the true power of co-branding
the true power of co-branding
ISSUE 2013/2014 GLOBAL FASHION TRENDS SUPPORTED BY GERMAN ENGINEERING M-TEC® INNOVATIONS NEW TECHNOLOGIES OPEN NEW DIMENSIONS OF COMFORT INSIGHTS DESIGNER ESTHER LORBER AND HER SPECIAL FLAIR FOR TRENDS VISION THE SCULPTURED FASHION BODY AS AN EXPRESSION OF ENDLESS CREATIVITY INTERVIEW WITH ROMAN MUEHLMEIER THE TRUE POWER OF CO-BRANDING Revealing „The Secret behind Her Secret.“ SEE US AT MUNICH FABRIC START INTERFILIÈRE PARIS MILANO UNICA MODAMONT PARIS MARE DI MODA CANNES UPS BRA-C -PADS LDER SHOU DECO ART BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE 2013/14 CONTENTS EDITORIAL THE TRUE POWER OF CO-BRANDING. ROMAN MUEHLMEIER REVEALS „THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET“ 4-5 INTERVIEW VISIONS & INSIGHTS NEWS ESTHER LORBER`S SPECIAL FEELING FOR DESIGN VISION THE SCULPTURED FASHION BODY AS AN EXPRESSION OF ENDLESS CREATIVITY BUSINESS NOS - NEVER OUT OF STOCK - MEETING THE DEMANDS OF CUSTOMERS SUCCESSFULLY 7 6 7 PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGY BRA-CUPS NEW TECHNOLOGIES LIFT THE BAR IN COMFORT AND FEELING ARTDECO THE POWER OF DETAIL SHOULDER PADS SHAPE YOUR BODY THE WAY YOU LIKE IT 10-14 18-19 20-21 SERVICE CO-BRANDING HOW MUEHLMEIER SUPPORTS HIS PARTNERS MOULD DEVELOPEMENT GERMAN ENGINEERING ENABLES RAPID AND PRECISE MOULD CREATION 16 MORE THAN JUST FACTS INTRODUCING THE WHOLE NEW WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU 22 Bodyshaping Magazine 2013/14 International publication for business information, trend-forecasting and product information for leading lingerie, swimwear and garment brands. Editor C3 marketing agentur GmbH Alpha Communication GmbH Art Direction Michael Kutzer Product Photography René Oertel People Photography Christian Reisnecker 2 Distributor MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping GmbH PO-Box 1110 95667 Baernau/Schwarzenbach Germany T: +49 9635-9219-0 F: +49 9635-9219-90 Distributor Special thanks to Roman Muehlmeier and the team at MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping GmbH for their input and support in making it possible to realize Bodyshaping Magazine. 8 THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET. MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE DISCOVER IT. WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping GmbH – GERMAN ENGINEERING – WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURING Contact: Inge Seidl-Jondral – Tel.: +49.9635.9219-25 – BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE INTERVIEW WITH ROMAN MUEHLMEIER THE TRUE POWER OF CO-BRANDING Revealing „The Secret behind Her Secret.“ Schwarzenbach, Germany 5 PM. We are at the headquarters of MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping, beautifully situated between the green hills of Northern Bavaria. Mr. Muehlmeier - just arriving from a meeting in Milano, Italy - is shortly briefed by his managers with the latest developments at the headquarters. Although the agenda of the CEO and owner still shows a lot To Do`s, Mr. Muehlmeier grabs his cup of coffee asking us to come in for a few questions. Mr. Muehlmeier. You told us, that today, you will reveal „The Secret behind Her Secret“, the claim of your new campaign. We are so curious. Yes, that`s right. This is actually a secret, I love to tell you. But I must admit, that „The Secret behind Her Secret“ is not just another campaign. It`s an idea, a big idea, that is built upon a sophisticated communications strategy, from which our partners can profit over all. 4 Sounds like exciting news. Are you ready to bring out the details to our readers? „The Secret behind Her Secret“ is the first serious attempt to leverage the meaning of bra-cups beyond the traditional thinking of fashion and functionality. We will show the people the reason why a perfect bra-cup is not just good looking but also providing a unique great feeling. The combination of a beautiful, sexy bra and a great feeling of comfort gives women all around the globe this