as either a master or slave device. In master mode it generates the clock (I2C_SCL) and initiates transactions on the data line (I2C_SDA). • The I2C block can be configured to pack data into 8, 16 or 24 bit words. Data on the I2C bus is always byte oriented. • The STMP3410’s I2C has a programmable device address. I2C Interface External Pins I2C_SDA – I2C Serial Data. This pin carries all address and data bits. I2C_SCL – I2C Serial Clock. This pin carries the clock used to time the address & data. Pull-up resistors are required on both of the I2C lines as all of the I2C drivers are open drain (pull-down only). Typically, external 2k-Ohm resistors are used to pull the signals up to VddIO. Note: See Table 230 for I2C pin placement. 8.1.2. I2C Interface Registers The address map for the registers which are visible to the processor is as shown below. ADDRESS X:$FFE7 X:$FFE6 X:$FFE5 REGISTER I2C Control/Status Register (HW_I2CCSR) I2C Data Registers (HW_I2CDATR) I2C Clock Divider Register (HW_I2CDIVR) Table 64. I2C Registers Address Map 54 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record I2C Interface Control/Status Register HW_I2CCSR BITS LABEL 23:21 RSRVD 20 TUFLCL 19 ROFLCL 18 SUBA 17 LWORD 16:15 BCNT 14 13 ACKF TUFL 12 ROFL 11 TREQ 10:9 WL X:$FFE7 RW RESET DEFINITION R 0 Reserved RW 0 Transmitter Underflow Clear bit – Setting this bit clears both the TDE and TUFL bits. When an underflow condition occurs the correct procedure is to write data to the HW_I2CDATR register and then send a high pulse on the TUFLCL to clear the TUFL bit. RW 0 Receive Overflow Clear Flag – Setting this bit clears both the RDR and ROFL bits. The correct procedure is to read the HW_I2CDATR register followed by a high pulse on the ROFLCL bit. R 0 Sub Address – This bit is set when the Master is transmitting two bytes of sub address following the slave address byte. RW 0 Last Word – This bit is set in master mode when the processor has written its last word to the I2CI2C transmit register or upon receiving the second last word. Wlo and wl1 decide how many bits the last block of data received by the master will be. Last_word is cleared when the stop is generated. If a receive overflow condition occurs in the master, at least two bytes must be received before a stop is generated ie if wl0 = wl1 = 0 then the last word bit must not be set on this receive. R 00 Byte Count – These bits hold the number of bytes received by the device in either master or slave mode. BCNT Bytes received 01 1 byte 10 2 bytes 00 3 bytes RW 0 Acknowledge Failure – When this bit is set, no acknowledge has been returned. R 0 Transmitter Underflow – Underflow occurs when TDE = 1 and another transfer is triggered copying the contents of the data register into the shift register. R 0 Receiver Overflow – Overflow occurs when RDR = 1 and the shift register performs another parallel load of the data register. The shift register is 8 bits wide for the master receiver, 24 bits wide for the slave receiver. Cleared by a read of the HW_I2CDATR register followed by a high pulse on the ROFLCL bit. RW 0 Transmit Request – This bit is used to request a transfer with the I2C in master mode. It is pulsed high to request the transfer and the mode bit must already be driven for either standard or fast mode. Upon receiving the pulse the I2C master section will generate a start condition and transmit the slave address. RW 00 This bit is also used to request a repeated start to the master device. A pulse must be sent, when the processor has written its last word to the I2C transmit register or upon receiving the last word, to generate a repeated start at the end of the subsequent receive or transmit. To request a repeated start immediately after the slave address and two bytes of sub address have been transmitted it is necessary to send a pulse first to start the transfer of the slave address and then another pulse a maximum of ns later to request the repeated start. Word Length – Defines the word length being used by the interface for either I2C master or slave modes. WL Word Length 00 8 bit 10 16 bit 01 24 bit These bits are also used with the last_word bit so that the device can decide whether the last block of data the master receives is 8, 16 or 24 bits, ie wl0, wl1 are set before the transfer and then the last_word bit is set on the receive of the second last block of of data. These bits should not be changed while a transfer is in progress. Table 65. I2C Interface Control/Status RegisterDescription 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 55 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL 8 RWN 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RW RESET DEFINITION R 0 Read/Not Write – If equal to zero the Master is writing to the Slave, when equal to one the Master is reading from the slave. TDE R 0 Transmitter Data Empty – This bit is set when the contents of the transmitter data register are loaded into the shift register. When this bit is set, the processor can write to the Transmit Data register. If transmit interrupts are enabled, when this bit becomes set, an interrupt will be asserted to the processor. RDR R 0 Receiver Data Ready – This bit is set when the shift register performs a broadside load to the Receive Data Register. It’s cleared by hardware when the processor reads the Receive Data Register. If receive interrupts are enabled, when this bit becomes set, an interrupt will be asserted to the processor. MODE RW 0 Operating Mode Bit – When set, the I2C is in Fast mode (400Kbits/sec) and when cleared, the I2C is in Standard mode (100 Kbits/sec). There is noise suppression for both modes. If the device is to be master, the mode must be set or cleared before TREQ (bit 11) becomes active. TIE RW 0 Transmitter Interrupt Enable – When set, the transmit interrupts are enabled to the processor. ARBLOST RW 0 Arbitration lost – After every transfer using the master I2C device this bit should be checked to ensure arbitration has not been lost to another master. This bit is cleared by a write to the control/status register. BUSY R 0 I2C Bus Busy – When this bit is set the I2C bus is busy. It is set after a START condition is detected and remains set until a STOP condition is detected. If there is arbitration on the I2C_SDA line and our device loses, then the busy bit will remain set until our device detects a stop condition from the winning device. RIE RW 0 RIE Receiver Interrupt – Enable When set, the receive interrupts (Receiver Data Ready and Receiver Overflow) are enabled. Both interrupts are processed by reading data from the I2C data register (HW_I2CDATR). If these interrupts are not processed they will continuously reoccur. I2C_EN RW 0 Peripheral Enable – When set, the I2C receive and transmit channel are enabled. Table 65. I2C Interface Control/Status RegisterDescription (Continued) I2C Data Registers There are two 24-bit Data Registers located at the same address, Receive and Transmit Data Registers. The Receive Data Register contents are read over the data bus if the processor performs a read of the address X:$FFE6. The Transmit Data Register is written to the external data bus if the processor writes to this same address. The Transmit Data Register should be filled before setting the TREQ bit to initiate a transfer. HW_I2CDAT BITS LABEL RW 23:0 DATA X:$FFE6 RESET RW 0 DEFINITION Address/DATA register Table 66. I2C Data Register Description 56 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record I2C Clock Divider Register The 8-bit Clock Divider Register is used to divide the system clock (dclk) so that the I2C serial clock (I2C_SCL) can be generated. The value in [8:1] is used to divide the system clock to generate the I2C clock, this clock is futher divided by 4 if the MODE bit (bit 5) in the I2C Interface Control/Status register is clear. If the system clock is set to 50 MHz, then the reset value for this register will divide this clock by 132 to give an I2C clock of ~380 kHz for I2C fast mode, if the MODE bit is set, this will be further divided by 4 to give an I2C clock of ~95 kHz for I2C normal mode. The formula for calculating the SCL Clock is: (div+3)x(system clock period) for fast mode and ((div x 4) +22) x (system clock period) for slow mode. HW_I2CDIV BITS 23:9 8:1 0 LABEL RSRVD CDVB RSRVD X:$FFE7 RW RESET DEFINITION R 0 Reserved RW 01000010 Clock divider value bits R 0 Clock divider value bit that must be 0 Table 67. I2C Clock Divider Register Description 8.1.3. I2C Interrupt Sources The I2C port can be used in either interrupt driven or polled modes. If interrupts are enabled, a level-sensitive interrupt will be signaled to the processor upon one of the following events. ADDRESS P:$0030 P:$0032 P:$0034 P:$0036 BIT 6 12 7 13 LABEL RDR ROFL TDE TUFL INTERRUPT SOURCE I2C Receiver Data Ready I2C Receiver Overflow I2C Transmitter Data Empty I2C Transmitter Underflow Table 68. I2C Interrupt Address Map The interrupt lines are tied directly to the status bits of the Control/Status Register. Clearing these bits through software will remove the interrupt request. The Receiver Data Ready and Transmitter Data Empty requests are automatically removed via hardware when the Receive Data Register is read or the Transmit Data Register is written respectively. The overflow and underflow error signals need to be cleared through software by writing directly to the status bits of the Control/Status Register. 8.2. I2C Bus Protocol With reference to the clocking scheme shown in the figure below, the I2C interface operates in the following manner: Standard Mode SCL SDA 8 bits 8 bits SLAVE Address & r/w DATA Acknowledge signal START Condition Acknowledge signal STOP Condition Figure 8. I2C data and clock timing 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 57 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record A START condition is defined as a HIGH to LOW transition on the data line while the I2C_SCL line is held HIGH. After this has been transmitted by the Master, the bus is considered busy. The next byte of data transmitted after the start condition contains the address of the slave in the first 7 bits and the eighth bit tells whether the Master is receiving data from the slave or transmitting data to the slave. When an address is sent, each device in the system compares the first seven bits after a start condition with its address. If they match, the device considers itself addressed by the Master. In slave mode, the I2C write address is 86h, its read address is 87h. Data transfer with acknowledge is obligatory. The transmitter must release the I2C_SDA line during the acknowledge pulse. The receiver must then pull the data line LOW so that it remains stable low during the HIGH period of the acknowledge clock pulse. A receiver which has been addressed is obliged to generate an acknowledge after each byte of data has been received. 8.2.1. Slave Mode Protocol The flow chart for the finite state machine is show in Figure 9. At device start-up all the registers are reset so that the state is known from that time onward. Once the I2C is enabled the slave will wait to detect a start condition on the I2C_SCL and I2C_SDA lines. Once this is detected the slave will read in 8 bits and check against its own device address which is $0086 to see if a master device is trying to start a transfer with our device. If it is our address an acknowledge is sent, otherwise our slave will not acknowledge and will return to state IDLE. Next the RW is checked. If it is a write operation then the two sub address bytes must be received and acknowledged and then the data is received with a check of receive overflow before data is overwritten into the DSP_rx register. If the master is requesting a read operation then the slave must start sending data on the I2C_SDA bus immediately after acknowledging the Slave address and RW bit. After each byte the acknowledge from the master must be checked. When the master has received the last byte it will not send an acknowledge and the slave will return to state IDLE. As long as the slave continues transmitting it must first check whether the DSP_tx register has been fully transmitted and if so request more data. The underflow condition is also checked. Tables 69 - 72 show the first 2 bytes of data as a sub-address for purposes of illustration. The sub-address is used to address the memory space inside the device. Table 69 defines each sub-address shown. ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SAK DATA SAK SP Table 69. Transfer when Master is writing a single byte of data to the interface as a slave ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SAK DATA SAK DATA SAK SP Table 70. Transfer when Master is writing multiple bytes to the interface as a slave ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SR SAD+R SAK DATA NMAK SP Table 71. Transfer when Master is receiving one byte of data from interface as a slave ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SR SAD+R SAK DATA MAK DATA MAK DATA NMAK SP Table 72. Transfer when Master is receiving multiple bytes of data from interface as a slave 58 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Receive sub address 0 Wait for start Receive slave address No Setup tx data Our address Send Ack Yes Yes Ack address Yes Rofll rdrx No Read No No Receive 8 bits Yes Transmit 8 bits No 24 bits or start stop Yes No ACK Setup tx data No Yes tdefx No TX reg empty Yes tdefx interrupt req Yes Yes Rdr interrupt req TUFL No Figure 9. Slave Mode Flow Chart BIT ST SR SAD SAK SUB DATA SP MAK NMAK DESCRIPTION START condition Repeated START condition Slave address Slave acknowledge Sub address Data STOP condition Master Acknowledge No Master Acknowledge Table 73. Slave and Master mode address definitions 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 59 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Data is now transmitted in byte format. Each data transfer has to contain 8 bits. The number of bytes transferred per transfer is unlimited. Data is transferred with the Most Significant Bit (MSB) first. If a receiver can’t receive another complete byte of data until it has performed some other function, it can hold the clock line, I2C_SCL LOW to force the transmitter into a wait state. Data transfer only continues when the receiver is ready for another byte and releases the clock line. If a slave receiver doesn’t acknowledge the slave address (e.g. it is unable to receive because it is performing some real time function) the data line must be left HIGH by the slave. The Master can then abort the transfer. A LOW to HIGH transition on the I2C_SDA line while the I2C_SCL line is HIGH is defined as a STOP condition. Each data transfer must be terminated by the generation of a STOP condition. 8.2.2. Master Mode Protocol In Master Mode the STMP3410’s I2C interface generates the clock and initiates all transfers. Clock Gen 2 The I C clock is generated from the system clock as described above in the register description. If another device pulls the clock low before the STMP3410 has counted the high period, then the STMP3410 device immediately pulls the clock low as well and starts counting its the low period. Once the low period has been counted the STMP3410 releases the clock line high but must then check to see if another device stills holds the line low in which case it enters a high wait-state. In this way the I2C_SCL clock is generated with its low period determined by the device with the longest clock low period and its high period determined by the one with the shortest clock high period. Master Mode Operation The finite state machine for master mode operation is shown on the next two Figure 10 and Figure 11. Figure 10 shows the start condition and transmission of the slave address and two sub address bytes. Figure 11 shows the read and write states. Tables 74 - 77 show examples of Master Mode I2C transactions. Table 69 defines each sub-address shown. ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SAK DATA SAK SP Table 74. Transfer when the interface as master is transmitting one byte of data would be ST SAD+R SAK DATA MAK DATA MAK DATA NMAK SP Table 75. Transfer when the interface as master is reading multiple status bytes of data from slave ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SAK SR SAD+R SAK DATA NMAK SP Table 76. Transfer when Master is receiving one byte of data from slave internal sub-address ST SAD+W SAK SUB SAK SUB SAK SR SAD+R SAK DATA MAK DATA MAK DATA NMAK SP Table 77. Transfer when Master is receiving multiple bytes of data from slave internal sub-address 60 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Wait for dspt i2c_sda_en=1 stop condition i2c_sda_en=0 start condition Setup stop Suba byte 0 Yes suba 0 just transmitted No Setup address Setup TX TX addr/suba Underflow 8 bits tx No No Yes Yes stop_clk <= 1 Chk ack ACK No Yes rep_start rep_start /last_word No Chk read or write WRITE STATES last_word Write No slave addr just transmitted Yes Read or Write Read READ STATES Figure 10. Master Mode Flow Chart Start condition and transmission of slave address and two sub address bytes 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 61 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record READ STATES Read WRITE STATES Receive 8 bits Enable tx data No 8 bits tx trans_en <= 1 Check last_word rec_count Transmit 8 bits 8 bits Decide on ack Yes Check ack last_word No Yes Ack received NMACK NMACK End ack Check tx reg ROFL One byte left No STOP STATE Yes ROFL No No SETUP TX STATE Yes No rdrx last_word tdef <= 1 STOP STATE Figure 11. Master Mode Flow Chart – Read and Write States 62 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 9. SPI INTERFACE The SPI is a standard 4-pin Serial Peripheral Interface for inter-IC control and communication. It interfaces on one side to the SPI bus and on the other has a standard register data and interrupt interface. The SPI system can be configured as a master or a slave device. During an SPI transfer, data is shifted out and shifted in (transmitted and received) simultaneously. The I2C_SCLK line synchronizes the shifting and sampling of the information. It is an output when the SPI is configured as a master and an input when the SPI is configured as a slave. Selection of an individual slave SPI device is performed on the slave select line and slave devices that are not selected do not interfere with the SPI buses. 9.1. SPI Pins SPI_MISO – Master In/Slave Out. Serial input in master mode and output in slave mode. SPI_MOSI – Master Out/Slave In. Serial output in master mode and input in slave mode. SPI_SCK – Serial Clock. Bit clock output in master mode and input in slave mode. SPI_SSn – Slave Select. Selects SPI CS0 in master mode, chip select input in slave mode. In master mode the SPI_SSn pin is controlled via software through the GPIO module. In slave mode the pin is in SPI mode and connects directly to the SPI module. Note: See Table 234 for SPI pin placements. 9.2. SPI Registers 9.2.1. SPI Control Register HW_SPCSR BITS LABEL RW RESET X:$FFF9 DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 15:8 DIV RW 00001010 Divide factor bits – These bits are used to control the frequency of the SPI serial clock with relation to the device clock. The number must be an even number. These bits must be set before the SPE or MSTR bits i.e. before the SPI is configured into master mode. Note: When the divfact is at a high level and after a transfer finishes it is changed to a lower level then the new divide factor will not take effect until the counter has finished counting down from the previous higher divide factor. 7 MODF 0 Mode fault flag – Mode fault occurs if the SPI system is configured as a master and the SPI_SSn input line goes to active low. This happens if a second SPI device becomes a master and selects this device as if it were a slave. Reading the HW_SPCSR with MODF set automatically clears the MODF flag. Note: This condition should never exist with the STMP3410 since the SPI_SSn line is not used as an input in master mode. 6 WCOL 0 Write Collision Error Flag – The WCOL Flag is set if the HW_SPDR is written before the end of transfer is signaled. WCOL is cleared by reading the HW_SPCSR with WCOL set, followed by an access of the HW_SPDR. Table 78. SPI Control Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 63 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 5 SPIF 0 4 CPHA 0 3 CPOL 0 2 SPIE 0 1 MSTR 0 0 SPE 0 DEFINITION SPI Transfer Complete Flag – The SPIF Flag is set to a one at the end of an SPI transfer. SPIF is cleared by an access of the HW_SPDR or by a write to the HW_SPDR register. The definition of an end of transfer depends on who is the master and who is the slave. Clock Phase Select – Note: There must be a delay of 1/2 the clock period of SCLK, after a toggle of CPHA or CPOL, before there is a write to the HW_SPDR. This is to prevent glitches on the SCLK. Clock Polarity Select – 0 = Active high clocks selected; SCLK idles low. 1 = Active low clocks selected; SCLK idles high. Note: The SPI_SSn line must be deasserted and reasserted for a change in the CPOL bit. SPI interrupts enabled – When the SPIE bit is set SPI Interrupts are enabled and triggered when the SPIF bit is set. Master/Slave Select – When the MSTR bit is set the SPI is configured as a master and when 0 a slave. SPI System Enable – When SPE is set the SPI system is enabled and, when cleared, disabled. Table 78. SPI Control Register Description (Continued) 9.2.2. SPI Data Register The SPI interface runs in PIO mode only. Its 8-bit data register is mapped to the X data address space. Writes to the lower byte of this register are shifted out SPI_MOSI in Master Mode and SPI_MISO in slave mode. This register is read on the transaction completion to retrieve the incoming data from SPI_MISO in master mode and SPI_MOSI in slave mode. HW_SPDR BITS 23:8 7:0 LABEL RW X:$FFFA RESET DEFINITION RSRVD R 0 Reserved SPIDATA RW 00000000 Table 79. SPI Data Register Description 9.3. Transferring Data over SPI 9.3.1. Master Mode In master mode the SPI block must generate the SPI_SCK and send appropriate data/commands to the slave device(s). Clock Generation The clock is the main chip digital clock divided by the divide factor (see above). Out of reset the SPI_SCK is 24.576/10 ~= 2.5 MHz. The CPOL (clock polarity) and CPHA (clock phase) bits of the HW_SPCSR are used to select any of the four combinations of serial clock. These bits must be the same for both the master and slave SPI devices. The clock polarity bit, selects either an active high or active low clock but does not affect transfer format. The clock phase bit selects the transfer format. See Figure 12. 64 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record SPI_SSn SPI_SCK CPOL=0, CPHA=0 SPI_SCK CPOL=0, CPHA=1 SPI_SCK CPOL=1, CPHA=0 SPI_SCK CPOL=1, CPHA=1 SPI_MISO SPI_MOSI MSB 6 5 4 3 2 1 LSB Internal Strobe for Data Capture Figure 12. Timing diagram of SPI signals, including the various SCLK phases Slave Selects in Master Mode Multiple peripheral slave devices can be accessed by the STMP3410, using GPIO pins as chip selects. The chip select pins must be configured as a GPIO outputs by the STMP3410’s DSP. The system code should contain a setup routine that sets each chip select to non-asserted (high). Before any peripheral is accessed its chip select must be asserted (low). The chip select should be de-asserted again before another peripheral is accessed. The SPI_SSn pin should not be in a low state while the SPI is used or a mode fault will occur. 9.3.2. Slave Mode In slave mode the master device (another chip) generates the clock and slave select for the STMP3410. The STMP3410 will only receive and transmit data on the SPI_MISO and SPI_MOSI lines when the SPI_SSn input is asserted low. In this mode the SPI_SSn line is controlled by the SPI peripheral block. To initialize the SPI into slave mode, the SPI interrupts are enabled (SPIE=1) and the Master Mode is left off (MSTR=0). The clock polarity is set and finally the system is enabled (SPE=1). The master device should start sending a slave select, clock pulses data. After each byte of data is transferred the SPI will interrupt the processor to receive the incoming data and send a new transmit byte. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 65 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 10. ON-CHIP TIMERS Four timers are implemented, TIO0-TIO3. Two are connected to off-chip pins (TIO0, TIO1) and the others are used for on-chip functions only. The timers are independently configured through PIO mode registers mapped to the X memory space at base address X:$F100, X:$F140, X:$F180, and X:$F1C0. 10.1. Using the Timer Modules 10.1.1. General Programming Guidelines If you are re-starting a timer from scratch, all relevant fields of the Timer Count and Timer Control registers should be re-programmed. The Timer Interrupt Service Routine resets the TimerStatus bit in the Control Register below. The timer will wait until it has expired to assert the interrupt. Otherwise, the Timer Interrupt Service Routine would run continuously. Throughout the time when an interrupt occurs, the internal, software-invisible running counter within the module, continues to run (otherwise the timer events will not occur at periodic intervals). Thus, if an interrupt is not serviced in a timely fashion, it can become lost - ie, it merges with another interrupt event before the handler can get to it. In the default timer clock mode, the timer counts time in terms of DSP clocks. Since the DSP clock frequency can change based on system activity, this means that the delays in the timer will adjust accordingly. To allow the timers to operate independently of the DSP clock speed, use one of the crystal clock modes controlled by the TimerMode field of the Timer Control register. Note, that when using one of the crystal clock modes, the DSP clock must still be running at a minimum of twice the clock source rate for correct operation. This means that the DSP clock must be running at a speed of at least crystal clock divided by 2 (or 12.288 when using a 24.576 MHz crystal) when in crystal clock/4 mode. Similarily DSP clock must run at a speed of at least crystal clock/8 (3.072MHz) when in crystal clock/16 mode, and must run at a speed of at least crystal clock/32 (768kHz) when in crystal clock/32 mode. 10.1.2. Software-Visible Programmable I/O (PIO) Register All register reserved fields should be written with zeroes. Timer Control Register This is the module’s control and status register. Note that the timer can be enabled (TimerEnable bit) and configured in the same PIO write to this register HW_TMR0CR HW_TMR1CR HW_TMR2CR HW_TMR3CR BITS 23 LABEL CLKGT 22:10 RSRVD RW RESET RW 0 R 0 X:$F100 X:$F140 X:$F180 X:$F1C0 DEFINITION Clock gate. Used to disable the clocks to the DAC module to conserve power when the DAC is not in use. Must be set to 0 before writing to any other DAC registers. 0Clocks not gated 1Clocks are gated Reserved Table 80. Timer Control Register Description 66 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 9:8 TimerMode RW 00 7 6 5:3 TimerStatus RSRVD TimerControl R 0 R 0 RW 000 2 1 Invert RW 0 TimerIntEnable RW 0 0 TimerEnable DEFINITION Timer clock mode: 00 - Clock source = DSP clock/2 01 - Clock source = crystal clock/4 (requires a DSP clock of at least crystal clock /2) 10 - Clock source = crystal clock/16 (requires a DSP clock of at least crystal clock /8) 11 - Clock source = crystal clock/64 (requires a DSP clock of at least crystal clock /32) Timer status notification Reserved Timer Control (mode) 000 - internal clock, downcount, no output 001 - internal clock, downcount, output pulse 010 - internal clock, downcount, output toggle 011 - (reserved) 100 - internal clock, external pulse width measurement 101 - internal clock, external period measurement 110 - external clock, upcount 111 - external clock, downcount Edge/level inversion selection Timer interrupt enable Note: The Interrupt must also be enabled in the Interrupt Collector. Timer enable RW 0 Table 80. Timer Control Register Description (Continued) Timer Count Register This register is used both to program initial count values and to monitor ongoing counts, depending on the timer mode. HW_TMR0CNTR HW_TMR1CNTR HW_TMR2CNTR HW_TMR3CNTR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 COUNT RW X:$F101 X:$F141 X:$F181 X:$F1C1 DEFINITION Count value expressed as the number of periods specified by the TimerMode field of the HW_TMR0CR/HW_TMR1CR/HW_TMR2CR/HW_TMR3CR registers. Table 81. Timer Count Register Description 10.1.3. Timer Modes Internal Clock Decrement, No Output Clock (TimerControl = 000) With the timer enabled (TimerEnable = 1), the running counter is loaded with the value contained in the Count register. The running counter is decremented every two system clock cycles (dclk/2). During the dclk cycle following the cycle when the running counter decrements to zero, the TimerStatus bit is set and the module asserts an interrupt (tio_interrupt output) if the TimerIntEnable field is one. Upon reaching zero, the running counter is automatically reloaded with the value from the Count register and the process is repeated until the timer is disabled (TimerEnable = 0). 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 67 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Internal Clock Decrement, Output Pulse (TimerControl = 001) This mode is a superset of the Internal Clock, No Output mode (TimerControl = 000). In addition to its functionality, this mode causes the TIO pin to be pulsed by the timer. The duration of the pulse is two dclk cycles. The pulse begins in the dclk cycle after the running counter has reached zero. The Invert bit determines the polarity of the output pulse. If Invert is zero, the TIO pulses high for two cycles; if Invert is one, TIO pulses low for two cycles. Internal Clock, Output Toggle (TimerControl = 010) This mode is a superset of the Internal Clock, No Output mode (TimerControl = 000). In addition to its functionality, this mode causes the TIO pin to be toggled by the timer. At reset (resetn zero) or when the timer is disabled (TimerEnable zero), the state of the TIO output is identical to the Invert programming field. A toggle of the TIO output occurs off the dclk rising edge after the running counter has reached zero. External Pulse Width Measurement (TimerControl = 100) In this mode the timer samples an external event/clock on the TIO pin. The internal sampling clock runs at half the internal clock frequency, or dclk/2. This mode measures the duration of high or low pulses on TIO, in terms of dclk/2 periods. If the Invert bit in the TimerControl register is zero, a TIO-high pulse is measured. If the Invert bit is set, TIO’s low phase is measured. When the timer is enabled, the running counter is held at zero until a leading timing edge is detected on TIO. Thus if the timer is enabled in the during TIO’s active phase, no counting begins (this eliminates start-up run counts). At the count-terminating edge of TIO, the running count value is transfered to the Count PIO register, the TimerStatus bit is set, the running count register internal to the timer is cleared and an interrupt is optionally asserted (if the interrupt enable is set). The running count register re-starts on the next leading edge of TIO. Note that this and the following modes should only be used on the externally accessible timers, TIO0 and TIO1. External Period Measurement (TimerControl = 101) In this mode the timer samples an external event/clock on the TIO pin. The internal sampling clock runs at half the internal clock frequency, or dclk/2. This mode measures the period TIO, in dclk/2 periods. The user programs an initial count value in the Count PIO register. When the timer is enabled, this count value is transferred to the timer’s running count register. The running count register runs continuously, as long as the timer is enabled, overflowing to zero without event. At each significant edge of TIO (rising edge if the Invert bit is zero; falling edge otherwise), the running count is written to the count register, the TimerStatus bit in the Control register is set and the timer will optionally interrupt (if the TimerIntEnable bit is set). The user program can read successive values in the Count register to get a running count of TIO’s clock period, in dclk/2 clock cycles. A user program will probably discard the first count value, since the timer is enabled at an arbitrary point in the TIO clock cycle. 68 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record External Clock Increment (TimerControl = 110) In this mode, the timer counts external clock cycles. When the timer is enabled (TimerEnable = 1), the one’s complement of the value in the Count register is transfered to the running count register. The running counter is incremented by transitions on the incoming clock (tio_in). If the Invert bit is zero, the running count register increments on 0-to-1 transitions of tio_in; otherwise it increments on 1-to-0 transitions. At each update of the running count register, the software-visible Count register is also updated. The running counter counts continuously through its overflow condition (all ones to all zeroes). At the transition after the running counter has transitioned to zero, the TimerStatus bit is set; and if interrupts are enabled, the tio_interrupt output is asserted. External Clock Decrement (TimerControl = 111) In this mode, the timer counts external clock cycles. When the timer is enabled (TimerEnable = 1), the value in the Count register is transfered to the running count register. The running counter is decremented by transitions on the incoming clock (tio_in). If the Invert bit is zero, the running count register decrements on 0-to-1 transitions of tio_in; otherwise it decrements on 1-to-0 transitions. On the transition after the running count register has reached zero, the TimerStatus bit is set, the tio_interrupt is asserted (if the TimerIntEnable bit is set) and the running count register is re-loaded with the value from the Count register. 