April - Golden Gate Chapter


April - Golden Gate Chapter
April 2010
This issue:
Canepa Tour
Dyno Tech Session
Is A Car-Control Clinic For You?
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April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Volume 39, No. 3 April, 2010
Chapter Email List:
The Golden Gate Chapter has created an email
list from the National BMW CCA database to send
out event announcements that don’t make it into
print.We promise to respect your time and limit the
frequency of these messages to one or two a month.
This email list is sent to all Golden Gate chapter
members who choose to provide an email address
to the BMW CCA when they joined or renewed
their membership. You have the option to add or
remove your address from this list at any time. To
add your email address visit http://lists.ggcbmwcca.
org/mailman/listinfo/announce and follow the directions. To remove your address go to http://lists.
ggcbmwcca.org/mailman/options/announce, enter
your email address and click on the unsubscribe
button. There is no password.
Classified Advertising Submissions:
Our online Classified Ads are free to all current BMW CCA members. To submit an ad,
please visit Golden Gate chapter’s website:
www.ggcbmwcca.org. This magazine no longer
accepts classified ads for print.
The Of f icial Maga zine of the Golden Gate Chapter, BMW CCA
Is A Car-Control Clinic For You?
By Richard McDonald, photos by Christina Breton
and Donovan R. Unks
Dyno Tech Session
By Aleksey Kadukin
Canepa Designs Tour
By Matt Visser, photos by Trisa Visser
Die Flüsternde Bombe is produced monthly (except
for combined issues Nov/Dec and Jan/Feb). Article/
photo submission deadline is the first day of each
month prior to publication. Submissions go to the
Assignments Editor at: AE@ggcbmwcca.org.
Creative contact: mary@CreativeJuicesDesign.net 408-354-3977
Commercial Advertising:
Club Auto Sport Contact : Mike Cesario (408) 521-7123
Borelli Motor Sports gets car storage.
“I can ask Borelli Motor Sports’ on-site mechanic, Scott
Riechers to pull out the car and give him a list of things
to be prepped, and I know the car will be ready and
waiting when I arrive. This way, I get to the track
on-time and fresh, rather than exhausted from
all the running around before a race.”
Mark Magee
Owner, 1995 BMW M3 Lightweight
Premier-class vehicle storage and services at Club Auto Sport
For more information on your service and storage options
contact Scott Reichers at Borelli Motorsports
521 Charcot Avenue, Suite 211, San Jose, CA 95131.
408-453-4700 • www.borellimotorsports.com • www.clubautosport.net
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
This publication is read monthly by over 5,000
BMW enthusiasts in Northern California. Deadline
for new ad artwork is the fifth day of each month
prior to publication. Please submit artwork to the
Advertising Manager.
Commercial advertisers are responsible for supplying their own ad copy. All commercial advertising
must be paid in advance. Contact the Advertising
Manager for further details: Advertising@ggcbmwcca.org. Please note, this publication is sent Bulk
Rate USPS.
For Web or Email-blast advertising rates, please
contact the Advertising Manager.
Commit to: 1 issue 2-3 issues 4-7 issues 8-10 issues
Inside black and white ads:
Full page
1/2 page
1/4 page
Bus. card
$ 88
$ 84
$ 79
$ 70
Inside color ads:
Full page
1/2 page
Specified Placement fee: 25% of ad cost/mo.
Inside front/back cover (color):
Full page
Back Cover:
Across The Board
Calendar Of Events
News From National
Rumble strip
New Members
CCA Discounts
Factory Authorized BMW Dealers
Chapter Information
Your input is encouraged!
Magazine submissions deadline is the first of each month
prior to publication.
Die Flüsternde Bombe: “The Whispering Bomb”
July 2,1969-2010 Golden Gate Chapter
Celebrating 41 years of BMW enthusiasm in the
Golden Gate region.
w w w.g g c B M wcc a .o rg
April 2010
On the cover
The Canepa Design facility offered our members a
rare opportunity to view
some of the most exotic
cars in the world.
Photo: Trisa Visser
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Saturday - May 1, 2010
10am – 12noon
Hosted by
Berkeley Motor Works
736 San Pablo Ave, Albany 94706
Women’s Workshop
Topics Include:
• Understanding Basics
• Easy Do It Yourself
tips and tricks
• How to get the most out
of your air cond this summer
• Checking your fluid levels
• Recognize & understand
warning systems
• Tire pressures, flat tires and tire
pressure monitoring systems
Come along for a morning of “Nibbles and Sips” and inspect
your car from the bottom up! Gloves and refreshments provided.
RSVP to Paula Williamson at northarearep@ggcbmwcca.org by
Wednesday April 28, 2010. If you would like your car to be one of our
demo vehicles, please indicate with your RSVP.
ime is passing fast; can you believe it’s
springtime already? The fresh crop of
board members—including me, the new
GGC secretary—are preparing for the intricate
challenges of keeping a large chapter like ours
relevant and worthwhile to our members. I’ve
accomplished one of our goals by now if you’re
reading this article—we grabbed your attention
for a few moments! How can we keep your attention? What can we do to improve your experience?
We have a lot of active participants in various
chapter events, but they are like a group of islands in
a sea of silent members—those we never see and never
hear from. How small the island and how big the sea?
Imagine our chapter of over 4,700 members and associates as the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Ocean.
About a millennium-and-a-half ago, Polynesians
paddled the thousands of miles of open water in
their dual-hulled canoes (smaller than a twin-turbo
535i) to settle in the Hawaiian paradise. You can find
paradise, too! Car-control clinics and Street Survival
schools are like the island of
Oahu: an entry point to the
Club for many of us with a
driving desire. Social events
are like Maui—a relaxed, fun,
and family-oriented place.
Tech sessions could be Kauai:
a mysterious place and nirvana of knowledge. Love the tropical breezes? Our
Facebook and Twitter pages give you that easy-going
virtual experience. High-performance-driving schools
and the Club-Racing-school program are like the Big
Island: the biggest, the tallest, and most challenging,
but most rewarding place for brave adventurers… a
once-in-a-lifetime experience.
By Aleksey Kadukin, Secretary
You can think of our driving schools as the next
logical step beyond those realistic Need-For-Speedtype video driving games. Each of those video driving
games provides a unique experience, and they also
share one glaring similarity: the front screen’s message, “Do not try this on the street; find a local track if
you want to race!” Most young drivers are interested
in trying out their acquired virtual skills in real life.
Make the trip to Oahu or
the Big Island; our drivingschool program is ready to
provide that help in a safe
and controlled environment.
How can we keep your attention? What can we do to
improve your experience?
We are always open to
new ideas and warmly welcome our members’ input,
so please share your thoughts with us. You can find
our contact information on page 26 or online at www.
ggcbmwcca.org under Contacts.
Paddle on over—help us discover ways to open up
new possibilities to make this Club experience your
experience, too. Aloha and mahalo!
All it takes to enjoy any of these islands is for you
take your foot off the brake. The entire board and all
of our great volunteers are working hard to make
your Club membership as rewarding for you as possible. Check the calendar and you’ll see what I mean;
you’ll find a lot of new events—maybe even some
you’ve never heard of: test-and-tune days, which are
conveniently located at the Great America’s parking
lot that holds the following day’s autocross; the Historic Motorsports Festival at Sonoma; a ladies-only
tech session. These are great examples of innovations
we’re trying this year. Even our exceptional driving
program evolves constantly; don’t miss our second
high-performance driving school of the year at Laguna Seca in May!
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Apr 1
north Bay Meet & greet
gg Chpt
Paula Williamson
Apr 3
gg Chpt
Apr 8
Board Meeting
gg Chpt
Apr 18
M Power flower tour
gg Chpt
Apr 24
Marin & Mt. tam tour
Marina Municipal Airport, Marina Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Original Nick’s Pizza & Pub, San Mateo
Tammi Hull
San Luis Obispo
Dennis Harrold
Marin County
Mark Feinberg
x MAy
May 1
Ladies-Only technical Session
gg Chpt
Berkeley Motor Works, Albany
Paula Williamson
May 1
Autocross School Phase 1: SOLd OUt! gg Chpt
Great America, Santa Clara
May 2
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Autocross School Phase 2
Great America, Santa Clara
gg Chpt
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
May 8
Board Meeting
May 8
Pinnacles tour
gg Chpt
May 15
Autocross test & tune day
gg Chpt
May 16
gg Chpt
May 22
Gau Poang, San Mateo
gg Chpt
Tammi Hull
Pinnacles National Monument, Paicines Michael Do Couto
Great America, Santa Clara
Great America, Santa Clara
The Rose Bowl, Pasadena
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Connect With Us
GGC Website
& Calendar
GGC-Monthly www.ggcbmwcca.org/?page=subscribe
e-Blast Mailing
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
May 23
May 26
Car Control Clinic: CAnCELLEd
Laguna Seca driving School
gg Chpt
gg Chpt
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Salinas Kelly Collins & Mark Dadgar
x JUnE
Jun 4
Sonoma historic Motorsports festival gg Chpt
Infineon Raceway, Sonoma
Jeff Cowan
Jun 10
Board Meeting
gg Chpt
Jun 12
Route 33 to Ojai
Jun 19
Jun 26
Autocross School Phase 1
gg Chpt
Jun 27
Autocross School Phase 2
gg Chpt
Original Nick’s Pizza & Pub, San Mateo
Tammi Hull
gg Chpt
Dennis Harrold
gg Chpt
Marina Municipal Airport, Marina Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Great America, Santa Clara
Great America, Santa Clara
x JULy
Jul 10
Board Meeting
Gau Poang, San Mateo
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
gg Chpt
Tammi Hull
Jul 17
Car Control Clinic
gg Chpt
Jul 18
gg Chpt
Jul 25
hearst Castle tour
Marina Municipal Airport, Marina
CCC Team
Marina Municipal Airport, Marina Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Hearst Castle, San Simeon
gg Chpt
Dennis Harrold
x AUgUSt
Aug 7
teen driving School: new date!
