June - Aldinga Bay Residents Association
June - Aldinga Bay Residents Association
Official newsletter of ABRA ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (INC) (Established 1977) (Incorporating Watch SA) Free Newsletter No. 395 June 2013 Circulation: 2000 (Servicing Aldinga Bay All proceeds go back into the community. Next meeting of ABRA (incorp. Watch SA) will be held on Wednesday, 12th June 2013 at 7.30 pm at the Aldinga Community Centre, INDEX INSIDE Photo taken from walkway at Snapper Point by Jason ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Dear Reader, We were all shocked and saddened to read or hear of the death of local mother Lana Towers recently. The Aldinga-Sellicks Alliance (on which ABRA is represented) has been discussing the topic of domestic violence for some months and it is horrific that it has happened in our area. It was good to see a great turn out for the vigil arranged following Lana’s death. (Report p. 13) As a man I am appalled and ashamed by the figures quoted in the report. Let’s all make an effort to stamp out this evil in our society. Another local, Kianna Brown, and her mother Alicia have also been prominent in the media recently. It is good that Juvenile Batten Disease is being made known to the wider population. Alicia has written to thank the community for their support and to explain a little about the condition, on p. 10. There is no Copper’s Corner this month. Sgt. Epps has emailed that he didn’t have the time to prepare one for us due to other pressing issues. I cannot express strongly enough our thanks to all the columnists who take the time and effort to write for us, in some cases every month. To each of you, your input is appreciated. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue. Don’t forget we appreciate feedback, good and bad. Kevin Hutton - President & Editor Do you use the internet on your mobile phone or tablet? Are you among the majority of people in the world who would not use the internet on a computer without security software but haven’t bothered to install it on their internet- capable phone or tablet? Lift your game! - Free Apps, as well as commercial products, are available from your app store that do the Index ABRA News / editorial Art News / Activities Auto Section Community News Church Notices, News Gardening Emergency Numbers Hairdressers Health Section 2 4, 8, 36 33 - 35 37 - 40 41 7 47 12 24 - 30 Exercise Tips Vets On Pets 28 27 Talking Health Traditional Health Care 26 29 History Life Saving Markets School News Tribe FM Youth Activities 15 17 19 42 17 18 Quote of the day: “ What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. ” - Ralph Waldo Emerson WED, 12th June at 7.30 pm Incorporating: Pam Johnston from My Eye Health Program will speak at our June meeting about eye health Coastal Views, Jun 2013 Page 2 Aldinga Bay Business and Tourism Association Meets monthly on first Tuesday of the Month at the Aldinga Beach Library Community Meeting Room (next door to The Volt) We welcome all interested local business owners to attend. For more information please call Ute Annells on 0407 974 062 Coastal Views, Jun 2013 Page 3 The Willunga Lions Club is holding a Giant Trash and Treasure Market on Saturday 8th June. The venue is the Lions sale yard, Binney Road, Willunga. Starts at 9am until 1pm. Take advantage of the long weekend and the other markets on that day to reach a big market. Get your school or community group together and have a big fundraiser. All information is on the website www.willungalions.com.au Entry is free, a small charge will be made for stall holders. Lions will have their Big Shed open full of items to buy, books, household items, bric a brac, bikes, toys. A great opportunity for a great day out for buyers and sellers. Other enquiries to 0428 692 126 Southern Cancer Club Providing friendship, social support, information & education but will not provide medical advice either clinical, alternative or new age. The Southern Cancer Club is a group of people who have all been touched by cancer in some way. It is run by people who have had a personal experience of cancer, either as a patient, family member or carer. Some people have recently been diagnosed while others are many years past diagnosis. Some members are friends and family and carers of those with cancer. Everyone is travelling in the same direction on the cancer journey and everyone is welcome Meeting monthly on Monday 9 -12noon & 3rd Thursday 1-3pm at Christie Downs Community House cnr Morton & Flaxmill Roads. For more information call Jules on 8186 0048 or visit www.fcn.org.au NEW SCREEN COMEDY PRODUCTION TEAM James Cameron, Stanley Kubrick Quentin Tarantino never went to film school and Steven Spielberg couldn't get in, so who DOES go to film school? Local writer, producer and actor Albert Jamae has partnered with St Peters film maker Michael Zeitz of John Dory Media, to create Screen Capers; when they discovered they shared a dream to build a South Australian screen comedy content creator, using local crew and local onscreen talent. Screen Capers is developing series one of "Film School the web series" after completing this first episode pilot "Kevin Almighty". As for Michael, “being ex-film school student, it's easy to find the comedy not only in the day to day life of the students, but also with all the politics of tertiary arts institutions, so this was an ideal first web series project for Screen Capers to undertake”. Coastal Views, Jun 2013 The pilot storyline…Bumbling Head Lecturer, Filip Collins' unorthodox methods are causing student numbers to dwindle, and as a result, Kevin, the boss, must take charge and threaten Filip with closure of the course. In the meantime, mature age student Rodney unintentionally reveals the truth about Vicki's sex life to all. Screen Capers have begun to secure interest from the South Australian Film Commission and Media Resource Centre to apply for funding to make the first 6 part series and here's some industry testimonials on the pilot so far… Awesome job! Just purely lol funny! Jodie Fleming, Film Producer, Sacremento California Well done team! Great pilot!! A dozen laugh out louds… :) Shane McNeil, Manager Programs & Development, Media Resource Centre I love it! Funny, real and very BBC. Fingers Crossed it is picked up and you can make it a TV reality. Angie Christophel, Managing Director, RMT Well done. Really enjoyed it. Have forwarded the link to other SAFC staff and encouraged them to both watch and forward/ share. Sandy Lepore, Project Manager South Australian Film Corporation Albert’s role in Screen Capers is head writer, coproducer and for Film School, actor in the role of Filip Collins. Albert has been working professionally in the entertainment industry for 20 years in stage, screen and radio. His credits include as regular host on Channel Nine’s Here’s Humphrey (1993-95), tours around Australia and South Korea, the role of Justin in the local film Maslin Beach (1994), and as an actor/voice over artist he is featured in several radio and television commercials currently on air. He is also a spokesperson for website campaigns for The Motor Accident Commission, Sealy International, Le Cordon Bleu and Breezair. In the production side of things, he has produced a four short films, two documentaries, a television pilot, adult & children’s plays and more recently published a series of ebooks for actors and teachers. In 2000/01 he wrote commercials for radio stations MIXFM and 5AD, winning 3 national awards from Austereo. His recently staged productions as writer include the black comedy How to Kill a Hiker, Twice! (2012), and as writer/lyricist of two new musicals, Wrong Side of the Tracks (2011) and Mystic Mountain (2012). To see Albert’s latest work “Film School” visit the Screen Capers website http://screencapers.com.au/film-school/ Page 4 Simple Simon TV Ø Digital Antenna Installation..by SA made Hills Antennas Ø Hills Approved Installer and Govt. Endorsed Ø Phone and Data points Fit and tune your TV, DVD, Recorder Ø Surround sound setup TV Wall Mounting Ø Universal Remote Controls Simple Instructions after Setup Simon Says…Keep it Simple! 0427 746 753. Or 0427 SIMPLE. All areas. Pensioner Rates. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 5 HIRE CENTRE HIRE CENTRE Pergola Timber Premix Concrete Decking Pave Set Treated Pine Insulation Batts Posts & Logs Plastic Angles LOSP Timber ROK Electric Tools Building Pine Hand Tools Hardwood Threaded Rod Conduit Meranti Plasterboard Mouldings Accessories Matchboard Cement Sheet Chipboard Melamine COME SEE US, WE ARE NOT MITRE 10 Plywood Marine Ply Kindling / Firewood Buy direct $ 5.00 per bag Brace Board 90 mm Stormwater Pipe 6.0 Lms $13.50 each Oregon Glass Bead Dowel 4 - 32 mm Shadecloth Polycard C/bond Iron Whirlybirds Electrical Plumbing Storm Water Cement Lattice Tile Underlay Paint Brushes Nuts & Bolts Screws & Nails Doors Eco-wood Sleepers Red Gum Sleepers - Treated Pine Sleepers - Cyprus Pine Gold Posts Eco-wood Lattice Trellis Manufacturing. Planing, Sanding & Machining done on premises OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK MON - FRI SATURDAY SUNDAY PUBLIC HOLS 8 am - 5 pm 8 am - 1 pm closed closed Phone: (08) 8557 7470 15 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach (Industrial Area) www.aldingatimber.com Email: aldtimber@internode.on.net Door Hardware Gates / Hardware Deck Stains Cladding Render Products Patio Heaters Bordo Hole Saws Bordo Drill Bits Gun Nails 15 Lacey Drive, Aldinga Beach (Industrial Area) Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 6 AHTS Plumbing & Gas Fitting Hot water breakdowns (Solar, Gas, Electric) Gas appliances – install and repair General plumbing Ph Alan 0412 782 286 Affordable rates Pensioner discount Weekend call outs No call out fee Reliable – Affordable - Local If I fix it in 10 minutes – It’s FREE VALES LANDSCAPE & GARDEN SUPPLY Large range of garden products & firewood ● SLEEPERS ● RED GUM & PINE BARK ● BUILDING PRODUCTS ● MUSHROOM COMPOST ● ORGANIC MIX ● SOIL & LOAM ● CRUSHED ROCK ● AGGREGATE ● BAGGED CEMENT ● PUBLIC WEIGHBRIDGE 232 OPEN 7 DAYS Ph: 8323 9098 Mobile 0427 802 040 OLD MILL COURT, McLAREN VALE SA 5171 (off Chalkhill Road) Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 7 Cinemallunga News. Willunga Hill Art Group learns from Fiona Dowler (pastel artist) Tuesday June the 4th. We all Look forward to a pastel demonstration from guest artist Fiona Dowler. She will be showing us how to paint animals. In 1979 Fiona travelled over seas and began her art studies with a drawing tutor in Scotland. She was accepted into Adelaide College of Arts in 1981 where she studied fine arts for 3 years and completed her degree. For many years Fiona travelled Europe studying under well know artists, also visiting many major art galleries. Fiona Had a business in Galway, Ireland, where she did sketching and drawings of children. She completed post graduate education studies in 2000 -2004 receiving a Bachelor of Education, visual arts specialization. Old style movie nights with music, fun and audience involvement are features of every Cinemallunga event, held bi-monthly in the Old Willunga Show Hall. Patrons in April enjoyed the children's classic 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' as a matinee, followed by the SA made 'Shine' in the evening. Several audience members reported that while they enjoyed both the main feature and the locally made Willunga Faux Klore short film, the intermission 'Air Piano' competition was the highlight of the evening. Tickets are now on sale for the June 15th feature -'A Fish Called Wanda'. Starring John Cleese, Jamie Lee Curtis, Kevin Kline and Michael Palin. This promises to be another night of laughs and fun. A licensed bar, sausage sizzle and live music commences around 7pm with the program in full swing by 7:30. Tickets are available in Willunga from The Green Room Café or I Am Tall Poppy Boutique. Alternatively enquiries may be directed to cinemallunga@gmail.com or by phoning 0439 687 281. Fiona has received many awards and is well recognized in S.A. For her lovely pastel works. She is a associate member of (RSASA) and a member of (PASA.) Come along to W averley Homestead to watch Fiona at work. Fiona's work shop will on the 13th of July 10am-3.30pm $40 members and $60 Non members. Meetings are held at Waverley Homestead on the Willunga Golf Course grounds St Peters Tce., Willunga on the first Tuesday of every month 7pm, demonstration starts at 7.30pm. Cost will be $5 pp. Visitors welcome. Tea, coffee and nibbles will be provided. For inquiries please phone Sharon 0417 829 617. