solaio compound
solaio compound
UK A CONCRETE AND GLULAM COMPOSITE DECK DESIGNED FOR SEISMIC The “Solaio Compound®” Deck is designed, produced and patented by Coperlegno S.r.l.; it’s based on the sinergy between glulam (that gives resistance to tensile stress) and concrete slab (that gives resistance to compression stress) obtaining maximum performances to resist both tensile and compressive forces. This composite deck works in a simple and logical way with less energy consumption as it’s designed to be an ecological and efficient product. This deck can be assembled as a classical one: in fact it is based on beams, decking elements concreteasslub but its This deckand cananbeupper assembled a classical one: in fact it isofbased onabeams, decking eleweight is half that of traditional ments and an upper concrete slub but its deck. weight is half of that of a traditional deck. SOLAIO It is also different from other composite decks (such as "glulam + concrete + resins or metallic connectors") because it has a particular milling on top where it is mechanically inserted a steel joists. This solution makes this composite deck highly industrialized. It is easy and fast to assembly as well as adaptable to different constructions needs so that this composite deck can be successfully used in restructurings as well as in new constructions. This system allows the usage of this Solaio Compound® in deck modelling with all the advantages of traditional decks eliminating their limits. A steel reinforcing rod must be laid before the concrete casting and usually more pieces of steel rods are used to reinforce the connection between the heads of the glulams and the vertical supports (walls, parietal beams). The concrete cast, usually 5 cm thick, completes the deck creating an homogenized slab, that is the ideal configuration for best seismic performances. This deck has a non massive behavior so that it can be used in anti-seismic constructions and restructurings. Glulam beams are made of laminated red spruce wood (DIN Certified) armed with steel joists (called “Bausta”). The Pannello Compound ® , that gives insulation and lowers the global weight, is a self-supporting sandwich panel made of extruded polystyrene with the two sides made of glass fibers reinforced mortar. Decking elements can be: • Pannello Compound®. • Cotto Tiles. • Lamellar Panels. • Spruce Lumbers. • Composite Panels. THE USAGE OF THE SOLAIO COMPOUND® IN ROOFING • Works as an effecting connection for vertical structures (such as walls) for best seismic performances. • Optimizes the insulation through the thermal inertia of the concrete cast. • Reduces the aerial noises because of the total required mass of the roof. Consente molteplici soluzioni architettoniche con finiture di pregio: • As it can be assembled with different decking elements, it allows good looking architectural Tavelle in cottotiles, a vista sabbiate panels, e lisce. lamellar Perlinati in and legno. solutions: Cotto prefinished panels spruce lumbers. Pannelli preintonacati. Pignatte in laterizio. STRENGHTS OF THE SOLAIO COMPOUND® • Industrial technology as it’s made with standard glulam beams and standard steel joists solutions: Cotto tiles, prefinished panels, lamellar panels and spruce lumbers. • Its low volume and its relative lightness can help logistic procedures. • Very fast laying because of its weight and its self-supporting before casting; it just needs few props every 2,5 m. • Lower costs of the finished construction compared with other wood+concrete composite decks or traditional decks with equal seismic performance. • Eco-sustainability as it uses natural raw materials (wood) that are renewable and non pollutant. • It is versatile both technically (different coverage lengths, different glulam width for fire resistance or for more stress and tensile performances) and aesthetically (using different decking elements and finishes). • Structural safety in normal conditions as well as in case of particular events (seismic events, fires, overloads) and visual safety (glulams show bends and fractures far before any sudden collapse, while traditional decks usually collapse immediately). CERTIFICATES AND STATIC TESTS istituto sperimentale per ledilizia s.p.a. istituto sperimentale