San Andres Clavers Alive and Well!


San Andres Clavers Alive and Well!
T h e
K n i g h t s
o f
P e t e r
C l a v e r,
I n c.
Volume 95 • Summer Issue 2011 •
Inaugural Advertising Edition
San Andres Clavers
Alive and Well!
i n s i d e
t h i s
i s s u e
Officer messages • District news • Junior Division • 2011 Resolutions
A Catholic fraternal magazine published by:
The National Council Knights of Peter Claver
and National Court Knights of Peter Claver,
Ladies Auxiliary
The Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond
Archbishop of New Orleans
F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Supreme Knight
Geralyn C. Shelvin, Supreme Lady
Michael J. Taylor, Executive Director
Debra Frazier, Assistant
Athanase Jones, Publisher Liaison
Ann Jacob, Editor
KPC Public Relations Group, contributing
The Knights Of Peter Claver
Founded in Mobile, Alabama, in 1909
Headquarters in New Orleans, Louisiana
All items intended for publication in The Claverite
must be submitted by: April 10 for summer issue and
September 10 for winter issue.
Please send your news items to, and
include a photo. When taking photographs for the magazine,
please make sure your camera is set on the highest resolution
setting possible. Photographs should be 300 dpi or higher
at full size for them to print well. Please provide stories in a
Word document and photos as jpg files. Please do not submit
any handwritten material or PDF files.
“TRUST IN GOD” is our password
“ONWARD” is our war cry
San Andres
Clavers Alive
and Well!
Athanase Jones
page 27
28“Nothing Beats
Scripture” for
Keeping Life
in Perspective,
Obama Says
from the
29A Message to Our
Fathers from His
Excellency Thomas
Rodi, Archbishop
of Mobile
8 10
from the
30 District news
33Business and
37 District news cont.
47 Junior Division
financial operations
58 2011 Resolutions
special pull-out
66 Board of Directors
Outgoing Officers
Supreme Knight
(correction from last issue)
Gene A. Phillips, Sr.
As a tribute to the election
of our new Supreme Knight
and in commemoration of our
inaugural offering of advertising,
congratulatory advertisements
from Archdioceses and Dioceses
across the country are included in
this edition of The Claverite.
Past Supreme Knight
(correction from last issue)
Arthur C. McFarland, Esq.
National Secretary
Jamaal N. Borum
Newly Appointed Officers
Athanase J. Jones, Jr.
National Secretary
Grant A. Jones
Gulf Coast District Deputy
inside this issue
from the
Knights of Peter Claver
Message from the
Supreme Knight
F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B., Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer
message from the supreme knight
s you know, there has been much
talk throughout the Church in America
about the crisis of vocation to the ministerial priesthood and religious life. Because it is particularly alarming in our Black communities, we should be alarmed that the number of Black
American priests is dwindling, the priests themselves
are aging and sacred ordinations are far too few for
the number of Black Catholics in the United States.
In February, I was invited to offer remarks at both the Solemn Vespers and the Funeral Mass of Divine Word Father Thaddeus Boucree
at St. Augustine Seminary. Father Thaddeus was a good and faithful
priest, and we praise God in thanksgiving for him and for so many
others who faithfully serve the Black Church. In speaking to those assembled, I was obligated not only to speak of the life of this wonderful, prayerful preacher of the Holy Gospel, but also I was compelled
to inquire as to who will step into his shoes.
In September 2010, I had the occasion to participate in “Moving
Forward in Hope,” a symposium sponsored by the National Religious
Vocations Conference at the Catholic Theological Union. One of the
major goals of this symposium was to bring together vocation directors, Catholic educators, major superiors, youth, young adult and
campus ministers, younger religious, and media and communications
experts to champion new perspectives, fresh ideas and innovative
approaches to vocation ministry by generating new energy in the
promotion of religious life. Because studies show there is a renewed
interest in religious life among young people, we must nurture this
interest with sacramental life and solid catechesis.
Great examples of the Claver focus on vocations are found in the
Diocese of Pittsburgh where St. Augustine Tolton Court #277 has
seized the opportunity to work with the diocesan bishop and vocations director to spotlight the need for vocations among men and
women from the African-American community, and the Saint Peter
Claver Awards in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles sponsored by the
African American Catholic Center for Evangelization. Let us continue
to work arduously to support vocations.
In a letter published on the National Website during Holy Week, I
spoke of how we Catholics believe that “Christ redeemed us all and
gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery:
dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life” (General Norms for the Liturgical Year and the Calendar 18). Not just for
the Easter season are we called to celebrate these days of grace as we
remember and celebrate “What God has done for the hearts of all.”
Every day is a day of thanksgiving for that which God has done for us.
My dear friends, I say time and again, “The Knights of Peter Claver
and Ladies Auxiliary is not done. We are called to be a family broken
like bread for the life of the world. Our celebration of the Easter
Triduum places before us the reality that our Father, through Jesus
Christ, is continuing to recreate us anew with charity and mercy. The
whole family of the Knights of Peter Claver is called to renew our
commitment as a loving community rich in compassion, steadfast in
hope, and fearless in the search for peace and justice.”
All is not lost; our best is yet to come! Please be assured of my
prayers for you and your families.
My activities for the past year:
August 2010
• Feast of St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Bernard Abbey, Cullman, Ala.
• Expansion Reception, Christ the King Church, Jackson, Miss.
• Mass of Thanksgiving for Donna Williams, Gulf Coast Conference
President, Holy Ghost Church, Jackson, Miss.
• Dinner with Bishop Robert Baker and Bishop Joseph Perry, Birmingham
• EWTN Live with Father Mitch Pacwa, EWTN Studios, Irondale, Ala.
September 2010
• St. Peter Claver Celebration, Prince of Peace Church, Mobile, Ala.
• Meeting with Father Anthony Bozeman (NBCCC), St. Raymond and
St. Leo Church, New Orleans
• Feast of St. Peter Claver, St. Joseph Church, Huntsville, Ala.
• Mass of Thanksgiving for DeKarlos Blackmon, Holy Spirit Church,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Feast of the Exultation of the Holy Cross, Pope John Paul II Catholic
High School, Huntsville, Ala.
• National Religious Vocations Conference Symposium, Catholic
Theological Union, Chicago
• St. Bernard Abbey Benefactors Day, St. Bernard Abbey, Cullman, Ala.
October 2010
• Dinner in Honor of the Supreme Lady, Hamm-Hall Residence, Atlanta
• Most Blessed Sacrament Prayer Breakfast, Most Blessed Sacrament
Church, Atlanta
• Rosary for Life and Vocations, Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament,
Hanceville, Ala.
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, St. Francis of
Assisi Church, Bessemer, Ala.
• Mass with Archbishop Wilton Gregory, Father Edward Branch and
College Students, Lyke House, Atlanta University Center, Atlanta
• Dinner with St. Francis of Assisi Court #286, St. Joseph Church,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Solemn Dedication of Pope John Paul II Catholic High School,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Meeting of the Executive Committee, KPC National Office, New Orleans
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
• Scholarship Gala, New Orleans Coordinating Council and Courts,
University of New Orleans
• Final Mass before Relegation of the Church to Profane Use, St. Joseph
Church, Huntsville, Ala.
November 2010
• Solemnity of All Saints, St. Paul Cathedral, Birmingham
• Solemn Vespers with the Superior General of the Society of the Divine
Savior, St. Joseph Church, Huntsville, Ala.
• Solemn Dedication of St. Joseph Church with Bishops Baker and Foley,
St. Joseph Church, Huntsville, Ala.
• Meeting of the Board, National Black Catholic Congress, Marriott Baltimore Harbor
• Gala, Pope John Paul II Catholic High School, Von Braun Center,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Founder’s Day Celebration, Council #2, St. Peter the Apostle Church,
Chastang, Ala.
• Official Visit of St. Mary, Star of the Sea, #382, St. Mary, Star of the Sea
Church, San Andres Isla, Colombia
• Father Augustus Tolton Vocations Dinner, Comfort Inn, Pittsburgh
• Mass of the First Sunday of Advent, St. John the Baptist Church,
Madison, Ala.
January 2011
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, St. Patrick
Church, Adamsville, Ala.
• Reception and Installation of Officers, St. John Church, Port Arthur, Texas
• Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration, Basilica of St. Anthony, Beaumont, Texas
• Mass and Installation of Officers, Blessed Sacrament Church,
Beaumont, Texas
• Supreme Knight Reception, Our Mother of Mercy Church, Beaumont, Texas
• 2011 Convention Planning Committee Meeting, Holy Name Church,
Los Angeles
• Quarterly Investment Committee Meeting, Westin Bonaventure Hotel,
Los Angeles
• Mass with Knights and Ladies of Los Angeles, Holy Name of Jesus
Church, Los Angeles
• Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting, Westin Bonaventure Hotel,
Los Angeles
• Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration, Archdiocese of Los Angeles,
Inglewood, Calif.
• King Memorial Mass, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Los Angeles
• Pro-Life Leadership Mass, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
• Opening Mass, National Prayer Vigil for Life, National Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.
• Pro-life Youth Mass and Rally, and March for Life, Verizon Center and
Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.
• Dinner with Seminarians, Baltimore-Washington International, Baltimore
• Opening Mass of Catholic Schools Week, St. Joseph Church, Huntsville, Ala.
February 2011
• Meeting with College Students, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.
• Meeting with the Alabama Department of Insurance, KPC National
Office, New Orleans
• Remarks at the Funeral of Father Thaddeus Boucree, St. Augustine
Seminary, Bay St. Louis, Mo.
• Meeting with Dr. Norman C. Francis, Xavier University of Louisiana,
New Orleans
• Valentine Champagne Gala for Scholarships, Von Braun Center,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Blessing of the Statue of the Sacred Heart, Pope John Paul II Catholic
High School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Lunch and Meeting with Bishop Robert J. Baker, Pope John Paul II
Catholic High School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Ring Blessing for the Class of 2012, Pope John Paul II Catholic High
School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Meeting with College Students, Spring Hill College, Mobile, Ala.
• Dinner with College Students, Vanderbilt University, Nashville
March 2011
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, Diocese
of Birmingham
• Holy Family School Gala, Black and White Ball, Holy Family Regional
School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Silver Jubilee of Claverism in Atlanta, St. Anthony of Padua Church, Atlanta
• Mass of Thanksgiving for Silver Jubilee of Claverism, St. Anthony of
Padua Church, Atlanta
• Solemnity of St. Joseph, St. Joseph Church, Huntsville, Ala.
• Meeting with National Office Staff, KPC National Office, New Orleans
• Louisiana State Junior Conference, Lafayette Hilton, Lafayette
• National Honor Society Induction Ceremony, Pope John Paul II
Catholic High School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Meeting with the Alabama Department of Insurance, ALDOI Executive Offices, Montgomery
• Quarterly Executive Committee Meeting, Riverview Plaza Hotel, Mobile
April 2011
• Meeting with Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi, Archdiocese of Mobile,
• Mass and turnout with Knights and Ladies of Mobile, St. Francis
Xavier Church, Mobile
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, Holy
Family Catholic Church, Birmingham
• Bloomin’ Festival with the Monks, St. Bernard Abbey, Cullman, Ala.
• Mass of the Palm (Passion) Sunday, St. Augustine Church, Washington, D.C.
• Meeting, Directors of Various Departments, United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C.
• Mass of Chrism Cathedral of St. Matthew, Washington, D.C.
• Easter Prayer Breakfast with President Barack Obama, The White
House, Washington, D.C.
• Gulf Coast District Conference, Embassy Suites and Convention
Center, Charleston
May 2011
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, Queen of
the Universe Church, Birmingham
• Commencement Exercises, St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, Winona
• Baccalaureate Mass and Conferral of Awards, St. Joseph Church,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Commencement Exercises, St. Bernard Preparatory School, Cullman, Ala.
• Commencement Exercises and Conferral of Awards, Holy Family Regional School, Huntsville, Ala.
• Commencement Exercises, Pope John Paul II Catholic High School,
Huntsville, Ala.
June 2011
• Interregional African American Catholic Evangelization Conference,
Jackson Marriott Hotel, Jackson, Miss.
• Meeting of the Board, National Black Catholic Congress, Hyatt Regency
Bellevue, Seattle
July 2011
• Junior National Convention, Hilton Riverside Hotel, New Orleans
• Mass of the Feast of St. Benedict, St. Bernard Abbey, Cullman, Ala.
message from the supreme knight
December 2010
• Meeting, Consortium of Pastors of Black Catholic Churches, Landry’s
Restaurant, Birmingham
• Annual Claver Christmas Social, Wilson Residence, Huntsville, Ala.
• Mass of the Second Sunday of Advent, Our Lady Queen of the Universe
Church, Huntsville, Ala.
• Mass, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Holy Family School,
Huntsville, Ala.
• National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry, New Orleans Convention
• Establishment of Holy Trinity Council and Court, Holy Trinity Church,
Washington, La.
• Mass of Commemoration of Resurrection of Our Lord, Resurrection of
Our Lord Church, Savannah
• Solemn Mass of Dedication of a Church and Altar, Resurrection of Our
Lord Church, Savannah
Knights of Peter Claver
Ladies Auxiliary
Message from the
message from the supreme lady
Supreme Lady
Geralyn C. Shelvin, Supreme Lady
reetings, fellow Clavers:
I am honored and
privileged to submit to you
my fifth Annual Report for
the Office of Supreme Lady.
I continue to reflect on the future of Our Noble
Order – where we have been and where we are going.
Positive changes during the past year have helped to
continue the growth and expansion of our current
membership. We have seen the institution of electronic voting at the National Convention for the Ladies
Division and have expanded this concept to include
some of the 2011 District/State Conferences and the
upcoming 2011 Junior National Convention. Our new
website has been launched, and by the printing of this
edition of The Claverite, members will be able to utilize
the option of online registration for the convention.
Our technological advancements, however, cannot distract us from our focus: we all must continually re-evaluate our commitments and goals for the
future of our organization. You must attend events and
participate at the local, district/state and national level
in order to be informed and to network and fellowship
with fellow Clavers.
At the 2011 National Convention there will be
workshops for the delegates and membership.
Please encourage new initiates, along with the entire
membership of your respective unit, to make plans to
attend. Some members feel that if it is not an election
year it is not necessary to attend. Quite the contrary:
it is important to attend every year because decisions are made each year based on the actions of the
delegates assembled in convention. Each of us must
continue to serve our church, our communities and
our Noble Order.
The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary continues to be represented by the Office of Supreme Lady
as an affiliate to the following entities: National Black
Catholic Congress, National Black Catholic Apostolate
for Life, National Council of Negro Women and the
National Council of Catholic Women, and I continue
to serve on the Subcommittee on African American Affairs of the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops. I have participated in two conference calls
with women in leadership roles with First Lady Michelle Obama regarding her
“Project Move” aimed at educating the public regarding childhood obesity.
The membership of the Ladies Division continues to be of service in the
community and church parishes as Directors of Religious Education, Ministers
of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of Music, Ministers of Welcome, Office Administrators and in many other capacities.
Below are membership statistics for the last year and you will see there
has been an increase since 2009.
Ladies Membership 2010
Louisiana District
1,772 944
1,775 938
1,779 961
1,498 875
1,647 870
1,699 889
July/Aug. July and August data not available at time of submission of report.
1,694 910
1,682 899
1,635 896
1,654 909
Total Membership, December 2010: 9,717
Active Courts: 307
Inactive Courts: 17
Ladies Membership 2011
Louisiana District Texas
Total Membership, March 2010: 9,717
Active Courts: 303
Inactive Courts: 21
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Our District/State Deputies continue to actively pursue reclaiming and retaining membership and recruiting new members, as
evidenced in their individual reports. The National Counselor and
all District/State Deputies are to be commended for their diligence
in maintaining and expanding our membership. Along with
their Area Deputies and Area Counselors they have established
new courts and held initiations and workshops to have a more
informed and knowledgeable membership. Increased knowledge
of the organization energizes the membership to encourage other
Roman Catholic women to become a part of the Knights of Peter
Claver Ladies Auxiliary.
