Solicitation RFP-00021 Office Supplies and Related
Solicitation RFP-00021 Office Supplies and Related
Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 Solicitation RFP-00021 Office Supplies and Related Products Program Bid designation: Public Miami-Dade County 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 1 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 Bid RFP-00021 Office Supplies and Related Products Program Bid Number RFP-00021 Bid Title Office Supplies and Related Products Program Bid Start Date Sep 23, 2014 6:38:09 PM EDT Bid End Date Oct 17, 2014 6:00:00 PM EDT Question & Answer End Date Oct 9, 2014 6:00:00 PM EDT Bid Contact Rita Silva 305-375-1081 Contract Duration 5 years Contract Renewal One renewal for 5-year contract Prices Good for Not Applicable Item Response Form Item RFP-00021-- 01-01 - Office Supplies Quantity 1 each Prices are not requested for this item. Delivery Location Miami-Dade County No Location Specified Qty 1 Description Office Supplies 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 2 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 00021 FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES AND RELATED PRODUCTS PROGRAM PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD: October 1, 2014 at 10:00 AM (local time) 111 NW 1st Street, 18th Floor, Conf. Rm. 18-4, Miami, Florida ISSUED BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Internal Services Department, Procurement Management Services Division COUNTY CONTACT FOR THIS SOLICITATION: Rita Silva, Procurement Contracting Manager 111 NW 1st Street, Suite 1300, Miami, Florida 33128 Telephone: (305) 375-1081 E-mail: PROPOSAL RESPONSES DUE: October 17, 2014 at 6:00 PM (local time) Electronic proposal responses to this RFP are to be submitted through a secure mailbox at BidSync until the date and time as indicated in this document. It is the sole responsibility of the Proposer to ensure its proposal reaches BidSync before the Solicitation closing date and time. There is no cost to the Proposer to submit a proposal in response to a Miami-Dade County solicitation via BidSync. Electronic proposal submissions may require the uploading of electronic attachments. The submission of attachments containing embedded documents or proprietary file extensions is prohibited. All documents should be attached as separate files. All proposals received and time stamped through the County’s third party partner, BidSync, prior to the proposal submittal deadline shall be accepted as timely submitted. The circumstances surrounding all proposals received and time stamped after the proposal submittal deadline will be evaluated by the procuring department in consultation with the County Attorney’s Office to determine whether the proposal will be accepted as timely. Proposals will be opened promptly at the time and date specified. The responsibility for submitting a proposal on or before the stated time and date is solely and strictly the responsibility of the Proposer. The County will in no way be responsible for delays caused by technical difficulty or caused by any other occurrence. All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of proposals to the County, or any work performed in connection therewith, shall be borne by the Proposer(s). A Proposer may submit a modified proposal to replace all or any portion of a previously submitted proposal up until the proposal due date. The County will only consider the latest version of the proposal. For competitive bidding opportunities available, please visit the County’s Internal Services Department website at: Requests for additional information or inquiries must be made in writing and submitted using the question/answer feature provided by BidSync at The County will issue responses to inquiries and any changes to this Solicitation it deems necessary in written addenda issued prior to the proposal due date (see addendum section of BidSync Site). Proposers who obtain copies of this Solicitation from sources other than through BidSync risk the possibility of not receiving addenda and are solely responsible for those risks. 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 3 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW AND GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1 Introduction Miami-Dade County, hereinafter referred to as the County, as represented by the Miami-Dade County Internal Services Department, is soliciting proposals for a new Office Supplies and Related Products Program to reduce costs to the County and improve our current service delivery for general office supplies and related equipment/materials. The County intends to establish a contract with one vendor to provide a comprehensive program that will include a web-based ordering system as well as desktop delivery for the purchase of the office supplies and related items for all County departments, on an as-needed basis. The selected Proposer must provide a program that will include a smooth transition from the County’s current internal office supply warehousing and delivery operations, training on ordering and invoicing procedures for a large number of employees authorized to place orders, controls in the ordering system to limit purchases, discounted special offers or sales (if available), and reporting capabilities to track the progress of the program which should include identifying trends. It is preferable that the selected Proposer provide a broad offering of Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP). The County anticipates awarding a contract for a five year period, with one, five-year option to renew, at the County’s sole discretion. The anticipated schedule for this Solicitation is as follows: Solicitation Issued: Pre-Proposal Conference: Deadline for Receipt of Questions: Proposal Due Date: Evaluation Process: Projected Award Date: September 23, 2014 See front cover for date, time, and place. Attendance is recommended but not mandatory. If you need a sign language interpreter or materials in accessible format for this event, please call the ADA Coordinator at (305) 375-2013 or email at least five days in advance. October 9, 2014 See front cover for date and time. November/December 2014 March 2015 1.2 Definitions The following words and expressions used in this Solicitation shall be construed as follows, except when it is clear from the context that another meaning is intended: 1. The word “Contractor” to mean the Proposer that receives any award of a contract from the County as a result of this Solicitation, also to be known as “the prime Contractor”. 2. The word “County” to mean Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. 3. The words “Environmentally Preferred Products” to mean products that have a lesser or reduced negative effect on human health and the environment or an increased positive effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products that serve the same purpose. 4. The word “Proposal” to mean the properly signed and completed written submission in response to this solicitation by a Proposer for the Services, and as amended or modified through negotiations. 5. The word “Proposer” to mean the person, firm, entity or organization, as stated on the Solicitation Submittal Form, submitting a response to this Solicitation. 6. The words “Scope of Services” to mean Section 2.0 of this Solicitation, which details the work to be performed by the Contractor. 7. The word “Solicitation” to mean this Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Qualifications (RFQ) document, and all associated addenda and attachments. 8. The word “Subcontractor” to mean any person, firm, entity or organization, other than the employees of the Contractor, who contracts with the Contractor to furnish labor, or labor and materials, in connection with the Services to the County, whether directly or indirectly, on behalf of the Contractor. 9. The words “Work”, “Services”, “Program”, or “Project” to mean all matters and things that will be required to be done by the Contractor in accordance with the Scope of Services and the terms and conditions of this Solicitation. 1.3 General Proposal Information The County may, at its sole and absolute discretion, reject any and all or parts of any or all responses; accept parts of any and all responses; further negotiate project scope and fees; postpone or cancel at any time this Solicitation process; or waive any irregularities in this Solicitation or in the responses received as a result of this process. In the event that a Proposer wishes to take an exception to 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 2 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 4 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 any of the terms of this Solicitation, the Proposer shall clearly indicate the exception in its proposal. No exception shall be taken where the Solicitation specifically states that exceptions may not be taken. Further, no exception shall be allowed that, in the County’s sole discretion, constitutes a material deviation from the requirements of the Solicitation. Proposals taking such exceptions may, in the County’s sole discretion, be deemed nonresponsive. The County reserves the right to request and evaluate additional information from any respondent regarding respondent’s responsibility after the submission deadline as the County deems necessary. The submittal of a proposal by a Proposer will be considered a good faith commitment by the Proposer to negotiate a contract with the County in substantially similar terms to the proposal offered and, if successful in the process set forth in this Solicitation and subject to its conditions, to enter into a contract substantially in the terms herein. Proposals shall be irrevocable until contract award unless the proposal is withdrawn. A proposal may be withdrawn in writing only, addressed to the County contact person for this Solicitation, prior to the proposal due date or upon the expiration of 180 calendar days after the opening of proposals. Proposers are hereby notified that all information submitted as part of, or in support of proposals will be available for public inspection after opening of proposals, in compliance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, popularly known as the "Public Record Law”. The Proposer shall not submit any information in response to this Solicitation which the Proposer considers to be a trade secret, proprietary or confidential. The submission of any information to the County in connection with this Solicitation shall be deemed conclusively to be a waiver of any trade secret or other protection, which would otherwise be available to Proposer. In the event that the Proposer submits information to the County in violation of this restriction, either inadvertently or intentionally, and clearly identifies that information in the proposal as protected or confidential, the County may, in its sole discretion, either (a) communicate with the Proposer in writing in an effort to obtain the Proposer’s written withdrawal of the confidentiality restriction or (b) endeavor to redact and return that information to the Proposer as quickly as possible, and if appropriate, evaluate the balance of the proposal. Under no circumstances shall the County request the withdrawal of the confidentiality restriction if such communication would in the County’s sole discretion give to such Proposer a competitive advantage over other proposers. The redaction or return of information pursuant to this clause may render a proposal non-responsive. Any Proposer who, at the time of proposal submission, is involved in an ongoing bankruptcy as a debtor, or in a reorganization, liquidation, or dissolution proceeding, or if a trustee or receiver has been appointed over all or a substantial portion of the property of the Proposer under federal bankruptcy law or any state insolvency law, may be found non-responsible. To request a copy of any ordinance, resolution and/or administrative order cited in this Solicitation, the Proposer must contact the Clerk of the Board at (305) 375-5126. 1.4 Cone of Silence Pursuant to Section 2-11.1(t) of the Miami-Dade County Code, as amended, a “Cone of Silence” is imposed upon each RFP or RFQ after advertisement and terminates at the time a written recommendation is issued. The Cone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding RFPs or RFQs between, among others: potential Proposers, service providers, lobbyists or consultants and the County’s professional staff including, but not limited to, the County Mayor and the County Mayor’s staff, County Commissioners or their respective staffs; the County Commissioners or their respective staffs and the County’s professional staff including, but not limited to, the County Mayor and the County Mayor’s staff; or potential Proposers, service providers, lobbyists or consultants, any member of the County’s professional staff, the Mayor, County Commissioners or their respective staffs and any member of the respective selection committee. The provisions do not apply to, among other communications: oral communications with the staff of the Vendor Assistance Unit, the responsible Procurement Agent or Contracting Officer, provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already contained in the solicitation document; oral communications at pre-proposal conferences, oral presentations before selection committees, contract negotiations during any duly noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the Board of County Commissioners during any duly noticed public meeting; or communications in writing at any time with any county employees, official or member of the Board of County Commissioners unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP or RFQ documents. 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 3 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 5 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 When the Cone of Silence is in effect, all potential vendors, service providers, bidders, lobbyists and consultants shall file a copy of any written correspondence concerning the particular RFP or RFQ with the Clerk of the Board, which shall be made available to any person upon request. The County shall respond in writing (if County deems a response necessary) and file a copy with the Clerk of the Board, which shall be made available to any person upon request. Written communications may be in the form of e-mail, with a copy to the Clerk of the Board at All requirements of the Cone of Silence policies are applicable to this Solicitation and must be adhered to. Any and all written communications regarding the Solicitation are to be submitted only to the Procurement Contracting Officer with a copy to the Clerk of the Board. The Cone of Silence shall not apply to oral communications at pre-proposal conferences, oral presentations before selection committees, contract negotiations during any duly noticed public meeting, public presentations made to the Board of County Commissioners during any duly noticed public meeting or communications in writing at any time with any county employee, official or member of the Board of County Commissioners unless specifically prohibited by the applicable RFP, RFQ or bid documents. The Proposer shall file a copy of any written communication with the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board shall make copies available to any person upon request. 1.5 Communication with Selection Committee Members Proposers are hereby notified that direct communication, written or otherwise, to Selection Committee members or the Selection Committee as a whole are expressly prohibited. Any oral communications with Selection Committee members other than as provided in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami-Dade County Code are prohibited. 1.6 Public Entity Crimes Pursuant to Paragraph 2(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal for a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity; and, may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for Category Two for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 1.7 Lobbyist Contingency Fees a) In accordance with Section 2-11.1(s) of the Code of Miami-Dade County, after May, 16, 2003, no person may, in whole or in part, pay, give or agree to pay or give a contingency fee to another person. No person may, in whole or in part, receive or agree to receive a contingency fee. b) A contingency fee is a fee, bonus, commission or non-monetary benefit as compensation which is dependent on or in any way contingent upon the passage, defeat, or modification of: 1) any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of the County Commission; 2) any action, decision or recommendation of the County Mayor or any County board or committee; or 3) any action, decision or recommendation of any County personnel during the time period of the entire decision-making process regarding such action, decision or recommendation which forseeably will be heard or reviewed by the County Commission or a County board or committee. 1.8 Collusion In accordance with Section 2-8.1.1 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, where two (2) or more related parties, as defined herein, each submit a proposal for any contract, such proposals shall be presumed to be collusive. The foregoing presumption may be rebutted by the presentation of evidence as to the extent of ownership, control and management of such related parties in preparation and submittal of such proposals. Related parties shall mean Proposer or the principals thereof which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another Proposer for the same contract or in which a parent company or the principals thereof of one Proposer have a direct or indirect ownership interest in another Proposer for the same contract. Proposals found to be collusive shall be rejected. Proposers who have been found to have engaged in collusion may be considered non-responsible, and may be suspended or debarred, and any contract resulting from collusive bidding may be terminated for default. 1.9 Federal Provisions TBD 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 4 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 6 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 2.1 Background Miami-Dade County (the “County”) is one of the largest county governments in the United States. The County has 25 departments with a budget of over $6 Billion. The County has approximately 26,000 employees. The County’s office supply needs are currently met primarily through a pool contract (6712-5/15; Office Supplies-Prequalification) which has 21 vendors pre-qualified to compete on spot market competitions. New vendors that meet the qualification criteria can be added to the pool contract at any time. The County usually requests spot market pricing every 6 months, or as needed, to obtain pricing for a fixed period. The lowest priced vendor on each item is awarded that item for the term (generally 6 months). Vendors can choose which spot market competitions to participate on. The Internal Services Department (ISD) is responsible for managing the office supplies contract including requesting the spot market pricing, receiving orders from departments, placing the requested orders with the awarded vendors, receiving and sorting the orders, delivering the orders to the departments, and maintaining a warehouse to stock certain items. The department has one primary location where this work takes place and delivers the orders to facilities all across the County. The County intends to transfer the products currently being purchased under the office supplies pool contract to this new office supply program to reduce costs and to introduce the web-based ordering and desktop delivery features. Other County contracts that provide for office supply related products may also be transferred to this new program, at the County’s discretion. 2.2 Preferred Qualifications The selected Proposer should have relevant experience providing the requested services to governmental or private entities with similar size office supply needs in terms of dollars spent, delivery locations, and/or clients (i.e., employees and/or persons authorized to place orders). The Proposer’s experience must include providing a web-based ordering system and desktop delivery. 2.3 Types of Products Purchased For illustrative purposes and to understand the quantities and types of products normally purchased by Miami-Dade County, Attachment 1, Types of Products Purchased, includes a complete listing of the product names and quantities purchased during the fiscal year (October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013). (Note: For evaluation purposes, the list of required items is abbreviated as pricing will be requested on a subset of products. See Form B-1, Price Proposal Schedule – Fixed Price Items. Additionally, as further described in herein, Proposer will be requested to provide pricing for paper (see Form B-2, Price Proposal Schedule - Paper) as well as to provide pricing for an EPP list of products available (see Form B-3, Price Proposal Schedule - Environmentally Preferred Products). The County, after award of this Contract, will identify products from the EPP list that may be used in lieu of, or in addition to, our current product offerings.) It is preferable that all products be provided with a (1) minimal amount of packaging or with packaging take-back services or shipping carton return, (2) minimal toxic constituents such as packaging that may contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polystyrene or heavy metals recycled content, and (3) maximum post-consumer recycled content in the packaging materials and labeling. 2.4 Delivery As of January 1, 2014, Miami-Dade County has approximately 200 office building locations of various sizes and uses, including, multistory office buildings, single-story office buildings, courthouses, correctional facilities, fire and police stations, etc. that will require desktop delivery of office supplies and products. Throughout these locations, there are approximately 17,000 workstations. During fiscal year 2012-13, delivery of office supplies by in-house staff was made to approximately 200 different County locations. A listing of each of these locations is provided for informational purposes as Attachment 2, Current Delivery Locations. The selected Proposer shall provide desktop delivery which, at a minimum, meets the following: a. Delivery available to all County locations. b. Multiple desktops may receive deliveries at the same locations. c. Locations may be added or deleted at the County’s discretion. 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 5 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 7 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 d. Delivery within 48 hours after order is placed by the County. e. As a general guideline, delivery of office supplies shall be Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. f. Delivery beyond security clearance points, which may require opening of packages and wait time. g. Orders shall be accompanied by a packing slip or delivery ticket attached to the shipping carton(s) and made available to the County's authorized representative during delivery. The packing slip or delivery ticket shall include, at a minimum, order number, date of order, name of person who placed the order, and a complete listing of items being delivered. 2.5 Ordering The selected Proposer shall provide an ordering system that meets, at a minimum, the following: a. E-commerce online ordering, web-based platform and support HTTPS (SSL over HTTP) connections. b. The ordering system must include items with the associated description and contract price. c. The ordering system must be user friendly and easy to navigate. d. The selected Proposer shall provide visibility to its entire catalogue. (Note: It is anticipated that visible items would include the items priced in Form B-1, Price Proposal Schedule – Fixed Price Items to include the fixed price items and Proposer’s catalogue items. However, the County may prefer to place restrictions on purchases to include not making certain items visible in the system, regardless of whether they appear on the price lists provided herein. The County will work with the selected Proposer on how to achieve such restrictions to the referenced items.) e. While ordering of office supplies through a web-based system will likely be limited to designed users in each County Department, the system must allow for more users to be added at any time. f. The system must have ordering controls to limit purchases as determined by the County. For example, users may be restricted to a certain amount per order and/or a certain amount per day. g. The County prefers that the system not include advertisement of products or services but advertisement of available sales and promotions would be acceptable. However, the advertisement of products or services by the Proposer is negotiable. h. Miami-Dade County is exempt from payment of State sales tax on all purchases and the ordering system shall reflect this automatically without further action or effort required of our users. The County may want to allow the purchase of special order items such as office supplies not on the price lists or in the Proposer’s catalogue, with certain controls in place, such as prior approval of items, including approval of all costs for special handling for those items. The County will work with the selected Proposer on how to achieve such access. 2.6 Invoicing The selected Proposer shall invoice the County directly to the user/department that placed the order through various methods, including purchasing card, electronic and paper. The County will consider all of these methods, but is most desirous of methods that minimize the efforts of the County in its payment processes. 2.7 Training The selected Proposer shall provide comprehensive training to the employees (all employees authorized to make purchases and any other employee as required). The selected Proposer will be responsible for scheduling and presenting the training. The County will provide access to the employees. The training should preferably be web-based group training as well as one-on-one training or any combination of the two types. The training should include an ordering guideline or on-line access to a guideline for reference after completion of the training. 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 6 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 8 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 2.8 Customer Support Services The selected Proposer shall provide customer support service representatives available during the County’s normal operating hours of Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local time) to assist employees with ordering, expected delivery dates, disputed invoices, etc. The representatives should be available via an 800 number. 2.9 Reporting The selected Proposer should have reporting capabilities which, at a minimum, meet the following: a. Preferably an on-demand system that County users can access to generate customized reports, or otherwise have a report generated by the selected Proposer within a reasonable turnaround time which meets the County’s requested specifications. b. Reports that show the progress of the program, trends, etc. c. For capital inventory purposes, a separate monthly report that shows items purchased which cost $1,000 or more, sorted by department. d. Reports that show all items purchased sortable by commodity and by department. e. Quarterly, provide a report that shows type, quantity, and cost of all EPP purchased, sorted by department. Reports shall include the following fields: reporting period (quarter), County department name, listing of EPP products procured, quantity of each EPP product type, and total cost of each EPP product type. 2.10 Discounted Special Offers or Sales The County is interested in reducing its office supply costs and keeping those costs down. The selected Proposer should preferably have the ability to offer discounted special offers, sales to the County (such as in-store or on-line sale pricing), and competitor price matching. 2.11 Optional Items ISD also has a pool contract for paper of various sizes, colors, and classification (drop shipped). The County may consider incorporating paper as part of this contract. As such, included is a list of paper products to be priced (see Form B-2, Price Proposal Schedule - Paper), which is a listing of the major types and quantities of paper purchased in FY 12-13. The County will determine whether it is in its best interest to incorporate paper into this contract at the time of award. In making such determination, the County will consider, among other things, whether savings for the referenced items can be achieved. Additionally, in order to further our sustainability efforts, the County seeks to broaden the current offering of Environmentally Preferred Products. See Attachment 3, Buy Green Buying Guide. Pricing will be requested for following EPP types: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Re-manufactured toner/printer cartridges meeting all Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) specifications 20% minimum post-consumer recycled content garbage bags Biodegradable plastic bags 15% minimum post-consumer recycled content facial tissue 60% minimum post-consumer recycled content paper towels 20% minimum post-consumer recycled content toilet paper 60% minimum post-consumer recycled content napkins 30% minimum post-consumer recycled content general printer paper 35% minimum post-consumer recycled content corrugated cardboard boxes 30% minimum post-consumer content paper file folders 25% minimum post-consumer content plastic binders 20% minimum post-consumer content writing tablets/message pads refillable mechanical pencils and corresponding graphite refill units refillable pens recycled content pens Refillable correction tapes CFL bulbs 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 7 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 9 Miami-Dade County, FL 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 LED bulbs 30% minimum post-consumer recycled content paper envelopes 20% minimum post-consumer plastic desk side trash/ garbage cans 20% minimum post-consumer plastic recycling containers Energy Star and EPEAT Office electronic equipment such as Copiers, printers, facsimile (FAX) and multifunctional equipment EPEAT computers, monitors, and laptops General Purpose Cleaners that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards for institutional and industrial cleaning products Bathroom cleaners that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards for institutional and industrial cleaning products Glass Cleaners that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards for institutional and industrial cleaning products Carpet Cleaners that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards for institutional and industrial cleaning products Disinfectants that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards for institutional and industrial cleaning products Floor care products that meet Green Seal standards Hand soaps that meet Green Seal GS-37 standards Additional products with a variety of environmentally preferable qualities (for example with different levels of pre- and post-consumer recycled content) are encouraged to be offered. 3.0 RESPONSE REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Submittal Requirements In response to this Solicitation, Proposer should complete and return the entire Proposal Submission Package. Proposers should carefully follow the format and instructions outlined therein. All documents and information must be fully completed and signed as required and submitted in the manner described. The proposal shall be written in sufficient detail to permit the County to conduct a meaningful evaluation of the proposed services. However, overly elaborate responses are not requested or desired. 4.0 EVALUATION PROCESS 4.1 Review of Proposals for Responsiveness Each proposal will be reviewed to determine if the proposal is responsive to the submission requirements outlined in this Solicitation. A responsive proposal is one which follows the requirements of this Solicitation, includes all documentation, is submitted in the format outlined in this Solicitation, is of timely submission, and has the appropriate signatures as required on each document. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in the proposal being deemed non-responsive. 4.2 Evaluation Criteria Proposals will be evaluated by an Evaluation/Selection Committee which will evaluate and rank proposals on criteria listed below. The Evaluation/Selection Committee will be comprised of appropriate County personnel and members of the community, as deemed necessary, with the appropriate experience and/or knowledge, striving to ensure that the Evaluation/Selection Committee is balanced with regard to both ethnicity and gender. The criteria are itemized with their respective weights for a maximum total of one hundred (100) points per Evaluation/Selection Committee member. Technical Criteria Points 1. Proposer’s relevant experience and qualifications, including relevant experience and qualifications of subcontractors and key personnel 30 2. Proposer’s capabilities and approach to providing the services 30 Price Criteria Points 3. Proposer’s proposed price 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 40 8 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 10 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 4.3 Selection Factor Not applicable due to funding source. 4.4 Local Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise Preference Not applicable due to funding source. 4.5 Price Evaluation After the evaluation of the technical proposal, the County will evaluate the price proposals of those Proposers remaining in consideration. The price proposal will be evaluated subjectively in combination with the technical proposal, including an evaluation of how well it matches Proposer’s understanding of the County’s needs described in this Solicitation, the Proposer’s assumptions, and the value of the proposed services. The pricing evaluation is used as part of the evaluation process to determine the highest ranked Proposer. The County reserves the right to negotiate the final terms, conditions and pricing of the contract as may be in the best interest of the County. 4.6 Oral Presentations Upon completion of the criteria evaluation indicated above, rating and ranking, the Evaluation/Selection Committee may choose to conduct an oral presentation with the Proposer(s) which the Evaluation/Selection Committee deems to warrant further consideration based on, among other considerations, scores in clusters and/or maintaining competition. (See Affidavit – “Lobbyist Registration for Oral Presentation” regarding registering speakers in the proposal for oral presentations.) Upon completion of the oral presentation(s), the Evaluation/Selection Committee will re-evaluate, re-rate and re-rank the proposals remaining in consideration based upon the written documents combined with the oral presentation. 4.7 Local Preference Not applicable due to funding source. 4.8 Negotiations The County may award a contract on the basis of initial Proposals received. Therefore, each initial Proposal should contain the Proposer's best terms from a monetary and technical standpoint. The Evaluation/Selection Committee will evaluate, score and rank proposals, and submit the results of their evaluation to the County Mayor or designee with their recommendation. The County Mayor or designee will determine with which Proposer(s) the County shall negotiate, if any, taking into consideration the Local Preference Section above. The County Mayor or designee, at their sole discretion, may direct negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer, negotiations with multiple Proposers, and/or may request best and final offers. In any event the County engages in negotiations with a single or multiple Proposers and/or requests best and final offers, the discussions may include price and conditions attendant to price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the County and said Proposer(s) cannot reach agreement on a contract, the County reserves the right to terminate negotiations and may, at the County Mayor’s or designee’s discretion, begin negotiations with the next highest ranked Proposer(s). This process may continue until a contract acceptable to the County has been executed or all proposals are rejected. No Proposer shall have any rights against the County arising from such negotiations or termination thereof. Any Proposer recommended for negotiations shall complete a Collusion Affidavit, in accordance with Sections 2-8.1.1 of the MiamiDade County Code. (If a Proposer fails to submit the required Collusion Affidavit, said Proposer shall be ineligible for award.) Any Proposer recommended for negotiations may be required to provide to the County: Its most recent certified business financial statements as of a date not earlier than the end of the Proposer’s preceding official tax accounting period, together with a statement in writing, signed by a duly authorized representative, stating that the present financial condition is materially the same as that shown on the balance sheet and income statement submitted, or with an explanation for a material change in the financial condition. A copy of the most recent business income tax return will be accepted if certified financial statements are unavailable. 4.9 Contract Award 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 9 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 11 Miami-Dade County, FL Miami-Dade County RFP No. 00021 Bid RFP-00021 Any contract, resulting from this Solicitation, will be submitted to the County Mayor or designee for approval. All Proposers will be notified in writing when the County Mayor or designee makes an award recommendation. The Contract award, if any, shall be made to the Proposer whose proposal shall be deemed by the County to be in the best interest of the County. Notwithstanding the rights of protest listed below, the County's decision of whether to make the award and to which Proposer shall be final. 4.10 Rights of Protest A recommendation for contract award or rejection of all proposals may be protested by a Proposer in accordance with the procedures contained in Sections 2-8.3 and 2-8.4 of the County Code, as amended, and as established in Implementing Order No. 3-21. 5.0 TERMS AND CONDITIONS The anticipated form of agreement is attached. The terms and conditions summarized below are of special note and can be found in their entirety in the agreement: a) Vendor Registration Prior to being recommended for award, the Proposer shall complete a Miami-Dade County Vendor Registration Package. Effective June 1, 2008, the new Vendor Registration Package, including a Uniform Affidavit Packet (Affidavit form), must be completed. The Vendor Registration Package, including all affidavits can be obtained by downloading from the website at or from the Vendor Assistance Unit at 111 N.W. 1st Street, 13th Floor, Miami, FL. The recommended Proposer shall affirm that all information submitted with its Vendor Registration Package is current, complete and accurate, at the time they submitted a response to the Solicitation, by completing an Affirmation of Vendor Affidavit form. b) Insurance Requirements The Contractor shall furnish to the County, Internal Services Department, Procurement Management Services Division, prior to the commencement of any work under any agreement, Certificates of Insurance which indicate insurance coverage has been obtained that meets the stated requirements. c) Inspector General Reviews According to Section 2-1076 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as amended by Ordinance No. 99-63, Miami-Dade County has established the Office of the Inspector General which may, on a random basis, perform audits on all County contracts, throughout the duration of said contracts, except as otherwise indicated. The cost of the audit, if applicable, shall be one quarter (1/4) of one (1) percent of the total contract amount and the cost shall be included in any proposed price. The audit cost will be deducted by the County from progress payments to the Contractor, if applicable. d) User Access Program Pursuant to Section 2-8.10 of the Miami-Dade County Code, any agreement issued as a result of this Solicitation is subject to a user access fee under the County User Access Program (UAP) in the amount of two percent (2%). All sales resulting from this Solicitation and the utilization of the County contract price and the terms and conditions identified therein, are subject to the two percent (2%) UAP. Note: The Inspector General audit fee and the UAP provision fee will not be applicable to federal or other grant funding sources. It is anticipated that such funding sources represent about 15% of the entire contract spend. 6.0 ATTACHMENTS Draft Form of Agreement Attachment 1, Types of Products Purchased Attachment 2, Current Delivery Locations Attachment 3, Buy Green Purchasing Guide Proposal Submission Package 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 10 Rev. 7/19/14 p. 12 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA RFP NO. 00021 (This is the form of agreement the County anticipates awarding to the selected Proposer.) Office Supplies and Related Products Program Contract No. RFP00021 THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of this ______ day of _________________________ by and between _____________________________ , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of _______, having its principal office at ___________________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"), and Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, having its principal office at 111 N.W. 1st Street, Miami, Florida 33128 (hereinafter referred to as the "County"), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Contractor has offered to provide _____________________________, on a non-exclusive basis, that shall conform to the Scope of Services (Appendix A); Miami-Dade County's Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 00021 and all associated addenda and attachments, incorporated herein by reference; and the requirements of this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Contractor has submitted a written proposal dated _____________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor’s Proposal" which is incorporated herein by reference; and, WHEREAS, the County desires to procure from the Contractor such __________________ for the County, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Page 1 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 13 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS The following words and expressions used in this Agreement shall be construed as follows, except when it is clear from the context that another meaning is intended: a) The words "Contract" or "Agreement" to mean collectively these terms and conditions, the Scope of Services (Appendix A), the Price Schedule (Appendix B), all other appendices and attachments hereto, all amendments issued hereto, RFP No. 00021 and all associated addenda, and the Contractor’s Proposal. b) The words "Contract Date" to mean the date on which this Agreement is effective. c) The words "Contract Manager" to mean Miami-Dade County's Director, Internal Services Department, or the duly authorized representative designated to manage the Contract. d) The word "Contractor" to mean _______________________ and its permitted successors and assigns. e) The word "Days" to mean Calendar Days. f) The word "Deliverables" to mean all documentation and any items of any nature submitted by the Contractor to the County’s Project Manager for review and approval pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. g) The words "directed", "required", "permitted", "ordered", "designated", "selected", "prescribed" or words of like import to mean respectively, the direction, requirement, permission, order, designation, selection or prescription of the County's Project Manager; and similarly the words "approved", acceptable", "satisfactory", "equal", "necessary", or words of like import to mean respectively, approved by, or acceptable or satisfactory to, equal or necessary in the opinion of the County’s Project Manager. h) The words "Extra Work" or “Additional Work” to mean additions or deletions or modifications to the amount, type or value of the Work and Services as required in this Contract, as directed and/or approved by the County. i) The words "Project Manager" to mean the County Mayor or the duly authorized representative designated to manage the Project. j) The words "Scope of Services" to mean the document appended hereto as Appendix A, which details the work to be performed by the Contractor. k) The word "subcontractor" or “subconsultant” to mean any person, entity, firm or corporation, other than the employees of the Contractor, who furnishes labor and/or materials, in connection with the Work, whether directly or indirectly, on behalf and/or under the direction of the Contractor and whether or not in privity of Contract with the Contractor. l) The words "Work", "Services" "Program", or "Project" to mean all matters and things required to be done by the Contractor in accordance with the provisions of this Contract. ARTICLE 2. ORDER OF PRECEDENCE If there is a conflict between or among the provisions of this Agreement, the order of Page 2 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 14 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 precedence is as follows: 1) these terms and conditions, 2) the Scope of Services (Appendix A), 3) the Price Schedule (Appendix B), 4) the Miami-Dade County's RFP No. 00021 and any associated addenda and attachments thereof, and 5) the Contractor's Proposal. ARTICLE 3. RULES OF INTERPRETATION a) References to a specified Article, section or schedule shall be construed as reference to that specified Article, or section of, or schedule to this Agreement unless otherwise indicated. b) Reference to any agreement or other instrument shall be deemed to include such agreement or other instrument as such agreement or other instrument may, from time to time, be modified, amended, supplemented, or restated in accordance with its terms. c) The terms "hereof", "herein", "hereinafter", "hereby", "herewith", "hereto", and "hereunder" shall be deemed to refer to this Agreement. d) The titles, headings, captions and arrangements used in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and shall not be deemed to limit, amplify or modify the terms of this Contract, nor affect the meaning thereof. ARTICLE 4. NATURE OF THE AGREEMENT a) This Agreement incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, and understandings applicable to the matters contained in this Agreement. The parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this Agreement, and that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties as to all matters contained herein. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. It is further agreed that any oral representations or modifications concerning this Agreement shall be of no force or effect, and that this Agreement may be modified, altered or amended only by a written amendment duly executed by both parties hereto or their authorized representatives. b) The Contractor shall provide the services set forth in the Scope of Services, and render full and prompt cooperation with the County in all aspects of the Services performed hereunder. c) The Contractor acknowledges that this Agreement requires the performance of all things necessary for or incidental to the effective and complete performance of all Work and Services under this Contract. All things not expressly mentioned in this Agreement but necessary to carrying out its intent are required by this Agreement, and the Contractor shall perform the same as though they were specifically mentioned, described and delineated. d) The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, supplies, and other items required to perform the Work and Services that are necessary for the completion of this Contract. All Work and Services shall be accomplished at the direction of and to the satisfaction of the County's Project Manager. e) The Contractor acknowledges that the County shall be responsible for making all policy decisions regarding the Scope of Services. The Contractor agrees to provide input on Page 3 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 15 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 policy issues in the form of recommendations. The Contractor agrees to implement any and all changes in providing Services hereunder as a result of a policy change implemented by the County. The Contractor agrees to act in an expeditious and fiscally sound manner in providing the County with input regarding the time and cost to implement said changes and in executing the activities required to implement said changes. ARTICLE 5. CONTRACT TERM The Contract shall become effective on _________ and shall continue through the last day of the ____ month. The County, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to exercise the option to renew this Contract for a period for ____ ( ) additional years. The County reserves the right to exercise its option to extend this Contract for up to one hundred-eighty (180) calendar days beyond the current Contract period and will notify the Contractor in writing of the extension. This Contract may be extended beyond the initial one hundred-eighty (180) calendar day extension period by mutual agreement between the County and the Contractor, upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners. ARTICLE 6. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed sufficiently served if delivered by Registered or Certified Mail, with return receipt requested; or delivered personally; or delivered via fax or e-mail (if provided below) and followed with delivery of hard copy; and in any case addressed as follows: (1) to the County a) to the Project Manager: Miami-Dade County Attention: Phone: Fax: E-mail: and, b) to the Contract Manager: Miami-Dade County Internal Services Department, Procurement Management Division 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1375 Miami, FL 33128-1974 Attention: Assistant Director Phone: (305) 375-2363 Fax: (305) 375-2316 E-mail: (2) To the Contractor Page 4 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 16 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 Attention: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Either party may at any time designate a different address and/or contact person by giving notice as provided above to the other party. Such notices shall be deemed given upon receipt by the addressee. ARTICLE 7. PAYMENT FOR SERVICES/AMOUNT OBLIGATED The Contractor warrants that it has reviewed the County's requirements and has asked such questions and conducted such other inquiries as the Contractor deemed necessary in order to determine the price the Contractor will charge to provide the Work and Services to be performed under this Contract. The compensation for all Work and Services performed under this Contract, including all costs associated with such Work and Services, shall be as specified in the Appendix B, Price Schedule. The County shall have no obligation to pay the Contractor any additional sum in excess of this amount, except for a change and/or modification to the Contract, which is approved and executed in writing by the County and the Contractor. All Services undertaken by the Contractor before County’s approval of this Contract shall be at the Contractor’s risk and expense. ARTICLE 8. PRICING Prices shall be fixed for the periods as specified for each pricing section on Appendix B, Price Schedule. However, the Contractor may offer incentive discounts to the County at any time during the Contract term, including any renewal or extension thereof. ARTICLE 9. METHOD AND TIMES OF PAYMENT The Contractor agrees that under the provisions of this Agreement, as reimbursement for those actual, reasonable and necessary costs incurred by the Contractor, which are directly attributable or properly allocable to the Services, the Contractor shall bill the applicable County departments which placed and received orders on a monthly basis for all fulfilled orders for that month, upon invoices certified by the Contractor pursuant to Appendix B, Price Schedule. All invoices shall be taken from the books of account kept by the Contractor, shall be supported by copies of payroll distribution, receipt bills or other documents reasonably required by the County, shall show the County’s contract number, and shall have a unique invoice number assigned by the Contractor. It is the policy of Miami-Dade County that payment for all purchases by County agencies and the Public Health Trust shall be made in a timely manner and that interest payments be made on late payments. In accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 218.74 and Section 2-8.1.4 of the Miami-Dade County Code, the time at which payment shall be due from the County or the Public Health Trust shall be forty-five (45) days from receipt of a proper invoice. The time at which payment shall be due to small businesses shall be thirty (30) days from receipt of a proper invoice. All payments due from the County or the Public Health Trust, and not made within the time specified by this section shall bear interest from thirty (30) days after the due date at the rate of one percent (1%) per month on the unpaid balance. Further, proceedings to resolve disputes for payment of obligations shall be concluded by final written decision of the County Mayor, or his or her designee(s), not later than sixty (60) days after the date on which the proper invoice was received by the County or the Public Health Trust. Page 5 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 17 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 In accordance with Miami-Dade County Implementing Order 3-9, Accounts Receivable Adjustments, if money is owed by the Contractor to the County, whether under this Contract or for any other purpose, the County reserves the right to retain such amount from payment due by County to the Contractor under this Contract. Such retained amount shall be applied to the amount owed by the Contractor to the County. The Contractor shall have no further claim to such retained amounts which shall be deemed full accord and satisfaction of the amount due by the County to the Contractor for the applicable payment due herein. Invoices and associated back-up documentation shall be submitted in duplicate or electronically by the Contractor to the County Department placing the order. The County may at any time designate a different address and/or contact person by giving written notice to the other party. ARTICLE 10. INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the County or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Contractor or its employees, agents, servants, partners principals or subcontractors. The Contractor shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the Contractor shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. Upon County’s notification, the Contractor shall furnish to the Internal Services Department, Procurement Management Division, Certificates of Insurance that indicate that insurance coverage has been obtained, which meets the requirements as outlined below: 1. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statute 440. 2. Commercial General Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Miami-Dade County must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. 3. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned, and hired vehicles used in connection with the Services, in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. The company must be rated no less than "A-" as to management, and no less than "Class VII" as to financial strength by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to the approval of the County Risk Management Division. Page 6 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 18 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 OR The company must hold a valid Florida Certificate of Authority as shown in the latest "List of All Insurance Companies Authorized or Approved to Do Business in Florida", issued by the State of Florida Department of Financial Services and are members of the Florida Guaranty Fund. The mailing address of Miami-Dade County as the certificate holder must appear on the certificate of insurance as follows: Miami-Dade County 111 N.W. 1st Street, Suite 1300 Miami, Florida 33128-1974 Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the Contractor of this liability and obligation under this section or under any other section in this Agreement. Award of this Contract is contingent upon the receipt of the insurance documents, as required, within ten (10) business days. If the insurance certificate is received within the specified timeframe but not in the manner prescribed in this Agreement, the Contractor shall have an additional five (5) business days to submit a corrected certificate to the County. If the Contractor fails to submit the required insurance documents in the manner prescribed in this Agreement within fifteen (15) business days, the Contractor shall be in default of the contractual terms and conditions and award of the Contract may be rescinded, unless such timeframe for submission has been extended by the County. The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the insurance certificates required in conjunction with this Section remain in force for the duration of the contractual period of the Contract, including any and all option years or extension periods that may be granted by the County. If insurance certificates are scheduled to expire during the contractual period, the Contractor shall be responsible for submitting new or renewed insurance certificates to the County at a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days in advance of such expiration. In the event that expired certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates which cover the contractual period, the County shall suspend the Contract until such time as the new or renewed certificates are received by the County in the manner prescribed herein; provided, however, that this suspended period does not exceed thirty (30) calendar days. Thereafter, the County may, at its sole discretion, terminate this contract. ARTICLE 11. MANNER OF PERFORMANCE a) The Contractor shall provide the Services described herein in a competent and professional manner satisfactory to the County in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The County shall be entitled to a satisfactory performance of all Services described herein and to full and prompt cooperation by the Contractor in all aspects of the Services. At the request of the County, the Contractor shall promptly remove from the project any Contractor’s employee, subcontractor, or any other person performing Services hereunder. The Contractor agrees that such removal of any of its employees does not require the termination or demotion of any employee by the Contractor. b) The Contractor agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify the County and shall be liable and responsible for any and all claims, suits, actions, damages and costs (including attorney's fees and court costs) made against the County, occurring on Page 7 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 19 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 account of, arising from or in connection with the removal and replacement of any Contractor’s personnel performing services hereunder at the behest of the County. Removal and replacement of any Contractor’s personnel as used in this Article shall not require the termination and or demotion of such Contractor’s personnel. c) The Contractor agrees that at all times it will employ, maintain and assign to the performance of the Services a sufficient number of competent and qualified professionals and other personnel to meet the requirements to which reference is hereinafter made. The Contractor agrees to adjust its personnel staffing levels or to replace any its personnel if so directed upon reasonable request from the County, should the County make a determination, in its sole discretion, that said personnel staffing is inappropriate or that any individual is not performing in a manner consistent with the requirements for such a position. d) The Contractor warrants and represents that its personnel have the proper skill, training, background, knowledge, experience, rights, authorizations, integrity, character and licenses as necessary to perform the Services described herein, in a competent and professional manner. e) The Contractor shall at all times cooperate with the County and coordinate its respective work efforts to most effectively and efficiently maintain the progress in performing the Services. f) The Contractor shall comply with all provisions of all federal, state and local laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations that are applicable to the performance of this Agreement. ARTICLE 12. EMPLOYEES OF THE CONTRACTOR All employees of the Contractor shall be considered to be, at all times, employees of the Contractor under its sole direction and not employees or agents of the County. The Contractor shall supply competent employees. Miami-Dade County may require the Contractor to remove an employee it deems careless, incompetent, insubordinate or otherwise objectionable and whose continued employment on County property is not in the best interest of the County. Each employee shall have and wear proper identification. ARTICLE 13. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR RELATIONSHIP The Contractor is, and shall be, in the performance of all work services and activities under this Agreement, an independent contractor, and not an employee, agent or servant of the County. All persons engaged in any of the work or services performed pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times, and in all places, be subject to the Contractor's sole direction, supervision and control. The Contractor shall exercise control over the means and manner in which it and its employees perform the work, and in all respects the Contractor's relationship and the relationship of its employees to the County shall be that of an independent contractor and not as employees and agents of the County. The Contractor does not have the power or authority to bind the County in any promise, agreement or representation other than specifically provided for in this Agreement. ARTICLE 14. AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY’S PROJECT MANAGER Page 8 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 20 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 a) The Contractor hereby acknowledges that the County’s Project Manager will determine in the first instance all questions of any nature whatsoever arising out of, under, or in connection with, or in any way related to or on account of, this Agreement including without limitations: questions as to the value, acceptability and fitness of the Services; questions as to either party's fulfillment of its obligations under the Contract; negligence, fraud or misrepresentation before or subsequent to acceptance of the Contractor’s Proposal; questions as to the interpretation of the Scope of Services; and claims for damages, compensation and losses. b) The Contractor shall be bound by all determinations or orders and shall promptly comply with every order of the Project Manager, including the withdrawal or modification of any previous order and regardless of whether the Contractor agrees with the Project Manager's determination or order. Where orders are given orally, they will be issued in writing by the Project Manager as soon thereafter as is practicable. c) The Contractor must, in the final instance, seek to resolve every difference concerning the Agreement with the Project Manager. In the event that the Contractor and the Project Manager are unable to resolve their difference, the Contractor may initiate a dispute in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Article. Exhaustion of these procedures shall be a condition precedent to any lawsuit permitted hereunder. d) In the event of such dispute, the parties to this Agreement authorize the County Mayor or designee, who may not be the Project Manager or anyone associated with this Project, acting personally, to decide all questions arising out of, under, or in connection with, or in any way related to or on account of the Agreement (including but not limited to claims in the nature of breach of contract, fraud or misrepresentation arising either before or subsequent to execution hereof) and the decision of each with respect to matters within the County Mayor's purview as set forth above shall be conclusive, final and binding on parties. Any such dispute shall be brought, if at all, before the County Mayor within 10 days of the occurrence, event or act out of which the dispute arises. e) The County Mayor may base this decision on such assistance as may be desirable, including advice of experts, but in any event shall base the decision on an independent and objective determination of whether Contractor’s performance or any Deliverable meets the requirements of this Agreement and any specifications with respect thereto set forth herein. The effect of any decision shall not be impaired or waived by any negotiations or settlements or offers made in connection with the dispute, whether or not the County Mayor participated therein, or by any prior decision of others, which prior decision shall be deemed subject to review, or by any termination or cancellation of the Agreement. All such disputes shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor to the County Mayor for a decision, together with all evidence and other pertinent information in regard to such questions, in order that a fair and impartial decision may be made. Whenever the County Mayor is entitled to exercise discretion or judgement or to make a determination or form an opinion pursuant to the provisions of this Article, such action shall be fair and impartial when exercised or taken. The County Mayor, as appropriate, shall render a decision in writing and deliver a copy of the same to the Contractor. Except as such remedies may be limited or waived elsewhere in the Agreement, Contractor reserves the right to pursue any remedies available under law after exhausting the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE 15. MUTUAL OBLIGATIONS a) This Agreement, including attachments and appendices to the Agreement, shall Page 9 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 21 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 constitute the entire Agreement between the parties with respect hereto and supersedes all previous communications and representations or agreements, whether written or oral, with respect to the subject matter hereto unless acknowledged in writing by the duly authorized representatives of both parties. b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed for the benefit, intended or otherwise, of any third party that is not a parent or subsidiary of a party or otherwise related (by virtue of ownership control or statutory control) to a party. c) In those situations where this Agreement imposes an indemnity obligation on the Contractor, the County may, at its expense, elect to participate in the defense if the County should so choose. Furthermore, the County may at its own expense defend or settle any such claims if the Contractor fails to diligently defend such claims, and thereafter seek indemnity for costs from the Contractor. ARTICLE 16. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORD KEEPING The Contractor shall maintain, and shall require that its subcontractors and suppliers maintain, complete and accurate records to substantiate compliance with the requirements set forth in the Scope of Services. The Contractor and its subcontractors and suppliers, shall retain such records, and all other documents relevant to the Services furnished under this Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the expiration date of this Agreement and any extension thereof. ARTICLE 17. AUDITS The County, or its duly authorized representatives or governmental agencies, shall until the expiration of three (3) years after the expiration of this Agreement and any extension thereof, have access to and the right to examine and reproduce any of the Contractor's books, documents, papers and records and of its subcontractors and suppliers which apply to all matters of the County. Such records shall subsequently conform to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requirements, as applicable, and shall only address those transactions related to this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 2-481 of the Miami-Dade County Code, the Contractor will grant access to the Commission Auditor to all financial and performance related records, property, and equipment purchased in whole or in part with government funds. The Contractor agrees to maintain an accounting system that provides accounting records that are supported with adequate documentation, and adequate procedures for determining the allowability and allocability of costs. ARTICLE 18. SUBSTITUTION OF PERSONNEL In the event the Contractor wishes to substitute personnel for the key personnel identified by the Contractor’s Proposal, the Contractor must notify the County in writing and request written approval for the substitution at least ten (10) business days prior to effecting such substitution. ARTICLE 19. CONSENT OF THE COUNTY REQUIRED FOR ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, convey or otherwise dispose of this Agreement, including its rights, title or interest in or to the same or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the County. Page 10 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 22 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 ARTICLE 20. SUBCONTRACTUAL RELATIONS a) If the Contractor will cause any part of this Agreement to be performed by a Subcontractor, the provisions of this Contract will apply to such Subcontractor and its officers, agents and employees in all respects as if it and they were employees of the Contractor; and the Contractor will not be in any manner thereby discharged from its obligations and liabilities hereunder, but will be liable hereunder for all acts and negligence of the Subcontractor, its officers, agents, and employees, as if they were employees of the Contractor. The services performed by the Subcontractor will be subject to the provisions hereof as if performed directly by the Contractor. b) The Contractor, before making any subcontract for any portion of the services, will state in writing to the County the name of the proposed Subcontractor, the portion of the Services which the Subcontractor is to do, the place of business of such Subcontractor, and such other information as the County may require. The County will have the right to require the Contractor not to award any subcontract to a person, firm or corporation disapproved by the County. c) Before entering into any subcontract hereunder, the Contractor will inform the Subcontractor fully and completely of all provisions and requirements of this Agreement relating either directly or indirectly to the Services to be performed. Such Services performed by such Subcontractor will strictly comply with the requirements of this Contract. d) In order to qualify as a Subcontractor satisfactory to the County, in addition to the other requirements herein provided, the Subcontractor must be prepared to prove to the satisfaction of the County that it has the necessary facilities, skill and experience, and ample financial resources to perform the Services in a satisfactory manner. To be considered skilled and experienced, the Subcontractor must show to the satisfaction of the County that it has satisfactorily performed services of the same general type which is required to be performed under this Agreement. e) The County shall have the right to withdraw its consent to a subcontract if it appears to the County that the subcontract will delay, prevent, or otherwise impair the performance of the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement. All Subcontractors are required to protect the confidentiality of the County's and County's proprietary and confidential information. Contractor shall furnish to the County copies of all subcontracts between Contractor and Subcontractors and suppliers hereunder. Within each such subcontract, there shall be a clause for the benefit of the County in the event the County finds the Contractor in breach of this Contract, permitting the County to request completion by the Subcontractor of its performance obligations under the subcontract. The clause shall include an option for the County to pay the Subcontractor directly for the performance by such Subcontractor. Notwithstanding, the foregoing shall neither convey nor imply any obligation or liability on the part of the County to any subcontractor hereunder as more fully described herein. ARTICLE 21. ASSUMPTION, PARAMETERS, PROJECTIONS, ESTIMATES AND EXPLANATIONS The Contractor understands and agrees that any assumptions, parameters, projections, estimates and explanations presented by the County were provided to the Contractor for evaluation purposes only. However, since these assumptions, parameters, projections, Page 11 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 23 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 estimates and explanations represent predictions of future events the County makes no representations or guarantees; and the County shall not be responsible for the accuracy of the assumptions presented; and the County shall not be responsible for conclusions to be drawn therefrom; and any assumptions, parameters, projections, estimates and explanations shall not form the basis of any claim by the Contractor. The Contractor accepts all risk associated with using this information. ARTICLE 22. SEVERABILITY If this Agreement contains any provision found to be unlawful, the same shall be deemed to be of no effect and shall be deemed stricken from this Agreement without affecting the binding force of this Agreement as it shall remain after omitting such provision. ARTICLE 23. TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION OF WORK a) The County may terminate this Agreement if an individual or corporation or other entity attempts to meet its contractual obligation with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement. b) The County may, as a further sanction, terminate or cancel any other contract(s) that such individual or corporation or other entity has with the County and that such individual, corporation or other entity shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such termination or cancellation, including attorney’s fees. c) The foregoing notwithstanding, any individual, corporation or other entity which attempts to meet its contractual obligations with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement may be debarred from County contracting for up to five (5) years in accordance with the County debarment procedures. The Contractor may be subject to debarment for failure to perform and all other reasons set forth in Section 10-38 of the County Code. d) In addition to cancellation or termination as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the County may at any time, in its sole discretion, with or without cause, terminate this Agreement by written notice to the Contractor. e) In the event that the County exercises its right to terminate this Agreement, the Contractor shall, upon receipt of such notice, unless otherwise directed by the County: i. stop work on the date specified in the notice ("the Effective Termination Date"); ii. take such action as may be necessary for the protection and preservation of the County's materials and property; iii. cancel orders; iv. assign to the County and deliver to any location designated by the County any noncancelable orders for Deliverables that are not capable of use except in the performance of this Agreement and has been specifically developed for the sole purpose of this Agreement and not incorporated in the Services; v. take no action which will increase the amounts payable by the County under this Agreement; and Page 12 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 24 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA f) g) Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 In the event that the County exercises its right to terminate this Agreement, the Contractor will be compensated as stated in the payment Articles herein for the: i. portion of the Services completed in accordance with the Agreement up to the Effective Termination Date; and ii. non-cancelable Deliverables that are not capable of use except in the performance of this Agreement and has been specifically developed for the sole purpose of this Agreement, but not incorporated in the Services. All compensation pursuant to this Article are subject to audit. ARTICLE 24. EVENT OF DEFAULT a) An Event of Default shall mean a breach of this Agreement by the Contractor. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and in addition to those instances referred to herein as a breach, an Event of Default shall include the following: i. the Contractor has not delivered Deliverables on a timely basis; ii. the Contractor has refused or failed to supply enough properly skilled staff personnel; iii. the Contractor has failed to make prompt payment to subcontractors or suppliers for any Services; iv. the Contractor has become insolvent (other than as interdicted by the bankruptcy laws), or has assigned the proceeds received for the benefit of the Contractor's creditors, or the Contractor has taken advantage of any insolvency statute or debtor/creditor law or if the Contractor's affairs have been put in the hands of a receiver; v. the Contractor has failed to obtain the approval of the County where required by this Agreement; vi. the Contractor has failed to provide "adequate assurances" as required under subsection b below; vii. the Contractor has failed in the representation of any warranties stated herein. b) When, in the opinion of the County, reasonable grounds for uncertainty exist with respect to the Contractor's ability to perform the Services or any portion thereof, the County may request that the Contractor, within the timeframe set forth in the County's request, provide adequate assurances to the County, in writing, of the Contractor's ability to perform in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Until the County receives such assurances, the County may request an adjustment to the compensation received by the Contractor for portions of the Services which the Contractor has not performed. In the event that the Contractor fails to provide to the County the requested assurances within the prescribed timeframe, the County may: i. treat such failure as a repudiation of this Agreement; and ii. resort to any remedy for breach provided herein or at law, including but not limited Page 13 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 25 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 to, taking over the performance of the Services or any part thereof either by itself or through others. c) In the event the County shall terminate this Agreement for default, the County or its designated representatives may immediately take possession of all applicable equipment, materials, products, documentation, reports and data. ARTICLE 25. NOTICE OF DEFAULT - OPPORTUNITY TO CURE If an Event of Default occurs in the determination of the County, the County may so notify the Contractor ("Default Notice"), specifying the basis for such default, and advising the Contractor that such default must be cured immediately or this Agreement with the County may be terminated. Notwithstanding, the County may, in its sole discretion, allow the Contractor to rectify the default to the County's reasonable satisfaction within a thirty (30) day period. The County may grant an additional period of such duration as the County shall deem appropriate without waiver of any of the County’s rights hereunder, so long as the Contractor has commenced curing such default and is effectuating a cure with diligence and continuity during such thirty (30) day period or any other period which the County prescribes. The default notice shall specify the date the Contractor shall discontinue the Services upon the Termination Date. ARTICLE 26. REMEDIES IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT If an Event of Default occurs, the Contractor shall be liable for all damages resulting from the default, including but not limited to: a) lost revenues; b) the difference between the cost associated with procuring Services hereunder and the amount actually expended by the County for re-procurement of Services, including procurement and administrative costs; and c) such other direct damages. The Contractor shall also remain liable for any liabilities and claims related to the Contractor’s default. The County may also bring any suit or proceeding for specific performance or for an injunction. ARTICLE 27. PATENT AND COPYRIGHT INDEMNIFICATION a) The Contractor shall not infringe on any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, patent rights, other intellectual property rights or any other third party proprietary rights in the performance of the Work. b) The Contractor warrants that all Deliverables furnished hereunder, including but not limited to: equipment, programs, documentation, software, analyses, applications, methods, ways, processes, and the like, do not infringe upon or violate any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, patent rights, other intellectual property rights or any other third party proprietary rights. c) The Contractor shall be liable and responsible for any and all claims made against the County for infringement of patents, copyrights, service marks, trade secrets or any other third party proprietary rights, by the use or supplying of any programs, documentation, Page 14 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 26 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 software, analyses, applications, methods, ways, processes, and the like, in the course of performance or completion of, or in any way connected with, the Work, or the County's continued use of the Deliverables furnished hereunder. Accordingly, the Contractor at its own expense, including the payment of attorney's fees, shall indemnify, and hold harmless the County and defend any action brought against the County with respect to any claim, demand, cause of action, debt, or liability. d) In the event any Deliverable or anything provided to the County hereunder, or portion thereof is held to constitute an infringement and its use is or may be enjoined, the Contractor shall have the obligation to, at the County's option to (i) modify, or require that the applicable subcontractor or supplier modify, the alleged infringing item(s) at its own expense, without impairing in any respect the functionality or performance of the item(s), or (ii) procure for the County, at the Contractor's expense, the rights provided under this Agreement to use the item(s). e) The Contractor shall be solely responsible for determining and informing the County whether a prospective supplier or subcontractor is a party to any litigation involving patent or copyright infringement, service mark, trademark, violation, or proprietary rights claims or is subject to any injunction which may prohibit it from providing any Deliverable hereunder. The Contractor shall enter into agreements with all suppliers and subcontractors at the Contractor's own risk. The County may reject any Deliverable that it believes to be the subject of any such litigation or injunction, or if, in the County's judgment, use thereof would delay the Work or be unlawful. ARTICLE 28. CONFIDENTIALITY a) All Developed Works and other materials, data, transactions of all forms, financial information, documentation, inventions, designs and methods obtained from the County in connection with the Services performed under this Agreement, made or developed by the Contractor or its subcontractors in the course of the performance of such Services, or the results of such Services, or which the County holds the proprietary rights, constitute Confidential Information and may not, without the prior written consent of the County, be used by the Contractor or its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers for any purpose other than for the benefit of the County, unless required by law. In addition to the foregoing, all County employee information and County financial information shall be considered Confidential Information and shall be subject to all the requirements stated herein. Neither the Contractor nor its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers may sell, transfer, publish, disclose, display, license or otherwise make available to others any part of such Confidential Information without the prior written consent of the County. Additionally, the Contractor expressly agrees to be bound by and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the County, and their officers and employees from the breach of any federal, state or local law in regard to the privacy of individuals. b) The Contractor shall advise each of its employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers who may be exposed to such Confidential Information of their obligation to keep such information confidential and shall promptly advise the County in writing if it learns of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information by any of its employees or agents, or subcontractor's or supplier's employees, present or former. In addition, the Contractor agrees to cooperate fully and provide any assistance necessary to ensure the confidentiality of the Confidential Information. c) It is understood and agreed that in the event of a breach of this Article damages may not Page 15 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 27 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 be an adequate remedy and the County shall be entitled to injunctive relief to restrain any such breach or threatened breach. Unless otherwise requested by the County, upon the completion of the Services performed hereunder, the Contractor shall immediately turn over to the County all such Confidential Information existing in tangible form, and no copies thereof shall be retained by the Contractor or its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers without the prior written consent of the County. A certificate evidencing compliance with this provision and signed by an officer of the Contractor shall accompany such materials. ARTICLE 29. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION As a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Miami-Dade County is subject to the stipulations of Florida's Public Records Law. The Contractor acknowledges that all computer software in the County's possession may constitute or contain information or materials which the County has agreed to protect as proprietary information from disclosure or unauthorized use and may also constitute or contain information or materials which the County has developed at its own expense, the disclosure of which could harm the County's proprietary interest therein. During the term of the contract, the Contractor will not use directly or indirectly for itself or for others, or publish or disclose to any third party, or remove from the County's property, any computer programs, data compilations, or other software which the County has developed, has used or is using, is holding for use, or which are otherwise in the possession of the County (hereinafter “Computer Software”). All third-party license agreements must also be honored by the contractors and their employees, except as authorized by the County and, if the Computer Software has been leased or purchased by the County, all hired party license agreements must also be honored by the contractors’ employees with the approval of the lessor or Contractors thereof. This includes mainframe, minis, telecommunications, personal computers and any and all information technology software. The Contractor will report to the County any information discovered or which is disclosed to the Contractor which may relate to the improper use, publication, disclosure or removal from the County's property of any information technology software and hardware and will take such steps as are within the Contractor's authority to prevent improper use, disclosure or removal. ARTICLE 30. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS a) The Contractor hereby acknowledges and agrees that the County retains all rights, title and interests in and to all materials, data, documentation and copies thereof furnished by the County to the Contractor hereunder or furnished by the Contractor to the County and/or created by the Contractor for delivery to the County, even if unfinished or in process, as a result of the Services the Contractor performs in connection with this Agreement, including all copyright and other proprietary rights therein, which the Contractor as well as its employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers may use only in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement. The Contractor shall not, without the prior written consent of the County, use such documentation on any other project in which the Contractor or its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers are or may become engaged. Submission or distribution by the Contractor to meet official regulatory requirements or for other purposes in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement shall not be construed as publication in Page 16 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 28 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA RFP NO. 00021 derogation of the County's copyrights or other proprietary rights. b) All rights, title and interest in and to certain inventions, ideas, designs and methods, specifications and other documentation related thereto developed by the Contractor and its subcontractors specifically for the County, hereinafter referred to as "Developed Works" shall become the property of the County. c) Accordingly, neither the Contractor nor its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers shall have any proprietary interest in such Developed Works. The Developed Works may not be utilized, reproduced or distributed by or on behalf of the Contractor, or any employee, agent, subcontractor or supplier thereof, without the prior written consent of the County, except as required for the Contractor's performance hereunder. d) Except as otherwise provided in subsections a, b, and c above, or elsewhere herein, the Contractor and its subcontractors and suppliers hereunder shall retain all proprietary rights in and to all Licensed Software provided hereunder, that have not been customized to satisfy the performance criteria set forth in the Scope of Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Contractor hereby grants, and shall require that its subcontractors and suppliers grant, if the County so desires, a perpetual, irrevocable and unrestricted right and license to use, duplicate, disclose and/or permit any other person(s) or entity(ies) to use all such Licensed Software and the associated specifications, technical data and other Documentation for the operations of the County or entities controlling, controlled by, under common control with, or affiliated with the County, or organizations which may hereafter be formed by or become affiliated with the County. Such license specifically includes, but is not limited to, the right of the County to use and/or disclose, in whole or in part, the technical documentation and Licensed Software, including source code provided hereunder, to any person or entity outside the County for such person's or entity's use in furnishing any and/or all of the Deliverables provided hereunder exclusively for the County or entities controlling, controlled by, under common control with, or affiliated with the County, or organizations which may hereafter be formed by or become affiliated with the County. No such License Software, specifications, data, documentation or related information shall be deemed to have been given in confidence and any statement or legend to the contrary shall be void and of no effect. ARTICLE 31. VENDOR REGISTRATION/CONFLICT OF INTEREST a) Vendor Registration The Contractor shall be a registered vendor with the County – Internal Services Department, Procurement Management Division, for the duration of this Agreement. In becoming a Registered Vendor with Miami-Dade County, the Contractor confirms its knowledge of and commitment to comply with the following: 1. Miami-Dade County Ownership Disclosure Affidavit (Section 2-8.1 of the County Code) 5. Miami-Dade County Debarment Disclosure Affidavit (Section 10.38 of the County Code) 2. Miami-Dade County Employment Disclosure Affidavit (Section 2.8-1(d)(2) of the County Code) 6. Miami-Dade County Vendor Obligation to County Affidavit (Section 2-8.1 of the County Code) 3. Miami-Dade Employment Drug-free Workplace Certification (Section 2-8.1.2(b) of the County Code) 7. Miami-Dade County Code of Business Ethics Affidavit (Section 2-8.1(i) and 2-11(b)(1) of the County Code through (6) and (9) of the County Code and Section 2-11.1(c) of the County Code) 8. Miami-Dade County Family Leave Affidavit 4. Miami-Dade Disability and Nondiscrimination Affidavit (Section 2-8.1.5 of the County Code) Page 17 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 29 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA RFP NO. 00021 (Article V of Chapter 11 of the County Code) 9. Florida Statutes relating to the collection of an individual’s Social Security Number, be aware that the County requests the Social Security Number for the following purposes: Identification of individual account records To make payments to individual/Contractor for goods and services provided to Miami-Dade County Tax reporting purposes To provide a unique identifier in the vendor database that may be used for searching and sorting departmental records Miami-Dade County Living Wage Affidavit (Section 2-8.9 of the County Code) 10. Miami-Dade County Domestic Leave and Reporting Affidavit (Article 8, Section 11A-60 11A-67 of the County Code) 11. Subcontracting Practices (Ordinance 97-35) 12. Subcontractor /Supplier Listing (Section 2-8.8 of the County Code) 16. Office of the Inspector General (Section 2-1076 of the County Code) 13. Environmentally Acceptable Packaging (Resolution R-738-92) 14. W-9 and 8109 Forms (as required by the Internal Revenue Service) 17. Small Business Enterprises The County endeavors to obtain the participation of all small business enterprises pursuant to Sections 2-8.2, 2-8.2.3 and 2-8.2.4 of the County Code and Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 15. FEIN Number or Social Security Number In order to establish a file, the Contractor’s Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) must be provided. If no FEIN exists, the Social Security Number of the owner or individual must be provided. This number becomes Contractor’s “County Vendor Number”. To comply with Section 119.071(5) of the 18. Antitrust Laws By acceptance of any contract, the Contractor agrees to comply with all antitrust laws of the United States and the State of Florida. b) Conflict of Interest Section 2-11.1(d) of Miami-Dade County Code requires that any County employee or any member of the employee’s immediate family who has a controlling financial interest, direct or indirect, with Miami-Dade County or any person or agency acting for Miami-Dade County, competing or applying for a contract, must first request a conflict of interest opinion from the County’s Ethics Commission prior to their or their immediate family member’s entering into any contract or transacting any business through a firm, corporation, partnership or business entity in which the employee or any member of the employee’s immediate family has a controlling financial interest, direct or indirect, with Miami-Dade County or any person or agency acting for Miami-Dade County. Any such contract or business engagement entered in violation of this subsection, as amended, shall be rendered voidable. For additional information, please contact the Ethics Commission hotline at (305) 579-2593. ARTICLE 32. INSPECTOR GENERAL REVIEWS Independent Private Sector Inspector General Reviews Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Administrative Order 3-20, the County has the right to retain the services of an Independent Private Sector Inspector General (hereinafter "IPSIG"), whenever the County deems it appropriate to do so. Upon written notice from the County, the Contractor shall make available to the IPSIG retained by the County, all requested records and documentation pertaining to this Agreement for inspection and reproduction. The County shall be responsible for the payment of these IPSIG services, and under no circumstance shall the Contractor's prices and any changes thereto approved by the County, be inclusive of any charges relating to these IPSIG services. The terms of this provision apply to the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors and assignees. Nothing contained in this provision shall impair any independent right of the County to conduct an audit or investigate the operations, activities and performance of the Contractor in connection with this Agreement. The terms of this Article shall not impose any liability on the County by the Contractor or any third party. Page 18 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 30 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 Miami-Dade County Inspector General Review According to Section 2-1076 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade County has established the Office of the Inspector General which may, on a random basis, perform audits on all County contracts, throughout the duration of said contracts, except as otherwise provided below. The cost of the audit for this Contract shall be one quarter (1/4) of one (1) percent of the total contract amount which cost shall be included in the total contract amount. The audit cost will be deducted by the County from progress payments to the Contractor. The audit cost shall also be included in all change orders and all contract renewals and extensions. Exception: The above application of one quarter (1/4) of one percent fee assessment shall not apply to the following contracts: (a) IPSIG contracts; (b) contracts for legal services; (c) contracts for financial advisory services; (d) auditing contracts; (e) facility rentals and lease agreements; (f) concessions and other rental agreements; (g) insurance contracts; (h) revenuegenerating contracts; (I) contracts where an IPSIG is assigned at the time the contract is approved by the Commission; (j) professional service agreements under $1,000; (k) management agreements; (l) small purchase orders as defined in Miami-Dade County Administrative Order 3-38; (m) federal, state and local government-funded grants; and (n) interlocal agreements. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners may authorize the inclusion of the fee assessment of one quarter (1/4) of one percent in any exempted contract at the time of award. Nothing contained above shall in any way limit the powers of the Inspector General to perform audits on all County contracts including, but not limited to, those contracts specifically exempted above. The Miami-Dade County Inspector General is authorized and empowered to review past, present and proposed County and Public Health Trust contracts, transactions, accounts, records and programs. In addition, the Inspector General has the power to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, require the production of records and monitor existing projects and programs. Monitoring of an existing project or program may include a report concerning whether the project is on time, within budget and in conformance with plans, specifications and applicable law. The Inspector General is empowered to analyze the necessity of and reasonableness of proposed change orders to the Contract. The Inspector General is empowered to retain the services of independent private sector inspectors general (IPSIG) to audit, investigate, monitor, oversee, inspect and review operations, activities, performance and procurement process, including but not limited to project design, specifications, proposal submittals, activities of the Contractor, its officers, agents and employees, lobbyists, County staff and elected officials to ensure compliance with contract specifications and to detect fraud and corruption. Upon written notice to the Contractor from the Inspector General or IPSIG retained by the Inspector General, the Contractor shall make all requested records and documents available to the Inspector General or IPSIG for inspection and copying. The Inspector General and IPSIG shall have the right to inspect and copy all documents and records in the Contractor's possession, custody or control which, in the Inspector General's or IPSIG's sole judgment, pertain to performance of the contract, including, but not limited to original estimate files, change order estimate files, worksheets, proposals and agreements form and which successful and unsuccessful subcontractors and suppliers, all project-related correspondence, memoranda, instructions, financial documents, construction documents, proposal and contract documents, back-charge documents, all documents and records which involve cash, trade or volume discounts, insurance proceeds, rebates, or dividends received, payroll and personnel records, and supporting documentation for the aforesaid documents and records. ARTICLE 33. LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor agrees to comply, subject to applicable professional standards, with the provisions Page 19 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 31 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 of any and all applicable Federal, State and the County orders, statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations which may pertain to the Services required under this Agreement, including, but not limited to: a) Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), in compliance with Executive Order 11246 as amended and applicable to this Contract. b) All items provided under this Contract shall be in accordance with all governmental standards, to include, but not be limited to, those issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Institute of Occupational Safety Hazards (NIOSH), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). c) The Federal "Right to Know" Regulation implemented by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires employers to inform their employees of any toxic substances which they may be exposed to in the workplace, and to provide training in safe handling practices and emergency procedures. Accordingly, the Contractor may be required to provide two complete sets of Material Safety Data Sheets to a Department utilizing an awarded product. This information should be provided at the time when the initial delivery is made. d) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as applicable to this Contract. e) Section 60-250.4, Section 60-250.5 and Section 60-741.4 of Title 41 of the United States Code, which addresses Affirmative Action requirements for disabled workers. f) Miami-Dade County Code, Chapter 11A, Article 3. All contractors and subcontractors performing work in connection with this Contract shall provide equal opportunity for employment without regard to race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, or veteran status. The aforesaid provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Contractor agrees to post in a conspicuous place available for employees and applicants for employment, such notices as may be required by the Dade County Fair Housing and Employment Commission, or other authority having jurisdiction over the work setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination law. g) "Conflicts of Interest" Section 2-11 of the County Code, and Ordinance 01-199. h) Miami-Dade County Code Section 10-38 “Debarment”. i) Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-5, codified at 11A-60 et. seq. of Miami-Dade Code pertaining to complying with the County’s Domestic Leave Ordinance. j) Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-152, prohibiting the presentation, maintenance, or prosecution of false or fraudulent claims against Miami-Dade County. k) Miami-Dade County Resolution Number R738-92 regarding Environmentally Acceptable Packaging, as applicable. The Contractor shall hold all licenses and/or certifications, obtain and pay for all permits and/or inspections, and comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and building code requirements applicable to the work required herein. Damages, penalties, and/or fines imposed on the County or Contractor for failure to obtain and maintain required licenses, certifications, permits Page 20 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 32 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 and/or inspections shall be borne by the Contractor. The Project Manager shall verify the certification(s), license(s), permit(s), etc. for the Contractor prior to authorizing work and as needed. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Contractor shall not be required pursuant to this Agreement to take any action or abstain from taking any action if such action or abstention would, in the good faith determination of the Contractor, constitute a violation of any law or regulation to which Contractor is subject, including but not limited to laws and regulations requiring that Contractor conduct its operations in a safe and sound manner. ARTICLE 34. NONDISCRIMINATION During the performance of this Contract, Contractor agrees to not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, or veteran status, and will take affirmative action to ensure that employees and applicants are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination. Such action shall be taken with reference to, but not limited to: recruitment, employment, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training or retraining, including apprenticeship and on the job training. By entering into this Contract, the Contractor attests that it is not in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (and related Acts) or Miami-Dade County Resolution No. R-385-95. If the Contractor or any owner, subsidiary or other firm affiliated with or related to the Contractor is found by the responsible enforcement agency or the County to be in violation of the Act or the Resolution, such violation shall render this Contract void. This Contract shall be void if the Contractor submits a false affidavit pursuant to this Resolution or the Contractor violates the Act or the Resolution during the term of this Contract, even if the Contractor was not in violation at the time it submitted its affidavit. ARTICLE 35. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Contractor represents that: a) No officer, director, employee, agent, or other consultant of the County or a member of the immediate family or household of the aforesaid has directly or indirectly received or been promised any form of benefit, payment or compensation, whether tangible or intangible, in connection with the award of this Agreement. b) There are no undisclosed persons or entities interested with the Contractor in this Agreement. This Agreement is entered into by the Contractor without any connection with any other entity or person making a proposal for the same purpose, and without collusion, fraud or conflict of interest. No elected or appointed officer or official, director, employee, agent or other consultant of the County, or of the State of Florida (including elected and appointed members of the legislative and executive branches of government), or a member of the immediate family or household of any of the aforesaid: i) is interested on behalf of or through the Contractor directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever in the execution or the performance of this Agreement, or in the services, supplies or work, to which this Agreement relates or in any portion of the revenues; or ii) is an employee, agent, advisor, or consultant to the Contractor or to the best of the Page 21 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 33 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 Contractor’s knowledge any subcontractor or supplier to the Contractor. c) Neither the Contractor nor any officer, director, employee, agency, parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the Contractor shall have an interest which is in conflict with the Contractor’s faithful performance of its obligation under this Agreement; provided that the County, in its sole discretion, may consent in writing to such a relationship, provided the Contractor provides the County with a written notice, in advance, which identifies all the individuals and entities involved and sets forth in detail the nature of the relationship and why it is in the County's best interest to consent to such relationship. d) The provisions of this Article are supplemental to, not in lieu of, all applicable laws with respect to conflict of interest. In the event there is a difference between the standards applicable under this Agreement and those provided by statute, the stricter standard shall apply. e) In the event Contractor has no prior knowledge of a conflict of interest as set forth above and acquires information which may indicate that there may be an actual or apparent violation of any of the above, Contractor shall promptly bring such information to the attention of the County's Project Manager. Contractor shall thereafter cooperate with the County's review and investigation of such information, and comply with the instructions Contractor receives from the Project Manager in regard to remedying the situation. ARTICLE 36. PRESS RELEASE OR OTHER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION Under no circumstances shall the Contractor without the express written consent of the County: a) Issue or permit to be issued any press release, advertisement or literature of any kind which refers to the County, or the Work being performed hereunder, unless the Contractor first obtains the written approval of the County. Such approval may be withheld if for any reason the County believes that the publication of such information would be harmful to the public interest or is in any way undesirable; and b) Communicate in any way with any contractor, department, board, agency, commission or other organization or any person whether governmental or private in connection with the Services to be performed hereunder except upon prior written approval and instruction of the County; and c) Except as may be required by law, the Contractor and its employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers will not represent, directly or indirectly, that any product or service provided by the Contractor or such parties has been approved or endorsed by the County. ARTICLE 37. BANKRUPTCY The County reserves the right to terminate this contract, if, during the term of any contract the Contractor has with the County, the Contractor becomes involved as a debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding, or becomes involved in a reorganization, dissolution, or liquidation proceeding, or if a trustee or receiver is appointed over all or a substantial portion of the property of the Contractor under federal bankruptcy law or any state insolvency law. ARTICLE 38. GOVERNING LAW Page 22 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 34 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 This Contract, including appendices, and all matters relating to this Contract (whether in contract, statute, tort (such as negligence), or otherwise) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Florida. Venue shall be Miami-Dade County. ARTICLE 39. COUNTY USER ACCESS PROGRAM (UAP) a) User Access Fee (not applicable to federal or other grant funds) Pursuant to Section 2-8.10 of the Miami-Dade County Code, this Contract is subject to a user access fee under the County User Access Program (UAP) in the amount of two percent (2%). All sales resulting from this Contract, or any contract resulting from the solicitation referenced on the first page of this Contract, and the utilization of the County Contract price and the terms and conditions identified herein, are subject to the two percent (2%) UAP. This fee applies to all Contract usage whether by County Departments or by any other governmental, quasigovernmental or not-for-profit entity. The Contractor providing goods or services under this Contract shall invoice the Contract price and shall accept as payment thereof the Contract price less the 2% UAP as full and complete payment for the goods and/or services specified on the invoice. The County shall retain the 2% UAP for use by the County to help defray the cost of the procurement program. Contractor participation in this invoice reduction portion of the UAP is mandatory. b) Joint Purchase Only those entities that have been approved by the County for participation in the County’s Joint Purchase and Entity Revenue Sharing Agreement are eligible to utilize or receive County Contract pricing and terms and conditions. The County will provide to approved entities a UAP Participant Validation Number. The Contractor must obtain the participation number from the entity prior to filling any order placed pursuant to this Section. Contractor participation in this joint purchase portion of the UAP, however, is voluntary. The Contractor shall notify the ordering entity, in writing, within three (3) business days of receipt of an order, of a decision to decline the order. For all ordering entities located outside the geographical boundaries of Miami-Dade County, the Contractor shall be entitled to ship goods on an “FOB Destination, Prepaid and Charged Back” basis. This allowance shall only be made when expressly authorized by a representative of the ordering entity prior to shipping the goods. The County shall have no liability to the Contractor for the cost of any purchase made by an ordering entity under the UAP and shall not be deemed to be a party thereto. All orders shall be placed directly by the ordering entity with the Contractor and shall be paid by the ordering entity less the 2% UAP. c) Contractor Compliance If a Contractor fails to comply with this Article, that Contractor may be considered in default by the County in accordance with Article 24 of this Contract. ARTICLE 40. FIRST SOURCE HIRING REFERRAL PROGRAM Page 23 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 35 Miami-Dade County MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Bid RFP-00021 RFP NO. 00021 Pursuant to Section 2-2113 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, for all contracts for goods and services, the Contractor, prior to hiring to fill each vacancy arising under a County contract shall (1) first notify the South Florida Workforce Investment Board (“SFWIB”), the designated Referral Agency, of the vacancy and list the vacancy with SFWIB according to the Code, and (2) make good faith efforts as determined by the County to fill a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of its employment needs under the County contract through the SFWIB. If no suitable candidates can be employed after a Referral Period of three to five days, the Contractor is free to fill its vacancies from other sources. Contractor will be required to provide quarterly reports to the SFWIB indicating the name and number of employees hired in the previous quarter, or why referred candidates were rejected. Sanctions for non-compliance shall include, but not be limited to: (i) suspension of contract until Contractor performs obligations, if appropriate; (ii) default and/or termination; and (iii) payment of $1,500/employee, or the value of the wages that would have been earned given the noncompliance, whichever is less. Registration procedures and additional information regarding the FSHRP are available at ARTICLE 41. PUBLIC RECORDS AND CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES PERFORMED ON BEHALF OF A PUBLIC AGENCY The Contractor shall comply with the state of FL Public Records Law, s. 119.0701, F.S., specifically to: (1) keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the public agency in order to perform the service; (2) provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the public agency would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided in Chapter 119, F.S., or as otherwise provided by law; (3) ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law; and (4) meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the public agency all public records in possession of the Contractor upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the public agency in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. If the Contractor does not comply with a public records request, the public agency shall enforce contract provisions in accordance with the contract. ARTICLE 42. SURVIVAL The parties acknowledge that any of the obligations in this Agreement will survive the term, termination and cancellation hereof. Accordingly, the respective obligations of the Contractor and the County under this Agreement, which by nature would continue beyond the termination, cancellation or expiration thereof, shall survive termination, cancellation or expiration hereof. ARTICLE 43. NEW PRODUCTS AND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS All products, except where recycled content is specifically requested, supplied by the Contractor shall be new, warranted for their merchantability, and fit for the particular purpose herein. The Contractor shall supply the County with fresh stock only and shall ensure that items with a limited shelf life are inspected and certified fresh by the Contractor prior to shipment to the County. All warranties express and implied, shall be made available to the County for goods and services. All goods furnished shall be fully guaranteed by the Contractor against factory defects and workmanship. At no expense to the County, the Contractor shall correct any and all Page 24 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 36 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA RFP NO. 00021 apparent and latent defects that may occur within the manufacturer’s standard warranty. In the event any of the materials supplied to the County by the Contractor are found to be defective or do not conform to specifications (1) the materials may be returned to the Contractor at its expense and/or (2) the County may require the Contractor to replace the materials at the vendor’s expense. