pt alert must read
pt alert must read
SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 VOL. 4 - ISSUE 11 :: PAGES 20 :: ` 2/- RNI NO. MAHBIL/2011/39373 Regn. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14 WWW.PARSI-TIMES.COM O Viraf Deboo Pg. 03 n Monday, the 30th of June, Prime Minister Narendra Modi met members of the FDU (Foundation for Development of Udvada) Vada Dasturji Khurshed Dastur, Dinshaw Tamboly, Homai Engineer and Jehangir Cama to discuss issues relating to development of Udvada, and other community issues such as conferring the Bharat Ratna on Late Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw, restoration of lapsed reservations for Parsis in medical and engineering colleges, and a host of other matters. The team says there has been a positive response on all fronts and they are hoping for the best. Shreyas @ St. Mary’s Pg. 04 MUST READ Dear Readers Readers, Adopt Now Pg. 08 FIFA Knock-Outs Pg. 10 P.T. ALERT Parsi Times is extremely grateful for your support. It has been three years and we have celebrated, battled and overcome much together, you and us. Recently we have been flooded with complaints that the Parsi Times is not reaching our Readers on time or even regularly. Just like we have faced and overcome other challenges we want to face this head on and we need your help. To improve and extend our reach we have decided to shift to a VENDOR BASED distribution system. This means that your local newspaper-wallah will now carry the Parsi Times for you along with the other papers he delivers to your doorstep! We are pricing this offer for you at a fabulous Rs.2/- per issue. That means you pay your local paper-wallah, Rs.8-10 per month only for your weekly dose of our colourful and exciting Parsi Times! We are shifting to the VENDOR BASED system from the 16th of August. Till then the paper will come to you the regular way it does. Please inform your newspaper-wallah that you would like him to deliver the Parsi Times to you regularly each Saturday morning. Thank you for always being there for us and making us the fair, strong and unbiased voice of our wonderful Community! You may inform your newspaper-wallah that Parsi Times is available at the Depots of Atharva Enterprises (Mr. Hemant Chavan). Through the VENDOR system, the newspaper is also available on SATURDAYS itself in Pune, Dahanu and other Community strong cities and towns. Please request those interested to contact their local vendors too! Regards and Thank you always Freyan Bhathena Editor You may inform your n e w s p a p e r- w a l l a h that Parsi Times is available at the Depots of Atharva Enterprises (Mr. Hemant Chavan 098673 08063) 02 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Editorial NOTICES Dear Readers, The rain is such a beautiful thing. It washes dust off the trees, giving leaves a much needed chance to expand their lungs. It pushes neglected paper waste away from much travelled routes. It smashes against buildings and yanks dust and dinginess out of their concrete walls. Best of all, it brings along with it the Rainbow. Yet, climate change, a neglectful government and a complete lack of respect for infrastructure make the rain our enemy! Crores spent on a new transport system are a joke now as rain leaks into bogus bogeys. It pours off the sides of the Metro tracks and onto Pedestrians and Cyclists intermittently, like some cruel form of Chinese Torture. Images of mothers and children swirling in muck, riddled with dead rats, waste and deadly errant electric wires, gives this wonderful bounty from the clouds a really bad rep! The only rain dance we are doing is a duck-for-cover jig, accompanied by a string of verbal abuses muttered at the sky (of course, some Parsis really bring out their fowl language repertoire this season too!). And, like many other things about our great Indian lives we deal with it when it’s there, forget it when it’s not and shamelessly rinse and repeat the cycle each year! Some things we can’t change and some things we can, if we try just a little harder. I applaud the efforts of some, featured in this Issue of Parsi Times. The members of our Foundation for Development of Udvada (FDU), World Zoroastrian Chamber of Commerce (WZCC), young Parsi entertainers and musicians, young Londoner Jamsheed Todiwalla, letter writers, authors, animal NGOs, doctors and just about everyone who works a little longer, a little wiser and a little more than the rest of us, to make the world a better place. Happy reading. Do write to me at and tell me what you think of our new VENDOR SYSTEM! Freyan. TWITTER %33PDNHVDERQILUH Dear Editor, It is an unconscionable ERQÀUH RI RXU &RPPXQLW\·V SUHFLRXV 5V FURUH E\ WKH %33 7UXVWHHV UHJDUGLQJ WKH 3ULHVWV ZKR DUH GHEDUUHG E\WKHPGHVSLWHWKH%RPED\ +LJK&RXUWUXOLQJFDWHJRULFDOO\ WKDWWKH%33KDGQRSRZHUVWR GRVR$ERYHRQRSLQLRQRI,QV % 1 6ULNULVKQD·V FDWHJRULFDOO\ VXSSRUWV WKH +&·VYHUGLFW $V WKH PRQLHV ÁRZ RXW RI WKH %33·V FRIIHUV DQG QRW IURP WKRVH RI WKH 7UXVWHHV WKH\SOD\GXFNVGUDNHVZLWK RXU&RPPXQLW\·VPRQH\ 7KHIDQDWLFLVPPXVWVWRS DQG WKLV VHW RI7UXVWHHV PXVW be declared persona non JUDWD DW WKH IRUWKFRPLQJ HOHFWLRQV LQ %XW WKHLU IUHQ]\PXVWVWRSQRZ 7KH RIÀFLDO QDPH RI WKH %33 LWVHOI VXJJHVWV WKDW LW LV QRWDQHSLVFRSDO%RG\ Behram T. Dastur. SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 FaceBook Like: Parsi Times *UHDW*XMDUDWL:ULWHU Dear Editor, ,PXVWZDQWWRWKDQN6KUHH .LVKRUEKDL-3DQFKDO $V ZH NQRZ KH LV VKDULQJ KLV NQRZOHGJH RI KLVWRU\ WKH KLVWRU\ WKDW KDV VKDSHG WKH 0XPEDL FLW\ ,Q GRLQJ VR KH KDV GRQH D JUHDW VHUYLFH WR 3DUVL&RPPXQLW\DOVRWKURXJK articles relating to Parsi &RPPXQLW\ DFKLHYHPHQWV LQ WKH SDVW VD\ IRU 3RUWXJXHVH DQG%ULWLVKUXOH , ZRQGHU KDV KH WKH WUHDVXUH RI VXFK HSLVRGHV QDUUDWLQJ KRZ 0XPEDL PDGH SURJUHVVWLOOWRGD\ 7KDQNVDQGUHJDUGV Ratan Mir. 7KDQN\RX37 Dear Editor, 7KDQN \RX VR PXFK IRU VHQGLQJPHDFRS\RIWKH3DUVL 7LPHV , WKRURXJKO\ HQMR\HG WKH GRVH RI 2OGLHV *ROGLHV DQG WKH VPDOO FROXPQV WKDW PDGH IRU HDV\ DQG YDOXDEOH UHDGLQJ 7KH SDSHU EULQJV WR WKH IRUHIURQW WKH FODVVLFDO TXDOLWLHV RI WKH 3DUVLV RXU ORYH IRU IRRG WHFKQRORJ\ KHDOWKDQGRXUHOGHUV 0D\ \RX FRQWLQXH WR JURZ DQGEHVWURQJDQGWUXHLQWKH IDFHRIDOOWKHPDGQHVV 36 &RXOG \RX DGG VRPH PRUHUHFLSHVWRWKHZHHNHQG IRUXVODGLHV" Regards, Navaz B. 5HSO\WR3LURMD-RNKL Dear Editor, , UHDG WKRXJKW SURYRNLQJ DUWLFOHZULWWHQE\3LURMD-RNKL YLGH LVVXH RI VW -XQH ´:LVGRPDQG5HDVRQµ ,W UHODWHV WR GLVSRVDO RI GHDGE\3DUVL&RPPXQLW\VKH KDVULJKWO\GHVFULEHGPHWKRGV DQGUHOLJLRXVLPSOLFDWLRQ 7KH PHWKRG LV YHU\ SULPLWLYHDQGLVRXWRIGDWHLQ SUHVHQWFLUFXPVWDQFHV 7KHUH LV QR +HOO DQG +HDYHQ:HKDYHYHU\OHDUQHG SHUVRQV LQ WKH &RPPXQLW\ DQG +LJK 3ULHVWV :H UHTXHVW Salgreh of the Seth Banaji Limji Agiary The Seth Banaji Limji Agiary, Fort, celebrates its Salgreh on the English date of Roj Din Mah Bahman, 7th of July 2014. On behalf of the Trustees, there will be a Macchi in the Havan Geh at 6.45 am, following which there will be a Jashan at 10 am. All Humdins are invited. Jashan Ceremony at M. J. Wadia Agiary Jashan Ceremony will be performed at the M. J. Wadia Agiary, Lalbaug on July, 6, 2014 at 10.00 am followed by Structured Course on Religious Ceremonies. Talk and Group Discussion will be on “Gatha Prayers and Farajyat” - Part IV (Rapithwan Geh) by Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia at M. J. Wadia Agiary Hall, Lalbaug on 6th July, 2014 at 11.00 am. WKHP WR FRPH IRUZDUG DQG JXLGH WKH &RPPXQLW\ ZKR LV SDVVLQJ WKURXJK GLIÀFXOW SKDVH RI XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI UHOLJLRQWHDFKLQJV LQ UHJDUG WR GLVSRVDO RI GHDG ZKLFK are not suitable to present FLUFXPVWDQFH FUHDWHG E\ advance living. , YHQWXUH , VD\ UHOLJLRQ LV IRU OLYLQJ SHRSOH DQG QRW IRU WKH GHDG ZKHUH PRUH LPSRUWDQFH DUH JLYHQ WR UHOLJLRXVULWXDOVIRUWKHGHDG ,ZLOODQGSUD\WR$OPLJKW\WR JXLGHRXUGHDU&RPPXQLW\RQ WKHSURSHUSDWK Ratan Mir. 5HSO\WR3KHUR]H3DWHO Dear Readers, , KXPEO\ UHTXHVW DOO WR VSDUH VRPH WLPH WR UHDG WKLV RSHQOHWWHUDVLWFRQFHUQVWKH SURSHUWLHV RI WKH &RPPXQLW\ PDQDJHGE\WKH%33 ,ZURWHPDQ\HPDLOVWRWKH ODWH 0U 0HKOL &RODK RXU H[ &(2DQGWRDOO7UXVWHHVHYHQ OHWWHUV LQ WKH &RPPXQLW\ PHGLD ([ &(2 QHYHU UHVSRQGHGHYHQRQFH0RVWRI WKH7UXVWHHVUHPDLQHGVLOHQW 7KLVLVVREHFDXVHZHVLWDQG UHDG WKH SDSHU DW KRPH EXW GRQRWPDNHWLPHWRUHVSRQG DQG PDNH WKH 7UXVWHHV DFFRXQWDEOH KHQFH WKH\ GRQ·WERWKHU-XVWEHFDXVHZH KDYH D URRI RYHU RXU KHDGV ZH SHUKDSV IHHO LW LV QRW RXU Contd. on Pg. 06 POINT TO NOTE: It’s the message, not the messenger you might be mad at! Please Note: The opinions expressed in ‘Letters to the Editor’ are those of Readers and contributors and do not necessarily express the opinion of our Publication. Ǯǯ ǡƤǤ ǡ requested to contact the individual authors if his/ her details are mentioned. SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 In Focus HEAD TO PUNE &KDLUPDQ3XQH&KDSWHU:=&& As the t Pune Chapter of the World Zoroastrian Chamber of Commerce gears up to celebrate 10 years of encouraging entrepreneurship, networking and business skills amongst the Community members of the Green city of Pune, busi Par Parsi Times catches up with Chairman Viraf Deboo for a quick tête-à-tête. Parsi Times: Thank for taking the time you fo to us on this to speak sp very busy day of v ver celebration