80th AnniversAry Coverage over the years in Beverage Media
80th AnniversAry Coverage over the years in Beverage Media
etro Package Store Association 80th Anniversary Coverage over the years in Beverage Media Stable Market Assured Nation’s major distillers pledge fair trade support at huge Metro luncheon: aggessive retailer role in market promised. December 1949 John. F. O’Connell (left), State Liquor Authority chairman, congratulates Gerald F. Dunne, upon the success of the luncheon. The commisioner was a speaker at the affair, one of the largest retailer meetings in the industry’s history. Metro Demands Higher Retail Mark-Up December 1950 Gerald F. Dunne, Executive Director Levine Heads Metro Board of Directors December 1951 Metro Balloting; Retailers registering to vote for members of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Package Stores Associaion. Metro Manhattan Borough Luncheon Meeting December 1960 At cocktail party preceding luncheon, National Distiller’s executives and Metro members chat informally—Vic Field, Gerry Dunne, Bev Ohlandt, Ray Herrmann, Jim McInerney, Ralph Levine aroundny Metro Package Store Association Hosts Milestone Annual Dinner The Metro Package Store Association celebrated their 70th annual dinner dance on October 25th at Terrace on the Park. The event was chaired by Michael Correra, of Michael Towne Wines & Spirits in Brooklyn. Over 500 people attended the event, representing all levels of the industry. Photo 1 Alan Gardner, Charles Merinoff, Charmer Sunbelt Group and Bill McDevitt, Executive Director, Metro Photo 2 Fred Horowitz, SW&S Dave and Jacqueline Lichtenheim, Ace Wines & Liquors Photo 3 Fidele Miranda, Peerless Importers and Anthony Lodati, Lowery Liquor Photo 4 Al Platt, Ryan Karben, Mark Weprin, Michael Correra and Bill McDevitt Photo 5 Bill Regan, Casanove-Opici, Barbara Ann Ingrilli, Fortune Brands and John Bengivenni, Lauber Imports 3 1 2 4 5 Friends of the Israeli Defense Fund Honor Bill Deutsch On October 18th, the Friends of the Israeli Defense Fund gathered at their annual event to honor the contributions of Bill Deutsch, Chairman & CEO of W.J. Deutsch & Sons Ltd. The event paid tribute to the Israel soldiers and recognized Deutsch for his dedication and assistance within the organization as an active member and leader. Photo 1 Peter Deutsch, Bill Deutsch along with Israeli generals Photo 2 Michael Rieck, Craig Ballin and Steve Drucker, Charmer Photo 3 David Eber, Paramount Brands/Eber Bros. and Barkley Stuart, Glazer’s Photo 4 Fred Horowitz, SW&S and Scott Gerber, Martin-Scott Photo 5 Roy Danis, W.J. Deutsch and Marc Taub, Palm Bay Imports 3 40 BEVERAGE MEDIA January 2005 1 2 4 5 January 2005 around ny Craig Ballin and Ira Reiter Carlos Ferrandiz, Tony Magliocco and Frank Riggio William McDevitt METRO PACKAGE STORE ASSOCIATION HOSTS ANNUAL DINNER Rudy Ruiz, Larry Goodrich and Brett Dunne The Metro Package Store Association celebrated their 72nd annual dinner dance on October 30th at the Glen Island Harbor Club in New Rochelle. The event was chaired by Michael Correra of Michael Towne Wines & Spirits in Brooklyn. The event was a success, with approximately 500 people in attendance representing all tiers of the industry. Al Platt and Fred Horowitz E. Lloyd Sobel and Henry Kim Stephen Lewin and Bob Mazurkiewicz The Long Brothers with David Eber (center) David Taub, William Slone and Steve Herman John Wickliffe, Arthur Goff and Edward Nieves January 2007 aroundtown MeTrO PaCKage STOreS aSSOCiaTiON HOLdS 76TH aNNUaL diNNer On October 25th, The Metro Package Stores Association held its 76th annual dinner. This year’s event was held at the Glen Island Harbour Club of New Rochelle where representatives from all three industry tiers dined while catching up on industry news. 1. Joe Viscomi and Michael Correra, METRO 2. Matthew Slosek, Robert Epstein and Steven Messer, Bacardi USA 3. Rudy Costello, Beam Global; Jason Medvegy, Beam Global and Larry Sestito, Infinium