Sept 13 - Jan 14 - YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Sept 13 - Jan 14 - YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College
Volume 1 September 13 - January 14 Dear Parents, Happy Chinese New Year and best wishes to you and your family in the Year of the Horse. I believe that the school is a place for students to learn and to explore knowledge as well as to discover their own talents and abilities. We also have the responsibility to help children develop and achieve their potential and find the right path for their lives. As the Bible says, “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) The YHKCC has been providing various opportunities to students to explore and develop their interests and in general they have been doing well. In the first semester, students achieved some good results in sports: the Athletics Team won 23 medals (7 Gold, 10 Silver and 6 Bronze) in the Islands District Meet 2013, the Girl’s Rugby Team (AB Grade Combined) won the Plate Championship in the All Hong Kong Inter-school Rugby Sevens 2013-2014 (Preliminary Round). In music, the Beat Club won the Silver Award in the Hong Kong International Drum Battle 2013, which was held in December. The Cheerleading Team, Phoenix, was invited to represent Hong Kong to perform in the 7th Cheerleading World Championships 2013 in Thailand. 1 I am sure that you will agree with me that YHKCC students are very gifted and their talents were well presented during the Variety Show performance in the International Fun Fair, which was attended by over 3000 parents, students and guests. In addition, students in the French Classes have recently produced the first School Newsletter in French. Moreover, both English and Chinese Languages Departments have jointly organized speaking mock examinations for the public examination classes with two secondary schools in Tung Chung. In the second semester, teachers will continue to focus on raising academic standards and provide students with more information regarding selection of subjects and curriculum. The HKDSE & GCE Information Evening, organized for Form 3 and Form 4 students and parents, provided more details about the HKDSE and GCE ‘A’ level curricula and university admission requirements. In early March, the HKDSE & IGCSE Options Evening will be held for Form 1 and Form 2 students and parents to provide details about the elective subjects offered in Forms 3 and 4. The public examination classes (Form 4, Form 5 GCE, Form 6 DSE and GCE A2) will sit for their mock examinations from late January to mid-February. In mid-February, a set of detailed report cards will be distributed to parents to provide information about students’ academic performance during the first semester. Another Student-Teacher Conference will be held in early May and this will be followed by a second ParentTeacher Conference, giving parents another opportunity to meet with their child’s subject teachers and gain a deeper understanding of their learning progress. I hope you will enjoy reading this Newsletter and discovering much more about what has been happening in the school over the past few months. I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming school events. Wishing you all a great 2014 and a happy Chinese New Year! Mr. Dion Chen Principal 2 Enrollment Update 160 new Form 1 students enrolled in the school this year from 25 different countries including Australia, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Taiwan, Vietnam, the United States and the United Kingdom . Of these students, about 70% are non-local. In Form 2 and Form 5 GCE, the school admitted 14 new students and once again over 70% of them are non-local students. 2013 - 2014 (Actual) Level Classes Students Form 1 6 160 Form 2 6 160 Form 3 6 160 Form 4 6 166 Form 5 4 78 Form 6 4 73 Form 5 GCE 3 76 Form 6 GCE 3 67 Total 38 940 3 Students’ Profile 33% 3%2% 3% 4% 2% 3%3 1% 1% 1% 2% 2% 1% 3% 25% 16% 5% 12% 13% New Students Registration Days About 300 parents and students attended the New Students’ Orientation Day on Saturday 24th August. After the main presentation in the hall, students met their class teachers and participated in various orientation games run by the Heads of Year. The new Form 1 students were especially excited to meet new friends and classmates. A lot of positive feedback was received and it was great to know that both parents and students enjoyed the programme. 4 Admission Briefing for applications 2014 - 2015 An Admission Briefing for parents and students interested in making applications for the 2014 – 2015 academic year was held on Saturday 19th October. About 440 parents and students coming from 122 different families attended the briefing. The Principal and the members of the Leadership Team shared about different aspects of the school, including the vision and mission of the school, the five core values, the Student Guidance and Discipline System (SGDS), curriculum structure, school facilities, admission procedures and extra-curricular activities. 50 Student Ambassadors were on hand to meet and greet the parents and also accompanied parents on a tour around the school. Parents were very satisfied with the briefing and information provided and could not want to wait to apply to the school! Ms. Diana Lo Deputy Principal 5 Half a year into the academic year, teachers and students are all working hard towards achieving more and raising academic standards. The first Progress Report issued in November gave students feedback on their performance so far. During the Student-Teacher Conference, organized on Friday 15th November, students met with their Class Teachers to go over the Progress Report and receive advice about how to work towards their potential and achieve their target grades in all subjects. Students were then encouraged to reflect on their learning and plan strategies to enable them to realize their targets and potential. The Parent-Teacher Conference on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th November provided an opportunity for parents to meet subject teachers and discuss their child’s learning progress. This event has received very positive comments from parents in the past when it was held after the midyear report cards were distributed in February, but this year the school decided to schedule