for ce tthe WZCC Pune Chapter, of which you are the Chairman. Tell us a little more about your involvement in the WZCC Pune Chapter. Viraf Deboo: I have been involved with the WZCC Pune Chapter since 2005, and s closely involved c VLQFH ÀUVW V as Secretary, and then since 2011 as th Chairman. I have Ch been occupied in be all aspects of the functioning of the fun Pune Pu Chapter for the last seven years. l My term will end in September 2014, but I shall 20 continue to be fully involved in all WZCC matters, at the Chapter & all India level. P.T.: Your role in WZCC extends beyond Pune city? Viraf: That is correct! My current role at WZCC, apart from directing the Pune Chapter, also involves being a member on the WZCC India Board, and I frequently travel to Mumbai for meetings and discussions with the Global President, Mr. Minoo Shroff, & the India President, Mr. Cyrus Bagwadia. P.T.: You are an entrepreneur yourself. Tell us a little more about what you do? Viraf: By profession, I am an engineer, and run a business under the name of ALBAJ GROUP of COMPANIES. We manufacture Steam Boilers, Pressure vessels, Piping, and we also undertake manufacture & erection of all types of tanks & piping at various sites all over the country, especially for the Oil & Gas sector. P.T.: The WZCC Pune Chapter is a very active and busy chapter of the Organization. What have you all been unto recently? Viraf: As you know we celebrate 10 years of our Pune Chapter today! We have recently started a Women’s and a Youth wing within the Pune Chapter. P.T.: Is WZCC Pune Chapter an enabler for its members? Viraf: Very much so! I believe that WZCC can, & should, play a very important role in being the engine for the economic prosperity of Zoroastrians. The focus areas of WZCC Networking, Mentoring & Training, if utilised SURSHUO\ FDQ JR D ORQJ ZD\ LQ IXOÀOOLQJ the basic needs of many young Zoroastrian entrepreneurs & professionals. P.T.: Tell us a little more about yourself and your family. Viraf: At a personal level, I am married to Farida, and have 2 children, Natasha & Hoshedar. Natasha has completed her BA in English, a diploma in Journalism, and is currently completing her MA in English from the Pune University. Hoshedar is in 3rd year Engineering. Farida makes exotic chocolates. P.T.: This is your last year as Chairman of the Pune Chapter. Any words for our Readers? Viraf: I thoroughly enjoy whatever time I spend for WZCC, & the journey has been a IXOÀOOLQJ \HW KXPEOLQJ one! P.T.: Thank you for your time and congratulations on the 10 year celebration! 03 The WZCC Pune Chapter invites Parsi Times readers from everywhere to road trip to P u n e for their 10-year special For celebration tonight. more details, connect with Viraf Deboo on 09822099430. 04 Community Coverage SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 Contributed by P.T. Writer and Marian Mom, Jasmine Z. Sahukar -DVPLQH=6DKXNDU T )HHG%DFN FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP hey came, they saw, they Conquered...It would be very apt to say this for the talented Bawa gang in attendance at the recently concluded IMMACULATA 2014, an inter-school Cultural Extravaganza at St. Mary’s Mazgaon. The entire show was conceptualized, designed and executed, for the most part, by Participating Schools 1. Activity High School 2. Campion 3. Christ Church 4. Diamond Jubilee High School 5. Dunnes Institute 6. Fort Convent 7. G.D. Somani Memorial School 8. Holy Family High School 9. J.B. Petit 10. Jamnabai Narsee 11. Queen Mary’s School 12. St. Mary’s, SSC 13. St. Peters 14. St. Stanislaus 15. St. Xaviers Boys Academy 16. St Xaviers Fort 17. Villa Theresa 6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO0D]JDRQKDVVHHQDORWRI3DUVLVSDVVWKURXJK LWVFRUULGRUVRIOHDUQLQJRYHUWKHSDVW\HDUV7RGD\WRRZKLOHRXU QXPEHUVGZLQGOHDWRWKHUPDLQVWUHDPDQGSRSXODUFROOHJHVDQGVFKRROV 6W0DU\¶VLVWHDPLQJZLWK&RPPXQLW\PHPEHUVZKREULQJWKHLUFUHDWLYH WDOHQWSDVVLRQDQGGUHDPVRIH[FHOOHQFHWRWKHLU,PPDFXODWDLQWHUVFKRRO FXOWXUDOSURJUDPPH6W0DU\¶V0XPDQG37:ULWHU-DVPLQH=6DKXNDU UHSRUWVIURPWKHPLGVWRIWKHDFWLRQ the senior boys of the school, (classes 8, 9 and 10) with Dinshaw Divecha (Class 10) being the Vice Chairperson of the Immaculata Organising Committee together with the student council taking the lead with the support of the Principal, Vice Principal, staff and parents. Principal, Fr. Kenneth Misquitta opened the event on Saturday, the 28th surrounded by 2500 students of 17 participating schools present there. The competitors at the ÀQDOV ZHUH &DPSLRQ -% 3HWLW DQG -DPQDEDL 1DUVHH &DPSLRQ WRRN KRPH WKH ÀUVW place awards! Hormuz Ragina, exMarian was the Anchor for the event. His entertaining and stylish presentation made the entire event mesmerizing and so full of life. -RLQLQJ KLP ZDV 0DU]L Pestonji, who has been associated with the Shiamak Daver Institute of Performing Arts (SDIPA) since the past 19 years, BBoys – Darayus Dhabar and Vishtasp Kothavala, the only Parsi BBoy crew (has total six members) in the world called “The Style in Work Crew”. All of them put their best foot forward for the school and did some excellent judging of the many events in the Performing Arts section, like th theme th F hi h ‘Yi the Fashion show ‘Yin meets Yang’ and the musical extravaganza ‘Collision Course’. Each and every school was prepared and perfect in their performance and it was indeed a tough time for them, judging who was the BEST from the Best! Last but not the least, no event is complete without some mouth-watering foodie delights which were available round the clock at the Food Court and had another young Bawa Entrepreneur, Sean 0RMLD RI 02-,·6 VDWLDWLQJ the youth’s hunger with yummy Pastas, spicy Maggi, a variety of hot buttery American Corn and PRUH 02-,·6 DQG MARY’S... way to go! In Principal, Fr. Kenneth’s words, “This is an event of the students, for the students and by the students and it gives me great pride to host Immaculata 2014 at St. Mary’s, ICSE and also as we are into our 150th year, we thought we should make it Spectacular. We believe in striking a right balance between Academics and Extra curricular and Cultural activities since we believe that education is building up of our total Personality and not only the Brain. This premier Institution has always strived for an environment of peace and harmony and admits students of all castes, creed and strata into our folds. This is an example of how peace and harmony can be inculcated amongst our students and staff alike. All in all a spectacular and unforgettable show for the School and the Community families and alumni in attendance! The winning school Campion being presented with the Winning Trophy. Also in the picture, extreme right, Dinshaw Divecha, Vice Chairperson-Immaculata 2014 Organising Committee with the Principal and Vice Principal, extreme left and third from left respectively, along with other Committee Members. SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 We are switching to the Vendor System. Ask your newspaper-wallah to send you your Parsi dŝŵĞƐĨƌĞƐŚĂŶĚŽŶƟŵĞĞǀĞƌLJ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͘ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ T his October a team of intrepid food lovers, chefs and food industry experts will embark on a unique cycling challenge across India in a bid to raise over £100,000 towards Action Against Hunger’s lifesaving work around the world. They will endure blistering temperatures and rough terrain to cycle over 400kms across beautiful Rajasthan in just 5 days, before meeting communities supported by Action Against Hunger’s programmes. You can support them in their fundraising efforts today by making a donation to one of their sponsorship pages below. Every donation is hugely DSSUHFLDWHG DQG ZLOO KHOS WR IXUWKHU WKH ÀJKW er 40 countries worldwide, worldwide against hunger in over including India. Jamsheed Todiwalla is taking part in the Rajasthan Cycle Challenge scheduled from the 9th to the 19th of October. Jamsheed, the artistic and incredibly talented Elder son of Cyrus and Perveen Todiwalla and brother to Hormuz, has already collected a little over £3,000 of the £5,000 required for the Cause. To help Jamsheed pedal into action there is a Fundraising Campaign making the rounds online. All you have to do is click and donate a small sum to help the cause! Donations in any Currency and of any size are highly appreciated! Go Jamsheed! FOLLOW THE MUSIC TRAIL P.T. follows the trail of young hip Parsi Musicians as they get feet tapping across the country. We hope to see you in the crowd as we drink, dance and cheer with them! J.J. on the Drums! And Sohrab Nicholson’s vocals! Jehangir Jehangir joins Sohrab Nicholson for a super performance also in Mumbai on the 31st of July 4, 2014. J.J. also performs here with the Dirty Jays! Ryan on the Sax! Follow smooth saxophonist Ryan Sadri to Pune as he performs at Euriska in Pune on the 18th of July. The set also features our favourite J.J. (Jehangi Jehangir)! Those in Mumbai can head to LiBai @ Palladium Hotel to watch Ryan perform on the 19th as part of an electro swing set with Jay Weathers). We have seen this! Trust us its FAB!! Behran Siganporia The front man for One Nite Stand will be setting %DQJDORUH RQ ÀUH WKLV PRQWK He kickstarts July with a SHUIRUPDQFHDW7KH.LQJÀVKHU'HUE\RQWK-XO\DWWKH+DUG Rock Café in Bangalore. Then One Nite Stand heads to Chennai for Fashion Week on the 20th and then back to Bangalore Fashion Week on the 25th! Jansher Banaji, the young Classical Pianist will be entertaining the audience in style at the WZCC 10 Year Celebration at the Taj Vivanta (Hotel Blue Diamond) in Pune on Saturday, 6 p.m. onward. 