My activities for the past year:
September 2010
• Attended Acadiana District #4 St. Peter Claver Day turnout
• Attended Mass of Thanksgiving for Supreme Knight,
Huntsville, Ala.
• Attended court meeting and workshop for St. Luke Court #145
• Participated in conference call of the 2011 Convention Planning
• Participated in conference calls of the National Council Board
of Directors
• Participated in St. Paul Chapter #3 Exemplification Ceremony
Edelman of the Children’s Defense Fund and other women leaders
regarding the health issues of our people
• Conference calls with National Council Board of Directors,
Western States District Conference Board Members
• Attended establishment of Henriette DeLille Chapter #48 in Tampa
• Visits to the National Office for 2011 convention planning
• Attended Founder’s Day Mass and Memorial Mass for deceased
members of Little Theresa Court #11
December 2010
• Installed officers of Acadiana District #4
• National Office visit and hotel site visit for Junior National
Convention planning
• Attended establishment of Holy Trinity Court and Council #393
in Washington, La.
• Conference calls with leadership of the Western States District
• Attended dedication of Resurrection of Our Lord Church in
Savannah, Ga.
• Attended meeting and social of St. Agnes Junior Court #11
• Attended Christmas Social hosted by St. Paul Assembly &
Chapter #3
• Conference calls made with Ladies of the National Office staff
January 2011
• Attended St. Paul Assembly and St. Paul Chapter #3 annual
Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet
• Conference calls with National Council Board of Directors
• Attended Executive Committee and Investment Committee meetings and site visit of 2011 National Convention in Los Angeles
• Attended turnout for Memorial Mass in honor of Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral in
Los Angeles
• Attended Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Prayer
Breakfast at St. Mary’s Academy in Inglewood, Calif.
• Turnout for Diocese of Beaumont Annual Martin Luther King Jr.
Birthday Commemoration, Attended Morning Prayer and Prayer
Breakfast at St. Anthony Cathedral Basilica in Beaumont, Texas
October 2010
• Guest Speaker for Most Blessed Sacrament Court #376 Prayer
Breakfast in Atlanta
• Attended the fall planning meeting of the Louisiana State
Conference, Baton Rouge
• Visited the National Office in New Orleans and participated in
National Council Board of Directors conference call
• Attended Mass of Thanksgiving for new Executive Director,
New Iberia, La.
• Attended Our Lady of Perpetual Help Court and Council #54
Annual Awards Banquet
• Attended Executive Committee meeting of the National
Council Board of Directors and the Investment Committee
meeting, New Orleans
• Attended New Orleans Central Committee Scholarship Gala
• Attended informational meeting for prospective members and establishment of new court at Holy Trinity Church, Washington, La.
March 2011
• Investment Committee conference call
• Visits to the National Office
• Attended Louisiana State Junior Conference
• Conference calls with representative of United Negro College Fund
November 2010
• Attended the Sapphire & Ice Scholarship Gala of Council and
Court #168, Lake Charles, La.
• Conference call with Supreme General Chapter Board Members
• Attended National Black Catholic Congress Board of Directors
Meeting, Baltimore
• Conference call with First Lady Michelle Obama, Marian Wright
April 2011
• Attended the Executive Committee meeting of the National
Council Board of Directors, Mobile, Ala.
• Attended turnout of Council and Court #350 at St. Francis Xavier
Church in Mobile, Ala.
• Visit to National Office
• Plans to attend the Louisiana State Conference
February 2011
• Participated in conference calls of the National Court Board of
Directors, National Council Board of Directors and the Supreme
General Chapter Board of Directors
• Visit to the National Office in New Orleans
• Attended establishment of Our Lady of Guadalupe Court #395 in
New Orleans
• Attended St. Felicitas/St Ailbee Court #181 Male Image Awards
in Chicago
message from the supreme lady
August 2010
• Attended the 2010 National Convention, St. Louis
• Workshop presenter at the National Black Sisters’ Conference – 3rd
Gathering of African-American Catholic Women, Charlotte, N.C.
• Attended the Louisiana State Junior Expansion Picnic
• Attended St. Paul Chapter #3 Blue and Gold Ball
• Attended Awards Luncheon of St. Catherine of Sienna Chapter
#16 in New Iberia, La.
• Attended Prosper A. Bijou Assembly #16 Awards Banquet in
New Iberia, La.
In keeping with the Supreme Knight’s focus on the development of youth,
vocations, and life issues, Bishop Holley presents an article written in 2008
concerning abortion and the African American family. This article is reprinted
with the approval of the USCCB Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
On Abortion and
the African American
Bishop Martin D. Holley, Member of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities,
Chairman of the Sub-Committee on African American Affairs, United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops, October 15, 2008
message from the national chaplain
s an African American, I am saddened by evidence that Black women continue to
be targeted by the abortion industry. A report issued recently by the Guttmacher
Institute shows that Black women have abortions at five times the rate of white
women. The loss of any child from abortion is a tragedy, but we must ask: Why are
minority children being aborted at such disproportionate rates?
Many African Americans are not aware that since the Roe
macher Institute is shamelessly trying to build a case for
v. Wade decision legalized abortion throughout all 9 months receiving more of our taxpayer dollars. Every year the federal
of pregnancy, the number one cause of death in the African
government gives over $300 million to Planned Parenthood.
American community has been
Last year for the first time,
abortion. We have lost over
Planned Parenthood took in
We must demand an end to
13 million lives. To put that in
over one billion dollars and rethe victimizing of African
perspective, it is one third of
ported a profit of $51 million.
our present Black population.
I join my voice with others
American children, women, families
Since 1973, twice as many
in the Black community who
and communities by Planned
Black Americans have died
have called for the defunding
from abortion than from AIDS, Parenthood and others in the abortion of the abortion industry.
accidents, violent crimes,
We must demand an end
industry. Over 80 percent of Planned
cancer, and heart disease
to the victimizing of African
Parenthood clinics are located
American children, women,
As I noted in my recent
families and communities
in minority neighborhoods.
Respect Life Program article, “A
by Planned Parenthood and
Reflection on the African American Family and the Culture
others in the abortion industry. Over 80 percent of Planned
of Life” (,
Parenthood clinics are located in minority neighborhoods.
our legitimate commitment to other social concerns must
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, began
not push the primary moral issue of abortion onto the back
the “Negro Project” to reduce the Black population. We
burner. It clearly must be at the heart and center of our
should be shocked and heartbroken by the findings of a
discussion of the survival of African American people.
recent phone investigation, that recorded a fundraiser at an
The Guttmacher Institute called on policy makers to “reIowa Planned Parenthood clinic saying she was “very excited”
double their efforts to improve access to subsidized contraabout a donation specifically for aborting Black babies.
ceptive services for these women.” Yet studies have shown
My brothers and sisters, we can overcome abortion in
that increased access to contraceptives, especially among
our nation. Let us defend our community by rededicating
teens, does not reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion. ourselves to family life and marriage, promoting the gift of
On the contrary, several studies link increased access to
chastity and marital fidelity, committing ourselves to prayer
contraceptives to an increase in STDs, with no decrease in
and service to others and defending the life and dignity of
abortion rates.
each human person. We can welcome every child as a gift
As the research arm of Planned Parenthood, the Guttand we can overcome abortion.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Juniors at Blessed Sacrament in Beaumont.
Founder’s Day at Chastang, Alabama.
Visiting with Students and Chandra Farrier, the principal of Holy
Family Elementary School in Birmingham.
With Knights of Columbus and Peter Claver.
to Supreme Knight
Fredron DeKarlos
from FAITH Catholic Publishing
and Communications
Martin Luther King Celebration in Beaumont.
across the order, welcoming our
new supreme knight
Supremes at Resurrection of Our Lord in Savannah.
FAITH Catholic
Publishing and
proud partner with
Message from the
Executive Director
Michael Taylor, Executive Director
officer messages
raternal greetings, my Brothers
and Sisters in Claverism! It is my
extreme pleasure and humble
duty to serve you, our loyal and
dedicated membership. I would like to thank
each and every one of you for the countless
well wishes I have received as I assumed the
duties and responsibilities of Executive Director
in September 2010. I truly appreciate the
confidence you have in me and look forward to
working for you and with you.
Since becoming Executive Director, my staff and I have
worked hard to ensure that our membership and our Boards
of Directors receive the highest quality of customer service
possible. In addition to the normal services we provide, such
as processing membership records and supplying orders and
bereavement claims, we also provide additional services that
are individually tailored to each customer’s request. If there
is anything we can do to better serve you, please do not
hesitate to call or email me.
We are making final preparations for our upcoming
Junior and Senior National Conventions. The 2011 Junior
National Convention will be held in New Orleans July 8–10,
and the 2011 Senior National Convention will be held in
Los Angeles July 29–Aug. 3. Please plan to attend these
conventions. Attendance at your District/State Conferences
and National Conventions is the only way to know firsthand
the real business of KPC beyond the local level, not to
mention the opportunities to fellowship with your fellow
Membership: Our overall membership has increased
slightly since August 2010. However, it is up to all of us to
recruit, retain and reclaim our members in order to sustain
us for another 100 years. The membership of the Knights of
Peter Claver is as follows:
Aug. 2010 Jan. 2011 Apr. 2011
Knights 5,003
Ladies 9,194
Junior Knights
Junior Daughters
16,43517,650 17,584
The membership of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies
Auxiliary is represented in 278 active councils and 303
active courts. The membership of the Junior Knights and
Junior Daughters is represented in 88 active branches and
158 active Junior courts.
The following units have been
established since August 2010:
KPC Councils
Establishment Date
Holy Trinity Council #393...Washington, La..........Dec. 11, 2010
St. Jude Council #394.........New Orleans...............Dec. 18, 2010
St. Augustine/St. Monica
Council #395..........................Detroit...........................Jan. 29, 2011
KPCLA Courts
Establishment Date
Holy Trinity Court #393.......Washington, La..........Dec. 11, 2010
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Court #394..............................New Orleans...............Feb. 19, 2011
St. Monica Court #395........Detroit...........................Jan. 29, 2011
KPC Ladies of Grace
Establishment Date
Henriette DeLille
Chapter #48............................Tampa........................... Nov. 20, 2010
Establishment Date
Junior Courts
St. Vincent de Paul
Junior Court..............................Newport News, Va....Oct. 23, 2010
KPC Insurance: At the 2011 National Convention, the
membership will be presented with, and asked to approve, an
insurance proposal that will make it possible for all members to be
insured, even in the states in which the Order has been unable to
obtain insurance for its members.
Tax ID Numbers: All councils, courts, assemblies and chapters
are required to have a Tax ID number, per IRS regulations. Each
unit having a Tax ID number is required to file an IRS Form 990N,
by May 15 of each year, for the previous year. We have obtained
Tax ID numbers for approximately 80 councils, courts, assemblies,
chapters, District/State Conferences and Central Committees. If
your unit needs a Tax ID number, please contact us so we can
obtain one for you. We also offer IRS Form 990N filing assistance,
for those units in need of this service.
KPC National Programs: Information contained in the
memorandum, “Important Year End Information,” incorrectly stated
that the Sickle Cell and Soaring High assessments were mandatory
National Program assessments. The only mandatory National
Program assessment, as stated in the Charter Constitution and ByLaws, Article III, Section 20, page 75, is the Human Development
Tax, which is $0.25 per member, per year. Sickle Cell and Soaring
High National Program contributions are voluntary. The amount of
the Sickle Cell contribution is $1 per member, per year. The amount
of the Soaring High contribution is $0.25 per member, per year. Unit
participation in these national programs renders the unit eligible to
receive Sickle Cell and Soaring High program grants.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
KPC National Office Historical Museum: The National Office
is seeking donations from the membership for historical items
(pictures, artifacts, regalia items, etc.) to display in the National
Office. Anyone wishing to make such a donation is requested to
send all items to the KPC National Office in New Orleans.
The Knights of Peter Claver can truly be proud of its long
history, as well as its concerns for all of God’s people. We also
should be proud of all of the members who have led our Noble
Order over the nearly 101 years, and prayerfully reflect on
them, for bringing us to 100 years and beyond.
At this time, I would like to express my sincere thanks
and appreciation to my wife, Mable Denise, for the support,
patience and understanding she has given me, for all of the
long hours I have spent in the National Office, mastering my
new role as Executive Director.
In closing, I ask that you continue to pray for each other,
and remember the charitable acts of our Patron, St. Peter
Claver, in everything you do.
Message from the
Deputy Supreme Knight
Paul Jones, Jr., Deputy Supreme Knight
Fall 2010
•Post-convention board meeting in St. Louis
•Executive Committee meeting in New Orleans
•Executive Committee meeting in Los Angeles
•Meeting in New Orleans to go over the Junior National
Convention plan for 2011
•Mass for Patron Saint Peter Claver in Lake Charles,
Houma and Lafayette, La.
December 2010
•Establishment of two new units in Louisiana – in
Washington and New Orleans
•Barbeque Fish Fry and food drive,
Unit #168
January/February 2011
•Establishment of new unit in Detroit
•Mass for Rev. Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. in Lafayette, La.,
Beaumont, Texas and Los Angeles
•Community service projects at home parish
March 2011
•Attended Texas and Louisiana Junior Conferences
April 2011
•Attended Texas State Conference
Message from the
Vice Supreme Lady
Yvonne H. Jackson, Vice Supreme Lady
reetings, my Claver Family! It is with
gratitude that I extend greetings
to my Claver Family and humbly
submit my annual report. As the Vice
Supreme, I act as the coordinator,
along with a support committee and provide
guidance in the preparation of the court’s by-laws.
The process is lengthy and it can take months to
obtain approval.
I provide support and assistance to the Junior Daughters and
Junior Knights of Unit #116, attend monthly Court #116 meetings, Ladies of Grace, Constance Butler Chapter #9 monthly
meetings and monthly District 2 meetings. My activities for the
past year:
August 2010
•National Convention, St Louis
•Annual Louisiana Junior State Picnic, Opelousas
•Annual Banquet and Ball, Court and Council #351, Baton
•Blue & Gold Ball, St. Paul #3 Assembly and Chapter, Lafayette, La.
September 2010
•Immaculate Conception Parish Picnic, Baton Rouge
•St. Peter Claver Mass and Reception, Louisiana KPC
District #2, St. Lucy Church, Houma, La.
•St. Peter Claver Mass and Reception, Unit #116,
Baton Rouge
•Court #145 workshop, Thibodeaux, La.
•Annual St. Peter Claver Mass and Reception, Louisiana
District #6, St. Benedict the Moor, Duson, La.
October 2010
•Fish Dinner Fundraiser, Council #116, Baton Rouge
•Louisiana State fall planning meeting, St. Paul Church,
Baton Rouge
•Halloween “Trick-a-Trunk,” Wilfred B. Ricard #116
Juniors, Baton Rouge
•Funeral service for Gracious Lady Lulla Emanuel Wiltz,
Breaux, La.
•Funeral service for Gracious Lady Maggie Green, Shreveport, La.
officer messages
t is my pleasure to provide my 2010–11
annual report to the membership. My
activities for the past year:
officer messages
•Funeral service for David Quiett, spouse of Grand Lady
Evella Quiett, Court #116
•Funeral service for Lady Mary Agnes Williams Duff, St.
Francis Xavier, Baton Rouge
November 2010
•Prayer Service, Ladies of Grace Constance Butler Chapter
#9, New Roads, La.
•Establishment of New Ladies of Grace Chapter, Tampa
•Attended the 50th Anniversary Mass for Diocese of
Baton Rouge
•Attended Sapphire & Ice Gala for District #6, Court and
Council #168, Lake Charles, La.
December 2010
•Participated in the establishment of Court #394,
Washington, La.
