Neighbors of Darien - November/December 2011


Neighbors of Darien - November/December 2011
November/December 2011
Your community magazine
Giving Beyond
What is the greatest gift you can give?
Are you ready for snow?
Meet the new police chief Ernest Brown
Library and park district have big plans
for the holidays
Holiday events are all around town
Where do we go from here with our finances?
City of Darien
1702 Plainfield Rd.
Darien, Illinois 60561
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Inside Information
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
A message from our mayor
Neighbors Staff and Contributors
Valerie Karpeck, Publisher
Sharon Kassl, Production Director
Mary Coyle Sullivan, Editor
Linnea Carlson, Creative Director
Colleen Zawarus, Graphic Artist
Laurie Locke, Photography Contributions
" To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you
see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform."
~ Theodore H. White
Community Liaisons
Clare Bongiovanni, President & CEO
Darien Chamber of Commerce,
Scott Coren, Assistant to City Administrators
City of Darien, 630-353-8104
Mary Wintermute, Administrative Secretary
City of Darien, 630-353-8115
Giving Beyond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Kids4Good chalk up a long list of good deeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Mayor’s Letter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
City News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Chamber of Commerce News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Around the Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
November Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
December Calendar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Financial News:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Important Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Christine Cigler, Public Information Coordinator,
Indian Prairie Public Library, 630-887-876
For calendar listings:
Please submit your activity dates to
For advertising opportunities:
I am thrilled that our search for a Police Chief has yielded one of the top police
management professionals in the region. I have appointed Ernest Brown as Darien Police
Chief. Chief Brown, who currently leads the Division of Patrol for the City of Chicago,
has had an extremely honorable career in law enforcement and brings a tremendous
amount of experience and leadership to Darien. Chief Brown will begin on November
16th. A citizen search committee provided extremely valuable assistance in our search
for a new chief. The committee, Administrator Vana, and I found Chief Brown to possess
a strong strategic mind to ensure safety in Darien, but also highly principled with a desire
to lead our police department as a service organization. During our interview he focused
on the importance of community involvement in policing and transparency within the
department. Along with former Mayor Carmen Soldato, over the past two decades I
NEIGHBORS™ is published bimonthly.
Editorial contributions are welcome. Send your
information to
Advertising deadline is the 10th of the
month preceding publication.
have encouraged making the City of Darien more available to residents, not only by
©2011 Neighbors is published by Emerald
Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion
of this publication may be reproduced without
the written permission of the publisher.
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department is transparent and focused on service to the community.
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“Neighbors Magazines”
implementing a user-friendly website, e-mail notifications, and information on a cable
channel, but also by hiring staff that are readily available to meet with residents, answer
questions and solve their problems. Chief Brown will continue our efforts to ensure our
Chief Brown has begun the process of meeting the residents and staff of Darien by
attending community events and meetings. Both he and I are available to discuss any
questions or concerns you may have about the department or issues in your neighborhood.
Please always feel free to contact City Hall with any questions at (630) 852-5000.
Have a safe and joyous holiday season, from all of us at the City of Darien
Kathleen Weaver
City Of Darien, Mayor
Giving Beyond
by Mary Coyle Sullivan
By Mary Coyle Sullivan
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but
one thing I know: the only ones among you
who will be really happy are those who have
sought and found how to serve.”
-Albert Schweitzer
o define the word Giving, the
Webster dictionary states - to
make a present of or to grant
or bestow by formal action. We
often think of giving in the literal
sense with presents and physical
items. However, the greatest gift
we can give our fellow man is our
time and talent. No doubt treasure
can serve a very useful purpose.
It is our own personal shared
resources and talent that have far
more wealth to bestow!
Around the holiday season we
often find the number of charitable
requests increases significantly.
It can be hard to decipher which
direction to focus. There are so
many needs locally and globally.
We could turn to the Internet and
the 24/7 news media for answers.
Instead, I would suggest the better
solution to be taking a look at the
numerous local groups within
our community working hard
to support those around us and
around the world!
Since 1917, Lions Clubs have offered people
the opportunity to give back to their communities.
From sponsoring a Fourth of July parade, to proving
hearing aids, to collecting used eyeglasses to offering
a Halloween Party for the neighborhood children,
the Darien Lions Club continues to give back to its
However, no event has a more local impact than the
Annual Holiday Food Basket program. Each year the
Darien Lions Club, in cooperation with the Darien
Park District and Our Lady of Mount Carmel, is able
to deliver food and toys to needy families in the area.
The name “food basket” is actually a misnomer. The
typical food delivery to each family is 6 full grocery
bags full of food items, such as turkey, ham, vegetables,
fruits, bread, canned goods, milk, and juice. The goal
is to provide each family with enough food for a whole
week. Last year this event aided 215 local families
The Darien Lions encourage the community to help
as much as they can by placing non-perishable food
items in area food barrels or sponsor a family by sending
a check to the Darien Lions Club. Holiday basket
distribution will take place on Sunday, December 17.
The spirit of giving is always present at area schools.
Lions Club members & many helpers gather at the
Community Center to assemble Holiday Baskets.
For instance, Our Lady of Peace third grade students
will board their field trip bus again this year for
aneducational and spiritual journey to Feed My Starving
Children in Aurora. “I felt proud of myself,” said OLP
student Cora Dempsey who attended last year’s field
trip. “I also felt very sad because so many children are
dying of starvation. I can’t imagine not having food.”