Spirits 4. Fedele Miranda, Mark Barry and E. Lloyd Sobel, Empire Merchants 5. Jeff Saunders, Retailers Alliance and Charlie Merinoff, The Charmer Sunbelt Group 6. Jim Mingarelli, Sidney Frank Importing Co.; Teresa Herbert, Patrón Spirits Co.; and Larry Goodrich, SWS 7. Jody Slone, Beverage Media; Anthony Lodati, Lowery Liquors & Wine; Donald Leone, Brown-Forman; Janet Rios, Wine Factory Outlet; and Charlie Whyte, Brown-Forman 8. Virginia Padilla, AWS; Jennie Leuzarder, Diageo; Take Naito, Diageo; and Phil Sobel, Diageo 9. Ron Schaum; Bob Battipaglia, SWS; Joe Hannon, SWS; and Craig Ballin, Empire Merchants 10. Steve Bonavita, Lauber Imports and Jack Battipaglia Jr., SWS 11. Tim Burns, Lauber Imports and Mark Sheff, Empire Merchants 12. Steve Doran, Tim Jansen and Bill Scambi, Verity Wine Partners 1 2 50 Beverage Media January 2011 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 www.BevNetwork.com January 2011 arouNdtowN MeTrO PaCKage STOre aSSOCiaTiON HOSTS 78TH aNNUaL diNNer 1 2 3 4 The Metropolitan Package Store Association held its 78th Annual Dinner at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach, Queens. The guests of honor were Senator Majority Leader Dean Skelos and members of the Senate Majority Conference. Guests enjoyed an evening of cocktails, dinner and dancing. 1. Steve Malito, Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Senator Marty Golden, Joe Viscomi and Michael Correra 2. Dina Fiore and Greg Brayman, Phoenix/Beehive and Phyllis Valenti, Star Industries 3. Steve Goldstein, Everett Hinds and Bob Danzi, all of Southern Wine & Spirits 4. Scott Beckendorf, Beckendorf Liquors; and Dina Opici, Opici Wine Co. 5. John Devin, Atlantic; Ed Wassmer, Metro; Fedele Miranda, Empire; and Jim Casey, Diageo 6. Tim Jansen, Verity Wine Partners; Bill Sciambi, Verity Wine Partners; and David Bowler, David Bowler Wines 7. Jeff Saunders, Retailers Alliance; Debbie Lane and Kevin Lane, Testa Wines 8. Joe Guzman, Ste. Michelle Wine Estates; Steve Bonavita, Lauber; and Keith Gosda, SMWE 9. Joe Ruocco and Jim Mingarelli, Sidney Frank; and David Drucker, Empire 10. Mario D’Amico and Jack Battipaglia, Southern Wine & Spirits; and Michael Correra 11. Bob Tarasowsky, Tara’s W&L; and Donald Leone, Brown-Forman 12. Vinny Fyfe, UFCW Local 2D; and Michael Correra 5 6 9 60 Beverage Media December 2012 7 10 8 11 12 >>See www.BevNetwork.com for more local NY events coverage December 2012 AROUNDTOWN METRO PACKAGE STORE ASSOCIATION HOSTS ANNUAL DINNER 1 2 3 4 On October 21st, the Metro Package Store Association held the 79th Annual Dinner at Russo’s on the Bay in Howard Beach, Queens. The year’s event honored State Senator Carl Marcellino and was considered another rousing success. 1. Joe Viscomi, Metro; Senator Carl Marcellino; and Michael Correra, Metro 2. Jody Slone, Beverage Media Group; and Tom Edwards, NYSLSA 3. Neil Dario, Wine and Liquor Depot; Robert Epstein, Bacardi; Michael Correra; Vince Martin, SWS; and Doug Cibuls, Lake Liquor 4. Michael Correra, Dina Opici, Opici; Mr. & Mrs. Tim Burns, Cappy’s 5. Paul Schutte, Lauber and Lester Eber, SWS 6. Matthew Green, Espirit Du Vin; John Plahs, Trinchero; and Marc Newman, Palm Bay 7. Eric Celt, Martin Scott; Michael Correra; and Scott Gerber, Martin Scott 8. John Devin, Atlantic W&S; and E. Lloyd Sobel, Empire Merchants 9. Michael Correra; Dina Fiore, Phoenix Beehive; Greg Brayman, Phoenix Beehive; and Martin Silver, Star Industries 10. Constance Oehmler, Verity Wine; Steve Malito, Davidoff, Hutcher & Citron LLP; and Mark Lartigau, BNP Distributing 11. Peter Choi, Metro; Brett Dunne, Illva Saronno USA; Robert Tornese, Campari America; and Nick Hall, Campari America 12. Joe Ruocco, Alia Scelzo, Jim Mingarelli, Eileen Correa, and Patrick Langworth, of Sidney Frank Importing Co. 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 10 72 BEVERAGE MEDIA December 2013 >>go to www.BevNetwork.com to see more photos and local NY events coverage December 2013