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 8 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 9 Kiaana & Alicia say Thankyou Aldinga Beach resident, Kiaana Brown, has recently received a lot of attention in the local press … what's it all about – really? Kiaana lives with a condition called Juvenile Batten Disease & is one of the only people alive in the world today with this condition who really knows what it's all about & is healthy enough to spread awareness & participate in fundraising efforts to support research into finding treatments & hopefully, eventually a cure. It is said that Batten Disease “takes away the childhood, then takes away the child”. The majority of kids with batten disease never make it to adulthood, & for those that do, very few know what is in store for them or ever get to embrace the independence that adulthood brings. Kiaana's journey has been really tough, but we still have heaps to be grateful for & much to celebrate. Recently, we held a huge celebration to mark Kiaana's transition from childhood to adulthood & we made a public event of her 18th Birthday. This was a celebration of life, not only for Kiaana, but also for all of those kids who never make it, or who don't get to celebrate the way Kiaana did. Because Batten Disease is so complex & affects almost every aspect of life for the child, making meaningful friendships is one of the hardest challenges that a Batten child faces. This has been Kiaana's greatest struggle. Kiaana wants to be treated just like everyone else. She wants to enjoy life, laugh, have friends, socialise, earn & spend some money, travel, dream about & work towards the future. Kiaana desperately wants the chance to be as independent as possible. She would like to move out of home, live independently, make decisions, set up her “space” & find her way in the world. Not much different to what anyone around the age of 18 wants. But for Kiaana to be independent, a lot of the time she needs support. She needs to know that there is someone by her side, providing assistance where she needs it, & patiently stepping aside where she can tackle it herself. Our family moved from a small country town in NSW to SA 2 years ago to try & find an opportunity where Kiaana might stand a fighting chance at this life. And this is why we held a public event to celebrate her turning 18. The more that I, as Kiaana's mother, do for her, the more I take away her independence. The more the community steps in to support Kiaana, the better chance she has of achieving her dreams. A big ask? Perhaps, but all we really ask for is acceptance, patience, consideration, kindness & INCLUSION wherever Kiaana goes. These are the best years of Kiaana's life RIGHT NOW. We need to embrace all that we can & fast track her life as an adult before we lose the chance. Kiaana has gone from a young girl who felt quite anonymous within her community, desperate to have a voice, be recognised & respected, to feeling loved & appreciated & not just listened to, but invited to speak up & talk about her experiences. And her mother has been able to take a big sigh of relief! So together we say Thankyou! To everyone who got involved! No matter how you supported us, we are very, very grateful for giving us such a truly wonderful experience & helping us to Shine a Light on Kiaana & her journey with Batten Disease. Coastal Views, June 2013 The Battens Birthday Bushdance Bonanza that we held on the 20th April at Aldinga Community Centre was a truly beautiful example of all of that, and the impact that it can have on an individuals life. It was a night of community, generosity, fantastic fun, friendship, compassion, pulling together, sharing, kindness & social inclusion in a truly organic way. We had excellent support from local (and not so local) businesses, not for profit organisations, community networks, council, volunteers, families & individual community members of all ages. The support came in many different ways: donations of items for raffles & prizes, artworks, delicious food, music, entertainment & photography, spreading the word, financial donations, reduction & waiving of fees & charges, sharing of ideas, personal involvement with Kiaana, volunteering (& working really hard!) before, during & after the event, showing up on the night, real participation, fun, friendship, spreading the love & a wonderful array of encouraging & very thoughtful cards & personal gifts to both Kiaana & also to myself as well as a truly gorgeous birthday cake & a very special coming of age ceremony. Much of this generosity came from people we know, but much of it also came either anonymously, or out of the blue from people who simply felt inspired to get involved We still have a long journey ahead of us. Both with Kiaana's Quest, & with life with Batten Disease. We take one step at a time. Sometimes they are tiny sure steps, sometimes they are a huge leap of faith. If you would like to get involved, in any way, large or small, have any ideas to share, can host a fundraising event supporting our cause, or if you would just like to follow our journey, or see where we've been so far (we promise it will continue to be an inspiring one), please look us up at https:// give.everydayhero.com/au/kiaana-brown, like us on Facebook (Kiaana's Quest – Shining a Light on Batten Disease) or email us on sectorius1@gmail.com. And if ever you find a way to support the BDSRA through other means, please know that it will be greatly appreciated. What will the money raised do? The BDSRA, Batten Disease Support And Research Association is working really hard to fund research & to provide support to families living with this condition. Every year the BDSRA tries to host a family gathering where Batten families from around the country get together, support each other, develop friendships & learn about the current research & treatment options. The BDSRA is a very small NFP (Not For Profit - Ed) run entirely by parents of children with Batten Disease, some who are no longer living. Not only do Batten families watch their children degenerate & disappear, we also have to work really hard to fund research and find ways to stick together. Every little bit of financial support adds up to give us hope. Page 10 CLASSIFIED ADS Tree Removal and Mulching phone Gavin 042 888 0801 SPACE AVAILABLE Volunteers Wanted Aldinga Community Centre needs volunteers to work in the office. Ph 8556 5940 ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ABRA? See p.43 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 11 Chemical free salon NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY BUSINESS FOR SALE 0439 0773 7344 Experience the difference today Shop 5a Aldinga Central Shopping Centre Ph 85 576 240 Coastal Views, June 2013 BUSINESS FOR SALE 0439 0773 7344 Gift Vouchers Available Bookings are essential - limited appointments retail & home haircare products available hibiscus hair & spa proudly supports only australian made products with no animal testing 8557 7021 Page 12 WILLUNGA DISTRICT COMMUNITY BUS Inc. Looking for Volunteer Drivers Unrestricted car licence required Depot: Lot 104 Lacy Drive, Aldinga Beach. S.A. 5173 Please ring Graeme on: 0408 541116 Local community mourns tragic death. On Thursday 9 May a vigil organised by Southern Domestic Violence Service was held on the Esplanade at Aldinga Beach to commemorate the death of Lana Towers a young woman from Aldinga Beach. This was a very emotional gathering with people walking to Lana’s house and lying flowers in her memory. We all mourn the preventable death of a young woman who had her whole life in front of her. She was a woman filled with promise and ability which has been tragically taken away from her children. In her speech Lana's mum said "it is so important if you see someone in danger do something and tell someone". Don’t turn a blind eye or think it’s not your businessProtecting Women and Children is Everyone’s Business. 