Last year, the day began with the students watching
...continued, page 8
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Giving Beyond ...continued from page 7
Students visit
Our Lady of Peace
ildren and
Feed M
have a hands-o
a video about the program
and its impact on starving children in more than
60 countries worldwide. Students and chaperons
were then instructed on how to mix, weigh and
prepare their nutritional rice packets for shipping.
This two-hour assembly line process of teamwork
and determination ended in 50 boxes of packets
feeding 30 needy children for one year.
Over half of the organization’s volunteers are
people under 18 years of age. Students as young as
third grade come daily to help other children. “We
could show other children love, caring, friendship
and hope by doing this,” said OLP student
Gabryel Martinez.
In Cass District 63 at Concord School the
children have been so fortunate to be connected
and involved with so many worthwhile causes that face
our world today. All students in grades pre-k through 4
have been an integral component of the schools service
projects as they tackle a new issue every year. Now in its
third year of service, the school has partnered with Feed
My Starving Children, Share Your Soles, and currently
World Vision. In past years, the fourth graders have
visited sites to help pack food for starving children and
sort through donated shoes for those who do not have
any. They have been moved by their experiences. This
year promises to be no different, although will bring
the service component much closer to home with a
new School-Community Garden. The project is entitled
Tools for Life and the students are learning about the
importance of responsibility and
ownership. They are learning
about what it takes to be a
person of good character and
assist in the efforts to support
farmers through World Vision. Technology and globalization
facilitate our knowledge of
distant lands. Often we
are made aware of natural
disasters, poverty, illness, etc.
These are realities we cannot
ignore. In this “global village”
we have to reach
out to those in
need. For this
reason, Kingswood
Academy goes
beyond teaching
students just
reading and math.
They also teach
compassion and
self-giving, making
service to others an
integral part of their
students help in
ways far beyond
the four walls of the
school and beyond
our own borders
to Japan, Africa,
and Central America. A group of Jr. High students
raised over $1000 for a child to have heart surgery
through “Corazon Abierto” in Nicaragua. Fifth grade
students lead our on-going commitment to the O’Brien
School for the Maasai in Tanzania. They have collected
backpacks, school supplies, shoes and food to send
to their African friends. The students’ commitment
included packing many items into the shipping container
in the rain!
Kingswood kids show their concern in so many ways:
sending items to the soldiers oversees, making blankets
for children in the hospitals, feeding the homeless,
and raising funds for a variety of charitable causes.
Kingswood students don’t neglect those closest to home,
...continued, page 10
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Giving Beyond...continued from page 8
though. Students share their time and
Kingswood Aca
demy students ar
talents with those around them.
e always ready
to lend a helping
For the past 27 years, the Hinsdale
South High School Key Club and National
Honors Society have set a goal to collect
at least 20,000 pounds of food during the
Food Drive. This weeklong event takes
place during the fall every year as a way
for Hinsdale South and the community to
come together for a meaningful cause and
to achieve the goal of donating 20,000
pounds of food and other items to local
food shelters. Not only do students and
staff participate in bringing donation
items to the truck, but many community
members and various organizations
throughout the area take time to help
the cause as well. At the end of the week, the
club members deliver the food that has been collected to the following food pantries: Our Lady
of Peace, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, and HCS Family Services. The response has been overwhelming and truly
exemplifies the power of youth!
The Peer Leadership Network of
Hinsdale South sponsors the Giving
Tree, the week after Thanksgiving. This club is assigned 10 families from
the Hinsdale Community Services
and they collect gifts and gift cards
for them for the holidays. Some
classes ‘adopt’ a family, some clubs
do as well. After collection the Peer
Leaders wrap all of the gifts and
then deliver them to the Community
Services. This is a special project that
certainly involves the entire school
community around the holiday time. Darien Woman’s Club has a
lengthy list of actions and deeds
that constitute giving beyond.
They have been an integral part of
the community since 1970. This
organization is fundamental in
supporting numerous causes in the
area and epitomizes service and
support. From scholarships, to baskets
for the elderly, to supporting the
troops and conservation efforts the
list goes on and on. Take note in the
hard work these amazing women
manage to orchestrate week after
Hinsdale South students do
some heavy lifting the assist
with the Annual Food Drive.
week, year after year!
All over Darien schools, churches
and local organizations collectively
support our community, county, state
and country. Many of them even go
global with their efforts. Muhammad
Ali would often be heard saying,
“Service to others is the rent you pay
for your room here on Earth”. Let
us remember those profound words
as we live ever day to our fullest
Kids4Good is a special group of
elementary students from Darien
District 61 Lace School. They are
committed to performing good
deeds both locally and globally. What they do isn't so unique but
how they they go about doing it
is – they are an X-treme service
project group! Students typically log
a minimum of 40 service hours over
the course of our K4G school year! Led by a group of dedicated parent
and teacher volunteers, they meet
after school every week throughout
our school year. They take on
projects that are both local and global
in nature. See Kids4Good featured
as the Good Neighbor on page 28.
A special thank you to the
following individuals for their
valuable contributions:
Mallory Bauer, Nancy Betker, Tom
Belczak, Lisa Grundon, Gerrie
Larson, Cynthia McGann, Helen
Park and Karen Schuth.
City of Darien
630-852-5000 •
The search is on for the Citizen of the Year
Prevent water lines
from freezing
t’s that time of year again when our committee begins its search for a very
special man or woman who has given of themselves to make Darien a “Nice
Place to Live!” The Citizen of the Year Committee is accepting nominations
for the 2012 CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. If you know of a person who goes
“above and beyond the call of duty”…is always there when someone needs a
hand…and who has contributed to make Darien a special place, please write
a letter to our committee or fill out one of our official nomination forms that
can be found any time during the year at City Hall or at the Indian Prairie
Library. Nominations may also be submitted electronically at
A nominee must be a resident of Darien and cannot currently be an elected
official. Please send your nomination to: Citizen of the Year Committee, 1702
Plainfield Road, Darien IL 60561. The deadline for nominations is January 7,
2012. If you have already nominated someone in the past, that nomination
is still valid for consideration; however, we would appreciate it if you would
update any pertinent information.
