- Royal University of Phnom Penh


- Royal University of Phnom Penh
esckþeI pþmI
ed)a:tWm:g; PUmiviTüa nig erobcMEdndI
U daæ nRKHw énPmU s
i Naæ nvTi üa
Fundament als of Geomor phol ogy
elakbNÐit eXIrI GaLaEsÞr ¬Dr Alastair Curry¦
elak nYn h‘n ¬Mr Nuon Horn¦
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
rbU PaBenARkbmxu ³ Teneø lOgenA Lanzhou RbeTscni ¬rbU PaBxagelxI ageqgV ¦ ¬RbPB³ J. Munro¦
kemcÞ kN
M eRKmI enA PmU i Forno Alpi Graie RbeTsGtuI alI eRkaymkmanlhM UrdI ekIteLgI enAéfT¶ I 24
kBaaØ 1993 ¬rbU PaBxagelxI agsaþ ¦M ¬RbPB³ M. Chiarle et al, 2007¦ eTsPaBsNaæ neqrñ smRu TenA
U PaBxageRkamxageqgV ¦ ¬RbPB³ R. Brander¦ ngi pkÚñ xSace; nA
Victoria RbeTsG®U saþ lI ¬ rb
úñ vallMhNambI RbeTsNambI Í‘ ¬RbPB³ C. Krapf¦
Sossusvlei kg
esckþeI pþmI
{RBHGm©as;)aneFVkI arGs©arüy:ag]tþgú ]Á tþm
ehIyGs;Gkñ EdleBjcitnþ wgsñaRBHhsþenH
naMKañ EsVgyl;}
¬TmnuktemágI 111³2¦
“The works of the Lord are great;
studied by all who have pleasure therein.”
(Psalm 111:2)
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
GarmkÖ fa
esovePAsikSaPUmisNæanviTüaenH RtUv)anerobcMtak;EtgeLIgedIm,ICYydl;nsi Sit nigRKUbeRgon
kñúgeBlsikSamuxviC¢aenH ¬PUmisNæanviTüa¦ enAsaklviTüal½yPUminÞPñMeBj. CamYynwgsar³sMxan;én
karGan vKÁsikSaenH maneKalbMNgcg;pþl;[Gñkyl;nUv³
- Gtßny½ témø nigkarGPivDÆénPUmisNæanviTüa
- RTwsIþ nigKMnti sMxan;xøH²énPUmisNæanviTüa
- sar³sMxan;éndMeNIrkartictUniccMeBaHkarvivtþeTsPaBsNæan nigsNæandIenAelIépÞEpndI
- dMeNIrkarPUmsi NæanviTüaepSg²EdlekIteLIgenAelI nigEk,répÞEpndI rYmmandMeNIrkar
Tak;Tgnwgrbicénsila CRmal Tenø xül;bk; nigeqñrsmuRT
- karGnuvtþceM NHdwgPUmsi NæanviTüacMeBaHeRKaHfñak;FmµCatimYycMnnY
- dMeNIrkarPUmivTi üarUbxøH² EdlcaM)ac;sRmab;vKÁsikSamuxviCa¢ PUmiviTüaenAqñaTM I 3 nig 4.
mü:ageTot vKÁsikSaenH maneKalbMNgcg;pþl;[nisSitTTYlnUvkarrIkceRmInEpñkGnuvtþCMnaj
sikSa dUcCakarGanEpnTI nigkarecHdwgelxnBVnþ. edaykarxitxMBüayameronsURt vtþman nigkarcUl
rYmrbs;nsi Sitkñgú vKÁsikSaemeronnImYy² rYmTaMgkarbMeBjcMeNHdwgxagEpñkkarGan nigkareFVlI Mhat;enA
kñúgCMBUknImYy²pg nisSitEdlTTYleCaKC½y nwgmansmtßPaBGacBnül;)annUvdMeNIrkarén)atuPUt
FmµCatisxM an;² Edlman\TiB§ lelIépÞEpndI nigeTsPaBsNæanrbs;EpndI ehIynisSitenaHk¾GacGnuvtþ
eyIgKYrkt;smÁal;pgEdrfa GtßbTbkERbCaPasaExµrenH manlkçN³xusEbøkxøH²BIÉksaredIm
cMeBaHBakübec©keTseTACaPasaExµr EdlkMBgu vivtþeTAmux. kñgú krNIenH eyIg´sUmTTYlsVaKmn_ral;
mtieyabl;BmI ti Gþ kñ Gan sa®sþacarü nisSi t tamry³GIuEm:l ¬currys@omf.net¦ edIm,ICYyeFVI[
esovePAsikSaenHkan;RbesIreLIg kñgú karerobcMe)aHBump< SayelIkeRkay²eTot edayCYypþlC; a
eyabl; kartieTon nigkMENlMGepSg².
ed)a:tWm:g;PUmiviTüa nig erobcMEdndI
Ex ]sPa qñaM 2009
esckþeI pþmI
This Geomorphology textbook has been prepared to help students and teachers when
studying this subject (Geomorphology) at the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Together
with the recommended reading, the aims of this course are to enable students to understand
- the meaning, value and application of geomorphology
- the main theories and concepts of geomorphology
- the importance of tectonic processes for Earth surface landform and landscape evolution
- various surface and near-surface geomorphological processes, including those associated
with rock weathering, slopes, rivers, the wind and coasts
- the application of geomorphological knowledge to various natural hazards
- several physical geographical processes which are essential for further study of Geography
at 3rd and 4th year undergraduate level.