05 06 We are switching to the Vendor System. Ask your newspaper-wallah ƚŽ ƐĞŶĚ LJŽƵ LJŽƵƌ WĂƌƐŝ dŝŵĞƐ ĨƌĞƐŚ ĂŶĚ ŽŶ ƟŵĞ ĞǀĞƌLJ ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJ ŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͘ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Letters to the Editor SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 Contd. from Pg. 02 problem anymore. Recently, a family left after meeting the Trustees on housing matter on last Tuesday and one of the Trustees commented to another ‘Aai kaklaat karva aavela paacha’. I am tempted to give out the name of the shameless Trustee but I will not do so unless there is rebut. Time to give the Trustees an Appraisal. They make time to meet ZYNG, World Congress, and WZC etc but when a needy person comes to them after waiting outside the Boardroom for hours, the Trustees have no time. If you have a Crore + you will be RIIHUHG D OLVW RI ÁDWV EXW LI you are poor, they will make you wait for years. Do spare some time and email me your views at and share with me a happening, an experience, a grievance that you may have against BPP or any employee. Your feedback will go a long way in helping those who need your support. Let’s make a difference. It’s time to give back to the Community by lending a helping hand to those in need. It is time the Trustees learnt that BPP is not all about promoting cronies or about ZYNG, ZYCongress WC. It is about caring and helping the needy and treating them with respect. Have a pleasant weekend and thank you for your patience. Arzan J. Ghadially. 2SHQOHWWHUWR 0U3KHUR]H3DWHO Dear Mr. Pheroze Patel, I welcome your response of June 28, 2014 to my write up of June14, 2014 but would have appreciated some honesty and not focus on getting sympathy on selected responses while silent on many. I state that whatever I have been writing in Parsi Times and in emails to the BPP are based 100% on facts. You are also at liberty to initiate legal recourse if you can prove me wrong. I have no hidden agenda. I am merely taking up the cause of all those needy couples and families who are homeless, who keep approaching the BPP and yet no one even bothers to comfort them for they are not as fortunate as you to get free allotments. Let me clarify point-wise and expose your false claims. I have never character assassinated or defamed or used derogatory words against your family members in any manner that you say I have crossed all limits compelling you to respond. In fact, your wife wrote a 5 page letter to the BPP (I have a copy) in which she has maligned me in 4 pages of her 5 paged letter. Get your facts right please. That BPP does not allow brokers is a policy on paper. You say your sister was a small time broker but not brokering %33 ÁDWV LV QRW WUXH 6KH still is a broker. There is no harm in it and I have nothing against your sister. All I ask from you is to admit that she EURNHUV %33 ÁDWV ZLWK \RXU help which is why you should not be in Housing. You pass RQ LQIRUPDWLRQ RI HPSW\ ÁDWV to your sister. Your sister KDV VKRZQ D ÁDW LQ *DPDGLD Colony in Bldg. No. 7, Flat No. 8 above Zoroastrian Bank. If she is not a broker for BPP, how did she come in possession of WKHNH\VWRWKHÁDW"<RXZHUH present in one of the meetings DQG\RXTXRWHGDÀJXUHRI5V 95 lakhs. You also conveyed to the prospective buyer that WKHÀJXUHLIVKRRWVXSZLOOEH informed as all counter offers come to you. The name of the prospective buyer has been made known to the Board of Trustees. As regards your claim of an unblemished career of 55 years, let me clear your misconception. You are rude to the BPP staff and to those needy people who come to you on housing matters. Nirlon residents informed me that you and your family stop social programmes and are also rude to children who play in the colony and behave as if you are a Trustee. You misuse BPP staff at Nirlon to carry your stuff when you return home. Your daughter does not even use Biometric to mark her attendance at BPP and bulldozes people with ‘My Papa is the CEO’. You show scant respect towards the Trustees barring those who bless you. I am aware of the well established practice of seniority in posting to vacancies. I am amused at the information you have shared that a CEO’s presence in the Board meeting is to record minutes besides being ‘His master’s voice’. No wonder 20 candidates were rejected though they possessed CEO qualities but not secretarial skills! 6HQLRU DQG OR\DO VWDII who are non controversial, unblemished, high level of integrity like Mr. Cawas Panthaky, Mr. Aspi Sarkari & Ms. Nilufer Patel can be appointed as interim CEO until a suitable parroted CEO with knowledge of shorthand to minute meetings is appointed. You talk about your agony and silent sufferings you go through as your cases are not being considered. DO YOU REALIZE THE AGOINY AND 68))(5,1*2)7+26(,11((' 72%(+286(':+2&20(72 0((7<28",IRQO\\RXRU\RXU married daughter ‘In laws ‘understood your daughters suffering she would not be VWD\LQJ ZLWK KHU PDDVL 6KH would have stayed with her LQODZV RZQHUVKLS ÁDW DW7DWD %ORFNVRUDW6DOVHWWHRULQ\RXU 2 bedroom + Hall + Kitchen ÁDWPHDVXULQJVTIWFDUSHW in which you and your wife UHVLGHDORQH6KHLVE\FKRLFH residing with her maasi for their chances of getting an independent accommodation in the near future is sealed if she stayed with you or her in-laws. Don’t educate me on sufferings. I have a record of how many times your papers have come up on the agenda in the BPP. Board meeting of Aug. 23, 2011: The application of your son in law and daughter was approved for allotment of a ÁDWDW*RUHJDRQ On Feb. 22, 2012 the Board approved to allotment, subject to the condition that your son in law and daughter shift WR 6DOVHWWH RU 7DWD +RXVLQJ 6RFLHW\3DUHORQWKHGHDWKRI the current occupant of either ÁDWDVERWKDUHRZQHGE\\RXU son in laws’s parents. On 6HSW the Board realized the blunder that your daughters case was one of the 40 rejected by the Charities Commissioner and hence they reversed their approval for fear of a back lash. On April 17, 2013 Your daughter’s case came up for discussions before the Board IRU DOORWPHQW IRU D ÁDW LQ Panthaky Baug for which the BPP had paid Rs. 10 lakhs to an outgoing occupant. Who manipulated the change for allotment from Nirlon to that RI 3DQWKDN\ %DXJ" <RX 0U Pheroze Patel because you hold the Housing portfolio. On May 15, 2013 you submitted an exchange application requesting the %RDUG WR DOORW \RX D ÁDW in Ownership building, at Panthaky Baug in exchange of \RXU ÁDW DW 1LUORQ *RUHJDRQ which was allotted free. If your genuine reason was GLIÀFXOW\ LQ FOLPELQJ ÁRRUV you could have requested for DÁDWRQDQ\JURXQGÁRRUÁDW at Nirlon in Goregaon, why LQVLVWDW3DQWKDN\%DXJ"$VNLQJ VSHFLÀFDOO\IRUDIUHHÁDWLQDQ Ownership Building in Panthaky Baug amounts to gross misuse of power & position. There are approx 87 applications ‘under exchange’ on medical grounds rotting in BPP and you override all deserving applications push you and your daughters case because \RXDUHWKH6U([HFXWLYH<RX have sought to manipulate the DOORWPHQW RI ÁDWV VR WKDW \RX and your married daughter are DFFRPPRGDWHG LQ ÁDWV DW Panthaky Baug FOC. In the Board meeting of Oct. 1, 2013 you wanted to get the allotment passed since 1 Trustee opposing you was not present and the other was in a hurry to leave. In the Board meeting of Oct. 8, 2013 in presence of Trustees you threatened that if your case is not considered IRU DOORWPHQW RI ÁDWV \RX will resign from the BPP. I am ready to face any Trustee who denies you have not made this statement. Just because you are employed in the BPP does not give you the right to make such demands when there is a shortage of accommodation. Do the Trustees favor other Community members in this PDQQHU" <RX KDYH WDNHQ WKH maximum advantage of your position in the BPP. Resided in Gamadia Bldg no 1. Moved to Fakhri Manzil at Nana Chowk. 6KLIWHG WR D URRP .LWFKHQ ÁDW DW 3DQWKDN\ Baug. Moved to Malcolm Baug in Jogeshwari. Moved to Nirlon at Goregaon in a 2 Room + +DOO.LWFKHQÁDW Again applied to shift to Panthaky Baug under exchange in a ownership ÁDW Applied for daughter to be accommodated in Panthaky Baug FOC. You are surviving in BPP not due to your clear conscience but because you are protected. If you are truly an unblemished person, step down from your position, request the BPP to conduct an enquiry and if innocent reclaim your position. That is unblemished integrity. I am now going to touch upon a topic that you have most avoided “Your Resignation”. Prima facie you never placed your resignation to the Board but only discussed it over with a Trustee. Even your wife was not aware of this and so you stood exposed when she wrote to all the Trustees and requested them to relieve you from the CEO post on medical JURXQGV7+,6:$6$6+2&.