Volume 1 - Liberty Realty
Volume 1 - Liberty Realty
LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 MAY 5, 2011 NEWSLETTER Mike Ferry Visits Liberty Realty by Joe Cove!o On April 22nd, 2011 Liberty Realty had the incredible opportunity of h o s t i n g M i ke Fe r r y, i n p e r s o n , a t t h e L i n co l n Ha r b o r S h e r a t o n i n Weehawken, NJ. My morning started off at 8 am with a nice surprise. I had the honor of joining Mike Ferry along with a few of our “one on ones” at a brief breakfast t a l k . Fo r those of you not familiar with “one on ones”, these particular agents subscribe to Mike Ferry’s program and receive weekly one on one coaching. It is not often that agents have the opportunity to engage in intimate time with Mike Ferry himself, this was truly a treat. At 9 am we entered the meeting room and found over one hundred Liberty Realty agents buckled up and ready to go. The crowd was charged and dressed to impress the Liberty Realty motivational banners were waving. I was proud to see our agents excited and ready to take their businesses to the next level. L a t e r, M i ke Fe r r y commented in regard to our enthusiasm and polished professionalism. During Mike Ferry’s Sales talk he mentioned several ke y factors to keeping your business on track. M i ke t a l ke d about “complacency, the disease of the spirit”,the importance of “tracking your numbers” and, lets say this together, “prospect, prospect, prospect”. Using his direct and somewhat humorous approach, Mike pounded home the Joe’s Word of the Month PERSEVERE [pur-suh-veer] verb, vered, -ver·ing. –verb (used without object) to persist in anything undertaken; maintain a purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly. importance of an agents “attitude and approach”, a p o s i t i v e attitude from the start of any relationship with a client or customer is a key factor in getting the job done. “What do you do for a living?” Mike asked, “we are SALES PEOPLE” he roared, don’t be intimidated by what you do for a living – you are hired to sell, that’s your skill, that is exactly what we do for our clients. What a great event! Lets do it again in July at the Mike Ferry Superstar Retreat! PAGE 1 LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 MAY 5, 2011 OUR FEARLESS LEADERS JOE COVELLO AND MICHAEL BERNEY This first volume of the “Liberty Realty Newsletter” is dedicated to the two men who guide us through each day and keep us inspired, Joe Covello and Michael Berney. In a company as large as Liberty Realty, it is unusual to have daily accessibility to the two people that lead the company, yet Joe and Mike are always available to lend an ear or word of advice. Their hard work and dedication is palpable. Their enthusiasm is contagious. Mike and Joe, for all the days you cheer us on and keep us on our feet, today we owe a tip of our hats to you! Go Liberty Realty! COACHING - THE WAY TO A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS WITH COACH RITA GEORGE Work faster, be more efficient and more focused - how do I achieve this? Lets face it, accountability is a key ingredient in the recipe for a successful business. Let us introduce you to Liberty Realty’s principal coach, Rita George. If you haven’t already taken advantage of Rita’s masterful coaching, here’s your chance. Learn the techniques behind • handling deadlines Rita is dedicated to this process and will assist you in • self discipline realizing your full • staying on task potential and put you on • accountability the road to success. Join Rita’s coaching calls on • increasing your confidence the first Thursday of • developing your skills e v e r y m o n t h . Fo r • mastering scripts “THE COACH” m o r e i n f o c o n t a c t Rita directly at ....and much more. rgeorge@libertyrealestate.com. TRAINING - IF YOU’RE NOT PREPARED, DON’T GET INTO THE RING Does a boxer enter the ring without his gloves? - the answer to that question is NO. As Liberty Realty's Training Manager Sekou Pyle is prepared to put you in fighting condition to enter the real estate market. Liberty Realty’s training sessions are necessary and invaluable. We are prepared to work with all levels. Don’t go out there without your gloves on! JOIN THE NEXT 2-WEEK INTENSIVE REAL ESTATE TRAINING CLASS! Class Starts Monday, May 9th - Friday, May 20th MEET ME AT THE CORPORATE CENTER from 10 am - 2 pm SEE YOU IN THE RING! S LOVE G N E D “GOL ” PYLE PAGE 2 LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 MAD STATS MAY 5, 2011 WITH MIKE B. Right now is we are in a very there were zero Hoboken healthy real estate market, "For Rent By Owner" ads in the this is something we can all most recent paper. This is appreciate after the rough down from a high of dozens of waters we navigated in 2007 F R B O a d s 2 y e a r s a g o . and 2008. There is a solid balance of rentals and sales, Concl usi on: we H AVE turned the corner and are with an increasing amount of heading in the right direction. volume in the market. A Keep up the intensity level! BERNEY: ITS NOT ABOUT WHAT THE MARKET IS DOING ITS ABOUT WHAT LIBERTY IS DOING good statistical indication of - by Mike Berney the improving market can be found in the Otteau