The annual Citizen of the Year dinner/dance will be held on March 24,
2012 at Alpine Banquets in Darien. Tickets can be purchased at City Hall after
February 1st, 2012 For more information please call City Hall at 630-353-8102.
2011 Citizen of the Year,
Robert Klein. Photo courtesy
of Joseph Bruch, Studio One
Photography, Naperville"
Of interest to Senior Citizens
ll residents should take
precautions to keep water
supply lines in your homes
from freezing during extreme cold.
You should let the water trickle in
plumbing lines or fixtures that face
north or west exterior walls. This
helps to prevent water from freezing
within the wall.
Additionally, the City would like
to remind residents that if you are
going to be leaving town for an
extended amount of time during
the winter season, that you should
set the hot water tank to pilot and
maintain the heating system at a 60
degree range. We also encourage
shutting off your water at the meter
and relieving the pressure from the
pipes by turning on a couple of
faucets at the lowest point.
The following contacts may be useful to our Senior
DuPage County Senior
Citizen Services
Downers Grove Township Office (Seniors)
Social Security Office
Illinois Department of Revenue
(Circuit Breaker)
Illinois Department of
Human Services
Consumer Protection Hotline
(Illinois Attorney General)
Chief Ernest Brown
r. Ernest Brown was born
in Chicago and spent
time growing up on the
near west side in the Abla Homes.
Later he lived in the South Shore
community and graduated from
South Shore High School. He
pursued pre-medical studies at
Roosevelt University, but left school
without completing a degree to join
the United States Air Force.
In 1982 he joined the Chicago
Police Department and began with
impressive early career assignments
in internal affairs, tactical officer
unit, and narcotics investigator.
In 1990 he was promoted to
Sergeant and worked in the Education/Training Division and as an
Administrative Sergeant, eventually being assigned as a Sergeant
in the Detective Division. In late 1998, after scoring 12th out of
approximately 600 individuals taking the Lieutenant’s test, Chief
Brown was promoted to Lieutenant serving in street and tactical
Since April of 2002 Chief Brown has served in leadership roles as
Commander of the 003rd District, Assistant Deputy Superintendent,
Chief of the Organized Crime Division, and Deputy SuperintendentBureau of Patrol. Chief Brown’s successful and proud career is
evidenced by the continued promotions he received from the 4 most
recent Chicago Police Superintendents; Hillard, Kline, Weiss and
McCarthy. Chief Brown has had an extremely honorable career in
law enforcement and brings a tremendous amount of experience and
leadership to Darien. His police career includes an award history of
129 recognized achievements, highlighted by receiving a department
commendation for his courage under fire and his commitment to
protect citizens without regard for his own personnel safety. Earnest
has a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice and has completed
graduate level course work.
Free Christmas Tree Pickup
he City of Darien has partnered with Veolia Environmental to provide free Christmas
tree pick-up again this year. On the weeks of January 9th and January 16th, Veolia
Environmental will collect Christmas trees left in the parkway on your normal garbage day.
For the trees to be picked up, they must be free of all ornamentation, including garland, lights, and
tinsel. If the tree is bagged, it will need a sticker to be picked up. If you have any questions regarding
this program, call 630-852-5000.
City of Darien
630-852-5000 •
Holiday Lights Decorating Contest
It’ll be here before you know it….SNOW
Keep your sidewalks
clean. Residents are encouraged
to clear their sidewalk after
any measurable snowfall this
winter. Leaving snow and ice
on sidewalks presents a safety
hazard to children and residents
who walk to school, the bus
stop, or work. When sidewalks
are not shoveled, pedestrians
tend to walk on streets, which
increases their risk of being
struck by a vehicle.
When are the streets
plowed? The Public Works and
Police Departments check streets
and monitor a weather channel
so snow removal crews can be
dispatched out on the streets
prior to snow or icy conditions
occurring. Trucks stay out until
all streets and cul-de-sacs are
When is salt used on the
streets? Salt is spread on streets
when rain changes to sleet and
ice or when snow accumulation
is less than one inch. If there
is more than one inch, snow is
cleared and salt is put down.
The City plows and salts all
intersections, streets and cul-desacs.
What are the parking
restrictions during a
snowstorm? A “snow
emergency” is declared when
snowfall exceeds one inch
during a 24-hour period. No
parking is allowed on any City
street when this occurs until the
snowfall has ceased and plowing
operations are completed. The
City cautions residents not to
park their cars in the street while
shoveling their driveways, since
this impedes snowplows trying
to clear your streets. Please
shovel driveways from side to
side in order to avoid placing
snow in the streets and ensure
that garbage cans are not put in
the street during a snowstorm.
Will the City be able to
plow my street if there is a
medical emergency?
Anyone who has a medical
emergency should phone 911.
The dispatcher will contact
Public Works to ensure that your
street is cleared to enable a quick
response for any emergency.
Why doesn’t the City plow
certain streets?
Plainfield Road, Cass Avenue,
Lemont Road and 75th Street
are County roads and are
plowed by the DuPage County
Highway Department. Frontage
Roads are under the jurisdiction
of the Illinois Department of
Transportation (IDOT). Other
roads that are considered
“private,” establish plowing
service contracts via their
management company.
