Wartburg College - Guido de Brès Rotterdam


Wartburg College - Guido de Brès Rotterdam
Wartburg College - Guido de Brès
… a challenging environment
bilingual education
(content and language integrated learning)
Mission statement ............................................................................................. 3
What is TTO? ...................................................................................................... 5
TTO miscellaneous ............................................................................................. 7
TTO as a field of study ........................................................................................ 9
Timetable ......................................................................................................... 10
English .............................................................................................................. 11
English .............................................................................................................. 12
History.............................................................................................................. 13
Geography........................................................................................................ 14
Mathematics .................................................................................................... 15
Religious Education .......................................................................................... 15
Economics ........................................................................................................ 16
Physical Education............................................................................................ 18
Art .................................................................................................................... 19
Biology ............................................................................................................. 20
Deutsch ............................................................................................................ 21
How pupils experience TTO .............................................................................. 22
Canterbury ....................................................................................................... 24
London ............................................................................................................. 25
Prague .............................................................................................................. 26
Dénia ................................................................................................................ 27
Mission statement
We consider Christian education a divine assignment. Our aim is to prepare the
pupils and lay the groundwork for lives that will include full participation as
citizens. We approach curriculum design from a Biblical position but also
recognise and acknowledge the standards set by the National Curriculum. As a
reformed school we aim to maintain the glorification of God as the prevailing
It is our desire that the pupils acquire the ability to base all their decisions on
the scriptural principles they have been taught. It is our hope that our pupils
will be able to face life with all its problems and challenges with hope,
determination and resourcefulness. We sincerely desire to see all our pupils
make the best of their God-given abilities, whatever they may be, thus
preparing them to be useful citizens and servants of God. We aim to provide an
environment in which the child experiences acceptance, support, nurture,
challenge and encouragement, where the child is valued for who they are and
not just for what they can do.
Our school confesses God’s Word as the one and only foundation for life and
doctrine. We subscribe the Three Forms of Unity as based on the Scripture. The
Three Forms are The Heidelberg Catechism, The Dutch Confession and The
Canons of Dordrecht.
Each member of staff at the Wartburg College has declared that they agree
with this foundation. Also, parents are expected to be in agreement with this.
Our (reformed) Christian school highly appreciates the theological inheritance
from the time of the Reformation and Further Reformation. It is our aim to
make pupils aware of this inheritance. They are called to glorify God and enjoy
Him forever. This calling is God’s act of grace. On the pupil's side the act of
grace is affirmed through commitment. It is not only the acceptance of the
truth of certain doctrinal statements. It contains conversion, personal faith in
Christ as their Saviour and the embodiment of the lifestyle of Jesus before the
face of God.
Therefore, our educational climate is characterised by key words such as
authority, love, responsibility and personality. Moreover, our teachers and
pupils are aware of the presence of sins in our hearts and in the systems of this
imperfect world. This is why we have translated the Ten Commandments into
rules that have daily relevance for teachers and pupils.
What is TTO? Content and language integrated learning
TTO is bilingual education. In Dutch TTO stands for tweetalig onderwijs, which
means the subjects will be taught in either Dutch or English. This will be in the
first three forms of secondary school. During these three years, approximately
half of your subjects will be in English and the other half will be in Dutch.
History, for example, is taught in English and the textbooks and workbooks
used are actually from England. In other words: there are absolutely no Dutch
words in the books nor is there an English-Dutch vocabulary list.
This takes some getting used to in the beginning, as everything is in English.
Even the tests are in English! But that doesn't really matter because there are
extra English lessons. TTO students have 4 hours of English a week whereas
non-TTO students only have 3 hours a week.
In the first form about 20 lessons are taught in English. Just imagine how much
the level of English will have improved after just a few months of TTO
education. English is taught by a native speaker, a person who was born and
raised in an English-speaking country, and by two other near-native speakers.
These teachers all have university degrees.
Of course the pupils are allowed to speak some Dutch in the beginning and
their teacher will translate a lot of what is being said during the lessons. If they
write down some Dutch words during a test, the teacher won't count it as a
mistake. However, using Dutch words or speaking Dutch won't be necessary in
the second semester because the TTO students will be able to speak English
more fluently.