•Meeting and Christmas celebration for Council and Court
#116, Baton Rouge
January 2011
•Louisiana State KPC planning meeting, St. Paul Church,
Baton Rouge
•Installation of Officers and Awards Banquet, St. Paul #3
Assembly and Chapter, Lafayette, La.
•Awards Banquet, Junior Daughters and Branch #116,
Baton Rouge
•MLK Mass and Breakfast for Knights, Ladies and parishioners at Immaculate Conception Church, Baton Rouge
February 2011
•Establishment of Court #393, Our Lady of Guadalupe,
New Orleans
March 2011
•Cooked and served meals at Bishop Ott Shelter for Homeless, Chapter #9, Baton Rouge
•Invitation to meet the Provincial, the Jesuits of the New
Orleans Province Mass and Reception, Immaculate Conception and Manresa House of Retreats, Baton Rouge
•Texas State Junior Conference, Houston
•Louisiana State Junior Conference, Lafayette
•Funeral service for Jessie Campbell, St. Francis Xavier,
Baton Rouge
Messages from the Office of
National Secretaries
Athanase J. Jones, Jr., National Secretary
raternal greetings! The past year has
been filled with much change in our
Noble Order. In addition to electing a
new Supreme Knight, this year finds
me as your National Secretary. I continue to be
involved in producing The Claverite and overseeing the KPC national website, www.kofpc.
org. Please visit our improved website. I offer
my profound thanks to the Gulf Coast District
and to you, the members of our Order, for all
that you do. My activities for the past year:
July 2010
•KPC National Convention, St. Louis
August 2010
•Conducted Rite of Initiation for Council #6, Pass Christian, Miss.
September 2010
•Mass of Thanksgiving for Supreme Knight, Huntsville, Ala.
•Establishment information seminar, Lyke House, Atlanta
October 2010
•Annual KPCLA Prayer Breakfast, Atlanta
•Gulf Coast Zone 5 Workshop, Rocky Mount, N.C.
November 2010
•Meeting of the National Black Catholic Congress Board,
•Mass of Thanksgiving and Farewell for
Bishop Victor Galeone, Jacksonville
•Visit and workshop with Unit #382,
San Andres Island
December 2010
•Meeting with Council #148, Montgomery, Ala.
•Meeting of the Personnel Committee, New Orleans
•Dedication of Resurrection of Our Lord Parish sanctuary,
Savannah, Ga.
January 2011
•Meeting of the Executive Committee/MLK Celebration,
Los Angeles
•Installation Mass as National Secretary, Lyke Center, Atlanta
February 2011
•Honoree, Archbishop James P. Lyke Image Awards, Chicago
March 2011
•Annual Catholic Charities Black and White Gala, Jacksonville
April 2011
•Meeting of the Executive Committee, Mobile, Ala.
May 2011
•64th Gulf Coast District Conference, Charleston, S.C.
June 2011
•Meeting of the National Black Catholic Congress Board, Seattle
DeLise M. Coleman, National Secretary: No report submitted.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Message from the Office of
National Treasurer
Melissa Sias, National Treasurer
reetings, My Sisters in Claverism! I
thank you for your faith in me and
continued support as National Treasurer of the Ladies Division. Following
is a summary of my activities from
August 2010 to March 2011.
I attended Senior and Junior meetings with St. Monica Court
#35 in San Antonio, and I want to thank the court and Holy
Redeemer Parish for their hospitality. I attended KPC functions in
San Antonio during temporary relocation
there. I attended Little Theresa Court #11
meetings, Acadiana District 4 and St. Paul
Chapter #3 meetings, the District 4 Annual
St. Peter Claver Mass and Celebration, District 4 initiations and the
Louisiana winter planning meeting. In addition, I traveled to the
Louisiana State Junior Conference and the Northern States District
Senior Conference.
I pledge to continue working for the good of the Order and follow
the path of God and our patron, St. Peter Claver.
Message from the Office of the
National Advocate
William T. Everette, Jr., National Advocate
I have worked closely with the Insurance Committee in an effort
to improve the quality of our current insurance product, to improve
the processing of death claims and to increase insurance coverage to
all members of the Order. We have made great strides but still must
make major structural changes before we can move forward. I would
like to offer special thanks to Brother B.J. Hawkins of Houston for
his service and hard work as the chairman of the standing Insurance
Committee. I have also served as the advisor to the Constitution and
By-Laws Revision Committee, which
is completing the updated Constitution
and By-Laws Booklet. Brother Anthony Carter of New Orleans has
provided exceptional leadership for this committee. I also was
appointed to serve on the Board of Directors of the Personnel
Committee, which handles such personnel issues as salaries and
benefits for the National Office.
As part of my duties, I have reviewed several by-laws from Courts,
Councils, Districts and Fourth Degree Units, and have recommended
most for approval. I am very thankful to Brother Grant Jones, Gulf
Coast Deputy and Director of Conventions, for his outstanding work
in negotiations and contracts for conventions and conferences.
One of my goals has been to make the St. Peter Claver
Foundation a functioning entity that would fulfill the purpose
envisioned by former Supreme Knight Chester J. Jones several years
ago. His goal was to develop a 501(c) (3) that is a pure nonprofit
organization, with a stated goal of raising funds to be used to
support the programs of the Ladies and Knights of Peter Claver.
We are now completing the work to make this happen and the
foundation will become an active nonprofit during 2011.
Message from
National Lay Board Members
Hilda Wiltz, National Lay Board Member
reetings, my Claver Family! It is with a
grateful heart that I thank you for allowing me to be of service to you one
more time. Thanks to all who contributed to the national service projects.
I would like to extend my appreciation to those who lifted up the
Community of Rayne, Louisiana, after a horrific tornado in March
2011. The many calls of support and prayers have been very helpful
as we continue to do the work of St. Peter Claver. This is why I am
honored to be a part of this Noble Order.
I also would like to thank all those who graced me with
invitations to your various events this past year. I have attended
all local court meetings and turnouts (Our
Mother of Mercy Court #75), and attended
all meetings of St Paul Chapter #3. It was
my pleasure to work with the Ladies Board
and Supreme Lady Geralyn Shelvin in presenting the wonderful
workshop at the last convention.
I applaud the Deputies of our Noble Order for the establishments,
initiations and workshops which you have attended or led
throughout the year. I further thank you for allowing me to assist.
It was a pleasure to join Louisiana Deputies at conferences and
workshops. When I travel to various cities to participate in funeral
services, banquets, balls, workshops and conference calls, I am
always greeted with open arms and gracious hospitality.
George J. Williams, National Lay Board Member: No report submitted.
officer messages
raternal greetings, my Brothers and
Sisters in Claverism. I am honored and
indeed humbled to submit my annual
report as the National Advocate of the
Knights of Peter Claver. Since being
installed on the National Board, I have been able to
work on many issues that affect the future growth
of our order. My primary mission is to provide legal
advice to the Supreme Knight and the Board of
Directors as requested.
Message from the
Director General
Tilmon D. King, Director General
raternal greetings, my Brothers and
Sisters in Claverism! I am honored and
indeed humbled to submit my annual
report as the Director General, Junior
Knights of the Knights of Peter Claver.
The past year has been a busy time for the Junior
Knights. My activities and travels for the past year:
officer messages
March 2010
•Texas State Junior Conference, San Marcos
May 2010
•Initiation, Branch #123, New Orleans
June 2010
•Central States District Junior Conference, Nashville
•Louisiana Junior State Conference, Lafayette
August 2010
•Senior National Convention, St. Louis
•Initiation, Branch #50, New Orleans
November 2010
•Louisiana Junior State Board Meeting, New Orleans
•Initiation, Branch #50, New Orleans
•E.O. Moss Assembly #4 Memorial Mass, New Orleans
December 2010
•National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry Convention,
New Orleans
•Hilton Riverside Hotel Tour, New Orleans
January 2011
•Louisiana Winter Board Meeting, Breaux Bridge
•Louisiana Junior State Board Meeting, Breaux Bridge
February 2011
•Initiation, Branch #267, Marrero, La.
The following are current statistics on the total number of
Junior units and membership tallied by district/state comparing February 2010 to February 2011:
Feb. 2010
Central States
Gulf States
Northern States
Western States
Central States
Gulf States
Northern States
Western States
Feb. 2011
Although we saw an increase in some districts/states and
realized a decrease in our overall numbers during the past 12
months, the Junior Knight Commanders throughout the organization have been busy with a number of initiations. I thank
the Junior Knight Commanders and the membership for your
commitment and dedication to the Junior Knights.
Message from the
Junior Daughter Counselor
Diane T. Asberry, National Counselor of Junior Daughters
reetings Claver Family. Since
our convention in St. Louis,
we have been making preparations for the 19th Biennial
Junior National Convention, July 7–10 in
New Orleans. I hope all the Junior units are
making plans to attend. Our Junior division continues to grow and welcome new
# of Active Units # of Inactive Units Total # of Juniors
March 2010 157
March 2011 158
Since our last convention, St. Vincent de Paul Junior Court #362
was established in Newport News, Virginia. Presently, St. James
Junior Court #129 in Chicago and St. Gregory Visitation Junior Court
#196 in Detroit are working to reactivate their units.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
In December 2010, Director General Tilmon King and I
attended the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry
Convention in New Orleans. I was able to meet youth ministers from different dioceses/archdioceses around the United
States and learn about some of the programs that are taking
place for Catholic youth. My activities for the past year:
July 2010
•Junior Health Fair
September 2010
•Commanders/Counselors meeting
•Citywide Junior Initiation October 2010
•Citywide Junior Workshop and Social Unity Mass
•Establishment of St. Vincent de Paul #362
New Orleans
•Convention planning meeting
•Commanders/Counselors meeting
•Citywide Junior Initiation
•Junior Court #181, Breakfast with Santa
January 2011
•Junior Inter-Council Establishment and Election of Officers
•Senior Establishment, Detroit
February 2011
•Commanders/Counselors meeting
•Adele Stadeker, 4th Degree 30th Anniversary
•Archbishop James P. Lyke Image Awards Luncheon
November 2010
•Brown Bag Project
March 2011
•Texas Junior State Conference
•Louisiana Junior State Conference
December 2010
•National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry Convention,
April 2011
•St. Felicitas, St. Ailbe 35th Anniversary Celebration
Message from the
Immediate Past Supreme Knight
Gene A. Phillips, Sr., Immediate Past Supreme Knight
reetings to the Claver Family.
Since the 2010 National Convention,
I have continued to be involved in
the promotion of the Knights of Peter
Claver. I have continued to monitor the
fiscal activities of our Noble Order and requested
August 2010
•4th Degree Ball, Lafayette, La.
•St. Catherine of Sienna 4th Degree Ladies of Grace, Chapter
#16, Luncheon, New Iberia, La.
•St. Monica Church, 50th Anniversary, Houston
September 2010
•St. Peter Claver Day Celebration, Council and Court #284,
Holy Cross Church, Austin, Texas
•HICC St. Peter Claver Day Celebration, St. Monica Church,
November 2010
•Junior Division #151 Recognition Banquet, Houston
•4th Degree Memorial Mass, Assembly #2, Houston
December 2010
•Council and Court #152 Awards Celebration, Houston
•Council and Court #151 Christmas Celebration, Houston
•Houston Inter-City Christmas Celebration, Houston
•Council and Court #231 Christmas Celebration, Houston
•Council and Court #138 Christmas Celebration, Houston
•KPC Financial Workshop, Houston
•KPC Junior Annual Citywide Christmas Celebration,
Highland, Texas
January 2011
•Council and Court #231 Installation of Officers, Houston
•KPC Investment Committee meeting, Los Angeles
February 2011
•6th Annual Steps for Students 5K Run/Walk, Houston
•30th Anniversary Luncheon, 4th Degree Ladies of Grace,
Chapter #2, Houston
•30th Anniversary Mass, 4th Degree Ladies of Grace, Chapter
#2, Houston
March 2011
•49th Junior Texas State Conference, Houston
•50th Junior Louisiana State Conference, Lafayette, La.
April 2011
Houston Inter-City Council meeting, Houston
officer messages
I have sent communication to the membership relaying any
concerns about the development of our Noble Order and I continue to promote vocations, community and church involvement, and work in partnership with the clergy.
I encourage youth and young adult mentorship and promote
Christian values among all Clavers. I am committed to following the constitution/by-laws of the organization and maintaining the dignity of the Knights of Peter Claver.
I would like to thank everyone who invited me to their local or state functions. Although I was unable to attend every
function, I truly appreciate your invitations. My activities are as
October 2010 •KPC Investment Committee meeting,
New Orleans
Message from the
Immediate Past Supreme Lady
Mary Louise Briers, Immediate Past Supreme Lady
his Immediate Past Supreme Lady has complied with her responsibilities
as prescribed in Article II, Section 26, of the Charter, Constitution and
Bylaws. During the last year, I have not traveled at the expense of
the organization in an official capacity, but I did attend the Gulf Coast Conference in
Charleston, South Carolina, this past April.
Thank you for allowing this officer to serve you, when called upon.
Messages from the
Supreme Navigators
officer messages
James A. Neal, Supreme Navigator
raternal greetings. We are in the
process of preparing for the Supreme
Conclave being held in Los Angeles
in July. As we prepare for our annual
event, be mindful there are several
issues that come up between Conclaves. Our
regalia issue remains one of them. We continue
to be in negotiations with the vendor over the
milling of our bust head for the sword.
At this year’s Conclave we will revise the by-laws, which is
important for leading the 4th Degree division into the next
10 years. We are now more in control of our division than
in previous years due to the help of the
Executive Director and our Most Worthy
Supreme Knight.
The communication between the Supreme General Assembly and Chapter has really stepped up this
year with the changing format of the Supreme Conclave. We will
return to the past with the Saturday of the Conclave set aside for
the 4th Degree division. We will have the Navigator’s Banquet to
replace the luncheon to allow the 4th Degree division to return
to a more social atmosphere on Saturday evening.
Thanks to Most Faithful Supreme Navigator Gracious Lady
Audrey Woods and the Supreme General Chapter for the past year
of communication and working together to better the 4th Degree
division. I look forward to seeing everyone in Los Angeles.
Audrey B. Woods, Supreme Navigator, 4th Degree: No report submitted.
Messages from the
Louisiana State Deputies
Oscar Benoit, Louisiana State Deputy
t is my privilege to provide the 2010–11
annual report for serving as your state
deputy. I wish to thank my Area Deputies for the hard work they put in to
make this state and our organization meet its
goals. My activities for the past year:
March 2010
•Junior State Conference, Lafayette, La.
April 2010
•Senior State Conference, New Orleans
August 2010
•Senior National Convention, St. Louis
•Banquet, New Iberia, La.
•Junior State Picnic, District #7
October 2010
•Initiation and Mass, Park, La.
November 2010
•New Unit #393, Washington, La.
•Meeting with Father Tony, New Unit #394, New Orleans
December 2010
•District #1 Ball, New Orleans
February 2011
•Mass, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Lafayette, La.
March 2011
•Junior State Conference, Lafayette, La.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Michelle C. Jackson, Louisiana State Deputy
s I reflect on the accomplishments of the Ladies Division, I would like to
extend my thanks to the Grand Ladies, Courts, Area Deputies and Area
Counselors which hosted initiations and participated in expansion. Membership in Louisiana continues to grow with two establishments: Holy Trinity
Court #393, Washington, and Our Lady of Guadalupe Court #394, New
Orleans. We also have 108 new members, four Junior transferees, 47 reinstatements
and 23 Junior Daughters for a grand total of 182 additions to the Ladies Division.
My activities for the past year:
September 2010
•St. Peter Claver Mass (turnout) District #2, Houma, La., and
District #4, Duson, La.
•Court and Council #116 Turnout Mass, Baton Rouge
•KPCLA Workshop, Mansura, La.
•Meeting, St. Luke #145, Thibodeaux, La.
October 2010
•Funeral Services for Lady Lulla Wiltz, Breaux Bridge, La.,
and Lady Maggie Green, Shreveport, La.