special self-confidence you can see and feel. This charisma makes the difference. Remember, chances are, that you will never see or know what kind of lingerie a woman wears - it is her secret - but you will sense this special presence. And this is finally „The Secret behind her Secret“. So the true secret lies in the Bra-Cup? Not only, for sure. It is the combination of what appeals to the female`s fashion style and the perfect, comfortable feel of wearing the bra. This emphasizes her sexyness - consciously or unconsciously. So it is not only the look, but also the feel of the bra. Ok, look and feel complement to something better. But are women aware of the importance of a good Bra-Cup? Of course. They know what`s good for them. They feel it. But you are right - they might not know about the importance of the Bra-Cup and its components. And this is our mission. Our aim - as a leading components’ brand in the market - is the development and distribution of the best Bra-Cups to our brand partners. They know they can count on us. They know, what the name MUEHLMEIER stands for. So it is more than logical, that we want to tell this to the lady at the place of purchase too. If a woman likes the style of a Bra-Cup, the MUEHLMEIER brand should become a promise for a long lasting perfect feeling. EDITORIAL MR. MUEHLMEIER AT HIS OFFICE IN SCHWARZENBACH, GERMANY. HE IS A STRONG BELIEVER IN THE BENEFITS OF PROFESSIONAL BRANDING.. Therefore the MUEHLMEIER brand must become more visible to the consumers, right? You are right. „The Secret behind Her Secret“ is our starting point promoting our brand to consumers. We already launched a first series of creative ads, that highlight the meaning of good Bra-Cups and raise awareness for MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping around the world. That is a big effort for a brand with products, that consumers can not see at first sight. It truly is. But the key for this is Co-Branding. It is all about putting the right things together. As you know, a good bra combines good look and perfect feel. Our partners are the best out there, providing women with the most fashionable and elegant lingerie imaginable. And it is our job to add the most comfortable feel available to their products. So together, we can reach for some- thing more, something great. This is the true power of professional Co-Branding. Two strong partners complementing to something bigger. This sounds very logical. But isn`t it hard to convince „Fashion Brands“ to cooperate with a supplier in questions of communication and brand building. within the whole company. And we all know, only strong brands will survive and bypass the competition focused only on pricing. Together we are stronger, that`s my deep conviction. Mr. Muehlmeier, thanks a lot for this interview. It is my pleasure. It`s definitely not easy. But they know the quality of our products and they respect our marketing efforts over the last years. They know that we are always surfing on the edge of new „THIS IS THE TRUE POWER OF trends. They know, PROFESSIONAL CO-BRANDING. that we adopt early to upcoming market TWO STRONG PARTNERS COMdemands - whether PLEMENTING TO SOMETHING its the fashion shapes, BIGGER.“ the product development, the marketing or logistics side. The success of our partner`s products is our success. That determines our thinking 5 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE VISIONS & INSIGHTS Daft Punk. Not only DJs. The style – expressed with their fashion bodies – makes the French duo to true icons of pop culture. AN EXPRESSION OF ENDLESS CREATIVITY: THE SCULPTURED FASHION BODY With “Get Lucky”, the first hit of the summer 2013 still ringing in our ears, it´s the right time to look behind the music. The French duo with it´s robotic helmets and style seems to be a proof for the ongoing Retro-Trend quoting the bodystyle of the 80´s. artistic sculpturing of the human figure. Hence expressing at the same time the “astronautic and aquanautic looks” of human reality in our concrete existence