air gun ranges - Georgia 4-H
air gun ranges - Georgia 4-H
AIR GUN RANGES ShootingRangeSyrnpasium to the National Summaryof a Presentation by LeoR. Lujan,USSTDirectorJuniorDevelopment DesignConsiderationsfor lndoorAir Gun Ranges primarily as a Multipurpose rangesareseldomdesigned must aseriesoftradeoffs rangesowhenthespaceisselected, to come up with a safe range. The major be considered are: considerations shouldbe, Containment.Oneof thefirstconsiderations "Willa strayBBor pelletbecontained within lf the the area." Theattraction to airgunrangesis thattheycanbe setup pellet possible for it may a to rock, be made sheet walls are of nearlyanywhereat home,in schools andchurchfellowship you penetrated, must penetrate lf wall can be wall. a the weshouldgivesome halls!Before discussing airgunranges, whatis ontheothersideof thewall.Youmaywant consider thoughtto theairgunitself. fortestingto determine to obtaina sampleof thewallmaterial Historically.Invented inthe1500's, airgunshavebeen penetration Masonrywalls characteristics. andbounce-back werethefirst arethe mosteffectivein termsof containment. aroundjustas longas firearms.TheAustrians andlastto usethemona largescaleasa weaponofwar.They Access. Doorwaysand passagesintothe rangearea Bonaparte decreedthatany fonrvard wereso effective thatNapoleon of thefiringlinemustbe blocked.Lockeddoorways withan airriflewasto be hungon thespot. shouldhavea warningpostedonthemif theycanbe opened Austriancaptured Becauseor theirquietoperation, theyhavebeena favoriteof by a keyfromoutsidethe range. poachers forcenturies. LewisandClarktook European anair pelletshooters, I withbeginning PelletTraps. Working entriesin prefera metaltrapwitha largesurfacearea(24"widex 18" rifleon theirexpedition of 1804andmadefrequent Inthelate1860's,simpleand onitseffectiveness. theirdiaries shooter should a beginning high).Withgoodinitialinstruction, intheU.S.Thepublic inexpensive airgunswerefirstproduced nevermissthistrapanditsfaceis largeenoughfora 10bull andtheyhave beganbuyingairgunsforrecreationalshooting targetfor the more advancedshooters. For competition beenpopular eversince. onpapertargets,I coverthefaceofthetrap shooting bullseye providesbackingfor the targetsand This with cardboard. Uses. Nearlythreemillionairgunsaresoldin the U.S. pellets prevents from being kickedout of the trap spent guns powerful largecaliberair arenot,to my ._.nnually. The (harmless NOTE: BBsshouldneverbefiredinto messy). but pieces. The knowledge, madetodayandaremainlymuseum pellet for BBs. is not specifically designed metal trap that a guns pellet popular rifles inexpensive .177 caliber most air are purposes. guns purchased With the energyof BB for recreational the Traps. BB traps are designed to absorb BB and BBtraps Championships theBBandkeepitfromleaving thetrap.Commercial introduction ofairgunsattheWorldShooting popularwith usuallyhaveoneor moredrapeswhichstopthe BBandlet it in 1966,air guns havebecomeincreasingly boxescanbeusedto competitive shooters.Air riflebecamean Olympiceventin fallto thebottomofthetrap.Cardboard shooting makea simplebuteffective BBtrap.At thebottomof thebox 1984andairpistolin1988.Currently therearefifteen intheOlympicsforwhich and (thiswill be the backof the trap)lay six or sevenlayersof GoldMedals areawarded events madeby Thenfilltheboxwithballsof newspaper fiveof themareairguncompetition. cardboard. waddingup singlesheetsof newspaper.Whenthe box is Mosteliterifleand pistolshootingathletesaroundthe packed(snugbutnottootight)withthenewspaper balls,tape worldtrainwithairgunsevenif it is nottheirprimarydiscipline the lid shutandyou havea BB trapthatwill lastfor several of findinga placeto shoot.As a becauseof theconvenience a largesurfacefor thousandshots. Again,I recommend rangessincethe beginning resultof theshrinking numberof smallbore shooters. programs have 1970's,moreand moreentrylevelshooting Backstops.lf thereis a concernthatyourshootersmay fundamentals and turnedto airgunsto teachmarksmanship miss thetrapsandthewalltowardwhichyouarefiringmustbe juniorshooters Withtheswitchof to introduce to competition. protected, youneedto considera portablebackstop.Halfor the JROTCshootingprogramsto air gun overthe pastfew plywood willstoppellets; theyflattenoutandfalltothe inch 3/4 years,thenumber withairgunshas ofjuniorathletes training however, willbounceBBsbacktoward floor. Plywood alone, thoseshootingsmallbore. surpassed the shooter.For a BB backstop,I use the plywoodleaning gun gun need for thewallata 10- 15degreeangleandplacea 2"sheet All of thisinterestin air createsa air against in frontof the plywood.A strayBB littlepublished information rangesandthereis surprising on of Styrofoaminsulation 4" of Styrofoam to comebacktoward wouldhaveto penetrate thesubject. onlyforairgun theshooter.I haveusedthissortof backstop features rangesin convention MultipurposeSpace.Oneofthemostattractive centersandhotelswherewallsneeded isthatthereareso manyindoorspacesthat airgunshooting fromstrayshotsandI