Further, this course aims to enable students to develop their study skills, such as mapreading and basic arithmetic. Through diligent study, attendance and participation in each
lesson, including completing the recommended wider reading and exercises for each chapter,
successful students will be able to explain a range of processes of natural phenomena which
shape the Earth’s surface and its landscapes, and be able to apply this knowledge to a variety
of everyday situations.
We should also note that this translated Khmer language text contains some
differences from the original text, concerning the translation of technical words into Khmer,
which is still evolving. In these cases, we welcome comments and suggestions from readers,
lecturers and students, via email (currys@omf.net), in order to help improve this textbook in
future editions.
Royal University of Phnom Penh
Department of Geography and Land Management
May 2009
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
esckEIþ føgGN
M r KN
karbkERb nigkareroberog RtUv)anTTYlkarKaMRTEpñkhirBaØvtßBú GI gÁkar Maryknoll nigGgÁkar
OMF International ¬Cambodia¦ nig karcUlrYmCYybkERb pþl;eyabl; nig rcna BIsMNak;s a®sþacarü
- elak b‘nu sirI
¬Bun Serey¦
- elak yaM sardæ ¬Yam Sarath¦
- elak Es b‘unelg ¬Se Bunleng¦
RbFaned)a:tWm:g; PUmiviTüa nigerobcMEdndI
nisSi tPUmiviTüaCMnan;TI 25
nisSi tPUmiviTüaCMnan;TI 25
eyIg´sUmEføgGMNrKuN nigTTYlsÁal;edaykþdI gw KuNnUvCMnyY pøÚvcitþ EdlCRmuj[esovePAenH
)anelcrUbrageLIg k¾dcU CakarrYmcMENkkñgú eKaledAGb;rM nigGPivDÆn_smtßPaBeTAelImuxCMnaj Edl
manRsab; nigCaRbeyaCn_dl;GñksikSaeRkay²eTot.
CaBiess eyIg´CaGñkniBn§ sUmEføgGMNrKuNy:agRCaleRCA cMeBaHelak yaM sardæ nig
elak Es b‘unelg Edl)anCYybkERb nigEksRmYlral;GtßbTTaMgGs; EdlmankñúgesovePAenH
ehIyelIsBIenH eyIg´sUmGrKuNbEnßmcMeBaHelak yaM sardæ Edl)anCYyrcnaKRmbesovePA nig
GñkniBn§mankþdI gw KuNCaBnøkw cMeBaH Sister Luise Ahrens ¬Maryknoll nigsaklviTüal½y
PUminÞPñMeBj¦ elak David Ford ¬ed)a:tmW :gK; ImIvTi üa saklviTüal½yPUminÞPeMñ Bj¦ elak Murayama
I karcUlrYmCasmÖar³beRgonepSg² CaPasa
Tetsuya ¬viTüasßanCati Gb;r¦M sRmab;karKaM RT elI ktemág
Exµr Edl)anCYysRmYldl;karbkERbnUvBakübec©keTsnana nigGrKuNdl;elak-elakRsIsa®sþcarü
éned)a:tmW g: P; mU vi iTüa nigerobcMEdndI. esovePAenH nwgminGacelcecjCarUbrag)aneLIy RbsinebIKµan
karpþle; yabl; nigkarKaMRTTaMgRsugBIRKYsarrbs;GñkniBn§ nigkarKaMRTBIRKUbeRgonPasaExµr enAGgÁkar
OMF International ¬Cambodia¦ nigviTüasß anPasabreTsénsaklviTüal½y PUminÞPñMeBj ¬Institute
of Foreign Languages¦ dl;elakbNÐit eXIrI GaLaEsÞ r ¬Dr Alastair Curry¦.
GñkniBn§ sUmEføgGMNrKuNCaGenk cMeBaHGñke)aHBumpÖ SayTaMgLaydUcxageRkam Edl)an
pþl;sTi §[i e)aHBumÖeLIgvijnUvrUbPaB nigtaragEdlrkSasiTi§ dUcCa³
esckþeI pþmI
RksYgGb;rM yuvCn nigkILa ¬2001> EpndI nigbrisaß nviTüa fñakTI 11¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI
3>36 ¬rUbTI 14¦, Addison Wesley Longman sRmab;rUbPaBTI 10>25 ¬Davies, 1980.