Are any
plowed? In order
for residents,
children and
patrons to utilize
city sidewalks to
schools, shopping
and exercise parks, the city of
Darien maintains a policy of
plowing primary route sidewalks
through out the city. The city
utilizes two pieces of equipment
to plow approximate 21 miles
of sidewalks. The sidewalk
operations commence after one
inch of snow has fallen, and
continue until all the snow is
removed from these routes:
• Clarendon Hills Rd from 67th
to 75th St (both sides)
• 67th St-East of Cass to
Wilmette (both sides)
• Cass Ave-67th to Frontage
(both sides)
• Plainfield Rd-Route 83 to
Manning Rd (both sides)
• 75th St Route 83 to Lemont
Rd (both sides)
• Manning Rd-Plainfield to 75th
St (both sides)
• Fairview-Manning to 75th St
(both sides)
• Bailey Rd-Plainfield to
Frontage (both sides)
• Frontage Rd-Bailey to Oldfield
Rd (north)
• Oldfield Rd-Frontage RoadMeyers Woods Park
If you have any questions,
please contact Ashley at
he City of Darien will again be sponsoring the Holiday Lights
Decorating Contest. Each year, residents that put extra effort into
decorating their homes for the season are nominated by their friends
and neighbors for recognition and prizes. The first place home receives
$200, second place $100, third place $50, and fourth and fifth place receive
$25. To nominate your own home or another in your neighborhood, call
Mary at (630) 353-8102 or email Nominations
must be received by December 9th.
Your elected city officials
and city administrator
Kathleen Moesle Weaver
Joanne Ragona
City Clerk
Michael J. Coren
City Treasurer
Ted V. Schauer
Tina Beilke
Alderman 2
Holiday Lights Tour
he popular Holiday Lights Tour will be running on December 20,
21, 22, at 6:30 and 8:00 pm. The tour will be on school buses this
year, and will run through the City, passing by each of the holiday
lights winners. This event is free and refreshments are provided. Because
of the high demand each year, reservations are given on a first come first
serve basis and limited to the first thirty residents for each tour. For more
information or to make a reservation, please call City Hall at 630-852-5000.
John Poteraske
Alderman 3
Joerg Seifert
Alderman 4
Joseph Marchese
Alderman 5
Sylvia McIvor
Alderman 6
Halil Avci
Alderman 7
Bryon Vana
City Administrator
Darien Chamber of Commerce
1702 Plainfield
Rd. • Darien,
IL 60561 • 630-968-0004
Welcome New Chamber Members
Darien Memorial VFW
Post 2838
P O Box 955 • Westmont
We are a member of the
oldest combat veterans
organization of the United
States. We are dedicated
to serve Veterans and their
families by Honoring the Dead by Helping the Living.
DeYoung Sport Films
Recruiting Videos
4 E. Ogden Avenue
#198 • Westmont
DeYoung Sport Films
produces highlight films
for varsity and club
athletes who want to play in college. Since 2009, we’ve
assisted athletes in several sports achieve scholarships at
all levels. DSF specializes in professional
editing, great customer service, and a fast turn around
time to highlight the athlete’s full potential.
P.O. Box 785 •
Downers Grove
Kim Savage • 630-771-5546 •
The Downers Grove Township Democratic
Organization advocates for good government and
represents voters in Darien, Downers Grove, Clarendon
Hills, Hinsdale, Burr Ridge, Woodridge, Westmont, and
Lemont. Meetings offer a forum for local Democrats
to exchange ideas, engage in actions that support their
convictions, and work to elect candidates who value
families. Meetings are generally held at 7:30 p.m. on
the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the High School
District 99 Administration Building, 6301 Springside in
Downers Grove.
Four Corners
Community Church
8251 Lemont Rd. • Darien
Brian From • 630-324-0932
FCCC is a new Christian
church meeting in a
rehabbed warehouse in
Darien. We’re a gospelcentered community with a “come as you are” culture
where people are welcomed, accepted, and encouraged.
Join us Sundays at 10:00AM!
Insphere Insurance Solutions
1 Transam Plaza Dr. #470 • Oakbrook Terrace
Stephanie Contole • 310-293-6128 •
Insphere Insurance Solutions can help. We offer a broad
portfolio of health, life, retirement, and long-term care
insurance products. They’re all designed to meet the
needs of individuals like you. And they all come from
highly rated companies. Get the solutions you need and
the service you deserve.
Darien Chamber of Commerce Holiday Expo
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Darien Sportsplex
451 Plainfield Road, Darien
10am - 4pm
Upcoming Events
November 8, 2011
737 Plainfield Road, Darien
Claudia Coleman • 630-323-6800
Outpost is a new fun, affordable, gift
store. “Outpost” has opened in Darien.
There is a wonderfully eclectic mix of
women’s accessories including unique
jewelry, purses, scarves, etc. All being sold
at great prices! There is a very unusual
mix of gifts from painted glass, candles,
incense, African masks, and buddhas,
This gift shop has it all.
Darien Chamber
Excellence Awards
Bobak’s Signature Events
November 16, 2011
DWB Polka Dot
Progressive Luncheon
Holiday Inn Carol Stream
November 19, 2011
Holiday Expo
Darien Sportsplex
10am – 4pm
December 4
Darien Tree Lighting
OId Lace Schoolhouse
December 13, 2011
Holiday Party
8700 Club at
Carriage Greens CC , 5pm
Renewal by Andersen
2300 Ridge Drive • Glenview
Don Pocius • 866-838-6432
Renewal by Andersen offers a start-tofinish replacement process, where
you'll get custom-crafted, energyefficient replacement windows and
doors professionally installed for you.