and showing off like science fiction. In fashion the realization of phantasy happens with colors, pattern cuts, structured 3D fabrics… and padding… the secrets of Bodyshaping. Often seen as a dark age of fashSCULPTURING THE BODY ion, the Although it seems, 80´s were that the extremes IS THE THING... the starting of bodyshaping point of a and bodystyling concept of “total fashion body” - the idea are left to Pop-Icons like Lady Gaga, of not only clothing your body but giving Beth Dito or just Daft Punk, the idea of the body a new characteristic shape: The The Fashion Body is just really taking V-Body with it´s typically broad shoul- off. ders as an overstatement of masculinity. At MUEHLMEIER, the designers are Daft Punk takes things further to a new amazed and lucky to be an import6 ant part of this ongoing drive for 3-D phantasy bodies. They explore new styles and shapes around the world. As MUEHLMEIER is part of fashion history by being the prominent European Shoulder Shaper already in the 80´s and helping to create breast miracles since the beginning of the 90´s with wonder-bra, the company just follows the track with great vision. The technologies of moulding and cutting foam components are highly developed there. That means that productionwise there are no limits of realization of the new fashion revolution. Have a look at the padding section in the issue of Bodyshaping Magazine and do not hesitate to contact MUEHLMEIER for custom made components to follow the trend. There is surely much more to come! VISIONS & INSIGHTS A SPECIAL FLAIR FOR TRENDS: DESIGNER ESTHER LORBER Born in Austria, at home in Italy and working all around the world, the designer Esther Lorber provides the MUEHLMEIER ARTDECO division with the latest fads and styles. for men, women or children, Esther finds the right inspiration for growing “showoff movements” and turns them - in close cooperation with the MUEHLMEIER ARTDECO Team - into “must have” accessories for the international clientele. Her love for fashion, garments, fabrics, colARTDECO: SMALL DETAILS ors and accessories be... BIG IMPACT gan to grow when she It`s the small, still was a little girl and well designed paved her way directly details, that can into the world of fashion and design. have a huge positive impact on whatever kind of fashion. Since 2008 Mrs. Lorber is in charge of the design and development process of So if you are looking for upcoming trends MUEHLMEIER`s decorative accessories and styles, have an eye on Esther`s latest collection for luxury fashion. Whether it`s ARTDECO products right here in the Bodyshaping Magazine. Esther Lorber, Creative Director at the MUEHLMEIER ARTDECO-Department CLOSE TO THEIR CUSTOMERS: MUEHLMEIER EXPANDS HIS NEVER-OUT-OF -STOCK NOS-PROGRAM The NOS-Program for MUEHLMEIER`s most demanded Bra-Cups is a huge success. Customers love the option of fast delivery and the possibility of small quantity purchase. For 2013, new cup styles become part of the NOS-Program. Recently added new forms and qualities: the Bandeau-Cup and the Liquid-PushUp-Cup for hot new swimwear, the Push-Twice-Plunge for a perfect pushing effect as well as the Super-Soft-Cup and the Spacer-Cup. They are immediately in stock and ready for your order. Find more details on the following pages. Responding to the huge success, MUEHLMEIER offers now more Bra-Cups in his NOS-Program BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE CUSTOMER COMMUNICATION PROFESSIONAL COMPONENTS`-BRANDING Creating a competitive edge and building momentum. Together. Intel inside. Just two words on your PC or Laptop. But also a promise for the power and reliability of the computer. As far away the worlds of computers and lingerie seem, this is still one of the best examples of successful Co-Branding. MUEHLMEIER brand among women around the world will be growing. And the innovative supplier of Bra-Cups is working hard on this matter (c.f. Interview with Roman Muehlmeier). Their new campaign - based on the idea „The Secret behind Her Secret“ can be the