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement effective as of the contract date herein above set forth. Contractor Miami-Dade County By: _________________________ By: __________________________ Name: ______________________ Name: Carlos A. Gimenez________ Title: ________________________ Title: Mayor____________________ Date: ________________________ Date: _________________________ Attest: _______________________ Corporate Secretary/Notary Public Attest: ________________________ Clerk of the Board Corporate Seal/Notary Seal Approved as to form and legal sufficiency _____________________ Assistant County Attorney Page 25 of 25 Rev. 9/15/14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 37 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 B C D E F G H I J K L M N This spreadsheet is being provided for informational purposes to show the types of items purchased by Miami-Dade County each year. COUNTY STOCK # A-307 A-308 A-314 A-317 A-336 A-339 A-343 A-362 T-0100 B-101 B-105 B-106 B-107 B-108 B-109 B-100 B-102 B-111 B-112 B-113 B-114 B-115 B-116 B-117 B-118 B-119 B-120 B-121 B-122 B-123 B-124 B-125 B-129 S-413 B-230 B-231 B-232 B-233 B-234 B-235 B-236 B-237 B-238 B-239 C-958 L-437 B-204 B-205 B-206 B-217 B-218 B-210 B-211 B-212 B-213 B-214 B-215 B-216 B-220 B-126 B-127 B-128 B-130 B-131 B-132 B-133 B-134 B-135 B-136 C-899 C-900 C-901 C-903 C-904 C-905 C-908 C-909 C-910 B-357 B-360 B-361 B-380 B-355 B-442 B-500 B-753 B-685 B-754 D-212 C-032 C-060 C-087 C-216 C-219 C-220 C-249 C-293 C-296 C-300 C-501 C-503 C-511 C-571 C-634 C-653 C-660 C-702 C-727 C-906 C-919 C-922 C-962 C-995 P-5044 R-226 R-844 W-2024 W-2025 W-2031 STOCK DESC AUDIO TAPE STANDARD 60MIN.W/PLASTIC CASE MAXELL#10969 AUDIO TAPE,STANDARD,120 MIN.,ALL PURPOSE with sturdy plastic case MAXELL #13110571 AUDIO TAPE, DICTATION, 60-MINUTES, INSTANT START-LEADERLESS MAXELL #IS-60 AUDIO TAPE,DICTATION,90 MINUTES, NOT IN- STANT START, W/PLASTIC CASE MAXELL#33062 AUDIO TAPE, MICRO-DICTATION, 60 MINUTES INSTANT START, NO LEADER 10PK MAXELL #179030 VIDEO TAPE 1/2" PROFESSIONAL QUALITY STANDARD 10 MINUTES BASF #T-10 VIDEO TAPE 1/2"VHS FORMAT SURVEILLANCE GRADE SKC-T210 #O-11301 VIDEO TAPE PRO BROADCAST SONY T-160VL SP-160MIN/LP-320 MIN/EP-480 MIN SONY #T160VRH TRANSPARENCY FILM ALL PURPOSE FOR LASER/ INKJET/COPIERS 50 PER PACK #APO UF1000E BADGE HOLDER, clear, with clip, for non adhesive name badges C-LINE #CLI95523 ID CARD HOLDER, MAGNETIC, vertical, vynl 2-pocket, black, size: 2 5/8"x 3 7/8" CUSTOM CARD 501-N2 BEAD CHAIN 30" SILVER FOR IDENTIFICATION CARDS NECK CHAIN LRE#MCH30 POUCHES LAMINATED IBM(DATA) SIZE "D" 2-5/16 X 3-1/4 10 MIL S.E. LAMINATING #061-3005 BADGE CLIPS WITH FLEXIBLE SNAP-STRAP S.E. LAMINATING #2105-2000 LAMINATED POUCH VERTICAL BADGE HOLDER WITH FLAP S.E. LAMINATING #506-35SS BADGE, name, stick-on, red border, 2 1/2" x 3 1/2" MACO #NB-234 BASE, adjustable to raise the angle of calculator/telephone, 8"X10" #CCS28951 BATTERY 3V WATCH/ELECTRONIC LITHIUM ENERGIZER #CR2032 BATTERY EVEREADY e2 ULTIMATE LITHIUM AAA #EVE-L92BP-4, 4 PACK BATTERY EVEREADY e2 ULTIMATE LITHIUM AA #EVE-L91BP-4 BATTERY CHARGER e2 NiMH FAMILY/CHARGES AA,AAA,C,D,9V BATTERY EVEREADY #EVE-CHFC BATTERY CHARGER e2 NiMH 15 MIN CHARGER charges 1-4 AA or AAA #EVE-CH15MNCP4 BATTERY e2 RECHARGABLE NiMH AA 4 PACK EVEREADY #EVE-NH15BP-4 BATTERY e2 RECHARGEABLE NiMH AAA 4 PACK EVEREADY #EVE-NH12BP-4 BATTERY LITHIUM PHOTO 2 batteries per pk DURACELL#DLCR2B2U29 (CR2) BATTERY EVEREADY ENERGIZER ADVANCED LITHIUM "AA" 4 PER PK #EVE-EA91BP4 BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size AAA RAY-O-VAC BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size AA RAY-O-VAC BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size C (EVEREADY EN93 C) BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size D (RAY-O-VAC) BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 9.0 vt, Size 9 volts (RAY-O-VAC) BATTERY 3V LITHIUM FOR CAMERAS EVE#123 ENERGIZER e2 LITHIUM PHOTO BATTERY LITHIUM-PHOTOS DURACELL ULTRA 6V #DL245BPK FLASHLIGHT, INDUSTRIAL, uses D batteries, color yellow #BRI 2618 INDEXES MULTICOLOR TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDERS 1-31 Avery #11129 INDEXES, INSERTABLE, A-Z,8 1/2"X11" w/3 holes for 3 ring binders,RECYCLED KLEERFAX #12116 INDEXES,INSERTABLE,5 CLEARTABS,8 1/2x11" w/3 holes for 3 ring binders RECYCLED BSN #20066 INDEXES,INSERTABLE,5 COLORTABS,8 1/2x11" w/3 holes for 3 ring binders RECYCLED BSN #20065 INDEXES,INSERTABLE,8 CLEARTABS,8 1/2x11" w/3 holes for 3 ring binders RECYCLED BSN #36691 INDEXES 10 TAB TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDER COLOR TABS LASER/INJJET AVE#11135/RI2131 SELF-ADHESIVE INDEX TABS,FOR LASER/INK- JET PRINTERS 2"X1/3"CLEAR AVE #16241 INDEX DIVIDERS TRANSPARENT 5 TAB MULTI- COLOR see titles thru tab #55065 LABELS DIRECT PRINT LASER DIVDERS 5 TAB WHITE 25 PACKS PER BOX #AVE 11534 INDEX DIVIDERS TRANSPARENT 8 TAB MULTI- COLOR WLJ #55063 LOOSELEAF CD HOLDERS FOR 3 RING BINDER HOLDS 4 CD'S PER SHEET 10 PER BOX #61958 CLEAR DIVIDER LABELS 8 TAB LASER/INKJET PRINTERS 5 SETS PER PACK #11437 BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, W/POCKETS 1" CAPACITY, BLACK, RECYCLED (#03301) BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, W/POCKETS 2" CAPACITY, BLACK, RECYCLED (#34411) BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE W/POCKETS, 3" CAPACITY, BLACK, RECYCLED (#19080) VIEW BINDER 3 RING LETTER SIZE 1/2" CAP BLACK ESSELTE #12BE BINDER 3 RING 1/2" CAP ESSELTE #887340 BLACK VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 1" CAPACITY, BLACK (#RV-1 BLACK) VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS LETTER SIZE 1" CAPACITY, WHITE (#RV-1 WHITE) VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 2" CAPACITY, BLACK (#RV-2BLACK) VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 2" CAPACITY, WHITE (#RV-2WHITE) VIEW BINDERS, 3 rings, LETTER size BLACK 3" Capacity #18580 VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 3" CAPACITY, WHITE, UNV-20992 VIEW BINDER 3 RING LETTER SIZE 1/2" CAP WHITE UNV-20952 VIEW BINDER CLEARVUE D-RING 4"BLACK WITH LOCKING RINGS RECYCLED #10341 DATA BINDER, FOR UNBURST PRINTOUTS,SHEET SIZE14 7/8"x11" RECYCLED ACO #54073 DATA BINDER,FOR UNBURST PRINTOUTS, SHEET SIZE 11"x8 1/2"RECY ACCO #54123 BLUE DATA BINDER, FOR BURST PRINTOUT, SHEET SIZE11"x14 7/8" RECY ACCO #54272 BLUE PRESSBOARD BINDER, LETTER SIZE,TOP HOLES 500 SHEET CAP. RED, RECYCLED ACCO #71334 PRESSBOARD BINDER, LEGAL SIZE, TOP HOLES 500 SHEET CAP. RED, RECYCLED ACCO #19928 PRESSBOARD BINDER,LETTER SIZE,SIDE HOLES 500 SHEET CAP. RED, RECYCLED ACCO #25978 REPORT COVER, LETTER SIZE,DOUBLE POCKETS W/ 3 FAS.BOX OF ASSORTED COLORS ONLY #57713 REPORT COVER, LETTER SIZE, CLEAR FRONT W/3 METAL FASTENERS ESSELTE #558XX REPORT COVER, LETTER SIZE,DOUBLE POCKETS NO FASTENERS, COLORS MAY VARY,#575-XX REPORT COVER CLEAR FRONT-VINYL BACK WATER RESIS. HOLDS UP TO 100 SHEETS ACCO #26101 PRESENTATION COVER MOISTURE & TEAR RESIS TANT 11X8-1/2 UNPUNCHED BLACK #2514493 BINDING COMB PLASTIC/HIGH GLOSS PVC 19- RING FOR BINDING 11X8-1/2 SZ: 1/2" BLACK FEL #52326 BINDING COMB PLASTIC/HIGH GLOSS PVC 19 11 X 8-1/2 SZ:5/8" BLACK FEL #52327 GBC GRAIN PRESENTATION COVER NAVY BLUE #25030 PAPER PREPUNCHED 19 HOLE 8-1/2"X11" 500 SHEETS PER PACK #2020050 PRESENTATION COVERS CLEAR, FLUSH CUT 8-1/2"x11" GBC #9743070 COMBBIND BINDING SPINES 1/4" BLACK 19 HOLE #GBC-4000020 COMBBIND STANDARD SPINE 19-HOLE 1/2" BLACK #GBC-4000068 CLEAR VIEW PRESENTATION COVERS 14MIL LINED SQUARE CORNERS #GBC2514496 BOARD, MAGNETIC, IN & OUT. BROWN. size: 24" X 18" QRT #781G BOARD, fabric tack, gray, size: 18"X24" vertical or horizontal mount #TF-18-91 GRAY BOARD, fabric tack, gray, size: 24"X36" vertical or horizontal mount #7693G BOARD, TRIMMING, all wood construction, size 18" X 18" cutting length:18" BOSTON #26358 BOARD, WHITE, Porcelain Dry Erase, size: 2'X 3' Aluminum frame with hangers #M1230 BOOKENDS, METAL, 9" HIGH, NON-SKID BASE, BLACK (#54091) BOXES,STORAGE with Lids 15"x 12"x 10". Holds letter or legal files, Misc. items #11451 CARD CASE, BUSINESS, Pocket size, size: 4"X 2 5/8"BLACK vinyl DISCONTD CARD FILE, BUSINESS,holds up to 96 cards size:10 1/8" X 4 3/8" Black Vinyl. HAZEL #67467 BUSINESS CARD FILE COVERED/TO PROTECT CARDS W/20 A-Z GUIDES 2-1/4"X4" #15251 BUSINESS CARD HOLDER,CONTEMPORARY SOFT STYLING HOLDS 50 CARDS ELDON#15066 CASH REGISTER TAPE NCR #845032 1-31/64x2-3/4" 150' roll PAPER 1-PLY WHITE RECEIPT ROLL #820060 3-1/4"WX3-3/16diaX243' #820060/50294 CASH REGISTER ROLLS 44mm X 128'ROLLS #997087 CASH PAPER AXIOHM A758A THERMAL PRINTER 3.129"X 328' 50 per case #865216/94223 CASH REGISTER PAPER THERMAL 3-1/8X169' #94219 THERMAL ROLLS,3 1/8x220'FOR TPG PRINTER Model #A776-721D-T000 50 RLS PER CASE CALCULATOR PAPER ROLL ECONOMY 2-3/4X3" 2-3/4"w X 3"diaX150'#845249/00134 CALCULATOR, HAND-HELD, Solar/ Battery, 8-Digit Display VIC #908 CALCULATOR,DESK TOP, 12 digit capacity, Victor #1260-3 RECYCLED, CALCULATOR PAPERROLL 2 1/4"x 150' long. Fits most desk top calculator #27750 RECEIPT ROLL ZEBRA DIRECT PRINT RW420 MOBILE PRINTER #ZEB-LDR4KN58 REGISTER NCR 220d DETAIL 1-3/4 X 100' BOND 44MM #840503/00903 CALCULATOR PAPER SINGLE PLY WHITE CREDIT CARD MACHINE PAPER #845511/00963 THERMAL PAPER NCR FAN FOLD FFT35 FOR NCR 7770/7780 MACHINES #10935 CARBONLESS PAPER ADDING MACHINE ROLLS #845634 2-1/4"X3-1/16"X100' CALCULATOR PAPER 3-PLY WHITE/PINK/CANARY REGISTER ROLL #996651/52163 THERMAL PAPER ROLL2-1/4X2X84 FOR POS PRINTER #856607 CALCULATOR PAPER 2 PLY WHITE/CANARY CARBONLESS 2-1/4X3-1/16X100 NCR#85214 CASH REGISTER ROLLS 2 PLY WHITE/CANARY 44MM NCR #52193 1-3/4"X3.0625X100' PAPER CASH REGISTER PRINTER STAR SP300-2 2 PLY 3-1/4"X3"X92' #845906 CASH REGISTER TAPE 2 PLY WHITE/CANARY 3"wX3-1/16"diaX100'#845919/85209 CASH REGISTER PAPER 2 PLY WHITE/CANARY NCR #845922/10936 PAPER ROLLS EPSON TM-U950 EPS #00962GA CALCULATOR PAPER BLACK THERMAL 80X230 NCR #856995/94223 CUSTOM TABLET 3"X650' #15 SPECIAL PAPER FOR CAUSEWAYS USE ONLY #9989955044 RIBBON NCR VERIFONE CREDIT CARD PRINTER MDL #250 RED/BLACK #127226/79728BR RIBBON PURPLE FOR DH4411/4412/4711 SLIP PRINTER #127844/79773P Daily appointment book, dated. Red Hard cover Book. 5-3/4"x 8-11/16" #SD-907-13 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENT BOOK 4 PERSON RULED 1 DAY PER PAGE SIMULATED LEATHER #70822 APMT.Books, weekly-minder, Hourly apmt 5"x 8" Black flexible cover.#76-02-05 STOCK UNIT Bx/6 Ctn/4 Ea Box/10 Box/10 Each Each Each Each Bx/100 Bx/50 Each Each Box/500 Bx/500 Each Pack/100 Each Pk/2 Pack/4 Ea Pack/4 Ea Each Each Pack/4 Ea Pack/4 Ea Pk/2 Pack/4 Ea Pack/8 Ea Pack/8 Ea Each Each Each Pk/2 Each Each Set Set Set Set Set Set Pack/25 Set Bx/25 Set Bx/10 Set/5 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Box/25 Bx/25 Bx/10 Pack/25 Bx/100 Bx/100 Pack/50 Pack Pack/25 Pack/100 Pack/100 Pack/25 Each Each Each Each Each Set Bundle/10 Each Each Each Each Roll Ctn/48 Rl Pack/10 Bx/50 Ctn/50 Ea Bx/50 Bx/50 Each Each Each Ctn/36 Rl Case/96Ea Bx/50 Box/250 Bx/50 Ctn/48 Rl Ctn/72 Rl Bx/50 Bx/100 Ctn/48 Ea Ctn/48 Rl Ctn/45 Rl Bx/50 Bx/50 Carton Bx/6 Bx/6 Each Each Each 1 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 38 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased 5 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 A B COUNTY STOCK # W-2032 W-2033 W-2042 W-2436 W-2437 W-2440 W-3521 Y-4209 Y-4210 Y-4211 Y-4212 Y-4214 Y-4262 Y-4263 Y-4264 Y-4381 Y-4382 Y-4383 C-350 C-351 H-353 C-360 C-362 C-560 C-659 C-661 C-662 C-663 C-664 C-665 C-666 C-667 C-668 S-2216 C-816 C-714 C-715 C-718 C-830 C-026 C-027 C-028 C-029 C-033 C-034 C-035 C-225 C-226 C-591 C-592 C-593 C-594 C-595 C-596 C-597 C-604 C-607 C-621 C-622 C-669 C-670 C-674 C-675 C-676 C-678 C-682 C-683 C-684 C-685 C-761 C-923 C-924 P-1517 P-1518 P-1519 C-821 C-650 C-651 C-652 C-832 C-836 C-838 C-840 C-843 C-844 C-882 C-883 C-884 C-887 C-710 D-222 D-223 D-225 D-309 D-210 D-430 D-431 D-432 D-463 E-260 E-182 E-183 E-184 E-191 E-192 E-211 E-212 E-214 E-218 F-848 S-6073 E-418 E-419 E-491 E-492 E-501 E-502 E-503 E-504 E-505 E-506 E-510 E-512 STOCK DESC Appointment Books,Monthly-Planner, 6-7/8" x 8-3/4" #70-120 Pocket weekly-planner 1 week on two pages, black, 3-3/4"x 6" #G235-00 Double-Tier Desk Calendar- Complete Unit 7 1/8" x 4 1/8" BLK, #SW700X-00 Calendar base, plastic, black For refill see R-17 #E17-00 THREE (3) MONTH CALENDAR, 12" x 27" WIREBOUND W/ HANGING EYELET #PM15-28 DESK ORGANIZER W/SIDE COMPARTMENTS BLK 10 1/8"x 8" #J17-00 Desk Pad, Monthly Desk Planner, dated Jan.-Dec. 22"x 17" #SK24R-00 Calendar refill,2 page book style 3 1/2"x 6", see base B-17 #KEI717R-50 Calendar Refill, book style, 3"x3 3/4" plain edge, unruled #E919-50 Calendar Refill, pad style, 5"x 8" for Base W-2438),Plain Edge, #E458-50 Calandar, Refill for "Today Is" wall calendar 6"x 6" #K1-50 Calendar, Refill double tiered calendar base 7-7/8"x 4-1/8" #SW705X-50 Today Is Wall Calendar Complete set vinyl back 6-5/8"x 9-1/8" (#K1-00) Plan a month calendar. full year on both sides Reversible "24"x36" #PM212-28 30 DAY ORGANIZER,plastic mylar surface laminated undated, 24"x 36". PM-233-28 Dated Daily Reminder,one day per page at top. 4-3/16"x 6-1/2" #SD-385-13 Diary, Daily Reminder, 5-3/4" x 8-1/4" ruled page,red hardback cover #SD389-13 Diary, Daily Reminder, 7-11/16" x 12-1/8 ruled page,red hardback cover #SD376-13 CARTON OPENER, surgrip retractable utility knife. #10-099 BLADES,REPLACEMENT,for carton opener-5 per pack (blades only) #11-921 CART,UTILITY-DURAMOLD CONSTRUCTION, 16"x30"x32 1/4"H, 400 lb cap #CMC5800BE CHAIR MATS, CLEAR, with cleats, 45" x 53", lip 25" x 12".#2360 CHAIR MATS, with CLEATS, 46"x 60", with lip 25"x 12,#2362 boxed individually CHAIRMATS,FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS NON-SKID 45"wide x 53"long, Lip size: 25"x12"L #76600 HAND SANITIZER DIAL ANTIBACTERIAL KILLS 99.99% OF GERMS. 4OZ BOTTLE #GOJ9651 CLEANING PADS, ANTI-STATIC pre-moistened for synthetic surfaces (READRIGHT#1206) CLEANERS, DESK & OFFICE, 15 oz. can 3M #573 GLASS CLEANER. ANTI STREAK WITHOUT AMM- ONIA, 32 OZ PUMP SPRAYER #35142 CLEANERS, FURNITURE POLISH, with lemon oil,20oz AEROSOL AMREP#A00134-20 DISINFECTANT,HOSPITAL SPRAY, Kills HIV-1 16.4oz Aerosol Can CHASE #5157 CLEANER,Handwash-Foamed Ecolab #61032713 7 oz, waterless & soapless WHITE BOARD CLEANER, 8 OZ. pump spray bottle (SOC SANFORD#81803) INK-AWAY, HAND CLEANING PADS, removes ink, toner, ribbon stains(READRIGHT#1302 SOAP, HAND, WRAPPED, WHITE, 3 OZ (IVORY #64415) CLIPBOARD, LETTER Size, RECYCLED, Plastic, color: BLACK saunders #46506 BINDER CLIPS, 3/8" x 3/4" Tempered steel with wire arms.(#182BX9) BINDER CLIPS, 5/8" x 1-1/4" Tempered steel with wire arms. (#10050) BINDER CLIPS, 1"x 2" TEMPERED STEEL WITH WIRE ARMS STATUS PLUS #52-013 WALL CLOCK, round, black plastic, battery operated, uses 1 (AA) battery IDL #70122 CD/DVD PAPER SLEEVES 24LB WHITE WOVE PAPER W CLEAR POLY WINDOW 100 PER BX #62903 JEWEL CASE SLIM FOR CD STORAGE 25 PACK FELLOWES #98316 ZIP DISK 100MB IBM COMPATIBLE IOMEGA #79110 CD RECORDABLE IMATION 100 PER SPINDLE 700MB/80MIN/16X #41186 CD-R 700MB/80MIN 52X PRINTABLE WHITE SU- RFACE FOR INKJET PRINT 100 CT SPINDLE #648710 PORTABLE USB 2.0 TRAVELDRIVE FLASH/THUMB DRIVE 2GB MEMOREX #09077 FLASH DRIVE 8GB SCANDISK CRUZER #642617 #SDCZ60008GA DVD+R WRITE ONCE FORMAT SINGLE-SIDED 4.7GB LOGO ON SURFACE #IMATION #17342 DVD+RW RE-WRITTABLE FORMAT SINGLE-SIDED 4.7GB BLANK SURFACE #51122-17153 LCD/NOTEBOOK PRIVACY FILTER FRAMELESS STYLE,screen visible only to viewer 19" 3M #PF19.0 LCD/NOTEBOOK PRIVACY FILTER FRAMELESS STYLE screen visible only to viewer 15" 3M #PF15.0 LCD/NOTEBOOK PRIVACY FILTER FRAMELESS STYLE SCREEN VISIBLE ONLY TO VIEWER 17" 3M #PF17.0 LCD/NOTEBOOK PRIVACY FILTER FRAMELESS STYLE screen visible only to viewer 18" 3M #PF18.0 MONITOR SCREEN PRIVACY FILTER, FITS 12"- 15" MONITOR, #MMM-EF200LB MONITOR SCREEN PRIVACY FILTER FITS 19" TO 21"MONITOR BEIGE not for flat screen #MMMEF200XXL PRIVACY SCREEN FILTER 24" WIDESCREEN #KTKSVL24W MOUSE MAT WITH WRIST SUPPORT, 9"W X 10"D X 1 1/2"H (KMW 57803) VACUUM, For PC/PRINTER,System Sweeper, Electric 110/120 V (DTV-MS-4C) CD STORAGE DRAWER STORES UP TO 150 CD'S/ DVD'S, HAS DIVIDERS WITH LOCK IVR# 39501 KEYBOARD WRIST REST/FULLY ADJUSTABLE FOR COMFORT 20-3/4"X9-3/4"X1-3/8"FEL 9175601 HANDKLEEN PADS ANTIBACTERIAL WIPES 70 PER TUB KILLS GERMS INSTANTLY #RR1460 PHONE KLEEN PADS, sanitizes phones & other equipment (READRIGHT#RR1403) CD-RECORDABLE DISKS 700MB.80 MINUTE PLAY TIME WITH JEWEL CASE #41181 KEYBOARD CLEANING KIT,comes w/8 cleaning swabs, pump spray & gas duster #RR1263 CD-REWRITTABLE COMPACT DISC. MEMOREX 80 MIN. 700MB W/JEWEL CASE #3202-3408 SCREEN CLEANER KLEEN & DRY TWINPACK FOR CLEANING & CONTROL STATIC #RR1305 AIR DUSTER, disposable, non-flammable, ozone/enviroment safe(READRIGHT#3507) CD/DVD DESIGN KIT WITH LABELS & INSERTS W/PRINT TO THE EDGE CAPABILITY. #AVE8965 CD/DVD LABEL KIT REFILLS TWO LABELS PER SHEET MATTE FINISH 40 PER PACK #8692 CD LABELER KIT REFILLS PHOTO QUALITY GLOSS FINISH 40 PER BOX #99944 CD DRIVE LENS CLEANER,removes debris/dus t/from drive heads. FEL #99761 DATA CARTRIDGE DDS2 4/8GB 4MM 120M MAXELL #203923 DLT IV TAPE CARTRIDGE 40/80GB FOR PRO- LONGED ARCHIVAL LIFE MAXELL-183270 COMPUTER PAPER, GREEN BAR FORMAT,PIN-FED SIZE: 14 7/8"X11 1/2" ONE PART, 18 LBS #141108 COMPUTER PAPER, BLANK FORMAT, NO LINES, SIZE 9 1/2"x 11" 1 PART, 20 LBS #9510AS COMPUTER PAPER, CONTINUOUS PINFED 1-part 11"x 8.5" 3-hole at top 17lb white #100038RG COPYHOLDER, INSIGHT 11x3-1/2x14-1/2 DETACHABLE FACE PLATE #KMW62411 REDACTION TAPE,COVERS CONFIDENTIAL INFO 1/6"X26.2FT BIC #WOTRDP11 COVER-UP & LABELING TAPE,REPOSITIONABLE. COVERS 1 LINE 1/6"W X 700"L #MMM651 COVER UP & LABELING TAPE,REPOSITIONABLE. COVERS 2 LINES 1/3"W X 700"L #MMM652 CORRECTION FLUID, WHITE,.6oz Typewriter.#284-11 DRYLINE CORRECTION TAPE, SINGLE LINE PINK #68625 CORRECTION FLUID,for PEN AND INK, WHITE (SOC PAP 74701) CORRECTION FLUID, MULTI-PURPOSE (SOC BIC #WOC12) DRYLINE CORRECTION,SINGLE line correcti- on applicator, white #68620 CORRECTION TAPE SINGLE LINE WHITE PAPER MATE 10 PACK #61374 CUP COLD DRINK FLAT BOTTOM,ROLLED RIM 16oz. 1000/cs SWEETHART #R16 CUPS, CONICAL 4 oz, rolled rim (#W4F) CUPS, PAPER, COATED, cold drink, 6 oz., flat bottom. (SWEETHEART #R6NN) CUPS, PAPER, HOT/COLD, 8 oz., RECYCLABLE ROLLED EDGE with handle SWEETHEART HP508 DESK ORGANIZER 8 COMPARTMENT ADJUSTS FRO M 10-3/8 TO 16"W LIFT OR SLIDE OUT #MMM-C-71 ORGANIZER, DESK TOP,HORIZONTAL, METAL, 4 compartment, 12"W X 8 1/2"D X 9 1/4" #24L-BLA ORGANIZER,DESK TOP,VERTICAL, METAL,BLACK 5 compartments (#5V-BK) ORGANIZER, DESK TOP, HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL METAL, BLACK #MMF26420HV004 TELEPHONE DESK STAND, 3 1/4" STORAGE IN BASE, BLACK MESH ELDON #22151 DESK TRAY, LETTER/LEGAL SIZE, Black, Plastic, (#15790001) DICTIONARY, Hardback Cover,American Heritage, 5th college edition.#H041018 DICTIONARY, Spanish/English, English/ Spanish,Hard cover, 6 3/8" x 9 1/4" #H01075 THESAURUS HARDBACK COVER 3RD EDITION 1216 PAGES THUMB INDEXED #H02033 DISKETTES, 3.5 D/S H/D, FORMATTED,MF2HD VERBATIM # 87410 EASEL STEEL with Mark "N" Wipe Boards, floor unit extended to 65" height #700B TABLEWARE FORK, white plastic 6" DISPOZO #70043 TABLEWARE knife white plastic 6" dispozo #70041 TABLEWARE SPOON, white plastic 6" (#P1003) PLATE PAPER COATED 9" W/O COMPARTMENT 500 PER CASE FONDA #BPLN09BF9 MEAL TRAY FOAM 3 COMPARTMENT W/HINGED LID 9-1/2"X9-1/4"X3" GENPACK #235059 MULTI OUTLET STRIP,Six outlets, circuit breaker & switch (FLEXIDUCT#6MOS-bei) SURGE SUPPRESSOR,W/MULTI-FILTER,protecs equipment-data TRP-ISOBAR6ULTRA FAX SURGE SUPPRESSOR,6-Outlet & 2 phone /fax line jacks (FLEXIDUCT#SW6R-DP) EXTENSION CORD, 25' long, two polarized 3-conductor grounded (IVR-72225) BULB FOR ELDON WORKMANAGER TASK LIGHT (F-873) #gel14650 DISCONTINUED SHREDDER PERSONAL W/WASTEBASKET SHREDS UP TO 15 SHEETS AT ONCE FELLOWES #322590 ENVELOPES, No. 10, White, 4-1/8" x 9-1/2", REGULAR (order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, Window, No. 10, 4 1/8"x9 1/2" White (order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 4 1/2" x 10 3/8" with clasp and gummed flap, #11-32 ENVELOPES BROWN KRAFT W/CLASP GUMMED FLAP 6"X9" #UNV 36260 COIN ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, No. 7, 3 1/2"x 6 1/2", with gummed flap (order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 9" x 12", with clasp and gummed flap.(order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 10"x 13", with clasp and gummed flap(order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 10"x 15",with clasp and gummed flap (order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 12" x 15-1/2", with clasp and gummed flap (order thru print shop) ENVELOPES, INTER-OFFICE, 10" x 13". (order thru print shop) DISK/CD PADDED MAILERS 6X8-3/4 RECYCLED NEWSPRINT TOTAL 95% RECYCLED CONTENT #1143419 ENVELOPES, Mail Lite, 9 1/2" x 14 1/2" air bubble liner, JIFFY LITE #4 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Pack Can Bottle Can Can Can Each Box Each Each Bx/12 Bx/12 Bx/12 Each Bx/100 Pack/25 Each Pack/100 Pack/100 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Kit Each Pack Each Kit Pack Box Each Each Each Ctn/3000 CS/2300 Cs/3700 Each Each Each Each Bottle Each Bottle Bottle Each Bx/10 Box/1000 Bx/5000 Cs/2500 Bx/1000 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box/10 Each Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Bx/500 Ctn/200Ea Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/500 Bx/500 Box/100 Bx/100 Box/500 Box/100 Box/100 Box/100 Box/100 Ctn/250Ea Bx/25 Bx/25 2 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 39 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased 5 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 A B COUNTY STOCK # E-513 E-522 E-523 P-1691 E-746 E-611 E-612 F-120 F-123 X-0136 X-0208 X-0222 X-0302 X-0347 X-0403 X-044 X-045 X-0453 X-0460 X-047DR X-0477 X-083 X-084 X-093 X-101 X-1113 X-13R00606 X-1300 X-135 X-201 X-203 X-240 X-251 X-252 X-260 X-270 X-280 X-2950 X-301 X-350 X-351 X-401 X-510 X-570 X-6371 X-6431 X-7923 X-8373 F-635 F-636 F-637 F-638 F-639 F-640 F-641 F-642 F-643 F-644 F-651 F-652 F-653 F-654 F-655 F-656 F-633 F-645 F-646 F-648 F-649 F-663 F-773 F-774 F-781 F-782 F-783 F-657 F-786 F-787 F-273 F-274 F-234 F-271 F-272 F-369 B-745 F-666 F-626 F-627 F-632 F-790 F-791 F-792 F-793 F-794 F-813 F-814 F-815 F-816 F-817 F-818 F-822 F-824 F-831 M-200 S-260 S-400 S-401 S-402 S-403 S-404 S-405 S-406 S-407 S-408 S-415 S-416 S-417 S-419 S-421 S-422 S-423 S-431 F-986 STOCK DESC ENVELOPES, Mail Lite, 14 1/4"x 20", air bubble liner JIFFY LITE #7 ENVELOPE, SECURITY,9" x 12", white tyvek word "opened" appears on flap (#R-2400) Envelopes, brown kraft,9"x12",notch out on face, left side, 1-3/4"x 3-5/8" ERASER SANFORD MAGIC RUB FOR DRAFTING FILMS,TRACING PAPER,ERASES INDIA INK #SAN73201 ERASER, FOR DRY ERASE/MARKER BOARDS (SOC SANFORD #81505) EXPANDING WALLETS, LETTER SIZE, 3 1/2" EXPANSION, SMEAD #1053EL EXPANDING WALLETS, LEGAL SIZE, 3 1/2" EXPANSION ESSELTE #1056EL FASTENERS, PRONG, 2 3/4" Center to Center, 2" cap. CHARLES LEONARD #60020 FASTENERS, PRONG BASE, 2 3/4" center to center, 2" capacity #60021 REPLACEMENT RIBBON PANASONIC/EPSON FAX KXFP200/200195/KXFM210/C239/205,KXFA135 #KXFA136 TONER CASSETTE RICOH 5000L FAX MACHINE TYPE 5110 #430208 TONER CART.RICCH 1900L/2000L/2050/2900L 3900L/3900NF FAX MACHINE TYPE 1135 #430222 TONER RICOH AFFICIO 150/180 FAX/COPIER TYPE 185 #410302 FAX CARTRIDGE RICOH 3310L/4410L/4410NF FAX MACHINE TYPE 1160 #430347 TONER RICOH 1160L ALL IN ONE FAX MACHINE TYPE 1165 #430403 TONER SHARP FO4400 FAX MACHINE #FO-50ND TONER/DEVELOPER CARTRIDGE, FOR SHARP FAX 4500,5500 & 6500 (#FO-45ND) DRUM UNIT SHARP FO-4500/5500/6500 FAX MACHINE (FO-45DR) TONER BROTHER MFC 9800/9700/9600/8700/ 8600/8500/8300/PPF-5750/4750/4100 #TN460 DRUM UNIT SHARP FO4700/5700/5800/5550 FAX MACHINE #FO47DR FAX CARTRIDGE, RICOH 2210L FAX MACHINE TYPE 1175 old #430477, new #412672 TONER PANASONIC KX-FL511/FL541 FAX MACHINE #KX-FA83 DRUM UNIT PANASONIC KX-FL511/FL541 FAX MACHINE #PAN-KX-FA84 FILM CARTRIDGE PANASONIC KX-FHD331 FAX MACHINE #KX-FA93 FILM CATRTIDGE PANASONIC KXFP101/105/111 /121/141 FAX MACHINE #KXFA65 PHOTOCONDUCTOR RICOH 3310L FAX MACHINE TYPE 1013 #411113 TONER XEROX WORKCENTRE PE120 FLATBED FAX MACHINE #013R00606 IMAGE FILM,FAX MACHINE SHARP UX1000/600M 1100/1300/1400/1460/1650/60/1860/500/10 #F0-15CR FILM CARTRIDGE FOR PANASONIC FAX KXFP200/KXFM210/220/205/C230/KXFP195 #KXFA153 PRINT CARTRIDGE THERMAL BROTHER PPF 1170 /1270/MFC 1170 FAX MACHINE #PC-201 DRUM UNIT BROTHER MFC7550/6650/4650/4600 4550/4450/4350/PPF3750/3650/2600 #DR200 FAX LASER PRINTER TONER CARTRIDGE FX3 FOR CANON L4000 (#H11-6381-230) TONER BROTHER MFC 288/2900/3800/4800/ 6800/DCP 1000 LASER FAX #TN250 DRUM UNIT BROTHER MFC4800/6800/PPF-2800 2900/3800 FAX MACHINE DR#250 FAX LASER PRINTER TONER CARTRIDGE FX4 FOR CANON L9000 & L9500 (#H11-6401-220) LASER TONER CANON LC710/720/730 FAX MACHINE FX-7 #CNM-7621A001AA LASER TONER CARTRIDGE CANON LC510 FAX MACHINE FX-8 #8955A001 TONER CARTRIDGE SHARP FO-2950/3800M FAX MACHINE #FO29ND FAX CARTRIDGE BROTHER PPF-750/770/870/ MFC-970 FAX MACHINE #PC-301 FAX TONER BROTHER 2820/2920/HL2040/2070N MFC7220/7225N/7420/7820N/7020 FAX MACHIN DRUM UNIT BROTHER 2820/2920/HL2040/2070 MFC7220/7225N/7420/7820N/7020 FAX DRUM UNIT BROTHER MFC9800/9700/8700/8600 8500/8300-PPF5750/4750/4100 FAX #DR-400 DRUM UNIT BROTHER MFC-8840DN/8840D/8840 8220/DCP-8045D/8040 FAX #DR-510 FAX TONER BROTHER MFC-8840DN//8840D/8040 8440/8220/DCP-8045D HIGH YIELD #TN-570 INK CARTRIDGE CANON B540/550 FAX MACHINE BX3 #H11-6371-410 TONER CARTRIDGE CANON 3175 FAX MACHINE FX6 #H11-6431-220 MAINTENANCE KIT HP LASERJET 5000 SERIES PRINTERS #C4110-67923 INK CARTRIDGE DELL 966 ALL IN ONE PRINTER #310-8373 BLACK FILE FOLDER LETTER SIZE 9-1/2"X11-3/4" RECYLCLED BLUE SMEAD #152-1/3 BLU RECYCLED FILE Folders Color Green Letter Size 9 1/2" x 11 3/4"3 #152-1/3BGR RECYCLED File Folders, Colored:Red Letter Size "9 1/2 x 11 3/4 " #152-1/3RED FILE FOLDERS, YELLOW, LETTER SIZE #152-1/3YEL FOLDER MANILA 1/3 CUT LETTER FASTENERS 1&3 POSITION #ESS M13U13 RECYCLED, FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE, 1/3" cut, #752 1/3 cut FILE FOLDER,MANILA, LETTER SIZE, 1/2"CUT #752-1/2 RECYCLED, FILE FOLDER , Manila, Legal Size, 1/3 cut #753-1/3 FILE FOLDER , MANILA, Legal Size ,1/2 cut, RECYCLED #753 1/2 cut FOLDER END TAB PRESSBOARD 1" CAPACITY GRAY-GREEN TYVEK SMD #26200/H150 FILE FOLDER END TAB STRAIGHT CUT 2" EXP LEGAL W/1 FASTNER SMD #37110 FILE FOLDER LETTER 2 PLI 1/2" TAB WITH 1&3 POSITION PRONGS BLUE SMD #12040 FILE FOLDER LETTER 2 PLI 1/2" TAB WITH 1&3 POSITION PRONGS YELLOW SMEAD #12940 FILE FOLDER END TAB STRAIGHT CUT LETTER 2 FASTENERS 3/4" CAP. MANILLA #h10u13 FILE FOLDER END TAB STRAIGHT CUT LETTER MANILLA RECYCLED ESS#H110D FILE FOLDER LETTER 2 PLI 1/2" TAB WITH 1&3 POSITION PRONGS GREEN SMEAD#12140 CLEAR TABS FOR HANGING FOLDERS 1/3 CUT BLANK INSERTS INCLUDED #43-1/2 RECYCLED, HANGING FILE FOLDER, LETTER size, 1/3 cut, Tab size 3 1/2". #C13H RECYCLED, HANGING FILE FOLDERS, LEGAL 1/3 cut, Tab size 3 1/2 #C23H HANGING FILE FOLDERS, BOX BOTTOM, LETTER SIZE,color : Green , RECYCLED #10HX2 HANGING FILE FOLDERS, BOX BOTTOM LEGAL SIZE GREEN. RECYCLED UNIVERSAL #14153 HANGING FOLDER FRAMES: letter/legal size (ESS#04444) RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING LETTER Size 3 1/2" expansion #1524E RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING, LETTER Size, 5 1/4" Expansion #1534G RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING, Legal Size, 1-3/4" expansion #1516C RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING, LEGAL Size, 3 1/2" expansion #1526E RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING LEGAL Size, 5 1/4" expansion #1536G FILE POCKET END TAB FILE POCKET CUT AWAY FRONT CORNER 8.5X11 SMD #75700 FILE POCKET, NON-EXPANSION, LETTER size Manila RECYCLED (75500) FILE POCKET, NON-EXPANSION, LEGAL size Manila (#24930) FILES, EXPANDING A-Z Index 15" x 10" Elastic cord and flap, RECYCLED. FILES, EXPANDING A-Z INDEX LETTER SIZE W/ELASTIC CORD & FLAP RECYCLED #70317 FILES, ARCH, 9"X 12 1/2" (letter size), With metal arch (SAUNDERS #05712 FILES, EVERY DAY, A to Z INDEX, LETTER SIZE, RECYCLED. ESSELTE #DDF3 FILES EVERY DAY, 1-31 INDEX, LETTER SIZE, RECYCLED. #4EDF PHONE/ADDRESS FILE, WITH A-Z GUIDES 125 cards cap. ROLADEX #67060 CARD FILE,BUSINESS CARD, with A-Z guides ELDON #67175 FILES PORTABLE FILE BOX, for letter size hanging folders w/hand(STX-61502U01C) FILE, OPEN ROTARY, 500 CARD CAPACITY, 2 1/4"x 4"cards ROLODEX #66704 V-File, A-Z INDEXES, COMES WITH 500 2 1/4" X 4" cards (GBC9851863) CARDS, REPLACEMENT 2 1/4 x 4",for rotary and v-file, white (SOC ROLODEX #67578 HOT FILE STARTER SET, for walls,dividers & screens, LETTER size, SMOKE 166003 HOT FILE, ADD-ON POCKET, LETTER size, SMOKE #L16613 HOT FILE HANGER STARTER SET, for Walls Dividers & Screens, SMOKE 1668003 HOT FILE II MAGNETIC, Magnetically adheres to metal surfaces #L16903 PARTITION HANGING FILE SYSTEM, TRIPLE TRAY,Mounts on modular partitions(75310) EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & FIRST AID KIT 167 PIECES GENUINE FIRST AID #9999-2201 FIRST AID KIT, for 25 people, office/ vehicle #34025 REFILL, for first aid kit 25 people DADE #B25 NON-ASPIRIN TABLET IBUPROFEN 500mg 50 PACKS PER BOX ADVIL#ACM15000 NON ASPIRIN TABLET 2 PER PACK TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH 50 PKS PER BOX #MCL44910 BAYER ASPIRIN 2-PACK 50 PACKS PER BOX #ACM12408 ALCOHOL, Rubbing, 70% ISOPROPYL, 1 pint plastic bottles #1156-10 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE SOLUTION, 1 pint plastic bottle 4706-10 BAND-AIDS, STANDARD, 3/4" X 3" , 100/Bx, Sheer Strips CLEAR BAG HEFTY SLIDE-RITE UTILITY BAG 16"X12" 3 MIL/PRODUCE AN AIRTIGHT SEAL#S6987 POLY SHEETING CLEAR .004 GAGE 10'X100'RL #S-5133 (HURRICANE SUPPLIES SEASONAL) S-5133 PARTICULATE RESPIRATOR N95 APPROVED FOR PARTICLES/NON-OIL BASED AEROSOLS 3m #8210 BLOODBORNE PATHOGEN/BODILY FLUID SPILL KIT, 23 PIECE KIT CER #200-906 GLOVES QUALATRILE BLUE NITRILE POWDER FREE 5 MIL THICK 9" SZ:LARGE #G4BQF09L SAFETY, Back Support Belts, Size:X-Small Waist:Up to 27, with MIAMI-DADE LOGO #11091 Back Support Belts, Size: SMALL Waist:Up to 32,with MIAMI-DADE Logo #11092 Back Support Belts, Size: MEDIUM Waist:Up to 37,with MIAMI-DADE Logo #11093 Back Support Belts, Size: LARGE Waist:UP to 41,with MIAMI-DADE LOGO #11094 SAFETY, Back Support Belts,Size:EX-Large Waist:Up to 49, with MIAMI-DADE Logo #11095 SAFETY, Back Support Belt, Size: XXLarge Waist size up to 54" with MetroDade logo #11096 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, MULTI-PURPOSE, comes with wall bracket, 2.5LB. "ABC" #417T FIRE EXTINGUISHER, MULTI-PURPOSE, with wall bracket, type "ABC", 5LBS. #B500 FIRE EXTINGUISHER, MULTI-PURPOSE, with wall bracket, type "ABC", 10 LBS.#11340 TAPE,SAFETY, black and yellow, for high- lighting aisles, steps, hand rails etc.. #PTM726BKYL SAFETY VEST, CHEVRON ANSI CLASS II SIZE UNIVERSAL FROM SM TO XL #CHEVANSII SAFETY VEST, CHEVRON ANSI CLASS II SIZE JUMBO FROM 2XL TO 4XL #RAD SVCHV-UNIV MASK/RESPIRATOR FOR DUSTY OPERATIONS N95 PARTICULATE 3M #9211 TAGS, "DANGER", Accident Prevention tags Size:5 3/4"x 3 "W, with 3/8" grommets #MDT112LTP CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER GRAY 2 DIVIDER, 2" EXPANSION #26810 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Bx/25 Box/100 Box/500 Each Each Each Each Bx/50 Bx/100 Pk/2 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Kit Each Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/50 Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/25 Bx/50 Bx/50 Bx/50 Bx/50 Bx/100 Bx/50 Pack/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Bx/25 Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Bx/100 Bx/100 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Set Each Each Each Each Kit Each Each Box Box Box Bottle Bottle Bx/100 Box/250 Roll Box/20 Kit Bx/100 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Box/10 Pack/25 Bx/10 3 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 40 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 COUNTY STOCK # F-988 F-990 F-991 F-992 F-993 F-994 F-634 F-647 F-650 F-987 F-995 F-996 F-997 F-998 F-999 105.01-170 105.01-22 107.01-2 107.02-35 107.06-2 107.07-17A 107.07-25 107.07-33 108.01-24 108.01-39 108.01-43 108.01-49 108.01-7 108.01-72 108.01-75 108.01-78 108.01-79 108.01-79A 108.01-81 108.01-81A 160.01-208 160.01-22 160.01-30 160.02-24 160.02-52 160.02-69 160.04-17 160.04-5 160.05-107 160.05-13A 160.05-36 162.05-1 162.05-2 162.05-3 162.05-45 510.01-201 510.01-227 510.01-300 C-606 C-619 F-849 F-853 F-855 F-856 F-857 F-862 F-863 F-867 F-868 F-869 F-870 F-871 F-872 F-874 F-883 F-892 F-894 F-896 F-897 F-898 F-899 F-900 F-901 F-902 F-903 F-904 F-905 F-906 F-907 F-908 F-909 F-910 F-911 F-912 F-913 F-914 F-915 F-916 F-917 F-918 F-919 107.02-36 108.01-124 108.01-52 160.01-217 160.01-279 170.01-13 G-719 G-858 H-871 H-872 X-0045 X-0046 X-0047 X-0048 X-0049 X-0050 X-0051 X-0052 X-0057 X-0058 X-0059 X-0060 X-0093 X-0192 X-0201 X-0620 X-0621 B C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK DESC STOCK UNIT FOLDER CLASSIFICATION 4 PART END TAB GREY/GREEN 2" EXPANSION LEGAL #ESS 23314 Bx/10 FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, Letter size, 4-part SMEAD (#13775) Box/10 Folder, classification & budget report, legal size, 4 part (#61950) Box/20 FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, Letter size, 6-part SMEAD(#14075) Box/10 FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, Legal size, 6-part (#61900) Box/15 FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, LEGAL SIZE 8 PART GUSSCO (61-850) Box/10 FOLDER EXPANDING 1/3 CUT 2"CAP.GREY/GREE W/PRONG FASTENERS RECYCLED SMD #14934 Bx/25 FOLDER PRESSBOARD END TAB 2 FASTENER 1 DIVIDER BLUE SMD#26881 Bx/10 FILE FOLDERS PRESSBOARD 2" EXPANSION W/ FASTENERS 1&3 1/2 CUT TAB #ESS 1532F13 Bx/25 FOLDER PRESSBOARD STRAIGHT CUT 2" LEGAL W/INSIDE FRONT & BACK PRONGS #SMD19910 Bx/25 FOLDER, PRESSBOARD, LETTER size, 1/3 cut SMEAD #13230 Bx/25 FOLDER, PRESSBOARD, Letter size,1/3 cut, 1" expansion #54-502 Bx/25 FOLDER, PRESSBOARD, LEGAL size, 1/3 cut #55-503 Bx/25 FOLDER, PRESSBOARD, Legal size, 1/2 cut, 1" expansion #55-502 Bx/25 ALUMINUM FORM HOLDERS, fits forms up to 8 1/2" x 12" #10017 Each FORM.PRIORITY PAD 100shts./pad. REVISED 7/04. #160.01-170 ON FORM Pad FORM.PURCHASE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT. Pad PETTY CASH RECONCILIATION, 50 sheets/ pad, Rev. 1/76 Pad FORM.TRAVEL EXPENSE REPORT (25 sets) REVISED 10-2011. Pack/25 FORM.SUPPLY REQUEST Set FORM MEMORANDUM, LETTER SIZE, 500 sheets package Pack FORM.PETTY CASH DISBURSEMENT, 50 sets Pad FORM.MEMO,1/2 size 100 sheets/pad REVISED 1/05 NEW# ON PAD #107.02-33 Pad FORM.Payroll & Attendance Record Change Form MONDAY START PAY PERIOD ONLY Pad FORM.Payroll & Attendance Record Change form SUNDAY START PAY PERIOD ONLY Pad FORM.EMPLOYEE WORKSITE ORIENTATION white/canary/pink Pad FORM.DEATH BENEFIT BENEFICIARY Pad FORM.REQUEST FOR CLASSIFICATION ACTION, 100 sheets/pad Pad FORM.REQUEST FOR LEAVE FORM comes 250 per pack Pack/250 FORM.EMPLOYEE RESIGNATION FORM, 50 sheets per pad Pad FORM.EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE WORKSHEET, 50 sheets/pad Pad FORM.MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Page 1, 4 sheets/set Set FORM.MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. Page 2, 4 sheets/set Set FORM.MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION WORKSHEET. Page 1, 50 sheets/pad Pad FORM.MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Worksheet. Page 2, 50 sheets/pad Pad FORM.WAGE STATEMENT,pad/100sheets Pad FORM.THINGS TO DO TODAY Pad FORM.PROPERTY ACTION FORM 25 SET PER PAD Pack/25 FORM.ORDER FOR PRINTING Set FORM.CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS Pad FORM.Vehicle Inspection Checklist Pad FORM.AUTHORIZATION TO PICK UP MATERIALS, 35 sets/pad Pad FORM.RECEIVING REPORT PARTIAL, 30 sets/ pad Pad FORM.NOTICE OF INJURY, STATE WORKERS COMPENSATION FORM NO. LES DWC-1 Pack/25 FORM.EMPLOYERS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF INJURY 50 sheets/pad Pad FORM.ACCIDENTAL DEATH INSURANCE FORM, 50 sets/pad Pad FORM.PERSONNEL RECORD SUMMARY, 50 sheets pad Pad FORM.DISCIPLINARY ACTION REPORT,50 sets per pack. Pack/25 FORM.RECORD OF COUNSELING, 35 sets/pad Pad FORM.NOTICE OF AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT, 50 sheets/pad Pad FORM.Input Control Pack FORM.FAMIS FINANCIAL TRANSACTION CODING FORM,100 sheets/pad (REV 09/96) Pad FORM.PETTY CASH REINBURSEMENT REQUEST ENVELOPE Each KEYBOARD DRAWER, UNDER-DESK, EXTRA-WIDE, 17 1/4"DX25"W #60004 Each ERGO SMART ABOVE DESK KEYBOARD DRAWER INCL. MOUSE STORAGE & WRIST REST #60006 Each WORKMANAGER, SYS LAYOUT TABLE 48x29.5x28 PLATINUM ELDON #51509 DISCONTINUED Each ASPIRA MODULAR FURNITURE WORKSTATION 60" PLATINUM ICEBERG #92403 Each ASPIRA WORKSTATION 34"W/REVERSIBLE INLAY PLATINUM ELDON #ICE-92203 Each WORKMANAGER PRINTER STAND, steelwire shelves, platinum ELDON #53009 Each Workmanager corner section, resinite color:platinum ELDON #54009 Each ASPIRA WORKSTATION UNDERDESK FILE 2 FILE DRAWER,16-1/2"Wx28"Hx22"D #95413 Each ASPIRA WORKSTATION FILE DRAWER 2 BOX 1 FILE DRAWER SZ:16 1/2"Wx28"Hx22"D #95213 Each WORKMANAGER 60"WORKSTATION SHELF, USE W/ #5000 ELDON #56009 Each ASPIRAA MODULAR FURNITURE HUTCH 48"WIDE PLATINUM #ICE-92853 Each WORKMANAGER 34"WORKSTATION SHELF USE W/ 5200 ELDON #56208 Each ASPIRA MODULAR CORNER WORKSTATION PLATINUM ELDON #ICE-94153 Each ASPIRA MODULAR FURNITURE SQUARE CORNER CONNECTOR PLATINUM. ICEBERG #94103 Each ASPIRA MODULAR KEYBOARD PLATFORM W/MOUSE PAD.HOLDS KEYBOARD TO 20-1/2WX10DX2-1/2H #96361 Each ASPIRA MODULAR UTILITY DRAWER 14Wx14-1/2 dx1-1/2h.MOUNTS UNDER WORKSTATION #95453 Each WORKMANAGER PC Workstation, SIZE: 28"Wx 24"D x 30"H, ELDON #10509 Each CHAIR Stacking, with arms, DUET-BLACK GLOBAL #6620 Each FILE CABINET,LATERAL,5-Drawer,with lock, steel const. color: putty #9336-P5F1H Each CHAIR, FOLDING, LIGHTWEIGHT BLOWMOLDED POLYETHYLENE HVY DUTY CHARCOAL #64007 Each Chair,Executive,ERGONOMIC,multi-tilt W/ arms adustable;#3212(3N) Burgundy IM52 Each CHAIR/SECRETARIAL,NEW ERGONOMIC SEATING FULLY ADJUSTABLE #2239-6 RHAPSODY PB07 Each STORAGE CABINET,72"Height,color platinum 72"HX18"DX36"W, ELDON #92573 Each STORAGE CABINET,46"height,color:platinum 46"H, 22"D,36"W ELDON #92563 Each FILE CABINET,LATERAL,2-DRAWER WITH LOCK STEEL CONST,COLOR: PUTTY #9336-2F1H Each FILE CABINET, LATERAL, 3-DRAWER, WITH LOCK,STEEL CONST,COLOR: PUTTY #9336-3F1H Each FILE CABINET, LATERAL, 4-DRAWER, WITH LOCK,STEEL CONST,COLOR: PUTTY #9336-41H Each STORAGE CABINET,2-DR, W/LOCK,STEEL 3-ADJ 1 FIX SHELF 36X72 Color:PUTTY #9336-S72L Each STORAGE CABINET,2-DR. W/LOCK STEEL 1-ADJ 1-FIX SHELF 36X42 Color:PUTTY #9336-S42L Each CHAIR, STACKING ARMLESS BLACK FINISH FABRIC SEAT/BACK BLACK S110 #2172 Each CHAIR, STACKING WITH ARMS BLACK FINISH FABRIC SEAT/BACK BLACK S110 #2171 Each CHAIR, GUEST SIDE CHAIR W/ARMS SUPRA #5332 SPRINKLE #S110 BLACK(4 WEEK WAIT) Each CHAIR EXECUTIVE, HIGH BACK TILTER,FABRIC SEAT/BACK SPRINKLE #S110 (SUPRA)#5330-4 Each CHAIR MULTI SHIFT/HEAVY DUTY 350LB CAP. HIGH BACK ERGON. SALUTE #2450 BLACK S110 Each CHAIR MULTI SHIFT/HEAVY DUTY 350LB CAP FULLY ADJUST. STAMINA+ #2440TD BURG. S101 Each CHAIR ERGONOMIC HIGH BACK ENTERPRISE #4570-3 S111 Each CHAIR MEDIUM BACK WEIGHT SENSING SYNCHRO TILTER BLACK #2662-8/UR22 Each CHAIR SYNOPSIS HIGH BACK MULTI-TILTER W/ HEIGHT AND WIDTH ADJ. ARMS #5080-3 UR20 Each CHAIR TRUFORM HIGH BACK MULTI-TILTER HEAVY DUTY TO 350LBS. #TS5450-3SC #JN02 Each CHAIR TAMIRI HIGH BACK-TILTER LEATHER #4526-450-550 BLACK Each SIDE CHAIR MULTI PURPOSE SEATING WITH CURVED ARMS SIDERO #6900 UR20 GRANITE Each CHAIR MESH ADJUSTABLE LUMBAR SUPPORT #OTG 2803 BLACK Each SIDE CHAIR BLACK MESH #OTG11760B Each FORM. MIAMI DADE COUNTY TRAVEL REQUEST FORM 20 sets per pad. Pad FORM.APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT FOR MIAMI DADE COUNTY 25 PER PACK Pack/25 FORM.PERSONNEL CHANGE DOCUMENT PAR White/Canary 2 part NCR, Rev 03/98 Pack/50 FORM.GROUP LIFE AND ACCIDENTAL BENEFI- CIARY DESIGNATION FORM revised 8/04 Pack/50 FORM.EXPOSURE REPORT/EMPLOYEE EXPOSURE TO POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Pack/50 FORM.ADPICS PROCUREMENT FORMS (REVISED) Pack/250 GLUE STICK, 1.41 Oz. Stick, washable, non-toxic ROSS 95500 Each GUIDES, A-Z, FILES, Pressboard, Letter size, RECYCLED OXFORD #G858 Set Aluminum Hand truck,500lbs capacity, 49 1/4" x 16 3/4". (#410-T14R) Each Folding Platform Truck, 24" x 35" Plat- form, 900lbs cap (#272-035) Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 8100/8600 SERIES E PRINTERS/ALL IN ONE #CN046AN CYAN Each INK CARTRIGE HP 8100/9600 SERIES E PRINTER/ALL IN ONE #CN045AN BLACK Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 8100/8600 SERIES E PRINTER/ALL IN ONE #CN047AN MAGENTA Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 8100/8600 SERIES E PRINTER/ALL IN ONE #CN048AN YELLOW Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 200/8100/8600 SERIES PRINTER #950 BLACK #CN049AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 200/8100/8600 SERIES PRINTER #951 CYAN #CN050AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 200/8100/8600 SERIES PRINTER #951 MAGENTA #CN051AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 200/8100/8600 SERIES PRINTER #951 YELLOW #CN052AN Each INKJET TONER HP 6000/7000 SERIES PRINTER #932 BLACK #CN057AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/7000 SERIES PRINTER #933 CYAN #CN058AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/7000 SERIES PRINTER #933 MAGENTA #CN059AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/7000 SERIES PRINTER #933 YELLOW #CN060AN Each INKJET CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON STYLUS BLACK 400 THRU 600,600Q,PHOTO,700,LX(S020093) Each TONER EPSON STYLUS COLOR 880/880I/83 PRINTER BLACK #T019201 Each TONER EPSON STYLUS COLOR 880/880I PRINTE #T020201 TRI-COLOR Each TONER CANON 6000/5000/4000/900 SERIES INKJET PRINTER BLACK #0620B002 Each TONER CANON 6000/5000/4000/900 SERIES INKJET PRINTER CYAN #0621B002 Each 4 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 41 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 COUNTY STOCK # X-0622 X-0623 X-0628 X-0731 X-0941 X-0972 X-0973 X-0974 X-0975 X-112 X-1823 X-2181 X-2201 X-2320 X-3222 X-336 X-338 X-3472 X-4206 X-4208 X-4705 X-4706 X-4707 X-4708 X-4709 X-4710 X-4800 X-4810 X-4811 X-4812 X-4813 X-4820 X-4821 X-4822 X-4823 X-4836 X-4837 X-4838 X-4844 X-4846 X-4847 X-4848 X-4871 X-4911 X-4912 X-4913 X-4930 X-4931 X-4932 X-4933 X-4934 X-4935 X-4950 X-4951 X-4952 X-4953 X-4954 X-4955 X-5011 X-5012 X-5163 X-5480 X-5508 X-5509 X-561 X-562 X-563 X-564 X-565 X-566 X-5884 X-626 X-634 X-635 X-636 X-640 X-641 X-643 X-644 X-645 X-646 X-6578 X-6614 X-6615 X-6625 X-6656 X-6657 X-6658 X-7201 X-8374 X-8721 X-8727 X-8728 X-8765 X-8766 X-8767 X-8771 X-8772 X-8773 X-8774 X-8775 X-9351 X-9352 X-9361 X-9362 X-9363 X-9364 X-9369 X-9370 X-9371 X-9372 X-9373 X-9374 X-9380 X-9381 X-9382 X-9383 X-9384 X-9390 X-9391 X-9392 X-9397 X-9403 B STOCK DESC TONER CANON 7000/6000/5000/4000/900 SERIES INKJET PRINTER MAGENTA CLI-8M #0622B002 TONER CANON PIXMA IP6700D/P5200/P4300/ MP 900 SERIES INKJET PRINTERS YELLOW #0623B002 TONER CANON 5000/4000/900 SERIES PRINTER ONLY. BLACK #PGI-5 INK CARTRIDGE CANON FOR BJC-4000 THRU 4550 & 5000 SERIES PRINTER(F47-0731) INKJET CARTRIDGE CANON S400/450/4500 BJC3000/6000 SERIES PRINTER #BCI-3eBK INK CARTRIDGE HP OFFICEJET 6000/6500/ 7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS #920XL CYAN INK CARTRIDGE HP OFFICEJET 6000/6500/ 7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS #920XL MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE HP OFFICEJET 6000/6500/ 7000/7500 PRINTERS #920XL YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE HP OFFICEJET 6000/6500/ 7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS BLACK #920XL INKJET CARTRIDGE,FOR DESKJET 1200C/1600C 1600CM/1600CN (51640C) INKJET CARTRIDGE, TRI-COLOR, FOR HP DESK JET 720C,722C & 890C (HP#C1823A) REPLACEMENT TANK CANON BJC-6000 PRINTER #BCI-3C CYAN REPLACEMENT TANK CANON BJC-6000 PRINTER #BCI3Y YELLOW INKJET CARTRIDGE EPSON C80 PRINTER MAGENTA #T032320 INKJET TONER EPSON C80 PRINTER CYAN #T032220 INKJET TONER HP D4260/J5780/C4200/4300 5200/5300 SERIES PRINTER BLACK #74XL INKJET TONER HP D4260/J5750/5780/C4200 4300/5200/5300 SERIES PRINTER #75XL TRI TONER EPSON STYLUS 2200 COLOR PRINTER LIGHT BLACK #T034720 TONER OKIDATA 7000 SERIES PRINTER MAGENTA #4134206 TONER OKIDATA 7000 SERIES PRINTER BLACK #4134208 INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/900/ 9000/BJC-8200 PRINTER BLACK #4705A003 INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/900/ 9000/BJC-8200 BCI-6 CYAN #4706A003 INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/900/ 9000/BJC-8200 PRINTER MAGENTA #4707A003 INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/900/ 9000/BJC-8200 PRINTER BCI-6 4708A003 YEL PHOTO INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/ 900/9000/BJC-8200 PRINTER CYAN #4709A003 PHOTO INK CARTRIDGE CANON S800/820/8200/ 900/9000/BJC-8200 PRINTER MAGENTA 4710A003 DESKJET PRINTHEAD HP 2000C/CN 2500C SERIES #C4800A PRINTHEAD HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER #C4810A BLACK PRINTHEAD HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER #C4811A CYAN PRINTHEAD HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER #C4812A MAGENTA PRINTHEAD HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER #C4813A YELLOW PRINTHEAD HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER #C4820 BLACK PRINTHEAD HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER #C4821A CYAN PRINTHEAD HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER #C4822 MAGENTA PRINTHEAD HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER #C4823A YELLOW INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 2200/2250/2250TN/ PRINTER CYAN #C4836A INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER MAGENTA #C4837A INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 2200/2250/2250TN PRINTER YELLOW #C4838A DESKJET CARTRIDGE HP 2000C/CN/2500C/1700 2200/2600/3000 SERIES BLACK #C4844A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER CYAN #C4846A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER MAGENTA #C4847A TONER HEWLET-PACKARD HP1055CM PLOTTER YELLOW # C4848A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 1055CM PLOTTER BLACK #C4871A INK CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET 500/800 HP #C4911A CYAN INK CARTRIDGE DESIGNJET HP 500/800 HP #C4912A MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET 500/800 HP #C4913A YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER BLACK #C4930A INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER CYAN #C4931A INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER MAGENTA #C4932A INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER YELLOW #C4933A INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER LIGHT CYAN #C4934A INK CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGNJET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER LIGHT MAGENTA C4935A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGN JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER BLACK #C4950A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGN JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER CYAN #C4951A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGN JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER MAGENTA #C4952A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGN JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER YELLOW #C4953A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGn JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER LT. CYAN #C4954A PRINTHEAD/CLEANER HEWLETT PACKARD DESIGN JET 5000/5000PS PLOTTER LT MAGNETA C4955 INKJET CARTRIDGE EPSON STYLUS COLOR 900/ 900N/900G PRINTER COLOR #T005011/T005311 TONER CARTRIDGE HP 1160 SERIES PRINTER #C5011AN BLACK INKJET CART.HP DESKJET PORT.310,320,340, DESKWRITER 310,320 PRINTERS #51633M TONER DELL 962 PRINTER STD PRINT CARTRDG #310-6273 (#T5480) INKJET CARTRIDGE DELL SERIES 1 PRINT CARTRIDGE 720 PRINTER BLACK #310-5508 INKJET CARTRIDGE DELL SERIES 1 CARTRIDGE 720 PRINTER #310-5509 TRI-COLOR INK CARTRIDGE HP 1000/2000/3000/4000 5000 SERIES PRINTERS #61 BLACK CH561WN INK CARTRIDGE TRI-COLOR 1000/2000/3000 4000/5000 SERIES PRINTER #CH562WN #61 INKJET CARTRIDGE HP1000/2000/3000 SERIES PRINTER 564XL #CN684WN BLACK INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 1000/2000/3000 SERIES PRINTER 564XL CYAN #CB323WN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 1000/2000/3000 SERIES PRINTER 564XL MAGENTA #CB324WN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 1000/2000/3000 SERIES PRINTER 564XL YELLOW #CB325WN INK CARTRIDGE DELL 942 PRINTER COLOR #310-5884 (T5482) LASER TONER for DESKJET 500/600 & SHARP F1700 FAX #HP51626A BLK DISCONTINUED INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/6500/7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS,ALL IN ONE #920 CYAN #CH634AN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/6500/7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS,ALL IN ONE #920 MAGENTA #635AN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 6000/6500/7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS,ALL IN ONE #920 YELLOW #636AN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 1600/2000/4000/5000 SERIES PRINTERS & ALL IN ONES #60 BLACK #CC640AN INK JET CARTRIDGE, FOR H.P. 850C , 855C, & 870 -COLOR#C51641A INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 1600/2000/4000/5000 SERIES PRINTERS & ALL IN ONES #140 TRI #CC643AN INKJET CARTRIDGE FOR H.P. 750 PLOTTER COLOR: CYAN (#51644C) INKJET CARTRIDGE,FOR H.P.DESKJET 820C, 850C,855C,870C,1000C,BLK (#51645A) INKJET CARTRIDGE FOR H.P. 750 PLOTTER COLOR: MAGENTA (#51644M) TONER CARTRIDGE HP 970/P1000/P1100 DESK- JET TRI COLOR #6578DN TONER CARTRIDGE HP 610C/612C PRINTER BLACK #C6614A (FOR TRI COLOR USE X-649) TONER HP 810C/812/840/842/843 DESKJET PRINTER BLACK #C6615DN TONER HP 810C/812/840/842/843 DESKJET PRINTER COLOR #6625AN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP PHOTO SMART 7150thru 7550 SERIES PRINTER BLACK #6656C INKJET CARTRIDGE HP PHOTO SMART 7150THRU 7760 SERIES PRINTER TRI COLOR #6657A INKJET CARTRIDGE HP PHOTO SMART 7150THRU 7550 SERIES PRINTER #C6658 PHOTO INKJET CARTRIDGE EPSON STYLUS PHOTO 820/ 925 PRINTER #T027201 5 COLOR INK INK CARTRIDGE DELL 966/968/968W ALL IN ONE PRINTERS. TRI COLOR #310-8374 INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE BLACK #C8721WN INKJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 3320/ 3420/3425 PRINTER BLACK #C8727AN INKJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 3320/ 3420/3425 PRINTER TRI COLOR #C8728AN INK CARTRIDGE HP 6210/6800 SERIES OFFIC JET BLACK #94 #C8765WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 6210/6800 SERIES OFFIC JET TRI-COLOR #95 #C8766WN TRI-COLOR INK CARTRIDGE HP 8450/8150/2710/2610/ 375/325 PHOTOSMART/6000 SER DESKJET#96 INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE PRINTER CYAN #C8771WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE PRINTER MAGENTA #C8772WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE PRINTER YELLOW #C8773WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE PRINTER LT. CYAN #C8774WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 3210 PHOTOSMART ALL IN ONE PRINTER LT. MAGENTA #C8775WN INKJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 1250 FAX C9351AN BLACK #21 ( replaces x-9353) INK CARTRIDGE HP PSC 1410 ALL IN ONE #22 TRI-COLOR #C9352AN INK CARTRIDGE HP 1510 ALL IN ON /4100/ 3100/5440 SERIES PRINTER #93 HP #C9361WN INK CARTRIDGE HP5440/5440V/5440XI DESK- JET PRINTER #92 BLACK #C9362WN INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 8450/8150/2710/2610/ 375/325 PHOTOSMART 6000 SER DESKJET #97 #C9363WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 2575 ALL IN ONE #98 BLACK #C9364WN INK CARTRIDGE HP 6210/6800 SERIES OFFIC JET PHOTO #99 #C9369WN INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES - DESIGN JET PHOTO BLACK #C9370A INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESI- GN JET CYAN #72 #C9371A INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESI- GN JET PRINTER #72 MAGENTA #C9372A INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESI- GN JET PRINTER #72 YELLOW #C9373A INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESI- GNJET GRAY #72 #C9374A PRINTHEAD HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESIGNJET PRINTER PHOTO BLACK/GRAY #72 #C9380A PRINTHEAD HP OFFICEJET K550/550dtn/850/ 850dtn PRINTER BLACK/YELLOW #88 #C9381A PRINTHEAD HP OFFICEJET K550/550dtn/850/ 850dtn PRINTER MAGENTA/CYAN #88 #C9382A PRINTHEAD HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESIGNJET PRINTER MAGENTA/CYAN #72 #C9383A PRINTHEAD HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESIGNJET PRINTER BLACK/YELLOW #72 #C9384A TONER HP OFFICEJET KTN550/550dtn/850/850 dtn PRINTER #88 BLACK #C9396AN TONER HP K550/K550dtn/K850/K850dtn OFFIC JET PRINTER #88 CYAN #C9391AN TONER HP K550/K550dtn/K850/K850dtn OFFIC JET PRINTER MAGENTA #88 #C9392AN TONER HP OFFICEJET K550/550dtn/850/850 dtn PRINTER #88 YELLOW #C9393AN INK CARTRIDGE HP T610/T1100 SERIES DESI- GNJET PRINTER #72 BLACK #C9403A C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 5 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 42 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 COUNTY STOCK # X-971 I-444 L-726 L-727 L-457 L-690 L-692 L-693 L-694 L-695 L-696 L-697 L-728 L-729 L-730 L-731 L-733 L-734 L-735 L-736 L-737 L-738 L-739 L-740 L-741 L-742 L-743 L-107 L-300 L-445 L-450 L-453 L-454 L-455 L-456 L-528 L-5352 L-5353 L-5966 L-266 L-459 L-5066 L-5766 L-5866 L-8366 L-839 L-840 L-842 L-844 L-846 L-847 L-868 L-888 L-458 L-5248 L-663 L-8160 P-5991 X-0090 X-0101 X-0263 X-0310 X-0311 X-0312 X-0313 X-0407 X-0478 X-106R01294 X-113R0712 X-113R632 X-113R657 X-115 X-116 X-117 X-118 X-1181 X-1182 X-1183 X-1184 X-1197 X-1199 X-1200 X-1204 X-1338 X-1339 X-1433 X-1436 X-1437 X-1438 X-1631 X-2037 X-204 X-205 X-206 X-207 X-208 X-209 X-210 X-211 X-2208 X-2296 X-2403 X-249 X-250 X-253 X-254 X-255 X-256 X-259 X-261 X-2610 X-2612 X-2613 X-2617 X-262 X-2624 X-263 X-2649 X-2650 X-2670 X-2671 X-2672 X-2673 B C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK DESC STOCK UNIT INK CARTRIDGE HP 6000/6500/7000/7500 SERIES PRINTERS, ALL IN ONE #920 BLACK #CD971AN Each INSECTICIDE, aerosol, for ants & roaches 20 oz.can AMREP #A00426-20 Each ADAPTER AC DYMO LABELMAKER 100+/200/300, 1000/1000+/2000/3500/5500 #ESS-40077 Each DYMO 360D,DESKTOP LABELMAKER, INCLUDES A RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM-ION BATTERY #360D Each LABELING TAPE BROTHER QL500/QL550/650TD LABEL PRINTER DK2205 Box LABELING TAPE BROTHER 3/4"WHITE ON BLUE FOR PT/C/ST SERIES LABELMAKER #TZ-545 Each LABELING SYSTEM CASSETTE TAPE for DYMO 3000 Electronic system, RED/CLEAR #TC-11 Pk/2 LABELING TAPE BROTHER 3/4" BLACK ON RED FORPT/C/ST-5 LABELMAKERS #TZ-441 Each LABELING TAPE FOR MOST BROTHER TZ SERIES BLACK ON CLEAR #TZ-141 Each LABELING TAPE BROTHER TZ SERIES LABEL BLACK ON WHITE TZ-231 Pk/2 LABELING SYSTEM CASSETTE TAPE for DYMO 3000 , BLUE/WHITE #45804 Each LABELING SYSTEM CASSETTE TAPE for DYMO 3000, RED/WHITE DYM #45015 Each LABELING TAPE, STANDARD POLYESTER D1 TAPE BLACK ON WHITE 1/2"X 23' #45013 Each LABELING TAPW STANDARD POLYESTER D1 TAPE BLACK ON CLEAR 1/2"X23' #45010 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO STANDARD POLY D1 TAPE LABELMANAGER BLUE ON CLEAR 1/2"X23' #45011 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO STANDARD POLY D1 TAPE LABELMANAGER RED ON CLEAT 1/2"X23' $45012 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO STANDARD POLY D1 TAPE LABELMANAGER BLACK ON BLUE 1/2"X23' #45011 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO STANDARD POLY D1 TAPE LABELMANAGER BKACK ON RED 1/2:"X23' #45017 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO STANDARD POLY D1 TAPE LABELMANAGER BLACK ON YELLOW 1/2"X23' #45018 Each CASETTE TAPE, Fits only on DYMO 5000 labelmarker, Black printing/ green tape #45019 Each CASSETTE TAPE FOR DYMO 5500 LABELMAKER BLACK PRINTING/YELLOW TAPE 19MM #45808 Each CASSETTE TAPE FOR DYMO 5500 LABELMAKER BLACK PRINTING/WHITE TAPE 19MM #45803 Each CASSETTE TAPE DYMO 5500 LABELMAKER BLACK PRINTING/CLEAR TAPE 19MM #45800 Each CASSETTE TAPE DYMO 5500 LABELMAKER WHITE PRINTING/BLACK TAPE 19MM #45811 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO LABELMAKER 300 BLACK ON WHITE 1" # 53713 Each LABELING TAPE DYMO 330 TURBO PRINTER BLACK ON WHITE 300 LABELS PER ROLL#30256 Roll LABELING TAPE DYMO 330 TURBO PRINTER BLACK ON WHITE 300 LABELS PER BX #30323 Roll RIBBON WAX RESIN 3200 PERFORMANCE, ZEBRA GK/GX PRINTER 4.30"X244' #03200GS11007 Bx/12 LASER PRINTER LABELS WHITE 3 ACROSS 1"X2 5/8" EQUAL TO AVE#5160/MACCO#ML-3000 Bx/100 LABELS, SELF-ADHESIVE FOR LASER PRINTERS SIZE:4" x 1",letter size sheet #ML-2000 Bx/100 LABEL, size, 3-1/2" x15/16", one-across pin-fed, 5M/box (AVERY#30720) Box/5M LABELS, continuous form, pin-fed, size: 3 1/2"X15/16", 3-ACROSS(AVERY#30723) Box/15M COPIER LABEL, 33 labels per letter size sheet, labels 1"X2-13/16" MACO#M-5351 Pack/100 LABELS SII SMART LABEL SLP PLUS/100/200/ 120/220/EZ30/PRO PRINTERS #SLP-2RL Pk/2 MEDIA LABELS 35mm 7/16"X1-1/2"/SLP 200/ 220/240 SEIKO II LABELWRITER #SLP-35L Roll THERMAL TRANSFER LABEL ZEBRA Z-SELECT 4000T LABELS 3"X1" 2580 LABELS PER ROLL ZEB#10009528Bx/6 LABELS LABELS FOR COPIERS 2'X4-1/4" 100 SHEETS PER BX/1000 TOTAL AVE#5352 Box COPIER LABELS 8-1/2"X11" 100 SHEETS PER BX 1 LABEL PER PAGE #MM5353 Box LABELS LASER/INKJET.30 LABELS PER SHEET/ 1500 bx #YELL AVE 5966/MACO ML-FF33 Box LASER LABELS FILE FOLDER 750 LABELS PER BOX/30 PER SHEET ASS. COLORS AVE#5266 Box LABEL,FOR SEIKO INSTRUMENTS SMARTLABEL PRINTERS. FILE FOLDER LABEL #SKP-SLP-FLW Box FILE FOLDER LASER LABELS 1/3 CUT 30 PER SHEET 50 SHEETS PER BX RED AVE#5066 Box FILE FOLDER LABELS LASER 1/3 CUT 30 PER SHEET 50 PER PACK BLUE BORDER #AVE 5766 Pack FILE FOLDER LABEL LASER 1/3CUT 30 PER SHEET 50 PER BX GREEN BORDER # AVE 5866 Pack FILE FOLDER LABELS 1/3 CUT SMUDGE FREE 2/3X3-7/16 30 LABELS PER SHEET #AVE 8366 Pack/25 LABLES FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16", BLACK BAR (SOC AVE#FF3BK) Bx/248 LABELS FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16", BLUE BAR (SOC AVERY #FF3DBE) Bx/248 LABELS FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16", GREEN BAR (SOC AVE#FF3GN) Bx/248 LABELS FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16",ORANGE BAR (SOC AVERY#FF3OR) Bx/248 LABELS FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16", DKRED BAR (SOC AVERY #FF3DK) Box LABELS FILE FOLDER, self adhesive, 9/16" x 3 7/16" YELLOW BAR (SOC AVERY #FF3YW) Box LABELS, FILE FOLDER, self-adhesive, Size: 9/16" X 3 7/8" Color: White(05202) Bx/200 LABELS, 2"X4", WHITE, Sheet size 8 1/2" X 11", 1000/Bx (SOC AVERY#05163) Box SMART LABELS SEIKO ADDRESS 1-1/8X3-1/2 WHITE 260 LABELS PER RL #SKP-SLP-2RLH Pk/2 MAILING LABELS 1"DIA SEALS/PERFORATED FOR FOLDING.480 LABELS PER PACK #5248 Pack LABELS INKJET CLEAR SHIPPING 2"X4" AVE# 8663 10 LABELS PER SHEET 25 PER BX #8663 Pack LABELS AVERY 1X2-5/8 SMUDGE FREE QUICK DRY.FOR E-NOTIFY #AVE-8160 750 PER BX Box INKJET PHOTO PAPER PREMIUM HIGH GLOSS FOR ALL INKJET PRINTERS KODAK #8360513 Pack/50 LASER TONER LEXMARK X215 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER #18S0090 Each TONER LEXMARK OPTRA E310/E312 PRINTER HIGH YIELD #13T0101 Each LASER TONER CANON #104 FAXPHONE L-90/120 /IC D-440/480/MF 4000 SERIES #0263B001 Each LASER TONER BROTHER 4150/4570/9460/9560 9570 SERIES PRINTER #TN-310BK BLACK Each LASER TONER BROTHER 4150/45770/9460/9560 9570 SERIES PRINTER #TN310C CYAN Each LASER TONER BROTHER 4150/4570/9460/9560 9970 SERIES PRINTER #TN310M MAGENTA Each LASER TONER BROTHER 4150/4570/9460/9560 9970 SERIES PRINTER #TN310Y YELLOW Each LASERJET TONER DELL 1250/1350/1355/1760/ 1765nf/nw/nfw PRINTER #332-0407 BLACK Each TONER LEXMARK E320/E322 PRINTER 6K YIELD #LEX-08A0478 Each TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX PHASER 5550 PRINTER #106R01294 Each TONER XEROX 4510 PHASER PRINTER HIGH YIELD #113R00712 Each TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX WORKCENTER PRO 580 ALL IN ONE #113R632 Each TONER, XEROX 4500 SERIES PHASER PRINTER HIGH CAPACITY #113R00657 Each BROTHER DcP9040/9045/HL-4040 cDN/4040c CDN/4040CN/4070/MFC-9940/9450/9840 BLACK #TN110BK Each LASER TONER BROTHER DCP9040/9045/HL-4040 CDN/4040CN/4070/MFC-9940/9450/9840 CYAN #TN110C Each LASER TONER BROTHER DCP9040/9045/HL-4040 CDN/4040CN/4070/MFC-9940/9450/9840YELLOW #TN110Y Each LASER TONER BROTHER DCP9040/9045/HL-4040 CDN/4040CN/4070/MFC9940/9450/9840 MAGENT #TN110M Each TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C830DN BLACK #821181 Each LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C830DN YELLOW #821182 Each LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C830DN MAGENTA #812183 Each LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C830DN CYAN #821184 Each COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1197 BLACK Each COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1199 CYAN Each COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGES DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1200 MAGENTA Each COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1204 YELLOW Each CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD LJ4200 PRINTER #Q1338A Each TONER HP LASER JET 4200/4300DTN SERIES PRINTER #q1339a Each LASER TONER DELL 2130CN PRINTER MAGENTA #330-1433 Each LASER TONER DELL 2130CN PRINTER BLACK #330-1436 Each LASER TONER DELL 2130CN PRINTER CYAN #330-1437 Each LASER TONER DELL 2130CN PRINTER YELLOW #330-1438 Each INKJET PAPER ROLL HP 650C/PS PRINTER/ PLOTTER 36"X150" #51631E Roll MAINTENANCE KIT HP LASER JET 4 #C2001-67912 Kit COLOR LASER TONER BROTHER HL3000/9000 SERIES PRINTER #TN210B BLACK Each COLOR LASER TONER BROTHER HL3000/9000 SERIES PRINTER #TN210C CYAN Each COLOR LASER TONER BROTHER HL3000/9000 SERIES PRINTER #TN210Y YELLOW Each COLOR LASER TONER BROTHER HL3000/9000 SERIES PRINTER #TN210M MAGENTA Each LASER CARTRIDGE HP PRO 200/M251NW COLOR PRINTER BLACK #CF210A Each LASER CARTRIDGE HP PRO 200/M251NW COLOR PRINTER #CF211A CYAN Each LASER CARTRIDGE HP PRO 200/M215NW COLOR PRINTER #CF213A MAGENTA Each LASER CARTRIDGE HP PRO 200/M251NW COLOR PRINTER YELLOW #CF212A Each LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE DELL 2335DN/2355 PRINTER #330-2208 Each TRANPARENCY FILM HP MONOCHROME LASERJET FILM 8-1/2"X11 #HEW-92296T Bx/50 LASER TONER LEXMARK E230/240/330/340 SERIES PRINTER #24035SA Each LASER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 3000 SERIES PRINTER #55 #CE255A Each TONER, Print Cartridge,14K DIAMOND FINE, #4039, 3112, 3116, OPTRA Series,#1382150 Each TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER BLACK #CE250A Each TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER #CE251A CYAN Each TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER YELLOW #CE252A Each TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER #CE253A MAGENTA Each COLOR LASERJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP 4000 SERIES PRINTER #CE260A BLACK Each COLOR LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP4000 SERIES PRINTERS #CE261A CYAN Each TONER HP LASER JET 2300 PRINTER BLACK #Q2610A Each LASERJET CARTRIDGE HP 1010SERIES PRINTER 3015/3020/3030 ALL IN ONES #Q2612A Each TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET 1300 PRINTER #Q2613A Each LASER CARTRIDGE CANON IMAGE CLASS D1120/ 1150/1170/1180/1320/1350/1370 PRINTER #2617B001AA Each COLOR LASERJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP 4000 SERIES PRINTERS #CE262A YELLOW Each TONER HP 1150 LASER JET PRINTER #Q2624A Each COLOR LASERJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP 4000 SERIES PRINTERS #CE263A MAGENTA Each LASER TONER DELL 2330D/2330DN/2350D/DN PRINTER HIGH YIELD #330-2649 Each LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 2330D/2330DN PRINTER #330-2650 Each TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3500/3700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER BLACK #Q2670A Each TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3500 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER CYAN #Q2671A Each TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3500 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER YELLOW #Q2672A Each TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3500 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER MAGENTA #Q2673 Each 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 43 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 COUNTY STOCK # X-2681 X-2682 X-2683 X-273 X-278 X-281 X-285 X-298 X-306 X-307 X-308 X-309 X-310 X-311 X-312 X-313 X-320 X-321 X-322 X-323 X-360 X-364 X-3655 X-3675 X-3676 X-390 X-3903 X-3906 X-3909 X-3914 X-3960 X-3961 X-3962 X-3963 X-3965 X-3970 X-3972 X-3973 X-3984 X-402 X-403 X-404 X-405 X-406 X-407 X-408 X-409 X-4092 X-4096 X-4118 X-4127 X-4129 X-4149 X-4150 X-4151 X-4152 X-4153 X-4154 X-4155 X-4161 X-4182 X-4193 X-4196 X-435 X-436 X-451 X-4902 X-4903 X-4904 X-4905 X-494 X-5000 X-501 X-505 X-530 X-531 X-532 X-533 X-540 X-541 X-542 X-543 X-544 X-545 X-546 X-547 X-548 X-549 X-5726 X-5840 X-5942 X-5945 X-5949 X-5949A X-5950 X-5951 X-5952 X-5953 X-6000 X-6001 X-6002 X-6003 X-6344 X-6345 X-6346 X-6347 X-6470 X-6471 X-6472 X-6473 X-6511 X-652 X-653 X-6835 X-6968 X-7115 X-720 X-7305 X-7463 X-7502 X-7504 X-7516 X-7551 B STOCK DESC TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3700 SERIES LASERJET PRINTER #Q2681A CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3700 SERIES LASERJET PRINTER #Q2682 YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE HP 3700 SERIES LASERJET PRINTER #Q2683A MAGENTA LASER PRINTER TONER, HP FOR 4L/4ML/4LC 4P/4MP/4PJ #92274A LASERJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 1600 SERIES PRINTER #CE278A TONER LASERJET HP 400/M400 SERIES PRINTER #CF280A LASERJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 1100/ 1200 SERIES PRINTER M1212 PRINTER #85A #CE285A CARTRIDGE LASER PRINTER HP LASER JET 4/ 4M/4Plus/4M Plus/5/5M/5N #140198A LASERJET TONER HP 100/200/CP1000 SERIES M175NW/M275MFP PRINTER #CE310A BLACK LASERJET TONER HP100/200/CP1000 SERIES M175NW/M275 PRINTER #CE311A CYAN LASERJET TONER HP 100/200/CP1000 SERIES M175NW/M275 PRINTER #CE312A YELLOW LASERJET TONER HP 100/200/CP1000 SERIES M175NW/M275 PRINTER #CE313A MAGENTA LASER TONER BROTHER HL4150/4570/MFC9460 9560/9970 PRINTERS TN-315BK BLACK LASER TONER BROTHER HL4150/4570/MFC 9460 9560/9970 PRINTER #TN-315M MAGENTA LASER TONER BROTHER HL4150/4570/MFC 9460 9560/9970 PRINTER #TN 315C CYAN LASER TONER BROTHER HL4150/4570/MFC 9460 9560/9970 #TN-315Y YELLOW LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1500/CM/1525nw SERIES PRINTER BLACK #CE320A/#128A LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1500/CM/1525nw SERIES PRINTER. CYAN #CE321A/#128A LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1500/CM/1525nw SERIES PRINTER YELLOW #CE322A/#128A LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1500/CM/1525nw SERIES PRINTER MAGENTA #CE323A/#128A LASER TONER LEXMARK E360/E460 SERIES PRINTERS #E360H11A LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD P4015N LASER PRINTER #64 #CC364A FUSER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 3500/3700 SERIES LASER PRINTER #Q3655A TRANSFER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 4650 SERIES PRINTER #Q3675A FUSER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 4650 SERIES PRINTER #Q3676A TONER HP 600/M600/4500/M4555 SERIES PRINTER #CE390A LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE, for HP 5P, 5MP and 6P #C3903A LASER JET TONER, CARTRIDGE for H.P. Laser Jet 5L & 6L 1548A002BA (#C3906A) TONER CARTRIDGE,For HP 5Si & 5SiMX/8000 SERIES PRINTER #C3909A MAINTENANCE KIT HP 8100 SERIES PRINTER #C3914A TONER CARTRIDGE HP 2550n LASERJET COLOR PRINTER BLACK #Q3960A TONER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 2550n COLOR LASERJET CYAN #Q3961A TONER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 2550n COLOR LASERJET YELLOW #Q3962A TONER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 2550n COLOR LASERJET MAGENTA #Q3963A DRUM KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 2550n COLOR PRINTER Q3964A LASERJET HP2550 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER CYAN #Q3971A LASERJET HP 2550 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER YELLOW #Q3972A LASERJET HP 2550 SERIES COLOR PRINTER MAGENTA #Q3973A FUSER ASSEMBLY KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 5550 SERIES PRINTER 110V #Q3984A TONER HP CP4005N/CP4005DN COLOR LASER PRINTER #CB400A BLACK TONER HP CP4005N/CP4005DN COLOR LASER PRINTER #CB401A CYAN TONER HP CP4005N/4005DN COLOR LASER PRINTER #CB402A YELLOW TONER HP CP4005N/CP4005DN COLOR LASER PRINTER #CB403A MAGENTA LASERJET TONER HP 300/400/375NW-DN/451NW -DN/475NW-DN PRINTER #CE410A BLACK LASERJET TONER HP 300/400/375NW-DN/451NW -DN/475NW-DN PRINTERS #CE411A CYAN LASERJET TONER HP 300/400/375NW-DN/451NW -DN/475NW-DN PRINTER #CE412A YELLOW LASERJET TONER HP 300/400/375NW-DN/451NW -DN/475NW-DN PRINTER #CE413A MAGENTA TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET #1100/3200 SERIES PRINTER C4092A TONER HP LASERJET 2100/2200 SERIES PRINTER #C4096A MAINTENANCE KIT HP 4050 SERIES LASER PRINTER #HP C411867902 LASER PRINTER TONER, FOR ALL 4000/4050 SERIES PRINTERS (HP#C4127X) TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET 5000N #C4129X TONER HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER JET BLACK #C4149A TONER HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER CYAN #C4150A TONER HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER MAGENTA #C4151A TONER HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER YELLOW #C4152A DRUM KIT HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTE #C4153A TRANSFER KIT HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C4154A FUSER KIT HP 8500/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C4155A LASER TONER MINOLTA MSP 3000 MICROFICHE READER/PRINTER #4161-106 TONER CARTRIDGE HP 8100 SERIES PRINTERS #HP4182 TONER CARTRIDGE HP 4500 SERIES PRINTER #C4193A) MAGENTA TRANSFER KIT HP 4500 SERIES PRINTERS #HP C4196A LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD P1005/P1006 LASER PRINTER #CB435A LASERJET TONER HP P1505/1505N PRINTER #36A #CB436A TONER BROTHER DCP 7060/65/HL2200/INTELL- IFAX 2840/2940 SERIES PRINTER #TN450 INK CARTRIDGE HP 8000/8500 PRINTER/ALL IN ONE/e-PRINTERS BLACK #C4902AN #940 INK CARTRIDGE HP 8000/8500 PRINTER/ALL IN ONE/E-PRINTERS CYAN #C4903AN #940 INK CARTRIDGE HP 8000/8500 PRINTER/ALL IN ONE/e-PRINTERS MAGENTA #C4904AN #940 INK CARTRIDGE HP 8000/8500 PRINTER/ALL IN ONE/e-PRINTERS YELLOW #C4905AN #940 INKJET PAPER, PREMIUM, 200 sheets per box #HP 51634Y TONER CARTRIDGE BROTHER 2550/4550/2750 PRINTER/OMNIFAX L620/621/620E FAX #TN5000PF LASER TONER LEXMARK 501H PRINTER #50F1H00 TONER HP P2035/2035n/P2055dn/P2055X LASER PRINTER #CE 505A TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP BLACK #CC 530A TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP PRINTER CYAN #CC531A TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025N/DN/X/CM 2030N/NF/FXI MFP PRINTER YELLOW #CC532A TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP PRINTER #CC533A MAGENTA TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515n/CP 1518ni/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB540A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515n/CP 1518n/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB541A CYAN TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515nCP 1518ni/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB542A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515n/CP 1518ni/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB543A LASER TONER LEXMARK C544 HIGH YIELD BLACK #C540H1KG LASER TONER LEXMARK C55 HIGH YEILD CYAN #C540H1CG LASER TONER LEXMARK C544 HIGH YIELD YELLOW #C540H1YG BLACK/COLOR IMAGING KIT C544 LASER PRINTER #C540X74G BLACK IMAGING KIT LEXMARK C544 LASER PRINTER #C540X71G LASER TONER LEXMARK C55 HIGH YIELD MAGENTA #C540H1MG LASER TONER DELL 3000CN/3100CN PRINTER #310-5726 TONER LEXMARK OPTRA T PRINTER #12A5840 TONER HP LASERJET 4250/4250N/4350 PRINTER #42A #Q5942A LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4345MFP LASER PRINTER #45 Q5945A TONER HP 1320/3390 SERIES LASERJET PRINTERS Q5949x LASER TONER HP#1160/1320/3390 PRINTERS Q5949A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5950A BLACK TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5951A CYAN TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5952A YELLOW TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5953A MAGENTA TONER, HP COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER BLACK #Q6000A TONER,COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6001A CYAN TONER COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6002A YELLOW TONER COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6003 MAGENTA LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C231/232/ 240/242/311/312 PRINTER BLACK #406344 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C231/232/ 240/242/311/312 PRINTER CYAN #406345 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C231/232/ 240/242/311/312 PRINTER MAGENTA #406346 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE RICOH SP C231/232/ 240/242/311/312 PRINTER YELLOW #406347 TONER HP 3600/3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q6470A BLACK TONER HP 3600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER #Q6471A CYAN TONER HP 3600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER #Q6472A YELLOW TONER HP 3600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER #Q6473A MAGENTA LASERJET CARTRIDGE HP2400 SERIES PRINTER #11 #Q6511A TONER BROTHER HL-5300 SERIES/MFC8890DW 8840DN/DCP-8000 SERIES MACHINES #TN650 LASER TONER LEXMARK T650/652/654/DN/DTN N/654DN/DTN/N/656DNE PRINTER #T650H11A TONER LEXMARK T520/T522 PRINTER HIGH YIELD 20K #12A6835 LASER CARTRIDGE DELL 5230N/5230DN/5350DN PRINTER.HIGH YIELD #330-6968 TONER HP 1200/1220 SERIES FAX/SCANNER PRINTER #C7115A TONER LASER BROTHER DCP8100/HL 5400/6100 MFC 8000 SERIES PRINTER #TN720 LASER TONER LEXMARK E321/E323 PRINTER HIGH YEILD CARTRIDGE #12A7305 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE LEXMARK T630/T632/ T634 LASER PRINTER #12A7462 FUSER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 SERIES PRINTER #Q7502A TRANSFER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 SERIES PRINTER #Q7504A LASERJET TONER HP 5200 SERIES LASER PRINTER #16 #Q7516A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD P3005/M3035 MFP LASER JET PRINTER #Q7551A C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Kit Kit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Kit Each Each Each Kit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 7 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 44 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 COUNTY STOCK # X-7553 X-7581 X-7582 X-7583 X-7891 X-7892 X-7894 X-7895 X-7912 X-7922 X-8057 X-8061 X-8092 X-8094 X-8096 X-8098 X-8395 X-8398 X-8400 X-8402 X-8543 X-8702 X-8706 X-9058 X-9062 X-9063 X-9064 X-945 X-946 X-947 X-948 X-9700 X-9701 X-9702 X-9703 X-9704 X-9720 X-9721 X-9722 X-9723 X-9724 X-9725 X-9730 X-9731 X-9732 X-9733 X-9734 X-9735 L-904 M-264 M-277 M-189 M-191 M-192 M-193 M-194 M-195 M-197 M-202 M-203 M-208 M-291 D-202 F-101 M-351 M-352 M-353 P-1125 P-1110 P-1121 P-1120 P-1122 P-1124 P-1261 P-1262 P-2504 P-1341 P-1336 P-1337 P-TEST P-1508 P-1509 P-1510 P-1511 P-1512 P-1513 P-1514 P-1516 P-1531 P-1532 P-1533 P-1534 P-1592 P-1607 P-1608 P-1609 P-1610 P-1611 P-1612 P-1613 P-1614 P-1615 P-1616 P-1617 P-1618 P-1632 P-1633 P-1634 P-1635 P-1636 P-1637 P-1638 P-1639 P-1640 P-1641 P-2140 P-5990 M-204 M-206 M-209 M-210 P-5530 C-343 B STOCK DESC TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 2015D LASER JET PRINTER #Q7553a TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q7581A CYAN TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q7582A YELLOW TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTERS #Q7583A MAGENTA COLOR LASER CARTRIDGE DELL 5110C PRINTER BLACK #310-7890 COLOR LASER TONER DELL 5110CN PRINTER #310-7892 CYAN COLOR LASER TONER DELL 5110CN PRINTER #310-7894 MAGENTA COLOR LASER TONER DELL 5110CN PRINTER #310-7895 YELLOW BASIC BOND PAPER HP DESIGNJET 200 THRU 5000 SERIES PLOTTER #C1397A UNIVERSAL BOND PAPER HP DESIGNJET 500ps 500/1050/3000/3500/3800 PLOTTER #Q1398A MAINTENANCE KIT HP LASERJET 4100 PRINTER #C8057A TONER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 4100/ 4100N/4100DTN/4100TN PRINTER #C8061X COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3110CN PRINTER #310-8092 BLACK COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3110CN PRINTER #310-8094 CYAN COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3110CN PRINTER #310-8096 MAGENTA COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3110CN PRINTER #310-8098 YELLOW LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE DELL 3115CN PRINTER HIGH YIELD #310-8092 COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3115CN PRINTER #310-8095 CYAN COLOR LASER TONER DELL 3115CN PRINTER #310-8400 MAGENTA COLOR LASEER TONER DELL 3115CN PRINTER #310-8402 YELLOW CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD LJ 9000 SMART PRINT PRINTER #C8543X LASER PRINTER TONER DELL 1720DN PRINTER HIGH YIELD #310-8700 6,000 PAGE YIELD LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 1720/1720DN PRINTER #310-8706 3,000 page YIELD COLOR LASER CARTRIDGE DELL 1320C PRINTER #310-9058 BLACK LASER COLOR TONER DELL 1320C PRINTER #310-9062 YELLOW LASER COLOR TONER DELL 1320C PRINTER #310-9060 CYAN COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 1310C PRINTER #310-9064 MAGENTA LASER TONER LEXMARK X940e/X945 COPIER #X945X2KG BLACK TONER LEXMARK X940eX945 COPIER #X945X2CG CYAN TONER LEXMARK X940e/X945 COPIER #X945X2MG MAGENTA TONER LEXMARK X940eX945 COIPER #X945X2YG YELLOW TONER HP LASERJET 1500/2500 SERIES PRINTER #C9700A BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE HP 2500 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C9701A CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE HP 2500 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C9702A YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE HP 2500 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C9703A MAGENTA DRUM UNIT HP 2500 COLOR LASER PRINTER #C9704A TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER BLACK #C9720A TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER CYAN #C9721A TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER YELLOW #C9722A TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER MAGENTA #C9723A TRANSFER KIT HP 4600 SERIES PRINTER #C9724A discontinued. use X3675 FUSER KIT HP 4600 SERIES PRINTER #C9725A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE BLACK #C9730A TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9731A CYAN TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9732 YELLOW TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9733A MAGENTA TRANSFER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTER #C9734B FUSER KIT HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTER #C9735A LETTER OPENER, 9" BENT STYLE, NICKEL PLATED (OIC#94909) FILE,MAGAZINE AND LITERATURE."L shaped" High Impact Plastic Black MAGNIFIER, Hand Held, Round Lens, Shatterproof JUMBO FLOOR & CARPET SWEEPER,Replaceable Rotor Brushes. (#5323) BROOM JANITOR TYPE STRAW 5 STRING ALL CORN ABCO BR10004 DUST PAN, with handle and self closing cover (abco t09216) MOP BUCKET & WRINGER COMBINATION, WITH CASTERS 26QT W/HANDLE YELLOW (#7580-88) MOP HEADS, Scrubbing,4 PLY COTTON 24 oz. loop end with tailband SOLD CTN/12 ONLY #CM20024 MOP HANDLE, wet, clamp style handle plastic yellow head hardwood handle #01207NB MEN'S WORK GLOVE, gun cut, size: large/ ex-large color: gray (#800 SC) WASTE/CAN LINER, 8-10 gallon trash bag 24"x24" #CD03 WASTE/BAG LINER, 40"x46",heavy-duty, 40-45 gal. 3MIL.BLACK OR BUFF 50/cs #4046BL DISPENSER TOWEL ELECTRA HF DARK TRANS ITEM # TD024501-00 STREET ATLAS OF DADE COUNTY, STEEL SPIRAL BOUND, 2011 EDITION. #87530 DESK PAD, DELUXE, 24"x 38", EBONY (#AOP-LT-81) FRAME PICTURE 8-1/2"X11" VELCRO BACK FOR FABRIC BACK HANGING CLEAR #38911 RECYCLED TELEPHONE MESSAGE PAD, "WHILE YOU WERE OUT", 11" x 8 1/2" #4005 PHONE MESSAGE BOOK, 200 Duplicate sets 11" x 5 1/2" , RECYCLED. #74620 MESSAGE PAD "While You Were Out", 3 1/2"x 4 1/4" Print shop PAD HOLDERS, LETTER size, with clip, BLACK (#R252-61) RECYCLED, EASEL PAD, 27"x34", 50 sheets, white plain #79450 TABLE TOP EASEL SELF STICK TO MOST WALL SURFACES,REMOVE CLEAN 20"X23" #MMM563R RECYCLED, PAD, JUNIOR WHITE,RULED,5"X8" (#20-394) PAD, LETTER SIZE, RULED-WHITE 8-1/2"x11-3/4" (#20290) PADS, LEGAL SIZE, WHITE-RULED 8-1/2"x14" (#7573) PADS, STENO, 6"x 9", PITMAN (wide ruled) topps 80 sheet count #8023 RECYCLED PADS, STE, 6"X9", GREGG/ NARROW RULED #8011 NOTEBOOK 3X5 NARROW RULED 50 SHEETS PER BOOK/SPIRAL TOP OPENING #25-040 PAPER CLIP DISPENSER, HOLDS #1 CLIPS or #4 JUMBO CLIPS OIC #93690 PAPER CLIPS, No.1, Recycled, 25% post- consumer recycled metal (ACCO #72360) PAPER CLIPS, No.4 JUMBO, 100% recycled ACCO #A72525 TEST to check stock PAPER 20lb 8.5x11 WHITE BOND XEROGRAPHIC GREEN CERTIFIED PAPER, 20lbs., 3-holes, 8.5"x 11", WHITE LETTER FOR HIGH SPEED COPIERS PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5"x 11", WHITE #4 BOND XEROGRAPHIC BOND. GREEN CERTIFIED PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5"x 14", WHITE #4 BOND XEROGRAPHIC BOND.GREEN CERTIFIED PAPER, 20/50 lbs.,11"x 17",WHITE,#4 BOND COMMODITY OFFSET GREEN CERTIFIED LASER PAPER 28LB 8.5"X11"98 BRIGHTNESS COLOR COPIERS/LASER PRINTERS HAMMERMILL LASER PAPER 28LB 11"X17" 96 BRIGHTNESS COLOR COPIERS/LASER PRINTERS HAMMERMILL INKJET PAPER MIN.92 BRIGHTNESS FOR HIGH RES. PRINTER 8-1/2X11 GLOSS RECYCLED PAPER, 24lbs.,LASERPRINT 8.5"x11",WHITE PREMIUM LASER FOR COLOR COPIER PAPER, 24lbs.,LASERPRINT 8.5"x14" WHITE PREMIUM LASER (NOT FOR COLOR COPIER USE) PAPER, 24 lbs.,LASERCOPY, 11"x17", WHITE PREMIUM LASER (NOT FOR COLOR COPIER USE) PAPER,LASER COPY,Premium #1, 24LB, White 17.5" x 22.5", PAPER, 20lbs #4 RECYCLED, 11"X17", WHITE PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 Bond 20 LBS BLUE 8.5X11 PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS BUFF 8.5X11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS CANARY 8.5 x 11 PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS CHERRY 8.5 X 11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS GOLDENROD 8.5 X 11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS GRAY 8.5 X 11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS GREEN 8.5 X 11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS IVORY 8.5 X 11 PAPER RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS ORCHID 8.5 X 11 PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS PINK 8.5 X 11 PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS SALMON 8.5 X 11 PAPER,20lbs., 8.5"X11", GREEN TINT, #4 Bond PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", CREAM LEGAL size. PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", CANARY LEGAL size. PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", CHERRY LEGAL size. PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", GOLDENROD LEGAL size. PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", GRAY PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", GREEN LEGAL size. PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", IVORY PAPER 20 LBS. 8.5" x 14", ORCHID PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5" x 14", PINK PAPER 20 LBS., 8.5" x 14" SALMON PAPER STENOGRAPHIC PADS NUMBERED,50 PADS PER CASE #STG-22140-UC INKJET PHOTO PAPER PREMIUM PLUS MATTE FOR INKJET PRINTERS (HP C6950A) #Q6568A Paper towels, Cee Fold, natural, 2400/cs Cascade #2101754 PAPER TOWEL CEE FOLD, BLEACHED WHITE CASCADE #2101764 PAPER TOWELS TOUCHLESS DISPENSER en-MOTION 800FT ROLLS #89460 TOWEL ROLL FOR TOUCHLESS DISPENSER 8X100 GEORGIA PACIFIC #89460 FACSIMILE PAPER (FAX) WHITE 8 1/2"X 98', 1/2" Core, High Sensitivity (UNIVERSAL) #35752 Index cards, white-ruled 3 x 5, pack/100 sheets, 90 lb. card stock #04852 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Kit Kit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pair Box/500 Case Each Each Each Pk/2 Each Each Pack/10 Each Ctn/3 Ea Each Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Each Each Bx/100 Bx/100 Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 CTN/2500 Ctn/2000 Ctn/100Ea Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/3200 Ctn/2500 Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Ctn/5 Rm Case Pack/25 Case Case Box/6 Ctn/6 Ea Box/6 Pack/100 8 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 45 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 COUNTY STOCK # C-344 P-1671 X-1861 X-3861 X-6019 X-6020 X-6030 X-6559 X-6569 X-6960 X-6963 X-8282 P-1690 P-1695 P-1682 P-1683 P-1693 P-1692 P-1802 P-1803 P-1804 P-1805 P-1806 P-1807 P-1809 P-1810 P-1811 P-1812 P-1814 P-1815 P-1816 P-1817 P-1818 P-1819 P-1820 P-1821 P-1822 P-1825 P-1831 P-1832 P-1834 P-1835 P-1839 P-1842 P-1843 P-1845 P-1875 P-1876 P-1877 P-1878 P-1879 P-1880 P-1890 X-0387 X-0408 X-0409 X-0410 X-1007 X-1382 X-1491 X-3201 X-3708 X-3711 X-4101 X-6647 X-9400 X-9634 X-673 X-0133 X-0423 X-0508 X-0509 X-0683 X-0801 X-0802 X-1018 X-3026 X-5149 X-5273 X-5281 X-9307 X-163 X-202 X-400 X-450 X-507 X-1600 X-232 X-3522 X-600 X-106R404 X-106R584 X-108R493 X-108R53 X-113R317 X-113R459 X-13R9 X-3R5151 X-6R1046 X-6R206 P-1910 P-1911 P-1918 P-1899 P-1900 P-1901 P-1902 P-1903 P-1904 P-1905 P-1906 P-1907 P-1908 P-1909 P-1913 P-1915 P-1916 P-1917 P-1919 P-1912 P-1551 P-1552 P-1553 B STOCK DESC INDEX CARDS, white-unruled 5"x8" packed 100 per pack UNV-47240 PAPER, NOTEBOOK FILLER, RECYCLED, 8 1/2"x 11" COLLEGE RULED #17208 PAPER PLOTTER HP BRIGHT WHITE BOND 24 LB 36"X150' HP#C1861A PLOTTER PAPER VELLUM 20LB 36"X150' ROLL #C3861 PAPER PLOTTER COATED HP 2000CP/3000CP DESIGNJET 24X150FT 26LB #C6019B PAPER HEWLETT PACKARD COATED PAPER #26LB 36X100 #C6020B PAPER COATED HEAVYWEIGHT 35LB 36"X100' DESIGNJET 500/800/5000 SERIES #C36030c PAPER PLOTTER HP 26LB 42"X150' COATED ROLL RECYCLED 90 BRIGHTNESS #Q1406A INKJET PAPER COATED HEAVYWEIGHT 35LB 42"X100' DESIGNJET 500/800/5000 HP#6569C PAPER PHOTO IMAGING SATIN 7mil 42"x100' 5000/5000PS DYE PLOTTER #HP 6960A PAPER PLOTTER PHOTO IMAGING GLOSS 36X100 11.6LB DESIGNJET 5000 SERIES #C6963A BASIC COATED PAPER 36"X150' 26LB 300/400 500/700/800/1000/2000/3&5000 SERIES RECYCLED PENCIL CUP, 2 3/4" x 4", BLACK, PLASTIC. #FEL0832801 PENCIL SHARPENER, ELECTRIC, BLACK PANASONIC #1730 PENCIL #2,black lead with eraser eraser #224-144 PENCIL RED Col Erase Carmine Red PRISMA COLOR #SAN-20045 PENCIL GOLF & PEW 3-1/2" YELLOW HEXAGONQ BARREL. MEDIUM-SOFT LEAD DIXON #14998 PENCILS MECHANICAL, non-refillable DISPOSABLE, #2 lead (303-01) PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM BLACK,7MM Model (30050) PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM BLUE 7mm Model 30051 PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM RED 7mm Model 30052 PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP FINE BLACK 5mm model 300XX PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP FINE BLUE 5mm model 30041 PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP FINE RED 5MM Model 30042 PENS, RETRACTABLE, WITH POCKET CLIP MEDIUM BLACK, PAPERMATE #633-01 PENS, RETRACTABLE, with pocket clip MEDIUM BLUE, #PAP 63101 BALL POINT PENS, MEDIUM, BLACK, Paper- Mate (PAP 61301) BALL POINT PENS, MEDIUM, BLUE, paper- Mate (PAP 33111) BALL POINT PENS, MEDIUM, RED, Paper- Mate (PAP 61201) PEN PAPERMATE 1.0 mm BALLPOINT,MADE FROM 80% RECYCLED MATERIAL. BLACK #1750866 PEN PAPERMATE 1.0 MM BALLPOINT MADE FROM 80% RECYCLED MATERIALS RED #1750868 PEN W/CLIP PAPERMATE 1.0 MM MADE FROM 55% MATERIALS BLACK #96301 PENS PAPERMATE 1.0MM BALLPOINT MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS BLUE #1749942 PEN PILOT PRECISE V5 NEEDLE POINT 0.05MM ROLLER BALL PEN #35334 BLACK PENS PILOT PRECISE V5 NEEDLE POINT 0.5MM ROLLER BALL PEN #35335 BLUE PEN PILOT PRECISE V5 NEEDLE POINT 0..5MM ROLLER BALL PEN RED #35336 HIGHLIGHTER, FLUORESCENT YELLOW INK ( BIC #BL11-YW ) HIGHLIGHTERS, 5-COLOR SET ,yellow, blue, green, orange, pink, chisel tip (#27075) MARKERS,CHISEL TIP, BLACK, PERMANENT, (#07888) BLACK MARKERS, CHISEL TIP, RED, PERMANENT (#07887) RED SHARPIE, INDUSTRIAL MARKER, BLACK INK, water resist, pen-style, w/clip (#13601) MARKERS, Easel pad, four colors per set (Black/Blue/red/green) (#64715) DRY ERASE SET, W/four (4) chisel tip dry erase markers (#5001M) PEN, FINELINE MARKER (PAPERMATE) BLACK nylon fiber point (#86X-11) PEN FINELINE MARKER (PAPERMATE) BLUE nylon fiber point 38013 (#86X-11) PEN FINELINE MARKER (PAPERMATE) RED nylon fiber point (#86X-11)new #38012 PEN, METAL POINT FINE ROLLERBALL BIC Z4 multi carbon copies,black BIC #Z4C11-BK PEN, METAL FINE POINT ROLLERBALL BIC Z4 multi carbon copies,Blue, Bic #Z4C11-BE PEN, FINE,metal point,rollerball Red, BIC RT5711RD PEN, EXTRA FINE, METAL POINT, excellent multicarbon copies,Black, 60040 PEN, EXTRA FINE, metal point, excellent multicarbon copies, BLUE, #60041 PEN, EXTRA FINE, metal point, excellent multicarbon copies, RED,SANFORD #60042 Counter pen, square adhesive w. 24"chain Antimicrobial black ink #PMC05057 TONER CANON IMAGE RUNNER 7086/7085/7105 COPIER GPR-19 #0387B003 LASERJET TONER DELL 1250/1350/1355/1760/ 1765/nf/nw/nfw PRINTER #332-0408 YELLOW LASER TONER DELL 1250/1350/1355/1760 1765/nw/nfw/nf PRINTER #332-0409 MAGENTA LASERJET TONER DELL 1250/1350/1355/1760/ 1765nw/nfw/nf PRINTER #332-0410 CYAN STAPLES CANON N-1 #1007B001AA TONER CANON 6012/6412/7130 COPIER NPG 11 #1382A003AA TONER CANON PC300/400/500/700/900 SERIES ALL IN ONE COPIERS E40 #1490A002AA TONER CANON GPR2 IMAGERUNNER 330/400 SERIES COPIER #F42-3201-700 TONER CANON MP20 MICROGRAPHIC MACHINE NEGATIVE #3708A005(AA) TONER CANON FILE PRINT 400/500/800 MICROFILM SCANNER #3711A001AA TONER CANON GPR4 IR5000 COPIER BLACK #F42-4101-700/42-34A003 TONER CANON IR220/IR2800/IR3300 COPIER GPR-6 #6647A003AA TONER CANON L170 LASER FAX/PRINTER S-35 #7833A001AA TONER CANON IR 3570 COPIER #9634A003AA GPR-16 TRANSPARENCY FILM, multipurpose for use on all machines 3M #MMMCG6000 STAPLE CARTRIDGE RICOH TYPE G #410133 AFFICIO 350/450 COPIER PHOTOCONDUCTOR RICOH AFFICIO 220/270 COPIER #410423/400633 TYPE 320 STAPLE CARTRIDGE FOR RICOH AFFICIO 551/ 700/850 COPIER TYPE H #410508 STAPLE REFILL RICOH AFICIO 850/1050/1105 551/700 TYPE H #410509 PAPER #20 XEROGRAPHIC BOND RICOH FW SERIES WIDE FORMAT COPIER #000683MIU STAPLES RICOH 1035/1045 COPIER #410801 TYPE K STAPLE REFILL RICOH 1022/1027/1035/1045 1060/1075 COPIER #401802 BOX OF 15,000 PHOTOCONDUCTOR RICOH AFICIO 1022/1027 COPIER type 1027 #411018 STAPLE RICOH MP 1106EX/SR5000 MULTIFUNC. COPIER TYPE M #413026 TONER RICOH AFFICIO 340/350/450 COPIERS TYPE 3100D #885149 TONER RICOH AFICIO 1060/1075 COPIER TYPE 6110D #885273 OLD/NEW 885400 DEVELOPER RICOH AFICIO 1060/1075 COPIER TYPE 24 #885281 STAPLE CARTRIDGE,FOR RICOH COPIERS USING TYPE F CARTRIDGE (#209307) TONER SHARP AR162/163/164/201/207 COPIER #AR202NT TONER/DEVELOPER SHARP AR 160/161/AR 200 SERIES DIGITAL COPIER #AR200TD TONER CARTRIDGE SHARP AR287/336/337/405 COPIER #AR400MT TONER SHARP AR-M280/M350/450/P350/450 DIGITAL COPIER #AR450NT TONER SHARP AR 501/505/507 COPIER AR #500MT/NT STAPLES TOSHIBA E350/200L STUDIO COPIER 3000 STAPLES PER BOX #ST-1600 TONER TOSHIBA 200L DIGITAL COPIER #T2320 STAPLES TOSHIBA E450 STUDIO COPIER #STT00 5000 STAPLES PER BX #STT00 TONER BELL & HOWELL MICROFILM READER ABR 2600 #8910-204 TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX 555/575/665/685 DOCUMENT WORKCENTER #106R404 TONER XEROX WORKCENTRE PRO 412 COPIER #106R584 STAPLES XEROX DC490ST COPIER #108R493 15,000 STAPLES STAPLES, XEROX, (convenience-exterior) for Model 5063 & 5065 (108R53) TONER XEROX DOCUTECH DC-332/340 COPIER #113R317 DRUM UNIT XEROX 555/575/665/685 DOCUMENT WORKCENTER PRO #113R459 COPY CARTRIDGE,XEROX, for model 5018/ 5028/5034/5328 13R9/113R161 PAPER XEROX 3030 ENGINEERING COPIER 20LB PERFORMANCE BOND #3R5151 TONER XEROX WORK CENTRE PRO 35 COPIER #6R1046 DRY INK, XEROX, for models 5090/5390/135 DocuTech #RR206 DESK ORGANIZER, FOR "POST-IT" NOTES, BLACK, PLASTIC. (#C61-BLK) POST-IT-NOTE POP 'N JOT DISPENSER, For fan folded pads (#PRO330BK) DISPENSER, for Post-It-Note Tape Flags, holds five.clear design #MMM-DS420 POST IT NOTE POP UP Refill Pads, 3"x3", Yellow (#R330-Y) POST-IT-NOTES, YELLOW, 1 1/2" X 2", recycled, 12 pads/pack (#3M 653-RP) RECYCLED POST-IT-NOTES,CANARY, 3"X 3" 3m #654-rp POST-IT PADS ASS. NEON COLORS 5PK W/PINK MELON/YELLOW/LIME/ORANGE 3"X3" #654-5PK POST-IT PADS ASS. NEON COLORS 5PK W/PINK MELON/YELLOW/LIME/ORANGE 3"X5" 655-5PK POP UP NOTES POST-IT. DISPENSER REFILL 3X3 NEON W/YELLOW/LIME/PINK #R330AN RECYCLED, POST-IT-NOTE, 3"X5", YELLOW 3M #655-RP POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE, 1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser, BLUE (3M#680-2) POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser GREEN (3M#680-3) POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser ORANGE (3M#680-4) POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser RED (3M#680-RD2) POST-IT FLAGS "INITIAL HERE"REMOVABLE 1"X1.7"50 FLAGS/DISPENSER #MMM-680-IH2 POST-IT-NOTE, FAX TRANSMITTAL MEMO, RECYCLED, 4"X1-15/16" (3M#7671) POP UP NOTES POST-IT. DISPENSER REFILLS 3X3 PASTEL YELLOW/CARNATION/BLUE #R330-AP POST-IT-NOTES 4" x 6" lined, YELLOW 100 sheets/pad pk/12 (3M#660RP-YW) Post-It tape Flags "SIGN HERE" 1"X1.7" 50 flags w/dispenser yellow w/red letter #680-SH2 POST-IT, Recycled, While you were out pads, 4" X 6" pink-paper/black ink #7662 #4 INDEX,90 LB., 8-1/2 X 11" white RECYCLED #4 INDEX, 90 LBS, 8 1/2" X 11" BLUE RECYCLED #4 INDEX. 90 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-BUFF RECYCLED C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Pack/100 Pack Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Each Each Dozen Box/12 Ea Gross Bx/12 Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Bx/12 Bx/12 Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Set Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Set Set Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box/4 Ea Each Crtg. Box/5M Ctn/2 Box Box Each Bx/5000 Each Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/5 Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/4 Box Each Each Ctn/3 Ea Ctn/3 Ea Each Each Each Ctn/2 Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/3 Ea Each Each Each Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/10 Pack Pack Pk/6 pads Pack/12 Set/2 Pk/2 Set/2 Pk/2 Pk/2 Pack/12 Pk/6 pads Pack/12 Pk/2 Pack/12 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 9 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 46 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 COUNTY STOCK # P-1554 P-1555 P-1556 P-1557 P-1559 P-1560 P-1561 P-1562 P-1563 P-1564 P-1565 P-1566 P-1567 P-1568 P-1569 P-1570 P-1571 P-1572 P-1573 P-1574 P-1575 P-1576 P-1580 P-1581 P-1582 P-1583 P-1584 P-1585 P-1586 P-1587 P-1596 P-1597 P-1650 P-1651 P-1652 P-1653 P-1654 P-1655 P-1656 P-1657 P-1658 P-1659 P-1660 P-1661 P-1662 P-1663 P-1664 P-1665 P-1666 P-1667 P-1700 P-1701 P-1723 P-1724 P-1725 P-1726 P-1727 P-1728 P-1729 P-1730 P-1731 P-1732 P-1733 P-1734 P-1735 P-1740 P-1741 P-1742 P-1743 P-1744 P-1745 P-1759 P-1761 P-1762 P-1763 P-1764 P-1765 P-1766 P-1767 P-1931 P-1932 P-1933 P-1934 P-1935 P-1945 P-1950 S-409 S-410 S-411 S-412 S-414 S-418 S-420 P-1589 P-1590 P-1593 P-1594 P-1595 P-1598 P-1599 P-1602 P-1707 P-1708 P-1710 P-1711 P-1712 P-1713 P-1714 P-1715 P-1716 P-1717 P-1718 P-1720 P-1721 P-1751 P-1752 P-1753 R-2027 X-2610R X-2612R X-2613R X-278R X-280AR B STOCK DESC #4 INDEX, 90 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-CANARY RECYCLED #4 INDEX, 90 Lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-GREEN RECYCLED #4 INDEX, 90 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-CHERRY RECYCLED #4 INDEX, 90 lbs 8 1/2" x 11" - SALMON RECYCLED #4 INDEX, 90 Lbs 11" x 17" - WHITE RECYCLED #4 INDEX 90 lbs., 11" x 17" -BLUE #4 INDEX 90 lbs., 11" x 17" - BUFF #4 INDEX 90 lbs 11" x 17" - CANARY #4 INDEX 90 lbs., 11" x 17" - GREEN #4 INDEX 90 lbs., 8-1/211"x11" GRAY #4 INDEX 90 lbs., 11" x 17" - SALMON PAPER NCR, 2-Part, Canary/white, 17.5"x22.5",Reverse Sequence PAPER NCR, 2-Part, Canary/White, 17.5" x 22.5", Straight Sequence PAPER NCR, 3-Part, Pink/Canary/White 17.5" X 22.5" Reverse Sequence PAPER NCR, 3-Part, Pink/Canary/White 17.5" x 22.5", Straight Sequence #4 INDEX 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11",WHITE RECYCLED #4 Index, 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-Blue #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11" -Buff #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11" -Canary #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11"-Green #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 8 1/2" x 11" -Pink #4 INDEX, 110 lbs. 8 1/2" x 11" -Salmon #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17" -WHITE #4 INDEX, 110lbs., 11" x 17" -BLUE #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17"- BUFF #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17" - CANARY #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17" - GREEN #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17" - PINK #4 INDEX, 110 lbs., 11" x 17" - SALMON PAPER,#4 INDEX 110LB. 22.5" x 35",White NCR PAPER, 3-Part, Pink/Canary/White 22.5" x 34.5", Reversed Sequence NCR PAPER, 3-Part, Pink/Canary/White 22.5" x 34.5", Straight Sequence NCR PAPER,2-PART WHITE/CANARY "9-1/2X11" REVERSED SEQUENCE 3200 sheets per ctn NCR PAPER, 2-PART, WHITE/PINK, 8.5"X11" reversed sequence MEAD/APPLETON NCR PAPER, 2-PART WHITE/cANARY, 8.5"x11" reversed sequence NCR PAPER, 2-PART, CANARY/WHITE,8.5"x14" reversed sequence NCR PAPER, 2-PART, CANARY/WHITE, 11"X17" reversed sequence, short grain NCR, 3-part, PINK/CANARY/WHITE, 8.5"x11" reversed sequence NCR, 3-part, PINK/CANARY/WHITE, 8.5"x14" reversed sequence NCR, 3-part, PINK/CANARY/WHITE, 17"x11" reversed sequense, short grain NCR,4PART/GOLD/PINK/CANARY/WHITE8.5"X11" reversed sequence NCR,4PART.GOLD/PINK/CANARY/WHITE8.5"x14" reversed sequence NCR,4PART,GOLD/PINK/CANARY/WHITE 11"x17" reversed sequence, short grain NCR,5-part,GOLD/PINK/CANARY/GREEN/WHITE" 8 1/2"x 11" reversed sequence NCR,5-PART,GOLD/PINK/CANARY/GREEN/WHITE" 8 1/2" x 14" reversed sequence NCR, 5-PART,GOLD/PINK/CANARY/GREEN/WHITE 11"x 17" reversed sequence, short grain NCR PAPER, 4-PART, Goldenrod/pink/Canary /white, 17.5 x 22.5, Reserved Sequence NCR PAPER, 4-PART, Goldenrod/Pink/Canary /White, 17.5 x 22.5", Straight Sequence NCR PAPER,5-Part, Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ green/White,17.5"x22.5"Reversed Sequence PAPER NCR,5-part, Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ Green/White,17.5"x22.5"Straight Sequence PAPER,#1 OPAQUE Recycled, grain long, smooth finish, 8.5" x 11", 60lb., White PAPER,#1 OPAQUE Recycled, Grain long, smooth finish, 17.5" x 22.5",60LB.,White NCR PAPER, 2 Part, Pink/White, 8.5" X 11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 2 Part, Canary/White 8.5" X 11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 2 Part, Canary/White 8.5" X 14", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 2 Part, Canary/White 11" X 17", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 3 Part, Pink/Canary/White 8.5" X 11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 3 Part, Pink/Canary/White 8.5" X 14", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 3 Part, Pink/Canary/White 11" X 17", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 4 Part,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ White, 8.5" X 11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 4 Part,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ white, 8.5" X 14", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 4 Part,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ White, 11" X 17", straight sequence NCR PAPER, 5 Part,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ Greeen/White, 8.5"X11" straight sequence NCR PAPER, 5 Part,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ Green/White, 8.5"X14",straight sequence NCR PAPER, 5 PART,Goldenrod/Pink/Canary/ Green/White, 11"X17", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 2-Part, Canary/ White, 8.5" X 11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 2-Part, Canary/ White, 8.5" X 14", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 2-Part, Canary/ White, 11" X 17", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 3-Part, Pink/ Canary/White,8.5"X11", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 3-Part, Pink/ Canary/White,8.5"X14", straight sequence NCR PAPER, Pre-Coated, 3-Part, Pink/ Canary/White, 11"X17", straight sequence PAPER, Semi-gloss, Presure Sensitive 17" x 22", 60LB., PAPER,#4 INDEX 110LB, 22.5" x35" Blue PAPER,#4INDEX 110LB, 22.5" x 35", Buff PAPER,#4 Index 110LB, 22.5" X 35",Canary Paper,#4 INDEX 110LB,22.5"X 35",Golderod PAPER,#4 INDEX 110LB, 22.5" x 35", Green PAPER,#4 INDEX 110LB, 22.5" x 35", Pink PAPER,#4 INDEX 110LB, 22.5" x 35",Salmon PUNCHER, 2 HOLES, BLACK #HP-2C PUNCHER, 3-Hole, LEVER HANDLE, punches up to 14 sheets, permanent guide.#BOS-88 PUNCHER,1-3 HOLES HEAVY DUTY,ADJUSTABLE #74300 PAPERPRO DESKTOP PUNCH 12 SHEET CAPACITY ONE FINGER TOUCH #ACI-2101 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC TWO HOLE PUNCH 2 HP 1/4"SIZE 28 SHEET CAPACITY #SWI74532 PUSH PINS, ASSORTED,1/2" heads with 3/8" steel points #200AR T PINS, 1 1/2 inches long, nickel finish 100/bx LABELON #87T RAINWEAR 3PC SET.INCL OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD,YELLOW SZ: SMALL. RIVER CITY#200-3 RAINGEAR 3PC INCL. OVERALLS/JACKET/HOOD YELLOW SZ:MEDIUM RIVER CITY #200-3 RAINWEAR 3PC SET INCL OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD YELLOW SZ:LARGE RIVER CITY #200-3 RAINWEAR 3PC SET INCL OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD YELLOW SZ:XLARGE RIVER CITY #200-3 RAINWEAR 3PC SET INCL. OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD YELLOW SZ:XXLG RIVER CITY #200-3 RAINWEAR 3 PC SET INCL OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD YELLOW SZ:XXXLG RIVERCITY #200-3 RAINWEAR 3PC SET INCL OVERALLS/JACKET & HOOD YELLOW SZ:XXXXL RIVER CITY #200-3 PAPER, 20lbs., 3-holes, RECYCLED, WHITE LETTER SIZE PAPER, XEROGRAPHIC BOND RECYCLED, 20 lb WHITE,8.5" x 11", for High Speed Copiers PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS BLUE 8.5" x 11" PAPER,GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND, 20 lbs CANARY 8.5" x 11", RECYCLED PAPER,GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS 8.5"x11"GREEN RECYCLED PAPER,20#,3-holes, Letter size, for high speed-copiers, packed 2500,no paper wrap PAPER,20#, Letter Size, White, for high speed copiers, packed 2500,no paper wrap TYPING PAPER, 25% cotton, 8.5"X14",WHITE LEGAL PAPER Commodity Offset,50 LB. 17.5 x 22 White GREEN CERTIFIED (Skid-Packed) PAPER,Commodity Offset,60LB.17.5 x 22.5 White GREEN CERTIFIED (SKID PACKED) PAPER Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60LB. 17.5" x 22.5", Blue PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.55" X 22.5" Buff PAPER Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60LB. 17.5" x 22.5", Canary PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.5" X 22.5" Goldenrod PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.5" X 22.5" Green PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.5" X 22.5" Pink PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.5" X 22.5" Salmon PAPER Recycled, #4 Premium, 20LB., White 8.5" x 11", for high-speed copiers PAPER Recycled, #4 Premium, 20LB, White 8.5" x 11.5,3-HOLE,for hgh-speed copiers PAPER,#1 WATERMARKED, 20LB., White 8.5" x 11", Smooth Finish-Grain Long PAPER,#1 WATERMARKED, 20LB., White 17" x 22", Smooth Finish- Grain Long PAPER, NCR, Self-contained, 17LB., White 22.5" x 34.5", Black print PAPER, #4 commodity offset, 60LB, White 11" x 17" PAPER, #4 commodity offset, 70LB., White 11" x 17" GREEN CERTIFIED REINFORCEMENTS, SELF-ADHESIVE, CLEAR maco #MT500 LASER CARTRIDGE HP 2300 PRINTER #2610R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1010/3015/3020/3030 ALL IN ONE MACHINES #2612R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1300 SERIES PRINTER #2613R COMAPTIBLE LASER CARTRIDGE FOR HP 278A #278R COMPATIBLE LASER CARTRIDGE #CF280 RPL C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Carton Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 Ctn/1000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/2000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/500Ea Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Box Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/1000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/1000 Ctn/5 M Ctn/3200 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5000 Ctn/5000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Ctn/500Ea Each Each Each Each Each Pack/100 Bx/100 Set Set Set Set Set Set Set Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/5000 Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 Ctn/10 Rm Ctn/60 M Ctn/48 M Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/3200 Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 Ctn/5 M Ctn/3200 Ctn/1000 Ctn/2500 Ctn/2500 Bx/200 Each Each Each Each Each 10 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 47 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 1299 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 1340 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1354 COUNTY STOCK # X-298R X-3903R X-4092R X-4096R X-4127R X-4129R X-4182R X-5942R X-5949AR X-5949R X-654 X-7115R X-8061R C-841 R-006 R-019 R-095 R-1030 R-109 R-160 R-169 R-181 R-182 R-183 R-187 R-188 R-228 R-229 R-258 R-302 R-308 R-337 R-341 R-401 R-437 R-487 R-512 R-547 R-565 R-566 R-567 R-574 R-591 R-640 R-644 R-700 R-754 R-798 R-801 R-813 R-831 R-875 R-876 R-888 R-891 R-930 R-2051 R-2053 R-2061 R-2062 S-2205 C-907 S-2208 S-2209 S-2210 S-2211 S-2224 S-2225 S-2226 S-2227 N-00000000001 N-00000000002 N-00000000003 N-00000000004 N-00000000005 N-00000000006 N-00000000007 N-00000000008 N-00000000009 N-00000000010 N-00000000011 N-00000000016 N-00000000017 N-00000000018 N-00000000019 N-00000000020 N-00000000021 N-00000000022 N-00000000023 N-00000000024 N-00000000025 N-00000000033 N-00000000034 N-00000000035 N-00000000036 N-00000000037 N-00000000038 N-00000000045 N-00000000046 N-00000000047 N-00000000048 N-00000000049 N-00000000050 N-00000000051 N-00000000052 N-00000000053 N-00000000054 N-00000000056 N-00000000058 N-00000000061 N-00000000063 N-00000000064 N-00000000065 N-00000000066 N-00000000067 N-00000000068 N-00000000069 N-00000000070 N-00000000071 N-00000000072 N-00000000074 N-00000000077 N-00000000078 B STOCK DESC LASER TONER HP LJ 4/4M/4 PLUS/5/5M/5N PRINTER #298R LASER PRINTER CARTRIDGE HP 5P/ 5MP/6P PRINTER #3903R TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET 1100/3200 SERIES PRINTER #4092R TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET 2100/2200 SERIES PRINTER #4096R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 4000/4050 SERIES PRINTER #4127R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 5000N PRINTER #4129R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 8100 SERIES PRINTERS #4182R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 4250/4250N/4350 PRINTER #5942R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1160/1320/3390 SERIES PRINTER #5949AR LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1320/3390 SERIES PRINTER #5949R LASER TONER LEXMARK T654/T656 LASER PRINTER REMANUFACTURED #A6661492 LASER CARTRIDGE HP 1200/1220 SERIES FAX/ SCANNER PRINTER #7115R LASER CARTRIDGE HP 4100/4100N/4100DTN/ 4100TN PRINTER #8061R CREDIT CARD TAPE VERIPHONE/NCR #845841 BLACK 3"X3-1/16"X100' RIBBON EPSON FOR MOST EPSON CASH REGISTERS ERC09 #127006 BLACK RIBBON HYPERCOM MDL #T7P CREDIT CARD P7 TERMINAL PRINTER PURPLE #127019/79737P RIBBON, typewriter, correcting film ribbon cartridge IBM SELECTRIC II & III #1299095 RIBBON TYPEWRITTER BROTHER AX/GX/EM30-31 ML100/300/500/SX14 & OTHERS #BRT 1030 RIBBON SWINTEC 7000 SERIES TYPEWITTERS #SWS-1009 RIBBON FOR VARIOUS CENTRONICS PRINTERS #3A1600B01 RIBBON BROTHER FOR USE WITH MISC BROTHER TYPEWRITTERS BRT#7020,7021,7022 #NK B165 RIBBON PANASONIC KX-P3200 PRINTER #KXP180 RIBBON, OKIDATA MICROLINE 100 SERIES320 320T/321/321T/OIKMATE 120,#52102001 RIBBON OKIDATA MICROLINE ALL 100 SERIES/ 380/390T/390/390T/390 PLUS/391/ #OKI-52104001 RIBBON, FOR TELEX 1187 & CENTRONICS 355 & 358 PRINTERS (#3205-1187) RIBBON MEMOREX TELEX 1345/PHILLIPS PP405 PRINTER #3205-1207/BC330 RIBBON NYLON FOR VARIOUS PRINTERS DATA PRODUCTS #P0020 RIBBONS FOR VARIOUS PRINTERS BLACK NUKOTE #BM229 RIBBON OLIVETTI ET2000 SERIES TYPEWRTIT- TERS BLACK NUKOTE #BM258 DISCONTINUED RIBBON OKIDATA PACEMARK 4410 PRINTER #40629302 RIBBON, FOR IBM 5204 QUICKWRITER, HIGH- YIELD (#1319308) RIBBON CITIZEN DP300/600/IDP3530/3535/ 3540 POS/CASH REGISTER #NUK-BR337 RIBBON, FOR OKIDATA #3410 PACEMARK PRINTER OKI-52103601 RIBBON,PRINTING CALCULATOR RIBBON,S-WIND 1/2"WX21'L.Twin Spool #R3197 RIBBON CREDIT CARD VERIPHONE NCR #123437 BLACK DISCONTINUED RIBBON,FOR MODEL 8920 AND 8930 PRINTER NUK-BM332 DISCONTINUED RIBBON, CITIZEN DP 730 CASH REGISTER PURPLE #530512/79799P RIBBON EPSON VARIOUS AP/APT/FX/LX/MX/RX/ T/X/P SERIES PRINTERS PURPLE #79752P RIBBON for Rapid Print 5650, 2"x 2", purple ink, time clock ribbon #5650P RIBBON FOR RAPID PRINT 5650, TIME CLOCK 2"X 2" PURPLE INK COTTON DISCONTD #ARI5650 RIBBON RAPID PRINT 5650 2"X2" BLACK INK TIME CLOCK RIBBON DISCONTINUED #5650BL RIBBON, FOR GENICOM 3000 SERIES & HARRIS 224 PRINTERS #40188 RIBBON OKIDATA MICROLINE 590/591 PRINTER #OKI 52106001 NCR RIBBON TEC RKP-300/600 P.O.S PRINTER PURPLE #127640/79776P CREDIT CARD RIBBON VERIPHONE/NCR RED/BLK #123644/79794BR RIBBON, LIFT OFF TAPE FOR SWINTEC 8000 (SOC NU-KOTE #86TL) RIBBON, Epson Printer LQ1000, 1010, 1050 1070, 1070+, 1170 BM204 DISCONTINUED RIBBON TPGA776 PRINTER PURPLE #79800P RIBBON OKIDATA/MICROLINE 491/490/421/420 PRINTER, NYLON #42377801 COMPATIBLE RIBBON PANASONIC TYPEWRITTER FOR KXE-500 /508/601/603/700/708/828 #SKXECK RIBBON NCR BLACK #127831/79773B RIBBON EPSON FX80/80+/85/86E/850/870/880 JX80/LX300/800/810/MX80/RX80/ACTION 2000 #8750 RIBBON EPSON DFX5000/5000+/8000 PRINTERS #8766 RIBBON, BLACK, CORRECTABLE FILM, FOR SWINTEC 8000 SERIES #B167 RIBBON,FOR TELEX 287D,D2,4187D AND CADO 150 PRINTERS NUKOTE #BM148 RIBBON, IBM MOD 2380, 2381, 2390 & 2391 PRINTER (LEX#11A3540) RUBBER BANDS, packed in 1/4 lb. per box. Size: 18 (1/16"x 3") #18 RUBBER BANDS, packed in 1/4 lb. per box. Size: 33 (1/8"x 3 1/2") #33 RULER, WOOD,standard,brass edge,12"long ACM#R501B12) RULER, STAINLESS STEEL, English/Metric, 18 inches, non-skid cork backing #SS-18 Scissors, office, 3 3/4" cut length, 8" overall length. ACME # 101-F8 LAMINATING POUCH 3 MIL, LETTER 8-3/4"X11 -1/4" CLEAR BX/100 #GBC3745022 SHEET PROTECTOR,CLEAR PLASTIC, TOP-LOAD, 8 1/2"x 11", 3 hole punched (#62027) SHOP TICKET HOLDER CLEAR VINYL W/EYELET FOR HANGING 8-1/2"X11" 50 PER BX #80911 SHOP TICKET HOLDERS CLEAR VINYL W/EYELET FOR HANGING 5"X8" 50 PER BX #80058 METAL BOOK RINGS FOR USE WITH SHOP TICKET HOLDERS 3/4" #ACC-72201 SORTING AIDS, finger tip moistener, 1 oz SORTKWIK #10400) FINGER TIPS RUBBER SIZE:11 (SMALL) #54031 FINGER TIPS RUBBER SIZE:11-1/2 MEDIUM #54035 FINGER TIPS RUBBER SIZE: 12 MEDIUM/LARGE #54032 AVERY BUSINESS CARD PAGES #76009 C-THRU PROTRACTOR RULER #W-43 TABBIES 1-10 #58000 TABBIES 11-20 #58001 TABBIES 21-30 #58002 HP 126A BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE #CE310A HP 126A CYAN LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE #CE311A HP 126A YELLOW LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE #CE312A HP 126A MAGENTA LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE #CE313A CONTINUOUS FORM WHITE COMPUTER LABELS FOR PIN-FED PRINTERS, 5" X 2-15/16" #AVE4076 UNIVERSAL DOT MATRIX PRINTER LABELS, 1 ACROSS, 4" X 2-15/16", WHITE #UNV70116 BROTHER ML-100 TYPEWRITER #ML100 BROTHER 1031 MULTISTRIKE TYPEWRITER RIBBON #BRT1031 PINE-SOL LEMON SCENT 144 OZ #CLO35419 CLOROX ULTRA GERMICIDAL BLEACH, CONCENT- TRATED FORMULA, 121 oz BOTTLE #CLO30966 GREEN SOLUTION ALL PURPOSE CLEANER 1 GALLON #3501 PEARLIZED HAND SOAP 1 GALLON #HB240 CRYSTAL X LIQUID DISH DETERGENT 1 GALLON #5042 AVERY 13 PT MANILA WIRED TAGS NO. 3 3 3/4 X 1 7/8 #12603 LEXAR TWIST TURN USB FLASH DRIVE, 32 GB #LJDTT32GASBNA LEXAR TWIST TURN USB FLASH DRIVE, 64 GB #LJDTT64GASBNA TONER XEROX PHASER 6180 CYAN #113R00719 TONER LEXMARK HIGH YIELD BLACK #C540H1KG TONER LEXMARK HIGH YIELD CYAN #C540H1CG TONER LEXMARK HIGH YIELD YELLOW #C540H1YG TONER LEXMARK HIGH YIELD MAGENTA #C540H1MG CORRECTABLE RIBBON #SMC21000 LASER JET TONER HP #Q7560A BLACK LASER JET TONER HP #Q7561A CYAN LASER JET TONER HP #Q7562A YELLOW LASER JET TONER HP #Q7563A MAGENTA 2 HOLE PUNCH, 28 SHEET COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC #SWI74532 END TAB FILE POCKET 3-1/2" EXPANSION LEGAL #74780 END TAB FILE POCKET 3-1/2" EXPANSION LETTER #73780 REDI TAGS PERMANENT INDEXX TABS #31000 TIME CLOCK ACP-01-6000-001 #ACP01600001 RIBBON LEXMARK #11A3550 PERMANENT MARKER BLUE SANFORD #30003 PRIVACY FILTER LCD MONITOR 22.0 WIDE- SCREEN 3M #PF22.0W SPRAY NINE GERMICIDAL CLEANER #26825 DRILL DEWALT 12V CORDLESS #DC742KA PALLET JACK #H-1043 STOW AWAY TOTE #4054BL FUSER HP 3800N NETWORK PRINTER #RM1-2665 ELECTRO STATIC TRANSFER BELT HP #RM1-2759 TONER HEWLETT PACKARD #CE390A BLACK TONER EPSON #T068120-D2 BLACK TONER EPSON #T069220 CYAN TONER EPSON #T069320 MAGENTA HEADSET ADAPTER PLANTRONICS #27708-01 T-80 TURN-O-MATIC TICKET ROLL PINK 3M/RL # 177004 DESK BELL SPR#01583 KEYBOARD TRAY 3M#AKT7OLE C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/12 Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/6 Each Each Each Each Bx/6 Each Each Each Each Bx/6 Box/6 Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 Each Each Bx/6 Bx/6 Box/6 Each Bx/6 Each Bx/6 Bx/6 Each Each Each Each Ctn/6 Ea Pack Pack Each Each Each Bx/100 Bx/100 Bx/50 Bx/50 Box/100 Each Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Pack Each Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Ctn/3 Ea Box/3 Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/4 Ea Ctn/4 Ea Box/1000 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/10 Bx/10 Pack Each Each Bx/12 Each Box/12 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each 11 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 48 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 1365 1366 1367 1368 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 1383 1384 1385 1386 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 1429 1430 1431 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 1437 1438 1439 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1452 1453 1454 1455 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473 1474 1475 1476 1477 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000081 N-00000000094 N-00000000098 N-00000000100 N-00000000102 N-00000000103 N-00000000104 N-00000000105 N-00000000107 N-00000000109 N-00000000111 N-00000000113 N-00000000115 N-00000000117 N-00000000119 N-00000000123 N-00000000127 N-00000000129 N-00000000131 N-00000000133 N-00000000135 N-00000000136 N-00000000137 N-00000000138 N-00000000139 N-00000000140 N-00000000141 N-00000000142 N-00000000145 N-00000000147 N-00000000148 N-00000000150 N-00000000151 N-00000000153 N-00000000155 N-00000000156 N-00000000157 N-00000000158 N-00000000159 N-00000000160 N-00000000162 N-00000000165 N-00000000166 N-00000000167 N-00000000169 N-00000000170 N-00000000172 N-00000000173 N-00000000174 N-00000000175 N-00000000176 N-00000000180 N-00000000182 N-00000000183 N-00000000191 N-00000000193 N-00000000194 N-00000000195 N-00000000196 N-00000000197 N-00000000198 N-00000000199 N-00000000200 N-00000000201 N-00000000205 N-00000000206 N-00000000208 N-00000000209 N-00000000210 N-00000000211 N-00000000212 N-00000000213 N-00000000214 N-00000000215 N-00000000216 N-00000000217 N-00000000218 N-00000000221 N-00000000222 N-00000000223 N-00000000225 N-00000000226 N-00000000227 N-00000000230 N-00000000231 N-00000000232 N-00000000233 N-00000000234 N-00000000235 N-00000000236 N-00000000237 N-00000000239 N-00000000241 N-00000000242 N-00000000245 N-00000000246 N-00000000248 N-00000000249 N-00000000250 N-00000000251 N-00000000253 N-00000000255 N-00000000257 N-00000000258 N-00000000259 N-00000000260 N-00000000262 N-00000000264 N-00000000266 N-00000000268 N-00000000270 N-00000000271 N-00000000272 N-00000000273 N-00000000274 N-00000000275 N-00000000278 N-00000000280 N-00000000281 N-00000000282 N-00000000283 N-00000000284 N-00000000285 B STOCK DESC CHAIR, TRITEK ERGO-SELECT #7272-3 PB02-FAWN PEBBLES ENVELOPE SELF SEAL 9X12 WHITE #S-7807 LASER TONER HP #CE280A IGLOO FULL SIZE CHEST COOLER, 100 QT. WHITE #00011442 NVIDIA GEFORCE 310 DUAL VIDEO CARD #57Y4167 KANGURU DVD DUPLICATOR #U2-DVDDUPE-S5 ALERATEC 1:1 HDD COPY CRUISER MINI USB 3.0 HARD DRIVE DUPLICATOR #350115 HP LASERJET 4250 MAINTENANCE KIT 110 V #Q5421A DAYTON FILTER REPLACEMENT FOR VACUUM #4TB95 EAR MUFFS, MULTI-POSITION QM24+ #HOW-QM24 COVERALLS TYVEK WITH HOOD XL #TY127SWWHXL DELUXE VINYL PROJECT FOLDER #CLI-62138 TONER CARTRIDGE OFFICE DEPOT #229879 AT-A-GLANCE MONTHLY WALL CALENDAR #PM52-28 COLORED PAPER 8 1/2 X 11 CANARY #11201 COLORED PAPER 8 1/2 X 11 GREEN #11203 COLORED PAPER 8 1/2 X 11 BLUE #11202 MANILA END TAB FILE JACKETS #75700 PHOTO PAPER ROLL 13" X 32' #041378 DESK LAMP, ADJUSTABLE SUSPENSION #LED-L9096 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED A & N - RED NCC-AN PK/100 #945097 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED B & O - DARK BLUE NCC-BO PK/100 #945105 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED C & P - DARK GREEN NCC-CP PK/100 #945113 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED E & R - PURPLE NCC-ER PK/100 #945139 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED F & S - ORANGE NCC-FS PK/100 #945147 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED G & T - GRAY #945154 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED J & W - YELLOW #945188 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED M & Z - LIGHT GREEN NCC-MZ PK/100 #945212 DVD SPINDLE VER#95102 D1 STANDARD TAPE CARTRIDGE, DYMO LABEL MAKERS, 1/2" X 23', BL/WH, DYM45013 FILE FOLDERS 1/3-CUT COLOR TOP TAB LETTER SIZE TEAL #13143 MARKER, PERMANENT - REDIMARK #DIX95007 SHIPPING TAGS, MANILA 13 POINT, #1, 2 3/4" X 1 #12301 LABELING TAPE, LAMINATED 3/4" X 26' BLACK ON WHITE #TZE241 DRY ERASE BOARD 48" X 36" #QRT-P554A PEN, ROUND STICK BALL POINT 0.7MM #GSM11-BE RECORD BOOK, VINYL COVER 7 3/4" X 12 1/8 #96334 ID CARD, RETRACTABLE REEL ASSORTED 4 PK #AVT75464 RING BINDER, LEGAL SLANT D #CRD14532 CALENDAR BASE FOR DESK 3" X 3 3/4" #AAG1900 MICROWAVE OVEN, AVANTI 1.1 CF ONE TOUCH #128158 TRANSFER BELT DELL 5130CDN PRINTER #330-5841 FILE FOLDER SMEAD #13732 DYMO LABEL LETRA VALUE PACK #DYM-13378 INDEXES 1-25 #AVE01701 LASER CARTRIDGE HP#Q7507A FUSER KIT HP LASER JET 4350 #Q5421A LABELING TAPE BROTHER BLACK ON RED #TZE441 LABELING TAPE BROTHER BLACK ON BLUE #TZE541 LABELING TAPE BROTHER BLACK ON GREEN #TZE741 LABELING TAPE BROTHER BLACK ON YELLOW #TZE641 LASER COLOR LASER TONER 4 PACK DELL #SBC2145 FINGERPRINT INK 4 OZ.TUBE SIRCHIE #231T BLACK KEY TAGS SLOTTED 20 PER PACK #MF201300006 BIC TRIUMPH ROLLER BALL STICK PEN, BLUE IN, NEEDLE, DOZ. 0.5mm #BICRT5511BE GLUE GUN #BOSGR252 DUAL TEMP GLUE STICKS #BOSGR20DT PRINTABLE INDEXES #CRD60318CB CLEARVIEW BINDERS #CRD26351CB BINDER SPINES 1" AVE#89103 BINDER SPINES 2" AVE#89107 BINDER SPINES 3" AVE#89109 ELECTRIC HOLE PUNCHER #BSN62901 PANEL WALL CLIPS #BSN20065 INSERTABLE INDEXES BIG TAB #BSN20065 COPY PAPER IVORY SPR #05127 APRON 42 x 46 PLASTIC WHITE #DAP4246 100 PER BOX GLOVES BLUE VINYL POWDER FREE #VBPF104 HAIRNET NYLON FIRE RETARDANT #HN500 144 PER BOX CUTLERY SET #DXECHO180DX7 TABLE CLOTH RECTANGULAR #GJO10325 ASSORTED TEA TRAY PACK #BTC105685 PIROULINE COOKIES #MKJ65050 ROYAL DANSK COOKIES #AVT40635 PEPPERMINT PUFFS #OFX00042 CREAMY & SMOOTH DELIGHT #OFX00015 ASSORTED FRUIT SLICES #OFX00005 PARTY CUPS #SLOP16RLRPK PRESENTATION KIT #GEO47481 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE BROTHER #TN620 INK CARTRIDGE HP #CH563WN 61XL BLACK INK CARTRIDGE HP #CH564WN 61XL TRI-COLOR COUNTERFEIT PENS #DRI-351R INK CARTRIDGE YELLOW #BRT-LC757 FILE FOLDER ESS 152 LIGHT PINK #152-1/3PIN FILE FOLDER ESS 152 LAVENDAR#152/1/3LAV FILE FOLDER ESS 152 ORANGE #152-1/3OR FILE FOLDER ESS 152 TEAL #152-1/3TEA CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS #SJP-S60853 RED CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS #SJP-S60851 BLUE STAMP "APPROVED" TRODAT #5204 CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS #SJP-S60850 GREEN CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS #SJP-S60850 EXPANDABLE FOLDERS #2-4920-2 BAG STAND, T-SHIRT 13"X13"X19 7/8" #H-1306 BAG HOOK FOR BAG STAND #H-2636 WET FLOOR SIGN, YELLOW RECYCLING CONTAINER 23 GAL CAPACITY SQUARE - BLUE #RCP35697BE RECYCLING UNTOUCHABLE TOP SINGLE STREAM BLUE #RCP1788374 KEY CABINET 60 KEY #SPR-15602 DIGITAL FLASH VOICE RECORDER #ICDUX523BLK STYROFOAM CUPS, 10 OZ, BOX OF 1000 #10J10 PURCHASE ORDER BOOK, CARBONLESS 2-PART 5 9/16" X 8 7/16" 50 SET PAD #193706 HEADSET ACCESSORY KIT#PLN159100 REPLACEMENT EAR CUSHION #PLN859157 PRINTING CALCULATOR, #P23-DHV POST-IT EASEL PAD 25"X30", WHITE 30 SHEETS/PAD, 4 PADS/CARTON #559VAD KEYBOARD, MICROBAN SPLIT DESIGN #FEL98915 LABELS SII SMART LABEL SLP-SRL 2 1/8"X4" 1 ROLL-220 LABELS 1 ROLL/BOX #SKP-SLP-SRL PEN, ROLLERBALL LIQUID INK 0.5MM EXTRA FINE POINT - BLUE #924738 CD/DVD DUPLICATOR KANGURU DVDDUPE SHD7 1.7 #33353 CD/DVD DUPLICATOR KANGURU U2-DVDDUPE S3 1.3 #809622 TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A BLACK #CE410A TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A CYAN #CE411A TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A MAGENTA #CE413A TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A YELLOW #CE412A LABELS, ZEBRA Z-SELECT 4000T 4"X6" 475 LABELS/ROLL #800274-605 FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE COLOR LAVENDER 100/BOX #ESS152-LAV FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE COLOR PINK 100/BOX #ESS152PIN FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE COLOR ORANGE 100/BOX #ESS152ORA FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE COLOR TEAL 100/BOX #ESS152TEA FOLDERS, 8 SECTION CLASSIFICATION LETTER SIZE RED 10/BOX #S60850 FOLDERS, 8 SECTION CLASSIFICATION LETTER SIZE BLUE 10/BOX #S60853 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Box Each Each Ream Ream Ream Box Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Box Pack Box Each Each Box Each Pack Each Each Each Each Box Pack Pack Each Kit Each Each Each Each Kit Each Pack Box/12 Ea Each Pack Pack Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Ream Box Box/1000 Box Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Box Kit Each Each Each Box/12 Each Box Box Box Box Box Box Each Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Pack Each Carton Each Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Box Box Box Box Box Box 12 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 49 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1478 1479 1480 1481 1482 1483 1484 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1505 1506 1507 1508 1509 1510 1511 1512 1513 1514 1515 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1523 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1543 1544 1545 1546 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 1597 1598 1599 1600 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000286 N-00000000288 N-00000000289 N-00000000291 N-00000000293 N-00000000295 N-00000000297 N-00000000298 N-00000000300 N-00000000301 N-00000000303 N-00000000305 N-00000000306 N-00000000307 N-00000000309 N-00000000310 N-00000000311 N-00000000312 N-00000000313 N-00000000315 N-00000000317 N-00000000318 N-00000000320 N-00000000322 N-00000000324 N-00000000325 N-00000000327 N-00000000328 N-00000000330 N-00000000333 N-00000000337 N-00000000340 N-00000000342 N-00000000343 N-00000000345 N-00000000346 N-00000000348 N-00000000349 N-00000000350 N-00000000351 N-00000000352 N-00000000353 N-00000000354 N-00000000356 N-00000000361 N-00000000362 N-00000000364 N-00000000368 N-00000000369 N-00000000370 N-00000000371 N-00000000375 N-00000000376 N-00000000378 N-00000000380 N-00000000381 N-00000000383 N-00000000384 N-00000000385 N-00000000386 N-00000000387 N-00000000389 N-00000000390 N-00000000391 N-00000000394 N-00000000396 N-00000000397 N-00000000398 N-00000000400 N-00000000402 N-00000000403 N-00000000405 N-00000000406 N-00000000407 N-00000000409 N-00000000410 N-00000000412 N-00000000414 N-00000000415 N-00000000416 N-00000000417 N-00000000418 N-00000000419 N-00000000420 N-00000000421 N-00000000423 N-00000000424 N-00000000425 N-00000000426 N-00000000427 N-00000000428 N-00000000430 N-00000000431 N-00000000432 N-00000000433 N-00000000435 N-00000000437 N-00000000438 N-00000000439 N-00000000440 N-00000000442 N-00000000443 N-00000000445 N-00000000446 N-00000000447 N-00000000448 N-00000000449 N-00000000451 N-00000000452 N-00000000453 N-00000000454 N-00000000455 N-00000000456 N-00000000457 N-00000000458 N-00000000460 N-00000000461 N-00000000463 N-00000000464 N-00000000468 N-00000000469 N-00000000471 N-00000000475 B C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK DESC STOCK UNIT FOLDERS, 8 SECTION CLASSIFICATION LETTER SIZE GREEN 10/BOX #S60851 Box BATTERY BACKUP-UPS 550VA/330 WATT #APW-BE550G Each VENUS VL-125 LAMINATOR #5215901 Each FOLDER, START EMBOSSED HALF PAGE CERTIFICATE - BLACK #RV8704 Each LAMINATING POUCHES, MENU SIZE, 3 MIL 11.5"X17.5" 15 PER PACK #535736-ODR Pack PENS, G-2 RETRACTABLE GEL-INK FINE POING 0.7MM, GREEN - DOZ/BOX #PIL31025 Box INK CARTRIDGE BLACK EXTRA HIGH-CAPACITY FOR EPSON WORKFORCE 630 PRINTER #T127120 Each INK CARTRIDGE MULTI-COLOR EXTRA HIGH CAPICITY FOR EPSON WORKFORCE 630 PRINTER #T127520 Each CLASSIFICATION FOLDER (RED) LETTER SIZE TOP-TAB, 6 SECTION #S59707 Box CLASSIFICATION FOLDER (BLUE) LETTER SIZE TOP-TAB, 6 SECTION #S59702 Box CLASSIFICATION FOLDER (MOSS GREEN) 25 PT LETTER SIZE PRESSBOARD W/2" EXPANSION #S42-26-3MGEach SELF-INKING STAMP, TRODAT 5204 BLACK INK TO READ: A/P CARLA J. VALLE-SCHWENK #5204 Each STAMP PAD FOR IDEAL 6500 RED INK #6500 Each SELF-INKING STAMP, SHINY S832 RED INK TO READ: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION #S832 Each U.S. FLAG, OUTDOOR 5' X 3' #MBE002460 Each SELF-INKING STAMP, SHINY #S310 RED INK TO READ: THE PRE-TRIAL DETENTION CENTER Each SELF-INKING STAMP, SHINY #S311 BLACK INK TO READ: APPROVED Each SELF-INKING STAMP, SHINY #S311 RED INK TO READ: DISAPPROVED Each SELF-INKING STAMP, SHINY #S311 BLACK INK TO READ: CHIEF DANIEL JUNIOR Transition Each FILE FOLDER, TOP TAB STRAIGHT TAB LEGAL SIZE BOX/100 #15300 Box SIGLITE 1X5 ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE PAD #T-S460-HSB-R Each SIGNATUREGEM LCD 1X5 SIGNATURE PAD #T-LBK462-HSB-R Each DELL SERIES 9 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE #MK990 FOR DELL V305 PRINTER Each BINDERS, 3 RING WHITE CLEARVIEW 1 1/2" #CRD17400 Each QUARTERLY WALL PLANNER 24"X36" #AAG-A123 Each ERASERS, MARS PLASTIC, PACK OF 4 #52650BK4 Pack TONER CARTRIDGE "CYAN" FOR DELL 2150CN LASER PRINTER #331-0713 Each TONER CARTRIDGE "YELLOW" FOR DELL 2150CN LASER PRINTER #331-0715 Each NAPKINS, DINNER - BELLA SNAP PAC #MAC2121 Case LABEL MAKER TAPE FOR BROTHER TZ P-TOUCH BLACK ON CLEAR 3/4" #TZE141 Each LABEL MAKER TAPE FOR DYMO 360D 1/2"X18' BLACK ON WHITE #DYM16955 Each NCC COLOR CODED NAME LABELS, ASSORTMENT 1500/BOX #67150 Box FILE FOLDER INTERIOR "PURPLE" 1/3 CUT TAB #10283 Box LABEL, PERMANENT FILING W/TRUD BLOCK "PURPLE" 2/3"X3 7/16" #AVE5666 Pack VIEW TAB TRANSPARENT DIVIDERS 8 TAB SET #WLJ55063 Set TWIN POCKET FOLDERS W/FASTENERS "PINK" 25 PER BOX #ESS57768 Box TWIN POCKET FOLDERS W/FASTENERS "LIGHT BLUE" 25 PER BOX #ESS57701 Box TWIN POCKET FOLDERS W/FASTENERS "DARK BLUE" 25 PER BOX #ESS57708 Box S-SIDED PRINTABLE CLEAN EDGE BUSINESS CARDS 2000/PACK #AVE5870 Pack MAHOGANY WALL FRAME 11" X 14" #DAX-N15907B Each EXECUTIVE MAHOGANY DOCUMENT FRAME 8 1/2" X 11" #DAX-N1578NT Each PRESTIGE DOCUMENT FRAME - BLACK/ROSEWOOD 11' X 14" #DAX-N3028S2T Each TWO-TONED ROSEWOOD DOCUMENT FRAME 11' X 14" #DAX-N15786ST Each ATOMIC TIME RECORDER #ES900 Each SMALL CREDIT CARD MACHINE PAPER 2 1/4" X 1 7/8" X 80' (48 ROLL/CASE) #94088 Case CT-S310 THERMAL PAPER 3 1/8" X 230' 1 BOX (50 ROLLS) #704324-10 Case STAMP, DATE RECEIVED AND BY MULTI-COLOR DATE - RED INK, RECEIVED - BLACK INK #JF640 Each ATOMIC TIME CLOCK AMANO #PIX-200 Each FLASH DRIVE VERBATIM 4GB 2.0 USB VERBATIM #97087 Each LABELS AVERY WHITE SHIPPING LABELS AVE#5164 Pack SHREDDER FELLOWES POWERSHREAD 225 CI FELLOWES #3825001 Each ENVELOPE MOISTENER SPR01482 Each LABELS AVERY #5979 Pack RIBBON FOR ACROPRINT TIME MACHINE #39-0121000 Each BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR HP DESK JET 3050 PRINTER HP61XL #CH563WN Each TRI-COLOR INK CARTRIDGE FOR HP DESK JET 3050 PRINTER HP61XL #CH564WN Each LASER TONER BROTHER #TN-670 Each INK CARTRIDGE LEXMARK COLOR #18Y0143 Each INK CARTRIDGE LEXMARK BLACK #18Y0144 Each WASTE TONER BOTTLE LEXMARK X543 PRINTER #LEX-C540X75G Each IMAGING KIT LEXMARK X543 PRINTER #LEX-C540X74G Each FINE LASER PAPER, 20 LB. 8 1/2"X11" 25% COTTON FIBER, 500/BOX #SOU3172010 Box LABELS, NEON ASSORTED 1" x 2 5/8" #AVE5979 Pack MEDIUM PICTURE HANGING STRIPS WHITE (6 SETS PER PACK) #MMM17024 Pack VELCRO FOR POSTERS, (3M X 2.5CM) WHITE #VEK90958 Each WEEKLY TIME CARDS (200/PACK) #9-6103-080 Pack DOCUMENT FRAME BLACK/GOLD 11" X 14" #17602 Each METAL POSTER FRAME BLACK 18" X 24" #31222 Each ROLLERBALL PENS 0.8MM ASSORTED COLORS PK/8 #90199 Pack S73 USB 3.0 JUMPDRIVE FLASH DRIVE 32GB, ORANGE #346813 Each KEY CABINET #RTP-009038-1 Each PURELL HAND SANITIZER REFILL, ALCOHOL GEL PK 8, SIZE 1000ML, FORM GEL 8PK/CS#2156-08 Case CONTOUR ROLLER CASE #KMW62348 Each TAGS #5 AVERY PLAIN #12305 Box BOOSTER CABLE HD, 2 AWG 20FT PARROT JAW #5RXF4 Each JUMP START TWIN BATTERY HD 12/24V #5URF0 Each WIRELESS DESKTOP KEYBOARD/MOUSE #MK710 Each TONER FOR BROTHER 9460CDN PRINTER HIGH YIELD - BLACK #TN315BK Each TONER FOR BROTHER 9460CDN PRINTER HIGH YIELD - CYAN #TN315C Each TONER FOR BROTHER 9460CDN PRINTER HIGH YIELD - YELLOW #TN315Y Each TONER FOR BROTHER 9460CDN PRINTER HIGH YIELD - MAGENTA #TN315M Each TONER FOR LEXMARK S 415 COPIER 150XL - BLACK #14N1614 Each TONER FOR LEXMARK S 415 COPIER 150XL - CYAN #14N1797 Each TONER FOR LEXMARK S 415 COPIER 150XL - MAGENTA #14N1798 Each TONER FOR LEXMARK S 415 COPIER 150XL - YELLOW #14N1618 Each CURRENCY BAG WITH BUILT IN LOCK #23300981W08 Each AVERY STYLE EDGE PLASTIC INSERTABLE DIVIDER #11201 Pack AVERY BIG TAB INSERTABLE INDEX DIVIDER #11122 Pack PLOTTER PAPER HP 42X150 #C6567B Roll TONER CARTRIDGE BROTHER #BRT-LC107BK Each TONER CARTRIDGE BROTHER #TN330 Each COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC TWO-HOLE PUNCH, FIXED 1/4" HOLES, 28-SHEET SWI74532 Each TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX PHASER #1006R01411 Each TONER CANON MF4450 PRINTER #3500B001 Each TONER RICOH MP C3001 COPIER #841420 Each EYESALINE PRE-MIXED SOLUTION 32oz BOTTLE EYEWASH SOLUTION #FEN455 Each FILE FOLDERS 1/3 CUT (ORANGE) LETTER SIZE #12543 Box PEN, PRECISE V7 NEEDLE ROLLING BALL BLACK #PIL35346 Box PEN, PRECISE V7 NEEDLE ROLLING BALL BLUE #PIL35349 Box PEN, PRECISE V7 NEEDLE ROLLING BALL RED #PIL35352 Box GUMMED INDEX TABS REINFORCED PAPER 50/PK WHITE #AVE59102 Pack PRINTER BROTHER HL-5470DW #HL5470 Each DRUM KIT FOR BROTHER HL-5370DW LASER PRINTER #BRT-DR620 Each TONER FOR BROTHER HL-5370DW LASER PRINTER #BRT-TN670 Each TONER FOR LEXMARK 501H PRINTER #50F100 Each USB 2.0 A TO B CABLE 15 FT. #U022015 Each TONER LEXMARK T650 PRINTER #T650H11A Each STICK PEN ROLLER BALL PIL#25104 Box LEXMARK C54X/X54X WASTE TONER BOTTLE #C540X75G Each LEXMARK BLACK AND COLOR IMAGING KIT #C540X74G Each LEXMARK BLACK IMAGING KIT C540X71G Each HP 80 175-MI MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE #C4877A Each HP 940XL PRINT CARTRIDGE BLACK (2200 PG) #CN4906AN Each CORD CONCEALER 6' GRAY #BLK-F8B023 Each PRINT CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON WORKFORCE 845 PRINTER #T12720 Each BROOM HANDLE ABCO 60'X15/16 THREADED HANDLE #01102 Each CANON GPR-18 TONER FOR IR2020I BLACK #0384B003AA Each TWIN POCKET FOLDERS #57538 Box PENS #PAP1746325 Box BATTERIES, SPECIALTY 3-VOLT WATCH/CALCULATOR - LITHIUM (PACK OF 2) #EVE2032BP2 Pack POSTER BOARDS PEACOCK (100/PACK) #PAC5460 Pack BROOM 18" HEAVY DUTY PALMYRA BRISTLE 60" TAPERED WOOD HANDLE #20118 Each SPRAY PAINT SAFETY BLUE 15 OZ. GRAINGER #5H896 Can 13 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 50 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1621 1622 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000476 N-00000000477 N-00000000478 N-00000000479 N-00000000482 N-00000000484 N-00000000486 N-00000000487 N-00000000488 N-00000000490 N-00000000491 N-00000000492 N-00000000494 N-00000000496 N-00000000498 N-00000000499 N-00000000501 N-00000000503 N-00000000504 N-00000000506 N-00000000509 N-00000000510 N-00000000512 N-00000000513 N-00000000514 N-00000000515 N-00000000516 N-00000000517 N-00000000518 N-00000000519 N-00000000521 N-00000000523 N-00000000525 N-00000000526 N-00000000527 N-00000000528 N-00000000529 N-00000000530 N-00000000531 N-00000000532 N-00000000533 N-00000000534 N-00000000535 N-00000000536 N-00000000537 N-00000000538 N-00000000539 N-00000000541 N-00000000542 N-00000000543 N-00000000544 N-00000000546 N-00000000547 N-00000000549 N-00000000550 N-00000000551 N-00000000552 N-00000000553 N-00000000554 N-00000000555 N-00000000556 N-00000000558 N-00000000559 N-00000000560 N-00000000562 N-00000000563 N-00000000565 N-00000000566 N-00000000567 N-00000000568 N-00000000571 N-00000000573 N-00000000574 N-00000000575 N-00000000578 N-00000000579 N-00000000581 N-00000000582 N-00000000583 N-00000000584 N-00000000585 N-00000000586 N-00000000588 N-00000000590 N-00000000591 N-00000000592 N-00000000593 N-00000000595 N-00000000596 N-00000000598 N-00000000599 N-00000000601 N-00000000602 N-00000000604 N-00000000605 N-00000000607 N-00000000608 N-00000000609 N-00000000611 N-00000000612 N-00000000613 N-00000000615 N-00000000617 N-00000000619 N-00000000620 N-00000000622 N-00000000623 N-00000000624 N-00000000625 N-00000000626 N-00000000627 N-00000000633 N-00000000634 N-00000000635 N-00000000639 N-00000000641 N-00000000643 N-00000000645 N-00000000646 N-00000000647 N-00000000649 N-00000000651 N-00000000652 B STOCK DESC SPRAY PAINT SAFETY green 15 OZ. GRAINGER #5H897 SPRAY PAINT SAFETY RED 15 OZ. GRAINGER #5H900 SPRAY PAINT SAFETY ORANGE 15 OZ. GRAINGER #5H899 EXTENSION CORD 8 FT. GRAINGER #1FD75 RENATA 393R BUTTON CELL BATTERY #RN393TS REALSPACE PRO MESH HIGH BACK CHAIR WITH HEADREST 51 3/4"X29 1/2X 28" - BLACK #008289 SANDISK 2GB ULTRA COMPACTFLASH (CF) CARD #S6788542 SAKAR KODAK A250 50-IN-1 USB 2.0 FLASHCARD READER/WRITER #S7877730 SEAGATE EXPANSION DESKTOP USB 3.0 HARD DRIVE, 3TB #STBV3000100 SMITH CORONA 22200 CORRECTABLE BLACK RIBBON #22200 SMITH CORONA 2221 0 CORRECTION TAPE #22210 SANDISK CRUZER 32GB USB FLASH DRIVE #SDCZ36-032 GLOBE WEIS INDEX CARD STORAGE CASE 5 13/16"H X 8 1/8" W X 11 1/8"D FOR 5X8 #5X8BLA LAMINATED INDEX CARD GUIDES, MONTHLY, 1/3 TAB, MANILA, 5X8, 12/B0X #05813 SPECIALTY BATTERY 3-VOLT WATCH/CALULATOR LITHIUM PACK/2 #EVE2032BP2 DYMO LABELWRITER LABELS WHITE ADHESIVE NAME BADGE WITH CLIP HOLE 2 1/4" X 4" #30857 SIDE LOADING PACKING LIST ENVELOPES 5 1/2" X 10" 1000/BOX #S-751 WOOD STAMP TO READ "MEDICAL PRIORITY" WOOD STAMP TO READ "AMERICAN DISABILITY ACT" VIEW-TAB PROFESSIONAL BINDER WITH TABS, 1" RINGS, 5-TAB (BLACK) QUANTUM DLTtape VS1 MEDIA CARTRIDGE TONER LEXMARK #E260A11A TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX #106R01077 CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX #106R01078 MAGENTA TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX #106R01079 YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE XEROX #106R01080 BLACK IMAGING UNIT XEROX #108R00647 CYAN IMAGING UNIT XEROX #108R00648 MAGENTA IMAGING UNIT XEROX #108R00649 YELLOW IMAGING UNIT XEROX #108R00650 BLACK PAPER TOWEL ROLLS #GPC 263-01 TONER REMANUFACTURED HEW 278A #MONCE278A TONER REMANUFACTURED HEW CE505A #HEP21500MR TONER REMANUFACTURED BRT TN650 #BRO20213GN TONER REMANUFACTURED RICOH 885375 #RIC5603GN TONER REMANUFACTURED RICOH 885374 #RIC5602GN TONER REMANUFACTURED RICOH 885373 #RIC5601GN TONER REMANUFACTURED RICOH 885372 #RIC5600GN BOND PAPER ASTROBRIGHTS TERRA GREEN WAUSAU #22581 BOND PAPER ASTROBRIGHTS PULSAR PINK WAUSAU #21031 PERMANENT MARKER SHARPIE #30002 RED, FINE POINT PENS PILOT BLUE #31257 PENS PILOT RED #31258 LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 2145cn COLOR PRINTER #330-3790 YELLOW LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 2145cn COLOR PRINTER #330-3791 MAGENTA LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 2145cn COLOR PRINTER #330-3792 CYAN MAINTENANCE KIT DELL 2350DL PRINTER #331-8956 LABELS AVERY #8163 LABELS AVERY #8066 LABELS AVERY #5260 LABELS BRT-DK1202 STAMP, TO READ: RECEIVED AND DATE (ONLY) STAMP, TO READ: RESEARCHED NOT PAID (PLUS underscore) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (PHOTO BLACK) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (MATTE BLACK) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (CYAN) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (MAGENTA) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (YELLOW) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (BLUE) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (RED) EPSON STYLUS PHOTO R1800 INK JET PRINTER INK CARTRIDGE (GLOSS OPTIMIZER) SCOTCH 610 PREMIUM CELLOPHANE TAPE 1" X 72 YD TONER BROTHER #BRTTN310BK KOSS QZPRO NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES #675346 CLIPBOARD, RECYCLED WOOD LEGAL SIZE 9" X 15 1/2" REPLACEMENT RIBBON FOR AMANO TIME CLOCK LABELMAKER SEIKO SPL440 RICOH PHOTOCONDUCTOR DRUM BLACK #403115 RICOH COLOR CONDUCTOR DRUM #403116 RICOH INTERMEDIATE TRANSFER UNIT #403117 BLACKOUT PRIVACY FILTER SCREEN 21.5" WIDESCREEN DOCUMENT COVERS 30% RECYCLED, 9 3/4" X 12 1/2" NAVY BLUE (PACK/6) EMBOSSED SEALS, EXCELLENCE, 2" DIAMETER GOLD (PACK/50) NCC ALPHA PERMANENT COLOR-CODED NAME REFILL PACK, M & Z, LIGHT GREEN (PK/100) FUSER MAINTENANCE KIT FOR DELL 3130CN LASER PRINTER BATTERY EVEREADY #A23, 12V 2 PACK STEEL GARMENT HOOKS, 1 EA = (6 HOOKS) ROUND COLOR CODED LABELS (YELLOW) PK/450 COLORED (ORANGE) TOP TAB FILE FOLDERS BOX/100 LABEL DIVERDERS, WHITE TABS, LASER JET (5 SETS) SECURE KEY CABINET 8"W X 2 5/8"D X 12 1/8"H INDEXES A-Z MULTI COLOR BATTERY CONVERSION KIT FOR AMANO PIX3000 SERIES TIME CLOCK VERTICAL MOUSE 4 LORELL DESK SORTER MESH BLACK #LLR84157 LABELS AVERY #6878 CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS #SJP S60850 SANDISK MICRO SD MEMORY CARD WITH ADAPTER, 2GB SAKAR VIVITAR RW-50 50-IN-1 CARD READER/WRITER COMPUTER STAND #842299 LASER TONER HP #Q7551X CANON POWERSHOT ELPH 110 HS 16.1 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA (SILVER) SANDISK ULTRA 8 GB SECURE DIGITAL HIGH CAPACITY (SDHC) 1 CARD STANDARD YIELD "BLACK" CARTRIDGE SERIES 21 FOR DELL V313W ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER STANDARD YIELD "COLOR" CARTRIDGE SERIES 21 FOR DELL V313W ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER WIRE DESK TRAY, LEGAL SIZE (BLACK) SUPPORT, LEGAL FOR WIRE DESK TRAYS SET/4 DRY-ERASE BOARD, 8' X 4' ALUMINUM FRAME MICROSOFT WIRED KEYBOARD 600 BLACK BIC VELOCITY RETRACTABLE PEN, 1.0 MM MED. PT. TRANSLUCENT/BLUE PACK/12 PROFILE RETRACTABLE PENS, 1.4 MM BOLD PT TRANSLUCENT, ASSORTED COLORS PACK/8 STAR EMBOSSED CERTIFICATE FOLDERS (FULL PAGE) "BLUE" UNFOLDED WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: THIS CORRESPOND ENCE ORGINATED AT A MIAMI-DADE EASY OPEN CLEARVUE 57% RECYCLED LOCKING SLANT-D RING BINDER, 5" RING LET. BLACK LAMINATING POUCHES, LEGAL SIZE, 3 MIL, 9" X 14.5" PACK/25 PROFESSIONAL SERIES BACK SUPPORT, BLACK (FOR OFFICE CHAIR) TONER BROTHER LH4150DN PRINTER #TN315C TONER BROTHER LH4150DN PRINTER #TN315M TONER BROTHER LH4150DN PRINTER #TN315Y TONER BROTHER LH4150DN PRINTER #TN315BK DRUM BROTHER #DR110CL INDUSTRIAL WIRE SHELVING #1ZTH7 SWIVEL STEM CASTERS #1ZTJ1 INDEXES ACCO #55065 LAMINATING POUCH BUSINESS CARD MEDIUM .014 MEDIUM UMBRELLA BAG/STAND CLASSIC SET ENERGIZER MINIATURE BATTERIES (2/PK) EVE-A23BP-2 "ONLY" HP 305X BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE CE410X YEAR 2013 END TAB FOLDER LABELS 1/2 X 1 PURPLE/WHITE (250/PK) YEAR 2012 END TAB FOLDER LABELS 1/2 X 1 PINK/WHITE (250/PK) BULETIN BOARD, ONE DOOR, BRONZE ALUMINUM 36"H X 36"W NAT.CORK SURF. (ERGO IN DEM) RUBBER BANDS, OFFICE DEPOT BRAND, #64 3 1/2" X 1/4" (1 LB. BAG) 855946 TYPEWITER RIBBON, REPLACEMENT CORRECTA- BLE FILM PORELON B86HY (700898) C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Can Can Can Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Box Pack Roll Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Case Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Ream Ream Dozen Dozen Dozen Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Each Pack Each Pack Box Pack Each Pack Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Set Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Bx/500 Set Pack Each Pack Pack Each Each Each 14 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 51 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000654 N-00000000655 N-00000000656 N-00000000657 N-00000000658 N-00000000661 N-00000000662 N-00000000663 N-00000000665 N-00000000666 N-00000000668 N-00000000669 N-00000000670 N-00000000672 N-00000000674 N-00000000675 N-00000000676 N-00000000677 N-00000000679 N-00000000680 N-00000000682 N-00000000683 N-00000000684 N-00000000685 N-00000000686 N-00000000687 N-00000000688 N-00000000689 N-00000000690 N-00000000692 N-00000000693 N-00000000694 N-00000000695 N-00000000697 N-00000000699 N-00000000701 N-00000000703 N-00000000705 N-00000000707 N-00000000708 N-00000000710 N-00000000711 N-00000000712 N-00000000713 N-00000000714 N-00000000715 N-00000000716 N-00000000717 N-00000000718 N-00000000722 N-00000000723 N-00000000725 N-00000000726 N-00000000727 N-00000000728 N-00000000729 N-00000000731 N-00000000735 N-00000000737 N-00000000738 N-00000000739 N-00000000740 N-00000000742 N-00000000744 N-00000000747 N-00000000748 N-00000000750 N-00000000751 N-00000000752 N-00000000754 N-00000000755 N-00000000757 N-00000000764 N-00000000766 N-00000000768 N-00000000769 N-00000000770 N-00000000771 N-00000000772 N-00000000773 N-00000000774 N-00000000775 N-00000000776 N-00000000777 N-00000000778 N-00000000780 N-00000000781 N-00000000782 N-00000000783 N-00000000784 N-00000000785 N-00000000786 N-00000000787 N-00000000788 N-00000000789 N-00000000790 N-00000000791 N-00000000792 N-00000000793 N-00000000794 N-00000000795 N-00000000796 N-00000000797 N-00000000798 N-00000000799 N-00000000800 N-00000000801 N-00000000802 N-00000000803 N-00000000804 N-00000000805 N-00000000806 N-00000000807 N-00000000808 N-00000000809 N-00000000810 N-00000000811 N-00000000812 N-00000000813 N-00000000814 N-00000000816 N-00000000817 N-00000000818 B STOCK DESC OFFICE SNAX SUGAR CANISTER 20 OZ (757810) CUP, BISTRO, 12 OZ, 50/PK (919206) PLATES, SUGARCANE, 9" ECO PRODUCTS 50/PK (405978) FORKS, DIXIE HEAVYWEIGHT STYRENE, WHITE CTN/1000 (293776) SPOONS, DIXIE HEAVYWEIGHT STYRENE, WHITE CTN/1000 DXETH217 PROTRACTOR W-45 SAFE SENTRY #UC-039K CURRENCY BAGS WITH LOCK MMF2330981W08 CORDLESS PHONE AT&T #755565 LAMINATING POUCHES #535712 STAMP, SELF-INKING BLUE INK TO READ: JUAN C. "JC" IZQUIERDO STAMP, WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: J107A STAMP, WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: IR03C QUARTET PRESTIGE CALENDAR BOARD, 3 MONTH 3'X 2' INK CARTRIDGE, BLACK HIGH YIELD (XL SERIES), LC75BK XL INK CARTRIDGE, MAGENTA HIGH YIELD (XL SERIES), LC75M XL TARGUS ROLLING LAPTOP CASE 16 1/2" X 7 1/2" X 14" HOWARD TECHTIME II RADIO CONTROLLED LCD WALL/TABLE CLOCK 8 3/4" X 1"X 9 1/4" JUMBO PERMANENT MARK (MARKS-A-LOT) BLACK JUMBO PERMANENT MARK (MARKS-A-LOT) RED RIBBON FOR NISCA TEAM WORLD CLASS ID CARD PRINTER 5350 LASER CARTRIDGE HP #CE410X HIGH CAPACITY KEY CABINET MMMF2017230G2 SLOTTED RACK KEY TAGS, PLASTIC, 1 1/2 X 1 1/2, WHITE 20/PK MMF201300006 PLOTTER INK HP #C9741A LIGHT MAGENTA PLOTTER INK HP #C9465A PHOTO BLACK PLOTTER INK HP #C9464A MATTE BLACK PLOTTER INK HP #C9469A YELLOW ADHESIVE PUTTY 2 OZ. 3M#860 SHREDDER OIL GBC #1760049 FILE FOLDER SMEAD ANTIMICROBIAL STRAIGHT CUT FILE JACKETS #75603 REPLACEMENT INK PAD TRODANT PRINTY #4918 RED REPLACEMENT INK PAD TRODAT PRINTY #4925 RED NALGENE WIDE MOUTH BOTTLES 4 OUNCE MAINTENANCE KIT 110-VOLT FOR HP LASERJET 4200, "Q2429A" Z-SELECT 4000D 7.5 MIL TAG DIRECT THERMAL PAPER LABELS (10010055) 6RLS/CTN GENERAL ELECTRIC 20V 150 W PROJECTION LAMP (GE DDL 43537) BASYX MANAGERIAL MID-BACK LEATHER CHAIR BLACK (VL601ST11) BIG TAB INSERTABLE PLASTIC DIVIDERS, 5-TAB SET (11900) EASY PEEL CLEAR RETURN ADDRESS LABELS 1/2" X 1 3/4" (5667) EPSON R3000 INKJET BLACK INK CARTRIDGE (T157120) EPSON R3000 INKJET CYAN INK CARTRIDGE (T157220) EPSON R3000 INKJET VIVID MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE (T157320) EPSON R3000 INKJET YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE (T157420) EPSON R3000 INKJET LIGHT CYAN INK CARTRIDGE (T157520) EPSON R3000 INKJET VIVID LIGHT MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE (T157620) EPSON R3000 INKJET LIGHT BLACK INK CARTRIDGE (T157720) EPSON R3000 INKJET MATTE BLACK INK CARTRIDGE (T157820) EPSON R3000 INKJET LIGHT, LIGHT BLACK INK CARTRIDGE (T157920) FOLDING MAP DOLPH 2013 EDITION MIAMI DADE COUNTY EASY OPEN CLEARVUE LOCKING D RING BINDER 5" OD#303154 207 RETRACTABLE PEN - BLUE 0.5 mm (61256) BOX/DZ 207 RETRACTABLE PEN - RED 0.5 mm (61257) BOX/DZ PRECISE GEL RETRACTABLE BEGREEN BLUE PEN (15002) BOX/DZ Z-GRIP MAX GEL RETRACTABLE PENS - BLUE (42220) BOX/DZ 0.7 mm Z-GRIP MAX GEL RETRACTABLE PENS - RED (42230) BOX/DZ 0.7 mm SELF-INKING DATE RECEIVED STAMP TO READ: OFF. OF THE DIR., BLACK INK (CAHSD) LUBRICANT, WD 40, 16 oz RIBBON FOR EPSON FX-890 IMPACT PRINTER (S015329) USA CERIMONIAL FLAG SET 3'X5' #35USACE FLORIDA STATE CERIMONIAL FLAG SET #35FLACE FLAG SPREADER #H-SPREAD RUDLOWE BONDED LEATHER EXECUTIVE CHAIR 44 1/2H, 29 1/4W, 30 1/4D (BLACK) CD LABEL FULL FACE AV #8960 PENS PILOT DISPOSABLE #90011 DVD-R SPINDLE TDK#158265 LAMINATING ROLLS GBC #3748201EZ 14PT. MANILA LETTER SIZE FOLDER W/REVERSE FOLD, POSITIONS 1 & 3 PENS BIC #BICGSMG11GN GREEN MEASURING TAPE 25' BY STANLEY INK CARTRIDGE EPSON #T068220 CYAN DVD-R, FOR DVD-R RECORDERS AND DRIVES 100/PK INK CARTRIDGE EPSON #T068420 YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE EPSON #T068320 MAGEMTA SELF-INKING DATE/APPROVED STAMP FOR TS&S, BLUE AND RED INK (SPACE FOR INIT.) SELF-INKING DATE/RECEIVED STAMP FOR TS&S, BLUE AND RED INK (SPACE FOR INIT.) TONER CANON #118/2662B011AA BLACK TONER CANON #118/2661B001AA CYAN TONER CANON #118/2660B001AA MAGENTA TONER CANON #118/2659B001AA YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE HP #950/CN049AN (BLACK) INK CARTRIDGE HP #951/CN050AN CYAN INK CARTRIDGE HP #951/CN051AN MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE HP #951/CN052AN YELLOW COPIER TONER TOSHIBA #4530 LASER TONER HP #Q7570A RUBBER BANDS ALLIANCE #25075 PENS PAPERMATE #89061 PENS PAPERMATE #PAP8440152 PENS BIC #RT5511BE PENS BIC #RT5511RD PENS BIC #RT5511BK CHINA MARKERS SAN 2089 BLACKOUT PRIVACY FILTER 24.0 WIDESCREEN NOTEBOOK/LCD FEL4801601 PENS BIC #SCSM11BE PENS BIC #SCSM11BK PENS BIC #SCSM11RD VACATION SCHEDULER #AAG-PM250-28 ERASEABLE PLANNER #AAG-PM5508-28 ERASEABLE PLANNER #AAG-PM500-28 METAL COAT HOOK #SAF4162 DRY EASE BOARD #QRT-P554A LAMINATE SHEETS #GBC3747280 LAMINATE SHEETS #GBC3747281 DRY EASE BOARD #QRT S535 RECORD AND ACCOUNT BOOK W/BLUE COVER #ESS66300J PICTURE HANGING STRIPS #MMM172010F 3 HOLE PUNCH PADS #TOP63393 RETRACTABLE PENS #SAN33950 RETRACTABLE PENS #SAN33951 FUSER UNIT HP 3600/3800/CP3505 #RM1-2665 HEAT SEAL LAMINATING POUCHES LETTER GBC #3200577 HEAT SEAL LAMINATING POUCHES LEGAL GBC #3200578 VARIO DESK SYSTEM #DBL536000 ERASEABLE WALL PLANNER #HOD-639 SALES BOOK ADAMS #TC5805 PREMIUM ERGONOMIC FOOTREST #KTKFR750 REPORT COVERS CLEAR FRONT POLY #99812 LABELING TAPE BROTHER TZE251 LASER CARTRIDGE LEXMARK T430 SERIES PRINTER #12A8420 HANDHELD MAGNIFIER GLASS BAL #813303 ANTIMICROBIAL HEAVY DUTY STAPLER BOSB8130 POWERCROWN STAPLES #BOSSTCR130XHC1M BOSB8130 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Pack Pack Ctn Ctn Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Bottle Box Each Each Case/6 pk Each Ctn Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Box Each Each Each Set Set Each Each Pack Box/12 Ea Each Roll Each Box/12 Ea Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Each Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Kit Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 15 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 52 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000819 N-00000000820 N-00000000821 N-00000000822 N-00000000823 N-00000000824 N-00000000825 N-00000000828 N-00000000830 N-00000000831 N-00000000832 N-00000000833 N-00000000835 N-00000000836 N-00000000837 N-00000000838 N-00000000839 N-00000000840 N-00000000841 N-00000000842 N-00000000844 N-00000000847 N-00000000848 N-00000000849 N-00000000850 N-00000000852 N-00000000853 N-00000000854 N-00000000855 N-00000000856 N-00000000857 N-00000000858 N-00000000859 N-00000000860 N-00000000861 N-00000000863 N-00000000865 N-00000000866 N-00000000867 N-00000000869 N-00000000870 N-00000000871 N-00000000873 N-00000000874 N-00000000875 N-00000000876 N-00000000877 N-00000000878 N-00000000879 N-00000000881 N-00000000885 N-00000000887 N-00000000888 N-00000000890 N-00000000892 N-00000000895 N-00000000896 N-00000000897 N-00000000898 N-00000000899 N-00000000900 N-00000000902 N-00000000904 N-00000000906 N-00000000908 N-00000000909 N-00000000910 N-00000000911 N-00000000912 N-00000000914 N-00000000915 N-00000000916 N-00000000917 N-00000000918 N-00000000920 N-00000000921 N-00000000923 N-00000000924 N-00000000925 N-00000000926 N-00000000928 N-00000000931 N-00000000933 N-00000000934 N-00000000935 N-00000000936 N-00000000937 N-00000000938 N-00000000940 N-00000000944 N-00000000946 N-00000000948 N-00000000949 N-00000000950 N-00000000951 N-00000000952 N-00000000953 N-00000000954 N-00000000956 N-00000000958 N-00000000959 N-00000000960 N-00000000961 N-00000000963 N-00000000965 N-00000000969 N-00000000970 N-00000000971 N-00000000972 N-00000000974 N-00000000975 N-00000000976 N-00000000978 N-00000000979 N-00000000980 N-00000000981 N-00000000983 N-00000000984 N-00000000985 N-00000000987 N-00000000989 N-00000000990 N-00000000992 B STOCK DESC STEREO HEADPHONE MAXELL EB-95 #824487 BOSB8130 HIGH VISIBILITY LABELS NEON GREEN AVE #5971 LABELMAKER DYMO 450D #DYM18126 BUSINESS CALCULATOR CANON PORTABLE DESK TOP #CNM5936A028AA LASER CARTTIDGE BROTHER TN-650 SHIPPING LABEL 2-3/7 X 4 BROTHER DK1202 LABEL PRINTER SEIKO SLP 450 #skp-slp-450 RIBBON WIDNER 1000 RED INK SHARPIE PAINT MARKERS SHARPIE #34971 HEAVY DUTY 3 HOLE PUNCH OD #332608 DRUM KIT XEROX PHASER 5550N #113R00670 MAINTENANCE KIT XEROX PHASR 4500 #108R00600 RIGID OPEN 2 CARD ID HOLDER BLACK #AH-150 SHELF DIVIDERS HON #HON515704X PAPER XEROX 8-1/2X11 BOND PAPER #3R11050 BLUE HAND SANITIZER PURELL WITH ALOE #GOJ363912 SANITIZING WIPES PURELL #9022-10 DISINFECTING WIPES CLOROX #15948 LAMINATING POUCH GBC #3200716B LAMINATING POUCH GBC #3740474 SOLE MASSAGE ERGONOMIC FOOTREST #NSN5909071 THERMAL PAPER NCR #856445 QUITE TOUCH KEY PADS STENOGRAPH #34606 UTILITY CART 3 SHELF PLASTIC #WT34ZS-N EXTENSION CORD 100' RED & BLACK HUSKY #AW62613 SAFETY GLASSES GENESIS BLACK FRAME #UVX S3200 SAFETY GLASSES DEFIANT BLACK FRAME #PYR SB1010S DOUBLE SIDED GLUE TAPE SPR#86258 TYLENOL EXTRA STRENGTH #44910 FASHION PAPER CLIPS #2213-100MP_8 BATTERY ENERGIZER CR2032 3V REMOVEABLE ROUND COLOR LABELS AVE#5468 REMOVEABLE ROUND COLOR LABELS AVE#5466 EXPANDABLE FOLDING CRATE ON WHEELS #440122 CALCULATOR INNOVERA #15925 MOBILE PROJECTOR SONY #VPLDX120 THERMAL QUALITY PAPER ROLL BROTHER LB3662 CDW#2009082 CABINET CD/DVD #IDEVZ01049 TELEPHONE HEADSETS PLANTRONICS #PLN-S11 SERVICE CART 400LB CAPACITY 2 SHELF #35U047 MYLAR SHEETS HP LASER JET 4345 #Q6496A MAINTENANCE KIT HP #CB388A ROLLER KIT CANON DR6080 #8927A004 TONER XEROX #113R00719 CYAN TONER XEROX #113R00720 MAGENTA TONER XEROX #113R00721 YELLOW TONER XEROX #113R00722 BLACK LABELING TAPE BROTHER TZES231CS #152299 XEROX PAPER #3R11051 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR SAMSUNG PRINTER ML-3560D6 RECYCLED COLORED HANGING FOLDERS - GREEN ESS-74517 (25/BX) TAPE MEASURE, 1 1/4" X 25FT, YELLOW/ BLACK #5HL16 EXPANDING RUBBER DRUM, 3X3",3000 RPM, 3/8" (MERIT) X80 WIPERS, BRAG BOX, HYDROKNIT, 12 1/2" X 16 4/5" 160 WIPERS/CARTON MASTER LOCK 3DLF LONG SHACKLE PADLOCK MLK3DLF STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (BLACK) 25/PK (46912) NEON COLOR STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (PINK) (43919) NEON COLOR STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (GREEN) (43913) NEON COLOR STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (ORANGE) (43912) NEON COLOR STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (YELLOW) (43916) NEON COLOR STITCHED SHOP TICKET HOLDER 9 X 12 (RED) (43914) CHAIR MAT, VINYL, CLEAR 48 X 36 (ALECO) LEATHERETTE TWIN-POCKET PORTFOLIOS, DARK BLUE (25/PK) OFFICE DEPOT BRAND STAINLESS STEEL WIRE FOR BIRD CONTROL 638204 (1000 FT/RL) WIRE POST 4.5" FOR BIRD CONTROL (25/PK) 654746 WIRE POST 6" FOR BIRD CONTROL (100/PK) 638189 STEALTHIA ANCHOR RIVETS 1" (100/PK) FOR BIRD CONTROL 638185 STANDARD SPRINGS FOR BIRD CONTROL (100/PK) 638187 CRIMPS FOR BIRD CONTROL (100/PK) 638207 2" STONE STEALTH NET 25' X 50' FOR BIRD CONTROL N3-S120 STONE COLOR NET CABLE STAINLESS 500 FT ROLL FOR BIRD CONTROL NC-S5000 TURNBUCKLE STAINLESS STEEL, LARGE 10/PK FOR BIRD CONTROL NT-S300 2.5mm COPPER FERRULES, 100/PK FOR BIRD CONTROL NC-N100 6' STEALTH NET ZIPPER STONE FOR BIRD CONTROL NZ-S600 99Ci CROSS-CUT SHREDDER PHOTOCONDUCTOR KIT LEXMARK #E260X22G INK REFILL DYMO ELECTRONIC DATE STAMP #47001 5 PACK RUBBER BANDS #107 #25075 RUBBER BANDS #64 #BSN15748 RUBBER BANDS #117B #BSN15729 INK CARTRIDGE HP #88 C9385AN SHRINK WRAP 18X500 80 GAUGE 3M HIGHLAND BLACK PVC BACKING COMMERCIAL GRADE ELECTRICAL TAPE, 3/4"W 66FT L 7mil 3M SCOTCH BLACK PVC BACKING TAPE, 1 1/2" W 44FT L 8 1/2" mil SAFCO ONYX MESH TWO-TIER MOBILE FILE OLYMPUS DP-201 DIGITAL RECORDER MAXELL SG T-160 VHS TAPE (4/PACK) SEAGATE BACKUP PLUS PORTABLE USB 3.0 HARD DRIVE, 1TB (RED) S8443761 TICONDEROGA LADDIE PENCISL (WITHOUT ERASER) BOX/DZ DIX 13040 RIBBON EVOLIS 5 PANEL COLOR RIBBON YMCKO 200 CARD ROLL #R3011 SELF-INKING BLACK IN STAMP TO READ: JACKSON MEMORIAL HOSPITAL (SHINY S831) ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES TRAY TAGS #10010055 6RLS/BX TONER CARTRIDGE (BLACK) FOR DELL B2360DN PRINTER #331-9806 TONER CARTRIDGE (MAGENTA) FOR DELL 2150CN PRINTER #331-0717 TONER CARTRIDGE (BLACK) FOR DELL 2150CN PRINTER #331-0719 TONER CARTRIDGE(YELLOW)FOR HP OFFICEJET 8500 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER (940XL) C4909AN TONER CARTRIDGE(MAGENTA)FOR HP OFFICEJET 8500 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER (940XL) C4908AN TONER CARTRIDGE(CYAN)FOR HP OFFICEJET 8500 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER (940XL) C4907AN TONER CARTRIDGE(BLACK/TRI-COLOR)CARTRIDG 4500 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER (G510G) HP901 INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER PRINTER HIGH YIELD (CYAN) XL SERIES LC75C-XL INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER PRINTER HIGH YIELD (MAGENTA) XL SERIES LC75M-XL INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER PRINTER HIGH YIELD (YELLOW) XL SERIES LC75Y-XL INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER PRINTER HIGH YIELD (BLACK) XL SERIES LC75BK-XL MOBILE FOLDING FILE CART WITH LID, 16"H X 18"W X 15"D (BLACK) OFF. DEPOT PURELL ADVANCED INSTANT HAND (FOAM) SANITIZER REFILL 1.2ML GOJ5392 2/CS GREEN SOLTIONS ALL PURPOSE CLEANER #3501 4GAL/CS INSTANT EASEL WITH CARRYING CASE #472430 DRY EASE BOARD 72X48 QUARTET #EMA406 WRIST REST GEL #9117901 SHARPIE EXTRA-FINE POINT MARKER (BLACK) 35001 (BX/12) SHARPIE ULTRA-FINE POINT MARKER (RED) 37002 (BX/12) SHARPIE SUPER-FINE POINT MARKER (BLUE) 33003 (BX/12) GOJO PURELL NXT MAXIMUM CAPACITY HAND SANITIZER REFILL 2000ml, CLEAR 225604 WESTERN DIGITAL TV LIVE HUB #WDBABZ0010BBK/331206 SEAGATE BACKUP PLUS 1TB USB 3.0 #STBU1000100/BB12259215 DVD DISC MEMOREX 16X SINGLE SIDED 4.7 GB 100 CT SPINDLE #05621/MEM05621 CD DISC MEMOREX 52X 80 MIN 100CT SPINDLE #04581 INKJET PHOTO PAPER KODAK HIGH GLOSS 50 SHEETS PER PACK KODAK #8360513 CD LABELS MATTE WHITE 100 SHEETS PER PACK AVERY #8691 STOR/DRAWER STEEL PLUS STORAGE DRAWERS (CS/6) FEL-0311 BIC TRIUMPH 730R ROLLERBALL PEN EXTRA FINE POINT 0.5mm (BLUE) TARGUS AMM0101US STYLUS PEN FOR IPAD, RED/SILVER AMM0101US BIC TRIUMPH 730R ROLLERBALL PEN, EXTRA FINE POINT 0.5mm (BLACK) C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Roll Pack Bx/6 Pack Each Each Each Each Set Ream Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Bx/6 Set Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Bx/6 Each Set Each Each Each Kit Each Each Each Each Each Ream Each Box Each Each Ctn Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Roll Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Kit Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Box/4 Ea Each Each Each Each Pack Each Box Roll Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Case Case Each Each Each Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Case Each Each Each 16 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 53 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 2071 2072 2073 2074 2075 2076 2077 2078 2079 2080 2081 2082 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 2088 2089 2090 2091 2092 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000000993 N-00000000994 N-00000000996 N-00000000998 N-00000000999 N-00000001000 N-00000001002 N-00000001004 N-00000001005 N-00000001007 N-00000001008 N-00000001009 N-00000001010 N-00000001011 N-00000001012 N-00000001015 N-00000001016 N-00000001017 N-00000001018 N-00000001020 N-00000001021 N-00000001022 N-00000001023 N-00000001025 N-00000001026 N-00000001029 N-00000001030 N-00000001031 N-00000001032 N-00000001033 N-00000001034 N-00000001036 N-00000001037 N-00000001041 N-00000001043 N-00000001045 N-00000001046 N-00000001048 N-00000001050 N-00000001051 N-00000001052 N-00000001053 N-00000001054 N-00000001055 N-00000001056 N-00000001057 N-00000001058 N-00000001061 N-00000001064 N-00000001066 N-00000001068 N-00000001070 N-00000001072 N-00000001073 N-00000001075 N-00000001076 N-00000001077 N-00000001078 N-00000001079 N-00000001080 N-00000001081 N-00000001082 N-00000001083 N-00000001084 N-00000001085 N-00000001087 N-00000001089 N-00000001090 N-00000001091 N-00000001092 N-00000001094 N-00000001095 N-00000001096 N-00000001098 N-00000001099 N-00000001101 N-00000001103 N-00000001107 N-00000001108 N-00000001110 N-00000001112 N-00000001113 N-00000001114 N-00000001115 N-00000001116 N-00000001117 N-00000001118 N-00000001119 N-00000001120 N-00000001121 N-00000001122 N-00000001124 N-00000001125 N-00000001129 N-00000001131 N-00000001132 N-00000001133 N-00000001135 N-00000001139 N-00000001140 N-00000001142 N-00000001143 N-00000001144 N-00000001145 N-00000001146 N-00000001147 N-00000001148 N-00000001151 N-00000001153 N-00000001155 N-00000001156 N-00000001161 N-00000001163 N-00000001164 N-00000001165 N-00000001166 N-00000001167 N-00000001168 N-00000001169 N-00000001170 N-00000001173 N-00000001174 N-00000001176 B STOCK DESC TARGUS AMM0107US UNIVERSAL TABLET STYLUS PEN (PINK) EPSON DUET ULTRA PORTABLE PROJECTOR SCREEN PROJECTION-80(ONE SCREEN 2 SIZES) QUARTET 4-FUNCTION EXECUTIVE LASER POINTER MP-2800Q ENERGIZER MAX AAAA ALKALINE BATTERIES PACK/2 E96BP-2 HP PREMIUM CHOICE LASER PAPER, SMOOTH, 8 1/2 X 11, 32 LB HPU1132 ACCO ECONOMY PAPER CLIPS, PLAIN, #3 SIZE 100/PK STEEL. ACC72320 LEXMARK PHOTOCONDUCTOR KIT X203H22G TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 2150CN PRINTER (MAGENTA) 331-0717 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 2150CN PRINTER (BLACK) 331-0719 PAINTER'S MASKING TAPE 3/4"X60' #S-14688 LASER LABELS WHITE 3X5 400 PER BOX #S-5488 LASER LABELS CIRCLE 1"FLOURSCENT YELLOW 6300 PER BOX #S-10415 CLASSIC EAR BUDS-CORDED 200 PER BOX #S-7029 SAFETY GLASSES ICE WRAPAROUND CLEAR #S-13390C RUBBERBANDS 7-1/8"X8" #117B RED #S-11490R FUSER KIT FOR HP LASERJET PRINTER RM-1082 FUSER KIT FOR HP COLOR LASERJET 3600N PRINTER 754675 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON MP-250 PG-210XL COLOR INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON MP-250 CL-211 INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-290C BLACK LC61BK INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-290C CYAN LC61C INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-290C MAGENTA LC61M INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-290C YELLOW LC61Y EXPANDING TOP-TAB FILE JACKETS, 2" (RED) EXPANSION LETTER SIZE BOX/50 75569 PLASMA GUILLOTINE CUTTER 18" FEL-5411102 (PAPER CUTTER) COLOR FILE POCKETS, 3 1/2" EXPANSION, 9 1/2"X11 3/4" ASSORTED COLORS PK/5 TABBIES, LEGAL INDEX DIVIDER TABS 1-10 BLUE EDGE PACK/100 58000 TABBIES, LEGAL INDEX DIVIDER TABS 11-20 BLUE EDGE PACK/100 58001 TABBIES, LEGAL INDEX DIVIDER TABS 21-30 BLUE EDGE PACK/100 58002 OIC IDEAL CLAMPS, SMALL, SILVER, BOX/50 OIC-99957 KENSINGTON ORBIT 72337 TRACKBALL WITH SCROLL RING CA2749 OSTER COUNTERTOP TOASTER/CONVECTION OVEN BRUSHED STAINLESS STEEL TSSTTVRB04 CLEAN SEAL CATALOG ENVELOPES 9" X 12" (WHITE) PACK/100 77920 BIC Z4+ ROLLERBALL PENS, NEEDLE POINT BLUE 0.5mm BOX/12 BIC-32840 BATTERY PACK 3.6V-750 MAH NiMH SYMBOL #82-67705-01 PURELL TOUCH-FREE DISPENSER BOX CONTAINS 4 DISPENSERS REFILL FOR PURELL TOUCH-FREE DISPENSER 1905-02 (CASE/2) PRINT CARTRIDGE (HIGH CAPACITY) FOR XEROX 3600 106R01371 STENTURA RIBBON CARTRIDGE FOR STENOGRAPH MACHINE 28641 INKJET CARTRIDGE EPSON PHOTO BLACK ULTRA CHROME #T054120 INKJET CARTRIDGE EPSON MATTE BLACK ULTRA CHROME #T054820 INKJET CARTRIDGE CYAN ULTRA CHROME #T053220 INKJET CARTRIDGE MAGENTA ULTRA CHROME #T054320 INKJET CARTRIDGE YELLOW ULTRA CHROME #T054420 INKJET CARTRIDGE BLUE ULTRA CHROME #T054920 INKJET CARTRIDGE RED ULTRA CHROME #T054720 HP PREMIUM CHOICE LASER PAPER #HU1132-2 PANEL DISPLAY 5 PANELS/SET ASSORTED COLORS FOR VARIO DESK SYSTEM 566600 PORTABLE FILES & SUPPLY CART #21900249-1 TENT CARDS EMBOSSED AVE #5309 REALSPACE WAINCLIFF HIGH-BACK BONDED LEATHER CHAIR - BLACK 231018 KENSINGTON MONITOR PANEL STAND KMW 60046 SINGLE DIGIT END TAB LABELS #2 SMD 67372 SINGLE DIGIT END TAB LABELS #6 SMD 67376 PILOT PRECISE V5 PEN - BLACK PIL 26062 12/BOX PILOT PRECISE V5 PEN - RED PIL 26064 12/BOX PILOT PRECISE V7 PEN - BLACK PIL 26067 12/BOX PILOT PRECISE V7 PEN - RED PIL 26069 12/BOX TONER HP CE400A BLACK TONER HP CE401A CYAN TONER HP CE402A YELLOW TONER HP CE403A MAGENTA COFFEE FOLGERS 33.9 OZ #FOL-00367 CREAMER COFFEE MATE ORIGINAL FLAVOR #NES-30212 SUGAR N JOY 20 OZ #SUG-90585 TIMEMIST FRAGRANCE DISPENSER REFILLS, ASSORTED FRAGRANCES 6.6oz 12/BX (2502) EPSON ULTRA PREMIUM PHOTO PAPER GLOSSY 4"X6" 100/PK S042174 EPSON ULTRA PREMIUM PHOTO PAPER GLOSSY 5"X7" 20/PK S041945 EPSON ULTRA PREMIUM PHOTO PAPER GLOSSY 8"X10" 20/PK S041946 EPSON ULTRA PREMIUM PHOTO PAPER GLOSSY 8.5"X11" 25/PK S042182 HIGH YIELD TONER FOR BROTHER HL-5450DN LASER PRINTER TN750 BLACK TONER FOR RICOH AFICIO MP C5502 841679 DRUM UNIT SET FOR BROTHER MFC-9320CW DR210CL MAINTENANCE KIT 110-VOLT FOR HP M4345 PRINTER Q5998A COLOR INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON PRINTER CLI 36 IMAGE TRANSFER KIT FOR HP CP4025 CE249A NMF TIME CARDS (222) #45 PUNCHES ASSORTED DESIGNS (DESIGN NUMBERS STAMPED ON PUNCH & BOX) LEATHER HOLSTERS FOR #45 PUNCHES HP LASERJET PRO M1217NFW MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER CE844A SMART LABEL PRINTER SLP620 QUARTTET (MELAMINE) DRY-ERASE BOARD 36"x48" ALUMINUM FRAME EMA304 SAFCO 5-POCKET MESH MAGAZINE RACK BLACK SAF5578BL ULTRIM-SLIM CASH BOX WITH SECURITY LOCK 2"H,11 1/4"W,7 1/2"D, GRAY 842724 CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918983 MAGENTA TONER CARTRIDGE TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918982 YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918981 LABELS ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES #83340 COLOR CODING LABELS, NEON GREEN 3/4" AVE05468 INK TONER COLLINS INK #CM-557H-CT BLACK INK TONER COLLINS INK #CM-500 RED SANDISK ULTRA 64GB SECURE DIGITAL EXTENDED CAPICITY (SDXC) S7792983 DRAWER SAFE, 1 7/8"H, 6 5/8"W, 7"D (SAND) RTP006404 GLOVE POLY COATED NYLON SHELL SZ:MED #MEM 9669M UNIBALL 207 IMPACT ROLLER BALL RETRACTA BLE GEL PEN, BLACK INK BOLD SAN65870 GLOVE POLY COATED NYLON SHELL SZ:LARGE #MEM 9669L GLOVE POLY COATED NYLON SHELL SZ:XLARGE #MEM 9669XL WYPALL 80X TOWEL WIPER RED 50 COUNT #KIM 41029 RIBBON TEAM NISCA WORLD CLASS ID CARD PRINTER RIBBON #MGC-NGYMCK03 (3BP) CLEANING WIPES ALCOHOL FREE WHITE #IVR51502 TYVEK BOOT COVER ELASTIC TOP 50 PAIR PER CASE #DPPTY45SWHOOO1000 TYVEK COVERALL ZIP FRONT SIZE MEDIUM 25 PER PACK #TY120SWHMD002500 TYVEK COVERALL ZIP FRONT SIZE LARGE 25 PER PACK #TY120SWHLG002500 TYVEK COVERALL ZIP FRONT SIZE XLARGE 25 PER PACK #TY120SWHXL002500 6000 HALF FACE REUSABLE RESPIRATOR SIZE SMALL 24 PER CASE #MMM6100 6000 HALF FACE REUSABLE RESPIRATOR SIZE MEDIUM 24 PER CASE #MMM6200 6000 HALF FACE REUSABLE RESPIRATOR SIZE LARGE 24 PER CASE #MMM6300 KIMBLE GLASS SCREW THREAD DRAM VIAL 72 PER CASE #03 339 10D CARTRIDGE ORGANIC VAPOR/ACID GAS P100 2/PACK #18 999 4550 LAERDAL MANIKIN FACE SHIELD 36 PER ROLL #15120103 LAERDAL LITTLE ANNIE AIRWAYS 96 PER PACK #020301 SANDISK SDHC(SECURE DIGITAL HIGH CAPICIT Y) MEMORY CARD, 16GB, SDSDB016GA11 IMAGING DRUM CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (YELLOW) 330-5853 IMAGING DRUM CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (CYAN) 330-5847 IMAGING DRUM CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (MAGENTA) 330-5855 IMAGING DRUM CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (BLACK) 330-5849 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (BLACK) 330-5846 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (YELLOW) 330-5839 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (MAGENTA) 330-5845 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5130CDN COLOR LASER PRINTER (CYAN) 330-5848 WHITE BLOCK RECLOSABLE POLY BAGS 13"x18" 6 MIL ULINE #S-12302 BLUE PAINTER'S TAPE SCOTCH 1"X 60'YARDS ULINE #S-13752 REMANUFACTURED FAX REFILL, PANASONIC KXFA65 (SFP-25C) BLACK C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Pack Ream Pack Each Each Each Roll Box Box Box Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Box Each Each Pack Box Each Box Case Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Ream Pack Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Box Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Dozen Box Dozen Dozen Case Each Box Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Pk/2 Roll Case Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Ctn Roll Each 17 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 54 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2093 2094 2095 2096 2097 2098 2099 2100 2101 2102 2103 2104 2105 2106 2107 2108 2109 2110 2111 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2117 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2127 2128 2129 2130 2131 2132 2133 2134 2135 2136 2137 2138 2139 2140 2141 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2147 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 2153 2154 2155 2156 2157 2158 2159 2160 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 2179 2180 2181 2182 2183 2184 2185 2186 2187 2188 2189 2190 2191 2192 2193 2194 2195 2196 2197 2198 2199 2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 2215 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000001178 N-00000001179 N-00000001181 N-00000001183 N-00000001184 N-00000001185 N-00000001186 N-00000001187 N-00000001189 N-00000001190 N-00000001191 N-00000001192 N-00000001193 N-00000001194 N-00000001195 N-00000001197 N-00000001199 N-00000001200 N-00000001201 N-00000001203 N-00000001205 N-00000001207 N-00000001210 N-00000001211 N-00000001212 N-00000001214 N-00000001215 N-00000001216 N-00000001217 N-00000001218 N-00000001219 N-00000001222 N-00000001227 N-00000001229 N-00000001233 N-00000001235 N-00000001237 N-00000001238 N-00000001239 N-00000001240 N-00000001242 N-00000001243 N-00000001245 N-00000001246 N-00000001250 N-00000001252 N-00000001253 N-00000001255 N-00000001257 N-00000001259 N-00000001261 N-00000001262 N-00000001263 N-00000001264 N-00000001265 N-00000001267 N-00000001269 N-00000001270 N-00000001272 N-00000001273 N-00000001274 N-00000001275 N-00000001277 N-00000001278 N-00000001281 N-00000001283 N-00000001284 N-00000001285 N-00000001287 N-00000001288 N-00000001289 N-00000001290 N-00000001291 N-00000001292 N-00000001293 N-00000001295 N-00000001297 N-00000001299 N-00000001300 N-00000001301 N-00000001303 N-00000001306 N-00000001308 N-00000001310 N-00000001311 N-00000001314 N-00000001316 N-00000001317 N-00000001320 N-00000001322 N-00000001323 N-00000001326 N-00000001328 N-00000001330 N-00000001331 N-00000001336 N-00000001337 N-00000001338 N-00000001340 N-00000001342 N-00000001344 N-00000001346 N-00000001347 N-00000001349 N-00000001350 N-00000001352 N-00000001353 N-00000001354 N-00000001355 N-00000001356 N-00000001357 N-00000001358 N-00000001359 N-00000001361 N-00000001363 N-00000001366 N-00000001367 N-00000001368 N-00000001369 N-00000001370 N-00000001371 N-00000001372 N-00000001373 B STOCK DESC SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: REVIEWED BY - MAXSTAMP 50 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: DOCUMENT NO LONGER IN EFFECT SELF-INKING (BLACK INK) SIGNATURE STAMP FOR MAJOR CHRISTOPHER CAROTHERS END TAB FILE FOLDERS W/REINFORCED TAB 9 1/2" FRONT STRAIGHT TAB 27110 MULTI-PURPOSE DUCT TAPE 2" X 60 YDS 3900 ADHESIVE NAME BADGES 2 1/4" X 4", 250/ROLL 30857 SCOTCH 665 PERMANENT DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE 1/2" X 900" PACK/2 665 LEXMARK MS310D LASER PRINTER MONOCHROME, 1200 X 1200 DPI S85667788 BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 1700N LASER PRINTER 330-5402 HP 83 680-ml YELLOW UV INK CARTRIDGE (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4943A HP 83 680-ml CYAN UV INK CARTRIDGE (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4943A HP 83 680-ml MAGENTA UV INK CARTRIDGE (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4942A HP 83 MAGENTA UV PRINTHEAD AND PRINTHEAD CLEANER (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4962A HP 83 LIGHT MAGENTA UV PRINTHEAD AND PRI NTHEAD CLEANER(HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4965A HP 83 LIGHT CYAN UV PRINTHEAD AND PRINT HEAD CLEANER(HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4964A EARTHWISE BY OXFORD 100% RECYCLED TWIN- POCKET FOLDER (RED) BOX/25 78511 TOP-LOADING POLY PROPYLENE SHEET LETTER SIZE PROTECTOR (REDUCE GLARE) CLI 62067 POLY SELF-STANDING TOP-AND-BOTTOM LETTER SIZE EXPANDING FILE(13 POCKET) SMD 70845 POSTER FRAME, EBONY, 18" X 24 " DAX2863W2X PLUG-IN CFL, 18W, DIMMABLE, 4100K, 6V033 (F18BX/SPX41) 10,000HR LAMINATED POUCH, MILITARY CARD SIZE 2 5/8"x3 7/8" .007MIL, 500/BX OPMIMM LUMBAR MASSAGE CUSHION WITH HEAT FOR CHAIR (T9A250849) RIBBON FOR ISM WHEELWRITER SYSTEMS TYPEWRITER ITK-KOR192B LX20-30 LARGE OFFICE CROSS-CUT JAM FREE SHREDDER 1770045 REPLACEMENT BAGS FOR LX20-30 SHREDDER 