Report. http://www.otteau.com The "absorption" rate of property inventory in Hoboken is now down from a high of 19 months in 2008 - 2009, to a Liberty very respectable 6 months right now. On a less statistical note, based on my observations in the Hoboken Reporter, JOE C. REELING THEM IN! A MESSAGE FROM MIKE What m a ke s L i b e r t y Re a l t y attend our own exclusive special? In my Mike Ferry event? Not only opinion, its our hard working that, al l our a gents were agents. How else can you dressed like they were heading explain 100 Liberty Realty to a one-on-one listing agents taking the time out of appointment with Donald their busy schedule on April Trump. Great job! by Mike Berney 22nd to EXPERT FISHERMAN GO BIG OR GO HOME! Lets welcome the Liberty Realty Basketball Team S T R O SP E TH T O P S Come out and support the team! St Anthony’s High School, Jersey City, NJ The Golden Door Gym Tues, May 10th 8:40 pm Sun, May 15th 7:30 pm Tues, May 22 8:30 pm THE ROSTER #23 Ken Jordan #12 Jeremy Canizares #00 Bobby Johnson #7 Dan Fleisher #33 Christian Stewart # 28 Victor Jalinos #4 Brian Spooniere #11 Frankie Fuentes #10 Mike Petrak #8 Manny Remierez #6 Kyle Enger #17 Greg Hotham Go Gold and Blue! PAGE 3 LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 MAY 5, 2011 WELCOME MARGARET WATSON AND DENISE BITBOL TO THE LIBERTY MANAGEMENT TEAM! Welcome Margaret Watson - Liberty Re a l t y would like t o t a ke a moment to formally welcome Ma r g a r e t Watson to the Liberty Re a l t y Mana gement Team. On Ma r c h 1st Margaret took over as the acting Broker Manager of Hoboken’s 525 Washington Street location. Margaret comes to Liberty Re a l t y w i t h a multitude of experience and has already begun instituting many new processes. A l t h o u g h Margaret is all business, her positive attitude and infectious laugh has been keeping the 525 team charged. Margaret we are excited for the future, welcome aboard! Welcome Denise Bitbol L i b e r t y Re a l t y w o u l d l i ke t o take a moment to congratulate Denise on being a p p o i n te d to the position of B r o k e r Manager for the Liberty Realty’s newest location. We knew that Denise’s expertise in the real estate market would translate to an organized, inspiring manager for 131 Wa s h i n g t o n Street. The office has a great feel and is s t o c ke d w i t h producing Liberty agents. Stop in and say hello - but don’t chat to long, Denise is busy setting new standards for success! - by Liberty Realty Management Team LIBERTY REALTY ANNOUNCES THE MARKETING DIVISION Thanks to the success of our many agents, Liberty is growing at a swift pace. In order to keep up with the demand we are proud to bring our agents and clients the inhouse Liberty Realty Marketing Division. Our focus is on strengthening the Liberty brand by creating a consistency that the customer will recognize. Our goal is to give the customer the full Liberty Realty experience by creating easy access to marketing options via flyers, photography, postcards, banners and brochures. As time progresses we plan on expanding these options - always striving to “take it to the next level”. To streamline the process, we have appointed Debbie Toney to the position of Director of Marketing. Over the last few m o n t h s s h e h a s w o r ke d o n developing a new look and feel for our brand - we are looking great. We have created a Liberty Realty LLC Facebook business pa ge (don’t forget to “LIKE US”) and we are now able to offer a customer incentive program to add to our marketing collateral. Take a minute out of your busy day to look over the Marketing Order Forms which can be found in the administrative area of our website. You will also find our Logo Identity Guidelines, please keep these in mind whenever you are requesting a marketing piece. Have a marketing request? Contact Debbie today at dtoney@libertyrealestate.com. - by Liberty Realty Management Team MIKE FERRY SUPERSTAR RETREAT - JOIN US - ASK YOUR MANAGER FOR DETAILS PAGE 4 LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 MAY 5, 2011 BEA BOGORAD 43 MONTGOMERY THOUGHTS STRATEGIZING FOR LIBERTY REALTY The 43 Montgomery downtown office is holding down the fort in Jersey City. We are truly pleased to have such a nice array of agents who offer Hudson County a wealth of knowledge. Adding to this formula, we’d like to welcome Dan Katz to our team, a Paulus Hook resident for the past 28 years and a consummate professional. On a more casual note, The Old Rascal Comedy club on Marin Blvd. is under new management and renamed the Powerhouse. This great New York Style bar and restaurant hosts a Realtors and Attorneys half price night on Wednesdays. Due to the positive experience Jeff Favia, the owner, has had with Liberty Realty, he takes great pride in treating real estate agents as #1 and lets face it, Liberty Realty agents know what number #1 feels like! Take advantage of this great discount and keep up the by Barbara Ali good work! Throughout the year Liberty Realty will be bringing you many exciting events. We are focused on pumping up the morale and keeping our agents current and on track. To accomplish this we enlisted the expertise of Beatrice Bogorad as Liberty Realty’s