1 in 5 women have experienced violence from their partner in our community - that is a lot of women and many children. Like Lana - most women want their children to grow up with a father in their lives. Women who are subjected to abuse are often prepared to overlook the violence that their partner inflicts on them to ensure that their father is in contact with his children. If they do not have children together, women are often bound by fear about what they would do to either her or themselves if she decided to leave. Coastal Views, June 2013 The Aldinga-Sellicks Alliance is a roundtable of the different service providers in the region. We meet bi monthly to network, identify gaps in service and look for opportunities to work together to find collaborative solutions to addressing these gaps. We want to say NOT ONE MORE DEATH in this region or state - we want to re- commit ourselves, and we ask for you all do everything you can to prevent violence against women in our neighbourhood, our region and state. If you need support, or you know someone who needs support phone: Domestic Violence and Aboriginal Family Violence Gateway Service: FREE CALL 1800 800 098 day or 1800 Respect – 1800 737 732 24hrs Page 13 Tired of Smelly Septic tanks Would you like to recycle your waste water on your garden, car washing or cleaning pavers? The Safe Natural Choice Call us to discuss our Environment Friendly Waste Systems Prepared by Stan Beck June 100 yrs ago Australia Liberal party led by Josef Cook win govt. over Labor party Tasmania Sir Ellison Macartney becomes Governor N.S.W. William Holman becomes premier of NSW Melbourne Australians join the Russian ballet as it tours Australia Melbourne The Princess Highway being constructed to Sydney U.K. Emily Dawson is the countries first woman magistrate England Sydney Pickles if first Australian to fly the English Channel London Emily Davison dies after jumping in-front of Kings horse at Derby London Seven suffragettes found guilty of Conspiracy at Old-bailey Norway Parliament grants women equal electoral rights with men Berlin Massive Olympic stadium is opened Turkey Grand Vizier assassinated at Constantinople Balkans Bulgarian and Serbian troops clash….then Balkans Bulgaria attacks Serbia and Greece June 50 yrs ago South Oz Canberra Australia U.K. London Russia Belgium Jerusalem Rome U.S. U.S. U.S. Paddle-steamer ‘Marion” retires to Mannum docks as a Museum piece “Royal” is the favoured name for the new decimal currency. Mr, Morrison ordered out of Moscow denying claims of alleged spying The first British Oral Contraceptive becomes available on prescription Minister Profumo resigns from parliament after Christine Keeler affair Soviet Union puts first woman into space Jim Clark wins Belgium Grand Prix in a Lotus climax Ben Gurion resigns as Israel premier Pope John XXIII dies …New Pope..Paul VI elected Bob Hayes of US sets new world 100yards record of 9.1seconds President Kennedy visits Ireland , then , Germany Kennedy orders National guard to protect two negroes at university Q.. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter 'A'? A. One thousand Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil? A. Honey Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 14 The display of Willunga Then and Now photos will be extended until the end of June at the Courthouse at 61 High Street. Open from 1-4pm on Tues, Saturday and Sunday. Inquiries to 8556 2195. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 15 Locally Owned and Operated Individual self contained space. Range of sizes Short or Long Term. New 3 X 1.5m spaces available - great for de-cluttering. - Off site records storage. Security * electric gates, * 24 hour camera security * after hours security patrols for your added peace of mind. Access 7 days a week WE SELL BOXES, PADLOCKS AND PACKAGING Office open 209 Aldinga Beach Road, Aldinga Beach Mon, Wed, Frid, Sat 9.00 am till 12 noon www.aldingaselfstorage.com.au Member of the Self Storage Association of Australasia. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 16 TRIBE FM 91.1 Tribe FM offers listeners diversity: including Classical music Tues 123, Reggae Wed 3-6, World music Thurs 3-6 and Aboriginal Tues 3-6. There are also shows which feature community information and interviews, particularly Thurs 9-12 and Sat 9-12. Sunday is an interesting day with a Health & Wellbeing show 12-3, a religious/spiritual show 3-6 and a retrospective chart count down show 6-9pm. This is only a small sample of what is offered and there is still plenty of room for new ideas and shows! June sees the launch of a new production studio giving volunteers the opportunity to learn, for example, skills such as voice-overs. Put Saturday 22nd June in your diary for Tribe FM’s Super Quiz Night Extravaganza. There are great prizes on offer and the night will surely be fun and entertaining (tickets only $5!). Look out for Tribe FM at the Aldinga Shopping Centre June 6-9, where you will be able to meet presenters and volunteers. For a small cost, you can support your community radio station by subscribing to Tribe FM. Tribe FM operates through participation of volunteers and provides a unique environment within which to participate and learn. So, think about it.....you too can be involved, it is open to all! With new training structures in place now, people interested in becoming a presenter particularly are encouraged to contact us on 8556 2967. Between The Flags with Aldinga Bay Surf Life Saving Winter at the Surf Life Saving Club Surf Life Saving is normally associated with summer and the hot weather, but there are still plenty of things happening at The Club in Winter. The culmination of the season was celebrated by members with the Annual Club Presentation Night Dinner on the 25th May and the ABSLSC congratulates Andrew Meyer, named Aldinga Bay SLSC’s Club Person of the Year. Well done to all of our award recipients. Local band Tongue & Groove will be performing at Lazy Sunday on 3rd June. Café & Bar will be Open from 12pm! Book now! Free Entry. The Sandbar Café & Bar @ Silver Sands is open every Friday night for dinner. Bookings essential on 8556 3178. We look forward to welcoming you! ALDINGA BAY SURF LIFESAVING CLUB INC. Notification of AGM Sunday 16th June 2013 Senior AGM starts at 2pm At Club House Norman Road, Silver Sands All Welcome For all enquiries call 8556 3178 aldingabayslsc.com Aldinga Bay Surf Life Savers: Keeping our local beaches safe. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 17 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 18 The Willunga Lions Club is holding a Giant Trash and Treasure Market on Saturday 8th June. The venue is the Lions sale yard, Binney Road, Willunga. Starts at 9am until 1pm. Take advantage of the long weekend and the other markets on that day to reach a big market. Market Open Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. to 4p.m. Brewery Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11a.m. - late CRAFT BEERS on tap Main Road, Myponga Get your school or community group together and have a big fundraiser. All information is on the website www.willungalions.com.au Entry is free, a small charge will be made for stall holders. Lions will have their Big Shed open full of items to buy, books, household items, bric a brac, bikes, toys. A great opportunity for a great day out for buyers and sellers. Other enquiries to 0428 692 126 Meet the grower, taste the region Every Saturday, Willunga Town Square 8-12.30 pm With your annual membership card get 10% discount across all stalls. Enquiries: 8556 4297 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 19 ALDINGA BEACH NEWSAGENCY Aldinga Central, Pridham Boulevard Internet Access Daily newspapers Magazines Agencies: Stationery, Cards Toys, Gifts Dry-cleaning Metrotickets Photocopying Phone cards Mobile phone recharge Prepaid Mobile Phones SA Lotteries Ph: 8556 6196 aldinganewsagency@comstech.com Laminating and binding (information from a Coastal Views reader) BIRCHALL’S AIR-CONDITIONING Pty Ltd. Phone : 8323 9173 Mobile 0405 508462. Email: birchallsaircon@y7mail.com Commercial – Industrial – Domestic. Ducted – Wall Splits – Reverse Cycle – Heat Pumps. Design - Installation - Sales - Service – Repair. DAIKIN AUTHORISED SERVICE CENTRE LG AUTHORISED SERVICE CENTRE All Major Brands Evaporative Systems: Service – Repair – Winter shut down. A-Class Electrical Licence: PGE 192560 Refrigeration Licence Number: L022203 AU Number 23916 Coastal Views, June 2013 Green waste and cardboard / paper - Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) legislation bans all councils state wide from sending these materials to landfill. As of 1 September 2012 computers and televisions will also be part of this ban. Therefore these materials can no longer be accepted as part of our hard waste collection. There are two collection points one in Donegal Road Lonsdale and the other the Southern Waste Resource Management on Bakewell Road Seaford Rise (the Council dump). There is no cost. All you need to do is take your Ewaste to the appropriate tip and they will direct you to the Ewaste section. You leave your stuff near two containers and exit the tip depositing the card they issue you with. This card will take you off their computer. This can be done any day of the week. Page 20 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 21 Cnr Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Boulevard ALDINGA BEACH www.aldingacentral.com.au GRAEME JENKINS Optometrist 8556 6800 ALDINGA COMMUNITY LIBRARY TOOTH 32 POST OFFICE Near atrium 85 566 566 Ph: 8556 5120 Fx: 8557 7880 HEIDI ANGEL CRYSTAL VOLT 0427 602 576 Sellicks/Aldinga Youth Enterprise Centre 8557 7555 BLONDIES 2 HOMEART McDONALDS 8557 6496 8557 6184 8557 6256 ALDINGA 7-DAY LAUNDROMAT FLIGHT CENTRE FOODLAND 8557 6799 8557 2000 BEAUTY SPOT CAMPBELL PAGE 8557 6240 8557 6911 8557 6111 SUBWAY Aldinga Beach NOODLE BOWL FRUIT LOOPZ 8556 6466 8557 8987 ALDINGA CENTRAL PIZZA & TAKE-AWAY ALDINGA CENTRAL MEATS 8557 7666 8557 7175 8384 0022 SHORE HAIR Chemical free salon Coastal Views, June 2013 Fresh fruit, veg. & much more! 8557 7444 L.J. HOOKER Real Estate 8556 5249 Page 22 Cnr Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Boulevard ALDINGA BEACH www.aldingacentral.com.au BWS ALDINGA BEACH CELLARS Open 7 days 8556 5608 JJ’s PHONE CASES 0424 762 042 SURF ESTEEM ALDINGA CENTRAL CAR WASH Open 7 days Tobacconist 8557 8651 ELEVATOR MUSIC LOUIS’ PLACE CAFÉ 8557 6221 URBAN FUSION 8557 7201 Vietnamese & Asian cuisine dine-in or takeaway 8556 6679 ALDINGA COUNTRY BAKEHOUSE DRAKE’S FOODLAND Clothing & accessories 8557 7888 FREE CHOICE Coffee, light meals 8557 7799 CALTEX ALDINGA BEACH 8556 6688 COLES SUPERMARKET 8556 6299 HIBISCUS HAIR & SPA POPPIES PLANTS & FLOWERS ALDINGA BEACH CHEMMART 8557 7021 8557 6718 8556 5152 ATMs AVAILABLE Bendigo Bank Bank SA Commonwealth Bank MISTRY KWIK FOTO ALDINGA BEACH NEWSAGENT Phone / Fax 8556 6196 aldinganewsagency@comstech.com NEX ’T’ NIX Variety BLONDIES SHOES 8557 8356 8557 7838 Coastal Views, June 2013 8557 8288 BENDIGO BANK ALDINGA BEACH COMMUNITY BRANCH 8557 8166 Page 23 If you are having trouble with headaches, neck or back pain, shoulder problems, or a range of other musculoskeletal problems, then ring the Aldinga Chiropractic Centre on 8557 8300. Dr Jenny Milisits BHSc M Chiro Dr Jessica Mah B Appl Sci (Comp med) M Clin Chiro Dr Victor J. Joppich B. App. Sc. (Chiro) New patients welcome Low force techniques and manual adjusting Open daily including Saturdays Exercise therapy and core stability training available Remedial massage with Melissa Schubert Health fund rebates apply. Evening times available Naturopathy with Jeanette Casey Medibank Private and BUPA preferred provider. Aldinga Chiropractic Centre Located Suite 1, 101-103 Rowley Rd Aldinga Beach. Ph: 8557 8300 Email: admin@aldingachiropractic.com.au www.aldingachiropractic.com.au Do you suffer from reflux, bloating or other digestive disturbances? I can help relieve the discomfort and allow your body to absorb nutrients efficiently. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 24 ALDINGA DENTAL CLINIC GENERAL & COSMETIC DENTISTRY NEW EXCITING PREMISES - SAME EXCELLENT SERVICE Gentle Care Modern Quality Treatment Friendly Staff NEW PATIENTS WELCOME Dr John Santillo Dr Reschard Abdulla Aldinga Dental Clinic 2 / 101-103 Rowley Rd, Aldinga Beach Dr Emily Lin Angela Ferguson (Hygienist) Ph: 8557 6598 CARE FOR A MASSAGE Relaxation and Remedial Massage Tel. 8557 6640 Now open Tuesday nights, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 22 Rowley Road Port Willunga. Or email careforamassage@adam.com.au for an appointment Gift vouchers available. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 25 Talking Health with Kelly Harding ND Are you at the mercy of your hormones? Our hormones undoubtedly have a major influence on our lives; however there is no need for us to be at the mercy of our hormones! How many of us really understand how important hormones are for health and wellbeing Hormones are vital for our health and wellbeing. If these hormones become out of balance we may experience many undesirable symptoms. Each hormone has a very specific job to do in the body. Oestrogen: The “good” and the “bad” Oestrogen is produced by the ovaries and exists in different forms within the body. One of these forms is good for the body, and is essential to female reproductive health; the other is not, and is associated with PMS, menopausal symptoms and other female hormonal issues. In order for the body to stay in a healthy hormonal state there needs to be more of the “good” oestrogen and less of the “bad” oestrogen. When the body does not keep these two forms in the correct balance, the body can develop what is known as “oestrogen dominance” which may result in the following symptoms: Bloating or fluid retention Fatigue or lack of energy Sugar cravings Weight gain Mood swings and irritability Sleep disturbances Night sweats Headaches Mum was right, broccoli is good for you! Broccoli and other members of the Brassica vegetables, like cauliflower, cabbage and Brussel sprouts, contain a powerful ingredient which also helps to keep a healthy balance between the “good” oestrogen and the “bad” oestrogen. The following dietary and lifestyle changes will also help keep your oestrogens in balance: Consume a diet rich in fibre, fruit and vegetables; Increase the good fats in your diet, especially those from nuts, seeds and oily cold-water fish; Drink at least 1-2 litres of water a day; Increase exercise and keep active; Limit salt and saturated fat intake; Reduce or avoid caffeine and alcohol consumption; Lose excess fat; Stop smoking. Coastal Views, June2013 Page 26 Willunga Veterinary Services Compliments of Willunga Veterinary Services Main Road, Willunga Ph 8556 2075 Snail bait The rains are coming, vegies are growing, and snails and slugs are starting to invade the garden. This is the time of year many people reach for the snail bait. However, spare a thought for your pets before laying down the bait – despite the claims, ALL snail baits can be toxic to pets, even those claiming to be ‘petfriendly’. There are many different brands of snail bait on the market, and many contain the same active ingredient. It is very important to record which type of bait you are using, and store it in a safe place where your pet cannot access it. The main 3 types of snail bait used are: Methiocarb (blue in colour) e.g. Baysol. Metaldehyde (green in colour) e.g. Defender, Blitzem. Iron EDTA (brown in colour) e.g. Multiguard. NONE of these baits are safe if eaten, and even small amounts of bait could be dangerous. Symptoms of toxicity vary depending on the type of bait, but often consist of: Panting Excitement or agitation Disorientation or incoordination Excessive salivation Increased sensitivity to sound & touch Muscle tremors Seizures, which can lead to death if left untreated. These symptoms may take minutes to hours to develop. If you suspect your pet has eaten snail bait, seek veterinary advice immediately. It is important to know which type of bait and what volume of bait was eaten, and at what time. These factors will influence how severe the symptoms are, and what treatment is required. Treatments include emesis (making your pet vomit), gastric lavage under anaesthetic, fluid therapy, oxygen therapy and anti-seizure medications. Prevention is the best cure! Keep bait packets locked away and make sure your pet cannot access any baited areas of garden. Coastal Views, June 2013 An experienced team of vets and nurses Modern veterinary hospital Medical & Surgical treatments Dentistry X-ray and Ultrasound Puppy Pre-School Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine Behaviour Consultations Senior Health Care Microchipping Specialised pet foods and accessories 24 hour emergency service for our clients Certified Veterinary Hospital We provide a caring attitude and aim for excellence in all that we do. If you would like to receive worming and vaccination reminders or our newsletter via email, please contact the clinic or register on our website: www.willungavets.com.au MARIE’S CRYSTAL CAVE SPIRITUAL CENTRE OF THE SOUTH 107 ESPLANADE ALDINGA BEACH JUNE SPECIALS: PSYCHIC READINGS WITH SERENAROSE 15 MINUTES FOR $15 INDIAN HEAD MASSAGE — $35 FOR 30 MINUTES CARE & SHARE CRAFTS: THURSDAYS 10.30 AM— 4.00PM COME JOIN IN OUR PROJECT OR CREATE YOUR OWN MEDITATION GROUP: WEDNESDAY NIGHTS FROM 7.50PM PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT GROUP: THURSDAY NIGHTS 7.30PM REIKI SHARE GROUP: ALTERNATE TUESDAYS FROM 7.30PM WE ALSO OFFER REIKI, CRYSTAL HEALING, TAROT READINGS, REFLEXOLOGY, MASSAGE & MUCH MORE COME CHECK OUT BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF GEMSTONES & GIFTWARE BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL FOR ALL TREATMENTS — PH MARIE: 8556 5692 Page 27 Exercise and Nutrition Information By Venton Cook, Registered Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer ‘Fitness over Fifty’ - Enjoyment in Exercise e-mail Venton.cook@aapt.net.au Telephone: 8278 2714 At the change of season I can report that the Lake at Victor Harbor has gone from 'very cold' to 'freezing' and almost too cold to swim in without a wet suit. With closure of Unley Pool this month I will have a four month layoff from swimming. There is a bit of everything in this Newsletter including description of a 'vasovagal' event, which I experienced in the April holidays, and a brilliant poem by Margaret of Bellevue Heights. As always, I thank you all for your support; I hope I am helping you reach your goals in the challenging world of health and fitness. Fitness Objectives We probably all attend classes for different reasons but there are a few common ones: to build strength and flexibility, to benefit the heart by aerobic activity and to enjoy ourselves. As an instructor, my objectives for each class are several viz: to elevate heart rates during the class to at least 50% of maximum and keep heart rates there for a reasonable period of time; to improve strength and flexibility. These are achieved by: Aerobic activity, with or without weights in hand and by fast walking or jogging. Performing ten or a dozen 'olympic lifts' or parts thereof e.g. rows, presses, squats etc. Practicing our routine stretches which range from basic ones (forward bends) to the more advanced e.g. triangle. Best results are achieved when these activities are performed frequently and at a progressively increasing intensity. To maintain interest and to make the class fun I try to introduce new activities, or variations - sometimes these work but often we prefer to stick with the familiar. Stretching (and yoga) I think you know that I am keen on stretching. While it's only one aspect of fitness it is an important one to retain flexibility. I conduct two entirely stretching classes, albeit with small numbers in each. These classes are primarily for physical fitness, though I trust they are good for the mind and total well being as well. Yoga meanwhile is more holistic encompassing mind and body, total wellbeing and with the aim of reaching peak potential in all aspects of our life. Perhaps our stretching classes get us half way there. Ode to Fitness Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fittest of us all? I wonder if it could be me, because I exercise you see. We have a fitness class each week, its healthy bodies that we seek. Coastal Views, June 2013 When Venton comes he's here to show us how to bend and touch our toe, And how to stretch and balance too and very soon I'm good as new. Then Venton gets down on the floor "Oh, come on Venton show us more." So this he does and shows us all how to get up from a fall. For some of this we're sitting down. It may sound odd, but you needn't frown. For balancing, we're on our feet, while holding tight onto our seat. And through all this we chat and laugh, this cuts our aches and pains by half. And music puts us all at ease, no exercise is good as these. "Oh! This is fun" I always say, "I'm coming back another day." So, Mirror mirror on the wall, I'm feeling good; I'm 'ten feet tall'. Margaret, Bellevue Heights. Did you know that........... ’Lateral Breathing’ is where the air is taken into the sides of the lungs and we try to breathe deep into the back and sides of the rib cage. This method of breathing is practiced by singers and has become known as 'pilates breathing'. The benefits of deep breathing are that it can clear and calm the mind, reduces stress, and enables us to do better physically and mentally. A vasovagal episode is a common cause of a fainting spell. It can be triggered by manner things including heat, nausea, and emotional upset. Fainting is caused by blood pressure and heart rate dropping. In such an event lie the person on the floor if possible and seek medical attention straight away. This information is for healthy persons. Check with a GP before starting exercise or making dietary changes. The information in this newsletter is of a general nature and should not be taken as personal professional advice. Seek personal advice to meet your individual needs. CLASSES (TERM TIME) 2013 MONDAYS 11.00 a.m. HIGHGATE - Gentle 1.30 p.m. PAYNEHAM – Moderate 4.30 p.m. FULLARTON Active WEDNESDAYS 10.30 a.m. BELLEVUE HEIGHTS - Gentle 1.30 p.m. MCLAREN VALE - Moderate 2.30 p.m. MCLAREN VALE - Stretching TUESDAYS: CLARENCE PARK 9.15 a.m. Moderate 10.30 am - Gentle 11.45 am - Stretching BEST REGARDS EVERYONE VENTON Page 28 Chinese Medicine & Psychology Damian Carey damian@lifegate.com.au 0421 599 841 Chinese Medicine (CM) has a functional understanding of the human body. When we refer to the Heart, Liver and Kidney, we are talking about organ systems, functional departments rather than anatomical organs. CM understands human life and health as a dynamic interaction of these organ systems in a continual unfolding of rest and activity, balance and counterbalance. One of CM’s fundamental premises is that no dualism exists between body and mind; therefore the physiological processes of the human organ systems correspond directly to specific psycho-emotional conditions. For example, a situation of deficient Heart Blood is likely to involve anxiety; hyperactive Liver Yang indicates irritability. It follows that the application of acupuncture will operate on both a physiological and a psychological level. So familiarity with the theoretical frameworks of CM provides the practitioner with a highly effective language for mental health counselling. When a patient is given