Gradually the pupils will get used to the idea of speaking English all the time
and having their classmates and teachers speak English to each other as well. In
this booklet you can also read some stories written by our TTO students. Of
course these stories are all in English! As you can see, their level of English is
quite good after only a few months of TTO.
At the end of the school year all TTO students get to go to Canterbury, England.
There the students (in groups of 3 or 4) interview English people. This is no
problem for our students, as their level of English is quite high after only one
year of TTO.
All TTO teachers are expected to follow several courses in order to be able to
teach their subjects in English and they must have a good knowledge of the
English language to begin with. As TTO teachers we all aim for quality.
Eventually all teachers are required to pass their Cambridge Advanced Exam or
preferably their Cambridge Proficiency Exam. Most of our TTO teachers have
already passed the Cambridge Advanced Exam and some of them have even
passed their Cambridge Proficiency Exam.
At the end of the third form, students have the opportunity to take an official
Cambridge Exam: First Certificate in English. This certificate is recognised all
over the world as proof of your ability to use English. These certificates never
expire so they are an achievement for life.
English is spoken by more people than any other language. Moreover, English is
the international language of diplomacy, business, science, technology,
banking, computing, medicine, aviation, UN & NATO armed forces, engineering,
tourism...etc. Therefore it is essential to have an excellent knowledge of the
English language. More and more foreign schools for higher education and
universities offer courses in English.
TTO education provides an excellent opportunity to start learning English.
"Just Go For It!!"
Our school enables pupils to join our TTO first form provided they meet the
- VWO recommendation from your primary school (VWO= pre-university
- CITO score of 545 or higher
- lots of motivation and eager to learn new things
This year we also hope to start a new TTO first form. This is a wonderful
challenge for motivated and talented VWO students! Don't let this opportunity
slip through your fingers!
S.P. van den Berg
Coordinator TTO
TTO miscellaneous
TTO ....is meant for pupils who...
* need an extra challenge
* can handle the extra challenge
* are highly motivated
* are eager to learn and are interested in TTO
* have good language skills
* show great perseverance
* can meet the required VWO level
Criteria for TTO acceptance
1.positive recommendation by the pupil's primary school (VWO level)
2.CITO score of at least 546
3.positive assessment of the pupil based on the admission interview with both
pupil and parent(s)*
During this interview the following will be assessed:
- pupil's willingness to show extra dedication
- pupil's knowledge of language in general (and the English language)
* During the meeting we also ask the parents to indicate whether they think
their son/daughter would be suitable for TTO and what the parents' own
opinion is of TTO. Both the parents and the pupil will be invited to school for
this admission meeting.
European Platform
The Guido de Bres fully endorses the TTO standard of the European
Platform(E.P.). Commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture, the
E.P. supervises all TTO schools and TTO education in The Netherlands. The
requirements to be met by a TTO school are described in the standard. These
are basically the two main objectives:
* increasing pupils' language proficiency of a second language (in this case:
* the stimulation of European and International Orientation
The Guido de Bres has its own clear policy for European and International
Orientation (EIO) and this policy is an integral part of the school's entire
curriculum. Various aspects of EIO are interwoven with the daily lessons in all
TTO forms. This also includes contacts with people from other cultures with the
emphasis being the use of the English language and the acquisition of
knowledge of one's own culture and other cultures. This knowledge is then
exchanged with other pupils (also abroad).
A TTO pupil participates in everything!
International contacts
Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Europe
European Educators’ Christian Association (EurECA)
Colegio Alfa Omega, Dénia, Spain
Christian International School of Prague, Czech Republic
Emanuel Baptist Theological High School, Oradea, Romania
Lingualink Academy, Dénia, Spain
Several schools across Europe (eTwinning and/or email project)
TTO as a field of study
At the end of the third year pupils need to make another important decision
whether to continue with the TTO classes or not. Besides meeting the normal
requirements specified in our school guide a pupil has to pass the FCE Exam at
B2 level and the portfolio needs to be sufficient.
In the upper levels the following TTO school program is offered: English,
Religious Education, and Social Studies. This includes one extra hour of English
to prepare the pupils for two important and difficult exams; the Certificate of
Advanced English and the Certificate of Proficiency in English.
The pupils’ final assignment in 6tto must also be in English.
