Palladian - Vicenza è
Palladian - Vicenza è
He was born in Padua to Pietro della Gondola and Marta called “la zotta” (limping Martha). At the age of 16 he went to live in Vicenza, where he took his education and became one of the greatest architects of his time, and not only his time, thanks to the style called “Palladianism”, which spread all over the world: from the White House in Washington to the Queen’s House in Britain, from the University of Virginia to numerous palaces of St. Peterborough and Puskin. Almost al portraits ascribed to Palladio show the text “architetto vicentino”, architect from Vicenza, and only in mid-twentieth century his birth town was discovered. Many other aspects of his life are uncertain: his birthplace, the family home in Vicenza, his features, the cause of his death and the place he died, and even the place he was buried. Gian Giorgio Trissino, his big mentor, was certainly right to give him the name Palladio, as though he was an angel or a mythological, or supernatural character. One thing is certain: Vicenza, as UNESCO declared, has been universally recognised as the town of Palladio and has inscribed 23 monuments of its historic town centre and 16 villas of its province onto the World Heritage List, which are all ascribed to the architecture genius. With this little guide book we would like to accompany you on the discovery of the Palladian route into imagined harmony in the historic town centre of Vicenza and invite you to discover the “route of the villas” with the help of our guide books and the websites www.palladio2008. info and e.mail: – – PROVINCIA DI VICENZA (da Viaggio in Italia, Guido Piovene) “… Perciò conoscere Palladio, La Basilica, la Loggia del Capitanio, la Rotonda, il teatro Olimpico, il palazzo Chiericati e gli altri attraverso gli studi è una conoscenza imperfetta. Bisogna vederlo a Vicenza. Una piccola Roma, un’invenzione scenografica…” • Piazza dei Signori, 8 Tel. +39 0444 544122 10.00-14.00/14.30-18.30 Andrea Palladio’s works at Vicenza World heritage • Piazza Matteotti, 12 (next to the Olympic Theatre. Start of route) Tel. +39 0444 320854 09.00-13.00/14.00-18.00 Into imagined harmony Information offices in the historic town centre of Vicenza B o r g o S. L u c i a Routes Palladian Bo rgo Sc ni ro f tto fa S. LUCIA Mu l C.trà S . B o r t o lo a do fi Vi Ro llo Andrea Palladio, architect ale o Pa je Vi iarin V ia G. Pagl Via 1508-1580 Vi a R. Pas i V ia C ec c arin i Pia zza Aracel i PARCO QUERINI P iazza Ma r co ni C. tr à Vi ar co tr C. vo uo P. N à Co S. L o r e n z o C. trà Porta S. Lu cia bre ve m No IV Via iu r io lo e Vi te Pon ichele S. M a V IALE MARG pa à gn tr C. ar A H ER IT Piazza Gual d i pos to li aC S. on ra Fur o C. nio LE Erete te Pon ia n r to Piazzetta Po zzo u L S. Giuseppe Ch Vi ale V ia Gor iz ia G B ar ch otton A. l le àM de tr C. e le S S. A tr C. i VIA AL RO M VI E VIAL al iche lo in zale Piaz ti Gius Vi rà i s Pa Palazzo Porto Breganze Palazzo Civena Trissino ro S. M o Pa ot a Cupola e Porta della Cattedrale Palazzo Capra Piazzale De Gasperi li nt S. Pr tr C. e a zz o Piauom D et à C te .tr .tr à co Co ol e C.trà Cantarane no azz C Pig n Po pe af à an Pi Basilica Palladiana a ett à lic . Fe oS GI Piazza Castello LVI I SA IN ARD tr C. Loggia del Capitaniato co r ti Pi Cor s Casa Garzadori Bortolan sti àG nt e Mo am u Fa de l r C àL IO i zza e Pia e Erb ll de ou .tr AD S. PIETRO S. S. nin rà e ad zz or i PiaSign av LL PA Piazza Bia d e Ma C. t Palazzo Valmarana Braga Rosa àC CO R SO A. rà C.t Palazzo Thiene tr C. i rs Co s Loggia Valmarana aneo e Palazzo Pojana pin M on C.trà al en etta Ri rd att Via C Rocch N o va ure P. rà nt aro ilip ure C.trà M Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare Co azz .F Str Nova C.trà Porta .B Via G onollo Piazza del Muti la to Fo g Co a S.M. Nov P iazza S. Lor enzo C.s oA . SO L PA R O C a Palazzo Chiericati IO D LA no r no ro Palazzo Barbaran da Porto trà o Pa d ov à zza leo Palazzo Da Monte Migliorini trà C.trà Chiesa S. Maria Nuova na io F oga Cor s Pia zz a Matteott i oro ton on Teatro Olimpico S. C An C. Caserma P.S. Casa Cogollo aet a o C S. G . Rocc Cappella Valmarana rà rso brogio C.trà S. Am C.trà S r la C. t i s te