April 2016 - Bel Meade Neighborhood
April 2016 - Bel Meade Neighborhood
Bel Mea de H ome s A ss oc ia ti on Bel Meade Times www.BelMeadeHomesAssociation.com BEL MEADE HOMES ASSOCIATION 2015 – 2016 BOARD PRESIDENT Patrick Cook 821-5830 BelMeadeBoard@gmail.com 1st VICE PRESIDENT Mary Wieser 822-0120 mvwieser@msn.com nd 2 VICE PRESIDENT Todd Tinker (214) 914-3760 todd@tinkerlaw.com TREASURER Mary Marsh 445-0048 marymarsh@sbcglobal.net SECRETARY Linda Ogle 824-9241 loftjell@aol.com PRESIDENT OF GARDEN CLUB Susan Murphy 829-8015 smurphytx16@gmail.com Bel Meade would like to welcome all the new families that have moved into our great neighborhood. April 2016 Patrick Cook - President It’s time again for our Bel Meade Homes Annual Meeting and Dinner. This year it’s on Wednesday May 11th at The Barn Door (8400 N New Braunfels Ave) with a cash bar at 5:30PM and the meeting starting at 6:00PM, with dinner to follow. This is our ‘big ‘meeting for the year- it’s both a business meeting and a social one, so please attend if you can. At the meeting, there will be a signup sheet for the various Bel Meade Homes Committees. The BMHA Board has streamlined the number of Committees so that we can encourage active participation by both new residents and those who have been in Bel Meade for some time. A good amount of the work of our Committees is done via email, or they meet ad-hoc as needed. The amount of time varies depending on what’s needed, but overall the time commitment is minimal when compared to the impact it makes to our Community. Please sign up for a Committee if you’re interested in meeting your neighbors and working together to make Bel Meade an even better place to live! Continued on Page 2 Bel Meade Homes Association Annual Dinner Meeting and Election of 2016-2017 Board Officer’s Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm The meeting will be held at: The Barn Door 8400 North New Braunfels Avenue San Antonio, TX 78209 PAGE 2 B E L ME A D E T I ME S WW W. B E L ME A D E HO ME S A S S O C IA T I O N. C O M Letter from the President - Continued from Page 1 Committee’s Social Committee- the Social Committee is responsible for planning all neighborhood social functions including the Annual Meeting and Fall Party. Publications/Website Committee- the Publications Committee is responsible for the development and publication of all neighborhood publications, including the newsletter and address book. The Committee is also responsible for the maintenance of the Bel Meade neighborhood website. Architectural Review Committee- The purpose of this committee is to ensure any changes made to Bel Meade homes are approved and in compliance with the Bel Meade Homes Association, Inc. Declarations and Restrictions. Roads and Parks Committee- The purpose of this committee is to monitor Bel Meade common areas, parks, streets, etc. District 10 Neighborhood Alliance Committee- Attend monthly District 10 Neighborhood meetings representing Bel Meade and report back to the Board on related issues affecting Bel Meade Neighborhood Welcome Committee- Greets all new residents and welcome’s them to the neighborhood. Provides a packet of information to the new resident about Bel Meade to include declarations, By-laws, Garden Club membership and city services, schools, etc. Bel Meade Garden Club Meeting You are Invited to the Bel Meade Garden Club Annual Luncheon for the Installation of Officers Friday, May 13, 2016 11:00 AM At the home of Mari Pickering 412 Hathaway Drive West Please RSVP to Susan Murphy smurphytx16@gmail.com 210-392-8600 Members are providing the food (appetizer, salad, or dessert), so please call or contact Susan as to what food you are bringing B E L ME A D E T I ME S PAGE 3 WW W. B E L ME A D E HO ME S A S S O C IA T I O N. C O M The “Little Free Library” is located on the Big Island For those not familiar with the concept, it’s a little enclosed box where residents can drop off a book or two for others to enjoy, or borrow one to read. It’s designed for readers of all ages - so go look through your collection of books you want to give to the Library, and put them inside the Library for others to read and enjoy like you did. If you see a book you'd like to read, take it now! You don't need to leave a book to take one! When you finish with it you can return it, or pass it on. Or keep it if you love it! If you have a book or two that you think your neighbors might enjoy reading, share them here. This Little Free Library is a community sharing library... ENJOY!!! Turn the Lights On Lighting is an effective crime deterrent and certainly provides better visibility for you and your neighbors. Turn your porch lights on