•Mass Celebration for Knight Michael Taylor, Executive
Director, New Iberia, La.
•Louisiana State Conference fall planning meeting and court
meeting, St. Francis Xavier #12, Baton Rouge
•District #1 Scholarship Gala, New Orleans
•Mass and initial procedures for court establishment at Holy
Trinity Catholic Church, Washington, La.
December 2010
•Site visit for Junior National Convention
•Established Holy Trinity Court #393, Washington, La.
January 2011
•Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration, Beaumont, Texas
•Louisiana State Conference winter board meeting, Breaux
Bridge, La.
•Installation Banquet, St. Paul Chapter/Assembly #3,
Lafayette, La.
•Court meeting, Father Van Baast #23, Napoleonville, La.
February 2011
•Meeting, Holy Trinity Court #393, Washington, La.
•Court Establishment and Mass, Our Lady of Guadalupe
Court #394, New Orleans
March 2011
•KPCLA Initiation and Workshop, District #6, Lake Charles, La.
•Texas Junior State Conference, Houston
•Louisiana Junior State Conference, Lafayette
April 2011
•Louisiana State Conference, Baton Rouge
Messages from the
Central States Deputies
Sam Sims, Central States District Deputy
August 2010
•Served on the National Board representing the Central
States as the District Deputy
September 2010
•Conducted an initiation and installation of brothers into
Council #343, St. Louis; Mass at St. Alphonsus the Rock
Church with new Brothers
October 2010
•Conducted the Central States workshop in Kansas City,
January 2011
•Seven new Brothers initiated into Council #5 at St. Vincent
de Paul Parish under the supervision of Area Deputy
Joel Caudle
February 2011
•Eight new Junior Knights were initiated
into Branch #61 (Kansas City) under the supervision of Sir
Knight Charles Jean-Baptiste
March 2011
•Assisted in returning three brothers to the roster with help
of Deborah Bodley at the National Office
•Signed a contract for our future workshop to be held in St.
Louis later in the year
•Initiated four new members into Council #213 (St. Louis),
three of whom are clergy
In addition, I conducted an initiation for new brothers
throughout Kentucky, attended the annual Black Catholics
Awards Banquet Dinner in Louisville and sent eight newsletters
to our district Grand Knights.
officer messages
August 2010
•KPCLA Workshop District #7 and planning meeting
•Louisiana Junior State Conference, Opelousas
•St. Paul Chapter #3, Blue and Gold Ball, Lafayette, La.
•St. Catherine of Sienna Chapter #16 Annual Luncheon,
New Iberia, La.
November 2010
•Sapphire & Ice Gala #168, Lake Charles, La.
•Established 4th Degree Ladies of Grace, Chapter #48, Tampa
Janice M. Gray, Central States District Deputy
officer messages
bring you greetings from the Central
States District. Central States is working
toward sharing our leadership skills and
growing spiritually as we plan for greater
service to our church, family, communities and
our Noble Order. It is my privilege to continue to
serve my district. My activities for the past year:
September 2010
•Workshop, “Role of a Member,” for Father Kevin Roe Court
#5, Nashville
•Met with District Deputy Sam Sims to discuss plans for the
•Celebrated St. Peter Claver Day and Mass with Father Kevin
Roe Claver family
•Attended Archdiocese of Denver Black Advisory Council
appreciation meeting
October 2010
•Assisted with planning and attended the second annual St. Josephine Bakhita and St. Katharine Drexel Award Dinner, Denver
•Presided at Junior Daughter initiation for Deacon Charles
Bright Court #261 and presented workshop
•Central States District Fall Workshop,
“Embarking on a New Century, Working Together,” in Kansas City, Mo.
November 2010
•Attended dedication by the KPC
Denver family to the Blair-Caldwell
African American Library
•Attended Founder’s Day Mass with
Deacon Charles Bright Claver family
December 2010
•Participated in community service project, “Santa Workshop,”
with Deacon Charles Bright Court #261
•Visited Forest Street Compassionate Care Center with Lady
Hazel D. Broussard, Chapter #42, for Christmas program and
gift giving
February 2011
•KPCLA – CSD Board met with Council and Court #244 in
Wichita, Kan., for a site visit and assisted with planning of the
65th Central States District Conference
•Assisted with Junior Daughter Initiation for Junior Court #244
•Worked with Archdiocese of Owensboro, Ky., to start a council and court
Messages from the
Western States Deputies
Gregory Warner, Western States District Deputy
reetings, Brothers and Sisters in
Claverism. I humbly submit my
first annual report of my activities
in the Western States District. The
Knights have welcomed me as their
new District Deputy and I have done my best to
live up to their expectations. The prayers and
support from Knights and Ladies throughout the
district have been overwhelming.
I became District Deputy to make a difference in membership. I
enjoy bringing in new members and showing them that the Knights
of Peter Claver is a Christian service organization whose mission is
to help everyone in need as our patron saint did. When I became
District Deputy, the Knights membership in the Western States
District was 369, and by the end of February it had increased to
407. I thank the Knights and Ladies for their efforts in recruiting to
expand our Noble Order in the Western States District.
My activities for the past year:
August 2010
•National Convention, St. Louis
•Attended Gilbert Faustina Assembly meeting
•Meeting to start planning for the 2011 National Convention
•Attended Junior Knights and Daughters CJBC quarterly meeting
•Attended Coordinating Councils and
Courts monthly meeting
•Planning for the 2011 National Convention
September 2010
•Attended L.A. Dodger baseball game with Juniors in Los
Angeles Area
•Meeting with Knights in the Oakland Area
•Turned out for St. Peter Claver Day, East Palo Alto, Calif.
•Conference call planning meeting for 2011 National Convention
•Meeting with WSD Junior Knight Director Blount regarding
recruitment of Junior Knights
•Attended CCC meeting and Council and Court #369 event
in Phoenix; asked Most Rev. Eduardo A. Nevares, auxiliary
bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, to join our Noble Order
and he accepted
October 2010
•Attended midyear Conference Board Meeting, Newark. Calif.
•Attended National Convention planning meeting, Los Angeles
•Attended Coordinating Councils and Courts monthly meeting
•Attended Annual Assembly #13 Memorial Mass, Holy Cross
Cemetery, Los Angeles
•Attended Gilbert Faustina Assembly meeting, Los Angeles
November 2010
•Conducted Family Initiation, Los Angeles
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
•Founder’s Day turnout, Los Angeles
•Attended Peter Claver Awards Program Dinner, Los Angeles
•Attended National Convention planning meeting, Los Angeles
December 2010
•Attended annual Christmas Party, Ladies of Grace Chapter
#13, Los Angeles
•Attended planning meeting for the 2011 National Convention, Los Angeles
January 2011
•Attended planning meeting for the 2011 National Convention, Los Angeles
•Attended and chaired MLK Prayer Breakfast, Inglewood, Calif.
•Turned out for MLK Mass, Los Angeles
February 2011
•Turned out for Black History Mass, Los Angeles
•Conducted initiation of Knights, East Palo Alto, Calif.
•Attended Ladies of Grace 31st Chapter Anniversary, Oakland
March 2011
•Attended CCC meeting, Riverside, Calif.
•Attended planning meeting for the 2011 National
Convention, Los Angeles
•Initiation of Knights, Las Vegas
Sharon Pitre-Williams, Western States District Deputy
As District Deputy I have conducted six Ladies Auxiliary initiation ceremonies from September 2010 through March 2011,
which have added 25 Ladies to the Senior Division. I applaud
the efforts of all the Ladies in the Western States District as they
continue to recruit new members.
September 2010
•St. Peter Claver Day turnout, Portland
•Recruitment Workshop, Portland
•Coordinating Council and Courts meeting, Phoenix
October 2010
•Western States District Conference
Midyear Board Meeting, Newark, Calif.
November 2010
•Initiation, Los Angeles
•Founder’s Day turnout, Los Angeles
•Initiation, Oakland
•Initiation, Sacramento
December 2010
•Initiation, Seattle
January 2011
•National Convention planning meeting, Los Angeles
•Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Mass, Los Angeles
•Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Breakfast
February 2011
•Initiation, Portland
March 2011
•Initiation, Las Vegas
Messages from the
Northern States Deputies
Curtis Guynn, Northern States District Deputy
reetings to all of our beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It has been
a very busy time since I was officially sworn in last year at the National
Convention. It has been challenging
and rewarding to work with our Supreme Knight
and the National Board of Directors.
I want to thank all of my Area Deputies for working so hard to establish new councils, reinstate established councils and reclaim fallen
away members. We have initiated 48 new Knights into our great Order during my short time in this position. With God’s help and your
prayers, we will continue to build The Kingdom through Claverism.
My activities for the past year:
August 2010
•Sworn in as District Deputy at the National Convention
September 2010
•Attended the Indianapolis Central Committee (ICC) St. Peter Claver Day Celebration and Awards Luncheon at St. Rita Church
January 2011
•Attended the Martin Luther King Mass at Ss. Peter & Paul
Cathedral hosted by Ss. Peter & Paul Council and Court #191
•Established St. Augustine/St. Monica Council #395 in
March 2011
•Attended the Ordination of Father Christopher Coyne, the
new auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, at St.
John the Apostle Church
•Attended the 2011 Indianapolis Ecumenical Breakfast with
guests from the Knights of Columbus and the other Masonic
Lodges at the Scottish Rite Cathedral
officer messages
raternal greetings and welcome from
the host district of the 96th Annual
Convention of the National Council
and the 81st Annual Convention of
the National Court. The members of
the Western States District cordially invite you
to come to Los Angeles to celebrate Christian
fellowship in the tradition of our great order,
Annetta Wilson, Northern States District Deputy
reetings. With thanksgiving to
Almighty God and the Area Deputies, I submit this report. This has
been an exciting, rewarding and
productive year for the Ladies
Auxiliary in the Northern States District. We have
been very busy with the duties of expansion. We
welcomed 91 new members this past year; we
have 82 active courts and nine inactive courts
for a total membership of 1,935. We have held
14 seminars/education forums and 17 initiations
throughout the 14 states in the Northern District.
I traveled to Washington, D.C., twice:
once in November for the National
Council of Catholic Women Annual
Convention and again in February
for the 2011 Catholic Social Ministry
Gathering. I also attended the trainings
developed by The Children’s Defense
Fund for the purpose of KPCLA
collaborating with the National Observance of Children’s
Sabbaths weekend. The Children’s Sabbaths is a weekend that
aims to unite religious congregations of all faiths across the
nation in shared concern for children and common commitment
to improving their lives and working for justice on their behalf.
Messages from the
Gulf Coast Deputies
Grant A. Jones, Gulf Coast District Deputy
officer messages
raternal greetings! It is a great honor to
find myself representing the “original”
district of our Noble Order, the Gulf
Coast District. When I began the role
of Deputy, I also was assisting the
Supreme Knight with our convention planning and
site selections. With this task mostly complete, I
look forward to devoting more of my time to the
continued growth and expansion of the district.
My activities for the past year:
July 2010
•KPC National Convention, St. Louis
August 2010
•Conducted Rite of Initiation, Zone 7, at Ss. Peter and Paul
Council #313
September 2010
•Mass of Thanksgiving for Supreme Knight, Huntsville, Ala.
•2012 Senior National Convention site visits to Dallas and
San Antonio
December 2010
•Dedication of Resurrection of Our
Lord Parish sanctuary, Savannah, Ga.
January 2011
•2011 National Convention planning meeting and MLK
Celebration, Los Angeles
•Zone 7 Installation Mass, Lyke Center, Atlanta
February 2011
•2011 Junior National Convention planning meeting in
New Orleans
•University of Georgia Annual Black History Program,
University of Georgia Catholic Center, Athens
•Gulf Coast District Conference Board Meeting,
Montgomery, Ala.
March 2011
•Unit #276, St. Anthony’s 25th Anniversary Celebration
and Mass, Atlanta
October 2010
•Court #376 Annual KPCLA Prayer Breakfast, Atlanta
April 2011
•2014 National Convention site visit, Homecoming Mass
for the Supreme Knight, Mobile
•Mass and Council meeting at St. Jude Council #148,
Montgomery, Ala.
November 2010
•Assisted with the Annual Council #313 Thanksgiving
turkey sale
May 2011
•64th Gulf Coast District Conference, Charleston, S.C.
•2013 National Convention site visit, Philadelphia
Gwendolyn E. Lewis, Gulf Coast District Deputy
reetings, Claver Family. The 15 Area
Deputies and I have initiated/reinstated 51 Ladies into this great organization. I have attended and participated in the following events since the
National Convention in St. Louis:
August 2010
•Mass of Thanksgiving for newly
elected Gulf Coast President
Donna Williams, Jackson, Miss.
September 2010
•Mass of Thanksgiving for newly
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
elected Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon, Huntsville, Ala.
•Establishment of Ladies of Grace Chapter in Tampa
October 2010
•Co-facilitated Annual Workshop, initiation and turnout for
Zone 5 in Rocky Mount, N.C.
January 2011
•Annual Awards Luncheon at St. James Major Court #172,
Prichard, Ala.
November 2010
•Annual St. Peter Claver Celebration at St. James Major
Church in Prichard, Ala.
February 2011
•Gulf Coast Executive Board Meeting in Montgomery, Ala.
Messages from the
Texas State Deputies
James K. Ellis, Texas State Deputy
raternal greetings, my Claver Brothers
and Sisters. It is with great humility that I
submit my fifth report as State Deputy of
Texas. This has been a year of new beginnings in many ways for our organization.
June 2010
•Held a meeting of Supreme and State Junior Officers, Houston
•Attended Junior Texas Picnic, Austin
July 2010
•Conducted initiation, Council #159, Houston
•Attended Senior National Convention, St. Louis
August 2010
•Attended 50th Anniversary Mass, Council #151, Houston
•Conducted initiation, Council #222, Houston
September 2010
•Attended St. Peter Claver Day Celebration coordinated by HICC,
St. Monica, Houston
•Attended Junior Brown Bag Service Project, Houston
•Attended HICC meeting, St. Monica, Houston
•KPC National Board of Directors meeting, conference call
•Conducted an initiation, Council #139, Houston
•Attended a Junior initiation, Branch #238, Houston
November 2010
•Conducted workshop, Council #182, Port Arthur, Texas
•Conducted initiation, Council #222, Houston
•Conducted initiation, Council #28, Beaumont, Texas
•Conducted initiation, Council #138, Houston
December 2010
•Attended HICC meeting and Annual Christmas Party
•Conducted initiation, Council #159, Houston
•Attended elections, Council #159, Houston
January 2011
•Attended HICC Mardi Gras Parade, Council #159, Houston
•Installation of officers for Council #15, Council #20, Council #72,
Council #138, Council #151, Council #163, and Council #238
•Attended Council #139 monthly meeting
•Attended Diocese of Beaumont, Office of Black Catholics Martin
Luther King Celebration
•Attended Diocese of Beaumont MLK Breakfast
•Attended Diocese of Galveston/Houston Office of Black
Catholics Martin Luther King Celebration, Galveston/Houston
•KPC National Board of Directors meeting, conference call
•Conducted initiation, Council #222, Houston
•Conducted Financial Audit Workshop, HICC
•Conducted workshop for “Form 990,” Council #238, St. Peter
the Apostle
February 2011
•Attended Mardi Gras Gala, Council #20, Galveston, Texas
•Attended Emerging Leaders meeting, Houston
March 2011
•Conducted initiation, Council #222, Houston
•Conducted initiation, Council #138, Houston
•Attended Junior State Conference, Houston
April 2011
•Conducted workshop, Council #72, Houston
•Installation of HICC officers, Houston
•Conducted initiation, Council #72, Houston
•Attended Prayer Breakfast, Junior Branch #231, Houston
officer messages
We have received tremendous recognition as a Catholic lay
organization. I am reminded of the appearance of the Supreme
Knight on EWTN with our past National Chaplain. The appearance
gave us instant recognition and helped the public see the many
ways our organization serves our Church and communities. Most
impressive is the invitation to the White House which President
Barack Obama extended to our Supreme Knight. It makes me proud
to be a member of this great organization and grateful to be serving
you on the National Board of Directors.
