in whole person healthcare


in whole person healthcare
Still Scholars & Early Decision Programs
A.T. Still University of Health Sciences serves
as a learning-centered university dedicated to
preparing highly competent professionals through
innovative academic programs with a commitment
to continue its osteopathic heritage and focus on
whole person healthcare, scholarship, community
health, interprofessional education, diversity, and
underserved populations.
First Contact
Military Friendly
You can automatically receive
Named to the 2016 list of Military
notifications of admissions,
Friendly Schools®, ATSU is among
program, and prerequisite
the top 20 percent of colleges,
updates as they become available.
universities, and trade schools in
the country doing the most to
When You’re Ready
embrace America’s military service
members, veterans, and spouses as
866.626.2878, ext. 2237
students and ensure their success
on campus.
commissioner for the Commission
ATSU’s Arizona School of Health
Established in 1892 by Andrew
on Accreditation of Athletic
Sciences (ATSU-ASHS) shares the
Taylor Still, DO, the founder of
Training Education. ATSU’s
campus with two interdisciplinary
osteopathy, A.T. Still University
president was named NBA
research laboratories – the
(ATSU) began as the nation’s
Physician of the Year prior to
Interdisciplinary Neuromuscular
first college of osteopathic
accepting his position at ATSU.
Research Laboratory and the
medicine and has evolved into
Interdisciplinary Metabolic
a leading university of health
sciences. Today we offer multiple
ATSU’s Missouri campus is located
master’s degrees across allied
in Kirksville, a growing northeast
health disciplines, and doctorates
Missouri community of nearly
ATSU-KCOM graduates represent
in health education, physical
20,000 residents. Within easy
a diverse group of osteopathic
therapy, audiology, dental
driving distance of major cities
physicians practicing in every
medicine, health administration,
such as St. Louis, Kansas City,
state and several foreign
health sciences, athletic training,
and Des Moines, Kirksville offers a
countries. They span all medical
occupational therapy and
variety of cultural and recreational
specialties and sub-specialties
osteopathic medicine. Our
activities that appeal to a wide
and comprise approximately
graduates are routinely awarded
range of tastes.
a quarter of all practicing
Research Laboratory.
osteopathic physicians.
competitive residencies or
positions and receive superior
ATSU’s Arizona campus is located
evaluations and references.
in Mesa, a sprawling urban
Alumni from ATSU-ASHS’
They are trained at a level that
environment, just minutes from
athletic training program
clearly distinguishes them from
Phoenix. The Valley of the Sun
practice throughout the country
their peers.
offers breathtaking sites, cultural
and are employed in a variety
events, and numerous attractions
of professional, collegiate,
for students to enjoy.
secondary school, clinical, and
Ranking and Leadership
ATSU’s Kirksville College of
academic settings.
(ATSU-KCOM) has a rich
Technology and
history of providing leadership
In 2007, ATSU-KCOM opened the
This publication is for general
for comprehensive medical
Connell Information Technologies
informational purposes only.
education, research, and
Center, a 55,000-square-foot,
ATSU reserves the right to make
healthcare. ATSU’s people
$12.5 million building. The
changes in educational programs,
are demonstrated leaders in
educational technology available
application deadlines, and tuition
healthcare. The chair of the
in this building gives our students
without notice.
Doctor of Athletic Training
an enormous advantage inside
program also serves as
and outside the classroom.
Osteopathic Medicine
Still Scholars DO
osteopathic medicine
The ATSU-KCOM Still Scholars program provides outstanding
sophomore-level undergraduate students the opportunity to
reserve early admission to the College. ATSU-KCOM selects
qualified applicants* who share the common goal of becoming a
doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO).
*Articulation agreements are in place with various undergraduate institutions across the United States to help pre-screen qualified applicants;
however, students from any four-year accredited undergraduate institution in the United States may apply. Students representing schools that have
an agreement with ATSU-KCOM receive priority consideration in the selection process.
Students accepted into the Still Scholars program are not required to take the Medical College Admissions
Test (MCAT) and reserve a seat in ATSU-KCOM’s entering DO class after successfully completing the Still
Scholars program pre-matriculation interview and their bachelor’s degree. Students focus on leadership
experiences, internship opportunities, and prerequisite and elective course work during their remaining college
years. In addition, students have the unique opportunity to participate in student mentoring and professional
Application Eligibility
Students must meet the
by the designated year of
application. Students may apply
courses requires written approval
from the pre-health adviser and/
following requirements:
• Be enrolled full time at
a participating college
or university or enrolled
full time at a four-year
regionally accredited college
or university
• Have a science and cumulative
GPA of 3.4 or higher
• Have completed at least
75 percent of prerequisite
coursework required for
entry into ATSU-KCOM’s
DO program
• Have received a B or higher in
all prerequisite courses (B- is
not accepted)
• Have clinical shadowing or
volunteer experience
• Have demonstrated
experiences in community
service, especially those
experiences that benefit
underserved populations
• Are of sophomore-level
status (approximately 45
semester credit hours, or
equivalent, completed)
• Have demonstrated leadership
experiences (preferred)
for admission to this program
after completing three semesters
(approximately 45 credit hours).
or ATSU Admissions. Participants
must complete graduation
requirements as a full-time
student and have graduated
no more than one year prior to
matriculating to ATSU-KCOM.