Geographical Variation in Coastal Development, 2 ed; figure 49¦, ¬ Summerfield, M.A.
1991. Global Geomorphology¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 2>15 ¬figure 1.16¦, rUbPaBTI 4>3 ¬figure 2.4¦,
rUbPaBTI 4>4 ¬figure 2.5¦, rUbPaBTI 5>9 ¬figure 3.9¦, rUbPaBTI 5>14 ¬figure 4.1¦, rUbPaBTI 5>18
¬figure 4.9¦, rUbPaBTI 6>11 ¬figure 6.17¦, rUbPaBTI 6>13 ¬figure 6.18¦, rUbPaBTI 6>21>k-K
¬figure 6.32¦, rUbPaBTI 9>18 ¬figure 10.30¦, rUbPaBTI 10>29 ¬figure 13.18¦, rUbPaBTI 8>50>Q
¬figure 16.10¦, rUbPaBTI 3>35 ¬figure F1¦, rUbPaBTI 3>33 ¬figure F2¦, ¬Lowe, J.J. and
Walker, M.J.C. 1997. Reconstructing Quaternary Environments, 2 ed¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI
11>6 ¬figures 1.7¦, rUbPaBTI 11>10 ¬figure 3.44¦, Arnold Hodder sRmab;rUbPaBTI 11>14
¬Williams, M. et al. 1998. Quaternary Enviornments; figure 10.23¦, Cambridge University
Press sRmab;rUbPaBTI 11>11 ¬Harland et al. 1982. A Geologic Time Scale; figure 2.17¦,
r; bU PaBTI 11>2 ¬van Andel. 1985. New Views on an Old Planet; p171¦, r; bU PaBTI 10>26
¬Woodroffe, C.D. 2003. Coasts: Form, process and evolution; figure 4.5¦, Chapman and
Hall ¬Duff, P.M.D (ed). 1993. Holme's 'Principles of Physical Geology', 4 ed¦
sRmab;rUbPaBTI 4>10 ¬figure 13.13¦, ;rUbPaBTI 7>32 ¬figure 16.29¦, ;rUbPaBTI 7>33 ¬figure
16.30¦, Elsevier nigGñkniBn§ D.M. Williams sRmab;rUbPaBTI 10>18 ¬Williams and Hall, 2004.
Marine Geology, 206, 101-117; figures 2 and 5¦, rUbPaBTI 10>4 ¬Bird et al, 2005, Quaternary
Science Reviews, 24, 2228-2242; figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 11>8 ¬Ballantyne, 2007, Quaternary
Science Reviews, 26, 3134-3149; figures 2 and 10¦, ; rUbPaB TMB½rTI 400 ¬Gupta and Liew,
2007, Geomorphology, 85, 259-274; figure 1¦, ;rUbPaB TMB½ rTI 400 ¬Kummu and Varis, 2007,
Geomorphology, 85, 275-293; figure 2¦, Geological Society of London sRmab;rUbPaBTI
12>5>k ¬Boulton, G.S. et al. 1985. Journal of the Geological Society of London, 142, 447474¦, Houston Geological Society sRmab;rUbPaBTI 10>32 ¬Galloway, W.E. 1975. In:
Broussard, M.L. (ed). Deltas: models of exploration, 87-98¦, McGraw-Hill ¬Plummer, C.C.,
McGeary, D. and Carlson, D.H. 2005. Physical Geology, 10 ed¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 2>4>x
¬figure 8.14¦, r; bU PaBTI 2>4>K ¬figure 8.15¦, rUbPaB TMB½rTI 154 ¬figure 17.21¦, Methuen and
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
¬Dury, G.H., in Chorley, R.J. (ed). 1969. Water, Earth and Man¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI
8>29>k-K ¬figure 9.II.4¦, ¬Schumm, S.A., in Chorley, R.J. (ed). 1969. Water, Earth and
Man¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>43 ¬figure 11.II.4¦, ¬Richards, K. 1982. Rivers: Form and Process
in Alluvial Channels¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>29>k-K ¬figure 7.2C¦, Nature Publishing Group
sRmab;rUbPaBTI 11>15 ¬Kershaw, C. 1986. Nature, 322, 47-49¦, r; bU PaBTI 11>13 ¬Petit et al.
1999. Nature, 399, 429-436¦, GñkniBn§ C. Ollier sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>50 ¬Ollier, C. 1981.