In Texas we have endeavored to build our membership while
also educating them whenever and wherever possible. Our
relationships with the various dioceses across the state of Texas
continue to flourish. Our Texas Emerging Leaders have stepped
forward to demonstrate commendable works of Catholic Action
on several occasions this year. I want to thank you and the
members of Texas for allowing me to contribute meaningfully in
our Noble Order.
My activities for the past year:
October 2010
•Attended a meeting of IRS Tax Law
Specialist EO and Executive Director
Eva M. Volter, Texas State Deputy
s I submit my first report as Texas
State Deputy, I give all glory and
praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus
Christ. I extend a heartfelt thank you
to the Area Deputies and the Texas
membership for their support and prayers.
officer messages
August 2010
•National Convention, St. Louis
•Initiation hosted by St. Phillip Neri, Court #222, Houston
•HICC meeting, St. Peter the Apostle, Houston
•94th and 84th Anniversary Celebration, Council and Court
#15, St. Nicholas Church, Houston
September 2010
•Initiation hosted by Cartagena Court #32, Port Arthur, Texas
•Initiation hosted by Sacred Heart Court #250, San Antonio
•St. Peter Claver Day Mass and Reception hosted by HICC,
St. Monica, Houston
•HICC meeting, Council and Court #151, KPC Hall, Houston
•Participated in the National Court Board Conference Call
•Prayer Brunch honoring charter member, Court #98, Barrett
Station, Texas
•Initiation hosted by Holy Cross Court #284, Austin, Texas
•Initiation hosted by St. Monica Court #35, San Antonio
October 2010
•Initiation hosted by Court #214 Beaumont, Texas
•Attended Texas State Conference Senior and Junior Joint Board
Meeting and Omni Riverway Hotel walk-through, Houston
November 2010
•Attended Sisters Network Houston Chapter Luncheon, Houston
•Workshop 990N Tax, hosted by the Triangle Area at Council
and Court #182, KPC Hall, Port Arthur, Texas
•Initiation hosted by St. Veronica Court #89, Fort Worth
•Initiation hosted by St. Martin de Porres Court #98, Barrett
Station, Texas
December 2010
•Attended Junior Division distribution of blankets to
homeless, Bread of Life Center, Houston
•Conducted 990N Tax Informational Meeting, St.
Peter the Apostle Church, Houston
•Attended Awards Banquet and Christmas Social of
St. Phillip Neri Council and Court #222, Houston
•Workshop, 990N Tax, hosted by St. Peter the
Apostle Council and Court #238, Houston
•Initiation hosted by Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Court #152, Houston
January 2011
•Installation of Junior and Senior Officers: #20, #28,
#64, #72, #138, #139, #163, #238
•“How to Conduct an Election” with Executive Board
of St. Peter the Apostle Court #238, Houston
•Initiation hosted by St. Mary of the Purification
Court #159, Houston
•Attended St. Martin de Porres Council and Court
#28 Turnout Mass and Installation
of Officers, conducted by Most
Worthy Supreme Knight Blackmon,
Beaumont, Texas
•Attended reception honoring Most
Worthy Supreme Knight Blackmon,
hosted by TSC Chaplain
•Father Henry Davis and Councils and Courts #28 and #64,
Our Mother of Mercy Church Hall, Beaumont, Texas
•Attended Texas State Conference Ladies Board Meeting,
St. Mary of the Purification Church Hall, Houston
•Turned out for Annual Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
MLK Mass, Sacred Heart Cathedral, Houston
•Initiation hosted by St. Mark the Evangelist Court #359,
•Attended citywide Counselors and Commanders meeting,
St. Peter the Apostle, Houston
•Attended Emerging Leaders meeting, St. Peter the Apostle
Family Life Center, Houston
February 2011
•Participated in the National Court conference call
•Initiation hosted by St. John the Baptist Court #385, San Antonio
•Participated in wake ritual of Lady St. Romain, St. Martin de
Porres #98, Barrett Station, Texas
•Initiation hosted by Santa Monica Court #35, San Antonio
March 2011
•TSC Joint Board Meeting
•TSC Junior State Conference
•Initiation, Court #151
•Initiation, Court #64
April 2011
•Installation of HICC officers
•Workshop, 990N Tax filing and “Duties of an Officer”
•TSC Ladies Board Meeting
Most Worthy
Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer
of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
We offer prayerful and joyous
best wishes to the
Knights of Peter Claver
and their new leader.
and the priests, deacons, seminarians,
religious and laity of the Diocese of Camden
Most Worthy
Fredron DeKarlos
Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
Sixteenth Supreme Knight
of the Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
Bishop Thomas John
and the
Clergy, Religious and Laity
of the Diocese of Springfield
in Illinois
Congratulations to
Most Worthy
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
Sixteenth Supreme Knight of the Knights of St. Peter Claver
Most Reverend Ronald P. Herzog, Bishop
and the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana
Claverite ad.indd 1
4/13/11 10:28 AM
Most Worthy Supreme Knight and Athanase
Jones with members of Council and Court
#382 on San Andres Island.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
cover story
San Andres Clavers Alive and Well!
By Athanase J. Jones
n November 2010, Most Worthy Supreme
Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon and then
Gulf Coast Deputy Athanase Jones had
the distinct pleasure of visiting with the
Claver Family on San Andres Island off the
coast of Colombia in South America. The visit was coordinated by Lady Meckila Pierce of Mary Star
of the Sea Court #382 on San Andres Island. Led by Father José
Archbold, their pastor and 4th Degree Knight, many Clavers of
Mary Star of the Sea Council and Court gathered at the local airport
to greet the Supreme Knight and Brother Jones. Our experiences
over the course of the two-day visit demonstrated the drive and
dedication of our South American Clavers.
The visit kicked off on Friday evening with a spirited joint
session in the Church with the Caribbean as a backdrop. In his
opening address, the Supreme Knight discussed his vision for the
Order and encouraged the
members to remain faithful,
never missing an opportunity to
help someone or evangelizing
to those in peril. He discussed
many theological and pastoral
principles, driving the point
home that all Clavers must
bring the Gospel to secular
society and all of humanity in
an effort to re-orient society
Most Worthy Supreme Knight meets
back to God.
with Sir Knight Father José.
After introductions and
Most Worthy Supreme Knight with island youth who provided
entertainment for the dinner party in honor of the Supreme Knight’s
visit to the island.
general discussions about the state of the Order by Brother Jones,
the Supreme Knight went on to discuss the commitment of the
Order to vocations and the development of youth. The Supreme
Knight, a pastoral musician by profession, led the delegation in
song, leaving the Clavers in attendance mesmerized and truly
grateful for the opportunity to pray with him through his gift of
sacred music.
After a day of workshops on Saturday and an enjoyable liturgy by
Father José, the visit ended with a lively dinner of local delicacies
prepared by the Ladies of the court, and entertainment by a very
talented group of young parishioners. After a very long and heartfelt
series of goodbyes, a group of members led by Grand Knight Fidel
Corpus and Grand Lady Lorraine Campbell escorted our leaders to
the San Andres Airport and ensured their safe departure.
Editor’s note: Mary Star of the Sea Unit #382 was established in
August 2006 on San Andres Island, Colombia, and is the Order’s
first and only international unit.
“Nothing Beats Scripture”
for Keeping Life in Perspective, Obama Says
feature story
By Patricia Zapor. This appeared as a Catholic News Service article on April 19, 2011. Used with permission.
President Obama with the Supreme Knight and Mrs. Blackmon as White House staff members
look on.
At busy times and amid critical
national debates, “nothing beats
Scripture and the reminder of
the eternal” for keeping things in
perspective, President Barack
Obama said April 19 at his second
Easter Prayer Breakfast at the
White House.
In brief remarks to a crowd of about 130
guests from various Christian churches in the
East Room, Obama said he wanted to have
such an event “because as busy as we are, as
many tasks as pile up, during this season we
are reminded that there’s something about the
Resurrection – something about the resurrection
of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything
else in perspective.”
“Everybody in this room has weighty
responsibilities, from leading churches and
denominations, to helping to administer
important government programs, to shaping
our culture in various ways,” he said, adding,
with a touch of irony to his voice, “my plate
has been full as well. The inbox keeps on
“But then comes Holy Week,” he continued.
“The triumph of Palm Sunday. The humility of
Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. His slow march
up that hill, and the pain and the scorn and the
shame of the cross. And we’re reminded that in
that moment, he took on the sins of the world
– past, present and future – and he extended to
us that unfathomable gift of grace and salvation
through his death and resurrection.”
The guests were bishops, priests, ministers,
women religious and other denominational
Among the Catholics were Cardinal Donald
W. Wuerl of Washington and Cardinal Theodore
E. McCarrick, Washington’s retired archbishop,
and Bishops John C. Wester of Salt Lake City
and Stephen E. Blaire of Stockton, Calif.
Among the priests in attendance were
Father Theodore Parker, pastor of St. Cecilia
and St. Leo parishes in Detroit; Father Larry
Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA;
Jesuit Father Charles Currie, president of the
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities;
and Oblate Father Andrew Small, outgoing
director of the U.S. bishops’ Office for the
Church in Latin America and newly named
national director for the Pontifical Mission
Societies in the United States.
Women religious who participated included
Sister Kateri Mitchell, a Sister of St. Anne who
heads the Tekakwitha Conference; Sister Carol
Keehan, a Daughter of Charity, who is president
and CEO of the Catholic Health Association;
and Sister Roberta Fulton, a Sister of St. Mary
of Namur and president of the National Black
Sisters Conference.
Lay Catholics at the event included Arturo
Chavez, president of the Mexican-American
Catholic College in San Antonio; Supreme
Knight DeKarlos Blackmon of the Knights
of Peter Claver; Ken Hackett, president of
Catholic Relief Services; and Stephen Schneck,
chairman of the politics department at The
Catholic University of America and director of
the university’s Institute for Policy Research &
Catholic Studies.
Sister Kateri read a passage from the Book of
Isaiah – Chapter 25, Verses 6-8 – which talks
about God preparing a lavish banquet for all,
wiping tears from all faces, removing reproach
from all the earth and swallowing up death for
all time.
Among the other guests were: the Rev. Leith
Anderson, president of the National Association
of Evangelicals; Archbishop Demetrios, Greek
Orthodox Archdiocese of America; the Rev. Joel
Hunter of the Northland Church, a megachurch
in Longwood, Fla.; Bishop Mark Hanson,
presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in America; Bishop T.D. Jakes, bestselling author and senior pastor of another
megachurch, the Dallas-based Potter’s House;
the Rev. Sharon Watkins, general minister and
president of the Christian Church (Disciples
of Christ); and the Rev. Al Sharpton, the New
York-based civil rights activist and radio talk
show host.
Concluding his remarks, Obama quoted
another passage from Isaiah, “But he was
wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised
for our iniquities: The chastisement of our
peace was upon him; and with his stripes we
are healed.”
“This magnificent grace, this expansive grace,
this ‘Amazing Grace’ calls me to reflect,” he said.
“And it calls me to pray. It calls me to ask God
for forgiveness for the times that I’ve not shown
grace to others, those times that I’ve fallen short.
It calls me to praise God for the gift of ... his son
and our savior.”
Before the small group of reporters and
photographers was escorted out for the balance
of the event, Bishop Vashti McKenzie of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church led
an opening prayer, which she read from an
electronic tablet, in which she thanked God for
Easter as the “reversal of Good Friday.”
The Supreme Knight “very much appreciates
the invitation” as a leader of one of the major
Catholic organizations in the country. He went
on to say, “As believers and followers of Christ,
the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies Auxiliary
are charged with standing up for what is right
and just.” The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
A Message to our Fathers
from His Excellency Thomas Rodi, Archbishop of Mobile
One evening, as I surfed the television channels, I
came across one of those comedy series usually
referred to as a “sitcom.” In this program, the father
of the television family was portrayed as clueless,
out of touch with everything and everyone around
him, foolish, ignorant and incapable of discussing
anything intelligently. Such a character in television
comedies is all too well-known. It is my understanding that the television industry has a term for this
character: “the doofus father.”
This appeared as a Catholic News Service article on Feb. 25, 2010. It is
reprinted here with additional comments from the Archbishop. Used with permission.
feature story
Unfortunately, the doofus father image has deeply affected our society
and convinced many that the father is simply a dispensable member
of the family. Our society tends not to honor the father’s importance
despite overwhelming statistics showing the powerful impact the father’s
presence has in the family.
The love of the mother is vitally important to the welfare of a family.
Much can be written about the mother’s love, far beyond the scope of
this article. Her caring love has a way of holding a family together. At
the same time, the father’s impact in the life of a child can be seen in a
variety of measurable ways. Children raised without fathers are more
likely to drop out of school, go to prison, smoke, use drugs, own a
weapon, assault a teacher, get pregnant as teens, suffer from depression
and commit suicide.
The father’s impact reaches even into church attendance. In 1996
Weern Haug and Phillipe Warner of the Swiss Federal Statistic Office
completed a study of church attendance. (The Swiss are about 44
percent Catholic and 40 percent Protestant.) The study concluded that
if both parents attend church regularly, 33 percent of their children will
regularly attend church as adults. Only 25 percent of their adult children
will not practice their religion at all.
But note this startling fact: if only the mother is regular in attending
church, and the father attends irregularly, then only 3 percent of their
adult children will attend church regularly, and 38 percent of their adult
children will not practice their religion all. If the father never attends
church, even if the mother attends church regularly, only 2 percent of
their adult children will attend church and 60 percent will not attend
church at all.
And there is even more: if the father attends church regularly, but the
mother attends irregularly, then 38 percent of their adult children will be
regular churchgoers. And amazingly, if the father attends regularly and
the mother never attends church, then 44 percent of their adult children
will be regular churchgoers!
This Swiss study concluded that adult children pattern their churchgoing behavior upon the father and, very noteworthy, the more the
mother’s and father’s example differ, the stronger will their adult children
follow the example of the father.
As one commentator expressed it:
A mother’s role will always remain primary in terms of intimacy,
care and nurture. (The toughest man may well sport a tattoo dedicated
to the love of his mother, without the slightest embarrassment or
sentimentality.) No father can replace that relationship. But it is equally
true that when a child begins to move into that period of differentiation
from home and engagement with the world “out there,” he (and she)
looks increasingly to the father for his role model. Where the father is
indifferent, inadequate or just plain absent, that task of differentiation
and engagement is much harder. When
children see that the church is a “women
and children” thing, they will respond
accordingly – by not going to church, or
going much less.
Archbishop Thomas Rodi, a
I leave it to anthropologists and
native of New Orleans, is the
psychologists to explain this, but I had a
Archbishop of Mobile and a 4th
little insight into a possible explanation
Degree Knight of Peter Claver.
some years ago when a teenager was
He is a fervent supporter of our
speaking to me about his parents. He told Noble Order.
me: “My mom loves me. But she’s my
mom; she has to love me. My father loves me too. He’s my dad, he doesn’t
have to love me, but he loves me anyway.”
Perhaps we tend to look upon the father’s love as being somewhat
more earned or conditional than a mother’s love, and sons and
daughters seek to obtain the father’s love. Regardless of the reasons,
studies indicate that the basic values and self image of children, both
sons and daughters, seemed to be determined more by their relationship
with their father than their mother.
I recall mentioning this to a high school class of girls and one girl
blurted out: “That’s a horrible thought!” I told her that, depending upon
the type of boy she was dating, it may indeed be a horrible thought. This
was all the more reason for her to choose carefully the man that one day
she wished to marry.
Our society is good at teaching the importance of the mother, but
we need to do a better job of teaching both young men and women the
inescapable importance of the role of the father.
This does not mean a single mother cannot raise wonderful kids.