Simply request a free in-home window
consultation and you’ll be on your way to
enjoying your beautiful new windows and
patio doors for years to come.
Congratulations Darien
Chamber of Commerce
Excellence Award Finalists
Ashton Place & Marie’s Catering
Barbara’s Elegant Touch Staffing, Inc.
Celestine Salon and Spa
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
Michael Overmann, Ltd.
Paolucci Jewelers
Slowikowski & Associates
Top: Mary Kay Slowikowski and Kate Sullivan at the
Multi-Chamber WIB Progressive Networking Luncheon
Bottom: Mayor Weaver and Jon Weller (Hinsdale South
Class of 2012) at the State of the City Address
Around the Block
A gift and a
challenge for
In town from
Seattle, Andrus
descendant Judge Richard Eadie has
brought the Darien
Historical Society
an addition to their
Civil War veteran
information. The
museum now has
a copy of the
history of the
33rd Regiment
of the Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Original first
family residents Charles Andrus, Abraham Heartt and
George Heartt served in the regiment and were later
buried at Cass Cemetery located on north Frontage
Road. The Illinois 33rd played a significant role in the
siege of Vicksburg. In Vicksburg, MI, there is a monument
to the intrepid Illinois regiment that helped divide the
Confederacy and ensure General Grant’s leadership to
president Abraham Lincoln’s goal of preserving the
You can win a one-year free membership to the
Darien Historical Society and a box of scrumptious
Voges Chocolates! Looking at the photo above, also
supplied from Mr. Eadie’s family collection, the question
is “WHO?” Would you have clues or evidence identifying
any of these five young women? If so, please e-mail DHS
Director or call 630-887-7060 to
speak with DHS Archive Director Dean Rodkin.
Fundamentally, a historical society’s motivation is a
desire to give by capturing the past and present pulse of
a community and making it available to the public. Your
Darien Historical Society reflects singular and group
actions that are based in generosity. Consider the forty
some years of service that Sam Kelley has rendered as
a city organizer, alderman, Boy Scout troop leader and
historian. Note the Tikalsky family who helped birth the
society and continues to support DHS, Lions and Kiwanis
activities personally and financially. The Independence
Day parade float emanates from the hands and hearts of
the Glenn Haines family. Who can measure the value of
Cindie and Dave Hagen’s Safety Village to the children of
Darien while they continue to aid DHS, Darien Woman’s
Club and the city government? The “nice place to live”
motto includes so many giving residents--too many to
name--but kudos to the standards set by these living,
giving examples.
Mark your calendar for this must attend holiday
by: Mary Coyle Sullivan
gathering. The Darien
Tree Lighting is set for
4pm on December 4
with Chorals, Santa &
Treats. Be sure to drop
by and start celebrating
the season!
Q Billiards-8109 Cass Ave.
Citizens Bank- 8301 Cass Ave.
Jewel Foods- 7329 Cass Ave.
Darien Police Department- 1710 Plainfield Rd.
Darien Park District- 7301 Fairview Ave.
Darien Sportsplex- 451 Plainfield Rd.
The Darien Lions encourages the community to help as
much as they can this holiday season!
Lion's program to
help over
200 families in
The Darien Lions
Club is gearing-up to
collect non-perishable
food and donations
to support its’ annual
Holiday Food Basket program. The program helps over
200 Darien area families in need. Food basket distribution
this year will occur Sunday morning,
December 17 at the Darien Park District
There are several ways residents can
contribute to this program. Persons
Were you or your family in this locale between 1945 - 1970? The Darien
wishing to sponsor a family can send a
Historical Society is assembling contents for a professionally published
check ($60 or any amount) to-DLC Food
book. Photos (identifying caption) are vitally needed. Yours can be
Baskets- 1702 Plainfield Road-Darien, IL
scanned and returned fully in tact to you. Local activities, places, events,
60561. There also will be food donation
sites will be gratefully considered. Please mail to Darien Historical Society,
barrels at the following Darien-based
7422 Cass Avenue, 60561, or call 630-887-7060 ASAP.
Around the Block
for more, visit
Dancin' in the Stacks features top local band
Cancer survivor Kayla O’Leary and her mom Sue sell
baked goods to raise money for the Gary Lester Foundation
and Hinsdale’s Wellness House
Swarm all abuzz about cancer awareness!
As a youth sports organization, part of the Darien Swarm’s
program is not only to develop the fundamentals in athletics
with the participants but also instill a sense of community
and social responsibility. Each year the Swarm chooses
a special theme for homecoming that allows the kids to
directly participate in something significant and meaningful.
This year the Swarm chose cancer awareness as their
charitable focus for the homecoming celebration. The
Swarm knows the devastating effects that cancer can take
first hand. This past spring the Swarm coach, Gary Lester
lost his battle to cancer. In honor of Gary and in support
of cheerleader Kayla O’Leary who has been courageously
and successfully fighting lymphoblastic leukemia, the
Swarm decided to fundraise and support the Gary
Lester Foundation and Wellness House throughout the
homecoming events.
“Both Gary and Kayla have been an inspiration for all of
us throughout homecoming”, said Swarm president Tony
Lopez. “Gary’s memory is very much alive and well in the
hearts of his former teammates and fellow coaches. And
Kayla is such an inspiration! She has been cancer free for
over 23 months now and we are so proud of her. She’s just
a dynamo!”