Tectonics and Landforms; figure 12.7¦, Oxford University Press sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>41
¬Woodroffe, C.D., in Gupta, A (ed). 2005. The Physical Geography of Southeast Asia; figure
13.4¦, Routledge ¬ Smithson, P., Addison, K. and Atkinson, K. 2002. Fundamentals of the
Physical Environment. 3 ed¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 2>17 nig 7>22 ¬figure 1.5¦, rUbPaBTI 2>13
¬figure 5.18¦, rUbPaBTI 5>30 ¬figure 10.2¦, rUbPaBTI 4>12 ¬figure 10.4¦, rUbPaBTI 5>17
¬figure 10.5¦, rUbPaBTI 4>18 ¬figure 10.9¦, rUbPaBTI 4>10 nig 5>22 ¬chapter 10 human
impact figure 3¦, rUbPaBTI 4>7 ¬figure 11.4¦, rUbPaBTI 10>40 ¬figure 11.6¦, rUbPaBTI 10>11
¬figure 11.10¦, rUbPaBTI 10>7 ¬figure 11.13¦, rUbPaBTI 3>20 ¬figure 12.1¦, rUbPaBTI 3>22
¬figure 12.3¦, rUbPaBTI 5>20 nig 5>21 ¬figure 12.4¦, rUbPaBTI 5>27 ¬figure 12.6¦, rUbPaBTI
3>20 ¬figure 12.11¦, rUbPaBTI 3>27 ¬figure 12.14¦, rUbPaBTI 3>28 ¬figure 12.19¦, rUbPaBTI
6>3 ¬figure 13.2¦, rUbPaBTI 2>14 ¬figure 13.3¦, rUbPaBTI 6>17 ¬figure 13.10¦, rUbPaBTI
6>15>k nig 6>15>x ¬chapter 13 applications figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 7>6 ¬chapter 13 key concepts
figure 2¦, rUbPaBTI 7>3 ¬figure 13.12¦, rUbPaBTI 7>31 ¬figure 13.16¦, rUbPaBTI 8>1 ¬figure
14.1¦, rUbPaBTI 8>2>k ¬figure 14.2¦, rUbPaBTI 8>2>x nig 8>3 ¬chapter 14 systems figure 1¦,
rUbPaB TMB½rTI 348 ¬chapter 14 key processes figure 1¦, rUbPaB TMB½rTI 377 ¬chapter 14 new
developments figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 8>7 ¬figure 14.7¦, rUbPaBTI 8>13 ¬figure 14.10¦, rUbPaBTI
8>11 nig 8>12 ¬figure 14.13¦, rUbPaB TMB½rTI 406 ¬figure 14.14¦, rUbPaBTI 8>8 ¬figure
14.15¦, rUbPaBTI 8>20 ¬figure 14.16¦, rUbPaBTI 8>14 ¬figure 14.17¦, rUbPaBTI 8>36 ¬figure
14.22¦, rUbPaBTI 9>5 ¬chapter 16 key processes figure 1b¦, rUbPaBTI 9>1 ¬chapter 16, systems
figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 9>4 ¬chapter 16 applications figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 9>6 nig 9>14 ¬figure
16.2¦, rUbPaBTI 10>1 ¬figure 17.1¦, rUbPaBTI 10>8>k ¬chapter 17 key processes figure 2¦,
esckþeI pþmI
rUbPaBTI 10>3 ¬chapter 17 systems figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 10>14 ¬figure 17.2¦, rUbPaBTI 10>17
¬figure 17.5¦, rUbPaBTI 10>19 ¬figure 17.6¦, rUbPaBTI 10>23 ¬figure 17.12¦, rUbPaBTI 10>12
¬figure 17.13¦, rUbPaBTI 10>13 ¬figure 17.14¦, rUbPaBTI 10>6 ¬figure 17.15¦, rUbPaBTI 4>17
¬figure 25.5¦, rUbPaBTI 9>7 ¬chapter 27 human impact figure 1¦, Royal Society of Edinburgh
nigGñkniBn§ G. Kukla ¬Kukla, G. et al. 1990. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh:
Earth Sciences, 81, 263-288¦, Scheizerbart, Borntraeger and Cramer ¬www.borntraegercramer.de¦ sRmab;rUbPaBTI 7>31 ¬Dalrymple, J.B. et al. 1968, Zeitschrift für
Geomorphologie, 12, 60-76; figure 1¦, rUbPaBTI 12>5>x ¬Hillaire-Marcel and Occhietti, 1980,
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, 24, 373-392¦, GñkniBn§ S. Schumm sRmab; rUbPaBTI 8>48
¬Schumm, S.A. 1977. The Fluvial System; figure 6.36¦, SIPAR sRmab;]bsm½n< TI 7 ¬SIPAR.
2008. Atlas of the World and Cambodia; map pages 6-7¦, Springer Science and Business
Media sRmab;rUbPaBTI 11>6 ¬Imbrie et al, 1984. In: Berger et al. (eds). Milankovitch and
Climate. Reidel, Dordrecht, 269-306¦, The Unesco Press sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>4 ¬ Unesco. 1978.
Atlas of the World Water Balance¦, United States Geological Survey sRmab; rUbPaBTI 5>11
¬Wesson, R.L. et al. 1975. Professional Paper 914A; figure 11¦, rUbPaBTI 9>16 ¬McKee, E.D.