the conference much earlier so that there is more time to help students improve. While junior form students went on camps during Life-wide Learning Week, Form 6 and GCE A2 students attended a three day Careers and Higher Education Conference. The programme consisted of careers advice and guidance about further study, conducted by careers advisors and professionals in different fields. Students found the conference especially helpful in meeting their needs. On Thursday 9th January, a HKDSE & GCE A level Information Evening was organized for students and parents of Forms 3 and 4. The purpose of the evening was to inform parents and students about the two different curricula and provide further details about the subjects on offer. About 180 families attended and many questions asked. Parents and students found the event informative as it enabled them to make a more informed decision about whether to continue with the HKDSE curriculum or apply to study GCE A levels in Forms 5 and 6. 6 Mid-year examinations for students in Forms 1, 2, 3, Form 5 DSE and Form 6 DSE were conducted from 20th to 29th January. Students in Form 4, Form 5 GCE and GCE A2 will have their mock examinations after the Chinese New Year Holiday. These are important examinations and are designed to help students prepare more effectively for the public examinations in April, May and June Mr. Alfred Chan & Mr. Andrew Higgins Deputy Principals 7 The SGDS team had a bright start to the year with the recruitment of four new Heads of Year – Ms. Cleo Wong, Dr. Terence Wang, Mr. Joshua Tillott and Dr. Cathy Kwong. In addition, we are delighted that Ms. Nicola Butler assumed the position of Deputy Head of SGDS to bolster the range of managerial talent. At the beginning of the year, we felt it was important to start with the theme of citizenship. The importance of the school’s core values was stressed as well as students’ social responsibilities as global citizens and members of the school community. Teachers set clear high expectations in terms of discipline, academics and responsibility, and students have responded brilliantly. The most exciting development this year is the empowerment of student leaders. Due to the maturity, confidence and exceptional social skills of students, we have been able to find many opportunities in which they can assume greater ownership of the school. For example, the Student Ambassadors played a leading role in the Admission Briefing for prospective parents and Prefects have welcomed students in Assemblies and Student Briefings and maintained a calm and disciplined environment. The new Senior Centre on the 5th floor is now open and this area is being managed by the students themselves. They have formed a management committee, which will propose further developments to suit the needs of senior students. 8 After a careful review of the PSE programme, we have engaged the expertise of the KELY Group to tackle a range of social issues. Professionals from this organization are supporting many PSE sessions throughout the year, thus enhancing the quality of Personal and Social Education. In addition the employment of the new Careers & Higher Education Counsellor, Mr. Lloyd Belcher, has offered another dimension to the school and the PSE programme. Lastly, the SGDS could not function as effectively without the expertise of the Student Support Team as they continue to work around the clock supporting students with a range of different needs and developing programmes to support students in all aspects of their lives. A full progress report will follow in the next Newsletter. Mr. Thomas Moore & Ms. Nicola Butler Head of SGDS & Deputy Head of SGDS 9 The East Asian Football Federation U18 Youth Tournament 2013 (7th August - 12th August) Congratulations to Robbie Wu (5A) who represented Hong Kong in the East Asian Football Federation U18 Youth Tournament 2013. The tournament was organized by the Guam Football Association and was held at the GFA National Training Centre in Guam. Robbie traveled to Guam to compete against various teams in the East Asia Region, including Guam, Macau, Chinese Taipei and DRP Korea. Robbie and his team showed their explosive speed, dominating both in attack and defense. Robbie contributed significantly in winning the Championship for Hong Kong. The Hong Kong team triumphed against Chinese Taipei in the final match by winning 2-1. In fact the team had a perfect record of 5 wins out of 5 matches! This year was a milestone for Robbie as he participate in and won his first U18 East Asian Cup. The school wishes Robbie all the best and continued success in future competitions. 10 Table Tennis Team won the Championship in the Hong Kong Inter-school (A Grade) Table Tennis Competition (29th September) Congratulations to the Table Tennis Team on winning the Championship (A Grade boys) and the 1st runnerup prize (A Grade girls) in the Hong Kong Inter-school Table Tennis Competition. Both boys and girls played brilliantly against solid challenges from other teams. It was a great tournament and a proud achievement for the school. Inter-school Swimming Championships 2013-14 (29th - 31st October) The Swimming Team achieved very pleasing results in the Inter-school Swimming Championships, held in the Shing Mun Valley Swimming Pool. The team were awarded a total of 9 medals (6 Silver and 3 Bronze) and 2 overall trophies (3rd runner-up for A Grade Boys and 2nd runner-up for C Grade Girls). 