NUCA OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC. THE FLOW JULY 2014 NUCA OF FLORIDA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Happy, Happy, Happy! July 17th to 20th Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld See page 8 for details INSIDE THIS EDITION President’s Message 2 Calendar of Events 3 Suns Game Highlights 4 Suns Photos 5 NPDES Permit Process 6 President’s Message (Continued) 7 NUCA News 8 NUCA of Florida Conference Info 9 UPCOMING EVENTS Performance Award Nominations 10 Scholarship Night July 24th Fishing Registration 11 Fishing sponsorship Opportunities 12 Holiday Bash 14 Safety Update 15 Maggiano’s 6:00 pm Annual Fishing Tournament September 27th Registration & sponsorship info on pages 11 & 12 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 2014 OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dear Friends, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE I hope everyone is doing well, and I would President Bill Bocchino, Layne Heavy Civil President Elect Jon Woodall, John Woody, Inc. Vice President I Elliot Jones, A.J. Johns, Inc. Vice-President II Tripp Brown, Godwin Pumps Secretary/Treasurer Kim Bryan, Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors Past President Mike Woodall, John Woody, Inc. General Counsel Tony Zebouni, Regan, Zebouni & Atwood like to once again thank all of our members for their dedication and support. I would like to greatly recognize and praise Russell with Standard Precast and the members involved for their help and hard work with the "manhole boot/sand sleeve" proposed specification change. We should all be very pleased how the association and JEA worked together to resolve the matter of discussion. It is and has always been our goal to further establish a working relationship that benefits both parties. Just to put into perspective, if the changes had been made the repercussions would have been huge. If one of our contractors had to dig up and repair a leaking manhole connection, it could cost BOARD OF DIRECTORS the equivalent of 2 years membership to the Lauren Atwell, Layne Heavy Civil William Hood III, J.B. Coxwell Contracting Mike Kivlin, John Woody, Inc. Joe Maguire, Coastal Utility Constructors Brian Pate, Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Con. Ed Porter, Barco Duval Engineering Jennifer Setzer, United Service Connection Wayne Atkinson, County Materials Corp. Josh Dyer, Staff Zone Mike Gruber, Ellis & Associates, Inc. Drew Lane, Advanced Drainage Systems Ryan Pugh, Ferguson Waterworks Robert Rowley, Fortiline Waterworks Jarod Wolford, Martin Marietta Materials association. Thanks again to all those involved and to JEA for their understanding and ability to work with us. It's still not too late to sign up for our upcoming events. July 17th-20th is our annual NUCA of Florida Conference in Orlando, FL at the Renaissance at Sea World. Even if you cannot attend the conference, July 18 is Contractor’s Day which is well worth the trip itself. A day that is full of eventful and break-out educational sessions as well as guest speakers from our industry. The tabletop displays provide hands on visuals and will give attendees the opportunity to speak with vendor Alternate Jamie Saalfield, Beard Equipment Co. (Continued on page 7) 2 2014 OFFICIAL SPONSORS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Platinum Sponsor July 8th Executive Committee 3:30pm Beard Equipment Company Gold Sponsor July 17th to 20th NUCA of Florida State Conference Renaissance Sea World Orlando United Rentals Trench Safety Silver Sponsors Layne Heavy Civil July 24th Board of Directors 4:30 pm Efficiency Shoring & Supply Standard Precast, Inc. July 24th Scholarship Night Maggiano’s , Town Center 6:00 pm Bronze Sponsors A.J. Johns, Inc. Ellis & Associates Petticoat-Schmitt Civil September 27th Fishing Tournament St. Augustine Contractors October 8 to 10th NUCA Fall Leadership Conf. Newport, RI 3 GREAT TURNOUT FOR SUNS EVENT We had over 100 people join us for our night at the Jacksonville Suns on Thursday, May 29th. The evening started out with a delicious BBQ buffet which included BBQ Chicken, ribs, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, and soft drinks. Attendees also received a Free Suns White Cap. Since it was Thursday night Throw down members enjoyed Buds for a Buck and 2-for-1 cocktails. The Suns played the Montgomery Biscuits and won the game with a final score of 5 to 4.. 4 SUNS PHOTOS 5 6 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (CONTINUED) vendor representatives about their products and technologies. Mark your calendars and don't forget, September 26th-28th Jon and I will be chairing the President’s Cup Golf Tournament at the PGA National Resort and Spa. Located in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. I look forward to seeing you there! Always remember that our association is here for you and to help in any way possible. If any members have new ideas or suggestions to help better our industry or the way we operate please reach out. As you can tell when our association stands together no obstacle is too large. We are here for each other to continue to build our industry for ourselves and for those to come after us. In closing, thank you all for your continued help and support. May the "Business Gods" treat you well! If there is anything I can be of assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact me. Remember to continue to do business with our members. Sincerely, Mike 2014 NUCA OF FLORIDA PRESIDENT’S CUP GOLF TOURNAMENT SEPTEMBER 26 TO 28TH 7 PRESIDENT SIGNS WRRDA LEGISLATION President Obama signed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act Tuesday morning. This legislation represents the first water resources policy update in seven years. The law streamlines the project delivery process, promotes fiscal responsibility, and strengthens our water transportation networks to promote competitiveness, prosperity, and economic growth. The President remarked that WRRDA would "put Americans to work modernizing our water infrastructure and restoring some of our most vital ecosystems". SIGN UP NOW FOR CLEAN WATER WEEKLY The Clean Water Council website provides the latest news and information about water infrastructure needs nationwide and what is being done to fix them. Please help us spread the word and keep these issues relevant by sending these bulletins to your local and national representatives. Subscribe to Clean Water Weekly SAVE THE THE DATE DATE SAVE NUCA FALL FALL LEADERSHIP LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE CONFERENCE NUCA October 88 to to 10th 10th October Newport, Rhode Rhode Island Island Newport, The conference conference will will include include contractor contractor roundtables, roundtables, aa The management boot boot camp, camp, committee committee meetings, meetings, aa keynote keynote management address, address, and and four four NUCA NUCA Leadership Leadership Institute Institute modules. modules 8 SA Make your reservation here: For more information: To sponsor: 9 GRUBER NOMINATED FOR GARY D. SAWYER AWARD We are pleased to announce that Mike Gruber, Ellis & Associates has been nominated by our chapter as a candidate to receive the Gary D. Sawyer Award. This award is presented annually to an associate member who has made a significant contribution on the local or state level to the industry or association. Mike has been an active member for 15 years. He has served on our Board of Directors since 2006 and as Chair of our education committee since 2011. Mike has also served on our golf committee and scholarship committee. He attends almost all our meetings and events during the year. This past year, Mike was instrumental in the Northeast Florida Construction Career Days, an event designed to introduce High school students to the wide range of career opportunities available to them in the construction industry in a hands-on environment. WOODALL NOMINATED FOR MITCH ELLINGTON AWARD This year our chapter has nominated Mike Woodall, John Woody, Inc. as a candidate to receive the Mitch Ellington Award. This award is presented annually to an contractor member who has made a significant contribution on the local or state level to the industry or association. Mike has done so much for our chapter, our state association and industry over the years. Most recently, Mike stepped in to serve as our chapter President when Bill Bocchino left to accept another job. Mike has served as chapter President last year and also in 1998. Locally, Mike and his son Jon have chaired our golf tournament for the past several years. The tournament has been changed to provide more opportunities for vendors, fun activities for participants, and more profits. Mike has also served as the NUCA of Florida representative on the Sunshine 811 Board of Directors. This is a tremendous time commitment and shows Mike’s dedication to our industry. Mike has also been instrumental in the continuation of the NUCA of Florida President’s Cup Golf Tournament. He recruits the players and sponsors almost exclusively. Mike is very deserving of this award for his continued dedication to our industry over the years. 10 11 12 13 14 NUCA SAFETY NEWS By Jeff Blomgren Heat Related Issues I know we have talked a lot about heat related issues but there are some very clear OSHA guidelines concerning the education and implementation of heat related training for employees. Employees must be able to recognize Heat Illness Indicators in both themselves and others. Employers must be sure that training is done. The NUCA Website has toolbox talks related to heat that make good training aids. Some safety suppliers like Ritz and Abatix have flyers and posters that can be posted in work locations and shared with employees. There are drink supplements that can be added to water to replace electrolytes in the body, but water is the best thing for rehydration. Some of the heat related indicators are as follows: Heat Cramps: Fatigue, confusion, painful muscle spasms in the arms or legs or abdominal areas. Response: Stop exertion, move to a cooler place, drink plenty of fluids with electrolytes. Heat Exhaustion: Fatigue, confusion, clammy skin, nausea, low blood pressure, rapid pulse, fainting. Response: Stop exertion, move to a cooler place and drink plenty of fluids with electrolytes. Heat Stroke: Fatigue, confusion, collapse, unconsciousness. Response: Seek medical attention immediately and cool the body down as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that heat illness is cumulative. Employees need time for their body to reduce the symptoms of Heat Stress or they can progress to the more serious and sometimes fatal Heat Stroke. 15 JULY 2014 FEATURED SPONSOR 16
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