Overview Contents
Overview Contents
Overview Contents Section Page 1. New Cabinet Benefits...................................................2 2. Fundamentals.............................................................. 3-5 3. Application Data.......................................................... 6-7 4. Combined Efficiencies..................................................8 5. Warranty Information....................................................9 6. Mating Options.......................................................... 10-14 7. Combo-curb Flow Options....................................... 15-17 Benefits of the new MicroMetl ERV 1. Cabinet airflows range from 200 – 30,000 cfm 2. Cabinets now have multiple standard indoor & outdoor configurations a. Down b. Horizontal c. HSVR d. Top duct connections 3. Ease of set-up a. No belts & pulleys to adjust b. Backlit LCD display with pushbutton & potentiometer operator interface 4. Units come standard with a VFD (Except EVA cabinet). 5. Smaller footprint 6. Less Weight 7. High efficiency motors E.C. motors 8. High efficiency backward incline fans 9. High static fan options 10. Multiple mating options a. Stand alone units b. Combination curbs c. Transitions d. Drop in damper boxes e. Direct mated units 11. Ability to select any airflow and wheel effectiveness Guide to Ventilation The Fundamentals Why Ventilation? The HVAC community plays a vital role in providing healthful indoor environments in which to live, learn, work, and play. With half of all illnesses attributable to indoor airborne contaminants, the EPA has declared indoor air quality a public health priority. Ventilation with outdoor air is the only strategy that can simultaneously reduce the levels of all indoor pollutants. This strategy, in general accordance with the Dilution Principle, is shown in the illustration below. Energy recovery ventilation reduces the load on the system due to outdoor air by taking advantage of the work that has already been done to heat, cool, humidify or dehumidify the space. Instead of exhausting building energy to the outside, it is temporarily captured on the surfaces of the enthalpy wheel heat exchanger and then released to pre-heat, pre-cool, humidify or dehumidify the incoming air. Enthalpy wheels do this with exceptional efficiency and are the leading technology for achieving energy conservation while ventilating for health and comfort. The Power of Enthalpy The next three figures illustrate the power of enthalpy exchange. The first chart shows the result of just adding the required load from increased ventilation to the normal air conditioning process line. Each doubling of the ventilation rate results in a 50% reduction in the concentration of all constant source air pollutants evenly mixed within the space. At 1.0 ACH, pollutant concentrations are reduced by a factor of 5. National, state and local codes mandate minimum outdoor air ventilation rates based on ASHRAE Standard 62.1, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. The challenge is to introduce the outdoor air at the levels required by the codes while maintaining indoor comfort and conserving energy. The chart below shows the new process line when using enthalpy recovery. As one can see, the cooling load (work) saved is a direct result of the difference in the two enthalpies. Why Energy Recovery Ventilation? Building code requirements for increasing outdoor air ventilation rates have placed new demands on HVAC equipment and on building operating budgets. At the same time, new refrigerants being deployed to lower atmospheric ozone concerns have reduced equipment capacity and global warming is threatening to place even greater restrictions on our use of energy. As shown below, with the use of an enthalpy recovery device, the conditions entering the coil or the building are in a more advantageous area of the psychrometric chart, and actually reduce the workload on the coil or the system. Application Considerations IndustrialProcesses PrintShops • • • • • • • IceRinks • • • Hospitals • • • • • Cross-transferofpollutantsfromexhausttosupplyair. Operationaltemperaturerangerequired. Abilitytocleanthepollutantsfromtheexhaustairstreamthatdepositonthe wheel. Donotuseenergyrecoveryfromfumehoodexhaust. Donotuseenergyrecoveryontheairfromtheprintheadexhaust. AnERVmayrequiresupplementaryheatinganddehumidificationtocontrolthe spacehumiditytotolerancesrequiredforpaperbasedproducts. Regularcleaningtokeeplatentperformanceatfactoryoriginallevelsis suggested. Ventilationairmustbedriedandpretreatedtokeepindoorrelativehumidity belowthedewpointsaticelevelsontherink. Enthalpywheelsarerecommendedforcontrollingtheintroductionofhumidity belowthedewpointsaticelevelsontherink. Ventilationcanbestagedforoccupancy,butallowancemustbemadeforthe operationofgas-firedZamboniicemachinesduringlowoccupancy. Frostcontrolisrarelyrequiredduetothedrynatureofexhaustair. Enthalpyrecoverywheelsareacceptableforventilationincommonuseareas suchaspatientrooms,waitingareas,andhallways. Operatingroomsandlabsmayneedtoavoidthepossibilityofeventheslightest cross-transferofexhausttosupply.Mosthospitalventilationcodesrequirefinal