11 The Islands District Age Group Athletic Meets 2013 (20th October) The Athletics Team won a total of 23 medals (7 Gold, 10 Silver and 6 Bronze) in this competition. Special congratulations to Jackie Chen (3H), who broke the official 100 metres record in the Girls 13-15 age group. Gold Medals Event Prize 100m hurdle 16-20 Girls FRANCISCO Bianca Therese M (5A) Discus 16-20 Girls MCCALL Alexandra Ashley Diane C. (3C) 100m 13-15 Girls CHEN Jackie Yuen Ching (3H) broke the official record High Jump 13-15 Girls MCAUSLAN Jamie Maisie (3Y) 4x100m Relays 16-20 Girls WU Jessica Sum Yu (6A), YAU Gladys Yi Lam (6A) , YAU Gigi Mei Lam (5A) & PUN Chloe Lok Yin (5A) 4x100m Relays 13-15 Girls YOO Lynn Ha Yeon (3H), GRANGER India Katherine Vajra (3K), SCHULZ Anne-sophie (3K) & CHEM Chen Yuen Ching (3H) 4x400m Relays 16-20 Girls KIM Jae Im (4M), GILL Chaman Kaur (A2C), WATT Marie Frances (A2C) & PURDY Lydia Ly (A2Y ) 12 Silver Medals Event Prize Long Jump 16-20 Girls PUN Lok Yin (5A) 100m 16-20 Girls YAU Gladys (6A) 100m 13-15 Girls GRANGER India Katherine Vajra (3K) Shot Put 16-20 Girls MCCALL Alexandra Ashley Diane C. (3C) High Jump 13-15 Girls SHER Tamara Anne (3M) 200m 13-15 Girls GRANGER India Katherine Vajra (3K) Long Jump 13-15 Girls SCHULZ Anne-sophie (3K) 400m 13-15 Girls STUFFLEBEAM Alyssa Yung (3A) Long Jump 13-15 Girls ASTON Elizabeth Margaret (2Y) Long Jump 13-15 Boys JARVIS Jordan Blair Daydora (5A) Bronze Medals Event Prize 110m Hurdle 16-20 Boys YIP Michael (6A) ) Long Jump 16-20 Girls YAU Gladys (6A) ) Long Jump 16-20 Boys NG Ka Kiu Duncan(5A) 1500m 13-15 Girls ANDRIGHETTI Allissa Marie (5H) Javelin 16-20 Girls WU Jessica Sum Yu (6A) ) 4x100m Relays 13-15 Girls ANDRIGHETTI Allissa Marie (5H), ASTON Elizabeth Margaret (2Y), Sher Tamara Anne (3M) & STUFFLEBEAM Alyssa Yung (3A) 13 14 Short Film Contest for the Youths Congratulations to the Creative Media Club! The students won their first victory in the Best Short Film Gold Award in the Short Film Contest for Youth, organized by the Youth Programme Coordinating Committee (YPCC) of the Commission on Youth (COY) and co-organised by the Home Affairs Bureau and the 18 District Youth Programme Committees. In the video, the students shared with others what they think and feel about the Hong Kong communities in which they live and study. For this remarkable achievement, the students also received a $10,000 book voucher, a trophy and an advanced training course. The 7th Cheerleading World Championships 2013 (21st November – 25th November) The school’s Cheerleading Team, Phoenix, travelled to Thailand to perform in the 7th Cheerleading World Championships 2013. This competition is organized by the International Federation of Cheerleading and is held every two years. It was a great opportunity for Phoenix to meet more than 10 cheerleading teams from different countries including Japan, Germany, Russia, Thailand, the United Kingdom and South Korea. All of the teams demonstrated considerable athletic capability, skill and talent in their creative and innovative performances. 15 All Hong Kong Inter-school Rugby Sevens 2013-2014 (Preliminary Round) (23rd November and 7th December) The Girls’ Rugby Team (AB Grade Combined) joined the All Hong Kong Inter-school Rugby Sevens 2013-2014 (Preliminary Round). We are very pleased to announce that they won the Plate Championship in this competition and have qualified to compete in the All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Competition Final to be held in May 2014. Chinese Writing Competition (Organised by the Confucius Hall Secondary School) (14th December) Congratulations to Au Wing Ying (3Y) who won a Merit Award in the Chinese Writing Competition, organized by the Confucius Hall Secondary School. She has awarded a $100 book voucher and a Certificate for her remarkable achievement. 16 Go Competitions 2013 Carson Chung (1Y) demonstrated brilliant strategies in various Go competitions and brought remarkable results home. In September, he won the Championship (1st Kyu) in the Hong Kong Go Competition 2013, organized by the Hong Kong Go Association. In December, he was the 1st Runner-up (Secondary School Section) in the CCC Cup Go Tournament for Primary and Secondary Schools of Hong Kong, organized by CCC Yenching College. And in January 2014, Carson was 7th in Hong Kong Children Go Cup Competition (Higher Division), organized by the Hong Kong Children’s Go College. Hong Kong International Drum Battle 2013 (29th December) The YHKCC Beat Club won Silver Prize in the Hong Kong International Drum Battle 2013. The Drum Battle was one of the events of the Hong Kong Marching Band Festival, held in the Queen Elizabeth Stadium. Renowned marching bands and excellent musicians from across Asia attended the festival. A total of 8 teams participated in the event and 16 YHKCC students joined the battle by showcasing their musical talents on stage and delighting the audience with loud and thundering yet rhythmic banging of the drums. It was intense and nerve wrecking battle, but it was also a fun and valuable experience for the students. The school is proud of their performance. 17 50th Schools Dance Festival (26th January) The school's Modern Dance Team competed in the 50th Schools Dance Festival at Ko Shan Theatre and got the Highly Commended Award. (There are 4 grading category: Pass, Commended, Highly Commended and Honours) Our girls were very dedicated and rehearsed hard for the competition. it is definitely a very encouraging experience and a good eye-opener for our students to compete against other talented local school groups in Hong Kong. Congratulations girls! ZONIAS Danae Vaneesa (1Y) ONG Francine (2A) PHILLIP Nicole (2C) TORIO Nastassja (3C) LEE Amy Jae Hee (3C) TSANG Samantha (3H) GAGNJ Almond (4Y) MANKTELOW Alexandra (4Y) GUO Kamilla (5K) 18 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 1 Name Class HADDOW Zoe Elizabeth 1Y RO Kai Man Carmen 1Y SIDDIQUI Tajriyan Aaraf 1Y VELEZ Hans Josef Tuble 1Y WRIGHT Amy Faith 1Y WONG Joyce Yuet 1Y HA Tiffany 1M JOSS Rafael Ethan 1M LAM Dickson Justin Rex Jr 1M SCHULZ Laura Simone Elisabeth 1M SIU Man Yan 1M TALLENT Abigail Camaisa 1M SACHDEVA Abhishek 1M CHAN Jean 1C DONALD Callum Hong Mun 1C HARRIS Ian Stanley Allicoy 1C JARVIS Ryan Luke 1C KOO Osmond 1C LATTER Lucinda Monique 1C LINDNER Sunny Lynn Margaret 1C LUI Choi Yu 1C LUI Chun Yiu Nicolle 1C MORGAN Judith Manochai 1C NALUMEN Ron David C. 1C NOMBRADO Maree Alexis 1C SUN Ian Liu 1C TAYLOR Josiah Jie Jik 1C RALLECA Michelle Anne 1C NARA Donna Elisse 1C 19 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name AZUL Audrey Brielle Cortes CHAN Yui Sang DAWSON Michael Riley DAYRIT Angelique Mekayla Quiachon DIEGO Kevin Nijel Habala ENKHSAIKHAN Tsenguun FERNANDEZ Kyla Danella FONG Ivan Wai Keat HO Joshua Francis LEE Sean Seang NAMAKKAL RAGHAVENDRAN Srinivas OH Kyongjun ROQUE Chastine Kaye Serrano RUTHERFORD Grace Mc Laren SAMIR ABDELRAHMAN Yasmine THAPA Prashant Singh YOON Haram KARIYAWASAM Marissa Ganga ALE Binita BUTT Afreen Khanum CHAN Wing Hei ESPINOSA MOOSER Nicolas FRANCISCO Cristiana Elize LO Man Tsun NG King Lok Eugenie PIN Alexandre Sippakorn RADIC Roko SHERCHAN Sahina SUJANSINGHANI