10.1.4. AC Timing Considerations When a timer module counts off an external clock, its running counter increments every other dclk cycle. Design reuse methodology forces an external clock (TIO) sampling scheme whereby the external clock is sampled into the dclk domain and its edges are then detected. This combination of Nyquist and dclk/2 counting means that the external clock must run at most one fourth as fast as the system clock, or dclk/4 frequency. In practice, the external clock frequency needs to be even lower than this because of the timer interrupt service or polling overhead. For instance if the timer is placed in a mode to measure the pulse width of an external clock or event, the period of such events must be long enough to give the interrupt handler enough time to read the timer’s Count register and record the sampled count. PARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT tdcyc tresh tresh 5 (note 1) 300 1.2 1000 - ns ps ns dclk Clock Period Reset De-Assertion Hold Time (note 2) Reset De-Assertion Setup Time Table 82. AC Timing for DSP Interface Note: 1. Maximum frequency imposed by edge counter sizes 2. Assertion of reset is asynchronous to dclk 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 69 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11. SDRAM INTERFACE 11.1. SDRAM Interface Registers The SDRAM interface is a DSP configurable interface to external SDRAM. The interface will connect to any combination of SDRAMs. The addressing scheme by the interface will allow connections to 64 Mbit, 128 Mbit, or 256 Mbit SDRAMs. The data connection will allow transfers of 8-bit or 16-bit according to the external connection. The rate of data transfers and all SDRAM activities is programmable from a divide by one to fifteen of the system clock. The SDRAM timing specifications are also programmable based on this rate. Read or write accesses to SDRAM data can be done through linear or modulo addressing. Internally the SDRAM interface will tranfer data to/from the system X/Y/P memory (aka system memory) and is accesable in a linear or modulo address mode. Data transfers can be programmable to any combination of data packing and unpacking to/from system memory dependent on 8-bit or 16-bit external SDRAM connection. The most feature intensive connection is the 8-bit SDRAM connection. In 8-bit transfers of SDRAM data to/from system memory (24-bit bus), the interface is programmable to pack the data into 3-byte words, 2-byte words, or 1-byte words during reads from SDRAM and is programmable to unpack with the same capability as during writes to SDRAM. Transfering 2-byte words into system memory can be programmed to be left aligned or right aligned to the 24-bit memory. When left aligned the least significant byte is zeroed and when right aligned the most significant byte can be zeroed or sign extended. Transfering 1-byte words into a 24-bit system memory will result in the data residing in the most significant byte and other two bytes will be zeroed. The interface can be programmed to pick the byte to start transfering data to/from system memory. Writes to SDRAM can be configured to read from the system memory in a Big Endian or Little Endian (default) pattern. 11.1.1. SDRAM Address Pointer 1 Register SDRAM low address is the programmed address of the SDRAM. The interface will accordingly place the corresponding values during the RAS and CAS cycles. The 64 Mb SDRAM with 16-bit connection will use bits 21-0. The 64 Mb SDRAM with 8bit connection will use bits 22-0. The 128/256 Mb SDRAM with 16-bit connection will use bits 23-0. The special case of 128/256 Mb SDRAM with 8-bit connection will use bits 23-0 and bit 0 of HW_SDRAM_ADDR2. At the end of a transfer, an incremented address will be placed in this register. HW_SDRAM_ADDR1 X:$F901 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 A1 DEFINITION RW 0 Table 83. SDRAM Address Pointer 1 Register Description 70 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11.1.2. SDRAM Address Pointer 2 Register SDRAM high address contains the continuation of the SDRAM. Bit 0 of the HW_SDRAM_ADDR2 is the continuation of the SDRAM address for 128 Mb/256 Mb with 8-bit connection. At the end of a transfer, the next address will be placed in this register. HW_SDRAM_ADDR2 X:$F902 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:1 0 DEFINITION RSRVD R 0 A1 RW 0 Table 84. SDRAM Address Pointer 2 Register Description 11.1.3. SDRAM System Address Pointer Register SDRAM system address contains the system memory address. This is used with the corresponding dma_asel (HW_SDRAM_CSR[11:10]) to choose reading/writing from X/Y/P memories. At the end of a transfer, the next address will be placed in this register. HW_SDRAM_SYSADDR X:$F903 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 A1 RW 0 Table 85. System Address Pointer Register1 Description 11.1.4. SDRAM Size Register SDRAM size register contains the number of transfers to/from system memory from/to the SDRAM. In the case of 8-bit SDRAM connection, it is the number of bytes to be transfered. In the case of 16-bit SDRAM connection, it is the number of two byte words to be transfered. HW_SDRAM_SIZE X:$F904 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:18 RSRVD R 0 17:0 SIZE RW 0 DEFINITION Table 86. SDRAM Size Register Description 11.1.5. SDRAM Timer 1 Register SDRAM timer register programs the delays as specified in the SDRAM specifications in relation to the number of cycles of sdram clocks. SDRAM clock is a divided version of system clock. HW_SDRAM_TIMER1 programs the number of sdram clock cycles for the initialization delay for SDRAM, delay from a precharge command to the next command (tRP), and delay from refresh command to the next command (tRFC). HW_SDRAM_TIMER1 X:$F905 BITS 23:20 19:16 15:0 LABEL TRFC TRP INIT RW RW RW RW RESET 6/$6 2/$2 15000/$ 3A98 DEFINITION Refresh to next command. Value should be greater or equal to 70ns/(sdram period). Precharge to next command. Value should be greater or equal to 20ns/(sdram period). Initialization of SDRAM from when sdram enable is activated in HW_SDRAM_CSR[0]. Value should be greater or equal to 200us/(sdram period). Table 87. SDRAM Timer 1 Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 71 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11.1.6. SDRAM Timer 2 Register SDRAM timer register programs the delays as specified in the SDRAM specifications in relation to the number of cycles of sdram clocks. HW_SDRAM_TIMER2 programs the number of cycles in between the row and bank activate (ACTIVE) command to the next command (tRCD), the number of cycles in between each refresh commands (tREF/4096), and the number of cycles in between exiting low power mode SELF REFRESH to the next ACTIVE command (tXSR). HW_SDRAM_TIMER2 X:$F906 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:20 RSRVD R 0 19:16 TRCD RW 2/$2 15:4 TREF 3:0 TXSR Reserved ACTIVE to next command. Value should be greater or equal to 20ns/(system period). RW 375/$117 Refresh interval. Within SDRAM spec the refresh interval for 4096 rows is 64ms thus a refresh must be done every 15us (64ms/4096). Thus this value should be greater or equal to 15us/(system period). RW 6/$6 Exiting self refresh mode to next command. Value should be greater or equal to 80ns/(system period). Table 88. SDRAM Timer 2 Register Description 11.1.7. System Memory Modulo Base Address Register HW_SDRAM_BAR programs the base address for system modulo access. The companion register is the DSP modulo register HW_SDRAM_MR. Once the system access matches the address created by adding the HW_SDRAM_BAR and HW_SDRAM_MR it returns to the HW_SDRAM_BAR address for the next access. HW_SDRAM_BAR X:$F907 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD 15:0 BAR RW 0 Table 89. System Memory Modulo Base Address Register Description 11.1.8. System Memory Modulo Register HW_SDRAM_MR programs the modulo offset for system modulo access. The companion register is the DSP modulo base adress register HW_SDRAM_BAR. The offset value is added to the HW_SDRAM_BAR to the determine the limits of the modulo buffer. HW_SDRAM_MR X:$F908 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD Reserved 15:0 MOD RW $00FFFF Modulo offset 1-FFFE. If 0000 or FFFF is programmed system access will be linear. Table 90. System Memory Modulo Register Description 72 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11.1.9. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 1 Register HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 holds the lower base address for modulo access in SDRAM memory. The companion register is offset registers HW_SDRAM_DMR1 and HW_SDRAM_DMR2. Once SDRAM address reaches the offset specified in HW_SDRAM_DMR1 and HW_SDRAM_DMR2 the address will return to the base address specified in HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 and HW_SDRAM_DBAR2. HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 X:$F909 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DBAR DEFINITION RW 0 Table 91. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 1 Register Description 11.1.10. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 2 Register HW_SDRAM_DBAR2 holds the upper base address for modulo access in SDRAM memory. The companion register is offset registers HW_SDRAM_DMR1 and HW_SDRAM_DMR2. Once SDRAM address reaches the offset specified in HW_SDRAM_DMR1 and HW_SDRAM_DMR2 the address will return to the base address specified in HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 and HW_SDRAM_DBAR2 HW_SDRAM_DBAR2 X:$F90A BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:1 RSRVD 0 DBAR24 RW 0 DEFINITION Table 92. SDRAM Memory Modulo Base Address 2 Register Description 11.1.11. SDRAM Memory Modulo 1 Register HW_SDRAM_DMR1 holds the lower offset for modulo access in SDRAM memory. The companion register is the base address registers (HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 and HW_SDRAM_DBAR2). Once SDRAM address access reaches the offset specified by this register and HW_SDRAM_DMR2 the SDRAM address will return to the value set in the base address register. HW_SDRAM_DMR1 X:$F90B BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DMR RW DEFINITION Table 93. SDRAM Memory Modulo 1 Register Description 11.1.12. SDRAM Memory Modulo 2 Register HW_SDRAM_DMR2 holds the upper offset for modulo access in SDRAM memory. The companion register is the base address registers (HW_SDRAM_DBAR1 and HW_SDRAM_DBAR2). Once SDRAM address access reaches the offset specified by this register and HW_SDRAM_DMR1 the SDRAM address will return to the value set in the base address register. HW_SDRAM_DMR2 X:$F90C BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:1 RSRVD 0 DMR RW 0 Table 94. SDRAM Memory Modulo 2 Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 73 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11.1.13. SDRAM Transfer Count Register HW_SDRAM_CNT holds the value of the number of transfers to and from the SDRAM at the end of the transfer. (READ ONLY) HW_SDRAM_CNT X:$F90D BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 CNT R 0 Number of transfers completed. DEFINITION Table 95. SDRAM Transfer Count Register Description 11.1.14. SDRAM Mode Register HW_SDRAM_MODE holds the value of the Mode register to be programmed into the SDRAM during initialization. This register is to accomedate future SDRAM capabilities but is defaulted to a sequential full page burst mode with a CAS latency of two. HW_SDRAM_MODE X:$F90E BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:13 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 12:0 NADDR R $0027 Holds the value to be place into the Mode Register of the SDRAM. Defaults to sequential full page burst mode with a CAS latency of 2 Table 96. SDRAM Mode Register Description 11.1.15. SDRAM Type Register HW_SDRAM_TYPE configures the interface to handle the SDRAM types. The different SDRAM configuration differ from each other by the amount of address bits used during column and row commands. This interface will be able to access 64 Mb, 128 Mb, and 256 Mb SDRAM with 8 or 16 data bus. HW_SDRAM_TYPE X:$F90F BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:3 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 2 TYPE2 RW 0 Row Address range 12:0 when TYPE2 = 1, Row Address range 11:0 when TYPE2 = 0. TYPE2 = 1 is used for 256 Mb SDRAM 1:0 TYPE RW 01 Column Address range 7:0 when TYPE1:0 = 00 , Column Address range 8:0 when TYPE1:0 = 01 , Column Address range 9:0 when TYPE1:0 = 10 256 Mbit 16-bit data connection : TYPE =01 128 Mbit 8-bit data connection: TYPE =10 256 Mbit 8-bit data connection : TYPE= 10 64 Mbit 16-bit data connection: TYPE =00 128 Mbit 16-bit data connection: TYPE =01 64 Mbit 8-bit data connection: TYPE =01 Table 97. SDRAM Mode Register Description 74 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 11.1.16. SDRAM Control Status Register HW_SDRAM_CSR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23 22 SIGN SDRAM RW 0 RW 0 21 MULTI RW 0 20:17 DIV 16 UKICK RW 0001 RW 0 15:13 ASIZE RW 0 X:$F900 DEFINITION Sign Extend bit for SDRAM right align reads. External bus muxing control. SDRAM address, control, and data buses are shared with the EMC5600. Setting this signal allows the SDRAM to have control. Default is EMC control. Multiple external SDRAM mode. This gives up control of the CSB signal after initializtion so that it can be controlled by the GPIO’s when there is multiple SDRAMs. Clock divide. Allows clock to SDRAM to be divisible from 1 to 15 of system clock. Unkick- Writing a one will cleanly stop the current transfer. A transfer halted by Unkick will not interrupt the DSP. After the current transfer stops succefully Unkick will clear. Align and Connection size - Controls how bytes or 2-byte words are read or written into system memory. During write to the system memory the byte data can packed onto the 24-bit bus as 3 bytes or 2 bytes or 1 byte. Packing 3 bytes will default starting at the least significant byte. Packing 2 bytes can have two options : left aligned or right aligned. Left aligned will result in the least significant byte assigned equal to zero. The default starting byte is the middle byte (byte 1). Right aligned will result in the most significant bytes assigned a sign extension of bit[15] of the data if the sign extend bit the HW_SDRAM_CSR is set else the most significant bytes will be zeroed. The default starting byte is the least significant byte (byte 0). Packing 1 byte will place the data at the most significant byte of the bus and the lower two bytes will be zeroed. During read from the system memory, data written to the SDRAM will be taken in the same placement as previously described and the zeroed and sign extended data will not be transfered to the SDRAM. For 2-byte words (or 16-bit connection to SDRAM data bus) there is the two options of left aligned or right aligned. For left aligned write to system memory the data will occupy the two most significant bytes of the bus while the least significant byte will be zeroed. For right aligned write to system memory the data will occupy the two least significant bytes of the bus while the most significant byte will have the option of sign extending bit[15] or zeroing. For reads from system memory the word data transfered to the 16-bit SDRAM data bus will have the same alignment mentioned above. The zeroed and sign extended data will not be transfered to the SDRAM. Bit ASIZE2 will be used to differentiate between 8-bit or 16-bit data connection to SDRAM. 12 BIGE RW 0 ASIZE[2:0] = 000 8-bit connection, pack 3 bytes onto system bus (DEFAULT). ASIZE[2:0] = 001 8-bit connection, pack 2 bytes onto system bus with left alignment. ASIZE[2:0] = 010 8-bit connection, pack 2 bytes onto system bus with right alignment. ASIZE[2:0] = 011 8-bit connection, pack 1 byte onto system bus. ASIZE[2:0] =100 16-bit connection, pack 2 bytes onto system with left alignment. ASIZE[2:0] = 101 16-bit connection, pack 2 bytes onto system with right alignment. Note: ASIZE[2] will differentiate between 8-bit or 16-bit connection. Big Endian - Controls data is read from system memory and written to SDRAM memory. In big endian mode the most significant byte is transfered first, followed byte the next most significant bytes. Little Endian is the DEFAULT and the least significant byte is transferred first, followed byte the next least significant byte. Only is valid for 2 or 3 byte transfers. Table 98. SDRAM Control Status Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 75 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 11:10 MEM RW 00 9:8 SBYTE RW 00 7 6 RES PWDN RW 0 RW 0 5 ISTAT RW 0 4 LM RW 0 3 KICK RW 0 2 RNW RW 0 1 0 IE RW 0 SDRAMEN RW 0 DEFINITION Memory select - Chooses X/Y/P memory to write or read data. MEM = 00 X memory MEM = 01 Y memory MEM = 10 P memory Start Byte - Start read or write transfer on bytes 0 or 1 or 2. These control bits are closely tied to the Align and Connection Size (ASIZE) control bits. If ASIZE = 0 start byte can be 0,1,2 If ASIZE = 1 start byte can be 1,2 If ASIZE = 2 start byte can be 0,1 If ASIZE = 3 start byte can 2 If ASIZE = 4 start byte can 1 If ASIZE = 5 start byte can 0 Reserved Powerdown - Will set the SDRAM into self refresh mode then shut off clocks to the SDRAM and this interface. Interrupt Status - Reading a one indicates pending interrupt, writing back a one will clear interrupt and writing a zero has no effect. Load Mode - loads value of LOAD MODE register into Mode register of SDRAM. After the SDRAMMODE value is loaded into SDRAM LM will clear. Kick writing one will start transfer. After successful completion kick will clear and interrupt the DSP. Read not write - writing one will read data from SDRAM to system memory, writing zero will write data to SDRAM from system memory Interrupt Enable SDRAM Enable Bit – The SDRAM bit enables the SDRAM port. This bit must be set after the DIV bits are set and any other SDRAM registers are written to. This allows the divided clocks to the SDRAM to stabilize. Table 98. SDRAM Control Status Register Description (Continued) 76 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12. SWIZZLE 12.1. SWIZZLE Registers The SWIZZLE block is a DSP configurable module that is used to manipulate programmed data or data within memory. One or two immediate words can be programmed into the module for manipulation. The resulting data can be read in the SWIZZLE registers. SWIZZLE features include Endianess, bit reversing, returning only specific bytes or words with the data sign extended or zeroed, and barrel shifting left or right. The SWIZZLE block also can be used to manipulate data within X/Y/P memory. Data can be changed in place or changed then move to a different memory location. 12.1.1. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 1 SWIZZLE CSR1 controls the basic function of the module and the DSP programmable manipulation. HW_SWIZZLECS1R X:$F380 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:11 RSRVD R 0 10 NEWADD RW 0 9 CLK_OFF RW 0 8 MEM RW 0 7:4 SHIFT RW 0000 3 SIGN RW 0 2 LNR RW 0 1 LA RW 0 0 EN RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved Place data into new memory location. If this bit is cleared, the value in the HW_SWIZZLEDESTADDRR register is ignored. 0 = Manipulate data in memory without moving it 1 = Manipulate data in memory and put it in a new location Turn clocks off. Clocks must be turned on before any other registers can be accessed. 0 = SWIZZLE clocks turned on 1 = SWIZZLE clocks turned off Manipulate data in memory. The SWIZZLE block can be used to manipulate data written into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA0 & HW_SWIZZLEDATA2R registers, or can be used to manipulate blocks of data in on-chip memory. If this bit is clear, then the data in the HW_SWIZZLESOURCER, HW_SWIZZLEDESTADDRR, & HW_SWIZZLESIZER registers are ignored. 0 = Manipulate data in registers 1 = Manipulate data in memory Barrel Shift from 0 to 15. Due to a silicon bug, only values in the range 0000 to 0111 operate correctly. To achieve a larger barrel shift, use the LNW bit to switch the direction of the barrel shift and adjust the SHIFT value to compensate. Sign extend data of pass_lsB,isB,msB modes 0 = Data is not sign-extended 1 = Data is sign-extended Left barrel shift. Used in conjuction with the SHIFT field of this register. 0 = Barrel shift to the right 1 = Barrel shift to the left Left Align data of pass_LSB, ISB, MSB modes. Default is the data is right aligned with the 24-bit memory bus. SWIZZLE enable Table 99. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 1 Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 77 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12.1.2. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 2 SWIZZLE CSR2 is the rest of the controls to manipulate of data in memory. HW_SWIZZLECS2R X:$F381 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD 15 UNKICK R 0 RW 0 14:13 SBYTE RW 00 12 BS_EN RW 0 11 P16I RW 0 10 P16L RW 0 9 PMSB RW 0 8 PISB RW 0 7 PLSB RW 0 6 BITREV RW 0 5 BIGE RW 0 4:3 DESASEL RW 00 2:1 SASEL RW 00 0 KICK RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved Will halt memory swizzling. Will return to zero after successful halt. Address of the next SWIZZLE will be located in HW_SWIZZLESOURCER and HW_SWIZZLEDESTADDRR Start byte - words can be shifted by byte when data has a different destination. Default is no shifting thus the SBYTE = 00 Barrel shift enable. In memory swizzling mode this used in conjuction CSR1 SHIFT bits. Pass Intermediate Significant word enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and only return the most significant and middle byte. Used in conjuction with SIGN bit of CSR1. Pass Least Significant word enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and only return the middle and least significant byte. Used in conjuction with SIGN bit of CSR1. Pass Most Significant byte enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and only return the most significant byte. The end location will have this byte in the least significant byte position of the 24-bit word. Used in conjuction with the SIGN bit of the CSR1. Pass Intermediate byte enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and only return the middle byte. The end location will have this byte in the least significant byte position of the 24-bit word. Used in conjuction with the SIGN bit of the CSR1. Pass Least Significant byte enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and only return the least significant byte. The end location will have this byte in the least significant byte position of the 24-bit word. Used in conjuction with the SIGN bit of the CSR1. Bit Reversed enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and 24-bit reverse data to the resulting location. Big Endian enable. In memory SWIZZLE mode this will take the input word and change to Big Endian word. Destination Memory select - Chooses X/Y/P memory to write or read data. 00 X space 01 Y space 10 P space 11 Reserved Source Memory select - Chooses X/Y/P memory to write or read data. 00 X space 01 Y space 10 P space 11 Reserved Kick bit. Writing one will start transfer. After successful completion kick will clear. Table 100. SWIZZLE Control and Status Register 2 Description 78 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12.1.3. SWIZZLE Transfer Size Number of words to be swizzled. HW_SWIZZLESIZER X:$F382 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 SIZE RW $0000 DEFINITION Reserved Number of words of memory to be manipulated by the SWIZZLE module. Table 101. SWIZZLE Transfer Size Description 12.1.4. SWIZZLE Source Address Register Source address for memory manipulation mode. Used in conjuction with CSR1 Memory mode enable. HW_SWIZZLESOURCER X:$F383 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 ADD RW $0000 DEFINITION Reserved Source address of the data in memory to be manipulated by the SWIZZLE module. Table 102. SWIZZLE Source Address Register Description 12.1.5. SWIZZLE DATA1 Register DSP programmed data to be swizzled and placed on output SWIZZLE registers HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R X:$F384 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT DEFINITION RW $000000 Table 103. SWIZZLE DATA1 Register Description 12.1.6. SWIZZLE DATA2 Register DSP programmed data to be swizzled and placed on output SWIZZLE registers. This is used only for resulting data for the HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSWR register. HW_SWIZZLEDATA2R X:$F385 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT DEFINITION RW $000000 Table 104. SWIZZLE DATA2 Register Description 12.1.7. SWIZZLE Destination Address Register SWIZZLE destination address in memory mode. HW_SWIZZLEDESTADDRR X:$F386 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSVD 15:0 ADR R 0 RW $0000 DEFINITION Reserved Destination address for memory based SWIZZLE operations. Table 105. SWIZZLE Destination Address Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 79 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12.1.8. SWIZZLE Big Endian Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEBIGENDIANR X:$F387 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT DEFINITION R Table 106. SWIZZLE Big Endian Register Description 12.1.9. SWIZZLE Bit Reversed Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEBITREVR X:$F388 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 107. SWIZZLE Bit Reversed Register Description 12.1.10. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Byte Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSBR X:$F389 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 108. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Byte Register Description 12.1.11. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Byte Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEPASSISBR X:$F38A BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 109. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Byte Register Description 12.1.12. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Byte Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSBR X:$F38B BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 110. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Byte Register Description 80 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12.1.13. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Word Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSWR X:$F38C BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 111. SWIZZLE Pass Least Significant Word Register Description 12.1.14. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Word Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R. HW_SWIZZLEPASSISWR X:$F38D BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 112. SWIZZLE Pass Intermediate Significant Word Register Description 12.1.15. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Word Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with the memmode of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R and the HW_SWIZZLEDATA2R register. HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSWR X:$F38E BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 113. SWIZZLE Pass Most Significant Word Register Description 12.1.16. SWIZZLE Barrel Shift Register Results of data programed into the HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R register. Used in conjuction with SHIFT field of the HW_SWIZZLECS1R register. HW_SWIZZLEBARRELR X:$F38F BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DAT R DEFINITION $000000 Table 114. SWIZZLE Barrel Shift Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 81 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 12.2. SWIZZLE Data Manipulation Examples Example 1 Setting these register values HW_SWIZZLEDATA1R HW_SWIZZLEDATA2R HW_SWIZZLECS1R Yields these register values HW_SWIZZLEBIGENDIANR HW_SWIZZLEBITREVR HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSBR HW_SWIZZLEPASSISBR HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSBR HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSWR HW_SWIZZLEPASSISWR HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSWR HW_SWIZZLEBARRELR C 2 0 D 3 0 Example 2 A 0 0 B 1 0 E 4 0 F 5 1 A 0 0 E F 0 0 0 0 0 0 A F C D A 7 B 3 D 0 0 0 E 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 A 0 C D E 0 A B C 0 4 5 A B C D E No sign extension No barrel shift B 5 F D B F D B F E F F F F F F 0 F B 1 0 C 2 0 D 3 0 E 4 4 D 5 9 F C B A B 7 B 3 D 5 F F F E F F F F C D F F F A B F C D E F F A B C D 0 4 5 A B A B C D E Sign extension on Barrel shift to the right by 4 bits Table 115. Examples of the Data Manipulations Supported by the SWIZZLE Module 82 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 13. REAL-TIME CLOCK/WATCHDOG RESET 13.1. Real-Time Clock Registers The real-time clock is a DSP-accessable, continuously running 42-bit millisecond count. A 42-millisecond has enough resolution to count up to 139 years with millisecond accuracy. The RTC will continue to count time as long as a voltage is applied to the BATT pin, irrespective of whether the rest of the STMP3410 is powered up. Reset has no effect on the RTC registers. This hardware assumes a 24.576 MHz crystal is being used. If a different speed crystal is used, then the times measured by this block should be scaled up or down according to the crystal speed. The register-set is composed of two 24-bit registers which must be read in a specific order to prevent mismatches between the upper and lower words. The upper data word (18-bits valid right justified) must be accessed before the lower data-word (24bits). Before either of these registers can be accessed, the CKRST bit of the HW_CCR Clock control register must be set to 1. The CKRST bit can be set at any time, but in order to not corrupt the time value stored in the RTC, the CKRST bit must be cleared at a safe time, within 0.5ms of when the HW_RTCLOW register updates. Note that the CKRST bit is also cleared by a system shutdown (either intentional because the PWDN bit of the HW_CCR register is set, or unintentional because of battery failure). Finally, the CKRST bit is cleared by a system reset (generated by writing 1101 to the SRST field of the HW_RCR register). The following code segment shows how to clear the CKRST bit safely. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Disable all interrupts bset #9,sr ; Disable all interrupts bset #8,sr ; Disable all interrupts move #$0,x0 movep x0,x:HW_IPR ; Disable all interrupts ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Turn off the PLL & as many clocks as possible move #$000001,x0 ; Don’t turn off CKRST yet move x0,x:HW_CCR ; dclk = xtal_clk = 24.576MHz ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Read the RTC once move #$0,b ; Make sure that b2, & b0 are zero move X:HW_RTCUP,b ; Must read HW_RTCUP first move X:HW_RTCLOW,b ; Must read HW_RTCLOW last ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Wait for the RTC to change wait_rtc do #3,_rtc_loop ; Delay loop for 12 cycles rep #4 ; nop ; _rtc_loop ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Read the RTC again move #$0,a ; Make sure that a2, & a0 are zero move X:HW_RTCUP,a ; Must read HW_RTCUP first move X:HW_RTCLOW,a ; Must read HW_RTCLOW last ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; Compare the RTC values sub b,a jeq wait_rtc ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ;; It is finally safe to turn off CKRST move #$000000,x0 ; move x0,x:HW_CCR ; dclk = xtal_clk = 24.576MHz rts nop 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 83 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 13.1.1. RTC Upper Data Word Contains the upper data word (18 bits) of the RTC millisecond count. HW_RTCUP X:$F501 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:18 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 17:0 RTC RW 0 Bits 41:25 of the RTC millisecond counter. This field initializes to a random value, and continues to count millisecond as long as the battery power is applied, regardless of whether the STMP3410 is powered up or down. Table 116. RTC Upper Data Word Description 13.1.2. RTC Lower Data Word Contains the lower data word (24 bits) of the RTC millisecond count HW_RTCLOW X:$F500 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:0 RTC RW 0 Bits [23:0] of the RTC millisecond counter. This field initializes to a random value, and continues to count millisecond as long as the battery power is applied, regardless of whether the STMP3410 is powered up or down. Table 117. RTC Lower Data Word Description 13.2. Watchdog Reset Timer Registers The watchdog reset timer is a DSP configurable device. Programmed by software to generate a RESET after HW_WATCHDOGCNTR milliseconds, the module will generate this reset if software does not re-write this register before this time elapses. This module assumes a 24.576 MHz crystal. If a different speed crystal is used, the time delay before a watchdog reset is generated will scale up or down with the crystal speed. The WATCHDOG TIMER is initially disabled and set to count 256-milliseconds before generating a watchdog reset. 13.2.1. Watchdog Count Register This register contains the 8-bit delay (expressed in milliseconds) after which the watchdog timer will reset the device when the watchdog timer is enabled. HW_WATCHDOGCNTR X:$F502 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:12 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 11:0 WDT_CNT RW $FFF The number of milliseconds before a watchdog reset is initiated. This counter only decrements when the watchdog timer is enabled. Due to a silicon bug, only bits [7:0] of this field can be written by the DSP, other bits are set to 0’s by DSP write. Table 118. Watchdog Reset Count Register Description 13.2.2. Watchdog Reset Enable Register This register contains the enable bit for the watchdog module. HW_WATCHDOGENR X:$F503 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:1 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 0 WDT_EN RW 0 Enable for the watchdog timer DEFINITION Table 119. Watchdog Reset Enable Register Description 84 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 14. CDSYNC INTERFACE 14.1. CDSYNC Interface Registers The CDSYNC module is a DSP accessible module which processes CD audio and CDROM data coming from the I2S-block. Data is parsed for a SYNC frame, descrambled, checked for CRC errors, and written to memory through DMA-transfer. The CDSYNC is configurable through 6-registers which must be properly set before any I2S data is received. 