C.trà omin Co Pedestrian area M Pu Palazzo Iseppo da Porto oce eno S. C. D . Cr alli à aS Andrea Palladio’s works in the historic town centre of Vicenza eG tr C. Piazza XX Settembre Ponte degli Angeli à C.trà Busato .trà Po rt r i à mo a o on sco rp Palazzo da Schio C.t rà de l la M is er ico rdia .tr Ru le Vi a lin gi ce Via Contrà dei Torret t i ta an lo A. a l Vo Sa Vi Pa o go Le Fra S.Fr Via Fo trà S. To m aso C. t r à A M IL E DA LMA ZIA S. C a ter in a AN O CAMPO MARZO Pont e EN V IA LE V ne S ta zio . F F. S S EZIA S. Lib e ra V RISO IALE RG I MEN TO Arco delle Scalette V ia le Dante de llo St ad io o Pa d ov a Teatro Olimpico / Olympic Theatre Palazzo Chiericati / Palazzo Chiericati Casa Cogollo / Casa Cogollo Palazzo da Monte Migliorini / Palazzo da Monte Migliorini Cappella Valmarana / Valmarana Chapel Palazzo Iseppo da Porto / Palazzo Iseppo da Porto Palazzo Barbaran da Porto / Palazzo Barbaran da Porto Palazzo Thiene / Palazzo Thiene Basilica Palladiana / Palladian Basilica Loggia del Capitaniato / Loggia del Capitaniato Palazzo Pojana / Palazzo Pojana Palazzo Valmarana Braga Rosa / Palazzo Valmarana Braga Rosa Cupola e Porta della Cattedrale / Dome and Portal of the Cathedral Palazzo Porto Breganze / Palazzo Porto Breganze Palazzo Capra / Palazzo Capra Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare / Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare Loggia Valmarana / Loggia Valmarana Outside the pedestrian area Casa Garzadori Bortolan / Casa Garzadori Bortolan Palazzo Civena Trissino / Palazzo Civena Trissino Arco delle Scalette / Arco delle Scalette Chiesa di S. Maria Nova / Church Santa Maria Nova Palazzo da Schio / Palazzo da Schio Rif. Valbona Rif. Rumor M. TORARO m. 1899 en o L Teatro Olimpico (1580) di Tonezza r Ter o agn lo MONTE TORMENO m. 1292 (interior - exterior) del Cimone The Olympic Academy can start the works for the LA TOROSELLA theatre designed by Palladio only in 1580, the year in CIMONE m. 1280 DEI LAGHI COSTON DEI LAGHI Thus, 1480 he will not be able to see the end m. 1873 which he dies.m. of the works, which will be supervised by his son Silla della Borcolawith the participation of Vincenzo Scamozzi, for the m. 1206 scenery and the famous seven streets of Thebes. Ossario MONTE MAGGIO m. 1853 Laghi M. CIMONE m. 1226 Rif. Papa MONTI FORNI ALTI m. 2023 (exterior) Valstagna D Church I(exterior) ASanta S Maria I ANova G (1578) O A L T O P I A N O This palace at n. 90/94 was built to join, with an arch that is still visible, two houses of the client Vicenzo Pojana. The signed design is preserved at the London R.I.B.A. (Royal Institut of British Tresché Conca Architects). Rif. Monte Cengio al Granatiere (interiorRif. - exterior) Rif. Alpino M. PAÙ m. 1420 There is m.1366 no expertise as Palladio’s authorship of this church is concerned, but it is still universally ascribed to him. The church has a single room, where presenRif. Fontanella M.GNA NUOVA tly bequests from the library Biblioteca Bertoliana are m. 1327 preserved, and which was built upon request by LodoMONTE MONTE vico Trento for MONTE the monastery of the Augustinian nuns. MALCREBA MONTE SPRUNCH m. 1300 M. TORLE m. 1251 MONTE CIMONE m. 1378 GUSELLA m. 1388 M. RAITERTAL m. 1403 CIMA DI FONTE m. 1516 Giovanni Alvise Valmarana was, together with MONTE Trissino and Chiericati, one of Palladio’s biggest FORAORO m. 1508 this supporters. For him, the architect designed Velo d'Asticoextraordinary façade where the Giant order enCogollo closes the whole height of the palace. del Cengio M. ECHAR MONTE KABERLABA m. 1221 M. LINTICHE m. 1379 M. CERAMELLA m. 1342 Palazzo Valmarana Braga Rosa (1565) MONTE CENGIO m. 1354 This design is new for Palladio’s vision: a town palace and a suburban villa at the same time. It Posina has been completed in mid-seventeenth century upon the former river harbour of the town. MONTE PRIAFORÀ Since 1855 it has been seat of the Vicenza m. Town 1659 Museum. so P. XOMO ON te Assa MONTE BELMONTE m. 1207 (interior - exterior) A SUBIO di Roana orren Palazzo TPojana (1561-1566) di Tonezza MONTE MAIO Palazzo Chiericati (1550) m. 1499 m. 1314 Canove Rotzo ico Torrente Ast e ent rr m. 1280 Palazzo da Schio (1560) Rif. Granezza Rif. Monte (exterior) Corno Palladio designed the façade of this palace for Conco Bernardo da Schio, but was often absent from the supervision of the works, since he was busy with other building sites in Venice. The stonecutter, who had noLusiana instructions, even interrupted the works which were finished in 1574-75. Rif. Verdefonte Torren te A stic o m. 1058 BERTIAGA m. 1356 Caltrano M. COGOLO m. 1670 M. NOVEGNO Casa Cogollo Rif. Malga m. 1552 (detta “del Palladio”,Novegno 1559) Dome and Portal of The Cathedral COLETTO DI VELO m. 885 MONTE TheSUMMANO dome had been designed by Palladio around Piovene m. 1565,1296 almost twenty years after the Chiuppano works on Rocchette the apsis, whereas the portal at the northern side, which replaced a Gothic one, Carrè was opened in 1575, upon request by Paolo Americo, who Santorso commissioned the Villa La Rotonda. (exterior) S. Antonio asso This house has been believed to be Palladio’s residence for its modest dimensions as opposed to the monumental town palaces. Actually, the famous architect was entrusted with the huge renovation of the façade Valli of the house belonging to a notary named Cogollo. del Pasubio Ossario del Pasubio Calvene Salcedo Lugo di Vicenza Molvena Palladio’s Villas in town Enna CIMA OGROSSO 1502 (exterior) m. 668 CIMA LA LOCCHETTA Fontiresidence di This Recoaro Terme m. 807of .L eogra the Da Monte family in front Torrebelvicino Pievebelvicino of the Dominican monastery Santa Corona has been ascribed to Palladio and UNESCO decidedMagrè to put it on the World Heritage List, as well as the architect’s other works. M. SPITZ e T. R oston Marano Vicentino Rif. Valdagno Zovo S. Vito ValmaranaS. Quirico Chapel (1576 c.) nte To r r e Igna Caldogno This villa was not designed by Palladio, but everyone considers it the place where his legend was born, and this is sufficient for UNESCO to add it to the World Heritage List. Tradition has it that Palladio workedVigardolo here as a simpleBolzano stonecutter, but he was still appreciated by itsVicentino owner, the noble man of letters Gian Giorgio Trissino. Lisiera Quinto Vicentino Anconetta Villa Gazzotti Marcello Curti Villa Trissino Trettenero Bertesina Casa Garzadori Bortolan (exterior) e The palace was commissioned to Palladio Creazzo by Giambattista Garzadori, whose death in 1567 cancelled the contract. Its ascription Sovizzo to Palladio, acknowledged also by UNESCO, is upheld by testimonies from 1564, when at least one part had been erected. o D I Palladio’s V E Rdesign ON Aimposing superstructure made of of the Torri di Quartesolo Altavilla Vicentina m. 683 Palladian Basilica (1546 – 1549) Villa Almerico Capra Valmarana "La Rotonda" Palazzo Civena Trissino (1540) (exterior) Montorso Vicentino Van Arcugnano The palace erected by Palladio has become part of the Eretenia hospital after huge extension works in 1801. The palace was rebuilt after the Second World War, after having been heavily Brendola bombed. a superstructure with a double order of loggias on an already existing palace won the competition among great Montecchia di Crosara architects such as Serlio, SanmicheliRoncà and Giulio Romano, and placed him among the great artists. Goethe wrote Cazzano about this non-religious building: “It is not possible to Zermeghedo di Tramigna describe the impression Palladio’s Basilica leaves.” Gambellara To r r e n t e G u à To r r e n t e Tr a m i g n a Illasi ta ent mp PROVINCIA (exterior) Vivaro za orr hi a probably only a What we can admire today Cis part of the imposing renovation strongly advocated by the counts Marcantonio and Adriano S. Giovanni Tiene of their 15th-century palace. It seems also Ilarione Giulio Romano worked on the design entrusted to Palladio. M. CALVARINA ago o Villa Trissino Trettenero (1534) Dueville Chiampo ne (interior - exterior) chi To r r e n t e Va l d i e z Trissino Palazzo Thiene (1542) T M. BELLOCCA m. 830 on Gambugliano This loggia with 6 columns of the Costabissara Doric order, topped by a triangular pediment, inside the Giardini Salvi (Salvi gardens), was built following a design which is very close to Palladio’s style, if not made by the architect himself. UNESCO decided to ascribe it to Palladio anyway in 1994. Monteviale e