1979. Professional Paper 1052; figures 3-5, 7, 10-12¦, University of Uppsala (Geological
Institute) sRmab;rUbPaBTI 8>19 ¬Hjulström. 1935. Bulletin of the Geological Institute 25¦, nig
Wiley-Blackwell sRmab;rUbPaBTI 12>2 ¬Chappell, 1987. In: Tooley and Shennan (eds). SeaLevel Changes> Institute of British Geographers Special Publication 20, 296-331; figure
eTaHbICaBYkeyIg´)anxMRbwgERbgEsVgrkral;m©as;rUbPaBEdlrkSasiTTi§ aMgGs; edIm,IskuM arGnuBaØateRbIR)as; EtkñúgkrNImYycMnnY karN_enHenAEtminGaceFVIeTA)an dUecñHehIyeyIg)anyk»kas
enH edIm,IeFVkI arsMeu Tas cMeBaHm©as;kmµsTi Ti§ aMgLayenaH EdleyIg)anelµIsedayGectna.
eyIgmankardwgKuNCaGenk cMeBaHGñkxageRkam sRmab;karGnuBaØat[pliteLIgvij nUvrUbft
EdlmankarrkSasiTi§ ³ elakbNÐti Hans Andren ¬rUbPaBTI 8>40>x¦, elakbNÐit Bob Andrle
¬rUbPaBTI 5>24>X¦, elakbNÐit Alan Arbogast ¬rUbPaBTI 7>19, 9>19>k¦, elakbNÐti Colin
Ballantyne ¬rUbPaBTI 7>21¦, elakbNÐi t Bernie Bauer ¬rUbPaBTI 12>9>K¦, elakbNÐit Rob
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
¬rUbPaBTI 10>2>g-c, 10>8>x-g, 10>9>x, 10>27>x, 10>30>k, Rkbmux¦, elakRsIbNÐit
Jelena Calic-Ljubojevic ¬rUbPaBTI 6>14>X¦, elakbNÐt
i Norm Catto ¬rUbPaBTI 8>30>k,
8>30>x¦, elak bNÐit Daryl Dagesse ¬rUbPaBTI 8>34>K, 10>37>K¦, elakbNÐti J. Michael
Daniels ¬rUbPaBTI 5>26>k, 8>16>x, 8>37>k-x, 9>13>x¦, elakRsIbNÐt
i Ann Dittmer
¬rUbPaBTI 5>26>K, 5>26>X, 6>7>k, 9>9>K, 9>13>k, 9>17>k, 10>2>K, 10>30>X, 12>9>g¦,
elakbNÐit Frank Eckardt ¬rUbPaBTI 3>32, 5>29>K, 8>5>x, 8>34>X, 9>2, 9>17>g, 9>19>g,
9>21>x, 10>24>X, 10>33>x, 11>8>X¦, elakbNÐti Martin Evans ¬rUbPaBTI 8>21>x¦,
elakbNÐit Umberto Fracassi ¬rUbPaBTI 11>1>Q¦, elakbNÐit Martin Geertsema ¬rUbPaBTI
11>1>g¦, elakbNÐti Vikram Gupta ¬rUbPaBTI 7>9>X¦, elakbNÐti Christopher Hauser
¬rUbPaBTI 6>14>x¦, elakbNÐit Patrick Hesp ¬rUbPaBTI 9>17>x, 9>19>x, 9>20¦, elakbNÐit
Charles Higgins ¬rUbPaBEpñ kTI 4¦, elakbNÐit Matthias Jakob ¬rUbPaBTI 7>12, 8>38>k,
8>39>k¦, elakbNÐit Allan James ¬rUbPaBTI 3>24>x¦, elakbNÐti David Jarman ¬rUbPaBTI
7>9>q¦, elakbNÐti Richard Kesel ¬rUbPaBTI 3>23>K, 6>5>k, 6>15>X, 7>28>x, 8>21>K,
8>27>x, 8>37>K, 10>36¦, elakRsIbNÐti Carmen Krapf ¬rUbPaBTI 8>5>k, 9>9>k-x, 9>12,
9>19>K, Rkbmux¦, elakbNÐit Nikolaus Kuhn ¬rUbPaBTI 2>22, 7>24>x, 7>26, 7>28>K,
9>10>k¦, elakbNÐit Frans Kwaad ¬rUbPaBTI 6>8, 7>24>K, 7>28>k, 7>28>c¦, elakbNÐit Jeff
Lee ¬rUbPaBTMB½rTI 420¦, elakbNÐit William Locke ¬rUbPaB Epñ kTI 3¦, elakbNÐit Joe Mason
¬rUbPaBTI 9>21>k, 11>9>x¦, elakbNÐti Jeff Munro ¬rUbPaBTI 8>21>k, Rkbmux¦, elakRsIbNÐit
Harriet Orr ¬rUbPaBTI 8>17¦, elakbNÐi t Philip Owens ¬rUbPaBTI 7>28>X, 8>37>X-g¦,
elakbNÐit Keith Richards ¬rUbPaBTI 7>7, 8>27>k, 8>38>x, 8>39>x-K¦, elakbNÐti Randy
Schaetzl ¬rUbPaBTI 3>23>k, 3>23>x, 10>42¦, elakbNÐt
i Mike Slattery ¬rUbPaBTI 7>24>k,
7>27>x, TMB½rTI 420¦, elakRsIbNÐit Nicola Surian ¬rUbPaBTI 7>9>k¦, elakbNÐit Chaim Tsoar
¬rUbPaBTI 9>17>X, 9>19>X¦, elakbNÐti Danny Vaughn ¬rUbPaBTI 8>35¦, elakbNÐit
Stephane Veyrat-Charvillon ¬rUbPaBTI 3>24>k, 7>8>k¦ nig elakRsIbNÐt
i Heather Viles
¬rUbPaBTI 6>14>k, 6>14>K¦.