14.1.1. CDSYNC Control Status Register Provides control over many of the functions of the CDSYNC. HW_CDSYNCCSR BITS 23 22 LABEL RESET INWRDLEN RW RESET RW 1 RW 0 21:20 OUTWRDLEN RW 00 19 INPUTMSB RW 0 18 MODE1 RW 0 17:13 RSRVD 12 DMAOF R 0 RW 0 11 SYNC RW 0 10 LOS RW 0 9 EDC RW 0 8 DMADONE RW 0 7 6 5 4 3 SYNCIRQEN LOSIRQEN EDCIRQEN DMAIRQEN SYNCEN RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 X:$F600 DEFINITION Software Reset. Software reset and low power mode enable Input Word Length. Specifies the number of IDR bits that are valid: 016-bits 124-bits NOTE: no calculations are performed in 24-bit mode Output Word Length. Specifies the number of bits packed into each DMA data word. Unused bits are zero. Input MSB. 0use IDR bits 15:0 1use IDR bits 23:8 NOTE: ignored in 24-bit input mode(CTL[22] = 1) Force Mode 1. When active(1) the CDSYNC will assume that all CDROM sectors are mode 01 and will perform calculations on them. When inactive(0), the CDSYNC extracts the type field from the sector- data and only does de-scrambling and CRC checking if mode = 01 Reserved bits DMA Overflow. Indicates that a DMA overflow exists. exception will be generated if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. Detect Interrupt. Indicates that a CDROM sync pattern has been detected and that the header has been written to memory. An interrupt will be triggered if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. Loss of Interrupt. indicates that an unexpected SYNC pattern has been detected or that an expected sync pattern has not been detected. An interrupt will be generated if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear. EDC Interrupt. CRC miscompare interrupt status bit: indicates that the calculated CRC does not match the ECDC field of the CDROM sector. An interrupt will be generated if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. DMA Done Interrupt. indicates that the requested DMA-block transfer is complete (WCR = 0). An interrupt will be generated if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag Detector Interrupt Enable: enables DSP interrupts. Loss of Sync Interrupt Enable: enables DSP interrupts EDC Interrupt Enable. CRC miscompares trigger DSP interrupts DMA Intterrupt Enable. DMA-block transfers complete trigger DSP interrupt Detect Enable. Enable the SYNC-detector sub-function of the CDSYNC module. If enabled, the CDSYNC will perform calculations and DMA based on the CDROM sectors. If disabled, CDSYNC will DMA directly to memory unaltered. Table 120. Control/Status Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 85 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 2 DSCRAM RW 0 1 0 CRC EN RW 0 RW 0 DEFINITION Descrambler Enable. Enable the de-scramber seub-funtion of the CDSYNC. This function de-scrambles a CDROM sector(bytes 12-2353) CRC Enbable. Checking versus the EDC data on the CDROM CDSYNC Enable. No DMA actions will occur with this bit disabled(0). Table 120. Control/Status Register Description (Continued) 14.1.2. CDSYNC Data Register The input shift register for the CDSYNC module. Writing this register causes the CDSYNC to process 16 or 24-bits of data(depending on configuration). This register is normally configured to be written by the I2S-interface so no DSP intervention is required HW_CDSYNCDR X:$F601 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:0 DATA DEFINITION RW 0 Reserved Table 121. CDSYNC Data Register Description 14.1.3. CDSYNC Word Count Register Holds the number of DMA words to be written to memory. Writing this register with a non-zero vale will start the DMA-engine. HW_CDSYNCWCR X:$F602 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:13 RSRVD 12:0 COUNT Table 122. CDSYNC Word Count Register Description 14.1.4. CDSYNC Current Position Register This register holds the current address offset within the DMA buffer, This register can be written with non-zero values to change the starting offset. HW_CDSYNCCPR X:$F603 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:12 RSRVD 11:0 POS Table 123. CDSYNC Current Position Register Description 14.1.5. CDSYNC Modulo Register This register holds the modulo offset. This field can be used to set an address offset limit for addressing circular buffers. When the Current Postions reaches the modulo offset, the current position is reset to zero. HW_CDSYNCMODR X:$F604 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:13 RSRVD 12:0 MOD Table 124. CDSYNC Modulo Register Description 86 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 14.1.6. CDSYNC Base Address Register This register is used for setting the base-address of the DMA output buffer. This can be set to point to anywhere in the 16-bit memory space. HW_CDSYNCBAR X:$F605 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:16 RSRVD 15:0 BASE Table 125. CDSYNC Base Address Register Description 14.2. Reed Solomon Error Corrector Registers The Reed-Solomon DSP-accessible module which processes the P and Q parity codewords of a CDROM-sector. Its prupose is to off-load the process of error-detection and correction from the DSP. Once configured and enabled, the block is capable of processing all P and/or Q codewords within a CDROM sector. The RS is configurable through 8-control registers which must be configured before a CDROM sector may be processed. 14.2.1. Reed Solomon Control Status Registers This register provides control over much of the functionality of the RS -block. HW_RSCSR BITS LABEL 23 RESET 22:20 RSRVD 19:16 DMAWAIT 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 RW RESET X:$F700 DEFINITION Software reset and low power mode enable Reserved Dma Wait States: number of cycles the RS-module should wait between consecutive DMA cycle requests. ODDERROR R 0 Odd Error Status bit: indicates that and uncorrectable error was detected in the odd-byte codeword. This bit is only set when CorInt (bit 9) is set. ODDCORCT R 0 Odd Correctable Status bit: indicates that a correctable error was detected in the odd-byte codeword. This bit is only set when CorInt (bit 9) is set. EVENERROR R 0 Even Error Status bit: indicates that and uncorrectable error was detected in the even-byte codeword. This bit is only set when CorInt (bit 9) is set. EVENCORCT R 0 Even Correctable Status bit: indicates that a correctable error was detected in the even-byte codeword. This bit is only set when CorInt (bit 9) is set. RSRVD RW 0 Reserved ERROR RW 0 Uncorrectable Error Interrupt Status bit: indicates that an uncorrectable error was detected in the most recent codeword. If the interrupt is enabled, processing stops untill this bit is cleared.Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. CORRECT RW 0 Correctable Error Interrupt Status bit: indicates that an correctable error was detected in the most recent codeword. If the interrupt is enabled, processing stops untill this bit is cleared.Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. DONE RW 0 Done Interrupt Status bit: indicates that all codewords have been processed. An interrupt is generated if enabled. Must write a ‘1’ to clear this flag. RSRVD RW 0 Reserved ERRIRQEN RW 0 Uncorrectable Error Interrupt Enable: uncorrectable errors trigger DSP interrupts. CORCTIRQEN RW 0 Correctable Error Interrupt Enable: correctable errors trigger DSP interrupts. Table 126. Reed Solomon Control Status Registers Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 RW 1 RW 0 RW 0000 87 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 4 DONEIRQEN RW 0 3 2 1 0 ODDEN EVENEN AUTOCORCT KICK RW RW RW RW Table 126. 14.2.2. DEFINITION Done Interrupt Enable: completion of processing of a CDROM sector triggers DSP interrupts. 0 Enable calculation of odd byte codewords 0 Enable calculation of even byte codewords 0 Enables automatic correction of correctable Reed-solomon errors 0 Starts processing codewords of a CDROM sector. This bit automatically resets when procesing is complete. Reed Solomon Control Status Registers Description (Continued) Reed Solomon Error Offset Register This register provides an indication of the failing address in the event of a correctable-error. HW_RSOFFSETR X:$F701 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:12 ODD RW $000 11:0 RW $000 EVEN DEFINITION Odd Error Address: the 12-LSB’s of the odd error location. This field is valid only when the CorInt-control bit is set. Odd Error Address: the 12-LSB’s of the odd error location. This field is valid only when the CorInt-control bit is set. Table 127. Reed Solomon Error Offset Register Description 14.2.3. Reed Solomon Word Count Register This register is used to specify the number of codewords to be processed and the number of bytes-per-codeword. These fields are continuously updated as the module processes data. HW_RSWRDCNTR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:12 BLOCKCNT RW $000 11:0 WORDCNT X:$F702 RW $000 DEFINITION The number of Reed-Solomon codewords to be processed. The count is decremented for each new block processed. The number of words(bytes) per Reed-Colomon codeword. This count is decremented for each byte during codeword processing Table 128. Reed Solomon Word Count Register Description 14.2.4. Reed Solomon Current Position Register This register holds the current address offset within the DMA buffer, This register can be written with non-zero values to change the starting offset. HW_RSCPR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 POS RW X:$F703 DEFINITION Reserved Table 129. Reed Solomon Current Position Register Description 88 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 14.2.5. Reed Solomon Modulo Register This register holds the modulo offset. Can be used to set an offset limit for the nonparity portion of the codewords. If the current position exceeds BAS+MOD then it is re-calculated as CPR = CPR - MOD. HW_RSMODR X:$F704 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 MOD RW DEFINITION Reserved Table 130. Reed Solomon Modulo Register Description 14.2.6. Reed Solomon Base Address Register This register is used for setting the base-address of the of the non-parity portion of the codewords. HW_RSBAR X:$F705 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 15:0 ADDR 0 RW DEFINITION Reserved Table 131. Reed Solomon Base Address Register Description 14.2.7. Reed Solomon Parity Base Address Register This register contains the base-address of the parity portion of the codewords. HW_RSPBAR X:$F706 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15:0 ADDR RW DEFINITION Reserved Table 132. Reed Solomon Parity Base Address Register Description 14.2.8. Reed Solomon Span Register This register is used to configure the type off addressing used to de-scramble the CDROM sector so that Reed-Solomon calculations may be performed on it. HW_RSSPANR BITS LABEL RW RESET X:$F707 DEFINITION 23:16 BLOCKSPAN RW 00000000 Block Address Increment: the value that is added to the BAS to get the starting address for each consecutive codeword 15:8 PARITYSPAN RW 00000000 Parity Address Increment: the value added to the each parity location to find the next location within a codeword. 7:0 WORDSPAN RW 00000000 Word Address Increment: the value that is added to each byte location to find the next byte within a codeword. If the calculated result exceeds BAS + MOD, then MOD is subtracted Table 133. Reed Solomon Span Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 89 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 15. CD-DSP INTERFACE 15.1. Features • Provides serial interface for controlling various CD-DSP chips • Provides serial interfaces for reading raw Q-W subcode data and formatted Q data • Provides serial interface for reading CD-DSP status • Fully programmable clock and sync generation supports many DSPs • Programmable bit width supports 1 to 24 bits per transfer • Serial input and output interfaces can operate synchronously or asynchronously • Simple interrupt driven software interface saves DSP MIPs • Flexible pin allocation helps minimize conflicts with other modules • Low power, gated-clock mode provided 15.2. Hardware functionality 15.2.1. Functional Description Overview The CDI module provides an interface to various CD mechanism control DSPs. The module provides a serial output for sending commands and two serial inputs that can be used for reading command responses, such as raw Q-W subcode data, and/or formatted Q subcode data. These three serial interfaces are fully independent but can be made to operate synchronously. They are also fully programmable to allow a glueless interface to many CD-DSPs. The CD-DSPs currently in production have between one and four serial interfaces used for control and subcode data transmission. Each of these interfaces is composed of a serial data line, a bit clock, and a frame synchronization signal. The clocks and frame synchronization are shared between multiple interfaces on some devices and independent on others. The CDI module supports having up to three simultaneous serial transactions. The fourth serial interface can be supported with the CDI by time multiplexing one of the serial interfaces. It is assumed that STMP would not need to write a command, read a command response, read Q-W subcode data, and read Q subcode data all at the same time. Figure 14 shows the block diagram of the CDI module. The two serial input units are identical and receive the same frame sync signals: si_frame, si_synca, and si_syncb. Each input unit can be programmed to use one of the three input syncs or the sync generated by the control interface, ctl_lat. This use of the ctl_lat signal allows either of the serial input units to receive command responses from the external DSP. There is one dedicated serial input data signal for each input unit and another that is shared by both, ctl_sense. The shared data signal allows either input unit to receive data from two external serial interfaces without glue logic. All three serial interfaces master their respective bit clocks. The control clocks, ctl_clk and ctl_sclk, can be mastered by any interface unit. This is useful because some DSPs use separate clocks for input and output commands while others share the clocks between serial interfaces. 90 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Figure 13 shows examples of the types of serial transfers that the CDI is designed to accommodate. Control transfer – 8 bits, RZ clock TA ctl_clk ctl_so ctl_lat TB TC TD Serial input transfer – 7 bits, NRZ clock TE si_clk si_di sync TF TG Figure 13. CDI Serial Transfer Type Examples A typical control transaction consists 24 or fewer bits being shifted out, followed by the assertion of the latch signal, ctl_lat. The interface can also be programmed to not issue a latch when the transfer is complete. This allows multiple control transfers to be combined, forming a single DSP command that can be greater than 24 bits long. The CDI module must be setup for each partial transfer. A typical serial input transfer occurs after the detection of an edge on the selected sync signal (si_frame, si_synca, or si_syncb). The ctl_lat signal can also be selected as the sync signal so that a serial input can read the response to a DSP command. Similar to the control interface, the serial input interfaces can ignore the sync signal allowing greater than 24 bit input transfers. The serial inputs also have the ability to disable sync detection if the serial data-in signal is not at the correct level. This is useful for ignoring data that the external CD-DSP indicates had failed a CRC check. To support the largest number of CD-DSPs the serial interfaces have several programmable features. The polarity of all sync, latch, and clock signals are programmable. Also, the capture and shift edges of the clocks are programmable independent of the clock polarity. The data being sent or received can be transferred MSB or LSB first and can be packed into the data registers MSB or LSB justified. The number of bits transferred can range from 1 to 24 and the clock speed can range from dsp_clk/1 to dsp_clk/1024. All of the other timing parameters shown in Figure 13 are programmable as well, in increments of bit clocks. To support the various CD-DSPs using as few external I/Os as possible, the CDI module provides multiple pin mappings. The logic for remapping the pins is external to the CDI module but the module provides the control. The pin mapping for CDI I/Os is described in section 1.3. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 91 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Memory Map The program interface for each of the three serial interface units is very similar. The control/status register (CSR) is used to configure the interface, enable interrupts, and start the transfer. The Time Base register is used to set the speed of the interface and the Timer register is used to configure other timing parameters. Finally, the Data register holds the transmit or receive data. The CDI module also contains a Pin Configuration register. This register can be used to change the pin mapping of the CDI signals. Implementation Details The CDI module consists of three serial interfaces and a small amount of external glue logic. The two serial inputs are exactly the same while the one serial output shares a similar design. Figure 14 shows the architecture of each interface. dsp_xdb Serial In 24 Bit Shift Register Serial Out Shift (control only) DSP Clock Counters and State Machine Clock Divide By 2 to 1022 ctl_lat Bit clock (si0 & si1 only) si_synca si_syncb si_frame M U X Figure 14. CDI Serial Interface Architecture Both the control interface and serial inputs use a clock divider to generate the external bit clock. This divider produces a 50% duty cycle clock by counting half of the divide value for each clock phase. Since the LSB of the divide value is ignored, the divide amount is always even. The actual bit clock rate will depend on the DSP clock speed but the divide range provided should allow the necessary bit clocks to be generated for DSP clocks of 100 MHz or less. The bit clock forms the basis of timing for each interface. All other timing parameters are defined by a quantity of bit clocks. The external bit clock can be defined to be return to zero or return to one as shown in Figure 15. The control CSR also contains a clock polarity bit that determines the shift and capture edges of the bit clock as shown in Table 134: CRZ=0, POL=0 CRZ=0, POL=1 CRZ=1, POL=0 CRZ=1, POL=1 Rising Falling Falling Rising CAPTURE EDGE Falling Rising Rising Falling SHIFT EDGE Table 134. CDI Control CSR Clock Polarity 92 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record The state machine used to implement the control transaction shown in Figure 15 is shown below. Reset Latch delay time elapsed IDLE LATCH DELAY Kick XFER WAIT 1 Bit Clock Latch signal disabled Latch active time elapsed XFER DATA LATCH ACTIVE Latch wait time elapsed LATCH WAIT All bits transferred Figure 15. Control Interface State Machine As Figure 15 shows, once the control interface is started it sequences through all states needed to complete the transaction. The transaction can only be stopped by issuing a soft reset. Writing a one to the Kick bit of the CSR starts a transaction. The state machine sequences to XFER WAIT and then waits on the first shift edge of the bit clock to occur. This delay insures that the serial output data only transitions on the shift edge of the bit clock. Once the first clock is detected the state machine transitions to XFER DATA. In this state it transfers one bit onto the serial output for each bit clock shift edge. When the number of bits programmed into the CSR is exhausted, the state machine transitions to LATCH WAIT if latch generation is enabled. In this state the output sits idle for the number of bit clocks defined in the TIMER register. This delay corresponds to time TB in Figure 13. Similarly, the delay in LATCH ACTIVE and LATCH DELAY corresponds to times TC and TD respectively. The ctl_lat signal is asserted only during the LATCH ACTIVE state. The polarity of the signal is determined by the latch polarity bit in the control CSR. The data shifted out onto the serial interface can be sent LSB or MSB first. Also, for transfers of less than 24 bits, the data can be justified into the MSBs or LSBs of the shift register. To support these capabilities, the shift register can shift in either direction and the ctl_so signal can be derived from any bit of the register. These complexities are designed to make the programming interface simpler and reduce MIPs. Figure 16 shows the state machine for serial input interfaces: The serial input state machine does not become active until the CSR Kick bit is set and optionally a sync edge is detected and a CRC check passes. The sync edge detection can be setup to watch for either polarity on si_frame, si_synca, si_syncb, or ctl_lat. The interface can also be programmed to ignore the sync so that multiple transactions can be put together to form a transfer of more than 24 bits. In that case, writing the Kick bit to one starts the transaction. The optional CRC check is performed by sampling the state of the serial input when the active sync edge occurs and verifying that it matches the value specified in the CSR. Once the state machine is kicked it enters the XFER WAIT state and waits the number of bit clocks defined 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 93 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Reset Finsh Delay time elapsed Kick and CRC OK and Sync Edge Detected IDLE XFER WAIT DELAY All bits transferred XFER DATA Start Delay time elapsed Figure 16. Serial Input State Machine in the Timer register before starting the serial transfer. This delay corresponds to TF in Figure 13. After the start delay the state machine enters XFER DATA where up to 24 bits of data are shifted in. Finally, delay TG from Figure 13 is accomplished using the DELAY state. This delay is provided so that Mirage can issue a new transaction as soon as the previous one completes without the violating CD-DSP timing constraints. Note that both TF and TG are forced to zero when sync detection is disabled. This allows transfers of greater than 24 bits to be completed as a continuous stream without modifying the Timer register. The bit clock, data direction, and data justification options for the serial inputs are the same as those for the control interface. Table 134 applies to the inputs as well. However, since the serial inputs are the receivers of serial data, their shift registers capture data and shift on the capture edges of the bit clock. The serial inputs are each capable of driving an additional bit clock pin to make time multiplexing the interface easier. Only one bit clock is active at a given time. The other bit clock is held at zero or one depending on the state of the RZ bit defined in the CSR for that clock. For additional time multiplexing support, the serial data for each input unit can be selected from two different pins. Interrupts The CDI module drives a single interrupt signal, cdi_int, based on three possible interrupt conditions. If enabled, an interrupt is generated when any of the three serial interfaces completes a transaction. Each interface has an interrupt enable bit in its CSR. INTERRUPT CONDITION SIGNAL Control Done cdi_int SI0 Done cdi_int SI1 Done cdi_int DESCRIPTION Indicates that the control output serial interface has completed a transaction. Indicates that the serial input 0 interface has completed a transaction. Indicates that the serial input 1 interface has completed a transaction. Table 135. Interrupt Conditions 94 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Chip level I/O mapping The goal behind the pin muxing used by the CDI module is to support as many CDDSPs as possible while stealing as few pins as possible from other STMP interfaces. The best place to borrow pins seems to be from the EMC/SDRAM interfaces. The 16 bit wide data bus for this interface can in most cases be operated in 8 bit mode freeing up 8 pins for use by the CDI. If the CDI needs more pins it can also use the upper four address bits of the EMC/SDRAM interface. The EMC and SDRAM can continue to operate but with a reduced address space. When enabled the CDI takes over all 8 data lines but only takes control of the address lines that it is configured to use. The interface requirements for CD-DSPs vary widely. Most have some type of serial control port and at least one subcode interface. The table below gives some examples of how the CDI can accommodate various devices. More configurations are possible using the controls in the Pin Configuration register. CONTROL OUTPUT, ONE SUBCODE INTERFACE Data[15] Data[14] Data[13] Data[12] Data[11] Data[10] Data[9] Data[8] Addr[23] Addr[22] Addr[21] Addr[20] Si0_clk Si0_di Si_frame Si_synca Ctl_lat Ctl_clk Ctl_so Si_syncb EMC EMC EMC EMC TWO SUBCODE INTERFACES Si0_clk Si0_di Si_frame Si_synca Si1_clk Si1_di Ctl_sense Si_syncb EMC EMC EMC EMC CONTROL OUTPUT, CONTROL INPUT ONE SUBCODE INTERFACE Si0_clk Si0_di Si_frame Ctl_sense Ctl_lat Ctl_clk Ctl_so Si_syncb Ctl_sclk EMC EMC EMC CONTROL OUTPUT, CONTROL INPUT, TWO SUBCODE INTERFACES Si0_clk Si0_di Si_frame Si_synca Si1_clk Si1_di Ctl_sense Ctl_sclk or si_syncb Ctl_lat Ctl_clk Ctl_so Ctl_sclk or EMC Table 136. CDI Pin Mapping Examples 15.3. Software Functionality 15.3.1. Programming Rules, Guidelines, and Examples General Programming Notes The software interface to the CDI module is comprised of the control registers for three separate serial interfaces and a pin control register. The behavior of the block in various conditions is described throughout the rest of this document. This section summaries some of the more obscure points. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 • Long Transfers – A normal transfer on any of the serial interfaces consists of a serial transfer of 24 or fewer bits. Support is provided for doing long transfers using multiple transactions. Since the speed of Mirage is much faster than the interface speeds, multiple transactions can be initiated by Mirage without violating the CD-DSP timing specifications. For example, a 32 bit control transfer can be accomplished using a 24 bit and an 8 bit control transfer. In this case, only the second transfer would enable generation of the latch signal. • Serial interface multiplexing – Each serial input interface is designed to be easily switchable between two serial inputs. A separate clock is provided for 95 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record each input and a separate sync and serial input can be observed by the module. This capability allows one hardware serial input block to read Q subcode data and control command response packets, for example. • 15.3.2. Multiple Transfers – The state machine of each serial interface is designed to allow a new serial transaction to be initiated as soon as the previous one completes. The driver code must ensure that the timer registers are properly configured to avoid timing problems with the external CD-DSP. CD-DSP Interface (CDI) Registers All register reserved fields should be written with zeros. CD-DSP Interface Control Unit Control Status Register HW_CDI_CTLCSR BITS LABEL RW X:$F280 RESET 23 RESET RW 1 22 21 RSRVD TFRDONE RW 0 RW 0 20 19:12 11 10 IRQEN RSRVD LATCHPOL LATCHEN RW 0 RW RW 0 RW 0 9 MSBJUSTIFY RW 0 8:4 3 LENGTH LSBFIRST RW 00000 RW 0 2 CLKRZ RW 0 1 CLKPOL RW 0 0 KICK RW 0 DEFINITION Software reset and low power mode enable. NOTE: When set the clocks are disabled to all three serial interfaces. Reserved Transfer Done Interrupt status bit. Indicates that the serial transfer is complete. Write ‘1’ to clear. Interrupt Enable. Enables routing of Done interrupt to the cdi_int signal. Reserved Latch Polarity. Defines the active state of the ctl_lat signal. Latch Enable. When set enables the generation of a latch pulse on ctl_lat after the serial transfer completes. MSB Justify. When set the valid data is in the MSBs of the 24 bit data register, otherwise the data is in the LSBs. Transfer Length. Number of bits to transfer, between 0 and 24. LSB First. When set the data is shifted out of the data register LSB first, otherwise it is MSB first. NOTE: If LSB First and MSB Justify are both active, the LSB of the data is sent first, not the LSB of the register. The location of this bit in the data register will depend on the Transfer Length. Control Clock Return to Zero. When set the inactive state of the clock is ‘0’, otherwise it is ‘1’. Control Clock Polarity. In combination with bit 2 Clock RZ, defines the shift and capture edges of the bit clock. Refer to Table 134. Kick Pit Positive. When set the serial transaction is started. Table 137. CD-DSP Interface Control Unit Control Status Register Description CDI Control Port Timer Register HW_CDICTRLTMR X:$F281 BITS LABEL 23:16 FINALDELAY 15:8 7:0 RW RESET DEFINITION RW 0 The number of bit clocks to wait before generating a done interrupt after deasserting the latch signal. Corresponds to TD in Figure 11. LATCHWIDTH RW 0 The number of bit clocks to hold the latch signal in its active state. Corresponds to TC in Figure 11. LATCHSTART RW 0 The number of bit clocks to wait after completing the serial transfer before asserting the latch signal. Corresponds to TB in Figure 11. Table 138. CDI Control Port Timer Register Description 96 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record CDI Time Base Register HW_CDICTRLTBR BITS LABEL RW X:$F282 RESET 23:10 RSRVD RW 9:0 DIVIDE RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved Clock Divide Value – The number of times to divide the DSP clock to generate the bit clock. Must be an even number. Table 139. CDI Time Base Register Description CDI Data Register HW_CDIDATAR X:$F283 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:0 DATA RW $000000 Output Data. Data to be transferred over the serial interface. This register is the shift register used by the serial interface. Table 140. Control Unit Data Register Description CDI Pin Configuration Register HW_CDIPINCFGR BITS LABEL 23:12 RSRVD 11 SCLKOUTEN 10 CTLOUTEN 9:8 CCLK 7 SCLK 6 SENSE 5 SYNCA 4 CTLSO 3:2 SCLK 1 CTL 0 ENABLE X:$F284 RW RESET DEFINITION RW Reserved bits RW 0 SCLK Output Enable. Set to enable output driver RW 0 Control Output Enable. Ctl_clk, ctl_so, and ctl_lat output enable – Set to enable output drivers RW 00 Ctl_clk source. 0x – Control unit clock 10 – SI0/SCLK 11 – SI1/SCLK RW 0 Ctl_sclk source 0– SI0/SCLK 1– SI1/SCLK RW 1/b0 Sense Pin select for ctl_sense 0– Data[9] 1– Data[12] RW 1/b0 SYNCA Pin select for si_synca 0– Data[12] 1– Data[9] RW 0 Control SO Pin select for ctl_so 0– Data[9] 1– Addr[21] RW 00 SCLK Pin select for ctl_sclk 00 – Data[8] 10 – Addr[20] 01 – Reserved 11 – Addr[23] RW 0 Control Pin select for {ctl_lat, ctl_clk} 0– Data[11:10] 1– Addr[23:22] RW 0 Pin Enable - Enables the CDI module to take control of the EMC/SDRAM pins Data[15:8] and Addr[23:20]. Depending on the state of other pin configuration bits, the CDI may not take control of all 12 pins. Refer to Table 136. Table 141. CDI Pin Configuration Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 97 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record CD-DSP Interface Serial Input Control Status Register HW_CDICSI0CSR HW_CDICSI1CSR BITS 23 22 21 LABEL RESET RSRVD DONE RW X:$F288 X:$F28C RESET DEFINITION RW 1 RW 0 RW 0 Software reset Reserved Transfer Done Interrupt status bit – Indicates that the serial transfer is complete. Write ‘1’ to clear. 20 IRQEN RW 0 Interrupt Enable – Enables routing of Done interrupt to the cdi_int signal. 19 RSRVD RW Unknown Reserved bit 18:17 SYNCSEL RW 000 Sync signal selector 00 – si_synca 10 – si_frame 01 – si_syncb 11 – ctl_lat 16 DATASEL RW 0 Data input selector 0– si01_di 1– ctl_sense 15 CLKSEL RW 0 Active clock selector 0– si01_clk 1– si01_sclk 14 CRCPOL RW 0 Polarity of serial input when CRC is good 13 CRCEN RW 0 When set CRC checking is enabled. The serial input state is compared against CRC Polarity when the sync edge occurs. 12 SYNCPOL RW 0 Determines that active edge of the sync signal: 0– Falling edge 1– Rising edge 11 SYNCEN RW 0 When set the serial transfer will not begin until the active sync edge appears. 10 SCLKRZ RW 0 Return to zero for the sclk output – When set the inactive state of the clock is ‘0’, otherwise it is ‘1’ 9 MSBJUSTIFY RW 0 When set the valid data is shifted into the MSBs of the 24 bit data register. Otherwise the data goes into the LSBs. 8:4 LENGTH RW 00000 Number of bits to transfer, between 0 and 24. 3 LSBFIRST RW 0 When set the incoming data is assumed to be LSB first, otherwise it is MSB first. 2 CLKRZ RW 0 Return to zero for the bit clock – When set the inactive state of the clock is ‘0’, otherwise it is ‘1’. 1 CLKPOL RW 0 Clock polarity for the bit clock – In combination with Clock RZ, defines the shift and capture edges of the bit clock. Refer to Table 136. 0 KICK RW 0 When set the serial transaction is started. The transfer may not actually begin until the sync edge detect and CRC ok conditions are met. Table 142. CD-DSP Interface Serial Input Control Status Register Description Serial Input Time Base Registers HW_CDI_SI0TBASE X:$F28A HW_CDI_SI1TBASE X:$F28E BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD RW 9:0 DIVIDE RW 0 DEFINITION Reserved Clock Divide Value – The number of times to divide the DSP clock to generate the bit clock. Must be an even number. Table 143. Serial Input Time Base Register Description 98 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Serial Input Timer Registers HW_CDISI0TMRR HW_CDISI1TMRR BITS LABEL 23:16 FINALDELAY 15:8 7:0 RW X:$F289 X:$F28D RESET RW 0 DEFINITION Final Delay. The number of bit clocks to wait before generating a done interrupt after completing the serial transfer. Forced to zero when sync detection is disabled. Corresponds to TG in Figure 13. Reserved bits Latch Start. The number of bit clocks to wait after detecting an active sync edge before starting the serial transfer. Forced to zero when sync detection is disabled Corresponds to TF in Figure 13. RSRVD RW LATCHSTART RW 0 Table 144. Serial Input Timer Register Description Serial Input Data Registers HW_CDISI0DATAR HW_CDISI1DATAR BITS 23:0 LABEL DATA X:$F28B X:$F28F RW RESET DEFINITION RW $000000 Data received from the serial interface. This register is the shift register used by the serial interface. Table 145. Serial Input Data Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 99 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 16. I2S SERIAL AUDIO INTERFACE The STMP3410 implements a standard 3-channel I2S Serial Audio Interface (SAI). This allows the STMP3410 to receive data from an external host or A/D or transmit data to an external D/A. The STMP3410 must be configured as slave device on the I2S bus. Data can be transferred between the DSP core and the SAI by polling status flags or by servicing interrupts. 