Natasha Shyam TAM Alicia Sarah Suet Ling VALLECER Christian Benedict ZAMBRANO TAVERA Helean Juliana YAM Man Hei Rose Class 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 1H 20 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name Class BRYMER Maisie Annis 1K JUN Jiyeon 1K KAUR Ashwinpreet 1K KAUSHIK Priyamvada 1K LIMBU Rojina 1K LO Ho Suet 1K LO Tsz Tung 1K MUDALIAR Salins Hana 1K NAMANDEEP SINGH 1K SCHALLENBERGER Rae Leia 1K TSE Lok Pin Gideon 1K JAN Yawar Ajaiz 1K Form 2 Name ASTON Elizabeth Margaret Class 2Y BAUTISTA Gabriella Vera Reyes BENTLEY Crozman J BENTULAN J Dylan Fourier Gauss A. P HERRERA Alfred Quismorio INGLIS Rosemary JANG Lawten Jeremy JANSEN Ethan Luke KAUR Lovepreet SAMUELS Brandon Miles Stradmoor SHEN Katie SINGH Navrose Kaur SUBBA Cizu YUEN Ka Sum 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 2Y 21 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name ALBERTS Jasmine June Class 2M KAUR Ravneet 2M KWAN Yee Ting 2M MA Kai Chun 2M MAGUIGAD John Christopher Lucing 2M MOHAMED Zakiya Noohu 2M MONSOD Hope Jeremiah P. 2M NALUMEN Ezra Pauline 2M YEUNG Shu Yi 2M YEUNG Sum Yu 2M YUEN Mau Chun 2M ABBAS Rauszen Ocean Annika 2C CHANG Jae Sung 2C DATWANI Aryan Chandan 2C GUNAYON Bill Julian 2C LEE Sze Lok Chelsea 2C PARIL Nicole Phillip 2C SINGH Shivani 2C SUZUKI Shiena 2C 22 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name AMARANATHAN Arvind ANG Kylie Jazrelle Delos Santos BARNETT Libby Joanna CHENG Bin Yang CHEUNG Yuk Yu COLLETT Joel Nathan DAHLBERG Elsa Kristina GURUNG Sarina LABAUSA Jan Nicolette Aquino LEWIS Gabriel Ignacio LO ESCOTO Johann Benson MOHAMED SAID Mohamed Raakin MOHANASUNDER Revathi O'BRIEN Rhys ONG Kyna Francine Yap SHAH Yashvi YOUNG Mia Lowenna AGARWAL Arpit DAGUM Jeffrey Robert Villena DEEN Saif DIXON Sophie Maria FENTIMAN Emil Daryll Palana GUPTA Divyansh GURUNG Jennifer LEDDA Jacques Cipriano MAEJIMA Toshiki MENDONCA Manav SINGH Satveer WONG On Lei CHAN Chun Hei Steven FUNG Mo Tin Timothy JONES Kara Tui MANOHARAN Gayathry MANSUKANI Sahil Mahesh PYBURN Stephanie Jane Nicomedez TAO Si Ying Rachel Class 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2H 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 2K 23 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 3 Name AU Wing Ying CHOW Ho Fung DE ZILVA Sadithi Chamisthra HA Brendan LEE Si Wing MARTIN Shan Arlee Antipo MARTINEZ Keisha Mei Maglaque MCAUSLAN Jamie Maisie MEJIA Lee Anne Claire Mercado QUINIA Anninia Joselle Bernal SO Suet Yiu BEAN Charlotte Pavinee GILL Jashanbir Singh KAUR Chanpreet KAUR Manveer MASHUD Mehek PONCE Enrique Fong SHER Tamara Anne RANVEER KAUR ESPINOSA MOOSER Santiago IMRAN Ali Adnan LEE Jaehee LO ESCOTO Sean Zachary MAHMOOD Faiza MANUEL Luz Isannia MCCALL Alexandra Ashley Diane C. MOHANASUNDER Phurnnee PANDIT Pal Prakashchandra RAMOS Alyssa Mae Fuentes SACAY Kyle Benedict Abbott TORIO Nastassja Isabella Escueta Class 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 24 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name BARNETT Mia Sui Class 3A BERGAS Janica Therese V. CHOW Hei Lam Lois GAGANJOT-KAUR GILL Sunveer Singh GURUNG Anuva IMTIAZ Faiqa KAUR Jasmeen KELLY Jasmine Margaret KORANI Lavisha R. LONTOC Kirsten Ashley B MAN Maggie Ka-kei MATHEWS Cris Jude NAVEZ Falak Asghar STUFFLEBEAM Alyssa Yung URMENETA Juan Paolo DE GUZMAN Almira Bianca Santos HUNTER Ruby Mae TSANG Chuman Samantha YOO Ha Yeon BHAVNANI Jorden Karen Cartledge CADENAS Kayla Andrea Tuazon FOGGO Natasha Alyson GRANGER India Katherine Vajra ITO-LOW Alexander Zenso JOHNSON Laura Elizabeth KEUNG Stephanie Wing KOT Pak Chuen Seth LO Hang Hei Jordan PANCHO Julienne Denise Fajardo SANTOS Angelique SIERRA Juan Manuel 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3H 3H 3H 3H 3H 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K 3K SY-SIONG Stephanie Piamonte VILLAVERDE Jana Gutierrez WONG Lik 3K 3K 3K SCHULZ Anne-sophie Maryse Ehrentraud 25 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 4 Name Class CASTILLO Samuel Jacob B. 4Y DUTTON Tasha Rhea GAGNI Almond Rae HARRIS Hazel Allicoy NEPOMUCENO Nicole Martin TAKESHIGE Takumi NALBO Alisha AGABON Paolo Miguel V. DIONISIO Katia Ysabel FERNANDEZ Dana Patricia KIM Jae Im LI Lok Sze MOHAMMED Pritam Sha-alam CHANG Jae Woo CHOW Alvarez Camilla MANUEL Luz Isaganielle Q. NAMAKKAL RAGHAVENDRAN Ajit Krishna 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M 4C 4C 4C 4C SIU Yui Leung SZE Ling Kim Bezalel TAYLOR Joshua Jie-Sum DE GUZMAN Geraldine Noelle Mangonon 4C 4C 4C 4A FLEMING George Andrew GURUNG Sabita HALDER Adytya Reuben LEONCZEK Madeleine Jane MALL Abhisheak MONSOD Briar Faith Paez NAIR Jisha Lokanadhan TOBIAS Archimedes 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 26 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name COEBERGH Mark Alexander HIRANANDANI VAZQUEZ Chiraag Class 4H 4H JOSE Laurella Cano 4H KOH Ting Kang 4H LEA Cabanca May 4H MORAIS Ana Patricia Pacheco 4H NG Man Ho 4H PANCHAL Parth Kalpesh 4H STEPTOE Samantha Irene 4H TJON Shannon Chelsea Bo Yee 4H YU Stephen Jr Prejola 4H ANDRES Beatrice Mayimisabel Felix 4K AU Chung Heng 4K BERNARDO Jericho 4K CHAN Schwalt Charles 4K GORDON Kim Thuy 4K HOTCHANDANI Sneha 4K JENKINS Heulwen Lavender Eos 4K LONTOC Lenar Mitchell B. 4K 27 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 5 Name DHAKAL Soyena ESPINOSA MOOSER Andrea Nicole KU Sin Ki RUSSELL-WARE Nicole Paula T TABASSUM Farah TON Tai On CADANO Kassandra Theresa Buensuceso DALUZ Kier Jose LEUNG Fung Flora ONG Alyssa Arielle Noelle Yap PAUL Debanwita RUKMA Asti Kusumawardhani JABEEN Unza CHENG Hon Lam Teddy CHENG Yeuk Hei CHEUNG Cheuk Tung CLARKE Sky GILL Tejinder Kaur KAUR Kajoljot KAUR Ramanpreet LEE Tin Lok Joshua PONCE Lorenzo Fong FRANCISCO Bianca Therese M GURUNG Sijan MISHRA Maneka YAU Mei Lam PON Lok Yin ALI Abdul Rafay ANDRIGHETTI Allissa Marie FUNABASHI Rina LEE Chien Chi LUI Julia Jo Mun MICHAELIS Inbar MORAIS Alexander Pacheco SHEK Yu Wo Yvonne SINGH Dhruv WAI Lap Kan Class 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5Y 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5C 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 28 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name SAMIR ABDELRAHMAN Sophia Class 5K CHAN Louise DSOUZA Craig Jude GOROY Susanne Mikhaela Bonabon GUO Kamilla Kwong