per ledilizia s.p.a. Autorizzato allesecuzione delle prove ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArt. 20 della legge del 5-11-71 n. 1086 con Decreti Ministero LL.PP. Autorizzato alle certificazioni CE - Notificato CEE n. 0529 Autorizzato allesecuzione delle prove ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArt. 20 della legge del 5-11-71 n. 1086 con Decreti Ministero LL.PP. Autorizzato alle certificazioni CE - Notificato CEE n. 0529 ',9,6,21( /DERUDWRULR6WUXWWXUH ',9,6,21( /DERUDWRULR6WUXWWXUH 3529(',&$5,&268(/(0(17,67587785$/, 3529(',&$5,&268(/(0(17,67587785$/, 7UDYHWWLHSDQQHOOLLQOHJQRODPHOODUHHFDOFHVWUX]]RDUPDWR &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO 5LI3UDWLFDQ *XLGRQLD0RQWHFHOLR 5LI3UDWLFDQ 7UDYHWWLHSDQQHOOLLQOHJQRODPHOODUHHFDOFHVWUX]]RDUPDWR &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO 5LI3UDWLFDQ *XLGRQLD0RQWHFHOLR 5LI3UDWLFDQ istituto sperimentale per ledilizia s.p.a. istituto sperimentale per ledilizia s.p.a. Autorizzato allesecuzione delle prove ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArt. 20 della legge del 5-11-71 n. 1086 con Decreti Ministero LL.PP. Autorizzato alle certificazioni CE - Notificato CEE n. 0529 Autorizzato allesecuzione delle prove ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArt. 20 della legge del 5-11-71 n. 1086 con Decreti Ministero LL.PP. Autorizzato alle certificazioni CE - Notificato CEE n. 0529 ',9,6,21( /DERUDWRULR6WUXWWXUH ',9,6,21( /DERUDWRULR6WUXWWXUH 3529(',&$5,&268(/(0(17,67587785$/, CARATTERIZZAZIONE DINAMICA DI ELEMENTI STRUTTURALI 3529(',&$5,&268(/(0(17,67587785$/, 7UDYHWWLHSDQQHOOLLQOHJQRODPHOODUHHFDOFHVWUX]]RDUPDWR &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO 5LI3UDWLFDQ *XLGRQLD0RQWHFHOLR 5LI3UDWLFDQ 7UDYHWWLHSDQQHOOLLQOHJQRODPHOODUHHFDOFHVWUX]]RDUPDWR &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO &RPPLWWHQWH&23(5/(*126UO 5LI3UDWLFDQ *XLGRQLD0RQWHFHOLR 5LI3UDWLFDQ istituto sperimentale per ledilizia s.p.a. Autorizzato allesecuzione delle prove ai sensi e per gli effetti dellArt. 20 della legge del 5-11-71 n. 1086 con Decreti Ministero LL.PP. Autorizzato alle certificazioni CE - Notificato CEE n. 0529 SEISMIC TESTS (ENEA) The verification of the behavior of the roof (made with the Solaio Compound®) has been done with characterization dynamic seismic tests at the research center of Casaccia (ENEA) on a model of a masonry building. Two accelerometers have been placed in the center of the two flaps and four more central relative shift sensors (two laser and two wire) to measure the flow under the dynamic interaction between the wood beams and slab in concrete. Several tests with different intensity were carried out for the dynamic characterization of the deck: the first tests at low frequencies were in line with forecasts and the movements were below the sensitivity of the instruments. The model was then subjected to more intense and increasing seismic actions until the complete collapse of the walls while the "Solaio Compound®" didn't collapse. The experimental results showed that this deck: • Stresses the vertical structures with non-massive behavior. • Through the concrete slab can be considered infinitely rigid in its plane. • Is capable of transmitting the seismic forces between the various vertical elements, allowing the structure to respond to horizontal stresses with an efficent behavior. • Make a sort of monolithic two-way plate. Therefore, the "Solaio Compound®" it's a good solution both for new buildings as well as in existing buildings. SEISMIC TESTS - Comparison in terms of accelerations This system greatly reduces the acceleration compared to a traditional brick-cement deck. The synergy between concrete slab and wooden beams give rigidity and strength provides a seismic improvement in renovation and new construction. SEISMIC TESTS - Comparison in terms of shifts SEISMIC TESTS - COMPARISON IN TERMS OF ACCELERATI Even in terms of shifts this system gives excellent results, as it was already predicted analyzing previous analysis in terms of acceleration. FLEXURAL AND PUSH-OUT TESTS The Solaio Compound®, patented and manufactured by Coperlegno S.r.l., is a glulam+concrete deck made of: • • • • • Glulam beams made with DIN certified red spruce, with