Correlation of MicrostructEire vvith WIAZ Ernbrittlement
Correlation of MicrostructEire vvith WIAZ Ernbrittlement
Scandinavian Journai of Metallurgy 2 (1973) 9l-94 Correlation of MicrostructEire vvith WIAZ Ernbrittlement G. N{. Evans and N. Christensen N{etallurgy Division of SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway 611.79 1.05:5i?. 14.01 8.29 Abstract rvere 3.6 s, 5.1 s and 6.6 s. The electrodes rvere received from The influence of microstructure on the static fatigue limit (orur) of the heat-affected zone of C:lln steels has becn evaluated by means of the implant *eldability test. The results are presented in the form the manufacturer in the moist condition and were predried at 300"C for 24 h to produce a total hydrogen level of approximately 7 ppm (fused metal) according to the IIW/IIS pro- n -- o "t": b(I cedure [4]. - M)! rihere n and b arc prrilmeters dependent on thc i.)ydrogen content and -1-/ is r:.c \oiLn:e lrtcuJn oI ntlrricrtsiIe. In rcirlition, it is confirmed that 6s.'.- A- B log [H] *lrcrc..1 and B are prrilnletcrs dcpendcnt on the microstructure and IH] is the llW totai hldrogen In another series, the heat input maintained constant, varied by the additional use of basic electrodes dried at.150'C for 24 h (3 ppm) and rutile electrodes ltSO code E i32R22) takcn lrom stock (30 ppm). The implant test procedure rvas identical to that briefly content. Introduction The inrplant tcsi. in the form proposed by Granjon [1], enables a quantitative assessment to be made of the factors affecting cold cracking in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of metal-arc rvelds. Thc tcst has previously been applied to evaluate the effcct of arc cnergy [2] and of steel composition [3] at different hldrogen levels. The objectivc of the present u'ork \r'as to cvirluate the elfect of tl-re microstructure in the grain coarsened region of the HAZ on the extent of embrittlement. emplo-"-ing ,1 mm dia. electrodes and the h1'drogen level by described eiservhere [2, 3], the critical fracture stress. termed the static fatigue limit (o=""), being chosen as the criterion for embrittlement. The distance of the notch lrom the top surlace of the piate *'as standardized at 1.35 mm, 1.85 mm and 1.20 mm for the progressivcly different diameter basic eiectrcCes, and 1.55 mm for the 4 mm dia. rutile electrodes. Nine implants uere emplol'ed for experimental condition and the tests were terminated if the specimens remained intact after 24 h. eacl-r Results IIetallograplry Iixperimental The anailses oi the materials investigated are given in Table I. the carbon content being the variant. The steels were prepared as 5 kg laboratory melts and were subsequently forged to 13 mm diameter round bars, homogenized at 1 400'C for 4 h and then normalizeC at 910'C. In onc scrics of experiments the heat input u'as varied, by using 3.25 mm, 4 mn-r and 5 mm dia. basic electrodes (ISO code E 445820). The gross energy inputs were 0.9 kJ/mm, 1.3 kJ/mm and 1.7 kJ/mm, respectively, and the corresponding cooling times (800" - 500'C) in the grain coarsened region of lhe HAZ The results of point count analyses of the microstructures in the heat-affected zone of implant specimens have been reported separately [5]. No evidence could be found of triinned martensite and it appeared that the degree of auto-tempering rvas identical in all four steels. The reler.ant data for the average amount of martensite, at distances betrveen 50 and 200 ,rrn-t Og l! 0.9 17 t----------a az q l'3 .---l- J.0 _____- kJ/mn 0-2r5 0 t70 0.t40 0.7 0.6 Table L : 6 Contpositions of steels inuestigatetl { ft Analysis ('1,) teel \ 0 ta9 U 0.3 l S \ 0.1 N{n AI Nb 0.012 0.021 0.021 0.02 r 0.021 o 0.2 0.t 7 8 L9 L l0 L L 0.109 6i 0. 