gg Chpt
Aug 12
gg Chpt
Candlestick Park, San Francisco
CCC Team
Board Meeting
Original Nick’s Pizza & Pub, San Mateo
Tammi Hull
Aug 13-15 BMW festorics*
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Salinas
gg Chpt
Team Festorics
Aug 21
Autocross test & tune day
gg Chpt
Aug 22
gg Chpt
Great America, Santa Clara
Great America, Santa Clara
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist
Aug 23-29 BMW CCA Oktoberfest *
Elkhart Lake, WI
Linda Axelson
* Regional or National CCA events
To add an event to the calendar, email your information to:
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
North Bay Meet & Greet
April 1, 7:00 p.m.
Cattlemen’s Steak House, 5012 Petaluma Blvd. N., Petaluma
Paula Willamson, northarearep@ggcbmwcca.org
No foolin’, we’re getting together in Petaluma with our
North Bay members for a meet-and-greet at Cattlemen’s in
Petaluma. Come along and meet your local fellow BMW
enthusiasts! There is ample well-lit parking for all of us.
If there are enough members who show up, Cattlemen’s is
offering a variety of menu items (see GGC online calendar for
details) for the great price of $16.99 (plus tax and tip) per person.
Please RSVP to North Bay Area Rep Paula Williamson
by Wednesday, March 24.
#1 April 3 (Marina)
Marina Municipal Airport, Marina
Great America, Santa Clara
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist, autocross@ggcbmwcca.org
Join us at Marina Municipal Airport for our first autocross of the 2010 season!
Autocross is an inexpensive, safe way to experience the
dynamics of your car. It develops your driving ability and
helps you discover your car’s capabilities and limitations—
making you a better, safer driver on the road. It’s a “personal
best” sport; the greatest thrill of autocross is the challenge of
beating your own time. It’s fun! Want to read more? Check
out the Autocross Primer on the Chapter website.
Registration is online only. Event cost is $45 (a bag lunch is
optional for an extra $5). Our lunch break is only 45 minutes
long—you must return on time! The drivers’ meeting begins at
9:00 a.m.—if you miss it, you will not be allowed to participate
in the event. Register online at MotorsportReg.com.
Upcoming autocrosses: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
#6 September 18 (Marina)
#2 May 16 (Great America)
#7 October 17 (Marina)
#3 June 19 (Marina)
#8 November 6 (TDS, Marina)
#4 July 18 (Marina)
#5 August 22 (Great America)
Board MeetiNG
April 8, 7:00 p.m. at Original Nick’s Pizzeria & Pub, San Mateo
Tammi Hull, president@ggcbmwcca.org
Board meetings are open to all members and are a great
way to get involved with your chapter!
Upcoming board meetings:
May 8, 1:00 p.m. at Gau Poang Chinese Restaurant, San Mateo
M-Power Flower tour
April 17, 9:00 a.m.
Scotty’s, 750 Price St., Pismo Beach
Dennis Harrold, sloarearep@ggcbmwcca.org
We’re out to enjoy the spring flowers and some great
driving roads in the beautiful northern area of San Luis
Obispo County with our friends from the Porsche Club.
Meet us at Scotty’s in Pismo Beach for breakfast at 9:00 a.m.,
then we’ll head north on 101 to Santa Margarita, Highway
58, and Shell Creek Road.
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
If the breakfast doesn’t suit your schedule, meet us at the
car park just off 101 at the Santa Margarita exit at 10:30 a.m.
MariN & Mt. taM tour
April 24, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Starbucks, Strawberry Village,
800 Redwood Hwy Frontage Rd., Mill Valley
Mark Feinberg, northarearep@ggcbmwcca.org
This 120-mile tour promises great scenery, ranging from
stunning coast views to lofty views of the surrounding
countryside from Mt. Tamalpais.
We’ll meet at 9:00 a.m., with drivers’ meeting at 9:15, and
we’ll depart at 9:30. The route will take us out the ocean drive
of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area for dramatic views
of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, and the Pacific Ocean.
After we pass through Muir Woods, we’ll go to Stinson
Beach for lunch. There are several locations for the 45-minute
lunch; a nearby grocery store features sandwiches, salads,
cheese, crackers, etc., or you may want to have brunch at
the Sand Dollar restaurant. After lunch, we’ll get back on
the road and wend our way through very scenic and twisty
roads to Fairfax, then through Samuel P. Taylor State Park to
Olema, on Sir Francis Drake Boulevard.
When we arrive at Point Reyes on Highway 1, we can
plan to have a photo opportunity before working our way
south again. Depending on group participation, we can take
in an optional 45-minute hike around the east peak of Mt.
Tamalpais for some amazing views (parking is $8). Including
the hike, the tour will conclude at about 3:30 p.m. on Smith
Ranch Road in San Rafael.
ladies-oNly tech sessioN
May 1, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Berkeley Motor Works, 736 San Pablo Ave, Albany
Paula Willamson, northarearep@ggcbmwcca.org
Hey, gals, here’s one just for us, a ladies-only workshop:
What women need to know about their cars—a hands-andeyes-on approach. Let’s meet at Berkeley Motor Works in
Albany and learn some pertinent things about our cars!
Gloves and refreshments will be provided. While we
nibble and sip on some goodies, we’ll inspect our cars from
the bottom up!
Topics will include understanding basics, checking your
fluid levels, easy do-it-yourself tips and tricks, recognize
and understand warning systems, how to get the most out
of your air-conditioner this summer, and tire pressures, flat
tires, and tire-pressure monitoring systems
RSVP to North Bay area rep Paula Williamson by
Wednesday April 28, please. If you would like your car to be
one of the vehicles used during the demonstrations, please
indicate with your RSVP.
Performance Driving School. Phase 1 will be on Saturday
and Phase 2 will be on Sunday. You must have completed
Phase 1 before you can take Phase 2, so for most drivers the
option will be to sign up for either the first day or both days.
We will be using the auxiliary parking lot; please enter
through the gate on Centennial Blvd., south of Tasman Drive.
Registration is open on the Evo School website (www.
evoschool.com). Note: sign-up for these schools will be
restricted to just members of BMW CCA and GGLC. The
price is $275 for a single day or $500 for both days.
Upcoming schools:
Phase 1: June 26
Phase 2: June 27
PiNNacles tour
May 8, 7:00 a.m. – All day
Starbucks, 624 Blossom Hill Rd, Los Gatos
Michael Do Couto, montereyarearep@ggcbmw.cca.org
Are you ready for big day of driving, hiking, and eating?
Join us for a scenic (and fun–twisty!) drive south to Pinnacles National Monument, where we’ll have a two-hour
hike (including the caves), followed by a potluck picnic.
Depending on the return route you choose, the driving
part of the tour is between 250 and 300 miles.
This tour heads south from Los Gatos to Pinnacles National Monument via Hollister and Highway 25. Our early
start will leave plenty of time for the hike. After our potluck
picnic, there are different options for your return. The intrepid
can follow a route back via King City and the Monterey Peninsula. Others can simply reverse the morning’s route back.
We ask participants (by car) to bring their favorite picnic
items to the potluck for all to share. Food items are assigned
so that we don’t all bring dessert! Check the event listing
online to choose a category of food you’d like to bring, then
sign up by sending an email (include how many people will
be in your car) to Michael Do Couto at MontereyAreaRep@
Once you’ve signed up for the drive, head on over to
http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/ggc-tours/ where you
can chat with fellow “tourists” or get the latest news about
the tour. Route map is posted at GGC’s online calendar page.
autocross test & tuNe days
#1 May 15, #2 August 21
Great America, Santa Clara
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist, autocross@ggcbmwcca.org
Use this event to test and tune your car, then participate
in the next day’s autocross. More details coming soon.
We will be using the auxiliary parking lot; please enter
through the gate on Centennial Blvd., south of Tasman Drive.
autocross schools - Phase 1 & 2
street survival teeN driviNG
school: PostPoNed
Phase 1: May 1 (Sold out)
Phase 2: May 2
Great America, Santa Clara
Matt Visser & Kris Linquist, autocross@ggcbmwcca.org
GGC, together with the Golden Gate Lotus Club, will
host a two-day autocross school conducted by Evolution
August 7 (NEW DATE!)