(5 If your intention was to genuinely resign you would have placed it in the Board meeting, served your notice period and left the BPP. Instead you gave it to the Trustee who seeks your continuation and hence the drama. I pity your ZLIH 6KH WUXVWHG \RX ZKHQ you told her that Trustees are not accepting your resignation when you had not even placed it before Trustees. As a member of the Community I will pursue the Trustees to fully investigate this matter that it has shamelessly ignored till date and will not be intimidated by threats or anyone going in a coma. This is a reasonable request. If you are innocent I would publicly apologize for the grief caused by me to you. I am not against you or any of your family members but I am against any Employee / Consultant of the BPP misusing or milking the BPP. It is time for them to move on and make way for youngsters as it would open up employment. It was not my intention to pen this open letter but your response has compelled me.The BPP is not anyone’s personal property.It is a Trust meant to house and look after the needy and Trustees being the custodians, not the owner. You misused power & position as a Housing Executive and shamelessly ÁDXQWHG SROLFLHV DQG WRRN favours for services rendered. Poor people are made to wait for years while you and your IDPLO\NHHSFKDQJLQJÁDWVIRU free. What an unblemished career. Thank you for your time, and a request. Instead of responding please introspect. The more you make people dig, more is the dirt. Arzan J. Ghadially. SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 Community Coverage Lion Dr. Rashna Datur takes over! L ions Club of Babulnath held an installation ceremony on the 22nd of June to introduce the incoming team with Ln. Dr Rashna Dastur as the Club President for 2014-15. funds for donating a Kidney D i a l y s i s machine to a centre run by a charitable organisation. To enable her Paperwallah.. .. Maru Parsi Timess Kya Che?? Ask your paperwalla for P.T. now! Only Rs.8/- p.m. Dr. Dastur’s mission for the current year is to raise WR IXOÀO KHU PLVVLRQ DQG to carry on with ongoing projects the Club shall host its Fund Raising Drive soon. They request those interested in helping their good cause contact them @ Lion Dr. Rashna Dastur – President9820304478. Book It! A “Writing it helped me to recover,” says m M Mr. Mistry. He was diagnosed with d M Multiple Sclerosis in 1997. ward-winning author Cyrus Mistry released his longawaited collection of short stories entitled “Passion Flower: Seven Stories of Derangement” on the 1st of July 2014. d The short tales feature tragic and dark characters that grapple with their ll ti dysfunctional families in Modern India. The collection conveys the cruelty of ordinary people towards even those they love. One of his stories in the new collection titled “Percy” tells the tale of an awkward 34-year-old Parsi man who lives with his overbearing, widowed mother and relies on her for everything, including sewing a missing button on his pants. Percy’s life changes when he discovers an old gramophone player and a quirky group of Parsi music enthusiasts who listen to Beethoven and Brahms.Dressed in his father’s moth-eaten suits, Percy starts to attend their weekly meetings, and in the process encounters a ghost who predicts his mother’s death. Born into the Community, Mr. Mistry has married a Christian and raised his son according to Buddhist philosophy, but says he remains in many ways “a true-blooded Parsi.” 07 08 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff! tuf tu ufffff! World for All, the Animal welfare NGO has teamed up with Parsi Times for this exclusive column! This week, it features loving animals that need homes and could do with the love and care of affectionate Parsi households. So whether you live alone and are looking for a companion or you want to teach your children responsible love and caretaking, or if you simply love animals, here is a a hopeful soul who deserves a chance to make you happy! Ginger is looking for his forever home. Could it be with you? This gorgeous guy loves to snuggle with his foster mommy after playtime. He has been dewormed and litter trained. Open your hearts. Bailey is a beautiful B li little puppy who n needs a forever fa family and home. S loves her human She fr friends and loves her ch chew toys. Please call 9 9004257179 to adopt th cutie. this TO ADOPT : Please Call/SMS 9820496099 From the History Books… Continued from P.T. Issue … June 14th 2014… T KH ÀUVW &KULVWLDQ Emperor, Phillip made peace with Persia. In his Peace Treaty Armenia was left to the Persians and Mesopotamia went to the Romans. Many considered this treaty disgraceful to Rome. Firdausi also mentions this event saying, The Kaiser (Caesar) sent to Shapur ten R[KLGHV DOO ÀOOHG ZLWK JROG and dinars of Kaiser’s coinage and many other valuable gifts besides one thousand Rumi male and female slaves and countless pieces of brocade. Phillip immediately issued coins announcing, “Pax fundata cum Persis,” that he had made peace with the Persians. He did this probably to save face with the Romans. Phillip did not rule for long. In 248 AD, he celebrated the thousandth anniversary of the foundation of Rome by the legendary Romulus. In 249 AD, he died. Between 249 and 254 AD, Phillip and three of his successors, all met with violent deaths. Fourteen years after Phillip’s treaty with Rome, in 258 AD, Shapur undertook a second invasion of the Roman provinces. With lightning rapidity, he marched into Mesopotamia, took Nisibis, Carrhae, and Edessa. He then crossed Euphrates and captured Antioch. The whole affair was very dramatic. In Rome, the aged whose ambition was to don the purple robe, led the army into a trap near Edessa. Valarian sent envoys to purchase Macrinus’ freedom, but Shapur rejected the offer. Shapur marched up to the 5RPDQIRUWLÀFDWLRQDQGDVNHG for a personal conference with the Emperor. At the conference, Shapur seized the Old Emperor, Valerian. The year was 260 AD. Romans Emperor Valerian readied himself and rushed to defend the Euphrates. His son, Gallienus, was made an associate with Valerian to help him as his colleague during his reign as the Emperor. Unfortunately, Gallienus spent most his time in hedonistic pleasures. Valerian retook Antioch. His Praetorian prefect, Macrinus, laid down their arms and surrendered. The prisoners of war were held at the city of Jund-i-Shapur. Shapur chose Cyriades (Myriades), a Syrian fugitive in the Persian camp, to be invested with the purple robe of the Emperor and the title of Augustus. His choice was accepted by the Roman soldiers. Cyriades’ reign was short but tyrannical. Valerian was kept bound in chains, in captivity of Shapur, and it is said that whenever Shapur wanted to mount his horse, he would step upon the neck of the kneeling Emperor to do so. When Valerian died, Shapur had him skinned, and the skin was stuffed with hay. He had it hung in one of the most visited Fire Temples. The veracity of this story is doubtful. No Zoroastrian NLQJ ZRXOG GHÀOH D )LUH Temple with a dead body hanging therein. It would be WKH JURVVHVW GHÀOHPHQW RI D holy place. Warner says that, if the captive Bazanush, mentioned in Shah-nameh, is Valerian, then we learn from the epic that Emperor Valerian went wherever Shapur went. Shapur was wont to have the company of the Roman Emperor and whose counsels the Persian Emperor heeded. We also learn that after three years of soft captivity, he was allowed to depart for his own country. To be continued... SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 With P.T. Writer Dr. Shernaz B. Avari There are 3 types of Cholesterol. LDL is the Low Density Lipoproteins and VLDL is the Very Low Density Lipoproteins, which clog the arteries. HDL, High Density Lipoproteins destroy LDL and VLDL. Tips and tricks to control your ls: cholesterol levels: w Eat one raw onion daily nd and never mind P i the taste. We Parsis always start our cooking by IU\LQJ WKH RQLRQV ÀUVW 7KH more you cook your onions, the more you lose the HDL raising powers. An apple a day mayy or may not keep the doctor away, but 2 apples a e day can keep the cardiologist away. O n e apple contains 7 gms of pectin, a substance that helps to remove unwanted fatty substances in the blood. The body needs 15 gms of pectin per day, hence 2 apples. Eat all types of grapes when in season, especially the big red-violet ones, and also grapefruit. It will not only help lower blood cholesterol levels, but may also help dissolve or remove plaque already clogging your arteries. The Vitamin ‘C’ content of amlas (Indian Gooseberry) controls cholesterol levels and builds resistance WR ÀJKW GLVHDVHV ,W DOVR removes weakness of the body, mind, and heart. All fruits will supply you with plenty of Vitamin C. Vitamin ‘E,’ which is also very helpful, can be obtained from nuts, seeds, grains, leafy vegetables, alfalfa seeds and tonic, lettuce leaves, oat bran, wheat bran, and some vegetable oils. SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ A fun look at what’s going on around us. Caution: To be taken with heavy doses of humour! O ur elected representatives are