didnotknowtheskillof '-6an beturnedintoa safeairgunrangefora periodoftimeand to be protected theshooters. to theirprimarypurpose.Thespacefortheair thenreturned Target Runners. lf all shootingis to be done in the gun rangemay be small (a hallwayat home)or large(a position(pelletrifleor pistol),severalfirmsmakean standing gymnasium) remainthesame. butthebasicrequirements systemthatallowsyouto quickly targetrunner/trap excellent Allofusintheshooting sportshavebeentakinga newlook at airgunrangesduringthelastdecade.Thatis becausewe rangeforevery havebeenbuilding onlyoneindoorsmallbore evena smallnewindoor tenthathavebeenclosed.Building and safetyrequirerangethat meetsall the environmental mentsforfirearms caneasilycostin excessof $100,000. transport singlebulltargetsto andfromthe targetline.Both handcrankandmotordrivensystemsareavailable. Theface of the trap is about5" squareso this is not for entrylevel shootersunlessa backstopis used. Lighting.Proper lighting isanimportant feature onairgun manypeopleneglect in their ranges.Thisis alsosomething forkeeping light enthusiasm theirairgunrangesimple.Overall intheroomwheretherangeisconstructed shouldhavenormal fora classroom illumination orotheractiveindoor area.Airgun rangesshouldneverbe darkened.Unlessa large shooting illumination systemis usedto brighten theentiretargetarea, speciallightingshouldbe placedon eachof thetargets.This 50to75wattbulbwitha reflector canbedoneusinganordinary shield. Safety. Commonsenseand cautionare probablythe factorsto applyin the designanduseof any mostimportant rangebutevenmoreso on an airgunrange.Many shooting peoplefalselyassumethe becauseair guns are not as quiet,thatthereis powerful as mostfirearms andarerelatively nodangerintheiruse.Airgunscancauseseriousinjuryand By air gun rangedesignmusttakethisintoconsideration. we thatfactandtakingtheproperprecautions, acknowledging can keepshootingthe safestsportin the U.S. Thesesare someof thesafetyfactorsthatmustbe considered: . EyeProtection.WhenfiringBBguns,allshooters shouldbe onthefiringline(andothersintherangeif possible) requiredto wearshootingglassesor hardenedlenses.The partof the body. eyeis the mostvulnerable . AdequateTraining.Thorough training(explani hiso,r_beforea shootertakes tion,demonstration, anddry-fire) herfirstlivefireshotwithan air riflewill helpassurethatit is safelyon thetargetandin thecenterof thetrap. . Lead. Thereis no problemwith air bornelead pollution from air gun shootingand no specialventilation however, shouldbe cautioned systemis required.Shooters, pellets, not notto putpellets intheirmouthand,afterhandling theirhands. to eator smokewithoutwashing . SafeRangeOperation.Procedures forsaferange andfollowed.Allof theNRA ooeration shouldbeestablished RuleBooksprovidea listof the standardrangecommands; theyshouldbe usedin thecontrolof therange. TechnicalAssistance.TheUSSTJuniorDevelopment will be pleasedto answer$eneral Office(615/831-0485) questions on air gun ranges.lf you needhelpwithspecific youmaycontact: rangeproblems, Whiting Mr.Richard NRARangeDepartment 1600RhodelslandAvenue,NW Washington, DC20036 if a locationhassufficient spaceforan airgunrangeandhowmanyfiringlanescanbe used,the SpaceRequirements.ln calculating maybe used: following dimensions if used).Determine requirement by measuring actualsituation. A. Depthof trap (andbackstop B. Firingdistance:Forpelletguncompetition, fromthefiringlineto thefaceof thetrapshouldbe 33 feet. For BB gun thedistance 16feet, 4 3/4inches. competition, if onlytl youshouldallowat least8 feetof depthforthefiringposition.Fourfeetis sufficient C. Firingpositions. In mostsituations standingpositionis to be used. Position shootingrequires6 to 8 feet. \NALL D. Assemblyarealobservation area. Thisisnotneededona privaterangeathome have10feet rangeshould buta schoolorclub A{ LII\IE TARGET areaor observation or moreforan assembly areabehindthefiringpositions. E. Widthof firinglane.Thefiringlane shouldbe 4 feetwide. F. Heightof Targets.Inposition shoof ing,beingableto adjustthe heightof the targetand the trap it is mountedon is an imoortant consideration. Sometraosare mountedon adjustable standswhichfacilia targetheightchange.lf using tatemaking a box trap or an angledsheetmetaltrap, settingthe trap on milk cratesmakesfor The simpleadjustment andeasyportability. NRARulesproscribe thefollowing: . BBGunRule9.15: Targetholder shall be placedso the centerof the targetis not lessthan1 footnormorethan1 l l2feettrom the groundfor prone,sittingand kneeling positions. Thetargetheightmustnotbeless than 3 feet nor morethan 5 feet fromthe position. groundforthestanding LINE FIRING . PositionAir RifleRule6.2.1(a):The heightof thetargetforthestandingposition 47 inchesand63 inches shallbe between abovethe ground.Whenusingmulti-bull LINE READY thecenterof theupperbullshallnot targets, exceed63inchesandthecenterofthelower 47inches.NOTE: bullshallnoibelowerthan \NALL heights for Therulesaresilenton required thetheotherpositions.