CCC Team, carcontrol@ggcbmwcca.org
Due to a scheduling conflict with Candlestick Park, our
school date has been postponed to August 7.
car-coNtrol cliNics
#3 CANCELLED: May 23
We will post an alternate date and related information as soon as
it becomes available.
CCC Team, carcontrol@ggcbmwcca.org
Join us at Candlestick Park for our car-control clinic, a
day-long event that consists of three low-speed exercises:
skid pad, slalom course, and braking-and-accident-avoidance simulation. These exercises will better prepare you
for situations on the track, as well as in everyday driving.
You will learn the basics of performance-car control by
participating in slalom, skid pad, and emergency-avoidance
exercises with instruction. This clinic is a pre-requisite for
all first-timers planning to attend our Laguna Seca driving
school on May 26.
Event cost is $110 for BMW CCA members and $148 for
non-members (price includes a one-year BMW CCA membership). Lunch is included. If you plan to attend, please
read our event overview. No helmets required.
Look for these upcoming clinics:
#4 July 17 (Marina)
#5 October 16 (Marina)
BMw cca corral at
MoNterey alMs races
May 22
Mazda Laguna Seca Raceway, Monterey
Jeff Cowan, tekygeek@sbcglobal.net
This year BMW North America celebrates the 35th anniversary of its incorporation—as well as its first major sportscar racing victory, the 1975 12 Hours of Sebring. Come and
help celebrate by rooting BMW on to victory at the ALMS
race at Laguna Seca in May—not October, as in past years.
With the high-tech, high-speed Le Mans prototypes and
GT machines of the American Le Mans Series staging a
Saturday afternoon-into-evening six-hour race, our BMW
CCA corral will be the place to watch all the action!
BMW NA has generously agreed to sponsor our joint
Golden Gate and Sacramento Valley chapter BMW corral
and hospitality area. This Turn Five hospitality area will
provide a fantastic vantage point to cheer on the BMWRahal Letterman team.
2010 sees the return of the team’s celebrated inauguralseason pilots, with Bill Auberlen and Tommy Milner sharing the #92 M3, and Joey Hand with Dirk Müller co-driving
the #90 M3. You can be sure that our own Pat de Witt will
once again lead the way in marching our members down
to meet the BMW team in the pits to have the same fun as
last year!
We’re also pleased to announce that Big O Tires is once
again helping as an additional sponsor.
Registration is required. You can do that online via the
calendar-listing link at www.ggcbmwcca.org. Corral tickets
are $15 per car, the required Saturday race tickets are $40
per person—these prices include the credit-card and trackprocessing fees. Registration ends May 14!
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
BiMMerFest 2010
May 22
The Rose Bowl, Pasadena
Bimmerfest, events@bimmerfest.com
Register at www.bimmerfest.com
The annual Bimmerfest gathering has relocated to the Rose
Bowl in Pasadena! In 2009, Bimmerfest blew by all expectations
and attracted approximately 2,000 BMWs! This year you’ll once
again be exposed to the latest and greatest products from BMW
and various aftermarket tuners, as well as exceptional presentations from leading tuners in the BMW industry.
laGuNa seca driviNG school
May 26, 7:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Salinas
Mark Dadgar & Kelly Collins, trackschools@ggcbmwcca.org
Join us for a one-day event at this world-famous track.
Registration is filling up fast, so don’t delay!
Your vehicle must undergo a technical inspection by a
qualified mechanic within 30 days of the event. The tech
inspection may be performed by any professional auto repair
shop with which you are comfortable. Student self-tech is not
allowed. The GGC BMW CCA Tech Form is required; other
tech forms (example: dealers) will not be accepted. Bring
your completed, stamped, and signed Tech Inspection Form
with you to registration. Watch the website for more details.
BiMMers, MotorsPorts, aNd wiNe
June 4-6
Infineon Raceway, Sonoma
Jeff Cowan & Sven Schindler, BMW@ggcbmwcca.org
Join the Golden Gate Chapter at the Sonoma Historic Motorsports Festival for our Bimmers, Motorsports, and Wine
event, June 4–6. On Saturday and Sunday, park your car on
the clean surface above Turn Three in the exclusive BMW
CCA corral overlooking the race track, and take in the view
as more than 250 historic cars whiz by during the weekend.
Our informal and relaxed atmosphere gives you several
seating possibilities: by your parked car, in our exclusive tent, or
on the available terrace seating. The event includes an exclusive
parade lap around this world-famous track for our BMW CCA
members on Saturday afternoon. Members and race fans alike
have access to the Wine Country Pavilion, which has some of
the best food and wine Sonoma and Napa has to offer.
We’re also planning a winery tour on Friday. Stay posted
for tour info and corral registration details.
production. Over its thirteen-mile length, the North Loop of
the Nürburgring includes nearly every type of turn known
to man, more than 170 in total! This International BMW
Driving School at the Nürburgring is not an official BMW
CCA event, but has been conducted by a German BMW Club
annually since 1964.
The BMW CCA participant’s package for the school includes
all arrangements with the school organizers, a commemorative shirt and nametag, special activities before the school, and
lodging reservations—all intended to make it easier for you
to participate. Our website (www.BMWCCAringschool.com)
provides lots of valuable information for BMW CCA members
looking to experience the ultimate race track as you’ve never
seen it before. Registration at Motorsportreg.com
Performance Without Sacrifice
BMW automobiles have been our passion
for 30 years—from the latest M cars to the
classics, we know BMWs inside and out!
And while Dinan is widely recognized
as America’s premier BMW tuner, we
are equally committed to providing
every BMW driver with the highest level
of repair and service—and all work is
backed by a 24-month warranty.
BMw Festorics
August 13-15
Linda Axelson, info@festorics.org, www.festorics.org
Come on out to see beautiful vintage cars, watch amazing
classics race, and be in the middle of the biggest historic-car
celebration west of England’s Goodwood Festival of Speed.
This can only be the BMW Festorics at the Rolex Monterey
Motorsports Reunion (formerly known as Monterey Historic
Automobile Races)!
We look forward to seeing you and your BMW (or Mini)
in Monterey!
Dinan High-Performance Parts Sale: 20%
off retail! Visit www.DinanCars.com for full details.
Offer expires 04/30/2010
Free Oil Service for new-customer cars
outside of the factory warranty! Use the code GGC53110.
Offer expires 05/31/10
Campbell: 408.866.0606
Morgan Hill: 408.779.8584
Mountain View: 650.962.9401
To learn more about our services, visit www.DinanService.com.
hearst castle tour
July 25
Dennis Harrold, sloarearep@ggcbmwcca.org
Save the date! We’ll post details as they become available.
NürBurGriNG school
August 1-4, 2010
Nürburg, Germany
George Phemister, ringschool@magma.ca, 613-746-0027 (EST)
Experience the hallowed grounds where the world’s
best cars—including every BMW model—are perfected for
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Put your Money Where your foot Is!
GGc’s car-control clinics provide a fun and
educational venue to really drive your BMw.
Martin Umeh points out
some techniques for the
skid-pad excercise.
unexpected make you
brake or avoid a surprise. Do two turns
poorly in a slalom and
you hit a cone; in real life, if you do two turns poorly, the
third may buy you a wheelchair.
By dick Mcdonald
Photos by Christina Breton
and donovan R. Unks
David Crum explains the slalom.
ow many times have you seen people
throw money in the wrong direction? We
all know the guy who wants the latestand-greatest gadgets, bells, and whistles on that brandnew BMW: “Well, sir—or ma’am, if you prefer—you’ve
really tricked this baby out,” says the eager salesman.
“I mean, I’ve sold a lot of Bimmers, but this is the first
one with nuclear-powered neon-lighted roundel-logo
valve-stem covers!”
“Thanks, Mr. Salesman! It’ll be the Ultimate Ultimate!”
“But sir, you forgot one thing: the Ultimate Driver option. For $110, you can take a car-control clinic, and have
the BMW Club’s hard-working instructors help to make
you a better driver—and eventually the Ultimate Driver.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Salesman, I can’t afford another $110.”
“You could drop the nuclear-powered neon-lighted
roundel-logo valve-stem covers and save $3,000.”
Long silence. “Nope, I’ll stick with the valve-stem covers.”
The Golden Gate Chapter has a large volunteer corp of car-controlclinic instructors to help you have fun learning to be a better driver.
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
Bad decision—because the Golden
Gate Chapter has a very active drivertraining program. It’s offered to members at reasonable prices because the
instructors are volunteers, typically experienced high-performance drivers—
including racing drivers—who want to
share their love of driving with others.
The first step in learning to drive
well is the car-control clinic. Even if
you’ve driven for twenty years, this
one-day program will do more to make
you a competent driver than most of that
twenty-year experience! And it’s immediately relevant to
your everyday driving!