busy surpassing each other in sur falling to newer, unheard of and unimaginable depths of character. While their ‘master’s’ simply choose to look the other way. Despite the huge public outcry and a diktat from the PM Narendra Modi himself, six Goan MLA’s have gone ahead to blow away Rs. 89 lakhs of the tax payers’ money on a so called ‘study tour’ to Brazil. They will be sitting in a stadium at the World-cup football making ‘mental QRWHV· RQ ´7UDIÀF Management”, inbetween cheering, visiting exotic beaches, doing the Samba and getting drunk every night. So much of multi-tasking MXVWIRUWKHVDNHRIVWUHDPOLQLQJWKHWUDIÀFRQ Goan roads! Let them go on with the task at hand…or foot (ball) I say! Enter idiot from Kolkotta’s and Momta Banerjee’s TMC. He was caught on camera threatening CPI-M workers that he will “let his boys loose in (their) homes to RAPE their women”. As if this were not enough, another “party leader’, from the same fraternity, was FDXJKWRQWDSHDVNLQJKLVSDUW\PHQWR¶VDFULÀFH· intruders. “If any outsider enters your house, FXWKLPGRZQVDFULÀFHKLP,ZLOOWDNHFDUHRI that”. And what does MB do ….NOTHING (She did say it’s a Media Conspiracy). These guys make the Taliban sound like a rehab centre. Tarun Tejpal ,founder of Tehelka, and accused of sexually assaulting a colleague, has ÀQDOO\ EHHQ JUDQWHG EDLO E\ WKH 6& $UUHVWHG on November 30th, last year, he was granted interim bail this May 19th to attend the cremation of his mother and has been out of jail since. And this shocker from AIIMS New Delhi. Dr. Sudhir Gupta, head of AIIMS forensic department, tells the Central Administrative Tribunal, that he was pressured to give a tailormade report. On January 17th this year, then Union Minister Shashi Tharoor’s wife, Sunanda 3XVKNDU ZDV IRXQG GHDG LQ D 'HOKL ÀYHVWDU hotel room. AIIMS autopsy report then said her death was ‘sudden and unnatural and caused by drug poisoning’…. The CFSL said that there was ‘no poisoning.’ The Delhi police were waiting for a conclusive medical-forensic report. What they got were two reports that were contradicting each other and the case was lying in limbo since. Dr. Gupta’s revelation has galvanized them into action and they may question both, Dr Gupta and Tharoor again. The Preity Zinta - Ness Wadia spat promises to occupy more and more print space as both sides are offering eye-witnesses to be examined by cops. In her June 13th FIR, she had alleged that Ness, her ex-boyfriend of eight years and co-owner of IPL franchise Kings X1 Punjab, had abused and threatened her at a match on May 3oth at Wankhede Stadium. Incidents of outraging women’s modesty show an increase of 89% in Mumbai, and Maharashtra has recorded 8,132 cases since 2013 till date, with Mumbai leading at 1,163 cases. For other crimes against women such as - Insult to modesty/ Kidnapping/ Rape and Cruelty by husband/relatives Delhi is the undisputed winner. Shameful statistics indeed as one is the Nation’s capital and the other is the Business capital of the Nation. 7KHUDLQVÀQDOO\KLW0XPEDLRQ:HGQHVGD\ but the BMC rolls out a 15% water cut. The latest victim to the rains is the greatly hyped Metro. Imagine the Metro has already acquired the distinction of leaking coaches…doors failing to open at stations and in some cases reported, opening up mid-journey!! Following in Google’s footsteps now even )DFHERRN KDV RIÀFLDOO\ GHFODUHG WKDW LW ZLOO track your online consumption and behavior on the social media site and off it too. Facebook will track you across any website you visit, as long as the site has a “like” button, a facebook log-in, or any facebook code. You can follow these short steps to stop Websites from tracking you around the web. Of course, this doesn’t stop them from following what you do on their sites, but it will stop them from tracking you across the internet. 1) Open the website 2) The tool will list all the companies that are tracking you to serve ads. 3) Select the ones you want to stop (or select all) 4) Click on ‘submit my choices.’… and that’s it! And the spirited Hvovi Minocherhomji’s successful tryst with a heart-transplant operation in Chennai is having a very positive impact in Amchi Mumbai. The 2013 record for cadaver organ donation has been equaled this week already. A family from Nallasopara donated the organs of a loved one on Wednesday, and it did more than change the lives of FIVE patients with organ failure. She gave the gift of life to a liver failure patient registered at KEM Hospital in Parel, a kidney failure patient registered in Bombay Hospital, another kidney failure patient in Jaslok Hospital and two cornea recipients. +DWVRIIWRWKHIDPLO\IRU´WKHXOWLPDWHVDFULÀFH to humanity”, as Hvovi’s mother had told the press in Chennai, when her daughter received a heart from an accident victim and is now on her way to a quick recovery, we pray. I sincerely exhort, request, pray to our educated, well-to-do, enlightened, spiritual and generous Community members to come forward in large numbers and adopt this noble XOWLPDWH VDFULÀFH DQG VDYH OLYHV HYHQ DIWHU death, as is being proved over and over again by Dadar Ahura Mazda. Don’t believe me…? Ask Hvovi Minocherhomji’s parents! 09 Cyrus Jal S STAYS AT: Cusrow Baug TTEAM NAME: Cusrow Baug Football Team B FAVOURITE TEAM AT F F FIFA 2014: Germany COMMENTS ON FIFA: C T This World Cup has been different h from all the previous f ones. It has been very competitive as no one expected the weak teams to do well. I did not expect Brazil vs. Chile to go into penalties. All the games have been close and exciting. COMMENTS ON FIFA: C T This World Cup has a l of strong teams like lot N Netherlands & Brazil. Since Brazil is the host country, their chances are better when it comes to winning. With the introduction of Goal Line Technology the results are 100%. Spain vs. Netherlands was one of the good games in this tournament. S STAYS AT: Kolkata TTEAM NAME: St. Xaviers Football S Team, Kolkata T FAVOURITE TEAM AT F FIFA 2014: Spain F Kaizeen Confectioner French. the Frenc On 1st July Germany booked a TXDUWHU ÀQDO EHUWK DIWHU H[WUD WLPH strikes from Andre Schurrle and them edge Mesut Ozil saw s past Algeria to win 2-1 in Porto Alegre. Allegre. The last of the eliminator’s saw Argentina beat Switzerland be 11-0. Angel Di Maria scored tto keep Messi’s World Cup dream Wo alive. Argentina’s alive no. 10 Messi conjured up som some magic when it mat mattered the most. Later on, o Belgium beat USA 2-1 with Kevin Bruyne and De Romelu Lukaku Rom COMMENTS ON FIFA: C There have been T a lot of surprises this year as so many good teams got eliminated in the group stages. Most of the games have gone till the end to decide the winner. I feel one of the European sides will win. the world witnessed one of closest games in FIFA 2014. Now Brazil plays &RORPELDLQWKHTXDUWHUÀQDOV1H[WXS on the 29th Colombia d e f e a t e d Uruguay 2-0 in Rio de Janeiro as both the goals were scored by y James Rodriguez. ez. On the same day Wesley Sneijder er and .ODDV -DQ +XQWHODDU VFRUHG QWHODDU VFRUHG late goals to give the Netherlands a 2-1 victory over Mexico with a spot in the quarters. 30th June saw w Costa Rica defeat Greece eece on SHQDOW\NLFNV)RUWKHÀUVW time in its history Costa Rica will p play y in a TXDUWHU ÀQDO RI D :RUOG &XS DIWHU : defeating Greece. The game was regulation. tied 1-1 after regu ulatio on. Greece Greece scored a late goal iin time to even the score. sc e. Thee game ended sc scor Costa Rica with Co osta winning 5-3 penalties. on pena alties. Next up France defeated Nigeriaa 2 - 0 w i t h P a u l Pogba and Joseph Joseeph <RER VFRULQJ VFRULQ LQJ IRU S STAYS AT: Grant Road TTEAM NAME: D.S.K Shivajians Football Club S FAVOURITE TEAM AT F F FIFA 2014: England This Th his game possessed everything thee ev verything in beginning beeginning ...pace, technique and tecchnique excitement exccitement before fatigue fatiigue began to take its toll on both h sides. sidees. With the pressure building buildin ng XS WR VHFXUH VHFXUH D TXDUWHU ÀQDO EHUWK EHHUWK Cup. Unfortunately AIFF let this opportunity slip by and Indian football is still paying the penalty for missing this great opportunity. Did you know? The 5 all time top scorers of the FIFA World Cups? 1. Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima- 15 goals- Brazil 2. Miroslav Klose- 14 goals- Germany 3. Gerd Muller- 14 goals- Germany 4. Just Fontaine- 13 goals- France 5. Pele- 12 goals- Brazil After days of action at the FIFA World Cup, 16 out of 32 teams have made an exit from the tournament. The group stage has ended and now the focus shifts to the knockout round of 16... “We needed this, said Julio Cesar who was the man of the match. I just hope that the next games don’t go to penalty kicks again because our family members mbers and relatives might have a heart art attack.’’ In a game dripping with th tension to the very last minute...Brazil nute...Brazil held its nerve to beat beaat Chile 3-2 3 2 on penalties on 28th h June thus moving an inch closer closser to getting the cup. Once Neymar Ney ymar went for the goal the whole stadium went n up u in a roar as Brazil had made it. By P.T. Special Correspondent Binaisha M. Surti Bend it like Bawa! Ratan Khandhadia organizers wanted to make their tournament more representative and were keen to have India competing. The Brazilian Football Federation felt India would be a popular team in the 1950 World ootball is nothing without its crowds. For over a century they have paid the player’s wages, ÀOOHG WKH VWDGLXP ZLWK DWPRVSKHUH and served as both a chorus and commentary on the game. Crowds have changed in many ways over the years, but the energy and passion they bring has not diminished. The popularity of the FIFA World Cup has grown by leaps and bounds in the last 84 years. At present FIFA KDYHDIÀOLDWHGPHPEHUVEXWRQO\ FRXQWULHV KDYH TXDOLÀHG IRU WKH ÀQDO URXQGV DW OHDVW RQFH %UD]LO DQG Italy are the only two countries to have won consecutive titles, Italy in 1934 and 1938 and Brazil in 1958 and 1962. Today many do not know about India’s missed opportunity...When WKH:RUOG&XSÀQDOURXQGGUDZ was released; India was placed in pool III with Sweden, Italy and Paraguay. Brazilian The F 10 SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 13th July :: 1:30 AM 3rd Place Semi Finals 2 10th July :: 1:30 AM Netherlands Vs. Costa Rica Neth 5th July :: 1:30 AM Argentina Vs. Belgium 5th July :: 1:30 AM Brazil Vs. Colombia 5th July :: 1:30 AM We are switching to the Vendor System. Ask your newspaper-wallah to send you your Parsi dŝŵĞƐĨƌĞƐŚĂŶĚŽŶƟŵĞĞǀĞƌLJ^ĂƚƵƌĚĂLJŵŽƌŶŝŶŐ͘ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ Some medications like diuretics also are responsible for cramps. Some medical conditions like: +\SRWK\URLGLVP +\SHULQVXOLQHPLD Multiple sclerosis. Cardiovascular problems including atherosclerosis i.e. thickening of the blood vessels causing reduction in blood supply to the muscle. Radiculopathies where the nerves supplying WKHPXVFOHDUHLQÁDPHG or irritable causing the cramp. Lumbar canal stenosis – narrowing of the canal through which the spinal nerves pass. Common Sites For Muscle Cramps Calf muscle is the most common site Toes of the feet. Thigh muscle Triceps (muscle at the back of your arm) etc. MRI spine to diagnose problems at the level of the spinal cord. Ok so maybe you can’t completely banish Muscle Cramps… but you CAN reduce their occurrences! Diagnosis It is important to know the cause of your muscle cramps; Get your blood tests done for blood electrolytes, thyroid levels etc. Doppler test done to rule out problems with blood circulation. EMG: NCV test done to know whether problem is with the nerve supply to the muscle. During an episode of cramps Very gently stretch the joint in the opposite direction i.e. when you are getting a cramp in the calf muscle slowly bend your great toe towards you. This will release the cramp soon. Take deep breaths in and out, to deal with any existing hypoxia. +RWFROGIHUPHQWDWLRQRQWKH muscle relaxes it. Massage locally on the muscle helps its relaxation. Drink plenty of water. Increase salt intake (use with caution in patients with high blood pressure). Drink coconut water. Discuss your medications with your doctor and have appropriate changes if required. Regular, appropriate stretching of the muscles should be done. Don’t let the Cramps Cramp your Style! ƤǨ Ǥ Parsi Times Ǩ hat’s most frustrating about Cramps is that these uncontrollable, involuntary, sudden, painful contractions of the muscles are not only momentarily very disabling and painful but can come and go as they please! In the middle of a game, in the middle of a dream or even an important event, the Cramp is its own boss, showing up to dampen your mood! Causes of muscle cramps There are many reasons for cramps to occur: Muscle fatigue (over use or overwork of muscle making it tired). Dehydration (loss of excess water from the body). Reduced levels of sodium (salt), potassium or magnesium in the body. +\SHU ÁH[LRQ RI WKH PXVFOH (excessive/beyond limits bending of the joint). Low levels of blood glucose. +\SR[LDUHGXFHGR[\JHQOHYHOVRI the body). W 11 Dr. Delna Goghavalla Dr. Kashmira Goghavalla (Physiotherapists) A FOOTBALL SPECIAL! WITH THE GOGHAVALLA SISTERS! scoring for them. An incredible week thus comes to an exceptional end with some phenomenal football being played in Brazil. With that it just proves success is not the key to happiness, happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Keep reading about your favourite FIFA in Parsi Times as we ZLOO EH EDFN QH[W ZHHN ZLWK ORWV RI H[FLWLQJ QHZV RQ DQG RII WKH ÀHOG +$33< READING. 14th July :: 1:30 AM FINALS Semi Finals 1 9th July :: 1:30 AM SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 12 SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 Salli Gosh-ip... a sprinkling of stuff! The Virus of the Vituperating, Vaccillating VII a.k.a.: The Useless Powers that B-PP P.T. Writer Dara Khodaiji speaks of the frustration of his peers and himself at the stagnant and sorry state of the Bombay Parsi Punchayat and wonders if his voice can be heard by the Com! T he result of the wining and dining farchas, sali boti, Pulao dar, washed down with whisky/rum/beer, is that the Community has been suffering severe diarrhea of neglect, mismanagement, squabbles, quixotic spending and the most cavalier attitude of the powers that be. They had promised us the world but have done nothing except dangling red herring RI QRQLVVXHV EHQHÀWWLQJ none. The promise of bringing nearer to the city, the Parsis scattered in far away suburbs; the promise of establishing model code of conduct for the Trustees. Were they just the election rhetoric? Promises galore, promises which will be repeated again, come the election the next year. And of course, crying ‘wolf’, “Our religion is in danger, only we can save it” by the WAPIZ candidates. What humbug! Not only that, from day one LQ WKH RIÀFH WKH\ VWDUWHG WKH cannibalistic hounding of one of their own seven. Finally, the thorough gentleman that Mr. Noshir Dadrawalla is, he had to resign. Noshir is the foremost authority on philanthropy in India and he would have been a great asset to the Bombay Parsi Punchayat. Though shameful as it was, he is lucky to have escaped the ridicule and the mistrust that the present incumbents have brought upon themselves. Maybe it is divine retribution. What is ironical is, Parsi/Irani Zoroastrian who is supposed to be the most literate and highly intelligent as a Community, can throw away the valuable votes for a few scraps of goodies to the most undeserving of the candidates. Where has gone our self-respect, our dignity, our commonsense. There was a time when the August boardroom at 209, Dr. D. N. Road was occupied by persons of high acclaim, the high achievers, and persons of unimpeachable character; the Knights, the Baronets, the Sethias of the Community. Today except for one or two, the rest are a mundane lot… and we are to be blamed for it. The Community has learnt a bitter lesson, I hope. Next year when elections are due, let us choose our candidates wisely, or else the malady will start again if we succumb to the temptation of gorging upon the gobs of farchas, sali botis, Pulao dar, and a lot more, thrown at the gullible Community. We will suffer from the same vituperative virus again. This is the warning bell, a. wake-up call to my beloved Community! ...The Beginning G ustad’s childhood days were painful. His father passed away just months before he was born. It was a brave struggle by his mother Bepsy, who saw him through to boyhood. Yes, they were a poor family and as a young widow with a new born child, the odds were stacked DJDLQVW KHU 6LQFH QR ÀQDQFLDO help was forthcoming from any relatives or friends she would have to do odd jobs for people. She would sweep and swab at some homes, cook food at some, wash clothes for others. In the late 1950’s people were a bit more charitable and would allow her to cart infant Gustad wherever she worked, she would nurse him at intervals wherever she was, and be back to her one room tenement where she moved in after her husband’s death. As she was an only child there was no brother or sister to help her out, only some cousins who stayed in By The Reluctant Writer different cities and could not be of much help for her day-to-day struggle. The hard facts sunk in fast as Bepsy realized she and her son were all alone in thiss world and she grew more and more d determined termined with each h passing sing day. T h e r e were days re when she en barely ate a morsel as from the 10/- Rs. she earned for all her efforts every day she would keep aside 2.00 for rent, save 5.00 towards any medical expenses, and with the remaining 3.00 would buy only what was absolutely essential. Needless to add, her health suffered. She had to earn more, she would remind herself daily, as Gustad grew into a year-old sickly child. An acquaintance offered to help her with a job in a diamond-polishing unit just nearby where she lived. But then she could not carry her child to this place as the dust there was harmful to breathe in, especially for an infant. What she did next can only be appreciated by somebody who has faced similar circumstances as her, or by someone who has been bestowed with loads of empathy. Bepsy would leave her room for work locking up little Gustad inside with his bottle of milk, after making him as