Lazio Region (Italy): Bioenginnering nursery
Lazio Region (Italy): Bioenginnering nursery
SoilBioengineering and Land Management - New Challenges Cascais Portugal, September 19 -22, 2012 Lazio Region (Italy): Bioenginnering nursery gardens and publications Francesco Gubernale, Simona De Bartoli, Dante Novello Regione Lazio - Direzione Ambiente - Area Difesa del suolo e Concessioni demaniali A NATIVE SPECIES NURSERY IN THE NATURAL PARK OF MONTI AURUNCI The Nursery was established in 2000 with the aim of preserving and protecting the genetic heritage of the most interesting species that make up the flora of Aurunci mountains to recover degraded areas and bumpy territory inside the Park using soil bio-engineering techniques. The experimental initiative arises from the following considerations: • to preserve and protect the genotypic heritage of the flora living in the area of Monti Aurunci; obtain vegetative material suitable for propagation that may ensure higher rates of engraftment, because it is derived from mother plants that have developed the capacity to adapt to the climate conditions of the areas over time; Funding was provided by the Ministry of Environment and the Department of Environment (Assessorato all’Ambiente) of the Lazio Region within the "3-year Environmental Protection Programme 1994-1996". • recover degraded areas and bumpy territory with low environmental impact techniques, using soil bioengineering methods; Seeds collection • create specialized staff, with a specific expertise and professional skills, able to design and carry out interventions in the Natural Park of Monti Aurunci and the protected areas of Lazio, and all the areas affected by degraded areas recovery and restoration activities. Growing in pots (2009) The launching phase of the Nursery was characterized by a great deal of pioneering and experimental skills: the starting point of activity was the identification of the species in the Park to be reproduced and the subsequent collection of fruit and seeds. Then the harvested products were processed: both dry and pulpy fruit was processed by hand or with the help of small rudimentary machines. The stratification phase, i.e. the mixture of seeds with more or less peaty materials and/or limestone, was the most difficult part of the path. The removal of dormancy, which effectively prevents the germination of seeds, is a very controversial procedure, and the duration of the cold stratification period (vernalization 5°) and heat (estivation 20°) in environments difficult to be monitored, made the whole operation complex and very uncertain. Growing on the ground (2009) Growing in pots (2012) The first seeding made in PVC pots and wooden boxes, and the subsequent germination, proved that the procedures followed were correct. There are currently about 60,000 seedlings in the nursery. The species reproduced, both shrubs and trees, are 60. The number of plants sold annually is 10,000. All the collection, processing and seeding phases are conducted by the staff of the Park. Aknowledgements: thank to Ivo Schiappa for photos and data. Growing in pots (2009) Growing in pots (2012) THE NURSERY OF THE CONSORZIO DI BONIFICA DELLA MAREMMA ETRUSCA The Consorzio di Bonifica in Maremma Etrusca has been working for several years now on the establishment and management of a nursery for the production of native species, where enterprises and the Consortium itself will be able to procure the plant components required for bio-engineering works aimed to soil conservation. The first regional initiative was the nursery in Itri (Latina), managed by the Monti Aurunci Regional Park. The need to create a new centre in the northern part of the Lazio Region was recognised in recent years. Thus, since 2008 the Consorzio di Bonifica in Maremma Etrusca has been requalifying an area under its competence. It renovated two older hangars located in Vigna Anne (provincial road Wolf Cerrino) in the municipality of Tarquinia (VT), to be used as greenhouses and it started to grow some plant species of the Mediterranean maquis. An agreement between the Lazio Region, the Consorzio di Bonifico and the Faculty of Agriculture - Daphne Department - University of La Tuscia, was signed in order to assign the coordination and supervision of the scientific direction in the nursery to a university researcher, and thus support the Consortium's experts in the management and organization of operations. Time schedule of the agreement: The Consorzio di Bonifica executes maintenance and hydraulic works in the waterways belonging to the hydrographic network under its jurisdiction, as provided by regional law No 53/98. rd signing of the agreement: October, 3 2011 start of works: October, 28th 2011 End of works: March, 28th 2014 Native species collected and set to be reproduced by seed or cuttings The knowledge and application of the bioengineering principles are of particular importance for the engineers and workers of the Consortium for the conservation of natural areas in river channels. Seedlings in pots in the greenhouse (April 2011) Indoor greenhouse for the rooting of cuttings and seed germination (December 2011) Outdoor plot for the growth of mother plants of woody and herbaceous species used by cuttings. (picture: Tamerix L. spp.) (April 2011) Three campaigns were carried out in five pickup locations. The samples were taken in natural plant communities (Mediterranean, deciduous forest, riparian vegetation) in the municipalities of Tarquinia, Tuscania and Viterbo. BIO-ENGINEERING BOOKS PUBLISHED BY THE LAZIO REGION All the publications can be downloaded from the Lazio Region website: The "Report on the monitoring of pilot sites", written in collaboration with the University of La Tuscia, illustrates and analyzes the results of the monitoring activities in more than 30 sites located in the Lazio Region funded by soil conservation programmes. The "Manuals" collect the scientific contributions by various authors and aim to explain the basic requirements. The first volume is dedicated to hydraulic works, the second one to roads, quarries, landfills and sandy shores, and the third one to slope adjustments. The publication "Bioengineering Principles, Methods and Ethics" illustrates bio-engineering ethical principles methodology, in the various fields of application. It suggests design requirements, sets guidelines, methods and case studies of the interventions and best practices. The text is basically practical, with a rich photo gallery, and it is particularly suitable for beginners and those who are interested in reading an introduction to these problems. The "Handbook for secondary schools" intends to be an educational tool and an in-depth text for students of technical schools. It is a manual for dissemination, which explains bioengineering principles, areas of intervention, some practical examples accompanied by colour photos and drawings to give a clear representation. The book is enriched by a detailed bibliography. The "Practical Books" mainly explain the operations and are dedicated in particular to all the experts in charge of designing the works and follow their execution. The publication is divided into eighteen books; each book illustrates a bio-engineering technique, whereas the last two books describe the materials and necessary equipment. The thematic "Videos" document the pilot sites created on the territory of the Lazio Region. In particular the conditions of the sites prior to the construction, works progress and finally the expected results are shown. They also present the bio-engineering works made in the Alto Adige Region.