Still Scholar students have an
exclusive agreement with
ATSU-KCOM and agree not to
apply to another medical school
unless rejected or formally
withdrawn from this program.
ATSU-KCOM reserves the right, at
any time, to reject a student from
this program.
How to Apply
Students may enroll in any major,
provided at least 75 percent of
ATSU-KCOM’s entry requirements
are met by the date of application
and all requirements are met
If a student is from a school that
has an articulation agreement
with ATSU-KCOM, pre-health
advisers at participating schools
review applications and select
students who meet program
criteria in the spring of each
year. Students should submit
a program application, official
transcripts, and letters of
evaluation to their pre-health
adviser by the deadline.
Students at institutions without
articulation agreements can
download application materials at and submit
it with all required documents by
June 1 following their sophomore
year of college. Qualified students
are invited to interview with the
selection committee the following
Any Restrictions?
All prescribed courses in the
applicants’ baccalaureate
program must be taken at a
participating undergraduate
institution or a regionally
accredited undergraduate
institution in the United States.
Any deviation from the required
In addition, acceptance will be
withdrawn if:
• Application is made to another
medical/osteopathic school
• Inactivity in required activities,
stated deadlines, or failure
to complete program
requirements occurs
• Academic, ethical, or moral
violations occur
• MCAT is taken, and the
student scores a 499 or less
• Notification is received
from student that career
plans changed
• Early graduation occurs less
than two years from student’s
application date
Early Decision Program DO
osteopathic medicine
At ATSU, we believe in applicants who demonstrate
a commitment to the whole-person experience,
who have a selfless passion to serve, and who are
congruent to the osteopathic philosophy. Making
an early decision to apply exclusively to ATSUKCOM is the beginning of an exciting journey to
become the selfless healer you are meant to be.
The Early Decision Program is a service for highly qualified medical school applicants who have made a definite
decision that ATSU-KCOM is their first choice among medical schools. There is a formal application process as
well as interviews and prerequisite course requirements to be part of this program.
Application Eligibility
To be considered, applicants must agree to apply only
to ATSU-KCOM until an early decision notification and
must meet the following requirements:
• A minimum GPA of 3.5 both cumulative and in the
sciences (biology, chemistry, physics)
• Have taken the Medical College Admissions Test
(MCAT) and earned a composite score of 504
or higher
• File the American Association of Colleges of
Osteopathic Medicine Application Service
(AACOMAS) application and supporting
credentials by Aug. 1
• File all secondary materials with ATSU-KCOM by
Sept. 15
• Submit letter of intent by Aug. 1 indicating the
applicant is applying only to ATSU-KCOM and
wishes to be considered for early decision
• Withhold all applications to other medical schools
until early decisions are made by ATSU-KCOM
Procedures for Applying to the
Early Decision Program
Applications are available through AACOMAS on
May 1. To contact AACOMAS, write:
5550 Friendship Boulevard, Suite 310
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7231,
phone 301.968.4190,
2 Application, transcripts from all institutions
attended, and MCAT scores must be received by
AACOMAS by Aug. 1.
3 Secondary materials must be received by
ATSU-KCOM Admissions by Sept. 15. Secondary
materials include: application; $70 application
fee; letter of intent; letter of evaluation from
premedical advisory committee, premedical
adviser, or science faculty member; and a letter of
evaluation from a physician or employer.
4 Interviews are conducted in early fall
for applicants deemed qualified by the
Admissions Committee.
5 Notification of status is made within two weeks
of interview.
6 If accepted, a $1,000 non-refundable tuition
prepayment is required by Dec. 14.
7 Applicants not accepted for early decision are
automatically returned to the regular applicant
pool for later evaluation.
Still Scholars AT
athletic training
The Athletic Training Still Scholars program
provides outstanding students the opportunity to
receive early admission to ATSU-ASHS. The School
works in collaboration with various undergraduate
colleges to identify and select qualified applicants
who share the common goal of graduating with an
athletic training degree.
Students accepted into the Athletic Training Still Scholars program receive a reserved seat pending acceptance
into ATSU-ASHS’ post-professional athletic training program and receive the following benefits:
• Reserved placement in the athletic training program with special recognition as an Athletic Training
Still Scholar
• Priority graduate assistantship placement pending final verification of all requirements for graduate
assistantships (Board of Certification (BOC), Arizona state licensure, etc.)