Hon HAKIM Samuel HUI Cathan Alexander JANG Chloe Emily KAM Nathan Daniel Ka Shun SANTOS Zachary Keith Lustre SINGH Shivangi STREICHER Ira Janine AULIA Sulianto CAMPBELL Megan FRAGINAL Rino Raphael Pimentel JENNER Natasha Mae Allagay LI Tsz Ching LIU Chung Yan MAK Wai Ling SHAHZAD Hafsa SIVAKUMAR Gayathri YOON Solhae DCOSTA Alonzo Antonio 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 29 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 6 Name CHEUNG Wing Yu HO Sean Lok Sung LAM Yui Kong LI Tsun Ho NG Tsz Ling PUN Ryan SIN Po Yin WONG King Hang Matthew DE LEON Pauline Mae UNCIANO Tricia Marie Bertos ANGELES Caira Camille INCIONG Francesca Battad LOGINOVA Olga MADRID Jealdrin Cortez PACLIBAR Marion Jemlette WONG Ka Wai ZANG Jiayuan Billy MANUEL Melchor Isaiah Quejarro ROMANO Michael Andre Valentin WU Sum Yu YAU Yi Lam WAN Hin Chung Class 6Y 6Y 6Y 6Y 6Y 6Y 6Y 6Y 6M 6M 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6C 6A 6A 6A 6A 6A 30 Outstanding Effort (2013 - 2014 first semester) A2 Name ABUNDO Patricia Denise CHAN Lok Yung GUZMAN Maria Ariana Bergas MA Pak Wai Perry MIYAKE Yuka MUSHTAQ Mashal PURDY Lydia Ly REYES Aleaa Rae Dominique Alvarez SIMMONS Natasha Crystal URMENETA Leon Miguel URS Surya Vijay WAHYUDI Fadilla Ramadhani JENKINS Seren Hedd Bluebell LAN Xi Yuen Alexandria LAU Bo Yee MA Iris Jody TAYLOR Hannah Jie Hin YUNG Lok Kan Samuel ZAINAB AGUSTIN Margarita Louise Punzalan BUTTAR Sumrit Singh CHIU Yuen Tung CHUNG Emma GILL Chaman Kaur IAFETA Octavia Teuila KHAN Ayla Ahmed LEUNG Augustina SADHWANI Resham Kumar WONG Mikaela Arrianna Class A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2Y A2M A2M A2M A2M A2M A2M A2M A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C A2C 31 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 1 Name HADDOW Zoe Elizabeth RO Kai Man Carmen SIDDIQUI Tajriyan Aaraf VELEZ Hans Josef Tuble WRIGHT Amy Faith WONG Joyce Yuet GABRIELLE Dayanara Lee HA Tiffany JOSS Rafael Ethan NARA Nyka Merella SCHULZ Laura Simone Elisabeth TALLENT Abigail Camaisa SACHDEVA Abhishek CHAN Jean HARRIS Ian Stanley Allicoy LATTER Lucinda Monique LINDNER Sunny Lynn Margaret NOMBRADO Maree Alexis SUN Ian Liu TAYLOR Josiah Jie Jik CHAN Yui Sang DAWSON Michael Riley DIEGO Kevin Nijel Habala ENKHSAIKHAN Tsenguun FERNANDEZ Kyla Danella FONG Ivan Wai Keat LEE Sean Seang NAMAKKAL RAGHAVENDRAN Srinivas OH Kyongjun ROQUE Chastine Kaye Serrano YOON Haram KARIYAWASAM Marissa Ganga Class 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1Y 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1M 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 1A 32 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name Class ALE Binita 1H ESPINOSA MOOSER Nicolas 1H LO Man Tsun 1H SHERCHAN Sahina 1H ZAMBRANO TAVERA Helean Juliana 1H JUN Jiyeon 1K LO Tsz Tung 1K MUDALIAR Salins Hana 1K NAMANDEEP SINGH 1K Form 2 Name Class ASTON Elizabeth Margaret 2Y BAUTISTA Gabriella Vera Reyes 2Y BENTLEY Crozman J 2Y BENTULAN J Dylan Fourier Gauss A. P 2Y JANG Lawten Jeremy 2Y KAUR Lovepreet 2Y SHEN Katie 2Y SINGH Navrose Kaur 2Y ALBERTS Jasmine June 2M CHAN Ian 2M INGLIS Imogen 2M KAUR Ravneet 2M MAGUIGAD John Christopher Lucing 2M MOHAMED Zakiya Noohu 2M NALUMEN Ezra Pauline 2M YEUNG Shu Yi 2M YEUNG Sum Yu 2M 33 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Name ABBAS Rauszen Ocean Annika CHANG Jae Sung DATWANI Aryan Chandan GUNAYON Bill Julian KAUR Gurkiranjit LEE Sze Lok Chelsea PARIL Nicole Phillip SINGH Shivani SUZUKI Shiena AMARANATHAN Arvind ANG Kylie Jazrelle Delos Santos BARNETT Libby Joanna CHENG Bin Yang CHEUNG Yuk Yu COLLETT Joel Nathan GURUNG Sarina LABAUSA Jan Nicolette Aquino LEWIS Gabriel Ignacio LO ESCOTO Johann Benson MOHAMED SAID Mohamed Raakin MOHANASUNDER Revathi O'BRIEN Rhys ONG Kyna Francine Yap SHAH Yashvi YOUNG Mia Lowenna AGARWAL Arpit DIXON Sophie Maria GURUNG Jennifer LEDDA Jacques Cipriano CHAN Chun Hei Steven FUNG Mo Tin Timothy MANOHARAN Gayathry TAO Si Ying Rachel Class 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2C 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2A 2H 2H 2H 2H 2K 2K 2K 2K 34 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 3 Name Class AU Wing Ying CHOW Ho Fung HA Brendan MCAUSLAN Jamie Maisie SO Suet Yiu GILL Jashanbir Singh KAUR Chanpreet KAUR Manveer MASHUD Mehek PONCE Enrique Fong RANVEER KAUR IMRAN Ali Adnan LO ESCOTO Sean Zachary MANUEL Luz Isannia TORIO Nastassja Isabella Escueta BARNETT Mia Sui BERGAS Janica Therese V. CHOW Hei Lam Lois GAGANJOT-KAUR GILL Sunveer Singh GURUNG Anuva KELLY Jasmine Margaret KORANI Lavisha R. MATHEWS Cris Jude DE GUZMAN Almira Bianca Santos NEWNES Shanenn Lanceroy TSANG Chuman Samantha 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3C 3C 3C 3C 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3H 3H 3H 35 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 3 Name Class AU Wing Ying CHOW Ho Fung HA Brendan MCAUSLAN Jamie Maisie SO Suet Yiu GILL Jashanbir Singh KAUR Chanpreet KAUR Manveer MASHUD Mehek PONCE Enrique Fong RANVEER KAUR IMRAN Ali Adnan LO ESCOTO Sean Zachary MANUEL Luz Isannia TORIO Nastassja Isabella Escueta BARNETT Mia Sui BERGAS Janica Therese V. CHOW Hei Lam Lois GAGANJOT-KAUR GILL Sunveer Singh GURUNG Anuva KELLY Jasmine Margaret KORANI Lavisha R. MATHEWS Cris Jude DE GUZMAN Almira Bianca Santos NEWNES Shanenn Lanceroy TSANG Chuman Samantha 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3Y 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3M 3C 3C 3C 3C 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3A 3H 3H 3H 36 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 4 Name CASTILLO Samuel Jacob B. DUTTON Tasha Rhea HARRIS Hazel Allicoy MOORE Adeline Jody NEPOMUCENO Nicole Martin NALBO Alisha MANKTELOW Alexandra Mary BERGAS Joshua Emmanuel V. DIONISIO Katia Ysabel FERNANDEZ Dana Patricia LI Lok Sze MOHAMMED Pritam Sha-alam NOCEDO Aloise Joelle Palalay CHANG Jae Woo MANUEL Luz Isaganielle Q. NAMAKKAL RAGHAVENDRAN Ajit Krishna SZE Ling Kim Bezalel Class 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4Y 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M 4M 4C 4C 4C 4C TAYLOR Joshua Jie-Sum 4C HALDER Adytya Reuben LEONCZEK Madeleine Jane MONSOD Briar Faith Paez COEBERGH Mark Alexander JOSE Laurella Cano LEA Cabanca May MORAIS Ana Patricia Pacheco STEPTOE Samantha