With all the fundraising the Swarm raised more than $900
to split between the two charitable organizations.
The energetic music of the Neverly Brothers, a cash bar
and a 50s, 60s, 70s costume contest promises an evening to
remember at Dancin’ in the Stacks, on November 5. The event
starts at 6:30pm, with music starting at 7:30pm and there will
be room for dancing! The Neverly Brothers are a popular
group in the western suburbs comprised of Kevin Giragosian,
vocals, guitar, harmonica; Kegham Giragosian, drums, vocals;
and Craig Gigstad, vocals, upright bass fiddle. These music
veterans are true entertainers with an enthusiastic playlist of
rock n roll from the 50s and British invasion rock from the
60s. Their repertoire features show-stopping renditions of
early hits by Jerry Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Little Richard,
Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Dave Clark
Five and The Kinks. This event is a fundraiser sponsored by
the Indian Prairie Public Library Foundation and tickets are
required. For more information visit
On Thursday, November 10 at 7 p.m., Alex Finn, the
bestselling author of Beastly, now a major motion picture,
and Cloaked and A Kiss in Time will share her writing techniques
and announce the winners of Cool Compositions and award
the prizes. Books will be for sale by Frugal Muse. Tickets are
available at the Kids & Teens Desk.
For more information on The Gift of Carl
Foundation, created to share the spirit and
memory of Darien teen Carl Vuillaume, visit
4,000 will benefit from YMCA annual gala
Our Lady of
Peace shares
cookies with
Meet Santa
and receive a free
photo, play games,
crafts and eat cookies at Our Lady of
Peace School on
December 4 from
11:30am - 2pm. For more information visit
YMCA will host their 3rd annual gala celebration on
November 12 from 6-10:30pm. This year’s theme, “Dance
Like a Star” features a celebrity dance exhibition, recognizes
a Citizen of the Year and pays tribute to both a corporate
and community partner. All proceeds benefit the Y’s
scholarship program. Zara Johnson of Plainfield, recently
crowned as Mrs. Illinois 2011, is the latest celebrity to
announce her participation at the gala. Funds raised
will be used to provide scholarships to nearly 4,000 area
residents who require financial assistance to participate in the
Y’s wide array of programs and services and to continue its’
commitment to turn no one away due to financial hardship.
For more information, call Barb Taylor 630 929-2408,
Roberta Flanders 630 929-2411 or
Around the Block
Christmas luncheon
brings area women
The annual Christmas
luncheon of the Hinsdale
Area Women’s Connection
will be held December 8
from 11:30am-1: 30pm at the
Holiday Inn Willowbrook.
The Madrigal Singers
from Hinsdale South will
perform some of their favorite
Christmas Carols. The speaker,
Reyshma Ahmed, will share
how she received the best
Christmas Gift ever.
A special Christmas luncheon is planned and as always
free on site childcare is available with a reservation. For
more information please call Jean Theis 773-343-4760.
Over 45 crafters and vendors at annual sale
There will be loads of crafters and vendors on hand at the
St. John Early Learning Center 6th Annual Craft & Vendor
Sale on November 12 from 9am - 3pm. There will be raffles,
a book fair and bake sale all at St. John Lutheran Church.
Woman’s Club gathers gifts for needy
Christmas is a special time for everyone, especially
children. Unfortunately not all families can afford gifts for
their family. Darien Woman’s Club has a Christmas tradition
called “The Giving Tree” which takes place in November
and December. Working with one of the local school’s
Social Worker they identify three families who are in need
of a little Christmas help. Items requested from the chosen
families, along with their age and gender, are written on
paper ornaments, hung
on a tree and brought
to the November
meeting. Members then
select ornaments,
purchase the requested
item, wrap it and bring
it to the December
meeting. These items
are then delivered to
the families in time for
Christmas. This is one
of our most popular
projects and highlights
one of the cornerstones
for more, visit
of the Club’s mission; To support and give back to our
community. For more information visit.
AARP Tax-Aide needs volunteers for
2012 Tax Season
Looking for a rewarding opportunity to make a
difference in our community? AARP Tax-Aide is now
seeking volunteers for the 2012 tax season. You don’t have
to be an AARP member to volunteer and even it you don’t
have accounting or tax preparation experience, becoming
a tax volunteer may be right for you if you have a knack
for working with
Income tax
preparation and
assistance is offered
to low and middle
income taxpayers,
with special attention
to taxpayers age 60
and older.
To volunteer, visit or call
Craft show, pizza
with Santa, day
trips and theatre spark
holiday fun at the Park District
A Dickens’s of a Holiday Craft Show is set for November
19 from 9am-3pm. Loads of crafters will be on hand to help
you with your unique holiday gift giving. Plan to attend the
Pizza with Santa on December 2 from 6:30-7:45pm.
The festive Day Trips will offer a nice change of pace
during the holiday season. Holiday
Happenings in Chicago,
November 29, 9am-530pm.
The excursion includes a
trip to the Museum of
Science and Industry for
the Christmas around
the world. Lunch is at
Marcello’s and a stop at the
Garfield Conservatory.
Another wonderful outing
is the White Christmas at
the Marriott Theatre on
December 14, 9:30am-5:
30pm. The show (White
Christmas) and lunch
will take place at the
Lincolnshire Marriott.
The Darien Park
District will once again
be assisting the Darien
Lions Club in their Needy
Family Drive. The Lions
Club provides food
baskets and the Park
District will provide toys
for the children of less
fortunate families in our
community. A toy barrel
is set up outside the front office at the Darien Park District
Community Center, 7301 Fairview Ave. Please drop your
unwrapped NEW toy donation in the barrel by December
14. Please call
630-968-6400 x121 to volunteer to wrap the toys.