clear insight into their fundamental mental-emotional state, when this is explained in relation to their physical symptoms and when specific points are simultaneously Coastal Views, June2013 needled to rectify the underlying disharmony, the resulting therapeutic benefit is considerably augmented. A Case Study of Addiction and Depression. Here’s a case study that illustrates these principles very well: Tom was a 27 year old man. On the surface, he was bright and cheery, yet underneath was a different story. Tom was struggling to overcome a long term pattern of prolific, daily marijuana smoking. He had been a heavy user for the past seven years. As well he was subject to depression and melancholy, loss of motivation, suicidal thoughts, poor concentration and fatigue. I gave Tom a single acupuncture treatment, but firstly I described the pattern of Phlegm Heat obstructing his Heart (the seat of consciousness according to CM) and how this was clouding his awareness and leading to unstable thoughts. Then I took the time to explain the implications of the overall treatment pattern which I had in mind and the actions of several of the more significant points. This focused Tom’s mind on the process and supported his expectation of imminent change. He was thereby given a vision of a treatment targeted towards removing blockages and supporting his will. For at least two years since, to my knowledge, Tom has not used marijuana and is adamant he will never again be a regular smoker. (Continued overleaf) Page 29 The success of this treatment was a combination of a well thought out treatment combination, Tom’s own will and a considerable dose of psychotherapy. Psychological Immunity. A needle inserted anywhere into the human body alerts the organism at the primitive body-mind level. The body becomes aware of itself at that point and an immune response is initiated, manifest by the increase in local circulation. In the same manner, a practitioner with clear understanding of human psychodynamics can focus a patient’s consciousness on the point of disharmony in the mental-emotional realm and, likewise, a psychological immune response will be initiated, a process of internal re -organisation of mental priorities. When these two things come together, when body and mind re-align in confluence, a highly effective healing process has begun. In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts.... So in old England , when customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down. It's where we get the phrase: 'mind your P's and Q's' Welcome to Aldinga Bay Massage. Veronica Parle, previously of McLaren Vale Massage has had a sea change and is now working from Aldinga Beach. Aldinga Bay Massage offers: Remedial, sports, therapeutic, & pregnancy massages. Reflexology, craniosacral therapy & myofascial release. Recently, Veronica has added oncology massage & manual lymphatic drainage to her clinic. For more information visit www.massage-aldinga.businessfoundonline.com.au or phone her on 8556 5474 EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO COME AND ENJOY THE ALDINGA COMMUNITY GARDEN at Symonds Reserve, Stewart Ave. Aldinga Beach OPEN WEDNESDAYS FROM 9.30am – 12.30pm Membership is free so now is a great time to come and grow fruit, vegetables and herbs the natural way and learn and share gardening tips. So come and PLANT IT, GROW IT, HARVEST IT, SHARE IT, EAT IT! Contact Sue on 8557 8090 Matt James Plumbing and Gasfitting Mobile: 0448 693 638 Email: mattjamesplumbing@live.com For all your plumbing needs Local, reliable, top quality service Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 30 Phone 85577144 sales@ahisteel.com.au www.ahisteel.com.au FORGED Lot 110 Aldinga Beach Road Aldinga Beach By You (In the Aldinga Home Improvements complex) Roofing and Cladding Gutters and Ridges e Gat e l stab n stock u j Ad es i 75 fram Only $ m Fro Flashings and Sheet metal products Structual Steel Purlins and Girts RHS, Angles, Flatbars, Rods and Pipes 9kg G On as R ly $ efi 20 ll Fencing and Gates Mesh and Wire Products – ings h s Fla ame s e h de t a M * day Bagged Cement Products Stormwater and Accessories Steel Fabrication Welding products Zin c Co alum lou e rbo and in sto nd ck NO W Gas refills 3mx 3m Toolshed Gable Roof Zinc, prefabricated $499 Downgrade and seconds available Modular fencing in stock Delivery Service Available Trade accounts welcome *up to 2.4m Coastal Views, June2013 Page 31 ALDINGA CANVAS Annexe & Tent Zips, Repairs & Alterations. Boat Canopies Made. Shadecloth Sewn. Poptops Replaced. Tarps & Covers. Air Conditioner Covers Made. Trampolines Restitched. 109 Lacey Drive (Cul de sac end) ALDINGA Ph: 8556 5444 or Mobile A/H: 0419 473 353 KJL Painters Willunga Jeff Moody PAINTER CARPENTER General Repairs – Maintenance 0405 224 494 Master Painters Lic. No. R21660 Painters & Decorators No job too small Operating & residing in the district since 1982 Ph: 8556 5843 Telephone 8556 5418 Mobile 0407 616 187 Attention Grabber WARREN’S SA ELECTRICAL Switchboard upgrades Renovation rewires Power points/lighting Ceiling fans Smoke detectors ABN 86031216423 Call for Kev - for a job well done in painting and home maintenance M.T & A.REITER Lic/Reg BLD14283 Warren Hancock Ph. 0451 008 535 Email: Warrenselectrical@yahoo.com.au Local Electrician No job too big no job too small PGE 171096 Licensed contractor SOCIABLE SINGLES Inc. Don’t be lonely and sit at home watching television night after night; join our group and enjoy the friendship and company of other like-minded single, divorced or widowed persons. Our members are mainly from t he O nka par inga and surrounding district. Functions include meals at various venues, dancing, barbeques, house parties, camping, walks, etc. We meet ever y second Wednesday of the month at Christies Beach/Port Noarlunga RSL, The Esplanade, Port Noarlunga at 6.30 pm. REFRIGERATION AND AIR-CONDITIONING Ring Linda on 8325 0594 or Ronnie on 8382 9741 for more information, or visit our website at http:// sociablesingles.weebly.com/ to view our current program. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL DOMESTIC Refrigeration and Air-conditioning MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS (Mobile Service) Telephone: Fax: 8327 0166 8327 0926 Lic. No. AU00183 Coastal Views, June 2013 VEOLIA Environmental Services Hills Liquid Waste SEPTIC TANKS HOLDING TANKS SEWAGE & WASTE WATER SYSTEMS ABN 20051 316 584 29 SECKER ROAD, MT BARKER SA 5251 PHONE: 8398 2484 Page 32 Servicing & Mechanical Repairs Brake & Clutch CV Joint & Drive shafts EFI & LPG Tuning Exchange Engines Disc & Drum Machining Front End & Suspension Cylinder Heads Manufacturers’ Book Servicing Unit 11, Cnr How & Aldinga Beach Rds, Aldinga Beach Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 33 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 34 M D Auto Care Automotive Service & Repair Centre Unit 5 117 Lacey Drive , Aldinga, 5173 8557 6889 ■ Servicing ■ Manufacturers Servicing ■ Brakes ■ Suspension ■ Timing Belts ■ Pre-Purchase Inspections ■ Engine Overhauls & Replacements ■ Clutches ■ Transmissions ■ Computer Diagnostics ■ Electrical ■ Trailer Repairs ■ Air conditioning service and repairs No job too big or small .. Collection & delivery service covering Seaford to Sellicks Beach Loan Cars (subject to availability) CONGRATULATIONS JILL Free Legal Advice The Housing Legal Clinic as part of the Welfare Rights Centre (SA) Inc are now offering free legal advice sessions with qualified, practicing lawyers in your area. Issues: Fines, infringement notices, debts, tenancy and housing issues, personal injury, discrimination, social security law, etc. Where: Local croquet player Mrs. Jill Wilson, resident of Moana, has wowed her friends by winning four Gold Medals at the SA Master Games held at Orroroo 11-14th April 2013. She won medals for Swimming (Breast stroke and Backstroke), Discus, and Javelin. Mrs. Wilson entertained her friends and members of the Aldinga Bay Croquet Club at a Gold Medal BBQ and advised that she is looking forward to participating in further Master Games in Geelong later this year. 1. Willunga: Digital Hub corner of St Peters Terrace & Main Road, Willunga. 2. Victor Harbor: Southern Fleurieu Health Service, Harbour View Terrace, Victor Harbor. 3. Goolwa: Whaler’s Housing, 7 Loveday Street, Goolwa. When: 2-4 pm Thursdays (by appointment only) Who: anyone on a Centrelink Concession Card Cost: Free Contact: Freya Sinickas ph:8223 1338 fax: 8232 5835 email: freya-s@wrcsa.org.au Coastal Views, June2013 Page 35 Fleurieu Festival for Performing Arts Aldinga residents will recall the Fleurieu Festival of One Act Plays that performed in the Old Aldinga Institute in April 2011 to large and appreciative audiences. That festival has now grown into the Fleurieu Festival for Performing Arts so that dancing, orchestras, bands, choirs, musical comedy and soloists can join plays to make five different sessions of entertainment to be held at the Pt. Noarlunga Arts Centre in Gawler street Pt. Noarlunga on the evenings of Friday, Saturday and Sunday 14th, 15th, 16th June commencing at 8pm in the well appointed Arts centre. On Saturday the 15th and Sunday the 16th June there will 2pm matinees produced especially for children and youth. The matinees include Troup Tatachilla, the College’s Song and Dance troupe, the Jamae-Row School of the Arts from Willunga with an original play, the Mount Compass Youth Orchestra, Jazz and Ballet items and Phoenix Company’s “Pied Piper of Hamelin” Night performances include Strath Players new and original play “Tissues, a Bag of Crisps and a Cup of Tea”, the ladies choir “Sisters of Abundance”, the Fleurieu Harmony Chorus and local band “Spirit of Alondray”. Popular Willunga singer / song writer Kylie Kain will feature every night and Venture Theatre Group will present a locally written play “Going Up”. For variety add the Willunga String Ensemble, the Val McDowell Dancers and the “Southern Ukulele Strummers”. A highlight will be “Dinner for One” an old English play presented every New Years’ Eve on SBS television. The festival is supported by the City of Onkaparinga and ticket prices are kept to a minimum. Adults $12, Concession $10 for the night performances and matinees all tickets will be just $6. Bookings can be made through Venuetix, phone 8225 8888 or e-mail bookings2@venuetix.com.au or phone 0434 543 780: e-mail bryne@myacn.net.au Come see and support the multitude of talent from our very own Fleurieu area. Many years ago in England, pub frequenters had a whistle baked into the rim, or handle, of their ceramic cups. When they needed a refill, they used the whistle to get some service. 'Wet your whistle' is the phrase inspired by this practice. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink. Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month, which we know today as the honeymoon. Coastal Views, June2013 Page 36 COMMUNITY NEWS OUT AND ABOUT CLUB. The Out and About Club provides weekly respite for carers while members are able to participate in outings and activities that promote physical and cognitive wellbeing. The club will run from 10 -3.00pm each Wednesday at Life Cares’ Community Lifestyle Centre Aldinga, Pridham Boulevard Aldinga Beach. A 2 course lunch is included in the cost of $16.00. Please contact Jacinta Robertson to book 8293 5924. McLAREN VALE MARKET Held at the Institute Hall, Main St, McLaren vale. 1st Saturday of every month, 9am - 3pm. Variety of stalls, hand made personalised cards and easels, Olive oil, plants, chocolates, cakes and much, much more. BBQ, tea and coffee available. Inside and outside stalls available. Enquiries to Margaret 8323 8426 THE WILLUNGA FARMERS MARKET CHOIR (Soulfood) has as its Director for 2013, Johnathon Waetford, whose beautiful voice has entertained many in South Australia. He is an exciting and experienced musician who has returned to the Choir and who has expanded the repertoire of women’s “ a capella” singing for the enjoyment of a wide audience from markets, the Eco Village celebrations, to the Gala performance at STARS. The female Choir sings about food, wine, love, people and places and the seasons. The Choir meets at Waverly Homestead, St Peters Terrace, Willunga. A happy and warm historic venue for our practices on Monday nights at 7.30pm. Ample parking is available at the well - lit Willunga golf course. For more information phone: Margi Beed: 8556 5032; Franka Gerlach: 8556 6783; Jill Stone; 0407 695 029 TREES FOR LIFE, WILLUNGA DISTRICT. General meetings are held at 7.30pm on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) in the Eco Classroom at Tatachilla Lutheran College, McLaren Vale. Enter off Tatachilla Road - the classroom is on your left after approximately 50 metres. Doors open at 7.15pm. Visitors very welcome and supper is provided. Inquiries to Julie Turner, ph 8556 2401, email: julieturner@iprimus.com.au. Wed 5th June. Dr Rachael King will provide a fascinating insight into the aquatic invertebrates living in our unique mound springs and aquifers. She is a Research Scientist at the SA Museum. Wed 3rd July. John Gitsham will discuss botanist Ferdinand von Mueller’s early years in South Australia. John is the Fleurieu Swamps Project Officer, and has researched the little known story of von Mueller’s time in SA. RETIRED OR NEAR RETIREMENT? Join Aldinga U3A Keep your brain and body active, develop new social networks. Could you share your skills and experience with others? Details ring Margaret 8383 0562 ARE YOU A MEMBER OF ABRA? See P 43 Coastal Views June 2013 FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL GAMBLING HELP COUNSELLING SERVICE Relationships Australia (SA) is now operating a free and confidential gambling help Counselling service for anyone in the community who is affected by gambling (their own gambling or someone else’s). The service is available on alternate Wednesdays from 1pm - 9pm at the Aldinga GP plus. To make a referral or for more information please phone 8377 5400 9-5 Mon- Fri. Ashley Whelan Gambling Help Counsellor Relationships Australia FREE LEGAL SERVICE The Legal Clinic operates at Anglicare SA, Morphett Vale Thursdays between 5pm and 7pm Contact details: Free Legal Clinic, Anglicare SA, 4/197 Main South Road, Morphett Vale Phone: 8392 3100 DOWN SOUTH CRAFT GROUP Meet Thursdays, 9.30 to 11.30 am. at Shop 1, 53 Cliff Ave, Pt. Noarlunga. Contact Wendy 0417 895 502 or Sandra 8327 3469 NIGHT OWLS – Lawn Bowls for Everyone @Willunga Bowling Club, St. Peter’s Tce. Willunga Every Wednesday @ 7pm. Weekly Fee $5. Club open from 6pm for light meals. Coopers Beer on Tap. Raffle. Bowls and Coaching available. Details from Nic Storer 0412 900 336 or 8556 2246 (answer machine) or nicstorer@optusnet.com.au LIONS BOUTIQUE Our Boutique is open each Wednesday and Saturday from 7.30am - 1.30pm at Butterworth Road Aldinga Beach. You will find many bargains (clothes, bric a brac, books etc) when you visit, we are always happy to serve you All our profits go back into the community as we are all volunteers.. we so enjoy meeting our regular customers, and look forward to some new ones. Donations are always gratefully accepted. Come along, you will find some wonderful gifts for Children, Family and Friends. Look forward to seeing you there. Merle, Margaret & Gwen. co/conveners ALDINGA AND WILLUNGA LIBRARIES NEED FRIENDS Become a friend and support our libraries The friends will hold their AGM on April 12th at 1.30pm Without your support the friends may not be able to continue Most people who use the libraries don’t realise that a lot of the facilities have been provided for with funds raised by the friends at their book sales The friends have a monthly get together with a speaker and afternoon tea After the AGM we will have a speaker from the library talking about the new ebooks that can now be borrowed from the library For further details contact Alan 0428 428 248 wykham@adam.com.au Page 37 COMMUNITY NEWS ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION INC Meet on 2nd Wednesday of each even month at Symonds Reserve Hall, Aldinga Community Centre, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Meetings start at 7.30 pm, usually with a guest speaker (refer page 2 of Coastal Views each month). Meetings usually end about 9 pm. You don’t have to be a member to attend – everyone welcome. Incorporates Watch SA. ALDINGA BAY WATCH SA (Neighbourhood Watch) Incorporated into the Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association meetings, held 7.30 pm on second Wednesday of every even month at the Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. All welcome. ALDINGA BAY SCOUT GROUP Storey Avenue, Aldinga Beach Monday nights: Joeys 6.30 to 7.30 pm; Cubs 6.30 to 8.00 pm; Scouts 6.30 to 8.30 pm. Venturers Friday night 7 to 9pm Come and try – boys and girls from 6 to 18 years. Enquiries phone 8130 6000 or Aldinga Scout Group Leader, Michelle on 8557 4359. ALDINGA BAY SURF LIFE SAVING CLUB Ever thought about becoming a lifesaver? Would you like to row a boat, race the Inflatable Rescue Boats or paddle a board or ski? Maybe even save a life? The first step to being a lifesaver is undertaking your Bronze Medallion (for those 15 years and over) or Surf Rescue Certificate (for those 13 -15 years). Training is held at the Aldinga Bay SLSC Clubrooms, end of Norman Rd, Aldinga Beach. Contact Simon Rothwell on 0417 812 619 to register your interest or if you have any questions. ALDINGA BAY BOWLING CLUB Inc LAWN BOWLS The Bowling Club is situated off Port Rd, Aldinga, west of the Oval, opp. the Art-Eco Village. Social bowls are played Tues & Thurs (& Sat afternoons until October,) 1.00pm for 1.30 start; usually concluded by 4.00pm. All visitors welcome. Casual dress, flat-soled shoes. Club bowls available. $2 green fees. The club is also the home of 8 Ball and Darts Clubs. Contacts : Fred Blake on 8557 6840 or Kym Biber on 8557 7109 (mobile) 0447 455 686 or clubrooms on 8557 7467 & leave a message. Coastal Views, June 2013 ALDINGA NETBALL CLUB Inc. Home of the Aldinga Sharks Netball Club Any queries or information about next season please call President – Jess Heinjus 0403 787 881 Secretary – Ellen Ling 0411 590 744 ALDINGA COMMUNITY GROUP Meet weekly on Fridays at the Aldinga Senior Citizens Club, Cnr Valiant & Quinliven Roads, Port Willunga from 9.30 am – 2.30 pm. Lunch provided at small cost. This group will also provide respite for carers. Phone Jan Ifould on 8323 8258. ALDINGA COMMUNITY GARDEN is at Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue and is open every Wednesday 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and Sundays 10 am to noon. Everyone is welcome to join in for handson gardening, or just a chat and a cuppa’. "Grow it – Eat it" There is no cost, and it’s children and wheelchairfriendly. Contact: Angela 8556 6324 ALDINGA BAY CROQUET CLUB New players and visiting players are always welcome. The club caters for both ASSOCIATION CROQUET (the traditional game), which develops physical skills and keeps the mind agile and GOLF CROQUET, a short devious and fun filled game which develops both skill and tactics. Both games are played on equal terms between both genders and the first coaching sessions are absolutely FREE. The club is located at the bowling club facilities at the Aldinga Sports Complex, Port Rd, Aldinga. PLAYING TIMES: " Association Croquet-Mon., Wed. and Sat .9.00am to 12.30pm. Golf Croquet- Wed. 1.00pm to 4.00pm and Fri. 9.00am to 12.00pm. Twilight Golf Croquet Wed. 6:00pm to 8.00pm during Daylight Saving (Sausage Sizzle and Bar facilities avail.) For further information please contact Bob on 8556 2659 or Lorraine on 8557 8907. ALDINGA QUILTERS Meetings start at 10.00 am on 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month. Held at the Aldinga Institute, Old Coach Road, Aldinga. For anyone interested in patchwork and quilting, friendship and fun. All welcome. For further information call: President: Elizabeth Grocke 8386 1182 JUST WALK IT Group at Myponga. If interested in joining, please ring Ros Hutchinson, 8558 6274. GALILEE COMMUNITY PLAYGROUP We welcome 0-5 year olds and their Parents, Grand-Parents and Carers. Time: Monday 9.00am to 11.00am (except school holidays and public holidays) Location: Galilee Community Room, Corner Quinliven Road and How Road, Aldinga Beach Cost: $3 per week per family plus annual Playgroup SA Membership Fee Contact:: Janine Power 8556 3216 or 0488 480 505 ALDINGA COMMUNITY CENTRE PLAYGROUPS CRAFTY on TUESDAY 9.30—11.30 am during term time. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. A relaxed and fun playgroup for pre-school children over 2½ and their parents and/ over care givers. Encourage play, social interaction and craft activities. Please bring fruit ready for your child to eat individually, NO NUT products. ACTIVE on WEDNESDAY 9.30—11.30 am during term time. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. A relaxed and fun playgroup for children aged between 1½ and 2½ and their parents and/or care givers. Please bring fruit ready for your child to eat individually, NO NUT products. Both playgroups are supported by GP Plus Aldinga. For more information contact the Centre on 8556 5940. SELLICKS PLAYGROUP Every Friday 10 am—12 noon during term time at Sellicks Community Hall, Riviera Road, Sellicks Beach. $3 per family per week, first session free—come and try. Bring a piece of fruit per child for a shared morning tea. Games, craft, singing and sometimes some baking. Supported by GP Plus Aldinga. For more information contact the Centre on 8556 3011 or 0413612291. ALDINGA SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB Inc. Cnr Quinliven and Valiant Roads, Port Willunga – Ph. 8556 5918, Activities include: Mon: Bridge from 12.30 pm, Wed: Bingo 10.00 am, (Sausage sizzle last Wednesday of month.) Club day, carpet bowls, 1 pm. Fri: BINGO from 7.30 pm Pool & snooker facilities available. MEN’S SOUTH TALK is a group escaping for a couple of hours on a Tuesday. Meetings are held from 1pm until 3pm and discuss various topics of interest, go on outings, and generally relax in congenial company. Sometimes they may listen to politicians, or leaders of local establishments. Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, PO Box 81, Aldinga Beach, 5713. Telephone 8556 5940. Page 38 COMMUNITY NEWS FITNESS SENIORS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY CLASS Class for over 50’s at Aldinga Community Centre Active class – moderate intensity, including light weights, core stability & toning exercises. Tuesday morns 9 – 19.45 am & 10.00 – 10.45 am. $5.00 Enq: 8556 5940. FRIENDS OF WILLUNGA AND ALDINGA LIBRARIES Meet on second Friday each month (except January) in the Community Room at Aldinga Library from 1:30pm. Book Sales each Thursday 2-4pm & Saturday 9:30am-11:30am. By the ’hold’ section there are books for sale every day. Any unwanted books will be accepted by The Friends. Alan 0428 428 248 Joan 8556 5604 LADIES PROBUS CLUB OF THE SOUTHERN VALES The Ladies’ Probus Club of The Southern Vales meets on the 3rd Monday of the month at 10 am in the Lutheran Church Hall, McLaren Vale. A guest speaker is usually provided. For further information, please contact Rosemary Clarke on 8327 4319 The next meeting will be held at 10.00 am on Monday 17 June 2013 when Keith Lokan will be giving a talk on train travel in Europe LETS South LETS South is a simple bartering system using old methods of exchange and barter in the Southern Suburbs and Fleurieu Peninsula. Now in its 19th year it continues to provide a working alternative to federal reserve money while also strengthening the community. For more information contact chairperson Tom Laing on 0421 912 800 or email chairperson@letssouth.com. Visit the LETS South site at www.letssouth.com and the blog at www.letssouth.blogspot.com. DIABETICS SUPPORT Assistance for diabetics is available from GPs, GP Plus Health Centres and Nurse Educators and your local Chemist, throughout the southern area. SOUTH COAST ROAD SAFETY GROUP Meet at the Police Station, Aldinga Beach, fourth Wednesday each month at 7.30 pm. Inquiries Trisha Bird 0405 318 352. All welcome. Coastal Views, JUne 2013 SELLICKS AREA RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION Being part of your community General meeting at Sellicks Hall will be on the first Wednesday Bi-monthly at 7pm. All welcome. Next meetings: . Meet your neighbors, voice your concerns. Phone Wayne Bird – 0439 750 757 SELLICKS COMMUNITY HALL Monday Aged Care and Housing (1st & 3rd Mondays) 9.30am to 2pm Yoga - 7.30pm—8.45pm Tuesday Zumba® - 9:30 - 10:30 am Wednesday Jump and Jive 10—11am for pre-school children STARS – Southern Theatre & Arts Sellicks Area Residents Association (1st Supporters Wed of every 2nd month—2 June, 4 Aug, For information please ring 8323 8386 6 Oct & 1 Dec) 7.30—9pm business hours. Friday Email: starswillunga@hotmail.com Playgroup—10am—12 noon Vines 2 Sea Fitness 1—2pm Kenpo Karitsu 7—8.30pm NORTHERN FLEURIEU PENINSULA Saturday STROKE SUPPORT GROUP Gotta Dance 9am jazz, tap & hip-hop for Meets at Noarlunga Health Village children. (Teaching Room 2), Alexander Kelly Drive, For further info on Programs and Hall Noarlunga Centre on 2nd Thursday of each Hire please call 8556 3011 month (except January) 10 am – 12 noon. or 041 444 7299 Our aim: To help each other over-come OR drop in on Wednesday 12 noon to and cope with the effects of stroke on 4pm and chat to Narelle the Booking ourselves and carers. Officer Visitors and new members welcome. SOCIABLE SINGLES Inc. Phone Jane 8322 2996 Provides an opportunity for single, or Brian 8384 2445. divorced, widowed or separated persons and their children, for the purpose of ROTARY CLUB OF McLAREN VALE friendship and companionship. Functions The Club supports activities in Aldinga, include meals at various venues, film Willunga, McLaren Vale and surrounding nights, picnics bbq’s, plays, camping trips districts. etc. We meet Monday nights for a Serving people mainly in the Onkaparinga dinner meeting at 6.30 for and surrounding districts. 6.45pm at the Alma Hotel For more information please refer our Willunga. VISITORS and web site at http://dcw.onkapingacity.com/ NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED. goto/sociable_singles Contact Kevin 8556 2968 . or email john.hill7@telstra.com Phone: John Hill on 8322 7483. SEAFORD DISTRICT RESIDENTS SOUTHERN THAIBOXING ASSOCIATION INC. meets on the first Wednesday of each Train for fun and fitness or for Kickboxing month (except January) 7.30 pm. at the and Muay Thai competitions. S.E.M. Centre (North end of Grand Learn real fighting skills, become more Boulevard). Park and enter on the north confident and focused and at the same time become fitter than you have ever side of the building. been before. Males and females 14 years All welcome. and over at Aldinga Community Centre, Secretary: Jeff Hiscock 8327 3690. Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach on Monday and Thursday, SCHOOL FOR DOGS ALDINGA BAY INC 7 pm to 9 pm. “In the interest of the dog” Enquiries: Dale 0409 894 434 Come along and train your dog or Debbie 0409 696 608. with “Love, Trust and Patience” SOUTHERN VALES VIEW CLUB – Sunday mornings and Meets every 2nd Friday at the Willunga Tuesday evenings. Golf Course restaurant St Peters Tce No training on ANY long Willunga at 10.30 for 11.00 am. weekends. VIEW means Voice Interest and All breeds welcome. Dogs must be 12 Education of Women and is a valued part weeks old and fully vaccinated. of the well known Smith Family of Symonds Reserve, Stewart Avenue, Australia. VIEW provides women with the Aldinga Beach. opportunity to meet regularly with other Heat Rule: 32 degrees Noarlunga – women, a forum for discussion and the NO TRAINING ON THAT DAY. exchange of ideas, lasting friendships and contributes to the support of For class information please phone Club disadvantaged Australians through the Mobile 0432 919 780 work of The Smith Family. Enquiries to Marlene at 8323 8861. Page 39 COMMUNITY NEWS FRIENDS OF ALDINGA SCRUB We meet at Aldinga Library Community Room, cnr Aldinga Beach Road and Pridham Blvd on the second Thursday of the month at 7.30 pm. Ph. Helen McSkimming, 8556 3166. Working bees are held each Tuesday morning during the cooler months. Contact John Edmeades, 8556 4385. We welcome new members at our meetings and working bees. Web: www.angelfire.com/journal/aldingascrub WEIGHT WATCHERS SA Weight Watchers Association meets each Monday night (except public holidays) at the Aldinga Community Centre, Symonds Reserve Hall, Stewart Avenue, Aldinga Beach. Weigh in at 5.00 pm; meeting at 6.00 pm. $30 joining fee, renewal fee $20 plus $3 per week. WILLUNGA DISTRICT COMMUNITY BUS INC. Lot 104 Lacey Drive Aldinga Beach 5173. Phone: 8557 7899. We transport the frail aged and disadvantaged door to door Monday to Friday. WILLUNGA NATIONAL TRUST The Slate Museum and Court House Museum will be open 1 pm to 4 pm on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Public holidays. Inquiries ph 8556 2195. WILLUNGA EMBROIDERERS Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at "The Hub" corner of Main Road & St Peters Terrace, Willunga. For anyone interested in embroidery, friendship & fun. All welcome. Beginner's classes available. For further information phone: Val 8556 5556, President. WILLUNGA ENVIRONMENT CENTRE INC. 18 High Street Willunga ph. 8556 4188 10.00 am — 3.00 pm Mon, Fri, 9.30 am — 1.30 pm Sat Ashleigh Pitman (Manager) 0407 137 261 WILLUNGA KICK BOXING CLUB Meet at The Old Railway Station, Railway Terrace, Willunga each Monday & Thursday nights at 7 pm. Contact Peter 0407 324 530 or just come and try. WILLUNGA LIONS AUCTION The Auction is held on the last Saturday of each month (except December), at Lions Saleyard, Binney Road, Willunga. All enquiries to Lion Wolf Hirsch 85577519 Lion Bernie Levering 8556 5230 or Dean Hunt 0414 564 389. WILLUNGA JUDO CLUB Meet at The Old Railway Station, Railway Terrace, Willunga each Wednesday night at 7 pm. Contact Greg 8552 7074, Kym 0407 798 803 or just come and try. Coastal Views, June 2013 WILLUNGA LIONS LADIES AUXILIARY BOUTIQUE COME AND SEE US!! Have you met our ladies at the Lions Boutique on Butterworth Road, Aldinga Beach? We are friendly and helpful and would love to meet you on Wednesday or Saturday mornings, opening at 8 am until about 1.30 pm. Our stock in the Boutique and our shed next door is very diverse. I am sure we can help you to find just what you are looking for – pre-loved clothes, toys, books, bric a brac, etc. All priced to please!! Local community projects benefit from the money we raise. Donations are always very welcome. Do come and have a look. Contacts: Merle Hirsch on 8557 7519 and Margaret Dorton on 8556 3591. WILLUNGA QUARRY MARKET www.willungaquarrymarket.com Second Saturday every month 9 am - 1 pm Willunga Recreation Park Inc Oval grounds, Aldinga Road, WILLUNGA Craft, produce, plants. The next Market will be on Saturday 8 June 2013 . Enquires: David ~ 0408 897 393 WILLUNGA TABLE TENNIS CLUB is always looking to expand its player base and any interested players are more than welcome to join us. We cater for young, old, male, female, experienced or novice. Games are played in the old show hall in Willunga. We have new equipment and loan bats are available. Games are played on Tuesday & Wednesday nights starting at 7.00pm & only cost $ 3.00 per night. These are separate competitions but you can play both nights if you wish. This is a friendly but socially competitive grade of table tennis and supper is always served. To register your interest please contact: John Nixon 8556 5950 Grant Frith 8557 8309 WILLUNGA HILL ART GROUP INC. Meet the first Tuesday in the month 7pm at Waverley Homestead, by the Willunga Golf Club, St Peters Terrace. Interested new members and artists are most welcome. The meetings include art demonstrations or talks by well known artists. Art workshops are held regularly Enquiries contact Kathy Ferguson 0411 876 489 WILLUNGA BOWLING CLUB INC. St Peters Terrace, Willunga. Come along and enjoy Social Bowls Tuesday & Saturday. 