from Dusk to Dawn Lights, like locks, must be used to be effective crime prevention tools Keep our neighborhood safe Report suspicious activity to the Police by calling 911 or the Police Non-Emergency number 207-7273 DO YOU HAVE AN ARTICLE OR TOPIC OF INTEREST FOR THE NEWSLETTER? If so, submit your article for the next edition to: belmeadetimes-newsletter@yahoo.com PAGE 4 B E L ME A D E T I ME S WW W. B E L ME A D E HO ME S A S S O C IA T I O N. C O M Neighborhood Functions The Bel Meade Book Club Social Hour Dates & Locations Friday, April 29th Monthly Social Happy Hour 6:00pm - 8:00pm Tacos and Tequilla 314-8226 1915 Broadway Street Wednesday, May 11th Bel Meade Homes Annual Meeting and Dinner 5:30pm - 8:00pm If you love to read and talk about books, this is the group for you. A story is always better if you have someone to share it with. What could be better than sharing it with a group of neighborhood friends who have also read it. An excellent place for those who love to read to gather and socialize. If you are interested in joining the Bel Meade Book Club led by resident Lonnie Reuter Barn Door 824-0116 8400 N New Braunfels Ave Email: fjreuter@aol.com Subject Line: Book Club Mosquito Season is Here! Please take a moment to walk your property and rid it of standing water. Standing water can turn into stagnant water that has potential to allow mosquitoes to breed. Very little water is necessary for mosquito breeding. Areas that cannot be rendered free of stagnant water treat with a larvicide which can be purchased at local garden and hardware stores. Identify and treat water now. This will help control areas that may breed mosquitoes. Remember the 4D’s: Drain area’s of stagnant water Avoid Dawn and Dusk Dress in clothing that covers exposed skin Wear insect repellant with D.E.E.T Not Receiving Bel Meade Email Blast? We send out email notices periodically to remind Bel Meade residents of safety concerns, community events, important information and the neighborhood newsletter. Don’t miss out on this service. Sign up today to be added to the Bel Meade email Send your email contact info to: belmeadetimes-newsletter@yahoo.com PAGE 5 B E L ME A D E T I ME S WW W. B E L ME A D E HO ME S A S S O C IA T I O N. C O M POTHOLES- BUMPS - LARGE CRACKS - SWELLS As residents of Bel Meade we need to ban together to try to get our streets in Bel Meade fixed. If all of us call 311 to report unsafe potholes, bumps and large cracks in front of our homes maybe, and I said maybe, the city will come out to repair all of the streets in Bel Meade. So make that call today. According to their website there goal is to repair all reported potholes within 48 hours. Keep Bel Meade Beautiful Bel Meade is the best kept secret in town. The majority of our residents do a wonderful job keeping their yards well maintained and we all thank those of you that do very much! Nothing is more beautiful than a well maintained yard. Please keep your front and back yards maintained by making sure that your lawn is kept mowed and edged and not let the grass over grow over the curb and into the street. Poorly maintained yards, particularly tall grass, can attract rodents, snakes and undesirable insects such as ticks and fleas. Be aware of over grown trees and bushes in your yard that could interfere with drivers visibility or that block road signs. PAGE 6 B E L ME A D E T I ME S WW W. B E L ME A D E HO ME S A S S O C IA T I O N. C O M Reminder for Architectural Changes to Property and/or Buildings The Architectural Committee reminds all residents that Article VII of our BMHA Restrictions and Amendments states that, “No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained, nor shall any addition thereto or change or alterations therein be made, until plans and specifications, color scheme, plat plan and grading plan therefore, or other information satisfactory to the Association, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Association, or its representative hereinafter provided for, and a copy thereof as finally approved lodged with the Association. In so passing upon such plans, specifications and other consideration the suitability of the proposed building or other structure and the materials of which it is to be built, to the site upon which it is proposed to erect same, the harmony thereof with the surroundings and the effect of the building on other property.” So if you are considering changes or additions to the exterior of your property or residence you must notify the BMHA for prior approval. The Board will get back with an approval or other recommendation on a timely basis and it will never arbitrarily withhold approval of a