1765021 BINDER 2" EASYOPEN 11"X17" TABLOID SLANT-D 12132 BINDER 3" EASYOPEN 11"X17" TABLOID SLANT-D 12142 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC PUNCHES (3 HOLE) 74535 6-COMPARTMENT INCLINE SORTER W/CLIP) HOLDER 22222 HP USB 2-BUTTON OPTICAL SCROLL MOUSE S6440543 UNI-TAG KEY CABINET (60 KEYS) MMM 2019060A03 TEST* * PAINT BRUSH 2" SKU#12993 ROPE SINGLE BRAID NYLON 5/16"X500' SKU #71490 AEROSOL INSECT REPELLANT, 8oz can 8109-1/22 12 PER CASE (BUG-OFF) HP 940XL BLACK/COLORS INK CARTRIDGES (CZ143FN) PACK/4 COMBO PACK TONER FOR SAMSUNG CLX6220 PRINTER -BLACK CLT-K508L TONER FOR SAMSUNG CLX6220 PRINTER - CYAN CLT-C508L TONER FOR SAMSUNG CLX6220 PRINTER - MAGENTA CLT-M508L TONER FOR SAMSUNG CLX6220 PRINTER - YELLOW CLT-Y508L COFFEE MATE POWDERED CREAMERS (ORIGINAL) 11oz NES30152 COFFEE MATE POWDERED CREAMERS (HAZELNUT) 15oz NES49400 BINDING COMBS 5/16", 40-SHEET CAPICITY BLACK PACK/100 25853 PLASTIC CONVERTIBLE BADGE HOLDERS WITH CLIPS, BOX/50 XS-50 X-ACTO HEAVY DUTY ELECTRIC PENCIL SHARPENER, BLUE/SMOKE 001675 KANTEK LT. WEIGHT LCD MONITOR MAGNIFIER FITS 19" MONITORS, KTKMAG19L SHARPIE PERMANENT MARKER, ULTRA FINE POINT, ASSORTED 4/SET SAN37074 RECYCLED DOCUMENT COVERS 9-3/4"X12-1/2 NAVY #143197 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: P117A RAZOR POINT POROUS POINT PEN PIL-11020 TIME CLOCK CARDS (1275) DELUX FAUX LEATHER GUEST CHAIR 32 1/2"H, 23"W,23 1/2"D,BLACK/EXPRESSO FRAME 60469 DYMO LETRATAG LT-100T MAGNETIC LABEL MAKER S0758380 DYMO LETRATAG METALLIC LABELS BLACK/ SILVER 1/2" X 13', 91338 DYMO LETRATAG METALLIC LABELS 1/2" X 13' 3/PK SILVER/PINK/BLUE 3/BOX 1741827 50% RECYCLED END-TAB 2-DIVIDER CLASSIFIC ATION FOLDERS, 8 1/2"x 14" BLUE PK/10 DIXON REDIMARK PERMANENT MARKER BLACK PACK/16 95007 COSCO REVOLVING CASTER STAMP RACK, HOLDS 8 STAMPS, METAL, BLACK/SILVER COSO86207 OKIDATA BLACK SELF-INKING RIBBON 42377801 OKIDATA NYLON RIBBON, BLACK 52102001 BROTHER HIGH SPEED LASER PRINTER HL 5470DW TONER CARTRIDGE FOR SAMSUMG ML2955DW LASER PRINTER MLT D103L SMEAD MANILA "OUT" GUIDES 8 1/2" X 11" BOX/100 51910 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR SAMSUMG ML2955DW LASER PRINTER MLT D103L SMEAD MANILA (OUT) GUIDES 8 1/2" X 11" BOX/100 51910 HI-POLYMER LEAD, 0.5mm, HB/BLACK, PK/12 PENC505HB HI-POLYMER LEAD, 0.7mm, HB/BLACK, PK/12 PENC50HB HI-POLYMER LEAD, 0.9mm, HB/BLACK, PK/15 PENC509HB PILOT PRECISE P-500 GEL ROLLERBALL PEN 0.50mm, BLACK 38600 PILOT PRECISE P-500 GEL ROLLERBALL PEN 0.50mm, BLUE 38601 PILOT PRECISE P-500 GEL ROLLERBALL PEN 0.50mm, RED 38602 PENTEL EXTRA FINE PEN, POINT TYPE - RED PENSD98B PENTEL EXTRA FINE PEN, POINT TYPE - BLUE PENSD98C PENTEL EXTRA FINE PEN, POINT TYPE, BLACK PENSD98A DESK CALENDAR 2013 RAIN PONCHO, YELLOW 1 PIECE #RIV040 TASK STOOL GLOBAL #9663-50 BLACK CUSTOM DATE RECEIVED STAMP TO READ: MDPSTI JF630 SELF-INKING CUSTOM 7 BAND NUMBERING STAMP W/FIXED POID HAND STAMP BN 1-10 CUSTOM APPROVED INVOICE/BUDGET CODE SELF INKING STAMP (RED) S830 SAFCO WORKSPACE WOOD VENEER BABY BOOK- CASES, MAHOGANY, 7 SHELVES 1515MHC DESK HIGHLIGHTER, CHISEL TIP, FLUORESCENT YELLOW, 12/PK UNV08861 ROUND STIC BALLPOINT PEN, BLUE INK, MED.PT. 1.0mm 60/BOX BICGSM609BE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS, DARK BLUE 5/SET 29900235BGD 53% RECYCLED BINDER, 1 1/2" ROUND RINGS 330-SHEET CAPACITY,BLACK VIEW 368-34NBV SHREDDER LUBRICANT SHEETS, 8 1/2"x5 1/2" 24/PACK GEOGLS24I LENMAR REPLACEMENT BATTERY FOR OLYMPUS LI-40B DLO40B TIME CLOCK RIBBON FOR ACROPRINT MODEL 125/150 TIME CLOCK SMEAD COLOR FILE POCKETS, 3 1/2" EXPANSION, 9 1/2"x11 3/4" ASSORTED PK/5 CHAIR, HIGHBACK MULTI-TILTER SYNOPSIS #5080-3 COLOR UR22 URBAN BLACK COAL Y-4382 DAILY, DIARY REMINDER ROUND BRAID LANYARD WITH NICKEL PLATED SWIVEL HOOK (FOREST) M2135-3014 (MD28) KINGSTON USB 3.0 MEDIA READER COMPUTER MEMORY FCRHS3 REALSPACE HARRINGTON HIGH-BACK BONDED LEATHER CHAIR (BROWN) 3030B LEXAR SDHC CLASS 4 MEMORY, 8GB LSD8GBASBNA 3M TARTAN 8934 FILAMENT TAPE, 2" X 60 YD PACK/24 SHARPIE PAINT MARKERS, MEDIUM POINT, ASSORTED COLORS, PK/5 449760 SHARPIE PAINT MARKERS, EXTRA-FINE POINT ASSORTED COLORS, PK/2 30588 FABRIC RECEPTION CHAIR BLACK T9A250786BK BLACK & DECKER PERSONAL METAL FAN, 6" LOGITECH M325 WIRELESS MOUSE, BLACK 910-002974 PRESSBOARD FOLDER, 1" CAPACITY, LETTER SIZE, 1/3 CUT, 100%-R, BLUE, SMD13502 50%-R END-TAB 2-DIV. CLASS. FOLDERS 8 1/2"x14" 2 PART. YELLOW BOX/10 29789 COMBO-PACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON STYLUS NX130 ALL-IN-ONE, T125120-BCS TONER CARTRIDGE BLACK FOR RICOH AFICIO COPIER MP2500/7025/LD125 HP 90 400-ML BLACK IN CARTRIDGE C5058A HP 90 400-ML CYAN IN CARTRIDGE C5060A HP 90 400-ML MAGENTA IN CARTRIDGE C5062A HP 90 400-ML YELLOW IN CARTRIDGE C5064A HP 90 BLACK PRINTHEAD AND PRINTHEAD CLEANER C5054A HP 90 CYAN PRINTHEAD AND PRINTHEAD CLEANER C5055A HP 90 MAGENTA PRINTHEAD AND PRINTHEAD CLEANER C5056A HP 90 YELLOW PRINTHEAD AND PRINTHEAD CLEANER C5057A ERGO MESH BACK TASK CHAIR WITH AIR MESH SEAT WB277370 (BLACK) CHAIR BLACK MESH OTG2803 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" ANA VINENT S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" LARRY BURSEY S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" REGINALD MCINTYRE S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" HABEEBET MOMOH S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" KAREN SHINHOSTER S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" ELIZABETH GARDIN-SILVA S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" MARIA CABANZON S310 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" MICHAEL BURNETT S310 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Box Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Bx/12 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Box Each Each Each Set/6 Each Box Box Each Each Box Box Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Box Pack Pack Pack Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Box Set/5 Each Each Each Each Set/5 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 18 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 55 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2216 2217 2218 2219 2220 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 2235 2236 2237 2238 2239 2240 2241 2242 2243 2244 2245 2246 2247 2248 2249 2250 2251 2252 2253 2254 2255 2256 2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000001375 N-00000001376 N-00000001378 N-00000001380 N-00000001381 N-00000001383 N-00000001384 N-00000001385 N-00000001386 N-00000001388 N-00000001390 N-00000001392 N-00000001393 N-00000001395 N-00000001398 N-00000001402 N-00000001405 N-00000001406 N-00000001407 N-00000001409 N-00000001411 N-00000001413 N-00000001415 N-00000001416 N-00000001418 N-00000001420 N-00000001422 N-00000001423 N-00000001425 N-00000001427 N-00000001428 N-00000001432 N-00000001434 N-00000001435 N-00000001436 N-00000001437 N-00000001438 N-00000001439 N-00000001440 N-00000001441 N-00000001444 N-00000001445 N-00000001447 N-00000001449 N-00000001451 N-00000001453 N-00000001457 N-00000001459 N-00000001461 N-00000001465 N-00000001466 N-00000001469 N-00000001470 N-00000001471 N-00000001474 N-00000001475 N-00000001477 N-00000001478 N-00000001480 N-00000001481 N-00000001482 N-00000001483 N-00000001484 N-00000001486 N-00000001487 N-00000001488 N-00000001489 N-00000001491 N-00000001493 N-00000001494 N-00000001496 N-00000001499 N-00000001500 N-00000001501 N-00000001504 N-00000001506 N-00000001507 N-00000001508 N-00000001509 N-00000001510 N-00000001511 N-00000001513 N-00000001515 N-00000001516 N-00000001517 N-00000001518 N-00000001519 N-00000001520 N-00000001521 N-00000001523 N-00000001524 N-00000001526 N-00000001527 N-00000001529 N-00000001530 N-00000001531 N-00000001532 N-00000001533 N-00000001534 N-00000001535 N-00000001537 N-00000001540 N-00000001541 N-00000001542 N-00000001543 N-00000001545 N-00000001546 N-00000001547 N-00000001549 N-00000001551 N-00000001552 N-00000001555 N-00000001561 N-00000001562 N-00000001563 N-00000001565 N-00000001566 N-00000001568 N-00000001569 N-00000001570 N-00000001571 N-00000001573 N-00000001574 B STOCK DESC WIDMER ELECTRONIC TIME STAMP T-3 UPPER DIE PLATE TO READ: RECEIVED - ISD SPATE RIBBON FOR WIDMER ELECTRONIC TIME STAMP W5650PR FUSER/MAINTENANCE KIT FOR HP 2600N PRINTER STAEDTLER MARS 12" ARCHITECT'S RULER TRIANGULAR SCALE W/COLOR CODED 9871831BK WEATHERPROOF DURABLE MAILING LABELS WITH TRUE BLOCK TECH. AVE5520 POUR-O-MATIC, TWO-BURNER POUR-OVER COFFEE BREWER (BLACK) BUN-VPR DIGITAL VOICE TRACER 1500 WITH VOICE TO PRINT SOFTWARE PSPDVT150000 BROTHER ML-300 INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER MINIATURE ACCOUNT BOOK, RECORD RULING, 9 1/2" X 6", ESS667R KENSINGTON VIRTUOSO TOUCH SCREEN SYTLUS AND PEN K39304US PAPER MATE INTRO PEN-STYLE HIGHLIGHTER, FLUORESCENT GREEN PK/12 22726 BARRICADE TAPE "CAUTION" 3X1000' 4 MIL #SAF BTCT 4 MIL BARRICADE TAPE"CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS" 3X300' #HAR BT026-3 SANDISK ULTRA 8 GB SECURE DIGITAL CAPACITY (SDHC) - 1 CARD, S6788543 DART LAMINATED FOAM BOWLS, 12 oz, WHITE PACK/125 12BWWQ MANILA FILE JACKET 1 1/2" EXPANSION, LETTER SIZE, BOX/50 SMD75540 NCC STYLE A & N LABELS (RED) PACK/100 SMD67152 NCC STYLE F & S LABELS (ORANGE) PACK/100 SMD67157 NCC STYLE L & Y LABELS (LAVENDER) PACK/100 SMD67163 DIXIE COFFEE STIRRERS, BOX/1000 HS5CC STICKY BACK HOOK & LOOP TAPE VELCRO BLACK VEK90081 STICKY BACK HOOK & LOOP TAPE VELCRO WHITE VEK90082 BROTHER SX-4000 TYPEWRITER BROTHER 3010 LIFT OFF CORRECTION TAPE FELLOWES POWERSHRED W11C CROSS-CUT SHREDDER, S7506549 SWINGLINE FUSION 5100L 12" LAMINATOR LAMINATING POUCHES, BUSINESS CARD SIZE, 5 mil, 2.56x3.75", PK/25 793745 LAMINATING POUCHES, LUGGAGE TAG W/LOOP, 5 mil, 2.5x4.25", PK/25 413435 SWINGLINE HEATSEAL LONGLIFE LAMINATING POUCHES, LET/SIZE, 5 mil PK/100 489526 EXPO LOW-ODOR DRY-ERASE STARTER KIT W/4 MARKERS, ASSORT/COLORS, 80653 SCOTCH DESKTOP TAPE DISPENSER, TWO-TONED BLACK, MMMC60BK IMPRESO BOND UNTAPED ENGINEERING ROLLS, 20 lb, 36"x500' 2 ROLLS/PK 36500 BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 3760N COLOR LASER PRINTER 331-8421 CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 3760N COLOR LASER PRINTER 331-8424 YELLOW TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 3760N COLOR LASER PRINTER 331-8422 MAGENTA TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 3760N COLOR LASER PRINTER 331-8423 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-665CW ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER LC51BK CYAN INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-665CW ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER LC51C MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-665CW ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER LC51M YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-665CW ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER LC51Y PILOT G-6 RETRACTABLE GEL INK ROLLERBALL PEN, 0.7mm, BLUE PK/12 31402 OLYMPIA SUPERTYPE 330 TYPEWRITER RIBBON CORRECTABLE, OLY80810 CUSTOM CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER/SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (#205 GREEN W/GRAY GUSSET SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP TO READ: TERRENCE D. THOMPSON (BLUE INK) MM 4.5 DOOR VIEWER, BRONZE, WIDE ANGLE PROJECTION, 1HEW9 ULTRATEC UNIPHONE 1140 PHONE/ANSWERING MACHINE/TTY 680001201 ADULT/CHILD FACE SHIELD LUNG BAGS FOR CPR PROMPT MANIKINS SFWLBAR0855 CORRUGATED BOX 24X12X12", 20/240 S4243 TICKET ROLLS DOUBLE 2000 PER ROLL SPR#99270 ALCOHOL SWABS, FOSTER 63111 BOX/200 COTTON TIPPED APPLICATOR, 6", WOOD 2/PK 1000 PKS TO CASE 13065 CALDINA II BONDED LEATHER CHAIR #172039 STACKING GUEST CHAIR WITH ARMS BLACK #543564 WASTE CARTRIDGE XEROX 7400 PHASER PRINTE #106R01081 COLOR PRESSBOARD TOP TAB FILE EXPANSION FOLDER 1/3 CUT (BLUE) 25/BX 21530 COLOR PRESSBOARD TOP TAB FILE EXPANSION FOLDER 1/3 CUT(BRIGHT RED) 25/BX 21538 DRUM UNIT FOR BROTHER MFC 8480DN ALL IN ONE PRINTER DR620 IMAGE TRANSFER UNIT/KIT FOR HP COLOR LASERJEC 3500/3550/3700 PRINTER Q3658A HP825A BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB390A HP824A CYAN LASERJET IMAGE DRUM FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB385A HP824A MAGENTA LASERJET IMAGE DRUM FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB387A HP824A YELLOW LASERJET IMAGE DRUM FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB386A PRINT CARTRIDGE FOR LEXMARK X264/363/364 FAX MACHINE X264A11G HP824A CYAN LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB381A HP824A MAGENTA LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB383A HP824A YELLOW LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB382A HP824A BLACK LASERJET IMAGE DRUM FOR 6040F MFP PRINTER CB384A AT-A-GLANCE 30% RECYCLED MONTHLY PLANNER 9"X11", BLACK 01/2013-01/2014 702600513 INNOVATIVE STORAGE DESIGNS STACKABLE LETTER TRAYS, BLACK PK/6 65270 DELL SERIES 7 REMANUFACTURED BLACK INK CARTRIDGE CH883 XEROX MULTIPURPOSE COLOR PAPER 8 1/2"X 11", 20LB, GREEN 3R11051 MAGNA VISUAL ALL-MAGNETIC CARD HOLDERS, 1" X 6", CHARCOAL, PK/10 MAVMCH1260P MAGNETIC DRY-ERASE BOARD, 6' x 4', SILVER/EBONY LLR69653 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP TO READ: AUDIE T. THOMPSON (BLACK INK) MM 4.5 HAMMERMILL COLOR GLOSS LASER PAPER, 8 1/2"x11", 32LB PK/300 163110 BINDING BACKS, 8 3/4"x11 1/4" BLACK PK/25 25834A METRO MESH WIRE PENCIL CUP, BLACK LLR84149 METRO MESH WIRE WASTEBASKET, BLACK ROUND 18 QUARTS 827899 KENSINGTON MOUSE PAD/WRIST PILLOW, BLACK 811892 BAND-AID-ADHESIVE BANDAGES VARIETY PACK ASSORTED BOX/250 485107 POST-IT 3"X5" LINED NOTES, ULTRA 873968 COLLECTION, 100 SHEETS/PAD PK/5 PADS PILOT PRECISE V5 LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PENS, 0.5mm XTRA FINE BLUE PK/12 35335 DRUM UNIT FOR BROTHER MFC8510DN ALL IN ONE PRINTER BRT-DR720 BLACK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON FAXPHONE L190 CNM-128 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC7860DW PRINTER TN420 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER INTELLIFAX 4100E TN430 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC7840W PRINTER (HIGH YIELD) TN360 INK CARTRIDGE 125 FOR EPSON STYLUS NX420 PRINTER (BLACK) EPST125120 INK CARTRIDGE 125 FOR EPSON STYLUS NX420 PRINTER (COLOR) EPST125520 USB 2.0 SWIVEL FLASH DRIVE (4GB) IMN18385 6" TILT TWO SPEED FAN LLR49257 PURELL INSTANT HAND SANITIZERS 8oz PUMP BOTTLE 12/PK GOJ965212CMRC DESK & OFFICE CLEANER (25 WIPES PER CONTAINER) MMMCL563 PLASTIC RECTANGULAR TABLECOVERS (BLUE) 6/PK GJO10325 LYSOL DISINFECTING WIPES, LEMON/LIME RAC78849EA PROFESSIONAL MICROFIBER CLOTHS, 4/PK RCPQ60600 ID CARD HOLDERS, CLEAR HORIZONTAL, 3 3/8 X 2 1/8" (INSERT) BAU68110 GEL MOUSEPADS, BLUE 9"W,10"D,1"H CCS45162 HARD CANDIES, PEPPERMINT PUFF (44oz) OXF00042 FANCY MIX CANDY TUB (2LB) OXF7009 NAMEPLATES CUSTOM FOR MIAMI DADE TRANSIT STANDARD PHOTO PAPER, GLOSSY 11 mil, 8 1/2"x11" PACK/50 518973 MAGNIFIER DESK LAMP (BLACK) LED L745BK ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS MONITOR STAND WITH 2 LETTER-SIZE TRAYS BLACK 62111 GoECOLIFE PLATINUM SERIES 12-SHEET CROSS CUT SHREDDER GXC120TI INK REFILLS FOR SELF-INKING STAMP PAD BLACK 032862 INK REFILLS FOR SELF-INKING STAMP PAD RED 032960 INK REFILLS FOR SELF-INKING STAMP PAD BLUE 032961 LOOSE-LEAF RINGS, 2" DIAMETER, PACK/9 2467 STACKING BANQUET CHAIR, 34"H,18"W,24"D BLUE FRAME, BLUE SEAT 501-20-647 4/PK STACKING CHAIR WITH ARMS, 33"H,22"W,24"D BLACK FRAME, BLUE SEAT 701-20-655 RUBBERMAID RECTANGULAR WASTE CAN, 28 QUART, BLACK PACK/3 16328 BLACK CARTRIDGE FOR DELL V313W ALL IN ONE PRINTER (HIGH YIELD) 330-5253 COLOR CARTRIDGE FOR DELL V313W ALL IN ONE PRINTER (HIGH YIELD) 330-5254 HP51X BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR HP P3005/M3035 PRINTER Q7551X REFILLS FOR REMOVABLE MONO ADHESIVE DISPENSER, 1/3"x472" TOM-62204 REMOVABLE MONO ADHESIVE W/DISPENSER 1/3"x472" TOM-62203 CASE LOGIC NYLON CD/DVD BINDER, 208 CAPACITY - BLACK BNB208BLACK APC BACK-UPS ES 750VA BATTERY BACKUP, BROADBAND, 750VA/450WATT 10 OUTLETS MAXELL NB-HB-210 STERO NECKBAND HEADPHONE T37893 KOSS P9 STEREO HEADPHONE T37709 HAIER 4.5 CU. FT. REGRIGERATOR/FREEZER BLACK HNSE045BB (631759) SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: "UNDERSCORE" ULYSSES ARTEAGA S310 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Kit Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Roll Roll Each Pack/125 Bx/50 Pack/100 Pack/100 Pack/100 Box/1000 Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/25 Pack/25 Pack/100 Pack Each Pk/2 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Each Each Each Each Each Pack/100 Each Roll Box Case Each Each Each Box/25 Box/25 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Ream Pack/10 Each Each Pack Pack/25 Each Each Each Box Pack Pack/12 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Each Pack Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Pack/50 Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack/4 Ea Each Pk/3 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 19 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 56 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000001576 N-00000001578 N-00000001583 N-00000001584 N-00000001585 N-00000001586 N-00000001587 N-00000001588 N-00000001591 N-00000001593 N-00000001594 N-00000001595 N-00000001596 N-00000001599 N-00000001601 N-00000001603 N-00000001604 N-00000001605 N-00000001607 N-00000001610 N-00000001612 N-00000001614 N-00000001615 N-00000001616 N-00000001617 N-00000001618 N-00000001619 N-00000001620 N-00000001621 N-00000001622 N-00000001624 N-00000001626 N-00000001627 N-00000001628 N-00000001631 N-00000001634 N-00000001635 N-00000001636 N-00000001637 N-00000001638 N-00000001639 N-00000001640 N-00000001641 N-00000001643 N-00000001645 N-00000001646 N-00000001647 N-00000001648 N-00000001650 N-00000001652 N-00000001653 N-00000001655 N-00000001657 N-00000001659 N-00000001660 N-00000001662 N-00000001663 N-00000001665 N-00000001666 N-00000001668 N-00000001669 N-00000001670 N-00000001671 N-00000001672 N-00000001673 N-00000001674 N-00000001675 N-00000001677 N-00000001678 N-00000001679 N-00000001681 N-00000001682 N-00000001683 N-00000001684 N-00000001686 N-00000001687 N-00000001688 N-00000001689 N-00000001690 N-00000001691 N-00000001693 N-00000001694 N-00000001695 N-00000001697 N-00000001698 N-00000001700 N-00000001701 N-00000001703 N-00000001704 N-00000001706 N-00000001708 N-00000001711 N-00000001714 N-00000001716 N-00000001718 N-00000001720 N-00000001721 N-00000001723 N-00000001724 N-00000001725 N-00000001727 N-00000001729 N-00000001730 N-00000001732 N-00000001733 N-00000001734 N-00000001736 N-00000001737 N-00000001738 N-00000001739 N-00000001740 N-00000001742 N-00000001746 N-00000001748 N-00000001750 N-00000001751 N-00000001753 N-00000001754 N-00000001755 N-00000001756 N-00000001757 N-00000001759 N-00000001760 B STOCK DESC PRESTIGE TOTAL ERASE MARKER BOARD (TITANIUM) 96"x48" QRT-TE568T 3M CRT/LCD ANTIGLARE/ANTIRADIATION FILTE FITS 16-19"CRT,17-18"LCD EF200XLB PROJECTOR BULB TOSHIBA #TLP-B2-ULTRA GENERIC PROJECTOR BULB TOSHIBA #TLPL2 PROJECTOR BULB INFOCUS #SP-LAMP-070 PROJECTOR BULB INFOCUS #SP-LAMP-057 PROJECTOR BULB SHARP #BQC-XGP10XU SOFT GLOW LED TABLE LAMP COLEMAN #2000009456 PLAIN DIVIDERS WITH WRITE-ON TABS, MANILA, 5-TAB PK/50 SET, 486256 SELF-INKING DATE STAMP BLACK INK TO READ POSTED, CLERK #1 5440 SELF-INKING DATE STAMP BLACK INK TO READ POSTED, CLERK #2 5440 SELF-INKING DATE STAMP BLACK INK TO READ POSTED, CLERK #3 5440 SELF-INKING DATE STAMP BLACK INK TO READ POSTED, CLERK #4 5440 HOT SHOT NO-MESS FOGGER 3/PK (1.2 oz FOGGERS) HG20177-2 9" DOUBLE SIDED LAMINATE CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER LX900 (NS) LCD9 TARIFOLD WALL MOUNT PLATE (WITH HARDWARE FOR 10 POCKETS W200 TARIFOLD PIVOTING POCKET PACKS, 10 POCKETS/PK, ASSORTED COLORS P090 TARIFOLD DESKTOP ORGANIZER STARTER SET W/10 POCKETS, ASSORT/COLORS D291 CANON PALM PRINTING CALCULATOR - WHITE P1DHVG MAC MEDIA PREMIUM COATED BOND 42"X 300' 32LB, MATTE C2S 3"C 109007 HP14A BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR HP700 PRINTER CF214A SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 0-PINK 67370 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 2-LIGHT ORANGE 67372 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 3-DARK ORANGE 67373 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 4-LIGHT GREEN 67374 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 5-DARK GREEN 67375 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 6-BLUE 67376 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 7-PURPLE 67377 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 8-LAVENDER 67378 SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 9-BROWN 67379 TONER CARTRIDGE FOR MINOLTA MICROFILM MS7000 MKII, 4161-106 GEL AND FELT STAMP PAD - BLUE 166843 REFILL INK FOR STAMPS AND FELT PADS BLUE XST-22113 DYMO LETRATAG 1/2" BLACK PRINTING ON WHITE PAPER LABEL 492757 GEOGRAPHICS 30% RECYCLED DOCUMENT COVERS 9 3/4"x12 1/2", NAVY BLUE 45332 PK/6 BLANK PARCHMENT CERTIFICATES, GOLD SEALS INCLUDED, CLASSIC BLUE 25/PK GEO-39087 STJAMES ELITE MEDALLION FOLD CERTIFICATE HOLDERS,METALLIC MAJ BLUE 3/PK FST-83490 STOW AWAY FOLDING CADDY, CAPACITY 50LB SAF-4054BL COOL COLOR PANEL WALL CLIPS, 20/PK AVT 75307 READY CARE (FIRST AID) KITS, 182 PIECES UP TO 25 PEOPLE ACM 90121 REMOVABLE SIGH & DATE IN DISPENSER, YELLOW RTG 81124 REMOVABLE PLEASE INITIAL IN DISPENSER, MINT RTG 81114 PILOT G2 RETRACTABLE PENS, BLUE BOX/12 PIL 31257 MASTER PADLOCKS 2 KEYED ALIKE #2532 MA 2KA 2532 PILOT PRECISE V5 NEEDLE ROLLERBALL PEN, EXTRA FINE POINT, GREEN BX/12 PIL 25104 UNI-BALL ROLLER BALL 80% RECYCLED PENS, 0.5mm, MICRO POINT GREEN PK/12 60154 UNI-BALL ROLLER BALL 80% RECYCLED PENS, 0.7mm, FINE POINT GREEN PK/12 60104 SHARPIE RETRACTABLE PERMANENT MARKERS, FINE POINT, ASSORTED BX/12 32707 3M PRIVACY FILTER FOR 28" WIDESCREEN DESKTOP LCD MONITOR PF28OW MEDLINE BASIC WHEELCHAIR WITH DETACHABLE FOOTREST, 250-LB CAP. MIIMDS806150EE SPARCO PRINT-ON TAB DIVIDERS, 3-HOLE PUNCHED, WHITE, BOX/50 SPR02077 HAND STAMP TO READ: ATTENTION INMATE ASSIGNED TO, W/BORDERS HAND RUBBER STAMP TO READ: "DETOX" 3/4" WIDE WIRE MOBILE FILE, 1 SHELF, 14W, 24D, 20 1/2"H, BLACK SAF5201BL AVERY WHITE LASER ADDRESS LABELS, 1" X 2 5/8", BOX/750 AVE5260 AVERY WHITE SHIPPING LABELS, 2" X 4" BOX/250 AVE5263 TIMEMIST METERED FRAGRANCE DISPENSER REFILL, MANGO, 6.6oz CAN WTB332960TMA WAUSAU ASTROBRIGHT COLOR PAPER, LIFT- OFF LEMON 8 1/2"x11" 22631 PYRAMID TIME RECORDER REPLACEMENT RIBBON FOR 3500/3700/4000 4000R SAUDER HERITAGE HILL DOUBLE-PEDESTAL DESK, CLASS. CHERRY 576868 (2744/402159) SAUDER PALLADIA COLLECTION CREDENZA W/SLIDE OUT DESK, CHERRY 726853 (412079) BASYX WOOD LAMINAE CORNER TABLE, BLACK 717455 (BSXBLH3170P) MANAGER'S 2-DRAWER LETTER FILE, BLACK 255501 (HID16181) ALERA VALENCIA SERIES BOOKCASE/STORAGE CABINET,2 SHELVES 408985 (ALEVA633032MY) FORAY PORCELAIN MAGNETIC DRY-ERASE BOARD 24"X36" WHITE BOARD 679599 (AE32436) HANDHELD BARCODE SCANNER FOR POS AGPTEK #9SIA0U00GA3039 MESH CHAIR ARMLESS SAF #3395BL MAGNETIC CARDHOLDER ROLL 1 3/4 INCH BY 50 FEET, MCH-20 SANDUSKY KEYLESS ELECTRONIC STORAGE CAB.78"H,36"W,24"D EA4E462478-09 BLACK APOLLO EXPERT D300 EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE #IMN 27955 RED ULINE UTILITY CART 45X25X33 H-2504R THREE SHELF HEAVY DUTY WIRE UTLITY CART H-1521 (ULINE) BIG WHEEL WELDED PLATFORM CART GREEN H-62GR (ULINE) STEP STOOL - 2 STEPS H-2792 (ULINE) HP564XL HIGH YIELD CYAN ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CB323WN HP564XL HIGH YIELD MAGENTA ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CB324WN HP564XL HIGH YIELD YELLOW ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CB325WN HP564XL HIGH YIELD BLACK ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CN684WN HP 901XL HIGH YIELD BLACK ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CC654AN HP 901 HIGH YIELD TRI-COLOR ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE CC656AN AVERY READY INDEX 30% RECYCLED TABLE OF CONT.DIV.,1-15 TAB MULTICOLOR AVE11143 AVERY READY INDEX 30% RECYCLED TABLE OF CONT.DIV.,1-5 TAB MULTICOLOR AVE11131 SMEAD CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS W/SAFE- SHIELD FASTENERS, LET.SIZE BOX/10 PILOT PRECISE V7 LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PEN, 0.7mm, BLUE BAR.BLUE INK PIL35349 PILOT PRECISE V7 LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PEN, 0.7mm, BLACK BAR.BLACK INK PIL35346 BIC GRIP ROLLER PEN, 0.5mm, MICROTIP POINT,GRAY BAR. BLACK INK PK/12 BICGREM1 COMMERCIAL COFFEE FILTERS, 12-CUP SIZE 1000 FILTERS/BOX 20115.0000 FUJITSU SCANNER PAD ASSEMBLY, FOR FI-5220C PA03289-0111 FUJITSU SCANNER PICK ROLLER, FOR FI-5220C PA03289-0001 RED INK CARTRIDGE FOR PITNEY BOWES P700. DM100O,DM200L 793-5 FOLDING RULE, ENGLISH/METRIC, 6 FT. LUFKIN 4CP87 MASTER LOCK 1 3/4",LAMINATED STEEL PAD- LOCK W/REMOVABLE/ADJUST/SHACKLE 517DHC SHREDDER BAGS FELLOWES #3604101 COTTON TIPPED APPLICATOR SWABS 6", PLAS TIC SHAFT2/PK,100PK/BOX(STERILE)DEL03365 EMTEC C400 USB 2.0 FLASH DRIVE, 16GB ORANGE 2 BASKET UTILTY CART "FOB" CHROME-PLATED 8" WHEELS/BK, 5"SWIVEL/FR, 500 (HD671015 TRIPP LITE MONITOR "Y" SPLITTER CABLE S4204139 HOLMES LIL' BLIZZARD TABLE FAN, DARK BROWN HLSHAOF87BLZUC IMATION LTO ULTRIUM 3 TAPE CARTRIDGE S3073523 DHP CHELSEA FAUX-LEATHER FUTON SOFA BED, 31"H,70"W,34"D, BLACK 3206098 (881917) WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: PREA ORIENTA- TION COMPLETED, W/BORDER CUSTOM CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER/SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (211 - PALM GREEN) CUSTOM CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER/SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (204 - BLUE) END-TAB FOLDER W/2 FASTENERS STRAIGHT CUT, LET.SIZE, MANILA BX/50 14537 BIC GRIP STICK ROLLER BALL PEN, 0.5mm MICRO FINE, BLUE, BX/12 BIC GREM11BE BIC GRIP STICK ROLLER BALL PEN, 0.5mm MICRO FINE, RED, BX/12 BIC GREM11RD HP507X BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR M551 PRINTER CE400X CLI-221 MAGENTA INK FOR CANON MX860 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER 2948B001AA CLI-221 CYAN INK FOR CANON MX860 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER 2947B001AA CLI-221 YELLOW INK FOR CANON MX860 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER 2949B001AA PGI-220 BLACK INK FOR CANON MX860 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER 2945B001AA BLACK "OEM" GENUINE INKJET CARTRIDGE (7 CHARACTERS) HP C6602A INSIGNIA 19" LED 720P, 60Hz HDTV NS-19E310A1 (BB12278535) STANDARD 1-HOLE PUNCH, 5 SHEETS/20LB, CHROME (146308) MMF INDUSTRIES UNI-TAG 30 KEY CABINET 201903003 AVERY METAL RIM TAGS W/METAL RING,WHITE 1 1/4" DIAMETER, 50/PK 11025 MENU SIZE THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES, 3 mil, 50/PK FEL 52013 LETTER SIZE THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES, 5 mil, 150/PK FEL 5204007 LEGAL SIZE THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES, 3 mil, 50/PK FEL 52226 DYMO LABELMANAGER 210D BASIC LABEL MAKER KIT 1738976 SWINGLINE HIGH CAPACITY ELECTRIC STAPLER 69270 INDUSTRIAL HANDWRAPPER FUSER KIT HP 4000/4200/4300 SERIES PRINTERS #Q2429A C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/50 Each Each Each Each Pk/3 Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Each Pack Each Pack Pack Box Each Box Pack Pack Box Each Each Box Each Each Each Box Box Each Ream Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box/12 Ea Box/12 Ea Pack Box Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each 20 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 57 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000001762 N-00000001765 N-00000001767 N-00000001769 N-00000001772 N-00000001774 N-00000001776 N-00000001778 N-00000001780 N-00000001781 N-00000001783 N-00000001785 N-00000001787 N-00000001788 N-00000001789 N-00000001792 N-00000001793 N-00000001794 N-00000001796 N-00000001797 N-00000001798 N-00000001800 N-00000001801 N-00000001802 N-00000001803 N-00000001804 N-00000001805 N-00000001807 N-00000001809 N-00000001810 N-00000001812 N-00000001814 N-00000001815 N-00000001817 N-00000001819 N-00000001821 N-00000001823 N-00000001824 N-00000001827 N-00000001828 N-00000001829 N-00000001830 N-00000001831 N-00000001832 N-00000001833 N-00000001834 N-00000001837 N-00000001838 N-00000001840 N-00000001841 N-00000001842 N-00000001844 N-00000001845 N-00000001846 N-00000001847 N-00000001848 N-00000001849 N-00000001850 N-00000001851 N-00000001852 N-00000001853 N-00000001854 N-00000001855 N-00000001857 N-00000001858 N-00000001859 N-00000001860 N-00000001861 N-00000001862 N-00000001863 N-00000001864 N-00000001867 N-00000001868 N-00000001869 N-00000001871 N-00000001874 N-00000001876 N-00000001878 N-00000001879 N-00000001880 N-00000001881 N-00000001883 N-00000001884 N-00000001885 N-00000001886 N-00000001888 N-00000001891 N-00000001893 N-00000001895 N-00000001897 N-00000001899 N-00000001900 N-00000001901 N-00000001902 N-00000001903 N-00000001904 N-00000001905 N-00000001907 N-00000001909 N-00000001911 N-00000001913 N-00000001914 N-00000001916 N-00000001918 N-00000001919 N-00000001920 N-00000001922 N-00000001924 N-00000001925 N-00000001926 N-00000001927 N-00000001928 N-00000001929 N-00000001930 N-00000001931 N-00000001933 N-00000001934 N-00000001935 N-00000001936 N-00000001937 N-00000001938 N-00000001939 N-00000001941 B STOCK DESC BEST-RITE ENLIGHTEN GLASS DRY ERASE BOARD, WHITE 4'X6' 83941 (940755) XEROX IMAGING UNIT, BLACK 108R00650 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: FOR DEPOSIT ONLY CAHSD S843 FOLDING HAND TRUCK LOAD CAP. 300 LB 20Y290 BLACK RIBBON FOR AMANO PIX-3000X ELECTRONIC TIME RECORDER CE-315151 RED "OEM" GENUINE INKJET CARTRIDGE (7M CHARACTERS) C6602R WORKZONE RETRACTABLE CONE BAR 6-10 FT. JBC RCB10 OW GRAY GAFFERS TAPE 4"X60 YD #S-10519GR MAINTENANCE KIT FOR HP 9040 PRINTER C3914A MAINTENANCE KIT FOR HP 8150 PRINTER C9152A INDUSTRIAL 5 GALLON WATER COOLER W/SPOUT IGL-451 (YELLOW) FUSER KIT FOR HP COLOR LASER JET HP 4025 PRINTER CE246A INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON MX310 PRINTER PG-40 CL-41 W/GP502 MAGENTA TONER FOR LEXMARK C782 PRINTER C782U1MG BLACK TONER FOR LEXMARK C782 PRINTER C782U1KG WHITE LASER SHIPPING LABELS W/TRUE BLOCK 3 1/2" X 5", AVE 5168 PYLEPRO 800 WATT DUAL CHANNEL WIRELESS PORTABLE PA SYSTEM S8334658 SWINGLINE COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC STAPLER, BLACK SW106701 REALSPACE TOUGH RIB FLOOR MAT, 4' X 6' CHARCOAL TR-CL46 (162158) REALSPACE TOUGH RIB FLOOR MAT, 2' X 3' CHARCOAL TR-CL23 (163111) CANON POWERSHOT SX160 IS 16.0 MEGAPIXEL DITITAL CAMERA, BLACK 6354B001 (243673) NEAT-FLO STAMP PAD INKER, BLUE AVE 21BLUE KENSINGTON SOLESAVER ADJUSTABLE FOOTREST BLACK KMW56152 RUBBER BANDS, SIZE #73 BSN 15749 ENERGIZER 1.5-VOLT CALCULATOR/WATCH BATTERY, 357, PK/3 EVE357BP3 SAFCO SOFTSPOT SEAT CUSION, 3"H,15 1/2"W 10"D, BLACK SAF715BL QUARTET 8'X4'CORK BULLETIN BOARD WITH ALUMINUM FRAME QRT2308 ATIVA GEL SHOULDER REST, BLACK 26813 (387700) BEST-RITE 5'X4' BLUE SPLASH CORK BULLETIN BOARD W/ALUMINUM TRIM 300AF-92 SAFCO SCOOT MAIL CART, 40 1/2"H,22"W, 27"D, BLACK 5238BL LCD PROTECTIVE DELUXE ANTIGLARE FILTER KTK LCD19 SCRAPE AND DRY MAT, 3' X 5', CHARCOAL 341000 BATTERY ENERGIZER #ECR2032BP PROJECTOR LAMP HITACHI CPX2-1/301/401/ LAMP CORRECTABLE BLACK RIBBON SMITH CORONA #22200 MEMOREX STANDARD JEWEL CASES, BLACK PACK/25 32020016294 YELLOW TONER FOR LEXMARK C782N XL PRINTER C782U1YG CYAN TONER FOR LEXMARK C782N XL PRINTER C782U1CG REALSPACE MAGELLAN PERF. EXECUTIVE DESK 30"H,70"W,23"D,EXPRESSO 81125 (956724) REALSPACE MAGELLAN COLL. L-SHAPED DESK 30"H,58"W,18"D,EXPRESSO RTP-8824(101095) OFM COMPUTER TABLE, 29"H,48"W,24"D, BLACK BASE, GRAPHITE TOP 55103 (957080) REALSPACE MAGELLAN PERF. COLL. HUTCH 40"H,70"W,12"D,EXPRESSO ST100305(956643) REALSPACE MAGELLAN COLL. 5-SHELF BOOK- CASE,72"H,30"W,11"D,EXPRE 486123(547677) OFM 20" X 20" END TABLE, MAHOGANY TABLE2020-MHGY (406522) OFM COMPUTER TABLE, 29"H, 48"W, 24"D SILVER BASE,MAPLE TOP 55103-MPL (957152) REALSPACE 72" STEEL STORAGE CABINET W/4 ADJUST.SHELVES 72"H,36"W,18"D (561375) DIGITAL VOICE RECORDER OLYMPUS WS-801 #OLWS801S DOUBLE TICKET ROLLS ASSORTED COLORS #USRT=DOUBLE-BC 3M FUN DESIGN CLEAR GEL KEYBOARD WRIST REST, MMM-WR308BH PHOTO GEL KEYBOARD WRIST REST, PINK FLOWERS 2 5/16"D, FEL-9179101 PHOTO GEL PINK MOUSE PAD W/WRIST PILLOW FEL-9179001 HP 85 LIGHT CYAN PRINTHEAD C9423A HP 84 BLACK PRINTHEAD C5019A HP 85 69-ml YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE C9427A HP 85 28-ml MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE C9426A HP 85 28-ml YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE C9425A HP 85 YELLOW PRINTHEAD C9422A HP 85 MAGENTA PRINTHEAD C9421A HP 85 CYAN PRINTHEAD C9420A HP 85 LIGHT MAGENTA PRINTHEAD C9424A HP 85 69-ml LIGHT MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE C9429A HP 85 69-ml LIGHT CYAN INK CARTRIDGE C9428A HP 84 69-ml BLACK MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE C5016A PRINT-OR-WRITE COLOR FOLDER LABELS, 5/8" X 3 1/2", LIGHT BLUE, PK/252 AVE05206 PRINT-OR-WRITE COLOR FOLDER LABELS, 5/8" X 3 1/2", WHITE, PK/252 AVE05202 PRINT-OR-WRITE COLOR FOLDER LABELS, 5/8" X 3 1/2", PURPLE, PK/252 AVE05204 PRINT-OR-WRITE COLOR FOLDER LABELS, 5/8" X 3 1/2", BLACK, PK/252 AVE05211 HANGING NAME BADGE KIT, 3" X 4" BOX/100 AVE74459 LASER NAME BADGE INSERTS, 2 1/4"X3 1/2" BOX/400 AVE5390 QUALITY PARK JUMBO ENVELOPES 15" X 20" 28 lb - KRAFT, BOX/25 QUA42355 LYSOL SANITIZING WIPES, CITRUS SCENT, 80 SHEETS PER TUB, BOX/6 RAC77182CT SELF-INKING STAMP TO READ "2014" RED INK S110 SELF-INKING STAMP TO READ "2015" GREEN INK S110 SELF-INKING STAMP TO READ "2016" BLUE INK S110 UNI-BALL ROLLER PEN, MICRO POINT, BLUE 0.5mm BOX/12 SAN 60153 REPLACEMENT 2 COLOR INK PAD FOR TRODAT 5440 COLORS - BLUE AND RED TRIPLE WALL BOX KIT 48"x40"x36" 1100 lb S4931 EXOFIT NEX VEST-STYLE HARNESS (MEDIUM) 1113034 EXOFIT NEX VEST-STYLE HARNESS (LARGE) 1113082 EXOFIT NEX VEST-STYLE HARNESS (MEDIUM) 1113064 EXOFIT NEX VEST-STYLE HARNESS (MEDIUM) 1113154 DYMO LABEWRITER 450 TURBO LABELER 1752265 STEELMASTER LIT-NING HORIZONTAL LETTER- SIZE DESK TRAY,6 TRAYS, BLACK MMF2646HBK PENDAFLEX ALL-PURPOSE PLASTIC SORTER BEIGE 40652 FELLOWES LITERATURE ORGANIZER, 24 COMPAR TMENTS, DOVE GRAY FEL25041 DRUM UNIT FOR BROTHER MFC 7440 ALL-IN- ONE PRINTER DR360 3M ADHESIVE REMOVER, 24 oz 3KB83 LAMINATING POUCHES, LETTER SIZE, 3 MIL, 9" X 11.5", PK/50 535704 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP BLACK INK FOR ALFREDO G-LARRINAGA EZ STOP II LANYARD RETRAX DBI 1241460 LAD-SAF FLEXIBLE CABLE SLEEVE DETACHABLE DBI 6116540 ROPE GRAB SYSTEM W/100FT, LIFELINE, CARRYING BAG DBI 5000401 SAFLOK CARABINER, 3/4"' OPENING, SELF LOCK DBI 2000112 SAFLOK CARABINER,1 3/16"' OPENING, SELF LOCK DBI 2000113 WEB LANYARDS ADJUSTABLE DBI 1231016 POSITION POLYESTER ROPE LANYARD DBI 1232210 HARNESS AND LANYARD BAG (EQUIPMENT TOTE) DBI 9511597 HP LASERJET 4250/4350 RM1-1082-000CN FUSER ASSEMBLY RMI-1082 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP REPAIR FOR TRAXX 9016 STAMP 1 MILE BULLHORN, 25 WATTS, AMPLIVOX H-2860 HP 74 BLACK ORIGINAL INK CARTRIDGE FOR HP DESKJET D4360 PRINTER CB335WN HP 88 COLOR INK CARTRIDGES, COMBO 3/PK CC606FN CASTER WHEEL, 5 D X 1 1/2"W, 300 lb 1NWTP9 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP BLACK INK FOR CALVIN JAMES, SI30 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP BLACK INK FOR JORGE GARCELLS, MAXUM 50 SELF-INKING STAMP RED INK TO READ: MDPD ROBBERY BUREAU SI20 WHITE MAILING TUBES WITH PLASTIC ENCAPS 3" X 36", PACK/24 (690886) BLACK IMAGE DRUM TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918104 CYAN IMAGE DRUM TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918103 MAGENTA IMAGE DRUM TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918102 YELLOW IMAGE DRUM TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918101 BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE TYPE C7, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42918984 WASTE TONER COLLECTION BOTTLE, FOR OKI DATA C9650 PRINTER 42869401 FUSER UNIT, 120V FOR OKIDATA C9650 PRINTER 42931701 TRANSFER BELT FOR OKIDATA C9650 PRINTER 42931602 BATTERY FOR CANON POWERSHOT A2300 CAMERA NB-11L OXFORD LAMINATED TWIN-POCKET PORTFOLIOS, 8 1/2"x11", BLUE PK/10 51751 VICTOR IR40T COMPATIBLE CALCULATOR INK ROLLER, BLACK/RED VCTIR40T LA CROSSE TECHNOLOGY ATOMIC DIGITAL WALL CLOCK WT-8005U-S SHARPIE PERMANENT FINE-POINT MARKERS, RED PK/12 30002 APC BACK-UPS ES550 BATTERY BACKUP, BE550G, 550VA/330 WATT S7214209 DIGITAL INNOVATIONS CONNECT + CHARGE 7-PORT HUB, POWERED DE5704 HANDY FILE BOX WITH ORGANIZER TOP, BLACK 110970 (757448) C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Box Box Box Box Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Pack Each Each Each 21 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 58 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594 2595 2596 2597 2598 2599 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2605 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 2646 2647 2648 2649 2650 2651 2652 2653 2654 2655 2656 2657 2658 2659 2660 2661 2662 2663 2664 2665 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2671 2672 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 2678 2679 2680 2681 2682 2683 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 2690 2691 2692 2693 2694 2695 2696 2697 2698 2699 2700 2701 2702 2703 2704 2705 2706 2707 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000001943 N-00000001944 N-00000001945 N-00000001946 N-00000001947 N-00000001948 N-00000001949 N-00000001951 N-00000001953 N-00000001954 N-00000001956 N-00000001957 N-00000001958 N-00000001959 N-00000001960 N-00000001961 N-00000001962 N-00000001963 N-00000001965 N-00000001967 N-00000001968 N-00000001970 N-00000001973 N-00000001974 N-00000001975 N-00000001976 N-00000001977 N-00000001980 N-00000001981 N-00000001983 N-00000001986 N-00000001988 N-00000001989 N-00000001991 N-00000001993 N-00000001995 N-00000001997 N-00000001999 N-00000002000 N-00000002002 N-00000002004 N-00000002005 N-00000002006 N-00000002007 N-00000002010 N-00000002012 N-00000002013 N-00000002014 N-00000002015 N-00000002016 N-00000002017 N-00000002018 N-00000002019 N-00000002020 N-00000002022 N-00000002023 N-00000002024 N-00000002025 N-00000002027 N-00000002028 N-00000002030 N-00000002031 N-00000002032 N-00000002033 N-00000002034 N-00000002036 N-00000002038 N-00000002040 N-00000002041 N-00000002042 N-00000002043 N-00000002044 N-00000002045 N-00000002046 N-00000002047 N-00000002048 N-00000002052 N-00000002053 N-00000002055 N-00000002056 N-00000002057 N-00000002060 N-00000002062 N-00000002063 N-00000002064 N-00000002065 N-00000002066 N-00000002069 N-00000002071 N-00000002072 N-00000002073 N-00000002074 N-00000002076 N-00000002077 N-00000002079 N-00000002081 N-00000002085 N-00000002087 N-00000002090 N-00000002092 N-00000002094 N-00000002096 N-00000002097 N-00000002098 N-00000002099 N-00000002100 N-00000002101 N-00000002102 N-00000002103 N-00000002104 N-00000002105 N-00000002108 N-00000002109 N-00000002110 N-00000002111 N-00000002112 N-00000002113 N-00000002115 N-00000002116 N-00000002118 N-00000002119 N-00000002121 N-00000002122 B STOCK DESC HP 126A 3-PACK (CYAN/MAGENTA/YELLOW) LASERJET TONER CF341A HP 822A CYAN ORGINAL LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE CYAN C8551A HP 91 775-ml PIGMENT LIGHT GRAY INK CARTRIDGE C9466A HP 91 775-ml PIGMENT MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE C9468A HP 91 775-ml PIGMENT LIGHT CYAN INK CARTRIDGE C9470A HP 91 775-ml PIGMENT LIGHT MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE C9471A HP 91 MAINTENANCE CARTRIDGE C9518A ID TECH IDT4431 BARCODE SCANNER ZESTA SALTINE CRACKERS, 2 CRACKER/PACK 300 PKS/BOX KEB00646 CHEEZ-IT CRACKERS,1.5oz SINGLE-SERVING SNACK PACK, 8 PKS/BOX KEB12233 OREO COOKIES, 6-COOKIE PACK, 12 PACKS/BX ORE03742 NATURE VALLEY GRANOLA BARS, OAT'N HONEY 1.5oz BAR, 18 BARS/BOX AVTSN3353 CUP-A-SOUP, CHICKEN NOODLE, SINGLE SERVE 22/BOX CUP03487 SPECIAL K PROTEIN MEAL BAR, STRAWBERRY 1.59OZ, 8/BOX KEB29186 MICROWAVE POPCORN, LIGHT BUTTER FLAVOR 24/PACK OFX105111 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, REG. GROUND, 30.6 oz CAN MWH-04648 OFFICE SNAX SINGLE-SERVE SUGAR PACKETS, 1200/BOX OFX00021 OFFICE SNAX NON-DAIRY CREAMER, 12-oz OFX00020 AC/DC POWER ADAPTER FOR SAMSUNG SYNCMASTER 240TS LCD MONITOR SMEAD 1/3-CUT 2-PLY COLOR FILE FOLDERS, LETTER SIZE, PURPLE BX/100 SMD13034 SMEAD 75560 2-4920, 2" EXP LETTER SIZE MANILA FILE JACKETS,2-PLY BX/50 SMD75560 SELF STICK FOAM BOARDS 40 X 60 LACIE 1TB RUGGED TRIPLE FW/800/USB-3/REG LARTU31/301984 APPLE THUNDERBOLT CABLE #MD464ZMA RAYNOR XL 4X4 FABRICK TASK CHAIR, BLACK FRAME GRAY FABRIC FM4080-GY RAYNOR DUROTECH APPLLO VDFT9800 DRAFTING STOOL, BLACK FABRIC VDFT9800 MOD-ANTH SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR SHARP #SHR-EL501XBWH LATENT LIFTERS 6"X15" 12 PACK #57404 COFFEE MAKER 50 CUP #CP50-2 BLOOD COLLECTION BAG 450ml W/COAG #SFW J0520 MILITARY CARDS SZ:2-5/8"X3-7/8" .010 MIL #MD03-OPMIHM DFS MITY LOUPE 7X #041 # LASER POINTER LOGITECH #LOG910001354 SELF-INKING DATE REC'D STAMP BLACK, READ RAIL/MOVER MAINT. CONTROL JF645 SIDLEY LUXURA EXECUTIVE HIGH-BACK CHAIR BROWN 21231-CC (923275) SHARPER IMAGE iPAD PORTFOLIO W/BLUETOOTH KEYBOARD, BLACK RTA-SITCK02H2B (860379) TRUFORM MED. BACK DRAFTING STOOL W/ARMS ADJUSTABLE SEAT,CHROME FOOTRING S5458-6 DAY-TIMER BRIEFCASE SIMULATED LEATHER STARTER SET D44531 (588992) DAY-TIMER SIMPLY STATED REFILL 2 PG PER WEEK,JAN.-DEC.2014 12028140101A (588992) SMEAD END-TAB BAR STYLE NUMERIC COLOR- CODED LABELS, 1-RED SMD67371 EXECUTIVE CHAIR LUXHIDE #OTG11633 #BL20 EXECUTIVE CHAIR LUXHIDE #OTG2701 BL20 STACKING CHAIR #OTG11703 QL10 DfS MITY LOUPE 7X COFFEEPRO 36-CUP COMMERCIAL COFFEE URN, STAINLESS STEEL CFPCP36 QUARTET MAGNETIC CIRCLES, 3/4" DIAMETER BLUE, SET/20 QRTMCB POLYPROPYLENE SHEET PROTECTOR W/INDEX TABS,CLEAR TABS,(C-LINE) SET/8 CLI05587 STANDARD WEIGHT POLYPROPYLENE SHEET PROTECTOR, CLEAR, 100/BOX CLI62027 NONSTICK HEAVY-DUTY EXD REFERENCE VIEW BINDER, 4" CAP, WHITE AVE79104 UNDERDESK MACHINE STAND, 1-SHELF, MATTE GRAY VRTVF52005 AVERY LEGAL EXIBIT DIVIDER, 1-25 AVE11370 AVERY LEGAL EXIBIT DIVIDER, 26-50 AVE11372 AVERY LEGAL EXIBIT DIVIDER, 51-75 AVE11396 AVERY LEGAL EXIBIT DIVIDER, 76-100 AVE11397 GREAT STAR TALLY COUNTER 30665 MOPHIE BELT CLIP FOR iPHONE, 4/4S 2160 JPBC-BLK REALSPACE 2-TIER FILE CART, BLACK FC552BK PAPERPRO LONG REACH STALER, BLACK/SILVER 1610 FELLOWES ADJUSTABLE FOOT REST W/MICROBAN PROTECTION J94251 ONYX MESH COUNTER DISPLAYM 4 COMPARTMENT BLACK SAF5640BL X-ACTO ERGO UTILITY KNIFE #3276, RETRACT BLADE, BOX CUT/SCRAPER MP-57497-007 RABBET FOAMBOARD CUTTER MP-14909-001 OLFA ROTARY CUTTER 28mm RTY-1/G MP-57473-001 FLETCHER TERRY GENINI PROCUTTER FLEXIBLE SIMI-RIGID FOAM, 100" MP-17180-001 STANDARD T-SQUARE, ALUNINUM 36" MP-56000-001 REMOVABLE INKJET/LASER ID LABELS, 3 1/3" X F, WHITE, 150/PK AVE6464 SLEDGEHAMMER HARD DRIVE CRUSHER MODEL 0101 NON-SELF-INKING DATE RECEIVED STAMP TO READ: MIAMI-DADE MPO 2000PLUS CLASS.FOLDER (EXECUTIVE RED) #208, 20 PT LET/SIZE TYPE #1 PRESSBD W/3" EXPANSION CLASS.FOLDER (LIGHT BLUE) #204, 20 PT LET/SIZE TYPE #1 PRESSBD W/3" EXPANSION CLASS.FOLDER (PALM GREEN) #211, 20 PT LET/SIZE TYPE #1 PRESSBD W/3" EXPANSION CLASS.FOLDER TYPE #1 PRESSBD 20PT LET. SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (LIGHT BLUE) #204 CLASS.FOLDER TYPE #1 PRESSBD 20PT LET. SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (BROWN RED) #201 CLASS.FOLDER TYPE #1 PRESSBD 20PT LET. SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (EXEC. RED) #208 CLASS.FOLDER TYPE #1 PRESSBD 20PT LET. SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (YELLOW) #214 CLASS.FOLDER TYPE #1 PRESSBD 20PT LET. SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (MAPLE) #215 BLACK TONER FOR XEROX FAXCENTRE 2218 006R01278 CANON PGI-35 BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR PIXMA PRINTER 1509B002 BLACK TONER FOR RICOH SP 3400SF 406465 HP 940 BLACK AND YELLOW OFFICEJET PRINTHEAD FOR 8500 PRINTER C4900A HP 940 MAGENTA AND CYAN OFFICEJET PRINTHEAD FOR 8500 PRINTER C4901A ID CARD BLANK PVC CR 80, 30 MIL SZ:3-3/8 X 2-1/8 WHITE #ICP-33581754WH. BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER CNM-PGI225 (HIGH YIELD) BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR CANON ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER CNM-CLI226BK CYAN INK CARTRIDGE CANON ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER CNM-CLI226CY MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE CANON ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER CNM-CLI226M YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE CANON ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER CNM-CLI226Y PLASTIC CUTLERY, HEAVYWEIGHT KNIVES, WHITE, 1000/BOX DXEKH217 STYLE EDGE INSERTABLE REFERENCE DIVIDERS 8-TAB, LETTER, ASSORTED 8/SET AVE11201 TWIN-POCKET FOLDERS W/3 FASTENERS, LET. 1/2" CAP, YELLOW, 25/BX ESS57709 SELF-STICK EASEL PADS, 25 X 30, WHITE 2 - 30-SHEET PADS/BOX MMM559 ONYX MESH MOBILE FILE W/FOUR SUPPLY DRAWERS, BLACK SAF5214BL PILOT PRECISE V5 LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PENS, 0.5mm, RED BARREL/INK PK/12, 35336 PILOT PRECISE V5 LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PENS,0.5mm,BLACK BARREL/INK PK/12, 35334 MINI BINDER CLIPS, STEEL WIRE, 1/4" CAP. 1/2" WIDE, BOX/12 UNV10199 FOREY MARKER-STYLE POROUS PT. PEN PK/12 SOFT GRIPS, 0.5mm, BLUE INK RY3150FNBL PINK FLUORESCENT PINK CIRCLE LABELS 3/4" 1000/ROLL S3449P SHREDDER OIL, 12 oz. BOTTLE W/EXTENSION NOZZLE FEL35250 SPONGE HAND SYNTHETIC #ZEP-O-CELO 7-1/2" X 4-1/2"X 2" MULTI-FOLD TOWELS BROWN CLOTH 4X4 FOR CLEANING CLR CLEANING SOLUTION TOILET BOWL CLEANER #61140257 TRASH BAG 30X36 TRASH BAG 36X58 TOILET CLEANING BRUSH 4"HEAD 12" HANDLE FLOOR WAX RAG CLOTH SCRUBBING PAD 20" FLOOR MACHINE POLISHING PAD 20" FLOOR MACHINE ELECTRIC STAPLER SWINGLINE #GBC7704280-1 ZEBRA Z-GRIP RETRACTABLE BALLPOINT PEN MED PT BLACK 12/PK ZEB22210 ZEBRA Z-GRIP RETRACTABLE BALLPOINT PEN MED PT BLUE 12/PK ZEB22220 PILOT G-2 RETRACTABLE GEL PENS, 0.7mm, FINE PT BLUE 12/PK PIL31021 PILOT G-2 RETRACTABLE GEL PENS, 0.7mm, FINE PT RED 12/PK PIL31022 PILOT G-2 RETRACTABLE GEL PENS, 0.7mm, FINE PT BLACK 12/PK PIL31020 PILOT G-2 RETRACTABLE GEL PENS, 0.7mm, FINE PT ASSORTED 8/PK PIL31128 PILOT PRECISE GRIP LIQUID INK ROLLERBALL PENS, 0.5mm, BLUE 12/PK PIL28802 QUARTET PRESTIGE PLUS PREMIUM PORCE/MAG DRY-ERASE BD, TIT.FR. 36X48 P564T SHARPIE PAINT OIL BASED MARKER, MEDIUM WHITE, 2/PK 1782041 SHARPIE PAINT OIL BASED MARKER, MEDIUM METALLIC GOLD/SILVER, 2/PK 34968PP ID BADGE HOLDER W/CLIP, 3W,4H, CLEAR, 50/PK AVT75457 3M PRIVACY FILTER FOR 22" WIDESCREEN LCD DESKTOP MONITOR, BLACK PF322W C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Box Box Pack Each Box Each Each Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Each Each Bx/500 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/500 Each Each Each Each Each Bx/1000 Pack Box Box Each Pack Pack Box Pack Each Each Box/20 Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Pack Pack Pack Each 22 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 59 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2708 2709 2710 2711 2712 2713 2714 2715 2716 2717 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730 2731 2732 2733 2734 2735 2736 2737 2738 2739 2740 2741 2742 2743 2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2754 2755 2756 2757 2758 2759 2760 2761 2762 2763 2764 2765 2766 2767 2768 2769 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 2780 2781 2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787 2788 2789 2790 2791 2792 2793 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 2799 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 2819 2820 2821 2822 2823 2824 2825 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000002124 N-00000002125 N-00000002127 N-00000002129 N-00000002131 N-00000002133 N-00000002135 N-00000002136 N-00000002137 N-00000002138 N-00000002139 N-00000002140 N-00000002141 N-00000002142 N-00000002144 N-00000002147 N-00000002149 N-00000002150 N-00000002151 N-00000002152 N-00000002155 N-00000002157 N-00000002159 N-00000002160 N-00000002161 N-00000002162 N-00000002163 N-00000002164 N-00000002166 N-00000002167 N-00000002168 N-00000002170 N-00000002173 N-00000002175 N-00000002176 N-00000002178 N-00000002180 N-00000002181 N-00000002182 N-00000002184 N-00000002185 N-00000002187 N-00000002189 N-00000002192 N-00000002193 N-00000002194 N-00000002196 N-00000002197 N-00000002199 N-00000002200 N-00000002201 N-00000002203 N-00000002204 N-00000002205 N-00000002206 N-00000002207 N-00000002208 N-00000002209 N-00000002211 N-00000002212 N-00000002214 N-00000002215 N-00000002217 N-00000002218 N-00000002219 N-00000002221 N-00000002222 N-00000002224 N-00000002227 N-00000002229 N-00000002231 N-00000002232 N-00000002233 N-00000002236 N-00000002238 N-00000002240 N-00000002242 N-00000002244 N-00000002246 N-00000002248 N-00000002250 N-00000002252 N-00000002254 N-00000002256 N-00000002260 N-00000002261 N-00000002262 N-00000002264 N-00000002265 N-00000002268 N-00000002269 N-00000002270 N-00000002272 N-00000002274 N-00000002276 N-00000002278 N-00000002279 N-00000002280 N-00000002281 N-00000002282 N-00000002283 N-00000002284 N-00000002286 N-00000002287 N-00000002288 N-00000002289 N-00000002290 N-00000002291 N-00000002292 N-00000002294 N-00000002299 N-00000002301 N-00000002302 N-00000002303 N-00000002305 N-00000002306 N-00000002308 N-00000002311 N-00000002312 N-00000002314 N-00000002315 N-00000002317 N-00000002318 B STOCK DESC BROTHER PROFESSIONAL ELECTRONIC OFFICE DAISYWHEEL TYPE/SPELLCHECK BRTEM530 WIDESCREEN BLACKOUT PRIVACY FILTER KANTEK #KTKSVL24W SWINGLINE GBC FUSION 3000L 12" LAMINATOR 12"MAX WIDTH, 3 TO 5 mil 1703075 REPORT COVER HIGH GLOSS RED ESSELTE #ESS51711 LG- SUPER-MULTI 24X EXTERNAL USB 2.0 DOUBLE LAYER DVD+/CD-RW DR. BB11115178 WOOD HANDLE STAMP TO READ: TTC060 PHOTO BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159120 MATTE BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159820 CYAN INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159220 MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159320 YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159420 RED INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159720 ORANGE INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159920 GLOSS OPTIMIZER CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON 159 PRINTER T159020 2/PK HP LASERJET ADF MAINTENANCE KIT Q5997A HP LASERJET CF064A 110V MAINTENANCE KIT CF064A LATHEM TIME HD, TIME/DATE DOCUMENT STAMP COOL GRAY LTT LASER TONER CARTRIDGE HP #C8550A BLACK LASER TONER CARTRIDGE HP #C8552A YELLOW HP 822A LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE MAGENTA FOR HP 9500 PRINTER C8553A RIBBON CITIZEN IR61 BLACK #79739B PAPER 3X3 W15 80BRT 50 ROLLS PER CASE #85040GA PRESSBOARD FASTENER FOLDERS W/SAFESHIELD COATED,2"EXP. LEGAL SIZE, SMD2K2503-1&3 DYMO LABEWRITER 450 LABEL PRINTER FOR PC OR MAC, DYM1752264 DYMO WHITE ADDRESS LABES, 1.13" X 3.5" 350 LABELS/ROLLS, BOX/2ROLLS, DYM30252 LOGITECH WIRELESS DESKTOP MK320 KEYBOARD/MOUSE COMBO,BLACK LOG920-002836 RETRACTABLE PERMANENT MARKER, FINE PT. BLUE SAN32703 RETRACTABLE PERMANENT MARKER, FINE PT. BLACK SAN32701 LITTLE GIANT MULTIPURPOSE LADDER, 4 FT. IA, FIBERGLASS 6FJN2 MULTI-TOOL NEEDLE NOSE, 18 TOOLS 4ANE1 MULTI-BIT SCREWDRIVER, 15-IN-1, 8 1/2" 5PA32 BUBBLE LEVEL SKU#24593 TRAJECTORY CLIPS PACK OF 10 #A-69TSC PENTAX WG-3, 16.0 MEGAPIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA/BLACK, 12684 (BB15679395) LOWEPRO NEWPORT 30 CAMERA CASE, BLACK/ SLATE, LP36458 (BB12344102) MAGNA VISUAL MAGNETIC TAPE W/ADHESIVE BACKING, 1/2"X84", BLACK P220-7 ROLL VENUS 2 LAMINATING MACHINE, 12-1/2" X 10 mil, FEL51215901 CLEAR SELF-ADHESIVE LAMINATING SHEETS, 3 mil, 9X12, 50/BX AVE73601 PACKAGING TAPE DISPENSER W/2 ROLLS/TAPE 1.88"X54.6yds. MMM37502ST EASY2GO STUDENT DESK, RESORT CHERRY 93750207P (951562) TECHNIMOBILI MODERN COMPUTER DESK RTA8338DH33 (802856) SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: OFF DUTY S832 PHOTOGRAPHIC FOG SPRAY #EVI-PAQ OXFORD INDEX CARDS, RULED, 4'X 6", ASSORTED COLORS, PK/100 ESS34610 SCOTCH THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES, LEGAL SIZE, 20/PK, MMMTP385520 SCOTCH THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES,LETTER SIZE, 50/PK, MMMTP385450 EASY PEEL LASER ADDRESS LABELS, 1/2X3/4" WHITE. 