Strategic Planning - Management Consultant. Bea is working hard to bring us more events like the Mike Ferry Sales Talk we all had the opportunity to enjoy last month. Bea’s role is also integral to the growth of Liberty Realty, strategizing where the market is hot and analyzing the viability of Liberty’s appearance in such locations. Please reach out to Bea if you have an event idea or would like Liberty Realty to take a look at a market opportunity. Contact: bbogorad@libertyrealestate.com - by Liberty Realty Management Team BARET KECHIAN ORGANIZED HOBOKEN HOMELESS SHELTER FUNDRAISER Baret Kechian, the branch manager of Superior Mortga ge, and his wife Jessica, who is on the shelter’s planning committee, recently organized a great event to help the Hoboken Ho m e l e s s S h e l t e r o n 3 r d a n d B l o o m f i e l d . B a r e t a n d Je s s i c a sponsored a Happy Hour at the Wi c ke d Wo l f i n Hoboken, for anyone related to the real estate industry to help those who cant afford to have a home. efforts. You can always contribute to It was a great turnout with about 50 the shelter by using the following link people attending. There were several http://www.hobokenshelter.org/ Liberty a gents who went and contributed to this great cause along with their corporate office. In total, Baret Kechian they were able to raise over $3,000. Branch Manager Superior Mortgage Corp. Based on their previous statistics and Phone: 201-796-6441 daily costs provided by the shelter, this Cell: 201-755-6261 would feed 1500 guests. That is an Fax: 201-796-8440 E-mail: bkechian@supmort.com amazing thing, and we thank everyone My link is www.ezlenders.com who came and contributed for their HOMELESS SHELTER LETS KEEP UP THE SUPPORT by Caroline Calligy Last week many of you attended a fund raiser for the Hoboken Homeless shelter. I propose, Liberty Realty continue providing the shelter with support on a monthly basis. Each office may choose an item off of the below list and collect that item for the week. Each week Liberty Realty will make a donation to the Shelter. The Corporate Center will begin the drive by collecting Toilet Paper (a roll, a package) and believe me, our friends at the shelter will be grateful. Lets all do our part! Food: Milk, Coffee, Cereal, Sugar, Juice, Marinara Sauce, Instant Potatoes, Frozen Meat, Sandwiches, Fruit (especially Bananas) Supplies: Hot/Cold Cups, Paper/Plastic Plates, Napkins, Plastic Utensils, Toilet Paper, Laundry Detergent, Garbage Bags (55 gallon), Postage Stamps, Envelopes, Pens Toiletries: Soap, Shampoo, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Deoderant, Razors, Shaving Cream, Wash Cloths, Underpants, Socks Contact ccalligy@libertyrealestate.com PAGE 5 LIBERTY REALTY NEWSLETTER VOLUME 1 SAM ORY ST ll HE dA T a e N R O tra t! x E I a Extr About MAY 5, 2011 NYC’s HUDSON YARDS DEVELOPMENT Happenings Around Hoboken • The old Blockbuster located at 412 Washington Street is for rent for more than $25K per month. • Joey’s BBQ on 9th and Washington is turning into another pizza place. • Baskets of Distinction located at 11th and Washington closes - Liberty Listing. • After decades of business, Baron Drug’s located on 4th and Washington has closed. As part of the proposal to redevelop the Hudson Yards area of NYC’s Midtown West into a commercial and residential district, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority has proposed construction and operation of an extension of the No. 7 line to serve the Hudson Yards area. Shortly after the extension is complete (est. 2014) - one of the biggest construction projects ever will begin. The massive project is not expected to be complete until 2025 or beyond, but once it is complete the new real estate project will block certain New Jersey views of the Empire State Building. Regardless, this six square NYC block real estate project is enormous with over 12 million sq. ft. of space expected to be available. To put the size of that in comparison, that would be the entire northwest corner of Hoboken north of 14th Street & west of Park Avenue (over 12 square blocks in the Mile Square). - by Samantha Failla - by Samantha Failla SIX STEPS TO HANDLING KEYS FOR LIBERTY REALTY 4. After showings, always return keys to the office of record. 1. Always acquire or make two sets of keys for the office. 5. Never give the customer or client a key to see a unit unless you are accompanying the showings. 2. When possible, obtain a 3rd set for yourself. 3. Special keys that can not be copied should receive a special label. Always notify the admins. 6. Upon leasing or closing, return all sets of keys to the client. LIBERTY REALTY Office Meeting Calendar NEXT MEETING 131 Washington: 1st Tuesday of the month JUNE 7TH 525 Washington: 2nd Tuesday of the month JUNE 14TH 1 Marine View Plaza: last Wednesday of the month MAY 25TH 43 Montgomery: last Thursday of the month MAY 26TH Would you like to be a Contributor? Yo u t o o c a n b e a contributor to the Liberty Realty Newsletter, just submit a full article to your manager today! NEXT MONTH’S ISSUE... will feature Liberty Realty’s Kids! Tel l us a b o u t y o u r c h i l d r e n’s recent achievements or funny experiences. PAGE 6