a central milling with pegs. Volumetric stability Malta. Steel joist (FeB44k). Decking elements. Upper concrete slab that forms the necessary rigid plate that ensures the right connection between vertical structures. Regulatory requirements All the tests where performed using the prescription of the "Nicole Document" where in the presence of onedimensional wooden element formed of several elements assembled and connected to each other mechanically, prescribes calculations and studies using a linear mathematical relations between stress and shift, considering the shifts along the interfaces between the elements; when considering the case of glulams (wood element) coupled using connectors with a different material, the calculations must be done according to the classical constructions methods. Figure 1.2: geometric dimensions. Instead in case of unions between Glulams (wood) and Concrete, the “Nicole Document” prescribes that the load capacity and the rigidity of this configuration must be determined experimentally with the exception of the following cases: • cylindrical connectors laterally strained; • cylindrical connectors axially strained; • connection with concrete pawl wedge in wood. Figure 1.3: resistent section. The figures are generated using a numeric model by the software Ansys 9.0 and represent the geometry, the deflection analysis and the stresses of the model. Figure 1.7: volumes of a model with materials colored differently. An examination of the deformed can lead to the following observations: • • • • the deformation of glulams is much greater than those of the conglomerate; predominant deformations in the glulams are longitudinal; it can be observed the crushing of the fronts of the wood pawls; the backs of the internal wood pawls are almost intact while the last wood pawl shows a prominent deflection. Figure 1.12: parallel compressions of the model. Figure 1.13: parallel compressions of the glulam. The next figures show the distribution of tensions resulting from the software Ansys 9.0. In particular, they shows the distribution of compression parallel to the fibers. Figure 1.15: tangential stress of the model. Figure 1.16: tangential stress of the glulam. Push-out tests Figure 3.4:3.4: positions of dei the 4four transducers during the tests. Figura posizione trasduttori durante la prova Figure 3.1: test equipments. The tests were performed on days 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19 and 20 of June 2007 at the laboratory testing materials and structures. The temperature stood at 25° C and relative humidity was 60%. For each test are shown: • the main values obtained during the tests (tensile strength Fu and it’s relative average shift δ(Fu)) • the resistance referred to the length of the connection; • the mode of collapse observed; • a photo relative to the mode of collapse observed; • the load-shift diagrams of the 4 transducers (figure 3.4); • the medium experimental load-shift diagram; • the numerical values of the average shifting, related to a pre-defined levels of the F (tensile strength) compared to the Fu; • elastic resistance calculated at fixed levels of loading F compared with tensile strength Fu; • elastic resistance normalized to the standard length of the connection calculated at a pre-defined level of F (tensile strength) compared to the Fu. Figure 3.32: load-shifts diagram of the AK 150 A sample. Figure 3.34: load-shifts diagram of the EX 150 C sample. Table 3.13: push-out tests results. Figure Table 3.14: 3.14:average averageshifts shiftsatatdifferent differentloads. loads. Table 3.21: push-out tests results. Table 3.22: average shifts at different loads. Figure 3.44: average load-shifts diagram of the EX 150 C sample. Figura 3.44 Diagramma carico-scorrimento medio del campione EX 150 C Figure 3.33: average load-shifts diagram of the AK 150 A sample. Figura 3.33 Diagramma carico-scorrimento medio del campione AK 150 A Flexural tests The cast of the concrete was made in April 18 2007. During the maturation of the concrete cast while the loading tests were performed, 10 destructive tests were carried out on cubic samples of concrete following the UNI 6132/72 prescriptions, resulting in the strength values given below. Table 4.1: compression