We are presently working on the following:
- an internship in an international environment during which English is the
target language
- further exploration of the possibility of a Senior TTO Certificate
- a project with a school in Michigan(USA)
- further integration of pre-university education and TTO.
Bilingual education
Religious education
Geïntegreerde grammatica
Klassieke taal en cultuur
French language
German language
English language
Natuurkunde – scheikunde
Physical education
Media opvoeding
total of hours English
Hello boys and girls!
Welcome to the Wartburg College!
Our names are Mrs. Dekker, Mrs. Quist and Mrs. Verweij and we
teach English. English is a very interesting subject and of course
it’s a very important language! In the first form of the TTO, we
have 4 English lessons a week. We do lots of things during the
English lessons, like listening, reading texts, writing, speaking,
grammar, giving presentations, reading books and so on. The
English lessons are interesting, but could also be a bit difficult for
you in the beginning. But don’t worry, we will help you!
We hope you are interested in the TTO class and that you will
decide to join us next year!
Mrs. Dekker
Mrs. Quist
Mrs. Verweij
A fun comic for you to read! Do you understand it?
Read Andy Capp’s comic and answer the question..
1. Andy Capp’s mother-in-law has
a. prepared a three-course meal
b. prepared a meal with canned food
c. a painful wrist
Hello Everyone!
We are Mr. and Mrs. Ridout and we have come to Wartburg College from the
U.S.A. to help teach English in TTO. When you take one of our classes you will
end up learning a bit about the U.S.A. because that is where we grew up and
lived until we moved to The Netherlands. However, now that we are living in
The Netherlands we have been trying to learn as much as we can about Dutch
customs and culture, so sometimes you will have a turn to share things about
your country with us.
So far some of our favorite Dutch things are flower bouquets and the
wonderful bike paths. We also really enjoy Dutch food such as kroketten and
In our opinion, if you want to get good at English then TTO is the perfect choice
for you. We have been surprised at how well TTO students can speak English
after only one year! Of course the students have to work at focusing on English
and at first that can be difficult, but it definitely pays off in the end. Plus, we
and the other teachers do what we can to help you succeed.
We hope to see you next year!
Mr. & Mrs. Ridout
Dear (future) TTO Students,
History is one of the subjects that we teach in English. It is a huge challenge to
teach and follow your classes in English. At the beginning History classes in
English can be a little bit hard for some students. But our team of History
teachers do all they can to make History accessible and understandable for
you. After a couple of months we think you will experience that History in
English is really a challenge and rewarding!
In our classes we tell a lot of stories and we dig for traces from the past in the
books that we use. We study subjects like Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and
Rome and the Medieval Period. In the second and third year of TTO we
continue to follow our World and domestic history. We study the long period of
transition from the Middle Ages to the beginning of our Modern Age so as to
make your own world understandable to you. We read about exciting periods
of renewal like the Renaissance and Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, the
Enlightenment, the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution. We end
this course with our modern history.
If you do have questions about the curriculum or about history itself, please
feel free to send an email to one of the members of the team of history
We look forward meeting you next year and hopefully you will experience that
History is interesting as well as exciting!
Best regards,
Mrs. V.d. Pol
Mr. Slager
Mr. Spruyt
In the Geography lessons you will learn to look at the world around you. When
we look around us we will describe what we see and why we see it. For
example: why do we see cattle farming on a peat moor ground and arable
farming on a sea clay landscape? We will also look further away, for example
Africa. We will try to find solutions how to solve the famine or the HIV/Aids
problem over there.
Most of the time we will work in our books, but we will also work with other
materials. We will have a presentation about a poster that you have made
about a country in the Middle East. And we will do a project about Eastern
Finally I would like to say that we discover the world with geography.
Kind regards,
M. Mulder
Mathematics in the English language
Hello, my name is Mr. Baars. I teach the TTO-classes in the subject maths (the
short word for mathematics). Maths is a very important subject it helps you
think in a logical way and it gives you the structure to solve problems.
When we start the in the First form, maths is most often a difficult subject. This
because first of all, maths is a new subject at secondary school and the
explanation in English makes it even more difficult to understand!
However, the pupils learn the new mathematical words quite fast and the
pupils at this moment are doing very well. So don’t become too nervous!
