Introduction of the geography of Catalonia - UEF-Wiki
Introduction of the geography of Catalonia - UEF-Wiki
An introduction to the Human Geography of Catalonia Border Landscapes across Europe Geographical Landscape Research Girona, 6th. May 2013 Rafel Llussà Universitat de Girona An introduction to the Human Geography of Catalonia • Location • Physical geography; the structures of relief • Historical, cultural and politicaladministrative background • Population: Evolution and distribution • Economy: an industrial country changing into a services' one • The current situation: effets of the economic crisis Where we are: The constrains and potentialities • Northwest of Iberian peninsula • Next to France Where we are: The constrains and potentialities • Influences: Greek and Roman presence • Corridor from [central] Europe towards the centre of Iberian peninsula A general view of the structural relief • Corridor from [central] Europe towards the centre of Iberian peninsula • A mountainous country A general view of the structural relief • Corridor from [central] Europe towards the centre of Iberian peninsula • A mountainous country A mountainous country • Pyrennes • Central Depression • Mediterranean System • Coastal Mountains • Prelitoral Mountains The historical perspective: the foundations of Catalonia • The formation of Catalan counties under French protectorate and against Muslim Al-Andalus • A differentiated language Expansion of political and trade Catalan power s. XIII-XIV The historical perspective • Expansion towards the south: Kingdom of Aragón • The unification of Spanish monarchy at the end of XVth. century The treaty of the Pyrennes (1659) The border along the Pyrennes The border along the Pyrennes. Outline of geographical-administrative discrepancies From: Claudi Mans The current political organisation: Catalonia as an autonomous region under Spanish Constitution of 1978 Provinces in Catalonia Catalan “comarques” (counties) The evolution of Catalan population: 7 millions in 2005 7.000.000 6.000.000 5.000.000 4.000.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 1.000.000 0 1.300 1.400 1.500 1.600 1.700 1.800 1.900 2.000 Evolution of Catalan population, 1900-2005 Evolution of Catalan population, 1998-2013 From: Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya V A R I A C IÓ D E L A P O B L A C I Ó D E L ES C O M A R Q U E S D E C A T A LU N Y A M a pa 2 .1 . 19 6 0 - 7 5 Population growth territorial distribution. Annual rate, 1960-75 N 6 0 6 12 18 24 30 km. Font: Mapa Comarcal de l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona,1995. perd més de 20% de -20 a 0 % de 0 a 15% de 15 a 30% de 30 a 45% guanya més de 45% Elaboració: Rafel LLussà i Torra, setembre 1998 Disseny cartogràfic i realització: Carolina Martí i Llambrich V A R IA C IÓ D E L A P O B L A C IÓ D E L E S C O M A R Q U E S C A T A L A N E S M a p a 5 .5 . 19 75 -91 Population growth territorial distribution. Annual rate, 1975-91 N 6 0 6 12 18 24 30 km. perd més de 10% de -10 a -5% de -5 a 5% de 5 a 15% de 15 a 30% guanya més de 30% E= 1:1.800.000 Font: Mapa Comarcal de l'Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, Barcelona,1995. Elaboració: Rafel LLussà i Torra, setembre 1998 Disseny cartogràfic i realització: Carolina Martí i Llambrich VARIACIÓ DE LA POBLACIÓ DE LES COMARQUES DE CATALUNYA 1991-01 Population growth territorial distribution. Annual rate, 1991-01 perd més de 20% de -20 a 0% de 0 a 25% de 25 a 50% de 50 a 100% N 30 0 30 Km. Font: web de l'Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya. guanya més de 100% Elaboració: Rafel Llussà i Torra, novembre de 2005 Disseny cartogràfic i realització: Marc Heras i Bofill Cumulative annual growth, 1991-2000 Annual growth rates. Catalonia Taxes de creixement anual de la població. Catalunya 3,20 3,04 2,70 2,47 2,20 % 1,70 1,20 0,87 0,83 0,70 0,17 0,20 0,10 1960-75 1975-81 1981-91 1991-96 -0,30 períodes 1996-01 2001-2004 Migrations 1988-2006 Within Catalonia Emigration to rest Immigration from rest Foreign of Spain of Spain Immigration 2006 293.940 65.669 53.907 186.570 2005 281.153 61.209 51.433 162.936 2004 264.140 55.604 52.617 154.131 2003 251.813 48.895 49.912 59.880 2002 221.128 42.366 43.915 60.939 2001 168.922 29.670 31.128 46.320 2000 172.247 29.331 30.251 33.933 1999 169.820 28.600 26.863 16.505 