request. Something else to keep in mind is that it would be the “neighborly” thing to do to let your immediate neighbors know of any changes or additions you are planning. This keeps the element of surprise down and hopefully ensures ongoing harmony between neighbors. You can send your requests for approval to: BMHA Architectural Committee, P.O. Box 90704, San Antonio, TX 78209 Email: BelMeadeARC@gmail.com Join The Bel Meade HOA Facebook Group The Bel Meade HOA page is a closed group for residents only. This will help residents communicate with each other on what is happening in Bel Meade. This is a way to communicate the monthly Social Events, Lost Dogs, Found Dogs, Security Alerts ect… Only residents of Bel Meade are in the group! We will still email out notifications via the Bel Meade Newsletter. To join the Bel Meade only Facebook group go to: www.facebook.com/groups/BelMeadeHOA Nomination of Officer’s for the Bel Meade Homes Association for 2016 - 2017 Dear Bel Meade Residents: This is to notify you that our annual Homes Association dinner meeting and election of 2016-2017 Board Officer’s will be Wednesday, May 11, 2016. The meeting will be held at: The Barn Door 8400 North New Braunfels Avenue San Antonio, TX 78209 Cocktails at the cash bar will start at 5:30 pm with the meeting starting at 6:00 pm and dinner to follow. This event is open to all Bel Meade homeowner’s who are current on their HOA dues as well as any resident currently renting in Bel Meade. This is a very important meeting to attend as we will be nominating and electing our Homes Association Board of Director’s for the next year. Bel Meade is a wonderful place to live, raise a family and enjoy a great quality of life. The key to keeping it that way is to keep an active and involved Board of Directors. We have both newer residents and “seasoned” residents and we encourage you to get involved in your neighborhood. You must be a property owner to vote. Some of the current Board members have agreed to serve again if nominated and elected and if you or someone you know desire to serve on the Board we strongly encourage you submit the name for nomination. To be nominated or to nominate yourself, you must be a property owner who is not delinquent or in arrears on their Homes Association assessment. To assist you in determining the positions that need to be filled attached is a description of the Board positions. The Board generally meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm. Meeting locations are generally rotated among the Board members homes. Sincerely, 2015 - 2016 Bel Meade Board of Director’s Patrick Cook - President Mary Wieser - 1st Vice President Todd Tinker - 2nd Vice President Mary Marsh - Treasurer Linda Ogle - Secretary Susan Murphy - President of Garden Club 2016 - 2017 Nomination Form Bel Meade Homes Association Board of Directors Board Position: ______________________________________________ Name of person Nominated: ____________________________________ Address of Nominee: __________________________________________ Brief bio and qualifications of nominee (use a separate sheet of paper if necessary): ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ If this is not a self-nomination please complete the following: Your name and address__________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ The above nominee has approved my nomination: Yes______ Submit to: Bel Meade Homes Association, P.O. Box 90704, San Antonio, TX 78209 Attn: Mary Marsh, or email to: marymarsh@sbcglobal.net Please submit by May 9, 2016 Wednesday, May 11, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. The Barn Door 8400 North New Braunfels Ave, San Antonio R.S.V.P by May 6, 2016 Cost $14 per plate Return this portion with your check payable to Bel Meade Homes Association Mail to: Bel Meade Homes Association P.O. Box 90704 San Antonio, TX 78209 Name Address Total $ Qty Rib Eye Steak Served with a dinner salad, loaded baked potato and dinner roll Mesquite Grilled Salmon Served with a dinner salad, loaded baked potato and dinner roll Creamy Herb Pasta Fresh herbs, tomatoes, parmesan cheese and scallions in a white wine cream sauce. Served with a dinner salad and roll. Mesquite Grilled Chicken Served with a dinner salad, loaded baked potato and dinner roll The above entrees are served with iced tea, coffee or soda Dessert Choice - one for each entree ____ Apple Pie ____ Pecan Pie ____ Chocolate Cream Pie ____Coconut Cream Pie ____ Peach Cobbler ____ Cherry Cobbler Some of our neighbors may need a ride. If you are willing to carpool or may need a ride please indicate below. I will be willing to give a neighbor a ride I will need a ride