We learnt about the process of mummification and we got to


We learnt about the process of mummification and we got to
During our Ancient Egyptian
Topic we learnt about square
numbers while building sugar
cube pyramids.
Do you know how many sugar cubes it would take to
build a 5 x 5 square based pyramid?
We learnt about the process of mummification and we
got to mummify a fish.
When we mummified a fish it was
I thought it was great fun mummifying
a bit gory for some but I thought
a fish especially when we got to take
it was awesome. I got to touch
the organs out and then wrap the fish
the stomach of the fish, yuck!
By Charlotte
in bandages.
By Arden
After we had mummified our fish we designed and made
our own canopic jars. Canopic jars are what the Ancient
Egyptians put the Pharaoh’s organs into ready
for their journey into the afterlife.