Let’s say you find you’re often on the brakes because
you don’t anticipate someone ahead of you slowing down
or you’re on the freeway and suddenly a bucket falls off a
truck ahead of you. Well, the slalom exercise will help you
with that. We all understand the slalom: a set of cones that
requires you to turn rapidly from left to right, back and
forth. But the real secret is not how you turn, it’s where you
look; if you stare at the cone in front of you, you will be
poorly positioned for the next one. You must look beyond,
to at least the next
cone, and continue
Drive through the cones with your
driving through
eyes up, looking ahead.
t h e c o n e s w it h
your eyes up, looking ahead. After
a slalom exercise,
you’ll find yourself
looking far ahead
on the road, and
seldom have the
Or maybe you’re driving home from a little winter
camping in Tahoe and you hit that endless downhill turn
before Highway 50—and it suddenly tightens on you.
Brake? Accelerate? What do you do? This is what the skidpad exercise is all about. The skidpad is not about the skid,
but about how weight transfer affects turning; it gives you
the real, practical feel
of weight transfer,
CCC organizer Bob Goebel shows how the
physics of weight transfer works.
and teaches you how
to use it to your advantage. You hear a
lot of talk about the
“balance” of the car,
and how it relates to
acceleration, braking,
and turning. A car
turns not just because
the wheels are turned,
but becaus e t here
is weight on those
wheels; you make the car turn tighter by putting more
weight on the front wheels. You want to come off the gas,
transfer weight to the front, and tighten your turn—before
that 5,000-foot cliff.
Now let’s put you on I-80 coming through the fog past
Dixon. Suddenly, the lights of a stopped big-rig poke out
of the fog. You have a tenth of a second to decide what
to do—and you’re already ten feet closer to becoming a
statistic. This is when you’ll be grateful for the time you
spent in the braking exercise! First, you have
to learn to brake in a straight line—and
I mean brake! Let that pedal know
who’s boss, and use that anti-lock
system you paid a thousand
dollars for! Feel the pedal
pulse as the ABS engages
and keeps your wheels
from locking up, providing
the maximum stopping
power. Now you’re ready
to deal with that truck—
although in the exercise,
it is represented by a set
of harmless cones.
This is the substance of a car-control clinic. It’s not
about showing off or doing better than the other guy, it’s
just a first step—a giant step—in the process of becoming
a more conscious, in-control driver. You will be one of the
5% or so people on the road who
know anything about automotive
Bob Goebel teaches the proper
apex approach for cornering.
After your car-control clinic,
you may move on to other Club
driving events, such as autocross
or a high-performance driving
school, or maybe even to Club
Racing. Your Club is here to help
you enjoy the Ultimate Driving
Machine, to meet other enthusiasts, and to become a better driver.
And you start it all with the
car-control clinic.
Could This Be You?
The braking exercise saved my life, as well as the lives of my
wife and my two young children… not to mention a number of
people in the other vehicle. While we were driving past Shingletown—between Lassen Park and Redding—at 55 mph, I noticed
a slow-moving car coming toward us. What caught my attention
was the faster-moving van behind them, closing in rapidly. I thought
the van was going to rear-end the slow car, but instead, it swung
into my lane. I was a second away from a head-on collision that
probably would have killed everyone in both cars. The learned
response from the CCC braking exercise made me instinctively
turn the wheel a quarter-turn to the right, hold for a half-second,
and turn it back… as the van passed harmlessly. My wife looked
up and asked, “What happened?”
~Dick McDonald
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Jon H. Lazares, CEO of
Performance Art, shows his support
our Club by hosting these great
tech sessions for us..
ave you ever stood near a heavy helicopter readying for takeoff? There’s
an unbelievable mixture of heat, vibration, and power coming from the machine. The
power streams through your entire body—you
feel it with every sensory receptor. I had a very
similar experience last September—when I was
standing next to E93 M3 V8 convertible.
The mighty M3 was revving at its maximum
of over 8,000 rpm on a dyno during our technical
session at Performance Art in Gilroy. This technical
session was truly a two-in-one package, with dyno
testing and valuable insight to tuning and suspension work. The dyno test was the key event, and
generated an impressive list of RSVPs from our members.
Rare is the opportunity where you can test your car’s horsepower and torque, and also have a chance to learn how to
keep all those horses attached to the ground.
The day started with a first-rate surprise—these little
“extras” have become a cool tradition of Performance
Art tech sessions. As an added bonus for the participants,
George Allen from Peter Pan BMW had brought a brandnew X5 M for demo rides. Everybody got an opportunity
to try this true competitor to the Porsche Cayenne Turbo.
The X5 impressed us with catapult-like acceleration and
relatively minimal body roll in sharp turns. Personally, I’ve
never been a fan of street vehicles that stand so far above
the ground, but I’ve always appreciated the amazing engineering solutions embedded in the products from BMW’s
M division. My theory is that these SAVs are a sample of
the technology we might see in the upcoming M5!
Dyno Tested:
A Most
Evil Event
Then the real fun began: It was time to start revving
up the dynamometer with member cars. For this testing,
Performance Art uses a portable dynamometer from Dyno
Dynamics. The equipment can be moved and installed in
under half an hour. This setup includes a huge fan serving as an airflow source to aid engine cooling, which in
turn creates more accurate measurements. The ambient
temperature is important, too; excessive heat can impact
the results significantly.
Performance Art gives
members an opportunity
to light up some torque.
By Aleksey Kadukin
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
Kevin Patten from Performance
Art began the event with a
brief chat while we noshed on
glucose-enhancing pasteries.
We thank George Allen from Peter
Pan BMW for enticing everyone
with demo rides in the X5 M.
George Day gets a grin from his
E46 330i ZHP’s results.
Percy Chow says, “Thanks!” to
Evan Matthews, who brought dyno
equipment and operated the dyno
runs with the help of his team
from Ed’s Speed Shop in Gilroy.
Here we see a comparison of the twin-turbo 335i of Rick Jennings and the normally aspirated E36 M3 LTW of Bill Broeder. The normally aspirated engines posted
similar first- and second-run graphs, the 335i seems to have gone into limp-home
mode for its second run (it probably needed more air than portable air fan could
provide), explaining the varied runs. This 335i has the Dinan engine software, and
is otherwise stock. The LTW has the ‘96-and-later S52 3.2 liter engine, original
exhaust, 3.5 HFM, Euro airbox, 21.5 injectors from a ‘99 M3, K&N filter and the
TMS chip to match the bolt-ons. It was also running 100-octane gas.
Every car went through a two-run process. The first run
was used for the dyno’s computer calibrations; the second run
was an official one. During the test, the horsepower and torque
curves were displayed on the monitor; later, these were printed
and distributed to the owners. Analyzing the curves, you could
see a difference between naturally-aspirated and twin-turbo
BMW engines. Good examples of naturally-aspirated engines
had an almost flat torque curve on a wide range; the twin-turbo
engines, on the other hand, produced a lot of torque at
surprisingly low revs.
It’s important to remember that dyno numbers are measured at the drive wheels, and they are about 15% lower
than the car’s original specs due to parasitic losses in the
transmission. All-wheel-drive cars have higher parasitic
loss, usually, and must be tested on an all-wheel-drive
The event atmosphere reminded me of an Olympiclevel competition. Everybody wanted their car to show
the best result on the podium. Each time a higher-thanexpected number showed up, the crowd applauded the
joyful owner. We had an interesting variety of cars, including a Mini Cooper S, several modified E36 M3s, and
the fabulous sense-invigorating E93 M3 equipped with
Fabspeed exhaust system. This car posted 370 horsepower
at the rear wheels! (Feel free to check out the video at
www.youtube.com/user/GGCBMWCCATech. Unfortunately, you won’t get to feel all the power coming from
these high-revving beasts!)
Throughout the day, Jon H. Lazares and Kevin Patten
from Performance Art were kind enough to patiently
answer suspension- and tuning-related questions. Our
members eagerly soaked it all in and later expressed
their great appreciation of Jon and Kevin’s generosity.
We also thank George Allen from Peter Pan BMW, and
Evan Mathews and his team from Ed’s Speed Shop for
generously giving us their time and expertise.
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Trans-Am and IMSA cars.
He’s driven in the Daytona
24 Hours on a few occasions,
co-driving with drivers like
Rick Mears and Bobby Rahal,
and continues to compete in
vintage racing.
By Matt visser
Photos by trisa visser
A doozy of a tour
GGC members take a look
inside Canepa Design.
“It’s a doozy”
is a phrase you’ve
heard before. It’s partially derived from Duesenberg,
one of the best-known American-made luxury cars of
the late 1920s and 1930s—the crème de la crème of the
automotive world. Often, when people use the term
“doozy,” they’re saying, “This is the best!”
“Doozy” is a perfect descriptor for Canepa Design.
Nestled away in Scotts Valley, Canepa Design is a museum,
a first-class restoration shop, a seller of investment-quality
cars, and a fine place to spend a Saturday morning—which
is exactly what 72 Golden Gate chapter members did on
a beautiful day in February. A red-carpet guided tour of
Bruce Canepa’s excellent facility gave this lucky group a
peek into automotive history.