2000/PK AVE5267 SAMSONITE ZIP-AROUND VINYL 3-RING PADFOLIO, 13 1/2X11" BLACK 961145 POST-IT-FLAGS,1/2X1 1/2", ASSORTED COLOR 35 FLAGS/PAD, PACK/8 PADS 683-VAD1 UNIBALL 207 RETRACTABLE GEL PEN, 0.7mm, TRANS/BL/BAR, BLUE INK,PK/12 SAN1736098 FASHION COLOR CLASP ENVELOPE, 9 X 12, 28lb, BLUE 10/PK QUA38737 HP 932XL HIGH YIELD BLACK INK CARTRIDGE CN053AN HP 932XL HIGH YIELD CYAN INK CARTRIDGE CN054AN HP 932XL HIGH YIELD MAGENTA INK CARTRIDG CN055AN HP 932XL HIGH YIELD YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE CN056AN PANASONIC BLACK PRINTER RIBBON KX-P170 HP C8554A COLOR LASERJET IMAGE CLEANING KIT (HP9500MFP) C8554A HP 940 3-PACK (CYAN/MAGENTA/YELLOW) INK CARTRIDGES CN065FN HP 83 680-ml BLACK PRINTHEAD AND CLEANER (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4960A HP 83 680-ml CYAN PRINTHEAD AND CLEANER (HP DESIGNJET 5500) C4961A PLUSH TOUCH KEYBOARD WRIST REST, FOAM, GRAPHITE, 18 1/18X3 3/16", FEL9252301 ENERGIZER 1.5 VOLT A76 PHOTO/ELECTRONIC BATTERY A76BP FLAGS IN PARTABLE DISPENSERS, STANDARD COLORS, 5DIS/20FL/COLORS MMM6835CF FLAGS IN PARTABLE DISPENSERS, BRIGHT COLORS, 5DIS/20FL/COLORS MMM6835CB TARGUS MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION REMOTE AMP09US C-CHANNEL MAGNETIC WAREHOUSE CARD HOLDERS, 2 X 4" S-15772 INSERT CARDS, 2 X 4" FOR S-15772 CARD HOLDERS, S-15519 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: TS&S COPY OF COUNTY RECORD, S830 PYRAMID TIME CARDS FOR PYRAMID MODEL 4000, PK/100 PTI-4410010 LCD/MONITOR 23" PRIVACY SCREEN FILTER, BLACK, 3M-PF23 0W9 IMAGING DRUM FOR DELL 2150 CDN 331-0711 TRANSFER ROLL FOR DELL 5100CN COLOR PRINTER (M7077) 330-5814 HIGH YIELD TONER CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC 8460N PRINTER TN580 ARROWHEAD ERASER CAPS, 144/BOX PAP73015 SMEAD INNDURA ULTRACOLOR EXPANDING WALLET, LET. SIZE, 5 1/4" EXP. SMD71953 HP ADVANCED PHOTO PAPER 8 1/2"X11", 10.5 MIL, PACK/100 HEWQ7854A SHARPIE PERMANENT FINE-POINT MARKERS ASSORTED COLORS 30072 LUMAGNY RIM ASPHERIC 3X-5X BALL SWITCH LED LIGHT MAGNIFIER ERASERS, PENCIL CAP #PAP73015 INDEXES 1-15 MULTICOLOR AVE #11197 ATIVA MDM8000, 8-SHEET MICRO-CUT SHREDDER, (320919) BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5100CN PRINTER 310-5807 CYAN TONER CARTRIDGE FOR DELL 5100CN PRINTER 310-5810 KENSINGTON MEMORY FOAM BACK REST S2188983 (271678) ASEPTIC JUICE BOXES, 100% APPLE, 4.2 oz 40 PER CARTON, OCS00323 ASEPTIC JUICE BOXES, 100% ORANGE, 4.2 oz 40 PER CARTON, OCS00324 MICROWAVE POPCORN, BUTTERFLAVOR, 24/PK- BOX, MJK23223 VARIETY PACK COOKIES, ASSORTED, 1 3/4 oz PACKS, 12 PACKS/BOX NFG88032 BUGLES CORN SNACKS, 3 oz. 6/BOX AVTSN28086 ASTROBRIGHT CARD STOCK 8-1/12X11 WAUSAU #21855 TERRESTIAL TEAL NEENAH EXTRA-HEAVYWEIGHT EXACT INDEX CARD STOCK 8-1/2X11 110LB IVORY #424090 NEENAH 30% RECYCLED SPECIALTY CARD STOCK 65LB 8-1/2X11 NAUTRAL #681924 PACON CLASSROOM KEEPERS BLUE MAILBOX, 10 SLOTS PAC1309 (872679) EASY OPEN CLEARVUE LOCKING SLANT-D RING BINDER,4"CAP. BLACK LET/SIZE OD303203 SAFCO UBER BIG & TALL EXECUTIVE CHAIR, BLACK FRAME/FRABRIC SAF3490BL UNTOUCHABLE RECYCLING CONTAINER, SQUARE PLASTIC, 23 GAL. BLUE RCP35693BE CLEAN TOUCH ANTIMICROBIAL LOCKING D-RING BINDER,11X8 1/2",5" CAP BLACK SAM16300 CORK BULLETIN BOARD, NATURAL CORK/ FIBER BOARD, 36X24, ALUM/FRAME QRT2303 MELAMINE DRY ERASE BOARD, 48 X 36, ALUMINUM FRAME MMMM4836A GEM OFFICE PRODUCTS SPHERICAL HEAD MAP TACKS, ASSRT. COLORS, BX/250 GEMMTA250 OFFICE SNAX ASSORTED WRAPPED FRUIT SLICES, 32 oz TUB OXF00005 TWIZZLERS STRAWBERRY LICORICE, 33.3 oz CANISTER, 105 PIECES 111015 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) TO READ: DONALD CASEBOLT SEC.SUP. S-8290 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) TO READ: ALLEN D. NELSON SEC.SUP. S-8370 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) TO READ: IGNACIO SANCHEZ SEC.SUP. S-8370 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) TO READ: KEVIN L. LANE SEC.SUP. S-8370 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) READ:ANITA SHADE-GRIFFITH SEC/SUP S-8290 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) READ: DAVID D'TRINIDAD SEC/SUP S-8300 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE/DATE STAMP (BLACK) READ:DAVID M THIBAUDEAU DEP/CHIEF S-8370 LUXHIDE EXECUTIVE CHAIR, BLACK OTG2788 SOFTWARE DRAGON NAUTRALLY SPEAKING PRO EDITION SOFT & CHEWY MIX, ASSORTED SOFT CANDY, 2LB PLASTIC TUB OFX00013 FANCY ASSORTED HARD CANDY, INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED, 2LB TUB OFX70009 JOLLY RANCHERS BREAK BITES, ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS CANDY,17oz. BOWL AVT40605 CASE LOGIC ULTRA-COMPACT CAMERA CASE, BLACK, TBC-402 (635454) KINGSTON 4GB SECURE DIGITAL HIGH CAPACIT CARD, (CLASS 4) S6480700 (952870) DRUM UNIT FOR BROTHER MFC-9970CDW PRINTER DR310CL SILK RIBBON #501 7MM CREAM SILK RIBBON #625 7MM TEAL TEXHIDE ACCOUNTING BOOK, BLACK/BURGUNDY 300 GREEN PAGES, 10 3/8X8 3/8" RED56231 EXPLORER LEATHER ORGANIZER BUSINESS CARD BOOK, 240-CARD CAP, 11X13 1/2" ROL22337 HP 61XL HIGH YIELD BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR HP DESKJET 3510 CH563WN HP 61XL HIGH YIELD TRI-COLOR CARTRIDGE FOR HP DESKJET 3510 CH564WN C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Bx/25 Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/6 Bx/50 Box Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Bx/10 Each Each Each Each Box Pack Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Box Box Each Pack/100 Each Each Each Each Box Each Pack Pack Each Box Bx/6 Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Box Ream Ream Ream Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Roll Each Each Each Each 23 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 60 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2831 2832 2833 2834 2835 2836 2837 2838 2839 2840 2841 2842 2843 2844 2845 2846 2847 2848 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 2854 2855 2856 2857 2858 2859 2860 2861 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 2868 2869 2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 2889 2890 2891 2892 2893 2894 2895 2896 2897 2898 2899 2900 2901 2902 2903 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 2911 2912 2913 2914 2915 2916 2917 2918 2919 2920 2921 2922 2923 2924 2925 2926 2927 2928 2929 2930 2931 2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 2942 2943 2944 2945 2946 2947 2948 2949 2950 2951 2952 2953 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000002319 N-00000002320 N-00000002322 N-00000002323 N-00000002324 N-00000002326 N-00000002327 N-00000002328 N-00000002329 N-00000002330 N-00000002331 N-00000002332 N-00000002333 N-00000002335 N-00000002336 N-00000002337 N-00000002338 N-00000002340 N-00000002342 N-00000002344 N-00000002345 N-00000002346 N-00000002348 N-00000002350 N-00000002351 N-00000002352 N-00000002353 N-00000002354 N-00000002355 N-00000002356 N-00000002357 N-00000002359 N-00000002362 N-00000002364 N-00000002365 N-00000002367 N-00000002368 N-00000002370 N-00000002372 N-00000002374 N-00000002375 N-00000002377 N-00000002378 N-00000002379 N-00000002381 N-00000002383 N-00000002384 N-00000002385 N-00000002386 N-00000002387 N-00000002389 N-00000002390 N-00000002391 N-00000002392 N-00000002393 N-00000002394 N-00000002395 N-00000002397 N-00000002401 N-00000002404 N-00000002405 N-00000002408 N-00000002410 N-00000002411 N-00000002413 N-00000002415 N-00000002416 N-00000002417 N-00000002418 N-00000002419 N-00000002420 N-00000002421 N-00000002423 N-00000002424 N-00000002426 N-00000002428 N-00000002430 N-00000002432 N-00000002434 N-00000002435 N-00000002436 N-00000002437 N-00000002438 N-00000002439 N-00000002440 N-00000002442 N-00000002443 N-00000002444 N-00000002445 N-00000002447 N-00000002448 N-00000002449 N-00000002450 N-00000002451 N-00000002452 N-00000002455 N-00000002457 N-00000002459 N-00000002460 N-00000002462 N-00000002463 N-00000002464 N-00000002465 N-00000002466 N-00000002468 N-00000002469 N-00000002471 N-00000002473 N-00000002474 N-00000002475 N-00000002476 N-00000002478 N-00000002479 N-00000002480 N-00000002481 N-00000002482 N-00000002483 N-00000002485 N-00000002487 N-00000002490 N-00000002492 N-00000002494 N-00000002495 B STOCK DESC TRANSFER ROLLER FOR CANON IMAGECLASS MF8380CDW PRINTER RMI-4838 HP 940 INK SUPER COMBO PACK 902031 SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: MAYDEL MONTES DE OCA PRINTER 25 SELF-INKING STAMP RED INK TO READ: MAYDEL MONTES DE OCA SHINY S310 3M PRIVACY FILTER 23-25"LCD MONITOR #MMMPF324W PRINT OR WRITE REMOVABLE MULTI-USE LABELS, 1X1 1/2", WHITE 500/PK AVE05434 ACCOUNTING PAD, 13 EIGHT-UNIT COLUMNS 11 X 16 3/8, 50-SHEET PAD, WLJG7213A REMOVABLE INKJET/LASER ID LABELS, 1/2"X 1 3/4", WHITE, 2000/PK AVE6467 PRINT OR WRITE REMOVABLE MULTI-USE LABELS,1 1/2"X3, WHITE, 150/PK AVE05440 SHIPPING TAGS, PAPER, 4 3/4"X2 3/8", GREEN, 1000/BOX AVE12365 PRESSGUARD REPORT COVER, PRONG CLIP, LETTER, 3" CAP. DARK BLUE ESS12702 PRESSGUARD REPORT COVER, PRONG CLIP, LETTER, 3" CAP. DARK GREEN ESS12712 PRESSGUARD REPORT COVER, PRONG CLIP, LETTER, 3" CAP. LIGHT GREEN ESS12703 NO-TOUCH HAND SANITIZER DISPENSER, ADJUSTABLE SENSOR, WHITE COX30242 HAND SANITIZER REFILL, 1000-ml BOTTLE CLEAR COX30243 MIGHTY 8 SURGE PROTECTOR #800331 BALLASTIC TOUGH JACKET FOR IPAD 234 #951154 MODEL 150 ANALOG AUTO. PRINT TIME CLOCK W/MONTH/DATE/HOURS/MIN. ACP012070411 LASER TONER KYROCERA MITA TK-1142-2 AVERY-STYLE LEGAL SIDE TAB DIVIDER, TITLE: 1-25, LETTER, WHITE AVE11370 CHARGE-OUT RECORD GUIDES, 1/5 RED "OUT" TAB, MANIL, LEGAL, 1OO/BX SMD53910 CUSTOM CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER/SIZE W/3" EXPANSION (210 - PACIFIC BLUE) OIL-DRI ABSORBENT SOCK, 48"L, 3" DIA. PK/12 5TR29 BASYX LEATHER MANAGERIAL I MID-BACK CHAIR, BLACK FRAME BSXVL602SB11 ID BADGE HOLDER W/CONVENTION NECK POUCH VERT.3 1/4x5 1/4",BLACK AVT75453 BX/12 MAGNETIC PUSH PINS FOR MAGNETIC PLANNING BOARDS, ASSORTED COLORS 20/PK QRTMPPC MAGNETIC CUBICLE KEEPERS DISPLAY HOLDERS 8 1/2 X 11, CLEAR, 25/PK CLI37991 LOW ODOR DRY ERASE MARKER, CHISEL TIP, BLACK, DOZEN SAN80001 LOW ODOR DRY ERASE MARKER, CHISEL TIP, RED, DOZEN SAN80002 LOW ODOR DRY ERASE MARKER, CHISEL TIP, BLUE, DOZEN SAN80003 LOW ODOR DRY ERASE MARKER, CHISEL TIP, GREEN, DOZEN SAN80004 BALLISTIC TOUGH JACKET FOR IPAD 2/3/4 8102608 DUAL-LAYER DVD+R DISCS, 8.5GB, 50/PK MEM05732 SINGLE-PLY THERMAL CASH REGISTER/POS ROLLS,3 1/8"X90',WHITE 72/CTN PMC05209 REPLACEMENT DECANTER FOR REGULAR COFFEE 12-CUP, GLASS OGFCP27000 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: FOR DEP ONLY CRED/COLL/SVCS ACCT# TRAXX9012 SELF-INKING STAMP BLACK INK TO READ: MIAMI DADE COUNTY S831 ASSEMBLED LOCKER, 3 TIER, W36, D18, H78 BLUE 4MUP8 WIREBOUND MESSSAGE BOOK, 2 3/4"X5 3/4" CARBONLESS COPY,400FMS,120 LAB RED50176 PREMIUM SDHC MEMORY CARD, CLASS 4, 8GB VER97303 LETRATAG PAPER LABEL TAPE CASSETTES, 1/2"X13', WHITE, 2/PK DYM10697 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ:"Hold for Immigration" W/BORDER WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ:"Domestic Violence" W/BORDER WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ:"Attention Release or Court Services" W/BORDER BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE (1500PG) FOR DELL 1130 LASER PRINTER 330-9524 DELL TONER BLACK #330-9524 TONER LEXMARK X940E PRINTER BLACK #945X2KG TONER LEXMARK X940E PRINTER CYAN #945X2CG TONER LEXMARK X940E PRINTER MAGENTA #945X2MG TONER LEXMARK X940E PRINTER YELLOW #945X2YG FOAM BOARD 30"X40" WHITE #900-51 25 PER BOX INK JET CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET Z6100 #C9460A BLACK MATTE/CYAN INK JET CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET Z6100 #C9461A MAGENTA/YELLOW INK JET CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET Z6100 #C9462A LIGHT MAGENTA/LIGHT CYAN INK JET CARTRIDGE HP DESIGNJET Z6100 #C9463A PHOTO BLACK/LIGHT GRAY HP EVERYDAY MATTE POLYPROPYLENE #CH027A INAGING DRUM HP CE314A 390121000 RIBBON CARTRIDGE, BLACK FOR ACROPRINT 175 TIME CLOCK ACP390121000 SLANTED ACRYLIC SIGH HOLDERS 8 1/2 X 11" 4/CTM S-13384 HIGH TACK DOUBLE-SIDED FILM TAPE 1"X 60 YARDS S-15722 BLACK 3M MP DUAL LOCK STRIPS 1" X 15' S-17378 PROCELL ALKALINE BATTERIES, "D", 12/PK 6DZ/CS DURPC1300 (NO SUBSTITUTE) BLACK PHOTOCONDUCTOR KIT FOR LEXMARK PRINTER C930X72G WASTE TONER CONTAINER FOR LEXMARK PRINTER C930X76G BROTHER COLOR LASER ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER W/WIRELESS NETWORKING MFC-9560CDW PRESSBOARD END TAB FOLDERS, LETTER, SIX SECTION BRIGHT RED, 10/BX UNV10320 PRESSBOARD END TAB FOLDERS, LETTER, SIX SECTION BLUE, 10/BX UNV10318 M SERIES TAPE CARTRIDGE FOR P-TOUCH 1/2W LABELERS, BLACK ON YELLOW BRTMK631 TABLE SET LINEN-LIKE TABLE SKIRTING, 29" X 14', WHITE TBLLS2914WH PERMANENT SELF-ADHESIVE COLOR-CODING LABELS,1/4"DIA. YELLOW 450/PK AVE05792 UNI-BALL VISION ELITE LIQUID ROLLERBALL PEN, 0.8mm,BOLD PT. 67182 (924881) DRY ERASE CLEANER WIPES, 7 X 12, 30/CANISTER MOT42703EA LIGHTWEIGHT TELESCOPING TRIPOD EASEL, 38"-66"HIGH, ALUMINUM, SILVER QRT50E ERGONOMIC SPLIT-DESIGN KEYBOARD W/ANTI- MICROBIAL PROT.117 KEYS, BLACK FEL98915 TOSHIBA BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE FOR E-STUDIO 720 T-60009 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: INDEX/INV.,ETC. W/BORDER 2.5"X4" ORIGINAL DATED DAILY PLANNER REFILL, JAN -DEC 2014, 5 1/2X8 1/2", FDP3541914 CT14 PLANTRONICS CORDLESS HEADSET PHONE 80057-11 ATIVA SCREEN-CLEENING WIPES, PK/100 OD10015 (0260358) PURELL SANITIZING WIPES, PK/100 9111-12 (566410) 3M NATURAL VIEW ANTI-GLARE SCREEN PROTECTOR FOR IPAD NV928166 (367787) PLASTIC RULER FOR BINDERS, 12" RTP-003608-OP-087-05 (720461) SMEAD COLOR FILE FOLDERS, LETTER SIZE, 1/3 CUT, GREEN BX/100 53LGN (207951) SMEAD COLOR FILE FOLDERS, LETTER SIZE, 1/3 CUT, RED BX/100 53LR (208025) SMEAD COLOR FILE FOLDERS, LETTER SIZE, 1/3 CUT, YELLOW BX/100 53LY (208041) CHARLES LEONARD 12" DOUBLE-BEVELED WOOD RULERS, BOX/36 LEO77120 SWINGLINE HEATSEAL LONGLIFE LAMINATING POUCHES,LET/SIZ,5 MIL PK/100 3200716B VERBATIM STORE'N'GO USB FLASH DRIVE 4GB 95236 ENERGIZER MAX ALKALINE AAA BATERIES, PK/8 E92MP-8 AT-A-GLANCE ACADEMIC MONTHLY PLANNER, 9X11", BLACK SEPT2013-DEC2014 700740514 STANLEY BOSTITCH THUMB LATCH LOCK MEASURING TAPE, 12' 680-30-485 OXFORD TWIN-POCKET FOLDERS, 8 1/2X11", NATURAL, BX/25 78542 KLEENIX 2-PLY FACIAL TISSUE, BOUTIQUE BOX, 95 TIS/PER/BX 6/PK/BX 21271-40 POST-IT FLAGS, 3/8X1 7/10", ASST COLORS 35FLAGS/PAD, PK/4 COLORS 683-4 AVERY COLOR PERMANENT FILE FOLDER LABELS 2/3X3 7/8", WHITE, PK/750 8366 WIRELESS OPTICAL MOUSE IVR61025 WIRE INCLINE FILE, BLACK NW-0002A (524272) LASER CUT SHEETS PRE-PERFORATED 2/3" SPECIALTY PAPER #PRB-04120 REDI-TAG LASER INDEX LABELS #39020 SUNPAK 8001UT PHOTO/VIDEO TRIPOD #SU8001UT/(620080) SONY 32GB SDHC-UHS-1 MEMORY CARD #SOSD32GBU1Q(SF32UXTQN) SONY NPFV70 RECHARGEABLE BATTERY PACK #SONPFV70(NPFV70) LIFETIME 16GB 2X8 GB BUNDLE/REG #LI103078ERK EXTREME CR123A 2-LONG LIFE LITHIUM BATTERY #EXEBXBA07(EBXBA07) REDI-TAG LASER INDEX LABELS #39020 FAX MACHINE BROTHER INTELLIFAX #2840 TOP TAB CLASSIFICATION FOLDERS, 2-DIVIDE 6-SECTION, GREEN, 10/BOX SMD14002 TONER DELL 2145CN COLOR PRINTER BLACK #330-3789 TONER DELL 2145CN COLOR PRINTER YELLOW #330-3790 TONER DELL 2145CN COLOR PRINTER CYAN #330-3792 TONER DELL 2145CN COLOR PRINTER MAGENTA #330-3791 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: MDFR 10YR OR 40YR RECERTIFICATION WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: ALL PIPING ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: NO COOKING WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: BATHROOMS LOCATED WITHIN DWELLING UNITS WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR SHALL BE LOCATED WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: MIAMI DADE FIRE RESCUE,ETD. 6" X 4" (BORDERS/LINES) RECORD/ACCOUNT BOOK, RECORD RULE, GREEN/ RED, 500 PGS, 12 1/2X7 5/8 ESS6718500R NAP-LAM II EZLOAD ROLL FILM, 1.7 MIL, 12"X300', CLEAR FIN. GBC3125365EZ test WHITE LASER RETURN ADDRESS LABELS, 1/2" X 1 3/4", BOX/8000 AVE5167 WHITE INKJET/LASER SHIPPING LABELS, 5 1/2"X 8 1/2", PK/50 505-O004-0022 STANLEY SNAP-OFF KNIFE, 9MM, 10-131P C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Pack Pack Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Box Each Pack Each Box Pack Pack Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Each Pack/50 Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Ctn/4 Ea Roll Box Case/6 pk Each Each Each Box Box Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Each Each Box Box Box Box Pack Each Pack Each Each Box Box Pack Pack Each Each Ream Each Each Each Each Bundle Each Set Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Box Pack Each 24 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 61 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 2960 2961 2962 2963 2964 2965 2966 2967 2968 2969 2970 2971 2972 2973 2974 2975 2976 2977 2978 2979 2980 2981 2982 2983 2984 2985 2986 2987 2988 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 2995 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016 3017 3018 3019 3020 3021 3022 3023 3024 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3033 3034 3035 3036 3037 3038 3039 3040 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 3046 3047 3048 3049 3050 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 3061 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 3067 3068 3069 3070 3071 3072 3073 3074 3075 3076 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000002496 N-00000002498 N-00000002500 N-00000002501 N-00000002503 N-00000002505 N-00000002507 N-00000002509 N-00000002510 N-00000002512 N-00000002514 N-00000002518 N-00000002520 N-00000002522 N-00000002523 N-00000002525 N-00000002526 N-00000002528 N-00000002530 N-00000002532 N-00000002533 N-00000002534 N-00000002535 N-00000002536 N-00000002537 N-00000002539 N-00000002541 N-00000002543 N-00000002544 N-00000002546 N-00000002547 N-00000002548 N-00000002549 N-00000002550 N-00000002551 N-00000002553 N-00000002554 N-00000002555 N-00000002556 N-00000002557 N-00000002558 N-00000002561 N-00000002562 N-00000002564 N-00000002565 N-00000002566 N-00000002567 N-00000002569 N-00000002571 N-00000002573 N-00000002574 N-00000002575 N-00000002577 N-00000002579 N-00000002581 N-00000002584 N-00000002586 N-00000002587 N-00000002589 N-00000002591 N-00000002595 N-00000002597 N-00000002598 N-00000002599 N-00000002600 N-00000002602 N-00000002603 N-00000002604 N-00000002606 N-00000002607 N-00000002609 N-00000002611 N-00000002613 N-00000002614 N-00000002615 N-00000002616 N-00000002618 N-00000002619 N-00000002621 N-00000002623 N-00000002624 N-00000002626 N-00000002627 N-00000002628 N-00000002630 N-00000002632 N-00000002633 N-00000002635 N-00000002637 N-00000002639 N-00000002640 N-00000002642 N-00000002643 N-00000002645 N-00000002648 N-00000002651 N-00000002653 N-00000002655 N-00000002656 N-00000002658 N-00000002659 N-00000002660 N-00000002661 N-00000002662 N-00000002663 N-00000002664 N-00000002665 N-00000002666 N-00000002668 N-00000002670 N-00000002673 N-00000002675 N-00000002677 N-00000002680 N-00000002685 N-00000002687 N-00000002689 N-00000002691 N-00000002693 N-00000002695 N-00000002697 N-00000002699 N-00000002700 B STOCK DESC EPSON V13H010L34 REPLACEMENT LAMP FOR POWERLITE 62C/76C PROJ.LAMP IM1G68671 KIDS SCISSORS WITH MICROBAN PROTECTION, ASSORTED COLORS, 5" BLUNT ACM14606 COMPOSTABLE SUGARCANE DINNERWARE, 12 oz BOWL, WHITE, 1000/CTN, ECOEPBL12 COMPOSTABLE SUGARCANE DINNERWARE, 6" PLATE, NAT. WHITE, 1000/CTN ECOEPP016 PYRAMID 4000 TOTALING TIME RECORDER, GRAY #4000 3M AEROSOLS SUPER 77 ADHESIVE S-515 DRAWSTRING BAG 18X24, 4 MIL, 250/BOX S-11061 PORTABLE STRETCH WRAP, 80 GAUGE, 70" X 5000', S-14930 8" 40LB, NATURAL CABLE TIES 1000/PK S-1021 LEXAR JUMPDRIVE TWIST-TURN USB FLASH DR, 32GB, ASSRT/COLORS, LJDTT32GAMNA DELL BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE(1500PG) FOR B1160 LASER PRINTER (HF44N) 331-7335 PREMIUM SMALL BROWN PAPER SHOPPING BAG, 50/BOX COS091565 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: CARLOS MARTINEZ 2000 PLUS SHOP TICKET HOLDERS, STITCHED, BOTH SIDE CLEAR,OPEN LONG SIDE 12X9,25/BX CLI49912 THERMAL PAPER ROLLS, CASH REG/CAL ROLL, 2 1/4"X85', WHITE, 3/PK PMC-05233 SINGLE-PLY CASH REGISTER/POS ROLLS, 2 1/2"X80', WHITE, 50/BOX PMC-05208 PRESSBOARD END TAB CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LEGAL, 6-SECTION, BLUE,10/BX SMD-29781 TZE EXTRA-STRENGTH ADHESIVE LAMINATED LABELING TAPE, 3/8W, B/W BRTTZES221 STAPLE CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET CM3530 M3035/MFP M525/757 PRINTER #Q7432A WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: OUT OF STATE WARRANT WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: IN-STATE FUGITIVE WARRANT WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: SENTENCED TO STATE PRISON WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: DOC INMATE WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: COUNTY SENTENCED INMATE WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: MED SCRNG _____ PRECISE RETRACTABLE GEL PEN, RED INK, FINE, PIL15003, DOZEN OLYMPUS VN-7200 DIGITAL RECORDER V404130BU000, (630706) HEAVY-DUTY STAPLER, 160-SHEET CAPACITY, BLACK/GRAY SWI-39005 PRESS LESS SUPERFLATCLINCH STAPLER, 30- SHEET COPACITY, BLACK ESS-73273 SELF-INKING DATE STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: RAIL MAINT. CONTROL TROD-5460 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED D & Q - LIGHT BLUE NCC-DQ PK/100 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED H & U - DARK BROWN NCC-HU PK/100 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED I & V - PINK NCC-IV PK/100 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED K & X - LIGHT BROWN NCC-KX PK/100 LABEL, ALPHAZ-PERMANENT COLOR CODED L & Y - LIGHT BROWN NCC-LY PK/100 FUSER KIT DELL 2300/3300 SERIES PRINTER #3319550 MAINTENANCE KIT DELL 2300/3300 SERIES PRINTER #N821D-MK FUSER KIT DELL 5130CDN PRINTER #330-5840 PRINTER BROTHER MFC9560CDW #789063 EXPANDING SLASH JACKETS SMEAD #75445 HAND SANITIZER GOJO #962504 GOJO HAND MEDIC PROFESSIONAL SKIN CONDITONER #8242-06 DRUM UNIT BROTHER DRUM UNIT #DR210CL PRESSBOARD CLASSIFICATION FOLDER, 2"EXP 2 DIV, LETTER, RED, 10/BX SMD14024 ELECTRIC TWO-HOLE PUNCH, 10-SHEET CAPICITY, MATEP210 READY INDEX COMTEMPORARY TABLE OF CONT., DIVIDER, JAN-DEC, MULTI LET. AVE11127 PROFILE BALL POINT RETRACTABLE PEN, BLUE INK, BOLD, 12/BX PAP89466 STD 3" EXPANSION CLASSIFICATION FOLDER, LETTER, 8-SECT, GREEN, 10/BX SJPS60851 RECORD/ACCOUNT BOOK, BLACK/RED COVER, 300 PAGES, 14 1/8X 8 5/8 ESS9300R SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: ABSENTEE BOOKING, 3 1/4X1" S833 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: DIRECT ADMISSION, 3 1/4X1" S833 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: MARCHMENT ACT/CONT.ORDER 1/4X1" S833 1-UP FILE FOLDER LABELS, 9/16 X 3 7/16", WHITE, 260/BX DYM-30327 FELLOWES LEGAL SIZE THERMAL LAMINATING POUCHES, 3 mil, 100/PK 52455 CIRCULAR FLUORESCENT LAMP, T9, 6500K, 8" 5V522 CONCORDE FOAM PLATE, 9" DIA., WHITE 125/PK, 4PK/CTN DRC9PWC OLYMPUS VN-702PC DIGITAL RECORDER V405171SU000, (659347) ZEBRA Z-GRIP RETRACTABLE BALLPOINT PEN MED PT RED 12/PK ZEB22230 PLUG-IN CFL, 13W, NON-DIM, 3500K, 10,000 HR. 1PGU2 (T4, GX23 2-PIN) PANASONIC MICROWAVE OVEN, BLACK NN-H965BF (216857) YEAR 2014 FILE FOLDER LABELS, 1000/ROLL 12614 WOOD TONES LETTER DESK TRAY, WOOD, MAHOGANY ROL22350 WOOD TONES LEGAL DESK TRAY, WOOD, MAHOGANY ROL22360 WOOD TONES LETTER/LEGAL DESK TRAY STACK- ERS, 4 TIER, METAL, BLACK ROL23386 WOOD TONES PHONE CENTER DESK STAND, 12 1/8" X 10, MAHOGAN, ROL1734646 TRIUMPH ROLLER BALL STICK PEN, BLUE INK NEEDLE, DOZEN BICRT5511BE TRIUMPH ROLLER BALL STICK PEN, BLACK INK NEEDLE, DOZEN BICRT5511BK TRIUMPH ROLLER BALL STICK PEN, RED INK NEEDLE, DOZEN BICRT5511RD OVERSIZED EZ READ SLIDE BINGO CARD PK/25 CMJ-W9211 BINGO CALLING BOARD CMJ-16548 CLASSIC BINGO SET CMJ-W9517 CS540 MONAURAL CONVERTIBLE WIRELESS HEADSET PLNCS540 TOSHIBA BLACK TONER CARTRIDGE FOR E-STUDIO 203L, T2840 HP314A CYAN LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE FOR HP3000N PRINTER, Q7561A HP314A YELLOW LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE HP3000N PRINTER, Q7562A HP314A MAGENTA LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE HP3000N PRINTER, Q7563A BLACK INK TONER FOR CANON MP480 PRINTER PG-210-XL COLOR INK TONER FOR CANON MP480 PRINTER CL-211-XL BUSINESS PAPER 25% COTTON SOUTHWORTH #SOU 403CR MULTILINGUAL ELECTRONIC DAISYWHEEL TYPEWRITER, BROTHER BRTML100 QUICKNOTES RECYCLED WALL CALENDAR, 12 x 17", 2014 AAGPM5228 FILE FOLDERS, 1/3 CUT TOPTAB, LETTER, GRAY, 100/BX SMD12343 SKILCRAFT TELEPHONE SHOULDER REST, 2"X 6.5 X 2.5, BLACK NSN5926295 TARGUS WIRELESS NUMERIC KEYPAD, BLACK/ GRAY, AKP11US (115677) MAXELL CD-R 700MB/80MIN, 48X, 100/SPINDL MAX648200 EASTWINDS LAPTOP COMPUTER CADDY, 29 1/2" W, 20D, 27 3/8H, MED. CHERRY MLN950MEC CERTIFICATES ST. JAMES 8-1/2X11 BLUE SILVER #83500 APPLE iPAD AIR WITH WIFI-32GB - SILVER MD789LL/A ZAGGKEYS FOLIO CASE AND BLUETOOTH KEYBD FOR APPLE IPAD-BLACK BZKFHFBKLIT105 APPLE iPAD MINI WI-FI, 16GB, SPACE GRAY MF432LL/A (BB19327564) GRIFFIN TECHNOLOGY SURVIVOR CASE FOR APPLE iPAD MINI GB35918 (BB12361478) LEATHER ZIPPER PADFOLIO W/WRITING PAD ORGANIZER SLOTS, BLACK SAM70730 VIEW BINDER 5" WHITE STRIDE #STW87070 BUBBLE ROLL, 3/16" THICK, 12" X 20' 36002-OD (653338) TOILET SEAT COVERS, DISPOSABLE TISSUE 250/PK,20PKS/CASE, WHITE (CONTRACT #72) BROTHER 7220 CORRECTABLE FILM TYPEWRITER RIBBON FOR EM-630, PK/2, 7220 (399261) NON SELF-INKING STAMP TO READ: CONFIDENTIAL JUVENILE DELL 2330D IMAGING DRUM, 30,000 PG, CARTRIDGE (PK496) 330-2663 BLACK TONER FOR DELL 3010CN COLOR LASER- JET PRINTER (2,000PG) 341-3568 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" YELLOW 064380 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" LIME GREEN 064230 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" GREEN 064200 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" PASTELS PLUS GOLD 064140 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" PINK N69360 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 65LB 8 1/2" X 11" RED 064320 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" ORANGE 064260 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" BLUE 064115 NEENAH ASTROBRIGHTS 24LB 8 1/2" X 11" PURPLE 064105 HITACHI REPL. LAMP F/CP-X201 (DT00911) W/FILTR/REG, HILCPX201 (CPX201X301X4) REALSPACE CONTEMPORARY ARTICULATED DESK LAMP, 23"H, BRUSH/STEEL, (688038) SINGLE-PLY THERMAL CASH REGISTER/POS RLS 3 1/8"X230', WHITE,50/CTN PMC05214 VERTICAL/HORIZONTAL ERASABLE WALL PLANNER, 24X36", 2014 AAGA123 BROTHER PROF. SERIES INKJET W/ FULL 11" X17" AND DUPLEX CAP. MFC-J6920DW VIS-AVIS WET-ERASE MARKER, FINE POINT, BLUE, BOX/12 SAN16003 EASY PEEL LASER MAILING LABELS, 1 X 4 CLEAR, 1000/BX AVE5661 TRANSFER KIT FOR HP2605DN COLOR LASERJET PRINTER RM1-1892-000 TRANSFER UNIT FOR XEROX PHASER 7400DN COLOR PRINTER 101R00421 OFFICE STAR DELUXE HIGH BACK LEATHER CHAIR, BL/FR, BURG/LEATHER (677480) HP 564 COMBO PACK FOR HP 4620 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER B3B33FN#140 PURELL TFX INSTANT HAND SANITIZER GEL REFILL, 1200 ML GOJ545604 (866612) TOSHIBA BLACK TONER CARTR. FOR E-STUDIO 3530C COPIER TFC28K (853265) NICO SERIES HIGH-BACK SWIVEL/TILT CHAIR BLACK #ALENI41CS10B ERGO EX EXECUTIVE OFFICE CHAIR, MESH/ BACK, UPHOL/SEAT,BLCK/CHROME BLT34434 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Bx/1000 Bx/1000 Each Each Box/250 Roll Pack Each Each Bx/50 Each Box Pack Bx/50 Box Each Pk/2 Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Pack Each Case/6 pk Each Box Each Pack Box Box Each Each Each Each Box Pack Each Carton Each Pack Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack/12 Pack Each Set Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Case Pk/2 Each Each Each Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Each Each Bx/50 Each Each Box/12 Ea Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 25 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 62 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 3077 3078 3079 3080 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3095 3096 3097 3098 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3109 3110 3111 3112 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3123 3124 3125 3126 3127 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3136 3137 3138 3139 3140 3141 3142 3143 3144 3145 3146 3147 3148 3149 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 3163 3164 3165 3166 3167 3168 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 3177 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 3190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000002702 N-00000002704 N-00000002706 N-00000002708 N-00000002710 N-00000002711 N-00000002713 N-00000002715 N-00000002716 N-00000002717 N-00000002718 N-00000002720 N-00000002721 N-00000002723 N-00000002724 N-00000002726 N-00000002729 N-00000002730 N-00000002732 N-00000002733 N-00000002734 N-00000002736 N-00000002737 N-00000002738 N-00000002739 N-00000002740 N-00000002741 N-00000002742 N-00000002743 N-00000002744 N-00000002745 N-00000002748 N-00000002750 N-00000002751 N-00000002752 N-00000002753 N-00000002755 N-00000002756 N-00000002757 N-00000002759 N-00000002760 N-00000002761 N-00000002762 N-00000002763 N-00000002765 N-00000002766 N-00000002767 N-00000002769 N-00000002771 N-00000002773 N-00000002775 N-00000002776 N-00000002777 N-00000002779 N-00000002780 N-00000002782 N-00000002783 N-00000002784 N-00000002785 N-00000002787 N-00000002788 N-00000002790 N-00000002792 N-00000002795 N-00000002796 N-00000002797 N-00000002799 N-00000002800 N-00000002801 N-00000002805 N-00000002807 N-00000002809 N-00000002811 N-00000002813 N-00000002814 N-00000002815 N-00000002816 N-00000002818 N-00000002819 N-00000002820 N-00000002821 N-00000002823 N-00000002825 N-00000002826 N-00000002828 N-00000002830 N-00000002831 N-00000002832 N-00000002833 N-00000002835 N-00000002836 N-00000002837 N-00000002839 N-00000002841 N-00000002842 N-00000002844 N-00000002845 N-00000002847 N-00000002849 N-00000002850 N-00000002852 N-00000002853 N-00000002854 N-00000002855 N-00000002856 N-00000002859 N-00000002860 N-00000002861 N-00000002862 N-00000002864 N-00000002865 N-00000002866 N-00000002867 N-00000002868 N-00000002870 N-00000002871 N-00000002872 N-00000002874 N-00000002876 N-00000002878 N-00000002879 N-00000002881 N-00000002882 B STOCK DESC HP 822A MAGENTA LASERJET IMAGING DRUM FOR HP 9500 PRINTER C8563A FUSER ASSEMBLY FOR HP COLOR LASERJET 3600DN PRINTER #RM1-2763-000 G6 GEL ROLLER BALL PEN, RETRACTABLE REFILLABLE, BLACK, 0.7mm FINE PIL31401 CASE LOGIC COMPACT CAMERA/FLASH CAMCORDER CASE Y67977 (351369) SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: RESEARCHED AND NOT PREV. PD. S831 SELF-INKING DATE REC'D STAMP (BLUE/RED) TO READ: RYAN WHITE PART TRODAT 5440 PRES-A-PLY COPIER LABELS, 1 X 2 3/4" WHITE, 3300/BX AVE30400 2-DIGIT WIRELESS TAKE-A-NUMBER SYSTEM H-1713 TRASH CAN RUBBERMAID #295500BG COMPUTER PAPER MULTICOLOR 2 PART CARBONLESS UNV #15872 TAPE FOAM DOUBLE SIDED 1X144 3M #MMM4008 CARBONLESS UNV #15872 LASKO DESK FAN, BLACK S8771269 (216695) TOILET BOWL CLEANER 1 QUART CONTAINER #MLD7725 COMET DEODORIZING CLENSER #PGC32987 21 OUNCE CANS,24 PER CASE URINAL SCREEN DEODORANT BLOCK 4 OUNCE WEBSTER 1960LM-3 HIGH BACK MULTI-TILTER WITH HEADREST, BLACK LAMINATOR 3M LS1000 LAMINATING SYSTEM CDW #283051 LAMINATOR FILM CARTRIDGE 3M DL1001 CDW #275438 STYLE EDGE INSERTABLE INDEXES 5 TAB MULTI COLOR AVE #11200 STYLE EDGE INSERTABLE INDEXES 8 TAB MULTI COLOR AVE #11201 ONE STEP PRINTABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS 26 TAB MULTI COLOR A-Z CDR60218 READY INDEX TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDERS UNCOLLATED 10 TABS AVERY #11169 24 SETS READY INDEX TRANSLUCENT TABLE OF CONTENT DIVIDERS 8 TAB 1-8 AVERY #11817 READY INDEX TRANSLUCENT TABLE OF CONTENT DIVIDERS 15 TAB 1-15 AVERY #11820 READY INDEX EASY EDIT TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDERS 8 TAB 1-8 AVERY #12172 READY INDEX EASY EDIT TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDERS 8 TAB 1-8 AVERY #12172 READY INDEX EASY EDIT TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVIDERS 10 TAB 1-10 AVERY #12173 DRY EASE KIT LOW ODOR SANFORD #80054 DRY EASE MARKERS VALUE PACK OF 24 AVE #29870 ULTRA PATHWAY PAPER PLATES 8-1/2"PLATE #DXEUX9PATH ROCKIN FOOTREST BSN #62880 MAINTENANCE KIT HP #Q5981A STANDARD YIELD BLACK TONER FOR BROTHER MFC9130CW #BRT-TN221BK STANDARD YIELD CYAN TONER FOR BROTHER MFC9130CW #BRT-TN221C STANDARD YIELD MAGENTA TONER FOR BROTHER MFC9130CW #BRT-TN221M STANDARD YIELD YELLOW TONER FOR BROTHER MFC9130CW #BRT-TN221Y SELF-INKING SIGNATURE STAMP (BLACK INK) FOR: CALVIN JAMES S844 FAKE BLOOD #142004 1 PINT CONTAINERS TONER TOSHIBA BLACK FOR STUDIO F50 #ZT500F COLLECTION UNIT FOR HP CP4025/CP4525 #CE265A PRECISE LEATHERETTE MOUSE PAD W/WRIST REST, BLACK MMMMW310LE METROMESH STACKING SORTER, BLACK, 7 1/2" , 8", 14" NW282A SPARCO COMPACT LUGGAGE CART, 150LB CAP. CHROME SPR01753 VICTOR 1460-4 TWO COLOR PRINTER CALCULA- TOR, 12-DIGIT DISPLAY VIC14604 CST ERGONOMIC PC-TRAC TRACKBALL MOUSE CC8713 CARSON MAGNILAMP MAGNIFIER GN-55 INNOVATIVE STORAGE DESIGNS DESKTOP ORGANIZER, 10 COMPS, BLACK 65442 RAPIDPRINT # ARL-E TIME AND DATE STAMP TO READ: RECEIVED AND ROBBERY BUREAU SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: WILFREDO ALONSO-DEP.CLERK TRODAT 4916 VOICE MAIL WIREBOUND LOG BOOKS, 8 X 10 5/8", 500 SETS/BOOK RED51114 BROTHER P-TOUCH PT-70BM ELECTRONIC LABELER PT70BM (0467420) VIEW BINDER 3 RING 1-1/2" BLACK #WLJ36334B HP LTO ULTRIUM 4 TAPE CARTRIDGE 1.60TB #HEWC7974A WIRELESS MOUSE LOGITECH M525 #342895 TABLE TOP FAN HONEYWELL #HT-900 FIELD BOOK LOG, RITE-IN-RAIN #390 4 3/4 X 7 1/2 FIELD BOOK LOG, RITE-IN-RAIN #393 8 1/2 X 11 (393MX) FIELD BOOK LOG, RITE-IN-RAIN #353 4 5/8 X 7 (353N) FIELD BOOK LOG, RITE-IN-RAIN #550 CONFERENCE TABLE 6' GRT6ABN WITH ARCH BASE COLOR #VRC RED CHERRY FILE FOLDER LABELS MACO #ML-FF37 ORANGE COLUMNAR BOOK, 4 COLUMNS, 9 1/4" X 7", 40 SHEETS BURGUNDY, #DRB407622 (407622) BROTHER P-TOUCH PT-D200 LABEL MAKER 2 LINES BRTPTD200 YEAR 2014 END TAB FOLDER LABELS, 1/2 X 1 ORANGE/WHITE, 250/PK SMD67914 WORKSAVER BIG TAB REINFORCED DIVIDERS, MULTICOLOR TABS, 5-TAB, AVE11109 FILE JACKETS 2 "EXPANSION LETTER SMEAD #75560 METRIC TAPE SCALES 20mm 150 SCALES PER ROLL #522 DVD+R DOUBLE LAYER 8.5GB VERBATIM #95484 NOTEBOOK BLACK MARBLE COMPOSITION MEAD #09910 WOOD HAND STAMP TO READ: TTC059 DRUM KIT FOR HP 8500N/8550 COLOR LASER PRINTER C4153A 24-SHEET 3230 ELECTRIC 2 & 3 HOLD ADJUST ABLE PUNCH, GRAY GBC7704270 MOBILE FOLDING CART W/LID, 16H, 18W, 15D BLACK 50801 (987304) PRESENTATION EASEL CARRYING CASE, BALLIS TIC NYLON, 32 X 42, BLACK QRT100EC LIGHTWEIGHT TELESCOPING TRIPOD EASEL, ADJUSTS 38-66" HIGH, ALUM/BK QRT51E LIGHTWEIGHT TELESCOPING TRIPOD EASEL ADJUSTS 38-66"HIGH, ALUM/BLK QRT51E DISPLAY EASEL CARRY CASE, 38W,1 1/2D, 6 1/2H, NYLON BLACK QRT156355 2000 PLUS SELF-INKING REFILL INK, BLACK .9oz BOTTLE COS032962 ROTATING 360 TELEPHONE CORD DETANGLER, CLEAR/BLACK SOF21002 ANTIGLARE MONITOR FILTER FOR 16-17" LCD/CRT FEL93785 FILE FOLDERS, 1/3 CUT TOP TAB, LETTER, ORANGE, 100/BOX SMD12543 FOLDING TABLE, MOLDED PLASTIC TOP, 29"H, 48W, 24D, GRAY GRANITE 81808 (606043) PT-2730 BROTHER DESKTOP LABELER, 7W,9D, 2H, BRTPT2730 COMPACT MOBILE WIRE FILE CART, 1-SHELF, 15W,14D,19H, BLACK SAF5277BL POST-IT SELF-STICK EASEL PADS, 25"X30", YELLOW LINED, 30SHTS/BOX/2 MMM561 PORELON 192, LEXMARK 1380999 REPLACEMENT RIBBON, 11413 (802702) PRESENTATION EASEL, SILVER W/CHART HOLD- ER FLX03102-001AA (777571) ATIVA MD1250 12-SHEET CROSS-CUT SHREDDER MD1250 (0320847) EXOFIT NEX VEST-STYLE HARNESS (LARGE) 1113037 HP 822A YELLOW LASERJET IMAGING DRUM FOR 9500 PRINTER C8562A HP COLOR LASERJET 110V/220V IMAGE FUSER KIT C8556A BROTHER PRINTER DRIVE BELT UNIT BU100CL DUAL LOCK TAPE FASTENERS 3M #65812 1/2"X 150' ULINE #S-15908 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "RETURN TO SENDER" #S833 SELF-INKING STAMP RED INK 2oz BOTTLE HP 64X HIGH YIELD BLACK LASERJET TONER CARTRIDGE CC364X DELL TONER WASTER CONTAINER FOR DELL 5130CDN PRINTER #330-5844 DOUBLE DOCKET RULED NOTE PADS LETTER SIZE #TOP 63437 SKILCRAFT CORD DETANGLER, BLACK #NSN3779534 (201505) HP ENVY 4500 e-ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER,COPIER SCANNER, #A9T80A#B1H (143228) COMFORMATE BALLPOINT RETRACTABLE PEN, BLACK INK, FINE PAP6380187 BOX/DZ COMFORMATE BALLPOINT RETRACTABLE PEN, BLUE INK, FINE PAP6360187 BOX/DZ COMFORMATE BALLPOINT RETRACTABLE PEN, RED INK, FINE PAP6320187 BOX/DZ COMFORMATE GRIP BALLPOINT RETRACTABLE PEN, BLACK INK/MED. PAP6430131 BOX/DZ COMFORMATE GRIP BALLPOINT RETRACTABLE PEN, BLUE INK/MED. PAP6410131 BOX/DZ FLOOR STRIPPER REMOVER #11EPP 4 GAL/CS #11EPP FLOOR FINISH, FLOOR COATING 4 GAL/CS #10EPP SCRUBBING PAD FOR 20" MACHINE 5 PADS/CS #68EPP POLISHING PAD FOR 20" MACHINE 5 PADS/CS #67EPP TZE EXTRA-STRENGTH ADHESIVE LAMINATED LABELING TAPE, 3/4W, BL/WH, BRTTZES241 PRECISE V5 ROLLER BALL STICK PEN, NEEDLE PT,ASST INKS 0.5mm,7/PK PIL26015 SHARPIE SUPER PERMANENT MARKERS, FINE POINT, RED SAN33002 BOX/DZ SHARPIE SUPER PERMANENT MARKERS, FINE POINT, BLACK SAN33001 BOX/DZ SAFCO SCOOT DESKSIDE PRINTER STAND,BLACK SILVER SAF1856BL ENERGIZER 1.5-VOLT CALCULATOR/WATCH 357 BATTERIES, 3/PK EVE357BP3 (658236) END-TAB POCKETS, EXTRA-WIDE LEGAL SIZE 100% RECYC,REDROPE SMD73611 (102879) CANON LS-100TS CALCULATOR CNMLS100TS (776611) BROTHER INTELIFAX-2940 LASER FAX MACHINE COPY/FAX/PRINT BRTFAX2940 SELF-INKING DATE REC'D STAMP (BLK-INK) READ: CRIME SCENE INVEST. #5440 25% COTTON LINEN BUS. PAPER,IVORY, 24LBS 8 1/2x11, 500/BX, FSC SOU564C LAPTOP PALM SUPPORT FELLOWES #9184801 THERMAL PAPER ROLLS BROTHER/PENTAX POCKET JET PRINTER #LB-3667 36 RLS LASER TONER XEROX #106R1395 BLACK C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Box/12 Case Case Each Each Roll Pack Pack Pack Set Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Kit Kit Case Each Kit Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Pack Set Box Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Pk/6 pads Each Each Box Box Box Box Box case case case case Each Pack Box Box Each Pack Box Each Each Each Box Each Case Each 26 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 63 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3208 3209 3210 3211 3212 3213 3214 3215 3216 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3227 3228 3229 3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 3248 3249 3250 3251 3252 3253 3254 3255 3256 3257 3258 3259 3260 3261 3262 3263 3264 3265 3266 3267 3268 3269 3270 3271 3272 3273 3274 3275 3276 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 3284 3285 3286 3287 3288 3289 3290 3291 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3307 3308 3309 3310 3311 3312 3313 3314 3315 3316 3317 3318 3319 3320 3321 3322 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000002883 N-00000002884 N-00000002885 N-00000002889 N-00000002890 N-00000002891 N-00000002892 N-00000002893 N-00000002895 N-00000002897 N-00000002898 N-00000002899 N-00000002900 N-00000002902 N-00000002904 N-00000002906 N-00000002908 N-00000002909 N-00000002910 N-00000002912 N-00000002913 N-00000002915 N-00000002916 N-00000002918 N-00000002919 N-00000002920 N-00000002921 N-00000002922 N-00000002923 N-00000002924 N-00000002925 N-00000002926 N-00000002928 N-00000002929 N-00000002930 N-00000002931 N-00000002933 N-00000002935 N-00000002937 N-00000002939 N-00000002941 N-00000002942 N-00000002944 N-00000002945 N-00000002946 N-00000002947 N-00000002948 N-00000002952 N-00000002961 N-00000002963 N-00000002964 N-00000002965 N-00000002967 N-00000002969 N-00000002970 N-00000002972 N-00000002973 N-00000002974 N-00000002975 N-00000002977 N-00000002978 N-00000002979 N-00000002980 N-00000002981 N-00000002982 N-00000002983 N-00000002984 N-00000002986 N-00000002987 N-00000002989 N-00000002990 N-00000002992 N-00000002995 N-00000002997 N-00000002999 N-00000003001 N-00000003002 N-00000003003 N-00000003004 N-00000003005 N-00000003006 N-00000003007 N-00000003008 N-00000003009 N-00000003010 N-00000003012 N-00000003014 N-00000003015 N-00000003016 N-00000003017 N-00000003018 N-00000003019 N-00000003020 N-00000003021 N-00000003022 N-00000003023 N-00000003025 N-00000003026 N-00000003027 N-00000003028 N-00000003030 N-00000003031 N-00000003032 N-00000003033 N-00000003034 N-00000003036 N-00000003038 N-00000003039 N-00000003040 N-00000003041 N-00000003042 N-00000003043 N-00000003044 N-00000003045 N-00000003047 N-00000003049 N-00000003051 N-00000003052 N-00000003053 N-00000003055 N-00000003056 N-00000003058 N-00000003060 B STOCK DESC LASER TONER XEROX #106R1392 CYAN LASER TONER XEROX #106R1393 MAGENTA LASER TONER XEROX #106R1394 YELLOW ID CARDS, BLANK PVC CR 80.30 MIL WHITE SZ:3-3/8"X2-1/8" #ICP-33581754WH FILE FOLDERS 2" EXPANSION MANILA 50 PER BOX SMD #75560 FILE FOLDERS 2" EXPANSION BLUE 50 PER BOX SPR #26562 LABELS LASER SHIPPING LABELS 1-1/3"X4" WEATHERPROOF WHITE #AVE5522 QUICK CHANGE UTILITY KNIFE W/RETRACTABLE BLADE & TWINE BOS #10499 DURA COPY WATERPROOF COPIER/LASER PRINTER 8-1/2x11 RITE IN RAIN #6511 LEXAR JUMPDRIVE TWIST-TURN USB FLASH DRIVE 16GB, LJDTT16GAMNA (591973) LEXAR JUMPDRIVE TWIST-TURN USB FLASH DRIVE 64GB, LJDTT64GAMNA (355167) MEMOREX DVD+R RECORDABLE MEDIA SPINDLE, 4.76GB/120 MIN,PK/100, 32025621 (209344) PRESSBOARD END TAB CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LEGAL,6-SECT,GRAY/GREEN 10/BX SMD-29810 QUICKSILVER SNOWDRIVE USB 2.0 FLASHDRIVE 16GB, PACK/3, QS-SNOWM1/16GB (260597 STAPLE CARTRIDGE FOR 5080E, 5000/BOX ESS90220 5 DRAWER VERTICAL FILE CABINET 25" DEEP GRAY, #25-551 (LEGAL SIZE) FOLDER CLASSIFIACTION 2 DIVIDER LETTER RED #NATSP17258 CALENDAR 12 MONTH BROWNLINE #C171128 GLOVE POLY COATED NYLON SHELL 13 GAUGE SIZE SMALL #MEM 9669S WOOD HAND STAMP FOR HEAD START FISCAL 4" X 1 3/8" SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "NARCOTICS" #S310 ASTROPARCHE NATURAL PAPER 8 1/2 X 11",60 LB,TEXT VELLUM 8 REAMS/CS #3-27121-F-P ASTROPARCHE BLUE PAPER 8 1/2 X 11",60LB TEXT VELLUM 8 REAMS/CS #3-27141-F-P SELF-INKING DATE RECEIVED STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: "NARCOTICS" TRODAT 5440 SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "SAMPLE" #S310 (SHINY) SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "FINAL" #S310 (SHINY) SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "DRAFT" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "REVISED" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "FILE" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "COMPLETED" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "COPY" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: "RUSH" ACCUSTAMP SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: "DIRECT PAY ID03358861" TRODAT 4926 SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: "FOR DEPOSIT ONLY" TRAXX 9012 SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: "INTERNAL SERVICES DEPT" TRODAT 4916 SELF-INKING STAMP (BLACK INK) TO READ: "SURPLUS PROPERTY SALES" SHINY S833 DAWN DISHWASHING LIQUID 5 GALLON PAIL #PGC02611 DETTOL ANTISEPTIC LIGUID #83626043-6 INOVATIVE STORAGE DESIGN "MINI" STACKING BIN, LARGE, CLEAR #65052 (497448) PHOTO CANVAS HAHNEMUEHLE 320 GSM 2" CORE 24"X66'ROLL BROOM, STREET, PUSH TYPE, 24"W, 6" TRIM PALMYRA, ITEM #45 BROOM HANDLE, WOOD THREADED, 54" ITEM #46 2 X 3' BLACK CADILLAC MAT, 5/8" THICK #H-2011BL 2 X 6' BLACK CADILLAC MAT, 5/8" THICK #H-3090 3 X 5' BLACK CADILLAC MAT, 5/8" THICK #H-2012BL 3 X 6' BLACK CADILLAC MAT, 5/8" THICK #H-2367 3 X 12' BLACK CADILLAC MAT, 5/8" THICK #H-2014BL BROOM AND DUSTPAN, OPENLID, 11 1/2 X 11 1/2, #9DZE2 INK CARTRIDGE HP #82 BLACK #CH565A BIC ROUND STIC GRIP BALLPOINT PEN, 1.0mm CLEAR BARREL, BLUE INK GSMG11BE KANTEK TELESCOPIC HANDLE FOLDING CART, 110 lb CAPACITY, BLACK KTKLGLC110 BULLETIN BOARD, NATURAL CORK OVER FIBER- BOARD, 72 X 48, LAM/OAK FRAME QRT307 REALLY USEFUL BOXES, PLASTIC STORAGE BOX 32 LITERS, CLEAR #32C (507990) LEXMARK 50F1000 RETURN PROGRAM TONER #50F1000 HP UNIVERSAL INSTANT-DRY SATIN PHOTO PAPER-914mm x 30.5m (36"x100') Q6580A HP 650A BLACK ORGINAL LASERJET TONER FOR HP CP5520, HEWCE270A HP 650A CYAN ORGINAL LASERJET TONER FOR HP CP5520, HEWCE271A HP650A YELLOW ORGINAL LASERJET TONER FOR HP CP5520, HEWCE272A HP650A MAGENTA ORIG. LASERJET TONER FOR HP CP5520, HEWCE273A #200 MULTI-PACK COLOR DURABRITE ULTRA CARTRIDGES FOR EPSON WF-2530 #T200520 200XL HIGH-CAPACITY BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR EPSON WF-2530 #T200XL120 LABELING TAPE CASIO #XR9-WE2S PACK OF 2 LABELMAKER BROTHER PT9600 #BRT-9600 PENS PILOT V5/V7 RETRACTABLE PEN BLUE #PIL-26063 PENS PILOT V5/V7 RETRACTABLE PEN BLACK #PIL-26207 PENS PILOT V5/V7 RETRACTABLE PEN RED #PIL-26064 PENS PILOT V5/V7 RETRACTABLE PEN BLACK #PIL-26206 PENS BIC ECO SOLUTIONS RE ACTIONS BALL #BIC-CPGE11BK BLACK PENS BIC ECO SOLUTIONS RE ACTIONS BALL #BIC-CPGE11BE BLUE ROLODEX VINYL BUSINESS CARD HOLDER, 192 CARD CAPACITY, BLACK #ROL-67465 STANDARD DRY-ERASE BOARD, MELAMINE, 72 X 48, WHITE, ALUM/FRAME #QRT-S537 WIPING CLOTHS COTTON SHEETING 24"X24" WHITE TROY #WS PACKED 50 LBS PER CARTON PORELON 192LT REPLACEMENT LIFT-OFF TAPE CASSETTE #11412 (802686) BLACK INK TANK FOR CANON MX860 ALL-IN- ONE PRINTER CLI-221 BROTHER DIGITAL COLOR PRINTER W/WIRELESS NETWORK/DUPLEX #HL-3170CDW MULTI COMPARTMENT DOCUHOLDER, 4 COMPART MENTS, 4X8X10 CLEAR #DEF77701 MULTI-DEX QUICK REFERENCE INDEX, ASSORT COLORS, 12 MNTH TABS, LETTER #WLJ54732 ACCENT TANK STYLE HIGHLIGHTER, CHISEL TIP, PINK, 12/PK #SAN25009 PERMANENT MARKER, EXTRA FINE POINT, RED DOZEN, #SAN35002 PERMANENT MARKER, EXTRA FINE POINT, BLUE DOZEN, #SAN35003 INDUSTRIAL PERMANENT MARKER EXTRA FINE POINT, BLACK, DOZEN #SAN13801 DISPOSABLE COMPRESSED GAS DUSTER, 10 oz CANS, 2/PK #FALDSXLPW HEAVY-DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL ROLLS, 18" X 1000FT, SILVER #BWK7126 TOP-LOAD POLY SHEET PROTECTORS, HEAVY- GAUGE, LETTER #AVE74102 VARIO REFERENCE DESKTOP SYSTEM 20 PANELS DBL536100 BLACKOUT FRAMELESS PRIVACY FILTER FOR 24" WIDESCREEN NOTE/LCD, #MMMMPF240W9 4009 HIGHLIGHTER, CHISEL TIP, BLUE 12/PK #SAN64328 ALUMINUM CHALK HOLDER, SILVER #LEO74541 HYGIEIA DUSTLESS BOARD CHALK, 3 1/4 X3/8 WHITE, 12/BX, #DIX31144 ROUND EASY PEEL LABELS, 2" DIA., SILVER FOIL, 96/PK, #AVE22824 ROUND EASY PEEL LABELS, 2" DIA., GLOSSY WHITE, 90/PK, #AVE22830 ROUND EASY PEEL LABELS, 2" DIA., GLOSSY WHITE, 120/PK, #AVE22807 PRINT/WRITE FILE FOLDER LABELS, 11/16 X 3 7/16, WHITE/ASSORT 252/PK #AVE05215 PRINT/WRITE FILE FOLDER LABELS, 11/16 X 3 7/16,WHITE/ORANGE 252/PK #AVE05205 PRINT/WRITE FILE FOLDER LABELS, 11/16 X 3 7/16,WHITE/PURPLE 252/PK #AVE05204 SQUARE PRINT-TO-THE-EDGE LABELS W/TRUE BLOCK, 2X2, KRAFT BRN,300/PK #AVE22846 LUXHIDE EXECUTIVE CHAIR, 24.5W, 25.5D, 36H, #OTG11618B (BL20 BLACK) MESH EXECUTIVE CHAIR, 27W, 24.5D, 43H #OTG11668B (BLACK MESH) LUXHIDE EXECUTIVE CHAIR, 27W, 28D, 42H #OTG2700BL26 (BURGUNDY) LUXHIDE EXECUTIVE CHAIR, 26.5W, 28D, 44H #OTG2787BL24 (DARK BROWN) KINGSTON USB 3.0 FLASH CARD READER #S6179253 (936403) YEAR END FILE FOLDER LABELS YELLOW WITH BLACK NUMBERS SMEAD #68314 YEAR END FILE FOLDER LABELS BLACK WITH WHITE NUMBERS SMEAD #68315 YEAR END FILE FOLDER LABELS ORANGE WITH BLACK NUMBERS SMEAD #68316 YEAR END FILE FOLDER LABELS WHITE WITH BLACK NUMBERS SMEAD #68317 BARCODE SCANNER MOTOROLA LS2208 CDW#3021140 PRESSGUARD REPORT COVER, PRONG CLIP, LETTER, 3" CAP, YELLOW #ESS12709 PRESSGUARD REPORT COVER, PRONG CLIP, LETTER, 3" CAP, RED #ESS12734 MESH BACKREST, 17 1/2W, 3 1/8D, 15H, BLACK #SAF7153BL SHEFFIELD EXTRAMARK TAPE MEASURE, 1" X 25FT, #GNS58652 RUBBER BANDS, SIZE 107, 7 X 5/8 BANDS 1LB PACK #UNV01107 TRIPOD-STYLE, DRY-ERASE, 27 X 35 FRAMED #QRT67E BOARDGEAR DRY ERASE BOARD ERASER, FOAM, 5W, 3D, 1H, #QRT920335 SCENTS DRY ERASE MARKERS, CHISEL TIP, ASSORT/COLORS, 4/SET #SAN83514 PILOT TRACEABLE ROLLER BALL PEN, BLACK PIL31402 BALLOONS 12" LATEX HELIUM QUALITY IN ASSORTED COLORS #TCO-61100 LABELMANAGER 280, 2 LINES, 4 1/2W,2 3/8D 8H #DYM1815990 WORKFORCE 2540 WIRELESS MULTIFUNCTION INKJET PRINTER #EPSC11CC36201 PRINT/WRITE REMOVABLE COLOR-CODING LABEL 3/4" DIA. YELLOW 1008/PK #AVE05462 HIRSH SOHO 3-DRAWER ORGANIZER FILE, 27H, 14W,18D, BLACK #HID17575 SLIMBLADE TRACKBALL, GRAPHITE W/RUBY RED TRACKBALL #KMW72327 BROTHER EM-530 BUSINESS CLASS TYPEWRITER WITH DICTIONARY #EM530 BOX-BOTOM HANGING FOLDERS, 2" EXPANSION, LEGAL SIZE, GREEN BX/25 #SMD64358 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Each Pack Each Each Pack Box Pack Box Each Bx/10 Each Dozen Each Each Case Case Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Dozen Each Each Each Each Roll Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Box Box Box Box Box Box Each Each Box Each Each Each Each Pack Pack Dozen Dozen Dozen Pack Each Box Each Each Pack Each Box Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Pack Each Each Each Each Each Box Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Set Box Pack Each Each Pack Each Each Each Box 27 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 64 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 3323 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3340 3341 3342 3343 3344 3345 3346 3347 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3353 3354 3355 3356 3357 3358 3359 3360 3361 3362 3363 3364 3365 3366 3367 3368 3369 3370 3371 3372 3373 3374 3375 3376 3377 3378 3379 3380 3381 3382 3383 3384 3385 3386 3387 3388 3389 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3396 3397 3398 3399 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3407 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 3421 3422 3423 3424 3425 3426 3427 3428 3429 3430 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 COUNTY STOCK # N-00000003062 N-00000003064 N-00000003065 N-00000003067 N-00000003068 N-00000003069 N-00000003070 N-00000003071 N-00000003072 N-00000003074 N-00000003075 N-00000003077 N-00000003079 N-00000003081 N-00000003082 N-00000003083 N-00000003085 N-00000003086 N-00000003087 N-00000003088 N-00000003090 N-00000003092 N-00000003094 N-00000003095 N-00000003096 N-00000003097 N-00000003099 N-00000003100 N-00000003101 N-00000003103 N-00000003105 N-00000003106 N-00000003108 N-00000003110 N-00000003112 N-00000003113 N-00000003115 N-00000003116 N-00000003118 N-00000003120 N-00000003122 N-00000003124 N-00000003126 N-00000003128 N-00000003130 N-00000003132 N-00000003133 N-00000003134 N-00000003135 N-00000003137 N-00000003138 N-00000003139 N-00000003140 N-00000003141 N-00000003144 N-00000003145 N-00000003147 N-00000003149 N-00000003150 N-00000003151 N-00000003153 N-00000003154 N-00000003155 N-00000003156 N-00000003157 N-00000003159 N-00000003160 N-00000003166 N-00000003168 N-00000003169 N-00000003171 N-00000003172 N-00000003174 N-00000003175 N-00000003176 N-00000003178 N-00000003179 N-00000003180 N-00000003182 N-00000003183 N-00000003184 N-00000003185 C-074 C-567 S-2242 S-2243 S-2251 S-2253 S-2254 S-2235 S-2238 S-2239 S-2280 S-2281 S-2282 S-2284 S-2285 S-2287 S-2283 S-2286 S-2289 S-2290 S-2291 S-2293 S-2297 S-2298 S-2299 F-895 T-2560 T-2563 T-2512 T-2524 T-2525 T-2532 T-2533 T-2541 T-2542 T-2543 T-2545 T-2546 M-205 M-207 T-2574 B STOCK DESC NARROW STAPLE, 27/64, 5/16" IN LEG, PK/1000 #24T326 (TRA705TLS) BROTHER ML-100 TYPEWRITER #ML-100 (493353) TONER LEXMARK MS710/711/810/811/812 SERIES PRINTER #52D1H00 SINGLE-PLY BOND PAPER ROLL, 2 1/4"X 150' #554035EA (840215) MAGNIFYING FULER, 15", CLEAR #AV12-0602 (473730) COLOR LASER TONER LEXMARK BLACK #C780A1KG COLOR LASER TONER LEXMARK YELLOW #C780A1YG COLOR LASER TONER LEXMARK CYAN #C780A1CG COLOR LASER TONER LEXMARK MAGENTA #C780A1MG TOOL HOLDER, POLY, 4 1/4" X 2 X 7 1/4" #13t124 SCREWDRIVER/NUT DRIVER, 11-IN-1 #2RKT1 HP 83 YELLOW UV PRINTHEAD/PRINTHEAD CLEANER FOR HP 5500 #C4963A PROJECTOR LAMP MODULE FOR EPSON POWER- LITE PROJECTOR #V13H010L36 SECURITY ID BADGE HOLDER, VERTICAL, 2 5/8"W,3 7/8"H,CLEAR, 50/BX #AVT75419 CARBINER-SYTLE RERACTABLE ID CARD REEL, 30" EXTENSION, SMOKE, 12/PK #AVT75551 LCD FLAT SCREEN MAGNIFIER PRIVACY SCREEN 19" #601085 SUPER HIGH YIELD BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-J6920DW, #LC109BK SUPER HIGH YIELD CYAN INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-J6920DW, #LC105C SUPER HIGH YIELD MAGENTA INK CARTRIDGE BROTHER MFC-J6920DW, #LC105M SUPER HIGH YIELD YELLOW INK CARTRIDGE BROTHER MFC-J6920DW, #LC105Y HAIER 1.1 CU. FT. MICROWAVE OVEN, WHITE #HMC1120BEWW (656494 DVD-R INKJET RECORDABLE WHITE, HUB PRINT -ABLE, 16X, 4.70GB VER95079 50/PK CUSTOM LABELS WHITE LETTER SIZE SETS OF 6 TAB TITLES RIGHT HAND 1/6 CUT BINDING COMBS 1-1/2" BLACK #OD 535608 DISH WASHING LIQUID SEVENTH GENERATION 50 oz. BOTTLES #22724 MAINTENANCE KIT HEWLETT PACKARD C9152 COMPATIBLE HP LASERJET PRO 400 COLOR PRINTER M451DN, #CE957A#BGJ HIGH YIELD BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR BROTHER MFC-J470DW, #LC103BK 3-PACK (CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW) FOR BROTHER MFC-J470DW, #LC103PKS REPLACE DIE PLATE FOR HEAD START FISCAL STAMP (N-00000002912) CRUISER MATE ALUMINUM STORAGE CLIPBOARD, 1" CAP, 8 1/2"X12, SILVER #SAU21017 ACCOUNT BOOK, BLUE HARDCOVER, 300 PAGES, 11 3/4X7 1/4, #WLJS3003R SMEAD 2-PLY FOLDERS, 1/3 CUT LEGAL SIZE DRAFT, PK/50 #2K2-153CK-1 (998302) OLYMPUS WS-823 BLK VOICE RECORDER #V406191BU000 (3277329) HP COLORFAST ADHESIVE VINYL 2 ROLLS/BOX #C0F09A (PREV. C6777A) HP MATTE ADHESIVE-BACKED POLLYPROPYLENE #C0F19A (PREV. Q1908A) 2 ROLLS/BOX SPACEAGE TOTE 18"X13"X12" BLUE #S-133BLU DELUXE FOLDING TABLE 72X30 GRAY #H-2229FGR RAVEN POST BINDER 11X17 BLACK #WLJ24165N BLACK GAFF TAPE 4"X55' PRO-GAFF/455 30% RECYCLED LEGAL SIZE DESK TRAYS, BLACK, PACK/2 #10454 (769345) PRINT/WRITE-ON HANGING TABS, 1/5 TAB, 2 1/16", WHITE, 90/PK #AVE5567 BIC TRIUMPH ROLLERBALL PEN, EXTRA FINE POINT, 0.5mm BLUE #RT5511BLU (811493) RCA CASSETTE VOICE RECORDER (CASE, TAPE, MICROPHONE, SPEAKER) #RCARP3504 (209630) SELF-INKING CIRCLE STAMP (RED INK) TO READ: MDPD (BORDER) STA 5 (CENTER) #4923 2-TONE FILE FOLDER, STRAIGHT TOP TAB, LETTER, LAV/LGHT LAV, 100/BX #ESS152LAV 2-TONE FILE FOLDER, STRAIGHT TOP TAB, LETTER, ORA/LGHT ORA, 100/BX #ESS152ORA 2-TONE FILE FOLDER, STRAIGHT TOP TAB, LETTER, PIN/LGHT PIN, 100/BX #ESS152PIN LASER TONER HP CF280X BLACK ANTI-FATIGUE MAT, 3/8", 4'X 6' H-650BL PRONG FASTENER/COMPRESSOR 100 PER BOX #SPR B21 FILE FOLDER SMEAD ORANGE #53LOR FILE FOLDER SMEAD ORANGE #53LPE FILE FOLDER SMEAD #11961 BROTHER TZE-141 BLACK-ON-CLEAR TAPE, 0.75" X 26.2", #BRTTZE141 OFFICE SUITES LAPTOP RISER PLUS, COPY HOLDER, BLACK, #FEL8036701 HP OFFICEJET 4500 ALL-IN-ONE PRINTER G510G, #CB869A REPLACEMENT TONER FOR PANASONIC UF-4500 FAX MACHINE, #UG-5591 REPLACEMENT DRUM UNIT PANASONIC UF-4500 FAX MACHINE, #UG-5590 CANON GPR-7, BLACK LASER TONER CARTRIDGE FOR IKON IMAGERUNNER #6748A003AA SAMSUNG WB350F 16.3-MAGAGIXEL DIGITAL CAMERA-BROWN, #ECWB350FBPNUS (19451838) SANDISK ULTRA 8GB MICROSDHC UHS-I CLASS 10 MEMORY/CD #SDSDQUI008G-A11 (12236641) SUNPAK PLATINUM PLUS 11.5"MINI-D TRIPOD #620-120BB (10680027) LOEPRO NEWPORT 10 CAMERA POUCH BLACK/ SLATE GRAY #LP36455 (12344099) SANDISK ULTRA 16GB MICROSDHC UHS-I CLASS 10 MEMORY/CD #SDSDQUP01 (19440233) STANLEY QUICK CHANGE KNIFE (MIM-6 ORDER) #H-43 PACK OF 100 STANLEY BLADES FOR QUICK CHANGE KNIFE #H-64B AURO-DRI EAR AID DROPS #1920685 GLOW STICKS 6" 8 HOUR BULK #GS006E SILVA PRECISION COMPAS STARTER 1-2-3 #2801290 BLACK TIE WRAPS 8"X .25 D #30192 20 CT. #301392 WIRELESS MOUSE 3 BUTTON SILVER M510 #LOG910001822 O-RINGS 013A PVC SEARCH GRIDS FILE POCKET SMEAD #73502 HOLE SAW SET, ELECTRICIANS KIT #25A936 HACKSAW COMBINATION #25A662 HACKSAW BLADE, 10", 24TPI, PK/10, BI-METAL #4RA70 HEAVY-DUTY 2-HOLE PUNCH, BLACK #10082 (427281) 2-DRAWER FILE WITH CASTER KIT, STONE #HID16292 (185974) SAFCO RESTEASE ADJUSTABLE FOOTREST, BLACK/SILVER #SAF2120BL (877329) CHAIR MAT FOR THIN COMMERCIAL GRADE CAR- PETS, RECT/CLEAR #OD64429 (478028) CASH REGISTER TAPE SINGLE PLY 44MM NCR# 845074 CASH REGISTER TAPE NCR #844567 BLACK 1-3/4"X3"X150' STAMP PADS, FOAM RUBBER, BLACK, SIZE #1, 2 3/4"x 4 1/4" CARTER'S #AVE21381 STAMP PADS, FOAM RUBBER, RED, SIZE #1, 2 3/4" X 4 1/4" CARTER'S AVE21371 ROLL ON INKERS, BLACK, FOR STAMP PADS (bottle) (SOC SAN#58701) ROLL ON INKERS, RED, FOR STAMP PADS (bottle) (SOC SAN#58702) STAMP RACK, tiered, holds up to 6 stamps LAB#54771 DISCONTINUED STAMPER, 10-IN-ONE Phrase stamp includes copy,completed, draft, paid, etc XSTAMPER# 81041 STAMP, DATER, size 1 1/2". TEN YEARS OF DATES. #USS-RD015 DATE/TIME STAMP ELECTRONIC PRINTS COMBO OF DATE/TIME/STATUS/W SECURITY #DYM47002 STAPLER, DESK TOP, 4" throat, 8 1/2" length #BOSTITCH #B220-BK STAPLER, HAND HELD #BOSTITCH 42100 STAPLER, ELECTRIC, 3 1/4"W x 4"W X 8 1/2" D SWINGLINE #R90 STAPLER, GUN, for heavy tacking jobs, all steel construction BOSTITCH#tr100 STAPLER PAPERPRO ONE TOUCH.STAPLE UP TO 20 SHEETS.4-1/2" THROAT #ACI-1100 PAPERPRO HEAVY DUTY STAPLER 60 SHEET CAP. ONE FINGER TOUCH #ACI-1200 STAPLER, HEAVY DUTY, 11" length, staples up to 150 sheets of paper BOSTITCH #310-HDS STAPLES, STANDARD, fits S-2280; S-2281 & S-2282 BOSTITCH #00172 STAPLES, HEAVY DUTY, 3/8",for heavy duty stapler S-2283 BOSTITCH #73745 STAPLES, HEAVY DUTY, 1/2", for heavy duty stapler S-2283 BOSTITCH #73746 STAPLES, For GUN TACKER, 5/16" #BOSTITCH TRA705 STAPLE REMOVER, BUILT-IN MAGNET SWEEPS UP STAPLES SWINGLINE #38121 STAPLER REMOVER, CHROME PLATED, STEEL PLASTIC GRIPS, DOUBLE JAWS #UNV 00700 STAPLE REMOVER,HEAVY DUTY #BOS05033 STEP STOOL, BEIGE or BLACK, 13"H X 16"D Lightweight RUBBERMAID #2523008BGE TABLE,FOLDING LEG,29" polyethylene top is dent/scratch resistant 30"x72" ICEBERG #65227 TAPE DISPENSER, holds tapes up to 3/4"X 1296", on 1" core #OIC 96991 Tape Dispenser, Box Sealing, handles 60 yds. rolls MMM#H180) TAPE, BOOK REPAIR for books, magazines pamphlets & folders, 3"x 15 yds.3M #845-3 Tape, masking, 1"x 60 yards,3"core UNV #51301 Tape, Masking, 2"x 60 yds, 3" core ANCHOR # 513-2 TAPE, SEALING, CLEAR, 2"W x 60 yds., 3" core 3M #07580 Tape, Glass Filament, 1"wide x 60 yds., 3" core 3M #8934-1 TAPE, SCOTCH, MAGIC 3/4" x 1296" (for tape dispenser see T-2560) #3M 810-3EG TAPE, Scotch, 3/4"x 2592", MAGIC TAPE 3M #810 TAPE, with dispenser, 3/4"x300" Magic- Transparent #OIC 96690 TAPE, SCOTCH,MAGIC REMOVABLE 3/4" x 1296 for tape dispenser see T-2560 & T-2562 #3M 811 TAPE, SCOTCH TRANSPARENT, 3/4"x 1296" for tape dispenser see T-2560 & T-2562 #3M 600EG TOILET TISSUE, roll, wrapped, 2-ply, 96 rolls per case (ATLAS ULTRATE X) TOILET TISSUE JUNIOR JUMBO ROLL, 2 PLY 4"X1000' ATLAS #700 FACIAL TISSUE, size 8.33"x 8", two-ply, WHITE. MARCAL #2930 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Set Pack Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Box Box Each Each Each Roll Pack Pack Dozen Each Each Box Box Box Each Each Box Box Box Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Pack Each Each Each Pack Each Each Kit Box Each Each Pack Each Each Each Each Roll Roll Each Each Bottle Bottle Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Box Bx/1000 Bx/1000 Box Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Roll Each Roll Roll Case/96Ea Pack/12 Box 28 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 65 Miami-Dade County Attachment 1 Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Types of Products Purchased A 5 3446 3447 3448 COUNTY STOCK # T-2631 W-2302 W-2310 B STOCK DESC Tool set, hammer,4" flat/phillips screw drivers,6"pliers,6'tape BOSTITCH #92-680 RECYCLED Waste Basket, 13 Quart, BLUE INPRINT "RECYCLED"& RECYCLE Logo RUBBERMAID #296-99BL Waste Container, 44 GALLONS with lid color: Yellow RUBBERMAID #2643/LID #2645 C D E F G H I J K L M N STOCK UNIT Each Each Each 29 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 66 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Attachment 2 Current Delivery Locations DELIVERY ADDRESS PICK-UP 1 BOB HOPE ROAD 1 S.E. 3RD AVENUE 100 S.W. 1ST AVENUE - METRO MOVER 1001 NW 11 STREET-DISTRIBUTION STOREROOM 101 W FLAGLER 1015 NORTH AMERICA WAY 10161 CIRCLE PLAZA WEST 10300 S.W. 72 STREET 105 SE 12 AVE 10700 CARIBBEAN BLVD.-FIRE PREVENT.SOUTH 10710 sw 211 st 10740 SW 211 STREET REPAIR SHOP LIGHT 10775 S.W. 84 STREET 10800 COLLINS AVE.-HAULOVER HEADQUARTERS 10800 S.W. 211 STREET 11 EAST 6TH STREET-HIALEAH 11 NW 1ST STREET-CLERK OF BOARD 110 N.W. 3 STREET, MDTA REVENUE ROOM 111 N.W. 1 STREET 1130 Washington Ave - Judge Ruiz 11341 SW 216 STREET 11395 SW 79 STREET-CONSTRUCTION & MAINT. 1150 NW 11 ST ROAD 1150 NW 20TH STREET - TRANSFER 11500 NE 25TH STREET 11805 S.W. 26TH STREET 11950 S.W. 202 STREET 1265 NW 12 AVE FAUNAH BROOKES 547-0123 1300 NW 50 ST 13030 NE 6 AVENUE 1320 NW 14 STREET - PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OF 1321 NW 12TH STREET REHABILITATIVE SVCS 1335 NW 14 Street- ELDERLY DIS.VETERANS 1344 NW 22 STREET 1350 NW 12 AVE 1351 nw n12 street - Judge Miguel de la 13850 NW 41 STREET - STABLE HOUSING DIV. 13961 SW 264 ST 140 w flagler st 1401 NW 7 AVENUE - STABLE HOUSING DIV. 1415 NW 63 STREET - LIBERTY SQUARE 14638 LINCOLN BLVD 1469 NW 13 TERR ANDRE/KAJUANA324-2907/08 15 S.E 5 Street 150 NE 69 ST 1519 N.W. 79 AVENUE, TACTICAL OPERATIONS 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 1 of 5 ORDERS/DELIVERIES 12 6 17 7 40 282 181 5 24 2 3 46 6 124 5 52 10 1 32 1002 2 10 19 5 7 50 281 3 1 1 1 3 62 1 3 52 151 44 2 5 24 44 5 2 5 7 90 p. 67 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Attachment 2 Current Delivery Locations DELIVERY ADDRESS 1542 SW 4 STREET - SITE 330 1555 biscayne blvd - Judge Guzman 15665 BISCAYNE BLVD. 1567 NW 79 AVENUE 1600 NW 3 AVE 16405 n. w. 25th avenue 1655 N.E. 205 Street 16850 NW 55 AVENUE - PALMETTO GARDENS 1701 NW 87 AVE., #120 172 W. FLAGLER ST 175 N.W. 1 AVENUE - BLDG. MGR. OFFICE 17801 HOMESTEAD AVE 17901 hOMESTEAD AVE 1851 N.W. 10 AVENUE-BLDG.MANAGER OFFICE 18701 N.E. 6 Ave.Trailer 18805 NW 27 AVENUE 1897 NW 20 Street 19 W. FLAGLER ST. 191 NE 75TH STREET 200 N.W. 1 STREET 201 W. FLAGLER ST. 2099 NW 23 STREET - GWEN CHERRY 211 W. FLAGLER STREET 21300 SW 122 AVE 2140 NW 3 AVENUE 21500 NW 47 AVE 22 NW 1 STREET 4TH FLOOR-PARKING VIO. 2200 NW 54 STREET - WAD TOWERS 2225 NW 72 AVE 2270 NE MIAMI GARDENS DR-OPERATION NORTH 2350 NW 54 ST 2400 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY 2525 n.w. 62nd street 2575 NE 151 ST.- INTERAMA STOREROOM 2601 BRICKELL AVE-RICKENBACKER TOLLPLAZA 2615 NW 10 AVENUE 26201 SW 139 COURT - NARANJA PUB.HOUSING 2700 N.W. 87 AVENUE 275 N.W. 2 STREET 2775 S.W. 74 AVENUE - BUS MAINTENANCE 28300 S.W. 152 AVENUE-SO.DADE SKILL CTR. 2900 SW 72ND AVENUE - TRANSFER 2920 NW 18 AVE-THREE ROUND TOWERS/MDHA 2925 NW 18 Ave 3000 NW 3 AVENUE 3071 S.W. 38 AVENUE - DOUGLAS STOREROOM 3072 SW 38 AVE.-DOUGLAS RD. STOREROOM 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 2 of 5 ORDERS/DELIVERIES 19 25 9 2 21 23 9 3 35 20 119 11 12 24 27 26 7 28 3 48 23 20 2 5 12 9 7 4 36 8 4 17 478 56 28 1 12 56 80 29 11 9 27 55 3 221 3 p. 68 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Attachment 2 Current Delivery Locations DELIVERY ADDRESS 3078 SW 38TH AVE 3100 ponce de leon - Judge Cohn 3140 NW 76 Street 3150 MUNDY ST 3190 NW 116 Street 325 N.W. 62 STREET - HOUSING OPERATION 3251 S. MIAMI AVE. 3295 NW 31 Street 3300 nw 27 ave - Judge Figarola 3302 NW 27 AVE ATTN:ELLEN C 305-636-7500 3311 NW 31 STREET - BUS MAINTENANCE 340 NE 185 STREET 3401 N.W. 31 STREET-MATERIALS MGMT. 3431 NW 31 STREET - MAINTENANCE CENTRAL 3465 N.W. 2 AVENUE 3501 N.W. 46 STREET 3575 SO. LEJEUNE ROAD 3595 NW 72 AVENUE 360 N.E. 185TH STREET 3750 So Dixie Hwgy- ELDERLY DIS.VETERANS 3989 RICKENBACKER CSWY. - VIRGINIA KEY 400 BISCAYNE BLVD 409 NE 2 AVE 4100 NW 41ST ST 4200 nw 36th st BLDG 5A 4TH FLOOR 4285 N.W. 145 STREET 4331 N.W. 22 CT.BLDG.#3030 2ND FLOOR 4801 SW 117 AVE.-WWLAKES STOREROOM 490 NE 2 AVE 5080 BISCAYNE BVLD 51 W. MOWRY DR - ADV.FOR VICTIMS SAFE S. 5125 NW 22 AVENUE - ANNIE COLEMAN 520 NW 75 STREET-VICTORY HOMES SITE 190 538 SW 5 Street 5400 N.W. 22 AVENUE 55 NW 199 ST 550 NW 5 STREET - JACK ORR PLAZA 5680 sw 87 ave 5975 MIAMI LKS DR. 60 NE 166 Street- ELDERLY DIS.VETERANS 6000 SW 87 AVENUE 601 NW 1 COURT - COURT SERVICES 601 NW 1 COURT- CENTRAL DEPOSITORY 6010 S.W. 87 AVENUE 610 nw 1st court - Judge Brown 6100 NW 7TH AVENUE 6161 NW 22 AVENUE - AFRICAN HERITAGE 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 3 of 5 ORDERS/DELIVERIES 2 3 36 4 1 4 47 17 97 2 7 27 18 13 14 12 2 38 24 29 41 10 1 1 5 23 156 58 6 3 10 10 9 3 16 1 16 175 15 9 83 11 1 18 2 2 7 p. 69 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Attachment 2 Current Delivery Locations DELIVERY ADDRESS 6501 NW 36 STREET - INMATE SERVICES 653 SW 4 STREET 6601 N.W. 72 AVENUE 6701 SW 62 AVENUE - SOUTH MIAMI 6800 SW 87 AVE. ALEX ORR 6950 NW 41 STREET - BOOT CAMP PROGRAM 6990 NW 97TH AVE 7000 NW 41 STREET 701 nw 1 court 7010 N.W 1ST STREET 703 NW 25 ST. SHOP 1 MAIN 7100 NW 36 St 7217 NE MIAMI COURT - NEWBERG 73 W. FLAGLER ST. 7300 N.W. 19 STREET 7301 NW 70 ST.