16.1. I2S External Pins Name I2S_BCLK I2S_WCLK 2S_DataI0 I2S_DataI1 I2S_DataI2 I2S_DataO0 I2S_DataO1 I2S_DataO2 Description Input, I2S serial bit clock Input, I2S left/right word clock Input, I2S input data 0 Input, I2S input data 1 Input, I2S input data 2 Output, I2S output data 0 Output, I2S output data 1 Output, I2S output data 2 I2S_SELECT=0 91/127/G3 92/129/H3 95/135/J1 94/133/H2 93/131/H4 90/125/G4 89/123/F3 88/122/F4 Pin # I2S_SELECT=1 NA/140/K3 NA/142/K1 NA/136/J2 94/133/H2 93/131/H4 90/125/G4 89/123/F3 88/122/F4 Note: The I2S_Select bit of the HW_SPARER Register shown on page 26, controls the pinout of these pins. X Peripheral Data Bus (xdb_per) RCS TCS TO xdb_per FROM xdb_per 23 0 Status RX2 Data RegisterL RX2 Data RegisterR 0 Control 23 RX2 Shift Register Status Receiver Controler SDI2 TO xdb_per 23 0 RX1 Data RegisterL RX1 Data RegisterR 0 Control 23 RX1 Shift Register Status Status TO xdb_per 23 0 RX0 Data RegisterL RX0 Data RegisterR 0 Control 23 RX0 Shift Register SCKR LRCKR 0 Control 23 TX2 Shift Register Status SDI1 SDO2 TO xdb_per 23 0 TX1 Data RegisterR TX1 Data RegisterL Transmitter 23 0 Controler Control TX1 Shift Register Status SDI0 TX2 Data RegisterR TX2 Data RegisterL SDO1 TO xdb_per 23 0 TX0 Data RegisterR TX0 Data RegisterL 0 Control 23 TX0 Shift Register SDO0 SCKT LRCKT Figure 17. I2S Block Diagram 100 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 16.2. I2S Receive and Transmit Registers 16.2.1. Receivers The SAI contains three 2-channel receivers. These receivers shift serial data from the I2S_DataIx pins using the bit and word clocks. It fills the data register (SAIRX0,1,2R) until the word clock or RCS word length indicate that the word has ended. The next word is placed in the other receiver channel. After both words have been clocked into the data registers the Read Data Ready (RDR) Flag is set. The DSP should read the data registers and clear the RDR flag before the next word is ready to move from the shift register to the data register. The DSP can either poll the RDR flag or receive an interrupt if the RXIE Bit is set. Both channels of the read data registers are muxed into the same DSP address. The first read will retrieve the data from the left channel data register. The second will retrieve the right channel data. Subsequent reads will alternately retrieve the left and right channel data. Receive Status I2S Control Register This register is used both to program initial count values and to monitor ongoing counts, depending on the timer mode. HW_SAIRCSR X:$FFF0 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:17 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 16 ROFCL RW 0 Receiver Data Overflow Clear – When this bit is set by the DSP both the ROFL and RDR flags are cleared. This bit is implemented as a one-shot and always reads a zero. Note: if ROFL is cleared in the last instruction of an Interrupt Service Routine triggered by this bit, then the Interrupt will be executed twice. 15 RDR R 0 Receiver Data Ready Flag – Indicates that both left and right data words have been received. This bit is cleared when both left and right data are read from the receiver data registers of all enabled receivers, or by writing a one to the ROFCL bit. 14 ROFL R 0 Receiver Data Overflow – Indicates that an overflow condition was detected. This condition occurs when the RDR Flag is set and a new data word is transferred from the shift register to the receiver data register. Writing a one to the ROFCL bit clears this bit. 13 RSRVD Reserved 12 RXIE RW 0 Receiver Interrupt Enable for DSP – Interrupt enable for DSP. 11 RDWJ RW 1 Receiver Data Word Justification – Determines which portion of the 24-bit portion of the received 32-bit word will be transferred from the shift register to the data register when programmed to receive 32 bit words. 0 The first 24 bits received are transferred to the data register. 1 The last 24 bits received are transferred to the data register. When the receiver is programmed to receive 24 or 16 bit words this bit functions as follows: 0 Means that either the SCKR bit-counter ( when it reaches 16 or 24 ) or a LRCKR transition , whichever comes first, can transfer data to the data registers. 1 Means that a LRCKR transition only will terminate the transfer and the last 16 or 24 bits received before the LRCKR transition gets transferred to the data registers. 10 RREL RW 0 Receiver Relative Timing – Determines the relative timing of the LRCKR signal as referred to the serial data inputs. 0 The transition of LRCKR occurs together with the first bit data. 1 The transition of LRCKR occurs one SCKR earlier(I2S format). Table 146. Receive Status I2S Control Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 101 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 9 RCKP RW 1 Receiver Clock Polarity – Defines the polarity of the receiver clock. 1 Positive Clock Polarity. Means the LRCKR and SDI lines change synchronously with the positive edge of the clock, and are considered valid during negative transitions. 0 Negative Clock Polarity. Means the LRCKR and SDI lines change synchronously with the negative edge of the clock, and are considered valid during positive transitions 8 RLRS RW 1 Receiver Left Right Selection – Defines the polarity of the LRCKR. 0 If LRCKR = 0 then Left Word, if LRCKR = 1 then Right Word. 1 If LRCKR = 0 then Right Word, if LRCKR = 1 then Left Word. 7 RDIR RW 0 Receiver Data Shift Direction – Determines the shift direction of the received data. 0 MSB First 1 LSB First. 6:5 RWL RW 0 Receiver World Length Control – Selects the length of the data word being received by the SAI. 00 16 Bits 01 24 Bits 10 32 Bits 11 Reserved. 4 RSRVD Reserved 3 RMME RW 1 Receiver master mode enable 1 Receiver in master mode. 0 Receiver in slave mode. Enable Master Mode for the receiver. i.e. Enables use of the Transmitter clocks from the PLL to shift in data. A `1' in this bit configures the receiver into Master Mode. 2 REN2 RW 0 Receiver Enable – Enable bit for Receiver channel 2. 1 REN1 RW 0 Receiver Enable– Enable bit for Receiver channel 1. 0 REN0 RW 0 Receiver Enable – Enable bit for Receiver channel 0. Table 146. Receive Status I2S Control Register Description (Continued) Receive Status I2S DataI0 Register HW_SAIRX0R BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$FFF1 RW RESET RECEIVE0 RW 0 DEFINITION Data received from I2S_DATAI0 Table 147. Receive Status I2S DataI0 Register Description Receive Status I2S DataI1 Register HW_SAIRX1R BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$FFF2 RW RESET RECEIVE1 RW 0 DEFINITION Data received from I2S_DATAI1 Table 148. Receive Status I2S DataI1 Register Description Receive Status I2S DataI2 Register HW_SAIRX2R BITS 23:0 LABEL X:$FFF3 RW RESET RECEIVE2 RW 0 DEFINITION Data received from I2S_DATAI2 Table 149. Receive Status I2S DataI2 Register Description 102 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Handling Different Word Lengths It is possible that an external SAI and the STMP3410’s SAI could be programmed to different size word lengths. The normal case is handled by terminating (performing a parallel load of the data register) the transfer when a LRCKR transition occurs. However, when the STMP3410’s SAI is programmed to receive 16 bit words and the external SAI is programmed to transmit 24 bit words (for example) the parallel load should occur as soon as the 16 bits are serially shifted in. This implies that a bit counter must be used to terminate the transfer. Another case would be when the external SAI is programmed to transmit fewer bits than the STMP3410’s SAI is programmed to receive. For example, if the external SAI is programmed to transmit 16 bits and the STMP3410’s SAI is programmed to receive 24 bits the transfer should be terminated by the LRCKR. 16.2.2. Transmitters Each I2S channel has a transmitter. The transmitter serially outputs data from the left/right data registers (SAITX0,1,2R). Each I2S channel can carry two data streams (i.e. audio channels). The data can be arranged in 16, 24 or 32 bit words. The STMP3410’s I2S transmitters must operate in slave mode (clocks generated by the master). The transmit data must loaded into the transmit registers by the DSP before the master begins clocking. After the master clock copies the second word into the transmit shift register it sets the Transmit Data Empty (TDE) flag to signal the DSP for more data. The Transmit Status/Control Register (TCS) configures the I2S transmitters. The left and right channel transmit registers also share the same DSP memory. The first word write will go to the left channel data register. The second will go to the right. Subsequent rights will alternate between left and right data registers. Transmit Status I2S Control Register This register is used both to program initial count values and to monitor ongoing counts, depending on the timer mode. HW_SAITCSR X:$FFF5 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:17 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 16 TUFCL RW Transmitter Data Underflow Clear – When this bit is set by the DSP both the TUFL and TDE flags are cleared. This bit is implemented as a one-shot and always reads a zero. 15 TDE R 14 TUFL R 13 12 RSRVD TXIE RW Note: if TUFL is cleared in the last instruction of an Interrupt Service Routine triggered by this bit, then the Interrupt will be executed twice. Transmitter Data Empty Flag – Indicates that both left and right data words have been down loaded to the shift register. This bit is cleared by writing a one to the TUFCL bit (as explained above). Transmitter Data Underflow – Indicates that an underflow condition was detected. This condition occurs if all the transmit data registers are not written to in time (i.e. TDE is still set when the transmitter loads the shift register with new Left Data, implying that old data is re-transmitted.) This bit is cleared by writing a one to the TUFCL bit. Reserved Transmitter Interrupt Enable for DSP – Interrupt enable for DSP. Table 150. Transmit Status I2S Control Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 103 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 11 TDWE RW Transmitter Data Word Expansion – Determines the way that the 24-bit data word to be transmitted is expanded to 32 bits during transmission. 0 - The last bit is transmitted 8 times AFTER transmitting the 24-bit data word from the transmit data register. 1 - The first bit is transmitted eight times BEFORE transmitting the 24-bit data word from the transmit data register is transmitted eight times. 10 TREL RW Transmitter Relative Timing – Determines the relative timing of the LRCKT signal as referred to the serial data inputs. 0 - The transition of LRCKT occurs together with the first bit data. 1 - The transition of LRCKT occurs one SCKT earlier (I 2 S format). 9 TCKP RW Transmitter Clock Polarity – Defines the polarity of the Transmitter clock. 1 - Positive Clock Polarity. Means the LRCKT and SDO lines change synchronously with the positive edge of the clock, and are considered valid during negative transitions. 0 - Negative Clock Polarity. Means the LRCKT and SDO lines change synchronously with the negative edge of the clock, and are considered valid during positive transitions 8 TLRS RW Transmitter Left Right Selection – Defines the polarity of the LRCKT. 0 - If LRCKT = 0 then Left Word, if LRCKT = 1 then Right Word. 1 - If LRCKT = 0 then Right Word, if LRCKT = 1 then Left Word. 7 TDIR RW Transmitter Data Shift Direction – Determines the shift direction of the transmitted data. 0 - MSB First 1 - LSB First. 6:5 TWL RW 00 Transmitter World Length Control – Selects the length of the data word being transmitted by the SAI. 00 - 16 Bits 01 - 24 Bits 10 - 32 Bits 11 Reserved. 4 RSRVD Reserved 3 TMME RW 0 Transmitter master mode enable – Reserved, must be set to 0. 2 TEN2 RW 0 Transmitter Enable – Enable bit for Transmitter channel 2. 1 TEN1 RW 0 Transmitter Enable– Enable bit for Transmitter channel 1. 0 TEN0 RW 0 Transmitter Enable – Enable bit for Transmitter channel 0. Table 150. Transmit Status I2S Control Register Description (Continued) Transmit Status I2S DataO0 Register HW_SAITX0R BITS 23:0 LABEL TRANSMIT0 X:$FFF6 RW RESET RW 0 DEFINITION Data to be sent I2S_DataO0. Most significant bit is sent first. 16 bit transfer data should be placed at most significant bytes (bits 23:16) Table 151. Transmit Status I2S DataI0 Register Description Transmit Status I2S DataO1 Register HW_SAITX1R BITS 23:0 LABEL TRANSMIT1 RW RESET RW 0 X:$FFF7 DEFINITION Data to be sent I2S_DataO1. Most significant bit is sent first. 16 bit transfer data should be placed at most significant bytes (bits 23:16) Table 152. Transmit Status I2S DataI1 Register Description 104 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Transmit Status I2S DataO2 Register HW_SAITX2R BITS 23:0 LABEL TRANSMIT2 X:$FFF8 RW RESET RW 0 DEFINITION Data to be sent I2S_DataO2. Most significant bit is sent first. 16 bit transfer data should be placed at most significant bytes (bits 23:16) Table 153. Transmit Status I2S DataI2 Register Description 16.2.3. Timing Figure 18 shows the SAI timings for both the RDR and TDE flags. Internal flags allow some leeway in reading and writing the data registers as shown on the diagrams. The incoming and outgoing data is shifted in/out through a buffer shift register. This gives a full LRCKR half-period to service the RDR interrupt and read the left word received before it is overwritten by the next left word received. The right word will not be overwritten until the following LRCKR transition. Similarly for transmit there is a half-period of LRCKT from TDE being enabled to service the interrupt and write the next left/right pair to be transmitted. LRCKT Left Right Left Right TDE Internal Flag is set when left data is written to all enabled transmitters. If this internal flag is set then right data must be written to data registers before the next falling edge of LRCKT. LRCKR Left TDE is cleared when right data is written to all enabled transmitters Right Left Right RDR Internal Flag is set when left data is read from all enabled receivers. If this internal flag is set then right data must be read from data registers before the next rising edge of LRCKR. RDR is cleared when right data is read from all enabled transmitters Figure 18. Receive and Transmit Data Timing 16.2.4. Setting SAI Mode To enable the STMP3410 pins into SAI mode, set bit [15] of address X:$EC0F to a 1. 16.2.5. Interrupts The SAI interrupt vectors are located at the addresses shown in Table 154: PRIORITY Receiver Overflow Transmitter Underflow Receiver Data Ready Transmitter Data Empty PROGRAM ADDRESS P:$0016 P:$0012 P:$0014 P:$0010 Table 154. SAI interrupts and Priorities 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 105 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 17. TRACE BUFFER The STMP3410 contains a trace buffer module that allows address/data on any of the on-chip busses to be traced giving visibility into the execution of the DSP. This eases software debug by allowing real-time triggering and capturing of data. The trace buffer is designed to trigger on address/data on any bus and then capture address/data to a memory buffer. It has 8 levels of triggering with the possibility to capture up to 4k words. The following specification details all the features included in the trace buffer. 17.1. Trace Buffer Specification The trace buffer has the following feature set: 1. 4 kword trace buffer depth through on chip SRAM 2. 8 fully programmable levels of triggering 3. Low power consumption when not in use, as it would be for the final application 4. Full visibility of PAB, XAB, YAB, XAB_PER, PDB, XDB, YDB, XDB_PER 5. Programmable control of each trigger level so that reads and writes may be separately detected. 6. 2 parallel trigger machines with AND, OR, and XOR functionality. 7. When capturing an address bus, the read and write bits are also captured in the upper two bits. There are no bits available to capture this information when a data bus is being captured. With 8 trigger levels, this configuration requires 17 * 8 = 136 register bits. Each level itself requires 24 bits of data, so 24*8 = 192 bits. The two mask registers require 2*24 = 48 bits. The CSR register contains the various bits, for a total of ? bits. This gives a total of 371 total control bits. Each trigger machine (there are currently 2 defined) requires compare logic and muxing for all 9 trigger modes including an N-bit counter (24 max) used to count the number of cycles after a given event. The 64 or 128 location memory could be memory mapped into X or could be indirectly mapped into X peripheral space. Software macros could be used to extract the start and stop pointers from the CSR and align the data properly in system memory. All unused bits in the trace buffer would read ‘0’. Only the start and stop trigger pointers for the last level implemented would be available to the system although it would be possible for data from more than one level of trigger to remain in the trace buffer (such as successive uses of the End trigger style). SPECIAL NOTES ON TRACE BUFFER SECTION (issues below to be expounded on in future data sheet release): 1) Documentation on the format of data capture into memory will be added in a future data sheet revision. 2) Warning: Some P fetches, that will end up in the trace, will not be executed. 3) The trace buffer also traces read/writes done by the debugger. 106 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 17.2. Trace Buffer Registers 17.2.1. Trace Buffer Configuration Register HW_TB_CSR BIT LABEL X:$F080 RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD 15 TRIG REG R R 0 0 14:12 TBCURR R 000 11 TB_CLK_EN RW 0 10:7 TBSIZE RW 0000 6:5 TBASEL RW 00 4:2 TBLVLS RW 000 1 TBDONE RW 0 0 TBEN RW 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved 0– Trace buffer not triggered. 1– Trace buffer is triggered. Trace Buffer Current Level 000 – Trace buffer is currently at level 0 001 – Trace buffer is currently at level 1 … 111 – Trace buffer is currently at level 7 1 – Trace Buffer clock is enabled. This bit has to be set first to ensure all registers are in the correct state. The TBEN should be set after desired registers are written to. Trace Buffer Trace size. This is the number of words that are written to memory at any particular trace level when that level is set to capture data. 000 – Trace size = 20 = 1 001 – Trace size = 21 = 2 010 – Trace size = 22 = 4 … 111 – Trace size = 27 = 128 Trace Buffer DMA address select 00 – DMA into on-chip XRAM 01 – DMA into on-chip YRAM 10 – DMA into on-chip PRAM 11 – Reserved Trace buffer levels. This field defines the number of trace buffer levels used in the current trace operation. The trace buffer is done once the state machine finishes the trigger level specified in this field. Trace buffer done 0– Trace buffer not done 1– Trace buffer done Trace buffer enable. 0– Module disabled, clocks gated 1– Trace buffer module enabled Table 155. Trace Buffer Configuration Register Description 17.2.2. Trace Buffer Base Address Register HW_TB_BAR BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 15:0 TB_BAR RW 0 $0000 X:$F081 DESCRIPTION Reserved Trace Buffer Base address. This is the base address used to point to the DMA memory buffer used for traces. Table 156. Trace Buffer base address register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 107 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 17.2.3. Trace Buffer Modulus Address Register HW_TB_MOD X:$F082 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:12 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 11:0 TB_MOD RW 0 Trace Buffer Modulus address. This resister is used to specify the end of the DMA memory buffer used for traces. Table 157. Trace Buffer modulus address register Description 17.2.4. Trace Buffer Current Address Register HW_TB_CURR X:$F083 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:12 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 11:0 TB_CURR RW 0 Trace Buffer Current address. This resister is used to specify the current location of the write point in the DMA memory buffer used for traces. Table 158. Trace Buffer Current Address Register Description 17.2.5. Trace Buffer Mask Registers HW_TB_MASK0 HW_TB_MASK1 X:$F084 X:$F085 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 TB_MASK0/1 RW Not initialized Trace Buffer Mask0/1. This register is used to filter bits out of the trigger events. A 1 allows any bit to participate in the compare of that Trigger level. A 0 will mask the bit off, creating a “don’t care” situation for that bit. Table 159. Trace Buffer Mask Registers Description 17.2.6. Trace Buffer Trigger Command Status Register HW_TB_TCSR0 HW_TB_TCSR1 HW_TB_TCSR2 HW_TB_TCSR3 HW_TB_TCSR4 HW_TB_TCSR5 HW_TB_TCSR6 HW_TB_TCSR7 X:$F090 X:$F091 X:$F092 X:$F093 X:$F094 X:$F095 X:$F096 X:$F097 BIT LABEL 23:17 RSRVD 16:13 TSRC RW RESET DESCRIPTION R 0 Reserved R Not Trigger source. initialized 0000 – Trigger on dsp_pab 0101 – Trigger on dsp_xdb 0001 – Trigger on dsp_xab 0110 – Trigger on dsp_ydb 0010 – Trigger on dsp_yab 0111 – Trigger on dsp_xdb_per 0011 – Trigger on dsp_xab_per 1000 – Trigger on count 0100 – Trigger on dsp_pdb others - Reserved 12:11 TCLASS RW Not Trigger class. initialized 00 – Unqualified trigger 10 – Trigger on writes only 01 – Trigger on reads only 11 – Trigger on reads or writes only Table 160. Trace Buffer Trigger Command Status Register Description 108 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BIT 10:8 7:6 5:4 3:2 1:0 LABEL CSRC RW RESET DESCRIPTION RW Not Capture source. initialized 000 – Capture on dsp_pab 100 – Capture on dsp_pdb 001 – Capture on dsp_xab 101 – Capture on dsp_xdb 010 – Capture on dsp_yab 110 – Capture on dsp_ydb 011 – Capture on dsp_xab_per 111 – Capture on dsp_xdb_per CCLASS RW Not Capture class. initialized 00 – Unqualified capture 10 – Capture writes only 01 – Capture reads only 11 – Capture reads or writes only TSTYLE RW Not Trigger style. 10 – Middle capture (capture around initialized 00 – No capture trigger) 01 – Top capture (capture after trigger) 11 – End capture (capture until trigger) TMODE RW Not Trigger mode. initialized 00 – Single level trigger 10 – Two level OR trigger 01 – Two level AND trigger 11 – Two level XOR trigger TMSEL RW Not Trigger mask select. initialized 00 - None 10 – Use Trigger mask1 01 – Use Trigger mask0 11 – All bits. Table 160. Trace Buffer Trigger Command Status Register Description (Continued) Note: The “Trigger on count” style can only be used in a single level trigger. Note also that the TCLASS field must be set to “Unqualified” to use a “Trigger on count” style trigger. 17.2.7. Trace Buffer Trigger Value Register HW_TB_TVAL0 HW_TB_TVAL1 HW_TB_TVAL2 HW_TB_TVAL3 HW_TB_TVAL4 HW_TB_TVAL5 HW_TB_TVAL6 HW_TB_TVAL7 BIT LABEL RW 23:0 TVAL RW RESET X:$F098 X:$F099 X:$F09A X:$F09B X:$F09C X:$F09D X:$F09E X:$F09F DESCRIPTION Not initialized Trigger value. This is the actual compare value the trace buffer uses to signal a trigger to the state machine. If this value occurs on the bus currently being monitored, a trigger will be generated and either data capture will begin or the next level trigger event detection will be activated. Table 161. Trace Buffer Trigger Value Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 109 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 17.3. Trace Buffer State Machine Figure 19 shows the state transition table for the Trace Buffer. Not shown: If enable is cleared in any state, the state machine returns to the Init state. Init ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre e fil r c n ffe c o do bu Level 1 is last trigger Enable set Level 1 Trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre fil r c ne ffe c o o d bu Level 2 is last trigger Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 2 Trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig ed lin Tr urr e fil r c n ffe c o o d bu ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d in Tr urre e fill r c n ffe c o do bu Level 4 is last trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre fil r c ne ffe c o do bu Level 6 is last trigger Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 5 Trigger Level 5 is last trigger Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 4 Trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre e fil r c n ffe c o do bu Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 3 Trigger Level 3 is last trigger Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete Enable Cleared Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 6 Trigger Multi-level trigger and buffer fill complete ot ot Single level trigger and rn rn buffer fill complete ge o g ig d lin Tr urre fil r e fe c n Multi-level oc do buf trigger and buffer fill complete Level 7 is last trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre fil r c ne ffe c o do bu Level 7 Trigger Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Level 8 Trigger ot ot rn rn ge o g ig d lin Tr urre fil r c ne ffe c o do bu Single level trigger and buffer fill complete Resting Figure 19. Trace Buffer State Machine State Diagram 110 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 18. GENERAL PURPOSE INPUT/OUTPUT (GPIO) MODULES The STMP3410 contains 4 GPIO modules. These modules provide flexible software control of each pin. Each digital pin can either be controlled by a hardware interface (I2C, SPI, Flash, etc) or by a GPIO module. Every digital pin on the chip except for TESTMODE, ONCE_DRN, ONCE_D1, ONCE_D0 and ONCE_CK can be used as a GPIO pin. The GPIO configuration registers control the pin connection (GPIO or normal interface) and the pin function (if it is in GPIO mode). The GPIO configuration is independent for all of the pins. For example, the SmartMedia SM_CE3n pin can be configured as a GPIO pin while the other SmartMedia pins are connected to the Flash interface. If a pin is switched to be a GPIO, then the internal module connected to that pin will see a logic 0 on that pin, irrespective of the actual status of that pin. The GPIO module is the only means of communicating with devices that don’t use one of the STMP3410’s hardware interfaces. For example, LED/LCD’s that don’t use I2C, FM tuners and other peripherals will require software that uses pins in GPIO mode. The pins are also used in GPIO mode for functions such as Key Scan, Backlights, SmartMedia card insert, etc. BEGIN HW_GPxPWR Selects GPIO pins as output HW_GPxDOR Sets Drive Strength HW_GPx8MAR Turn on output drive on GPIO pins configured as outputs Turns ON/OFF Pin Power. Must be turned on irrespective of whether the pin is configured as a GPIO or not. HW_GPxDIR Selects GPIO pins as inputs HW_GPxIPENR Select GPIO pins that can generate an interrupt HW_GPxILVLR Set interrupt level/ edge sensitivity HW_GPxIPOLR Set interrupt polarity HW_GPxDOER HW_GPxIENR HW_GPxENR Enable interrupt Enable/Disable pins as GPIOs END Figure 20. GPIO Setup Flow Chart 18.1. GPIO Interface There are four GPIO Pin Registers (4 banks) on the STMP3410 used to configure digital pins on the chip as GPIO or their designated function: GPIO0, GPIO1, GPIO2 and GPIO3 (See Section 18.2.12. on page 115 for details). The following registers exist within each of these four banks to configure the chips digital pins. Some pins only exist in the 144-pin package options. The registers that control those pins exist but perform no useful function. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 111 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 18.2. GPIO Registers 18.2.1. GPIO Enable Register This register enables all the digital pins, except Testmode, on the chip to be GPIO or perform assigned functionality, like interfacing to an LED/LCD. HW_GP0ENR HW_GP1ENR HW_GP2ENR HW_GP3ENR X:$F400 X:$F410 X:$F420 X:$F430 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 EN RW 0 Module Enable bits. These pins reset to 0. 0 Pin configured to perform assigned function 1 Pin configured as GPIO Table 162. GPIO Enable Register Description 18.2.2. GPIO Data Out Register This register allows GPIO to send data out on a pin-by-pin basis. Always set this register before GPIO Data Out Enable because as soon as the enable bit is set, the current data on the pin is sent out. HW_GP0DOR HW_GP1DOR HW_GP2DOR HW_GP3DOR X:$F401 X:$F411 X:$F421 X:$F431 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 DO RW 0 Output bits if GPIO is set in GPIO Enable and the GPIO Output Enable bit is set. Table 163. GPIO Data Out Register Description 18.2.3. GPIO Data In Register This register allows GPIO to input data on a pin-by-pin basis. HW_GP0DIR HW_GP1DIR HW_GP2DIR HW_GP3DIR X:$F402 X:$F412 X:$F422 X:$F432 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 DI R 0 Input bits if pin is in GPIO Mode and set as an input. Table 164. GPIO Data In Register Description 18.2.4. GPIO Data Out Enable Register This register allows GPIO to enable data output on a pin-by-pin basis. HW_GP0DOER HW_GP1DOER HW_GP2DOER HW_GP3DOER X:$F403 X:$F413 X:$F423 X:$F433 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 DOE RW 0 Output enable bits. 0 Input 1 Output All GPIOs reset to Inputs on H/W or S/W reset. Table 165. GPIO Data Out Enable Register Description 112 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 18.2.5. GPIO Interrupt Pin Enable Register This register allows GPIO to define specific pins to be interrupt pins. HW_GP0IPENR HW_GP1IPENR HW_GP2IPENR HW_GP3IPENR X:$F404 X:$F414 X:$F424 X:$F434 BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:0 IPEN RW 0 DESCRIPTION Interrupt enable bits. 0 Corresponding pin is not interrupt pin 1 Corresponding pin is an interrupt pin Table 166. GPIO Interrupt Pin Enable Register Description 18.2.6. GPIO Interrupt Enable Register This register allows GPIO to enable specific interrupts to assert DSP interrupt. Note that this register distinguishes between polling and interrupt driven routines. If a particular pin functions as an interrupt pin (as defined by GPIO Interrupt Pin Enable register), it’s assertion will be reported in interrupt status register but interrupt signal to DSP will not be asserted if GPIO Interrupt Enable bit is deserted. Once an interrupt has been received in the interrupt collector and it has been determined that it is GPIO bank 0, 1, or 2, then this register is used to determine which pin asserted the interrupt. See Table 170 for Interrupt Options. HW_GP0IENR HW_GP1IENR HW_GP2IENR HW_GP3IENR X:$F405 X:$F415 X:$F425 X:$F435 BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:0 EN RW 0 DESCRIPTION Interrupt enable bits. 0 Interrupt Disable 1 Interrupt Enable Table 167. GPIO Interrupt Enable Register Description 18.2.7. GPIO Interrupt Level Register This register allows GPIO to define specific pins to be level or edge sensitive if the are enabled in GPIO Interrupt Enable register. See Table 170 for Interrupt Options. HW_GP0ILVLR HW_GP1ILVLR HW_GP2ILVLR HW_GP3ILVLR X:$F406 X:$F416 X:$F426 X:$F436 BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:0 ILVL RW 0 Interrupt level bits. 0 Edge Sensitive 1 Level Sensitive DESCRIPTION Table 168. GPIO Interrupt Level Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 113 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 18.2.8. GPIO Interrupt Polarity Register This register allows GPIO to define specific pins to Active High/Low or Positive/Negative edge interrupt based on programming of corresponding bit in GPIO Interrupt Enable and GPIO Interrupt Level register. See Table 170 for Interrupt Options. HW_GP0IPOLR HW_GP1IPOLR HW_GP2IPOLR HW_GP3IPOLR X:$F407 X:$F417 X:$F427 X:$F437 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 IPOL RW 0 Interrupt Polarity bits. 0 Active low level / falling edge 1 Active high level / rising edge Table 169. GPIO Interrupt Polarity Register Description HW_GPXIENR (INT ENABLE) 0 1 1 1 1 HW_GPXILVLR (INT LEVEL) X 1 1 0 0 HW_GPXIPOLR (INT POLARITY) X 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION Disable Interrupt Pin Functionality Active Low Interrupt Active High Interrupt Falling Edge Interrupt Rising Edge Interrupt Table 170. GPIO Interrupt Options Table 18.2.9. GPIO Interrupt Status Register This register allows GPIO grammed as an interrupt interrupt to DSP. HW_GP0ISTATR HW_GP1ISTATR HW_GP2ISTATR HW_GP3ISTATR to monitor and clear interrupts if corresponding bit is propin. Combination of interrupt status and enables assert X:$F408 X:$F418 X:$F428 X:$F438 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:0 ISTAT RW 0 Interrupt status bits. Reading 1 indicates a pending interrupt. The bits in interrupt status register are set irrespective of Interrupt Enable bits. To clear edge interrupt, set the proper bit to 1. To clear a level interrupt, set the appropriate interrupt pin enable pin to 0. Table 171. GPIO Interrupt Status Register Description 18.2.10. GPIO Pin Power Register This register controls whether each pin is powered up irrespective of whether one pin is configured as a GPIO pin or not. When a pin is powered down its input will read as 0 irrespective of the voltage on the pin. Similarly, a pin that is powered down will always be high impedance (i.e. tristated) even if the pin is configured as an output. All pins are powered down after a chip reset. HW_GP0PWR X:$F409 HW_GP1PWR X:$F419 HW_GP2PWR X:$F429 HW_GP3PWR X:$F439 BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:0 PWR RW 0 114 DESCRIPTION 0 Pin is powered down (reset value) 1 Pin is powered up (i.e. active) Table 172. GPIO Pin Power Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 18.2.11. GPIO Pin Drive Strength Register This register controls the output drive strengths of groups of pins, when the pins are configured as outputs. Note that unlike other GPIO registers, each pin does not get its own control bit. Instead pins are assigned in groups of 8 to an individual control bit. Each group of pins can be configured as 4mA drivers, or 8mA drivers. The required setting will depend on the application, but in general it is recommended that as many pins as possible are configured in 4mA mode. Doing so will increase the number of simultaneously pins that can be supported without adverse effects on the rest of the system, and will reduce the momentary peak load on the DCDC converters, and will reduce EMI emissions. A conservative limit on the maximum number of simultaneously switching output pins for the STMP3410 would be 24 4mA pins, or 12 8mA pins, or an equivalent combination of 4mA and 8mA pins. It is possible to save some power by gating the clocks in the GPIO modules, this functionality is controlled by the CLKGATE field of the GPIO Pin Drive Strength register. When the clocks are gated, the DSP will no longer be able to write to any of the GPIO control registers, except for this one. When the clocks are gated, GPIO interrupts will continue to be generated, and the DSP will have full read access to all registers, inlcuding the GPIO Data Input registers. The DSP will need to clear the CLKGATE bit before it can change the value of pin configured as a GPIO output. HW_GP08MA HW_GP18MA HW_GP28MA HW_GP38MA BIT LABEL RW RESET 23 CLKGATE RW 0 22:4 RSRVD 2 PDS2 R RW 1 PDS1 RW 0 PDS0 RW 0 0 