Many wonderful mothers are remarkably effective in raising children
without a father due to death, a collapsed marriage or abandonment.
But this cannot reverse all the statistics which support the importance
of the father. As one columnist observed: “Kids needs two parents, just
as they need two eyes and two legs. Is it possible to survive, even thrive,
with just one? Of course. But it is infinitely more difficult.”
Dads, you are not “the doofus father.” Remember how important you
are. Fathers have the duty and privilege to be a man and step up to their
responsibilities. If some evil person was trying to break into your home,
I presume you would do everything in your power not to let that evil
man harm your family. There is evil at your family’s door. It is the evil of
drugs, teenage pregnancy, ignorance, depression, law breaking and, yes,
the devil himself, who wishes to attack your family. Your family needs
your example as a man of principles, values and faith in order to defend
against these evils.
The Catholic Church is blessed to have the Knights of Peter Claver.
One of the most important ways in which the KPC blesses the Church
is that it is an organization that challenges and supports men to be
spiritual leaders in the Church, the home and the community. This is
greatly needed today. Whether a man is a father or not, men are called
to be spiritual leaders. The Knights of Peter Claver was begun as an
organization which would work to keep African-American men active
in the Catholic Church and active as men of faith. It was needed a
hundred years ago and it is needed now. I pray that God will bless my
brother Knights of Peter Claver and the Ladies Auxiliaries as we continue
to extend the challenge and support to men to become Knights and,
through the Knights, to become even stronger spiritual leaders which
our world and Church so desperately need today.
district news
northern states district
Carencro, Louisiana
central states district
gulf coast district
state of
= areas where
there are no
councils or courts
Court #269
state of
state of louisiana
Our Lady of Assumption Court #269 honored
Lady Theresa Guidry (left) and Lady Bernice
Angelle (right) for 25 years of service. Pictured
between them is Grand Lady Geneva Thomas.
Council #50
district news
New Orleans, Louisiana
Members of Holy Ghost Court #8.
Court #8
Opelousas, Louisiana
On St. Peter Claver Day, Grand Knight Norman C. Gallo, Sr. (right) presented an award to
Knight Antoine Clarence for 43 years of dedicated service and for the distinction of being the
oldest member of the Father John H. Dorsey
Council. Knight Clarence is 90 years old.
Holy Ghost Court #8, which currently has 171 members, is actively
involved in church ministry at Holy Ghost Church. Ladies of #8 serve as
eucharistic ministers, lectors, Parish Council members, choir members and
CCD teachers. Court members also are actively involved in helping make the
Annual Creole Festival a success. One of Court #8’s activities this year was “A
Day of Fellowship.” The goal of this fellowship day is to reach as many adults
as possible in St. Landry Parish and beyond to deliver the message that “It
takes a village to rear a child.” Women from all churches were invited to join
in to help raise our youth in a Christian lifestyle and to help them cope with the
demands of our ever-changing world.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Grand Knight Paul Richard and Grand Lady Sylvia
Castillo welcomed guests to an evening of “Ebony and
Ivory” in conjunction with Mardi Gras.
The 2011 officers for Court #54 (left to right, front row) are: Lady Eula Lee,
Recording Secretary; Lady Cynthia Hypolite, Treasurer; Vice-Grand Lady Margaret Wiltz; Grand Lady Sylvia Castillo; Lady Lorena Wiltz, Inner Guard; and Lady
Della Mae James, Mistress at Arms. In the back row (left to right) are: Lady Detra
Mallery, Junior Daughter Counselor; Lady Margaret Richard (member); Lady Elsie
Gardner, Lady of Prayer; Lady Patricia Porter, Outer Guard; Lady Melissa Francis,
Financial Secretary; and Charlar Brew, Lecturer. Not pictured is Board of Trustee
Member Hilda Charles.
Council and Court #54
Council and Court #54 held their annual awards banquet in
October at Notre Dame Parish Hall. The theme was “Clavers
Salute America.” The guest speaker was Carlton Lee, Sr., deacon
Court #12
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Gracious Lady Gloria Dorsey Ingram of St. Francis Xavier
Court #12 was awarded the Silver Medal of Merit in St. Louis in
August 2010. Lady Ingram has been an active member for 35
years. She served on the Board of Finance for four years and
was the Assistant Junior Daughter Counselor for five years. She
is currently the Financial Secretary for KPC District 2, Secretary
for St. Francis Xavier Usher
Society and Faithful Steward
for Chapter 9 4th Degree.
Lady Gloria Ingram was
the first female usher at
St. Francis Xavier Church,
and taught CCD for 20
years and RCIA for 10
years. She is active in
community service and
with the Delmont Center
and Homewood Center for
seniors. She retired from the
City of Baton Rouge after
30 years of service in the
division of finance/revenue
Gracious Lady Gloria Dorsey
and sales tax.
Council #144
Shreveport, Louisiana
Father Edward Knaebel Council #144 celebrated the 50-year
membership of Knight John Sarpy and Knight Ealie Thornton in
November at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Church. Knights
Sarpy and Thornton were presented with pins and certificates from
the National Office. Father Andre McGrath, pastor of Our Lady of the
Blessed Sacrament and a member of the Knights of Peter Claver,
assisted in the pinning ceremony. Pictured (left to right) are: Father
Andre McGrath, Knight John Sarpy, Knight Ealie Thornton and Grand
Knight Tim Ford.
district news
St. Martinville, Louisiana
of Notre Dame Catholic Church and member of St. Martin
Council #54. The banquet honors members for their service
and dedication to the organization and to Claverism. This year,
Grand Knight Paul Richard and Grand Lady Sylvia Castillo
honored Knight Russell Cormier, Sr. and Lady Della Mae James
for 50 years of service. In keeping with the theme of the banquet,
members who had served in the military also were recognized.
state of louisiana (cont.)
Court #160
Unit #325
In September, Little Flower of Jesus
Court #160 initiated five new Ladies and St.
Benedict the Black Court #374 initiated one.
Unit #374 also hosted the St. Peter Claver
Day celebration at Little Flower of Jesus
Church, with support from Unit #160. Father Adrian Fischer, OFM, was the principal
celebrant, and Louisiana State Deputy Oscar
Benoit was present. Court #160 continued
its effort to give back to the community
by collecting food and distributing it to
two families over the holidays. The Ladies
also serenaded residents of the Mary Goss
Nursing Home, as they do every year, and
distributed gift baskets to them.
Unit #325, represented by
Grand Knight Farrell Joseph,
Grand Lady Lynette Hampton,
Junior Grand Knight Caleb
Members of #325 present checks to St. Katharine Drexel Parish
Collins and Junior Grand Lady and Holy Ghost School.
Charde’ Jacquot, presented
Father John Cisewski, pastor of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in New Orleans, with a check
in the amount of $700 to begin creation of a Saint Katharine Drexel shrine in the newly
created parish. Another check in the amount of $1,400 was presented to Sister Angela
Smith, SSF, principal of Holy Ghost Catholic School.
The Knights and Ladies of #325 honor two seniors – one male and one female – each
month with flowers and gift baskets. More than 100 seniors of the parish received Christmas gifts in December. In addition, the Ladies of the court, as part of the “Angels Network,”
have performed household chores for selected homebound seniors in need of assistance.
Monroe, Louisiana
New Orleans,
district news
State of Louisiana moving forward with expansion
Holy Trinity Court #393 in Washington, Louisiana, was established in
December 2010. Included in the photo are: Most Esteemed Supreme
Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin, Vice Supreme Lady Yvonne Jackson, Lay
Board Member Lady Hilda L. Wiltz and Deputy of Louisiana Lady
Michelle Jackson.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Court #394 in New Orleans, Louisiana,
was established in February 2011. Included in the photo are: Most
Esteemed Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin, Vice Supreme Lady
Yvonne Jackson and Deputy of Louisiana Lady Michelle Jackson.
Mother Katharine Drexel
Chapter 7
Pictured (left to right) are: Gracious Lady Mary Butler; Gracious Lady
Lorraine Marks; Gracious Lady Cynthia Singleton; Gracious Lady Hilda
Wiltz, National Lay Board Member; Gracious Lady Jacqueline SimienGuillory, Supreme Outer Sentinel; Gracious Lady Paula Jordan; and
Gracious Lady Danielle Belson.
The 4th Degree Ladies of Grace, Mother Katharine Drexel
Chapter 7, exemplified the following five new members from
three courts in District 7 in November: Ladies Mary Butler and
Cynthia Singleton of Holy Ghost Court #8; Ladies Danielle
Belson and Lorraine Marks of St. Sophie Barat Court #34; and
Lady Paula Jordan of Annunciation Court #114.
The exemplification ceremony, which was held at the old
Holy Ghost School in Opelousas, was led by Gracious Lady
Hilda Wiltz, National Lay Board Member and a member of St.
Paul Chapter 3, 4th Degree Ladies of Grace, based in Lafayette.
The day concluded with a repast prepared by the Gracious
Ladies of Mother Katharine Drexel Chapter 7.
The Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
and Bishop Kevin Vann
Congratulates the Knights of Peter Claver
for its enhanced The Claverite and for the
election of DeKarlos Blackmon
as Supreme Knight and CEO.
God Bless the Knights of Peter Claver
and Supreme Knight Blackmon
for their ministry to the Church.
The Most Reverend William Murphy,
Bishop of Rockvillle Centre
And The Family of Faith of
The Diocese of Rockville Centre
Extend to
Fredron DeKarlos
Our prayerful congratulations
and best wishes on his election
as Supreme Knight of the
Knights of Peter Claver.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
central states district
Council and Court #5
Nashville, Tennessee
Council and Court #5 continue to demonstrate the
spirit of Claverism with annual events such as the Health
Fair, Prayer Breakfast, Junior Retreat, Holiday Baskets,
Blood Drive and Room at the Inn. The unit also established three new initiatives: Youth Development Forum,
Community Social Action, and Males in the Church and
Community. In addition to hosting the 2010 Central
States District Junior Knights and Daughters Conference
in Nashville, the council and court received individual
and unit recognition at the 2010 Central States District
Conference in Memphis and welcomed 13 new members,
including two priests. Unit #5 was honored with the
elevation of Sir Knight Sam Sims to Central States District
Deputy, who was installed at the 2010 National Convention in St. Louis.
Council and Court #5 at 2010 Central States District Conference in
Denver, Colorado
The officers of Unit #261 (from left to right) are: Grand Knight Greg DeCuir;
Deputy Grand Knight Roger Owens; Junior Grand Knight Brenden Matthews;
Grand Lady Barbara Foster; Junior Grand Lady Armani Lee; Central States
District Deputy Janice Gray; and Faithful Navigator, 4th Degree Ladies of
Grace, Linda Chase.
The Knights and Ladies of Unit #261 celebrated the
installation of a permanent, historical display in the BlairCaldwell African American Research Library museum
on Founder’s Day 2010 weekend to commemorate 25
years in Colorado. The library is located in the historic
black district of Five Points in Denver, and the display will
be expanded and updated by the historical committee of
Unit #261.
The program included presentations by the officers outlining who and what the Order represents. In addition, the
“In Praise” gospel choir and musicians from Cure d’Ars
Parish in Denver provided spiritual musical selections.
Court #343
St. Louis, Missouri
Ladies of Court #343 collected luggage for Good
Shepherds Children’s Home.
In January, Court #343 initiated six new Ladies: Lady Donna Lane, Lady
Patricia Pou, Lady JoAnn Hunt, Lady Ida Bohannon, Lady Adlean Thomas
and Lady Diane Anderson Joiner. Also in January, Ladies and Knights turned
out for Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis twice – once for the Mass
of Thanksgiving for Cardinal Raymond Burke, who was recently elevated to
the College of Cardinals in Rome; and again for the archdiocesan celebration
of Martin Luther King Day.
The Ladies of Court #343 also are working hard in the community visiting
the sick and volunteering at food pantries, shelters and hospitals. The largest
project this year was the collection of suitcases, overnight bags, duffle bags,
large purses, tote bags and even wallets for donation to the Good Shepherds
Children’s Home in St. Louis. The donation of bags helps to ensure that children
entering foster care have new or gently used luggage when they leave the home.
district news
Unit #261
western states district
Court #121
Los Angeles, California
district news
Pictured (left to right) are: Vice Grand Lady Cheryl Blount; Lady Karen
Pinson, Financial Secretary; Lady Sheila Thomas, Junior Daughter Counselor;
Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon; Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin;
Lady Jennie Dudley, Treasurer; and Grand Lady Franz Aubry.
The Supreme Knight and Supreme Lady visited Holy
Name of Jesus Church, the home of Sacred Heart of Jesus
Court #121, in February. Several of our Ladies, including
our newly elected Grand Lady Franz Aubry, welcomed
them and shared in the excitement of the upcoming National Convention to be held here in Los Angeles.
The Ladies of Court 121 are dedicated to spiritual and
charitable growth. During the first quarter of the year,
the court held a spiritual in-house rosary paired with a
canned-goods drive, and our charitable efforts included
donations of many items for children at the local Covenant House for Homeless Teenagers. We are planning
what we hope will be an annual “Day of Prayer,” which
includes a luncheon to be led by our own Lady of Prayer,
Cathy Brown (also Director of Religious Education at Holy
Name Church).
Unit #218
Seattle, Washington
Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Court #218
honored three women for Distinguished
Service to the Community and the Church
in March, which is National Women’s
History Month. The 2011 honorees were:
Mary Lou Colasurdo, pastoral associate
and parishioner of St. Therese Catholic
Church in Seattle; Valarie D. Anderson,
member of the Seattle Police DepartMembers of Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Court #218.
ment and parishioner of St. Paul Catholic
Church in Seattle; and Grace Holden, musician, Cabrini Minister and parishioner of Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle.
Diocese of Oakland
San Francisco Bay Area, California
An article in the Oakland Diocese Newspaper, The Catholic
Voice, featured the 10 councils and nine courts in the
Diocese of Oakland in the Bay Area. Father James Matthews,
pastor of Oakland’s St. Benedict Parish, has been a member
of the Knights of Peter Claver since 1971. He said that he
was “proud to be a part of my black Catholic roots,” and that
to be a Knight means “to fully participate in the life of the
Church, to make its presence known and respected in our
society.” He went on to say that the Knights and Ladies have
made significant contributions to the life of the Oakland
Diocese and have been called upon to use their leadership
skills on consultative bodies of the diocese, such as boards,
commissions and other diocesan entities.
Bay Area Knights and Ladies at the installation of new officers Mass at St.
Benedict Church in Oakland.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Court #369
Phoenix, Arizona
The Ladies Auxiliary of St. Josephine
Bakhita Court #369 has put into practice the words of our Supreme Knight, F.
DeKarlos Blackmon: “Let us keep before
us that, as we serve the needs of the
Church and the world, our faith must be
supported by visible signs.” Since there
are no “Black” parishes or neighborhoods
in Arizona, visibility is key to growing our
organization. In July of 2010, we were
blessed to be a very visible part of the
Rite of Episcopal Ordination of our new
Jalen Young, Bianca Lewis and Kennedy Ford-Castellanos, recipients of Court #369 Lady Clara
auxiliary bishop, the Most Rev. Eduardo A.
Hamilton Memorial Scholarships, are shown in the middle of the front row surrounded by members
Nevares. At the conclusion of this celebraof the court.
tion, flocks of participants inquired as to
who we were, giving us not only the opportunity to promote our Noble Order, but also allowing us to ingratiate ourselves with our new
bishop, who is in charge of Ethnic Ministries. We have encouraged him to join the Knights of Peter Claver.
One of our fundraising events this year was the “Denim & Diamonds” gala at Corpus Christi Parish in Ahwatukee, Arizona, where we
were joined by the pastor, Father Albert Francis Hoorman, and Bishop Nevares. This is the second year that the gala has raised scholarship funds for deserving students. We are proud to have awarded Lady Clara Hamilton scholarships ranging from $400 to $1,700.
northern states district
Council and Court #134
Chicago, Illinois
district news
The Knights and
Ladies of #134 ended
the year 2010 with
a two-day event in
December celebrating
40 years of serving
our Noble Order.