• Eligibility for travel funds to return to their undergraduate institution to discuss their experiences as a
graduate student at ATSU
Application Eligibility
How to Apply
Students must meet the following requirements:
Students are eligible to apply if they matriculate from
• Be enrolled full time at a participating college
a partnering institution and complete and submit a
or university
• Demonstrate BOC certification as an athletic
trainer or completion of all eligibility requirements
primary athletic training application and Still Scholar
supplemental form, as well as letters of evaluation.
Students may apply their senior year.
to sit for the BOC certification examination
We have a rolling general admissions process.
However, because positions and graduate
assistantships are competitive, it is recommended
Athletic Training Still Scholars apply as early as
possible and no later than March 1.
diversity means more
than hue at ATSU
A.T. Still University is deeply committed to an educational and
collaborative environment embracing cultural proficiency. ATSU believes
excellence requires understanding, affirming, and valuing human
difference. ATSU supports students who learn and serve in diverse,
underserved, urban, and rural communities across America. ATSU’s
alumni also practice, work, and volunteer across the world.
National Center for American
Indian Health Professions
The American Indian and Alaska
Native communities are among
the most underserved in terms of
healthcare. To help address this
great need and build on its long
tradition of working closely with
these communities, ATSU created
the National Center for American
Indian Health Professions as a way
to develop outreach to American
Indian and Alaska Native high
school and college students,
with the goal of sparking interest
in healthcare careers. For more
information, visit:
Meet ATSU’s diversity leadership
Financial Aid
866.626.2878, ext. 2529
Financial Services assists accepted students in developing
comprehensive and individualized support packages, including private
and federal loans, scholarships, grants, and work-study programs.
In addition, the athletic training program sponsors a variety of funded
graduate assistantship opportunities for BOC-certified and Arizona
Board of Athletic Training state licensed athletic trainers. Numerous
graduate assistantships are available at local high schools and colleges
and generally require 20-30 hours of work/week. Funding for graduate
assistantships ranges from approximately $8,000 to $16,000 annually
(=$11,695/year). Tuition waivers are not available, and the graduate
assistantship employer pays funding directly to the student. Applicants
interested in obtaining a graduate assistantship are encouraged to
complete the admissions process early and to sit for the BOC certification
exam in April or June.
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
College of Graduate Health Studies
Biomedical Sciences
Health Administration
• Master of Science
• Master of Health Administration – online
Osteopathic Medicine
• Doctor of Health Administration – online
• Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
Health Education
• Doctor of Health Education – online
Health Sciences
Arizona School of Health Sciences
• Doctor of Health Sciences – online
Athletic Training
• Master of Science
• Master of Science in Kinesiology – online
• Doctor of Athletic Training – online
Public Health
• Master of Public Health – online – Dental
• Doctor of Audiology
Emphasis available
• Post-Professional Doctor of Audiology – online
• Dental Public Health Residency – online
Occupational Therapy
• Entry-Level Master of Science in
Occupational Therapy
Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health
• Entry-Level Doctor of Occupational Therapy
Dental Medicine
• Master of Science in Advanced Occupational
• Doctor of Dental Medicine
Therapy – online
• Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational
• Certificate in Orthodontics
Therapy - online
Physical Therapy
• Doctor of Physical Therapy
• Post-Professional Doctor of Physical
School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona
Osteopathic Medicine
Therapy – online
• Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine
• Physical Therapy Neurology
Residency - online/residential blend
• Physical Therapy Orthopedic
Residency – online/residential blend
Physician Assistant
• Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies
• Master of Science in Advanced Physician
Assistant Studies – online
Missouri School of Dentistry & Oral Health
Dental Medicine
• Doctor of Dental Medicine
First Contact
You can automatically receive
notifications of admissions,
program, and prerequisite
updates as they become available.
When You’re Ready
866.626.2878, ext. 2237
Campus Locations
800 W. Jefferson St.
Kirksville, MO 63501-1497
A.T. Still University
Higher Learning Commission
230 South LaSalle St., Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604
Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine
Bureau of Professional Education of the American
Osteopathic Association
Commission on Osteopathic Accreditation of the
American Osteopathic Association
142 East Ontario St., Chicago, IL 60611
Mesa, AZ 85206-3618
Athletic Training
National Athletic Trainers Association
2952 Stemmons Fwy., Dallas, TX 75247
We’re likable.
Statement of Nondiscrimination
5850 E. Still Circle
A.T. Still University (ATSU) does not discriminate on
the basis of race, color, religion, ethnicity, national
origin, sex (including pregnancy), gender, sexual
orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or veteran
status in admission or access to, or treatment or
employment in its programs and activities.
Dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault
(e.g., non-consensual sexual contact/intercourse),
stalking, harassment, and retaliation are forms of
discrimination prohibited by ATSU. Any person with
questions concerning ATSU’s nondiscrimination
policies is directed to contact Lori Haxton,
vice president for student affairs (660.626.2236;, Donna Brown, assistant vice
president of human resources (660.626.2790;, or by mail to either office at
800 W. Jefferson St., Kirksville, MO 63501.
All brochure data is derived from the incoming
class of 2015.