X:$F40A X:$F41A X:$F42A X:$F43A DESCRIPTION 0 Clocks not gated 1 Clocks gated Reserved Controls bits [23:16] 0 4 mA driver 1 8 mA driver 0 Controls bits [15:8] 0 4 mA driver 1 8 mA driver 0 Controls bits [7:6] 0 4 mA driver 1 8 mA driver Table 173. GPIO Pin Drive Strength Register Description 18.2.12. GPIO Register Pin Assignments GPIO0 (Bank 0) GPIO0 BIT LABEL 23:20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 RSRVD GP0B19 GP0B18 GP0B17 GP0B16 GP0B15 GP0B14 GP0B13 X:$F400–$F40A PIN NAME (NOTE 1) DESCRIPTION Reserved GP19 GP18 GP17 GP16 GP15 GP14 GP13 Table 174. GPIO0 Pin Register (Bank 0) Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 115 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BIT LABEL 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Note: GP0B12 GP0B11 GP0B10 GP0B9 GP0B8 GP0B7 GP0B6 GP0B5 GP0B4 GP0B3 GP0B2 GP0B1 GP0B0 PIN NAME (NOTE 1) DESCRIPTION GP12 GP11 GP10 GP9 GP8 GP7 GP6 GP5 GP4 GP3 GP2 GP1 GP0 1. Please see Table 229. “General Purpose Input/Output Pins” on page 169. Table 174. GPIO0 Pin Register (Bank 0) Description (Continued) GPIO1 (Bank 1) GPIO1 BIT LABEL PIN NAME (NOTE 1) X:$F410–$F41A DESCRIPTION 23 GP1B23 GP47 22 GP1B22 GP46 21 GP1B21 GP45 20 GP1B20 GP44 19 GP1B19 GP43 18 GP1B18 GP42 17 GP1B17 GP41 16 GP1B16 GP40 15 GP1B15 GP39 14 GP1B14 GP38 13 GP1B13 GP37 12 GP1B12 GP36 11 GP1B11 GP35 10 GP1B10 GP34 9 GP1B9 GP33 8 GP1B8 GP32 7 GP1B7 GP31 6 GP1B6 GP30 5 GP1B5 GP29 4 GP1B4 GP28 3 GP1B3 GP27 2 GP1B2 GP26 1 GP1B1 GP25 0 GP1B0 GP24 Note: 1. Please see Table 229. “General Purpose Input/Output Pins” on page 169. Table 175. GPIO1 Pin Register (Bank 1) Description 116 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record GPIO2 (Bank 2) GPIO2 BIT 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12:9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Note: LABEL RSRVD GP2B22 GP2B21 GP2B20 GP2B19 GP2B18 GP2B17 GP2B16 GP2B15 GP2B14 GP2B13 RSRVD GP2B8 GP2B7 GP2B6 GP2B5 GP2B4 GP2B3 GP2B2 GP2B1 GP2B0 X:$F420 – $F42A PIN NAME (NOTE 1) DESCRIPTION Reserved GP70 GP69 GP68 GP67 GP66 GP65 GP64 GP63 GP62 GP61 Reserved GP56 GP55 GP54 GP53 GP52 GP51 GP50 GP49 GP48 1. Please see Table 229. “General Purpose Input/Output Pins” on page 169.. Table 176. GPIO2 Pin Register (Bank 2) Description GPIO3 (Bank 3) GPIO3 BIT LABEL 23:22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 RSRVD GP3B21 GP3B20 GP3B19 GP3B18 GP3B17 GP3B16 GP3B15 GP3B14 GP3B13 GP3B12 GP3B11 GP3B10 GP3B9 GP3B8 X:$F430 – $F43A PIN NAME (NOTE 1) DESCRIPTION Reserved GP93 GP92 GP91 GP90 GP89 GP88 GP87 GP86 GP85 GP84 GP83 GP82 GP81 GP80 Table 177. GPIO2 Pin Register (Bank 3) Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 117 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Note: LABEL GP3B7 GP3B6 GP3B5 GP3B4 GP3B3 GP3B2 GP3B1 GP3B0 PIN NAME (NOTE 1) DESCRIPTION GP79 GP78 GP77 GP76 GP75 GP74 GP73 GP72 1. Please see Table 229. “General Purpose Input/Output Pins” on page 169.. Table 177. GPIO2 Pin Register (Bank 3) Description (Continued) 118 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19. DAC/ADC/MIXER/HEADPHONE/LRADC 19.1. DAC The DAC on the STMP3410 behaves as a DMA device which outputs data from a modulo buffer in X/Y/P memory specified by software configuration. Software configuration begins by programming the DAC Base Address Register (HW_DACBAR), the DAC Modulo Register (HW_DACMR), and the DAC Current Position Register (HW_DACCPR) to specify the base address and modulo of the buffer to be used by the DAC as well as the current position in the DAC buffer. Next, the buffer is filled by software. The sample rate of the DAC may be specified in the DAC Sample Rate Register (HW_DACSRR). The sample rate of the DAC can be adjusted with fine resolution using this register. The number of samples available is specified in the DAC Word Count Register (HW_DACWCR). Finally, transmit is enabled, and the DAC begins to output data. As each DSP word is processed, the DAC Word Count Register (HW_DACWCR) is decremented and the DAC Current Position Register (HW_DACCPR) is incremented. When the word count reaches zero, an interrupt will occur if interrupts have been enabled in the DAC Control Status Register (HW_DACCSR). Software is then responsible for writing to HW_DACWCR register indicating more data is available. If the HW_DACWCR is not updated before the next sample is needed by the DAC, an exception will occur, and a DAC underflow interrupt will be generated. DAC data in stored in X/Y/P memory with the left channel sample in the lowest address, followed by the corresponding right channel sample in the next memory location. The DAC data should always consist of an even number of samples to allow left and right channels, it is not possible to play mono data unless the mono samples are each repeated twice in memory, once for the left channel and once for the right channel. The data is stored as 24 bit 2’s compliment values, where the full scale value depends on the programming of the sample rate converter. The DAC expects data samples that already have been 2x oversampled by code in the DSP, i.e. to play 44.1k sample/sec data, there should be 44.2k * 2 = 88.4k samples/sec per channel in memory. Before the DAC can be turned on and used, the crystal clock used by the DAC and mixer must be enabled using the ACKEN bit of the Clock Control Register (HW_CCR). Also the DAC and Mixer analog circuitry must be powered up using the PR1 & PR2 bits of the Mixer Powerdown Control/Status Register (HW_MIXPWRDNR). 19.1.1. DAC Registers DAC Base Address Register The HW_DACBAR is used to specify the base address of the modulo buffer used by the DAC port. The buffer’s base address must zero the k LSBs, where 2k >= HW_DACMR. HW_DACBAR BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 15:0 BAR RW 0 0 X:$F805 DESCRIPTION Reserved Base address for the DAC output sample buffer in memory. Table 178. DAC Base Address Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 119 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DAC Modulo Register The DAC Modulo Register specifies the modulus of the DAC buffer. The modulus specified in the same manner as the Mn modulo registers of the Address Generation Unit of the DSP core. For example, writing $000001 to the HW_DACMR indicates a modulo buffer of size $000002. HW_DACMR BIT X:$F804 LABEL RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD R 9:0 MR RW 0 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved Modulo (i.e. size) of the DAC output sample buffer in memory. Table 179. DAC Modulo Register Description DAC Current Position Register The DAC Current Position Register indicates the address offset from the address specified in the HW_DACBAR DAC Base Address Register where the DAC will read the next output sample. HW_DACCPR BIT X:$F803 LABEL RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD R 9:0 CPR RW 0 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved Current read position of the DAC output sample buffer in memory. Table 180. DAC Current Position Register Description DAC Word Count Register The DAC Word Count Register specifies the number of words to be output until the next interrupt is generated. Software should fill the memory buffer with sample data, then program the HW_DACWCR to indicate the number of words available to the DAC to be output. For each sample output, the HW_DACWCR is decremented twice, one each for the left and right samples. When the HW_DACWCR=0, an interrupt is generated. If the HW_DACWCR is not updated before the DAC requires another sample (i.e., underrun), then and exception occurs (TSEXC in the HW_DACCSR is set). Writing to the HW_DACWCR also clears any pending DAC interrupts. This register counts words in memory, not samples. Since the DAC operates on stereo data, the number of words will be twice the number of samples. HW_DACWCR BIT LABEL RW RESET 23:10 RSRVD R 9:0 WCR RW 0 0 X:$F802 DESCRIPTION Reserved Number of DAC samples remaining until a DAC interrupt will be generated. Table 181. DAC Word Count Register Description 120 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DAC Sample Rate Register The DAC Sample Rate Register is programmed to specify the sample rate of the DAC. HW_DACSRR X:$F801 BIT LABEL RW RESET 23 RSRVD R 22:0 SR RW 0 0 DESCRIPTION Reserved Sample Rate to use for DAC playback. Table 182. DAC Sample Rate Register Description The value of the HW_DACSRR register is calculated according to the following formula. HW_DACSRR = 010000 ( OSR DAC – 1 ) where 8 × Fanalog DAC OSRDAC = --------------------------------------------128 × FsampleDAC Where Fanalog is the sample rate of the DAC analog circuitry as specified by the ADIV1 field of the HW_CCR Clock Control Register., and Fsamples is the sample rate of the DAC data being played. This formula assumes the presence of a 1->2 interpolation filter running on the DSP to generate the final DAC samples read by the hardware, the DAC hardware expects samples in memory that are 2 times oversampled compared to the desired sample rate. The value stored in the HW_DACSRR is interpreted as a 24 bit 2’s compliminent signed value, and since a negative value doesn’t make sense, the MSB must be set to 0 for valid operation. If we use the reset value of Fanalog = 128 x 48 kHz, then Table 183 contains the required value of the HW_DACSSR register for various common sample rates. If SAMPLE RATE HW_DACSRR VALUE 48,000 Hz 44,100 Hz 32,000 Hz 24,000 Hz 22,050 Hz 16,000 Hz 12,000 Hz 11,025 Hz 8,000 Hz $070000 $07B51E $0B0000 $0F0000 $106A3B $170000 $1F0000 $210476 $2F0000 Table 183. Example values for the HW_DACSRR register the crystal is changed from the normal 24.576 MHz rate, the Fanalog freqency will change, and the HW_DACSSR register will need to be changed to compensate. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 121 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DAC Control Status Register HW_DACCSR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23 CLKGT RW 0 22:7 6:5 RSRVD R 0 DMASEL RW 00 4 LPBK RW 0 3 TXEXC RW 0 2 TXI RW 0 1 TXIEN RW 0 0 TXEN RW 0 X:$F800 DEFINITION Clock gate. Used to disable the clocks to the DAC module to conserve power when the DAC is not in use. Must be set to 0 before writing to any other DAC registers. 0Clocks not gated 1Clocks are gated Reserved. Must be written as 0. Memory space to use for DMA transfers 00 - X space 01 - Y space 10 - P space 11 - Reserved Loopback – When set, the LPBK bit connects the ADC single bit data from the ADC analog circuitry directly to the DAC analog circuitry to perform an analog loopback test without utilizing the DSP core. Transmit Exception – The TXEXC bit is a status bit indicating a transmit exception has occurred. A transmit exception occurs when the DAC needs to read a sample but the HW_DACWCR is zero indicating no samples are available. The TXEXC bit is cleared by writing a 0 to this location. The TXEXC can also be cleared by writing to the HW_DACWCR register. Transmit Interrupt – The TXI bit is a status bit indicating a transmit interrupt has occurred. The TXI bit is cleared by writing a 0 to this location. The Transmit Interrupt can also be cleared by writing to the HW_DACWCR register. Transmit Interrupt Enable – The TXIEN bit enables interrupt generation for this port. When the HW_DACWCR reaches zero, an interrupt is generated. Transmit Enable – Setting the TXEN bit causes the DAC Port to begin outputting samples from the modulo buffer specified by the HW_DACBAR, HW_DACMR, and HW_DACWCR. When TXEN is cleared, the TXI and TXEXC bits are cleared. No other DAC registers are cleared. Table 184. DAC Control Status Register Description 19.2. ADC The ADC on the STMP3410 behaves as a DMA device which places data in a modulo buffer in X/Y/P memory specified by software configuration. Software configuration begins by programming the ADC Base Address Register (HW_ADCBAR), the ADC Modulo Register (HW_ADCMR), and the ADC Current Position Register (HW_ADCCPR) to specify the base address and modulo of the buffer to be used by the ADC as well as the current position in the ADC buffer. The sample rate of the ADC may be specified in the ADC Sample Rate Register (HW_ADCSRR). The number of samples available are specified in the ADC Word Count Register (HW_ADCWCR). At this point transmit is enabled and the ADC begins input of data. As each DSP word is input, the HW_ADCWCR is decremented and the ADC Current Position Register (HW_ADCCPR) is incremented. When the word count reaches zero, an interrupt will occur if interrupts have been enabled in the ADC Control Status Register (HW_ADCCSR). Software is then responsible for writing to HW_ADCWCR register indicating space for more data is available. If the HW_ADCWCR is not updated before the next sample would be needed by the ADC, an exception will occur and an ADC overflow interrupt will be generated. ADC data is stored in X/Y/P memory with the left channel sample in the lowest address, followed by the corresponding right channel sample in the next memory 122 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record location. The ADC data always consists of an even number of samples to allow left and right channels, it is not possible to record mono data unless the stereo data is recorded and one of the channels is thrown away by the DSP software. The data is stored as 24 bit 2’s compliment values, where the full scale value depends on the programming of the sample rate converter. The ADC generates data samples that are 8x oversampled, and that need to be decimated to the base rate by code in the DSP. For example, to record 44.1k sample/sec data, the ADC will generate 44.1k * 8 = 352.8k samples/sec per channel in memory, which must be filtered and decimated down to 44.1k samples/sec by code executing on the DSP. Before the ADC can be turned on and used, the crystal clock used by the ADC must be enabled using the ACKEN bit of the HW_CCR Clock Control register. Also the ADC analog circuitry must be powered up using the PR0 bit of the HW_MIXPWRDNR Mixer Powerdown Control/Status register. 19.2.1. ADC Registers ADC Base Address Register The HW_ADCBAR is used to specify the base address of the modulo buffer used by the ADC. The buffer’s base address must zero the k LSBs, where 2k >= HW_ADCMR. HW_ADCBAR X:$FB05 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:16 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 15:0 BAR RW 0 Base address for the ADC input sample buffer in memory. Table 185. ADC Base Address Register Description ADC Modulo Register The ADC Modulo Register specifies the modulus of the ADC buffer. The modulus specified in the same manner as the Mn modulo registers of the Address Generation Unit. For example, writing $0001 to the HW_ADCMR indicates a modulo buffer of size $0002. HW_ADCMR X:$FB04 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:10 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 9:0 MR RW 0 Modulo (i.e. size) of the ADC input sample buffer in memory. Table 186. ADC Modulo Register Description ADC Current Position Register The ADC Current Position Register indicates the address offset from the address specified by the ADC Base Address Register (HW_ADCBAR) where the ADC will write the next output sample to. HW_ADCCPR X:$FB03 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:10 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 9:0 CPR RW 0 Current write position of the ADC input sample buffer in memory. Table 187. ADC Current Position Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 123 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record ADC Word Count Register The ADC Word Count Register specifies the number of words to be output until the next interrupt is generated. Software should fill the memory buffer with sample data, then program the HW_ADCWCR to indicate the number of words available to the ADC to be output. For each sample output, the HW_ADCWCR is decremented twice, once each for the left and right samples. When the HW_ADCWCR=0, an interrupt is generated. If the HW_ADCWCR is not updated before the ADC requires another sample (i.e., overrun), then an exception occurs (TXEXC in the HW_ADCCSR is set). This register counts words in memory, not samples. Since the ADC operates on stereo data, the number of words will be twice the number of samples. HW_ADCWCR X:$FB02 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23:10 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 9:0 WCR RW 0 Number of ADC samples remaining until an ADC interrupt will be generated. Table 188. ADC Word Count Register Description ADC Sample Rate Register The ADC Sample Rate Register is programmed to specify the sample rate of the ADC. HW_ADCSRR X:$FB01 BIT LABEL RW RESET DESCRIPTION 23 RSRVD R 0 Reserved 22:0 SR RW 0 Sample Rate to use for ADC recording. Table 189. ADC Sample Rate Register Description The value of the HW_ADCSSR register is calculated according to the following formula.. HW_ADCSRR = 010000 ( OSR ADC – 1 ) where 16 × FanalogADC OSRADC = --------------------------------------------128 × FsampleADC Where Fanalog is the sample rate of the ADC analog circuitry as specified by the ADIV0 field of the Clock Control Register (HW_CCR), and Fsamples is the desired sample rate of the ADC data being recorded. This formula assumes the presence of a 8->1 decimation filter running on the DSP to generate the final ADC samples at the sample rate desired, in other words, the ADC hardware will generate samples in memory that are 8 times oversampled compared to the desired sample rate. The value stored in the HW_ADCSSR is interpreted as a 24 bit 2’s compliminent signed value, and since a negative value doesn’t make sense, the MSB must be set to 0 for valid operation. If we use the reset value of Fanalog = 128 x 48 kHz, then the following table contains the required value of the HW_ADCSSR register for various common sample rates. If the crystal is changed from the normal 24.576 MHz rate, the Fanalog frequency will change, and the HW_ADCSSR register will probably need to be changed to compensate. 124 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record SAMPLE RATE 48,000 Hz 44,100 Hz 32,000 Hz 24,000 Hz 22,050 Hz 16,000 Hz 12,000 Hz 11,025 Hz 8,000 Hz HW_ADCSRR VALUE $0F0000 $106A3B $170000 $1F0000 $21D476 $2F0000 $3F0000 $44A8ED $5F0000 Table 190. Example values for the HW_ADCSRR register ADC Control Status Register HW_ADCCSR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23 CLKGT RW 0 22:7 6:5 RSRVD R 0 DMASEL RW 00 4 LPBK RW 0 3 TXEXC RW 0 2 TXI RW 0 1 TXIEN RW 0 0 TXEN RW 0 X:$FB00 DEFINITION Clock gate. Used to disable the clocks to the ADC module to conserve power when the ADC is not in use. This bit must be set to 0 before writing to any other ADC registers, and while the ADC is operating. 0Clocks enabled 1Clocks gated Reserved. Must be written as 0. Memory space to use for DMA transfers 00 - X space 01 - Y space 10 - P space 11 - Reserved Loopback – When set, the LPBK bit connects the DAC single bit data output from the DAC digital circuitry directly to the ADC digital circuitry to perform a digital loopback test without utilizing the analog circuitry. Transmit Exception – The TXEXC bit is a status bit indicating a transmit exception has occurred. A transmit exception occurs when the ADC needs to write a sample but the HW_ADCWCR is zero indicating no room is available in the module buffer. This register can also be cleared by writing to the HW_ADCWCR register. The TXEXC bit is cleared by writing a 0 to this location. Transmit Interrupt – The TXI bit is a status bit indicating a transmit interrupt has occurred. This register can also be cleared by writing to the HW_ADCWCR register. The TXI bit is cleared by writing a 0 to this location. Transmit Interrupt Enable – This bit enables interrupt generation for the ADC. When the HW_ADCWCR register reaches zero, an interrupt is generated. Transmit Enable – Setting the TXEN bit causes the ADC Port to begin outputting samples into the modulo buffer specified by the HW_ADCBAR, HW_ADCMR, and HW_ADCWCR registers. When TXEN is cleared, the TXI and TXEXC bits are cleared. No other ADC registers are cleared. Table 191. ADC Control Status Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 125 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19.3. Mixer 19.3.1. Mixer Address Registers ADDRESS DESCRIPTION X:$FA03 X:$FA04 X:$FA05 X:$FA06 X:$FA07 X:$FA08 X:$FA09 X:$FA0A X:$FA0B Codec/mixer test register Mixer master volume register Mixer Microphone in volume register Mixer Line In volume register Mixer FM In volume register Mixer DAC In volume register Mixer Record Select register Analog ADC gain register Mixer Power down/control stat register Table 192. Mixer Address Registers 19.3.2. Mixer Block Diagram The analog level of the signals mixed throughout the STMP3410 can be controlled through registers. The block diagram is shown in Figure 22. The microphone channel is a mono source, so its signal is available on both the left and right channels. HW_MIXLINE1INVR LINEIN HW_MIXMICINV HW_MIXMASTERVR MICIN + HW_MIXLINE2INVR OUTPUT HW_HPCTRL FMIN HW_MIXDACINVR FROM DAC BUFFER DAC CLK EN HW_DACCSR[0] HW_DACSRR CLK CRYSTAL HW_CCR[22:20] HW_CCR[3] HW_CCR[18] HW_MIXADCINR HW_MIXADCGAINR LINEIN FMIN ADC MICIN CLK CLK CRYSTAL HW_CCR[7:5] HW_CCR[18] HW_ADCSRR TO ADC BUFFER EN HW_ADCCSR[0] HW_CCR[3] Figure 21. Mixer Flow Diagram Note that when the mixer is powered down (using the PR2 field of the HW_MIXPWRDNR register), the DAC can still play audio through the headphone amplifier to the output. This mode has the dual advantage of saving the power consumption of the analog mixer, as well as eliminating the mixer as a source of SNR or THD loss. 126 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record LINEIN INEIN MICIN MIC+20dB bits of MICIN reg LINEIN MICIN MICIN Headphone (HPH) + FMIN FMIN MICIN Headphone (HPH) Output Master Volume Stage (MASTERV) DACIN DACIN MIC+20dB bits of MICIN reg Output FMIN DACIN ADC Max. (RECSELECT) Master Volume Stage (MASTERV) DACIN ADC Max. (RECSELECT) ADC In ADCGAIN ADC In ADCGAIN (PR2 = 0) (PR2 = 1) Mixer Powered Up Mixer Powered Down Figure 22. Mixer Block Diagram 19.3.3. Mixer Programming Model The various mixer control registers are summarized below. Mixer Master Volume Register The ML field adjusts the level for the left channel master output, while the MR field adjusts the level for the right channel master output. Each increment of the ML/MR fields represents 1.5 dB of attenuation of the master volume output on the mixer. The Mute bit will silence the output regardless of the current settings of the ML/MR bits. The master volume can only attenuate the mixer output level. HW_MIXMASTERVR X:$FA04 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 0 15 MUTE RW 1 14:13 12:8 7:5 4:0 RSRVD ML RSRVD MR R RW R RW 0 00000 0 00000 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer Master mute control 0unmuted 1muted Reserved Mixer Master volume control for left channel Reserved Mixer Master volume control for right channel Table 193. Mixer Master Volume Register Description MUTE ML/MR LEVEL 0 0 1 0 0000 1 1111 X XXXX 0 dB -46.5 dB -infinity Table 194. Master Volume Register values 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 127 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Analog Mixer Volume Registers This section refers to the MicIn, Line-In, Line-In 2 (also know as FM-In), and DAC registers listed below. The GL fields adjust the gain for the left channel of the analog input, while the GR fields adjust the gain for the right channel of the analog input. For the MicIn, there is only one channel adjusted by the GN field, although the results of this volume stage are available on both channels of the mixer. Each increment of the GL/GR/GN fields represents -1.5 dB of adjustment in the gain level. All analog mixer inputs have a mute bit which will silence this analog input regardless of the settings of the GL/GR/GN bits. The MicIn additionally has a 20 dB boost bit which provides a fixed 20 dB boost to the microphone signal when set. Unlike the master volume, each analog mixer input has the ability to apply gain or attenuation to the analog signal. MUTE 0 0 0 1 GL/GR/GN 0 0000 0 1000 1 1111 X XXXX LEVEL +12 dB 0 dB -34.5 dB -infinity Table 195. Analog Mixer Volume Registers Mixer Microphone-In Volume Register HW_MIXMICINVR BITS 23:16 15 14:7 6 LABEL RSRVD MUTE RSRVD 20DB RW R RW R RW RESET 0 1 0 0 5 4:0 RSRVD R 0 GN RW 01000 X:$FA05 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer Microphone In mute Reserved Mixer Microphone In boost 0no boost 120 dB boost Reserved Mixer Microphone-In volume Table 196. Mixer Microphone-In Volume Register Description The external microphone needs a bias voltage to enable it to operate. This bias voltage can be generated externally using discrete components as shown in Figure 23, or if the LINE1R pin is available, it can be used to supply a bias voltage from on on-chip generator, as shown in Figure 24. To enable the generation of the microphone bias voltage on the LINE1R pin, the MICBIAS bits in the HW_MIXTBR need to be set to the required value. Also the bias voltage used comes from the LRADC, so the LRADC auxilliary channel must be powered up using the AUXPWD bit in the HW_LRADCCR register. MIC 0.1µF Microphone 2.2k VddIO 2.2k 0.1µF 10µF Figure 23. External Microphone Bias Generation 128 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record MIC 0.1µF Microphone HW_CMTR MICBIAS LINE1R 2k LRADC AUX 4k 8k 2.8V HW_LRADCCR AUXPWD Figure 24. Internal Microphone Bias Generation Mixer Line-In Volume Register HW_MIXLINE1INVR BITS 23:16 15 14:13 12:8 7:5 4:0 LABEL RSRVD MUTE RSRVD GL RSRVD GR RW R RW R RW R RW RESET 0 1 0 01000 0 01000 X:$FA06 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer Line-In mute Reserved Mixer Line-In left channel volume Reserved Mixer Line-In right channel volume Table 197. Mixer Line-In Volume Register Description Mixer Line-In 2 Volume Register Line-In 2 is also know as FM-In, although nothing about this input restricts it to only be used with an FM source, it can also be used with other sources. This input channel is only available in 144-pin package versions of the STMP3410. HW_MIXLINE2INVR X:$FA07 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 15 14:13 12:8 7:5 4:0 RSRVD MUTE RSRVD GL RSRVD GR R RW R RW R RW 0 1 0 01000 0 01000 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer Line-in 2 mute Reserved Mixer Line-in 2 left channel volume Reserved Mixer Line-in 2 right channel volume Table 198. Mixer Line-in 2 Volume Register Description Mixer DAC In Volume Register HW_MIXDACINVR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 15 14:13 12:8 7:5 4:0 RSRVD MUTE RSRVD GL RSRVD GR R RW R RW R RW 0 1 0 01000 0 01000 X:$FA08 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer DAC mute. This bit is only valid when PR2 in FA0B = 0. Reserved Mixer DAC Left channel volume Reserved Mixer DAC right channel volume Table 199. DAC In Volume Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 129 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Mixer Record Select Register HW_MIXRECSELR X:$FA09 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:12 11 10:8 7:3 2:0 RSRVD R 0 DEFINITION Reserved SL RW 000 RSRVD R 0 SR RW 000 Mixer Record Left channel select Reserved Mixer Record Right channel select Table 200. Mixer Record Select Register Description SR RIGHT RECORD SELECT 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 SL Mic-in Reserved Reserved Line-in2 (AKA FM-in) Line-in StereoMix Reserved Reserved 000 001 010 011 100 101 110 111 LEFT RECORD SELECT Mic-in Reserved Reserved Line-in2 (AKA FM-in) Line-in StereoMix Reserved Reserved Table 201. ADC Select Register Mixer ADC Gain Register The record gain register provides gain only to the analog signal being input into the ADC. The GL field adjusts the left channel, while the GR field adjusts the right channel. Each increment of these fields represents -1.5 dB of gain. The mute bit will silence the input regardless of the settings of the GL/GR fields. HW_MIXADCGAINR X:$FA0A BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 15 14:12 11:8 7:4 3:0 RSRVD MUTE RSRVD GL RSRVD GR R RW R RW R RW 0 1 0 0000 0 0000 DEFINITION Reserved Mixer ADC Gain mute Reserved Mixer ADC Gain left channel Reserved Mixer ADC Gain right channel Table 202. Mixer ADC Gain Register Description MUTE GL/GR LEVEL 0 0 1 1111 0000 XXXX +22.5 dB 0 dB -infinity Table 203. ADC Gain Register 130 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Mixer Power Down Control/Status Register HW_MIXPWRDNR X:$FA0B BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:12 RSRVD R 0 11 PR2 RW 1 10 PR1 RW 1 9 PR0 RW 1 8:0 RSRVD R DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. Power down analog mixer 0Analog mixer powered up 1Analog mixer powered down When the analog mixer is powered down, it is still possible to play audio through the DAC. The reference voltage generator is still powered up, and if the DAC is still powered up and playing audio, the audio is routed directly into the master volume stage, bypassing the analog mixer. Aside from saving power, this mode of operation has the added advantage of providing better SNR/THD performance. Power down DAC analog circuitry 0DAC & input mux powered up 1DAC & input mux powered down Power down ADC & input mux analog circuitry 0ADC & input mux powered up 1ADC & input mux powered down Reserved. Must be written as 0. 0 Table 204. Mixer Power Down Control/Stat Register Description BIT PR0 PR1 PR2 FUNCTION PCM in ADC’s and Input Mux Powerdown PCM out DACs Powerdown Analog Mixer Powerdown (Vref still on) (Please see Figure 22) Table 205. Power Down Register Codec/Mixer Test Register The Codec/Mixer test register contains bits that control functionality that was designed in the STMP3410 as options, and that are not expected to be used. The programmer shouldn’t change the fields in this register without being directed to do so by SigmaTel, as undesired operation may result. The organization of the Codec/Mixer Test register is shown below. HW_MIXTBR BITS LABEL RW RESET 23 22 21 20 DZCMA DZCMI DZCLI DZCFM RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 19 18 DZCDA EZD RW RW 0 0 X:$FA03 DEFINITION Disable zero crossing volume update for master volume stage. Disable zero crossing volume update for microphone volume stage. Disable zero crossing volume update for line-in volume stage. Disable zero crossing volume update for line-in 2 (also known as FM-in) volume stage. Disable zero crossing volume update for DAC volume stage. Enable zero crossing detect in both channels of the mixer. Table 206. Codec/Mixer Test Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 131 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 16 PWDADC RW 0 17,15 MICBIAS RW 00 14 13 ADTHD XBGC RW RW 0 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 XBCO VCOS FX2 PSRN XBCLR DCKI PCPCD PCPCU ASD2X ACKI USBPDO RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 USBFFB USBCKN RW RW 0 0 DEFINITION Power down ADC right channel. This powers down one ADC channel when the ADC is being used to record only a mono channel. When set, some power will be saved in the analog portion of the ADC. The ADC will still generate stereo data, however only the samples for the left channel will be valid. Microphone resistor select. Provides an option for reducing board complexity by integrating some bias circuitry for the microphone. This circuit provides a regulated supply connected via a selectable resistor value to the line-in right pin. This allows users to connect the microphone to line-in right and then externally place a capacitor to the microphone input to impelement the microphone function. This functionality cannot be used at the same time that the line-in input is needed. See the microphone volume register for a figure detailing the circuit. Note that the regulated supply is generated from the aux channel of the low resolution ADC, so the AUXPWD field of the HW_LRADCCR register must be cleared as well to turn on the regulated supply circuit. 00 - Mic bias off 10 - 4kohm 01 - 2kohm 11 - 8kohm Turn off ADC dither. Causes the xtal oscillator to use the band gap bias current, instead of its self-generated bias current. Turns off xtal internal bias current. Speed up PLL VCO. Double frequency reference to the PLL. Disable fast falling edge reset on PSWITCH pin. Reduce xtal osciallator bias current Invert DAC clock. Decrease PLL charge pump current 2X. Increase PLL charge pump current 2X. Slow ADC dither. Invert ADC clock. Replace differential digital output of transceiver with positive digital output. This function allows lower power consumption by recognizing the fact that the positive receive data is identical to the differential data. Bypass flip-flops in the USB transceiver. Invert USB clock Table 206. Codec/Mixer Test Register Description (Continued) 132 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Reference Control Register HW_REF_CTRL BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:19 RSRVD 18 LWREF 17:16 BIASC R 0 RW 0 RW 0 15 RW 0 PWRDWNS 14 ADJADC 13:10 ADCREFV RW 0 RW 0 9 ADJV RW 0 8:5 VAGVAL RW 0 4 ADJDAC RW 0 3:0 DACVBGVAL RW 0000 X:$FA19 DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. lower voltage in 13:10, 8:5, 3:0 by 20% Bias current control. 00 - nominal 10 - -10% 01 - -20% 11 - +20% These bits control the bias currents sent to all the analog circuits from the band gap generator. Powers down selfbias circuit. The reference uses a self bias circuit during powerup that can be turned off with this bit. However, care must be taken that the DC-DC converter must be using the bandgap-generated current before the selfbias is powered down (bit [11] in $fa14). Adjust adc reference using bits [13:10], default 1.5V derived from the bandgap ADC reference value. 1111 - 1.600V 1001 - 1.450V 0100 - 1.325V 1110 - 1.575V 1000 - 1.425V 0011 - 1.300V 0111 - 1.400V 1101 - 1.550V 0010 - 1.275V 1100 - 1.525V 0110 - 1.375V 0001 - 1.250V 1011 - 1.500 0101 - 1.350V 0000 - 1.225V 1010 - 1.475V These bits adjust the value of the reference used by the adc, and can be used to allow acceptable analog performance at low supply voltages. Voltages shown can be lowered 20% lower by setting bit 18. Adjust Vag. Default is a resistor divider from the analog power supply. These bits adjust the value of the analog reference used throughout the codec. This value should be programmed to be near half of the analog target supply voltage. Vag Value. 