He’s even competed in
the Pike’s Peak Hill Climb,
several times in different
classes. The first time, in
1981, was in the open-wheel
class. In 2000, he went back
and drove a big rig. Yes, I said
big rig—you know, the kind
that hauls your produce to
Safeway. There are pictures
on the wall of him drifting
the Kenworth T2000/CFI
Red Racer Peak Performer
up the side of Pike’s Peak,
14,000-plus feet above sea
level. Crazy! It was so much
fun the first time that he went
back and did it again for the
next two years. He still holds
the record time for climbing
Pike’s Peak in a semi.
We were lucky enough to
meet Bruce Canepa and his
brand-new motorcycle—a
Marine Turbine Technologies
Y2K jet bike. This crazy thing
is powered by a Rolls-Royce
Allison gas-turbine helicopter engine producing 350 horsepower and 450 foot-pounds of torque. Insane! The recorded
top speed of 227 mph makes me wonder if that means the
bike tops out at 227 mph or no one has been mad enough
to push beyond that.
Canepa asked us if we wanted him to start it up. Yes,
please! The spooling-up of the engine sounded exactly like
an airplane engine churning to life—six feet away. People
standing twenty feet behind the bike scattered as smoke
poured out and a hurricane blasted from the exhaust.
It was so loud that everyone stuck their fingers in their
The only term I can come up with to describe Bruce
Canepa, owner of Canepa Design, is True Car Guy. I’m not
sure how else you describe a guy who races everything
and runs a successful business dedicated to the automobile—Super Car Guy, maybe? Canepa has raced Sprint,
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
Goin’ my way... down? The Volvo Gravity racer is a slippery wonder.
Canepa offers a wide range of luscious candy for sale.
ears—I couldn’t even hear myself think. The power of the
bike reverberated in the air—glorious! Canepa shut it down
and said, “I think the bike is going to be difficult to drive.”
He further explained, “The throttle lag in the engine is
tricky, as is the deceleration when getting off the throttle.”
No surprise! You could see that he was looking forward
to seeing what the bike could do… it just might satisfy his
need for speed.
We spent some time exploring the downstairs gallery
where the investment-quality cars are displayed and offered for sale. There is a wide variety of cars such as Shelby
Cobras, a Jaguar XKE, a De Tomaso Pantera, Ferrari F430
Spyder and Testarossa, Porsche 959s, a Boss Mustang, and
many other street cars. In addition, there are several former
race cars for sale, including an old NASCAR Dodge Challenger, a Lola T70 MK IIIB, various Porsches, and racing
Nissans, as well as a few cars I didn’t recognize. Our tour
guide, Llew Kinst, pointed out a few to the group, including the lone car with a BMW connection: a 1957 AC Ace
Bristol with a BMW-designed (pre-war 328-engine design),
Bristol-produced, 1971-cc six-cylinder engine.
Upstairs in the gallery/
museum, there is a wide variety of race cars on display,
cars that have competed in
Pike’s Peak, NASCAR, Formula 1, WSCC, IMSA, Indy
500, Can Am, USAC Sprint,
NHRA, Trans-Am, and the Extreme Gravity
Racing series (the ultimate green cars). There
are too many cars to go over in detail, but a few
stood out for me.
The Volvo gravity racer—think 21st-century
soapbox racer—has no motor and only goes one
direction: down. During a competition in 2006 at Jacks Peak
in Monterey, it had the fastest speed of the day, going 67
mph—a record that still stands. Its weight is 350 pounds
including the driver, who lies supine like a luge sledder at
the Winter Olympics.
Another car that caught my eye was Canepa’s 1981
Pike’s Peak car. It’s an open-wheel custom-fabricated (by
Paul Newman) combination off-road race car and sprint car
This 1953 Kurtis 500B is a beautiful example of the Frank-Kurtisdesigned-and-built cars that dominated the Indy 500 in the ’50s.
powered by a monster twin-turbo, fuelinjected Porsche 930 engine. Canepa
qualified first by a wide margin, but
finished second due to a spin-out while
avoiding a spectator who wandered into
My favorite has to be this Pebble Beach-winner, a 1972 Porsche
the middle of the course. The car was so
917/10 Can Am and FIA Interseries race car.
much faster than the competition that
his competitors politicked to change the
rules for the following year, making the car essentially
illegal. So it never raced again.
The last of a breed piqued my interest, as well: a 1985
Tyrrell 012 Formula 1 car. 1985 was a notable season, as it
was the last year for the F1-dominating naturally-aspirat-
Stand back! Bruce Canepa is firing
off his brand new jet bike.
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
By Aleksey Kadukin
Secretary, GGC BMW CCA
Communications report (Collins):
February 11, 2010
 March e-blast has already been sent. Dadgar is trying
Location: Original Nick’s Pizzeria & Pub, San Mateo
Board members in attendance: Kelly Collins (member
at large), Mark Dadgar (member at large), Ian Dunn
(membership chair), Aleksey Kadukin (secretary), Donna
Seeley (vice president)
Where else are you going to see Duesenberg’s chassis #1?
There’s no lack of projects at Canepa.
Gulf Oil Porsche 917K: check. Bugatti
EB110: check. Porsche 959: check and
double check—there are at least three
in the shop, plus the one for sale out
front! While this is a big number, as
Porsche only produced 226 of these—
Need service on your Porsche 959 or Bugatti EB110?
plus four more from parts, for a total of
230—street-legal supercars in the late
a magnet for 959s. He was the driving
My favorite car of the lot, though, had to be the 1972
government to allow importation
Porsche 917/10 Can Am and FIA Interseries race car. It’s
produced. Then he figured out
impossible not to fall for a car that has 1,150 horsepower and
959, while also improving the
850 foot-pounds of torque, and weighs only 1,650 pounds.
lag and reducing emissions.
Its 5.4-liter twelve-cylinder twin-turbo engine will teleport
ed 3.0-liter Ford Cosworth
DFV engine found in this
Tyrrell. The 1.5-liter turbo
engines became the power
plant of choice in 1985, and
by the end of the season, all
of the teams had switched to
turbocharged engines.
it to 100 mph from a standstill in 2.9 seconds! Zero to 150
mph comes in 5.9 seconds, and zero to 200 mph in 12.0! Apparently this car is a handful to drive—imagine that! The
turbos are very laggy, ensuring great driver anticipation
when accelerating out of a corner. The gas pedal has to be
crammed to the floor before unwinding the wheel; then, as
you finish unwinding, the boost whips to life. The trick was
to make sure the car was pointed straight ahead as the boost
hit—otherwise very bad things would happen. The driver
also had to physically adapt to the forward g-force by tilting
his head down, with eyes pointed up at the road before the
boost hit. Otherwise it would snap his head back and he’d
be looking at the sky. The car generated so much downforce
that lifting the throttle was like hitting the brakes on a normal
car. Mark Donohue once said, “It is the only car I have ever
driven that will spin the tires at 200 mph.” This is one of the
fastest road-racing cars of all time, if not the fastest. Magical!
It’s a looker, too, taking third-in-class at Pebble Beach.
The final stage of the tour took place in Canepa’s firstclass restoration and repair area. What’s immediately obvious as you enter is the cleanliness of the shop. One member
commented, “The floor is clean enough to eat off!” Can’t say
I would recommend it, but you certainly don’t see the oil
stains and grease marks you find in other shops. All tools
and hardware are neatly stored in their designated places.
The shop is also huge; it looks to be about the same size as
the service areas of the larger dealerships.
One thing you probably won’t find at most dealerships
is an in-house paint shop. Canepa has one. Nor would the
dealerships have the type of cars that are here at Canepa:
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
The most interesting car being restored right now is
a doozy… literally. But it’s not just a run-of-the-mill 1921
Duesenberg Model A, it’s chassis #001. It’s still owned by a
local family who bought the car new. In a rare opportunity
to document a piece of history, they’re taking off every nut
and bolt, and then measuring and cataloging everything on
the car. The body has been removed—it’s elsewhere in the
building—and all we see is the chassis and wheels. It’s in such
a state of disassembly that the only visual giving away the
fact that it’s a very old car is the wheels, but it’s impossible
to determine the make or model. This is possibly the most
expensive car I will ever see in my life—and it’s just a frame!
It’s obvious to me why Canepa Design has been entrusted to do the restoration on the Duesenberg, as what
I saw on this tour showed me that Canepa is one of the
best in the industry. I look forward to seeing the result; it
should be a doozy!
The restoration work at Canepa is careful and meticulasly documented.
Board members not in attendance: Tammi Hull (president
and treasurer) (expected to arrive later)
Other members in attendance: None (Kadukin has a simple
theory: no party afterward equals zero additional attendees.)
6:48 p.m. meeting called to order by Seeley
Driving events report (Dadgar):
 Second HPDE at Laguna Seca in May. 40-plus people
registered already. We need more instructors.
(Board members are speculating about weather-report accuracy.
Rain is unlikely, but no guarantees. Seeley mentions that she
prefers a wet Infineon over a wet Laguna Seca any time.)
 Infineon track-rental prices went up almost 50% this
year. (Kadukin thinks that they are expecting more Enzo
and Veyron owners to participate.)