1.10 5'7 0.170 0.215 59 59 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.43 0.014 0.005 0.0r6 0.005 0.014 0.005 0.014 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.0-14 0.0i0 0.015 0b 12345678 coou NG rN€ (8oo-5a0'c). sec. Fig. .1. Volume fraction of martensite in the grain coarsened region of the HAZ i5l. Scand. J. l[etallurgy 2 92 o - 09 kJ/mm '. . - i.r 16 Z . tPPa-!. Mn. E \ z\ j t i 0 Fig. 2. Effecl of carbon content on static fatigue limit of steels with lUn at different arc energies. l from the fusion boundary, are reproduced in Fig' 1' The steel 6 "/" than the other materials and also reacted more strongly to change in heat inPut. Variable lrc a Fig. 2. The corresponding hardness values are plotted in Fig' 3 values, and. as can be seen' no evident corrcla- e\presanlount decreasing of basis sing the liniting stress (osp1) on the of rnartensite, ho$,ever. a parabolic relationship $'as exhibitcd tion exists. each steel shoning an individual trend' on \ t \ 04 05 uo ut Fig. 5. l{clationship bctrvecn static fatigue limit and square root of voiume (Fig. 4). Tlie rcsultant straight line obtained on plotting the static iatigue limit against the square root of the volume fraction of non-martensitic constituents is shown in Fig. 5. The rr.*or(r.\rnrrtt') The eifect of the carbon content of the steel on the static fatigLre lin.rit (or.r) of the HAZ is shorvn. for the three heat i,.tputr, i,', against @ line may be represented by the following equation etrcrgy the o.." 02 03 fraction of non-martensitic constituents' carbon content (0.109 ,'/o) contained less martensite of lo*est 0l : 130 + 540 (1 - It)t (1) rvhcrc '11 is the voiume fraction of low-carbon auto-tempered tuartcnsite' l'aria!'lc hydrogen leuel Thc inrplant tcst results' for 4 mm dia' electrodes at different h1'drogen levels' are plotted against the carbon content of the 6,/,Mn o,urt E :\ j j -T - : : 3U) CAREON 500 sfATtc FAfIGUE LIMIT, Fre. -t. IUaximum hardness plotted against static fatigue o - os a-t3 o- t7 kJ/mm limit' CoNfENf'wl'% ' Fig. 6. Effcct of carbon content in steels witl.) 1.6 limit at different hydrogen levels" 9i, Mn on static fatiguo JPP&-U € e E *.. a : 5 30ppm. I 0 o ot 02 03 04 05 06 07 A6 09 10 I - VOLUME FRAC|ION MARI ENSIT€. /irg. 4. Rclation bctween static fatigue limit and volume fraction of non' nlitrtensitic constituents. Scatttl. J. I Ic tallurgJ, 2 o 01 02 03 04 as 06 o7 oa 09 lffi 10 ./ Fig. T.Eflect of hydrogen level on the rclationship between static fatigue limit and microstructure' Correlation of microstructure with HAZ embrittlement II. Trible Parameters a and b in eq. (2) 93 l for the three hydrogen te,-e ls. Hydrogen content (ppm) Parameters 160 120 20 3 7 30 670 540 310 in Fig. 6. The HAZ was considerably embrittled on using steels rutile electrodes, and comparison with Fig. 2 shows that, over the ranges investigated, the static fatigue limit was more affected by hydrogen than by heat input. The straight-line relationship exhibited in Fig. 5, for a total hydrogen content of 7 ppm, is also observed at higher and iorver contents, as shown in Fig. 7. This relationship may thus be represented by a general equation of the form 6srL: a+b(l -M)t (2) rvhere a and b are parameters dependent on hydrogen level. The specific values for a and b are given in Table II. The static fatigue limit was also found, as in previous work 12,31, to be linearly related to the logarithm of the IIW total hydrogen content. This confirmed relationship is represented by an equation of the form o "", - A*B I log (3) [H] are parameters, at a specific cooling rate, dependent on steel composition. The individual values of A and B are reported in Table III, together rvith the ratio of BlA, which is seen to be approximately 0.5. rvhere and -B 8. Circumscribed surface for the correlation between static fatigue limit, microstructure, and hydrogen level. .Frg. proportion of high temperature transformation products having a pronounced influence in the case of a predominantly martensitic microstructure. The results are represented by eqs. (2) and (3), and the inter-relationships are such that a and b are related to the logarithm of the weld metal hydrogen content, and I and ,B are related to the square root of the volume fraction of non-martensitic constituents. The actual values of the parameters were evaluated to be, for o"u" expressed in N/mm'?: a:230-140log [H] and 6:85 -37log [H] A :230 + 85 (l - M)+ and ,B : 140 + 37 (l - it4lt On substitution, the three main variables are combined, the static fatigue limit being defined solely by the hydrogen level and the microstructure. in the form o."u Discussion Following the work of Hopkin [6], it has