After dinner on the
first day, we honored
our charter members
of 40 years with certificates and trophies
and thanked them
for the extraordinary
dedication, skill and talent they have given to our Noble Order, to the Catholic faith and to the community. We were blessed to
have our own Bishop Joseph N. Perry as principal celebrant and homilist at the Mass the following day at Holy Name of Mary
Church. Bishop Perry spoke of the history of the Knights of Peter Claver and the message of our patron, St. Peter Claver.
After the officers were installed for 2011 in January, we began our Breakfasts for Charity, which occur on the first Sunday of
every month, and also sponsored a fish fry. Proceeds from these events go toward our Adopted Family Project, and our adopted
family for 2010 and 2011 is the Oblate Sisters of Providence.
northern states district (cont.)
Unit #297
Newark, New Jersey
district news
Bishop Joseph A. Francis Court #297 sponsored a “Go Red
Dinner Dance” in March. The purpose of the event was to increase
awareness of heart disease as one of the biggest threats to the health of
women, especially African-American women. The court also made a
donation of more than $1,000 to help with research and prevention
of heart disease. In April our chaplain, Father Luke A. Edelen, OSB,
received the Distinguished Monk/Teacher Award at the Annual Communion Breakfast of the St. Benedict Prep Alumni Association. Father
Edelen is a charter member of the St. Martin de Porres Council #297
and has been a member of the National Black Catholic Congress.
Members of Court #311 gathered to pray the rosary.
Court #311
Hartford, Connecticut
In January, members of St. Benedict Court #311 gathered in
response to the National Black Catholic Apostolate for Life’s call
to join in the national recitation of the holy rosary on the 13th Anniversary of the Black Catholic Rosary Across America Day – to
end abortion and all other acts of violence against life. We were
Members of Court #297 at the “Go Red Dinner Dance.”
led in the rosary by our newly elected Grand Lady, Lady Claire
Maris Stella Potier, and our hostess was Lady Cheryl Eubanks.
In March Lady Deborah Holloway, a member of Court #311
and an active member of St. Michael Church in Hartford, was
awarded the Medal of Appreciation by Archbishop Henry Mansell at the Cathedral of
St. Joseph in recognition
of her numerous contributions to the church.
She is a former religious
education teacher and
currently serves as a lector, eucharistic minister
and usher. Lady Holloway also is a member of
the Parish Council and
sits on the Board of the
Black Catholic Ministries. She truly extols the
virtues of a Claverite and Lady Deborah Holloway received the
we are happy to call her
Medal of Appreciation from Archbishop
Henry Mansell.
our own.
Court #277
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The first Father Augustus Tolton Vocation Awards Dinner,
hosted by Court #277, was held in November in Penn Hill. The
dinner spotlighted the need for vocations among African-American men and women in the Diocese of Pittsburgh.
The diocese’s two black women religious, two black deacons
and sole African-American priest were honored at the dinner. The
sold-out event featured guest speaker Father Robert Guay, Vicar
General, and a new poster, spearheaded by Court #277 and directed toward the African-American community, was unveiled by
the Diocesan Vocations Office. Reynoso; and Deacon George (Toby)
Pictured are guests at the Vocation Awards Dinner. Standing (left to right) are: Lady Nancy Thomas, Mistress of Ceremonies; Father Robert Guay (Guest
Speaker); Deacon Reynold Wilmer; Grand Lady Marion Smith Reynoso; and Deacon George (Toby) Gains. Seated (left to right) are: Supreme Knight F.
DeKarlos Blackmon; Father David Taylor, Pastor of St. Charles Lwanga and Court #277 Chaplain; and Sister Maria Harding, SSJ.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Court #337
Boston, Massachusetts
Lady Thelma Fearn, one of the
founding members of Sister Dolores
Harrall Court #337, received the
Cheverus Award from Archbishop
Sean P. O’Malley in November at the
Cathedral of the Holy Cross in BosSister Mary Christiana Onyewuche, EHJ.
ton. The Cheverus Award is given to
local faithful Catholics who provide humble service to the Church. They are
known as the unsung heroes of Boston. The Cheverus Award is named after Lady Thelma Fearn received the Cheverus Award from
the First Bishop of Boston, Jean-Louis de Cheverus, who became the Local Archbishop Sean O’Malley.
Ordinary in 1808.
Sister Mary Christiana Onyewuche, EHJ, a religious sister of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Congregation and member of
Court #337, received a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Pastoral Psychology from the Theological Foundation in May. She is
from Nigeria and has worked with the Nigerian Catholic Community of St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Boston as pastoral associate and parish secretary. She is also a board certified chaplain by the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.
district news
Council and Court
Newport News, Virginia
Council #362 enjoyed a successful 2010. Knight Melvin Ferebee and
Knight James Coward were inducted
into the council, and the Ladies
Auxiliary formed Junior Daughters
Court #362, consisting of nine girls.
The Knights and Ladies hosted their
annual benefit Mardi Gras at the Parish
Hall of Immaculate Conception Church
in Hampton. Proceeds support the
Annual John Otto Book Scholarship
and the Social Ministries of St. Vincent
DePaul Church in Newport News.
Members of Council, Court and Junior Daughters #362.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliaries from Court #362 and Court #279 in
Norfolk celebrate Mardi Gras.
Council #362 celebrates a successful year in 2010 with a cookout.
gulf coast district
Court #6
Bay St. Louis, Mississippi
Court #6 has been busy with community service
projects, including participation in the Stamp Out
Hunger campaign in May with the National Association
of Letter Carriers of Bay St. Louis. Another regional
service project with our Junior Daughters is called
Soles4Souls. The money raised is used to buy shoes
for needy people. Last year’s funds purchased shoes for
the Haitian earthquake victims. We also are collecting
UPC squares from Community Coffee products to be
donated to a local school in the Bay area.
Council, Court and Junior Division of Unit #6, hosts of 2011 Regional Conference.
Court #110
district news
Charleston, South Carolina
The Ladies of Our Lady of Guadalupe Court #110 hosted a
Zone 5 Cluster Initiation at St. Patrick Church in Charleston. The
ceremony, which included Courts #110 and #360, was conducted by Past Gulf Coast District Deputy Lady Vertelle Kenion. Lady
Eleanor Greene, Court #110, and Lady Cassandra Edmonds,
Court #360, took the Claver oath.
Court #110 has published the first edition of its quarterly
newsletter, The Bulletin. The newsletter is being distributed to
parishioners as a means to recruit new members and also to keep
our sick and shut-ins informed and connected to the court during
their recovery. As a service organization, we continue to support
and sponsor programs to help make life better for those in need.
Along with the Junior Division, and the Woman’s Guild of St. Patrick Church, Court #110 participated in a group food drive for the
Lowcountry Food Bank in Charleston. The Ladies also collected
items for residents in two nursing homes and for unwed mothers at
the Florence Crittenton Home in Charleston.
Pictured after the initiation ceremony (front row, left to right) are: Lady
Vertelle Kenion, Past Gulf Coast District Deputy; Lady Cassandra Edmonds, new member, Court #360; Lady Eleanor Greene, new member, Court #110; and Lady Barbara Birds, Court #110 Membership
Committee Chairman. Back row (left to right) are: Grand Lady Anna
Byrd, Court #360; and Grand Lady Francena Rogers, Court #110.
Council and Court #172
Prichard, Alabama
Members of Court #172 turned out to welcome Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos
Blackmon and Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin.
At the annual Awards Luncheon in January, St.
James Major Council and Court #172 presented a
Certificate of Service for 44 years to Lady Cornelia
Culpepper, Certificates of Service for 40 years to
Knight James Houston, Knight Lee E. Portis and
Knight Elbert Robinson, and Certificates of Service for 20 years to Knight Michael Alexander and
Knight Lawrence Banks.
In March, the court held an initiation and welcomed the following Ladies into #172: Lady Tiffany
Holder, Lady Marjorie Seltzer, Lady Faith Williams
and Lady Jennifer Williams. In April, the Ladies
welcomed Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon
and Supreme Lady Geralyn C. Shelvin at St. Francis
Xavier Church in Mobile.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Court #171
Jackson, Mississippi
Father Anthony Bourges Court #171 held a diabetes
screening for members of Holy Ghost Church and the
people in the community, and the Ladies also participated
in the annual walk for the Diabetes Foundation of
Council and Court #272
Birmingham, Alabama
Lady Eddie Mae Thomas (left)
and Lady Jewell Waddy (right).
Father Edgar Ryan Court #272
celebrated its 25th anniversary
with a tasting of recipes from its
“seasoned to please” Favorite Family
Recipes Cookbook. Also, in recognition of their many years of service,
Court #272 honored Lady Eddie
Mae Thomas (37 years) and Lady
Jewell Waddy (34 years).
Pierre Toussaint Assembly #45 Council #278
Savannah, Georgia
Faithful Navigator Donald LePorte (left) and Faithful Steward Robert
Farley (right) present a contribution to Sir Knight Father Robert
Chaney (center), pastor of Resurrection of our Lord Parish in Savannah, commemorating the dedication of the parish’s new sanctuary.
Savannah, Georgia
Council #278 continues to spread the spirit of Claverism within the
parish and the community. Knight Charles Bell and Knight William
Law, Jr., members of Council #278, received the Diocese of Savannah
Gartland Award for outstanding service to the Church in November.
In December, the council was very involved with the dedication of the
new church, Resurrection of Our Lord. The council was pleased to
have both Supreme Knight F. DeKarlos Blackmon and Supreme Lady
Geralyn C. Shelvin present at both the Mass of Thanksgiving and the
Mass of Dedication.
Expansion is one of our objectives. In February, Mark Brown, Terry
J. Brown, Trent Chavis, Charles DoCoteau, David Doyle, Nathaniel C.
Glover, III, Causey A. Mincey, Sr. and Paul Sidney were welcomed as
new members of Council #278, and Keith B. Glover was reinstated.
There are now three generations of Glovers in our council: Nathaniel
C. Glover, Sr., Nathaniel C. Glover, Jr. and Nathaniel C. Glover, III.
district news
Father Edgar Ryan Council #272, which
works with Holy Family Parish in the Ensley
Community, celebrated its 25th anniversary
in February. Under the leadership of Grand
Knight Richard Harris, the council made a
$1,000 donation to Holy Family Elementary School. In addition to this most recent
donation, the council has donated to Holy
Family’s Cheerleading Camp, sponsored the
church picnic for 15 years and has helped
organize a fun day for the parish, which is a
Grand Knight Richard Harris presented Holy Family Elfundraising event.
ementary School principal Chandra Farrier with a check.
Grand Knight Richard Harris and Knight
Kenneth Blackledge helped organize the building fund for the parish, and Knight Harris established
and coordinated the GED program at the parish through Bevill State Community College. This
program has helped more than 80 students gain a better quality of life. The Knights of #272 also
set aside one weekend a month to work on the parish building and grounds.
gulf coast district (cont.)
Council and Court #340
district news
Hapeville, Georgia
The Knights and Ladies of Archbishop James P. Lyke Council and
Court #340 continue to provide dedicated service to the Parish of
St. John the Evangelist, the community, and the Noble Order. This
year members took part in Inter-City Council meetings, prepared and
served monthly breakfasts for the parish and prepared and served
meals at local shelters during the winter months. Knights and Ladies
also participate in a variety of ministries at church by serving as lectors,
eucharistic ministers and members of the choir.
A surprise 70th wedding anniversary celebration entitled “Celebration of Love” was held for Knight Lionel and Lady Celestine Washington in November. Family, friends and parishioners gathered to honor
the lovely couple with food, music and a video showing the couple
throughout the years. Father Ed Thein, pastor of St. John the Evangelist, presented the couple with a certificate from Archbishop Wilton
Gregory in recognition of the anniversary.
Knight Lionel and Lady Celestine Washington celebrated their
70th wedding anniversary.
state of texas
Council #89
Fort Worth, Texas
Seated in front is Knight Frank B. Staton. Standing
(left to right) are: Dr. Carolyn Yusuf, school principal,
Amado Martinez (second place), Brittany Masters
(first place) and Sonie Hare (third place).
The winners of the 15th annual Council #89 Frank B. Staton Scholarship
Awards were recognized recently at Our Mother of Mercy Church. The scholarship is presented annually to students attending Our Mother of Mercy Catholic
School in grades 4–8. The winners were selected based upon their academic
achievement, community service and a written essay question. The scholarship
monies will be applied to tuition assistance. Knight Frank Staton is an alumnus
of Our Mother of Mercy Catholic School as well as a founding member of the
Knights of Peter Claver, Council #89. Knight Staton is a long-time leader and
mentor in the Catholic Church and in the community.
Council #89 raises funds and accept donations each year to fund this activity
that recognizes students who are getting it done the right way – through high
academic performance, leadership and community service.
Court #138
Houston, Texas
Queen of All Saints Court #138 installed new officers
for the 2011–13 terms in January at St. Francis Xavier
Church in Houston. The court has accomplished much
over the past several months and has a full schedule of
activities planned. Some of the major events were the Toy/
Food drive at the George R. Brown Convention Center, the
Dr. Martin Luther King Mass of Celebration with Cardinal
Daniel DiNardo and the Houston Inter-City Council and
Courts Mardi Gras Ball.
Newly installed officers for Court #138.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
state of texas
Court #151
Houston, Texas
Council and Court #182
Port Arthur, Texas
Knight James Carter at Mardi
Gras 2011.
Lady Ethel R. Guilbeau at Mardi
Gras 2011.
In January, St. Mary Council and Court #182 hosted their
25th annual Mardi Gras celebration. The decorating committee decked the hall in the traditional purple, green and gold
for this gala event. Mistress of Ceremonies Lady Connie Roy
proudly announced the royal court of King Joseph Sam and
Queen Lady Jane Arvie. The Duke and Duchess were Knight
James Carter and Lady Ethel R. Guilbeau. Lady Guilbeau was
also nominated as the Outstanding Lady in 2010.
Knights of Peter Claver and
Ladies Auxiliary “Pink Angels”
Houston, Texas
Members of the Knights of Peter Claver and Ladies
Auxiliary joined 5,000 walkers in the Sister Network
Stop the Silence African American Breast Cancer walk
in Houston in April. The Pink Angels team, consisting of Knights and Ladies from courts and councils in
Houston and the surrounding areas, walked three miles
in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. As Clavers we
are committed to improving the quality of life in our
church and community.
Members of the Houston-area “Pink Angels” participated in a breast
cancer walk.
district news
St. Monica Court #151 had another
successful year participating in activities, events and charitable and community service projects. After installing
the new officers for 2011, the Senior
Ladies and Junior Court officers held a
Collaborative Goal Setting Workshop
where Senior members met their Junior
counterparts in an open forum and discussed goals, commitments to the court
and commitments to the parish. The
Ladies also participated in a number of
events, including the Annual Mass of
Remembrance for Reverend Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., Annual Fashion Show
and Dinner Celebrating Mardi Gras
Spring 2011, and the Annual Elvina
LeBlanc Black History Play honoring
Lady Marilyn Adams for Outstanding
Community Service. Court members also shared information about the benefits of being a part of our Noble Order at the St. Monica Ministry Fair and collected nonperishable food items for the Annual Mickey Leland Food Drive for the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.
state of texas (cont.)
Houston Inter-City Councils and Courts
The annual Mardi Gras Ball was held in February at St. Mary of the Purification Church parish hall in Houston. Grand Lady Cheryl Armitige of Court #15
served as the Mardi Gras Ball chairperson. The Master and Mistress of Ceremonies were State Deputy of Texas James Ellis and Gracious Lady Charolette
Davis. Knight Terrance Louis and Grand Lady Patricia Clark of Our Lady Star of
the Sea Council and Court #139 were crowned the 2011 HICC Mardi Gras
King and Queen. The band Silky Soul provided the music. The entire Mardi
Gras committee is to be commended for providing an exquisite evening for all.