Irene YU Stephen Jr Prejola ANDRES Beatrice Mayimisabel Felix GORDON Kim Thuy 4A 4A 4A 4H 4H 4H 4H 4H 4H 4K 4K 37 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) Form 5 & Form 6 Name DHAKAL Soyena TABASSUM Farah ONG Alyssa Arielle Noelle Yap PAUL Debanwita JABEEN Unza CHENG Hon Lam Teddy CHENG Yeuk Hei KAUR Ramanpreet LEE Tin Lok Joshua MISHRA Maneka LUI Julia Jo Mun MORAIS Alexander Pacheco SHEK Yu Wo Yvonne CHAN Louise DSOUZA Craig Jude GOROY Susanne Mikhaela Bonabon GUO Kamilla Kwong Hon HAKIM Samuel JANG Chloe Emily KOTWANI Monisha STREICHER Ira Janine AULIA Sulianto JENNER Natasha Mae Allagay LI Tsz Ching LIU Chung Yan MAK Wai Ling SIVAKUMAR Gayathri YOON Solhae LOGINOVA Olga MADRID Jealdrin Cortez Class 5Y 5Y 5M 5M 5M 5M 5M 5C 5C 5A 5H 5H 5H 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5K 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 5G 6C 6C ZANG Jiayuan Billy 6C 38 Outstanding Academic Achievement (2013 - 2014 first semester) A2 Name Class ABUNDO Patricia Denise CHAN Lok Yung A2Y A2Y MIYAKE Yuka A2Y PURDY Lydia Ly A2Y REYES Aleaa Rae Dominique Alvarez A2Y SIMMONS Natasha Crystal A2Y URMENETA Leon Miguel A2Y WAHYUDI Fadilla Ramadhani A2Y HERNANDEZ Tricia Nina Gomez A2M JENKINS Seren Hedd Bluebell A2M LAU Bo Yee A2M MA Iris Jody A2M TONG Cheuk Wing A2M YUNG Lok Kan Samuel A2M ZAINAB A2M KHAN Ayla Ahmed A2C WONG Mikaela Arrianna A2C 39 Love and Care around the YHKCC (12th September & 13th December) On the Back to School Night on 12th September, parents and students came to the school not only to find out more about what they will learn this year, but also to help pets find good homes! This is the second year that the Community Service Club and the members sold moon cakes to raise money for charity. All of the moon cakes sold out in just 3 hours and the proceeds went to an SPCA scheme which aims to find better owners and homes for poor abandoned pets and animals. The Community Service Club also organized two service trips on 13th December to visit nursery children and the elderly in Tung Chung. They were delighted by the Christmas care and love brought by YHKCC students. In addition, students have developed their interpersonal skills and understood how to contribute to the local community. The visits were very meaningful for students because they understood that Christmas is not just about having fun, but more importantly, it is about sharing, caring and loving others. ECA Enrollment Day (13th September) The school offers a wide range of ECAs to enrich students’ experience of school life and students are actively encouraged to participate and get involved. ECAs allow students the opportunity to identify and develop talents and areas of interest which complement the academic curriculum. They also enable students to develop important skills including leadership, teamwork, aesthetic and problem solving. This year the school offered 35 ECAs for students in the following categories – academic group, interest group, cultural group, sports group, music group and service group. Students signed up with great enthusiasm. 40 Back to School Night (Forms 1 – 4) (12th September) Thursday 12th September. More than 260 parents came to meet with teachers and find out more about what their children learn at school. Before the main presentation, parents of students in Forms 1 and 2 attended a briefing about the Life-Wide-Learning Camps. Staff from the organizers came to the school to introduce the different activities that will take place in the Lifewide Learning Camps from 22nd to 25th October. After that Mr. Dion Chen, the Principal, introduced to parents the mission and vision of the school and the strategies to achieve them. He stressed that open communication between the parties is essential to the success of students’ learning and school life. Parents then attended a series ‘lessons’, starting with the Class Teacher Period and followed by lessons with the subject teachers of English, Mathematics, Chinese, French, Sciences, History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Physical Education, Physics, Biology and Chemistry. Each ‘lesson’ lasted for 10 minutes and teachers explained how their subject was taught, the content of the syllabus, what was expected of students and how parents could help their children to learn more effectively. Parents were given a booklet containing the basic information about subject content, expectations and teachers’ contact information. Parents were able to “experience” what it is like for YHKCC students every day, by moving around the school from one lesson to another during the 5-minute period changing time. They left the school knowing that their children have been put in good hands of dedicated teachers. Many parents shared positive and encouraging comments and expressed appreciation to the school for organizing this event and providing an opportunity for them to meet their child’s teachers at the beginning of the academic year. 41 Bunyawat Witthayalai School Visit (2nd October) This year the school hosted 30 travelling students from the Bunyawat Witthayalai School in Thailand. This prestigious Thai school with over 100 years history is considered one of the best in Lampang. The school, thanks to a fantastic English programme established in 2003, has been very successful in improving students’ English skills. The purpose of the visit was to get an insight into a multicultural and diverse school which shares the same aim of enabling students to become confident and happy global citizens, demonstrating equal respect for and value of different cultures. During the visit Ms Siobhan Walsh organized some thoroughly exciting and interactive Drama games with a Form 3 class. It was fantastic to see how quickly students became friends and how easily they worked together in their second, or for some, third languages. YHKCC students led a tour around the campus and visit some Science experiments and Art demonstrations. The Thai students were able to get a real insight into the day to day running of an English Medium School in Hong Kong. A special thank you goes to two fantastic senior Ambassadors, Relina Gurung (6M) and Aimen Waseem (6M), and of course to the Form 3 Drama students for being so helpful and enthusiastic with the visitors. It was clear that when the visit came to a close, students had made a close connection with their new Thai friends and there was a real sense of emotion as students exchanged souvenirs, took photos and frantically waved good-bye. A great experience was shared by all and we look forward to hosting them again in the future as we continue to promote cultural exchanges and build strong new connections around the world. 