1111 - 1.000V 1001 - 0.850V 0100 0.725V 1110 - 0.975V 1000 - 0.825V 0011 0.700V 1101 - 0.950V 0111 - 0.800V 0010 0.675V 1100 - 0.925V 0110 - 0.775V 0001 0.650V 1011 - 0.900V 0101 - 0.750V 0000 0.625V 1010 - 0.875V Voltages shown can be lowered 20% lower by setting bit 18. Adjust DAC reference value. Default is the band gap voltage. These bits adjust the value of the reference used by the d/a converters, and can be used to allow acceptable analog performance at low supply voltages. dacvbgval <3:0> 1111 - 1.300V 1001 1.150V 0011 1.000V 1110 - 1.275V 1000 1.125V 0010 0.975V 1101 - 1.250V 0111 1.100V 0001 0.950V 1100 - 1.225V 0110 1.075V 0000 0.925V 1011 - 1.200V 0101 1.050V 1010 - 1.175V 0100 1.025V Voltages shown can be lowered 20% lower by setting bit 18. Table 207. Reference Control Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 133 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19.4. Headphone Driver 19.4.1. Headphone Control Register The organization of the Headphone Control Register is shown below. HW_HPCTRL X:$FA15 BITS LABEL 23:11 RSRVD 10 HPHPWD 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 RW RESET DEFINITION R 0 Reserved. Must always read as 0. RW 1 0 - Headphone amplifier powered up 1 - Headphome amplifier powered down (reset value) HPHSHORT1 RW 0 hphshort1 HPHSHORT0 RW 0 hphshort0 short1 short0 result 0 0 short function held in reset 0 1 sw view latched short signal, hw pwd enabled (recommended mode in application) 1 0 sw view latched short signal, hw pwd disabled 1 1 sw view direct short signal, hw pwd disabled CLASSAB RW 0 ClassAB (reset value 0 = ClassA mode). ClassA mode is intended only for powerup antipop. ClassAB mode should be set before a signal is applied. ClassAB mode should be used to drive both a low impedence (e.g. headphone) or high impedance (e.g. line-in to another device) load. POP2 RW 0 pop2 POP1 RW 0 pop1 POP0 RW 0 pop0 hphpwd classab pop2 pop1 pop0 "ramp result" expected output pop [bit 10] [bit 7] [bit 6] [bit 5] [bit 4] 0 0 0 0 0 1*84uA PMOS source current 1.3mV 0 0 0 0 1 2*84uA PMOS source current 1.3mV 0 0 0 1 0 3*84uA PMOS source current 1.3mV 0 0 1 1 1 8*84uA PMOS source current 1.3mV 1 x 0 0 0 11.0k pulldown resistor 1.3mV 1 x 0 0 1 5.6k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 0 1 0 3.7k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 0 1 1 2.8k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 1 0 0 1.9k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 1 0 1 1.2k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 1 1 0 0.8k pulldown resistor depends on timing 1 x 1 1 1 0.4k pulldown resistor depends on timing TESTI1DWN RW 0 test i1down TESTI1UP RW 0 test i1up I1up I1dn Change to 1st stage current 0 0 nominal 0 1 -50% 1 0 +33.3% 1 1 -16.7% TESTIALLUP RW 0 test iall up TESTIALLDWN RW 0 test iall down Iallup Ialldown Change to 1st stage current 0 0 nominal 0 1 -25% 1 0 +100% 1 1 +20% Table 208. Headphone Control Register Description 134 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19.4.2. Headphone Driver Headphones 16 Ω 16 Ω 16 Ω 16 Ω .01µF .01µF 220 µF 220 µF 65 62 HPR HPL Figure 25. Headphone application circuit 19.5. Low Resolution ADC The low resolution ADC (LRADC) block can do analog to digital conversion operations on two simultaneous channels. One channel is the battery channel which measures the voltage on the BATT pin, and the other channel is auxillary channel which measures the voltage on the LRADC pin. The battery channel can be used to monitor the battery voltage to sense the amount of battery life remaining. The auxillary can be used for a variety of different uses, including a resistor based wired remote control. The LRADC is accurate to 7 bits of resolution, and samples at 1/4 of the analog DAC clock rate. BANDGAP 2.8V VDDIO HW_LRADC_CTRL[23:22] HW_LRADC_CTRL[12] REF [16] BATT [6:0] IN 2 HW_LRADC_RES[6:0] ADC OUT PWD HW_LRADC_CTRL[14] [4] + HW_LRADC_CTRL[21:17] (brownout level) BANDGAP 2.8V HW_LRADC_RES[7] (brownout result) HW_LRADC_CTRL[11:10] VDDIO HW_LRADC_CTRL[0] REF [6:0] LRADC IN ADC OUT HW_LRADC_RES[14:8] PWD HW_LRADC_CTRL[2] Figure 26. Low Resolution ADC Diagram The DAC analog clock must be turned on for the low resolution ADC to work. This clock is controlled by the ACKEN bit of the Clock Control Register (HW_CCR X:FA00). 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 135 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19.5.1. Low Resolution ADC Control Register HW_LRADC_CTRL BITS LABEL 23:22 BATREF 21:17 BATBRWN 16 IDIV2 15 14 BATHCONV BATPWD 13 BATPWBR 12 BATADC 11:10 AUXREF X:$FA17 RW RESET DEFINITION RW 00 Reference Adjust. These bits abjust the reference voltage used in the LRADC battery channel. 00 - 2.800 V 10 - 2.700 V 01 - 2.900 V 11 - 2.780 V RW 00000 Brownout tip point. These bits control the trip point for the LRADC battery channel brownout detector. (see brownout Figure 38 for details) 00000 - 0.744 V 11010 - 1.160 V 01101 - 1.400 V 10000 - 0.787 V 00110 - 1.182 V 11101 - 1.444 V 01000 - 0.830 V 10110 - 1.204 V 00011 - 1.488 V 11000 - 0.873 V 01110 - 1.226 V 10011 - 1.532 V 00100 - 0.916 V 11110 - 1.248 V 01011 - 1.576 V 10100 - 0.959 V 00001 - 1.270 V 11011 - 1.620 V 01100 - 1.002 V 10001 - 1.292 V 00111 - 1.664 V 11100 - 1.045 V 01001 - 1.314 V 10111 - 1.708 V 00010 - 1.088 V 11001 - 1.336 V 01111 - 1.752 V 10010 - 1.116 V 00101 - 1.358 V 11111 - 1.796 V 01010 - 1.138 V 10101 - 1.380 V Note: In order to enable battery brownout detection, BOEN bit 10 of the HW_DCDC_VDDA register (shown on page 159) must be set. RW 0 1Input = vbat/2 0Input = vbat RW 0 Half converter power for the LRADC battery channel. RW 1 Power down the LRADC battery channel. 1LRADC battery channel powered down 0LRADC battery channel powered up RW 1 Power down brownout comparator. Power down the brownout circuit for the LRADC battery channel. 1LRADC battery channel brownout circuit powered down 0LRADC battery channel brownout circuit powered up RW 0 ADC reference is VddIO. Useful when input signals must be interpreted relative to the VddIO (nominally 3.3 V) rail. RW 00 Reference adjust. These bits adjust the reference voltage used in the LRADC auxiliary channel. 00 - 2.800 V 10 - 2.700 V 01 - 2.900 V 11 - 2.780 V R 0 Reserved RW 0 Brownout Input. 1Brownout input = vbat/2 0Brownout input = vbat 9:5 4 RSRVD BDIV2 3 2 AUXHCONV AUXPWD RW 0 RW 1 1 0 RSRVD AUXADC R 0 RW 0 Note: INPUT bit 16 shown above must be set for BRWNINPUT bit to be active. Half converter power for the LRADC auxilliary channel. Power down for the LRADC auxiliary channel. 1LRADC aux channel powered down 0LRADC aux channel powered up Reserved ADC reference is VddIO. Useful when input signals must be interpreted relative to the VddIO (nominally 3.3 V) rail. Table 209. Low Resolution ADC Control Register Description 136 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 19.5.2. Low Resolution ADC Result Register HW_LRADC_RES X:$FA18 BITS LABEL 23:15 RSRVD 14:8 AUXLRR 7 6:0 RW RESET DEFINITION R 0 Reserved R N/A Aux low resolution ADC result. This field gives the voltage measured on the LRADC input pin 1111111 100.00% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 127/127) 1111110 99.213% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 126/127) ....... ... 0000011 2.362% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 3/127) 0000010 1.575% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 2/127) 0000001 0.787% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 1/127) 0000000 0.000% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 0/127) BATLRBR R 0 Battery low resolution ADC brownout BATLRR R N/A Battery low resolution ADC result. This field gives the voltage measured on the BATT input pin 1111111 100.00% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 127/127) 1111110 99.213% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 126/127) ....... ... 0000011 2.362% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 3/127) 0000010 1.575% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 2/127) 0000001 0.787% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 1/127) 0000000 0.000% of the reference voltage (i.e. 100% * 0/127) Table 210. Low Resolution ADC Result Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 137 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20. BOOT MODES 20.1. General Information on Boot Modes The STMP3410 on-chip ROM contains program code that is responsible for loading code from outside the chip into on-chip RAM, and transferring control to that code. The DSP determines which mode to use for booting by examining the signal level on some pins. Table 211 shows the pins used for determining the boot mode. Three pin numbers are listed for each pin, these are in order, the pin number in the 100-pin TQFP package, the pin number in the 144-pin TQFP package, and the pin number in the 144-pin fpBGA package. PIN # 84/118/D1 83/116/D2 95/135/J1 94/133/H2 93/131/H4 92/129/H3 PIN LABEL GP8 GP11 GP0 GP1 GP2 GP3 BOOT FUNCTION Specifies boot mode Reserved for future use Enables POST operation Specifies boot mode Specifies boot mode Specifies boot mode Table 211. Boot Control Pins These pins can and are used for other functions besides configuring the boot mode; this is achieved by specifying the high or low state on these pins with a high value resistor (typically 47k ) pulling the pin either up to VddIO or down to VssIO. During boot mode, these pins are not driven by the STMP3410, and the pull-up/down resistors will specify the value. One boot mode pin is reserved for future use, this pin has no effect on the boot process, but should be pulled to 1 if possible to maximize future compatibility. Table 212 shows the different boot modes supported. GP3 1 1 1 1 1 GP2 0 0 0 0 0 GP1 0 0 0 0 1 GP0 0 1 0 1 0 GP11 X X X X X GP8 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 X 0 1 0 1 0 X 1 1 0 1 1 X 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 X X X X X X X X 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 BOOT MODE USB USB I2C slave I2C slave NAND with Play recovery NAND with Play recovery NAND with PSWITCH recovery NAND with PSWITCH recovery I2C master I2C master SPI slave SPI slave TESTERLOADER TESTERLOADER BURNIN POST disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled disabled enabled N/A Table 212. Boot Modes in Current Silicon Revision 138 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record POST is the Power On Self Test. This function runs a self-test and repair function on the on-chip RAMs and swaps in spare bits where necessary/possible to repair any defects found. Note that STMP3410 parts shipped by SigmaTel are guaranteed to have no un-repaired defects in the on-chip RAMs, this means that the POST MUST be run as part of the boot process for correct operation of the chip. The POST process takes about 40msec to complete, and is designed to consume as little power as possible. The POST process does not stop on errors, and does not give any indication as to success or failure; the application loaded by the boot loader should assume that the on-chip RAM has been repaired correctly. The POST operation will overwrite any data stored in on-chip RAM, so any data in on-chip RAM will lost during the STMP3410 boot process. The USB, I2C master & slave, NAND Flash and SPI slave boot modes are intended to be used in applications of the STMP3410; in other words, they are user boot modes. The TESTERLOADER & BURNIN boot modes are for internal SigmaTel use only. In a future version of the STMP3410 boot ROM, the POST process will be compulsory, and the GP0 pin will become available to specify future additional boot modes. Any changes to the above boot mode table will preserve all of the entries for user boot modes to preserve compatibility for existing designs. During reset, and while the POST process is running, all digital pins on the STMP3410 are in tri-state mode. Once an individual boot mode starts, the boot mode will enable and configure the pins required for that boot mode. It is the responsibility of the application loaded by the boot ROM to enable & configure all of the pins it requires, the application should do this without making any assumptions about how the pins were configured by the boot ROM. There is one additional implicit boot mode, over and above the boot modes listed in the above table, that is OnCE (On Chip Emulation) boot mode. This boot mode occurs when the external debug hardware pulls the ONCE_DRN pin low during the boot process to trigger the on-chip debugger. When this happens the DSP will execute the first few instructions in the on-chip ROM before stopping and allowing the external debugger to take control. In this circumstance, the actual boot mode selected on the boot pins will have no effect. OnCE boot mode will only be used by developers, however PCB boards designed for the STMP3410 should support the OnCE boot mode wherever possible, to enable system debug. 20.2. Bootloader Code Format For the user boot modes, the boot loader expects the code read from the external storage to be organized in a specific format. This format is able to load blocks of data into X, Y, P, or L memory. It is also capable of initializing a block of memory to a specified value. Loading a block of code or data into memory is achieved by first sending a two-word command header, followed by the data. The command header is shown in Table 213. WORD 0 WORD 1 WORD 2-N BITS 23-20 Mc[3:0] BITS 19-16 0000 00000000 Data[23:0] BITS [15:0] Address[15:0] Length[15:0] Table 213. Command Header + Data For Word 0, the Memory Control bits, Mc[3:0], are used to specify the target memory space for the code that is being loaded, and whether this is a block memory load, or 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 139 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record an initialization of a range of addresses to one value. Table 214 specifies the meaning of these bits in more detail. MC3 MC2 (P) MC1 (X) MC0 (Y) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 DESCRIPTION Unused Load into Y Memory Load into X Memory Load into L memory (XY memory) Load into P memory Unused Unused Unused Unused Init Y memory with data value Init X memory with data value Init L memory with data value Init P memory with data value Unused Unused Boot load complete, exit and jump to P:$0. Must be a complete Command Header ($F00000 $000000). Table 214. Memory Control Bits The Address[15:0] field specifies the base address in memory where data is to be written. The Length[15:0] specifies the length of the block of data in memory to be loaded or initialized. When loading into P, X or Y memory, Words 2 through N will contain one word of data for each P, X, or Y memory location to be loaded. When loading into L memory, Words 2 through N will contain two words of data for each L memory location to be loaded, words 2, 4, etc, will go into X memory, words 3, 5, etc, will go into Y memory. When initializing P, X, or Y memory, Word 2 will specify the value to be used in initializing memory. When initializing L memory, Words 2 through 3 will specify the value to be used in initializing memory. This data structure allows the initialization of STMP3410 hardware control registers as part of the boot process, this could be achieved by using the above data structure to write directly to a memory mapped hardware register. Most frequently, this is used to write to the HW_PXCFG & HW_PYCFG registers that control the configuration of on-chip RAM. 140 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20.3. Encryption The STMP3410 expects the code to be loaded by the boot loader to be encrypted. This encryption serves two purposes; it makes it harder for an end user to hack the device, and it includes a check-sum to prevent corrupted code from being used to boot the device. The boot loader will fall back to USB boot mode if the code being loaded fails the check-sum test, this allows a player with corrupted code to be recovered by an end user with the use of a recovery program on their PC. The details of the encryption algorithm are not covered in this document; please contact SigmaTel for more information if needed. The SigmaTel STMP3410 SDK (Software Development Kit) includes everything needed to encrypt code that is to be loaded into the STMP3410. 20.4. Bootloader Examples This section provides a few examples of data delivered to the DSP and how it will be copied into memory. Note that these examples show the data before it is encrypted using the encryption mentioned above. 20.4.1. Boot Example #1 The following example of data presented to the DSP would result in 8 words being loaded into Y memory. $100210 $000008 $000000 $111111 $222222 $333333 $444444 $555555 $666666 $777777 $F00000 $000000 20.4.2. ; load into Y memory starting at Y:$0210 ; load 8 words of data into Y memory ; data word #0, written to Y:$0210 ; data word #1, written to Y:$0211 ; data word #2, written to Y:$0212 ; data word #3, written to Y:$0213 ; data word #4, written to Y:$0214 ; data word #5, written to Y:$0215 ; data word #6, written to Y:$0216 ; data word #7, written to Y:$0217 ; end of boot, execute program ; this word IS required Boot Example #2 The following example of data presented to the DSP would result in 8 contiguous P memory locations being initialized to a specified value. $C00400 $000008 $CCCCCC $F00000 $000000 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 ; initialize P memory starting at P:$0400 ; initialize 8 locations, i.e. P:$0400..$0407 ; initialize with the value $CCCCCC ; end of boot, execute program ; this word IS required 141 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20.4.3. Boot Example #3 The following example of data presented to the DSP would result in 11 contiguous L memory (XY memory) locations being initialized to specified values. $300230 $00000B $000001 $000002 $000004 $000008 $000010 $000020 $000040 $000080 $000100 $000200 $000400 $000800 $001000 $002000 $004000 $008000 $010000 $020000 $040000 $080000 $100000 $200000 $F00000 $000000 ; load L memory at address L:$0230 ; load 11 L words ; data word #0 upper, loaded to X:$0230 ; data word #0 lower, loaded to Y:$0230 ; data word #1 upper, loaded to X:$0231 ; data word #1 lower, loaded to Y:$0231 ; data word #2 upper, loaded to X:$0232 ; data word #2 lower, loaded to Y:$0232 ; data word #3 upper, loaded to X:$0233 ; data word #3 lower, loaded to Y:$0233 ; data word #4 upper, loaded to X:$0234 ; data word #4 lower, loaded to Y:$0234 ; data word #5 upper, loaded to X:$0235 ; data word #5 lower, loaded to Y:$0235 ; data word #6 upper, loaded to X:$0236 ; data word #6 lower, loaded to Y:$0236 ; data word #7 upper, loaded to X:$0237 ; data word #7 lower, loaded to Y:$0237 ; data word #8 upper, loaded to X:$0238 ; data word #8 lower, loaded to Y:$0238 ; data word #9 upper, loaded to X:$0239 ; data word #9 lower, loaded to Y:$0239 ; data word #10 upper, loaded to X:$023A ; data word #10 lower, loaded to Y:$023A ; end of boot, execute program ; this word IS required 20.5. Boot Procedure The flow chart in Figure 27 shows the initial boot sequence and Figure 28 shows the subsequent general boot procedure. 20.5.1. USB boot mode The USB boot mode enables the USB interface, attempts to enumerate on the USB bus, and then expects USB Bulk-Out data from the host PC containing the data to be use for booting. This boot mode is intended to be used at the end of the production line for EOL (end of line) tests, and for personalizing the players. Together with a recovery application running on a PC, this mode may also be used by an end user to recover if the code on a player somehow becomes corrupted. One issue with using the USB Boot Class MODE is that the STMP3410 device ROM does not have a unique ID and therefore multiple devices built using the STMP3410 may not be connected simultaneously to a single computer. To get around this limitation all software implementations provided by SigmaTel will populate the STMP Boot component with a Boot Manager program. The Boot Manager is used to decide whether to load code for a player or for USB. The Boot Manager will check to 142 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Power Up p:$0 = jmp p:BootLoader BootLoader Entry Enable OnCE Init Variables Power up BootMode GPIO Pins Enable, Sense, & Disable BootMode GPIO pins BURNIN Mode? Y jmp BURNIN Y jmp TESTERLOADER N Run POST Y POST Enabled? N TESTERLOADER mode? N Execute BootMode Figure 27. Initial Boot Sequence see if USB is connected and if so it will load the DCC Image, and if not it will load the Player Image. The DCC Image will be specific to a given product hence it may have unique USB IDs and allow multiple devices to co-exist on a computer. In this manner the generic USB Boot Class is completely by-passed. Please refer to the STMP34xx Boot Manager document for more details. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 143 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Continue Boot Each BootMode is responsible for powering all required pads BootMode == NAND Flash? N BootMode == USB? The UsbInit Routine will wait up to 5 minutes for USB to be connected. BootMode = USB N USB Connected? Y N N Play/PSWITCH Button Pressed > 5s ? Y Y BootMode = USB Generic BootClass N Copy ROM to RAM Y N Set OMR[0] == 0 Run BootMode Init Routine jmp p:RunInit Got CipherKey? Y N Got CheckSum Target? N Y Version Okay? N N Get Command All pads powered for a given BootMode will remain powered Valid Command? N Y Run BootMode Exit Routine y CheckSum Okay? Reboot? Y N jmp p:$0 Execute Command Okay? Figure 28. Boot Procedure 144 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record USB Boot Mode Pin Power USB Boot Mode pins are analog pins and are powered at system startup up. No other digital pins are powered for this boot mode. Note: See Table 236 for USB Interface pin placement. 20.5.2. NAND Flash Boot Mode The NAND Flash boot mode will read boot commands from NAND Flash or SmartMedia flash devices. The BootMode Init routine will search up to four NAND/SmartMedia devices and boot from the first device/card that is found with valid boot code. The NAND Flash boot mode searches for and boots from the STMP Boot component. Please refer to the STMP3XXX SmartMedia Blocks document for more details on components. The search will start with chip select 0 and move on to 1, 2, and 3. If an error is encountered then the device on the next chip select is searched. If desired, the entire code set may reside in the STMP Boot component and the Boot Manager and other components may be left out of the system. If all NAND/SmartMedia devices are searched and no valid boot code is found the boot mode is changed to USB, and the part attempts to boot from the USB bus. This situation will most commonly be encountered at the end of a production line where the devices being manufactured will not contain any code. This situation will also be encountered if the code on the NAND/SmartMedia device becomes corrupted for some reason, the end user will be able to reload the code onto the device by using a recovery program on a PC. Finally, the end user can manually force a boot from USB by holding down the Play button (NAND Flash boot mode with play recovery), or power button (NAND Flash boot mode with PSWITCH recovery) for 5 seconds during the boot process. See Figure 28, Boot Procedures, for details. NAND Flash Boot Mode Pin Power The NAND Flash boot mode will power the following pins: SM_D0 SM_ALE SM_D1 SM_CLE SM_D2 SM_SEn SM_D3 SM_CE0n SM_D4 SM_CE1n SM_D5 SM_CE2n SM_D6 SM_CE3n SM_D7 SM_WPn SM_REn SM_READY SM_WEn Note: See Table 228 for SmartMedia pin placement. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 145 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20.5.3. I2C Slave Boot Mode The I2C slave boot mode enables the I2C port as a slave device, and waits for data to be written to the I2C port using the bootloader code format documented above. I2C Slave Boot Mode Pin Power The I2C Slave boot mode will power the following pins: I2C_SCL I2C_SDA Note: See Table 230 for I2C Interface pin placement. 20.5.4. I2C Master Boot Mode The I2C master boot mode enables the I2C port as a master device, and then attempts to read data formatted using the bootloader code format documented above from an external I2C device at I2C address $A0. I2C Master Boot Mode Pin Power The I2C Master boot mode will power the following pins: I2C_SCL I2C_SDA Note: See Table 230 for I2C Interface pin placement. 20.5.5. SPI Slave Boot Mode The SPI slave boot mode enables the SPI port as a slave device, and waits for data to be written to the SPI port using the bootloader code format documented above. SPI Slave Boot Mode Pin Power The SPI Slave boot mode will power the following pins: SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SCK SPI_SSn Note: See Table 234 for I2C Interface pin placement. 20.5.6. TESTERLOADER Boot Mode This boot mode provides a simple, fast interface to testers for loading test code. This mode is intended for internal SigmaTel use only, and no further documentation is provided here. 20.5.7. BURNIN Boot Mode This boot mode provides a simple way to exercise large portions of the STMP3410 on-chip hardware. Note that the power consumed by the STMP3410 will be significantly higher than normal when the part is operating in BURNIN mode. This boot mode is intended for internal SigmaTel use, and no further documentation is provided here. 146 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 20.5.8. System Recovery Mode This is not an explicit boot mode but is entered in a special case of the two NAND modes. If the STMP3410 has power turned on with MODE = NAND with play recovery and USB is connected, and the Play button is held for 5 seconds the player will automatically go to the USB MODE. This will cause the device to show up as a USB Boot Class device. If a host driver detects this device it may take action to reformat the SmartMedia. Please refer to Figure 28. 20.6. Memory Maps Various memory maps are employed in the different boot modes. Figure 29 shows the memory map for the USB boot modes and Figure 30 shows the map for all other modes. Shaded areas are available for loading code. $9FFF $9FFF $4FFF $4FFF $4FFF $4FFF $2000 $1FFF USB Boot Code $0000 $01FF $0000 $0200 $1FFF $0200 Boot Params $01FF Boot ROM $0000 $0000 Boot Params $0000 $0000 PRAM XRAM YRAM Figure 29. USB Boot Mode Memory Map PRAM XRAM YRAM Figure 30. All Other Boot Modes Memory Map In USB Boot Class p:$0..1 are available for writing the Reboot vector. All other interrupt vectors must be created by code at run-time. Although the interrupt vector table is available (p:$0000..p:$007F) it is required that all vectors must be created by code at run-time. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 147 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 21. DC-DC CONVERTER The STMP3410 has 2 programmable integrated DC-DC converters that can be used to provide power for the device as well as the entire application. The converters can be configured to operate from standard battery chemistries in the range of 0.9-3.6 volts including alkaline cells, NiMH, LiIon etc. If multiple batteries are used, a series configuration is strongly preferred to optimize efficiency and battery life. Also, for applications that do not need integrated power management, the converters can be disabled and external supplies provided. Board layout and external inductor/capacitor quality are critical to maximize analog performance and as well as DC-DC converter efficiency. Users should read and understand SigmaTel’s printed circuit board layout application notes for guidance before beginning PCB layout. Further, users should refer to SigmaTel’s reference designs for assistance in selecting the inductor and large external decoupling capacitors. 21.1. STMP3410 DC-DC Converter Implementation 21.1.1. Defining Battery Configuration The outputs of both DC-DC converters are isolated from the power rails of the chip. Therefore, the connection between the DC-DC converter outputs and the voltage rails of the chip must be done on the PCB. However, the specific PCB connections and battery connections are unique to each battery configuration as described below. The battery configuration of the player is determined by the three mode pins DCDC_mod2, DCDC_mod1, DCDC_mod0. These pins each have an internal 100 kΩ pullup resistor to the BATT pin (the battery must always be connected to the BATT pin for the device to power up), so each mode pin is default high. Low value resistors should be added on the board to pull the desired mode pin low. Note that the configuration of these pins cannot be changed dynamically. In 100 pin configurations, only DCDC_mod2 is available on a pin, therefore only modes 111 and 011 can be used in this configuration. Also, the pins of DCDC Converter #2 are not available in a 100 pin configuration. The selection of the three DC-DC mode pins determines whether each of the two DC-DC converters is operating in buck mode, boost mode, or is powered off. As the following table shows, each converter operates in boost mode when it’s output voltages > battery voltage, and in buck mode when output voltage < battery voltage. Table 215 details the decode of the three DC-DC mode select pins: DCDC_MODE2:0 POWER SOURCE DCDC CONVERTER #1 DCDC CONVERTER #2 111 1 Alkaline or 1 NiMH 2-channel boost off (0.9V-1.5V) (1.8/3.3 V) 110* reserved reserved reserved 101* 1 Alkaline or 1 NiMH 3-channel boost off (0.9V-1.5V) (1.8/1.8/3.3 V) 100* reserved reserved reserved 011 LiIon, (3.0-3.6V) 1- channel buck (1.8 V) off 010* External supplies off off 001* 2 Alkaline or 2 NiMH 1-channel buck (1.8 V) 1-channel boost (3.3 V) (1.8V-3.0V) 000* LiIon 1-channel buck (1.8 V) 1-channel buck (3.3 V) (3.3V-3.6V) * Only available in 144-pin package Table 215. Decode of the Three DC-DC Mode Select Pins 148 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record As Table 215 shows, DC-DC converter #2 is only used to generate the 3.3 V rail when higher voltage battery configurations are selected. Additionally, DC-DC converter #2 has a lower resistance PMOS FET that can perform well in high current applications such as rotating media. DC-DC Converter Configuration The two integrated DC-DC converters provide several low resistance FETs for use in power conversion as shown in the following Figure 31: VddIO 1/2/3*/4* VddD 1/2/3/4 VddA 1/2/3/4 DCDC_VddD DCDC_VddA* DCDC_VddIO battery Low Resolution ADC BATT DC-DC #1 Control System DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator DSP_RESET VddXTAL DCDC2_Vout* RTC DC-DC #2 Control System XTAL OSC DCDC2_Batt* Vbg PSWITCH DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages Figure 31. DC-DC Converter Control System The configuration of the three DC-DC mode pins described in the previous section determines how these two groups of FETs are switched to provide the desired output voltage values. The FETs can be switched to either create a buck mode converter (battery >= output voltage) or boost mode converter (battery <= output voltage). These two different operating modes require different connectivity between the battery and inductor on the PCB. The various arrangements are shown in Figures 32 to 37. Power Up Sequence The DC-DC converters control the power up sequence of the device and hold the rest of the chip in reset until after the power up sequence is complete. This is necessary to prevent operation of the DSP and system before stable power supply voltages are present. The Power Up sequence begins when the battery is connected to the BATT pin of the device. As shown in Figure 31, the BATT pin provides the pullup on the three DC-DC mode select pins, as well as supplies power to the crystal oscillator and the real-time clock. This means that the crystal oscillator will be running whenever the battery is connected to BATT pin. This feature is necessary to allow the real time clock to operate when the player is in the off state. The crystal oscillator/RTC is the 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 149 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record NC battery VddA NC DCDC_VddD 1/2/3/4 DCDC_VddA* DCDC_VddIO VddD 1/2/3/4 VddIO 1/2/3*/4* battery BATT Low Resolution ADC DC-DC #1 Control System VddD DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL = BATT/2 battery VddXTAL RTC DC-DC #2 Control System DCDC2_Vout* VddIO DCDC2_Batt* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* XTAL OSC VddIO 1/2/3*/4* Figure 32. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 000) 144 Pin only DCDC1 1 channel buck DCDC2 1 channel buck VddD 1/2/3/4 NC battery VddA NC DCDC_VddD 1/2/3/4 DCDC_VddA* DCDC_VddIO battery BATT Low Resolution ADC DC-DC #1 Control System VddD DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL = BATT/2 VddXTAL DCDC2_Vout* RTC DC-DC #2 Control System XTAL OSC battery DCDC2_Batt* DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages NC Figure 33. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 001) 144 Pin only DCDC1 1 channel buck DCDC2 1 channel boost 150 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record Low Resolution ADC BATT NC NC NC DCDC_VddD DCDC_VddA* DCDC_VddIO driven externally VddD VddA 1/2/3/4 1/2/3/4 VddIO 1/2/3*/4* NC DCDC_Batt DC-DC #1 Control System DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL = BATT/2 VddXTAL NC DCDC2_Vout* RTC NC DCDC2_Batt* DC-DC #2 Control System XTAL OSC DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages NC Figure 34. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 010) 144 Pin only DCDC1 Off DCDC2 Off linear regulator or converter** VddD 1/2/3/4 VddIO 1/2/3*/4* linear regulator or converter** Low Resolution ADC BATT VddA 1/2/3/4 DCDC_VddIO DC-DC #1 Control System NC NC DCDC_VddD DCDC_VddA* VddD DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL = BATT/2 VddXTAL NC DCDC2_Vout* RTC DC-DC #2 Control System NC DCDC2_Batt* XTAL OSC DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages NC ** VddIO is powered using a linear regulator or converter. This same power source is connected to the BATT and DCDC_Batt pins. The primary application for this mode is 100 pin devices that use series batteries or high voltage batteries such as LiIon. NC Figure 35. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 011) 100 Pin DCDC1 1 channel buck or 144 Pin DCDC2 Off 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 151 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record VddD VddA 1/2/3/4 1/2/3/4 VddIO 1/2/3*/4* battery BATT DCDC_VddIO DCDC_VddD DCDC_VddA* battery Low Resolution ADC DC-DC #1 Control System DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL=BATT VddXTAL NC DCDC2_Vout* RTC NC DCDC2_Batt* DC-DC #2 Control System XTAL OSC DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1* DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages NC NC Figure 36. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 101) 144 Pin only DCDC1 3 channel boost DCDC2 Off VddD 1/2/3/4 VddIO 1/2/3*/4* VddA 1/2/3/4 DCDC_VddIO DCDC_VddD battery BATT Low Resolution ADC NC DCDC_VddA* battery DC-DC #1 Control System DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd Regulator VddXTAL=BATT VddXTAL NC DCDC2_Vout* RTC DC-DC #2 Control System XTAL OSC DCDC_mod0* DCDC_mod1* DCDC_mod2 DCDC2_Gnd* * only available on 144-pin packages NC NC NC 152 NC DCDC2_Batt* Figure 37. DC-DC Converter Control System (Mode 111) 100 Pin DCDC1 2 channel boost or 144 Pin DCDC2 Off 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record only power drain on the battery in this state and consumes only a very small amount of power. During this time, the digital (VddD) and analog (VddA) supplies are held at ground, while the VddIO rail is shorted to the battery. This is the off state that continues until the PSWITCH pin is asserted high. The voltage value is .9V and it has to stay high for 100ms. When the PSWITCH pin is asserted, the DC-DC converters are enabled and the device attempts to power up. Depending on the DC-DC mode select pins, one or both of the DC-DC converters begin switching and drive the voltage outputs toward the target values. When both of the converters control systems sense that the voltage rails have reached their default target values, the DSP reset is de-asserted and the DSP begins executing code. If the power supplies do not reach the target values by the time PSWITCH is de-asserted, then the player returns to the off state. The startup time for the DC-DC converters are dependent on battery voltage, but should be less than 100 msec. Power Down Sequence Power Down is also controlled by the DC-DC converters. When the DC-DC converters detect a power down event, they return the player to the off state described above that shorts the battery to the VddIO rail and holds the internal VddD and VddA supplies at ground. A Power Down event is triggered by writing a 1 to the Clock Control Register PWDN bit (HW_CCR, bit [17]). A Power Down event can also be triggered by a fast falling edge on the PSWITCH pin. The Power Down via PSWITCH is an edge sensitive event and requires < 15ns falling edge to cause a Power Down to be detected. An external capacitor on PSWITCH can be used to prevent unwanted Power Down events in the final application, but this fast falling edge Power Down mechanism can also be disabled by writing a 1 to the Coded/Mixer Test Register PSRN field (HW_CMTR, bit [9]). Powered Down State While the STMP3410 is powered down, the VddA & VddD rails are shorted to ground, and the VddIO rail is shorted to the battery, the crystal oscillator and the RTC continue to operate by drawing power from the BATT pin. The functions are implemented differently in each of the DCDC configurations. For the DCDC boost modes (modes 101, & 111), the DCDC_VddD & DCDC_VddA pins are shorted to digital ground, which will short the VddA & VddD rails to ground. For the DCDC buck modes (modes 000, 001 & 011) the DCDC_Batt pin is shorted to digital ground, which will also short the VddA & VddD rails to ground. For the DCDC external supply mode (mode 010), the DCDC_Batt pin is also shorted to digital ground, but since this pin is not connected, it will have no effect on the VddA & VddD rails. For the DCDC boost modes (modes 101, & 111), the DCDC_VddIO & DCDC_Batt pins are shorted to each other, which will short the VddIO rail to the battery voltage. For the DCDC buck modes (modes 000, 001 & 011) the DCDC2_Batt and DCDC2_Vout pins are shorted to each other, which will also short the VddIO rail to the battery. For the DCDC external supply mode (mode 010), the DCDC2_Batt and DCDC2_Vout pins are also shorted to each other, but since these pins are not connected, it will have no effect on the VddIO rail. For the DCDC boost modes (modes 101, & 111), the crystal oscillator and RTC take their power from the BATT pin, which is decoupled by a capacitor on the VddXTAL pin. For the DCDC buck modes (modes 000, 001 & 011) the crystal oscillator and 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 153 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record RTC take their power from the BATT pin via a regulator which restricts the voltage to 50% of the battery voltage, which is decoupled by a capacitor on the VddXTAL pin. For the DCDC external supply mode (mode 010), the crystal oscillator and RTC also take their power from the BATT pin via a regulator which restricts the voltage to 50% of the battery voltage, which is decoupled by a capacitor on the VddXTAL pin. Reset Sequence A reset event can be triggered by writing the binary value 1101 to the Reset Control Register SRST field (HW_RCR, bits [7:4]). This reset only affects the digital logic, although the digital logic also includes all of the registers that control the analog portions of the chip. The DCDC converters continue to maintain the power supply rails during the reset, although the target voltages for the DCDC converters may change once the digital registers go to their reset values. Summary of Major DC-DC Features The unique architecture of the integrated DC-DC converters on the device allows access for many control features via registers. Some of the most commonly used features are described below: 1. Digital adjustment of the voltage rails: The target values of the voltage rails can be adjusted during operation to optimize power consumption and extend battery life. SigmaTel to provide a suggested clock speed vs. voltage curve to allow for the optimum settings to be chosen. Note: An most DC-DC operating modes (except mode 101) the analog supply is shorted to the digital supply. In these cases analog performance may suffer if the supply voltage is reduced below 1.7 volts or so. If the supply voltage is affecting analog performance, alternate settings for the analog reference voltage and bandgap voltage may provide relief. The control for the analog reference voltages resides in the Reference Control Register (HW_REF_CTRL). 2. Power supply brownout detection: Analog comparators in the DC-DC converters provide immediate input to the DSP via an IRQB or NMI interrupt (controlled by the HW_RCR Reset Control Register) if the supplies drop below the brownout level specified in the HW_DCDC_VDDD/HW_DCDC_VDDIO Control Registers (X:$FA0E, X:$FA20). This feature is generally used to alert the DSP when the power supplies are reaching dangerously low levels and allow a controlled system shutdown. These comparators may trip on brief transients below the target brownout voltage, so enough margin between the output voltage target and the brownout voltage target must be provided to eliminate false triggers. The magnitude of the difference between the output voltage target and brownout voltage target will depend on system power requirements and board layout, should typically be set to between 100 mV and 200 mV. 3. Battery brownout detection. Another comparator is present outside of the DCDC converters to provide battery brownout information to the DSP via the Reset/Interrupt Control Register (HW_RCR X:$FA01). This feature is intended to provide indication to the DSP of a low battery voltage that requires a controlled system shutdown due to an event such as the battery falling out during application operation. The programming of the battery brownout level is via the Low Resolution ADC Control Register (HW_LRADC_CTRL X:$FA17). 4. DC-DC clock rate. The DC-DC converter clock rate can be lowered by 2x, 4x, or 8x from the default 6.144 MHz value. The clock rate can be lowered to reduce power consumption in the DC-DC converter if the corresponding increase in 154 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record supply transients can be tolerated in the application. See bit 4, 5 in DC-DC Test Bit Register (HW_DCDCTBR X:$FA14). 5. Linear Regulator generates analog/digital supply. Another low-power option is provided by replacing the DC-DC converter #1 with a linear regulator to generate the 1.8 V supply during very low current modes (<5 mA). Enabling this regulator is described in the DCDC1 Control Register (HW_DCDC1_CTRL0). It is possible to switch back and forth between the linear regulator and switching DC-DC converter. 21.1.2. DC-DC Registers The DC-DC control registers are used to control DC-DC low-level functionality. It is ill-advised to change these registers from their defaults unless SigmaTel indicates otherwise. DCDC1 Control Register A The organization of the DCDC1 Control Register A is shown below. HW_DCDC1_CTRL0 X:$FA0C BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:22 RSRVD R 0 21:17 NLVL RW 00011 16:12 PLVU 11:7 PLVD 6:0 R Reserved. Must be written as 0. Negative Digital Loop Clip Level. This value represents the negative value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the negative clip value are set to binary 1, while 13:0 are high. Altering the clip value should be done with caution since it may cause the sigma delta output to be non-monotonic. Default decodes to -458753. RW 01110 Positive Digital Loop Clip Level in Boost mode. This value represents the positive value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values while operating in boost converter mode. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the positive clip are set to binary 0, while 13:0 are low. The optimum value of this register depends on the battery voltage and acts effectively to limit the battery current when the load exceeds the capabilities of the converter. Default decodes to 229376. RW 11100 Positive Digital Loop Clip Level in Buck mode. This value represents the positive value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values while operating in buck converter mode. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the positive clip are set to binary 0, while 13:0 are low. The optimum value of this register depends on the battery voltage and acts effectively to limit the battery current when the load exceeds the capabilities of the converter. Default decodes to 458752. RW 0010000 Resistor Value. This value represents the R value of the “resistor” in the digital loop filter in the common mode control loop in the DC-DC converter. The reset value of decimal 4096 is chosen in conjunction with the value for bits [21:15], the actual decoupling capacitor, and the clock rate to provide a stable control system. The value will rarely be altered, but conditions may arise in the actual application for which a different value is more optimum. Values range 256 to 32767 (Only bits 14:8 are shown here, others bits are always 0). Values for NLVL, R, PLVU, and PLVD must satisfy the following restrictions: NLVL – 4R ≥ – 475137 PLVU + 4R ≤ 475136 PLVD + 4R ≤ 475136 Table 216. DCDC1 Control Register A Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 155 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DCDC1 Control Register B The organization of the DCDC1 Control Register B is shown below. HW_DCDC1_CTRL1 X:$FA0D BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:16 RSRVD R 15:10 DCYC R 9:7 FFOR 6:0 C DEFINITION 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. Duty Cycle. 2’s complement number representing duty cycle of charging/discharging the inductor. A large positive number indicates the energy needed by the system is close to the limit the battery can provide, while a negative number means the battery is easily supplying the power needed by the system. 100000 - DC-DC duty cycle at minimum (small charge time/large discharge time) ...... 011111 - DC-DC duty cycle at maximum (large charge time/ small discharge time) This value will be limited according to the NLVL and PLVD/PLVU values set for this DC-DC Converter. This value can be used to estimate the amount of life left in the battery at the current rate of consumption. RW 000 Feed Forward to loop filter value. This two’s complement value steps the loop filter value by the amount DDD once on a 000->DDD transition. Thus, this value must be rewritten to 000 everytime before use. The feed forward featue is used to help the control loop react under heavy, but well-known, transient loads. RW 0100000 Capacitor 1/C Value. This value represents 1/C value of the “capacitor” in the digital loop filter in the common mode control loop in the DC-DC converter. The reset value of decimal 32 is chosen in conjunction with the value for the R field in the DCDC1 Control Register A (HW_DCDC1_CTRL0 X:$FA0C), the actual external decoupling capacitor, and the clock rate to provide a stable control system. This value will rarely be altered, but conditions may arise in the actual application for which a different value is more optimum. Values can range between 0 and 127. Table 217. DCDC1 Control Register B Description DCDC2 Control Register A The organization of the DCDC2 Control Register A is shown below. HW_DCDC2_CTRL0 X:$FA11 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:22 RSRVD R 0 21:17 NLVL RW 00011 16:12 PLVU RW 01110 DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. Negative Digital Loop Clip Level. This value represents the negative value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the negative clip value is set to binary 1, while bits 13:0 are high. Altering the clip value should be done with caution since it may cause the sigma delta output to be non-monotonic. Default decodes to -458753. Positive Digital Loop Clip Level in Boost mode. This value represents the positive value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values while operating in boost converter mode. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the positive clip are set to binary 0, while 13:0 are low. The optimum value of this register depends on the battery voltage and acts effectively to limit the battery current when the load exceeds the capabilities of the converter. Default decodes to 229376. Table 218. DCDC2 Control Register A Description 156 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET 11:7 PLVD 6:0 R DEFINITION RW 11100 Positive Digital Loop Clip Level in Buck mode. This value represents the positive value at which the digital loop filter clips to prevent illegal values while operating in buck converter mode. These five bits represent bits 18:14 of the 20-bit loop filter value. Bit 19 of the positive clip are set to binary 0, while 13:0 are low. The optimum value of this register depends on the battery voltage and acts effectively to limit the battery current when the load exceeds the capabilities of the converter. Default decodes to 458752. RW 0010000 Resistor Value. This value represents the R value of the “resistor” in the digital loop filter in the common mode control loop in the DC-DC converter. The reset value of decimal 4096 is chosen in conjunction with the value for bits [21:15], the actual decoupling capacitor, and the clock rate to provide a stable control system. The value will rarely be altered, but conditions may arise in the actual application for which a different value is more optimum. Values range 256 to 32767 (Only bits 14:8 are shown here, others bits are always 0). Values for NLVL, R, PLVU, and PLVD must satisfy the following restrictions: NLVL – 4R ≥ – 475137 PLVU + 4R ≤ 475136 PLVD + 4R ≤ 475136 Table 218. DCDC2 Control Register A Description (Continued) DCDC2 Control Register B The organization of the DCDC2 Control Register B is shown below. HW_DCDC2_CTRL1 X:$FA12 BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:15 RSRVD R 15:10 DCYC R 9:7 FFOR 6:0 C DEFINITION 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. Duty Cycle. 2's complement number representing duty cycle of charging/discharging the inductor. A large positive number indicates the energy needed by the system is close to the limit the battery can provide, while a negative number means the battery is easily supplying the power needed by the system. 100000 - DC-DC duty cycle at minimum (small charge time/large discharge time) ...... 011111 - DC-DC duty cycle at maximum (large charge time/ small discharge time) This value will be limited according to the NLVL and PLVD values set for this DC-DC Converter. This value can be used to estimate the amount of life left in the battery at the current rate of consumption. RW 000 Feed Forward to loop filter value. This two's complement value steps the loop filter value by the amount DDD once on a 000->DDD transition. Thus, this value must be rewritten to 000 every time before use. The feed forward featue is used to help the control loop react under heavy, but well-known, transient loads. RW 0100000 Capacitor 1/C Value. This value represents 1/C value of the “capacitor” in the digital loop filter in the common mode control loop in the DC-DC converter. The reset value of decimal 32 is chosen in conjunction with the value for bits [6:0] in $FA11, the actual external decoupling capacitor, and the clock rate to provide a stable control system. This value will rarely be altered, but conditions may arise in the actual application for which a different value is more optimum. Values can range between 0 and 127. Table 219. DCDC2 Control Register B Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 157 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DC-DC VddIO Control Register The organization of the DC-DC VddIO Control Register is shown below. HW_DCDC_VDDIO X:$FA0E BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:12 RSRVD R 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. 11 BOS R VddIO brownout detect status. 0No brownout detected on VddIO rail 1Brown out detected on VddIO rail 10 BOEN RW 0 VddIO brownout detect enable. 0VddIO brownout detect disabled 1VddIO brownout detect enabled 9 RSRVD R 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. 8:5 BLVL RW 0110 On-chip VddIO brownout detect level. 1100 3.64 V 1000 3.43 V 0100 3.22 V 0000 3.02 V 1001 3.38 V 0101 3.17 V 0001 2.96 V 1101 3.59 V 1110 3.54 V 1010 3.33 V 0110 3.12 V 0010 2.91 V 1111 3.48 V 1011 3.27 V 0111 3.07 V 0011 2.70 V 4 RSRVD R 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. 3:0 VLVL RW 1011 On-chip VddIO voltage level. The voltage level settings for this field are the same as for the BLVL field above. Note: BLVL and VLVL represent on-chip voltages. Due to voltage drop from the board to the on-chip supplies, the board will measure higher than the BLVL and VLVL values. Table 220. DC-DC VddIO Control Register Description DC-DC VddD Control Register The organization of the DC-DC VddD Control Register is shown below. HW_DCDC_VDDD BITS LABEL RW RESET 23:12 RSRVD R 11 BOS R X:$FA0F DEFINITION 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. VddD brownout detect status. 0No brownout detected on VddD rail 1Brownout detected on VddD rail 10 BOEN RW 0 VddD brownout detect enable. 0VddD brownout detect disabled 1VddD brownout detect enabled 9:5 BLVL RW 00011 On-chip VddD brownout detect level. 01101 2.50 V 01000 2.03 V 00110 1.72 V 00000 1.61 V 01100 2.40 V 11110 2.00 V 10101 1.72 V 10110 1.57 V 01111 2.29 V 01011 1.98 V 00001 1.67 V 00011 1.56 V 11101 2.28 V 01010 1.92 V 10100 1.67 V 10001 1.52 V 11100 2.19 V 11001 1.90 V 10111 1.62 V 10000 1.47 V 01110 2.18 V 00101 1.87 V 11011 1.81 V 00010 1.45 V 11111 2.09 V 11000 1.86 V 00111 1.77 V 10011 1.43 V 01001 2.08 V 00100 1.82 V 11010 1.76 V 10010 1.33 V 4:0 VLVL RW 00111 On-chip VddD voltage level. The voltage level settings for this field are the same as for the BLVL field above. Both VLVL bit 4 and BLVL bit 9 must be set identical for proper operation. Note: BLVL and VLVL represent on-chip voltages. Due to voltage drop from the board to the on-chip supplies, the board will measure higher than the BLVL and VLVL values. Table 221. DC-DC VddD Control Register Description 158 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record DC-DC VddA/Battery Brownout Enable Control Register The organization of the DC-DC VddA Control Register is shown below. HW_DCDC_VDDA X:$FA10 BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 23:11 RSRVD R 0 Reserved. Must be written as 0. 10 BOEN RW 0 Battery brownout detect enable. 0Battery brownout detect disabled 1Battery brownout detect enabled This bit enables the battery brown out feature controlled by the HW_LRADC_CTRL register. 9:4 RSRVD RW 000110 Reserved. 3:0 VLVL RW 0111 On-chip VddA voltage level. 1101 2.50 V 1001 2.08 V 0101 1.87 V 0001 1.67 V 1100 2.40 V 1000 2.03 V 0100 1.82 V 0000 1.61 V 1111 2.29 V 1011 1.98 V 0111 1.77 V 0011 1.56 V 1110 2.18 V 1010 1.92 V 0110 1.72 V 0010 1.45 V The on-chip VddA voltage controlled by this field must be set to <= 300mV above the on-chip VddD voltage selected through the VLVL field of the HW_DCDC_VDDD register. The on-chip VddA voltage can only be controlled independently of the onchip VddD in DCDC mode 101 (3-channel boost configuration). Note: VLVL represents on-chip voltage. Due to voltage drop from the board to the on-chip supplies, the board will measure higher than the VLVL value. Table 222. DC-DC VddA Control Register Description DC-DC Test Bit Register The organization of the DC-DC Test Bit Control Register is shown below. HW_DCDCTBR BITS 23:20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 LABEL RSRVD D2T7 D2T6 D2T5 D2T4 D2T3 D2T2 D2T1 D2T0 D1T11 RW R RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RW RESET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 D1T10 RW 0 9 D1T9 RW 0 8 D1T8 RW 0 X:$FA14 DEFINITION Reserved. Must be written as 0. DCDC2 test bit 7 DCDC2 test bit 6 DCDC2 test bit 5 DCDC2 test bit 4 DCDC2 test bit 3 DCDC2 test bit 2 DCDC2 test bit 1 DCDC2 test bit 0 DCDC1 test bit 11 0 - No action. 1 - Use band gap bias in analog comparators DCDC1 test bit 10 0 - No action. 1 - Connect additional capacitance to the common mode sense node DCDC1 test bit 9 0 - No action. 1 - Drop analog comparator bias current. This bit can reduce power when the DC-DC converter is running at a reduced clock rate, i.e. when either DCDC1 test bit 5 or 4 are set. DCDC1 test bit 8 0 - No action. 1 - Power up VddIO brownout detect circuit. (defaults powered down) Table 223. DC-DC Test Bit Register Description 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 159 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record BITS LABEL RW RESET DEFINITION 7 D1T7 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 7 0 - No action. 1 - No pass thru mode. Removes the functionality that shorts the battery to the load in buck mode 6 D1T6 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 6 0 - No action. 1 - No zero charge time allowed in boost. Removes the functionality that shorts the battery to the load in boost mode 5 D1T5 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 5 0 - No action. 1 - Slow DC-DC converter clock 2X 4 D1T4 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 4 0 - No action. 1 - Slow DC-DC converter clock 4X 3 D1T3 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 3 0 - No action. 1 - Make VddIO duty cycle adjustment 2->3. Adjusts the duty cycle scaling that occurs when the inductor drives the VddIO output. 2 D1T2 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 2 0 - No action. 1 - Turn off VddIO duty cycle adjustment. This test bit removes the VddIO duty cycle scaling. Note: if both D1T2 and D1T3 bits are set, then different functionality occurs. In this case DC-DC converter #1 is powered off and a linear regulator powers the 1.8V supply from the 3.3V supply. The current capability of the linear regulator is < 5mA, so this functionality should only be used in low power modes of operation. 1 D1T1 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 1 0 - No action. 1 - Invert DC-DC converter clock 0 D1T0 RW 0 DCDC1 test bit 0 This bit has two independent functions as defined below: Function 1: Mode 5 comparator error decision default. (In mode 5, the DC-DC converter must decide which output is farthest below it’s target value. Due to offsets, there may be cases in which the converter cannot resolve which output is farthest below its target.) 0 - Comparator decisions that result in an undefined state default to the VddD output. 1 - Comparator decisions that result in an undefined state default to the VddA output. Note: that this functionality only is relevant when the system is configured in Mode 101. Function 2: Mode 5 and 7 Dc-Dc Vddd brownout behavior. 0 - When a VddD brownout is detected, the VddD output is charged regardless of the voltage on the VddIO output. 1 - The converter charges the output that is farthest below it’s target, regardless of brownout events. Note: that this functionality is only relevant when the system is configured in Mode 101 or 111. Table 223. DC-DC Test Bit Register Description (Continued) 160 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 21.2. System Brownout The STMP3410 also contains circuitry to sense when the power requirements of the system are more than the power the DC-DC converters can provide. The entrance into the state of power required > power available is called a brownout event. Detection of a brownout event is important to provide a controlled shutdown and acceptable system behavior in the event of battery falling out, weak battery, short circuit, etc. Typically, these brownout events are low frequency events (<100kHz) due to the large capacitors on the battery and the supply rails in the application, and the software can shutdown the application in a controlled manner. Figure 38 shows the circuitry available to detect a brownout event: $FA0F, BLVL Comparator resolution time ~1µs $FA0F BOS Voltage Generator VddD $FA0F BOEN Internal Pole @ ~1MHz $FA0E, BLVL Voltage Generator VddIO stack over/ under flow $FA01 IRQB2NMI $FA14 D1T8 NMI $FA0E BOS IRQB $FA0E BOEN $FA17, BATBRWN $FA17 BATPWBR $FFFF BIT3 Voltage Generator Battery $FA10 BOEN $FA10, BLVL Voltage Generator $FA10 BOS VddA2 Figure 38. Brownout Event Detect Available Circuitry As shown in Figure 38, there are three brownout sources that can be used to interupt the DSP via a NMI or IRQB. All brownouts are detected with comparators which detect when a crucial system voltages (battery, VddD, VddIO) falls below a software defined target voltage. These brownout detection comparators have a resolution time of approximately 1us. This finite resolution time combined with the internal lowpass filter pole at 1MHz, limit the frequency range for which a brownout event will be detected. In the audio frequency range, the brownout events will be detected when any instantaneous system voltage falls below the target voltage as defined in the software control of the Voltage Generator blocks. In the 100kHz frequency range, the comparator resolution time will act to reduce brownout sensitivity, and the instantaneous system voltage will need to fall below the software control value to detect a brownout event. As the frequency continues to increase, this effect continues to worsen and by 500kHz, a brownout event cannot be detected. Thus, it is necessary to decouple the supplies well on the board to filter any high frequency transients that could cause an undetected brownout event. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 161 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 22. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin 1 14 x 14 mm Pin 1 100 TQFP 20 x 20 mm 10 x 10 mm Pin A1 144 TQFP 144 fpBGA For additional package measurements, please see 23. “PACKAGE DRAWINGS” on page 173. Figure 39. STMP3410 Package Photos 22.1. STMP3410 Pin Placement and Definitions 100TQFP 1 144TQFP 1 144fpBGA M2 2 2 L2 3 3 K4 4 4 M3 5 5 L3 6 7 6 7 H6 M4 8 8 J5 9 9 L4 10 11 12 10 11 12 G6 H7 M5 NA 13 K5 13 14 L5 NA 15 M6 14 16 K6 NA 17 J6 PIN GP14 SPI_MOSI GP13 SPI_MISO GP12 SPI_SCK GP16 I2C_SCL GP17 I2C_SDA TESTMODE CF_CE1n GP44 CF_IORDn GP52 CF_IOWRn GP51 VssD2 VddD2 CF_A0 GP32 RAM_A0 CF_A22 GP69 RAM_A22 CF_A1 GP33 RAM_A1 CF_A21 GP68 RAM_A21 CF_A2 GP34 RAM_A2 CF_A20 GP67 RAM_A20 MODULE GPIO SPI GPIO SPI GPIO SPI GPIO I2C GPIO I2C SYSTEM EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO POWER POWER EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM TYPE I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I O I/O O I/O O I/O P P O I/O O O I/O O O I/O O O I/O O O I/O O O I/O O DESCRIPTION GP0B14 SPI Master Output/Slave Input GP0B13 SPI Master Input/Slave Output GP0B12 SPI Serial Clock GP0B16 I2C Serial Clock GP0B17 I2C Serial Data Test Mode Pin CompactFlash Chip Enable 1 GP1B20 CompactFlash I/O Read Data Strobe GP2B4 CompactFlash I/O Write Data Strobe GP2B3 Digital Core Ground 2 Digital Core Power 2 CompactFlash Address 0 GP1B8 SDRAM Address 0 CompactFlash Address 22 GP2B21 SDRAM Address 22 CompactFlash Address 1 GP1B9 SDRAM Address 1 CompactFlash Address 21 GP2B20 SDRAM Address 21 CompactFlash Address 2 GP1B10 SDRAM Address 2 CompactFlash Address 20 GP2B19 SDRAM Address 20 Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 162 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 15 144TQFP 18 144fpBGA L6 NA 19 L7 16 20 K7 NA NA NA 21 22 23 F7 G7 M7 17 24 J7 NA 25 L8 18 26 K8 NA 27 M8 19 28 J8 NA 29 M9 20 30 L9 NA 31 K9 21 32 L10 22 33 M10 23 34 M11 24 35 K10 25 36 M12 NA 37 L12 PIN CF_A3 GP35 RAM_A3 CF_A19 GP66 RAM_A19 CF_A4 SM_CE3n GP36 RAM_A4 VddIO3 VssIO3 CF_A18 GP65 RAM_A18 CF_A5 SM_CE2n GP37 RAM_A5 CF_A17 GP64 RAM_A17 CF_A6 SM_CE0n GP38 RAM_A6 CF_A16 GP63 RAM_A16 CF_A7 SM_SEn GP39 RAM_A7 CF_A15 GP62 RAM_A15 CF_A8 SM_CLE GP40 RAM_A8 CF_A14 GP61 RAM_A14 CF_A9 SM_ALE GP41 RAM_A9 CF_A10 GP42 RAM_A10 CF_OEn SM_REn GP53 CF_CE0n SM_CE1n GP45 CF_WAIT SM_READY GP56 CF_A11 GP80 RAM_A11 MODULE EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM POWER POWER EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM TYPE O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O P P O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O O O O I/O O O I/O I I I/O O I/O O DESCRIPTION CompactFlash Address 3 GP1B11 SDRAM Address 3 CompactFlash Address 19 GP2B18 SDRAM Address 19 CompactFlash Address 4 SmartMedia Chip Enable 3 GP1B12 SDRAM Address 4 Digital I/O Power 3 Digital I/O Ground 3 CompactFlash Address 18 GP2B17 SDRAM Address 18 CompactFlash Address 5 SmartMedia Chip Enable 2 GP1B13 SDRAM Address 5 CompactFlash Address 17 GP2B16 SDRAM Address 17 CompactFlash Address 6 SmartMedia Chip Enable 0 GP1B14 SDRAM Address 6 CompactFlash Address 16 GP2B15 SDRAM Address 16 CompactFlash Address 7 SmartMedia Spare Area Enable GP1B15 SDRAM Address 7 CompactFlash Address 15 GP2B14 SDRAM Address 15 CompactFlash Address 8 SmartMedia Command Latch Enable GP1B16 SDRAM Address 8 CompactFlash Address 14 GP2B13 SDRAM Address 14 CompactFlash Address 9 SmartMedia Address Latch Enable GP1B17 SDRAM Address 9 CompactFlash Address 10 GP1B18 SDRAM Address 10 CompactFlash Output Enable Strobe SmartMedia Read Enable Strobe GP2B5 CompactFlash Chip Enable 0 SmartMedia Chip Enable 1 GP1B21 CompactFlash Wait SmartMedia Ready/Busy GP2B8 CompactFlash Address 11 GP3B8 SDRAM Address 11 Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 163 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 26 144TQFP 38 144fpBGA L11 NA 39 K11 27 40 K12 NA 41 J9 28 29 30 42 43 44 H8 G8 J10 NA 45 J12 31 46 H9 NA 47 J11 32 48 H12 NA 49 H11 33 50 H10 NA 51 G11 34 52 G10 NA 53 G12 35 54 G9 NA 55 F9 36 56 F11 NA 57 F12 PIN CF_WEn SM_WEn GP54 CF_A12 GP81 RAM_A12 CF_WPn SM_WPn GP55 CF_A13 GP82 RAM_A13 VssIO1 VddIO1 CF_D0 SM_D0 GP24 RAM_D0 CF_D15 GP79 RAM_D15 CF_D1 SM_D1 GP25 RAM_D1 CF_D14 GP78 RAM_D14 CF_D2 SM_D2 GP26 RAM_D2 CF_D13 GP77 RAM_D13 CF_D3 SM_D3 GP27 RAM_D3 CF_D12 GP76 RAM_D12 CF_D4 SM_D4 GP28 RAM_D4 CF_D11 GP75 RAM_D11 CF_D5 SM_D5 GP29 RAM_D5 CF_D10 GP74 RAM_D10 CF_D6 SM_D6 GP30 RAM_D6 CF_D9 GP73 RAM_D9 MODULE EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM POWER POWER EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM TYPE O O I/O O I/O O O O I/O O I/O O P P I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O DESCRIPTION CompactFlash Write Enable Strobe SmartMedia Write Enable Strobe GP2B6 CompactFlash Address 12 GP3B9 SDRAM Address 12 CompactFlash Write Protect SmartMedia Write Protect GP2B7 CompactFlash Address 13 GP3B10 SDRAM Address 13 Digital I/O Ground 1 Digital I/O Power 1 CompactFlash Data 0 SmartMedia I/O 0 GP1B0 SDRAM Data 0 CompactFlash Data 15 GP3B7 SDRAM Data 15 CompactFlash Data 1 SmartMedia I/O 1 GP1B1 SDRAM Data 1 CompactFlash Data 14 GP3B6 SDRAM Data 14 CompactFlash Data 2 SmartMedia I/O 2 GP1B2 SDRAM Data 2 CompactFlash Data 13 GP3B5 SDRAM Data 13 CompactFlash Data 3 SmartMedia I/O 3 GP1B3 SDRAM Data 3 CompactFlash Data 12 GP3B4 SDRAM Data 12 CompactFlash Data 4 SmartMedia I/O 4 GP1B4 SDRAM Data 4 CompactFlash Data 11 GP3B3 SDRAM Data 11 CompactFlash Data 5 SmartMedia I/O 5 GP1B5 SDRAM Data 5 CompactFlash Data 10 GP3B2 SDRAM Data 10 CompactFlash Data 6 SmartMedia I/O 6 GP1B6 SDRAM Data 6 CompactFlash Data 9 GP3B1 SDRAM Data 9 Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 164 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 37 144TQFP 58 144fpBGA F10 38 39 NA 59 60 61 F8 E8 E9 40 62 E12 41 63 E10 42 64 E11 43 65 C11 44 66 D11 45 67 D10 46 47 48 49 50 NA NA NA NA NA NA 51 52 53 NA 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 B11 D12 C12 B12 A12 A11 E7 E6 B10 A10 A9 C10 D9 C9 B9 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 NA 64 65 NA NA 66 67 68 69 70 71 NA 72 73 74 75 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 D8 A7 D7 B8 A8 C8 C7 B7 B6 C6 D6 D5 A6 D4 C5 A5 B4 A4 B3 C4 C3 A3 B5 B2 A2 A1 PIN CF_D7 SM_D7 GP31 RAM_D7 VssD1 VddD1 CF_D8 GP72 RAM_D8 CF_CDn GP46 CF_READY GP47 CF_WPn GP48 CF_RESETn GP50 CF_REGn GP43 CF_BVD1 GP49 ONCE_DSI DCDC_VddIO DCDC_VddD DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd DCDC_VddA VddIO4 VssIO4 DCDC2_Gnd DCDC2_Batt DCDC2_Vout ONCE_DSK ONCE_DSO ONCE_DRN GP83 RAM_DQM0 DCDC_mod2 MIC BATT LINE1L LRADC LINE1R VssA2 VddA2 HPL VssHP DCDC_mod1 VddHP HPR LINE2L LINE2R Vbg Vag ADCL ADCR REFn REFp DCDC_mod0 VssA1 VddA1 XTALO XTALI MODULE EMC-CF EMC-SM GPIO SDRAM POWER POWER EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO EMC-CF GPIO SYSTEM DCDC DCDC DCDC DCDC DCDC POWER POWER DCDC DCDC DCDC SYSTEM SYSTEM SYSTEM GPIO SDRAM DCDC CODEC POWER CODEC SYSTEM CODEC POWER POWER CODEC POWER DCDC POWER CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC CODEC DCDC POWER POWER SYSTEM SYSTEM TYPE I/O I/O I/O I/O P P I/O I/O I/O I I/O I I/O I I/O I I/O O I/O I I/O I P P P P P P P P P P O O I I/O O P A P A A A P P A P P P A A A A A A A A A P P P A A DESCRIPTION CompactFlash Data 7 SmartMedia I/O 7 GP1B7 SDRAM Data 7 Digital Core Ground 1 Digital Core Power 1 CompactFlash Data 8 GP3B0 SDRAM Data 8 CompactFlash Card Detect GP1B22 CompactFlash Ready GP1B23 CompactFlash Write Protect GP2B0 CompactFlash Reset GP2B2 CompactFlash Register Select GP1B19 CompactFlash Bad Voltage Detect GP2B1 Debug Data In DCDC VddIO DCDC VddD DCDC Battery DCDC Ground DCDC VddA Digital I/O Power 4 Digital I/O Ground 4 DCDC2 Ground DCDC2 Battery DCDC2 Vout Debug Clock Debug Data Out Debug Reset GP3B11 SDRAM DQM0 DCDC mode pin 2 Microphone Input Battery Input Line-in 1 Left Low Resolution ADC Input Line-in 1 Right Analog Ground 2 Analog Power 2 Headphone/Line-out Left Headphone Ground DCDC mode pin 1 Headphone Power Headphone/Line-out Right Line-in 2 Left (AKA: FM-in Left) Line-in 2 Right (AKA: FM-in Right) Bandgap Decoupling Capacitor Analog Ground Decoupling Capacitor ADC Left Filter Capacitor ADC Right Filter Capacitor ADC Negative Reference Capacitor ADC Positive Reference Capacitor DCDC mode pin 0 Analog Ground 1 Analog Power 1 Crystal Out Crystal In Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 165 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 76 77 78 79 144TQFP 109 110 111 112 144fpBGA B1 E4 E5 D3 80 81 82 83 NA 113 114 115 116 117 C2 C1 E3 D2 E2 84 85 86 87 88 118 119 120 121 122 D1 E1 F6 F5 F4 89 123 F3 NA 124 F2 90 125 G4 NA 126 F1 91 127 G3 NA 128 G2 92 129 H3 NA 130 G1 93 131 H4 NA 132 J3 94 133 H2 NA 134 H1 95 135 J1 NA 136 J2 96 97 98 137 138 139 G5 H5 J4 NA 140 K3 99 141 K2 NA 142 K1 100 143 L1 NA 144 M1 PIN VddPLL VddXTAL VssPLL FRESET PSWITCH USB_DP USB_DM GP11 GP9 GP90 RAM_CLK GP8 GP10 VddD3 VssD3 GP7 I2S_DataO2 GP6 I2S_DataO1 GP84 RAM_DQM1 GP5 I2S_DataO0 GP89 RAM_CKE GP4 I2S_BCLK GP88 RAM_CSn GP3 I2S_WCLK GP85 RAM_RASn GP2 I2S_DataI2 GP86 RAM_CASn GP1 I2S_DataI1 GP87 RAM_WEn GP0 I2S_DataI0 GP92 I2S_DataI0 VddIO2 VssIO2 GP19 TIO1 GP93 I2S_BCLK GP18 TIO0 GP91 I2S_WCLK GP15 SPI_SSn CF_A23 GP70 RAM_A23 MODULE POWER SYSTEM POWER SYSTEM SYSTEM USB USB GPIO GPIO GPIO SDRAM GPIO GPIO POWER POWER GPIO I2S GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO SDRAM GPIO I2S GPIO I2S POWER POWER GPIO TIMER GPIO I2S GPIO TIMER GPIO I2S GPIO SPI EMC-CF GPIO SDRAM TYPE P A P A A A A I/O I/O I/O O I/O I/O P P I/O O I/O O I/O O I/O O I/O O I/O I I/O O I/O I I/O O I/O I I/O O I/O I I/O O I/O I I/O I P P I/O I/O I/O I I/O I/O I/O I I/O I O I/O O DESCRIPTION PLL Power Power for XTAL oscilator (generated on-chip) PLL Ground Fast Reset, Fast Falling Edge Resets Part Power Switch USB Positive Data Line USB Negative Data Line GP0B11 GP0B9 GP3B18 SDRAM Clock GP0B8 GP0B10 Digital Core Power 3 Digital Core Ground 3 GP0B7 I2S Data Out 2 GP0B6 I2S Data Out 1 GP3B12 SDRAM DQM1 GP0B5 I2S Data Out 0 GP3B17 SDRAM CKE GP0B4 I2S Bit Clock GP3B16 SDRAM CSn GP0B3 I2S Word Clock GP3B13 SDRAM RASn GP0B2 I2S Data In 2 GP3B14 SDRAM CASn GP0B1 I2S Data In 1 GP3B15 SDRAM WEn GP0B0 I2S Data In 0 GP3B20 I2S Data In 0 (Alternate pin) Digital I/O Power 2 Digital I/O Ground 2 GP0B19 Timer 1 Pin GP3B21 I2S Bit Clock (Alternate pin) GP0B18 Timer 0 Pin GP3B19 I2S Word Clock (Alternate pin) GP0B15 (Do not use as GPIO if using SPI) SPI Slave Select CompactFlash Address 23 GP2B22 SDRAM Address 23 Table 224. STMP3410 Pin Definitions Table (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 166 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 22.1.1. 