I really enjoy teaching in the TTO-department, because it is a challenge for me
to teach the pupils both maths and English.
Hope to see you soon, if you join one of our TTO-classes!
Mr. Baars
Religious Education
Hello boys and girls!
Our names are Mr. Van den Berg and Mr. De Korte. We teach Religious
Education (RE). RE is a very special subject. Why? Well the reason is that we
explore the Bible. In English! That’s what we call challenging! On top of that we
believe that the Bible is God’s message to us. In His Word the Lord God tells us
Who He is and how we can be saved.
What do we do in a lesson? First of all we explore the Bible story itself.
Sometimes we look for more information and pictures on the Internet, for
example about the tabernacle, the Christians in North Korea or mission work.
After we have studied the Bible story, we have a conversation in English. We
discuss what the Lord has to say to us personally. Or we practise how we would
explain something to a non-believer.
We hope this all sounds interesting to you.
We look forward to meeting you!
Mr. Van den Berg
Mr. De Korte
If I told you that Economics is the most
interesting subject being taught at
Guido de Bres, you’d hardly believe me.
Economics… O, that must have
something to do with calculations,
figures and so on.
Must be bo – ring! Please don’t judge too quickly. Give me a chance and I’ll
explain to you why I think economics is more than worth the effort of studying
I think Economics is this interesting because it concerns the everyday life of you
and the people around you. Behaviour is what Economics is all about. Day by
day, economists struggle with this one question: “why do people do the things
they do?” Of course a lot of digits, graphs, tables, etc. are used when studying
economics. But that’s just a way to picture reality, to handle the very complex
matters of society.
I hope to meet you in my TTO economics class next year. Because English is the
most common language in the economic world, it is really useful to know how
to express yourself in English.
Kind regards,
Mr. Verbeek
Physical Education
The subject Physical Education is better known as PE. What’s that? PE?
PE has to do with sports, gymnastics and so on. PE is scheduled for 3 lessons
every week.
In autumn and spring PE is practised outside in the open air. We can use a
couple of fields next to the school for our lessons. We are into a lot of sports
such as softball, soccer and hockey. We also practise athletics: running,
throwing the javelin, doing the long-jump, etc.
In winter indoor sports are taught in our beautiful, multifunctional gymnasium.
Volleyball and basketball are introduced and a lot of time is spent on
gymnastics: swinging rings, trampoline, buck, etc.
The language used in the PE-lessons isn’t very difficult for the pupils. This is due
to the fact that most sports have their origin in Great Britain or the United
States. Therefore a lot sports terms are already known, for instance: goal,
penalty, corner, hit and so on.
Curious about PE?
We hope to see you in our TTO-class next year!
P.E. teachers:
Mr. J. van den Berge
Mr. K. Dijks
Mr. J.A. de Groot
Hello boys and girls,
My name is Mr. Dekker. I teach Art at
the TTO-classes here at the Guido. I am
sure that you will like these lessons a
lot! Because art colours your school
Once upon a time there was a famous
artist who said: ““Every child is an
artist. The problem is how to remain an
artist once we grow up.” Can you find
out who said this?
He meant that every child is creative in its own way. Every child likes to play
with colours, shapes and lines. It is exciting to discover the things that you can
make with pencils, crayons, ink and paint! I hope you will like being in the art
room. We can create beautiful things together. And won’t it be fun to talk
about the things that we have made in English?
See you soon!
Mr. Dekker
Hi, my name is Mr. Spreeuwenberg and I was born in New York, but I have lived
the majority of my life in the Nederlands. At an age of 17, I moved to the
woodlands this was an hour drive from Houston, Texas, (which is famous for
the space center, NASA). Here I lived for two years before I moved back to the
Nederlands. Now I am married for 3 years and we are expecting twins, when
you read this they will hopefully have been born by God’s grace.
If you choose to do TTO, then you can expect me to be your biology teacher.
Your first year will be an introduction to the study of living things. We will look
at the beauty of God’s creation in plants, animals and even “with the
microscope” in tiny things, that you would not be able to see with the naked
eye. Big or small, foreign or Dutch, life is being studied in my TTO biology class.
I hope to see you there soon...