filtersandseparationofintakeandexhaust. Wheelsmustberegularlycleanedandmaintainedtoassurethehighestsupply airquality. Ventilationisa24/7requirement,soprovisionforlowtemperatureoperation (frostcontrol)mustbeconsideredincoldclimates. Application Considerations (continued) NursingHomes • • • • CorrectionalFacilities • • • ToiletExhaust • • • Hospitality/Smoking • • • Retail • • General • • • • • • • Odorgenerationmandatesventilationratesatorabovethe minimumslistedinASHRAEStandard62.1. Enthalpyrecoveryassistswithhumiditycontrol,whichis importantforoccupantcomfortandhealth. Frostcontrolisrequiredinmanycoldclimates. Speciallaboratoryorinfectiousdiseaseareasshouldhave dedicatedexhausts. Odorgenerationmandatesventilationratesatorabovethe minimumslistedinASHRAEStandard62.1. 24/7operationrequireslowtemperature(frost)operational controlsinmanycoldclimates. Thepossibleneedtocontrolinfectiousdisease,particularly tuberculosis,requiresapplicationscareandmayrequirefinal filters. Odorcontrolisrarelyanissuewhentoiletexhaustisprovidedat ASHRAEStandard62.1.Table2minimums.Consider additionalexhausttobalanceflowswhenusingenergyrecovery. Make-upairfortoiletexhaustisgenerallyprovidedbytransferair fromsurroundingspaces. Themixingoftoiletexhaustwithspaceventilationexhaustis acceptableforsystemswherecross-transferislimitedto10%or lessoftheexhaustairsteam. Controlandseparationofsmokingandnon-smokingareas presentsdesignchallengesasdoeskitchenventilationfrom grills,fryers,andovens. Wheresmokingisallowedandexhaustedthroughanenthalpy recoverywheel,thoroughcleaningevery90daysishighly recommendedtoavoidbuildupoftarsandnicotineonthe surfaceofthewheel. Supplyaircomingthroughawheelthathassmokingroom exhaustmustalwaysbesuppliedbacktothesmokingspace.It shouldnotbesuppliedtonon-smokingareasduetoconcernsfor odortransfer.Spaceconditioningshouldbeprovided separately,aswell. Retailventilationisimportanttominimizetheconcentrationof chemicalsinthespaceduetoclothingdyes,paint,and formaldehydefromproductsandfurnishings. Significantsavingsinventilationcostsareavailableduetolong hoursofoperation. Frostcontrolshouldbeconsideredincolderclimates. Observecareinlocatingthesupplyairintakeoftheenergy recoveryventilator.Avoidthepossibilityofdirecttransferof exhaustairbackintothespace. Avoidplacingplumbingandbathroomventsnearsupplyair intakes. Avoidplacingkitchenexhaustnearoutdoorairsupplyintakes. Neveruserotaryenthalpyrecoveryoncontaminatedexhausts fromlaboratoryhoods. Neveruserotaryenthalpywheelsonpaintboothexhaust. Neveruserotaryenthalpywheelsondirectexhaustof automobileengines,ordieselexhausts. Application Data All ventilated spaces are good candidates for energy recovery systems. The best applications are when a large amount of outside air is required for a space that has a low internal load. This is true because most outside air loads are latent which requires the up sizing of the unit to meet both internal and ventilation loads. The advantages of the ERV unit are the ability to reduce the size of the HVAC unit, to provide better humidity levels and to provide a stable, tempered space. Examples of ERV applications are classrooms, churches, conference rooms, game rooms, auditoriums, movie theaters, day care centers, nursing homes, funeral homes, dormitories, and clinics. Retrofits of existing systems to handle outside air without changing the HVAC unit are excellent applications. Other examples are bars, restaurants, casino/game rooms, barber-beauty shops, bingo halls, locker rooms, recreational facilities and health clubs. Animal shelters such as veterinary clinics and kennels have been very successful implementations. Retail spaces and manufacturing facilities are also good applications. If the outside air requirement is greater than 10% of the HVAC unit’s supply air rating: an ERV unit should be considered to enhance the comfort of the occupants and reduce the tonnage of the HVAC unit. The MicroMetl/Airxchange selection program offers a quick, simple overview of the advantages and payback of an ERV system. The following pages contain a sample application and examples of the MicroMetl/Airxchange selection program for each cabinet size. The weather data was for Indianapolis, Indiana 1% ASHRAE weather conditions. Choosing the proper airflow is essential. The MicroMetl part numbers include the airflow range that the cabinet blowers are manufactured to operate within. This airflow range can be determined from the middle 4 digits of the part number: digits 1 and 2 (multiplied by 100) indicate the minimum airflow while digits 3 and 4 indicate the maximum airflow. For example, an ERVA-1014D43 unit has an airflow range of 1000 cfm to 1400 cfm. Please note that all cabinets can be used in lower airflow applications than the part number calls out. This option can be used for high static applications. Although performance is optimized at equal exhaust and supply airflow rates, the MicroMetl/Airxchange selection program and the ERV unit can be used with unequal airflow amounts. You must size the unit for the largest airflow amount. The lower airflow cannot be less than 50% of the higher airflow. Application Data - Sample The following is a typical application for an ERV unit. A consulting engineering firm has specified an HVAC system requiring 1000 cfm of outside air and 90,000 Btu/hr cooling load. This system as specified would require a 12 1/2 ton HVAC unit. In order to improve the efficiency of the rooftop unit, an ERV will be considered. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Obtain the load breakdown from the design engineer: ventilation load, sensible load due to occupancy and building orientation, latent load due to occupancy and building orientation. If this information is not available, enter the building envelope into the HVAC sizing program, Block Load or HAPS. Analyze the building system as specified by the design engineer with the ventilation load. Delete the ventilation load from the analysis. Re-run. Run the MicroMetl/Airxchange selection program specifying an ERVA-1014 ERV unit at 1000 cfm. The MicroMetl/Airxchange selection specifies that the outside air load is 43,177 Btu/hr with out the ERV unit. The ERV unit relieves 28,828 Btu/hr. Resulting in a HVAC outside air load of only 14,357 Btu/hr. Add the remaining outside air loads (14,357 Btu/hr) to the results of the space load analysis (90,000 Btu/hr - step 3). These are the new HVAC unit load factors. Specify the HVAC unit based upon this loading. For this example, the new HVAC load is 104,357 Btu/hr. If required, the MicroMetl/Airxchange selection contains an hourly bin analysis option that will allow you to provide operational data. The ERV unit can be coupled to the HVAC unit via a MicroMetl provided transition or the ERV unit can be used as a stand-alone unit. A coupled HVAC/ERV unit is preferred because there are no additional roof penetrations needed and no additional duct work required. A stand-alone unit is available if space is a factor or if the fresh air needs to be directed into a dedicated area. When using the stand-alone option, it is recommended that the wheel by-pass option (ERV-OPT-036) be used as well to provide “free cooling” if conditions will allow. CombinedEfficiency(CEF) The Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Institute (ARI) has published "Guideline V" to establish a method of calculating the energy efficiency of applied Energy Recovery Ventilation components and of heating, ventilating, and/or air-conditioning systems utilizing such components at selected operating conditions. It also provides guidance on proper sizing of cooling and heating equipment when such energy recovery components are applied. The formula used in the Combined Efficiency (CEF) calculation can be found in Guideline V, or can be calculated using the MicroMetl / Airxchange selection and sizing software. Listed below are some examples of the Combined Efficiencies of using a Carrier rooftop unit with a MicroMetl Energy Recovery unit. CombinedHVAC/ERVEfficiencyExamples HVACEER MMCERVUnit Outside Air Percent ofOA 48HJ006 . ERVA-1014 EVCG 1,000 50% 14.93 14.94 15.88 14.53 48PG006 12.0 ERVA-1014 1,000 50% 16.02 16.03 17.04 15.59 48HJ012 11.0 ERVB-2025 2,000 50% 14.80 14.82 15.74 14.47 48PG012 12.0 ERVB-2025 2,000 50% 16.01 16.03 17.03 15.65 48HJ017 10.5 ERVB-2532 3,000 50% 13.56 13.59 14.35 13.32 48PG016 . ERVB-2532 3,000 50% 14.60 14.62 15.45 14.34 48PG024 . ERVC-3650 4,000 50% 15.75 15.77 16.77 15.39 HVACUnit EVCG EVEF EVEF EVEG EVEG EVHF *************CombinedEfficiency(CEF)******************** Indianapolis Atlanta Houston Phoenix MicroMetl EVCG Carrier 48PG 006 HVAC RER FORMULA= EER FORMULA= Net Conditioning Recovered Net Cooling Capacity Total Electric Power Consumed Total Electric Power Consumed RER= 63.3 EER= 12.0 2003 GUIDELINE for 17.04 Combined Efficiency (CEF) Calculating the efficiency of energy recovery ventilation and it’s effect on efficiency and sizing of building HVAC systems. Guideline V 100 N. FAIRFAX DR., SUITE 200 • ARLINGTON VA 22203 MicroMetl’s ERV Warranty Plan General Warranty Statement: The ERV rotary cassette wheel used in MicroMetl’s ERV units are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service for a period of 5 years for all parts and components. MicroMetl warrants for two years all Energy Recovery unit products (other than the ERV wheel) to be free from defects in design, material, and workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty applies to blowers, blower motors, and all other ERV components (other than ERV wheel). Our obligation shall be limited to repairing or replacing defective components or assemblies., as our inspection determines to be defective. MicroMetl will allow freight charges, however air freight charges are not included. General Conditions: All warranty periods commence at date of original installation, or 6 months after date of shipment, if earlier. This warranty does not cover the cost of labor for any adjustments or service calls, nor does it include the cost of labor for replacing defective parts or components. This warranty does not apply if the ERV unit or wheel has been subject to misuse, abuse, neglect, accidental damage, or alteration. This warranty applies only to parts supplied or designated by MicroMetl. This express warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, which are hereby excluded. MicroMetl shall not be liable for special, incidental, or consequential damages or losses from any cause whatsoever including, without limitation, loss of use, commercial profits, or customer goodwill, and any other claims based on contract or tort, whether or not arising from MicroMetl’s negligence. Extended Warranties: MicroMetl offers extended ERV warranties covering defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service. Contact factory for details. ERV Mating Options MicroMetl has (4) different means of mating an ERV to a rooftop unit. These options are in addition to the stand alone format. These options are as follows: 1. Combination Curb 2. Transition 3. Drop-in Damper Box 4. Direct Mated Unit We will describe and talk about each of these options individually and point out the benefits and disadvantages of each in the following pages. 10 ERV Mating Options - Combination Curb The combo-curb is a single curb that holds both the HVAC unit and the ERV on the same curb. The transition of the air happens in transitions in the curb. Benefits: • Ease of set-up and installation at the jobsite. You only have to set 1 curb as opposed to setting 2 curbs and a transition. You will always have the proper distance set between the HVAC unit and the ERV. •The electrical contractor can run a single disconnect to power both units since they are sitting on a common curb. • We can mate any ERV to HVAC unit that has a vertical return. • Units are designed to allow the standard HVAC economizers and powered exhaust to be installed in the units. Fresh Air In MicroMetl ERV Unit HVAC Unit Exhaust Air Out Combo-Curb Return Air From Building Conditioned Air To Building 11 ERV Mating Options - Transition Transitions are used to tie to horizontal return HVAC units. We are providing the ductwork that tie into the horizontal return all the way back to the transition where the ERV ties into the ductwork. The contractor would then tie into our transition the same way he would tie into the return of the HVAC unit. Both the HVAC and the ERV will still need their own curbs. Benefits: • Units are designed to allow the standard HVAC economizers and powered exhaust to be installed in the units. • Units are designed to prevent short cycling. • We can mate any ERV to HVAC unit that has a horizontal return. 12 ERV Mating Options - Drop-in Damper Box Drop-in damper boxes can be used in place of the combination curb. That means this only works with a vertical return HVAC unit. This damper box is the box that is in place in the combination curb to help route the air through the curbs and keep the supply air from short cycling out of the return. The damper box would be installed in the HVAC curb return chamber. The contractor would then make two duct runs under the roof. One would be from the supply side of the ERV to the supply side of the damper box. The second would be from the return side of the ERV to the return side of the damper box. To control the static pressure drop through the ducts, you can only run 100’ equivalent duct per run between the ERV and the damper box. Any more than this will start to provide less airflow through the ERV. This configuration allows for the ERV to be laid out on any side of the HVAC unit. Benefits: • Units are designed to allow the standard HVAC economizers and powered exhaust to be installed in the units. • Units are designed to prevent short cycling. • We can mate any ERV to HVAC unit that has a vertical return. • This configuration allows for the ERV to be put on any side of the HVAC unit. 13 ERV Mating Options - Direct Mated Units Direct mated units are units that bolt directly on to the HVAC unit without the using a curb or transition. The direct mated units we are talking about here are units that are field installed only. This unit is bolted onto the HVAC unit at the economizer opening. The units can come as an ERV by itself (no economizer) or be equipped with an economizer and additional power exhaust. The direct mated units will only work with the economizer that comes with the ERV. If an economizer is already installed in the HVAC unit, it will have to be removed before the ERV is installed. These units have fewer options than the regular ERV’s. To install the unit, the contractor would install the damper section in the rooftop unit, plug into the economizer plug, bolt the unit to the outside of the HVAC unit, and run power to the ERV. Benefits: • This is the most cost effective means of providing an ERV with a rooftop (no roof curb or transition needed for the ERV). • It is easy to install. • Has an optional economizer with power exhaust. 14 Combo-curb Flow Options ERV is providing 100% outside air to the HVAC Unit. ERV is providing less than 100% outside air. 15 Combo-curb Flow Options cont. HVAC Unit is in the unoccupied mode. No outside air. HVAC Unit is in free cooling. Economizer is open. Exhaust air through economizer or power exhaust. 16 Combo-curb Flow Options cont. HVAC Unit is in free cooling. Economizer is open. Exhaust air is through the ERV. 17