100TQFP 55 57 59 62 65 NA NA 66 67 68 69 70 71 Analog Pins 144TQFP 84 86 88 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 144fpBGA A7 B8 C8 B6 A6 D4 C5 A5 B4 A4 B3 C4 C3 PIN MIC LINE1L LINE1R HPL HPR LINE2L LINE2R Vbg Vag ADCL ADCR REFn REFp TYPE A A A A A A A A A A A A A DESCRIPTION Microphone Input Line-in 1 Left Line-in 1 Right Headphone/Line-out Left Headphone/Line-out Right Line-in 2 Left (AKA: FM-in Left) Line-in 2 Right (AKA: FM-in Right) Bandgap Decoupling Capacitor Analog Ground Decoupling Capacitor ADC Left Filter Capacitor ADC Right Filter Capacitor ADC Negative Reference Capacitor ADC Positive Reference Capacitor Table 225. Analog Pins (CODEC Module) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.2. 100TQFP 47 48 49 50 NA NA NA NA 54 NA NA DCDC Converter Pins 144TQFP 69 70 71 72 73 76 77 78 83 93 104 144fpBGA D12 C12 B12 A12 A11 B10 A10 A9 D8 D6 A3 PIN DCDC_VddIO DCDC_VddD DCDC_Batt DCDC_Gnd DCDC_VddA DCDC2_Gnd DCDC2_Batt DCDC2_Vout DCDC_mod2 DCDC_mod1 DCDC_mod0 TYPE P P P P P P P P P P P DESCRIPTION DCDC VddIO DCDC VddD DCDC Battery DCDC Ground DCDC VddA DCDC2 Ground DCDC2 Battery DCDC2 Vout DCDC mode pin 2 DCDC mode pin 1 DCDC mode pin 0 Table 226. DCDC Converter Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.3. 100TQFP 7 8 9 12 NA 13 NA 14 NA 15 NA 16 NA 17 NA 18 NA 19 NA 20 NA 21 22 144TQFP 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 External Memory Interface (CompactFlash) Pins 144fpBGA M4 J5 L4 M5 K5 L5 M6 K6 J6 L6 L7 K7 M7 J7 L8 K8 M8 J8 M9 L9 K9 L10 M10 PIN CF_CE1n CF_IORDn CF_IOWRn CF_A0 CF_A22 CF_A1 CF_A21 CF_A2 CF_A20 CF_A3 CF_A19 CF_A4 CF_A18 CF_A5 CF_A17 CF_A6 CF_A16 CF_A7 CF_A15 CF_A8 CF_A14 CF_A9 CF_A10 TYPE O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O DESCRIPTION CompactFlash Chip Enable 1 CompactFlash I/O Read Data Strobe CompactFlash I/O Write Data Strobe CompactFlash Address 0 CompactFlash Address 22 CompactFlash Address 1 CompactFlash Address 21 CompactFlash Address 2 CompactFlash Address 20 CompactFlash Address 3 CompactFlash Address 19 CompactFlash Address 4 CompactFlash Address 18 CompactFlash Address 5 CompactFlash Address 17 CompactFlash Address 6 CompactFlash Address 16 CompactFlash Address 7 CompactFlash Address 15 CompactFlash Address 8 CompactFlash Address 14 CompactFlash Address 9 CompactFlash Address 10 Table 227. External Memory Interface - CompactFlash Pins (EMC-CF Module) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 167 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 23 24 25 NA 26 NA 27 NA 30 NA 31 NA 32 NA 33 NA 34 NA 35 NA 36 NA 37 NA 40 41 42 43 44 45 NA 144TQFP 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 144 144fpBGA M11 K10 M12 L12 L11 K11 K12 J9 J10 J12 H9 J11 H12 H11 H10 G11 G10 G12 G9 F9 F11 F12 F10 E9 E12 E10 E11 C11 D11 D10 M1 PIN CF_OEn CF_CE0n CF_WAIT CF_A11 CF_WEn CF_A12 CF_WPn CF_A13 CF_D0 CF_D15 CF_D1 CF_D14 CF_D2 CF_D13 CF_D3 CF_D12 CF_D4 CF_D11 CF_D5 CF_D10 CF_D6 CF_D9 CF_D7 CF_D8 CF_CDn CF_READY CF_WPn CF_RESETn CF_REGn CF_BVD1 CF_A23 TYPE O O I O O O O O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I I I I O I O DESCRIPTION CompactFlash Output Enable Strobe CompactFlash Chip Enable 0 CompactFlash Wait CompactFlash Address 11 CompactFlash Write Enable Strobe CompactFlash Address 12 CompactFlash Write Protect CompactFlash Address 13 CompactFlash Data 0 CompactFlash Data 15 CompactFlash Data 1 CompactFlash Data 14 CompactFlash Data 2 CompactFlash Data 13 CompactFlash Data 3 CompactFlash Data 12 CompactFlash Data 4 CompactFlash Data 11 CompactFlash Data 5 CompactFlash Data 10 CompactFlash Data 6 CompactFlash Data 9 CompactFlash Data 7 CompactFlash Data 8 CompactFlash Card Detect CompactFlash Ready CompactFlash Write Protect CompactFlash Reset CompactFlash Register Select CompactFlash Bad Voltage Detect CompactFlash Address 23 Table 227. External Memory Interface - CompactFlash Pins (EMC-CF Module) (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.4. 100TQFP 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 144TQFP 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 External Memory Interface (SmartMedia) Pins 144fpBGA K7 J7 K8 J8 L9 L10 M11 K10 M12 L11 K12 J10 H9 H12 H10 G10 G9 F11 F10 PIN SM_CE3n SM_CE2n SM_CE0n SM_SEn SM_CLE SM_ALE SM_REn SM_CE1n SM_READY SM_WEn SM_WPn SM_D0 SM_D1 SM_D2 SM_D3 SM_D4 SM_D5 SM_D6 SM_D7 TYPE O O O O O O O O I O O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O DESCRIPTION SmartMedia Chip Enable 3 SmartMedia Chip Enable 2 SmartMedia Chip Enable 0 SmartMedia Spare Area Enable SmartMedia Command Latch Enable SmartMedia Address Latch Enable SmartMedia Read Enable Strobe SmartMedia Chip Enable 1 SmartMedia Ready/Busy SmartMedia Write Enable Strobe SmartMedia Write Protect SmartMedia I/O 0 SmartMedia I/O 1 SmartMedia I/O 2 SmartMedia I/O 3 SmartMedia I/O 4 SmartMedia I/O 5 SmartMedia I/O 6 SmartMedia I/O 7 Table 228. External Memory Interface - SmartMedia Pins (EMC-SM Module) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 168 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 22.1.5. 100TQFP 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 NA 13 NA 14 NA 15 NA 16 NA 17 NA 18 NA 19 NA 20 NA 21 22 23 24 25 NA 26 NA 27 NA 30 NA 31 NA 32 NA 33 NA 34 NA 35 NA 36 NA 37 NA 40 41 42 43 44 45 NA 82 83 NA General Purpose Input/Output Pins 144TQFP 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 82 115 116 117 144fpBGA M2 L2 K4 M3 L3 M4 J5 L4 M5 K5 L5 M6 K6 J6 L6 L7 K7 M7 J7 L8 K8 M8 J8 M9 L9 K9 L10 M10 M11 K10 M12 L12 L11 K11 K12 J9 J10 J12 H9 J11 H12 H11 H10 G11 G10 G12 G9 F9 F11 F12 F10 E9 E12 E10 E11 C11 D11 D10 B9 E3 D2 E2 PIN GP14 GP13 GP12 GP16 GP17 GP44 GP52 GP51 GP32 GP69 GP33 GP68 GP34 GP67 GP35 GP66 GP36 GP65 GP37 GP64 GP38 GP63 GP39 GP62 GP40 GP61 GP41 GP42 GP53 GP45 GP56 GP80 GP54 GP81 GP55 GP82 GP24 GP79 GP25 GP78 GP26 GP77 GP27 GP76 GP28 GP75 GP29 GP74 GP30 GP73 GP31 GP72 GP46 GP47 GP48 GP50 GP43 GP49 GP83 GP11 GP9 GP90 TYPE I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O DESCRIPTION GP0B14 GP0B13 GP0B12 GP0B16 GP0B17 GP1B20 GP2B4 GP2B3 GP1B8 GP2B21 GP1B9 GP2B20 GP1B10 GP2B19 GP1B11 GP2B18 GP1B12 GP2B17 GP1B13 GP2B16 GP1B14 GP2B15 GP1B15 GP2B14 GP1B16 GP2B13 GP1B17 GP1B18 GP2B5 GP1B21 GP2B8 GP3B8 GP2B6 GP3B9 GP2B7 GP3B10 GP1B0 GP3B7 GP1B1 GP3B6 GP1B2 GP3B5 GP1B3 GP3B4 GP1B4 GP3B3 GP1B5 GP3B2 GP1B6 GP3B1 GP1B7 GP3B0 GP1B22 GP1B23 GP2B0 GP2B2 GP1B19 GP2B1 GP3B11 GP0B11 GP0B9 GP3B18 Table 229. General Purpose Input/Output Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 169 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 84 85 88 89 NA 90 NA 91 NA 92 NA 93 NA 94 NA 95 NA 98 NA 99 NA 100 NA 144TQFP 118 119 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 139 140 141 142 143 144 144fpBGA D1 E1 F4 F3 F2 G4 F1 G3 G2 H3 G1 H4 J3 H2 H1 J1 J2 J4 K3 K2 K1 L1 M1 PIN GP8 GP10 GP7 GP6 GP84 GP5 GP89 GP4 GP88 GP3 GP85 GP2 GP86 GP1 GP87 GP0 GP92 GP19 GP93 GP18 GP91 GP15 GP70 TYPE I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O DESCRIPTION GP0B8 GP0B10 GP0B7 GP0B6 GP3B12 GP0B5 GP3B17 GP0B4 GP3B16 GP0B3 GP3B13 GP0B2 GP3B14 GP0B1 GP3B15 GP0B0 GP3B20 GP0B19 GP3B21 GP0B18 GP3B19 GP0B15 (Do not use as GPIO if using SPI) GP2B22 Table 229. General Purpose Input/Output Pins (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) I2C Interface Pins 22.1.6. 100TQFP 4 5 144TQFP 4 5 144fpBGA M3 L3 PIN I2C_SCL I2C_SDA TYPE I/O I/O DESCRIPTION I2C Serial Clock I2C Serial Data Table 230. I2C Interface Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) I2S Interface Pins 22.1.7. 100TQFP 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 NA NA NA 144TQFP 122 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 136 140 142 144fpBGA F4 F3 G4 G3 H3 H4 H2 J1 J2 K3 K1 PIN I2S_DataO2 I2S_DataO1 I2S_DataO0 I2S_BCLK I2S_WCLK I2S_DataI2 I2S_DataI1 I2S_DataI0 I2S_DataI0 I2S_BCLK I2S_WCLK TYPE O O O I I I I I I I I DESCRIPTION I2S Data Out 2 I2S Data Out 1 I2S Data Out 0 I2S Bit Clock I2S Word Clock I2S Data In 2 I2S Data In 1 I2S Data In 0 I2S Data In 0 (Alternate pin) I2S Bit Clock (Alternate pin) I2S Word Clock (Alternate pin) Table 231. I2S Interface Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.8. 100TQFP 10 11 NA NA 28 29 38 Power Pins 144TQFP 10 11 21 22 42 43 59 144fpBGA G6 H7 F7 G7 H8 G8 F8 PIN VssD2 VddD2 VddIO3 VssIO3 VssIO1 VddIO1 VssD1 TYPE P P P P P P P DESCRIPTION Digital Core Ground 2 Digital Core Power 2 Digital I/O Power 3 Digital I/O Ground 3 Digital I/O Ground 1 Digital I/O Power 1 Digital Core Ground 1 Table 232. Power Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 170 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP 39 NA NA 56 60 61 63 64 72 73 76 78 86 87 96 97 144TQFP 60 74 75 85 89 90 92 94 105 106 109 111 120 121 137 138 144fpBGA E8 E7 E6 D7 C7 B7 C6 D5 B5 B2 B1 E5 F6 F5 G5 H5 PIN VddD1 VddIO4 VssIO4 BATT VssA2 VddA2 VssHP VddHP VssA1 VddA1 VddPLL VssPLL VddD3 VssD3 VddIO2 VssIO2 TYPE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P DESCRIPTION Digital Core Power 1 Digital I/O Power 4 Digital I/O Ground 4 Battery Input Analog Ground 2 Analog Power 2 Headphone Ground Headphone Power Analog Ground 1 Analog Power 1 PLL Power PLL Ground Digital Core Power 3 Digital Core Ground 3 Digital I/O Power 2 Digital I/O Ground 2 Table 232. Power Pins (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.9. 100TQFP 12 NA 13 NA 14 NA 15 NA 16 NA 17 NA 18 NA 19 NA 20 NA 21 22 NA NA NA 30 NA 31 NA 32 NA 33 NA 34 NA 35 NA 36 NA 37 NA NA NA SDRAM Interface Pins 144TQFP 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 37 39 41 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 61 82 117 144fpBGA M5 K5 L5 M6 K6 J6 L6 L7 K7 M7 J7 L8 K8 M8 J8 M9 L9 K9 L10 M10 L12 K11 J9 J10 J12 H9 J11 H12 H11 H10 G11 G10 G12 G9 F9 F11 F12 F10 E9 B9 E2 PIN RAM_A0 RAM_A22 RAM_A1 RAM_A21 RAM_A2 RAM_A20 RAM_A3 RAM_A19 RAM_A4 RAM_A18 RAM_A5 RAM_A17 RAM_A6 RAM_A16 RAM_A7 RAM_A15 RAM_A8 RAM_A14 RAM_A9 RAM_A10 RAM_A11 RAM_A12 RAM_A13 RAM_D0 RAM_D15 RAM_D1 RAM_D14 RAM_D2 RAM_D13 RAM_D3 RAM_D12 RAM_D4 RAM_D11 RAM_D5 RAM_D10 RAM_D6 RAM_D9 RAM_D7 RAM_D8 RAM_DQM0 RAM_CLK TYPE O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O I/O O O DESCRIPTION SDRAM Address 0 SDRAM Address 22 SDRAM Address 1 SDRAM Address 21 SDRAM Address 2 SDRAM Address 20 SDRAM Address 3 SDRAM Address 19 SDRAM Address 4 SDRAM Address 18 SDRAM Address 5 SDRAM Address 17 SDRAM Address 6 SDRAM Address 16 SDRAM Address 7 SDRAM Address 15 SDRAM Address 8 SDRAM Address 14 SDRAM Address 9 SDRAM Address 10 SDRAM Address 11 SDRAM Address 12 SDRAM Address 13 SDRAM Data 0 SDRAM Data 15 SDRAM Data 1 SDRAM Data 14 SDRAM Data 2 SDRAM Data 13 SDRAM Data 3 SDRAM Data 12 SDRAM Data 4 SDRAM Data 11 SDRAM Data 5 SDRAM Data 10 SDRAM Data 6 SDRAM Data 9 SDRAM Data 7 SDRAM Data 8 SDRAM DQM0 SDRAM Clock Table 233. SDRAM Interface Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 171 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 100TQFP NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 144TQFP 124 126 128 130 132 134 144 144fpBGA F2 F1 G2 G1 J3 H1 M1 PIN RAM_DQM1 RAM_CKE RAM_CSn RAM_RASn RAM_CASn RAM_WEn RAM_A23 TYPE O O O O O O O DESCRIPTION SDRAM DQM1 SDRAM CKE SDRAM CSn SDRAM RASn SDRAM CASn SDRAM WEn SDRAM Address 23 Table 233. SDRAM Interface Pins (Continued) (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.10. SPI Interface Pins 100TQFP 1 2 3 100 144TQFP 1 2 3 143 144fpBGA M2 L2 K4 L1 PIN SPI_MOSI SPI_MISO SPI_SCK SPI_SSn TYPE I/O I/O I/O I DESCRIPTION SPI Master Output/Slave Input SPI Master Input/Slave Output SPI Serial Clock SPI Slave Select Table 234. SPI Interface Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.11. System Pins 100TQFP 6 46 51 52 53 58 74 75 77 79 144TQFP 6 68 79 80 81 87 107 108 110 112 144fpBGA H6 B11 C10 D9 C9 A8 A2 A1 E4 D3 PIN TESTMODE ONCE_DSI ONCE_DSK ONCE_DSO ONCE_DRN LRADC XTALO XTALI VddXTAL FRESET PSWITCH TYPE I I O O I A A A A A A DESCRIPTION Test Mode Pin Debug Data In Debug Clock Debug Data Out Debug Reset Low Resolution ADC Input Crystal Out Crystal In Power for XTAL oscilator (generated on-chip) Fast Reset, Fast Falling Edge Resets Part Power Switch Table 235. System Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) 22.1.12. USB Interface Pins 100TQFP 80 81 98 99 144TQFP 113 114 139 141 144fpBGA C2 C1 J4 K2 PIN USB_DP USB_DM TIO1 TIO0 TYPE A A I/O I/O DESCRIPTION USB Positive Data Line USB Negative Data Line Timer 1 Pin Timer 0 Pin Table 236. USB Interface Pins (See Table 237 for Notes pertaining to Pin Placement and Definitions) TYPE MODULE DESCRIPTION CODEC Analog pins DCDC DCDC Converter pins EMC-CF External memory interface pins (CompactFlash) EMC-SM External memory interface pins (SmartMedia) GPIO General Purpose Input/Output pins I2C I2C interface pins I2S I2S interface pins POWER Power pins SDRAM SDRAM interface pins SPI SPI interface pins SYSTEM System pins TIMER Timer pins USB USB interface pins Almost all digital pins are powered down (i.e. high impedance) at reset, until reprogrammed by the DSP. The only exceptions are: TESTMODE, DSI, DSK, DSO, DRN; these pins are always active. A I I/O O P DESCRIPTION Analog pin Input pin Input/output pin Output pin Power pin Table 237. Notes on Pin Placement and Definitions 172 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 23. PACKAGE DRAWINGS 23.1. 100-Pin TQFP D D 1 BODY + 2.00 mm FOOTPRINT LEADS 100L-1.4 THK. L/F DIMS. .127 .152 TOL. A 1.60 MAX. A1 .05 MIN./.15 MAX. A2 1.40 ±.05 16.00 D ±.20 14.00 D1 ±.05 E 16.00 ±.20 14.00 E1 ±.05 +.15/-.10 .60 L e .50 BASIC b ±.05 .22 O 0°-7D MAX. .08 ddd ccc MAX. .08 N 1 A E B E 1 D 12° TYP. A2 A e A1 12° TYP. ANOTHER VARIATION OF PIN 1 VISUAL AID N .20 RAD. TYP. NOTES: 1) ALL DIMENSIONS IN MM. 1 2) DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL WITH TOL. AS INDICATED. 3) L/F: EFTEC 64T COPPER OR EQUIVALENT, 0.127 MM (.005") OR 0.15 MM (.006") THICK. 4) FOOT LENGTH "L" IS MEASURED AT GAGE PLANE, AT 0.25 ABOVE THE SEATING PLANE. .20 RAD. TYP. 6°P4° A STANDOFF A 1 .25 .17 MAX. O L b ddd M C A-B S D S SEATING PLANE C LEAD COPLANARITY 100 Pin 14x14 TQFP ccc C Figure 40. 100-Pin TQFP Package Drawing Supply of this Implementation of AAC technology does not convey a license nor imply any right to use this Implementation in any finished end-user or ready-to-use final product. An independent license for such use is required. MPEG Layer 3 audio coding technology from Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia. 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 173 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 23.2. 144-Pin TQFP N DIMS. A A1 A2 D D1 E E1 L e b ddd ccc O 1 B A 1 D 1 BODY + 2.00 mm FOOTPRINT 144L TOLS. LEADS MAX. 1.60 .05 MIN/.15 MAX ±.05 1.40 22.00 ±.20 20.00 ±.10 ±.20 22.00 ±.10 20.00 +.15/-.10 .60 .50 BASIC .22 ±.05 .08 .08 MAX. 0°-5D 12° TYP. A1 A2 A e NOTES: 1) ALL DIMENSIONS IN MM. 12° TYP. 2) DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE NOMINAL WITH TOLERANCES AS INDICATED. 3) L/F: EFTEC 64T COPPER OR EQUIVALENT, 0.127 MM (.005") THICK. 0.20 RAD. MAX. 4) FOOT LENGTH "L" IS MEASURED AT GAGE PLANE AT 0.25 MM ABOVE THE SEATING PLANE 0.20 RAD. NOM. 6° P4D A A1 STANDOFF 0.25 SEATING PLANE C C 0.17 MAX. O b ddd M C A-B S D S 20x20 mm TQFP LEAD COPLANARITY ccc C L Figure 41. 144-Pin TQFP Package Drawing 174 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 23.3. 144-Pin fpBGA DEATIL B 0.10 -A- D 12 11 10 9 8 6 7 5 4 3 2 DIMENSIONAL REFERENCES 1 -B- E MIN. NOR. MAX. A 1.25 1.35 1.45 A1 0.25 0.30 0.35 A2 0.65 0.70 0.75 10.00 10.20 A B C D E F G H J K L M (e) E2 REF. (E1) D D1 (e) D2 (D1) 8.80 BSC. D2 9.80 10.00 10.20 E 9.80 10.00 10.20 E1 BOTTOM VIEW TOP VIEW 9.80 8.80 BSC E2 9.80 10.00 10.20 b 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.35 c f DETAIL A NX b 0.15 s f 0.075 s A s B s C 4 e SIDE VIEW C aaa 0.15 bbb 0.20 0.25 ccc e 0.725 f 0.50 0.80 0.875 0.60 0.70 M 12 N 144 NOTES: DETAIL B 1. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS. 2. ’e’ REPRESENTS THE BASIC SOLDER BALL GRID PITCH. ccc c bbb C -CA A2 DETAIL A C AND SYMBOL ’N’ IS THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF BALLS AFTER DEPOPULATING. 4. ’b’ IS MEASURABLE AT THE MAXIMUM SOLDER BALL DIAMETER PARALLEL TO PRIMARY DAIUM -C- . 6 SEATING PLANE 5. DIMENSION ’aaa’ IS MEASURED PARALLEL TO PRIMARY DATUM -C- . 6. PRIMARY DATUM -C- AND SEATING PLANE ARE DEFINED BY THE SPHERICAL CROWNS OF THE SOLDER BALLS. A1 aaa C 3. ’M’ REPRESENTS THE BASIC SOLDER BALL MATRIX SIZE. 7. PACKAGE SURFACE SHALL BE MATTE FINISH CHARMILLES 24 TO 27. 5 8. PACKAGE CENTERING TO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE 0.0760 MM MAXIMUM FOR BOTH X AND Y DIRECTION RESPECTIVELY. 9. PACKAGE WARP SHALL BE 0.050MM MAXIMUM. 144 fpBGA (10 x 10 mm) 10. SUBSTRATE MATERIAL BASE IS BT RESIN. 11. THE OVERALLPACKAGE THICKNESS "A" ALREADY CONSIDERS COLLAPSE BALLS Figure 42. 144-Pin fpBGA Package Drawing 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 175 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record 24. INDEX OF REGISTERS HW_ADCBAR HW_ADCCPR HW_ADCCSR HW_ADCMR HW_ADCSRR HW_ADCWCR HW_CCR HW_CDI_CTLCSR HW_CDI_SI0TBASE HW_CDI_SI1TBASE HW_CDICSI0CSR HW_CDICSI1CSR HW_CDICTRLTBR HW_CDICTRLTMR HW_CDIDATAR HW_CDIPINCFGR HW_CDISI0DATAR HW_CDISI0TMRR HW_CDISI1DATAR HW_CDISI1TMRR HW_CDSYNCBAR HW_CDSYNCCPR HW_CDSYNCCSR HW_CDSYNCDR HW_CDSYNCMODR HW_CDSYNCWCR HW_CYCSTLCNT HW_DACBAR HW_DACCPR HW_DACCSR HW_DACMR HW_DACSRR HW_DACWCR HW_DCDC_VDDA HW_DCDC_VDDD HW_DCDC_VDDIO HW_DCDC1_CTRL0 HW_DCDC1_CTRL1 HW_DCDC2_CTRL0 HW_DCDC2_CTRL1 HW_DCDCTBR HW_DCLKCNTL HW_DCLKCNTU HW_FLCFCR HW_FLCFTMR1R HW_FLCFTMR2R HW_FLCR HW_FLCR2 HW_FLSAHR HW_FLSALR HW_FLSMCR HW_FLSMTMR1R HW_FLSMTMR2R HW_GDBR HW_GP08MA HW_GP0DIR HW_GP0DOER HW_GP0DOR HW_GP0ENR HW_GP0IENR HW_GP0ILVLR 176 X:$FB05 .........................................................................................123 X:$FB03 .........................................................................................123 X:$FB00 .........................................................................................125 X:$FB04 .........................................................................................123 X:$FB01 .........................................................................................124 X:$FB02 .........................................................................................124 X:$FA00 ...........................................................................................24 X:$F280 ............................................................................................96 X:$F28A ...........................................................................................98 X:$F28E ...........................................................................................98 X:$F288 ............................................................................................98 X:$F28C ...........................................................................................98 X:$F282 ............................................................................................97 X:$F281 ............................................................................................96 X:$F283 ............................................................................................97 X:$F284 ............................................................................................97 X:$F28B ...........................................................................................99 X:$F289 ............................................................................................99 X:$F28F ............................................................................................99 X:$F28D ...........................................................................................99 X:$F605 ............................................................................................87 X:$F603 ............................................................................................86 X:$F600 ............................................................................................85 X:$F601 ............................................................................................86 X:$F604 ............................................................................................86 X:$F602 ............................................................................................86 X:$FFED ...........................................................................................22 X:$F805 ..........................................................................................119 X:$F803 ..........................................................................................120 X:$F800 ..........................................................................................122 X:$F804 ..........................................................................................120 X:$F801 ..........................................................................................121 X:$F802 ..........................................................................................120 X:$FA10 .........................................................................................159 X:$FA0F .........................................................................................158 X:$FA0E .........................................................................................158 X:$FA0C .........................................................................................155 X:$FA0D .........................................................................................156 X:$FA11 .........................................................................................156 X:$FA12 .........................................................................................157 X:$FA14 .........................................................................................159 X:$FFEA ...........................................................................................22 X:$FFEB ...........................................................................................22 X:$F008 ............................................................................................52 X:$F009 ............................................................................................53 X:$F00A ...........................................................................................53 X:$F000 ............................................................................................47 X:$F004 ............................................................................................48 X:$F002 ............................................................................................48 X:$F001 ............................................................................................48 X:$F010 ............................................................................................50 X:$F011 ............................................................................................51 X:$F012 ............................................................................................51 ..........................................................................................................36 X:$F40A .........................................................................................115 X:$F402 ..........................................................................................112 X:$F403 ..........................................................................................112 X:$F401 ..........................................................................................112 X:$F400 ..........................................................................................112 X:$F405 ..........................................................................................113 X:$F406 ..........................................................................................113 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record HW_GP0IPENR HW_GP0IPOLR HW_GP0ISTATR HW_GP0PWR HW_GP18MA HW_GP1DIR HW_GP1DOER HW_GP1DOR HW_GP1ENR HW_GP1IENR HW_GP1ILVLR HW_GP1IPENR HW_GP1IPOLR HW_GP1ISTATR HW_GP1PWR HW_GP28MA HW_GP2DIR HW_GP2DOER HW_GP2DOR HW_GP2ENR HW_GP2IENR HW_GP2ILVLR HW_GP2IPENR HW_GP2IPOLR HW_GP2ISTATR HW_GP2PWR HW_GP38MA HW_GP3DIR HW_GP3DOER HW_GP3DOR HW_GP3ENR HW_GP3IENR HW_GP3ILVLR HW_GP3IPENR HW_GP3IPOLR HW_GP3ISTATR HW_GP3PWR HW_HPCTRL HW_I2CCSR HW_I2CDAT HW_I2CDIV HW_ICLENABLE0R HW_ICLENABLE1R HW_ICLFENABLE0R HW_ICLFENABLE1R HW_ICLFORCE0R HW_ICLFORCE1R HW_ICLOBSVZ0R HW_ICLOBSVZ1R HW_ICLPRIOR0R HW_ICLPRIOR1R HW_ICLPRIOR2R HW_ICLPRIOR3R HW_ICLPRIOR4R HW_ICLSTATUS0R HW_ICLSTATUS1R HW_ICLSTEER0R HW_ICLSTEER1R HW_ICLSTEER2R HW_IPR HW_LRADC_CTRL HW_LRADC_RES 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 X:$F404 ..........................................................................................113 X:$F407 ..........................................................................................114 X:$F408 ..........................................................................................114 X:$F409 ..........................................................................................114 X:$F41A .........................................................................................115 X:$F412 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............................................................................................84 X:$FFF0 .........................................................................................101 X:$FFF1 .........................................................................................102 X:$FFF2 .........................................................................................102 X:$FFF3 .........................................................................................102 X:$FFF5 .........................................................................................103 X:$FFF6 .........................................................................................104 X:$FFF7 .........................................................................................104 X:$FFF8 .........................................................................................105 X:$FA13 ...........................................................................................26 X:$F901 ............................................................................................70 X:$F902 ............................................................................................71 X:$F907 ............................................................................................72 X:$F90D ...........................................................................................74 X:$F900 ............................................................................................75 X:$F909 ............................................................................................73 X:$F90A ...........................................................................................73 X:$F90B ...........................................................................................73 X:$F90C ...........................................................................................73 X:$F90E ...........................................................................................74 X:$F908 ............................................................................................72 X:$F904 ............................................................................................71 X:$F903 ............................................................................................71 X:$F905 ............................................................................................71 X:$F906 ............................................................................................72 X:$F90F ............................................................................................74 X:$FA16 ...........................................................................................26 X:$FFF9 ...........................................................................................63 X:$FFFA ...........................................................................................64 X:$F38F ............................................................................................81 X:$F387 ............................................................................................80 X:$F388 ............................................................................................80 X:$F380 ............................................................................................77 X:$F381 ............................................................................................78 X:$F384 ............................................................................................79 X:$F385 ............................................................................................79 X:$F386 ............................................................................................79 X:$F38A ...........................................................................................80 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 OFFIC IA L PRODUC T D OCU MENTATION 4/17 /02 STMP3410 D-Major™ Audio Decoder with USB Interface and Voice Record HW_SWIZZLEPASSISWR HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSBR HW_SWIZZLEPASSLSWR HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSBR HW_SWIZZLEPASSMSWR HW_SWIZZLESIZER HW_SWIZZLESOURCER HW_TB_BAR HW_TB_CSR HW_TB_CURR HW_TB_MASK0 HW_TB_MASK1 HW_TB_MOD HW_TB_TCSR0 HW_TB_TCSR1 HW_TB_TCSR2 HW_TB_TCSR3 HW_TB_TCSR4 HW_TB_TCSR5 HW_TB_TCSR6 HW_TB_TCSR7 HW_TB_TVAL0 HW_TB_TVAL1 HW_TB_TVAL2 HW_TB_TVAL3 HW_TB_TVAL4 HW_TB_TVAL5 HW_TB_TVAL6 HW_TB_TVAL7 HW_TMR0CNTR HW_TMR0CR HW_TMR1CNTR HW_TMR1CR HW_TMR2CNTR HW_TMR2CR HW_TMR3CNTR HW_TMR3CR HW_USBCBAR HW_USBCSR HW_USBEP0PTRR HW_USBEP0R HW_USBEP1R HW_USBEP2R HW_USBEP3R HW_USBEP4R HW_USBEP5R HW_USBEP6R HW_USBEP7R HW_USBUTILR HW_WATCHDOGCNTR HW_WATCHDOGENR 5-3410-D1-2.0-0402 X:$F38D ...........................................................................................81 X:$F389 ............................................................................................80 X:$F38C ...........................................................................................81 X:$F38B ...........................................................................................80 X:$F38E ...........................................................................................81 X:$F382 ............................................................................................79 X:$F383 ............................................................................................79 X:$F081 ..........................................................................................107 X:$F080 ..........................................................................................107 X:$F083 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............................................................................................38 X:$F208 ............................................................................................38 X:$F209 ............................................................................................38 X:$F20A ...........................................................................................37 X:$F502 ............................................................................................84 X:$F503 ............................................................................................84 179
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