Mr. Spreeuwenberg
Hallo liebe Schülerinnen und Schüler,
vielleicht wundert es euch, auf dieser Seite nicht die Englische
Sprache zu lesen…
Wir werden es euch erklären.
Wenn ihr das erste spannende Schuljahr auf Guido de Brès hinter euch habt,
kommt ihr in die zweite Klasse. Dann wartet noch ein sehr interessantes, tolles
und schönes Schulfach auf euch…: Deutsch!
Natürlich freuen wir uns sehr auf euch und ihr seid herzlich Willkommen in
unserer Deutschstunde! Wir werden zusammen mit euch die Schönheit der
deutschen Sprache entdecken und vieles lernen über Deutschland und die
anderen deutschsprachigen Länder (wie Österreich und die Schweiz).
In der Deutschstunde sprechen, hören, lesen und schreiben wir so viel wie
möglich Deutsch, damit ihr die Sprache möglichst schneller versteht und
benutzen könnt.
Vielleicht kennt ihr sogar jetzt schon einige deutsche Wörter…
Wer wir sind? In der zweiten Klasse unterrichten meistens Frau Simonse und
Frau Holster dieses tolle Fach!
Auf Wiedersehen!
How pupils experience TTO
I’m doing TTO on the Guido de
Brès. I have chosen for TTO
because I like English very much.
The teachers help you to improve
your English vocabulary. First it
is a little scary to speak English
in lesson. But if you have been a
few weeks at school, you will see
that it is getting better. You
have to do a few exercises in
English. That is called a
‘portfolio’. You must fill in
exercises for portfolio each year.
After a few years you can look
back what you have written in the
first class. Sometimes you'll
discover errors in your portfolio,
but then you can see that you
have made progress with English.
I hope you will choose for TTO
and I hope to see you next year
in the first class of TTO!
Hi there!
I hope you will go to TTO next
year! It’s very nice to learn
English, and it is very important
in our society, later on, but too
now! Anywhere where you come,
see you English words. You must
understand that, because
otherwise you’re an outsider.
At the beginning of the year it is
a bit hard for you, because
almost of the lessons is in
But after the autumn holiday, you
says: “It’s very easy and very
At school you have at your first
year just a few subjects in
Dutch, music, the mentorlessons,
Dutch and French. But French is
French, I think it is more French
than Dutch. The rest is English:
Physical Education (PE), Religious
Education (RE), History,
Mathematics, Geography, Biology,
Art and English of course.
Anyway, as I say, it’s nice at TTO
and I hope to see you next year
at the Guido the Bres school!!
Esther van den Heuvel, 1to1
Nolke Tasma, 1to2.
I have chosen for TTO, because I really like to
speak English. That is useful because in almost
every country English is spoken. The following
subjects are in English: Biology, physical education, ,
math, geography, religious education, history, and of
course English. It is also nice that you make trips,
for example to Canterbury or to London. I really
hope to meet you next year!!!
Wietse van Eijsden, 1to2
Hi there!
I´m Sanne, and I’m a TTO student in the second grade. I´ve
chosen for TTO because English is my favourite language and
because of the trip you make. Last year we went to Canterbury, it
was great! In the beginning it´s quite difficult, but after some
weeks, you English gets better and better. And when you really
don´t understand it, the teachers will explain it in Dutch.
I hope to see you soon!
Greetings, Sanne van der Aa
Hi there!
We’re going to tell you something about
our trip to Canterbury.
In 1TTO we went with both TTO classes,
and Mrs Quist, Mr de Groot, and Mrs
Looi to Canterbury. At 4’o clock we left
school in our bus. We were all very
excited, because our little journey began.
We were headed to Calais, in France.
Once we arrived there we went on a
boat that would take us England. The little boat trip was really nice, because
there was a little deck that you could stand on, and watch the view. It was
really beautiful! Once we arrived at the coast of England, there were some
superb rocks, a bit mountainous, but believe me, it was gorgeous! And the
weather was surprisingly hot! I didn’t expect that of England, because you
know England by its cloudiness and coldness…
We went to Canterbury by bus, it was a nice trip. When we arrived at
Canterbury, we first went to the Cathedral. It was a really, really big one! I
hadn’t seen it before, it was very impressive. After that we had some free time,
so we did our interviews. It was funny to speak to ‘’real’’ English people, but
sometimes there were some tourists so… Well, in the afternoon we had lunch
in the high school of Canterbury. When we were ready with eating they gave us
a tour in the school. By the way, it was a very big one with much buildings!