test of cubic samples. Figure 4.1 CONCLUSIONS Researchs and developments were carried out in order to improve the behavior of the system, leading to following goals: • Optimization of static connection in order to be compliant. • Guarantee the highest quality standards through the packaging done at the factory. • Ensuring the effective gear between wood and concrete because of the wooden pegs into the milling. • Ensuring the proper connection with the vertical walls and infinite stiffness of the plan through the concrete slab. • Connection between wood, concrete slab and metal joists through the wood pawls and mortar volumetric stability. CONSTRUCTIONS DETAILS SOLUZIONE SU STRUTTURA PORTANTE IN C.A. ITEMS SPECIFICATIONS It' a composite "Wood+Concrete" deck made with red spruce glulam beams (standard sections 100 x 120 mm - 100 x 160 mm - 100 x 200 mm) milled on top where it is mechanically inserted a steel joists (FeB44k); these reinforced glulam beams are placed every 56/66 cm (dipending on the decking elements used). The upper slab (at least 5 cm thick) is made with concrete (class Rck 300 N/mm2) reinforced with a steel net. ® ®" AGLI STATI LIMITE SIZING TABLE OF THE SOLAIO COMPOUND (S.L.U.) TABELLA INDICATIVA DIMENSIONAMENTO TRAVETTI "COMPOUND TRAVETTO IN LEGNO LAMELLARE GL24 fmd N/mm² 14,57 fvd N/mm² 1,49 E N/mm² 11600 G N/mm² 720 N/m³ 3800 SOLETTA IN CLS Rck30 fcd N/mm² 11,76 fctd N/mm² 1,06 E N/mm² 30200 ACCIAIO PER ARMATURA N/m³ 25000 fy N/mm² 374 E N/mm² 210000 N/m³ 78000 LEGENDA fmd fvd TENSIONE A FLESSIONE AGLI S.L.U del L.L. TENSIONE A TAGLIO AGLI S.L.U. del L.L. fcd fctd TENSIONE A COMPRESSIONE AGLI S.L.U. del CLS TENSIONE A TRAZIONE AGLI S.L.U del CLS Legenda u.d.m. E G MODULO DI ELASTICITÀ A FLESSIONE PESO SPECIFICO fy MODULO DI ELASTICITÀ A TAGLIO TENSIONE A TRAZIONE rif. grafici TIPO S1 TIPO S2 TIPO S3 10 base travetto lamellare cm B lam 10 10 altezza travetto lamellare cm H lam 12 16 20 altezza utile travetto lamellare cm h2 10,50 14,50 18,50 peso proprio solaio kN/m² Gk1 1,60 1,65 1,72 carico permanente ipotizzato kN/m² Gk2 2,50 2,50 2,50 carico accidentale (edifici domestici residenziali) kN/m² Qk 2,00 2,00 2,00 carico caratteristico totale solaio kN/m² Q 6,10 6,15 6,22 carico al metro lineare kN/m q 4,03 4,06 4,10 interasse travetti m i 0,66 0,66 0,66 luce netta ipotizzata m L1 3,80 4,80 5,80 luce di calcolo m L 4,00 5,00 6,00 freccia elastica max amm. (L/300) cm f max 1,40 1,75 2,10 reazione caratteristica (vincolo di semplice appoggio) sollecitazione a pressoflessione cls t= 0 kN N/mm² R fc 8,06 5,98 10,15 6,62 12,30 7,23 sollecitazione a pressoflessione cls t= N/mm² fc 4,55 5,18 5,83 sollecitazione a tensoflessione L.L. t= 0 N/mm² fm 8,69 9,89 11,01 sollecitazione a tensoflessione L.L. t= N/mm² fm 9,60 10,78 11,78 sollecitazione a taglio t= 0 N/mm² fv 0,72 0,80 0,83 sollecitazione a taglio t= N/mm² fv 0,75 0,81 0,85 cm cm u ist u max 0,54 0,78 0,82 1,16 1,12 1,60 freccia elastica istantanea in mezzeria freccia totale in mezzeria t= ® HELPS THE SOLAIO SOLAIO COMPOUND COMPOUND HELPS TO TO CONTAIN THE TOTAL TOTAL ENERGY ENERGY AS AS IT’S MADE WITH WITH WOOD WOOD (PEFC) (PEFC)THAT THAT STORES 255KG OF OF CARBON CARBON DURING DURING THE PHOTOSYNTHESIS PHOTOSYNTHESIS EQUIVALENT EQUIVALENT TO 0.93 TONNES TONNES OF OF CO2. CO2.THIS THIS MEANS MEANS THAT 1 SQUARE SQUARE METER METER OF OF SOLAIO SOLAIO HELPS ABSORBING 3 COMPOUND®HELPS COMPOUND ABSORBING 3 KG KG CARBON. OF CARBON. OF SOLAIO COMPOUND Patented Lamellare Tralicciato Antisismico Sede e Stabilimento Via Ardeatina, 933 - 00178 Roma Tel.06.71350276 • Fax 06.71359210 - Stabilimento identificato presso il Servizio Tecnico Centrale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici in conformità al D.M. 14/01/2008 Centro di Lavorazione di Elementi Strutturali in Legno 074/09 - CL Azienda Certificata UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 Divisione Solai Via Verdi, 18 - 40067 Rastignano (BO) Tel. 051.744679 • Fax 051.6265168 - Il Servizio Tecnico Centrale del Consiglio Superiore dei Lavori Pubblici, così come previsto nell art. 9 L. 1086 ha verificato il Solaio Compound con parere unanime identificandolo come prodotto per uso strutturale ai sensi e per gli effetti del cap. 11 del D.M. 14/01/2008 (NTC)