Pictured, back row (left to right), are: Gracious Lady Charolette Davis, Mistress of Ceremonies; Knight Ron Elder, HICC President; Lady Mary Sias,
KPCLA Member; Grand Lady Norma Woodson, HICC Vice President; and Knight James Ellis, Master of Ceremonies and Texas State Deputy. Seated
in front are the 2011 HICC Mardi Gras Queen and King, Grand Lady Patricia Clark and Knight Terrance Louis.
district news
HICC Host Claver Day
HICC President Ron Elder (left) and Knight
Leonard Joseph.
Knight Ron Elder and Lady Norma Woodson.
HICC members at Mass celebration of St. Peter Claver Day.
St. Peter Claver Day was hosted by Council and Court #151 in St. Monica Catholic
Church in Houston. The celebrant of the
Mass was Most Rev. Vincent M. Rizatto. Many
councils and courts from Houston and the
surrounding area were in attendance. After
the Mass, HICC hosted a reception for all
members of the Knights of Peter Claver and
their families.
HICC President Ron Elder presented the
Paul A. Stiner Award to Sir Knight Leonard
Joseph of Assembly #2. Knight Joseph also
is a past Silver Medal of Merit and Catholic
Award winner, and currently serves as the
Grand Knight of Council #252. The Della
Brooks Award was presented to Lady Norma
Woodson of Court #151. Lady Woodson is
currently serving as the Grand Lady of Court
#151, Texas State Parliamentarian and the
Vice President of HICC, and she was the
2010 National Grand Lady of the Year.
Members of HICC held their monthly meeting
after St. Peter Claver Day celebration.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
junior division news
Juniors of Unit #31
Lake Charles, Louisiana
“Following Christ Path for 50 Years” was the theme
of the Louisiana State Junior Conference held in March.
Delegations from the entire state and visitors from Chicago and Texas were present to celebrate with Juniors
on the occasion of their 50th anniversary. Louisiana
State Junior Knight and Junior Daughter of the Year
awards for 2011 went to brother and sister Creighton
Guillory (National Sergeant at Arms) and JonMarie
Guillory, members of Unit #31 and students at St.
Louis Catholic High School. Other top awards for the
unit went to Amber Landry, Alexis Royale and Breanna
Royster-Charles. St. Rita Court #31 won the Spirit
Award for registering 18 Junior Daughters.
Pictured (left to right) are: Sir Knight Captain Craig Guillory (with Junior Knight
Carrington Guillory in front of him), Supreme Lady Geralyn Shelvin, Junior
Knight Creighton “C- JAG” Guillory, JonMarie Guillory, Supreme Knight F.
DeKarlos Blackmon and Jackie Simien-Guillory.
St. Martinville, Louisiana
The Junior Daughters of Court #54 are
pictured outside the St. Martinville Rehabilitation and Nursing Center after their visit there.
In March, the Junior Daughters participated in a
Sickle Cell Drive and also won the 2011 Quiz
Bowl at the Louisiana Junior State Conference.
Junior Daughters of Court #110
Charleston, South Carolina
The Junior Daughters of Court #110 partnered with the Senior Ladies and
the St. Patrick Women’s Guild in a very successful food drive to support the
Lowcountry Food Bank. The combined groups collected more than 1,000
pounds of nonperishable food items. The project was such a huge success
that phase two is already under way and will continue through the summer. The
Junior Daughters also are looking forward to attending and participating in the
upcoming Junior National Convention July 7–10 in New Orleans. The girls
have held several successful fundraisers to help finance the trip.
Court #110 Junior Daughters plan fundraisers. Pictured
(left to right) are: Erin Cooke, Gulf Coast District Treasurer;
Callia Cox, Recording Secretary; and Madyson Harris,
Financial Secretary.
Junior Daughters of Court #97
Indianapolis, Indiana
The Junior Daughters of Christ the King Court #97 held their Annual Pre-Lenten Brunch Fundraiser in March, serving chicken
and waffles and fruit. The parishioners and guests of St. Rita Parish enjoyed the brunch very much. The Juniors of Court #97 are
working hard this year planning fundraisers, working in the community and staying involved in church activities. As our older
Juniors head off to college, we have a young group of ladies very eager to learn.
junior division
Junior Daughters of #54
junior division news (cont.)
Junior Daughters of #138
Houston, Texas
The Junior Daughters of Queen of All Saints Court #138 installed
new officers for the 2011–13 terms in January at St. Francis Xavier
Church in Houston. These young ladies have been very busy with
the Blanket Drive at St. John’s Bread of Life, Junior Christmas at Holy
Family Church in McNair, the Super Bowl Dinner Fundraiser, the KPC
Family Picnic and the Junior State Conference in Houston. The Junior
Daughters won awards at the conference in the categories of Science,
Arts and Crafts, Debate, Talent/Singer and Expansion.
Newly installed Junior officers for Court #138 with District
Deputy Eva Volter.
Juniors of #151
junior division
Houston, Texas
The Quiz Bowl team of #151 won first place at the
Junior Texas State Conference in Houston. The team will
compete in the National Quiz Bowl Championship at the
Junior National Convention in New Orleans in July. Team
members are: Taylor Adams, Kenneth Adams, Dallas
Adams, Zarissa LeBlanc, Kelechi Anumudu and Brianna
Batiste (team captain). Quiz Bowl coaches are: Lady
Nan Arceneaux, Lady Athena Adams, Knight Adrian S.
Adams and Lady Donna Anumudu (not shown in photo).
Juniors of #159
Houston, Texas
The Texas Junior Conference was held in March at
the Omni Hotel in Houston. St. Mary of the Purification
Branch and Court #159 received recognition for their
2011 graduates from Branch #159 (from left) are: Janai Edwards (to atoutstanding recruitment efforts. In addition to being
tend Adelphi University); Jordan Louis (to attend Baylor University); Krystal
number one in expansion, the unit also earned top honors
Thornton (to attend Sam Houston State University); and Candace Mackie (to
in ad solicitation. The Junior Knights and Daughters
attend Stephen F. Austin University).
received recognition in multiple other areas, including
Essays, Poetry, Talent Show, Dance Group, Instruments, Painting, Crafts, Spelling, Math and Quiz Bowl. Unit #159 is led by Junior
Grand Lady Audra Jackson, Junior Grand Knight Sheldon Williams, Junior Daughter Counselor Lady Carol Enard, Junior Knight
Commander Marc Singleton, Senior Grand Knight Brother Lawrence Clayton and Senior Grand Lady Melina Volair.
Junior Branch and Court #167 Detroit, Michigan
The Juniors of #167 at Prayer Breakfast in March.
The Junior Knights and Daughters
of St. Cecilia Council and Court #167
hosted their first ever Prayer Breakfast in
March. The theme for the breakfast was
TTYL (Talk To Your Lord). The program
included St. Cecilia’s own Mine Ministry
Dancers, along with visiting praise dancers. The guest speaker was John Thorne,
Coordinator of Black Catholic Ministries
for the Archdiocese of Detroit.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Juniors of #172
Prichard, Alabama
The Junior officers of Court
and Branch #172 were installed at a Unity Mass in January. The Junior Grand Lady
is Lauren Lipscomb and the
Junior Grand Knight is Clayton
Schnyder. During the annual
Awards Luncheon in January,
Junior Knight Steven Waller
Junior Grand Lady Lauren Lipscomb (left),
was honored as the “Junior
Junior Daughter Maderia Armfield (center)
Junior Knight Steven Waller (left) and Junior Grand
Parishioner of the Year.”
and Junior Daughter Ruby Spain sold wingKnight Clayton Schnyder sold fish and chips during
dings and hot dogs during Mardi Gras.
Mardi Gras.
Service projects for the Junior Daughters have included
donations to the Bay Area Food Bank, donations to the Ronald McDonald House and participation in the March of Dimes Walk
for Babies. In order to defray the cost of attending the 2011 Junior National Conference, the Junior Knights prepared breakfast between Sunday Masses and sold fish and chips during Mardi Gras. The Junior Daughters sold wing-dings and hot dogs
during Mardi Gras and held an aluminum can drive.
Seattle, Washington
The Junior Daughters of #218 assisted with the “Celebrating
Catholic Women” Luncheon Program in March. Junior Daughter Olachi Oleru, a junior at Garfield High School, played a musical selection
for the luncheon. She has participated in band since grade school and Junior Daughter Olachi Oleru
played a musical selection.
currently performs with the Garfield Jazz Band around the country.
Junior Daughter Jonecce Elizabeth Oostey, an eighth-grader at St.
Paul Catholic School, recited the closing prayer for the luncheon. Jonecce is looking forward to high
Lady Vera Paterson introduces
Junior Daughter Jonecce Eliza- school and plans on attending a historically black college to study nursing in tribute to her deceased
beth Oostey before she recites a grandmother, Lady Elizabeth Thomas, the first African American to complete the Pediatric Nurse Pracclosing prayer.
titioner program at the University of Washington School of Nursing.
Juniors of #325
New Orleans, Louisiana
The Junior Daughters of Court #325 entertained
seniors confined to nursing homes during the Christmas
holiday with their youth dance ministry. They visited with
the seniors and brought gift bags. The Juniors of #325
also were recognized at the Louisiana State Conference
in Lafayette for the most group participation. Members of
the unit placed in the Dance and Singing categories, the
Science Competition and the Spelling Bee.
Juniors in age group 15–18 placed first in the dance talent competition.
junior division
Junior Daughters of Court #218
junior division news (cont.)
Juniors of #340
Hapeville, Georgia
The Junior Knights and
Daughters of St. John the Evangelist #340 are working hard
this year to promote the beliefs
and goals of the organization.
For the Brown Bag Project, the
Juniors of Zone 7 gathered at
Our Lady of Lourdes Church
in Atlanta to prepare bags with
food items and toiletries for
distribution to the homeless. The
Juniors continue to support the
parish of St. John the Evangelist
and the community by serving as
ushers once a month, assisting
Juniors from Zone 7 participated in the Brown Bag Project.
junior division
with the Children’s Liturgy, participating in the Youth Choir,
and helping out and serving at homeless shelters.
The Juniors also have hosted two events for the Sunday
School students. One Sunday, Junior Grand Knight Julian
Brew and Junior Grand Lady Ariel Brawner presented a
slide show of the great work the Juniors of #340 do for
the parish, the community and the Knights of Peter Claver.
The Juniors played “Religion Trivia” with the Sunday School
students at the second event. Students were divided into
groups by grade level and the games began. Light refreshments and prizes also were provided.
Acadiana District 4
Lafayette, Louisiana
Chicago-area Juniors, Knights and Ladies.
Chicago Juniors
The Chicago Juniors are on the move! In January, Juniors
from all over the Chicago area met and formed their own
Junior Inter-Council and elected officers. The officers are
as follows: Kristina Scott, President (#181); Dante Beaverly,
Vice President (#176); Jasmine Thomas, Recording Secretary
(#158); Noah C. Reed, Treasurer (#158); and Dominique
Starling, Financial Secretary (#176).
Many Ladies and Knights turned out to assist the Juniors,
and officers of the Senior Inter-Council were on hand to
help out wherever needed. Special thanks to Court #181
and National Counselor Diane T. Asberry for hosting such a
wonderful event.
Acadiana District 4 Junior talent show participants.
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
Junior Division
Houston, Texas
Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D.
and the Catholic faithful
of the Archdiocese of Louisville
send congratulations
and prayerful best wishes to
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
on his election as
Supreme Knight and
Chief Executive Officer of the
Knights of Peter Claver
junior division
St. Mary of the Purification Unit #159
and St. Monica Unit #151, both of Houston,
are two of the sponsors of the annual
United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Youth
Gala, which is a cooperative effort among
many predominantly African-American
youth organizations in the Houston area.
The gala this year took place in January at
the George R. Brown Convention Center in
In addition to a contribution of $15,000
to the UNCF, a scholarship was given to a
deserving student attending a historically
black college and university (HBCU) school.
Clavers serving on the UNCF committee
were: Junior Supreme Lady Brianna Batiste
(#151), Junior Grand Knight Michael Jackson (#159), Junior Daughter Taylor Davis (#159), Junior Texas State Treasurer Gionne
Comeaux (#151) and Junior Daughter Meleeza Comeaux (#151). Junior Supreme Lady Brianna Batiste served as chairperson of
the event and Junior Grand Knight Michael Jackson designed the invitations.
Francis Cardinal George, OMI
and the people of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Supreme Knight
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
and commend your dedication to enriching the
faith and developing vocations among youth
His Excellency,The Most Reverend
Glen John Provost, D.D., M.A.,
Bishop of Lake Charles,
with the clergy, religious, and laity of the
Diocese of Lake Charles congratulate
Sir Knight DeKarlos
on your election
as the 16th Supreme Knight
of the Knights of Peter Claver
May our loving Lord
bless you and your ministry
as you serve Him through
the Knights of St. Peter Claver
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
Supreme Knight and CEO
Bishop David A. Zubik
and the clergy, religious
and faithful of the
Diocese of Pittsburgh
Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, D.D., Ph.D.
And the Faithful of the
Diocese of Columbus
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon
Sixteenth Supreme Knight
of the Knights of Peter Claver
Most Worthy
on your election as the
Sixteenth Supreme Knight
On behalf of the Catholic community of the
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux
I extend warmest congratulations
and offer prayers to
DeKarlos Blackmon
the sixteenth Supreme Knight
and CEO of the
Knights of Peter Claver
Ad Multos Annos!
Bishop Sam G. Jacobs
of the
Knights of Peter Claver, Inc.
Diocese of San Bernardino
Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes
Most Reverend Rutilio J. del Riego
Auxiliary Bishop
DeKarlos Blackmon
Native of Mobile
and of the
Archdiocese of Mobile
on his election
as the youngest
Supreme Knight
Chief Executive Officer
of the
Knights of Peter Claver
Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi
and the Faithful of the
Archdiocese of Mobile
Send prayers and best wishes
from our Archdiocese, the
Birthplace of t
in 1909
2011 resolutions
2011 resolutions
The Claverite | Summer Issue 2011 |
2011 resolutions
2011 resolutions
Prayers and Best Wishes
Fredron DeKarlos
on your election as
Sixteenth Supreme Knight
of the
Knights of Peter Claver
Bishop George V. Murry, S.J.
and the
Diocese of Youngstown
Cardinal Justin Rigali
together with the bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and laity
of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia
offers prayerful best wishes to
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
On his election as the sixteenth Supreme Knight
and Chief Executive Officer of the Knights of Peter Claver.
May God continue to bless you in sharing
the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Most Reverend Nicholas DiMarzio, Ph.D., D.D.
Bishop of Brooklyn
and the Priests, Deacons, Religious and
Lay Faithful of The Diocese of Brooklyn
Offer congratulations and best wishes to
Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon, Obl.S.B.
Supreme Knight and Chief Executive Officer
The Sixteenth Supreme Knight
of the Knights of Peter Claver
May the Lord extend His choicest blessings
upon him as he begins his term as Supreme
Knight of the Knights of Peter Claver.
The Claver Prayer
God, our Heavenly Father, You
have given us life through the
death and resurrection of your
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ;
Jesus, our Saving Lord, You
came into a world darkened by
a man’s sin and gave it light
through your teachings;
Holy Spirit, the Breath of God
within us, You guide and
enlighten us and give us the
strength of our convictions;
Saint Peter Claver, who became
an example for us, You showed
us the love of God, the light
of Christ, and the strength of
the Holy Spirit;
We pray now that all we say
and do, in your honor, be a
continuation of your work
here on earth.
St. Peter Claver,
Pray For Us
Bishop William Patrick Callahan
and the faithful of the Diocese of La Crosse
congratulate and prayerfully support
Most Worthy Fredron DeKarlos Blackmon,
the Sixteenth Supreme Knight of the
Knights of Peter Claver.