For more information call 630-968-6400 or visit
Recycle your electronics at Christ the Servant
What can you do with your old computer, printer, fax
machine or television? The easy answer is to take your old
electronic equipment to the Electronic Recycling Event in
the parking lot of Christ the Servant (8700 Havens Drive,
Woodridge) on November 5 from 9am-12pm.
The Green Team with the help of SCARCE is hosting this
What will be collected? Almost anything with a cord
attached to it! This includes computer equipment, radios,
cell phones, extension cords, copy machines, hard drives,
copy machines, etc.
What is unacceptable for this collection? White Goods,
air conditioners, hazardous waste, radioactive waste, biohazardous waste or mercury containing devices like light
bulbs or thermostats.
If you have any specific questions, contact SCARCE at
Around the Block
Local food pantries need your help more than
ever this holiday season
Our Lady of Peace Food Pantry
709 Plainfield Rd. • 630-323-4333 • Wed, 9-11am
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Food Pantry
8404 Cass Ave. • 630-852-3303
Tues, 9-11am & 1-3pm; Fri, 1-3pm
Wish List
• Food & Drink
• Peanut butter
and jelly
• Spaghetti sauce
& pasta
• Tuna and other
canned meat
• Canned fruits
& vegetables
• Canned dinners
(i.e. chili or stew)
• Rice, macaroni
& cheese
• Potatoes, boxes
or cans
• Cake and cookie
• Coffee and tea
Nice to have on hand that is not covered by food stamps
• Bar soap
• Powdered laundry soaps and liquid dish soap
• Toilet paper
Call 630-995-3482
or e-mail
It’s a Wonderful Life returns to the
Tivoli Theatre
The Tivoli Theatre will be hosting its 8th annual showing
of It’s a Wonderful Life on December 3 & 4 with all proceeds
benefiting Sharing Connections Furniture Bank, a non-profit
organization based in Downers Grove. The benefit showing will be held at 1:30pm. Ticket donations are $5 and can
be purchased at the Tivoli box office beginning November
5. The Tivoli Theatre is located at 5021 Highland Avenue,
Downers Grove.
Fall Orchestra Concert
Hinsdale South HS
Open House at Old
Lace Schoolhouse &
Historical Society
1-3 pm
City Council Meeting
City Hall
Daylight Savings Time
Chamber Excellence
Beak’s Signature Events
Blood Drive
Hinsdale South HS
Darien Woman’s
Club Meeting
Swim & Racquet Club
Annuities and your
11:30am-1: 30pm
Mom & Dad’s
Morning Out
Annuities and your
YMCA, 6:30-8:30pm
Electronic Recycling
Christ the Servant,
Craft & Vendor Sale
St. John Lutheran
Vendor Fair
Kingswood Academy
YMCA, 6pm
November 7-11 • Food Drive • Hinsdale South
Open House
Academy, 8:45-10am
Parent Visitation Day
Hinsdale South HS
Freaky Friday Splash
and Bash
YMCA, 6:30-8pm
Multi-Chamber DWB
Polka Dot Progressive
Holiday Inn Carol
Stream, 11:30am
A night of music, raffles and fun in rememberance of Ronald Klemz
Money raised will go to the children of the 44 year Darien resident Ron Klemz who passed away suddenly at the
age of 44. His children are students of District 61 and District 86. All three of them Rachel, Michael and Matthew
are involved in many activities including chorus, baseball
and football.
Come and share a memory of Ron or just show up and
enjoy some good music with some great people. Ron’s true
love outside of spending time with his family was music. And
the lineup of bands for this special evening will not disappoint. Food will be available as well as a cash bar, raffle prizes
and a Baggos Tournament in addition to the live music.
The benefit will be held at the Arabian Knight’s Farms
Barn on November 26, 2011 from 6pm - 1am. A $20 admissions charge will be collected at the door.
For more infor mat ion cont ac t Joyce K lem z at
A fund has been set up at West Suburban Bank in Darien for the Klemz Children Education Fund. Checks must be
made payable to Ursula Klemz.
City Council Meeting
City Hall
Holiday Craft Show
Community Center
Discover Scuba
YMCA, 1-2pm
Schoolhouse Rock,
Kingswood Academy
Shows at: 1pm, 4pm
or 7pm
DW Fire Protection
Board Meeting
Station #1/Lyman Ave.
Holiday Expo
Club Saturday Night
YMCA, 7-10pm
Girls Only Afterschool
Please send your
event information to
Financial News
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Where do we go from here?
by Angelo Imbrogno, President, The Blue Diamond Group
Call 630-995-3482
or e-mail
Organize your Life
Please send your
event information to
Cookies with Santa
Our Lady of Peace
City Council Meeting
City Hall
Open House at Old Lace
Schoolhouse & Museum
Historical Society, 1-4 pm
Tree Lighting, 4pm
Healthcare Provider
Station #1/Lyman Ave.