1998 160.544 27.429 24.533 15.631 1997 140.299 24.513 21.227 11.032 1996 101.956 18.290 17.154 6.509 1995 133.852 26.523 23.055 7.269 1994 120.603 28.847 21.572 5.361 1993 109.302 27.621 21.405 5.693 1992 94.927 25.689 21.164 7.170 1991 60.364 19.324 15.945 3.590 1990 92.899 26.714 28.969 5.027 1989 86.290 26.495 28.744 5.100 1988 84.457 24.347 25.722 3.522 Components of Catalonia’s population growth, 1960-2006 Number of immigrants in Catalonia per country of origin (2011) Total Unió Europea (UE27) Romania Itàlia França Alemanya Regne Unit Portugal Polònia Bulgària 329.013 116.433 53.233 32.614 19.911 18.534 17.073 16.714 14.515 Total Amèrica Equador Colòmbia Perú Bolívia República Dominicana Argentina Brasil Total Àsia Total resta Europa 40.389 Xina Ucraïna Rússia 15.912 11.576 Paquistan Índia Filipines Total Àfrica 348.512 Marroc 270.513 19.495 17.879 9.125 Gàmbia Senegal Algèria Total Oceania Total 339.763 80.063 46.710 40.206 41.865 25.935 23.540 13.934 137.212 51.646 38.834 16.957 12.369 456 1.195.664 Number of immigrants in Catalonia per country of origin (1996-2008) VARIACIÓ DE LA POBLACIÓ DE LES COMARQUES DE CATALUNYA 2001-04 Population growth territorial distribution. Annual rate, 2001-04 guanya menys de 5% de 5 a 7.5% de 7.5 a 10% de 10 a de 13.5% N 30 0 30 Km. Font: web de l'Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya. guanya més de 13.5% Elaboració: Rafel Llussà i Torra, novembre de 2005 Disseny cartogràfic i realització: Marc Heras i Bofill Population pyramid. Catalonia, 2008 Population pyramid. Catalonia, 2008 Population density, 2000 Distribution of population nodes in Catalonia, 2000 The economic activity • Catalonia as an industrial traditional country • An important tourism sector which has developed massive building along the coast from 1960’s • Industrial development from the 60’s following Spanish’s economy internationalization • Transition towards a service sector economy • Insertion to the global economy: Barcelona’s internationalization Catalonia as an industrial country: the location of factories, c. 1900 Industrial districts and local productive systems identified in Spain, 1988-2000 Recent economic trends in Industry • Reduction of industrial workforce • Delocalisation of some of the multinational industrial factories which came in the 80-90’s • Problems in SEAT motorcar factory (Volkswagen group): Easter Europe competence • Lack of high tech sectors and R&D activities • Policies directed to enhance technology sectors in Barcelona city Number of workers by big activity sectors. Catalonia —————————————————————————————— Number of workers ———————————————————— Year Agriculture Industry Building Services Total —————————————————————————————— 2001 69.287 708.921 291.482 1.745.436 2.815.126 1996 70.891 707.313 153.625 1.272.823 2.204.652 1991 82.959 813.269 185.681 1.173.521 2.255.430 —————————————————————————————— © Institut d'Estadística de Catalunya Agriculture • Crisis of traditional agricultural sector: loss of population and perspectives of EU’s CAP • Specialization in cattle raising: chicken, pigs Birdraising cattle. Number of units Pig cattle. Number of units. Tourism. Areas of specialisation • The coast • Pyrenees • Rural tourism developments % of tourist consumption / resident consumption, 1995 August seasonal population / resident population, 1996 Territorial and environmental effects Torroella de Montgrí – l’Estartit (Baix Empordà) Castell-Platja d’Aro (Baix Empordà) Vista panoràmica de la badia de Palamós i Sant Antoni de Calonge Dècada 1950 Actualitat REPERCUSSIONS Ocupació en pantalla de la façana litoral i continuum urbà Badia de Palamós – Sant Antoni de Calonge (Baix Empordà) Lloret, 1920 La problemàtica dels incendis forestals front les urbanitzacions Lloret, 2005 The current situation: effets of the economic crisis • Loss of jobs in the building sector, and then in the industrial and services sectors. • Catalan industry lost 210.000 jobs and 8.000 firms in the period 2008-2012 • Unemployment affected first to immigrant people, partially returning home • Big increase in unemployment: 6 millions unemployed in Spain; 900.000 in Catalonia • Reduction of public services: heath, education, in order to meet a decrease in public debt • Uncertainties about the future
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