T. O n t o T. A l p M. CORPEGANI m. 639 This palace was completed by Vicenzo Scamozzi around 1593, following the design of Andrea Palladio, whose authorship has been acknowRATTI ledgedM.m.unanimously by the experts. Today it 392 hosts, among other things, the industrials association of Vicenza. T. Ti m Castelgomberto Loggia Valmarana (Giardino Salvi) Brogliano (interior - exterior) S.Pietro Mussolino This palace was commissioned by FALDO the count Montano MONTE Vestenanuova m. 807 Barbarano. Since 1997 and has been the seat of the International Centre for Architecture studies (C.I.S.A.), dedicated to Andrea Palladio, who, of course, designed it. The solemn façade was built in both the Ionic and the Corinthian order. The inner rooms andNogarole the salon are emVicentino bellished with important stuccoes. Villaverla gret Vicentino eo T. L Cornedo The design was entrusted to Palladio by Taddeo who, however, had to sell it duringAncignano its Precalcino construction to the Venetian patrician Girolamo Grimani for financial reasons. The façade is made of eight Ionic pilasters with three central intercolumns which are topped by Bressanvi a triangular pediment. Montecchio Gazzotti Isola (exterior) MONTE CROCE DI BOSCO m. 851 Palazzo Barbaran da Porto (1569-70) (exterior) Of this palace, which is today incorporated in a commerMolina cial building, an arch can be seen which is overlooked by a pediment on four pilaster strips. It was commissioned to Palladio by G.A. Capra between 1510 and 1545 and was heavily altered during the 17th century with the erection of the Palazzo Piovini, which destroyed the original plant. Vicentina Palazzo Thiene Bonin Longare (1572 c.) (exterior) M. PERGO m. 945 Villa Gazzotti Grimani Curti (1542) (exterior) S. Tomio Palazzo Iseppo da Porto (1544 c.) Palladio designed both the town palace and the so S. Caterina villa in P.Molina at Malo for his friend Iseppo, but m. 796 neither wasAltissimo finished. The palace had better luck: Palladio had designed two different entrances and residences, of which remains the imposing façade, divided into three parts. Palazzo Capra di Leguzzano It may have been designed by Palladio in 1576, following the death of Antonio Valmarana, inside the crypt of Santa Corona, one of the most interesting Monte di Malo churches from the artistic point of view, where heMONTE CIMA MARANA himself was buried before his mortal remains (orFAEDO m. 1552 m. 781 what was regarded as his mortal remains) were transported to the of the temple of fame at the main cemetery. Crespadoro Palladio put this building into the section dedicated to town palaces in his work “Four Books of Sarcedo Architecture”, but everyone considers it a temple-villa, with its perfectly identical 4 façades. It is the universal icon of Palladian villas and can boast many imitations around the world, also in this century. ico T. A s t Recoaro Mille (interior - exterior) The works under Palladio’s supervision evidently came to an end before the completion of the project. The façade is made of three giant half columns of the Corinthian order and of two intercolumns of seven that had been planned. m. 1108 CAMPO AVANTI .1689 Vicentino Villa la Rotonda (1566) (exterior) T Xon Pianezze Mason Palazzo Porto BreganzeZanè (1571) Palazzo da Monte Migliorini (1550-1554) Staro Guardia di mpogrosso Fara Vicentino Zugliano Longare Lago di Fimo n ian delle zze m. 1162 F ium Montebello (exterior) Colognola ai Colli This building once was the official building of the “Capitanio”, a military office for the Venetian Republic, and is today seat of the town council. Palladio was entrusted with the renovation of the already existing medieval building 20 years after Monteforte d'Alpone the design for the loggias of the Basilica. Soave Arco delle Scalette (1595) M. MOTTOLONE This arch has been built 15 years after Palladio’s m. 400 death by the Venetian captain Giacomo Bragadino. Palladio probably had conceived it as access Meledo point to the Monte Berico sanctuary, before the di Sarego Zovencedo porticoes were built in mid-eighteenth century Monticello by Muttoni. di Fara Grancona c a Loggia del Capitaniato (1565) eB Vicentino Castegnero Mo M. ALTO m. 444 Nanto Mossano M. FAEO