 Thunderhill does not have backup dates to
accommodate us.
 February CCC is sold out already.
 Autocross-events preparation is on track.
 Autocross school Phase One event sold out. Phase
Two event still has a few spots, but they are going
away quickly.
(The meeting is interrupted by the food-ordering process.
Kadukin is hearing health-oriented proposals, such a lightcheese-with-bacon combo.)
 We received the trailer-storage contract from Club
Autosport, so now we need to make plans to move
trailer from Gilroy to the new location.
 Dadgar is requesting copies of the GGC truck papers
to include with the signed contract. Hull should have
them. (She has not arrived yet.)
 Dadgar has received an email from the BMW CCA
Club Racing organizers stating that GGC should
organize and financially support several events in the
area. We are not doing that, due to extreme expenses
expectations and organization effort.
(Board is discussing alternative solutions: Could NASA or
another chapter do all the organization and financial support?)
 The biggest issue of Club Racing in our area is not
the number of events, but the number of participants.
Club Racing organizers proposed nine events; three or
four events would be more reasonable.
 CCC organizers should be charging participants who
rent chapter-owned helmets. Policy enforcement is
 Seeley participated in a driving-instructor event and
to squeeze in one more e-blast for March. Collins
refuses politely—he needs to wait until April.
 We will keep Festorics domain name despite recent
change of event name and ownership for the vintage
races at Laguna Seca in August.
(Dinner arrives. Hull still absent. Collins makes comments on
Hawaiian pizza ingredients’ incompatibility. Dunn and Dadgar
discuss some tech thoughts on how to make simultaneous
updates between chapter’s website and Facebook fan page. No
compatibility issues there.)
Social events (Collins):
 Canepa Design tour is set for February 13. Zampiceni
reported that a lot of people have signed up already.
Area-reps reports:
(None in attendance. Board members try to remember Monterey
Bay area rep Do Couto’s proposal regarding a combined tour
with BMW Z club, but are unable to catch the fading memory.)
Tech session (Kadukin):
 Kadukin contacted Joe Gaffey, founder and creative
director of Performance Technic, a new shop in
Pleasanton. Gaffey has agreed to host a tech session
during summer (July, perhaps). The session’s agenda:
street performance and track preparation. Kadukin is
working on details.
Secretary report (Kadukin):
 Kadukin is working on required annual forms for the
national office.
 Kadukin needs comps list as soon as possible to keep
free Roundel subscription for our friends and advertisers.
Dunn is providing the updated list that includes local
high schools with automotive facilities—a great way to
introduce the Club to the young audience!
Vice president report (Seeley):
 Nothing to add—everything is covered already
President report:
(Seeley calls Hull again to figure out if she will attend the meeting
at all. The chances are slim, given the time and phone silence)
 None
Treasurer report (Hull):
 Hull submitted the treasurer report electronically
prior to the meeting. We have money.
Membership chair report (Dunn):
 We have members: 4,089 full or lifetime members, 624
associate members.
 Our chapter Facebook friends list is expanding
Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
shares details with the board.
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
February 2010
FROM: Frank C. Patek II, Executive Director
ell, that nasty winter is certainly hanging on! I hope you had a romantic
Valentine’s Day and caught up on the
Winter Olympics! Here are some current news items
you may wish to share with your members, as well as
essential chapter information you need to know as we
wind down toward Tax Day.
Election results: Goldsman, Sullivan, Cowan win
contested races; all bylaw changes pass: Balloting for
the 2010 BMW CCA national election is complete, and the
results are in. Louis Goldsman, challenged by Michael
Harman, has been re-elected to the position of BMW
CCA Treasurer. The Boston Chapter’s John Sullivan won
a three-way battle for North Atlantic Regional RVP. As
Pacific Region RVP Steve Johnson decided not to run for
re-election this year, Delight Lucas of the LA Chapter
and Jeff Cowan of the Golden Gate Chapter threw their
hats into the ring, and Cowan emerged successful.
The amendment to Article 5, conforming the Club’s
election procedures to contemporary standards, carried
1,175 to 46. The amendment to Article 7, distinguishing
between the Annual Meeting and General Membership
Meetings, passed 1,168 to 54. The amendment to Article
13, permitting alternate bylaw ballot distribution, passed
1,150 to 69.
The election was conducted online and by paper
ballot, with a total of 2,652 ballots cast—approximately
200 ballots more than were cast in 2009. “I want to thank
and congratulate everyone who ran for the Board in
this election,” said CCA president Bruce Hazard. “The
quality of candidates was outstanding; I’m sure all of
the winners will serve the Club well. And those who ran
but didn’t win also exemplify the spirit of the BMW Car
Club; they will continue to contribute, because that’s the
kind of high-quality volunteers they are.”
He ended his remarks on a philosophical note. “The
energy, dedication and leadership that Steve Johnson
brought to the Board will be missed, particularly in
light of his installation of two new chapters in the Pacific Region in 2009. And even though Michael Harman,
Delight Lucas, Dyke Morrissey, and Scott Stowell did not
win their elections, I want to thank them for having the
initiative to run for office—and for offering their skills
to our Club. I know we will see much more from each
of them in the future.”
Central Cal Chapter sets German marque concours
for Monterey: The BMW CCA West Coast Summer Concours is expanding this year ; we’re happy to announce
the addition of the Porsche and Mercedes-Benz clubs as
participants in the event. The Legends of the Autobahn,
this year’s theme, will feature separate club concours
judging sites and club corral parking areas. The event
will once again kick off the BMW CCA Festorics weekend held annually during the Monterey historic-race
weekend on Friday, August 13, at the Rancho Cañada
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
Golf Course located on Carmel
Valley road just east of California
Highway 1.
This event will be limited to
Club members only. Space will
be l i m ited to 20 0 BM Ws, 10 0
Porsches, and 50 Mercedes-Benz,
and will include a parking corral
area for those registered but not
participating in the judging activity. It is also a perfect location for
a picnic lunch, and attendees are encouraged to bring
their own picnic baskets. Food and beverages will also
be available on-site. Additional attractions may include
guest speakers and specialty vendors.
On-line registration for this event will open soon via
each respective club’s website. where you may register
your car and pre-order lunches and event T-shirts. All
registrations will be handled online. For additional information, please contact Wayne Wundram (bmwayne@
aol.com) or visit www.cccbmwcca.org or www.summerconcours.org.
BMW CCA Festorics set for Monterey: This annual
event during the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion
(formerly known as Monterey Historic Automobile
Races)—the BMW Festorics—celebrates the mystique
of BMW and our appreciation for the marque. Set for
August 13–15, the Festorics features a two-day parking
corral with hospitality tents overlooking Laguna Seca’s
Turn Five—the slightly banked left-hander that can be
taken without lifting, if your nerve is up. The Festorics
package includes the opportunity to buy corral tickets,
lunch tickets, a special BMW banquet ticket, and even
tickets to the Motorsports Reunion races themselves—all
from one convenient source!
But the corral at the track is only one attraction. Don’t
miss the BMW CCA banquet at the Rancho Cañada
Country Club in Carmel Valley, or the insiders’ tour of
the whole Monterey weekend. It’s an affair you won’t
want to miss!
Fo r a dd it i o n a l i n f o r m a t i o n s e n d e - m a i l t o
Oktoberfest 2010: Elkhart Lake and Road America!
O’fest registration has begun! Visit bmwccaofest.org
The Osthoff Resort (www.osthoff.com) at Elkhart
Lake is now sold out. However, the resort has started a
waiting list, and if last year is an indicator, there will
be rooms available later in the summer. If you don’t
want to take a chance, we have added a block of rooms
at the legendary Siebkens Resort, right next door to the
Osthoff (www.siebkens.com). Please call 920 876-2600 to
book your reservations.
Siebkens features the famous Stop-Inn Tavern, internationally known as “the best bar on the racing circuit.”
Additionally, we have secured a block of rooms at the
Baymont Inn & Suites in Plymouth, Wisconsin. To make
a reservation at the Baymont, please call 920 893-6781,
7:00–5:00 (Central Time) Monday through Friday. You
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
may also send e-mail to one of the following addresses:
seidesha@gmail.com or ertelhal@wynhg.com. Please
use the group code: BMW Car Club of America when
making your reservations.
Early 2010 membership numbers continue slight
decline: While our renewals continue at over 50%, the
February membership numbers were disappointing.
Though our annual membership loss remained just over
3%, our two-year decline rose to 5.63% (it had been 5.26%;
as of January 20, it was 5.04%).
Membership is primarily a chapter-driven phenomenon, of course, because the chapters are the vital centers
of Club activity—and only through chapter recruitment
and enough activities to satisfy their members can we
hope to grow the Club. Thank you for your continued
efforts in this regard—we’ll continue to do all that we
can on the national level, but it’s really the work of the
chapter volunteers that make membership in the BMW
CCA so worthwhile! We’re happy to note programs like
the San Diego Chapter’s recent partnership with BMW
South County to provide new memberships for new-car
and CPO buyers—but it’s up to all of us to keep those
members once we have them! BMW South County partners with San Diego Chapter
Like several other enthusiast-oriented BMW dealerships, San Diego’s BMW South County supports its
local chapter, the San Diego Chapter, going as far as
paying for a one-year membership for each new-car or
CPO purchaser. But BMW South County goes even farther, tailoring dealership events to intersect with Club
activities. “We’ve been putting on Women Only tech
session,” says Nick Owen, a service tech at the facility.