esckþeI pþmI
karGnuBaØat KwsRmab;EtkarbkERbeTACaPasaExµr nigkareRbIR)as;edaymineFVBI aNiCk¢ mµ enA
kñgú saklviTüal½yPUminÞPeMñ Bj b:eu NÑaH. rUbPaBTaMgenH nwgminGacGnuBaØat[e)aHBum< pliteLIgvij
b¤eFVIkar rkSaTuk)aneLIy.
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
The translation and editing process has been supported financially by Maryknoll and
OMF International (Cambodia), and has involved several Geography lecturers and students at
the Royal University of Phnom Penh:
Mr Bun Serey
: Head of Department of Geography and Land Management
Mr Yam Sarath : Student, 25th generation
Mr Se Bunleng : Student, 25th generation
We express our sincere and grateful thanks for this assistance, which has enabled this
book to be produced, including the educational principles and practical skills development
necessary for the benefit of future students.
In particular, the authors are deeply grateful to Mr Yam Sarath and Mr Se Bunleng
who have helped translate and edit the entire text in this book, and acknowledge Mr Yam
Sarath for designing the cover and re-drawing some of the diagrams.
Further, the authors are grateful to Sister Luise Ahrens (Maryknoll, and Royal
University of Phnom Penh), Mr David Ford (Department of Chemistry, Royal University of
Phnom Penh), Murayama Tetsuya (National Institute of Education) for their support,
encouragement and giving access to other teaching materials in Khmer which helped the
translation of technical words, and lecturers in the Department of Geography and Land
Management. This book could never have been produced without the total support of the
authors’ families, or the advice and support given to Dr Alastair Curry by the Khmer
language teachers at OMF International (Cambodia) and the Institute of Foreign Languages,
Royal University of Phnom Penh.
The authors are grateful to authors, publishers and photographers listed above, for
permission to reproduce copyright figures, tables and photographs. Whilst every effort has
been made to trace the owners of copyright material, in a few cases this has proved
impossible and we take this opportunity to offer our apologies to any copyright holders
whose rights we may have unwittingly infringed. Permission is for non-commercial use in the
Royal University of Phnom Penh and translation into the Khmer language. These figures may
not be reprinted, reproduced or stored.
esckþeI pþmI
karENnacM eM BaHGkñ Gan
1 - matikaesovePA
EpñkTI 1 énesovePAenH ¬CMBUk 1-3¦ pþl;nUvkarENnaMGMBIKMnitsMxan;²mYycMnYn Edl)an
GnuvtþenAkñgú karviPaKsNæandI ehIyKMnitsMxan;epSgeTot KWENnaM[sÁal;nUvcMNucsmrmünana Edl
manenAkñúgCMBUkbnÞab;. EpñkTI 2 ¬CMBUk 4 nig 5¦ KWRtYtBinti ünUv\T§Bi lrbs;deM NIrkarxagkñúgelITRmg;
rbs;eTsPaBsNæan ehIyEpñkTI 3 ¬CMBUk 6-11¦ bgðajGMBIdMeNIrkarépÞdIFM²mYycMnYn nigTRmg;
dIEdlBak;B½n§nwgva. CMBUk 12 enAkñúgEpñkTI 4 naMeyIg[BicarNaeTAelImeFüa)aymYycMnYn Edl
dMeNIrkarPUmsi Næanxagkñúg nigxageRkA manGnþrkmµngw Kña. GñkGan EdlmansavtaxagEpñkKImIviTüa
b¤ FrNIviTüa minRtUvkarGanCMBUkTI 3 TaMgGs;eT edaysarCMBkU enH )anpþln; UvesckþEI NnaMGBM GI atUm Er:
2 - sar³sMxan;énkarGan
‡ Bradshaw M, Weaver R. 1995. Foundations of Physical Geography. W.C. Brown, London.