12.00 for 12.30pm start. (Usually finished by 4 - 4:30 pm) Casual dress and flat sole shoes. Bowls available from the club if required. Entry fee $5.00, (two games played each day.) JOIN US FOR FUN AFTERNOONS Phone Vic on 8557 4030 or Ian on 8556 5884 or leave a message at the Clubhouse on 8556 2246 ALL WELCOME WILLUNGA GARDEN CLUB Meets every 2nd Thursday of the Month (except January) at the Lutheran Church Hall, Aldersey Street, McLaren Vale at 7.30pm. Cost $3 (members $2) includes lucky door prize and supper. Guest speaker. Visitors welcome. Enquiries please phone Chris 8323 7742 WILLUNGA BASKETBALL New players are always welcome. For adults, there is a mens competition on Wednesday nights and women play on Tuesday nights. For juniors, competitions are played from 4pm. Under 12 mixed and u/16 boys on Monday, u/10 mixed on Tuesday, u/15 girls on Wednesday and u/14 boys on Thursday. If you are interested in playing, coaching or refereeing, ring Margaret 8556 2360 or 0421 358 326 THE SOUTHERN VALES WELLBEING GROUP Meets at the singing gallery, 133 Main Road, McLaren Vale (rear entry) every Wednesday from 1pm to 3:30pm during school terms. A guest speaker addresses the meeting at 1:15pm. Cost: $3.50 Enquiries: Lesley 8323 8527 SPIN POETS, come and join spinning and weaving words, interact and network with other poets of the South. The Southern Poets, SPIN, meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month at the Seaford Library, Grand Boulevard, SEAFORD from 10.00am-12.00 noon For information: David 8327 24590 Tess 8556 3816 FLEURIEU LADIES PROBUS CLUB Meets fourth Monday of the month in the Church of Christ Hall, Pridham Blvd. Aldinga Beach at 10 am. Enquiries: Maisie 8386 1776 NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Page 40 Parish Priest: Father Gauci. Parish Centre: Ph. 8556 2132. ALDINGA BAY BAPTIST CHURCH. Meets at the Aldinga Primary School on Sundays at 10.30 am. Aldinga Bay Youth meets Friday evenings (see web site for details) www.aldingabaybaptist.org.au All welcome. Pastor Andrew Downs, Office phone: 8556 5570. ALDINGA COMMUNITY CHURCH OF CHRIST Inc. 10.00am Worship Service at Life Care, Pridham Boulevard, Aldinga Beach 5173 (opposite the Aldinga Central Shopping Centre). All Welcome. Pastor Randall Lawton Ph. 8556 6132 M. 0423 923 068. . ALDINGA UNITING CHURCH Old Coach Road, Aldinga. We invite you to join us each Sunday for morning tea and fellowship at 10 am. Worship service at 10:45 am including children’s activities. Holy Communion service: 2nd Sunday in the month. Minister Rev. Len Jude. Information 8323 7354 Coffee, Craft & Conversation: Each Wednesday 1:00 - 3:30pm Bring your craft , learn a new one or come for the conversation. Weekly: Relections Bible Study: 12pm Wednesdays. Monthly: Family lunch. Blokes Alive men’s sharing group. All Welcome and for more information: Contacts: Dorothy 8557 7271 Josie 8557 7429 Further information visit: aldinga.uniting church.org.au ALMOND GROVE FAMILY CHURCH A contemporary family-oriented Pentecostal church. Sunday Worship service 10 am in “The Granary”, Old Main South Road, Aldinga. ‘House2House’ (home groups), ‘PowerHouse’ prayer, ‘Kids Almndo’ (Sunday School), ‘Frontline’ Youth, Ladies meetings, ‘Super Seniors’, ‘Op Shop Heaven’ (2 Carter Street, Aldinga, opposite Institute). For more details phone church office. 8557 7299. You are more than welcome, Pastors Malcolm & Pam Busby. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Worship of our God and Saviour every Sunday at 10.30 am at Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Cnr Quinliven & How Roads, Aldinga . You are welcome. Pastor Byron Klein, Ph. 8556 6436. SEAFORD SOUTHERN GATEWAY ASSEMBLIES OF GOD CHURCH Sunday Morning service 10am at Seaford Recreation Centre Grand Boulevard, Seaford. Children's Program available. Phone Pastor Paul Bonython 0403072430 SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Aldinga Meet together every SATURDAY morning at the Senior Citizens Hall ( corner Quinliven/Valiant Rds) Aldinga. We commence at 9:30am with worship/singing/mission stories/ bible study. At 11:10 am we commence Divine Service with various guest speakers. Fellowship lunch once per month. All welcome to our friendly church Contact details- Joe Griffiths 8556-6364/ 0402931476 KANGARILLA UNITING CHURCH Cnr Kangarilla Rd and Sand Rd, Kangarilla. Worship Service 10am each Sunday, with Sunday School held on the 1st Sunday at 10am. Gospel Services are held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 7pm. Prayer & Bible Study, 7.30pm each Thursday and Craft Night every Tuesday at 7.30pm. All welcome. For more information visit kangarilla.unitingchurch.org.au or contact: Joylene Edwards 8383 7122 WILLUNGA UNITING CHURCH Worship & Sunday School each Sunday @ 10.30am. Friendship Group, Prayer Chain, Social Justice focused Fair Trade goods used All Welcome Enquiries: 0400 740 562: Wednesdays and Fridays Come and See! ANGLICAN CHURCH Pastoral District of Southern Vales Enquiries: 8323 9744 WiILLUNGA Saturday 5.30 at St Stephen's, St Andrews Terrace OLD NOARLUNGA Sunday 8.45 at SS Philip & James, Church Hill Road ALDINGA Sunday 9.00 with children's lessons & activities at St Ann's Stonehouse Lane MCLAREN VALE Sunday 10.30 at St Margaret's 99 Main Road with Sunday School Wednesday Holy Eucharist 9.00am GRANNY ANNIE “Granny Annie’s” at St Ann’s Hall, 7 Stonehouse Lane (beside South Road) Aldinga, open on Thursdays 9-11.30 am, invites you to drop in for a cuppa and a chat – raisin toast a specialty. Meet new people in a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere. Activities for little people – and adults! Share your ‘kid time’ with others. Explore the historic church and cemetery. Enquiries: 8556 5078. SEAFORD COMMUNITY CHURCH We are a caring, friendly church committed to mission. Meeting at the Maslin Beach Community Hall, Gulf Pde, Maslin Beach Each Sunday at 10am (refreshments to follow) and Home Group each Wednesday at 7:30pm Craft on Mondays, 10am -12 in the Seaford/Moana Neighbourhood Centre. All are welcome. For more information, contact Jim and Betty Kennedy 83272135 CATHOLIC PARISH OF WILLUNGA. ALDINGA. Mass in Mary of Galilee Catholic Church, Cnr Quinliven & How Roads each Saturday evening at 6.00 pm. WILLUNGA. Mass 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 8.30 am, 2nd & 4th Sundays at 10.30 am. Confession before Mass. Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 41 Coastal Views, June 2013 Page 42 Coastal Views Editorial/Production Team: The ABRA Committee & Volunteers HELP AND SUPPORT SERVICES Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association President: Vice-President: Treasurer: Secretary: Committee: Kevin Hutton 8556 5304 Stan Beck Narelle Looker 0439 880 587 Gillian Evans Philip Bell, Jeff Williams, Michael Lee, Bob Evans, Editor Kevin Hutton Aldinga Bay Residents’ Association (ABRA) reserves the right to reject any advertisement or other contributions. The Editorial Team and ABRA does not accept responsibility for printers’ or typists’ errors / omissions. Notices regarding community fundraisers or coming events are published free of charge. All advertisers please adhere to the sizes listed below. For the best result, layouts must be black on white background. There is a charge of $40.00 if you want a final copy to be made from a rough draft, and $100.00 to design an advertisement. Pictures for publication should be no larger than 800 x 600 pixels in size. Please avoid using Microsoft Office .docx format in submissions. Size Width Depth Price Full page 19 cm 27 cm $142.00 Half page 19 cm 13 cm $79.00 Quarter page Long quarter page 1/8th page 1/12th page 9 cm 19 cm 9 cm 6 cm 13 cm 6 cm 6 cm 6.5 cm $48.00 $48.00 $34.00 $28.50 Please note that ads which have to be resized may become distorted. We use 1cm margins top & both sides and 1.5cm bottom margins. The deadline for ALL advertisements & contributions is the 15th day of the month preceding publication. Articles may be emailed to coastalviews@comstech.com, or posted to ABRA, PO Box 270, Aldinga Beach 5173 to be received before the deadline. The positioning of advertising in Coastal Views is done on a random basis according to layout needs. If advertisers specify a location, a surcharge of 25% is added except for the first 5 pages & inside covers where a 50% surcharge applies. Opinions published in Coastal Views are those of the contributors and are not necessarily the views of the Editorial Team or ABRA. Neither the Editorial Team nor ABRA can accept any responsibility for any statement that is presented as a statement of fact, however every endeavour is made at the time of printing to ensure that the editorial content and advertisements are accurate. All material published in Coastal Views is subject to © ABRA, 2013. No part may be reproduced without written permission from the Editor. WE CANNOT GUARANTEE PUBLICATION OF MATERIAL RECEIVED AFTER THE 15TH OF THE MONTH! Letters to the Editor or advertising: coastalviews@comstech.com PO Box 270, Aldinga Beach 5173 Ambulance/Fire/Police Emergency ........................000 Police assistance ............................................... 131 444 24 Hour Health Advice............................ 1800 022 222 Adelaide Southern Medical Home Visits (GP) ...................................... 8381 6161 Aldinga Community Centre ........................ 8556 5940 Anglicare - Morphett Vale Financial Counselling .............................. 8186 8900 Emergency Assistance ............................. 8392 3190 General Counselling ................................ 8392 3100 Centacare Southern Counselling Service..... 8557 9050 City of Onkaparinga ................................... 8384 0666 Crimestoppers ........................................ 1800 333 000 Domestic Violence Helpline..................... 1800 800 098 Drug & Alcohol Info. Service .................. 1300 13 1340 Flinders Medical Centre .............................. 8204 5511 Gambling Helpline .................................. 1800 060 757 GP Connect (after hours GP) ....................... 8557 9555 GP Plus Aldinga ........................................... 8557 9500 Legal Advice Line.................................... 1300 366 424 LifeLine ........................................................... 13 11 14 Mental Health Emergency Service.................. 13 14 65 Noarlunga Hospital ...................................... 8384 9222 Noarlunga Private Hospital ........................ 8384 9372 Onkaparinga Youth Services - Aldinga ...... 8557 7555 Parent Helpline ....................................... 1300 364 100 Poisons Info hotline …………………………..13 11 26 Public Transport Infoline........................ 1800 182 160 Repat. Gen. Hosp. .................. 8276 9666 1800 254 373 Seniors Information Service.................... 1800 636 368 Sthn Dist War Memorial Hosp. ................... 8323 6600 The Salvation Army .................................... 8557 6331 Financial Counselling Helpline ......... 1800 007 007 Uniting Communities Family Relationship Centre................... 8202 5940 Communities for Children .................... 8202 5944 Vinnies (Emergency Relief / Financial Counselling) ................................................................. 1300 729 202 Youth Helpline ....................................... 1300 131 719 ALDINGA BAY RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (Inc) PO Box 270 Aldinga Beach SA 5173 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EMAIL: For information regarding editorial content & advertising, please phone or email: Kevin Hutton 8556 5304 (editorial) Narelle Looker 0439 880 587 (accounts) Coastal Views printed in Myponga by Roger Gibbs. Contact 0468 355 078 Coastal Views, Apr 2012 Amount enclosed: $ (Please circle type of membership required:) Single: $4.00 Family: $10.00 Pensioner / Student: $2.00 Business/Corporate $10.00 Delivery of Coastal Views: $20 extra per year. Page 47
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