“We get anywhere from eight to a dozen women and
pick a few cars to put up in the air and talk about what
various components look like, and their function. We
offer this to both customer and Club members, because
we hope we can get customers to join the Club so they’ll
participate more often.”
Those free memberships to buyers are more than
just a token gesture; Owen serves as a natural point of
contact because he is also vice president of the San Diego
Chapter. His interactions between the chapter and BMW
South County—primary sponsors of the chapter’s autocross season—have convinced him that dealer support of
the CCA builds a loyal business clientele. “We’re implementing a tracking system into the software program
we use at the store,” says Owen. “This will allow us to
keep CCA membership information on file, so customers can register with us, have their membership number
and expiration date on file, and automatically give them
their 10% discount so they will not have to bother asking. This will also provide BMW CCA and us with data
as to how much members spend—and on what.” The
dealership is also looking into a method of letting CCA
members register with the dealership on line so their
data is complete when they visit the dealership.
This win-win relationship between chapter and dealership allows a genuine measure of the importance of
dealer loyalty and Club support—and may well allow the
San Diego Chapter to increase by 50% in the next year.
a coNtroversial two-Fer
ur worst fears have come to pass; the economy
has landed on motorsports enthusiasts like
the proverbial ton of bricks—and the GGC
driving-school program has not escaped unscathed. Due
to a lack of students, we posted a $12,000 loss on our November 2009 school at Infineon Raceway. Fortunately, we
made much of that back at our January school at Mazda
Raceway Laguna Seca; but the reality is that enthusiast
dollars are tight. So we are scaling back our program
for the next year or two. Our scheduled Infineon date in
September is at risk due to the dramatic increase (50%!)
in track-rental costs for a peak-season date, versus our
traditional off-season weekends.
We are definitely interested in clever ideas to address
our problem, so if you’ve got ’em, send ’em in (the email
address is at the bottom of this column). We’ve explored
various possibilities, ranging from sponsorship to offset
event costs (it’s hard to drum up enough to make a meaningful difference in school-entry fees even in the best of
times) to sharing weekends with other car clubs (doable, but
it brings some logistics and insurance difficulties along for
the ride). Everything is on the table while we try to weather
this downturn, though, so don’t hesitate to offer up an idea
that you think would help.
The national decline in track-school enrollment has
had the side effect of raising our
favorite controversy once again: the
inclusion of convertibles at BMW
CCA driving schools. Currently, the
BMW CCA minimum standards forbid convertibles from participating,
but make an exception at a chapter’s
discretion, for convertibles that feature fixed (versus popup)
rollover protection—provided that the driver and instructor
pass the “broomstick test.” That test is done by drawing
an imaginary line from the highest point of the roll bar
to the front shock towers. Helmets must be two inches
below this line (to provide a margin for error). Technically
speaking, this means that cars such as the Z4 and Porsche
Boxster could be allowed, but that convertibles such as the
3 Series, 6 Series, and Z3 cannot. BMW CCA also considers
the new folding-hardtop cars to be convertibles; as such,
they are also subject to these rules. The Golden Gate Chapter has traditionally taken a very conservative approach
to convertibles, forbidding their participation without an
SCCA-approved (or equivalent) roll bar and arm restraints.
By Mark Dadgar
have recently changed their rules to be more restrictive in
this regard.
More to the point, our team here at GGC believes that
the small uptick in event registrations does not justify
the increase in risk that our students—and our instructors—would have to bear. While we never like to deny the
benefits of our program to members in such a wholesale
manner, everyone on our team has witnessed a rollover
incident at a track at one time or another, and none of us
want to place our students and our instructors in harm’s
way if we can help it.
On a different topic, I recently discovered a truly interesting product that improved my chances of making it
through a track weekend unscathed, but in a totally unexpected way. I use a Cadillac Escalade to tow a good-sized
enclosed trailer; the Escalade’s
suspension is a lot softer than the
heavy-duty pickup I had previously. When I needed to upgrade
my hitch, I opted for a ProPride
3P setup. I was blown away by the
improvement in towing behavior.
Trailer sway is a thing of the past, and once again it feels
like the truck is towing the trailer and not vice-versa. While
the 3P is not inexpensive, my Escalade and trailer are worth
a lot more—it was an easy decision for me. As a happy side
effect, when I finally arrive at the track, I’m a lot less worn
out. That additional mental acuity makes me safer in the
race car, too.
D o n’t h e s i t a t e t o
offer up an idea that
you think would help.
Some BMW CCA chapters are convinced that allowing convertibles would boost their enrollments enough to
make events viable. But this runs counter to the current
trend of disallowing convertibles—PCA and the Audi club
If you tow, particularly if you’re pulling something
that’s at or near the maximum capacity of your tow vehicle,
take a look at the 3P hitch at www.propridehitch.com—it’s
a slick setup!
Mark Dadgar thinks track time has become ridiculously
expensive and will no longer instruct in a convertible. He currently serves on the board of the Golden Gate Chapter and as the
driving-events coordinator. As punishment for his dedication,
we make him set driving-school prices and write a column for
the Bombe. You can reach him at rumblestrip@ggcbmwcca.org.
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
One of the many member benefits of BMW CCA is a members-only discount at
various participating services and dealers. Below you can find the businesses in our
area who offer our members a discount. Please note that businesses often require
you to show your current CCA membership card in order to receive the discount.
Please contact us with any deletions to the list due to a company being out of
business. We ask that additions, changes, or deletions (no longer participating in
discount program) are requested by the business owner directly. Updates should
be directed to: CommMgr@ggcbmwcca.org.