42 43 44 45 46 47 Foshan School Visit (8th November) On 8th November, Ms. Fengping Chen, the Deputy Party Secretary of Foshan Huaying School, Guangzhou, China, and nine teachers visited the YHKCC. Mr. Dion Chen warmly welcomed the delegates, introduced them to the school’s mission and vision and explained the academic programme. Foshan Huaying School is a secondary school with over 3000 students. This year, they are celebrating their 100th anniversary. As one of the leading schools in Foshan, it achieves great success in public examinations every year. In 2009, Foshan Huaying School established an international curriculum and introduced IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education). The purpose of their visit was to understand the operation of international curriculum in the YHKCC. The delegates from Foshan Huaying School had an in-depth discussion with the Principal and teachers. They also visited the school library, Fine Arts Centre, Music block, school hall and sports field. They were impressed by the international environment and all-round education for students, as well as the caring atmosphere on campus. 48 The Watoto Children’s Choir (13th November) On Wednesday 13th November, the school hall of YHKCC was once again filled with the melodious sound of gospel music and vibrant rhythm of African drums, together with radiant smiles, brilliant dances and traditional Uganda costumes. In the afternoon, an enchanting performance was given by the Watoto Children’s Choir, a choir, which consists of children who have suffered the loss of parents through diseases, war, poverty or conflict. Since its establishment in 1994, the choir has toured internationally. By presenting inspiring performances, the choir attempts to raise public awareness about the plight of orphaned and vulnerable children in impoverished nations, while at the same time conveying messages of care and hope. Students and staff were thrilled by the energetic fusion of music and dance during the performance, which turned out to be a source of inspiration. Most of the audience sang and danced along with the choir. Some students even assisted by selling handicrafts and merchandise in order to raise funds for Watoto. 49 “It was such a memorable moment, for us and for the children on stage. These children make an impact by touching the bottom of our hearts. The children’s passion and hearty smiles demonstrated throughout the amazing performance illustrates that the obstacle having stricken at the beginning of life will not deter them from providing helping hands to others.” said Mr. Dion Chen, Principal of the YHKCC. The Watoto Children’s Choir also gave another performance to the Tung Chung and Lantau community in the evening. It attracted over 700 people, including students’ families and friends, nearby residents and other members of the community. Students and parents supported this meaningful event by attending the concert and making donations. All the proceeds were given to Watoto to support their work in Africa. 50 Student Teacher Conference (15th & 16th November) Students are encouraged to take greater responsibility of their own learning and to become more actively engaged in the learning process. A Student-Teacher Conference was held on Friday 15th November after the release of the first Progress Report of the year. The aim of the conference is give students an opportunity to meet their Class Teachers, discuss their learning progress and receive feedback about their grades in each subject. After the meeting students had a time of reflection, during which they evaluated their academic performance and set themselves specific targets for improvement in each of their subjects with the Heads of Year. Students took a positive and serious attitude during the process and found the event helpful in setting clear learning targets for themselves. Parents also found these interactions fruitful as they were able to understand their child’s strengths and weaknesses in different subjects. Pleasant comments were made about teachers spending the weekend at school giving out useful remarks and suggestions about the learning of their children. Many parents expressed appreciation for the extra support given to them and their child. 51 The World YMCA / YWCA Week for Prayer 2013 (15th November) This year’s World YMCA/YWCA Week of Prayer was held on Friday 15th November. The theme for this year was “Be the Change”. The YHKCC Beat Club was invited to perform at the beginning the event in the YMCA Headquarters. of The YMCA and YWCA movements are rooted in Christianity and both organizations are driven by Christian beliefs in everything that they do. It is a longstanding tradition of YMCA/YWCA to celebrate the Week of Prayer together and was first held in 1904. Every year, in the month of November, the YMCA and YWCA movements issue a joint call for prayer as an important reminder of the spiritual vision that drives their efforts to create a better world for all people. This year all of the funds raised during the event were donated to the Philippines Relief Programme. 