-MEDLEY STOREROOM 7401 NW 74 STREET 750 NW 18 TERRACE, SITE 230 & 232 7505 NE 2 AVE 7510 NW 18 TERR - CLAUDE PEPPER TOWER 7617 SW 117 AVENUE 7707 S.W. 117 AVENUE 7831 NE MIAMI COURT-ADVOCATE FOR VICTIMS 7845 NW 149 STREET-COUNTY SERVICES DIV. 7855 NW 48 STREET 7900 S.W. 107TH AVENUE - SHOP 3B 800 NW 13 AVENUE - HALEY SOSGE TOWER 800 W. 3RD AVENUE - HIALEAH STOREROOM 8000 SW 107 AVENUE -TRASH DISTRICT SOUTH 810 N.W. 28TH STREET 8141 nw 80 street 8240 SW 188 TERR 8400 NW 25 AVE 8401 NW 5 PLACE - LITTLE RIVER TERRACE 8420 SW 188 TERR 8420 SW 188 TERRACE 850 NW 23 STREET 8525 N.W. 53RD TERRACE 858 WEST FLAGLER STREET 864 NW 23 STREET 8801 N.W. 58 STREET - ADMINISTRATIVE OFF 8825 NW 18 TERRACE-OPERATIONS CENTRAL DV 8831 N.W. 58th Street 8901 NW 58 Street 8950 SW 232 ST 9101 N.W. 25 STREET, DORAL ST.3(PICK UP) 9105 nw 25 street 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 4 of 5 ORDERS/DELIVERIES 17 5 46 2 20 26 4 1 8 1 1 1 8 4 16 1 1 2 2 6 14 16 29 3 1 8 9 12 8 8 1 2 4 6 1 3 8 1 4 9 7 11 3 3 1 21 3 p. 70 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Attachment 2 Current Delivery Locations DELIVERY ADDRESS 9109 NW 25 STREET, POLICE HEADQUARERS 9111 N.W. 25 STREET, PROPERTY & EVIDENCE 930 NW 95 STREET 9300 NW 41st Street 9300 NW 41ST AVE 9301 NW 58 Street 9350 NW 12 STREET- RECORDS CENTER 9501 NW 25 STREET 9601 NW 58 ST 980 W 84TH ST 9955 N.W. 116TH WAY 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 5 of 5 ORDERS/DELIVERIES 1 14 8 1 1 2 1 9 2 9 21 p. 71 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 RFP-00021 Attachment 3 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 72 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 73 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 74 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 75 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 76 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 77 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 78 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 79 Miami-Dade County 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Bid RFP-00021 p. 80 Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County, FL Bid RFP-00021 RFP No. 00021 PROPOSAL SUBMISSION PACKAGE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) NO. 00021 OFFICE SUPPLIES AND RELATED PRODUCTS PROGRAM In response to the Solicitation, Proposer shall RETURN THIS ENTIRE PROPOSAL SUBMISSION PACKAGE as follows: 1. Solicitation Submittal Form, Cover Page of Proposal Complete and sign the solicitation submittal form (by Proposer or representative of the Proposer who is legally authorized to enter into a contractual relationship in the name of the Proposer) as required. 2. Proposer Information Complete following the requirements therein. Note: The Proposer Information document is available in Word and is included in the Solicitation attachments. 3. Affidavits/Acknowledgements Complete and sign the following: Lobbyist Registration for Oral Presentation Fair Subcontracting Practices Subcontractor/Supplier Listing Contractor Due Diligence Affidavit 4. Price Proposal Complete the following in accordance with the requirements therein: Form B-1, Price Proposal Schedule and Price Sheet – Fixed Price Items Form B-2, Price Proposal Schedule - Paper Form B-3, Price Proposal Schedule - Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP) Please refer to the front cover of this Solicitation for electronic submission instructions. 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 81 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 Miami-Dade County Procurement Management Services Proposal Submittal Form 111 NW 1 st Street, Suite 1300, Miami, FL 33128 Solicitation No. RFP-00021 Solicitation Title: Office Supplies and Related Products Program Legal Company Name (include d/b/a if applicable): Federal Tax Identification Number: If Corporation - Date Incorporated/Organized : Company Operating Address: State Incorporated/Organized: City Company Contact Person: Phone Number (include area code): State Zip Code Email Address: Fax Number (include area code): Company's Internet Web Address: Pursuant to Miami -Dade County Ordinance 94-34, any individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture or other legal entity having an officer, director, or executive who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten (10) years shall disclose this information prior to entering into a contract with or receiving funding from the County. Place a check mark here only if Proposer has such conviction to disclose to comply with this requirement. LOCAL PREFERENCE CERTIFICATION: For the purpose of this certification, a "local business" is a business located within the limits of Miami-Dade County (or Broward County in accordance with the Interlocal Agreement between the two counties) that has a valid Local Business Tax Receipt, issued by Miami-Dade County; has a physical business address located within the limits of Miami-Dade County from which business is performed; and contributes to the economic development of the community in a verifiable and measurable way. This may include, but not be limited to, the retention and expansion of employment opportunities and the support and increase to the County's tax base. Place a check mark here only if affirming Proposer meets requirements for Local Preference. Failure to complete this certification at this time (by checking the box above) may render the vendor ineligible for Local Preference. LOCAL CERTIFIED SERVICE-DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CERTIFICATION: A Local Certified Service-Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise is a firm that is (a) a local business pursuant to Section 2 -8.5 of the Code of Miami -Dade County and (b) prior to proposal submission is certified by the State of Florida Department of Management Services as a service -disabled veteran business enterprise pursuant to Section 295.187 of the Florida Statutes. Place a check mark here only if affirming Proposer is a Local Certified Service -Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise. A copy of the certification must be submitted with this proposal. SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CONTRACT MEASURES (If Applicable) An SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by Small Business Development for the type of goods and/or services the Proposer provides in accordance with the applicable Commodity Code(s) for this Solicitation. For certification information contact Small Business Development at (305) 375-2378 or access -certification-programs.asp . The SBE/Micro Business Enterprise must be certified by proposal submission deadline, at contract award, and for the duration of the contract to remain eligible for the preference. Firms that graduate from the SBE program during the contract may remain on the contract. Is your firm a Miami-Dade County Certified Small Business Enterprise? Yes No If yes, please provide your Certification Number: SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN SUDAN LIST OR THE SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN THE IRAN 9/23/2014 4:38 PM PETROLEUM ENERGY SECTOR LIST: p. 82 Is your firm a Miami-Dade County Certified Small Business Enterprise? Yes No Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 If yes, please provide your Certification Number: SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN SUDAN LIST OR THE SCRUTINIZED COMPANIES WITH ACTIVITIES IN THE IRAN PETROLEUM ENERGY SECTOR LIST: By executing this proposal through a duly authorized representative, the Proposer certifies that the Proposer is not on the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List, as those terms are used and defined in sections 287.135 and 215.473 of the Florida Statutes. In the event that the Proposer is unable to provide such certification but still seeks to be considered for award of this solicitation, the Proposer shall execute the proposal through a duly authorized representative and shall also initial this space: . In such event, the Proposer shall furnish together with its proposal response a duly executed written explanation of the facts supporting any exception to the requirement for certification that it claims under Section 287.135 of the Florida Statutes. The Proposer agrees to cooperate fully with the County in any investigation undertaken by the County to determine whether the claimed exception would be applicable. The County shall have the right to terminate any contract resulting from this solicitation for default if the Proposer is found to have submitted a false certification or to have been placed on the Scrutinized Companies for Activities in Sudan List or the Scrutinized Companies with Activities in the Iran Petroleum Energy Sector List. The submittal of a proposal by a Proposer will be considered a good faith commitment by the Proposer to negotiate a contract with the County in substantially similar terms to the proposal offered and, if successful in the process set forth in this Solicitation and subject to its conditions, to enter into a contract substantially in the terms herein. Proposer's Authorized Representative's Signature : Date Type or Print Name 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 83 Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County, FL Bid RFP-00021 RFP No. 00021 PROPOSER INFORMATION Proposer’s Experience and Qualifications, including Subcontractors and Key Personnel 1. Describe the Proposer’s qualifications in general. Provide Proposer’s background and history, state the number of years that the Proposer has been in existence, current number of employees, primary markets served, identify what qualifies Proposer for this project and any unique aspects Proposer brings, and any other information which the Proposer deems relevant. 2. Describe the Proposer’s specific relevant experience in providing the requested services to governmental or private entities with similar size office supply programs in terms of dollars spent, delivery locations, and/or clients (i.e., employees and/or persons authorized to place orders). Specifically address experience with similar size transitions to a web-based and desktop delivery office supplies program. 3. Provide a detailed description of comparable contracts (similar in scope of services to those requested herein) which the Proposer has either ongoing or completed within the past three years. The description should identify for each project: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) client, description of work, including whether Proposer was the prime contractor or subcontractor, total dollar value of the contract, dates covering the term of the contract, client contact person and phone number, and the results of the project. Where possible, list and describe those projects performed for government clients or similar size private entities (excluding any work performed for the County). 4. List all contracts which the Proposer has performed for Miami-Dade County. The County will review all contracts the Proposer has performed for the County in accordance with Section 2-8.1(g) of the Miami-Dade County Code, which requires that “a Bidder’s or Proposer’s past performance on County Contracts be considered in the selection of Consultants and Contractors for future County Contracts.” As such the Proposer must list and describe all work performed for Miami-Dade County and include for each project: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) name of the County Department which administers or administered the contract, description of work, including whether Proposer was the prime contractor or a subcontractor, total dollar value of the contract, dates covering the term of the contract, County contact person and phone number, and the results of the project. 5. List the names and addresses of all first tier subcontractors, if any, and describe the extent of work to be performed by each first tier subcontractor. Describe the experience and qualifications, including relevant experience on previous similar projects, of the subcontractors that will be assigned to this project. 6. Identify the Proposer’s Project Manager(s) who will be responsible for making this project a success, from the initial stages, through training and the transition of the services to the Proposer, and, after transition, as the County’s day-to-day contact for contract administration. Describe the experience, qualifications and other vital information, including relevant experience on previous similar projects, of the Project Manager(s). 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 84 Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County, FL Bid RFP-00021 RFP No. 00021 7. Describe the experience, qualifications and other vital information, including relevant experience on previous similar projects, of all other key personnel (other than Project Managers which is provided for above), including those of subcontractors, who will be assigned to this project. All key personnel includes all partners, managers, seniors and other professional staff that will perform work and/or services in this project. 8. Provide resumes, if available with job descriptions and other detailed qualification information on all key personnel who will be assigned to this project, including any key personnel of subcontractors. Note: After proposal submission, but prior to the award of any contract issued as a result of this Solicitation, the Proposer has a continuing obligation to advise the County of any changes, intended or otherwise, to the key personnel identified in its proposal. Proposer’s Capabilities and Approach to Providing the Services Project Organization/ Service Requirements 9. Describe Proposer’s approach to project organization and management, including the responsibilities of Proposer’s Project Manager(s) and key personnel that will perform work in this project. 10. Confirm Proposer’s ability to provide each of the services specified in the Scope of Services (see Section 2.0). 11. Address how Proposer will meet the delivery schedule. 12. Address Proposer’s ability to provide products to further the County’s objectives as described in Attachment 3 Buy Green Buying Guide. Include the Proposer’s ability to, preferably, provide products with a (1) minimal amount of packaging or with packaging take-back services or shipping carton return, (2) minimal toxic constituents such as packaging that may contain polyvinyl chloride (PVC), or polystyrene or heavy metals recycled content, and (3) maximum post-consumer recycled content in the packaging materials and labeling. 13. For Environmentally Preferred Products (EPP) that Proposer prices per Form B-3, Price Proposal Schedule, provide information regarding applicable EPP products such as certifications. Scheduling and Training 14. Provide a project schedule identifying specific key tasks and duration for the transition of the current system to the on-line ordering system. Be specific regarding the anticipated training schedule. 15. Describe the proposed training to be conducted by the selected Proposer. Include the type of training (i.e., webbased or one-on-one for the initial start-up and then for on-going needs as new users are authorized to place orders). Ordering/Invoicing/Customer Service 16. Describe Proposer’s web-based ordering system. Be specific as the steps taken to order an item from beginning to end. Include screenshots as applicable. 17. Describe the ordering system’s ability to restrict users to Miami-Dade County chosen office supply items only. Include Proposer’s ability to customize the ordering system to accommodate changes to County preferences such as placing further restrictions on purchases such as not making certain items visible in the system, 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 85 Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County, FL Bid RFP-00021 RFP No. 00021 regardless of whether they appear on the price lists or Proposer’s catalogue. Be specific regarding how long it would take for such changes to be made by Proposer, how often Proposer would be able to make such changes, 18. Describe the ordering system’s ability to restrict users to certain limits per order and limits per day, and any other options to control costs. 19. Describe Proposer’s process to provide special orders such as office supplies not on the price lists or in the Proposer’s catalogue. Include the ability to place controls on such orders such as requiring prior County approval, and requiring multiple approval levels within the County. 20. Explain how Proposer will advise the County of items that are no longer available and/or discontinued and how alternative items will be provided. 21. Describe the Proposer’s quality control plan to ensure contract requirements are followed. Be specific regarding guaranteeing that all items are listed in the ordering system and that the County receives the lowest available price for an item (contract price or sale price); monitoring methods; frequency of monitoring; personnel responsible for monitoring; resulting documentation of monitoring efforts; and process to take corrective action. 22. Describe the Proposer’s invoicing system and identify the Proposer’s ability to invoice through various methods such as purchasing card, electronic and paper. Confirm Proposer’s ability to directly invoice the department that placed the order and describe any efficiencies in invoicing Proposer can offer such as frequency, grouping of invoices, etc. 23. Describe the Proposer’s customer service plan. Be specific as to available hours, the number of representatives available, anticipated wait time, typical time to resolve routine questions, and any unique aspects of customer care that Proposer provides. 24. Identify how Proposer trains its customer service staff to respond to Miami-Dade about specific needs of its program and to efficiently handle billing errors. Explain when/how an issue identified by Miami-Dade County will be elevated by Proposer to supervisor/management levels to achieve a resolution. Reporting/Discounts/Sales 25. Describe Proposer’s reporting capabilities to track the progress of the program, identify trends, etc. Identify whether County can produce reports on-demand through Proposer’s system or how Proposer proposes to obtain and present the requested information. Be specific regarding the typical reports available and provide a sample of the reports. 26. Describe Proposer’s the ability to offer discounted special offers, sales to the County (such as in-store or on-line sale pricing), and competitor price matching. Be specific regarding how Proposer will determine such offers or sales and use them to reduce costs and ensure best available pricing. Litigation 27. Information concerning any prior or pending litigation, either civil or criminal, involving a governmental agency or which may affect the performance of the services to be rendered herein, in which the Proposer, any of its employees or subcontractors is or has been involved within the last three years. Exceptions 28. Identify if Proposer has taken any exception to the terms of this Solicitation. If so, indicate what alternative is being offered and the cost implications of the exception(s). 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 86 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 FAIR SUBCONTRACTING PRACTICES In compliance with Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-8.8, the Bidder/Proposer shall submit with the proposal a detailed statement of its policies and procedures (use separate sheet if necessary) for awarding subcontractors. NO SUBCONTRACTORS WILL BE UTILIZED FOR THIS CONTRACT Signature Date 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 87 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LISTING (Miami -Dade County Code Sections 2-8.1, 2-8.8 and 10 -34) Name of Bidder/Proposer: FEIN No. In accordance with Sections 2 -8.1, 2 -8.8 and 10.34 of the Miami -Dade County Code, this form must be submitted as a condition of award by all Bidders/Proposers on County contracts for purchase of supplies, materials or services, including professional services which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, and all Proposers on County or Public Health Trust construction contracts which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more. The Bidder/Proposer who is awarded this contract shall not change or substitute first tier subcontractors or direct suppliers or the portions of the contract work to be performed or materials to be supplied from those identified, except upon written approval of the County. The Bidder/Proposer should enter the word "NONE" under the appropriate heading of this form if no subcontractors or suppliers will be used on the contract and sign the form below. I In accordance with Ordinance No. 11 -90, an entity contracting with the County shall report the race, gender and ethnic origin of the owners and employees of all first tier subcontractors/suppliers. In the event that the recommended Bidder/Proposer demonstrates to the County prior to award that the race, gender, and ethnic information is not reasonably available at that time, the Bidder/Proposer shall be obligated to exercise diligent efforts to obtain that information and provide the same to the County not later than ten (10) days after it becomes available and, in any event, prior to final payment under the contract. (Please duplicate this form if additional space is needed.) Principal Owner Employee(s) Supplies/ Business (Enter the number of male and female owners by race/ethnicity) (Enter the number of male and female employees and the number of Materials/ Name and employees by race/ethnicity) Services to be Principal Address of Native Native Provided by Owner Asian/Pacific American/ Asian/Pacific American/ First Tier Direct Supplier M F White Black Hispanic Other M F White Black Hispanic Islander Native Islander Native Supplier Alaskan Business Name and Address of First Tier Subcontractor/ Subconsultant Principal Owner Scope of Work to be Performed by Subcontractor/ Subconsultant Principal Owner (Enter the number of male and female owners by race/ethnicity) M F White Black Hispanic Asian/Pacific Islander Native American/ Native Alaskan Other Alaskan Other M Employee(s) (Enter the number of male and female employees and the number of employees by race/ethnicity) Native Asian/Pacific American/ F White Black Hispanic Islander Native Alaskan Other Mark here if race, gender and ethnicity information is not available and will be provided at a later date. This data may be submitted to contracting department or on - line to the Small Business Development of the Internal Services Department at development - contracts.asp. As a condition of final payment, Bidder/Proposer shall provide subcontractor information on the Subcontractor Payment Report Sub 200 form which can be found at - payment.pdf . I certify that the representations contained in this Subcontractor/Supplier listing are to the best of my knowledge true and accurate. Signature of Bidder/Proposer Print Name Print Title Date SUB 100 Rev. 1/14 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 88 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 AFFIDAVIT OF MIAMI -DADE COUNTY LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FOR ORAL PRESENTATION (1) Solicitation Title: Solicitation No.: (2) Department: (3) Proposer's Name: Zip: Address: Business Telephone: E-Mail: (4) List All Members of the Presentation Team Who Will Be Participating in the Oral Presentation: Name Title Employed By Email Address (ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) The individuals named above are Registered and the Registration Fee is not required for the Oral Presentation ONLY. Any person who appears as a representative for an individual or firm for an oral presentation before a County certification, evaluation, selection, technical review or similar committee must be listed on an affidavit provided by the County. The affidavit shall be filed with the Clerk of the Board at the time the response is submitted. The individual or firm must submit a revised affidavit for additional team members added after submittal of the proposal with the Clerk of the Board prior to the oral presentation. Any person not listed on the affidavit or revised affidavit may not participate in the oral presentation, unless he or she is registered with the Clerk’s office and has paid all applicable fees. Other than for the oral presentation, Proposers who wish to address the county commission, county board or county committee concerning any actions, decisions or recommendations of County personnel regarding this solicitation in accordance with Section 2-11.1(s) of the Code of Miami-Dade County MUST register with the Clerk of the Board and pay all applicable fees. I do solemnly swear that all the foregoing facts are true and correct and I have read or am familiar with the provisions of Section 2-11.1(s) of the Code of Miami-Dade County as amended. Signature of Authorized Representative: Title: STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this by (Individual, Officer, Partner or Agent) to me or who has produced , ,a (Sole Proprietor, Corporation or Partnership) , who is personally known as identification and who did/did not take an oath. (Signature of person taking acknowledgement) 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 89 to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 (Signature of person taking acknowledgement) (Name of Acknowledger typed, printed or stamped) (Title or Rank) (Serial Number, if any) Revised 1/2/14 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 90 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 5 Miami-Dade County Contractor Due Diligence Affidavit Per Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners (Board) Resolution No. R-63-14, County Vendors and Contractors shall disclose the following as a condition of award for any contract that exceeds one million dollars ($1,000,000) or that otherwise must be presented to the Board for approval: (1) Provide a list of all lawsuits in the five (5) years prior to bid or proposal submittal that have been filed against the firm, its directors, partners, principals and/or board members based on a breach of contract by the firm; include the case name, number and disposition; (2) Provide a list of any instances in the five (5) years prior to bid or proposal submittal where the firm has defaulted; include a brief description of the circumstances; (3) Provide a list of any instances in the five (5) years prior to bid or proposal submittal where the firm has been debarred or received a formal notice of non-compliance or non-performance, such as a notice to cure or a suspension from participating or bidding for contracts, whether related to MiamiDade County or not. All of the above information shall be attached to the executed affidavit and submitted to the Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO)/ AE Selection Coordinator overseeing this solicitation. The Vendor/Contractor attests to providing all of the above information, if applicable, to the PCO. Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN): Contract No. : Contract Title: Printed Name of Affiant Printed Title of Affiant Signature of Affiant Name of Firm Date Address of Firm State Zip Code Notary Public Information Notary Public – State of County of Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me this He or she is personally known to me by 20___ day of, or has produced identification Type of identification produced Signature of Notary Public Print or Stamp of Notary Public Serial Number Expiration Date Notary Public Seal 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 91 Miami-Dade County Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 RFP No. 00021 Form B-1 Price Proposal Schedule A. Fixed Price Items The Proposer shall state its pricing for each item in the attached “Price Sheet 1 – Fixed Price Items”. Proposer may also provide a price for a “substitute” item, for the County’s consideration. B. Percent Discount Items The Proposer shall state its percent discount off of the Proposer’s catalogue pricing for all items from Proposer’s catalogue which are not included in the “Fixed Price Items” Section above or the “Optional Items” Section below. A list of the types of items the County usually purchases can be found in Attachment 2, Types of Products Purchased for informational purposes. Discount off Proposer’s Catalogue Price _______________% C. Optional Items The County reserves the right to add the Optional Items to any contract resulting from this Solicitation. The Proposer should state its pricing for such items in the “Form B-2, Price Proposal Schedule - Paper” and “Form B-3, Price Proposal Schedule – Environmentally Preferred Products”. Notes: 1. Prices shall be FOB destination delivered price (no freight charges). Title and risk of loss shall pass to the County upon inspection and acceptance by the County at its designated delivery point. 2. The use of a manufacturer’s name, make or model, in these specifications are for the sole purpose of describing and establishing minimum requirements or level of quality, standards of performance and design required, and it is in no way intended to prohibit the Proposer from offering, as a substitute, other manufacturers’ items of equal quality. 3. Estimated quantities are provided for informational purposes and are not a guarantee of items to be ordered. 4. Sections A and B above will be used for price scoring purposes. While pricing is requested for Section C, the inclusion of such items in this contract is at the County’s option. Section C will not be used for price scoring, however, the County will consider the pricing of such items when determining whether to add those items to this contract. 5. Pricing for Section A and percent discount for Section B shall be fixed for the initial 5-year term of the contract. Pricing for the option to renew period shall be negotiated. 6. Pricing for Section C shall be fixed for the initial 6 months of the contract. Pricing for the remainder of the contract will be negotiated. 1 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 92 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) HP508 Brand SWEETHEART Stock Description CUPS, PAPER, HOT/COLD, 8 oz., RECYCLABLE ROLLED EDGE with handle SWEETHEART HP508 Unit of Measure Bx/1000 4046BL CALICO WASTE/BAG LINER, 40"x46",heavy-duty, 40-45 gal. 3MIL.BLACK OR BUFF 50/cs Case 3,008 11451 TOTAL PACK BOXES,STORAGE with Lids 15"x 12"x 10". Holds letter or legal files, Misc. items Bundle/10 5,513 68620 TOMBOW DRYLINE CORRECTION,SINGLE line correcti- on applicator, white #68620 Each 14075 SMEAD FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, Letter size, 6-part SMEAD(#14075) Box/10 1,062 13775 SMEAD FOLDER, CLASSIFICATION & BUDGET, Letter size, 4-part Box/10 817 600EG 3/4X1296 3M TAPE, SCOTCH TRANSPARENT, 3/4"x 1296" for tape dispenser see T-2560 & T-2562 Roll 10,018 3507 READRIGHT AIR DUSTER, disposable, non-flammable, ozone/enviroment safe(READRIGHT#3507) Each 4,330 6701 BOSTITCH STAPLER, ELECTRIC, 3 1/4"W x 4"W X 8 1/2" D Each 142 BPLN09 FONDA PLATE PAPER COATED 9" W/O COMPARTMENT 500 PER CASE FONDA #BPLN09BF9 Bx/500 512 1260-3 VICTOR CALCULATOR,DESK TOP, 12 digit capacity, Victor #1260-3 Each 273 ATLAS ATLAS TOILET TISSUE, roll, wrapped, 2-ply, 96 rolls per case (ATLAS ULTRATE X) Case/96Ea 426 654-RP (YELLOW 3M RECYCLED POST-IT-NOTES,CANARY, 3"X 3" 3m 654-rp Pack/10 1,620 700 ATLAS TOILET TISSUE JUNIOR JUMBO ROLL, 2 PLY 4"X1000' ATLAS PAPER #700 Pack/12 595 RR1403 READRIGHT PHONE KLEEN PADS, sanitizes phones & other equipment (READRIGHT#RR1403) Each 3,146 70-120 AT A GLANCE Appointment Books,Monthly-Planner, 6-7/8" x 8-3/4" Each 2,973 330-Y 3M POST IT NOTE POP UP Refill Pads, 3"x3", Yellow Pack/12 1,315 SK24R-00 AT A GLANCE Desk Pad, Monthly Desk Planner, dated Jan.-Dec. 22"x 17" (#SK24R-00) Each 752 1/3 CUT SMEAD RECYCLED, FILE FOLDER, LETTER SIZE, 1/3" cut, #752 1/3 cut Bx/100 660RP-YW 3M POST-IT-NOTES 4" x 6" lined, YELLOW 100 sheets/pad pk/12 (3M#660RP-YW) Pack/12 638 MGC-NGYMCK03 NISCA RIBBON TEAM NISCA WORLD CLASS ID CARD PRINTER RIBBON #MGC-NGYMCK03 (3BP) Each 150 Z4C11-BE BIC PEN, METAL FINE POINT ROLLERBALL BIC Z4 multi carbon copies,Blue, Bic #Z4C11-BE Box/12 Ea 1,350 42377801 OKIDATA RIBBON OKIDATA/MICROLINE 491/490/421/420 PRINTER, NYLON #42377801 COMPATIBLE Each 1,115 76-02-05 AT A GLANCE APMT.Books, weekly-minder, Hourly apmt 5"x 8" Black flexible cover.(#76-02-05) Each 2,211 9077 MEMOREX PORTABLE USB 2.0 TRAVELDRIVE FLASH/THUMB DRIVE 2GB MEMOREX #09077 Each 1,728 633-01 MED BLK SANFORD PENS, RETRACTABLE, WITH POCKET CLIP MEDIUM BLACK, PAPERMATE #633-01 Box/12 Ea 2,209 45013 DYMO CASSETTE TAPE, Fits only on DYMO 5000 Labelmaker, color:black print/white tape Each 1,114 655-RP YELLOW 3M RECYCLED, POST-IT-NOTE, 3"X5", YELLOW 3M 655-RP Pack/12 Estimated Quantity Price 1,698 Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute Substitute Substitute 20,443 Substitute Substitute SMEAD (#13775) Substitute Substitute Substitute (#R90) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute (#70-120) Substitute (#R330-Y) Substitute 11,783 Substitute 2,788 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 1 of 8 789 p. 93 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure 13230 SMEAD FOLDER, PRESSBOARD, LETTER size, 1/3 cut SMEAD #13230 Bx/25 574 SD376-13 AT A GLANCE Diary, Daily Reminder, 7-11/16" x 12-1/8 ruled page,red hardback cover(SD376-13) Each 851 13601 BLACK SHARPIE SHARPIE, INDUSTRIAL MARKER, BLACK INK, water resist, pen-style, w/clip (#13601) Box/12 Ea 1,502 63101 MED BLUE PAPERMATE PENS, RETRACTABLE, with pocket clip MEDIUM BLUE, #PAP 63101 Box/12 Ea 2,014 20290 AMPAD PAD, LETTER SIZE, RULED-WHITE 8-1/2"x11-3/4" Pack/12 1,790 34025 DADE B25 SWIFT FIRST AID KIT, for 25 people, office/ vehicle Each 645 R2360-10 RUBBERMAID CHAIR MATS, CLEAR, with cleats, 45" x 53", lip 25" x 12".(#2360) Each 350 AL-AA RAY-O-VAC BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size AA RAY-O-VAC Pack/8 Ea 41186 IMATION CD RECORDABLE IMATION 100 PER SPINDLE 700MB/80MIN/16X #41186 Pack/100 810EG 3/4X1296 3M TAPE, SCOTCH, MAGIC 3/4" x 1296" (for tape dispenser see T-2560) Roll 360D DYMO DYMO 360D,DESKTOP LABELMAKER, INCLUDES A RECHARGEABLE LITHIUM-ION BATTERY Each 134 CD003 GENERAL PLASTIC WASTE/CAN LINER, 8-10 gallon trash bag 24"x24" Box/500 527 BIC Z4C11-BK BIC PEN, METAL POINT FINE ROLLERBALL BIC Z4 multi carbon copies,black BIC #Z4C11-BK Box/12 Ea CLO-35419 PINE SOL PINE-SOL LEMON SCENT 144 OZ Ctn/3 Ea 752-1/2 CUT SMEAD FILE FOLDER,MANILA, LETTER SIZE, 1/2"CUT Bx/100 1,385 G235-00 AT A GLANCE Pocket weekly-planner 1 week on two pages, black, 3-3/4"x 6" (#G235-00) Each 2,067 PM15-28 AT A GLANCE THREE (3) MONTH CALENDAR, 12" x 27" WIREBOUND W/ HANGING EYELET (#PM15-28) Each 1,118 UNV35264 UNIVERSAL ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 9" x 12", with clasp and gummed flap. Box/100 1,243 M1230 QUARTETT BOARD, WHITE, Porcelain Dry Erase, size: 2'X 3' Aluminum frame with hangers Each 106 GOJ9651 PURELL HAND SANITIZER DIAL ANTIBACTERIAL KILLS 99.99% OF GERMS. 4OZ BOTTLE #GOJ9651 Each 4,892 5157 CHASE DISINFECTANT,HOSPITAL SPRAY, Kills HIV-1 16.4oz Aerosol Can (CHASE) Can 3,227 BL11-YW YELLOW BIC HIGHLIGHTER, FLUORESCENT YELLOW INK ( BIC #BL11-YW ) Box/12 Ea 2,224 M13U13 ESSELTE FOLDER MANILA 1/3 CUT LETTER FASTENERS 1&3 POSITION #ESS M13U13 Bx/50 361 303-01 PAPERMATE PENCILS MECHANICAL, non-refillable DISPOSABLE, #2 lead (303-01) Bx/12 2,829 SD389-13 AT A GLANCE Diary, Daily Reminder, 5-3/4" x 8-1/4" ruled page,red hardback cover(SD389-13) Each 1,554 ISOBAR6ULTRA TRIPPLITE SURGE SUPPRESSOR,W/MULTI-FILTER,protecs equipment-data TRP-ISOBAR6ULTRA Each 99 62903 QUALITY PARK CD/DVD PAPER SLEEVES 24LB WHITE WOVE PAPER W CLEAR POLY WINDOW 100 PER BX Bx/100 Estimated Quantity Price Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute (#20290) Substitute Substitute Substitute 6,012 Substitute 439 Substitute 4,572 Substitute Substitute Substitute 1,024 Substitute 280 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 605 Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 2 of 8 p. 94 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) 80911 Brand C-LINE Stock Description SHOP TICKET HOLDER CLEAR VINYL W/EYELET FOR HANGING 8-1/2"X11" 50 PER BX #80911 Unit of Measure Bx/50 1532F13 ESSELTE FILE FOLDERS PRESSBOARD 2" EXPANSION W/ FASTENERS 1&3 1/2 CUT TAB #ESS 1532F13 Bx/25 653-RP 3M POST-IT-NOTES, YELLOW, 1 1/2" X 2", recycled, 12 pads/pack (#3M 653-RP) Pack/12 52102001 OKIDATA RIBBON, OKIDATA MICROLINE 100 SERIES320 320T/321/321T/OIKMATE 120,#52102001 Each 3690 3M TAPE, SEALING, CLEAR, 2"W x 60 yds., 3" core 3M #07580 Roll 6MOS-BEI FLEXIDUCT MULTI OUTLET STRIP,Six outlets, circuit breaker & switch (FLEXIDUCT#6MOS-bei) Each 62027 C-LINE SHEET PROTECTOR,CLEAR PLASTIC, TOP-LOAD, 8 1/2"x 11", 3 hole punched (#62027) Bx/100 1,088 PM212-28 AT A GLANCE Plan a month calendar. full year on both sides Reversible "24"x36" (#PM212-28) Each 1,116 1156-10 SWAN ALCOHOL, Rubbing, 70% ISOPROPYL, 1 pint plastic bottles Bottle 3,840 W4F VICTORIA BAY CUPS, CONICAL 4 oz, rolled rim (#W4F) Bx/5000 T-LBK462-HSB-R SIGLITE SIGNATUREGEM LCD 1X5 SIGNATURE PAD Each AL-AAA RAY-O-VAC BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 1.5 vt, Size AAA RAY-O-VAC Pack/8 Ea 3,459 RT5711RD BIC PEN, FINE,metal point,rollerball Red, BIC RT5711RD Box/12 Ea 492 PAP 61301 PAPERMATE BALL POINT PENS, MEDIUM, BLACK, Paper- Mate Box/12 Ea 5,825 ALLIANCE ALLIANCE RUBBER BANDS, packed in 1/4 lb. per box. Size: 33 (1/8"x 3 1/2") Pack 5,815 810 (3/4X2592) 3M TAPE, Scotch, 3/4"x 2592", MAGIC TAPE Roll 1,379 2101654 CASCADE PAPER TOWEL CEE FOLD, BLEACHED WHITE CASCADE #2101764 Case 319 7580-88 RUBBERMAID MOP BUCKET & WRINGER COMBINATION, WITH CASTERS 26QT W/HANDLE YELLOW (#7580-88) Each 102 61032713 7OZ ECOLAB CLEANER,Handwash-Foamed Ecolab #61032713 7 oz, waterless & soapless Can 1,009 30050 BLACK PILOT PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM BLACK,7MM Model (30050) Box/12 Ea 1,231 1534G SMEAD RECYCLED, FILE POCKET, EXPANDING, LETTER Size, 5 1/4" Expansion 1534G Each 7,489 CMC5800BE CONTINENTAL CART,UTILITY-DURAMOLD CONSTRUCTION, 16"x30"x32 1/4"H, 400 lb cap(#CMC5800BE) Each 31 680-SH2 3M Post-It tape Flags "SIGN HERE" 1"X1.7" 50 flags w/dispenser yellow w/red letter Pk/2 1,344 322590 FELLOWES SHREDDER PERSONAL W/WASTEBASKET SHREDS UP TO 15 SHEETS AT ONCE FELLOWES #322590 Each 48 61950(RED) GUSCO Folder, classification & budget report, legal size, 4 part (#61950) Box/20 230 53XX BLUE SMEAD FILE FOLDER LETTER SIZE 9-1/2"X11-3/4" RECYLCLED BLUE SMEAD #53XX Bx/100 489 30051 BLUE PILOT PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM BLUE 7mm Model 30051 Box/12 Ea 14934 SMEAD FOLDER EXPANDING 1/3 CUT 2"CAP.GREY/GREE W/PRONG FASTENERS RECYCLED SMD 14934 Bx/25 Estimated Quantity Price 409 Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute 189 Substitute 1,497 Substitute 709 Substitute 6,446 Substitute 344 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 115 Substitute 15 Substitute Substitute Substitute (PAP 61301) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 1,158 Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 3 of 8 149 p. 95 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure 10017 BSN ALUMINUM FORM HOLDERS, fits forms up to 8 1/2" x 12"#10017 Each S-13752 SCOTCH BLUE PAINTER'S TAPE SCOTCH 1"X 60'YARDS ULINE #S-13752 Roll SD-907-13 AT A GLANCE Daily appointment book, dated. Red Hard cover Book. 5-3/4"x 8-11/16" (SD-907-13) Each 955 10HX2 SMEAD HANGING FILE FOLDERS, BOX BOTTOM, LETTER SIZE,color : Green , RECYCLED Bx/25 323 GREEN SMEAD RECYCLED FILE Folders Color Green Letter Size 9 1/2" x 11 3/4" Bx/100 445 53XX1/3 CUT YE SMEAD FILE FOLDERS, YELLOW, LETTER SIZE Bx/100 433 26810 SMEAD CLASSIFICATION FOLDER LETTER GRAY 2 DIVIDER, 2" EXPANSION #26810 Bx/10 156 RR1460 READRIGHT HANDKLEEN PADS ANTIBACTERIAL WIPES 70 PER TUB KILLS GERMS INSTANTLY #RR1460 Each 1,446 680-4 ORANGE 3M POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser ORANGE (3M#680-4) Set/2 1,287 53XX 1/3 RED SMEAD RECYCLED File Folders, Colored:Red Letter Size "9 1/2 x 11 3/4 " Bx/100 S42-26-3MG ADVANCED FILING CLASSIFICATION FOLDER (MOSS GREEN) 25 PT LETTER SIZE PRESSBOARD W/2" EXPANSION Each 1,200 11094 ERGODYNE Back Support Belts, Size: LARGE Waist:UP to 41,with MIAMI-DADE LOGO Each 264 UNV35270 UNIVERSAL ENVELOPES, BROWN KRAFT, 12" x 15-1/2", with clasp and gummed flap Box/100 289 65227 CH. GRAY ELDON/ICEBERG TABLE,FOLDING LEG,29" polyethylene top is dent/scratch resistant 30"x72" Each 28 R-2400 INTERNATIONAL ENVELOPE, SECURITY,9" x 12", white tyvek word "opened" appears on flap (#R-2400) Box/100 68 R6NN SWEETHEART CUPS, PAPER, COATED, cold drink, 6 oz., flat bottom. (SWEETHEART #R6NN) Cs/2500 54 856995/94223 NCR CALCULATOR PAPER BLACK THERMAL 80X230 NCR #856995/94223 Bx/50 63 45803 DYMO CASSETTE TAPE FOR DYMO 5500 LABELMAKER BLACK PRINTING/WHITE TAPE 19MM Each 308 558XX ESSELTE REPORT COVER, LETTER SIZE, CLEAR FRONT W/3 METAL FASTENERS ESSELTE #558XX Box/25 265 680-RD2 RED 3M POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser RED (3M#680-RD2) Pk/2 20-394 AMPAD RECYCLED, PAD, JUNIOR WHITE,RULED,5"X8" (#20-394) Pack/12 981 1730 PANASONIC PENCIL SHARPENER, ELECTRIC, BLACK PANASONIC #1730 Each 211 B2200-BK BOSTITCH STAPLER, DESK TOP, 4" throat, 8 1/2" length Each 1,247 856607 NCR THERMAL PAPER ROLL2-1/4X2X84 FOR POS PRINTER #856607 Ctn/72 Rl 2930 WHITE MARCAL FACIAL TISSUE, size 8.33"x 8", two-ply, WHITE. Box R330AN 3M POP UP NOTES POST-IT. DISPENSER REFILL 3X3 NEON W/YELLOW/LIME/PINK #R330AN Pk/6 pads 551 573 3M CLEANERS, DESK & OFFICE, 15 oz. can 3M Can 946 Estimated Quantity Price Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute 290 Substitute 1,600 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 409 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 1,141 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 78 Substitute (#2930) 7,285 Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 4 of 8 p. 96 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) 680-3 GREEN Brand 3M Stock Description POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE,1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser GREEN (3M#680-3) Unit of Measure Pk/2 RV-2WHITE ESSELTE VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 2" CAPACITY, WHITE Each 1,837 ICE-95213 ELDON/ICEBERG ASPIRA WORKSTATION FILE DRAWER 2 BOX 1 FILE DRAWER SZ:16 1/2"Wx28"Hx22"D #95213 Each 12 680-2 BLUE 3M POST-IT TAPE FLAGS, REMOVABLE, 1" x 1.7" 50 flags/dispenser, BLUE (3M#680-2) Set/2 1,055 8023 AMPAD PADS, STENO, 6"x 9", PITMAN (wide ruled) topps 80 sheet count #8023 Pack/12 396 KMW 57803 KENNISON MOUSE MAT WITH WRIST SUPPORT, 9"W X 10"D X 1 1/2"H (KMW 57803) Each 695 648710 IMATION CD-R 700MB/80MIN 52X PRINTABLE WHITE SU- RFACE FOR INKJET PRINT 100 CT SPINDLE Pack/100 AL-9V RAY-O-VAC BATTERY, alkaline, industrial, 9.0 vt, Size 9 volts (RAY-O-VAC) Each 75500 LETTER SMEAD FILE POCKET, NON-EXPANSION, LETTER size Manila RECYCLED (75500) Bx/100 187 11437/LSK8 AVERY CLEAR DIVIDER LABELS 8 TAB LASER/INKJET PRINTERS 5 SETS PER PACK #11437 Set/5 203 272-035 WESCO Folding Platform Truck, 24" x 35" Plat- form, 900lbs cap Each 21 712 BOSTITCH STAPLES, STANDARD, fits S-2280; S-2281 & S-2282 Box 5,119 27075 SANFORD HIGHLIGHTERS, 5-COLOR SET ,yellow, blue, green, orange, pink, chisel tip (#27075) Set 1,465 A72525 ACCO PAPER CLIPS, No.4 JUMBO, 100% recycled ACCO #A72525 Bx/100 6,689 20992 UNIVERSAL VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS, LETTER SIZE, 3" CAPACITY, WHITE, UNV-20992 Each 1,045 C13H ESSELTE RECYCLED, HANGING FILE FOLDER, LETTER size, 1/3 cut, Tab size 3 1/2". Bx/25 632 70822-BLK AT A GLANCE PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENT BOOK 4 PERSON RULED 1 DAY PER PAGE SIMULATED LEATHER Each 148 13732 SMEAD FILE FOLDER SMEAD #13732 Box 94 14998 DIXON PENCIL GOLF & PEW 3-1/2" YELLOW HEXAGONQ BARREL. MEDIUM-SOFT LEAD DIXON #14998 Gross 675 30052 RED PILOT PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP MEDIUM RED 7mm Model 30052 Box/12 Ea 704 1056EL ESSELTE EXPANDING WALLETS, LEGAL SIZE, 3 1/2" EXPANSION ESSELTE #1056EL Each 1,454 1053EL SMEAD EXPANDING WALLETS, LETTER SIZE, 3 1/2" EXPANSION, SMEAD #1053EL Each 1,484 ZEB-LDR4KN58 ZEBRA RECEIPT ROLL ZEBRA DIRECT PRINT RW420 MOBILE PRINTER #ZEB-LDR4KN58 Ctn/36 Rl RV-1 WHITE ESSELTE VIEW BINDERS, 3 RINGS LETTER SIZE 1" CAPACITY, WHITE Each 5001M FABER DRY ERASE SET, W/four (4) chisel tip dry erase markers (#5001M) Set 801 07888 BLACK AVERY MARKERS,CHISEL TIP, BLACK, PERMANENT, (#07888) BLACK Box/12 Ea 528 EVE-L91BP-4 EVERREADY BATTERY EVEREADY e2 ULTIMATE LITHIUM AA #EVE-L91BP-4 Pack/4 Ea 413 45010 DYMO CASSETTE TAPE, Fits only on DYMO 5000 Labelmarker,color:black print/clear tape Each 293 SMD-75700 SMEAD MANILA END TAB FILE JACKETS Box 135 2510 ERGODYNE SAFETY, Back Support Belts,Size:EX-Large Waist:Up to 49, with MIAMI-DADE Logo Each 184 46506 (BLACK) SAUNDERS CLIPBOARD, LETTER Size, RECYCLED, Plastic, color: BLACK saunders #46506 Each 1,182 Estimated Quantity Price 1,073 Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute (#RV-2WHITE) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 87 Substitute 3,514 Substitute Substitute Substitute (#272-035) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 26 Substitute (#RV-1 WHITE) 2,583 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 5 of 8 p. 97 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure 54123 BLUE ACCO DATA BINDER,FOR UNBURST PRINTOUTS, SHEET SIZE 11"x8 1/2"RECY ACCO 54123 BLUE Bx/25 30040 BLACK PILOT PENS, PILOT BETTERGRIP FINE BLACK 5mm model 300XX Box/12 Ea 630 7533 AMPAD PADS, LEGAL SIZE, WHITE-RULED 8-1/2"x14" Pack/12 315 2362 RUBBERMAID CHAIR MATS, with CLEATS, 46"x 60", with lip 25"x 12,(#2362)boxed individually Each 58 5057 PMC Counter pen, square adhesive w. 24"chain Antimicrobial black ink #PMC05057 Each 1,194 G4BQF09L LG QUALATRILE GLOVES QUALATRILE BLUE NITRILE POWDER FREE 5 MIL THICK 9" SZ:LARGE Bx/100 CE 505A Hewlett Packard TONER HP P2035/2035n/P2055dn/P2055X LASER PRINTER #CE 505A Each 1,201 Q5949X Hewlett Packard TONER HP 1320/3390 SERIES LASERJET PRINTERS Q5949x Each 441 CC364 Hewlett Packard LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD P4015N LASER PRINTER #64 #CC364A Each 296 51645A BLACK Hewlett Packard INKJET CARTRIDGE,FOR H.P.DESKJET 820C, 850C,855C,870C,1000C,BLK (#51645A) Each 1,381 C6578DN Hewlett Packard TONER CARTRIDGE HP 970/P1000/P1100 DESK- JET TRI COLOR #6578DN Each 1,227 Q7553A Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 2015D LASER JET PRINTER #Q7553a Each 467 Q2612A Hewlett Packard LASERJET CARTRIDGE HP 1010SERIES PRINTER 3015/3020/3030 ALL IN ONES #Q2612A Each 600 Q5942A Hewlett Packard TONER HP LASERJET 4250/4250N/4350 PRINTER #42A #Q5942A Each 244 C7115A Hewlett Packard TONER HP 1200/1220 SERIES FAX/SCANNER PRINTER #C7115A Each 479 C8767WN BLACK Hewlett Packard INK CARTRIDGE HP 8450/8150/2710/2610/ 375/325 PHOTOSMART/6000 SER DESKJET#96 Each 903 Q6470A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HP 3600/3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q6470A BLACK Each 196 C9363WN COLOR Hewlett Packard INKJET CARTRIDGE HP 8450/8150/2710/2610/ 375/325 PHOTOSMART 6000 SER DESKJET #97 Each 743 CE278A Hewlett Packard LASERJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 1600 SERIES PRINTER #CE278A Each 342 Q6000A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER, HP COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER BLACK #Q6000A Each 325 CB436A Hewlett Packard LASERJET TONER HP P1505/1505N PRINTER #36A #CB436A Each 350 330-2649 Dell LASER TONER DELL 2330D/2330DN/2350D/DN PRINTER HIGH YIELD #330-2649 Each 189 Q5950A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5950A BLACK Each 109 Q2610A Hewlett Packard TONER HP LASER JET 2300 PRINTER BLACK #Q2610A Each 163 CC 530A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP BLACK #CC 530A Each 166 C9732A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9732 YELLOW Each 58 Q2613A Hewlett Packard TONER CARTRIDGE HP LASERJET 1300 PRINTER #Q2613A Each 266 C9730A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE BLACK #C9730A Each 66 C8061X Hewlett Packard TONER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 4100/ 4100N/4100DTN/4100TN PRINTER #C8061X Each 136 C9731A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9731A CYAN Each 48 Estimated Quantity Price Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute 25 Substitute Substitute (#7573) Substitute Substitute Substitute 530 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 6 of 8 p. 98 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) CE285A Brand Hewlett Packard Stock Description LASERJET CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 1100/ 1200 SERIES PRINTER M1212 PRINTER #85A Unit of Measure Each Q6003A MAGENTA Hewlett Packard TONER COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6003 MAGENTA Each 179 Q6001A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER,COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6001A CYAN Each 179 C4127X Hewlett Packard LASER PRINTER TONER, FOR ALL 4000/4050 SERIES PRINTERS (HP#C4127X) Each 124 Q6002A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER COLOR LASERJET 2600 SERIES PRINTER #Q6002A YELLOW Each 175 C9720A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER BLACK #C9720A Each 94 Q7551A Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD P3005/M3035 MFP LASER JET PRINTER #Q7551A Each 115 310-1199 CYAN Dell COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1199 CYAN Each 50 C9721A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER CYAN #C9721A Each 73 C9723A Hewlett Packard TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER MAGENTA #C9723A Each 73 CC 533A MAGENT Hewlett Packard TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP PRINTER #CC533A MAGENTA Each 128 310-1204 YELL Dell COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1204 YELLOW Each 48 CC 531A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025n/dn/x/CM 2320n/nf/fxi MFP PRINTER CYAN #CC531A Each 132 310-1200 MAGEN Dell COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGES DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1200 MAGENTA Each 47 Q5949A Hewlett Packard LASER TONER HP#1160/1320/3390 PRINTERS Q5949A Each 171 CC 532A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HP COLOR LASERJET CP2025N/DN/X/CM 2030N/NF/FXI MFP PRINTER YELLOW #CC532A Each 123 C9733A MAGENTA Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 5500 SERIES PRINTE #C9733A MAGENTA Each 39 C9722 YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HP 4600 SERIES COLOR LASER PRINTER YELLOW #C9722A Each 68 CE255A Hewlett Packard LASER CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD 3000 SERIES PRINTER #55 #CE255A Each 89 ML-3560D6-SEE SAMSUNG BLACK INK CARTRIDGE FOR SAMSUNG PRINTER ML-3560D6 Each 80 #T650H11A Lexmark TONER LEXMARK T650 PRINTER #T650H11A Each 27 Q5945A Hewlett Packard LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4345MFP LASER PRINTER #45 Q5945A Each 56 C6020B Hewlett Packard PAPER HEWLETT PACKARD COATED PAPER #26LB 36X100 #C6020B Roll 213 Q7581A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q7581A CYAN Each 70 Q5951A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5951A CYAN Each 45 A6661492 Lexmark LASER TONER LEXMARK T654/T656 LASER PRINTER REMANUFACTURED #A6661492 Each 50 310-1197 BLACK Dell COLOR LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 3130CN 3130CND PRINTER #310-1197 BLACK Each 99 4161-106 MINOLTA LASER TONER MINOLTA MSP 3000 MICROFICHE READER/PRINTER #4161-106 Each 52 C4096A BLK Hewlett Packard TONER HP LASERJET 2100/2200 SERIES PRINTER #C4096A Each 101 Q6511A Hewlett Packard LASERJET CARTRIDGE HP2400 SERIES PRINTER #11 #Q6511A Each 77 CE253A Hewlett Packard TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER #CE253A MAGENTA Each 37 Estimated Quantity Price 258 Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 7 of 8 p. 99 Miami-Dade County Form B-1 Bid RFP-00021 Fixed Price Items Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify for substitute) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure Q5953A MAGENTA Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5953A MAGENTA Each 37 Q1338A Hewlett Packard CARTRIDGE HEWLETT PACKARD LJ4200 PRINTER #Q1338A Each 55 Q5952A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD 4700 COLOR LASER JET PRINTER #Q5952A YELLOW Each 37 Q7582A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTER #Q7582A YELLOW Each 54 Q7583A MAGENTA Hewlett Packard TONER HP 3800 SERIES COLOR LASERJET PRINTERS #Q7583A MAGENTA Each 53 CB540A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515n/CP 1518ni/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB540A Each 113 CE251A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER #CE251A CYAN Each 32 CE260A BLACK Hewlett Packard COLOR LASERJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP 4000 SERIES PRINTER CE260A BLACK Each 50 CE261A CYAN Hewlett Packard COLOR LASER TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP4000 SERIES PRINTERS #CE261A CYAN Each 29 CE252A Hewlett Packard TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER YELLOW #CE252A Each 30 CB541A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515n/CP 1518n/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB541A CYAN Each 107 0263B001 Canon LASER TONER CANON #104 FAXPHONE L-90/120 /IC D-440/480/MF 4000 SERIES #0263B001 Each 90 CE250A BLACK Hewlett Packard TONER HP CM3530/CP3525 MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER BLACK #CE250A Each 53 CE413A MAGENTA Hewlett Packard TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A MAGENTA #CE413A Each 55 12A7462 Lexmark LASER TONER CARTRIDGE LEXMARK T630/T632/ T634 LASER PRINTER #12A7462 Each 22 CB542A YELLOW Hewlett Packard TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP1215/CP1515nCP 1518ni/CM1312nfi MFP PRINTER #CB542A Each 98 113R00657 XEROX TONER, XEROX 4500 SERIES PHASER PRINTER HIGH CAPACITY #113R00657 Each 23 CE411A CYAN Hewlett Packard TONER CARTRIDGE HP 305A CYAN #CE411A Each 53 CE262A YELLOW Hewlett Packard COLOR LASERJET TONER HEWLETT PACKARD CP 4000 SERIES PRINTERS #CE262A YELLOW Each 23 330-2650 Dell LASER TONER CARTRIDGE DELL 2330D/2330DN PRINTER #330-2650 Each 55 Estimated Quantity Price Total (Quantity x Price) Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM Page 8 of 8 p. 100 Miami-Dade County Form B-2 Model, Sku, or UPC Bid RFP-00021 Paper Stock Description Unit of Measure INTERNATIONAL PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5"x 11", WHITE #4 BOND XEROGRAPHIC BOND. GREEN CERTIFIED Ctn/10 Rm WEYERHAUSER PAPER, XEROGRAPHIC BOND RECYCLED, 20 lb WHITE,8.5" x 11", for High Speed Copiers Ctn/5000 sheets 3,655 2101754 Paper towels, Cee Fold, natural, Cascade #2101754 Case/2400 sheets 1,551 63150 PAPER 20lb 8.5x11 WHITE BOND XEROGRAPHIC GREEN CERTIFIED Ctn/10 Rm 563 9510AS COMPUTER PAPER, BLANK FORMAT, NO LINES, SIZE 9 1/2"x 11" 1 PART, 20 LBS CS/2300 sheets 785 Envelopes, brown kraft,9"x12",notch out on face, left side, 1-3/4"x 3-5/8" Box/500 163 DOMTAR PAPER, 20lbs., 8.5"x 14", WHITE #4 BOND XEROGRAPHIC BOND.GREEN CERTIFIED Ctn/5000 sheets 318 WEYERHAUSER PAPER, 20lbs., 3-holes, 8.5"x 11", WHITE LETTER FOR HIGH SPEED COPIERS Ctn/10 Rm 364 DOMTAR PAPER, 24lbs.,LASERPRINT 8.5"x11",WHITE PREMIUM LASER FOR COLOR COPIER Ctn/5000 sheets 254 141108 COMPUTER PAPER, GREEN BAR FORMAT,PIN-FED SIZE: 14 7/8"X11 1/2" ONE PART, 18 LBS Ctn/3000 sheets 170 DOMTAR PAPER, 20/50 lbs.,11"x 17",WHITE,#4 BOND COMMODITY OFFSET GREEN CERTIFIED Ctn/2500 sheets 152 WAUSAU PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS GREEN 8.5 X 11 Ctn/10 Rm 98 INTER. PAPER LASER PAPER 28LB 8.5"X11"98 BRIGHTNESS COLOR COPIERS/LASER PRINTERS HAMMERMILL Ctn/4000 sheets 61 WAUSAU PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS CANARY 8.5 x 11 Ctn/10 Rm 80 WAUSAU PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 Bond 20 LBS BLUE 8.5X11 Ctn/10 Rm 72 INTERNATIONAL #4 INDEX,90 LB., 8-1/2 X 11" white RECYCLED Ctn/2000 sheets 71 WAUSAU PAPER, RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS PINK 8.5 X 11 Ctn/10 Rm 60 DOMTAR PAPER, 20lbs., 3-holes, RECYCLED, WHITE LETTER SIZE Ctn/10 Rm 60 WEYERHAUSER PAPER, 20lbs #4 RECYCLED, 11"X17", WHITE Ctn/2500 sheets 62 WAUSAU PAPER,GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND, 20 lbs CANARY 8.5" x 11", RECYCLED Ctn/10 Rm 56 WAUSAU PAPER,GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS 8.5"x11"GREEN RECYCLED Ctn/10 Rm 51 INTER. PAPER PAPER, 24lbs.,LASERPRINT 8.5"x14" WHITE PREMIUM LASER (NOT FOR COLOR COPIER USE) Ctn/5000 sheets 20 WAUSAU PAPER,RECYCLED GENERAL PURPOSE #4 BOND 20 LBS BLUE 8.5" x 11" Ctn/10 Rm 34 EXACT OFFSET OP PAPER, Recycled, Commodity Offset, 60 LB 17.5" X 22.5" Green Ctn/3200 sheets 11 Manufacturer (Please specify for substitute) Estimated Quantity Price Total (Quantity x Price) 21,425 Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 1 p. 101 Miami-Dade County Form B-2 Bid RFP-00021 Paper Substitute INTER. PAPER #4 INDEX, 90 LBS, 8 1/2" X 11" BLUE RECYCLED Ctn/2500 sheets 21 Substitute 9/23/2014 4:38 PM 2 p. 102 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Form B-3 Environmentally Preferred Products Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure Price Page 1 of 3 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 103 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Form B-3 Environmentally Preferred Products Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure Price Page 2 of 3 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 104 Miami-Dade County Bid RFP-00021 Form B-3 Environmentally Preferred Products Model, Sku, or UPC (Please specify) Brand Stock Description Unit of Measure Price Page 3 of 3 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 105 Miami-Dade County Question and Answers for Bid #RFP-00021 - Office Supplies and Related Products Program Bid RFP-00021 5 OVERALL BID QUESTIONS There are no questions associated with this bid. If you would like to submit a question, please click on the "Create New Question" button below. Question Deadline: Oct 9, 2014 6:00:00 PM EDT 6 9/23/2014 4:38 PM p. 106