Model Year
San Francisco
San Francisco
San Jose
San Ramon
San Jose
San Rafael
San Jose
Palo Alto
Santa Rosa
San Francisco
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Refered By
335i (E92) 2008
Cooper S 2002
Brian Shadle
530xiT 2006
Michael L. Heller
Z4 3.0Si 2006
335i (E90) 2007
335i (E90) 2008
330Ci 2004
April 2010
Mohideen Mohamed
Ramanathan Siva
San Pedro Marissa
Schiefferly Matt
Schueneman Herb
Singamsetti Chak
Swangnete Jesse
Tueckmantel Frank
Van Den Bergh Herbert
Whittingham Michael
Model Year
Refered By
Santa Clara
San Jose
Redwood City 550i
Mill Valley
Los Gatos
San Jose
San Jose
San Jose
Santa Clara
San Jose
San Francisco
San Jose
Viper 2006
Union City
M3 (E90) 2009
San Jose
335i (E93) 2007 Scott C Stouffer
San Rafael
Mountain View
Palo Alto
M3 (E90) 2010
Redwood City 645i
2004 Stephen Harvey
Los Altos
Los Altos
San Carlos
San Jose
San Jose
Los Gatos
X3 3.0Si 2007
Independent Service & Supply discounts
2002 Haus
San Luis Obispo
805 541-2002 5% Parts
Auto Analysts
Castro Valley
510 582-0201 10% Labor
Auto Concierge
925 852-1962 10% off quoted full detail
Bavarian Enterprises
408 737-6100 Various Parts
Bavarian Motorsport
408 956-1662 10% Parts
Bavarian Professionals
510 524-6000 10% Labor
Bavarian Tuning
Santa Rosa
707 575-3757 10% Parts/Labor
Berkeley Motor Works
510 528-1214 10% Labor
Bimmers BMW Service San Carlos
650 591-2474 Various
BMW Performance Driving School Spartanburg, SC
BMWusa.com 20% off driving programs
BTM Motorwerks
408 369-1911
5% Parts/Labor
Catalpa Street Garage
Santa Cruz
831 464-2269 10% Parts
Classic Euro-Asian
530 534-6887 10% Parts
Conversion Techniques Oakland
510 639-0911 Various
Diablo Motors
San Ramon
925 830-4269 10% Parts/Labor
Dinan Engineering
Mountain View
650 962-9401 10% Labor
Dinan Engineering
Morgan Hill
408 779-8584 10% Labor
Double 02 Salvage
510 782-2002 10% Used Parts
Edge Motorworks
925 479-0797 10% Labor
888 520-9971 10% Parts, $1000svc=free dyno
Extreme Performance
San Jose
408 923-6404 10% Parts/Labor
German Auto
Santa Maria
805 922-1262 10% Parts
GS Tuning
Santa Rosa
707 284-2680 10% Sales/Service
Heynneman European
San Rafael
415 499-1234 $50 off Service
Jam Engineering
831 372-1787 Various Parts
John Gardiner AutomotiveSan Francisco
415 777-2697 10% Labor
Nate Smith’s Optimal AutoSanta Cruz
831 476-1332 10% Parts
M Service
Walnut Creek
925 932-8744 10% Parts/Labor
Milt’s Service Garage
707 643-7548 10% Parts/Labor
Patelco Credit Union
415 442-6200 Special Offer
San Francisco
415 567-8000 10% Parts
Performance Art
408 848-6325 10% Service/Labor
Portola Valley Garage
Portola Valley
650 851-7442 10% Labor
408 370-7480 15% Labor
Rossi’s Tire & Auto Service Salinas
831 424-0011 Various
SAS German Auto
925 846-4886 10% Parts
Schulba BMW Service
650 592-7352 10% Parts orders
Sound Innovations
510 471-9062 10% Parts
Track Star Racing
Mountain View
650 961-2350 10% Parts/Labor
Valley Motorwerks
Rancho Cordova
916 636-9526 10% Parts/Labor
Vanguard Motors
San Francisco
415 255-8450 10% Labor
West Bay Bavarian
San Rafael
415 457-0820 10% Parts/Labor/Dinan work
dealership discounts
BMW of Fremont
510 360-5900 10% Parts & Labor
BMW of Humboldt Bay McKinleyville
707 839-4269 10% Parts
BMW of Monterey
831 899-5555 10% Parts
BMW of Mountain View Mountain View
650 943-1000 10% Parts
BMW of San Francisco
San Francisco
415 863-9000 10% Parts
East Bay BMW
800 505-4801 10% Parts
Peter Pan BMW
San Mateo
650 349-9077 10% Parts
Roseville BMW
916 782-9434 10% Parts
Sonnen BMW
San Rafael
415 482-2000 10% Parts
Stevens Creek BMW
Santa Clara
408 249-9070 10% Parts & Labor
Weatherford BMW
510 654-8280 Various
April 2010
BMW ConCord
1945 Market Street
Concord, CA 94520
925 682-3577
BMW of HuMBoldt Bay
1795 Central Ave.
McKinleyville, CA 95519
707 839-4BMW (4269)
BMW of Monterey
One Geary Plaza
Seaside, CA 93955
831 899-5555
BMW of Mountain VieW
150 E. EI Camino Real
Mountain View, CA 94040
650 943-1000
BMW of San franCiSCo
1675 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103
415 863-9000
BMW of Santa Maria
2150 South College Drive
Santa Maria, CA 93455
805 614-0306
Claridge’S BMW
4421 5 Auto Mall Circle
Fremont, CA 94538
510 360-5900
1484 Auto Park Way
San Luis Obispo, CA 93405
805 543-4423
eaSt Bay BMW
4350 Rosewood Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94566
800 505-4801
Peter Pan BMW
2695 S. El Camino Real
San Mateo, CA 94403
650 349-9077
PreStige BMW
2800 Corby Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
707 545-6602
Sonnen BMW
1599 E. Francisco Blvd
San Rafael, CA 94901
415 482-2000
SteVenS Creek BMW
3737 Stevens Creek
Santa Clara, CA 95050
408 249-9070
WeatHerford MotorS
735 Ashby Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94710
510 654-8280
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Board Members
Bombe team
Tamara Hull
Donna Seeley
Aleksey Kadukin
Tamara Hull
Ian Dunn
253 797-0273
Mark Dadgar
Kelly Collins
Kelly Kirkland
650 400-9300
Percy Chow
925 323-4844 Cell
925 215-3547 Off
Tamara Hull
Jonathan Bush, Percy Chow, Mark Dadgar,
and Dennis Harrold
Commerce Printing
Requests for replacement or extra copies of the ggC newsletter should be
directed to the membership chair.
Communications team
Kelly Collins
Event Staff
Billy Maher
707 546-5572
Peter Vinsel
Peter Guagenti
Kelly Collins/Mark Dadgar
Mark Dadgar
Ramon Le Francois 408 956-1662
Bob Goebel, Canyon Chan, Grant Low,
and Paula Williamson
Kris Linquist / Matt Visser
Rodger Ball
415 566-1239
Aleksey Kadukin
Mike Mills
David Crum / Jeff Cowan
Mike Zampiceni
Joe Fant
Mark Dadgar
Percy Chow
Area Representatives
nORth BAy
Paula Williamson
707 695-3998
Mark Feinberg
Ian Dunn
253 797-0273
Mary Sandkohl
510 530-4871
Ken Glidewell
415 345-3128
Kris Linquist
408 392-0890
Michael Do Couto 831 455-8820
Dennis Harrold
805 266-9214
BMW CCA Pacific Region vP
Steve Johnson
858 451-8906
Golden Gate Chapter, BMW CCA, Inc. is a
nonprofit California corporation, it is a chapter of
the BMW Car Club of America, and is not connected with Bayerische Motoren Werke AG or
BMW of North America. Die Flüsternde Bombe is
a publication of the Golden Gate Chapter, all ideas,
opinions, and suggestions expressed in regard to
technical or other matters are solely those of the
authors, and no authentication, endorsement, or
guarantee is expressed or implied. Golden Gate
Chapter BMW CCA, Inc. assumes no liability for
any of the information contained herein. No factory
approval is implied unless so indicated. Modification
of your BMW within the warranty period may void
the warranty, and some modifications may violate
federal or state laws or regulations. All contents
remain the property of the chapter, but BMW
CCA and BMW ACA chapters may quote or copy
from the publication, provided full credit is given to
the author and the Golden Gate Chapter, unless
otherwise noted or specifically prohibited.
Chapter Mailing Address:
Golden Gate Chapter BMW CCA
909 Marina Village Parkway, PMB #189
Alameda, CA 94501
The BMW Car Club of America, lnc. is a notfor-profit national association of over 70,000
members, dedicated to the enjoyment of driving
BMWs. Membership is not limited to BMW owners
and aims to provide access to driving and social
events, maintenance and technical information,
parts discounts, and more. Dues are $48 per year,
with an associate member added for $15 more.
Members receive the monthly Roundel magazine
and a newsletter from their local chapter, or from a
chapter of their choice.The Golden Gate Chapter
is one of the largest chapters in the BMW CCA
with over 4,300 members.
For a new membership or to renew an existing one, please call toll free 800 878-9292 or visit
www.bmwcca.org. Visa and Mastercard accepted.
BMW CCA mailing address:
640 South Main St., Suite 201
Greenville, SC 29601
Phone: 864 250-0022
Fax: 864 250-0038
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By joining the BMW Car Club of America (BMW
CCA), you provided personal information that allows
us to contact you. BMW CCA provides this information
to the Golden Gate Chapter of the BMW Car Club of
America (GGC BMW CCA) for the following purposes:
• To send the GGC magazine (Die
Flüsternde Bombe) by U.S. Mail.
• To help us create content and events
most relevant to you.
• To alert you to updated information and
other new services from ggcbmwcca.org
using an email announcement list.
GGC BMW CCA does not distribute personal
information to any third parties.The information you
provide to BMW CCA to be used by the GGC will
not be used for any other purpose—we promise.
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
2008 Mount Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Membership address corrections are only accepted at the BMW CCA website or national office.
2740-Mservice-BombeAD1.indd 1
2/29/08 11:23:03 AM
April 2010
Die Flüsternde Bombe
Mazda Raceway
Laguna Seca
Golden Gate Chapter
BMW Car Club of America
Driving School
May 26, 2010
Ready To Drive?
Join the Golden Gate Chapter
of the BMW Car Club of
America for its fall driving
school at Mazda RaceRace
way Laguna Seca in
Monterey, CA.
All skill and experience
levels are welcome!
Important Event Details:
• A and B groups feature new advanced passing
• Price is $335 for BMW CCA members and $383 for nonmembers (includes a 1-year BMW CCA membership). BMW
CCA membership is required.
• Online application and payment due by 5/19/10
• Cancellations assessed a $50 fee before 5/12/10. No refunds
issued after 5/12/10 for any reason.
More Information and How To Register
If you are an advanced (A or B
group) student, you’ll enjoy
our new, more liberal passing
classrules and enhanced class
room curriculum at this
Please visit the GGC web site
for all of the information you’ll
need to apply and prepare for
this school.
Information about this school, including complete event documentation and registration information, is available on the Golden Gate
Chapter web site at: w w w. g g c b m w c c a . o r g
We look forward to seeing you
at Laguna Seca!
Track Location
- Peter Vinsel & Billy Maher, Chief
Driving Instructors
Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca is located in Monterey on Highway 68,
approximately half way between Highway 101 and Highway 1.
We look forward to seeing you at Laguna Seca!
W W W. G G C B M W C C A . O R G
Die Flüsternde Bombe
April 2010
Want to join the Club? Call 800 878-9292 or go to www.bmwcca.org and sign up for only $48.
Golden Gate Chapter
BMW Car Club of America
909 Marina Village Parkway, #189
Alameda, CA 94501
Presort Standard
US Postage
Sacramento, CA
Permit 185
Material is dated, thanks.
HAVE YOU MOVED? Please send address changes directly to the BMW CCA National Office at:
BMW CCA, Inc., 640 South Main St. , Ste. 201, Greenville, SC 29601, or to: info@bmwcca.org,
or go to: www.bmwcca.org to sign in to your account and update your membership record.