public auction - Kaser Auctions
public auction - Kaser Auctions
L a rge PUBLIC AUCTION LAPAZ COMMUNITY BUILDING DIRECTIONS — Take U.S. 31 either 12 miles south of South Bend or 1/3 mile north of U.S. 6 (behind Fire Station) Sunday, Sept. 18, 2011 • 11:15 am — ANTIQUES & COLLECTOR’S ITEMS — FURNITURE: Beautiful solid oak stepback kitchen cabinet (c1980 A-1); nice 1920s solid oak 54" round dining table w/twisted legs & 4 leaves (A-1); (5) oak dining chairs (incl. 2 Captain A-1); heavily carved coffee table w/glass tray top (A-1); (c1930s); small deco table; Chippendale style lamp table w/claw front; mahogany Duncan Phyfe drop leaf ped. lamp table; 1880s table w/drawer; parlor chair; h.p. wash bowl, pitcher w/stand; nice small oak library table (A-1); primitive cross buck pine table; nice primitive butchers bench; primitive sausage grinder bench; primitive tongue & groove feed box; self standing dresser mirror; GLASS & CHINA: Large selection of good glass & china incl. a vintage spice set, salt & pepper & cookie jar for Hoosier cabinet; canisters; wall pockets; milk glass hen on nest (incl. Westmoreland); Waterford Crystal pcs.; Lefton vases; coll. plates; Lenox egg w/holder; castor condiment set; (22) paperweights (unmarked); (8) “Cherished Teddies” plates; irridescent stemware sets; many German & Nippon hand painted plates, relish & serving pcs.; green cracker jar; perfume bottles; (2) Heiser figurines (sm. chip); Fostoria; Candlewick & Tiara pcs.; HEAD VASES: 30+ asst. styles - many nice ones! LAMPS: Beautiful parlor lamp (h.p.) w/cherub base & prisms (A-1 electrified); nice pedestal oil lamp w/satin glass shade; brass table lamps; pottery table lamps; hanging oil lamp w/milkglass shade (nice); FIGURINES: Over 100 “Snow Village” pcs. (Dept. 56); approx. 500 “Precious Moments” figurines w/boxes & cert.; collection of “Yuletide” “Christmas Houses”; Peter Fagen, Maude Humphrey resin figurines; Jan Hagard, Perillo, Atwood porcelain figurines, Vintage 5 pc. metal reindeer set; cast iron horse & dog figurines, metal aquarium diver; lots of misc. (6) porcelain rabbits (USA); musical figurines; DOLLS: Several “Precious Moments” dolls w/box (A-1); dozens of dolls — old & newer incl. Gerber Babies in box; many porcelain dolls; doll furniture & accessories; Teddy Bear & Poodle collection — many pcs. incl. access.; TOYS: Tonka Jeep firetruck (hooks to hose); Buddy-L Coke truck; Tinker toys; older Fisher Price pcs.; Playskool “Otto” jack; misc. cars & tractor; games (many old); Murder/Mystery games; lots of good childrens books (Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, NFL Quarterback (older) etc.; childs Sno-ler; MISC. COLLECTIBLES: Nice Blatz Beer cast alum. baseball motif display; old surveyors transit/ complete; Redwing 2 gal. crock; oak file; nice camelback trunk; (2) Adlake RR lanterns; copper fire extinguisher; double copper boiler; cast teapot; old jack; sterling candlestick; childs cedar chest; ladies wrist watches & costume jewlelry; cast iron bank collection; NASCAR & INDY race car posters; (6) John White prints (framed & matted); Remington prints; oil paintings; many limited prints; painting easel; child’s 21 pc. Blue Lustre china set (Germany); (7) Childs porcelain china sets; childs orange lustre teapot; collectible books; wood box w/lock; (3) Q-balls (ivory?); Coke Christmas ornaments & lots of misc. deocr; nice 5'x7' Oriental rug; asst. primitive tools; Black Beauty corn sheller; architectural pcs.; old car trunk; — GENERAL HOUSEHOLD — Nice Thomasville triple couch; grn. Flexsteel chair w/Ottoman (A-1); full bed/complete w/bedding; LaZ-Boy modern recliner; La-Z-Boy couch w/reclining ends; redwood lawn furniture (love seat, 2 chairs); Singer portable sewing machine; stereo equipment; Westminster shelf clock; Revereware & misc. cookware; vacuums; artificial Christmas trees; quality Christmas decor; luggage; maple lamp table; (2) solid oak bookcases — LAWN & GARDEN • TOOLS • MISCELLANEOUS — Wheel Horse lawn wagon (w/new tires); Wheel Horse trailer; Echo power blower; Echo 14" chain saw; sm. tailgate seeder/spreader; Delta 10' bench saw; Atlas grinder w/stand; B&D industrial grinder/cutter; Wagner “Hot Gun” (2) ½" air impacts; drills; 3/8" sockets & ratchets; swivel sockets; vise grips; Channel locks; tin snips; C-clamps; 6V/12V jumper-starter; asst. jacks & stands; stepladders; wheelbarrow; barrel stand; fencing; lawn & garden hand tools; Std. Beetle tow bar; misc. automotive parts & tools; drive-in car cover; new car cover; propane tanks; shop vac; alum. ext. ladder; lots of misc. Sale conducted by: — AUCTIONEER’S NOTE — Lots of good quality merchandise at this sale! 2 auction rings for portion of sale. Exchange, New Paris, Indiana • The Farmer’s Col. Carl Kaser TERMS: CASH, good check, MC/VISA #AU01016783 Kaser’s Auction Service Refreshments Not responsible for accidents or merchandise after sold. North Liberty, Indiana (574) 656-4532 Col. Jason Kaser #AU08900156 ★ #12642 #12642 The Farmer’s Exchange, New Paris, Indiana •
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