implementation of an industry leading Components`s Branding strategy. It is strengthening the quality brand in the consumer world and offers additional benefits to the female brand follower of MUEHLMEIER`s partners. The idea of a competitive advantage built on the component`s qualification of a brand partner is found in nearly every branch. And the number of Co-Branding-Partnerships rises, since products got more comparable with the rise of the internet. A lot of manufacturers - from cars to electronics - tried and still try to This is just the beginning. Always focus on aggressive pricing. But this is spun around the theme „The Secret a field of competition, where Europeans and Americans can`t win „PRICING IS A FIELD OF COMon in the long term. We have to concentrate on PETITION, WHERE EUROPEAN our true strengths, like AND AMERICAN MANUFACTUquality, reliability and RERS CANNOT WIN.“ innovation. And we have to tell this to our customers - over and over. We must give them the chance to learn behind Her Secret“ MUEHLMEIabout our efforts to provide them with ER can`t wait to show new and products they love. Their faith in brands creative ways of bringing this Co-Branding-Strategy to life. is the promise we have to fulfill. This takes us right back to the path of Co-Branding. Adding a supplier brand to a consumer brand can enhance the power of both. But this is not only true for two strong brands. Although MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping is “only” a supplier to the fashion branch, they always had a focus on the consumer communication. With an innovative product strategy the awareness for the 8 Take the chance for your additional product benefit now and tell it to crowd! Contact the Co-Branding responsible at MUEHLMEIER, Mr. Tamas Bödöcs. +49 9635 9219-27 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE THE SPECIAL STRUCTURED PES ENFORCEMENT PROVIDES WIRELESS STRONG SUPPORT. M-TEC® WELL-BEING WIRELESS SOLUTION HP59079-V7U MAXIMUM SUPPORT WITHOUT WIRE Based on the revolutionary MUEHLMEIER M-TEC® Moulding Technology, the M-TEC® Well-Being Wireless Solution is the answer for the demand of special support without any compromises regarding wearing comfort. An especially structured PES textile enforcement is moulded inside the cup, which allows the replacement of the classic metal wire. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS WIRELESS BRA-CUP MULTILAYER FOAM-CUP WELL-BEING - MORE THAN ANOTHER MARKETING-TREND Well-Being is not that new to MUEHLMEIER, where the main development direction is the improvement of the wearing comfort. They constantly refine their products under the premise to offer the most PRODUCT BENEFITS comfortable Bra-Cups on the market. VERY LIGHT - MAXIMUM SUPPORT Whether it is for lingerie or swimwear, NO ELECTROMAGNETIC SAR INDUCTION NO PUNCTURING BY METAL WIRES ANTISTATIC the MUEHLMEIER team is not satisfied until they find the best solution. So “Well-Being” is ever since deeply integrated in the company and just one expression of how to provide the Co-Branding customers with real new customer benefits. Instead of a traditional wire, a special structured PES textile enforcement is moulded between the foam. 10 MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE INNOVATIONS PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGY LAYERS OF DIFFERENT MATERIALS COMBINED IN A REVOLUTIONARY BRA-CUP. M-TEC® 3D COMPOSITE BRA-CUPS HP60302-vSL EACH LAYER A REVOLUTION For the first time, MUEHLMEIER BODYSHAPING combines its revolutionary M-TEC® 3D Technology with its efforts for the M-TEC® Composite Technology. The results are M-TEC® 3D Composite Bra-Cups, another large step ahead in the production of the most comfortable bras available. The unique combination of different materials, like Soft-Foam, Memory-Foam, Gel-Push-Up or PES-Core in a layered 3D structure allows the creation of a natural breastlike structure. Truly a new “Wonder-Cup”. Adding supersoft covers perfects this Bra-Cup to an unbeatable handfeel. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS MULTILAYER STRUCTURE SOFT FOAM MEMORY FOAM GEL PUSH UP M-TEC® SMOOTH TOUCH BRA-CUPS HP60274-cSP Nice hand-feel is a “must -have” hit this season. The MUEHLMEIER Multilayer-Design-Technology with Memory -Foam allows infinitely different variations of foams and fabrics and is a great topic for creating supersoft cups. With the M-TEC® Smooth Touch BraCups, MUEHLMEIER is again ahead of the competition regarding ergonomics and wearing comfort. PES CORE COVERED WITH SUPERSOFT FABRIC PRODUCT BENEFITS GREAT WEARING COMFORT GREAT HANDFEEL PERFECT ADAPTION TO NATURAL BREAST SHAPE A new dimension of ergonomics. Different layers are combined to a breastlike structure. MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE 11 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE PES-MICROFIBER / MES The quality of MUEHLMEIER PES BraCups is appreciated by manufacturers and consumers alike. This isn`t a surprise, if you take a deeper look at the features of Polyester composites. 1. Polyester-Fibres are light- and weatherproof and resistant to climatic influences and therefore extremely white stable. M-TEC® 100% PES: PURE WHITE 2. The elastomerised fibers offer HP60241-R2U WHITE AND LIGHT PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS points of the fibres are melted to an amoebic structure. The result is a good washability and minor tendency to wrinkling also under exposure to humidity. 3. The structure of the elastomerised 100% PES BRA-CUP PES-fibre is more stereoscopic than PERFECT COMPOSITE OF POLYESTER MICROFIBER CORE & COVER MATERIAL the structure of Polyurethane foam. The product advantage results in a PRODUCT BENEFITS very high breathability (permeabili- WHITE GUARANTEED HIGH BREATHABILITY AND DISSIPATION fect elasticity recess rate and compression endurance. The crossing PES is the unique material for use in absolutely white stable bras. Thanks to it`s 100% PES construction, this Bra-Cup feels very light without any compromises to stability. The PES cover material is built around a core, that also consists of polyester microfiber wadding. This results in high breathability. RECYCLABLE WITHIN THE “ONE-MATERIAL CRADLE TO CRADLE” ECOLOGICAL CONCEPT within their unique structure a per- ty) and a light weight. So for the wearer the Bra feels easy No heat buildup. The 100% PES construction guarantees high breathability and heat dissipation. and light as humidity as well as body warmth is dissipated in a more direct way. M-TEC® NEVER-OUT-OF-STOCK PROGRAM: NOS The response of the MUEHLMEIER customers to the NOS-Program was huge from the start. They love the ability to order smaller amounts of Bra-Cups as well as the advantage of not worrying about long delivery times. For 2013, MUEHLMEIER enhances his program with new forms and qualities for unlimited availability. 12 INNOVATIONS PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGY THANKS TO THEIR SPACER FABRICS, THOSE CUPS ARE BREATHING. M-TEC® SPACER: BREATHING HH60267-S2U COOL AIR SPACER-FABRICS Spacer fabrics consist of two outer Thermoformed from Spacer-fabrics, this Bra Cup delivers perfect breathability. The air can circulate throughout the whole cup. This guarantees the light and fresh feeling on the skin when “heat runs high”! textile surfaces which are connected by stiff spacer filaments, the connection layer. Because of this resulting 3D structure, spacer fabrics are also often called 3D-fabrics. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS SPACER FABRICS ESPECIALLY DEVELOPED FOR MUEHLMEIER As a result of the special construction VERY THIN ENDING EDGES a permanent climate zone is arising CONSTANT MATERIAL THICKNESS ALL OVER THE BREAST POINT between the connected outer surfaces. HIGH SHAPE ELASTICITY AND RETURN TO ORIGINAL FORM CONDITION (3 DIMENSIONALLY STABLE) This climate zone has a positive temperature regulative function. PRODUCT BENEFITS HIGH BREATHABILITY AND HEAT-REGULATION PERMANENT WHITE STABILITY OF SPECIAL PES-SPACERS MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE VERY LIGHT & NATURAL ECONOMICAL: NO NEED FOR ADDITIONAL FABRIC COVERING M-TEC® SWIMWEAR REMOVABLES EASY DRY M-TEC® SUPER PUSH UP M-TEC® SPACER HP59010 HH60264 NOS NOS NOS In this style of cups the holes make the difference. The newly developed solution is creating Bra-Cups with perforated foam / fabric structure. The mechanism is as simple as clever, the water comes and leaves easily. From A to C with a maximum push. These cups allow an optical enlargement of the breast line up to two sizes combined with a round natural shape. High breathability and heat regulation are the two main advantages of Spacer fabrics. These Bra-Cups come with very thin edges and constant material thickness over the breast point. NOT HOLDING WATER INSIDE VERY QUICK DRYING SOFT FEELING PUSH EFFECT - UP TO 2 SIZES NATURAL SHAPES PERFECT FIT FOR SMALL BREAST SIZE VERY LIGHT AND 3-DIMENSIONALLY STABLE GREAT HEAT REGULATION HIGH BREATHABILITY NOS-PROGRAM HH40097 13 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE M-TEC® BEACH LUXURY HP60290-MWL A HIGHLIGHT, NOT ONLY ON BEACHES This Push up-Cup looks and feels luxurious. With an Air/Oil-Pad integrated in its core, this cup provides a convincing Push-Effect emphasizing the natural shape of the breast. Compared to classic foam Push ups, the low water absorption makes this cup perfect for beachwear. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS PUSH UP-CUP WITH INTEGRATED AIR/OIL-PAD PRODUCT BENEFITS CONVINCING PUSH UP-EFFECT NATURAL SHAPE AND HANDFEEL The integrated Air/Oil-Pad ensures a luxurious look and feel not only on the beach. HIGH WEARING COMFORT - VALUABLE WELLNESS EFFECT BECAUSE OF LOW WATER ABSORPTION M-TEC® MONO-COQUES HH8002-PLL MONO FOR MORE M-TEC® MONO-COQUES by MUEHLMEIER - the decisive solution for female comfort in shapewear and formal dresses. Compared to standard Bra-Cups the “One-Piece-Technology” promotes your productive working process. This saves time and costs. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS ONE PIECE-TECHNOLOGY ALSO AVAILABLE WITH INTEGRATED WIRES PRODUCT BENEFITS HIGH WEARING COMFORT FOR THE PERFECT SHAPE-WEAR OUTFIT FOR FORMAL DRESS - ROBES, BRIDAL, BUSTIERS AWESOME APPROVED BUSTIER SHAPES FOR OUTRAGEOUS DECOLLETES 14 THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET. DISCOVER M-TEC® BRA CUPS. WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE SERVICE MOULD DEVELOPMENT German engineering enables rapid and precise mould creation.Tailormade. Whether it is for prototyping or a fast reaction to new market demands, MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping has the right answer to the special needs of its customers. State-of-the-art CNC-technology provides MUEHLMEIER with the ability of an unbelievable fast mould creation process. Within short time, the team goes from designing to producing. With years of experience in Computer Aided Design (CAD) and the highest standards of technology on hand, always ready for the tailor-made market response in product development and production right away. In cooperation with the customers, this effective MUEHLMEIER technology turns the idea of Custom-Made BraCups from a high investment in a cost effective reality. SOMETHING SPECIAL ABOUT M-TEC® FOAM At MUEHLMEIER, they use a specially developed PU-foam for their BraCups with some clever features. Starting with breathability and comfort, M-TEC® Foam has relatively “closed pores” but is nevertheless breathable. So besides lingerie, this foam is also very suitable for swimwear. Different specific weights of the foam allow the production of different degrees of requested hardness or softness of the Bra-Cup. As a result of many years of experience in the business, this foam guarantees a high washability and form-stability. But this is not all. Regular controls ensure the high quality of M-TEC® products as well as the ongoing improvement of all materials. As we noted, there is something special about M-TEC® Foam. MUEHLMEIER stands by to realize your ideas. For further details contact their head of development Mrs. Inge Seidl-Jondral: +49 9635 9219-25 Ad hoc updated CAD-Programs are the starting point of mould development. 