910 BRA
‡ Briggs D, Smithson P. 1985. Fundamentals of Physical Geography. Routledge, London.
910.02 BRI
‡ Christopherson RW. 2000. Geosystems: an Introduction to Physical Geography. PrenticeHall, New Jersey. 910.CHR
‡ de Blij HJ, Muller PO. 1993. Physical Geography of the Global Environment. Wiley, New
York. 910.02 BLI
Faniran A, Jeje LK. 1983. Humid Tropical Geomorphology: A study of the geomorphological
processes and landforms in warm humid climates. Longman, London.
‡ Feather RM, Snyder SL, Hesser DT. 1995. Merrill Earth Science. Glencoe/McGraw Hill,
New York. 550 TEX
Ganderton P. 2000. Mastering Geography. Macmillan Press, Basingstoke.
Gupta A. (ed.) 2005. The Physical Geography of Southeast Asia. Oxford University Press,
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
‡ Hamblin WK. 1992. The Earth’s Dynamic Systems: A Textbook in Physical Geology.
Macmillan, New York. 550 HAM
‡ Hamblin WK. 1994. Introduction to Physical Geology, 2nd ed. Macmillan, New York. 550
‡ Levin HL. 1987. The Earth through Time, 3rd ed. Saunders College, New York. 551.7 LEV
‡ Montgomery CW. 1997. Fundamentals of Geology, 3rd ed. McGraw Hill, Boston. 551
‡ O´Dwyer PEF. 1999. Landscapes of the World. Gill and Macmillan, Dublin. 910.02 ODW
‡ Plummer CC, McGeary D, Carlson DH. 2005. Physical Geology, 10th ed. McGraw Hill,
Boston. 550 PLU
Reading AJ, Thompson RD, Millington AC. 1995. Humid Tropical Environments. Blackwell,
‡ Skinner BJ, Porter SC, Botkin DB. 1999. The Blue Planet: an Introduction to Earth System
Science. Wiley, New York. 550 SKI
‡ Strahler A, Strahler A. 2003. Introducing Physical Geography, 3rd ed. Wiley, New York.
550 STR
† Summerfield MA. 1991. Global Geomorphology. Longman, Harlow.
‡ Tarbuch EJ, Lutgens FK. 1991. Earth Science, 6th ed. Macmillan, New York. 550 TAR
Thomas MF. 1994. Geomorphology in the Tropics: A Study of Weathering and Denudation in
Low Latitudes. John Wiley, Chichester.
Thomas SG, Goudie A. (eds.) 2000. The Dictionary of Physical Geography, 3rd ed.
Blackwell, Oxford.
Tillery BW. 2005. Physical Science, 6th ed. McGraw Hill, New York.
¬‡ ³ mankñúgbNÑal½y h‘un Esn. † ³ mankñúged)a:tWm:g; PUmiviTüa nigerobcMEdndI. ¦
3 - RbeyaCn_rbs;TMB½rGiunFWENt
Atlas of Rocks, Minerals, and Textures
British Society for Geomorphology
Earth Pages
esckþeI pþmI
Fundamentals of Physical Geography textbook
Geology Shop
Geomorphology from Space
International Association of Geomorphologists
NASA Earth Science Database
Oxford Earth Sciences Image Store
Virtual Geomorphology online textbook
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
Guide to the Reader
Part I of this book (Chapter 1-3) provides an introduction to some of the major
concepts applied in the analysis of landscapes; other important concepts are introduced at
appropriate points in subsequent chapters. Part II, comprising Chapters 4 and 5, examines the
effects of internal processes on the form of the landscape, while Part III (Chapters 6-11) looks
at the wide range of surface processes and their associated landforms. Chapter 12 in Part IV
considers some of the ways in which internal and external geomorphic processes interact.
Readers with a background in chemistry or physical geology may not need to read all of
Chapter 3 as it provides an introduction to atoms, minerals and rocks.
A list of recommended texts available at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is
provided above, together with some useful websites.
esckþeI pþmI
GBM GI kñ nBi n§
elakbNÐit eXIrI GaLaEsÞr ¬Dr Alastair Curry¦ CaGñkPUmisNæanviTüa CnCatiGg;eKøs Edl)anbBa©b;karsikSaEpñk PUmiviTüa enAsaklviTüal½y Oxford naqñaM 1995. kñgú qñaM 1998 elakbNÐit )anbBa©b;
karsikSafñak;bNÐti enAsaklviTüal½y St Andrews RbeTssáútEln.