become generaily accepted that the susceptibility to cold cracking in the heat- : 230 - 140 log [H] + 85 (l - tv1)+ * 37 log tHl (1 - M)] (4) A three-dimensional representation of the findings is shown in Fig. 8, of note being the fact that the o.u" value for 1009/o affected zone of steel weldments is dependent on the inter-relation of three main factors, namely (1) hydrogen level, (2) microstructure, and (3) stress. The present investigation serves to correlate these factors, the static fatigue limit being a quantitative indication of the martensite is given by the parameter a whereas the sum d + b defines the other extreme. Confirmation of a logarithmic dependence on hydrogen level illustrates the deleterious influence of hydrogen at very low concentrations. to produce cracking. It has been established, as expected, that the HAZ is particularly embrittled by the steels stress required found that embritt(Fig' increase in the 4), a slight lement decreased parabolically presence of martensite. Furthermore, it rvas Table III. Paron'teters A andB in eq. (3), and ratio BIA (heat input 1.3 kJlmnt) Carbon Parameters content Steel (%) L7 L8 L9 L l0 0.109 BIA An interesting feature of the present work is that, rvhen of different carbon contents (0.1-0.29l.) are compared, no direct correlation exists between the degree of embrittlement and the maximum hardness level of the heat-affected zone. Evidently, the nature of the mixed martensitic microstructure is the determining factor and not the hardness as influenced by the carbon content. In consequence, hardness can only serve as a rough, although readily applicable guide to rveldability. The present data are limited to the extent that the investigation was confined to the C:Mn system. In addition, the steels were homogenized, and secondary effects, such as the possible sJM (71) 0.140 0.170 0.215 800 660 520 430 380 330 270 220 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.51 influence of sulphur [7], were standardized. The results, horvever, serve as a reference basis for future developments and will enable, for example, the influence oi individual elements to be evaluated. ,]cand. l. Lletallurgy 2 94 G. lv[. Euans and N. Christensen Conclusions The susceptibility of the HAZ of C-Mn steels to hydrogenassisted embrittlement is parabolically related to the amount of non-martensitic constituents present. The static fatigue limit (o""o) may be represented bY 1. dsrr,:a+b(l-M)\ 2. The static fatigue limit can also be expressed in the form dsrr,: A-Blog[H] and -B are parameters related to the microstructure and [H] is the IIW/IIS total hydrogen content. 3. The carbon content of low-carbon martensite is not a determining factor affecting embrittlement. 4. It follows that the extent of embrittlement is not directly where I related to the maximum hardness of the heat-affected zone. Acknorvledgments Financial support for the investigation was provided by the Royal Norrvegian Councrl for Industrial and Scientific Research, under project B 2895. The authors are also indebted to Messrs S. O' Prestmo and R. Gravem for assistance with the experimental work' References l. Granjon, H., The'implants'method for studying the weldability of Irigh strcngth steels. Metnl Constr. 1 (1969) 509-515. 2. Evans, G. N{. & Christensen, N., Correlation of weld metal hydrogen content with HAZ embrittlemenl. Metal Constr.3 (197i) 188-189' 3. Evans, G, M. & Christensen, N', Implant testing-€ffect of steel composition and hydrogen level. Metal Const. 3 (1971) 263-265' 4. Tentative procedure for the determination of hydrogen in mild and lorv-alloy steel welci metal (Doc. IIS/ IIW-3 l5-68) . Vt/eld. in the .tvorld 7 (1969) 263-26s. 5. R6nningen, J. A., Simonsen, T. & Christensen' N', On the assessment of ]JAZ microstructures in C-Mn steels. Scanl. J. Metallurgy 2 (1973) 87-90. 6. Hopkin, C. L., A suggested cause and a general theory for the cracking of alloy steels on welding. Trans. Instn lyeld' 7 (1944) 76-78. 7. Hewitt, J. & Murray, J. D., Effect of sulphur on the production and fabrication of carbon-manganese steel forgings. Brit' lVeld. J. l'5 (r968) l5l-158. Metallurgy Section of SINTEF N-7034 Trondheim Norva;' Scatd. J. lrletallurgl, 2