16 Based on the CAD-Data, modern CNC-machines mill-cut highly precise moulds. One-Head or More-Head moulding 3D-Laser-Scanners check slighmachines for the production of cup test deviations. samples or serial production. THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET. MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE DISCOVER IT. WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE INSPIRED BY THE ELEGANCE OF BURLESQUE. THE NEW M-DECO® BURLESQUE PROGRAM BRINGS A SPECIAL FINESSE TO FASHION. M-DECO® BURLESQUE ELEGANCE WITH CERTAIN SOMETHING Dita von Teese, Cher or Christina Aguilera - Burlesque has found huge recognition in pop culture over the last years. The new Burlesque Style moved stripping and dancing from filthy clubs to the stages of renowned theaters all over the world. Burlesque is not only about getting nude, it is based on the special eroticism of the elegance, beauty and especially the costumes of the performing “Diva” - or Vamp? Got yet inspired by the love for detail, obscure color and mysterious veils of georgette fabrics? Createur for the love line of M-DECO® BURLESQUE with a wide range of imaginations is Mrs. Esther Lorber. Add that taste of eroticism and gothic myth to lingerie and day to day fashion. CUSTOM-MADE DECORATIONS AND PERSONALIZED SELECTIONS The world of ARTDECO is a vast field of fantasy and experience. Think of all the materials, the production techniques, the trends and the colors. The MUEHLMEIER M-DECO® team can adapt to your specific needs - even in smaller quantities. 18 Please contact Mrs. Andrea Schröpf, +49 9635 9219-29 PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGY WITH LAYERING EFFECT. 3D textures, layering of different filigree materials create a slight impression of movement. Although some of the accessories look slightly voluminous, they are light and transparent by organza and tulle. Chiffon and satin can build colorful bridges to flowers, ribbons and closings. ARTDECO M-DECO® 3D-OPTIC Ask the ARTDECO-Team about so much more ideas, that surely match your requirements. M-DECO® WINTER FOG IN DISGUISE Think of a snowy, foggy winter day and the white color that seems to soften a whole landscape. This is the concept behind the Winter Fog Collection, which contains metal, leather and velours with a soft touch and different nuances of white and aquarelle colors. It generates awesome effects on all kinds of accessories. CONCEPT COLLECTIONS The MUEHLMEIER expertise derives from decades of experience and sophisticated trend scouting. His customized offer centers around the presentation of a SET CONCEPT of decorative elements. The “ready set” for your new model-line’s DECO-CONCEPT - if you want. Check it out! M-DECO® SWIM-WEAR Refined and attractive. The Artdeco for swimwear features innovative closures and slight forms with a lot of new detail. Whether it is metal, plastic, mother of pearl, rhinestone... swimwear and active wear are pre-destined for highlighting with exotic and sexy details. GOT CURIOUS? SEE IT ALL! MUEHLMEIER ARTDECO-Collections at the big fairs: Paris Interfiliere, Milano Unica, Paris Modamont, Munich fabric start Ask for your representative, see the collection on the web-page: In any case contact: Mrs. Anja Korte +49 9635 9219 28, 19 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE FABRIC LINED PAD; PAGODA, SEMI-ROUND RAGLAN FORM: SE22014 A4B INNERLINING PAD; EXTREME SET-IN FORM, HIGH ACCENTUATED SHOULDER EDGE: SU13231 H7E FOR STRIKING BODY SHAPES. EXTREME PADDING EFFECTS BY MUEHLMEIER . M-TEC® EXTREME PADDING EFFECTS STUNNING SHOULDERS AGAIN As we mentioned earlier in our Trends & Insights column, shoulders are an important part of the New Fashion Body. People love to mutate into appearances of other realities. And MUEHLMEIER can definitely help there! M-TEC® EXTREME PADDING LINE supports with the right constructive answer to this ongoing fashion hype. It provides a maximum of volume and stability and highlights the shoulders to an “attention attracting look”. FUTURE VISIONS, TODAYS REALITY 3D phantasy bodies are an infinite playground for designers. For sure, they are experimenting with extremes and futuristic fashion bodies, but they show us the trends of tomorrow. The sculptured fashion body - and more specifically the shoulders - are a mirror for the erotic and aesthetic feeling of the society. Trends may change, but the idea of the sculptured fashion body will run stronger and stronger. 