An Introduction to Podiatry
An Introduction to Podiatry
Lubna Hussain Podiatrist What is Podiatry? Podiatry is the diagnosis and treatment by podiatrists of diseases and other disorders of the feet. Podiatrists are highly skilled health professionals who have been trained to prevent, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate abnormal conditions of the feet and lower limbs. They also prevent and correct deformity, keep people mobile and active, relieve pain and treat infections. The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists, 2009 Nail Conditions Skin Conditions Diabetic Foot Screenings Annual foot screenings to check the integrity of the lower limb Neurological assessment Vascular assessment Foot Ulcers Treat a wide range of foot ulcers Nail Surgery Minor Surgery for Ingrowing Toe Nails Biomechanics/Gait Clinic Biomechanics may be considered as the science that studies the external forces acting on the human body and the effects produced by these forces. Specialized clinics Common Things We See Treatment Exercises Footwear advice Orthotics Referral to Podiatric Surgery Referral to: Physiotherapy Child Development Centre Specialist Podiatry/Physiotherapy Clinic How to Refer Accept referrals from ALL Health Professionals ALL Referrals to be sent to: Foot Health Department Kirk House, 97-109 High Street, West Drayton, Middlesex UB7 7HJ. Allocated to appropriate clinic Triage of Referrals All forms are screened and triaged for eligibility Triaged for Medical and Podiatric Need Those that do not meet criteria are informed Those that are eligible are sent an appointment from Podiatry Booking Office at Kirk House Patient has Initial Assessment at clinic Reassessed for eligibility We offer Domiciliary visits for housebound patients Transport Service A Step in the Right Direction! Podiatry is a Great service to Commission! Help keep the population walking Prevent loss of limbs in diabetes Carry out regular Audits Patient Related Outcome Measures-when asked whether patients feel their Podiatry treatment met their expectations 100% of patients who answered the question said "yes it does." Thank You Any Questions?