From 3 ‘till 5‘o clock we had free time again, that was nice, we went shopping,
and there were a lot of cute shops! In the evening we went to the Cathedral
again. Now there was a boy choir. They sang really nice, but a bit like girls,
because it was so high… Then the day ended… We went home in the same way
as we got to England, some thought it was a bit boring though… But after all,
the day was really nice, and I wish I could do it again!
Naomi Nederlof and Hewan Tsegaye, 2TO1
Maybe you ask yourself: Why shall I do TTO? There are many reasons to think
of, but one reason is: in the 2nd form, you’ll go to London. It’s going to be a
very exciting, nice and interesting trip.
We went to London with the 2TTO classes and some teachers, at the 11th of
April 2012. We had to be at school at 3.30 AM, which is very early! There was a
fantastic atmosphere in the bus.
When we arrived at Calais, we took the train to pass the sea and then, we went
to London and we arrived there earlier than we had expected. The weather was
perfect. At first, we had a city walk along the most beautiful buildings of
London. For example, we came across the Westminster Abbey, where Kate and
William had married, and we came across Buckingham Palace. There we saw
the Changing of the Guards. It was a very nice experience. We also came across
London Eye.
After that, we walked for a while and we arrived at an Underground Station.
London has a huge Underground Railway System. It’s absolutely amazing. We
went to a museum about the Second World War.
There were many airplanes, canons and weapons.
We also visited an exhibition about the
‘Holocaust’. (Holocaust means the abduction of
the Jews in WWII. 6 million Jews were killed). It
had a very big impact on us.
Then, we went to Covent Garden. A nice shopping
place in the centre of London. We had some
spare time here. We ate something and we
bought some souvenirs. There were many street
artists and acrobats, but also lots of beggars. It
was very funny there, as well.
Then, we already had to go to the bus again. It had been a very amazing day full
of nice and beautiful experiences. So, when you’ve never been in London,
choose for TTO and you’ll go to London in the 2nd form.
Laurence Fierens and Erik de Knegt, 3TO2
Going to Prague is a really great experience that you just don’t want to miss.
First of all you are going by plane, which is a fantastic experience when you
have never flown before. Secondly, chosing for Prague is also chosing for
staying with an host family were you sleep and eat. From experience we know
it is really fun to be in a host family; the food is delicious(we got pizza twice
that week) and most importantly the people are very friendly and you are
feeling welcome immediately.
The kids in your host family are members of the Christian Internation School of
Prague with who you will do several projects; you will for example go with
them to school, have worship services, explore the city and ofcourse you will
have a lot of fun! Prague is a very big city with a lot of historical aspects and a
very pleasant centre with lots of fairs and a central square which contains 3
MacDonalds 2 KFC’s and 2 Starbucks! Furthermore, there are many fantastic
artists who perform on the streets what makes it even better!
Going to Prague is just an experience you will never forget!
Walther Haksteeg en Erwin de Pagter (4TO)
In the third year of TTO you have the opportunity to stay abroad for a couple
of days. We went to Dénia, which is a city in Spain.
The group consisted of 21 students and 3 teachers . On Monday our airplane
took off from Rotterdam airport heading to Alicante airport. Late in the evening
we arrived at the Alfa&Omega college, which was our residence for the coming
We did a lot of cool things
during this week. We did a
city-tour, swam in the
Mediterranean sea, went to
the city of Valencia and had
interesting conversations with
the local people of Dénia.
Jorge, the founder of the
Protestant Christian church
and school, showed us the
school, church and gardens.
We also went to Lingualink
academy, were we practiced, together with the Spanish students, for our FCEexams.
It was a great experience for us. Besides having a great time with the locals and
enjoying the beautiful nature in Spain, we also had good conversations with
each other and sang Christian songs. We learned much about ourselves and our
faith. We totally recommend this trip to you. It was, like the Americans would
say, a totally awesome week!
With love,
Steffanie den Hoedt and Ferike Janse (4TO)
Contact person S.P van den Berg
Phone: +31 10 2923900
Email: SPvandenBerg@wartburg.nl