Darien Woman’s Club
Swim & Racquet Club
Strong Kids Campaign
Swim Meet
YMCA , 5pm
Hinsdale Area Women’s
Connection Luncheon
Holiday Inn
Willow brook
Pizza with Santa
Community Center
Madrigal Dinner
Hinsdale South HS
Madrigal Dinner
Hinsdale South HS
It’s a Wonderful Life
8th annual benefit for
Sharing Connections
Tivoli Theatre, 1:30 pm
Freaky Friday Splash
and Bash
Breakfast with Santa
Live Wire Rec Night
It’s a Wonderful Life
Tivoli Theatre, 1:30 pm
Chamber Holiday Party
8700 Club at
Carriage Green CC
Girls Only
Afterschool Club
YMCA, 4:30-6pm
Holiday Music Concert
Hinsdale South HS
Underwater Tree
YMCA, 6-8pm
y previous articles have discussed the close of
the Federal Reserve Bank’s monetary stimulus
program, QE2, and the issues arising from the
European debt crisis. So where does the market go from
here? There are a few factors that could put some wind
in the market’s sails, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Operation Twist. In a new policy move announced
September 21, dubbed, “Operation Twist,” the Federal
Reserve announced that it will institute a policy of
selling short-term treasuries in exchange for long-term
bonds to reduce long-term interest rates. However,
interest rates are already at record lows. Lowering them
a few tenths of a percent further is unlikely to have a
significant impact on equity markets.
European Debt Agreement. A unified European
solution to prevent a default by any nation would be
a positive sign; nevertheless, this will require severe
austerity measures by many ailing countries. These
measures have the potential to bring economic growth
in these countries to a standstill, and unfortunately
stagnant economies generally don’t lead to positive
trends in markets.
City Council Meeting
City Hall
Holiday Shopping
YMCA, 6-11pm
DW Fire Protection
Board Meeting
Station #1/Lyman Ave.
Little One’s New Years
11am-12: 30pm
Family New Years Eve
Bash, YMCA
Securities offered through LPL Financial. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Club Saturday Night
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Important Contacts
Neighbors Magazine
Unemployment. A meaningful
reduction in unemployment
numbers could help this market
turn around, but for this to occur
companies need a catalyst to
resume hiring. The reality is
companies are sitting on record levels of cash in light of
the current economic climate. In fact, according to the
Wall Street Journal, corporate cash levels as of late June
are still 50% higher than average cash levels during the
2002 to 2007 bull market.
Based on these factors, and a list of other indicators
we follow, we remain defensive and will continue so
until we have more clarity on a strategy to remedy the
significant financial woes plaguing the Euro Zone.
This could take several months, or could happen
before this article is published. As always, we are
adhering to our investment discipline that helps us
navigate the inevitable ups and downs of the equity
630-995-3482 •
City of Darien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-852-5000
City Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-353-8114
Director of Municipal
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-353-8106
Public Works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-353-8105
Post Office – Westmont . . . . . . . . 630-968-0855
Humane Society – Darien . . . . . . 630-375-7976
Fire Departments — 911 for Emergency
Darien-Woodridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-910-2200
(West of Cass)
Tri-State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-323-6445
(E of Cass, S of 67th, W of Rt. 83, N of I-55)
Lemont. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-257-2376
Police Department — 911 for Emergency
Darien. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-971-3999
TDD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-971-3999
Com Ed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-EDISON
Nicor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-642-6748
New Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-244-4444
Repair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888-611-4466
Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866 594-1234
Internet Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888 423-7888
Downers Grove
Sanitary District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-969-0664
Veolia Environmental
Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708-409-9700
Indian Prairie Library. . . . . . . . . . . 630-887-8760
Park District
Community Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-968-6400
Administrative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-968-6400
Darien SportsPlex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630-789-6666
Parks Department . . . . . 630-968-6400, ext 122
Neighbors of Darien Magazine
Kids4Good chalk up a long list of good deeds
K4G members display backpacks being sent to their new friends in Haiti.
his special group of elementary students has committed themselves to performing good deeds both locally
and globally. That is exactly what the hundreds of students who have passed through the club in the past six
years have accomplished.
following Hurricane Katrina
• Clean up of local parks through Earth Day initiative
No one could argue that these deeds, only a partial
list, are impressive. But, when you learn that they’ve
been accomplished by a local service group, comprised
of elementary school students (3-5 graders) from Lace
School, it’s even more awe inspiring.
The club has been run by a small group of dedicated
volunteers over the years, led by Co-Director of the
club, Cynthia McGann, a local Darien resident and
mother of two boys and Mary Beth Owano, a resident
of Downers Grove and mother of two daughters, both
in School District #61.
To date, the
rebuilding of an
elementary school in
Darbonne, Haiti, is the
club’s most extensive
undertaking. The
group has raised nearly
$40,000, since 2010,
by teaming with other
local NFP organizations
and has watched
their adopted school
go from rubble to
rebirth through their
Hope4Haiti initiative.
Closing ceremony and the last K4G group, May 2011.
The K4G list of deeds is impressive:
• Rebuilt an elementary school in Haiti following the
earthquake in 2010
• Created awareness campaign for local student with
rare genetic disorder
• Provided Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of local
families in recent years
• Collected and distributed hundreds of Halloween
costumes for children in need
• Collected and distributed hundreds of winter coats
to area families and students in recent years
• Raised funds and collected and delivered hundreds
of books for an elementary school in New Orleans
Students and teachers at the Institution Mixte Nao
Community School (IMNCS) in Haiti.
The lessons the members of Kids4Good have
learned from not only their Haiti project but from
their various food drives, coat drives, coin drives and
silent events are lessons no textbook or 40 minute
class could provide.
As one student recently wrote in a thank you to
club director, Cynthia McGann, “You taught me how
to be a better person.”
McGann would argue that she in turn has
benefitted most from being a part of this dynamic
club. The students have proven time and time again
that they’re capable of accomplishing such powerful
and worthwhile deeds for others. The club has simply
provided the right environment for them to thrive and
realize that they’re never too young to help others.
To learn more about Kids4Good, visit