52 YHKCC’s International Fun Fair (7th December) To celebrate the multi-cultural community of YHKCC, the International Fun Fair, an annual highlight, was held on Saturday 7th December. A record number of visitors attended this year and more than 3,000 people celebrated together with great fun and excitement. The theme for this year’s International Fun Fair was “Safari” and visitors experienced foods, games and shows from various cultures around the world. There were activities for everyone, ranging from fabulous ethnic food, bazaar & face painting, a thrilling inflatable bouncy castle and a wide variety of game booths and shows. The International Fun Fair kicked off with a memorable opening ceremony. Accompanied by the sound of horns the guests went onto the stage dressed in ‘safari’ outfits. The International Fun Fair started with a joyful and cheerful African drumline and dance. Dr. York Chow Yat-ngok, GBS, SBS, MBE, JP, was present as the Guest of Honour. Other guests of honour on stage included Dr. Alice Yuk, JP, School Supervisor, Mr. Alexander Kwan, School Manager,Mr. Dion Chen, Principal, Mr. Herrick Kong, President of Alumni Association and Mr. Lorenzo Ponce, President of the Student Council. In his opening address, Dr. Chow said, “The cross-cultural diversity of the YHKCC is successfully demonstrating an equal community by striving for their ‘CARES’ mission in pursuit of Creativity and Critical Thinking, Achievement, Resilience and Responsibility, English Proficiency, Empowerment and Excellent, Service and Spirit, which our society is also aspiring to.” 53 Following on from the success of the past few years’ international talent shows, there were two shows this year. The shows featured dance performances from different countries including China, India, Korea, Italy and Nepal, among many others. Talented singers and musicians from different countries showcased a variety of international music and songs to the audience. The show culminated in a unique YHKCC Ethnic Fashion Catwalk, celebrating the multicultural nature of the student body. Both shows were well received with full house attendance. On the food booth plaza, visitors were able to savour cuisines from all over the world, such as Irish potatoes, Italian pizzas, Japanese cheese cakes, and Korean noodles, Chinese dumplings, Christmas cookies and many more. Visitors enjoyed the food while listening to a variety of music and watching dance performances on the ground floor. They could also do their shopping in the bazaar area and take some interesting photos in the studio organized by the school’s Creative Media Club. ‘It was such a memorable and meaningful event, for us and for the community. I hope that the YHKCC’s International Fun Fair will become not only a school annual function, but also the annual-feature programme in Tung Chung and Lantau, to engage everyone in the community to celebrate the cultural diversity of our society,’ said Mr. Dion Chen. The International Fun Fair really marked another milestone in the history of the school and was truly an anticipated occasion for the entire community. 54 55 56 57 58 Youth Alpha Day (12th December) This year’s Youth Alpha Day was a great success and we thanked to Mr. Matt Snelgrove of the Vine Church. Form 1 students were given the opportunity to consolidate their understanding of the Alpha Course through reflective learning. They also were given the opportunity to develop their spiritual awareness in an active and engaging way. Finally they had a Christmas blessing celebration. All students thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we look forward to the possibility of visiting again next year. Blood Donation Day (3rd January) It is quite common that fewer people donate blood in the winter, making it the most difficult time of the year for the Hong Kong Red Cross. The recent lingering cold weather coupled with a sharp increase in blood demand from hospitals has adversely affected blood collection. As a result the current blood inventory is severely insufficient. To help with this shortfall in donation, the school held its Annual Blood Donation Day on 3rd January in the School Hall. This year, 57 students, teachers and staff successfully donated blood. We thank all donors for their enthusiasm, love and care by giving their precious blood. 59 JA Company Programme (7th January) The JA Company Programme is one of the largest youth entrepreneurial programmes in the world, working with over 350,000 young people globally every year. Since its inception in Hong Kong in 2003, it has provided many opportunities for students to form and set up mini companies as they would in the real world under the guidance of volunteer business advisors. The budding entrepreneurs get a taste of the business world through hands on experience such as finding shareholders, running the business themselves, taking on competition and all within the budget of $8,000. The programme allows students to show their entrepreneurship, such as sales, finance and even IT, but most importantly leadership skills. As mentioned, the programme is not only training about business knowledge learning and exposure but also developing personal and interpersonal skills. The students named the company “Culture Shock” and after many meetings, the students agreed on a product – “customized beanies” – which was in line with not only the theme but also the winter season. Students decided on two variations for the products: one for the more conservative customer, a simple black beanie with the company logo, and another for the more daring, a company-designed African tribal beanie. “All the preparation was leading up to the JA Company Programme Trade Fair, the most significant event of the programme. It pushed us into the harsh reality of the trading world. Not only were we competing with other schools, but we were also competing with ourselves through long grueling hours of conference calls, planning and executing plans for our business. The Trade Fair was quite exciting as this was a new experience for all of us. We are also very thankful to the Principal, Mr. Dion Chen, teachers and fellow schoolmates who came and supported us in the Trade Fair. They also bought many of the beanies!”, said one of the entrepreneurs of “Culture Shock”. 60 61 The Standard, 10th September The Standard, 16th September The Standard, 17th September Ming Pao, 8th October 62 Young Post, SCMP, 16th October Young Post, SCMP, 13th January Around DB Magazine, January 2014 Issue 63 February March - April Chinese New Year Holiday Date: 30th Jan - 5th Feb HKDSE/IGCSE Option Evening (F.3) Date: 6th Mar Start of Semester II Date: 10th Feb Ching Ming Festival Holiday Date: 5th Apr Mock Exam (F.4, F.5 GCE & A2) Date: 11th Feb - 20th Feb Last School Day (A2) Date: 16th Apr Staff Development Day Date: 21st Feb Swimming Gala Date: 17th Apr Last School Day (F.6) Date: 26th Feb Easter Holiday Date: 18th Apr - 24th Apr YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College Address: 2 Chung Yat Street, Tung Chung Tel: 2988 8123 Website: 64 Email : Fax: 2988 2000
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