comfortable as possible on a small mattress RQ WKH ÁRRU DQG WZR SLOORZV on either side. She would rush GOD and GUSTAD Part - 28 home during her lunch break, hurriedly open the door with a prayer on her lips and heave a sigh of relief as she held him in her hands and thanked God each and every day. To earn a little PRUH VKH ZRUNHG KHU ÀQJHUV WR the bone even on Sundays with a single-mindedness of a woman possessed. Some days she would ÀQG DQWV DQG LQVHFWV FUDZOLQJ around her son’s milk bottle and later, some biscuits that he FKHZHGDQGKDGQRWÀQLVKHG6KH ZRXOGFOHDQWKHFKLOGÀUVWWKHQ pray and thank God. By the time Gustad was three, Bepsy had managed to save some money so she could send him to school. Her coworkers sympathized with her plight and also admired her spirit. Her hard work paid off, as the owner of the unit gave her a raise and even promoted her to a supervisory level. One day little Gustad developed a high fever and fainted in the room. He lay there till his mother came home and unlocked the door, picked him up and rushed to a doctor holding him in her arms. The doctor was able to revive the little tot, but was shocked to hear the circumstances they lived in. He strongly advised the young mother to keep the child with her, come what may, atleast, till he started schooling. Her employer sympathized with her and allowed her to bring Gustad along, but he would sit in the RIÀFH DQG SOD\ QRW HQWHU WKH GXVW\ FRQÀQHV RI WKH GLDPRQG polishing area. Bepsy had now opened a Bank Account and still continued to save upto 25% of what she earned. This habit stood her in good stead as Gustad started schooling, but it was still a hand to mouth existence. One Saturday she decided to take her son to a PRYLH KLV ÀUVW 1DWXUDOO\ WKH year-old was very excited at the prospect. Bepsy reminded him of a song from the movie- “Rahi manva dukh ki chinta kyun satati SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 13 Classifieds TRAVEL Comfortably in Mahindra Xylo, 3 Row A/C on hire at reasonable rate for Airport, Navjote, Wedding, Outstation. Contact Hutoxi 9819408576/9819648099. CLASSIFIEDS %86,1(662))(5 &$5+,5( &2,16127(6&2//(&7,216 SHYAM TRAVELS CLOCK REPAIRS Travel in A/c Innova and Honda city to Udwada / Navsari / Surat / Shirdi / Nashik / Pune / Panchgani / Mahabaleshwar etc. and all over India. 1 day Udwada – Rs.5,000/for 7 persons Airport transfers – Rs.1,500/- also local, Wedding & Navjote functions CONTACT: 98203 67891 9820987891 IMMEDIATE SOLUTION Repairs of English /German Grandfather Clocks, Quarter Chimers, Carriage Clocks, Pocket / Wrist Watches. Contact: Cyrus Khambatta: 26042635, 9820895967, 9820257919. Love Marriage, Business, +286,1*3523(57< TEMPO Trucks available Freedom from Other ON HIRE. We Undertake Women/Enemies Wanted PG Accommodation House Problems, of shifting for a young, working Parsi contracts Muthkarni, Vashikaran, man in and around Fort/ household furniture, etc, Black Magic. Colaba area. Contact with skilled labout. Any Work 100% -09860795539. Contact Dutta Satisfaction. 9821319228 / 9820006236 RAZA BENGALI +20()851,6+,1* )256$/( 6(59,&(6$9$,/$%/( diu“’u V$p„L$u“u kapC, ^prd®L$ õ’mp¡ / ‘pZu“p Ly$hp“u kapC / kp¡kpeV$u / dpmuep“u ‘pZu“u V$p„L$uAp¡ (kpdp“ lV$pìep hNf) kapC dpV¡$ k„‘L®$ ep¡Nu 9820776583 / 9167677673. DAN AI E Persian Sweets, Dry Fruits, Zoroastrian Carpets, Ladies Garments Jehangir Sorab Irani 24110788, 97692 24266 Free Home Delivery DINA ARDESHER & CO. Most Trusted & Reasonable Rates. Tiles Fixing, Kitchen JOSHUA OIL Platform, Inside-Outside Travel Comfortably in Rheumatic Pain, Plastering, Carpentry, Brand New A/c Stiff Joints Pain, Muscular Electrical, Plumbing, Pain, Low Backaches, INNOVA/SKODA RAPID Aluminium Sliding, Door Lumbago & Reasonable Rates & with Window, Elegant False ,QÁDPHDW$Q\&RQGLWLRQV Excellent Service. Ceiling, Furniture Polising, Gauranteed Relief To Udvada, Navsari, Sofa, New Repairing, from pain, Surat, Mahableshwar, Box Grill & Shutter, No Side Effects Shirdi, Goa etc. WATERPROOFING Contact 9769021742 9833440366, 9323276629, Contact Navaaz Time: 10 am - 5 pm 9819244454 / 9322279869 022-22621410 manva dukh ki chinta kyun satati hai; dukh to apna saathi hai”. It played on the radio often. Gustad loved the mouth-organ piece in this song and would hum it all the time… he could even sing most of the song. One day he asked his mother if she could buy him a mouth-organ, which she did. As time passed he had mastered the instrument and now could play the entire song solo. He learnt to play a few others too. But the best one was “Chahoonga main tujhe saanj savere; phir bhi kabhi aab naam ko tere; awaaz main na doonga”. Wherever he went with Bepsy he was the cynoshayer of all eyes and people loved him and his music, as his mother looked on with pride. One night Bepsy awoke with a start as a bright light lit up the room. She thought the lamp she lit every night before sleeping had spilled and set the URRP RQ ÀUH %XW WKDW ZDV QRW WKH FDVH ´'R QRW worry my child” echoed a voice in the room. By now Bepsy was choking with fright and a weak scream escaped her lips. Gustad was fast asleep. The light grew brighter and brighter and then she heard her dead husband’s voice say the same sentence again. Hearing a familiar voice she relaxed a bit but was still very spooked. As she sat she would keep glancing WRVHHWKDWKHUVRQKDGQRWFRPHWRDQ\KDUP´'R not worry, Gustad will sleep through this but you must listen to me carefully” the voice continued, ´.HHSSUD\LQJLI\RXDUHVWLOOVFDUHG,ZLOOSUD\ZLWK \RXP\FKLOGµDQGWKHURRPUHVRQDWHGZLWK´$VKHP Vohu Vesta Vesti and Yatha ahu Veriyo”! Slowly her voice melded in and steadied as she 3$&.(56029(56 DEEKAY PACKERS & MOVERS National, International Clearing, Forwarding, +RXVHKROG*RRGV2IÀFHV Vehicles, Pets 14 Years Experience Kersi +919892014580, +919892922006 WORRIED WITH PROBLEMS (/(&7521,&65(3$,56 Parsi Owned & Driven SPITAMAAN CREATION SWIFT D’ZIRE CAR (A.C. & IN GOOD FAIR DEAL - SHOP CONDITION) at Boyce Agiary Estate AVAILALBLE FOR Tardeo. Embroidered Kurties, OUTSTATION AND WITHIN 1LJKWLHV ZHVWHUQ 2XWÀW MUMBAI. Sadra, Kusti, Toran. PLEASE CONTACT Khurshid Kurush Bailiff ROHINTON - 9223395255 9819620666 %8<,1*6(//,1* )$%5,&$7256 09756434001 7$527 KNOW ABOUT ANYONE ANYTHING ON PHONE. PAY LATER Rs. 300/Question Mistry: 9769658808 CLASSIFIED RATES 5XQQLQJ7H[W&ODVVLÀHG Rs. 10/ per normal word Rs. 15 / per bold word &ODVVLÀHG'LVSOD\ (4cm X 4cm) Box Rs.500/per insert On Every 3 Classified, 1 Free Please do note that while we are happy to bring the Community together via our Classified Section we are not responsible and do not endorse any product or service advertised in our Classified Section and will not be held responsible by any third party for the content of the ad space. recited the prayers in a chorus. After some time she UHOD[HGDQGDVNHG´$UH\RX'DGDU$KXUD0D]GDRUDQ Ameshaspenda?” ´0\ QDPH LV 0XVKNLO $DVDQ %HKUDP <D]DG DQG HE has sent me to bless you and your son. Is there anything you desire my child?” The light shone brighter and had turned from yellow to a pure white. Slowly but surely she saw the VLOKRXHWWHRIDVDLQWO\ÀJXUHEHIRUHKHUH\HV6KHIHOO RQKHUNQHHVDQGERZHGEHIRUHKLP´5LVH%HSV\VR, can give you HIS blessings, you have lived righteously all along and the lord has sent me to grant any wish you have”. ´,FDQ·WEHOLHYHWKLVLVUHDODQGKDSSHQLQJµVKH XWWHUHGLQEHZLOGHUPHQW´,GRQ·WNQRZKRZORQJ,DP going to live , but if something happens to me please take care of my child… Pak Daadar Ahura Mazda ane Mushkil Aasan Behram Yazad Saheb, tamarah Lakh Lakh Sugraana.” ´$DPHHQ$DPHHQ$DPHHQµUHVRQDWHGDFURVVWKH URRPDV%HSV\VDZWKHOLJKWIDGHDQGWKHÀJXUHJUHZ fainter . She looked at the stand on which she lit the diva every day. It was burning bright. She felt a tranquility she had never experienced before. She IHOWIXOÀOOHGDQGFRQWHQWDWFRPSOHWHSHDFH7KHQ she felt as if a hand caressed her head in blessing. The next morning when she visited the bank to withdraw some money, she was told by the clerk ´VRPHRQH FODLPLQJ WR EH \RXU UHODWLYH GHSRVLWHG Rs.1,00,000.00 in your account. We asked his name and he said Mushkil Aasan Behram Yazad”. Printed and Published by Cyrus M. Shroff on behalf of Kersi Jamshed Randeria, From 102, Vikas Building, 11 Bank Street, Fort, Mumbai - 1. Printed at Dangat Media Private Limited, Mehra Centre, Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072. (GLWRU)UH\DQ%KDWKHQD&RQWDFW1RV$GYW)D[2IÀFH7LPLQJDPWRSP0RQGD\)ULGD\ SATURDAY, JULY, 05, 2014 Joining the Parsi Times pages with some fun, interesting and quirky things to do online, is Yazdi Tantra. A Chartered Accountant by training, Computer Consultant by Profession, Entrepreneur Developer by hobby and dƌĂŝŶĞƌ ŝŶ ŚŝƐ ůĞŝƐƵƌĞ ƟŵĞ͘ Look up his latest blog www. for some useful resources, and for some ŵŽƌĞŝŶƚĞƌĞƐƟŶŐdĞĐŚ^ƚƵī͘ P.T. will now be delivered to your doorstep fresh and early, Saturday morning from Depots ĂĐƌŽƐƐDĂŚĂƌĂƐŚƚƌĂĂŶĚ'ƵũĂƌĂƚ͘ZĞůĂƟǀĞƐĞǀĞƌLJǁŚĞƌĞĐĂŶƌĞĂĚǁŝƚŚLJŽƵ͊ŽŶŶĞĐƚǁŝƚŚƵƐĂƚ ;ϬϮϮͿϲϲϯϯϬϰϬϰĨŽƌŵŽƌĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͘ 19 ,I\RXDUHÁ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ÁLJKWVVLQFHSD\LQJIRUDQH[WUDEDJZLOOPRUHWKDQ PDNHXSIRUWKHFKHDSWLFNHW<RXPD\DOVREHSD\LQJORZHUIRUD ÁLJKWZLWKPXOWLSOHVWRSVFRPSDUHGWRDQRQVWRSÁLJKW3URFHHG