Retail Only - Birdair, Inc.
Retail Only - Birdair, Inc.
Retail Facilities Retail Facilities Tensile membrane structures provide virtually unlimited designs of distinctive forms that can be realized because of the XQLTXHˊH[LEOHFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRIPHPEUDQH As a result, an iconic and unique structure is created for any building owner, city or even an entire region. The sheer size of contemporary shopping centers makes these complexes ideal candidates for tensile architecture. The open and brightly lit interior space created by a Pallm Pa Palm lm Beach Bea e ch h Outlets Out utlle lets ts Birdair structure provides unrestricted sight We West estt P Palm alm Be al B Beach, eac ach h, FL h, FL US USA SA lines and access to stores, food courts and other retail facilities. %LUGDLUIDEULFPHPEUDQHURRIVEHQHˉWWKH retail industry by providing ample natural light, minimizing energy costs by lowering the demand for indoor lighting. More importantly, it creates a bright and cheery atmosphere. Lomas Verdes Mall Lomas Verdes AV, Naucalpan Mexico Hermiston Gait Retail Park Edinburgh, Scotland Buckland Hills Mall 0DQFKHVWHU&786$ Crystal River Mall &U\VWDO5LYHU)/86$ Lomas Verdes Mall /RPDV9HUGHV$91DXFDOSDQ0H[LFR Fuctional Benefits of Membrane • Excellent Durability and Long Lasting • Outstanding Light Transmittance • Lightweight Structural Requirements • Low Maintenance • Signature Design Aesthetics •&RVW(IˉFLHQW • Code Compliant Birdair offers a selection of architectural IDEULFPHPEUDQHVLQFOXGLQJ37)(ˉEHUJODVV(7)(ˉOP39&DQG7HQVRWKHUPɎ an insulated and translucent tensioned membrane system. Sher Sh Sherway e wa er w y Gardens Gard Ga rd den e s Mall M ll Ma l 7RUR 7R 7RURQWR21&DQDGD URQW UR QWWR R 21 &DDQDDGD GD Pase Pa Paseo seeo Ac A Acoxpa oxxpa Mexi Me Mexico xico c C City, itty, y, D.F., D.F F.,, Mexico Mex e ic ico Galerías Cuernavaca Cuernavaca, Morelas, Mexico Intermall Laguna Torreon, Coahuila Mexico Palm Pallm Pa lm Beach Bea e ch Outlets Out utl tle lets West We estt Palm Pal alm Beach, Be eac a h, h FL FL USA US SA HEB Mercado San Antonio, TX USA Quee Qu Queen een ee n Ka K Ka’ahumanu ’ahu ’a h ma anu u Ce Center ent nter ter er Kahu Kahu Ka Kahului, hulu luii,i, H lu HII US USA SA Shenzhen Huangtin Int’l Shopping Mall Pllaz Plaza aza Las aza Las Am A Americas e ic er icas as Shenzhen, China M re Mo Morelia, reli l a, a, M Michoacan, icho ic hoac ho a an ac an, Me M Mexico exi xico co The Domain Austin Mall Austin, TX USA Who is Birdair? Birdair is the leading specialty contractor for custom tensile membrane structures throughout the world. With more than 55 years of experience, Birdair has worked with owners, architects, engineers and contractors to design and build custom tensile structures used to FUHDWHLQQRYDWLYHURRˉQJV\VWHPVFDQRSLHV and skylights. As a turn-key specialty Plaza Las Americas Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico contractor, Birdair provides pre-construction assistance; including design assistance, budgeting, construction methodologies and project schedule development. Our in-house capabilities consist of design, engineering, fabrication, installation and maintenance. Working closely with architects and their clients, Birdair assists in delivering award-winning solutions by taking an idea and building an icon. Outlet Outtlllet Ou Outl et Collection et Coolllect lleeccttio ion at at Niagara Nia ag ga ara a Niagara-on-the-Lake, Niiag N agar araa--on-t n-tth he e-L -Laakke e,, ON ON Canada Can anad nad da Birdair, Inc. 65 Lawrence Bell Drive Suite 100 Amherst, NY 14221 Toll-Free 1.800.622.2246 Ph 1.716.633.9500 ©2015 Birdair, Inc. A Member of The Taiyo Kogyo Group. All Rights Reserved.
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