sBVéf¶enH elakbNÐit KWCaRKUbeRgon]eTÞsénsaklviTüal½y Hertfordshire kñúgRbeTsGg;eKøs. karRsavRCavrbs;Kat; KWTak;TgeTAnwgPUmi sNæanviTüaTenøTwkkk PUmisNæanviTüadIkk nigkarvivtþeTsPaBsNæan BIsm½yhULÚEsn ¬Holocene¦ ehIyKat;)ane)aHBum<
pSay karRsavRCavEdlKat;)anGnuvtþenaHenARbeTs NrEvs sVsúI nigenAraCaNacRkrYm. elakbNÐit
eXIrI )anmkdl;RbeTskm<Cú akñúgqñaM 2004 EdlCasmaCikénGgÁkar {GU eGm eGhV GnþrCati ¬km<Cú a¦}
¬OMF International ¬Cambodia¦¦. cab;taMgBIqñaM 2006 mk elakbNÐit )aneFVCI asa®sþacarü
sµ½Rkcitþ enAsaklviTüal½yPUminÞPñMeBj edayCYybeRgonEpñkPUmsi NæanviTüa enAkñgú ed)a:tmW g: P; mU ivTi üa
nig erobcMEdndI.
elak nYn h‘n ¬Nuon Horn¦ )anbBa©b;karsikSafñak;briBaØabRt
PUmiviTüa enAsaklviTüal½yPUminÞPñMeBj kñúgqñaM 2000 ehIy)aneFVICa
RKUbeRgonenAed)a:tWm:g;PUmiviTüa nigerobcMEdndI énsaklviTüal½yPUmni Þ
PñeM Bj cab;taMgBIqñaM 2001 edaybeRgonnUvmuxviC¢a PUmiviTüarUb EpnTIvTi üa
nigRbB½nB§ t½ m’ anPUmisa®sþ ¬GIS¦. sBVéf¶ Kat;kMBugsikSafñak;briBaØbRt
Can;x<s; EpñkGb;rM enAsaklviTüal½yPUminÞPñMeBj CMnan;TI 2.
kñgú qñasM ikSa 2006-2007 elakTaMgBIr )aneFVkI arrYmKñaedaycgRkgnUvÉksarPUmvi Ti üarUbmYy
sþIGMBI PUmisNæanviTüa. RKb;emeronTaMgGs; KWCamUldæanénesovePAsikSafµIenH.
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
About the Authors
Dr Alastair Curry is a British geomorphologist who completed his BA and MA
degrees in Geography at the University of Oxford in 1995, and gained his PhD from the
University of St Andrews in 1998. Presently, he is a visiting lecturer at the University of
Hertfordshire in England. His research interests include glacial and periglacial
geomorphology, and Holocene landscape evolution, and he has published research from
Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Dr Curry came to Cambodia in 2004, and is a
member of OMF International (Cambodia). Since 2006 he has worked as a volunteer lecturer
at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, helping to teach geomorphology in the Department
of Geography and Land Management.
Mr Nuon Horn completed his BSc degree in Geography at the Royal University of
Phnom Penh in 2000, and has been working as a lecturer in the Department of Geography
and Land Management, Royal University of Phnom Penh since 2001. He teaches physical
geography, cartography and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). At present, he is
studying for a Masters degree in Education at the Royal University of Phnom Penh, 2nd
During 2006-07, Dr Alastair Curry and Mr Nuon Horn started working together to
produce physical geography teaching material about geomorphology. Those lessons formed
the basis for this textbook.
esckþeI pþmI
matki a
esckþEI føgGMNrKuN
EpñkTI 1
GatUm Er: nigsila
EpñkTI 2 dMeNIrkar nigsNæandIépÞxagkñúgénPBEpndI
CMBUk 4 rUbsa®sþ nigtictUnicEpndI
CMBkU 5 sNæandI nigpøaktictUnci EpndI
EpñkTI 3
CMBUk 10
CMBUk 11
dMeNIrkar nigsNæandIépÞxageRkAénPBEpndI
dMeNIrkar nigTRmg;énCRmal
dMeNIrkar nigTRmg;énTenø
dMeNIrkar nigTRmg;énxül;bk;
dMeNIrkar nigTRmg;éneqñr
bERmbRmYlGakasFatu nigPUmisNæanviTüa
EpñkTI 4 Gnþrkmµkgúñ PUmisNæanviTüa
CMBkU TI 12 GnþrkmµrvagPUmsi NæanépÞxagkñúg nigPUmsi NæanépÞxageRkA
]bsm<n½ æ
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa
esckþeI pþmI
Part 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to geomorphology
Chapter 2 Essentials of geomorphology
Chapter 3 Atoms, minerals and rocks
Part 2
Endogenic processes and landforms
Chapter 4 Global morphology and tectonics
Chapter 5 Landforms and plate tectonics
Part 3
Exogenic processes and landforms
Chapter 6 Weathering
Chapter 7 Hillslope processes and forms
Chapter 8 Fluvial processes and forms
Chapter 9 Aeolian processes and forms
Chapter 10 Coastal processes and forms
Chapter 11 Climate change and geomorphology
Part 4
Geomorphological interactions
Chapter 12 Endogenic-exogenic interactions
mUldæanRKwHénPUmsi NæanviTüa

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