ZLWKFDXWLRQEXWWKHQ\RXKDYHDVWDUWLQJSRLQW Name: Freny Nadirshah Akolawala Age: 72 years. P.T. visits the folks at our Old Age Homes and gives Rea ders at the real men and wom a look en behind the facade of adv ancing age. Dear Mamaiji, <RX DOZD\V PDNH PH UHDG WKH *XMDUDWL FDOHQGDU GDWH IURP WKH IURQWSDJHRIWKH3DUVL7LPHV7RGD\ LVGovad5RM:KDWGRHVWKDWPHDQ" Dear Dikri, $VSHUWKH3DUVL&DOHQGDU7RGD\LV*RYDG5RM WKHGD\RI*RYDG*RYDGLVWKH6XSHU$QJHORU'LYLQLW\<D]DWD ZKLFKLVWKHVSLULWRIWKHZLQGEUHH]HDQGDLU*RYDGOLWHUDOO\ SURYLGHV XV ZLWK OLIH VXVWDLQLQJ HQHUJ\ DQG IXHO LQ WKH IRUP RIR[\JHQRWKHUJDVHVDQG¶3UDQD·WKHOLIHVXVWDLQLQJIRUFHLQ WKHDLU*RYDGWKXVLVWKH3UDQDZLWKLQWKHDLUZHEUHDWKH$V \RXWKLQNRI*RYDG<D]DWDQRZFKHFN\RXUEUHDWKLQJ$UH\RX EUHDWKLQJZHOO"'R\RXWDNHLQJRRGTXDQWLWLHVRIDLUDQGDOVR H[KDOHWKHVHFRPSOHWHO\"*RYDG<D]DGQRXULVKHVRXUERGLHV DOO RUJDQV LQFOXGLQJ WKH EUDLQ WKH WULOOLRQV RI FHOOV DQG WKH EORRG VWUHDP ZLWK +LV HQHUJ\ DQG SRZHU %H LQ JUDWLWXGH WR *RYDG<D]DGWRGD\DQGHYHU\GD\ZLWKHYHU\EUHDWKWKDW\RX WDNH With inputs from Parvez J. Daruwala )UHQ\LVWKHVROHFRPSDQLRQVWUHQJWKDQGURRPLHDWWKH+RPH DQG URRPLH DW WKH +RPH WRKHUORYLQJVLVWHU0UV0DQL3DVWDNLD %RWKVLVWHUVKDLOIURP%DGQHUDDYLOODJHLQ0DKDUDVKWUD 0V)UHQ\VKLIWHGWR0XPEDLDIHZ\HDUVDJRLQRUGHUWROLYH ZLWK KHU VLVWHU DIWHU WKHLU SDUHQW·V GHDWK 6KH·V YHU\ PXFK WKH ORYLQJ FDULQJ DQG KRPHO\ ODG\ZKRWDNHVSDUWDQGVKRXOGHUVDVPXFKUHVSRQVLELOLWLHVDVSRVVLEOHRIKHUVLVWHU&RRNLQJ DYDULHW\RIGHOLFDFLHVLVKHUIRUWH´*RVKIDYRXULWLVPUXQVLQRXUIDPLO\EORRGµVD\VDMRYLDO 0V )UHQ\ ZKR XQOLNH KHU VLVWHU ORYHV WR FRRN ¶3DSULPD*KRVK· 0V )UHQ\ YHU\ RIWHQ PLVVHVKHUEHVWIULHQG%LNKD%KDUXFKDIURP%DGQHUDDQGFKHULVKHVWKHSUHFLRXVPRPHQWV VSHQWZLWKKHU 0V)UHQ\FRQVLVWHQWO\HPSKDVLVHGRQWKHIDFWRIKRZJUDWHIXOVKHLVWR*RGWRKDYHDVLVWHU ZKRORRNVDIWHUDQGWDNHVFDUHRIKHU,ZRXOGORYHWRHQGLWZLWKWKLVQRWHWKDWH[SODLQVWKHLU UHODWLRQVKLSSHUIHFWO\¶7KHUHLVQRORYHOLNHWKHORYHIRUDVLVWHUDQG Compiled by P. T. Reporter WKHUHLVQRORYHOLNHWKHORYHIURPDVLVWHU· Delaveen Tarapore .QRZLW¶VWLPHIRUDKDLUFXW Tushna Mehta: A shopaholic ZKR ÀOOV KHU FXSERDUG ZLWK WKH VSRLOV RI SURIHVVLRQDO VW\OLQJ 7XVKQD 0HKWD KDV ZRUNHG ZLWK WKH IDPRXV EEOXQW KDLU SURIHVVLRQDOV IRU DZKLOHDQGLVUHDG\WRVKDUH KHU NQRZOHGJH DQG SDVVLRQ IRUWUHVVHV RI \RXU ORQJKDLUHG GUHDPV KHUH·V H[DFWO\ KRZ WR NQRZ ZKHQLW·VWLPHIRUDFXW :KHQ LW ORRNV RXW RI VKDSHWKDW·VWKHÀUVWVLJQ :KHQ \RXU KDLU VWDUWV WR JHW WULDQJXODU DW WKH ERWWRPLW·VDVLJQ :KHQ LW VWDUWV WR JHW ÁDW IURPWKHWRSDQGWKHKDLU I DP D ELJ IDQ RI JURZLQJ KDLU RXW DQG WRWDOO\ XQGHUVWDQG ZRPHQ ZKR JHW KDLUFXWV WKUHH WLPHV D \HDU<RXFDQNHHS\RXUKDLU ORQJ EXW \RX KDYH WR ÀQG WKH ULJKW KDLUGUHVVHU ZKR NQRZV KRZ WR GXVW RII \RXU HQGVDQGFDQJLYH\RXVKDSH ZLWKRXWORVLQJDQ\OHQJWK6R XQWLO\RXÀQGWKHKDLUGUHVVHU MXVWUHIXVHVWRVLWWKHZD\ LWDOZD\VGLGZKHQ\RX·G UXQ\RXUFRPERUÀQJHUV WKURXJKLWWKDW·VDQRWKHU VLJQ :KHQ \RXU KDLU GRHVQ·W GHWDQJOHHDVLO\\RXNQRZ LW·V WLPH WR KLW WKH VDORQ <RX·OO H[SHULHQFH PRUH NQRWV ZKHQ LW·V JHWWLQJ WRRORQJDQGWKHHQGVDUH GDPDJHG ,W ZLOO EH KDUG WR EUXVK WKURXJK ZLWK \RXUFRPERUÀQJHUV :KHQ \RX VHH PRUH KDLU IDOOLW·VDQRWKHUVLJQWKDW \RX QHHG D KDLUFXW $6$3 :KHQ WKH KDLU JHWV VKDSHOHVV DQG KHDY\ WKH KDLU WHQGV WR IDOO DV WKH GU\QHVV LQFUHDVHVLQWKHKDLU :KHQ \RXU KDLU LV VSOLWWLQJRUWKHHQGVDUH MXVW GU\ LW PHDQV LW LV WLPHIRUDKDLUFXW+DYH DORRNDWWKHHQGVRIWKH KDLULI\RXIHHOLW·VGU\ DQG OLIHOHVV DQG GRHVQ·W VWD\ SXW QR PDWWHU ZKDW WKHQWKDW·VLW 7DNHDQDSSRLQWPHQWDQGJHW DWULP Name ... Delzin Sethna. I work at... I am a Freelancer. I work as... Dietician. That basically means... Suggesting different diets depending upon clients needs. My work day begins with... No fixed time. I love this about my job...Happiness from clients achieving their weight loss dreams. I wish this would change about my job... I wish I had fixed timings. I have been working here for ... About 3-4 years. I head to office and head back home at these times... No time as such, have to answer queries any time. Some of the things that make up my work day…A smiling face. Someone I think has an interesting job is… My husband who is an IT professional. P u r v e e n is Dubash D FKHI ZLWK PDQ\ NQLYHV LQ KHU SUHWW\ KRPH NLWFKHQ FDELQHW )URP 79 DQFKRU WR HGXFDWRU WR DXWKRU VKH LV DUPHG ZLWK FXOLQDU\ VNLOOV WR SXW\RXUWXPP\LQWRDK\SQRWLF VWDWH:HDUHSURXGWRSUHVHQW WR \RX KHU UHFLSHV ZKLFK KDYH WKH XQLTXH GLVWLQFWLRQ RI EHLQJ QRW RQO\ VLPSOH WR IROORZ EXW \XPP\ WR WDVWH Ingredients: JUDPVERQHOHVVFKLFNHQ JUDPVPXVKURRPV ODUJHRQLRQVFKRSSHG FORYHVJDUOLFFKRSSHG WHDVSRRQFKLOLSRZHU WDEOHVSRRQVEXWWHU POFUHDP6DOWWRWDVWH Directions: )U\WKHRQLRQVDQGJDUOLF RECIPE Chicken Stroganoff LQEXWWHUWLOOOLJKWEURZQ 5HPRYHZLWKDVORWWHG VSRRQ )U\WKHFKLFNHQPXVKURRPV DQGFKLOLSRZGHU/RZHU WKHÁDPH$GGWKHSUHSDUHG RQLRQVDQGWRVV 7LSLQWKHFUHDPDQGVDOW +HDWWKURXJK6HUYHZLWK ÁXII\VWHDPHGULFH 20 Parsi Times - English and Gujarati. Regd. No. MH/MR/South-348/2012-14. Published on 5th July, 2014, 2QUVGFCV/WODCK2CVTKMC%JCPPGN5QTVKPI2QUV1H°EG/WODCK on every Saturday. By P.T. Writer Roxanne Bamboat W my personal favourite, its crumb fried pancake rolls stuffed with minced meat and very similar to the ones you get at RTI. Don’t bother with the veg rolls, it’s a disaster as is the veg kathi roll which is nothing but spinach inach leaves. The sandwiches are great, especially the simple chicken and mayo with whitee or brown bread. The best est is their American Club b Sandwich which is a grilled delight light with cheese, ham, m, egg gg and d chicken. It’s Itt’s a city and even though h it’s bit oiler than I’d have liked, it have like makes a great g snack. It would w be the same amount am mount of oil if I ordered a plate off kheema and the pao p o on the side. Candies does somee great g Chinese items as well but if I have to choose one dish that knocked my y socks off then it would be their superbly perbly sexy Goan Prawn Curry. It’s thick, hick, it’s spicy, it’s full of prawn ( they don’t skimp at all ) and it’s forr Rs. 190 which is very rare in the city. It’s a healthy portion for one person erson but if you’re two small eaters you ou can easily share. If you have a sweet tooth then you’re in luck because there are lots of desserts to choose from. The Lemon Cheesecake is excellent and smooth and rich, just how a traditional Baked Cheesecake should be. The Jam Tarts are adorable. Slightly sweeter than expected I suppose due to the fruity jam but still tasty. Candies is a great place to hang out ( if you manage to get place and snag a table ) It’s always full and buzzing with people, except on Monday when it’s closed. College kids love to lounge WKHUH RIÀFH JRHUV JUDE D TXLFN OXQFK or sometimes even conduct meetings over a snack and coffee but I use it to just parcel food. If you live in the area you could even have them home deliver which is ideal, if you ask me. Candies is popular and always in demand so don’t be too surprise if you ZDON LQ WKHUH LQ WKH HYHQLQJ DQG ÀQG the counters nearly wiped out. Best to get there a little earlier in the day so you can sample all the goodness. FRQWULEXWH#SDUVLWLPHVFRP filling sandwich dwich and aall for 5VWKLVZLOOÀOO\RXULJKWXS X ULJKWXS The chicken carbonara is something that my Bapaiji would have walloped. It’s a traditional pasta dish, which has spaghetti, chicken sausages and a boatload of cheese. I found it a little on the heavy side but to be honest I’ve stopped eating cheese based pasta so I think I found it a bit much to go through but make no mistake, it’s tasty ( eerily similar to a bake dish) and might I add a ULGLFXORXVO\ÀOOLQJGLVKIRURQHSHUVRQ The kheema roll is minced meat in a hot dog bun and is a lovely version of kheema pao. It It’ss actually one of the best kheema pao’s in t h e )HHG%DFN hat use to be a small take away counter has morphed into one of Bandra’s most prominent eateries. Candies,with not one but three different outlets scattered across the tiny suburb, has become one of the coolest places to hang out and one of the more affordable options in this increasingly expensive city. Each outlet has a relaxed vibe with iron WDEOHVDQGFKDLUVWKDW\RXÀQGLQPRVW gardens, lots of planted and quirky knick knacks and fairy lights. It’s not really the ideal choice for an occasion meal, but is great for a relaxed meal or even to just order take away. There is no menu per say, just counters ladened with food and it’s self service so you have to orderr ,pay and take your food to your table. It can get cumbersome standing in line, desperately trying to get thee servers attention to take your order and deciding what to eat but every Candies loyalist will tell you that it’s worth the wait. You walk into any Candies outlet and unless you’re a regular or serious food lover you’re u’re going to be very confused with h what to order. Here’s an insider tip, almost everything is delicious! There is so much choice but very little goes wrong here, maybe some of the vegetarian options are a bit of a let down but to be fair, asking people who take their meats so seriously to get creative with vegetables is a lot to ask. The outlet on Pali Naka has a salad bar in case you want to stay healthy, though be warned a lot of it is mixed with mayo dressing. The Kheema Pancakes are Yummy for your Tummy! SATURDAY, JULY 05, 2014 Candies, ONGC Complex, Bandra West, Mumbai 02226423512