20 NOS NOS FABRIC LINED PAD; RAGLAN FORM: SE3100-B7E SHOULDER PADS PRODUCTS & TECHNOLOGY INNERLINING FELT PAD; PAGODA, SEMI-RAGLAN, STABLE ERGONOMIC FORM: SU23062-H7E ALWAYS ON STOCK. RELY ON THE APPROVED M-TEC® NOS PREMIUM LINE SHOULDER SHAPES . M-TEC® NOS PREMIUM LINE SHOULDER SHAPES A “NO-BRAINER”-ORDERING SHOULDER PADS Don`t think about quantities, delivery times or preorders. The M-TEC® NOS PREMIUM SHOULDER SHAPES are always on stock and wait for your next order. Whether it is for experimenting with new styles and shapes or for serial production, you can rely on fast supply. CUSTOMIZED PADDING TRUST IN EXPERIENCE MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping has a long tradition regarding shoulder shapes and therefore huge experience in building and producing the right pad for the fashion silhouette. Also knowing how to create the right stability and the desired stiffness out of a bunch of different materials. From foam to horsehair and cotton, there is the expertise behind the “secret of creation” for the perfect shoulder padding. Ask the expert for your special creation. Contact the Representative for M-TEC® SHOULDER SHAPES, Mrs. Silke Krug: +49 9635 9219-14 Built on your requirements. Customized shoulder pads out of different materials. 21 BODYSHAPING MAGAZINE COMMUNICATION MORE THAN JUST FACTS MUEHLMEIER`s redesigned website appeals now to fashion brands and female customers. With the recent redesign of www., the whole world of MUEHLMEIER is brought right to your fingertips. Optimized for touch controlled devices like tablets and smartphones, the new website will inform female consumers and manufacturers alike. At a first step, the idea of “The Secret behind Her Secret” is translated visually to the internet, using the latest technology for a unique user experience. It is simple and fast forward. You start on our homepage by choosing your product category of interest. Especially the section for Bra-Cups is built around consumer interests. Following the new, just launched, Co-Branding Strategy, the internet is most adequate to inform the female clientele about a special Bra-Brand`s product strategy “M-TEC Bra-Cup inside”. Advantages and benefits of the specially used Bra-Cups can be highlighted as support for the ready Bra Brand`s product strategy. The digital translation of the Co-Branding Strategy „The Secret behind Her Secret.“ But the new website is not just for the interested consumer. As you know, service is a major topic at MUEHLMEIER. So they are on the way for a completely new and easy to use online catalogue, especially developed around the needs of designers and manufacturers. So stay tuned for the start of the new online-catalogue, scheduled for fall 2013. Until then, get your personal impression of this new website at 22 Based on the newest web technologies, the new website is optimized for touch enabled gadgets like iPad and iPhone. THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET. DISCOVER M-TEC® BRA CUPS. WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU 23 THE SECRET BEHIND HER SECRET. MUEHLMEIER BRA CUP INSIDE DISCOVER IT. WWW.MUEHLMEIER.EU Contact for more Information: Western Europe: Inge Seidl-Jondral – FON: +49.9635.9219-25 – Eastern Europe: Tamas Bödöcs – FON: +49.9635.9219-27 – MUEHLMEIER Bodyshaping GmbH – GERMAN ENGINEERING – WORLDWIDE MANUFACTURING Kastanienweg 8 – 95671 Baernau – Germany FON: +49.9635.9219-0 – FAX: +49.9635.9219-90 –
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